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Staph Infections
Depending on how dirty the floor is, will depend on how much bacteria gets on to the food you
dropped. Say you dropped a piece of bread on the floor you have around that 4–5 second range to
get the bread off the floor before bacteria transfer to it, but no matter how long you have it on the
floor it won't affect how much bacteria gets into it. If your floor looks clean it still has a lot of
bacteria on it. More than 80% of people eat food that has fallen on the floor. There is a lot of types
of bacteria that are very harmful and if you have a little bit of bacteria you can get really sick
because of the virulent (harmful). You can have a chance of death, but chances for the cells to be on
the surfaces is very low. Many scientist say that bacteria travels very ... Show more content on ...
Cleaning products are getting weaker against the bacteria, and the bacteria is getting stronger. If you
eat dropped foods, the odds are you are not going to get sick from the food. But there is a small
chance that you can eat bad bacteria that can make you sick. The most common bacteria that is
transferred to food is called Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These two bacterias can
cause a staph infection. A staph infection is a very unharmful infection. The worst that could happen
is getting a minor skin infections. If you drop food on the carpet it gets less bacteria then if you
dropped it on tile or laminate flooring. That is because carpeting acts like a filter. It sucks in the
germs and bacteria and traps it. Smooth floors do not trap germs or bacteria. It is airborne to us so
we can easily be infected. More dry foods pick up less bacteria than wet foods such as a cookie
would pick up less than a piece of watermelon. When foods are dropped the bacteria transfers onto
the food right away the amount of bacteria depends on how long you keep it there and how dirty the
floor is. Some people think it is ok to eat things off the floor and not have any infection or
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Wear Idle Infection
Wear cotton under wears. Under wears made from cottons are comfortable aside from the fact that
cottons make your body "breathe". The cotton textile allows the air to pass thru the whole garment
and into your body. This is very much unlike nylon fibers which traps heat inside and when there is
heat our body reacts by making it moist. Moist and warm areas are the favorite breeding grounds for
fungus to thrive uncontrollably. And when this happens symptoms of yeast infection are just around
the corner.
Avoid sexual intercourse with people who are known to be infected with yeast infection. If there is
no possibility of avoiding it wear latex condoms for protection. Transmission thru unprotected sex is
an easy way for the fungal infection to spread
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Chain of Infection
Infection, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica (2011), is the invasion and multiplication of
different pathogenic microorganisms in the body–such as fungi, bacteria and viruses– the body's
reaction to it and the defense mechanisms it activates to counter these pathogens or the toxins they
produce. Infections can range from simple to complex ones that can be fatal or debilitating, but
because of the continuous researches and studies to protect the human race, antibiotics were
discovered. Antibiotics inhibit the release of toxins of these microorganisms or simply fight against
them to eliminate the harmful effects they bring about. Luckily, before one can resort to the use of
antibiotics that can also have side effects on the body, there ... Show more content on ...
MRSA can also survive in inanimate objects such as stethoscopes and surfaces such as floors and
benches for extended periods, especially in hospitals where there are inadequate infection control
measures and in communities too, where there is lack of cleanliness. How can it be transmitted?
MRSA isolates can be shed or exits the body via droplets from the tubes connected to a person
colonized or infected. It can be from a tracheostomy tube or bladder catheters or just via breathing,
coughing or sneezing. One can also extract it from any body fluid from the site of infection (e.g. pus
from pimple or severe skin infection). Transmission can easily occur through direct contact with a
person colonized or infected. If a person has an active MRSA infection and presents a sore as a
symptom, and a person comes in contact with it, an infection can occur when the hands that came in
contact with the said sore touches an opening or cut in the skin. That is how easy transmission can
occur, that's why keeping the skin intact is very essential. Colonization, however, does not need an
opening in the skin. One can be colonized through touching of contaminated surfaces or objects,
breathing in of droplets expelled from suctioning, normal breathing, coughing or sneezing, or by
simply touching the skin of a colonized or infected person (Schoenstadt, 2008). Schoenstadt also
cited that up to seven percent of people in hospitals and up to two percent of people in the
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Pulmonary Infections
II) Pulmonary infections:
1–Bacterial infection:
The bacterial infection in lung usually starts with the introduction of organisms into the airways.
The routes by which bacteria can reach air spaces are inhalation of an aerosol, aspiration of
respiratory or gastrointestinal secretions, or bacteraemic spread. The common bacilli include
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, anaerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus,
enteric gram–negative bacilli, Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis
and Legionelia spp.(32,33)
1.1–Tuberculosis (TB):
TB can involve various organs but the most common organ involved is lung. Primary pulmonary TB
usually affects the lower lobes of lung or the anterior segment of an upper lobe. ... Show more
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The fungus is ubiquitous and is especially abundant in avium, particularly pigeon excreta. Although
the disease occurs in apparently healthy individuals, it is more often seen as an opportunistic
infection especially in patients with haematologic malignancies, AIDS or patients with defective
cellular immunity. The pulmonary lesions include diffuse miliary lesions or patchy consolidation of
mucoid nature.(32,36)
3.3– Candidiasis:
Candidiasis comprises of superficial, mucocutaneous, or systemic fungal infection caused by yeast
like fungi of the genus Candida. Candida albicans is the most common type. Pulmonary
involvement can be a)endobronchial/ primary pulmonary candidiasis acquired by aspiration of
Candida spp. from oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, b)hematogenous pulmonary candidiasis and
c)embolic pulmonary candidiasis in children with indwelling venous catheters.
4–Bacterial infections that resemble fungal infections:
Nocardiosis is a localized or disseminated infection caused by aerobic, filamentous, branching
gram–positive bacteria. It is an uncommon infection in immunocompetent hosts. Pulmonary lesions
may be large cavitating abscesses or diffuse fibrino–suppurative
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Preventing Yeast Infections
Headline: 4 ways to prevent vaginal diseases and infections Reference: 10 Ways to Prevent Yeast
Infections–ways–to–prevent–yeast–infections Accessed
January 20, 2017 8 Ways To Prevent Yeast Infections–8–
ways–to–prevent–yeast–infections Accessed January 20, 2017 How You Can Prevent Sexually
Transmitted Diseases Accessed January 20, 2017 Written by:
Hai Anh Nguyen Ngoc Reviewed by: Body text starts here: Opening: Having vaginal diseases and
infections can bring discomfort and irritation, plus, it also affects our daily lives in a negative way.
So how do we prevent vaginal infections and diseases? The article below will give further
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Cycle Of Infection
Piper Puccetti
Mr. Burton
Hr. 5 Science
11 December 15
The Plasmodium: Cycle of Infection The plasmodium protist is the building block of one of the
deadliest diseases called Malaria, spreading through the bloodstream diseasing organs one by one.
Malaria kills around 500,000 to 700,000 people a year, and in 2012 there were 207 million cases of
it around the world. This chain of infection, and even death is started through the transmission of the
plasmodium protist. It all starts when a specific genus of mosquito makes contact with a human.
This genus is called the female Anopheles mosquito. The plasmodium resides by its saliva gland,
making an easy escape when the mosquito bites a human host. The plasmodium begins its journey
traveling through ... Show more content on ...
It has special processes in which it can modify itself into the ultimate secret attacker. Even though
uncomplicated malaria is somewhat harmless, it can escalate into a deathly disease. Every year,
malaria will take at least 1 million lives, and some infected will never even know until it is too late.
Works Cited
"About Malaria." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .
"Malaria Cure." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .
"Malaria Develops in the Immune System." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .
"Malaria Effects on the Body." Malaria. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. .
"Plasmodium." World of Microbiology and Immunology. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee
Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Science in Context. Web. 10 Dec.
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Infection Of Salmonella
The Salmonella enterica bacteria is an intestinal infection that is caused by contact with infected
animals or by eating contaminated food. The spread of this infection is most common in infants,
elderly people, or patients whose immune system is weak. Before an infection of Salmonella can
occur, approximately between 100,000 and 100,000,000 Salmonella enterica bacteria must be
swallowed. Once the bacteria invades the intestinal wall, inflammation is triggered where they can
also produce irritable intestinal poisons.
After consuming Salmonella, it takes about 8 to 48 hours for symptoms to occur. The symptoms
include fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, muscle aches and vomiting. Patients may recover on
their own typically within a few days. Most people infected typically recuperate in about 5 to 10
days but ... Show more content on ...
However, scientists have discovered that there are actually a total of 3 different types of Salmonella.
According to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (2016), "Scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger
Institute, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and University of Liverpool found two novel
African types, which looked the same, but were genetically different from the Western type".
Salmonella is referred to as an invasive non–typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS) disease when it has
entered the bloodstream. It was estimated that the Salmonella bacteria had caused 680,000 deaths
worldwide per year, and half of those being in Africa. The two newly found Salmonella types are the
major causes of blood poisoning leading to death. Since Salmonella has an easier access from the
gut into the bloodstream with people with weak immune systems, this has affected a high amount of
people who live in Africa.The study also reported that the 2 types of Salmonella found in Africa
have evolved a resistance to antibiotics. Knowing that there is no medicine to cure this bacteria, it
raises public health safety
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Yeast Infection Essay
How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of yeast infection,
you are not alone, and if your doctor just told you that you have a yeast infection, there is no need
for embarrassment. Millions of people suffer from fungal infections every day. your yeast infection
Fortunately is available for those who suffer from fungal infections, sometimes called Candida
albicans information. Continue reading to learn more. your yeast infection If you have a yeast
infection, or fear to have one in the future, you absolutely must change the way you live. If this
condition frequently, you must learn how to prevent it, as opposed to constantly deal with it when it
happens. The right changes in your diet and clothing can ... Show more content on
If you prefer, you can use a douche made of three tablespoons of vinegar for every gallon of water
that is warm. There are many herbs that can be used to take care of yeast infections. Cedar, rosemary
and golden seal all the stops yeast from growing. You can create a mixture of these herbs and use
them as a natural douche. It is also possible to dip a pad in the mixture to help with the itching and
burning. To help prevent fungal infections, avoid scratching your private parts. A small incision on
the genitals can cause you to become infected. Sexual activity and tampons are two reasons behind
the scratches in the area. Try more "tender loving care" of these two activities. Rape can result in
great pain and discomfort. – Eat lots of garlic. It can be a welcome, as a nutritional supplement to
your cooking, because it has some natural antibiotic properties. Yeast is a type of fungus is known to
treat, so make an effort to include more garlic in your meals every
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Sacrifice Infection
Two weeks ago. It happened just like in the movies. The "flu" the government is trying to convince
us is not quite the disease this infection is. Popular fiction and such refers to these reanimations as
zombies. But of course, politics and all, they are merely "infected individuals." The disease infects
when human matter is exposed to cells of solanima. The cells multiply in that area, then go on to
affect the rest of the body. According to lab papers found in this safe room, the first few hours after
contact are semi–normal, with increasing fever. After ten hours or so, paralysis occurs. At 18 hours,
absolute coma. At 24 hours, the brain is alive, so not quite death, but remains dormant, until the
"subject" is reanimated, in which the only ... Show more content on ...
This kind was the type that would raise and lower to allow ships through for ports and such. And it's
only just my luck that the bridge was left in the raised position and the controls were on the other
side. I went into a nearby building, moving cautiously and quietly to hear any footsteps. One creaky
board and all of them were on my case in a matter of two seconds. After the building was cleared, I
got to the rooftop, jumped the tiny gap to the next, Now the issue was reaching the bridge... my
choice was either a dangerous trip all the way around to the other side, or a potentially dangerous
jump that could end it right now. Without thinking too much, I walked back, ran as hard as I could,
and launched myself through. It was very anxiety inducing. I barely caught the railing. I sat there for
a couple seconds, started swaying then swung my feet over, crawled under the railing, and caught
my breath. Taking the risk paid off. Afterwards I took a rather leisurely stroll down the bridge.
Although it was creaking a lot in the wind. I made my way to the control panel on the other side.
This time, it wouldn't be so easy. The bridge had to be lowered, since jumping was definitely not a
possibility. I opened the control box, and after a few minutes found the switch. The bridge started
lowering and the roar of the generator definitely wouldn't go unnoticed. As soon as it got kind of
close, I hurdled over the edge of the gate, and sought out the height advantage. Being on level
ground would give me a huge disadvantage against their numbers. I found a scaffolding leading to
the roof of another building. Surely enough, it didn't even take a minute for a massive horde to form,
and they all saw me. I must've been stuck there for at least an hour, beating down the ones that went
up. Eventually, it was clear enough to walk down. Back on the road again. Eventually the city streets
which were flushed out from the generator uprising,
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Aeruginosa Infections
Rather than trying to treat P. aeruginosa infections, stopping the infection from occurring in the first
place may be a better strategy than treating with antibiotics that may not work. This bacterium can
be spread to people by a variety of means by contact with contaminated inanimate or animate
objects. In hospitals, P. aeruginosa can colonise equipment's such as catheters, ventilators if they are
not maintained properly or kept clean. Therefore, strict procedures and controls should be in place to
make sure these are maintained especially when they are to be used on at risks patients who are
more prone to infection. Another source in hospitals are water supply and sinks which provides a
moist environment that is ideal for this bacteria to
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Infection Control Precautions
Pre–Simulation Assignment A&E 1, Module 1
Margaret Chase
Describe different types of infection control precautions. Why is it important to follow infection
control guidelines? Describe the importance of hand–washing.
Different types of infection control precautions:
–Medical and surgical aseptic techniques can be used to prevent the onset and transmission of a
potential pathogen, and break the chain of infection.
–Medical asepsis consists of "hand hygiene, barrier techniques (e.g., use of gloves mask, and gown),
and routine environmental cleaning" (Griffin, 2016, pp.74)
–Surgical Asepsis, which consists of maintaining a sterile environment in a surgical setting at all
times; "a sterile barrier that has been permeated by punctures, tears, ... Show more content on ...
"Musculoskeletal injuries in health care occupations are among the highest of all U.S. industries"
(Griffin, 2016, pp.399)
When patients are lifted, moved, or repositioned, health care workers can be subject to serious injury
if not practiced with proper mechanics.
In particular, it is important to keep the trunk straight, knees slightly bent, tighten abdominal core
muscles, and avoid twisting to prevent spinal injury (Griffin, 2016, pp.399)
Sometimes electronic devices can be used to lift, move, or reposition patients to prevent injury of
health care workers.
List the personal protective equipment needed to be worn by the nurse to provide direct care to a
patient on contact precautions.
–eyewear, gown, gloves, mask, cap, sometimes shoe covers
What is open simulation practice session? How many hours are all adult and elder 1 students
required to attend by the end of the semester?
–An open simulation practice session is a means by which students can practice clinical expertise
with an instructor to improve clinical skills for on campus clinical classes, the midterm, and the final
exam. Each student is required to attend an hour of open simulation for every on campus
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Chromobacterium Infections
Chromobacterium violaceum is a facultative anaerobic gram–negative rod–shaped bacteria
commonly found in soil and stagnant water of tropical and subtropical regions. There are two strains
of Chromobacterium violaceum, pigmented and non–pigmented strains. This bacterium is classified
as saprobe bacterium and infections are rare. However, it has the ability to cause an infection in
mammals including human (Mario, B. et al., 2010), non–human primate (Groves et. al, 1969, Mario,
B. et al., 2010). The first human infection was reported in Malaysia in 1927 (M. Sureisen et. al.,
2008, Marco et. al., 2011) while the infection in a wild non–human primate was reported in Costa
Rica in 2010 (Mario, B. et al., 2010). Black–handed gibbon or also known as Agile gibbon
(Hylobates agilis) is a ... Show more content on ...
2004) of tropical rainforest of Peninsular Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Kalimantan and Sumatera
Indonesia (Geissmann & Nijman, 2008). The exact current population of this species in the wild in
Malaysia is unknown as the last estimate was range from 6.1–18.9 individual/km2 (Chivers, 1974;
Gittins & Raemaekers, 1980). Currently, the species was listed as endangered in the IUCN red list
due to the trend of their population is declining as a result of habitat lost and illegal trade
(Geissmann, T. & Nijman, V. 2008). Generally, there are lacks of publication on occurrence of
diseases of this species in the wild. However, in captive Black–handed gibbon reported to succumb
to melioidiosis, tuberculosis and other common mammalian diseases. An incidence of
Chromobacterium violaceum infection in gibbon was first reported by Groves et al. in 1969 where
nine gibbons were died of Chromobacterium violaceum infection in a zoo in Malaysia after drinking
from a contaminated water source. This veterinary case report describes two separate cases of
Chromobacterium violaceum infection in two sub–adult male Black–handed
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Candida Infection
Normally, a number of different kinds of Candida species are present in the body, but they don't
cause any harm. However, whenever the body experiences stress or the immune system is
compromised, the fungus can proliferate excessively and invade the bloodstream, which can lead to
a systemic Candida infection. This results in the many toxic effects of this fungus.
Here we describe some common causes of Candida overgrowth:
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are responsible for killing off the harmful bacteria in the body, but, in the
process of doing so, they also kill off the healthy bacteria which decreases the number of good
bacteria in the gut, deregulating the amount of Candida which will then begin to multiply. Due to
this gut imbalance, Candida
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Ebola Infection
Ebola infection ailment otherwise called Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) or just Ebola, is a viral
hemorrhagic fever of people and different primates brought on by ebolaviruses. Signs and
Symptoms ordinarily begin between two days and three weeks in the wake of getting the infection
with a fever,sore throat, strong agony, and cerebral pains. The article chiefly portrays the general
population who administer to those contaminated with Ebola ought to wear defensive dress
including covers , gloves, outfits and goggles. The US Centers for ailment control (CDC) suggest
that the defensive apparatus leaves no skin uncovered. These measures are likewise prescribed for
the individuals who may handle objects defiled by a tainted individual's body liquids. In 2014,the
CDC started prescribing that medicinal work force get preparing on the best possible suit–up and
evacuation of individual defensive hardware (PPE); moreover, an assigned individual , properly
prepared in bio wellbeing , ought to be observing every ... Show more content on ...
The contamination is an intense febrile sickness and the patient can have a few clinical indications
including the discharge. The visual appearance of Ebola disease is interesting.However, the visual
issue is generally overlooked . In the late preparatory report on the present 2014 African flare–up,
the data on visual sign is not said. In this brief survey ,the creators abridge on the visual sign in
Ebola infection contamination. In 2014, the flare–up of Ebola Infection happened in Africa and
turned into a worldwide concern. The disease is an intense febrile ailment and the patient can have a
few clinical indications including the drain. The visual sign of Ebola contamination is intriguing. In
the brief audit, the creators condense on the visual appearance in Ebola infection disease. The Ebola
infection disease generally displays as an intense
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Wound Infection
2.1.1. Most common pathogenic strains that cause wound infection
The most common pathogenic strains that cause wound infection is Staphylococcus aureus (35%),
Escherichia coli (15%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%) and other bacteria (37%) (Amit Kumar
Gupta et al., 2015). In another study, Staphylococcus aureus has been reported as the major cause of
wound infection with (24.2%), followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21.4 %), Escherichia coli
(14.8 %) and another different organism (39.6 %) (Jyoti Sangwan et al., 2016). Staphylococcus
aureus (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is gram positive bacteria and can be a lethally
opportunistic pathogen or human commensal, it is one of the leading organisms causing a variety of
hospital–acquired infection and community acquired infection (Brown et al., 2014). S. aureus has ...
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S. aureus responsible for 70% skin infection in children, moreover, the incidence of skin infection
caused by MRSA is in a continuous increasing (Nataraj et al., 2014). Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
gram–negative bacteria, it is classic opportunistic bacteria and are often severe, life–threatening and
difficult to treat due to it has an innate resistance to many of antibiotic and disinfection (Bangera D
et al., 2015; Wendell Lou B. Ladion et al., 2015). P. aeruginosa recently acquired significant as one
of the most important organisms that cause nosocomial infection due to having an ability to survive
in hospital environments, in addition, it has the ability to develop resistance against many
antimicrobial agents (Nagoba et al., 2013). Wound infection caused by P. aeruginosa rapidly
deteriorating and lead to systemic spread and therefore death within days or weeks (Turner et al.,
2014). Escherichia coli is gram negative bacteria and considered as a member of the
Enterobacteriaceae, it is innocuous resident in a gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time has the
ability to cause
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Infection Cycle
To prevent and control an infection, we "as healthcare providers; nursing homes staff" have to break
the cycle of infection by putting proper practices in place. A part of the cycle is the reservoir where
the infectious agent lives. Common reservoirs where infectious agents exist can be non–living
objects like a toilet seat, or a door knob, or an alive reservoir, like an animal or the human body.
Another part of the infection cycle is how the agent was transmitted? Was it transmitted by direct
contact with human, animal or environmental reservoir? Or was it transmitted indirectly with food,
insects, medical equipment? Nursing homes must require staff to wash their hands after each direct
resident contact for which hand washing is designated
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A Cyclospora Infection
Overview A cyclospora infection is caused by a single–celled parasite of the same name. The
condition was first diagnosed in 1977, with the number of reports increasing in the following years.
The parasite enters the body when a person consumes water or food, often in the form of fresh
produce, which has been contaminated by an infected person. Anyone of any age can contract the
parasite, although the organism is generally seen in people who live or often travel to countries in
the tropical regions. Cyclospora affects the small intestines and typically causes a person to have
watery – and occasionally explosive – diarrhea. It is through this infected stool that an individual
can pass the parasite on to someone else. However, it does not become
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MRSA: Skin Infections
Antibiotics can be extremely effective when used properly to fight infection. However, bacteria has
the ability to grow a resistance to antibiotics, in some cases becoming extremely hard to treat.
Antibiotics are prescribed by physicians based on what is thought to be the causative organism.
Once contracted with MRSA, a patient is put on strict measures to ensure our safety from retrieving
this infectious disease. The patient is kept in a private room, restricted from coming out, and when
you enter their room you are encouraged to wear a gown and gloves to protect yourself from this
disease. Antibiotics are given based off of an educated guess until test results may arrive, and even
overused and taken improperly, proving to assist ... Show more content on ...
(CDC, 2016, Para 4) If there is a cut in the skin the microorganism has an easy way to enter the host
and you are more likely to observe some of these symptoms in that area. It is also able to enter its
host through hair follicles, making it more prevalant in hairy parts of the body. (Jatin M. Vyas, 2016,
Para 8) Symptoms of a more severe infection would include chest pain, shortness of breath,
coughing, fatigue, fever and chills, headache, rash, and wounds that are unable to heal. (Jatin M.
Vyas, 2016, Para 10) The more serious cases of MRSA cause about 18,000 deaths per year in the
United States. (Richard Salcido MD, 2012, Para 3) In order to test a patient for MRSA a cotton
tipped swab will be rubbed on the affected area and sent for testing. Depending on the results the
physician will be able to determine which antibiotics he will use to treat the infection. (CDC, 2016,
Para 10) If the infection is limited to one area and has not spread draining of the sore may be all that
is needed to treat the infection. In this case it needs to be done by your doctor and must stay covered
with a clean dry bandage. (Jatin M. Vyas, 2016, Para
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Infection Of Pneumonia
Pneumonia is a common infection of the lungs that millions of people acquire every year, it is most
commonly contracted through the air we breathe and varies in severity due to the person, their
health and the situation. Pneumonia may be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Bacterial infection
occurs after a cold or on its own, Streptococcus pneumonia is most common form. Cold and flu
viruses can sometimes cause pneumonia but these cases are usually mild. Fungi pneumonia is most
commonly found in people with weak immune systems or people with chronic health problems
(Mayo Clinic, 2014). Bacterial pneumonia is less contagious then a common cold or flu, but can still
be caught through sneezing or coughing which puts out germs into the air that others can breathe in,
or touching an object and leaving germs on it which someone else could then touch and then can
transfer into their system if they touch their mouth or nose (NHS Choices, 2014). The most common
way to check for pneumonia is to have a doctor listen to your lungs to check for crackling or
bubbling sounds, if the doctor believes pneumonia is present they may do further testing.
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Influenza Infection Study
In this article, Sun & Metzger (2014) propose the mechanism for influenza– induced predisposition
to methicillin– resistant Staphylococcus aureus superinfection. They hypothesize that suppression of
NADPH oxidase, an enzyme responsible for the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species
during phagocytic bacterial killing plays a pivotal role to enhance susceptibility to secondary MRSA
infection. They conduct a mouse model influenza infection experiment followed by S. aureus
respiratory challenge to demonstrate impairment of innate antibacterial defense by influenza virus.
They find high bacterial burden on influenza and MRSA– coinfected mice as compared to MRSA
alone, which infer decreased bacterial clearance capability and survival
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Ear Infection In Children
If you are a parent you are most likely to have experienced the worrisome trip to the pediatrician
with a child screaming in agony from an ear infection, or otitis media. The doctor gives a knowing
nod, understanding you have pulled a caffeine–laced all–nighter with a little one in your arms. A
quick look into those tiny ear canals confirms otitis media, a buildup of infected fluid behind the
eardrum, and just like that you are off to the pharmacy for an antibiotic and a Red Bull. Parents are
usually relieved to hear this diagnosis because we consider ear infections harmless, treatable, and
relatively common among young children, but is there actually serious cause for alarm when your
child has chronic ear infections? The answer is yes, and ... Show more content on ...
This disease causes deafness, brain abscess, meningitis, and if left untreated, death. Surgical
removal of infected bone and tissue is, without exception, the exclusive treatment course. Profound
deafness is certain since removal of the ossicular chain, the three small bones in the middle ear
which convey sound vibrations to the brain, occurs during this surgery. Future reconstructive
surgery is possible providing the child remains free of regrowth for at least six
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Infections And Inflammation Of The Eye
Infections and Inflammation of the Eye
Chanda.N. Boots SPN STC
Medical Surgical II
Mrs. Misty Stark
Pathophysiology/ Introduction
Have you ever looked across a clear sparkling ocean front? Took time to gaze at beautiful flowers
while walking outdoors? Or watched your family laugh and smile while enjoying a day out
together? These are a few things our eyes allow us do. The eye is a very important part of our
anatomy. It lets us to do one of our most important five senses and that is to see. Just like any other
part of our body things can go wrong. The particular impairment I would like to address is when our
eyes get infected and inflamed. Our eyes can get infections from either bacteria, fungal, parasitic, or
viral infections. ... Show more content on ...
Our body has a natural response to fight off infection is inflammation so that's why when we have
an infection we typically have inflammation as well. The organisms that invade our body put off a
toxin that dilate and leak from our capillaries and this attracts our white blood cells and causes and
inflammatory response. Causes and Risk Factors of Different Infections of the Eye
There are several different infections the eye can get these include conjunctivitis, blepharitis,
hordeolum, chalazion, and keratitis. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye
(Williams, Linda. S UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL SURGICAL 5TH ed, 2015). Viral
conjunctivitis is usually received by touching other contaminated eye secretion then rubbing the
uncontained eye. The virus is able to survive on surfaces for 14 days or more and can last 2 weeks to
a month. Bacterial conjunctivitis is also known as pinkeye can be caused by the staphylococcal
bacteria and is highly contagious. Many times the infected person will start with the common cold
and then it will manifest into pinkeye. Children are most commonly known to spread and receive
this infection. Normally the infected person will experience redness of the conjunctiva, swelling,
and drainage. Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eye lids. It is classified as either seborrheic and
ulcerative. Both are caused from the bacterium staphylococcus. Seborrheic is produced at the
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The Meningoccal Infection
The Meningococcal infection is a potentially life–threatening bacterial disease that continues to be
fatal in numerous parts of the world. Since the inception of the first Meningococcal cases in the
early 19th century, rates continue to fluctuate today. Of particular note, the World Health
Organisation has outlined that there are over 26 countries in the sub–Saharan region alone that are
overwhelmingly prone to the infection (WHO, 2015). Despite this, Meningococcal has not been
restricted to the sub–Saharan; current estimates determine that 1.2 million cases arise globally every
year. This is primarily due to the fact that the bacterium which causes the Meningococcal disease,
the Neisseria Meningitidis, is a carrier bacterium which can be found
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Difficile Infection
Introduction The increased rates of infection may be attributed to the 3 primary risk factors:
hospitalization, changing patterns of antibiotics use, Age > 65 year and more susceptible population.
Classically, any exposure to antibiotics (particularly clindamycin, ampicillin or amoxicillin,
cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones) was a major risk factor for the development of CDI. However,
Hospitalization provides not only a reservoir, but also a vector for transmission. Also, second risk
factors may be attributed to the Manipulation of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., surgery),
immunosuppressed state (e.g., chemotherapy, HIV+ patients, and medical comorbidities leading to
immunosuppression) also make the patient more susceptible to developing ... Show more content on ...
difficile infection, but all of these methods have limitations and some of them are now considered
suboptimal(2). The ideal laboratory test for CDI would be sensitive, specific, rapid, simple to
perform, and inexpensive. Culture Just after the discovery of the pathogenic role of C. difficile
proposed a selective agar plate called CCFA (cycloserine cefoxitin fructose agar) for the isolation
from stool specimens. The selective agents are cycloserine at a concentration of 500 mg/L and
cefoxitin at 16 mg/L. Culture is the most sensitive method but it is not very specific due to the
possibility of isolating non–toxigenic isolates (14). Fecal diagnostic tests anaerobic toxigenic culture
of C. difficile and the cell culture cytotoxicity assay, with neutralization with clostridial antitoxin,
are the most sensitive for diagnosis of CDI but time–consuming (5). For many years, cell culture
cytotoxicity neutralization assay (CCCNA) was the accepted gold standard. By this method, stool
filtrates are inoculated onto a monolayer of a cell culture in wells with and without C. difficile
antitoxin. CCCNA is quite specific for CDI. However, the assay is expensive, lacks standardization
among laboratories and is generally unavailable outside the research setting (11). The enzyme
immunoassay (EIA) became broadly used because of its rapidity in performance, but EIA used for
toxin detection lack sensitivity and are considered suboptimal for diagnosing C. Difficile infection
(11). A laboratory assay measuring the clostridial protein, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH),
represents a rapid,
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Nosocomial Infection
Of significant concern is the prevalence of nosocomial infection in acutely and critically ill patients.
The mouth usually provides entry for life prolonging interventions, such as endotracheal intubation
for ventilation and orogastric tubes for enteral nutrition in the ICU. These interventions
unfortunately require the patient to maintain an open mouth and impair the natural airway defenses.
This vulnerable position, in combination with other treatments, can contribute to a fast deteriorating
oral condition and a dependence on nursing to alleviate tube–related discomfort, thirst, oral lesions
and the accumulation of saliva, sputum and oral bacteria. Colonization of the oropharynx is a critical
factor in the development of nosocomial ... Show more content on ...
Elderly institutionalized, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ICU patients are at higher risk
of periodontal colonization by nosocomial pathogens because of difficulties in oral hygiene, changes
in salivary properties, and reduction of anaerobic flora.7, 8, 9 In ICU patients Oropharyngeal
colonization by aerobic pathogens occurs very rapidly because of incumbent changes in antibacterial
resistance, i.e., decreased immunoglobin (Ig)–A salivary content, reduced salivary secretion,
mechanical injury induced by nasogastric and endotracheal tubes and mucosal desiccation. This in
turn facilitates the mucosal adhesion of aerobic bacilli and allows bacterial multiplication and
speedy growth on pharyngeal mucosa.10, 11 Oral Plaque harbors microorganisms in the sequence of
initial colonization and represents an additional source of nosocomial colonization and infections in
ICU patients. Plaque inside oral cavity is a dynamic and conglomerate system that associates
microbes ingrained in an extracellular pattern. This mainly results from encampment and
amplification of aerobic, anaerobic, and filamentous microorganisms on the surfaces of teeth, dental
prostheses and soft tissues. Dental plaque is predominately located on the subgingival and
supragingival surfaces of the teeth, but without
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Infections In Neanderthal Research
According to an article written by Dr. Charlotte Houldcroft from the University of Cambridge,
researchers have created a new study suggesting that the Neanderthals from Europe may have been
infected with diseases carried out of Africa by modern humans, called Homo sapiens. Since both of
the species are hominin, it would have been easy for pathogens to jump from one population to
another. The article is suggesting that this new finding could have been one factor that contributed to
the end of the Neanderthal population.
Researchers have been reviewing some of the latest evidence that they have gathered from pathogen
genomes and DNA from ancient bones. They determined that some of the infectious diseases many
be thousands of years older than ... Show more content on ...
There is still some evidence though that humans benefited from interbreeding which helped protect
them from some diseases, like bacterial sepsis and encephalitis. In turn, the humans would have
been adapted to African diseases, which they would have brought with them during their migration
into Europe and Asia.
A bacterium that is called Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, is considered to have
been passed on to the Neanderthals by the humans. The bacteria first started infecting the humans
that lived in Africa about 88 to 116 thousand years ago. Another disease is called the herpes simplex
2, which is a virus and can cause genital herpes. There is some evidence of this disease that
expresses it was transmitted to humans in Africa buy some unknown hominin species that got it
from chimpanzees.
The unknown hominin species that got the virus and transmitted it between chimps and humans
shows that these diseases could leap between one species to another. Since we now know that the
humans intimate with the Neanderthals, all humans today carry roughly about 2 to 5% of
Neanderthal DNA in them as a
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Influenz A Droplet Infection
Influenza is a droplet infection caused by the virus orthomyxoviridae (1). A virus is a microscopic
parasite which is usually much smaller than bacteria and viruses can also make you sick (2)(3).
Their cell structure is not organized and do not contain a nucleus. Also most viruses are coated in a
protein called CAPSID (4). Influenza reproduces through viral cell replication. This means that the
virus will attach onto a host cell and inject its genetic material into it then it now is infected with the
virus and this continues throughout all the cells (5). Unlike Bacteria viruses don't rely on water or
food because they do not need to respire. The main condition that they completely rely on is a host
cell because without a host cell the virus
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Fungal Infection Essay
Early initiation of effective antifungal therapy and reversal of predisposing risk factors remain the
mainstay of treatment for systemic fungal infections . Diagnosis of fungal infection, by blood
cultures in the cases of immuno–compromised febrile high–risk patients is often unsuccessful due to
the low yields of CFU. (16, 17)
The aim of the current work was early and rapid diagnosis of IFIs in neutropenic cancer patients
with fever and not responding to antibiotics by a sensitive and specific DNA microarray combining
multiplex PCR and consecutive DNA chip hybridization to detect fungal genomic DNA in serum
Pyrexia is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patients and frequently may be the only
evidence of infection. It ... Show more content on ...
In recent years, numerous DNA–based methods have been developed to identify a variety of
medically important fungi. (20) The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the fungal ribosomal
RNA is one of the most commonly used targets. The ITS region exists in multiple copies in the
fungal genome and shows high interspecies sequence divergence and low intraspecies sequence
variation. (20) Fungal identification methods based on ITS include restriction fragment length
polymorphism analysis, sequence analysis, multiplex PCR, real–time PCR, probe hybridization and
DNA array. (21–25)
A frequent challenge in DNA microarray–based species detection studies is the discrimination
between specific and non–specific signals. Cross hybridization between different fungal genera was
observed in several studies which made it essential to design more than one probe per species. (26,
According to the manufacturer, two aspects of the specificity of the microarray detection system
used in the current study can be discussed. First, the risk of misidentification of any fungal species
with another due to sequence similarities was minimized by the design of species–specific probes
(more than one probe per species) which would be able to distinguish between these species.
Second, the big difference between the level of fluroscence of the perfect match and the cross
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Bacterial Infection Paper
Bacteria are tiny single–cell microorganisms that thrive in diverse environments, They live within
the soil, the ocean and in the human gut, Bacteria are prokaryotes. Bacteria is an issue because it
causes salmonella, gonorrhoea and many other diseases that are deadly and kill people. Each year in
the united states, at least 2 million people die of bacterial diseases (Dr.Frieden,2013), bacteria is an
issue because it kills so many people around the world, most times bacterial infections can be
prevented by good hygiene. An infection is made up of bacteria, a human with an infection has
another organism inside their body which gets their sustenance from that person (Nordqvist, 2014).
Why infection important
There are five things that you can
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Sinus Infections
A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, occurs when nasal cavities become inflamed, swollen, and
infected. The condition typically results from a virus and often persists long after other upper
respiratory symptoms have passed. In some instances, fungus or bacteria may be to blame for
sinusitis. Other conditions, including tooth inflections, nasal polyps, and allergies may also
contribute to sinus symptoms and discomfort. Serving patients in Dalton, GA for over 20 years, the
team at Dalton Ear, Nose & Throat Associates offers solutions and treatments to help alleviate sinus
conditions and improve quality of life. Acute Vs. Chronic There are two types of sinus infections:
acute and chronic. Acute sinusitis lasts for a short period of
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Infection Control
1.1 Identify the differences between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and parasites.
The common characteristics of bacteria:
Bacteria are microscopic single–cell organisms.
Different types of bacteria can be identified by their size and shape.
Bacteria can multiply outside the body.
Most bacteria need moisture, time, warmth and nutrients to survive and multiply.
Some bacteria are helpful.
Some bacteria produce toxins which cause unpleasant symptoms.
Most bacteria can be treated with antibiotics.
Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics.
The common characteristics of viruses:
Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope because they are so small.
Only one or two particles are required to cause an infection. ... Show more content on ...
Poor practice
Not Washing hands frequently especially after dealing with any bodily fluids. Staff not staying at
home if they are sick. Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away
from other people. Open wounds not being covered especially on the hands. The incorrect use of
PPE or the none use of PPE. Sharing personal items between each other. Incorrect food prep and
2.1 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro–organisms.
The main requirements for the growth of micro–organisms are time and moisture, some need
oxygen and warmth, (although micro–organisms can live without air and live in temperatures from 0
to 40 + degrees).
2.2 Explain the ways an infection agent might enter the body.
Microorganisms must either attach to, or penetrate one of bodies surfaces. The site through which a
microorganism enters the body is called the route of entry. The skin acts as a protective barrier, in
order to cause infection the microorganism must break through the protective barrier. they either do
this through a natural opening such as the mouth ,nose, ears, eyes, urethra, rectum or vagina, or
enter through a unnatural break in the skins surface such as cuts and grazes, bites or scratches. They
can also occur through a surgical wound caused by a operation. Also conditions such as psoriasis or
eczema cause breaks in the skin which microorganisms can enter.
2.3 Identify
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Staph Infection
Staph or staph infection is caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. It is very common and
there are around three million cases of this in the United States each year. This is a gram positive
bacteria which means that it has a thick cell wall and the stain used to see it is purple. It can be
found on the surface of the skin or in the mucous membranes of humans and some animals. They
reproduce asexually. This bacterium is transferable through skin to wound contact. In many people,
Staph is actually found in the nose, mouth, and in some other areas, this isn't harmful. It becomes
harmful when it enters your bloodstream so when there is an opening in your skin, a cut, and the
bacteria infects the cut. The level and strength of the effects of the infection depend on a multitude
of ... Show more content on ...
Skin infections vary and consist of boils, impetigo, cellulitis, and Staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome. In regard to food poisoning, you may notice nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration
or low blood pressure. Bacteremia is when the staphylococcus enters your blood, this can affect your
internal organs, bones, muscles, and any artificial technology that aids in the function of your body.
Toxic shock syndrome can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, a rash on the palms of your hands and the
bottom of your feet, confusion, muscle aches, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Septic arthritis can
cause swelling of joints, pain in joints, and fever. If symptoms such as pus–filled blisters, fever, or
painful irritated skin you should consult your doctor immediately. If staph bacteria ends up
occupying your blood, an infection that affects your whole body may emerge. This is called sepsis,
which can cause septic shock, extremely low blood pressure this can cause respiratory failure, heart
failure, stroke, failure of other organs, and
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Nosocomial Infection Paper
When people go into hospitals, they expect to be treated from what illness they have. The US Center
for Disease Control and Prevention states that one in twenty–five patients will obtain nosocomial
infections (Mercola No p). Readers may think that these statistics are not that bad, but when readers
become educated on how dangerous and how easy it is to acquire this infection they will think
twice. The most common ways to acquire nosocomial infections are central line–associated
bloodstream, catheter–associated urinary tract, surgical site after surgery, clostridium difficile
infections (Mercola No. p). People may think to take antibiotics to help get over illness. In the long
run taking antibiotics is not always going to help a person. Some pathogens that antibiotics are
resistant to are Carbapenem–resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, ... Show
more content on ...
People may not know that nosocomial infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites
(Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015). If people are ill going into a hospital that means their immune
system is down, so they are more susceptible to microorganisms that are already exist to worsen, to
make people more ill (Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015). People wonder how do patients get urinary
tract infections (UTIs). It is common misconception patients cannot get sick from catheterization,
but they can. The catheter may have some sort of bacteria that follows into the urethra into the
bladder that will cause a nosocomial infection. Patients that get hospital acquired infections that
come from fungus they are at risk by a fungi called Candida (Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015).
Health care workers, patients, and people just visiting during a hospital stay need to be informed to
wash hands as often as possible if they come in contact with anything that is
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Helicobacter Pylori Infection
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that inhabits the human stomach and has been linked
as a risk factor for chronic gastritis, ulcers, and gastric cancer. H. pylori is able to survive in the
acidic environment of the stomach due to its urease enzyme which converts the urea in gastric juice
to alkaline ammonia and carbon dioxide. Infection with H. pylori is generally contracted during
childhood and can persist indefinitely if untreated. Possible risk factors for H. pylori infection
include poor diet, poor hygiene, density, low socioeconomic status (SES), and family history of
gastric disease. Studies have found an increased risk of infection with consuming food prepared
under unsanitary conditions and a reduced risk with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Poor hygiene ... Show more content on ...
pylori appears to be humans, but it has also been isolated from non–human primates, domestic cats,
pigs, sheep, and, more recently, the housefly. However, non–human primates are unlikely to be a
significant route of transmission to humans, since there is limited contact between the two species,
and there has been little evidence to suggest that domestic cats, pigs, or houseflies serve as vectors
for H. pylori infection. Sheep, on the other hand, remain a possible source of transmission which
warrants further investigation. While not yet confirmed, the most likely route of H. pylori
transmission for the general population is from person to person through oral–oral, via saliva, dental
plaque, and vomit, or through fecal–oral routes. Iatrogenic infection remains the only proven route
of transmission of H. pylori, due to the difficulty of completely disinfecting an endoscope, but is
unlikely to be the main route of transmission. Waterborne transmission of H. pylori may also be
possible as H. pylori can live and remain infectious in milk and tap water for several days,
especially in less–developed parts of the world where water is not treated
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Campylobacter Infection
Campylobacter species are one of the most prevalent and widespread bacterial enteric pathogens in
both industrialized and developing countries [1]. It account for most cases of human gastrointestinal
infections worldwide, causing 400–500 million cases of diarrhea each year [2]. In the European
Union (EU) in 2008, 190,566 cases of campylobacteriosis was confirmed [3], while in the United
States (USA), an estimated 2.4 million incidents occur each year [4]. A total of 220,209
Campylobacter cases were reported and confirmed by the EU in humans in 2011, and 212,064
established cases in 2010 [5]. In developing countries, Campylobacter–related gastroenteritis rates
are most common amongst children less than five years old [6]. Campylobacter infection is
primarily a zoonotic disease as it is a commensal of food animals, particularly poultry, which serves
as the main reservoir for human infection [7]. Other sources of transmission, include water, milk,
and food animal meat products [8]. The disease characteristics vary from watery, non–bloody, non–
inflammatory diarrhea to a severe inflammatory diarrhea followed by abdominal pain and fever [9].
Amongst ... Show more content on ...
However, the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains poses a challenge in the management of
Campylobacter infections. Isolates of C. jejuni and C. coli with resistance to various antimicrobial
agents have been reported in both developed and developing countries [12]. There is a dearth of
surveillance systems/data? on clinical Campylobacter in South Africa, particularly in the private
healthcare environment. We therefore investigated the prevalence of resistance against ciprofloxacin
and erythromycin, as well as against newer antibiotics in these classes, viz., gatifloxacin,
azithromycin and tetracycline in clinical Campylobacter isolates from a private pathology laboratory
in South
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Heart Valve Infection
What is Heart Valve Infection in Cats?
The heart wall is composed of three separate layers: the inner endocardium, the middle myocardium
and the outer epicardium. When the endocardium becomes infected, infective endocarditis results,
causing infection in the inner heart wall and one or more heart valves. Any generalized infection can
cause an infection in this portion of the heart.
Though the condition is rare in cats, the complications of it can lead to heart failure and death.
Prompt treatment of the underlying infection is necessary in order to save the cat's heart and life.
Symptoms of Heart Valve Infection in Cats
Symptoms can differ in type and intensity depending on the site of the initial infection, the health of
the heart and complications ... Show more content on ...
An echocardiogram (ECG), which is an ultrasound of the heart, will be performed. The
echocardiogram can show the veterinarian any inflammation that may be present as a result of the
infection and show how the heart is functioning. As blood cultures are only positive in 50 to 90
percent of cases, the ECG is the most important diagnostic tool in heart valve infection cases. An
electrocardiogram (EKG) may also be done. An EKG shows the electrical activity in the heart and
can show any skipped heart beats or palpitations that are occurring.
Treatment of Heart Valve Infection in Cats
Fluid Therapy
Cats who have been diagnosed with infective endocarditis will need to be hospitalized for treatment.
Fluids will be administered intravenously to prevent dehydration and ensure that the other organs
have the fluids necessary to function properly. The veterinarian will monitor the fluid's effect on the
other organs, such as the kidneys and lungs, if the heart isn't pumping properly.
Antibiotic Therapy
Antibiotics will need to be given for approximately 12 weeks in order to clear the underlying
infection that caused the infective endocarditis. A generalized antibiotic will be given until the blood
culture has identified the infectious organism and the proper antibiotic to treat
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What Is Leptospirosis Infection?
What is Leptospirosis Infection in Cats?
Leptospirosis is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases, infecting both domestic and wild
animals. It is acquired through the bacteria burrowing into the cat 's skin. The disease enters the skin
and then reproduces in the kidneys, central nervous system, eyes, liver and reproductive system via
the bloodstream. Though many cat 's immune systems are able to quickly produce antibodies and
fight off leptospirosis, the condition can cause severe organ damage in the kidneys and liver.
Leptospirosis is a relatively rare bacterial infection in cats that can be fatal. The disease is zoonotic,
meaning that it can spread from the cat to other animals and humans. Children, elderly adults and
those with weak immune systems are especially at risk for acquiring the parasitic bacteria from their
Symptoms of Leptospirosis Infection in Cats
Though the disease quickly spreads throughout the entire body, the extent of symptoms will depend
on the overall health and immune system of the cat.
Sudden fever
Stiff gait
Reluctance to move
Refusal to eat
Vomiting that may contain traces of blood
Diarrhea that may contain blood
Increased thirst and urine output that may progressive to no urination due to kidney failure
Bloody vaginal discharge
Breathing difficulty
Fast, irregular pulse
Mild lymph node swelling
Runny nose
Causes of Leptospirosis Infection in Cats
The disease comes from an
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Antibiotics And Respiratory Infection
Antibiotics are prescribed at more than 100 million adult ambulatory care visits annually, and 41%
of these prescriptions are for respiratory conditions. However, this is not typically the best treatment
and increase the chances of negative effects such as antibiotic resistance, increased cost, and adverse
effects. Antibiotics are also responsible for the largest number of medication–related adverse events,
implicated in 1 of every 5 visits to emergency departments for adverse drug reactions. The reasoning
for this comes from determining if the respiratory infection is bacterial or viral. Antibiotics are used
to treat bacterial infections and have no use. Many common respiratory infections such as colds,
flus, acute bronchitis, and pharyngitis
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Rabies Infection
Rabies infection in humans is still a major public health problem all over the world (Beard, 2001;
Pal et al.,2013). About 98% of the human rabies cases occur in developing countries that possess
large number of dogs, many of which are strays (WHO, 2004). This situation occurs because dog
rabies is endemic with dog–to–dog transmission of the infection, which is associated with an
ongoing threat to humans due to dog bites. Unfortunately, children share a disproportionately high
burden of the disease (Blanton et al., 2010). Estimates of human mortality due to endemic canine
rabies in Asia and Africa annually exceed 30,000 and 23,000, respectively. The annual cost of rabies
in Africa and Asia was estimated at 583.5 million USD most of which is due to cost of post exposure
prophylaxis (PEP) (Knobel et al., 2005). 60% Source of infection and modes of transmission in
humans: Source of infection More than 99% of human rabies cases are caused by dog bites.
Although other mammals such as bats, foxes and raccoons can transmit rabies to humans, the
overwhelming majority of cases are caused by dogs (WHO, 2013). Though the dog is moderately
susceptible, it acts as a reservoir for urban rabies virus in developing countries ... Show more
content on ...
Rabies transmission can also occur if saliva or central nervous system tissue from a rabid animal
contacts a fresh wound or mucous membrane (MCDC, 2012). Various routes of transmission have
been documented and include contamination of mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, nose, and mouth),
aerosol transmission, and corneal transplantations (ADPH, 2010). Post–exposure prophylaxis is
recommended in rare instances of non–bite exposure, such as inhalation of aerosolized virus by
spelunkers exploring caves inhabited by infected bats or by laboratory technicians homogenizing
tissues infected with rabies virus without appropriate precaution (MHLTC, 2013).
... Get more on ...

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Staph Infections

  • 1. Staph Infections Depending on how dirty the floor is, will depend on how much bacteria gets on to the food you dropped. Say you dropped a piece of bread on the floor you have around that 4–5 second range to get the bread off the floor before bacteria transfer to it, but no matter how long you have it on the floor it won't affect how much bacteria gets into it. If your floor looks clean it still has a lot of bacteria on it. More than 80% of people eat food that has fallen on the floor. There is a lot of types of bacteria that are very harmful and if you have a little bit of bacteria you can get really sick because of the virulent (harmful). You can have a chance of death, but chances for the cells to be on the surfaces is very low. Many scientist say that bacteria travels very ... Show more content on ... Cleaning products are getting weaker against the bacteria, and the bacteria is getting stronger. If you eat dropped foods, the odds are you are not going to get sick from the food. But there is a small chance that you can eat bad bacteria that can make you sick. The most common bacteria that is transferred to food is called Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These two bacterias can cause a staph infection. A staph infection is a very unharmful infection. The worst that could happen is getting a minor skin infections. If you drop food on the carpet it gets less bacteria then if you dropped it on tile or laminate flooring. That is because carpeting acts like a filter. It sucks in the germs and bacteria and traps it. Smooth floors do not trap germs or bacteria. It is airborne to us so we can easily be infected. More dry foods pick up less bacteria than wet foods such as a cookie would pick up less than a piece of watermelon. When foods are dropped the bacteria transfers onto the food right away the amount of bacteria depends on how long you keep it there and how dirty the floor is. Some people think it is ok to eat things off the floor and not have any infection or ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Wear Idle Infection Wear cotton under wears. Under wears made from cottons are comfortable aside from the fact that cottons make your body "breathe". The cotton textile allows the air to pass thru the whole garment and into your body. This is very much unlike nylon fibers which traps heat inside and when there is heat our body reacts by making it moist. Moist and warm areas are the favorite breeding grounds for fungus to thrive uncontrollably. And when this happens symptoms of yeast infection are just around the corner. Avoid sexual intercourse with people who are known to be infected with yeast infection. If there is no possibility of avoiding it wear latex condoms for protection. Transmission thru unprotected sex is an easy way for the fungal infection to spread ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Chain of Infection Infection, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica (2011), is the invasion and multiplication of different pathogenic microorganisms in the body–such as fungi, bacteria and viruses– the body's reaction to it and the defense mechanisms it activates to counter these pathogens or the toxins they produce. Infections can range from simple to complex ones that can be fatal or debilitating, but because of the continuous researches and studies to protect the human race, antibiotics were discovered. Antibiotics inhibit the release of toxins of these microorganisms or simply fight against them to eliminate the harmful effects they bring about. Luckily, before one can resort to the use of antibiotics that can also have side effects on the body, there ... Show more content on ... MRSA can also survive in inanimate objects such as stethoscopes and surfaces such as floors and benches for extended periods, especially in hospitals where there are inadequate infection control measures and in communities too, where there is lack of cleanliness. How can it be transmitted? MRSA isolates can be shed or exits the body via droplets from the tubes connected to a person colonized or infected. It can be from a tracheostomy tube or bladder catheters or just via breathing, coughing or sneezing. One can also extract it from any body fluid from the site of infection (e.g. pus from pimple or severe skin infection). Transmission can easily occur through direct contact with a person colonized or infected. If a person has an active MRSA infection and presents a sore as a symptom, and a person comes in contact with it, an infection can occur when the hands that came in contact with the said sore touches an opening or cut in the skin. That is how easy transmission can occur, that's why keeping the skin intact is very essential. Colonization, however, does not need an opening in the skin. One can be colonized through touching of contaminated surfaces or objects, breathing in of droplets expelled from suctioning, normal breathing, coughing or sneezing, or by simply touching the skin of a colonized or infected person (Schoenstadt, 2008). Schoenstadt also cited that up to seven percent of people in hospitals and up to two percent of people in the community ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Pulmonary Infections II) Pulmonary infections: 1–Bacterial infection: The bacterial infection in lung usually starts with the introduction of organisms into the airways. The routes by which bacteria can reach air spaces are inhalation of an aerosol, aspiration of respiratory or gastrointestinal secretions, or bacteraemic spread. The common bacilli include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, anaerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, enteric gram–negative bacilli, Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Legionelia spp.(32,33) 1.1–Tuberculosis (TB): TB can involve various organs but the most common organ involved is lung. Primary pulmonary TB usually affects the lower lobes of lung or the anterior segment of an upper lobe. ... Show more content on ... The fungus is ubiquitous and is especially abundant in avium, particularly pigeon excreta. Although the disease occurs in apparently healthy individuals, it is more often seen as an opportunistic infection especially in patients with haematologic malignancies, AIDS or patients with defective cellular immunity. The pulmonary lesions include diffuse miliary lesions or patchy consolidation of mucoid nature.(32,36) 3.3– Candidiasis: Candidiasis comprises of superficial, mucocutaneous, or systemic fungal infection caused by yeast like fungi of the genus Candida. Candida albicans is the most common type. Pulmonary involvement can be a)endobronchial/ primary pulmonary candidiasis acquired by aspiration of Candida spp. from oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, b)hematogenous pulmonary candidiasis and c)embolic pulmonary candidiasis in children with indwelling venous catheters. 4–Bacterial infections that resemble fungal infections: 4.1.Nocardiosis: Nocardiosis is a localized or disseminated infection caused by aerobic, filamentous, branching gram–positive bacteria. It is an uncommon infection in immunocompetent hosts. Pulmonary lesions may be large cavitating abscesses or diffuse fibrino–suppurative ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Preventing Yeast Infections Headline: 4 ways to prevent vaginal diseases and infections Reference: 10 Ways to Prevent Yeast Infections–ways–to–prevent–yeast–infections Accessed January 20, 2017 8 Ways To Prevent Yeast Infections–8– ways–to–prevent–yeast–infections Accessed January 20, 2017 How You Can Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases Accessed January 20, 2017 Written by: Hai Anh Nguyen Ngoc Reviewed by: Body text starts here: Opening: Having vaginal diseases and infections can bring discomfort and irritation, plus, it also affects our daily lives in a negative way. So how do we prevent vaginal infections and diseases? The article below will give further ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Cycle Of Infection Piper Puccetti Mr. Burton Hr. 5 Science 11 December 15 The Plasmodium: Cycle of Infection The plasmodium protist is the building block of one of the deadliest diseases called Malaria, spreading through the bloodstream diseasing organs one by one. Malaria kills around 500,000 to 700,000 people a year, and in 2012 there were 207 million cases of it around the world. This chain of infection, and even death is started through the transmission of the plasmodium protist. It all starts when a specific genus of mosquito makes contact with a human. This genus is called the female Anopheles mosquito. The plasmodium resides by its saliva gland, making an easy escape when the mosquito bites a human host. The plasmodium begins its journey traveling through ... Show more content on ... It has special processes in which it can modify itself into the ultimate secret attacker. Even though uncomplicated malaria is somewhat harmless, it can escalate into a deathly disease. Every year, malaria will take at least 1 million lives, and some infected will never even know until it is too late. Works Cited "About Malaria." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. . "Malaria Cure." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. . "Malaria Develops in the Immune System." BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. . "Malaria Effects on the Body." Malaria. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2015. . "Plasmodium." World of Microbiology and Immunology. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Science in Context. Web. 10 Dec. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Infection Of Salmonella The Salmonella enterica bacteria is an intestinal infection that is caused by contact with infected animals or by eating contaminated food. The spread of this infection is most common in infants, elderly people, or patients whose immune system is weak. Before an infection of Salmonella can occur, approximately between 100,000 and 100,000,000 Salmonella enterica bacteria must be swallowed. Once the bacteria invades the intestinal wall, inflammation is triggered where they can also produce irritable intestinal poisons. After consuming Salmonella, it takes about 8 to 48 hours for symptoms to occur. The symptoms include fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea, muscle aches and vomiting. Patients may recover on their own typically within a few days. Most people infected typically recuperate in about 5 to 10 days but ... Show more content on ... However, scientists have discovered that there are actually a total of 3 different types of Salmonella. According to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (2016), "Scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and University of Liverpool found two novel African types, which looked the same, but were genetically different from the Western type". Salmonella is referred to as an invasive non–typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS) disease when it has entered the bloodstream. It was estimated that the Salmonella bacteria had caused 680,000 deaths worldwide per year, and half of those being in Africa. The two newly found Salmonella types are the major causes of blood poisoning leading to death. Since Salmonella has an easier access from the gut into the bloodstream with people with weak immune systems, this has affected a high amount of people who live in Africa.The study also reported that the 2 types of Salmonella found in Africa have evolved a resistance to antibiotics. Knowing that there is no medicine to cure this bacteria, it raises public health safety ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Yeast Infection Essay How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection If you are looking for ways on how to get rid of yeast infection, you are not alone, and if your doctor just told you that you have a yeast infection, there is no need for embarrassment. Millions of people suffer from fungal infections every day. your yeast infection Fortunately is available for those who suffer from fungal infections, sometimes called Candida albicans information. Continue reading to learn more. your yeast infection If you have a yeast infection, or fear to have one in the future, you absolutely must change the way you live. If this condition frequently, you must learn how to prevent it, as opposed to constantly deal with it when it happens. The right changes in your diet and clothing can ... Show more content on ... If you prefer, you can use a douche made of three tablespoons of vinegar for every gallon of water that is warm. There are many herbs that can be used to take care of yeast infections. Cedar, rosemary and golden seal all the stops yeast from growing. You can create a mixture of these herbs and use them as a natural douche. It is also possible to dip a pad in the mixture to help with the itching and burning. To help prevent fungal infections, avoid scratching your private parts. A small incision on the genitals can cause you to become infected. Sexual activity and tampons are two reasons behind the scratches in the area. Try more "tender loving care" of these two activities. Rape can result in great pain and discomfort. – Eat lots of garlic. It can be a welcome, as a nutritional supplement to your cooking, because it has some natural antibiotic properties. Yeast is a type of fungus is known to treat, so make an effort to include more garlic in your meals every ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Sacrifice Infection Two weeks ago. It happened just like in the movies. The "flu" the government is trying to convince us is not quite the disease this infection is. Popular fiction and such refers to these reanimations as zombies. But of course, politics and all, they are merely "infected individuals." The disease infects when human matter is exposed to cells of solanima. The cells multiply in that area, then go on to affect the rest of the body. According to lab papers found in this safe room, the first few hours after contact are semi–normal, with increasing fever. After ten hours or so, paralysis occurs. At 18 hours, absolute coma. At 24 hours, the brain is alive, so not quite death, but remains dormant, until the "subject" is reanimated, in which the only ... Show more content on ... This kind was the type that would raise and lower to allow ships through for ports and such. And it's only just my luck that the bridge was left in the raised position and the controls were on the other side. I went into a nearby building, moving cautiously and quietly to hear any footsteps. One creaky board and all of them were on my case in a matter of two seconds. After the building was cleared, I got to the rooftop, jumped the tiny gap to the next, Now the issue was reaching the bridge... my choice was either a dangerous trip all the way around to the other side, or a potentially dangerous jump that could end it right now. Without thinking too much, I walked back, ran as hard as I could, and launched myself through. It was very anxiety inducing. I barely caught the railing. I sat there for a couple seconds, started swaying then swung my feet over, crawled under the railing, and caught my breath. Taking the risk paid off. Afterwards I took a rather leisurely stroll down the bridge. Although it was creaking a lot in the wind. I made my way to the control panel on the other side. This time, it wouldn't be so easy. The bridge had to be lowered, since jumping was definitely not a possibility. I opened the control box, and after a few minutes found the switch. The bridge started lowering and the roar of the generator definitely wouldn't go unnoticed. As soon as it got kind of close, I hurdled over the edge of the gate, and sought out the height advantage. Being on level ground would give me a huge disadvantage against their numbers. I found a scaffolding leading to the roof of another building. Surely enough, it didn't even take a minute for a massive horde to form, and they all saw me. I must've been stuck there for at least an hour, beating down the ones that went up. Eventually, it was clear enough to walk down. Back on the road again. Eventually the city streets which were flushed out from the generator uprising, ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Aeruginosa Infections Rather than trying to treat P. aeruginosa infections, stopping the infection from occurring in the first place may be a better strategy than treating with antibiotics that may not work. This bacterium can be spread to people by a variety of means by contact with contaminated inanimate or animate objects. In hospitals, P. aeruginosa can colonise equipment's such as catheters, ventilators if they are not maintained properly or kept clean. Therefore, strict procedures and controls should be in place to make sure these are maintained especially when they are to be used on at risks patients who are more prone to infection. Another source in hospitals are water supply and sinks which provides a moist environment that is ideal for this bacteria to ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Infection Control Precautions Pre–Simulation Assignment A&E 1, Module 1 Margaret Chase Describe different types of infection control precautions. Why is it important to follow infection control guidelines? Describe the importance of hand–washing. Different types of infection control precautions: –Medical and surgical aseptic techniques can be used to prevent the onset and transmission of a potential pathogen, and break the chain of infection. –Medical asepsis consists of "hand hygiene, barrier techniques (e.g., use of gloves mask, and gown), and routine environmental cleaning" (Griffin, 2016, pp.74) –Surgical Asepsis, which consists of maintaining a sterile environment in a surgical setting at all times; "a sterile barrier that has been permeated by punctures, tears, ... Show more content on ... "Musculoskeletal injuries in health care occupations are among the highest of all U.S. industries" (Griffin, 2016, pp.399) When patients are lifted, moved, or repositioned, health care workers can be subject to serious injury if not practiced with proper mechanics. In particular, it is important to keep the trunk straight, knees slightly bent, tighten abdominal core muscles, and avoid twisting to prevent spinal injury (Griffin, 2016, pp.399) Sometimes electronic devices can be used to lift, move, or reposition patients to prevent injury of health care workers. List the personal protective equipment needed to be worn by the nurse to provide direct care to a patient on contact precautions. –eyewear, gown, gloves, mask, cap, sometimes shoe covers What is open simulation practice session? How many hours are all adult and elder 1 students required to attend by the end of the semester? –An open simulation practice session is a means by which students can practice clinical expertise with an instructor to improve clinical skills for on campus clinical classes, the midterm, and the final exam. Each student is required to attend an hour of open simulation for every on campus ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Chromobacterium Infections Chromobacterium violaceum is a facultative anaerobic gram–negative rod–shaped bacteria commonly found in soil and stagnant water of tropical and subtropical regions. There are two strains of Chromobacterium violaceum, pigmented and non–pigmented strains. This bacterium is classified as saprobe bacterium and infections are rare. However, it has the ability to cause an infection in mammals including human (Mario, B. et al., 2010), non–human primate (Groves et. al, 1969, Mario, B. et al., 2010). The first human infection was reported in Malaysia in 1927 (M. Sureisen et. al., 2008, Marco et. al., 2011) while the infection in a wild non–human primate was reported in Costa Rica in 2010 (Mario, B. et al., 2010). Black–handed gibbon or also known as Agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis) is a ... Show more content on ... 2004) of tropical rainforest of Peninsular Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Kalimantan and Sumatera Indonesia (Geissmann & Nijman, 2008). The exact current population of this species in the wild in Malaysia is unknown as the last estimate was range from 6.1–18.9 individual/km2 (Chivers, 1974; Gittins & Raemaekers, 1980). Currently, the species was listed as endangered in the IUCN red list due to the trend of their population is declining as a result of habitat lost and illegal trade (Geissmann, T. & Nijman, V. 2008). Generally, there are lacks of publication on occurrence of diseases of this species in the wild. However, in captive Black–handed gibbon reported to succumb to melioidiosis, tuberculosis and other common mammalian diseases. An incidence of Chromobacterium violaceum infection in gibbon was first reported by Groves et al. in 1969 where nine gibbons were died of Chromobacterium violaceum infection in a zoo in Malaysia after drinking from a contaminated water source. This veterinary case report describes two separate cases of Chromobacterium violaceum infection in two sub–adult male Black–handed ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Candida Infection Normally, a number of different kinds of Candida species are present in the body, but they don't cause any harm. However, whenever the body experiences stress or the immune system is compromised, the fungus can proliferate excessively and invade the bloodstream, which can lead to a systemic Candida infection. This results in the many toxic effects of this fungus. Here we describe some common causes of Candida overgrowth: Antibiotics: Antibiotics are responsible for killing off the harmful bacteria in the body, but, in the process of doing so, they also kill off the healthy bacteria which decreases the number of good bacteria in the gut, deregulating the amount of Candida which will then begin to multiply. Due to this gut imbalance, Candida ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Ebola Infection Ebola infection ailment otherwise called Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) or just Ebola, is a viral hemorrhagic fever of people and different primates brought on by ebolaviruses. Signs and Symptoms ordinarily begin between two days and three weeks in the wake of getting the infection with a fever,sore throat, strong agony, and cerebral pains. The article chiefly portrays the general population who administer to those contaminated with Ebola ought to wear defensive dress including covers , gloves, outfits and goggles. The US Centers for ailment control (CDC) suggest that the defensive apparatus leaves no skin uncovered. These measures are likewise prescribed for the individuals who may handle objects defiled by a tainted individual's body liquids. In 2014,the CDC started prescribing that medicinal work force get preparing on the best possible suit–up and evacuation of individual defensive hardware (PPE); moreover, an assigned individual , properly prepared in bio wellbeing , ought to be observing every ... Show more content on ... The contamination is an intense febrile sickness and the patient can have a few clinical indications including the discharge. The visual appearance of Ebola disease is interesting.However, the visual issue is generally overlooked . In the late preparatory report on the present 2014 African flare–up, the data on visual sign is not said. In this brief survey ,the creators abridge on the visual sign in Ebola infection contamination. In 2014, the flare–up of Ebola Infection happened in Africa and turned into a worldwide concern. The disease is an intense febrile ailment and the patient can have a few clinical indications including the drain. The visual sign of Ebola contamination is intriguing. In the brief audit, the creators condense on the visual appearance in Ebola infection disease. The Ebola infection disease generally displays as an intense ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Wound Infection 2.1.1. Most common pathogenic strains that cause wound infection The most common pathogenic strains that cause wound infection is Staphylococcus aureus (35%), Escherichia coli (15%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%) and other bacteria (37%) (Amit Kumar Gupta et al., 2015). In another study, Staphylococcus aureus has been reported as the major cause of wound infection with (24.2%), followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21.4 %), Escherichia coli (14.8 %) and another different organism (39.6 %) (Jyoti Sangwan et al., 2016). Staphylococcus aureus (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is gram positive bacteria and can be a lethally opportunistic pathogen or human commensal, it is one of the leading organisms causing a variety of hospital–acquired infection and community acquired infection (Brown et al., 2014). S. aureus has ... Show more content on ... S. aureus responsible for 70% skin infection in children, moreover, the incidence of skin infection caused by MRSA is in a continuous increasing (Nataraj et al., 2014). Pseudomonas aeruginosa is gram–negative bacteria, it is classic opportunistic bacteria and are often severe, life–threatening and difficult to treat due to it has an innate resistance to many of antibiotic and disinfection (Bangera D et al., 2015; Wendell Lou B. Ladion et al., 2015). P. aeruginosa recently acquired significant as one of the most important organisms that cause nosocomial infection due to having an ability to survive in hospital environments, in addition, it has the ability to develop resistance against many antimicrobial agents (Nagoba et al., 2013). Wound infection caused by P. aeruginosa rapidly deteriorating and lead to systemic spread and therefore death within days or weeks (Turner et al., 2014). Escherichia coli is gram negative bacteria and considered as a member of the Enterobacteriaceae, it is innocuous resident in a gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time has the ability to cause ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Infection Cycle To prevent and control an infection, we "as healthcare providers; nursing homes staff" have to break the cycle of infection by putting proper practices in place. A part of the cycle is the reservoir where the infectious agent lives. Common reservoirs where infectious agents exist can be non–living objects like a toilet seat, or a door knob, or an alive reservoir, like an animal or the human body. Another part of the infection cycle is how the agent was transmitted? Was it transmitted by direct contact with human, animal or environmental reservoir? Or was it transmitted indirectly with food, insects, medical equipment? Nursing homes must require staff to wash their hands after each direct resident contact for which hand washing is designated ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Cyclospora Infection Overview A cyclospora infection is caused by a single–celled parasite of the same name. The condition was first diagnosed in 1977, with the number of reports increasing in the following years. The parasite enters the body when a person consumes water or food, often in the form of fresh produce, which has been contaminated by an infected person. Anyone of any age can contract the parasite, although the organism is generally seen in people who live or often travel to countries in the tropical regions. Cyclospora affects the small intestines and typically causes a person to have watery – and occasionally explosive – diarrhea. It is through this infected stool that an individual can pass the parasite on to someone else. However, it does not become ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. MRSA: Skin Infections Antibiotics can be extremely effective when used properly to fight infection. However, bacteria has the ability to grow a resistance to antibiotics, in some cases becoming extremely hard to treat. Antibiotics are prescribed by physicians based on what is thought to be the causative organism. Once contracted with MRSA, a patient is put on strict measures to ensure our safety from retrieving this infectious disease. The patient is kept in a private room, restricted from coming out, and when you enter their room you are encouraged to wear a gown and gloves to protect yourself from this disease. Antibiotics are given based off of an educated guess until test results may arrive, and even overused and taken improperly, proving to assist ... Show more content on ... (CDC, 2016, Para 4) If there is a cut in the skin the microorganism has an easy way to enter the host and you are more likely to observe some of these symptoms in that area. It is also able to enter its host through hair follicles, making it more prevalant in hairy parts of the body. (Jatin M. Vyas, 2016, Para 8) Symptoms of a more severe infection would include chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, fever and chills, headache, rash, and wounds that are unable to heal. (Jatin M. Vyas, 2016, Para 10) The more serious cases of MRSA cause about 18,000 deaths per year in the United States. (Richard Salcido MD, 2012, Para 3) In order to test a patient for MRSA a cotton tipped swab will be rubbed on the affected area and sent for testing. Depending on the results the physician will be able to determine which antibiotics he will use to treat the infection. (CDC, 2016, Para 10) If the infection is limited to one area and has not spread draining of the sore may be all that is needed to treat the infection. In this case it needs to be done by your doctor and must stay covered with a clean dry bandage. (Jatin M. Vyas, 2016, Para ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Infection Of Pneumonia Pneumonia is a common infection of the lungs that millions of people acquire every year, it is most commonly contracted through the air we breathe and varies in severity due to the person, their health and the situation. Pneumonia may be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Bacterial infection occurs after a cold or on its own, Streptococcus pneumonia is most common form. Cold and flu viruses can sometimes cause pneumonia but these cases are usually mild. Fungi pneumonia is most commonly found in people with weak immune systems or people with chronic health problems (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Bacterial pneumonia is less contagious then a common cold or flu, but can still be caught through sneezing or coughing which puts out germs into the air that others can breathe in, or touching an object and leaving germs on it which someone else could then touch and then can transfer into their system if they touch their mouth or nose (NHS Choices, 2014). The most common way to check for pneumonia is to have a doctor listen to your lungs to check for crackling or bubbling sounds, if the doctor believes pneumonia is present they may do further testing. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Influenza Infection Study In this article, Sun & Metzger (2014) propose the mechanism for influenza– induced predisposition to methicillin– resistant Staphylococcus aureus superinfection. They hypothesize that suppression of NADPH oxidase, an enzyme responsible for the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species during phagocytic bacterial killing plays a pivotal role to enhance susceptibility to secondary MRSA infection. They conduct a mouse model influenza infection experiment followed by S. aureus respiratory challenge to demonstrate impairment of innate antibacterial defense by influenza virus. They find high bacterial burden on influenza and MRSA– coinfected mice as compared to MRSA alone, which infer decreased bacterial clearance capability and survival ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Ear Infection In Children If you are a parent you are most likely to have experienced the worrisome trip to the pediatrician with a child screaming in agony from an ear infection, or otitis media. The doctor gives a knowing nod, understanding you have pulled a caffeine–laced all–nighter with a little one in your arms. A quick look into those tiny ear canals confirms otitis media, a buildup of infected fluid behind the eardrum, and just like that you are off to the pharmacy for an antibiotic and a Red Bull. Parents are usually relieved to hear this diagnosis because we consider ear infections harmless, treatable, and relatively common among young children, but is there actually serious cause for alarm when your child has chronic ear infections? The answer is yes, and ... Show more content on ... This disease causes deafness, brain abscess, meningitis, and if left untreated, death. Surgical removal of infected bone and tissue is, without exception, the exclusive treatment course. Profound deafness is certain since removal of the ossicular chain, the three small bones in the middle ear which convey sound vibrations to the brain, occurs during this surgery. Future reconstructive surgery is possible providing the child remains free of regrowth for at least six ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Infections And Inflammation Of The Eye Infections and Inflammation of the Eye Chanda.N. Boots SPN STC Medical Surgical II Mrs. Misty Stark 06/02/2016 Pathophysiology/ Introduction Have you ever looked across a clear sparkling ocean front? Took time to gaze at beautiful flowers while walking outdoors? Or watched your family laugh and smile while enjoying a day out together? These are a few things our eyes allow us do. The eye is a very important part of our anatomy. It lets us to do one of our most important five senses and that is to see. Just like any other part of our body things can go wrong. The particular impairment I would like to address is when our eyes get infected and inflamed. Our eyes can get infections from either bacteria, fungal, parasitic, or viral infections. ... Show more content on ... Our body has a natural response to fight off infection is inflammation so that's why when we have an infection we typically have inflammation as well. The organisms that invade our body put off a toxin that dilate and leak from our capillaries and this attracts our white blood cells and causes and inflammatory response. Causes and Risk Factors of Different Infections of the Eye There are several different infections the eye can get these include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, hordeolum, chalazion, and keratitis. Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye (Williams, Linda. S UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL SURGICAL 5TH ed, 2015). Viral conjunctivitis is usually received by touching other contaminated eye secretion then rubbing the uncontained eye. The virus is able to survive on surfaces for 14 days or more and can last 2 weeks to a month. Bacterial conjunctivitis is also known as pinkeye can be caused by the staphylococcal bacteria and is highly contagious. Many times the infected person will start with the common cold and then it will manifest into pinkeye. Children are most commonly known to spread and receive this infection. Normally the infected person will experience redness of the conjunctiva, swelling, and drainage. Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eye lids. It is classified as either seborrheic and ulcerative. Both are caused from the bacterium staphylococcus. Seborrheic is produced at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Meningoccal Infection The Meningococcal infection is a potentially life–threatening bacterial disease that continues to be fatal in numerous parts of the world. Since the inception of the first Meningococcal cases in the early 19th century, rates continue to fluctuate today. Of particular note, the World Health Organisation has outlined that there are over 26 countries in the sub–Saharan region alone that are overwhelmingly prone to the infection (WHO, 2015). Despite this, Meningococcal has not been restricted to the sub–Saharan; current estimates determine that 1.2 million cases arise globally every year. This is primarily due to the fact that the bacterium which causes the Meningococcal disease, the Neisseria Meningitidis, is a carrier bacterium which can be found ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Difficile Infection Introduction The increased rates of infection may be attributed to the 3 primary risk factors: hospitalization, changing patterns of antibiotics use, Age > 65 year and more susceptible population. Classically, any exposure to antibiotics (particularly clindamycin, ampicillin or amoxicillin, cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones) was a major risk factor for the development of CDI. However, Hospitalization provides not only a reservoir, but also a vector for transmission. Also, second risk factors may be attributed to the Manipulation of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., surgery), immunosuppressed state (e.g., chemotherapy, HIV+ patients, and medical comorbidities leading to immunosuppression) also make the patient more susceptible to developing ... Show more content on ... difficile infection, but all of these methods have limitations and some of them are now considered suboptimal(2). The ideal laboratory test for CDI would be sensitive, specific, rapid, simple to perform, and inexpensive. Culture Just after the discovery of the pathogenic role of C. difficile proposed a selective agar plate called CCFA (cycloserine cefoxitin fructose agar) for the isolation from stool specimens. The selective agents are cycloserine at a concentration of 500 mg/L and cefoxitin at 16 mg/L. Culture is the most sensitive method but it is not very specific due to the possibility of isolating non–toxigenic isolates (14). Fecal diagnostic tests anaerobic toxigenic culture of C. difficile and the cell culture cytotoxicity assay, with neutralization with clostridial antitoxin, are the most sensitive for diagnosis of CDI but time–consuming (5). For many years, cell culture cytotoxicity neutralization assay (CCCNA) was the accepted gold standard. By this method, stool filtrates are inoculated onto a monolayer of a cell culture in wells with and without C. difficile antitoxin. CCCNA is quite specific for CDI. However, the assay is expensive, lacks standardization among laboratories and is generally unavailable outside the research setting (11). The enzyme immunoassay (EIA) became broadly used because of its rapidity in performance, but EIA used for toxin detection lack sensitivity and are considered suboptimal for diagnosing C. Difficile infection (11). A laboratory assay measuring the clostridial protein, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), represents a rapid, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Nosocomial Infection Introduction Of significant concern is the prevalence of nosocomial infection in acutely and critically ill patients. The mouth usually provides entry for life prolonging interventions, such as endotracheal intubation for ventilation and orogastric tubes for enteral nutrition in the ICU. These interventions unfortunately require the patient to maintain an open mouth and impair the natural airway defenses. This vulnerable position, in combination with other treatments, can contribute to a fast deteriorating oral condition and a dependence on nursing to alleviate tube–related discomfort, thirst, oral lesions and the accumulation of saliva, sputum and oral bacteria. Colonization of the oropharynx is a critical factor in the development of nosocomial ... Show more content on ... Elderly institutionalized, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and ICU patients are at higher risk of periodontal colonization by nosocomial pathogens because of difficulties in oral hygiene, changes in salivary properties, and reduction of anaerobic flora.7, 8, 9 In ICU patients Oropharyngeal colonization by aerobic pathogens occurs very rapidly because of incumbent changes in antibacterial resistance, i.e., decreased immunoglobin (Ig)–A salivary content, reduced salivary secretion, mechanical injury induced by nasogastric and endotracheal tubes and mucosal desiccation. This in turn facilitates the mucosal adhesion of aerobic bacilli and allows bacterial multiplication and speedy growth on pharyngeal mucosa.10, 11 Oral Plaque harbors microorganisms in the sequence of initial colonization and represents an additional source of nosocomial colonization and infections in ICU patients. Plaque inside oral cavity is a dynamic and conglomerate system that associates microbes ingrained in an extracellular pattern. This mainly results from encampment and amplification of aerobic, anaerobic, and filamentous microorganisms on the surfaces of teeth, dental prostheses and soft tissues. Dental plaque is predominately located on the subgingival and supragingival surfaces of the teeth, but without ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Infections In Neanderthal Research According to an article written by Dr. Charlotte Houldcroft from the University of Cambridge, researchers have created a new study suggesting that the Neanderthals from Europe may have been infected with diseases carried out of Africa by modern humans, called Homo sapiens. Since both of the species are hominin, it would have been easy for pathogens to jump from one population to another. The article is suggesting that this new finding could have been one factor that contributed to the end of the Neanderthal population. Researchers have been reviewing some of the latest evidence that they have gathered from pathogen genomes and DNA from ancient bones. They determined that some of the infectious diseases many be thousands of years older than ... Show more content on ... There is still some evidence though that humans benefited from interbreeding which helped protect them from some diseases, like bacterial sepsis and encephalitis. In turn, the humans would have been adapted to African diseases, which they would have brought with them during their migration into Europe and Asia. A bacterium that is called Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, is considered to have been passed on to the Neanderthals by the humans. The bacteria first started infecting the humans that lived in Africa about 88 to 116 thousand years ago. Another disease is called the herpes simplex 2, which is a virus and can cause genital herpes. There is some evidence of this disease that expresses it was transmitted to humans in Africa buy some unknown hominin species that got it from chimpanzees. The unknown hominin species that got the virus and transmitted it between chimps and humans shows that these diseases could leap between one species to another. Since we now know that the humans intimate with the Neanderthals, all humans today carry roughly about 2 to 5% of Neanderthal DNA in them as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Influenz A Droplet Infection Influenza is a droplet infection caused by the virus orthomyxoviridae (1). A virus is a microscopic parasite which is usually much smaller than bacteria and viruses can also make you sick (2)(3). Their cell structure is not organized and do not contain a nucleus. Also most viruses are coated in a protein called CAPSID (4). Influenza reproduces through viral cell replication. This means that the virus will attach onto a host cell and inject its genetic material into it then it now is infected with the virus and this continues throughout all the cells (5). Unlike Bacteria viruses don't rely on water or food because they do not need to respire. The main condition that they completely rely on is a host cell because without a host cell the virus ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Fungal Infection Essay Early initiation of effective antifungal therapy and reversal of predisposing risk factors remain the mainstay of treatment for systemic fungal infections . Diagnosis of fungal infection, by blood cultures in the cases of immuno–compromised febrile high–risk patients is often unsuccessful due to the low yields of CFU. (16, 17) The aim of the current work was early and rapid diagnosis of IFIs in neutropenic cancer patients with fever and not responding to antibiotics by a sensitive and specific DNA microarray combining multiplex PCR and consecutive DNA chip hybridization to detect fungal genomic DNA in serum samples. Pyrexia is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patients and frequently may be the only evidence of infection. It ... Show more content on ... In recent years, numerous DNA–based methods have been developed to identify a variety of medically important fungi. (20) The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the fungal ribosomal RNA is one of the most commonly used targets. The ITS region exists in multiple copies in the fungal genome and shows high interspecies sequence divergence and low intraspecies sequence variation. (20) Fungal identification methods based on ITS include restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, sequence analysis, multiplex PCR, real–time PCR, probe hybridization and DNA array. (21–25) A frequent challenge in DNA microarray–based species detection studies is the discrimination between specific and non–specific signals. Cross hybridization between different fungal genera was observed in several studies which made it essential to design more than one probe per species. (26, 27) According to the manufacturer, two aspects of the specificity of the microarray detection system used in the current study can be discussed. First, the risk of misidentification of any fungal species with another due to sequence similarities was minimized by the design of species–specific probes (more than one probe per species) which would be able to distinguish between these species. Second, the big difference between the level of fluroscence of the perfect match and the cross ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Bacterial Infection Paper Bacteria are tiny single–cell microorganisms that thrive in diverse environments, They live within the soil, the ocean and in the human gut, Bacteria are prokaryotes. Bacteria is an issue because it causes salmonella, gonorrhoea and many other diseases that are deadly and kill people. Each year in the united states, at least 2 million people die of bacterial diseases (Dr.Frieden,2013), bacteria is an issue because it kills so many people around the world, most times bacterial infections can be prevented by good hygiene. An infection is made up of bacteria, a human with an infection has another organism inside their body which gets their sustenance from that person (Nordqvist, 2014). Why infection important There are five things that you can ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Sinus Infections A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, occurs when nasal cavities become inflamed, swollen, and infected. The condition typically results from a virus and often persists long after other upper respiratory symptoms have passed. In some instances, fungus or bacteria may be to blame for sinusitis. Other conditions, including tooth inflections, nasal polyps, and allergies may also contribute to sinus symptoms and discomfort. Serving patients in Dalton, GA for over 20 years, the team at Dalton Ear, Nose & Throat Associates offers solutions and treatments to help alleviate sinus conditions and improve quality of life. Acute Vs. Chronic There are two types of sinus infections: acute and chronic. Acute sinusitis lasts for a short period of ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Infection Control 1.1 Identify the differences between Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and parasites. The common characteristics of bacteria: Bacteria are microscopic single–cell organisms. Different types of bacteria can be identified by their size and shape. Bacteria can multiply outside the body. Most bacteria need moisture, time, warmth and nutrients to survive and multiply. Some bacteria are helpful. Some bacteria produce toxins which cause unpleasant symptoms. Most bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. The common characteristics of viruses: Viruses can only be seen with an electron microscope because they are so small. Only one or two particles are required to cause an infection. ... Show more content on ... Poor practice Not Washing hands frequently especially after dealing with any bodily fluids. Staff not staying at home if they are sick. Use a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your arm, not your hand. Turn away from other people. Open wounds not being covered especially on the hands. The incorrect use of PPE or the none use of PPE. Sharing personal items between each other. Incorrect food prep and storage. 2.1 Explain the conditions needed for the growth of micro–organisms. The main requirements for the growth of micro–organisms are time and moisture, some need oxygen and warmth, (although micro–organisms can live without air and live in temperatures from 0 to 40 + degrees). 2.2 Explain the ways an infection agent might enter the body. Microorganisms must either attach to, or penetrate one of bodies surfaces. The site through which a microorganism enters the body is called the route of entry. The skin acts as a protective barrier, in order to cause infection the microorganism must break through the protective barrier. they either do this through a natural opening such as the mouth ,nose, ears, eyes, urethra, rectum or vagina, or enter through a unnatural break in the skins surface such as cuts and grazes, bites or scratches. They
  • 62. can also occur through a surgical wound caused by a operation. Also conditions such as psoriasis or eczema cause breaks in the skin which microorganisms can enter. 2.3 Identify ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Staph Infection Staph or staph infection is caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. It is very common and there are around three million cases of this in the United States each year. This is a gram positive bacteria which means that it has a thick cell wall and the stain used to see it is purple. It can be found on the surface of the skin or in the mucous membranes of humans and some animals. They reproduce asexually. This bacterium is transferable through skin to wound contact. In many people, Staph is actually found in the nose, mouth, and in some other areas, this isn't harmful. It becomes harmful when it enters your bloodstream so when there is an opening in your skin, a cut, and the bacteria infects the cut. The level and strength of the effects of the infection depend on a multitude of ... Show more content on ... Skin infections vary and consist of boils, impetigo, cellulitis, and Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. In regard to food poisoning, you may notice nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration or low blood pressure. Bacteremia is when the staphylococcus enters your blood, this can affect your internal organs, bones, muscles, and any artificial technology that aids in the function of your body. Toxic shock syndrome can cause fever, nausea, vomiting, a rash on the palms of your hands and the bottom of your feet, confusion, muscle aches, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Septic arthritis can cause swelling of joints, pain in joints, and fever. If symptoms such as pus–filled blisters, fever, or painful irritated skin you should consult your doctor immediately. If staph bacteria ends up occupying your blood, an infection that affects your whole body may emerge. This is called sepsis, which can cause septic shock, extremely low blood pressure this can cause respiratory failure, heart failure, stroke, failure of other organs, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Nosocomial Infection Paper When people go into hospitals, they expect to be treated from what illness they have. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that one in twenty–five patients will obtain nosocomial infections (Mercola No p). Readers may think that these statistics are not that bad, but when readers become educated on how dangerous and how easy it is to acquire this infection they will think twice. The most common ways to acquire nosocomial infections are central line–associated bloodstream, catheter–associated urinary tract, surgical site after surgery, clostridium difficile infections (Mercola No. p). People may think to take antibiotics to help get over illness. In the long run taking antibiotics is not always going to help a person. Some pathogens that antibiotics are resistant to are Carbapenem–resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, ... Show more content on ... People may not know that nosocomial infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites (Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015). If people are ill going into a hospital that means their immune system is down, so they are more susceptible to microorganisms that are already exist to worsen, to make people more ill (Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015). People wonder how do patients get urinary tract infections (UTIs). It is common misconception patients cannot get sick from catheterization, but they can. The catheter may have some sort of bacteria that follows into the urethra into the bladder that will cause a nosocomial infection. Patients that get hospital acquired infections that come from fungus they are at risk by a fungi called Candida (Davidson; Odle; Cataldo: 2015). Health care workers, patients, and people just visiting during a hospital stay need to be informed to wash hands as often as possible if they come in contact with anything that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Helicobacter Pylori Infection Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that inhabits the human stomach and has been linked as a risk factor for chronic gastritis, ulcers, and gastric cancer. H. pylori is able to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach due to its urease enzyme which converts the urea in gastric juice to alkaline ammonia and carbon dioxide. Infection with H. pylori is generally contracted during childhood and can persist indefinitely if untreated. Possible risk factors for H. pylori infection include poor diet, poor hygiene, density, low socioeconomic status (SES), and family history of gastric disease. Studies have found an increased risk of infection with consuming food prepared under unsanitary conditions and a reduced risk with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Poor hygiene ... Show more content on ... pylori appears to be humans, but it has also been isolated from non–human primates, domestic cats, pigs, sheep, and, more recently, the housefly. However, non–human primates are unlikely to be a significant route of transmission to humans, since there is limited contact between the two species, and there has been little evidence to suggest that domestic cats, pigs, or houseflies serve as vectors for H. pylori infection. Sheep, on the other hand, remain a possible source of transmission which warrants further investigation. While not yet confirmed, the most likely route of H. pylori transmission for the general population is from person to person through oral–oral, via saliva, dental plaque, and vomit, or through fecal–oral routes. Iatrogenic infection remains the only proven route of transmission of H. pylori, due to the difficulty of completely disinfecting an endoscope, but is unlikely to be the main route of transmission. Waterborne transmission of H. pylori may also be possible as H. pylori can live and remain infectious in milk and tap water for several days, especially in less–developed parts of the world where water is not treated ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Campylobacter Infection Campylobacter species are one of the most prevalent and widespread bacterial enteric pathogens in both industrialized and developing countries [1]. It account for most cases of human gastrointestinal infections worldwide, causing 400–500 million cases of diarrhea each year [2]. In the European Union (EU) in 2008, 190,566 cases of campylobacteriosis was confirmed [3], while in the United States (USA), an estimated 2.4 million incidents occur each year [4]. A total of 220,209 Campylobacter cases were reported and confirmed by the EU in humans in 2011, and 212,064 established cases in 2010 [5]. In developing countries, Campylobacter–related gastroenteritis rates are most common amongst children less than five years old [6]. Campylobacter infection is primarily a zoonotic disease as it is a commensal of food animals, particularly poultry, which serves as the main reservoir for human infection [7]. Other sources of transmission, include water, milk, and food animal meat products [8]. The disease characteristics vary from watery, non–bloody, non– inflammatory diarrhea to a severe inflammatory diarrhea followed by abdominal pain and fever [9]. Amongst ... Show more content on ... However, the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains poses a challenge in the management of Campylobacter infections. Isolates of C. jejuni and C. coli with resistance to various antimicrobial agents have been reported in both developed and developing countries [12]. There is a dearth of surveillance systems/data? on clinical Campylobacter in South Africa, particularly in the private healthcare environment. We therefore investigated the prevalence of resistance against ciprofloxacin and erythromycin, as well as against newer antibiotics in these classes, viz., gatifloxacin, azithromycin and tetracycline in clinical Campylobacter isolates from a private pathology laboratory in South ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Heart Valve Infection What is Heart Valve Infection in Cats? The heart wall is composed of three separate layers: the inner endocardium, the middle myocardium and the outer epicardium. When the endocardium becomes infected, infective endocarditis results, causing infection in the inner heart wall and one or more heart valves. Any generalized infection can cause an infection in this portion of the heart. Though the condition is rare in cats, the complications of it can lead to heart failure and death. Prompt treatment of the underlying infection is necessary in order to save the cat's heart and life. Symptoms of Heart Valve Infection in Cats Symptoms can differ in type and intensity depending on the site of the initial infection, the health of the heart and complications ... Show more content on ... An echocardiogram (ECG), which is an ultrasound of the heart, will be performed. The echocardiogram can show the veterinarian any inflammation that may be present as a result of the infection and show how the heart is functioning. As blood cultures are only positive in 50 to 90 percent of cases, the ECG is the most important diagnostic tool in heart valve infection cases. An electrocardiogram (EKG) may also be done. An EKG shows the electrical activity in the heart and can show any skipped heart beats or palpitations that are occurring. Treatment of Heart Valve Infection in Cats Fluid Therapy Cats who have been diagnosed with infective endocarditis will need to be hospitalized for treatment. Fluids will be administered intravenously to prevent dehydration and ensure that the other organs have the fluids necessary to function properly. The veterinarian will monitor the fluid's effect on the other organs, such as the kidneys and lungs, if the heart isn't pumping properly. Antibiotic Therapy Antibiotics will need to be given for approximately 12 weeks in order to clear the underlying infection that caused the infective endocarditis. A generalized antibiotic will be given until the blood culture has identified the infectious organism and the proper antibiotic to treat
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  • 75. What Is Leptospirosis Infection? What is Leptospirosis Infection in Cats? Leptospirosis is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases, infecting both domestic and wild animals. It is acquired through the bacteria burrowing into the cat 's skin. The disease enters the skin and then reproduces in the kidneys, central nervous system, eyes, liver and reproductive system via the bloodstream. Though many cat 's immune systems are able to quickly produce antibodies and fight off leptospirosis, the condition can cause severe organ damage in the kidneys and liver. Leptospirosis is a relatively rare bacterial infection in cats that can be fatal. The disease is zoonotic, meaning that it can spread from the cat to other animals and humans. Children, elderly adults and those with weak immune systems are especially at risk for acquiring the parasitic bacteria from their cat. Symptoms of Leptospirosis Infection in Cats Though the disease quickly spreads throughout the entire body, the extent of symptoms will depend on the overall health and immune system of the cat. Shivering Weakness Sudden fever Stiff gait Reluctance to move Refusal to eat Vomiting that may contain traces of blood Diarrhea that may contain blood Increased thirst and urine output that may progressive to no urination due to kidney failure Bloody vaginal discharge Dehydration Coughing Breathing difficulty Fast, irregular pulse Depression Mild lymph node swelling Runny nose
  • 76. Causes of Leptospirosis Infection in Cats The disease comes from an ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Antibiotics And Respiratory Infection Antibiotics are prescribed at more than 100 million adult ambulatory care visits annually, and 41% of these prescriptions are for respiratory conditions. However, this is not typically the best treatment and increase the chances of negative effects such as antibiotic resistance, increased cost, and adverse effects. Antibiotics are also responsible for the largest number of medication–related adverse events, implicated in 1 of every 5 visits to emergency departments for adverse drug reactions. The reasoning for this comes from determining if the respiratory infection is bacterial or viral. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and have no use. Many common respiratory infections such as colds, flus, acute bronchitis, and pharyngitis ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Rabies Infection Rabies infection in humans is still a major public health problem all over the world (Beard, 2001; Pal et al.,2013). About 98% of the human rabies cases occur in developing countries that possess large number of dogs, many of which are strays (WHO, 2004). This situation occurs because dog rabies is endemic with dog–to–dog transmission of the infection, which is associated with an ongoing threat to humans due to dog bites. Unfortunately, children share a disproportionately high burden of the disease (Blanton et al., 2010). Estimates of human mortality due to endemic canine rabies in Asia and Africa annually exceed 30,000 and 23,000, respectively. The annual cost of rabies in Africa and Asia was estimated at 583.5 million USD most of which is due to cost of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) (Knobel et al., 2005). 60% Source of infection and modes of transmission in humans: Source of infection More than 99% of human rabies cases are caused by dog bites. Although other mammals such as bats, foxes and raccoons can transmit rabies to humans, the overwhelming majority of cases are caused by dogs (WHO, 2013). Though the dog is moderately susceptible, it acts as a reservoir for urban rabies virus in developing countries ... Show more content on ... Rabies transmission can also occur if saliva or central nervous system tissue from a rabid animal contacts a fresh wound or mucous membrane (MCDC, 2012). Various routes of transmission have been documented and include contamination of mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, nose, and mouth), aerosol transmission, and corneal transplantations (ADPH, 2010). Post–exposure prophylaxis is recommended in rare instances of non–bite exposure, such as inhalation of aerosolized virus by spelunkers exploring caves inhabited by infected bats or by laboratory technicians homogenizing tissues infected with rabies virus without appropriate precaution (MHLTC, 2013). ... Get more on ...