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1 of 16
  FILE='F:‫.ربيع 1102تقوي التكنولوجياألخي‬sav'.
  /VARIABLES=Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14


Output Created                                      12-2011-‫ ماي‬PDT 00:48:12
Input              Data                    F:‫.ربيع 1102تقويم التكنولوجياألخير‬sav
                   Active Dataset          DataSet1
                   Filter                  <none>
                   Weight                  <none>
                   Split File              <none>
                   N of Rows in Working                                               20
                   Data File
                   Matrix Input            F:‫.ربيع 1102تقويم التكنولوجياألخير‬sav
Missing Value      Definition of Missing   MISSING=EXCLUDE...
                   Cases Used              Statistics are based
Syntax                                     RELIABILITY
                                            /VARIABLES=Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
                                           Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12
                                           Q13 Q14
                                            /SCALE('ALL VARIABLES')
                                           E SCALE CORR COV

Resources          Processor Time                                    00:00:00.032
                   Elapsed Time                                      00:00:00.032
[DataSet1] F:‫.ربيع 1102تقوي التكنولوجياألخي‬sav

Each variables has zero variance is removed Students have access to more
information and learning resources


       Case Processing Summary
                         N        %
Cases Valid                 20    100.0
         Excluded  a         0       .0
         Total              20    100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all

          Reliability Statistics
               Alpha Based
  Cronbachs Standardized          N of
    Alpha           Items        Items
         .223            .439          13

                       Item Statistics
                           Mean          Deviation    N
 IW make learning          4.5500            .51042       20
enjoyable and
IW help teachers to      4.1000        .30779            20
give more effective
IW help to improve        4.5000        .51299            20
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy   4.3000        .47016            20
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive    4.1500        .36635            20
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for      4.2000        .41039            20
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and    4.2500        .44426            20
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students    4.4000        .50262            20
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and         4.3500        .48936            20
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning       4.2000        .89443            20
about IT’ across the
IW make learning          4.5000        .51299            20
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties    4.3500        .48936            20
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of      4.5500        .75915            20
the IW reduces its

                          Inter Item Correlation Matrix
IW help to           IW'
                                                       improve        information
                            IW make        IW help     learning      is easy to see,
                            learning    teachers to outcomes and     and teachers’
                           enjoyable     give more     increase       handwriting
                              and         effective    learners’        is easy to
                          interesting. explanations. motivation.           Read
 IW make learning                 1.000        -.369-       -.302-            -.066-
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to            -.369-        1.000          .333              .509
give more effective
IW help to improve              -.302-         .333         1.000              .436
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy         -.066-         .509          .436            1.000
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive          -.464-         .327          .140              .031
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for             .201          .250          .000              .218
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and          -.174-         .192          .115              .126
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students          -.082-         .068         -.204-             .134
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                .032          .105          .314            -.023-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning             -.369-         .115          .459              .100
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                 .101          .333          .000              .218
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties            .032           .454         -.105-           .206
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of              .129           .203         -.068-           .103
the IW reduces its

                           Inter Item Correlation Matrix
                                                         IW is an
                                          IW offer a and effective
                                           focus for     means of
                          IW facilitate     teacher-    presenting          IW
                          cohesive and student and         and         encourages
                          participative     student-    discussing     students to
                           whole-class       student     persona        pay more
                            learning.    interactions.    work.         attention.
 IW make learning                 -.464-           .201       -.174-          -.082-
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to              .327           .250          .192            .068
give more effective
IW help to improve                .140           .000          .115          -.204-
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy           .031           .218          .126            .134
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive           1.000         -.210-         -.243-           .229
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for             -.210-         1.000          .289          -.153-
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and           -.243-          .289         1.000            .000
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students             .229          -.153-            .000    1.000
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                 -.308-           .419            .303    -.385-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning                .225          -.258-          -.132-    -.539-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                   .140            .250            .115     .204
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties             .279            .419            .303     .471
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of               .066            .135          -.429-     .221
the IW reduces its

                     Inter Item Correlation Matrix
                              IW saves
                              time and     IW embeds
                               enables      ‘learning      IW make
                             lessons to     about IT’       learning
                                move        across the     easier and
                               quickly.    curriculum.       faster.
 IW make learning                     .032        -.369-            .101
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to                  .105          .115           .333
give more effective
IW help to improve                    .314          .459           .000
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy             -.023-          .100           .218
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive              -.308-          .225           .140
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for               .419         -.258-     .250
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and             .303         -.132-     .115
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students           -.385-         -.539-     .204
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                1.000            .072    -.105-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning                .072          1.000    -.115-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                 -.105-         -.115-    1.000
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties             .121         -.409-     .314
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of             -.262-         -.171-    -.203-
the IW reduces its

             Inter Item Correlation Matrix
                            Technical    Inexperience
                           difficulties   d use of the
                               are        IW reduces
                          uncommon.        its value.
 IW make learning                   .032           .129
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to                .454           .203
give more effective
IW help to improve                -.105-         -.068-
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy           .206            .103
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive            .279            .066
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for              .419            .135
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and            .303          -.429-
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students            .471            .221
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                 .121          -.262-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning              -.409-         -.171-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                  .314          -.203-
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties           1.000            .021
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of              .021          1.000
the IW reduces its

                           Inter Item Covariance Matrix
                                                        IW help to          IW'
                                                         improve       information
                            IW make           IW help    learning     is easy to see,
                            learning       teachers to outcomes and   and teachers’
                           enjoyable        give more    increase      handwriting
                              and            effective   learners’       is easy to
                          interesting.    explanations. motivation.         Read
IW make learning               .261         -.058-      -.079-   -.016-
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to           -.058-          .095       .053     .074
give more effective
IW help to improve             -.079-          .053       .263     .105
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy        -.016-          .074       .105     .221
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive         -.087-          .037       .026     .005
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for            .042           .032       .000     .042
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and         -.039-          .026       .026     .026
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students         -.021-          .011      -.053-    .032
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and               .008           .016       .079    -.005-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning            -.168-          .032       .211     .042
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                .026           .053       .000     .053
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties          .008           .068      -.026-    .047
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of            .050           .047      -.026-    .037
the IW reduces its

                          Inter Item Covariance Matrix
IW is an
                                          IW offer a and effective
                                           focus for     means of
                          IW facilitate     teacher-    presenting          IW
                          cohesive and student and         and         encourages
                          participative     student-    discussing     students to
                           whole-class       student     persona        pay more
                            learning.    interactions.    work.         attention.
 IW make learning                 -.087-           .042       -.039-          -.021-
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to              .037           .032          .026            .011
give more effective
IW help to improve                .026           .000          .026          -.053-
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy           .005           .042          .026            .032
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive            .134         -.032-         -.039-           .042
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for             -.032-          .168          .053          -.032-
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and           -.039-          .053          .197            .000
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students            .042         -.032-          .000            .253
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                -.055-          .084          .066          -.095-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning               .074         -.095-         -.053-         -.242-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                   .026            .053            .026    .053
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties             .050            .084            .066    .116
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of               .018            .042          -.145-    .084
the IW reduces its

                     Inter Item Covariance Matrix
                              IW saves
                              time and     IW embeds
                               enables      ‘learning      IW make
                             lessons to     about IT’       learning
                                move        across the     easier and
                               quickly.    curriculum.       faster.
 IW make learning                     .008        -.168-            .026
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to                  .016          .032           .053
give more effective
IW help to improve                    .079          .211           .000
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy             -.005-          .042           .053
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive              -.055-          .074           .026
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for                  .084        -.095-           .053
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and                .066        -.053-           .026
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students              -.095-        -.242-           .053
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                  .239            .032    -.026-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning                .032            .800    -.053-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                  -.026-         -.053-     .263
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties             .029          -.179-     .079
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of              -.097-         -.116-    -.079-
the IW reduces its

              Inter Item Covariance Matrix
                            Technical     Inexperience
                            difficulties   d use of the
                                are        IW reduces
                           uncommon.        its value.
 IW make learning                    .008           .050
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to                 .068           .047
give more effective
IW help to improve                 -.026-         -.026-
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy              .047           .037
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive               .050           .018
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for                 .084           .042
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and             .066         -.145-
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students             .116           .084
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                  .029         -.097-
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning              -.179-         -.116-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                   .079         -.079-
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties             .239           .008
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of               .008           .576
the IW reduces its

                             Summary Item Statistics
                     Minimu Maximu                 Maximum /              N of
              Mean     m        m       Range       Minimum Variance     Items
Item           4.338   4.100    4.550      .450          1.110  .024             13

                         Item Total Statistics
                                              Scale       Correlated
                          Scale Mean if Variance if       Item-Total
                          Item Deleted Item Deleted       Correlation
 IW make learning               51.8500           5.082         -.290-
enjoyable and
 IW help teachers to           52.3000           3.800           .649
give more effective
IW help to improve            51.9000           3.779     .317
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy       52.1000           3.568     .498
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive        52.2500           4.408     .086
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for          52.2000           3.958     .335
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and        52.1500           4.450     .014
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students        52.0000           4.632    -.097-
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and             52.0500           4.366     .033
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning           52.2000           4.905    -.260-
about IT’ across the
IW make learning              51.9000           3.989     .205
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties        52.0500           3.734     .370
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of          51.8500           4.450    -.110-
the IW reduces its

                Item Total Statistics
                           Squared       Cronbachs
                           Multiple     Alpha if Item
                         Correlation      Deleted
 IW make learning                  .669           .350
enjoyable and
IW help teachers to              .764   .053
give more effective
IW help to improve                .537   .096
learning outcomes and
increase learners’
IW' information is easy           .560   .024
to see, and teachers’
handwriting is easy to
IW facilitate cohesive            .636   .206
and participative
whole-class learning.
IW offer a focus for              .696   .115
teacher-student and
IW is an enjoyable and            .548   .230
effective means of
presenting and
discussing persona
IW encourages students            .781   .276
to pay more attention.
IW saves time and                 .604   .224
enables lessons to
move quickly.
IW embeds ‘learning               .652   .444
about IT’ across the
IW make learning                  .574   .148
easier and faster.
Technical difficulties            .779   .077
are uncommon.
Inexperienced use of              .691   .323
the IW reduces its

               Scale Statistics
Std.        N of
 Mean Variance   Deviation    Items
56.4000  4.674      2.16187           13

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Spss report

  • 1. GET FILE='F:‫.ربيع 1102تقوي التكنولوجياألخي‬sav'. DATASET NAME DataSet1 WINDOW=FRONT. RELIABILITY /VARIABLES=Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 /SCALE('ALL VARIABLES') ALL /MODEL=ALPHA /STATISTICS=DESCRIPTIVE SCALE CORR COV /SUMMARY=TOTAL MEANS. Reliability Notes Output Created 12-2011-‫ ماي‬PDT 00:48:12 Comments Input Data F:‫.ربيع 1102تقويم التكنولوجياألخير‬sav Active Dataset DataSet1 Filter <none> Weight <none> Split File <none> N of Rows in Working 20 Data File Matrix Input F:‫.ربيع 1102تقويم التكنولوجياألخير‬sav Missing Value Definition of Missing MISSING=EXCLUDE... Handling Cases Used Statistics are based Syntax RELIABILITY /VARIABLES=Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 /SCALE('ALL VARIABLES') ALL /MODEL=ALPHA /STATISTICS=DESCRIPTIV E SCALE CORR COV /SUMMARY=TOTAL MEANS. Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.032 Elapsed Time 00:00:00.032
  • 2. [DataSet1] F:‫.ربيع 1102تقوي التكنولوجياألخي‬sav Warnings Each variables has zero variance is removed Students have access to more information and learning resources AllVarScale Case Processing Summary N % Cases Valid 20 100.0 Excluded a 0 .0 Total 20 100.0 a. Listwise deletion based on all variables Reliability Statistics Cronbachs Alpha Based on Cronbachs Standardized N of Alpha Items Items .223 .439 13 Item Statistics Std. Mean Deviation N IW make learning 4.5500 .51042 20 enjoyable and interesting.
  • 3. IW help teachers to 4.1000 .30779 20 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve 4.5000 .51299 20 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy 4.3000 .47016 20 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive 4.1500 .36635 20 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for 4.2000 .41039 20 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and 4.2500 .44426 20 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students 4.4000 .50262 20 to pay more attention. IW saves time and 4.3500 .48936 20 enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning 4.2000 .89443 20 about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning 4.5000 .51299 20 easier and faster. Technical difficulties 4.3500 .48936 20 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of 4.5500 .75915 20 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Correlation Matrix
  • 4. IW help to IW' improve information IW make IW help learning is easy to see, learning teachers to outcomes and and teachers’ enjoyable give more increase handwriting and effective learners’ is easy to interesting. explanations. motivation. Read IW make learning 1.000 -.369- -.302- -.066- enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to -.369- 1.000 .333 .509 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve -.302- .333 1.000 .436 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy -.066- .509 .436 1.000 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive -.464- .327 .140 .031 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .201 .250 .000 .218 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and -.174- .192 .115 .126 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students -.082- .068 -.204- .134 to pay more attention. IW saves time and .032 .105 .314 -.023- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning -.369- .115 .459 .100 about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .101 .333 .000 .218 easier and faster.
  • 5. Technical difficulties .032 .454 -.105- .206 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .129 .203 -.068- .103 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Correlation Matrix IW is an enjoyable IW offer a and effective focus for means of IW facilitate teacher- presenting IW cohesive and student and and encourages participative student- discussing students to whole-class student persona pay more learning. interactions. work. attention. IW make learning -.464- .201 -.174- -.082- enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .327 .250 .192 .068 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve .140 .000 .115 -.204- learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy .031 .218 .126 .134 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive 1.000 -.210- -.243- .229 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for -.210- 1.000 .289 -.153- teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and -.243- .289 1.000 .000 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work.
  • 6. IW encourages students .229 -.153- .000 1.000 to pay more attention. IW saves time and -.308- .419 .303 -.385- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning .225 -.258- -.132- -.539- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .140 .250 .115 .204 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .279 .419 .303 .471 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .066 .135 -.429- .221 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Correlation Matrix IW saves time and IW embeds enables ‘learning IW make lessons to about IT’ learning move across the easier and quickly. curriculum. faster. IW make learning .032 -.369- .101 enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .105 .115 .333 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve .314 .459 .000 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy -.023- .100 .218 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive -.308- .225 .140 and participative whole-class learning.
  • 7. IW offer a focus for .419 -.258- .250 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and .303 -.132- .115 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students -.385- -.539- .204 to pay more attention. IW saves time and 1.000 .072 -.105- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning .072 1.000 -.115- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning -.105- -.115- 1.000 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .121 -.409- .314 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of -.262- -.171- -.203- the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Correlation Matrix Technical Inexperience difficulties d use of the are IW reduces uncommon. its value. IW make learning .032 .129 enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .454 .203 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve -.105- -.068- learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation.
  • 8. IW' information is easy .206 .103 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive .279 .066 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .419 .135 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and .303 -.429- effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students .471 .221 to pay more attention. IW saves time and .121 -.262- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning -.409- -.171- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .314 -.203- easier and faster. Technical difficulties 1.000 .021 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .021 1.000 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Covariance Matrix IW help to IW' improve information IW make IW help learning is easy to see, learning teachers to outcomes and and teachers’ enjoyable give more increase handwriting and effective learners’ is easy to interesting. explanations. motivation. Read
  • 9. IW make learning .261 -.058- -.079- -.016- enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to -.058- .095 .053 .074 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve -.079- .053 .263 .105 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy -.016- .074 .105 .221 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive -.087- .037 .026 .005 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .042 .032 .000 .042 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and -.039- .026 .026 .026 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students -.021- .011 -.053- .032 to pay more attention. IW saves time and .008 .016 .079 -.005- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning -.168- .032 .211 .042 about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .026 .053 .000 .053 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .008 .068 -.026- .047 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .050 .047 -.026- .037 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Covariance Matrix
  • 10. IW is an enjoyable IW offer a and effective focus for means of IW facilitate teacher- presenting IW cohesive and student and and encourages participative student- discussing students to whole-class student persona pay more learning. interactions. work. attention. IW make learning -.087- .042 -.039- -.021- enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .037 .032 .026 .011 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve .026 .000 .026 -.053- learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy .005 .042 .026 .032 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive .134 -.032- -.039- .042 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for -.032- .168 .053 -.032- teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and -.039- .053 .197 .000 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students .042 -.032- .000 .253 to pay more attention. IW saves time and -.055- .084 .066 -.095- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning .074 -.095- -.053- -.242- about IT’ across the curriculum.
  • 11. IW make learning .026 .053 .026 .053 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .050 .084 .066 .116 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .018 .042 -.145- .084 the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Covariance Matrix IW saves time and IW embeds enables ‘learning IW make lessons to about IT’ learning move across the easier and quickly. curriculum. faster. IW make learning .008 -.168- .026 enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .016 .032 .053 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve .079 .211 .000 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy -.005- .042 .053 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive -.055- .074 .026 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .084 -.095- .053 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and .066 -.053- .026 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students -.095- -.242- .053 to pay more attention.
  • 12. IW saves time and .239 .032 -.026- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning .032 .800 -.053- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning -.026- -.053- .263 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .029 -.179- .079 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of -.097- -.116- -.079- the IW reduces its value. Inter Item Covariance Matrix Technical Inexperience difficulties d use of the are IW reduces uncommon. its value. IW make learning .008 .050 enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to .068 .047 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve -.026- -.026- learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy .047 .037 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive .050 .018 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .084 .042 teacher-student and student-student interactions.
  • 13. IW is an enjoyable and .066 -.145- effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students .116 .084 to pay more attention. IW saves time and .029 -.097- enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning -.179- -.116- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .079 -.079- easier and faster. Technical difficulties .239 .008 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .008 .576 the IW reduces its value. Summary Item Statistics Minimu Maximu Maximum / N of Mean m m Range Minimum Variance Items Item 4.338 4.100 4.550 .450 1.110 .024 13 Means Item Total Statistics Scale Correlated Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation IW make learning 51.8500 5.082 -.290- enjoyable and interesting. IW help teachers to 52.3000 3.800 .649 give more effective explanations.
  • 14. IW help to improve 51.9000 3.779 .317 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy 52.1000 3.568 .498 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive 52.2500 4.408 .086 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for 52.2000 3.958 .335 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and 52.1500 4.450 .014 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students 52.0000 4.632 -.097- to pay more attention. IW saves time and 52.0500 4.366 .033 enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning 52.2000 4.905 -.260- about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning 51.9000 3.989 .205 easier and faster. Technical difficulties 52.0500 3.734 .370 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of 51.8500 4.450 -.110- the IW reduces its value. Item Total Statistics Squared Cronbachs Multiple Alpha if Item Correlation Deleted IW make learning .669 .350 enjoyable and interesting.
  • 15. IW help teachers to .764 .053 give more effective explanations. IW help to improve .537 .096 learning outcomes and increase learners’ motivation. IW' information is easy .560 .024 to see, and teachers’ handwriting is easy to Read IW facilitate cohesive .636 .206 and participative whole-class learning. IW offer a focus for .696 .115 teacher-student and student-student interactions. IW is an enjoyable and .548 .230 effective means of presenting and discussing persona work. IW encourages students .781 .276 to pay more attention. IW saves time and .604 .224 enables lessons to move quickly. IW embeds ‘learning .652 .444 about IT’ across the curriculum. IW make learning .574 .148 easier and faster. Technical difficulties .779 .077 are uncommon. Inexperienced use of .691 .323 the IW reduces its value. Scale Statistics
  • 16. Std. N of Mean Variance Deviation Items 56.4000 4.674 2.16187 13