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Specificity: There are general or global demands that all human beings need to have general strength
and power, good posture, core stability, mobility, and stability at all of the major joints. These
components are all requirements for a healthy and functional body, especially in an athletic
environment. All human beings squat as every single day activity. Picking up a box? Getting up or
sitting down? Starting your lawn mower? That is a single arm row, using both back and core
muscles to generate rotational power. Carrying groceries in from the car? That is a farmer's walk,
which places a huge demand on the core and upper back (Wilmore & Costill 2005).
The concept of Specificity simply states that training bouts must go from highly general training
sessions to highly specific training sessions. The concept of Specificity also implies that athlete
become better at a particular and specific exercise or skill, athlete must perform that highly specific
exercise or skill (verywell).
The training sessions must be specific not only to athlete's sport/skills but to athlete's individual
abilities (recoverability, tolerance to training stress, outside obligations, etc) (fitstar).
Specificity also means that to become better at a particular ... Show more content on
Athletes are working multiple muscles in a squat. Single joint exercises tend to isolate a muscle.
Using the legs extension (athlete's quadriceps) are doing the work, which can lead to muscle
imbalances and possibly injury. However, multi–joint exercises are much more likely to simulate
real life, or real sports, movements. In real life we use many muscles and joints in very rapid
succession to move. We should keep this in mind when we select our exercises during training
(Wilmore & Costill
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Ngo Sample Projects
S. No. Name of the Scheme Sample project DPR How to Pay 1. NGO &TRUST REGISTRATION
(DOCUMENTATION) 13. INTELLECUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 500/– 14. Project Proposal for a
scheme of ... Show more content on ...
Fresh Proposal for prevention of alcoholism and substance (Drugs) abuse Programme – submitted
regarding. .Narela 500/– 47. basic and advance computer training, TV & radio 500/– 48. Submission
of Project Proposal on Computer Training program for SC/ST 500/– 49. Submission of project
proposal for computer training centre under the scheme organization working for the welfare of
schedule tribe 500/– 50. Grant–in–aid to Voluntary Organization working in the field of Computer
Training Centre under the Central Assistance Scheme 500/– 51. WORKSH OPPROJECT
Training 500/– 52. Forwarding the application to the Secretary Empowerment for Grant–in–Aid for
above school 500/– 53. Forwarding the application to the Secretary Empowerment for Grant–in–Aid
for above school 500/– 54. HPRDS– Submission of project proposal on " Motor driving training to
30 SC educated unemployed rural youth " Request financial assistance –regarding 500/– 55.
Submission of fresh Application for the year 2008 – 2009for running L.J. Home for the Aged under
the Integrated programme for Older persons. 500/– 56. Proposed for Financial Assistance to
organize seminar symposium etc on indigenous culture. 500/– 57. The Development Commissioner
Ministry of Textile Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicraft) West
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Ventilatory Response Essay
Discussion The purpose of this experiment was to determine the subjects' ventilatory response
during incremental exercise. The equipment we used in this experiment was the cycle ergometer,
and in addition we had to test the subjects' ventilatory response during rest and recovery. In this
experiment, we have two subjects with different fitness levels, which fortunately make the subject
pool in this experiment very diverse. In addition, the purpose of this experiment is to determine the
relationship between ventilatory response, ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate, and blood
pressure in rest, exercise and recovery and the intensity and the duration of the exercise in this
experiment for each subject are equal. In this experiment, the ... Show more content on ...
The first problem was we had an all–male subject pool and no females, which makes our test only
focused on male ventilator response. Also we did not use the syringe correctly the first time and so
we recorded 0.8 L/min VeSTDP for subject 1 and 10 L/min VeSTDP for subject 2 but that might be
because we allowed gas to escape when we were using the equipment incorrectly, which means that
VeSTDP results might be inaccurate. Also during the experiment, there was a little
miscommunication, because at one point we left Subject 1 unattended after we close the lock on the
Douglass bag, and Subject 1 ended up choking on exhaled air for a moment and Subject 1 at one
point in the experiment wasn't pedaling to the beep of the metronome and, as a result of that
incident, there is a chance that some result in this experiment maybe inaccurate, due to the fact most
us in the experiment are first time users of the Douglass bag this statement can be support by a quote
from the article "Evaluation of the Oxycon Mobile metabolic system against the Douglas bag
method." "since the DBM requires skillful handling and has its own sources of error" (Rosdahl, H.,
Gullstrand, L., Salier–Eriksson, J., Johansson, P., & Schantz, P. (2010)). In addition, during this
experiment, there was a time limit of about an hour and a half to finish this experiment and get all
the result without error. As result of our time limitations, we feel that possibly there could be minor
errors in gathering
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My High School Experiences
Many people think that I've got everything going for me. I'm captain of my school's varsity
cheerleading squad, I'm an honors student, I've got a talent that works for me, and I've got a bright
future ahead of me. Few people understand that getting to where I am hasn't been easy. I have to
admit that I'm disappointed with some of today's youth. Most of us want to get high–paying jobs
that don't require tedious work. They want to forget college, to forget the future. They don't care
about the outcomes of their doings. They think that school should be something that shouldn't be
taken seriously. What they don't know is that drinking, partying, and putting off their schoolwork
can only take them so far. I, however, worked hard to get to ... Show more content on ...
We were careless, and we forgot to use our time wisely. The team geared up to defend our
championship. We were aiming for the fifth win in a row. We came across a lot of speed bumps on
the road to winning. I could only pray that God would have pity on us. Our routine was amazingly
choreographed, and I knew that if we pulled it off perfectly, we would have no problems. Surely, I
thought, God would bless us for a fifth time. Unfortunately, two days before the competition, a
teammate of mine got injured during one of our practices. At first, we all thought it was a sprain, but
it turned out that she had fractured her ankle. It was the same day of prom, so most of us were
blissfully unaware of what had happened. The next day, however, we found out what really
happened. I was crushed. I cried for hours, just worrying and praying to God. What would we do?
We couldn't back out, we were the defending champions. I just prayed that God would help us find a
way through this; that God would take care of us. The day of the competition, we had no choice but
to alter the routine completely. We had to change the stunts, the blocking, and the skills. We also had
to clean it up as soon as possible. We arrived at the Manila Coliseum prepared, but not completely
sure of what we were to do. I was extremely nervous. We did our best, but it turned out that our best
wasn't enough. I spent the rest of the day crying my eyes out, knowing that we had lost. I clung onto
a tiny shred
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The Impact Of Early Sports On Sports
Early specialization in a single sport has become increasingly popular. Early sports specialization
can be defined as year–round training in a specific sport with the exclusion of other sports at a
young age. Youth are influenced and often encouraged to participate in one specific sport, with the
hopes of increasing their chances of being successful in that sport. With the money in college and
professional sports increasing the need to train children to compete at a high level has increased.
Young athletes often practice or play their specific sport throughout a large majority of the year. In
some soccer academies, sports specialization training can begin as early as kindergarten age. The
training last throughout the year academic school year, with tournaments during the summer
months. The day to day training may last several hours each day.
Some in the sports community find sports specialization to reflect a highly developed society and
see the skill acquisition and enhancement as beneficial to success in each sport; Being labeled as
gifted, the potential for a collegiate athletic scholarship; or making a varsity, elite, or even
professional–level team. Hecimovich, M. (2004). There are numerous benefits of early sports
specialization due to the amount of practice of the sport specific skill. Early specificity enhances
motor skills and increases body awareness. The more time you spend practicing proper mechanics,
the better you are going to be at that specific sport.
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Training and Job Performance
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the study Training is an event of planning a
learning process in order to improve the person's knowledge, ability and skills. According to
Raymond (2010) "Planned effort by a company to facilitate to employees' learning of job
competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for
successful job performance". This means that any organizations or institutions which want to
improve job performance must provide trainings to their employees. Globalizations have forced
organizations to own competitive advantages which will enhance their level of competition with
other global competitors. "By continuously providing training and development opportunity to ...
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Therefore, in this study, the relationship between training and job performance among academicians
will be testable to investigate the relationship between variables. Statement of The Problem The
implementation of training will result to the changes of job performance. Typically, in profits
organization, performance can be measure in many ways for example in term of financial can be
refer to the number of sales made by effective employees, and in term of operational is referred to
the employees effectiveness of solving problem or management effectives. (Safdar, Rehman,
Waheed & Rafiq, as cited in Curtis, et al. 1995). Training is also crucial to the employees as
without an adequate training, poorly trained employees may do not perform well in their job task
and lead to poor job performance (Robert & John 2004). Especially in education field, the
institution is a non–profits organization. Springer, M., & Gardner, C., (2010) stated that, the
performance measurement on lecturer is different and more complex than the business profits
worker for example, the number of sale is can be calculate by how much the product have been sold
to the customer. This is obviously different because from the profession of teaching as they are
providing services that is teaching and mentoring their students, which also happens to be their
clients. The academicians will give a contribution to the
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Is Golf A Sport Essay
People keep wondering if golf is a sport,and the answer is yes.This is true for three reasons.Pro
golfers are considered athletes by many people,physical training helps with a golfers
performance,and golf requires coordinated muscle use.All these things make a golfer an athlete,and
an athlete is someone who plays some sort of sport so that technically makes golf a sport.Now lets
get into some detail to why golf should be considered a real sport.
The first reason why golf should be considered a sport is because many people call pro golfers
athletes.An example of this would be,"The associated press has named a golfer as its female athlete
of the year 24 times"( ).If she plays golf and has been named female athlete
of the year,then that makes her an athlete which makes golf a real sport.Another example from them
is,"Golfer Tiger Woods is the richest athlete in history and was the first athlete to surpass 1 billion
dollars in career earnings"( ).See that's a lot of money which is being earned
by an athlete who is playing a sport.That's only one reason why Golf should be called a
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The Best Things About Earning A Passive Income
One of the best things about earning a passive income is that there is no skill or knowledge glass
ceiling when it comes to doing so. It does not matter if you are a PHD student, a doctor with 20
years of experience, or a person who did not finish high school, anybody can earn a passive income.
A good demonstration of this is EBook writing; it may sound daunting at first, but anyone can do it.
Experts (job recruiters, psychologists, marriage counselors, dietitians, personal trainers, hypnotists,
etc.) Instructors (yoga, piano, etc.) Coaches (sports coach, vocal coach, life coach, business coach,
etc.) Teachers (language, cooking, etc.) These are all very diverse professions, each requiring a
different skill set, yet anyone in these professions could write a bestselling EBook just based off
their experiences. So, as you can see, it does not matter who you are, as long as you are willing to
work at it, you can build a very impressive passive income. You do not have to be a professional
either. All the above professions went through some form of professional training, but even if you
did not, you can still write a great EBook. Some people may get intimidated because their writing is
not good, or they do not think anyone will read it; but look, the EBook you write does not have to be
the next War and Peace; they simply have to help your potential readership. The key is to focus on a
problem or question that your potential readers could have, and to solve that problem
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Persuasive Essay On The Benefits Of Staying Healthy
Staying Healthy
Doing anything new to your body runs (get it?) the risk of energy. But do not let that discourage
you, even if you never complete a marathon, training for it has enormous benefits for your health
and if done right, can be a great way to achieve a healthy life style. Of course though, you want to
stay healthy.
While nothing you do will 100% protect you from injury, there are many steps you can take to
reduce the risk. First, avoid doing too much too soon. If you have never ran more than 15 miles a
week in your life, don't start with a training plan that has you doing 30. Also, avoid plans that have
you jump to high mileage very quickly, remember the 10% rule mentioned earlier.
Second, avoid doing multiple hard days in a row, each hard day should be followed by an easy day.
In marathon training as with all other types of physical training, your body needs time to recover,
not just so you feel better, but to absorb all the benefits of the hard work you put in. Without
recovery days, you are wasting your own hard work.
Third, training for a marathon should not solely involve running. To be a successful runner, take a
couple leaves out of the books of the elites. Pick up a foam roller and a stretching band from your
local running store, learn how to use them, and use them repeatedly. Ideally you stretch
comprehensively after every run and also do a light stretch when you wake up and before you go to
bed. This will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
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The Current Training And Development Programme For Rebel...
If (Briscoe's Group) Rebel Sports wishes to remain dominant in the sporting goods sector, expand
and open more stores throughout New Zealand, then it is absolutely crucial that an affective
induction programme is developed. The current induction process is very standard and there are
areas of improvements to be made. Areas of improvement includes the induction process which
needs to be more "suited" to the ways in which Rebel sports operates. Rebel Sports has many
employees whom after on average six years are still with the company. The current training and
development programme for Rebel Sports has been successful in the past but there is room for
improvement of a very universal approach to orientations and inductions. Rebel Sports has created a
friendly working atmosphere amongst staff and this has led to many employees developing loyalty
to the organisation and remaining with the organisation for on average 6 years. Within this report,
Recommendations will be provided which have been developed so that HR managers can
implement an approach that incorporates organisational loyalty in which current and new employees
will be able to develop more easily. Having and maintaining a highly effective standardised
orientation programme will be heavily influenced by the willingness of mangers of all levels within
Rebel Sports. Introduction: Briscoes group is the parent company of three brands Briscoes, living
and giving and Rebel Sports this report will focus on Rebel sports.
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Multi Sport Training Research Paper
When you approach your multisport training, the best way to answer your questions is to better
understand the principles behind the work you are putting in to improve. These are seven basic
principles of exercise or sport training you will want to keep in mind:
Everyone is different and responds differently to training. Some people are able to handle higher
volumes of training while others may respond better to higher intensities. This is based on a
combination of factors like genetic ability, predominance of muscle fiber types, other factors in your
life, chronological or athletic age, and mental state.
Improving your ability in a sport is very specific. If you want to be a great pitcher, running laps will
help ... Show more content on ...
Your muscles will atrophy and the cellular adaptations like increased capillaries (blood flow to the
muscles) and mitochondria density will reverse. You can slow this rate of loss substantially by
conducting a maintenance/reduced program of training during periods where life gets in the way,
and is why just about all sports coaches ask their athletes to stay active in the offseason.
The principles of specificity, progression, overload, adaptation, and reversibility are why practicing
frequently and consistently are so important if you want to improve your performance. Missed
sessions cannot really be made up within the context of a single season. They are lost opportunities
for improvement. Skipping your long ride on weekend A means you can't or shouldn't go as far as
originally planned on weekend B (progression & overload). Skipping your Monday swim means
your swimming skills and muscles won't be honed or stressed that day (specificity). Missing a week
due to a vacation sets you back more than one week (adaptation and reversibility). Apply these
principles to your training to get a better understanding of your body and how to achieve
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My Interview on How a Fitness Club Owner Deals with Public...
Public Relations or (PR) is an important field that businesses and companies use to connect with
their consumers. This involves maintain relationships with the public to promote the business as
well as communication between the public and business. My interview dealt with the world of
exercise fitness. I interviewed Ricky Gross who is a personal fitness trainer. He is the
Owner/Operator of RJG Fitness LLC, which is a personal training company out of metropolitan
Atlanta Georgia. His company provides personal fitness sessions, one on one, or group sessions in
clients' own personal homes or fitness clubs. I conducted the interview over Skype to get further
information on how his company deals with public relations. Mr. Gross elaborated on ... Show more
content on ...
Dealing with the primary public and clients, Mr. Gross told me his company services various people
in their location. Mr. Gross said his company mainly caters towards individuals 16 and older. This
includes athletes, mothers, fathers, corporate executives, company managers, lawyers, etc. His
company is based in the metropolitan Atlanta Georgia area, and he said there are lots of people who
look for personal training needs. Mr. Gross feels that if clients have a desire to want to be better,
than he is willing to work with them and aid in that journey to success. Communication is a key
characteristics in public relations, cause through communication this is how relationships are
established between the client and business. Mr. Gross said he does his main communication with
his clients through word of mouth and email. Clients book sessions through his website and he
communicates with them through email to ensure the sessions that they booked work perfectly with
their schedule. Mr. Gross said RJG Fitness uses outlets such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo to promote
his organization. For people in the Atlanta area, if they Google personal training, his company
comes up in the search results. This helps in marketing his company to draw more clients. Mr. Gross
said that his company is registered for social media, but doesn't utilize it for promotional purposes.
Dealing with background, Mr. Gross explained his experience and his company. Mr.
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Providing Adequate Consultant Supervised Surgical Training...
Providing adequate consultant supervised surgical training episodes for Trauma and Orthopaedic
Specialist trainees (ST) in a busy DGH in the context of limitations posed by service delivery and
the restrictions of the EWTD –European Working Time Directive hours.
Specialist Registrars in Trauma and Orthopaedics must receive a prescribed number of consultant
supervised surgical training episodes set out in their learning agreement.
Every 6 months at their ARCP (annual review of competence progression),they are required to meet
the minimum curriculum standards and numbers. They risk failure or poor performance in their
ARCP with the consequent adverse effect on the trainee, trainer, parent hospital, the programme
director and deanery. (Frostick S. 2013)
Surgical training and competency in operative procedures is not the only facet in the training of a
surgical registrar, but, for the purposes of this article, I am highlighting this particular issue, as there
are specific problems in achieving the necessary surgical training to fulfil the requirements.
The particular issues:
The EWTD has its effect on the ST rota causing reduced supervised clinical hours. (Morrow et .al
.2012). Shift work leads to fragmented clinical supervision and decreased interaction with the
consultant. There is a lack of continuity of care.
The Consultant rota is loaded for service commitment with very little time for education and
training. Employer indifference to
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Outliers Malcolm Gladwell Essay
I place my beautiful Howarth XL gently back in its case. In the lights it shines brightly, and if the
lights hit it just right, it sparkles and blinds. The Grenadilla wood at first looks flawless and black in
color, yet as one peers closer a rich brown color becomes visible and the wood grains show it is real.
I close the case, and as I walk from the room I turn off the lights. One hour of practice down,
thousands more to go.
Or so I am told. I recently read a book called Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.
In it Gladwell tells the stories of successful people and explains how they became successful based
on their circumstances, situations, and cultural legacies. In particular, Gladwell wrote a chapter
about what has become to be known as "The 10,000 Hour Rule." This rule states that after 10,000
hours of practice a person, no matter who they are, will be an expert at that skill. Although I agree
with Gladwell in his knowledge, practice, and a lot of it, is necessary to become an expert in
something, I cannot accept his statement that 10,000 hours ... Show more content on
Gladwell never explicitly mentions the type of practice required to achieve mastery, only how many
hours. To support this, he uses examples of Steve Jobs and his computer skills, and The Beatles,
when they would perform many hours a day early in their career. But practice is not all equal.
Deliberate practice is a term used to describe when a person practices attentively. There is no loss of
focus in this type of practicing and the person often pushes themselves to the limits constantly.
According to a prominent study "The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of
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The Use of Technology in Both the Training Methods and...
The Use of Technology in Both the Training Methods and Training Environment of Elite Athletes in
Global Sport
Technology is used to help advance elite athletes, by achieving the maximum for the individuals
needs. Both with the training methods and environments technology is being used more and more,
for example simulated competition environments.
Although such technology is becoming increasingly popular with elite athletes, the provision of it
depends very much on how much money is at the athlete's disposal. This could be personal/family
wealth or funding provided by a third party, such as lottery funding or government funding.
There may be such cases where the athlete is part of a national ... Show more content on ...
This replicates altitude training. Without the technology of hypoxic chambers it is still possible to
create the altitude atmosphere by training with a restricted breathing pattern (hypoxic training). This
can be an effective way of replication, but technology is still required to measure the carbon dioxide
levels in the alveoli air.
The sporting institutes also use technology to analyse performance statistics, such as, speed, power,
heart rate, blood lactate, oxygen uptake, flexibility, technique and aesthetics (for some aesthetic
based sports, ie dancing, ice dancing). An example of this is using video recording and playback
technology to record an athlete's performance so that it can be analysed during playback. This can
be used to 'fine– tune' technique, or to work on the aesthetic sides of the aesthetic based sports.
Particularly in aesthetic based sports video is used during media broadcasts to show the public
'snippets' of competitors in slow motion. The clips are normally of a particular specified element.
More recently the judges in ice dancing have been using a system that provides each judge with a
computer screen and with this they can select the slow motion elements that they want to view
before giving their scores.
Another example of the analysis of performance statistics is the use of technology in computerised
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Physical Therapy, Sports Psychology, Motor Behavior,...
The purpose of this career is to focus on the study of human movement from eight different aspects;
developmental, historical, mechanical, motor control, pathological, physiological, psychological,
and psychosocial. Within this career one must know every single thing about the human body. There
are several factors that this career highlights such as, exercise physiology, sport nutrition, sports
psychology, motor behavior, biomechanics, and athletic training and sports medicine. In this career a
person enjoys working out, love playing sports, and wants to maintain a healthy body. There are
numerous of job titles that fall under this career. The most common job positions under an exercise
and sports science career are athletic trainers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, exercise
physiologists, physical education teachers, strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers,
medical physicians, and sports nutritionists. Although there are many different job titles to choose
from, this career has a lot of competition. The job titles within this career has its differences and
A physical therapist and an occupational therapist are two job titles that people feel are the same but
they are not. Physical therapists focus more on evaluating and diagnosing movement dysfunctions,
whereas occupational therapists focus on evaluating and improving a person's functional abilities.
However, they both involve educating people on how to prevent and avoid injuries
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Personal Trainer Disadvantages
Grunts fill the air. Weights crash to the floor. Music plays over the speakers as a trainer yells
encouragements. These are the sights and sounds one planning to be a personal trainer will
experience on the job. As one prepares for a future in the field of personal training, one must
consider the educational requirements, the work environment, the wages and benefits, the duties and
responsibilities, and the advantages and disadvantages of being a personal trainer.
The educational requirements needed to become a personal trainer are interesting. Many people who
go into this field of work are already very knowledgeable just from personal experiences within high
school sports or even college sports. Most people who are involved in sports or any physical activity
are most likely the ones who are interested in becoming a personal trainer ("Coaches" 91). The more
involved one is in a sport the more information he or she could obtain from athletic trainers and
coaches. One doesn't have to attend a college or university to become a certified personal trainer.
Although by attending college one could gain more information about the profession. There are tons
of programs which are offered throughout the country for personal trainers. When it comes to
grasping the idea of muscle groups, food limitation, along with other important factors, almost all
science classes play a big role in personal training. The most common classes taken to become a
personal trainer are kinesiology,
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A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set...
Summary of an Article: A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set in Training and
Validity and Reliability In order for research to be reliable, other researchers must be able to
perform the same experiment and achieve the same results (Shuttleworth, 2008). The reliability of
this study is unknown at this point. In the past, researchers have used quantitative methods to try to
find out the feelings that athletes have had about goal–setting. This survey method has increased
reliability because it has limited the answer options for the survey respondents. However, the
researchers were concerned that the results be generalizable, so they adopted an open–ended survey.
"Athletes completed an open–ended questionnaire about the specific types of goals they set. The
questionnaire was structured around issues of interest in the present research (e.g., goal setting in
training versus competition) and previous findings (e.g., athletes set goals for skill improvement,
confidence enhancement, and for outcomes such as winning)" (Munroe–Chandler et al., 2004).
Because it was a qualitative study and the investigators coded responses, examining internal
reliability is critical to determine whether or not the study exhibited reliability. The researchers used
a constant comparative method to divide transcripts into text units and compare and regroup them.
Two researchers independently ranked the responses, and they had 97% agreement on their coding,
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Fusion Fitness Proposal
Products and Services: As noted in the overview, Fusion Fitness will deal in sale of our
memberships to our program and will provide personal training services at our gym, in Ruston,
Louisiana. We will also tailor meal plans to each member, based on their personal fitness goals. The
amount of money paid every month will depend upon the amount of times the individual wishes to
come to our gym every week. Our "3 session per week" package will cost $105 per month and our
"2 session per week" package will cost $85 per month. If there is enough demand for a 4 or more
session package, then we will certainly implement that, but these two packages will be the
foundation upon which we build. Regardless of the package, all members will have their
personalized workout routines and meal plans available to them through our website and mobile
application at all times; however, the personal training will only be available during your weekly
sessions .We also plan on stocking protein, ... Show more content on ...
It is common knowledge that gym equipment is expensive, but we will not have as much to acquire
since we will only host people for sessions (compared to regular gyms where a myriad of people
come and go as they please). We want to have at least $40,000 when we begin. About $20,000 will
go towards starting the business while the other $20,000 will be kept in cash for an contingencies
that may arise. Each of the three partners will put up $10,000 of their own money, and the other
$10,000 will be acquired through a three–year bank loan at a 4.29% interest rate, which will cost
about $297 per month. We are only able to estimate, but if we are anywhere close to our projections,
then we will be in excellent
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Reflective Essay On Training Schedgual
Training to be better (AS 91329 2.3) Flynn Connolly
Over the past six weeks, I had to create and complete a training schedgual that will help me get
better for my sports (Football). I created my own training schedgual to improve my speed,
endurance, power and flexibility that will futrther help me when im in a football game. I had done a
test for these that were 12 min cooper run, verticle jump, sit n reach, agility, and yoyo. In my
training week I did a variety of session that I thought would help me for my speed, endurance,
power and flexibility using a varity of training methods and training principles.
Over the 6 weeks of training that I had completed I had to record a pre and post test to see if my
traning has lead me to improvement. These were the results I got for my pre test –
12 minutes cooper run 7 laps
Agility 18.85 seconds
Verticle jump 59 centermeters
Yoyo test Level 16.8
Sit n reach 26 centermeters
Over the 6 weeks my specific training programe help me improve in each of these test. My post test
showed the result of –
12 minutes cooper run 7.02 laps
Agility 18.21 seconds
Verticle 60 ... Show more content on ...
Lactic acid build up when my body is gettig rid of byproducts that is making no contribute to my
exercise performance and end up causing fatigue. Lactic acid usually builds up quicker if I you have
done a work out earlier or have had any games. An example of this was when I had a game at
tournament against kings. Into the game I started to get lactic acid build up a lot quicker than usual
as I have been playing recant games earlier in the day so already had a lot of byproducts in my
system. This made my game worst and affected how I played and couldn't go aat such a high
intensity. This then made me have a disadvantage when I played more games as I didn't want to get
fatigue as quick so didn't performe to as high of
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Accredited Online Training
There are a few paths you can choose to attain a personal training certification online. The most
respected alternatives all adhere to industry certification standards, so the curriculums are fairly
similar. Each accredited course has various individualized options, but they all provide the
credentials necessary to become a certified personal trainer. Below is a list of five accredited and
well–respected personal training certification online providers and an explanation of how they earn
that accreditation. Also there is short mention of the prerequisites you will need before registering
for a personal training certification online, plus three course specializations to improve to your
training expertise.
5 Accredited Online Personal Training ... Show more content on ...
Age specialization is has a definite appeal when you're considering program options for a personal
training certification online.
Today's society is aging more gracefully, so the need for fitness experts to handle this health
conscious demographic is ballooning. Senior fitness is an excellent area of specialization for a
personal trainer. The movement to increase the physical well being of young people is also growing.
Schools and fitness facilities frequently add personal trainers to their staff who are certified group
youth fitness experts.
Elite & Master Certifications
As the field grows increasingly more competitive, setting yourself apart from other trainers by
earning expert criteria through your certification is crucial. Adding group expertise and age
specialization is one way, but continuing to pursue higher levels of certification indicates you have a
special passion for your career.
After you have obtain a fundamental personal training certification online you can further advance
your career potential by adding elite and masters grade certifications to your credentials. These
higher–ranking qualifications will not only provide you with more detailed training knowledge, but
can also open doors to
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Sport Psychology Influences Improvement In Trainings
Sport psychology is another biophysical principle which influnces improvement in trainings. These
include motivation, self talk, visualisation, mental rehersal, routines, arousal control, goal setting,
confidence and concentration. Sport Psychology is a importnant component as it influnces your
motivations levels and keeps you going when you are struggling. Motivation is very important when
it comes to exerscising because if you are not motivated you will not be enthusiastic about training
and therefore you will become lazy, however if you are motivated you will become ready to go and
will take on any challenge. There are many ways to influence your motivation one way I think
influnces my motivation is by listening to up beat music while exerscising ... Show more content on ...
It is descibed as visualizing or imagining the task that you about to perform before you perform that
task. For example in my hill sprint training followed by plymetric exerscises I apllied visualization
by imagining the task that I was about to perform before I performed that task. For example I stood
in front of the hill and imagined in my head everything I wanted to do step by step so I was able to
perform the training at a high intensity and a high level. I also imagined myself working harder and
how good I felt at the end of the exercise. By using visualisation influences my concentration, as I
had the ability to focus my mind on the task. If I didn't have good concentration then my
performance wouldn't be as accurate and as good and my mind wouldn't be on task.
Routines is one of the many tools athletes are found using to prepare themselves for big events.
Some athletes don't even realise they do it. Routines are one of the most important aspects of sports
that athletes can develop to improve there training and competitive performances. I appplied routine
in my trainings as I made sure I did the same warm up every time with the same amount of
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Internal Controls Of A Sports Coach
1. For a collage sports coach to win as many games as possible, it is imperative that the coach
studies and collects information about the team in order to receive feedback about how his strategy
is working and make any changes if necessary. As part of possible controls that should be
implemented are: Established an aggressive recruitment strategy. The implementation of a
competitive an effective training. The compilation of the results of the previous games to establish if
the game strategy is being effective or needs changes. Compilation of information about the other
teams and their strategies to create a more aggressive and effective game strategy. Studying the
performance of our team with competing teams to see how we can improve. ... Show more content
on ...
As the authors Garrison, Noreen, and Brewer pointed out in the textbook, for managers, in this case
a coach, is important to understand the concept of internal control as is the process that provide a
reasonable surety that the goals of the company or team are being achieved. (p.24). Within the
internal controls are two types of controls, such as: preventive control and detective control. 2.
Unquestionably, my main objective post–graduation is to get a job. As part of the control activities
to achieve this objective are: Establish an itinerary that allows me an adequate balance to finish my
... Get more on ...
Decathlon Cambodia Case Study
VI. Case Study – Decathlon Cambodia Decathlon is an internal retail chain and brand for sport
wears with headquarter based in France. Founded in 1976, this company designs, manufactures, and
retails sport apparel and equipment (Decathlon, 2017). As for Decathlon Cambodia, the company
plays a role as a production office, meaning that there is no retail here, but a production based
location. Decathlon Cambodia has been operating for 5 years now and it has three main departments
which are: Industrialization Production Leader (IPL), Supply Production Leader (SPL), and Quality
Production Leader (QPL). IPL has the role in competing and auctioning for quotas from Decathlon
International with other production based companies in Asia, such as Vietnam, ... Show more
content on ...
HR for this company plays a role as a back office, meaning HR does not have a major role in the
company, but just a small department. Decathlon HR recruits employees based on their personality
and their ability to work in team, though those people are fresh graduates. Once a new employee
enters Decathlon Cambodia, he is given a mentor to help him through the first experience at work.
Plus, his manager will set up a schedule and procedure for formal trainings. On probation, new
recruits in SPL and QPL will be trained informally everyday with assessment at the end of the day in
order to assess his or her ability. As for IPL, there is an end probation assessment which the new
recruits have to experience real situation when negotiate in auction for quotas from Decathlon
International. For employees who passed their probation period, they will have access to two
programs which they are called "MyProgress" and "DecathlonExchange." With this access,
employees are able to search for formal training abroad in order to improve their KSAOs.
Nevertheless, the types of training to be selected will be discussed with their managers. As for
Individual Development plan, at the beginning of the year, individuals are required to set up their
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Training and Development Project / Reserch Report
Chapter 1
1.0 Introduction
The chapter describes the research topic, background of the study, research problem, research
objectives, research methodology, and importance of the study, limitations and chapter outlines.
1.1 Research topic
Training and development
Training and Development is a vital function of Human Resource Management. Training and
Development act as the core factor which deals with maintaining and improving efficiency and
effectiveness of the human resources at work in the organization. It is concerned with enhancing
individual employee job performances as well as collective / group performances. Thus it will assist
ultimately to improve organizational performances. Therefore it is clear that Training ... Show more
content on ...
1.5 Methodology
To achieve these objectives there should be a pre planned methodology. In this sector I'm going to
describe that methodology which consist the following steps.
* Selecting Organizations * Selection of samples * Data collection * Analyzing and presenting data
1.5.1 Selecting an organization – organizations are selected on both production oriented and service
oriented basis. A brief description about the organizations which have been selected for this research
appears below:
Production Oriented organization – Dong Young Company
This is a rice mill manufacturing company located in Kurunegala area. This is a small scale
organization. Mother company of this firm is located in South Korea. Importing Single Phase rise
mills, assembling them and distributing and selling them island wide are the major operations of this
company. Currently more than 30 employees are working in this company.
Service oriented organization – Sampath Bank PLC
This is one of the most reputed commercial banks in private sector of Sri Lanka. There are more
than 200 branches in island wide and more than 2000 work force. But for this project I have selected
a sample of more than 25 people from 4 branches in area 7 located in western province due to the
difficulties in collecting data in a large sample.
1.5.2 Selection of samples
Dong Young Company – Total population = all the permanent employees working in Dong Young
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Designing an Active Training Sales Program for Wellbridge Clubs Sales Staff
Dawnita Blackmon–Mosely
Tiaunna Connelly
Elizabeth Davis
Jesus Elias
Jaimi Faux
Michael Morris
Rodney Ulibarri
Webster University
The purpose of this project was to develop a training program for Wellbridge Clubs that focused on
teaching sales staff to sell personal training (PT) packages to members, in order to increase
Wellbridge sales. The training agenda was designed based on Silberman's (2006) Active Training, in
order to engage the participants in their learning process. The use of immediate learning exercises is
intended to draw the participants into the process of guided note taking during the brain–friendly
lectures. Through ... Show more content on ...
To ensure that the training is truly taught for its intended purpose requires conducting training needs
analysis. defines a training needs analysis as an "assessment of the training
requirements of a target group in terms of (1) number of trainees, (2) their educational and
professional background, (3) their present level of competence, and (4) the desired behavior or skill
level acquired at the completion of training" (Training needs analysis, 2014).
Wellbridge Analysis Given that our training had to be developed within eight weeks, our team
referred to Silberman's (2006) Advantages and Disadvantages of Nine Basic Needs Assessment
Techniques in order to quickly gather information (pp. 32–34). Due to our time and cost restraints,
we had to exclude several of the nine basic needs such as observation, questionnaires, and group
discussion (Silberman, 2006). We conducted interviews and key consultations via teleconferences
with the Wellbridge corporate office staff located in Denver, which included Steve Datte, Kelly
Bartlett, and Amy Thompson. Additionally, we gathered data during lectures with Jerry Rose, our
instructor, from October 21 through December 9, 2014, at Webster University. Mr. Rose is also a
personal trainer for Wellbridge
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Essay on Sport Psychology: Mental training
Sports Psychology: A Relationship Between Mental Training and Sport Performance
James Dodson (1995) quotes Dr. Richard Coop, and says that he refers to sports psychology as "just
mere helping people to clear away the mental clutter that keeps them from achieving their best" (p.
1). Dodson admits that as a golfer he has tried to break eighty strokes in golf, but did not succeed
until he got help from a well–known sports psychologist. Before meeting his mental coach, Dodson
tried to improve his game by buying expensive equipment such as oversized irons, gizmos, and
lucky charms, but none of these worked. Once he started working with Dr. Richard Coop, he began
to liberate his mind from its usual patterns and ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, there is Roger Bannister's achievement in running the first sub–four–minute mile in the
Bannister was a physician, and in the years before his historic race articles had appeared in medical
journals proclaiming that the shattering of the four–minute barrier was physiologically impossible.
Bannister was even warned that he might die trying. Many runners conceded that the four–minute
barrier was impenetrable; one of them (John Landy) described it as a "brick wall". But Bannister
refused to make these statements part of his belief system, and he eventually exploded past the
finish line in 3:59.4, becoming the first runner to break through the mythical barrier ... then the
belief system of the world's other elite runners changed overnight. Within the next twelve months
four other runners also ran sub–four–minute miles; hundreds, perhaps thousands, of others have
followed then across the finish line. No longer did runners believe that they "couldn't". And once
their thinking was transformed, so, too, was the speed at which they were able to run (Baum, 1999).
Before Bannister ran under four minutes in the mile, all the other runners were affected by "negative
thinking, which limited their performance" and were not able to achieve such goal, but as
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Essay on Strategic Compensation
The Fit Shop
The Fit Shop Ltd. is a brand new firm that will open its doors exactly four months from today. Its
business objective is to sell all types of training, fitness, conditioning, and exercise equipment to the
general public. The Fit Stop plans to specialize in this equipment and to provide customers with
personalized advice geared to a customer's specific training or conditioning needs (e.g. training for a
particular sport, rehabilitation from injuries, strengthening of specific muscle groups to deal with
back pain, general conditioning and fitness), regardless of the age of the customer.
In order to provide high quality advice, each store will employ a physiotherapist (to provide advice
on problems such as injuries or ... Show more content on ...
Because of the high level of training required virtually all employees will be full time. The
exception will be students who are enrolled in physiotherapy or kinesiology, will be employed on a
part time basis.
The founder of the business is Susan Superfit, who has an undergraduate degree in both kinesiology
and commerce from the University of Saskatchewan. While at university, she participated in
numerous sports (and suffered frequent injuries due to her all–out style of play). She came up with
the idea for this business while laid up with one of her injuries. While there were businesses that
sold fitness and conditioning equipment, she often found that the people selling them had very
limited knowledge about the products and often gave poor advice on what to buy and how to use it.
She has secured funding from private investors and venture capitalist. In order to get volume
discounts on the equipment that she will be purchasing and to beat competitors in the marketplace,
she wants to start with stores in major cities in Ontario and the four western provinces before
expanding into Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. She knows that this is a risky strategy, and that
cost control will be essential to keep the business going long enough to become well known and
develop a stable clientele. Susan does not expect the business to make a profit for a least a few
Her main
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Lifeguard Essay
In light of my, Erin McLendon, recent promotion to Head Lifeguard for the recreation center; I
require additional training to fulfill my new position's requirements. Within the range of Head
Lifeguarding, taking the course Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation will expand upon and secure
knowledge needed to protect the patrons of the aquatic center. I am asking for the consideration of a
tuition reimbursement for additional training needed to properly execute the new position. Below
will contain in detail why the course is a necessity to the position. In traditional lifeguard training,
lifeguards are only taught basic first aid skills, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and
bloodborne pathogen training. The additional course of Injury Prevention
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Sports Training Career
In my future career of being a sports doctor/trainer you need teamwork and leadership to be
successful and be able to treat a patient. As a sports doctor you can't just have one doctor doing a
surgery by themselves, to treat a patient you need a whole team of doctors and different nurses to
help the person. When you are a sports trainer you have a whole team of different trainers who are
there to help you and you need leadership because you need someone to take control of the action or
be the person to show the team how to take care of the problem. Being a sports doctor you are
working on patients who play a sport or any physical activities and you take them into surgery as a
surgeon which is the person who performs the surgery, an example of some surgeries would be for a
torn ACL or pitcher's elbow, and as a sports trainer you are working on the field with patients that
play sports and you treat them on the field and give them a diagnostic based on symptoms at that
current moment. ... Show more content on ...
When you don't have good teamwork the job could be done poorly due to miscommunication and
when this happens the company can be sued or even worse the doctor could lose his or her job. It's
important to know the tactics of good communication that's why i think that kids/teens need to learn
this when they are at school because this can help later on for the profession they
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Personal Qualities Of Personal Trainers
With an estimated 35.7% of Americans being obese, according to the Centers of Disease Control
and Prevention (IBISWorld, 2015) the need and desire for people to get fit and live a healthier
lifestyle has created a demand for personal trainers. Personal trainers are like someone's own
personal coach; they help guide and teach an individual to reach certain fitness goals that they aspire
to achieve. This can be done either one–on–one or in a group setting depending on the preference of
the subject and coach. Personal Trainers help guide and educate clients through exercise instruction,
exercise demonstration, diet recommendations and fitness consolations. Personal trainers typically
become fitness instructors out of a passion for being ... Show more content on ...
They have to understand that everybody is different, where one might just want to lose weight,
while another is trying to add muscle and strength. Understanding how to use and alter modalities to
obtain the best results for clients is a difficult task. There are a wide variety of special populations
that require a vast amount of knowledge to understand how to program and tailor workout programs
to. In recent years there has been more prevalence in regards to certifications and requirements
needed to become a personal trainer. More and more gyms and fitness centers are recognizing these
agencies as the top notch certifying agencies that they want trainers to have. Never the less, personal
training can be a very rewarding career choice where trainers get to help people reach goals and
travel along that journey with them. With that said, higher standards need to be held for trainers
within the industry so that there are a set of guidelines that all trainers are held to. Personal training
is difficult job. Many of the clients who begin exercise programs do not continue with their
programs for a variety of reasons. As said by (Melton et. al, 2010) Of those who do adopt an
exercise program, it is estimated that 50% will discontinue it within the first 6 months, making
exercise adherence a critical issue. It is clear that factors related to adherence are complex, but 1
important factor is a client 's feeling of support from the activity leader. The
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Nine Legal Duties
"Nine Legal Duties"
Michael Brown
Lana Williams
M & W11:00–11:50
HUPF 3063
When planning a workout or skill, make sure you take it into consideration that all athletes are the
same. Some of the coach's athlete's need more assistance than other's. Never teach a skill too fast. It
is advice that a coach shouldn't advance the skill too quick; it could lead to a very dangerous
situation. When planning an activity, the coach should consider each athlete's capacity. Some are
going to be in shape than others. This doesn't mean to push forth and make progression. Make sure
that each athlete ready before planning any workout. By doing fitness test will determine each
athletes standards. Remember to develop a well plan that ... Show more content on
There should always be supervision when a workout is carried out. It will ensure that the athlete is
doing what their supposed to do. As a coach, you are responsible to foresee the hazards that may
come upon. Never leave the students unattended. If you need to walkout for an important call, then
ask your assistant coach to supervise. If a coach doesn't have anyone to take responsibility of his or
hers athletes, then stop what their doing and make them take a break. This will prevent injuries from
your athletes. A coach is expected to alert conditions that may be dangerous to your athletes. Always
take action and protect your athletes. Duty nine provides appropriate emergencies assistance. A
coach should provide medical assistance for injured athletes. If medical assistance can't be reach
then the coach should seek first aid. When fulfilling this duty a coach should seek first aid. When
fulfilling this duty, a coach should have each athlete fill out a consent form for each athlete at the
beginning of the season. When an athlete is injured, then the coach should take precaution on what
to do. Pride will only get you half way; a coach needs to realistic in what he or she is doing. They
need to be ready and have high–quality mind set. They should have fun in what they're doing and
should never make this an unpleasant task. By following these nine duties, it'll help a great deal on
how to manage your athletes and know
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Gallery Place Plaza And Maritime Plaza
Gallery Place Plaza and Maritime Plaza. Such projects not only entailed DC resident new hires
goals, but also apprenticeship hours' goals and the compliance associated with tracking and
monitoring the. 3.2 Experience Managing Employment Centers and Specialty Career Centers In
2012, LSC was contracted to launch and subsequently manage DC Water and Sewer Authority's
hiring initiative, DC Water Works!, formerly known as the DC Water Opportunity Center and three
(3) Satellite Opportunity Centers. As a prelude, LSC was tasked with drafting and implementing an
interim employment program and subsequently drafting a permanent employment program. Upon
the establishment of the initiative, there was one Center in each quadrant of the District. ... Show
more content on ...
Each training provider was vetted by a member of the LSC team to ensure the Job Center visitors
receive the best opportunities to receive quality training and support services that will hone their
abilities to advance their acumen and access to employment opportunities. Some of the Water Works
Centers functions have included:  Publicizing employment opportunities on DC Water's website as
well as distribute opportunities to strategic partners, government agencies, schools, and local
organizations  Forecasting the number and type of new positions being created to address the
hiring needs of new projects  Serving as a contractor's first source for recruitment, referral and
placement of new hires for new jobs created to address needs on a DC Water project  Developing a
training program to teach contractors hos to report personnel related information and openings 
Coordinating and hosting sector–specific (e.g. construction and CDL drivers) job fairs and "on–the–
spot" interview opportunities  Advertising employment opportunities throughout several DC
Wards via DC Water Works Satellite Job Centers  Developing a system that consolidates job
openings and allows on–demand access for application status review  Developing a record
management system with employers to monitor apprenticeship and On–the–job training (OJT)
progress  Reviewing and processing applicant
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Sports Medicine Research Paper
Sports Medicine
Sports medicine is a field of medicine that can be defined as: "an area of medical practice concerned
with the treatment of injuries resulting from athletic activities (Veritas Health 2017)." There are
essentially two categories in the field of sports medicine. There are the treatments for sports related
injuries and disorders and the prevention of sports related injuries and illnesses. Health professions
and medical services, athletic and fitness training, physical therapy and sports psychology are just a
few of the growing fields of sports medicine. Many athletes have benefited from sports medicine by
going through many processes of rehabilitation, preventive care and personal training. With interest
in sports medicine increasing, many more people are ... Show more content on ...
Many fields including exercise and fitness science, kinesiology, physical education and athletic and
fitness training are all closely related fields of sports medicine dealing with the treatment,
development and interaction of sports and the human body, as well as studying the mechanics of the
human body (Powell and Jurning, 2003). The exercise and fitness aspect encompasses sports
nutritionist, athletic trainers, biomechanics and occupational physiologists. On the other hand,
SPORTS MEDICINE 3 other career options like sports psychology deals with how psychology
influences sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activities (Cherry, K. 2016). Some
sport psychologists work with professional athletes and coaches to amplify performance and
increase motivation. "Other professionals utilize sports and exercise to enhance people's lives and
well–being throughout their entire lifespan (Cherry, K. 2016)." The main point of sports medicine is
to help prevent and heal injuries that may have been caused by sports or sport–related activities.
Benefits of Sports
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Sports Specialisation Essay
– Specialisation can be divided into early or late. Diversification is included of a number of sports
for the athletes that specialise later. Diversification early on allows the athlete to explore different
sports growing mentally, physically, cognitively, and socially in a positive environment.
– There have been studies conducted that show that in the Division 1 NCAA, majority of athletes
were more likely to have played multiple sports in high school and that their first more focused on
sport, was different from the on they play in college.
– Current evidence suggests that delaying sports specialization for majority of sports until around
the age of 15–16 will minimize possible risks and lead to a higher likelihood of higher athletic
– ... Show more content on ...
These skills can then be transferred over to their primary sport if they decide to specialize which can
lead to an increased performance and skill level and they will not as much deliberate practice to
acquire expertise in their primary sport.
– Studies do show that deliberate play within the primary sport is crucial for development to obtain
elite status
– Athletes during late adolescence have the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and motor skills
needed to invest into specialised training as they understand the benefits and costs of intense focus
on the one sport and are able to make independent decision about investing in one sport.
– Athletes who specialise too soon are at the risk of physical, social and emotional problems.
Athletes may become socially isolated from their peers and may alter relationships with family
– It is common to see specialised athletes with overuse injuries which result in possible time away
from their primary sport and in extreme cases can cause early retirement from the sport
– The risk of injury can result from many factors such as training volume, competitive level and
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Role Of Hr Development And Change Management Essay
Development and Change Management is about people and their capacity to adapt to change. The
Human Resources department has a very vital role in any development and change management
program. There HR department has to ensure are first and foremost kept motivated all the time. This
facilitates smooth change towards development.
First, there is a need to recruit right and relevant people for the job. The attitude of these people
should be open and flexible geared towards thinking out of the box which can bring fresh
perspectives at the service of the company.
There is a constant need to look for people who can think non–linearly and adopt unconventional
ways in working and achieving the goal. They need to be encouraged and empowered so that they in
turn become and act as "change agents". This is a key element in achieving development and
change. The HR department should strive to mentor and nurture talent. There should be a constant
lookout for people who act as catalysts for change and who can motivate other employees to
participate in development and initiate change. Supportive management with supportive working
environment speeds up this process. Care to be taken that those who contribute towards
development and change should be suitably rewarded and adequately recognized which serves as an
added incentive which further serves as a boost.
The Human Resources department should be viewed much more than a supportive
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Sport Psychology: Mental Training Essay
Sports Psychology: A Relationship Between Mental Training and Sport Performance James Dodson
(1995) quotes Dr. Richard Coop, and says that he refers to sports psychology as "just mere helping
people to clear away the mental clutter that keeps them from achieving their best" (p. 1). Dodson
admits that as a golfer he has tried to break eighty strokes in golf, but did not succeed until he got
help from a well–known sports psychologist. Before meeting his mental coach, Dodson tried to
improve his game by buying expensive equipment such as oversized irons, gizmos, and lucky
charms, but none of these worked. Once he started working with Dr. Richard Coop, he began to
liberate his mind from its usual patterns and after a period of mental ... Show more content on ...
Even without the aid of a sports psychologist, he repeatedly visualized the race beforehand and
anticipated his moves from the moment he woke up, to before the race, during the race, while
crossing the finish line and returning home. This allowed him to calm down his anxieties and at the
same time he realized that he had nothing to lose (Galloway, 1998).
Until now there has not been a clear definition for sports psychology since it is still in its
development. LeUnes and Nation (1989) point out that, "In 1978 Singer defined sport psychology as
a science of psychology applied to sport, then in 1980 Alderman suggested that sports psychology
was the effect of sport itself on human behavior, but by 1983 Cratty proposed that sports psychology
was an applied subdivision of general psychology" (pp. 11–12). Usually what a sports psychologist
does is concentrate on performance enhancement and mental skills training by focusing on the
effects of imagination and motivation (Hinkle, 1994). Likewise, Dr. Coop argues that sports
psychologists are not doctors that treat sick patients, on the contrary, sports psychologists are mental
coaches or performance consultants that help athletes achieve the capacity to produce the desired
results within a minimal amount of energy spent (Dodson, 1995).
By looking at the evidence of relaxation, visualization, halt in negative thinking, and goal–setting;
this paper will question
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The Importance Of Extreme Training In Sports?
Participation in sports and various physical activities during childhood are rewarding opportunities
that stimulate growth, improved health, and enjoyment. Moreover, youth sports participation may
also serve as an opportunity for cultivating future elite athletes. Today, a generation of parents is
creating a trend towards early single–sport specialization, in order to develop their children into star
athletes through long–term intense training of one sport (McIntosh, 2009). Although children may
acquire a jumpstart to the development of athletic skills, young athletes can become vulnerable to
develop permanent psychological, physical, and social consequences from extreme training in one
sport. Ultimately, extreme training in one sport can hinder a child's sports career for the rest of his or
her life; therefore, children should not engage in early sports specialization. Enforcing young
children to participate in intensive training for a sport has a direct correlation with developing
psychological disturbances. Through accumulated stress from extreme training and competitions,
young athletes can become mentally drained; ultimately, the athletes reach a state of a psychological
burnout, which leads to "lack of energy, sadness, frequent illness, and loss of interest in training and
competing" (O'Dell & Tietjen, 1997). Moreover, due to the preoccupation with perfectionism and
the expectations of parents and coaches, children can develop a lack of confidence, and the fear of
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Sport Psychology: Analysis of Psychological Skills...
The ultimate quest for sport psychologists is to establish what psychological factors produce the
winning formula or to try to establish a profile of the successful athlete. Within the psychological
framework attempts, to determine the "ideal athletic personality" have only been marginally
successful (Morgan 1980, in White, 1993). One of the categories observed in order to understand
and move towards the 'ideal athletic personality' is that of Psychological Skills Training (PST), "It is
contended that mental skills training is a significant part of sport psychology and is of particular
importance to athletes and coaches" (Rushall, 1995, p0.3).
Programs have been developed to help athletes develop their psychological skills. Many ... Show
more content on ...
They were also more focused on their individual performances than that of their team and were in
general highly motivated to do well in sport. Coaches and Sport Psychologists would therefore want
to provide the pre–elite athletes the knowledge and exposure to these psychological skills so that the
latter would exhibit a more elite profile and increase their chances of success. (Mahoney et al 1987
in White, 1993). Waldron and McCann state that elite athletes have the following characteristics:
"mentally relaxed, physically relaxed, confident, focused on the present, highly energized,
extraordinary awareness, in control and in the cocoon". Beginners should aspire and aim to gain
these characteristics through mental skills training.
Phase four 'Conceptualization' is where the consultant interprets the results from phase three and
considers it relative to phase five, "the consultant must determine which skills and attributes are
most needed based on the information provided and what the best techniques are to further develop
those skills and attributes" (Hardy et al, 2000).
Phase five 'Psychological Skills Training', closely linked with the work of Vealey (1988), illustrates
the skills and attributes that the athlete or teams might want to improve. A division is made within
this phase between skills/attributes (e.g. self awareness, arousal
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  • 1. Specificity Specificity: There are general or global demands that all human beings need to have general strength and power, good posture, core stability, mobility, and stability at all of the major joints. These components are all requirements for a healthy and functional body, especially in an athletic environment. All human beings squat as every single day activity. Picking up a box? Getting up or sitting down? Starting your lawn mower? That is a single arm row, using both back and core muscles to generate rotational power. Carrying groceries in from the car? That is a farmer's walk, which places a huge demand on the core and upper back (Wilmore & Costill 2005). The concept of Specificity simply states that training bouts must go from highly general training sessions to highly specific training sessions. The concept of Specificity also implies that athlete become better at a particular and specific exercise or skill, athlete must perform that highly specific exercise or skill (verywell). The training sessions must be specific not only to athlete's sport/skills but to athlete's individual abilities (recoverability, tolerance to training stress, outside obligations, etc) (fitstar). Specificity also means that to become better at a particular ... Show more content on ... Athletes are working multiple muscles in a squat. Single joint exercises tend to isolate a muscle. Using the legs extension (athlete's quadriceps) are doing the work, which can lead to muscle imbalances and possibly injury. However, multi–joint exercises are much more likely to simulate real life, or real sports, movements. In real life we use many muscles and joints in very rapid succession to move. We should keep this in mind when we select our exercises during training (Wilmore & Costill ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Ngo Sample Projects S. No. Name of the Scheme Sample project DPR How to Pay 1. NGO &TRUST REGISTRATION 500/–(DOCUMENTATION) 2. NGO AUDIT REPORTS 500/–(DOCUMENTATION) 3. NGO ANNUAL REPORTS 500/–(DOCUMENTATION) 4. CENTRAL GOVT.SCHEEMS –CD 500/– 5. FOREIGN FUNDIND AGENCIES–CD 500/– 6. FCRA ONLINE REGISTRATION 500/– 7. 12 A REGISTRAION 500/–(DOCUMENTATION) 8. 80 G REGISTRATION 500/– (DOCUMENTATION) 9. 35 AC REGISTRATION 1,000/–(DOCUMENTATION) 10. 35 1& 2 REGISTRATION 1,000/–(DOCUMENTATION) 11. 10(23)REGISTRATION 1,000/– (DOCUMENTATION) 12. INTER NATIONAL REVENUE CODES(501–C–3) 1,000/– (DOCUMENTATION) 13. INTELLECUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 500/– 14. Project Proposal for a scheme of ... Show more content on ... Fresh Proposal for prevention of alcoholism and substance (Drugs) abuse Programme – submitted regarding. .Narela 500/– 47. basic and advance computer training, TV & radio 500/– 48. Submission of Project Proposal on Computer Training program for SC/ST 500/– 49. Submission of project proposal for computer training centre under the scheme organization working for the welfare of schedule tribe 500/– 50. Grant–in–aid to Voluntary Organization working in the field of Computer Training Centre under the Central Assistance Scheme 500/– 51. WORKSH OPPROJECT PROPOSAL FOR DESIGN AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT (Under the Special Handicraft Training 500/– 52. Forwarding the application to the Secretary Empowerment for Grant–in–Aid for above school 500/– 53. Forwarding the application to the Secretary Empowerment for Grant–in–Aid for above school 500/– 54. HPRDS– Submission of project proposal on " Motor driving training to 30 SC educated unemployed rural youth " Request financial assistance –regarding 500/– 55. Submission of fresh Application for the year 2008 – 2009for running L.J. Home for the Aged under the Integrated programme for Older persons. 500/– 56. Proposed for Financial Assistance to organize seminar symposium etc on indigenous culture. 500/– 57. The Development Commissioner Ministry of Textile Office of the Development Commissioner (Handicraft) West ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Ventilatory Response Essay Discussion The purpose of this experiment was to determine the subjects' ventilatory response during incremental exercise. The equipment we used in this experiment was the cycle ergometer, and in addition we had to test the subjects' ventilatory response during rest and recovery. In this experiment, we have two subjects with different fitness levels, which fortunately make the subject pool in this experiment very diverse. In addition, the purpose of this experiment is to determine the relationship between ventilatory response, ratings of perceived exertion, heart rate, and blood pressure in rest, exercise and recovery and the intensity and the duration of the exercise in this experiment for each subject are equal. In this experiment, the ... Show more content on ... The first problem was we had an all–male subject pool and no females, which makes our test only focused on male ventilator response. Also we did not use the syringe correctly the first time and so we recorded 0.8 L/min VeSTDP for subject 1 and 10 L/min VeSTDP for subject 2 but that might be because we allowed gas to escape when we were using the equipment incorrectly, which means that VeSTDP results might be inaccurate. Also during the experiment, there was a little miscommunication, because at one point we left Subject 1 unattended after we close the lock on the Douglass bag, and Subject 1 ended up choking on exhaled air for a moment and Subject 1 at one point in the experiment wasn't pedaling to the beep of the metronome and, as a result of that incident, there is a chance that some result in this experiment maybe inaccurate, due to the fact most us in the experiment are first time users of the Douglass bag this statement can be support by a quote from the article "Evaluation of the Oxycon Mobile metabolic system against the Douglas bag method." "since the DBM requires skillful handling and has its own sources of error" (Rosdahl, H., Gullstrand, L., Salier–Eriksson, J., Johansson, P., & Schantz, P. (2010)). In addition, during this experiment, there was a time limit of about an hour and a half to finish this experiment and get all the result without error. As result of our time limitations, we feel that possibly there could be minor errors in gathering ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. My High School Experiences Many people think that I've got everything going for me. I'm captain of my school's varsity cheerleading squad, I'm an honors student, I've got a talent that works for me, and I've got a bright future ahead of me. Few people understand that getting to where I am hasn't been easy. I have to admit that I'm disappointed with some of today's youth. Most of us want to get high–paying jobs that don't require tedious work. They want to forget college, to forget the future. They don't care about the outcomes of their doings. They think that school should be something that shouldn't be taken seriously. What they don't know is that drinking, partying, and putting off their schoolwork can only take them so far. I, however, worked hard to get to ... Show more content on ... We were careless, and we forgot to use our time wisely. The team geared up to defend our championship. We were aiming for the fifth win in a row. We came across a lot of speed bumps on the road to winning. I could only pray that God would have pity on us. Our routine was amazingly choreographed, and I knew that if we pulled it off perfectly, we would have no problems. Surely, I thought, God would bless us for a fifth time. Unfortunately, two days before the competition, a teammate of mine got injured during one of our practices. At first, we all thought it was a sprain, but it turned out that she had fractured her ankle. It was the same day of prom, so most of us were blissfully unaware of what had happened. The next day, however, we found out what really happened. I was crushed. I cried for hours, just worrying and praying to God. What would we do? We couldn't back out, we were the defending champions. I just prayed that God would help us find a way through this; that God would take care of us. The day of the competition, we had no choice but to alter the routine completely. We had to change the stunts, the blocking, and the skills. We also had to clean it up as soon as possible. We arrived at the Manila Coliseum prepared, but not completely sure of what we were to do. I was extremely nervous. We did our best, but it turned out that our best wasn't enough. I spent the rest of the day crying my eyes out, knowing that we had lost. I clung onto a tiny shred ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Impact Of Early Sports On Sports Early specialization in a single sport has become increasingly popular. Early sports specialization can be defined as year–round training in a specific sport with the exclusion of other sports at a young age. Youth are influenced and often encouraged to participate in one specific sport, with the hopes of increasing their chances of being successful in that sport. With the money in college and professional sports increasing the need to train children to compete at a high level has increased. Young athletes often practice or play their specific sport throughout a large majority of the year. In some soccer academies, sports specialization training can begin as early as kindergarten age. The training last throughout the year academic school year, with tournaments during the summer months. The day to day training may last several hours each day. Some in the sports community find sports specialization to reflect a highly developed society and see the skill acquisition and enhancement as beneficial to success in each sport; Being labeled as gifted, the potential for a collegiate athletic scholarship; or making a varsity, elite, or even professional–level team. Hecimovich, M. (2004). There are numerous benefits of early sports specialization due to the amount of practice of the sport specific skill. Early specificity enhances motor skills and increases body awareness. The more time you spend practicing proper mechanics, the better you are going to be at that specific sport. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Training and Job Performance CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the study Training is an event of planning a learning process in order to improve the person's knowledge, ability and skills. According to Raymond (2010) "Planned effort by a company to facilitate to employees' learning of job competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for successful job performance". This means that any organizations or institutions which want to improve job performance must provide trainings to their employees. Globalizations have forced organizations to own competitive advantages which will enhance their level of competition with other global competitors. "By continuously providing training and development opportunity to ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in this study, the relationship between training and job performance among academicians will be testable to investigate the relationship between variables. Statement of The Problem The implementation of training will result to the changes of job performance. Typically, in profits organization, performance can be measure in many ways for example in term of financial can be refer to the number of sales made by effective employees, and in term of operational is referred to the employees effectiveness of solving problem or management effectives. (Safdar, Rehman, Waheed & Rafiq, as cited in Curtis, et al. 1995). Training is also crucial to the employees as without an adequate training, poorly trained employees may do not perform well in their job task and lead to poor job performance (Robert & John 2004). Especially in education field, the institution is a non–profits organization. Springer, M., & Gardner, C., (2010) stated that, the performance measurement on lecturer is different and more complex than the business profits worker for example, the number of sale is can be calculate by how much the product have been sold to the customer. This is obviously different because from the profession of teaching as they are providing services that is teaching and mentoring their students, which also happens to be their clients. The academicians will give a contribution to the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Is Golf A Sport Essay People keep wondering if golf is a sport,and the answer is yes.This is true for three reasons.Pro golfers are considered athletes by many people,physical training helps with a golfers performance,and golf requires coordinated muscle use.All these things make a golfer an athlete,and an athlete is someone who plays some sort of sport so that technically makes golf a sport.Now lets get into some detail to why golf should be considered a real sport. The first reason why golf should be considered a sport is because many people call pro golfers athletes.An example of this would be,"The associated press has named a golfer as its female athlete of the year 24 times"( ).If she plays golf and has been named female athlete of the year,then that makes her an athlete which makes golf a real sport.Another example from them is,"Golfer Tiger Woods is the richest athlete in history and was the first athlete to surpass 1 billion dollars in career earnings"( ).See that's a lot of money which is being earned by an athlete who is playing a sport.That's only one reason why Golf should be called a ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Best Things About Earning A Passive Income One of the best things about earning a passive income is that there is no skill or knowledge glass ceiling when it comes to doing so. It does not matter if you are a PHD student, a doctor with 20 years of experience, or a person who did not finish high school, anybody can earn a passive income. A good demonstration of this is EBook writing; it may sound daunting at first, but anyone can do it. Experts (job recruiters, psychologists, marriage counselors, dietitians, personal trainers, hypnotists, etc.) Instructors (yoga, piano, etc.) Coaches (sports coach, vocal coach, life coach, business coach, etc.) Teachers (language, cooking, etc.) These are all very diverse professions, each requiring a different skill set, yet anyone in these professions could write a bestselling EBook just based off their experiences. So, as you can see, it does not matter who you are, as long as you are willing to work at it, you can build a very impressive passive income. You do not have to be a professional either. All the above professions went through some form of professional training, but even if you did not, you can still write a great EBook. Some people may get intimidated because their writing is not good, or they do not think anyone will read it; but look, the EBook you write does not have to be the next War and Peace; they simply have to help your potential readership. The key is to focus on a problem or question that your potential readers could have, and to solve that problem ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On The Benefits Of Staying Healthy Staying Healthy Doing anything new to your body runs (get it?) the risk of energy. But do not let that discourage you, even if you never complete a marathon, training for it has enormous benefits for your health and if done right, can be a great way to achieve a healthy life style. Of course though, you want to stay healthy. While nothing you do will 100% protect you from injury, there are many steps you can take to reduce the risk. First, avoid doing too much too soon. If you have never ran more than 15 miles a week in your life, don't start with a training plan that has you doing 30. Also, avoid plans that have you jump to high mileage very quickly, remember the 10% rule mentioned earlier. Second, avoid doing multiple hard days in a row, each hard day should be followed by an easy day. In marathon training as with all other types of physical training, your body needs time to recover, not just so you feel better, but to absorb all the benefits of the hard work you put in. Without recovery days, you are wasting your own hard work. Third, training for a marathon should not solely involve running. To be a successful runner, take a couple leaves out of the books of the elites. Pick up a foam roller and a stretching band from your local running store, learn how to use them, and use them repeatedly. Ideally you stretch comprehensively after every run and also do a light stretch when you wake up and before you go to bed. This will go a long way to keeping you healthy. ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Current Training And Development Programme For Rebel... If (Briscoe's Group) Rebel Sports wishes to remain dominant in the sporting goods sector, expand and open more stores throughout New Zealand, then it is absolutely crucial that an affective induction programme is developed. The current induction process is very standard and there are areas of improvements to be made. Areas of improvement includes the induction process which needs to be more "suited" to the ways in which Rebel sports operates. Rebel Sports has many employees whom after on average six years are still with the company. The current training and development programme for Rebel Sports has been successful in the past but there is room for improvement of a very universal approach to orientations and inductions. Rebel Sports has created a friendly working atmosphere amongst staff and this has led to many employees developing loyalty to the organisation and remaining with the organisation for on average 6 years. Within this report, Recommendations will be provided which have been developed so that HR managers can implement an approach that incorporates organisational loyalty in which current and new employees will be able to develop more easily. Having and maintaining a highly effective standardised orientation programme will be heavily influenced by the willingness of mangers of all levels within Rebel Sports. Introduction: Briscoes group is the parent company of three brands Briscoes, living and giving and Rebel Sports this report will focus on Rebel sports. ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Multi Sport Training Research Paper When you approach your multisport training, the best way to answer your questions is to better understand the principles behind the work you are putting in to improve. These are seven basic principles of exercise or sport training you will want to keep in mind: Individuality Everyone is different and responds differently to training. Some people are able to handle higher volumes of training while others may respond better to higher intensities. This is based on a combination of factors like genetic ability, predominance of muscle fiber types, other factors in your life, chronological or athletic age, and mental state. Specificity Improving your ability in a sport is very specific. If you want to be a great pitcher, running laps will help ... Show more content on ... Your muscles will atrophy and the cellular adaptations like increased capillaries (blood flow to the muscles) and mitochondria density will reverse. You can slow this rate of loss substantially by conducting a maintenance/reduced program of training during periods where life gets in the way, and is why just about all sports coaches ask their athletes to stay active in the offseason. The principles of specificity, progression, overload, adaptation, and reversibility are why practicing frequently and consistently are so important if you want to improve your performance. Missed sessions cannot really be made up within the context of a single season. They are lost opportunities for improvement. Skipping your long ride on weekend A means you can't or shouldn't go as far as originally planned on weekend B (progression & overload). Skipping your Monday swim means your swimming skills and muscles won't be honed or stressed that day (specificity). Missing a week due to a vacation sets you back more than one week (adaptation and reversibility). Apply these principles to your training to get a better understanding of your body and how to achieve ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. My Interview on How a Fitness Club Owner Deals with Public... Public Relations or (PR) is an important field that businesses and companies use to connect with their consumers. This involves maintain relationships with the public to promote the business as well as communication between the public and business. My interview dealt with the world of exercise fitness. I interviewed Ricky Gross who is a personal fitness trainer. He is the Owner/Operator of RJG Fitness LLC, which is a personal training company out of metropolitan Atlanta Georgia. His company provides personal fitness sessions, one on one, or group sessions in clients' own personal homes or fitness clubs. I conducted the interview over Skype to get further information on how his company deals with public relations. Mr. Gross elaborated on ... Show more content on ... Dealing with the primary public and clients, Mr. Gross told me his company services various people in their location. Mr. Gross said his company mainly caters towards individuals 16 and older. This includes athletes, mothers, fathers, corporate executives, company managers, lawyers, etc. His company is based in the metropolitan Atlanta Georgia area, and he said there are lots of people who look for personal training needs. Mr. Gross feels that if clients have a desire to want to be better, than he is willing to work with them and aid in that journey to success. Communication is a key characteristics in public relations, cause through communication this is how relationships are established between the client and business. Mr. Gross said he does his main communication with his clients through word of mouth and email. Clients book sessions through his website and he communicates with them through email to ensure the sessions that they booked work perfectly with their schedule. Mr. Gross said RJG Fitness uses outlets such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo to promote his organization. For people in the Atlanta area, if they Google personal training, his company comes up in the search results. This helps in marketing his company to draw more clients. Mr. Gross said that his company is registered for social media, but doesn't utilize it for promotional purposes. Dealing with background, Mr. Gross explained his experience and his company. Mr. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Providing Adequate Consultant Supervised Surgical Training... Title Providing adequate consultant supervised surgical training episodes for Trauma and Orthopaedic Specialist trainees (ST) in a busy DGH in the context of limitations posed by service delivery and the restrictions of the EWTD –European Working Time Directive hours. Introduction. Specialist Registrars in Trauma and Orthopaedics must receive a prescribed number of consultant supervised surgical training episodes set out in their learning agreement. Every 6 months at their ARCP (annual review of competence progression),they are required to meet the minimum curriculum standards and numbers. They risk failure or poor performance in their ARCP with the consequent adverse effect on the trainee, trainer, parent hospital, the programme director and deanery. (Frostick S. 2013) Surgical training and competency in operative procedures is not the only facet in the training of a surgical registrar, but, for the purposes of this article, I am highlighting this particular issue, as there are specific problems in achieving the necessary surgical training to fulfil the requirements. The particular issues: The EWTD has its effect on the ST rota causing reduced supervised clinical hours. (Morrow et .al .2012). Shift work leads to fragmented clinical supervision and decreased interaction with the consultant. There is a lack of continuity of care. The Consultant rota is loaded for service commitment with very little time for education and training. Employer indifference to ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Outliers Malcolm Gladwell Essay I place my beautiful Howarth XL gently back in its case. In the lights it shines brightly, and if the lights hit it just right, it sparkles and blinds. The Grenadilla wood at first looks flawless and black in color, yet as one peers closer a rich brown color becomes visible and the wood grains show it is real. I close the case, and as I walk from the room I turn off the lights. One hour of practice down, thousands more to go. Or so I am told. I recently read a book called Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. In it Gladwell tells the stories of successful people and explains how they became successful based on their circumstances, situations, and cultural legacies. In particular, Gladwell wrote a chapter about what has become to be known as "The 10,000 Hour Rule." This rule states that after 10,000 hours of practice a person, no matter who they are, will be an expert at that skill. Although I agree with Gladwell in his knowledge, practice, and a lot of it, is necessary to become an expert in something, I cannot accept his statement that 10,000 hours ... Show more content on ... Gladwell never explicitly mentions the type of practice required to achieve mastery, only how many hours. To support this, he uses examples of Steve Jobs and his computer skills, and The Beatles, when they would perform many hours a day early in their career. But practice is not all equal. Deliberate practice is a term used to describe when a person practices attentively. There is no loss of focus in this type of practicing and the person often pushes themselves to the limits constantly. According to a prominent study "The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Use of Technology in Both the Training Methods and... The Use of Technology in Both the Training Methods and Training Environment of Elite Athletes in Global Sport Technology is used to help advance elite athletes, by achieving the maximum for the individuals needs. Both with the training methods and environments technology is being used more and more, for example simulated competition environments. Although such technology is becoming increasingly popular with elite athletes, the provision of it depends very much on how much money is at the athlete's disposal. This could be personal/family wealth or funding provided by a third party, such as lottery funding or government funding. There may be such cases where the athlete is part of a national ... Show more content on ... This replicates altitude training. Without the technology of hypoxic chambers it is still possible to create the altitude atmosphere by training with a restricted breathing pattern (hypoxic training). This can be an effective way of replication, but technology is still required to measure the carbon dioxide levels in the alveoli air. The sporting institutes also use technology to analyse performance statistics, such as, speed, power, heart rate, blood lactate, oxygen uptake, flexibility, technique and aesthetics (for some aesthetic based sports, ie dancing, ice dancing). An example of this is using video recording and playback technology to record an athlete's performance so that it can be analysed during playback. This can be used to 'fine– tune' technique, or to work on the aesthetic sides of the aesthetic based sports. Particularly in aesthetic based sports video is used during media broadcasts to show the public 'snippets' of competitors in slow motion. The clips are normally of a particular specified element. More recently the judges in ice dancing have been using a system that provides each judge with a computer screen and with this they can select the slow motion elements that they want to view before giving their scores. Another example of the analysis of performance statistics is the use of technology in computerised fitness ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Physical Therapy, Sports Psychology, Motor Behavior,... The purpose of this career is to focus on the study of human movement from eight different aspects; developmental, historical, mechanical, motor control, pathological, physiological, psychological, and psychosocial. Within this career one must know every single thing about the human body. There are several factors that this career highlights such as, exercise physiology, sport nutrition, sports psychology, motor behavior, biomechanics, and athletic training and sports medicine. In this career a person enjoys working out, love playing sports, and wants to maintain a healthy body. There are numerous of job titles that fall under this career. The most common job positions under an exercise and sports science career are athletic trainers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, exercise physiologists, physical education teachers, strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, medical physicians, and sports nutritionists. Although there are many different job titles to choose from, this career has a lot of competition. The job titles within this career has its differences and similarities. A physical therapist and an occupational therapist are two job titles that people feel are the same but they are not. Physical therapists focus more on evaluating and diagnosing movement dysfunctions, whereas occupational therapists focus on evaluating and improving a person's functional abilities. However, they both involve educating people on how to prevent and avoid injuries ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Personal Trainer Disadvantages Grunts fill the air. Weights crash to the floor. Music plays over the speakers as a trainer yells encouragements. These are the sights and sounds one planning to be a personal trainer will experience on the job. As one prepares for a future in the field of personal training, one must consider the educational requirements, the work environment, the wages and benefits, the duties and responsibilities, and the advantages and disadvantages of being a personal trainer. The educational requirements needed to become a personal trainer are interesting. Many people who go into this field of work are already very knowledgeable just from personal experiences within high school sports or even college sports. Most people who are involved in sports or any physical activity are most likely the ones who are interested in becoming a personal trainer ("Coaches" 91). The more involved one is in a sport the more information he or she could obtain from athletic trainers and coaches. One doesn't have to attend a college or university to become a certified personal trainer. Although by attending college one could gain more information about the profession. There are tons of programs which are offered throughout the country for personal trainers. When it comes to grasping the idea of muscle groups, food limitation, along with other important factors, almost all science classes play a big role in personal training. The most common classes taken to become a personal trainer are kinesiology, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set... Summary of an Article: A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set in Training and Competition Validity and Reliability In order for research to be reliable, other researchers must be able to perform the same experiment and achieve the same results (Shuttleworth, 2008). The reliability of this study is unknown at this point. In the past, researchers have used quantitative methods to try to find out the feelings that athletes have had about goal–setting. This survey method has increased reliability because it has limited the answer options for the survey respondents. However, the researchers were concerned that the results be generalizable, so they adopted an open–ended survey. "Athletes completed an open–ended questionnaire about the specific types of goals they set. The questionnaire was structured around issues of interest in the present research (e.g., goal setting in training versus competition) and previous findings (e.g., athletes set goals for skill improvement, confidence enhancement, and for outcomes such as winning)" (Munroe–Chandler et al., 2004). Because it was a qualitative study and the investigators coded responses, examining internal reliability is critical to determine whether or not the study exhibited reliability. The researchers used a constant comparative method to divide transcripts into text units and compare and regroup them. Two researchers independently ranked the responses, and they had 97% agreement on their coding, which ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Fusion Fitness Proposal Products and Services: As noted in the overview, Fusion Fitness will deal in sale of our memberships to our program and will provide personal training services at our gym, in Ruston, Louisiana. We will also tailor meal plans to each member, based on their personal fitness goals. The amount of money paid every month will depend upon the amount of times the individual wishes to come to our gym every week. Our "3 session per week" package will cost $105 per month and our "2 session per week" package will cost $85 per month. If there is enough demand for a 4 or more session package, then we will certainly implement that, but these two packages will be the foundation upon which we build. Regardless of the package, all members will have their personalized workout routines and meal plans available to them through our website and mobile application at all times; however, the personal training will only be available during your weekly sessions .We also plan on stocking protein, ... Show more content on ... It is common knowledge that gym equipment is expensive, but we will not have as much to acquire since we will only host people for sessions (compared to regular gyms where a myriad of people come and go as they please). We want to have at least $40,000 when we begin. About $20,000 will go towards starting the business while the other $20,000 will be kept in cash for an contingencies that may arise. Each of the three partners will put up $10,000 of their own money, and the other $10,000 will be acquired through a three–year bank loan at a 4.29% interest rate, which will cost about $297 per month. We are only able to estimate, but if we are anywhere close to our projections, then we will be in excellent ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Reflective Essay On Training Schedgual Training to be better (AS 91329 2.3) Flynn Connolly Over the past six weeks, I had to create and complete a training schedgual that will help me get better for my sports (Football). I created my own training schedgual to improve my speed, endurance, power and flexibility that will futrther help me when im in a football game. I had done a test for these that were 12 min cooper run, verticle jump, sit n reach, agility, and yoyo. In my training week I did a variety of session that I thought would help me for my speed, endurance, power and flexibility using a varity of training methods and training principles. Over the 6 weeks of training that I had completed I had to record a pre and post test to see if my traning has lead me to improvement. These were the results I got for my pre test – 12 minutes cooper run 7 laps Agility 18.85 seconds Verticle jump 59 centermeters Yoyo test Level 16.8 Sit n reach 26 centermeters Over the 6 weeks my specific training programe help me improve in each of these test. My post test showed the result of – 12 minutes cooper run 7.02 laps Agility 18.21 seconds Verticle 60 ... Show more content on ... Lactic acid build up when my body is gettig rid of byproducts that is making no contribute to my exercise performance and end up causing fatigue. Lactic acid usually builds up quicker if I you have done a work out earlier or have had any games. An example of this was when I had a game at tournament against kings. Into the game I started to get lactic acid build up a lot quicker than usual as I have been playing recant games earlier in the day so already had a lot of byproducts in my system. This made my game worst and affected how I played and couldn't go aat such a high intensity. This then made me have a disadvantage when I played more games as I didn't want to get fatigue as quick so didn't performe to as high of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Accredited Online Training There are a few paths you can choose to attain a personal training certification online. The most respected alternatives all adhere to industry certification standards, so the curriculums are fairly similar. Each accredited course has various individualized options, but they all provide the credentials necessary to become a certified personal trainer. Below is a list of five accredited and well–respected personal training certification online providers and an explanation of how they earn that accreditation. Also there is short mention of the prerequisites you will need before registering for a personal training certification online, plus three course specializations to improve to your training expertise. 5 Accredited Online Personal Training ... Show more content on ... Age specialization is has a definite appeal when you're considering program options for a personal training certification online. Today's society is aging more gracefully, so the need for fitness experts to handle this health conscious demographic is ballooning. Senior fitness is an excellent area of specialization for a personal trainer. The movement to increase the physical well being of young people is also growing. Schools and fitness facilities frequently add personal trainers to their staff who are certified group youth fitness experts. Elite & Master Certifications As the field grows increasingly more competitive, setting yourself apart from other trainers by earning expert criteria through your certification is crucial. Adding group expertise and age specialization is one way, but continuing to pursue higher levels of certification indicates you have a special passion for your career. After you have obtain a fundamental personal training certification online you can further advance your career potential by adding elite and masters grade certifications to your credentials. These higher–ranking qualifications will not only provide you with more detailed training knowledge, but can also open doors to ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Sport Psychology Influences Improvement In Trainings Sport psychology is another biophysical principle which influnces improvement in trainings. These include motivation, self talk, visualisation, mental rehersal, routines, arousal control, goal setting, confidence and concentration. Sport Psychology is a importnant component as it influnces your motivations levels and keeps you going when you are struggling. Motivation is very important when it comes to exerscising because if you are not motivated you will not be enthusiastic about training and therefore you will become lazy, however if you are motivated you will become ready to go and will take on any challenge. There are many ways to influence your motivation one way I think influnces my motivation is by listening to up beat music while exerscising ... Show more content on ... It is descibed as visualizing or imagining the task that you about to perform before you perform that task. For example in my hill sprint training followed by plymetric exerscises I apllied visualization by imagining the task that I was about to perform before I performed that task. For example I stood in front of the hill and imagined in my head everything I wanted to do step by step so I was able to perform the training at a high intensity and a high level. I also imagined myself working harder and how good I felt at the end of the exercise. By using visualisation influences my concentration, as I had the ability to focus my mind on the task. If I didn't have good concentration then my performance wouldn't be as accurate and as good and my mind wouldn't be on task. Routines is one of the many tools athletes are found using to prepare themselves for big events. Some athletes don't even realise they do it. Routines are one of the most important aspects of sports that athletes can develop to improve there training and competitive performances. I appplied routine in my trainings as I made sure I did the same warm up every time with the same amount of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Internal Controls Of A Sports Coach 1. For a collage sports coach to win as many games as possible, it is imperative that the coach studies and collects information about the team in order to receive feedback about how his strategy is working and make any changes if necessary. As part of possible controls that should be implemented are: Established an aggressive recruitment strategy. The implementation of a competitive an effective training. The compilation of the results of the previous games to establish if the game strategy is being effective or needs changes. Compilation of information about the other teams and their strategies to create a more aggressive and effective game strategy. Studying the performance of our team with competing teams to see how we can improve. ... Show more content on ... As the authors Garrison, Noreen, and Brewer pointed out in the textbook, for managers, in this case a coach, is important to understand the concept of internal control as is the process that provide a reasonable surety that the goals of the company or team are being achieved. (p.24). Within the internal controls are two types of controls, such as: preventive control and detective control. 2. Unquestionably, my main objective post–graduation is to get a job. As part of the control activities to achieve this objective are: Establish an itinerary that allows me an adequate balance to finish my studies ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Decathlon Cambodia Case Study VI. Case Study – Decathlon Cambodia Decathlon is an internal retail chain and brand for sport wears with headquarter based in France. Founded in 1976, this company designs, manufactures, and retails sport apparel and equipment (Decathlon, 2017). As for Decathlon Cambodia, the company plays a role as a production office, meaning that there is no retail here, but a production based location. Decathlon Cambodia has been operating for 5 years now and it has three main departments which are: Industrialization Production Leader (IPL), Supply Production Leader (SPL), and Quality Production Leader (QPL). IPL has the role in competing and auctioning for quotas from Decathlon International with other production based companies in Asia, such as Vietnam, ... Show more content on ... HR for this company plays a role as a back office, meaning HR does not have a major role in the company, but just a small department. Decathlon HR recruits employees based on their personality and their ability to work in team, though those people are fresh graduates. Once a new employee enters Decathlon Cambodia, he is given a mentor to help him through the first experience at work. Plus, his manager will set up a schedule and procedure for formal trainings. On probation, new recruits in SPL and QPL will be trained informally everyday with assessment at the end of the day in order to assess his or her ability. As for IPL, there is an end probation assessment which the new recruits have to experience real situation when negotiate in auction for quotas from Decathlon International. For employees who passed their probation period, they will have access to two programs which they are called "MyProgress" and "DecathlonExchange." With this access, employees are able to search for formal training abroad in order to improve their KSAOs. Nevertheless, the types of training to be selected will be discussed with their managers. As for Individual Development plan, at the beginning of the year, individuals are required to set up their ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Training and Development Project / Reserch Report Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Introduction The chapter describes the research topic, background of the study, research problem, research objectives, research methodology, and importance of the study, limitations and chapter outlines. 1.1 Research topic Training and development Training and Development is a vital function of Human Resource Management. Training and Development act as the core factor which deals with maintaining and improving efficiency and effectiveness of the human resources at work in the organization. It is concerned with enhancing individual employee job performances as well as collective / group performances. Thus it will assist ultimately to improve organizational performances. Therefore it is clear that Training ... Show more content on ... 1.5 Methodology To achieve these objectives there should be a pre planned methodology. In this sector I'm going to describe that methodology which consist the following steps. * Selecting Organizations * Selection of samples * Data collection * Analyzing and presenting data 1.5.1 Selecting an organization – organizations are selected on both production oriented and service oriented basis. A brief description about the organizations which have been selected for this research appears below: Production Oriented organization – Dong Young Company This is a rice mill manufacturing company located in Kurunegala area. This is a small scale organization. Mother company of this firm is located in South Korea. Importing Single Phase rise mills, assembling them and distributing and selling them island wide are the major operations of this company. Currently more than 30 employees are working in this company. Service oriented organization – Sampath Bank PLC This is one of the most reputed commercial banks in private sector of Sri Lanka. There are more than 200 branches in island wide and more than 2000 work force. But for this project I have selected a sample of more than 25 people from 4 branches in area 7 located in western province due to the difficulties in collecting data in a large sample.
  • 50. 1.5.2 Selection of samples Dong Young Company – Total population = all the permanent employees working in Dong Young company ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. RESEARCH PAPER FINAL DRAFT HRDV 5610 Designing an Active Training Sales Program for Wellbridge Clubs Sales Staff Dawnita Blackmon–Mosely Tiaunna Connelly Elizabeth Davis Jesus Elias Jaimi Faux Michael Morris Rodney Ulibarri Webster University Abstract The purpose of this project was to develop a training program for Wellbridge Clubs that focused on teaching sales staff to sell personal training (PT) packages to members, in order to increase Wellbridge sales. The training agenda was designed based on Silberman's (2006) Active Training, in order to engage the participants in their learning process. The use of immediate learning exercises is intended to draw the participants into the process of guided note taking during the brain–friendly lectures. Through ... Show more content on ... To ensure that the training is truly taught for its intended purpose requires conducting training needs analysis. defines a training needs analysis as an "assessment of the training requirements of a target group in terms of (1) number of trainees, (2) their educational and professional background, (3) their present level of competence, and (4) the desired behavior or skill level acquired at the completion of training" (Training needs analysis, 2014). Wellbridge Analysis Given that our training had to be developed within eight weeks, our team referred to Silberman's (2006) Advantages and Disadvantages of Nine Basic Needs Assessment Techniques in order to quickly gather information (pp. 32–34). Due to our time and cost restraints, we had to exclude several of the nine basic needs such as observation, questionnaires, and group discussion (Silberman, 2006). We conducted interviews and key consultations via teleconferences with the Wellbridge corporate office staff located in Denver, which included Steve Datte, Kelly Bartlett, and Amy Thompson. Additionally, we gathered data during lectures with Jerry Rose, our instructor, from October 21 through December 9, 2014, at Webster University. Mr. Rose is also a personal trainer for Wellbridge ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Essay on Sport Psychology: Mental training Sports Psychology: A Relationship Between Mental Training and Sport Performance James Dodson (1995) quotes Dr. Richard Coop, and says that he refers to sports psychology as "just mere helping people to clear away the mental clutter that keeps them from achieving their best" (p. 1). Dodson admits that as a golfer he has tried to break eighty strokes in golf, but did not succeed until he got help from a well–known sports psychologist. Before meeting his mental coach, Dodson tried to improve his game by buying expensive equipment such as oversized irons, gizmos, and lucky charms, but none of these worked. Once he started working with Dr. Richard Coop, he began to liberate his mind from its usual patterns and ... Show more content on ... Similarly, there is Roger Bannister's achievement in running the first sub–four–minute mile in the world. Bannister was a physician, and in the years before his historic race articles had appeared in medical journals proclaiming that the shattering of the four–minute barrier was physiologically impossible. Bannister was even warned that he might die trying. Many runners conceded that the four–minute barrier was impenetrable; one of them (John Landy) described it as a "brick wall". But Bannister refused to make these statements part of his belief system, and he eventually exploded past the finish line in 3:59.4, becoming the first runner to break through the mythical barrier ... then the belief system of the world's other elite runners changed overnight. Within the next twelve months four other runners also ran sub–four–minute miles; hundreds, perhaps thousands, of others have followed then across the finish line. No longer did runners believe that they "couldn't". And once their thinking was transformed, so, too, was the speed at which they were able to run (Baum, 1999). Before Bannister ran under four minutes in the mile, all the other runners were affected by "negative thinking, which limited their performance" and were not able to achieve such goal, but as ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Essay on Strategic Compensation The Fit Shop The Fit Shop Ltd. is a brand new firm that will open its doors exactly four months from today. Its business objective is to sell all types of training, fitness, conditioning, and exercise equipment to the general public. The Fit Stop plans to specialize in this equipment and to provide customers with personalized advice geared to a customer's specific training or conditioning needs (e.g. training for a particular sport, rehabilitation from injuries, strengthening of specific muscle groups to deal with back pain, general conditioning and fitness), regardless of the age of the customer. In order to provide high quality advice, each store will employ a physiotherapist (to provide advice on problems such as injuries or ... Show more content on ... Because of the high level of training required virtually all employees will be full time. The exception will be students who are enrolled in physiotherapy or kinesiology, will be employed on a part time basis. The founder of the business is Susan Superfit, who has an undergraduate degree in both kinesiology and commerce from the University of Saskatchewan. While at university, she participated in numerous sports (and suffered frequent injuries due to her all–out style of play). She came up with the idea for this business while laid up with one of her injuries. While there were businesses that sold fitness and conditioning equipment, she often found that the people selling them had very limited knowledge about the products and often gave poor advice on what to buy and how to use it. She has secured funding from private investors and venture capitalist. In order to get volume discounts on the equipment that she will be purchasing and to beat competitors in the marketplace, she wants to start with stores in major cities in Ontario and the four western provinces before expanding into Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. She knows that this is a risky strategy, and that cost control will be essential to keep the business going long enough to become well known and develop a stable clientele. Susan does not expect the business to make a profit for a least a few years. Her main ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Lifeguard Essay In light of my, Erin McLendon, recent promotion to Head Lifeguard for the recreation center; I require additional training to fulfill my new position's requirements. Within the range of Head Lifeguarding, taking the course Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation will expand upon and secure knowledge needed to protect the patrons of the aquatic center. I am asking for the consideration of a tuition reimbursement for additional training needed to properly execute the new position. Below will contain in detail why the course is a necessity to the position. In traditional lifeguard training, lifeguards are only taught basic first aid skills, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and bloodborne pathogen training. The additional course of Injury Prevention ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Sports Training Career In my future career of being a sports doctor/trainer you need teamwork and leadership to be successful and be able to treat a patient. As a sports doctor you can't just have one doctor doing a surgery by themselves, to treat a patient you need a whole team of doctors and different nurses to help the person. When you are a sports trainer you have a whole team of different trainers who are there to help you and you need leadership because you need someone to take control of the action or be the person to show the team how to take care of the problem. Being a sports doctor you are working on patients who play a sport or any physical activities and you take them into surgery as a surgeon which is the person who performs the surgery, an example of some surgeries would be for a torn ACL or pitcher's elbow, and as a sports trainer you are working on the field with patients that play sports and you treat them on the field and give them a diagnostic based on symptoms at that current moment. ... Show more content on ... When you don't have good teamwork the job could be done poorly due to miscommunication and when this happens the company can be sued or even worse the doctor could lose his or her job. It's important to know the tactics of good communication that's why i think that kids/teens need to learn this when they are at school because this can help later on for the profession they ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Personal Qualities Of Personal Trainers With an estimated 35.7% of Americans being obese, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (IBISWorld, 2015) the need and desire for people to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle has created a demand for personal trainers. Personal trainers are like someone's own personal coach; they help guide and teach an individual to reach certain fitness goals that they aspire to achieve. This can be done either one–on–one or in a group setting depending on the preference of the subject and coach. Personal Trainers help guide and educate clients through exercise instruction, exercise demonstration, diet recommendations and fitness consolations. Personal trainers typically become fitness instructors out of a passion for being ... Show more content on ... They have to understand that everybody is different, where one might just want to lose weight, while another is trying to add muscle and strength. Understanding how to use and alter modalities to obtain the best results for clients is a difficult task. There are a wide variety of special populations that require a vast amount of knowledge to understand how to program and tailor workout programs to. In recent years there has been more prevalence in regards to certifications and requirements needed to become a personal trainer. More and more gyms and fitness centers are recognizing these agencies as the top notch certifying agencies that they want trainers to have. Never the less, personal training can be a very rewarding career choice where trainers get to help people reach goals and travel along that journey with them. With that said, higher standards need to be held for trainers within the industry so that there are a set of guidelines that all trainers are held to. Personal training is difficult job. Many of the clients who begin exercise programs do not continue with their programs for a variety of reasons. As said by (Melton et. al, 2010) Of those who do adopt an exercise program, it is estimated that 50% will discontinue it within the first 6 months, making exercise adherence a critical issue. It is clear that factors related to adherence are complex, but 1 important factor is a client 's feeling of support from the activity leader. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Nine Legal Duties "Nine Legal Duties" Michael Brown Lana Williams 5–7–12 M & W11:00–11:50 HUPF 3063 When planning a workout or skill, make sure you take it into consideration that all athletes are the same. Some of the coach's athlete's need more assistance than other's. Never teach a skill too fast. It is advice that a coach shouldn't advance the skill too quick; it could lead to a very dangerous situation. When planning an activity, the coach should consider each athlete's capacity. Some are going to be in shape than others. This doesn't mean to push forth and make progression. Make sure that each athlete ready before planning any workout. By doing fitness test will determine each athletes standards. Remember to develop a well plan that ... Show more content on ... There should always be supervision when a workout is carried out. It will ensure that the athlete is doing what their supposed to do. As a coach, you are responsible to foresee the hazards that may come upon. Never leave the students unattended. If you need to walkout for an important call, then ask your assistant coach to supervise. If a coach doesn't have anyone to take responsibility of his or hers athletes, then stop what their doing and make them take a break. This will prevent injuries from your athletes. A coach is expected to alert conditions that may be dangerous to your athletes. Always take action and protect your athletes. Duty nine provides appropriate emergencies assistance. A coach should provide medical assistance for injured athletes. If medical assistance can't be reach then the coach should seek first aid. When fulfilling this duty a coach should seek first aid. When fulfilling this duty, a coach should have each athlete fill out a consent form for each athlete at the beginning of the season. When an athlete is injured, then the coach should take precaution on what to do. Pride will only get you half way; a coach needs to realistic in what he or she is doing. They need to be ready and have high–quality mind set. They should have fun in what they're doing and should never make this an unpleasant task. By following these nine duties, it'll help a great deal on how to manage your athletes and know ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Gallery Place Plaza And Maritime Plaza Gallery Place Plaza and Maritime Plaza. Such projects not only entailed DC resident new hires goals, but also apprenticeship hours' goals and the compliance associated with tracking and monitoring the. 3.2 Experience Managing Employment Centers and Specialty Career Centers In 2012, LSC was contracted to launch and subsequently manage DC Water and Sewer Authority's hiring initiative, DC Water Works!, formerly known as the DC Water Opportunity Center and three (3) Satellite Opportunity Centers. As a prelude, LSC was tasked with drafting and implementing an interim employment program and subsequently drafting a permanent employment program. Upon the establishment of the initiative, there was one Center in each quadrant of the District. ... Show more content on ... Each training provider was vetted by a member of the LSC team to ensure the Job Center visitors receive the best opportunities to receive quality training and support services that will hone their abilities to advance their acumen and access to employment opportunities. Some of the Water Works Centers functions have included:  Publicizing employment opportunities on DC Water's website as well as distribute opportunities to strategic partners, government agencies, schools, and local organizations  Forecasting the number and type of new positions being created to address the hiring needs of new projects  Serving as a contractor's first source for recruitment, referral and placement of new hires for new jobs created to address needs on a DC Water project  Developing a training program to teach contractors hos to report personnel related information and openings  Coordinating and hosting sector–specific (e.g. construction and CDL drivers) job fairs and "on–the– spot" interview opportunities  Advertising employment opportunities throughout several DC Wards via DC Water Works Satellite Job Centers  Developing a system that consolidates job openings and allows on–demand access for application status review  Developing a record management system with employers to monitor apprenticeship and On–the–job training (OJT) progress  Reviewing and processing applicant ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Sports Medicine Research Paper Sports Medicine Sports medicine is a field of medicine that can be defined as: "an area of medical practice concerned with the treatment of injuries resulting from athletic activities (Veritas Health 2017)." There are essentially two categories in the field of sports medicine. There are the treatments for sports related injuries and disorders and the prevention of sports related injuries and illnesses. Health professions and medical services, athletic and fitness training, physical therapy and sports psychology are just a few of the growing fields of sports medicine. Many athletes have benefited from sports medicine by going through many processes of rehabilitation, preventive care and personal training. With interest in sports medicine increasing, many more people are ... Show more content on ... Many fields including exercise and fitness science, kinesiology, physical education and athletic and fitness training are all closely related fields of sports medicine dealing with the treatment, development and interaction of sports and the human body, as well as studying the mechanics of the human body (Powell and Jurning, 2003). The exercise and fitness aspect encompasses sports nutritionist, athletic trainers, biomechanics and occupational physiologists. On the other hand, SPORTS MEDICINE 3 other career options like sports psychology deals with how psychology influences sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activities (Cherry, K. 2016). Some sport psychologists work with professional athletes and coaches to amplify performance and increase motivation. "Other professionals utilize sports and exercise to enhance people's lives and well–being throughout their entire lifespan (Cherry, K. 2016)." The main point of sports medicine is to help prevent and heal injuries that may have been caused by sports or sport–related activities. Benefits of Sports ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Sports Specialisation Essay – Specialisation can be divided into early or late. Diversification is included of a number of sports for the athletes that specialise later. Diversification early on allows the athlete to explore different sports growing mentally, physically, cognitively, and socially in a positive environment. – There have been studies conducted that show that in the Division 1 NCAA, majority of athletes were more likely to have played multiple sports in high school and that their first more focused on sport, was different from the on they play in college. – Current evidence suggests that delaying sports specialization for majority of sports until around the age of 15–16 will minimize possible risks and lead to a higher likelihood of higher athletic success – ... Show more content on ... These skills can then be transferred over to their primary sport if they decide to specialize which can lead to an increased performance and skill level and they will not as much deliberate practice to acquire expertise in their primary sport. – Studies do show that deliberate play within the primary sport is crucial for development to obtain elite status – Athletes during late adolescence have the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and motor skills needed to invest into specialised training as they understand the benefits and costs of intense focus on the one sport and are able to make independent decision about investing in one sport. – Athletes who specialise too soon are at the risk of physical, social and emotional problems. Athletes may become socially isolated from their peers and may alter relationships with family – It is common to see specialised athletes with overuse injuries which result in possible time away from their primary sport and in extreme cases can cause early retirement from the sport – The risk of injury can result from many factors such as training volume, competitive level and pubertal ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Role Of Hr Development And Change Management Essay ROLE OF HR IN DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT Development and Change Management is about people and their capacity to adapt to change. The Human Resources department has a very vital role in any development and change management program. There HR department has to ensure are first and foremost kept motivated all the time. This facilitates smooth change towards development. First, there is a need to recruit right and relevant people for the job. The attitude of these people should be open and flexible geared towards thinking out of the box which can bring fresh perspectives at the service of the company. There is a constant need to look for people who can think non–linearly and adopt unconventional ways in working and achieving the goal. They need to be encouraged and empowered so that they in turn become and act as "change agents". This is a key element in achieving development and change. The HR department should strive to mentor and nurture talent. There should be a constant lookout for people who act as catalysts for change and who can motivate other employees to participate in development and initiate change. Supportive management with supportive working environment speeds up this process. Care to be taken that those who contribute towards development and change should be suitably rewarded and adequately recognized which serves as an added incentive which further serves as a boost. The Human Resources department should be viewed much more than a supportive ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Sport Psychology: Mental Training Essay Sports Psychology: A Relationship Between Mental Training and Sport Performance James Dodson (1995) quotes Dr. Richard Coop, and says that he refers to sports psychology as "just mere helping people to clear away the mental clutter that keeps them from achieving their best" (p. 1). Dodson admits that as a golfer he has tried to break eighty strokes in golf, but did not succeed until he got help from a well–known sports psychologist. Before meeting his mental coach, Dodson tried to improve his game by buying expensive equipment such as oversized irons, gizmos, and lucky charms, but none of these worked. Once he started working with Dr. Richard Coop, he began to liberate his mind from its usual patterns and after a period of mental ... Show more content on ... Even without the aid of a sports psychologist, he repeatedly visualized the race beforehand and anticipated his moves from the moment he woke up, to before the race, during the race, while crossing the finish line and returning home. This allowed him to calm down his anxieties and at the same time he realized that he had nothing to lose (Galloway, 1998). Until now there has not been a clear definition for sports psychology since it is still in its development. LeUnes and Nation (1989) point out that, "In 1978 Singer defined sport psychology as a science of psychology applied to sport, then in 1980 Alderman suggested that sports psychology was the effect of sport itself on human behavior, but by 1983 Cratty proposed that sports psychology was an applied subdivision of general psychology" (pp. 11–12). Usually what a sports psychologist does is concentrate on performance enhancement and mental skills training by focusing on the effects of imagination and motivation (Hinkle, 1994). Likewise, Dr. Coop argues that sports psychologists are not doctors that treat sick patients, on the contrary, sports psychologists are mental coaches or performance consultants that help athletes achieve the capacity to produce the desired results within a minimal amount of energy spent (Dodson, 1995). By looking at the evidence of relaxation, visualization, halt in negative thinking, and goal–setting; this paper will question ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Importance Of Extreme Training In Sports? Participation in sports and various physical activities during childhood are rewarding opportunities that stimulate growth, improved health, and enjoyment. Moreover, youth sports participation may also serve as an opportunity for cultivating future elite athletes. Today, a generation of parents is creating a trend towards early single–sport specialization, in order to develop their children into star athletes through long–term intense training of one sport (McIntosh, 2009). Although children may acquire a jumpstart to the development of athletic skills, young athletes can become vulnerable to develop permanent psychological, physical, and social consequences from extreme training in one sport. Ultimately, extreme training in one sport can hinder a child's sports career for the rest of his or her life; therefore, children should not engage in early sports specialization. Enforcing young children to participate in intensive training for a sport has a direct correlation with developing psychological disturbances. Through accumulated stress from extreme training and competitions, young athletes can become mentally drained; ultimately, the athletes reach a state of a psychological burnout, which leads to "lack of energy, sadness, frequent illness, and loss of interest in training and competing" (O'Dell & Tietjen, 1997). Moreover, due to the preoccupation with perfectionism and the expectations of parents and coaches, children can develop a lack of confidence, and the fear of ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Sport Psychology: Analysis of Psychological Skills... The ultimate quest for sport psychologists is to establish what psychological factors produce the winning formula or to try to establish a profile of the successful athlete. Within the psychological framework attempts, to determine the "ideal athletic personality" have only been marginally successful (Morgan 1980, in White, 1993). One of the categories observed in order to understand and move towards the 'ideal athletic personality' is that of Psychological Skills Training (PST), "It is contended that mental skills training is a significant part of sport psychology and is of particular importance to athletes and coaches" (Rushall, 1995, p0.3). Programs have been developed to help athletes develop their psychological skills. Many ... Show more content on ... They were also more focused on their individual performances than that of their team and were in general highly motivated to do well in sport. Coaches and Sport Psychologists would therefore want to provide the pre–elite athletes the knowledge and exposure to these psychological skills so that the latter would exhibit a more elite profile and increase their chances of success. (Mahoney et al 1987 in White, 1993). Waldron and McCann state that elite athletes have the following characteristics: "mentally relaxed, physically relaxed, confident, focused on the present, highly energized, extraordinary awareness, in control and in the cocoon". Beginners should aspire and aim to gain these characteristics through mental skills training. Phase four 'Conceptualization' is where the consultant interprets the results from phase three and considers it relative to phase five, "the consultant must determine which skills and attributes are most needed based on the information provided and what the best techniques are to further develop those skills and attributes" (Hardy et al, 2000). Phase five 'Psychological Skills Training', closely linked with the work of Vealey (1988), illustrates the skills and attributes that the athlete or teams might want to improve. A division is made within this phase between skills/attributes (e.g. self awareness, arousal ... Get more on ...