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   Free Will &

Is everyone going to be saved?
The History of Unitarian Universalism

In the sixteenth century, Laelius Socinus
and his nephew Faustus revived the fourth
  century heresy of Arianism and taught
 that the Trinity was a false doctrine and
 that Christ was not God. In that sense,
  they were “Unitarian” in their teaching.

 But they went further and said that some
of God‟s attributes were optional and not
   necessary. They claimed that God‟s
     justice is optional, but is mercy is
mandatory. Therefore, if justice is optional
 and mercy mandatory, then according to
 Socinianism, all people will be saved by
      God. In this respect, they were
Answer: No, there will be few saved, many lost

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that
leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. “For the gate is
  small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. ”
                               (Matthew 7:13–14)
 “Many will say to Me on that day, „Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your
  name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many
 miracles?‟ “And then I will declare to them, „I never knew you; depart from Me,
              you who practice lawlessness.‟ ” (Matthew 7:22–23)
Answer: No, there will be few saved, many lost

 “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth
 and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great
 and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book
 was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which
were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which
  were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were
   judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were
 thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone‟s
   name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. ”
                                  (Revelation 20:11–15)
Who decided that the plan of salvation
included the fact that few would be saved
              and many lost?
Answer: God Decided the plan
“For indeed, the Son of Man is going as it has been
  determined; but woe to that man by whom He is
             betrayed!” ” (Luke 22:22)

      “this Man [Jesus], delivered over by the
predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you
 nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and
           put Him to death. ” (Acts 2:23)

“But the things which God announced beforehand
 by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ
 would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. ” (Acts 3:18)

 “For truly in this city there were gathered together
    against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You
anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with
   the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do
whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined
              to occur. ” (Acts 4:27–28)
Who ultimately determines who is going to
               be saved?
Is it Ultimately God or Us?
                                                         “But we should always give
                                                           thanks to God for you,
                                                          brethren beloved by the
                                                          Lord, because God has
                                                             chosen you from the
                                                            beginning for salvation
                                                        through sanctification by the
                                                        Spirit and faith in the truth. ”
                                                           (2 Thessalonians 2:13)

 “They said, “Believe in the Lord
 Jesus, and you will be saved, you
     and your household.” ”
          (Acts 16:31)

If it‟s God, then He determined who He would save.

If it‟s us, then God determined that it would be us, using our
                       free will choice.

Either way, God is in sovereign control over our salvation.
Let‟s look at a brief history of the
sovereignty, free will, and salvation
“Grant what thou
 commandest, and
command what thou
   dost desire.”
   - Augustine

Pelagius vs. Augustine

Pelagius (c.354-after 418) was
a British monk who emerged as
a spiritual leader of both clergy
and laity in Rome around A.D.
   380. He bristled greatly at
   Augustine‟s statement and
 took issue with his views on the
inherited sinfulness of man from
  Adam and the moral inability
    that Augustine believed
        Scripture taught.

Pelagius vs. Augustine

   Pelagius‟ teachings can be
summarized in three basic positions:

1. There is no connection between
   Adam‟s sin and the state all
   people are born into. People are
   born innocent without sin
2. People have the free will to
   choose good or evil
3. There is a grace of God active in
   the world, but it is only an
   „illuminating grace‟ that influences
   people, but it can be resisted

Pelagius vs. Augustine
     Augustine opposed Pelagius and
 argued that Scripture clearly teaches
    every human is born in sin and their
 conscience is marred so that they, by
    nature rebel against God. In short,
 Augustine‟s position was that people
 do not save themselves, because they
cannot, nor are they saved against their
will, because they will not. God needs to
 make their will compliant: “Neither the
 grace of God alone, nor he alone, but
        the grace of God with him…”

 At the council of Carthage in A.D.
412, Augustine won and had Pelagius‟
     views officially condemned.

Thomas Aquinas Follows Augustine

     Thomas Aquinas followed
   Augustine where the free will of
  humanity is concerned and stated
that all people are absolute debtors
 to God and cannot merit salvation
   on their own or by their choice.

 “It is impossible that any creature
          should cause grace.”

   “Hence, however much a man
   prepares himself, he does not
necessarily receive grace from God.”

On All Saints Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door
   of the Castle Church in Wittenburg Germany in hopes of stirring an
 academic discussion with church leaders. Most historians will say that the
 core issue was Luther‟s position of salvation by faith alone. But also at
                        issue was something more.
                   To the Glory of God Alone

 The Five     Solus
                          Christ Alone
   of the     Sola       Scripture Alone

                            Faith Alone

                           Grace Alone

"It is wrong to suppose that the doctrine of
 justification by faith alone, that storm center
of the Reformation, was the crucial question in
    the minds of such theologians as Martin
  Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and
 John Calvin. This doctrine was important to
 the Reformers because it helped to express
   and to safeguard their answer to another,
 more vital, question, namely, whether sinners
  are wholly helpless in their sin, and whether
   God is to be thought of as saving them by
 free, unconditional, invincible grace, not only
  justifying them for Christs' sake when they
  come to faith, but also raising them from the
death of sin by His quickening Spirit in order
              to bring them to faith."
                 -Michael Haykin
          Professor of Church History

Martin Luther on Free Will
Martin Luther called his
book “The Bondage of
    the Will” his most
 important work. In it he
argues that humanity is in
  bondage to sin, freely
 choosing to sin by their
own will, yet still a slave to
sin and unable to choose
    God on their own.
“I praise and command
 you highly for this also,
  that unlike all the rest
you alone have attacked
    the real issue, the
essence of the matter in
 Martin Luther to Erasmus
  Response to Diatribe of the
     Freedom of the Will

Martin Luther on Free Will

 “Free will without God‟s
grace is not free at all, but
is the permanent prisoner
   and bondslave of evil,
 since it cannot turn itself
          to good.”
     - Martin Luther

John Calvin on Free Will

 Like Luther, the Genevan
Reformer embraced the notion
of original sin in humanity and
the inability of a sinful person
    to freely choose God.

“When the will is enchanted as
the slave of sin, it cannot make
a movement towards goodness,
  far less steadily pursue it.”

John Calvin on Free Will
    Calvin (with Luther) affirmed
 humanity does have free will in that
 people can and do act voluntarily,
without compulsion. Men and women
   make choices every day that are
 carried through freely via their will.
 But concerning the things of God,
Calvin says humanity is “blinder than

   How they can a person freely
 choose God according to Calvin?

John Calvin on Free Will
“God, therefore, begins the good work
in us by exciting in our hearts a desire, a
  love, and a study of righteousness, or
   (to speak more correctly) by turning,
   training, and guiding our hearts unto
      righteousness. . . . I say the will is
   abolished, but not in so far as it is [a]
      will, for in conversion everything
essential to our original nature remains”
   I also say, that it is created anew, not
   because the will then begins to exist,
    but because it is turned from evil to
                  - John Calvin

“Historically, it is a simple matter
 of fact that Martin Luther and
   John Calvin . . . and all the
 leading Protestant theologians
     of the first epoch of the
Reformation, stood on precisely
the same ground here. On other
points they had their differences;
but in asserting the helplessness
  of man and the sovereignty of
 God in grace, the were entirely
              at one."
           - J. I. Packer

The Catholic Church Responds
   At the Council of Trent (1545-
 1563) , the Catholic Church met to
  consider the Reformation, with the
goal being to defend their beliefs and
    distance themselves from the

 The Council affirmed the doctrine
 of original Adamic sin; humanity is
 born into the world separated from
   God. Thus, infants born need
  cleansing from Adam‟s sin and so
 need to be baptized to wash away
       Adam‟s disobedience.

The Catholic Church Responds
Baptism, said the Council, removes the
   guilt of Adam from every child and
leaves them in a state of innocence with
a free will that may or may not choose to
  sin. The position is clear: “If any one
 denies, that, by the grace of our Lord
   Jesus Christ, which is conferred in
    baptism, the guilt of original sin is
remitted; or even asserts that the whole
  of that which has the true and proper
 nature of sin is not taken away . . . Let
             him be anathema.”

In essence, they are returned to a state
        enunciated by Pelagius.

The Catholic Church & Molinism
To counter the intellectual and Biblical
 arguments of the reformers regarding
God‟s sovereignty and humanity‟s free
 will, the Catholic Church responded
     with the Jesuit Luis de Molina.

 According to Molina, God has three
        kinds of knowledge:

1. Natural – Knowledge of everything
   that could be
2. Free - Knowledge of everything
   that will be
3. Middle - Knowledge of everything
   that would be

The Catholic Church & Molinism
   It is Middle Knowledge – scientia
 media – that distinguishes Molinism.
   This concept says God does not
  know future free acts of individuals
like He does other things; He knows
  them contingently. He has intuited
  what each, according to their innate
liberty, would do if placed in a certain
  situation. God, in essence, waits to
see what a free creature does before
  He selects those who will be saved.
      But since God is eternal, the
    sequence is only logical and not

The Rise of Arminius
 Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), one of
    the reformers, moved away from
 Calvin‟s and Luther‟s teachings where
sovereignty and free will are concerned.
Arminius said the relationship between
      God and humanity is one of
   cooperative assistance. The Holy
Spirit is not overcoming a hostile will to
    make it compliant so much as it is
   assisting and increasing a person‟s
  natural faculties to respond to God.
 The Holy Spirit only succeeds so far
    as a person concurs. People can
prevent the grace of God by resisting it.

Arminianism vs. Reformed Teachings
 The Synod of Dort was held in 1618-
1619 to debate the teachings of Arminius
and the reformers. There were key issues
       at the center of the debate:

• A person‟s ability to choose God
• God‟s election based on foreknowledge
  or His divine choice
• Whether Christ died for all
• Whether a person can resist grace
• If a person could lose their salvation

 The end result was that Arminianism was
  rejected and reformed teachings was

T – Total Depravity
U – Unconditional Election
L – Limited Atonement
I – Irresistible Grace
P – Perseverance of the Saints

Overview of the Positions on Sin/Free Will
                       Pelagianism      Arminianism              Calvinism
                                      (Semi-Pelagianism)    (Reformed Theology)
State at birth       Innocent        Totally depraved      Totally depraved
                                     (conscience           (conscience effaced)
Ability              Can obey God Cooperate with God       Cannot cooperate with
Guilt                None            Potential             Judicial/actual

“In Adam”            Not at all      Potentially           Legally/naturally

Inherited from       Bad example     Propensity to sin;    Necessity to sin;
Adam                                 necessity to die      necessity to die
What is imputed      One‟s own sin   One‟s own sin         One‟s own sin and
                                                           Adam‟s sin
Spiritual image of   Retained        Effaced               Effaced
Effect of grace      None            Sufficient for all    Efficient on those God
John Wesley – a Calvin/Arminian Mix
John Wesley (1703-1791) adopted a
   position that was a middle ground
   between Reformed and Arminian
  teaching. He affirmed humanity was
     totally depraved and could not
cooperate with God. However, he said
 that because of Christ‟s work on the
   cross, God‟s grace comes upon all
 people – a grace termed preventing or
„prevenient‟ grace – and that people at
     that point are capable of freely
   cooperating with God where their
         salvation is concerned.

  “Without it (prevenient grace), the
    Calvinist logic is irrefutable.”
        – Robert E. Chiles
Positions on Sovereignty and Free Will
                       Calvinism            Arminianism               Wesleyanism

Total Depravity   Unable to respond      Able to respond        Unable to respond to
                  to God without         to God with help       God without Prevenient
                  grace                  from God               grace
Unconditional     Elected to             God‟s call goes        God‟s call goes out to all
Election          Salvation by God       out to all; humanity   and must be freely
                  alone                  freely believes and    accepted by a person via
                                         is saved               a restored will
Limited           Christ died only for Christ died for          Christ died for everyone
Atonement         the Elect            everyone
Irresistible      God‟s call             Can resist God‟s       Can resist God‟s call
Grace             effectual; it cannot   call
                  fail; a person will
                  freely come to God
                  when called
Perseverance of   Cannot lose            Can lose salvation Can lose salvation
the Saints        salvation
Open Theism – A Heresy to Avoid

Open Theism is a theological position dealing with human free will and God‟s sovereignty. It
is the teaching that God has granted to humanity free will and that in order for the free will to
   be truly free, the future free will choices of individuals cannot be known ahead of time by
  God. In Open Theism, the future is either knowable or not knowable. Some open theists
  say God knows the future, but voluntarily limits His knowledge of free will choices so that
 they can remain truly free. Other open theists maintain that the future, being non existent, is
 not knowable, even by God. Gregory Boyd, an advocate of Open Theism says, "Much of
       it [the future], open theists will concede, is settled ahead of time, either by God's
 predestining will or by existing earthly causes, but it is not exhaustively settled ahead of time.
   To whatever degree the future is yet open to be decided by free agents, it is unsettled."
Concluding Thoughts and Questions…
Why evangelize…?         Am I truly free…?

         Can I lose my salvation…?

          It‟s not fair…!
 Does God choose some people for hell…?

Can God fail…?        Sovereignty is just fatalism…!

   Free Will &


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God's Sovereignty, Free Will, and Salvation - Introduction

  • 1. Sovereignty Free Will & Salvation
  • 2. Is everyone going to be saved?
  • 3. The History of Unitarian Universalism In the sixteenth century, Laelius Socinus and his nephew Faustus revived the fourth century heresy of Arianism and taught that the Trinity was a false doctrine and that Christ was not God. In that sense, they were “Unitarian” in their teaching. But they went further and said that some of God‟s attributes were optional and not necessary. They claimed that God‟s justice is optional, but is mercy is mandatory. Therefore, if justice is optional and mercy mandatory, then according to Socinianism, all people will be saved by God. In this respect, they were “universalists”.
  • 4. Answer: No, there will be few saved, many lost “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. “For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. ” (Matthew 7:13–14) “Many will say to Me on that day, „Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?‟ “And then I will declare to them, „I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.‟ ” (Matthew 7:22–23)
  • 5. Answer: No, there will be few saved, many lost “Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone‟s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. ” (Revelation 20:11–15)
  • 6. Who decided that the plan of salvation included the fact that few would be saved and many lost?
  • 7. Answer: God Decided the plan “For indeed, the Son of Man is going as it has been determined; but woe to that man by whom He is betrayed!” ” (Luke 22:22) “this Man [Jesus], delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. ” (Acts 2:23) “But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled. ” (Acts 3:18) “For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. ” (Acts 4:27–28)
  • 8. Who ultimately determines who is going to be saved?
  • 9. Is it Ultimately God or Us? “But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth. ” (2 Thessalonians 2:13) “They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” ” (Acts 16:31)
  • 10. If it‟s God, then He determined who He would save. If it‟s us, then God determined that it would be us, using our free will choice. Either way, God is in sovereign control over our salvation.
  • 11. Let‟s look at a brief history of the sovereignty, free will, and salvation debate.
  • 12. “Grant what thou commandest, and command what thou dost desire.” - Augustine
  • 13. Pelagius vs. Augustine Pelagius (c.354-after 418) was a British monk who emerged as a spiritual leader of both clergy and laity in Rome around A.D. 380. He bristled greatly at Augustine‟s statement and took issue with his views on the inherited sinfulness of man from Adam and the moral inability that Augustine believed Scripture taught.
  • 14. Pelagius vs. Augustine Pelagius‟ teachings can be summarized in three basic positions: 1. There is no connection between Adam‟s sin and the state all people are born into. People are born innocent without sin 2. People have the free will to choose good or evil 3. There is a grace of God active in the world, but it is only an „illuminating grace‟ that influences people, but it can be resisted
  • 15. Pelagius vs. Augustine Augustine opposed Pelagius and argued that Scripture clearly teaches every human is born in sin and their conscience is marred so that they, by nature rebel against God. In short, Augustine‟s position was that people do not save themselves, because they cannot, nor are they saved against their will, because they will not. God needs to make their will compliant: “Neither the grace of God alone, nor he alone, but the grace of God with him…” At the council of Carthage in A.D. 412, Augustine won and had Pelagius‟ views officially condemned.
  • 16. Thomas Aquinas Follows Augustine Thomas Aquinas followed Augustine where the free will of humanity is concerned and stated that all people are absolute debtors to God and cannot merit salvation on their own or by their choice. “It is impossible that any creature should cause grace.” “Hence, however much a man prepares himself, he does not necessarily receive grace from God.”
  • 17. On All Saints Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg Germany in hopes of stirring an academic discussion with church leaders. Most historians will say that the core issue was Luther‟s position of salvation by faith alone. But also at issue was something more.
  • 18. Soli To the Glory of God Alone The Five Solus Christ Alone „Solas‟ of the Sola Scripture Alone Reformation Sola Faith Alone Sola Grace Alone
  • 19. "It is wrong to suppose that the doctrine of justification by faith alone, that storm center of the Reformation, was the crucial question in the minds of such theologians as Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Bucer, and John Calvin. This doctrine was important to the Reformers because it helped to express and to safeguard their answer to another, more vital, question, namely, whether sinners are wholly helpless in their sin, and whether God is to be thought of as saving them by free, unconditional, invincible grace, not only justifying them for Christs' sake when they come to faith, but also raising them from the death of sin by His quickening Spirit in order to bring them to faith." -Michael Haykin Professor of Church History
  • 20. Martin Luther on Free Will Martin Luther called his book “The Bondage of the Will” his most important work. In it he argues that humanity is in bondage to sin, freely choosing to sin by their own will, yet still a slave to sin and unable to choose God on their own.
  • 21. “I praise and command you highly for this also, that unlike all the rest you alone have attacked the real issue, the essence of the matter in dispute.” Martin Luther to Erasmus Response to Diatribe of the Freedom of the Will
  • 22. Martin Luther on Free Will “Free will without God‟s grace is not free at all, but is the permanent prisoner and bondslave of evil, since it cannot turn itself to good.” - Martin Luther
  • 23. John Calvin on Free Will Like Luther, the Genevan Reformer embraced the notion of original sin in humanity and the inability of a sinful person to freely choose God. “When the will is enchanted as the slave of sin, it cannot make a movement towards goodness, far less steadily pursue it.”
  • 24. John Calvin on Free Will Calvin (with Luther) affirmed humanity does have free will in that people can and do act voluntarily, without compulsion. Men and women make choices every day that are carried through freely via their will. But concerning the things of God, Calvin says humanity is “blinder than moles.” How they can a person freely choose God according to Calvin?
  • 25. John Calvin on Free Will “God, therefore, begins the good work in us by exciting in our hearts a desire, a love, and a study of righteousness, or (to speak more correctly) by turning, training, and guiding our hearts unto righteousness. . . . I say the will is abolished, but not in so far as it is [a] will, for in conversion everything essential to our original nature remains” I also say, that it is created anew, not because the will then begins to exist, but because it is turned from evil to good.” - John Calvin
  • 26. “Historically, it is a simple matter of fact that Martin Luther and John Calvin . . . and all the leading Protestant theologians of the first epoch of the Reformation, stood on precisely the same ground here. On other points they had their differences; but in asserting the helplessness of man and the sovereignty of God in grace, the were entirely at one." - J. I. Packer
  • 27. The Catholic Church Responds At the Council of Trent (1545- 1563) , the Catholic Church met to consider the Reformation, with the goal being to defend their beliefs and distance themselves from the reformers. The Council affirmed the doctrine of original Adamic sin; humanity is born into the world separated from God. Thus, infants born need cleansing from Adam‟s sin and so need to be baptized to wash away Adam‟s disobedience.
  • 28. The Catholic Church Responds Baptism, said the Council, removes the guilt of Adam from every child and leaves them in a state of innocence with a free will that may or may not choose to sin. The position is clear: “If any one denies, that, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is conferred in baptism, the guilt of original sin is remitted; or even asserts that the whole of that which has the true and proper nature of sin is not taken away . . . Let him be anathema.” In essence, they are returned to a state enunciated by Pelagius.
  • 29. The Catholic Church & Molinism To counter the intellectual and Biblical arguments of the reformers regarding God‟s sovereignty and humanity‟s free will, the Catholic Church responded with the Jesuit Luis de Molina. According to Molina, God has three kinds of knowledge: 1. Natural – Knowledge of everything that could be 2. Free - Knowledge of everything that will be 3. Middle - Knowledge of everything that would be
  • 30. The Catholic Church & Molinism It is Middle Knowledge – scientia media – that distinguishes Molinism. This concept says God does not know future free acts of individuals like He does other things; He knows them contingently. He has intuited what each, according to their innate liberty, would do if placed in a certain situation. God, in essence, waits to see what a free creature does before He selects those who will be saved. But since God is eternal, the sequence is only logical and not chronological.
  • 31. The Rise of Arminius Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), one of the reformers, moved away from Calvin‟s and Luther‟s teachings where sovereignty and free will are concerned. Arminius said the relationship between God and humanity is one of cooperative assistance. The Holy Spirit is not overcoming a hostile will to make it compliant so much as it is assisting and increasing a person‟s natural faculties to respond to God. The Holy Spirit only succeeds so far as a person concurs. People can prevent the grace of God by resisting it.
  • 32. Arminianism vs. Reformed Teachings The Synod of Dort was held in 1618- 1619 to debate the teachings of Arminius and the reformers. There were key issues at the center of the debate: • A person‟s ability to choose God • God‟s election based on foreknowledge or His divine choice • Whether Christ died for all • Whether a person can resist grace • If a person could lose their salvation The end result was that Arminianism was rejected and reformed teachings was upheld.
  • 33. T – Total Depravity U – Unconditional Election L – Limited Atonement I – Irresistible Grace P – Perseverance of the Saints
  • 34. Overview of the Positions on Sin/Free Will Pelagianism Arminianism Calvinism (Semi-Pelagianism) (Reformed Theology) State at birth Innocent Totally depraved Totally depraved (conscience (conscience effaced) corrupted) Ability Can obey God Cooperate with God Cannot cooperate with God Guilt None Potential Judicial/actual “In Adam” Not at all Potentially Legally/naturally Inherited from Bad example Propensity to sin; Necessity to sin; Adam necessity to die necessity to die What is imputed One‟s own sin One‟s own sin One‟s own sin and Adam‟s sin Spiritual image of Retained Effaced Effaced God Effect of grace None Sufficient for all Efficient on those God chooses
  • 35. John Wesley – a Calvin/Arminian Mix John Wesley (1703-1791) adopted a position that was a middle ground between Reformed and Arminian teaching. He affirmed humanity was totally depraved and could not cooperate with God. However, he said that because of Christ‟s work on the cross, God‟s grace comes upon all people – a grace termed preventing or „prevenient‟ grace – and that people at that point are capable of freely cooperating with God where their salvation is concerned. “Without it (prevenient grace), the Calvinist logic is irrefutable.” – Robert E. Chiles
  • 36. Positions on Sovereignty and Free Will Calvinism Arminianism Wesleyanism Total Depravity Unable to respond Able to respond Unable to respond to to God without to God with help God without Prevenient grace from God grace Unconditional Elected to God‟s call goes God‟s call goes out to all Election Salvation by God out to all; humanity and must be freely alone freely believes and accepted by a person via is saved a restored will Limited Christ died only for Christ died for Christ died for everyone Atonement the Elect everyone Irresistible God‟s call Can resist God‟s Can resist God‟s call Grace effectual; it cannot call fail; a person will freely come to God when called Perseverance of Cannot lose Can lose salvation Can lose salvation the Saints salvation
  • 37. Open Theism – A Heresy to Avoid Open Theism is a theological position dealing with human free will and God‟s sovereignty. It is the teaching that God has granted to humanity free will and that in order for the free will to be truly free, the future free will choices of individuals cannot be known ahead of time by God. In Open Theism, the future is either knowable or not knowable. Some open theists say God knows the future, but voluntarily limits His knowledge of free will choices so that they can remain truly free. Other open theists maintain that the future, being non existent, is not knowable, even by God. Gregory Boyd, an advocate of Open Theism says, "Much of it [the future], open theists will concede, is settled ahead of time, either by God's predestining will or by existing earthly causes, but it is not exhaustively settled ahead of time. To whatever degree the future is yet open to be decided by free agents, it is unsettled."
  • 38. Concluding Thoughts and Questions…
  • 39. Why evangelize…? Am I truly free…? Can I lose my salvation…? It‟s not fair…! Does God choose some people for hell…? Can God fail…? Sovereignty is just fatalism…!
  • 40. Sovereignty Free Will & Salvation