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An	Opinion	by	Dr	Robert	Williams	
January	2020	
“A	butterfly	flaps	its	wings”	is	from	“chaos	theory”.	The	
butterfly	effect	is	the	concept	that	small	causes	can	have	
large	effects.	Initially,	it	was	used	with	weather	prediction	
but	later	the	term	became	a	metaphor	used	in	and	out	of	
science.	My	“butterfly	effect”	may	NOT	be	in	accord	with	the	
chaos	theory	literature	but	my	point	is	that	a	‘decision‘	
might	well	seem	appropriate	for	some	event	but	the	
consequences	that	follow	can	be	quite	chaotic.		
A	Nation	Burns				
At	the	time	of	writing	this	article	it	is	the	morning	of	4	January	2020.	
It	is	a	tense	time	waiting	how	today	turns	out.	The	South	Coast	of	
New	South	Wales	and	East	Gippsland	Victoria	have	catastrophic	fires	
But	how	prepared	are	our	agencies,	from	a	command	and	control	
perspective,	for	the	planning	and	conduct	of	operations?
Of	course,	that	question	is	way	beyond	the	scope	of	an	opinion	piece	
and,	indeed,	requires	a	major	capability	study.	So,	I’ll	just	review	
(from	my	experience	and	observation)	the	“mapping”	component.	
For	weeks	now	the	morning	news	have	featured	a	briefing	from	the	
New	South	Wales	Rural	Fire	Service	Operations	Centre.	
Figure	1:	NSW	RFS	“Knowledge	Wall”	
The	“Knowledge	Wall”	looks	impressive	but	appears	to	be	composite	
of	simple	Google	maps	with	symbols	and	relatively	simple	
annotation,	along	with	(what	appears	to	be)	spreadsheets,	media	
screens,	etc.	
Elsewhere,	there	are	images	of	paper	maps	joined	together	with	
‘sticky	notes’,	notes	on	walls	and	scribbled	notes	on	whiteboards.	
We	need	to	do	better.	We	must	have	better	decision	
support	systems.	
All	of	the	information	in	the	images	needs	to	be	integrated	into	a	
geographic,	infrastructure	and	environmental	information	
But,	how	is	it,	that	entering	the	third	decade	of	this	century,	maps	
and	charts	are	the	basis	for	planning?	Why	haven’t	we	evolved	into	
National	Geographic	Information	Infrastructure?
Figure	2:	It	was	the	week	before	Christmas	2019	
Well,	something	happened	at	Dayton,	Ohio	and	a	‘butterfly	flapped	its	
Something	Happened	at	Dayton,	Ohio	
On	November	1,	1995,	President	William	Jefferson	Clinton	called	on	
the	warring	factions	in	Bosnia	to	end	the	conflict	that	had	cost	over	
three	hundred	thousand	Serb,	Croat,	and	Muslim	lives	since	1991.	He	
invited	their	representatives	to	come	to	Wright-Patterson	Air	Force	
Base	in	Dayton,	Ohio	to	negotiate	an	end	to	the	ethnic	discord.	
	In	Dayton	the	U.S.	delegation	relied	on	a	technical	team	led	by	the	
Defense	Mapping	Agency	(DMA)	and	the	U.S.	Army	Topographic	
Engineering	Center.	These	agencies	drew	together	a	support	team	of	
over	fifty	individuals	who	digitally	mapped	the	disputed	Balkans	
areas	in	near-real-time	to	assist	the	diplomats	in	their	deliberations.	
The	digital	renderings	included	up-to-date	terrain	visualization	with	
cultural	and	economic	data	relating	to	potential	boundaries.		
Using	automated	cartography,	computer-assisted	map	tailoring,	and	
spatial	statistical	analysis,	the	team	regularly	furnished	fresh	maps
reflecting	territorial	dispositions	that	had	been	negotiated	less	than	
thirty	minutes	earlier.	The	digital	technique	guaranteed	accuracy,	
consistency,	and	reliability.	The	power	and	flexibility	of	the	
technology	and	the	technicians	gave	the	political	decision	makers	the	
confidence	needed	to	reach	agreement.	Three-dimensional	visual	
imagery	of	the	disputed	areas	permitted	cartographers	to	walk	
negotiators	through	disputed	terrain,	giving	them	a	vivid	and	virtual	
experience	of	the	space.	In	at	least	one	instance,	this	three-
dimensional	experience	proved	crucial	in	persuading	Yugoslav	
President	Slobodan	Milosevic	to	compromise	on	a	disputed	area.		
The	1980s	was	a	period	of	innovation	allowing	for	the	first	half	of	the	
1990s	to	bring	in	a	transformation	from	maps	and	charts	to	a	
geographic	information	infrastructure.	But	the	1990s	would	be	a	
decade	of	‘uncertainty’.	
This	transformation	had	been	underway,	not	only	in	the	US	defense	
mapping	agencies,	but	also	in	the	5	Nations	MC&G	group	(USA,	UK,	
Canada,	Australia	and	New	Zealand	/	Mapping,	Charting	and	
Geodesy),	for	decades.		This	transformation	reached	a	‘revolutionary’	
stage	in	1994	with	the	introduction	of	the	Global	Geospatial	
Information	and	Services	Initiative	[GGIS].	
Defense	Mapping	Agency	–	Headquarters	(DMA	HQ)	hosted	a	
meeting	for	Dr.	R.	Williams	at	their	Headquarters	building	on	
Monday	21	November	1994,	at	which	the	agency	introduced	its	
Global	Geospatial	Information	and	Services	Initiative.		
The	concept	of	Global	Geospatial	Information	and	Services	(GGIS)	
was	introduced	as	most	revolutionary	change	in	the	provision	and	
use	of	geographic	information	for	many	decades.	Up	until	then,	
digital	products	have,	in	most	cases,	been	digital	representations	of	
traditional	products,	such	as	maps.		
GGIS	offered	a	managed	evolutionary	path	to	electronic	distribution	
of	information	and	services,	as	well	as	effectively	addressing	
interoperability	issues.	The	vision,	and	the	road	map	to	achieve	it,	
would	facilitate	joint	interoperability	for	the	Command,	Control,	
Communications	and	Intelligence	(C4I)	community.	
A	Task	Force	of	the	US	Defense	Science	Board,	chaired	by	Dr	Craig	
Fields,	addressed	the	topic	of	“Defense	Mapping	for	Future	
Operations”.	Its	report	was	released	on	15	September	1995.
Figure	3:	US	DMA	GII&S	proposal	1994	
Figure	4:	US	Defense	Science	Board	–	“Defense	Mapping	for	Future	Operations”	-	
This	initiative,	along	with	activities	of	the	DGIWG	(the	Digital	
Geographic	Information	Working	Group	–	made	up	of	NATO	member	
agencies	and	invited	non-NATO	countries)	reached	a	key	moment	in	
The	24th	DGIWG	Steering	Committee	Meeting	was	held	in	Berlin,	
Germany	9	November	-	17	November	1995.	The	US	Defense	Mapping	
Agency	(DMA)	gave	number	of	presentations	including:		
• VMap	AD.	The	DIGEST	Dataset	AID	(Aeronautical	Information	
Dataset)	has	been	split	into	VMap	AD	(Aeronautical	Data)	that	
contains	'static'	aeronautical	information	and	DFlip	that	will	
contain	more	dynamic	data.	The	product	is	at	a	prototype	stage	
with	development	being	driven	by	the	F16	upgrade	and	the	
Eurofighter	project.		
• Tactical	Littoral	Data.	The	Tactical	Littoral	Dataset	(or	
Littoral	Warfare	Dataset	-	LWD)	is	a	value-rich	specialist	
product	(being	a	super	set	including	Terrain	Analysis	Dataset	
(TAD),	Urban	Vector	Map	(UVMap),	Digital	Flight	
Information	(DFLIP),	Digital	Nautical	Dataset	(DNC))	
identified	to	support	missions	such	as	amphibious	assault,	
special	operations,	mine	countermeasures,	shallow	water	ASW	
and	logistics-	over-the-shore.	Requirements	have	been	
provided	by	US	Navy	and	US	Marine	Corps	and	endorsed	by	
ACS	C4I	USMC	(MAJGEN	Van	Riper)	and	validated	by	D	DMA	
(MAJGEN	Nuber).	This	product	will	be	designed	to	cover	the	
area	200NM	either	side	of	the	coastline	and	will	include	
METOC	(Meteorology	and	Oceanography),	hydrographic	and	
topographic	data	in	the	littoral	areas.		
Policy	had	been	developed,	product	specifications	had	been	
published	and	prototypes	built.	It	seemed	that	the	time	had	arrived	
to	transition	from	producing	traditional	maps	and	charts	and	digital	
facsimiles	of	traditional	maps	and	charts	to	a	geospatial	information	
Components	of	a	Geospatial	Information	
Infrastructure	along	with	Prototypes	on	a	Range	
of	Operational	Use	Had	Been	Established
But,	a	Butterfly	Had	Flapped	Its	Wings!	
In	April	1995,	then	Director	Central	Intelligence	-	designate	John	
Deutch	told	the	[US]	Senate	Select	Committee	on	Intelligence	that,	if	
confirmed,	he	would	"move	immediately	to	consolidate	the	
management	of	all	imagery	collection,	analysis,	and	distribution."	He	
argued,	"Both	effectiveness	and	economy	can	be	improved	by	
managing	imagery	in	a	manner	similar	to	the	National	Security	
Agency's	organization	for	signals	intelligence.”	
Despite	reservations	and	objections,	Deutch	and	Secretary	of	Defense	
William	Perry	informed	Congress	in	late	November	1995	of	their	
plans	to	establish	a	National	Imagery	and	Mapping	Agency	(NIMA)	as	
a	combat	support	agency	within	the	Department	of	Defense	on	October	
1,	1996.	
Figure	5:	US	NIMA	Geospatial	Information	Infrastructure	Master	Plan	1997	
A	Geospatial	Information	Infrastructure	Master	Plan	commenced	by	
US	Defense	Mapping	Agency	was	completed	by	the	Integrated	
Product	Team	of	the	successor	agency	National	Imagery	and	
Mapping	Agency	and	published	on	17	October	1997.	
The	Geospatial	Information	Infrastructure	(GII)	Master	
Plan	included	the	Vision	as	“Our	national	security	can	be	
enhanced	by	an	‘information	edge’	made	possible	through	this	
new	infrastructure	for	geospatial	information.	The
infrastructure	is	the	collection	of	people,	doctrine,	policies,	
architectures,	standards,	and	technologies	necessary	to	
create,	maintain,	and	utilize	a	shared	geospatial	framework”.	
The	creation	of	NIMA	appears	to	be	logical	as	shown	in	the	figure	
produced	on	NGA’s	(National	Geospatial-Intelligence	Agency)	
creation	in	2003.	
The	creation	of	NIMA	bought	together	agencies	with	fundamentally	
different	cultures.	The	discussion	on	the	topic	has	been	simplified	as	
between	‘imagery	analysts’	and	‘cartographers’.	My	view	is	that	this	
can	be	seen	as	an	‘intelligence	view’	versus	an	‘engineer	view’	and	
that	this	flows	onto	scientific	and	engineering	disciplines.	
Figure	6:	Creation	of	US	NIMA	1996
Figure	7:	Commentary	on	US	NIMA	1999	
Figure	8:	Los	Angeles	Times	-	Commentary	on	US	NIMA	1999	
The	early	years	of	NIMA	were	characterised	by	a	number	of	incidents	
that	were	reported	in	the	media	as	for	Sunday’s	edition	of	the	“Los	
Angeles	Times”	[16	May,	1999].	I	was	at	Redlands,	CA	then	for	a	visit	
to	ESRI	on	the	Monday.	It	was	an	interesting	visit!
The	formation	of	NIMA	initiated	a	trend	for	senior	leadership	to	be	
‘intelligence’	officers	with	few	senior	officers	from	the	‘engineering’	
field.	An	event	would	occur	that	would	entrench	that	trend.	
Figure	9:	A	Change	in	World	Order	–	911	2001	
Meanwhile,	in	Australia	a	number	of	organisational	changes	were	
underway	in	Defence	that	resulted	in	the	formation	of	the	Defence	
Imagery	and	Geospatial	Organisation	(DIGO)	and	in	the	‘Intelligence’	
program	[not	an	intelligence	agency].		DIGO	was	formed	on	8	
November	2000	and	would	become	an	intelligence	agency	on	2	
December	2005.	
The	2000s	would	be	A	Decade	in	Disarray	with	Disruptive	Direction.	
The	initiatives	prior	to	NIMA’s	formation	would	be	mostly	ignored	
and	so	the	production	of	standard	maps	and	charts,	and	digital	
facsimiles	of	standard	maps	and	charts,	remains	until	today	(see	
following	illustrations).	
In	addition,	senior	leadership	[in	Defense	/	Defence	/	Military	
organisations]	has	limited	representation	from	‘engineer’	officers.	
NGA	maintains	a	website	that	provides	information	on	‘leaders’.	
Leadership	has	a	dominant	‘intelligence’	focus	with	very	few	with	
formal	qualifications	in	engineering,	surveying/geodesy	and
cartography	(science)	qualifications	–	(Illustration	follows	
NIMA/NGA	illustrations).		
Figure	10:	Digital	facsimiles	of	traditional	products	–	“swap	hard	copy	atlases	with	
online	versions”,	NGA	Director	at	U.S.	Geospatial	Intelligence	Foundation	GEOINT	
Symposium	2011.	
Figure	11:	The	NGA	Mission	–	YouTube	video	2013
Figure	12:	Letitia	A.	Long	(Director,	National	Geospatial-Intelligence	Agency)	In	
conversation	with	Jack	Dangermond,	2014	–	“For	industry,	we	need	your	help	in	
developing	…	Automated	production	of	standard	maps	and	charts	for	the	Map	of	
the	World”.	
Figure	13:	NGA	Public	Website	to	Support	Nepal	Earthquake	Relief	efforts,	2015	–	
Standard	topographic	maps,	annotated	imagery	with	text	descriptions	and	simple	
GIS	products.
Figure	14:	[Australia	Defence]	Geospatial	Information	Infrastructure	–	JP2064	–	Joint	
Project	2064	had	its	origins	in	1997.	In	2004	the	project	had	(proposed)	functionality	
to	assist	emergency	organisations.	This	was	removed	sometime	between	2004	and	
2012	(presumably)	as	a	cost	saving	option.	
Figure	15:	“From	data	silos	to	integrated	content:	delivering	richer	and	more	
accessible	GEOINT”,	AGO	(Australian	Geospatial-Intelligence	Organisation)	Ass.	Sec,	
GEOINT	at	Locate16,	2016	–	“Multinational	Geospatial	Co-production	Program	
(MGCP),	which	currently	involves	32	nations	and	is	aimed	at	producing	1:100	000	
scale	maps	of	the	entire	world”
Figure	15:	Selection	of	Executive	Level	officers	and	formal	qualifications	
In	summary,	organisational	changes	in	the	later	half	of	the	1990s	
catalysed	by	decisions	made	immediately	following	the	911	incident	
have	resulted	in	a	failure	to	evolve	from	a	standard	map	and	chart	
paradigm	to	a	geographic	information	infrastructure	paradigm.	This	
situation	spread	through	various	nations	and	institutions.	
The	result,	from	my	observation	of	command	support	to	our	2019-
2020	fires,	is	that	maps	and	facsimiles	and	simple	representations	
are	the	norm.		
It’s	time	for	change	
Our	‘firies’	were	underprepared	for	the	extreme	weather	and	
environmental	conditions	that	occurred	over	vast	areas	and	over	a	
long	period	of	time.	They	struggled	under	very	difficult	circumstances	
to	improvise	the	response	against	an	extreme	challenge	that	they	had	
never	encountered,	and	honestly	never	been	trained	to	meet.	
We	must	do	better.	We	need	to	go	‘Back	to	the	Future’!	We	need	to	
understand	what	“butterfly”	effects	have	occurred	and	what	needs	to	
be	done	to	rectify	the	situation.
Figure	16:	It	was	the	first	week	of	the	New	Year	2020	
Over	the	past	25	years	or	so,	the	tertiary	education	for	mapmakers,	
such	cartographers,	has	been	reduced	to	the	level	of	generic	"spatial	
We	do	not	expect	a	physicist	or	chemist	to	build	a	bridge,	even	
though	they	could	provide	great	detail	about	the	forces	acting	on	the	
structure.	Instead,	we	employ	engineers.	Likewise,	we	should	not	
expect	zoologists,	physicists,	economists,	political	scientists,	or	
environmental	scientists	to	manage	cartographic	organisations.	That,	
however,	is	what	is	happening	now.	
The	point	of	this	opinion	piece	is	that	we	have	a	core	capability	that	is	
decades	behind	where	it	should	be	had	not	ill-informed	advice	
interrupted	development.	
We	need	to	acknowledge	that	surveying	and	cartography	are	core	
scientific	disciplines	fundamental	to	a	capability	that	provides	the	
framework	and	information	for	the	development	of	a	nation;	the	
managements	of	its	infrastructure	and	environment;	and	the	safety	
and	well-being	of	its	people.	As	such,	specialist	organisations	with	
appropriately	qualified	leadership	are	essential!	
Over	forty	years	ago	Desmond	O’Connor,	Foundation	Professor	at	
Murdoch	University	suggested	that
“Cartographers	should	be	thinking	of	a	broadly	defined	
concept	for	the	operational	use	of	modern	sensors,	the	full	
range	of	data	processing	equipment	and	methodology,	and	
large	scale	communication	devices	receiving	input	from	
space,	airborne	and	terrestrial	platforms	for	the	purpose	of	
carrying	out	surveys	of	the	earth’s	surface,	monitoring	the	
environment,	and	classifying	and	compacting	the	information	
in	environmental	data	banks	so	that	real-time	or	near	real-
time	information	may	be	provided	when	and	where	it	is	
We	need	to	embrace	Desmond	O’Connor’s	vision	of	four	decades	ago	
if	we	seriously	wish	to	address	the	challenges	of	“Meeting	the	
Environmental	Crisis”	and	“Safeguarding	Australia”.

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