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Solitary Arrow Ch 17 
Hyandai Harlen led through the forest leads him to offer himself knew it was a bit tricky. There was 
little in the Windir forest, which would provide a direct threat to a fully grown human male, or even 
elven women. But that does not mean there is no reason for caution. There was a place of spiritual 
power and where other Fey creatures lived. Mischievous beings that trick and betray Harlen, and 
some even Hyandai. 
Deep beneath the massive canopy provided ornthalion trees, they moved quietly, disturbed lands as 
little as can be. Hyandai warned before leaving larger mark their passage than is necessary, because 
some rangers, forest elven wise men, who, like Harlen was Morrovale, patrolled the forests, looking 
for a game and watch out for intruders. 
Most Rangers were loyal to the Crown and the people Windir, but may be people who have been 
undermined. Ranger, in its own timber, there was nothing to be trifled with, he warned. 
Harlen was amazed at how close to many local animals would allow them to be before the pair fled. 
They should look carefully, it is true, and that until a person would go close enough to touch them. 
Only then would the animals go without haste, stepped just far enough out of reach. Hyandai 
assured him that he would eat out of someone's hand if they had food on the menu that appealed to 
"Why not us fear ?" He said Harlen stood silently and not four paces from the doe and her foal. 
Hyandai looked at him. "We only hunt a little, darling." She said. "You have not evolved to fear us. In 
their countries that were many times were hunted to the brink of its own demise. Only those who 
feared the man instinctively survived. Today everything that lives are descendants of those who lived 
and were afraid." < br /> 
Harlen considered it for a while, and knew her place, but people had to hunt, he thought. "They did 
not live long outside Windir would?" He asked. 
She shook her head. "They do not avoid the man." She said. 
They went on several ways, breaking for a quick lunch after a few hours of travel. It was difficult for 
Harlen measure your progress as he knew none of the sites, and it was difficult to judge speed in 
that world too big trees and little direct sun. It was beautiful, but majestic and mysterious ways. 
Almost like cathedrals on one heard stories in the big cities. This temple was the One, he realized 
just Temple One of them dared to stand alone, with the help of the firstborn. 
"We're almost halfway there, we will be able to come to come in the morning." Hyandai assured him, 
using her own memory sites in the forests around them. Harlen noted her newfound confidence step. 
They were in their own countries now, and she knew it as Harlen knew Morrovale. 
She decorates him with a grin. "There is a place you can camp at night, in relative safety." She said. 
"It's my turn to provide shelter. Often I went there as a kid and it's always safe and I have never 
discovered by others." 
Harlen said. "Sounds like a good place, so close Embalis may be patrols of the city itself confronted
S." He said. "Especially when you consider that the problem is tight." 
View from fear and deep thoughts crossed Hyandai face as he continued walking. "I'm afraid for my 
people, Harlen." She said. " Ehladrel does not help that much in the fight armies." 
He commiserated with her, stroking her long auburn hair. "I'm afraid for them, as well, an angel." 
He said quietly. 
The walk continues in silence, two of them lost in their individual ideas. 
Hyandai mind was consumed with fear, and the fear that her people will be slaughtered by traitors 
and all its culture doomed to being put out. 
Harlen how humanity is accustomed to trying to figure out a way to avoid these fates. It is more than 
fertility or human malice was an advantage in situations of competition, whether it's race, poker, or 
"The Wind Islanders are included?" He asked, breaking the silence hours. 
She had to think for a few heartbeats, he spent his question. "Yes." She said. "They are still trying to 
clean up rogue Ghantian regiments and individuals who continue to harass their cities and outlying 
settlements. Besides, we are afraid to bring men into the deep forest to battle those who are 
untrained in such surroundings. They cut down like wheat." 
Harlen nodded, still following Hyandai back over undulating terrain Woodland floor. 
Harlen suddenly realized he could hear water splashing. Waterfall, he thought. As noted, the 
entrance to the clearing. It was like a larger version of caves in Morrovale. Or, perhaps, the cave 
was a miniature replica of the place. It was wide and deep, and trees held back from encroaching 
shore of a small lake. On the one hand, a large waterfall fell sharply stone formation, fall or spread 
of mists in the bottom of the column of flowing water. The water was incredibly clear and fragrances 
from around the meadow orchids. Rainbow formed in the mist spreading wide across the clearing 
and disappeared toward the edges of the fog. 
How Harlen blinked at the sheer beauty of the scene and attack the beautiful aromas on the nose, 
Hyandai grabbed his arm and pushed him down. They are now cowering behind a thick bush with 
white flowers covering its surface. Peering over the edge of the bush, Hyandai smiled like a child, 
his thumb, then looked over. 
Harlen joined her in peering over the edge of the bush. Near the waterfall just emerging from it, 
there seems to be a woman. She looked at the man, tall and thin, with long, strong legs and strong-looking 
arms. She was completely naked, her lithe body glistening beads of water refraction. She 
moved with the grace of an experienced dancer or a warrior, or both. The only thing that let him 
know that this man was not her hair. It was thick and wavy; massive mane of hair, and it was green. 
However, it was not all green parts were turning brown and red and yellow and orange parts. 
She walked along the shore of a small lake at some tracks before turning and walking toward the 
trees, then disappeared into the foliage. 
"What was that?" Harlen asked, his voice a whisper.
Hyandai giggled. "Fairy." She said. "Another flaky wood." 
"They're all crazy as beautiful as you and her?" Harlen asked, looking over, when the fairy came 
Hyandai rose. "I'm afraid not." She said. "As a matter of fact, some are pretty disgusting." 
Low laughter emanating from Harlen chest. "I see." He said. 
Onward they traveled, the time seemed of little importance, as they went on. The sun changed 
position but no real indicators of its current location and where it was an hour ago, it did not 
register as important. 
"Now I understand why people say that time does not pass in the elven lands." Harlen said lazily, 
looking at a couple of tiny dots of sunlight pierce the canopy overhead. "If so, they do so in hiding." 
Hyandai took his hand. "Fret not, dear, we are in the country, now that I know well." She said. "Or 
rather well." 
The light disappears again when Hyandai went up to them Ornathalion tree. She moved to the base, 
looking for something, until she found it. There was a soft, wooden click and the door opened into a 
She smiled at him in a surprised expression. "Come on." She ducked through the door and enter the 
tree trunk. 
Harlen had to bend down, but could stand upright inside. It was a small room, just two paces wide 
and one deep. A narrow tunnel leads from the wall to the left of the tree, as well as huge termites 
bored into it. 
Hyandai carefully closed the door and said. " Use your calyondo beloved ." 
Digging for a while, Harlen produced calyondo and held it before him. She crawled into the tunnel 
and he succeeded. He could not complain about looking at this part of his journey, he thought, 
looking ahead. Hyandai seemed to never wear a loincloth, and the view was quite frankly, 
stimulating, if he had to say. 
After what seemed like a long time steady crawling, and moving up that appeared on the platform, 
which was very high in the treetops. Harlen looked over the edge, stretching muscles unused to such 
a crawl. He saw nothing but darkening wood and mist. 
"How high are we?" He asked. 
Hyandai peered over the edge. "About two hundred paces." She said. "As close as I could ever say I 
never measure." 
"What is?" He asked, looking around the platform, which seemed to go all the way around the tree at 
this level. 
She shrugged. "I do not know, maybe watch unused contribution." She said. "But I never found the 
others here., We should be safe at night."
Harlen pocket a ball of light and sat on a wooden platform floor. "Tell me about your father." He said 
Harlen, maintaining its random thought patterns. 
Hyandai sat opposite him, legs crossed, leaning his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. 
"It's a powerful elf." She said. "A good man. He is a blacksmith, as I told you, and does many useful 
things for the clan and village." Her eyes were growing misty with the passage of time, when she 
spoke. "He was the head of the clan for a short time before the death of my mother. Know, we elves 
are matrilineal, though we usually male ruler." 
"When a man marries elf elven woman takes on her position. As my mother was an older woman in 
the clan, she was the mother of the family when she married my father, he became patriarch." She 
further explained. "In addition to the clan. But when the woman who binds man to his position dies, 
they lose it." 
Harlen said. "What is that like?" He examined. He never knew his mother or father, so it was very 
interesting for him. 
"As I said, strong and well." He repeated. "But also the stern and adamant in the corners." Her eyes 
were shining now. "I remember trying to make me stop implementation hyandai my mother all the 
time and I was just as stubborn and headstrong as he is." 
She smiled a wide toothy smile. "I told you that I considered free by the elven people, it is for its 
golden eyes alone." She said. "One boy, who was sent to visit his parents said something about it in a 
very rude tone. Thought that my father would flatten it like steel. Villain grabbed by the collar and 
pulled him from harm at the door, and on the edge of the platform, and swung it over him, said: 
'More civility next time you have the honor of speaking with my daughter, otherwise you can become 
my first attempt at the effects of gravity on a piece of dung'. "She paused for a long moment." He 
was my hero and still is, I think, although now I have another one, as well. " 
She moved her slender hand to Harlen in her small fingers as a child, in addition to their strong 
points. "It reminded me of you about it when we first met, the smell of hard work." She said. "And 
while some of our activities, I learned from this assessment, others have reinforced it." 
"Will you love me?" He said Harlen. "Or, more importantly, to approve of me and you." His eyes held 
a certain level of concern about this issue. 
Hyandai shrugged. "I do not know these days." She said. "It's dark times, Harlen, you need to keep 
in mind. Faced with the enemies of the South, the strong. And now, from the inside as well. My elves 
do not face war as humans do, the very act of creation is, even without a single death is a curse for 
us.'s not our way. " 
Harlen put his hand in his and clasped her fingers, gently but firmly. "It makes beautiful." He said. 
"It makes us weak." Hyandai said, almost spitting the words. Her expression changed to one of 
contempt. "We avoid fights, we have to calm down, and we negotiate. Things we do not do, however, 
is to win. In every transaction we lose something of ourselves. Soon we will have nothing to give, in 
addition to our lives., Which by that time will be meaningless. " 
"Do you think that pacifism does not work?" He said Harlen.
She smiled wryly. "Why else would I have been untrained in such matters, seeking Ehladrel ?" She 
murmured. "Pacifism does not work, we tried it more than two thousand years. Oh, sure, some 
people and others will respect the agreement on non-aggression, but just as often, as soon as it is 
appropriate or inappropriate to the press again, or openly to attack." 
Harlen nodded, but said nothing, simply patted her shoulder and hair. 
Hyandai smiled at him. "I doubt that you want to talk about the politics of my people." She said. 
"This is something that either happens or not, without you or I participate in it." 
"Your concerns are my concerns." Harlen said softly. "If it bothers you, you should talk about it, but 
I'm not very versed in this matter." 
"Another time, then." Answered Hyandai. "I have more questions importation into my mind." 
She reached out and stroked his cheek stubble and kissed him. "We're now in their countries, 
Harlen." She said again speak Elven. "Let each night as a folk wood." 
He only understood about two-thirds of what she said, but it was enough to deduce the rest. 
After returning her kiss, he began to undress her, untied the knots that held her tunic covering the 
shoulders and chest. It came free and sat it on the platform before the hand back into the palm of 
the soft curve of her breasts. 
The nipple hardened almost immediately and sighed when he pulled the soft flesh. She ended the 
kiss and began kissing his neck and ears while he continued kneading first, then the second hill. 
Hyandai to face him again, but this time opens legs straddling him, clung to him, her legs folded 
under her on her knees and leaned against the massive tree trunk. He leaned forward from the trunk 
while she picked up the tunic of his upper body and ran her cool hand on his chest and arms, 
enjoying the feeling of muscles under her fingertips when biting and kissing his neck and shoulders. 
Her hair tickled his chin when he moved from one side to the other and back. 
His own hands did not remain idle, though, and he undid her skirt and placed it on top of your short 
top. Now she was naked except for her soft shoes, which soon started her feet. 
Finally, when he moved back to his feet and came in a low squat, unclasping his belt and pulls his 
pants when he kicked his own shoes. After taking off her pants as she crouched back against him, 
feeling his swollen penis against her pubic mound and stomach. 
She looked at him, squeezed between their stomachs, and one of her hands followed her gaze. 
When she got up, Harlen followed, not that he had much choice, had his manhood firmly in her 
grasp. She kissed and tugged him when he backed toward the railing that lined the platform around. 
She moved to her and felt smoothly sanded wood on the back side. 
Harlen now breathes short, and thought that he knew her intention. He touched the smooth skin of 
her shoulders and gently turned her on. 
Hyandai grabbed the railing with both hands, her knuckles white in the dim moonlight coming 
through the trees. Her chest lowered to the rail as well, to present themselves to him with her legs
With a slight modification of their position, Harlen stood behind her and put his organ down to her 
entrance, looking back over his shoulder with a big smile, her own breath was also coming in short 
He rose smoothly to her, enjoying the feeling of her soft interior re-friendly, smooth and slick and 
warm and welcoming. 
Hyandai groaned as he entered her, and he felt a little muscle to contract protest against intrusion. 
Or was it a welcome hug? 
Soon, though she was moaning with pleasure, her body knew what was expected of him. Would it 
always be so? Harlen thinking. Even if you really find the answer. Both are enjoying it, so why bother 
with such a small detail? 
Her moans became stronger and she slowly pushes back against him as he went into it. 
Harlen was also feeling a sense of necessity, out of a desire to be with her more closely. He took the 
curves of her hips and stood up, straightening the leg. Her legs dangled in the air a few inches, so 
different was their height. 
He began to enter more enthusiastically, slammed against her ass. Her whole body shook with each 
impact and moaned in time with them. A few moments of harsh and violent action, and she moaned 
with agonizing climax, just a few minutes before Harlen is. She stared into the dark woods and 
exclaimed her joy when he took turn to moan as it spent on sending his seed deep into her body. 
They stayed like that for a long moment when she lifted her waist and hips, while she put her body 
on a wooden railing. His organ throbbed as she squeezed, milking every drop of his cum into each 
Harlen was, frankly, surprised that he managed to keep his knees straight through it, and it fell not 
because they were now quite uncertain underneath. He bent Hyandai on board and she moved off 
the shaft of his cock impaling, turn around again. 
"We love every day?" He asked, smiling at him, pulled herself to him with her hands and leaned into 
his chest. 
"I'm not sure." He said Harlen. "I do not think it would bother me, though." 
Hyandai yawned mightily, stretching his long arms and legs while arching your back sharply. "I'm 
afraid I'm too tired at the second attempt tonight, even though a lover, if you're longing for a 
second?" She asked, her expression curious. 
Harlen shook his head. "Only if you really want." He replied. "We went hard and far today and 
should rest for tomorrow." 
Folding herself into his arms, Hyandai sighed. "We should get some rest, and then, my dear, 
tomorrow will probably show trying." She said. 
They spread their blankets and then placed into the soft folds, Harlen pressing on the back and
enwrapping her protectively with his strong arms. They laid a moment, lost in thought, then, finally, 
"Wake up, man!" The voice ordered. 
It had clipped cadence that Hyandai had when they first met Harlen. Oddly, he thought about it for a 
while first noticed that her accent is Westron has become much better than when they met. strange 
thing to think about when someone said, wake up, he thought. The voice commanding his vigilance, 
however, were male, and lacked any form of kindness. 
He tried to move slowly, turning from Hyandai back and leaves both hands completely visible. He 
instinctively knew that moving him suddenly get into very serious trouble. 
Harlen slowly opened one eye, he saw four young elven man. They stood a few steps away from the 
slumbering couple; bows ready, but not in order, much to his relief. 
Hyandai gasped and clutched the blanket to her chin as she sat down, facing them. "A little 
modesty." She bit her Elven, staring at the four elves in what appears to be uniform. 
It was mostly covered and protected Harlen the bulk of his eyes, which was approaching from the 
hidden crawlway. They did not see her until she sat down. 
"Lady Hyandai!" The person who spoke, he said, his voice higher than his normal soprano with shock 
and surprise. 
In this notice, the other three registered their eyes widened with surprise. In unison, they bowed low 
and touched his chest to the knees extended. Arrows are back in their quivers second later, and four 
turned about to face the opposite direction from the couple.

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Solitary Arrow Ch 17

  • 1. Solitary Arrow Ch 17 Hyandai Harlen led through the forest leads him to offer himself knew it was a bit tricky. There was little in the Windir forest, which would provide a direct threat to a fully grown human male, or even elven women. But that does not mean there is no reason for caution. There was a place of spiritual power and where other Fey creatures lived. Mischievous beings that trick and betray Harlen, and some even Hyandai. Deep beneath the massive canopy provided ornthalion trees, they moved quietly, disturbed lands as little as can be. Hyandai warned before leaving larger mark their passage than is necessary, because some rangers, forest elven wise men, who, like Harlen was Morrovale, patrolled the forests, looking for a game and watch out for intruders. Most Rangers were loyal to the Crown and the people Windir, but may be people who have been undermined. Ranger, in its own timber, there was nothing to be trifled with, he warned. Harlen was amazed at how close to many local animals would allow them to be before the pair fled. They should look carefully, it is true, and that until a person would go close enough to touch them. Only then would the animals go without haste, stepped just far enough out of reach. Hyandai assured him that he would eat out of someone's hand if they had food on the menu that appealed to them. "Why not us fear ?" He said Harlen stood silently and not four paces from the doe and her foal. Hyandai looked at him. "We only hunt a little, darling." She said. "You have not evolved to fear us. In their countries that were many times were hunted to the brink of its own demise. Only those who feared the man instinctively survived. Today everything that lives are descendants of those who lived and were afraid." < br /> Harlen considered it for a while, and knew her place, but people had to hunt, he thought. "They did not live long outside Windir would?" He asked. She shook her head. "They do not avoid the man." She said. They went on several ways, breaking for a quick lunch after a few hours of travel. It was difficult for Harlen measure your progress as he knew none of the sites, and it was difficult to judge speed in that world too big trees and little direct sun. It was beautiful, but majestic and mysterious ways. Almost like cathedrals on one heard stories in the big cities. This temple was the One, he realized just Temple One of them dared to stand alone, with the help of the firstborn. "We're almost halfway there, we will be able to come to come in the morning." Hyandai assured him, using her own memory sites in the forests around them. Harlen noted her newfound confidence step. They were in their own countries now, and she knew it as Harlen knew Morrovale. She decorates him with a grin. "There is a place you can camp at night, in relative safety." She said. "It's my turn to provide shelter. Often I went there as a kid and it's always safe and I have never discovered by others." Harlen said. "Sounds like a good place, so close Embalis may be patrols of the city itself confronted
  • 2. S." He said. "Especially when you consider that the problem is tight." View from fear and deep thoughts crossed Hyandai face as he continued walking. "I'm afraid for my people, Harlen." She said. " Ehladrel does not help that much in the fight armies." He commiserated with her, stroking her long auburn hair. "I'm afraid for them, as well, an angel." He said quietly. The walk continues in silence, two of them lost in their individual ideas. Hyandai mind was consumed with fear, and the fear that her people will be slaughtered by traitors and all its culture doomed to being put out. Harlen how humanity is accustomed to trying to figure out a way to avoid these fates. It is more than fertility or human malice was an advantage in situations of competition, whether it's race, poker, or war. "The Wind Islanders are included?" He asked, breaking the silence hours. She had to think for a few heartbeats, he spent his question. "Yes." She said. "They are still trying to clean up rogue Ghantian regiments and individuals who continue to harass their cities and outlying settlements. Besides, we are afraid to bring men into the deep forest to battle those who are untrained in such surroundings. They cut down like wheat." Harlen nodded, still following Hyandai back over undulating terrain Woodland floor. Harlen suddenly realized he could hear water splashing. Waterfall, he thought. As noted, the entrance to the clearing. It was like a larger version of caves in Morrovale. Or, perhaps, the cave was a miniature replica of the place. It was wide and deep, and trees held back from encroaching shore of a small lake. On the one hand, a large waterfall fell sharply stone formation, fall or spread of mists in the bottom of the column of flowing water. The water was incredibly clear and fragrances from around the meadow orchids. Rainbow formed in the mist spreading wide across the clearing and disappeared toward the edges of the fog. How Harlen blinked at the sheer beauty of the scene and attack the beautiful aromas on the nose, Hyandai grabbed his arm and pushed him down. They are now cowering behind a thick bush with white flowers covering its surface. Peering over the edge of the bush, Hyandai smiled like a child, his thumb, then looked over. Harlen joined her in peering over the edge of the bush. Near the waterfall just emerging from it, there seems to be a woman. She looked at the man, tall and thin, with long, strong legs and strong-looking arms. She was completely naked, her lithe body glistening beads of water refraction. She moved with the grace of an experienced dancer or a warrior, or both. The only thing that let him know that this man was not her hair. It was thick and wavy; massive mane of hair, and it was green. However, it was not all green parts were turning brown and red and yellow and orange parts. She walked along the shore of a small lake at some tracks before turning and walking toward the trees, then disappeared into the foliage. "What was that?" Harlen asked, his voice a whisper.
  • 3. Hyandai giggled. "Fairy." She said. "Another flaky wood." "They're all crazy as beautiful as you and her?" Harlen asked, looking over, when the fairy came back. Hyandai rose. "I'm afraid not." She said. "As a matter of fact, some are pretty disgusting." Low laughter emanating from Harlen chest. "I see." He said. Onward they traveled, the time seemed of little importance, as they went on. The sun changed position but no real indicators of its current location and where it was an hour ago, it did not register as important. "Now I understand why people say that time does not pass in the elven lands." Harlen said lazily, looking at a couple of tiny dots of sunlight pierce the canopy overhead. "If so, they do so in hiding." Hyandai took his hand. "Fret not, dear, we are in the country, now that I know well." She said. "Or rather well." The light disappears again when Hyandai went up to them Ornathalion tree. She moved to the base, looking for something, until she found it. There was a soft, wooden click and the door opened into a tree. She smiled at him in a surprised expression. "Come on." She ducked through the door and enter the tree trunk. Harlen had to bend down, but could stand upright inside. It was a small room, just two paces wide and one deep. A narrow tunnel leads from the wall to the left of the tree, as well as huge termites bored into it. Hyandai carefully closed the door and said. " Use your calyondo beloved ." Digging for a while, Harlen produced calyondo and held it before him. She crawled into the tunnel and he succeeded. He could not complain about looking at this part of his journey, he thought, looking ahead. Hyandai seemed to never wear a loincloth, and the view was quite frankly, stimulating, if he had to say. After what seemed like a long time steady crawling, and moving up that appeared on the platform, which was very high in the treetops. Harlen looked over the edge, stretching muscles unused to such a crawl. He saw nothing but darkening wood and mist. "How high are we?" He asked. Hyandai peered over the edge. "About two hundred paces." She said. "As close as I could ever say I never measure." "What is?" He asked, looking around the platform, which seemed to go all the way around the tree at this level. She shrugged. "I do not know, maybe watch unused contribution." She said. "But I never found the others here., We should be safe at night."
  • 4. Harlen pocket a ball of light and sat on a wooden platform floor. "Tell me about your father." He said Harlen, maintaining its random thought patterns. Hyandai sat opposite him, legs crossed, leaning his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. "It's a powerful elf." She said. "A good man. He is a blacksmith, as I told you, and does many useful things for the clan and village." Her eyes were growing misty with the passage of time, when she spoke. "He was the head of the clan for a short time before the death of my mother. Know, we elves are matrilineal, though we usually male ruler." "When a man marries elf elven woman takes on her position. As my mother was an older woman in the clan, she was the mother of the family when she married my father, he became patriarch." She further explained. "In addition to the clan. But when the woman who binds man to his position dies, they lose it." Harlen said. "What is that like?" He examined. He never knew his mother or father, so it was very interesting for him. "As I said, strong and well." He repeated. "But also the stern and adamant in the corners." Her eyes were shining now. "I remember trying to make me stop implementation hyandai my mother all the time and I was just as stubborn and headstrong as he is." She smiled a wide toothy smile. "I told you that I considered free by the elven people, it is for its golden eyes alone." She said. "One boy, who was sent to visit his parents said something about it in a very rude tone. Thought that my father would flatten it like steel. Villain grabbed by the collar and pulled him from harm at the door, and on the edge of the platform, and swung it over him, said: 'More civility next time you have the honor of speaking with my daughter, otherwise you can become my first attempt at the effects of gravity on a piece of dung'. "She paused for a long moment." He was my hero and still is, I think, although now I have another one, as well. " She moved her slender hand to Harlen in her small fingers as a child, in addition to their strong points. "It reminded me of you about it when we first met, the smell of hard work." She said. "And while some of our activities, I learned from this assessment, others have reinforced it." "Will you love me?" He said Harlen. "Or, more importantly, to approve of me and you." His eyes held a certain level of concern about this issue. Hyandai shrugged. "I do not know these days." She said. "It's dark times, Harlen, you need to keep in mind. Faced with the enemies of the South, the strong. And now, from the inside as well. My elves do not face war as humans do, the very act of creation is, even without a single death is a curse for us.'s not our way. " Harlen put his hand in his and clasped her fingers, gently but firmly. "It makes beautiful." He said. "It makes us weak." Hyandai said, almost spitting the words. Her expression changed to one of contempt. "We avoid fights, we have to calm down, and we negotiate. Things we do not do, however, is to win. In every transaction we lose something of ourselves. Soon we will have nothing to give, in addition to our lives., Which by that time will be meaningless. " "Do you think that pacifism does not work?" He said Harlen.
  • 5. She smiled wryly. "Why else would I have been untrained in such matters, seeking Ehladrel ?" She murmured. "Pacifism does not work, we tried it more than two thousand years. Oh, sure, some people and others will respect the agreement on non-aggression, but just as often, as soon as it is appropriate or inappropriate to the press again, or openly to attack." Harlen nodded, but said nothing, simply patted her shoulder and hair. Hyandai smiled at him. "I doubt that you want to talk about the politics of my people." She said. "This is something that either happens or not, without you or I participate in it." "Your concerns are my concerns." Harlen said softly. "If it bothers you, you should talk about it, but I'm not very versed in this matter." "Another time, then." Answered Hyandai. "I have more questions importation into my mind." She reached out and stroked his cheek stubble and kissed him. "We're now in their countries, Harlen." She said again speak Elven. "Let each night as a folk wood." He only understood about two-thirds of what she said, but it was enough to deduce the rest. After returning her kiss, he began to undress her, untied the knots that held her tunic covering the shoulders and chest. It came free and sat it on the platform before the hand back into the palm of the soft curve of her breasts. The nipple hardened almost immediately and sighed when he pulled the soft flesh. She ended the kiss and began kissing his neck and ears while he continued kneading first, then the second hill. Hyandai to face him again, but this time opens legs straddling him, clung to him, her legs folded under her on her knees and leaned against the massive tree trunk. He leaned forward from the trunk while she picked up the tunic of his upper body and ran her cool hand on his chest and arms, enjoying the feeling of muscles under her fingertips when biting and kissing his neck and shoulders. Her hair tickled his chin when he moved from one side to the other and back. His own hands did not remain idle, though, and he undid her skirt and placed it on top of your short top. Now she was naked except for her soft shoes, which soon started her feet. Finally, when he moved back to his feet and came in a low squat, unclasping his belt and pulls his pants when he kicked his own shoes. After taking off her pants as she crouched back against him, feeling his swollen penis against her pubic mound and stomach. She looked at him, squeezed between their stomachs, and one of her hands followed her gaze. When she got up, Harlen followed, not that he had much choice, had his manhood firmly in her grasp. She kissed and tugged him when he backed toward the railing that lined the platform around. She moved to her and felt smoothly sanded wood on the back side. Harlen now breathes short, and thought that he knew her intention. He touched the smooth skin of her shoulders and gently turned her on. Hyandai grabbed the railing with both hands, her knuckles white in the dim moonlight coming through the trees. Her chest lowered to the rail as well, to present themselves to him with her legs
  • 6. apart. With a slight modification of their position, Harlen stood behind her and put his organ down to her entrance, looking back over his shoulder with a big smile, her own breath was also coming in short gasps. He rose smoothly to her, enjoying the feeling of her soft interior re-friendly, smooth and slick and warm and welcoming. Hyandai groaned as he entered her, and he felt a little muscle to contract protest against intrusion. Or was it a welcome hug? Soon, though she was moaning with pleasure, her body knew what was expected of him. Would it always be so? Harlen thinking. Even if you really find the answer. Both are enjoying it, so why bother with such a small detail? Her moans became stronger and she slowly pushes back against him as he went into it. Harlen was also feeling a sense of necessity, out of a desire to be with her more closely. He took the curves of her hips and stood up, straightening the leg. Her legs dangled in the air a few inches, so different was their height. He began to enter more enthusiastically, slammed against her ass. Her whole body shook with each impact and moaned in time with them. A few moments of harsh and violent action, and she moaned with agonizing climax, just a few minutes before Harlen is. She stared into the dark woods and exclaimed her joy when he took turn to moan as it spent on sending his seed deep into her body. They stayed like that for a long moment when she lifted her waist and hips, while she put her body on a wooden railing. His organ throbbed as she squeezed, milking every drop of his cum into each other. Harlen was, frankly, surprised that he managed to keep his knees straight through it, and it fell not because they were now quite uncertain underneath. He bent Hyandai on board and she moved off the shaft of his cock impaling, turn around again. "We love every day?" He asked, smiling at him, pulled herself to him with her hands and leaned into his chest. "I'm not sure." He said Harlen. "I do not think it would bother me, though." Hyandai yawned mightily, stretching his long arms and legs while arching your back sharply. "I'm afraid I'm too tired at the second attempt tonight, even though a lover, if you're longing for a second?" She asked, her expression curious. Harlen shook his head. "Only if you really want." He replied. "We went hard and far today and should rest for tomorrow." Folding herself into his arms, Hyandai sighed. "We should get some rest, and then, my dear, tomorrow will probably show trying." She said. They spread their blankets and then placed into the soft folds, Harlen pressing on the back and
  • 7. enwrapping her protectively with his strong arms. They laid a moment, lost in thought, then, finally, asleep. -------------------- "Wake up, man!" The voice ordered. It had clipped cadence that Hyandai had when they first met Harlen. Oddly, he thought about it for a while first noticed that her accent is Westron has become much better than when they met. strange thing to think about when someone said, wake up, he thought. The voice commanding his vigilance, however, were male, and lacked any form of kindness. He tried to move slowly, turning from Hyandai back and leaves both hands completely visible. He instinctively knew that moving him suddenly get into very serious trouble. Harlen slowly opened one eye, he saw four young elven man. They stood a few steps away from the slumbering couple; bows ready, but not in order, much to his relief. Hyandai gasped and clutched the blanket to her chin as she sat down, facing them. "A little modesty." She bit her Elven, staring at the four elves in what appears to be uniform. It was mostly covered and protected Harlen the bulk of his eyes, which was approaching from the hidden crawlway. They did not see her until she sat down. "Lady Hyandai!" The person who spoke, he said, his voice higher than his normal soprano with shock and surprise. In this notice, the other three registered their eyes widened with surprise. In unison, they bowed low and touched his chest to the knees extended. Arrows are back in their quivers second later, and four turned about to face the opposite direction from the couple.