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A history in pictures and charts
as we help launch an upgraded best-of-class solar light
and approach our 2 millionth solar light sale
3 December
In order not to make the number of charts too daunting
an obstacle to those who don’t know us well, very few
of the current SolarAid and SunnyMoney team
members or our esteemed alumni are mentioned by
name in this history. But I am confident that everyone
will appreciate that I am profoundly and enduringly
grateful to them all.
Jeremy Leggett
3rd December 2018
Editorial note
This slideshow should be regarded as a work in progress.
Suggestions for additions will be gratefully received, and of
course any mistakes of record or memory will be corrected
in a version kept updated periodically on my website:
5% of profits
7th Jan
Our origin: a simple idea 20 years ago,
at the start of Solarcentury’s journey
A solar company-with-a-difference uses venture capital to grow, and
creates a non-profit social venture that stimulates solar lighting markets.
7th Jan
28th Oct
SolarAid is set up on paper, awaiting
Solarcentury’s first profits
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
Round 2
First of two phases of investment and ascent to
profitability: through the recession following
the bursting of the dot-com bubble….
Round 1
1st commercial
1st £500k
1st own-product
trial: C21e
1st new
product award
1st own-product
SolarAid start-up
can now be
7th Jan
Solarcentury takes longer than hoped to get
through “the Valley of Death” and reach first profits
Our target
600 million without electricity in Africa
1 billion without electricity in the world
% population without grid electricity
Option 1:
burn oil (kerosene)
….at c.$50 a year
Annual global spend on kerosene and other unsustainables:
$27 billion
Option 2:
Solar light
…at $5 (as of 2018)
for 3-5 years
Savings per
Average annual
income, Malawi:
$145 at least
Early SolarAid ads
Phase 1 of 5:
2006 – 2008
Seeking a route to major impact
Charity SolarAid set up with 5% of Solarcentury’s
2005 operating profit (£35k) and Nick Sireau as CEO
7th Jan
30th May
While leading SolarAid until 2010, Nick will enjoy great success in
leveraging further funding with Solarcentury’s small first donation.
John Keane starts volunteering for SolarAid, in its
setup stage, before joining full time as 2nd employee
7th Jan
He led programme design and implementation then ….and he is still
with us today, leading SolarAid and SunnyMoney as CEO.
Solarcentury’s Andy Bodycombe takes a 6 month
sabbatical in Malawi starting SolarAid operations
7th Jan
Andy installs 300W of solar and batteries plus lights
(“macrosolar”, as we call it) for Kaliya Youth Group
7th Jan
The Kaliya solar building opens up a whole new set
of evening activities for the community
7th Jan
The KYG is a community-based organization helping young people with
HIV-AIDS. Theirs is the only building with electricity in their village. New
activities include evening classes, tinsmithing, battery charging, cinema.
Nick, Andy, and John set up a small factory for the
assembly of microsolar lights by Malawians
7th Jan
But as Chinese solar lanterns start to appear in Africa, it becomes clear
that this experiment cannot produce competitive products.
Gordon Brown formally launches SolarAid
7th Jan
26th Sep
The Labour Chancellor gives a speech to the press and party conference
delegates in Manchester about the importance of solar in development.
Cate Blanchett agrees to be SolarAid’s first Patron
7th Jan
For the next three years she leads appeals, hosts dinners, and
appears for us on media including the BBC’s Today Programme.
“Imagine, night in Africa…”
SolarAid appeal video
SolarAid supports the start up of a second
microsolar assembly project, in Iringa, Tanzania
7th Jan
The Neema Crafts Centre is a project for disabled and deaf local people
who otherwise find jobs and support for their families hard to come by.
Our first six-figure donation: Stephan Schmidheiny
donates £250,000 to SolarAid
7th Jan
27th Apr
Stephan, World Business Council for Sustainable Development founder
and a major philanthropist, was Solarcentury’s first investor.
SolarAid sets up in Tanzania, Zambia & Kenya with
funders including Big Lottery Fund and Vodafone
7th Jan
A school day
starts in Tanzania
(minus solar)
Brave Mhonie, a teacher, joins SolarAid, to rise
through the ranks until he leads SM Malawi today
7th Jan
4th Mar
Brave graduated from the University of St Gallen Business School in
2017 with a postgraduate diploma after a course paid for by SolarAid.
Philip Angier, an ex banker with a passion for
development, joins the board as Treasurer
7th Jan
He will remain on the board until 2017, a mission-critical pillar of
strength in all things financial and beyond, through good times and bad.
Communities hated it – the hurricane lamp is seen as a symbol of
poverty. But the customer feedback propelled SolarAid to seek solar
lights that the market wanted.
A bright idea ….not. One of SolarAid’s first ever
solar lights incorporated into a hurricane lamp.
Phase 2 of 5:
Macro and micro
2008 – 2012
Still seeking a route to major impact
….but beginning to sell
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xAs well as macrosolar, we begin marketing and
selling quality-verified microsolar lighting products
2008 to
Strategy: we decide to shoot for replacement of all
kerosene lamps in Africa with solar within 10 years
7th Jan
At this stage we still include macrosolar installations in our
- as it would turn out - completely overambitious strategic goal.
We set up SunnyMoney as a retail brand, aiming to
catalyse national solar light markets
7th Jan
Aim: to run SunnyMoney as though it is for-profit company, but to use
philanthropic funds as equity SolarAid does not not expect returned.
Author Ian McEwan agrees to become
a patron of SolarAid
7th Jan
He will do two BBC Radio charity appeals for us in the years ahead,
one of them the most successful BBC appeal ever.
SolarAid chosen by The Times newspaper as
Christmas charity of the year
7th Jan
The appeal and a series of Times articles on the charity generates
a significant increase in interest in our work.
By now, we have installed macrosolar on 52
rural schools, community centres and clinics….
7th Jan
…and sold 5,500 solar light products via SunnyMoney.
Luhunga School, Tanzania
….lit up by a SolarAid
macrosolar installation
Zambia Ops Director Karla Kanyanga’s son
Christopher does his homework by solar light
Two supporters cycle round the world
to raise funds for SolarAid
7th Jan
There will be many more wonderful feats of endurance fundraising
for the charity in the years ahead.
who later
works for
Karla Kanyanga, an American nurse, joins SolarAid
…and today she leads SunnyMoney Zambia.
7th Jan
1st June
Before becoming Ops Director, Karla (left) was right hand person to her
predecessor, Alex Burrough (right, Jan 2013 – Feb '18 with SunnyMoney)
The Solarcentury SolarRollers, just before they
undertake a stage of the Tour de Britain for SolarAid
7th Jan
Steve Andrews takes over as CEO after Nick Sireau
steps down to pursue other charity work
7th Jan
Steve has been a long-time advisor to SolarAid and Solarcentury, as CEO
of award-winning direct-marketing company Whitewater.
SunnyMoney sells 3,400 solar lights in just 4 days,
via schools, on Mafia Island, Tanzania
7th Jan
We are hopeful that we have identified a route to market that can scale
quickly. And this proves to be the case, in both Tanzania and Kenya.
First reports that grades are going up in schools
SunnyMoney has supplied in Kenya: Kitui District
7th Jan
Anecdotal evidence of rising grades continues to come in from other
schools in other districts in the months and years ahead.
field staff
report that
attainment is
the single
incentive for
buying a solar
By now, we have sold 18,000 solar light products
reaching some 84,000 beneficiaries
7th Jan
We have also installed macrosolar on 200 rural schools, community
centres & clinics. But our growth is not exponential, as we had hoped.
Our main
shown) are
Planet and
Richard Turner becomes Director of
Marketing and Fundraising
7th Jan
He brings a wealth of experience, having been head of fundraising at
both ActionAid and FARM Africa, and will be with us until 2016.
UK government announces deep cuts in solar feed-
in tariffs from August
7th Jan
The tariff cut is aimed at killing the solar-farm market. It sparks a rush to
complete big ground mount systems within weeks.
July 2011: Solarcentury runners
take on 10 k for SolarAid
SunnyMoney Global launched as a private limited
company, owned by SolarAid
7th Jan
27th Sep
We aim to replicate the successful Mafia Island pilot across Tanzania,
Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia, in a unified social enterprise.
Solar light
SolarAid sets ‘BHAG’ goal to eradicate the kerosene
lamp from Africa by 2020 …with microsolar
7th Jan
Nancy delivers
solar lights in
…how many
van loads make
As we complete macrosolar commitments, we decide to focus on scaling
up distribution of more affordable pico solar lights & systems <10W.
John Keane on the day the senior team came up with the school
campaigns strategy. It will prove to be a breakthrough idea.
A bright idea – the SunnyMoney Way is born:
convening headteachers to see solar lights at work
SunnyMoney sells 3,400 solar lights in just 4 days,
via schools, on Mafia Island, Tanzania
7th Jan
We are hopeful that we have identified a route to market that can scale
quickly. And this proves to be the case, in both Tanzania and Kenya.
A headteachers training day
So, a new strategy
with this in mind….
One of many deadly African fires caused using
candles for light: Idodi School, Iringa, Tanzania
7th Jan
12 girls died in this fire in a dormitory next to a building we had installed
a macrosolar unit on. Had we deployed microsolar all over instead…..
The tragedy has a profound impact on staff and is a
key factor in the decision to focus on microsolar
Phase 3 of 5:
Exponential growth
2012 – 2015
Potentially major impact, finally
SunnyMoney sells 51,811 solar lights in the
2011-12 FY ….up 287% from 18,000 in 2010-11
7th Jan
31st Mar
SolarAid has at this point installed 416 macrosolar systems on schools,
medical centres and community centres in rural, off-grid locations.
Funds raised from the start in 2006 until this point
total £8.3 million, mostly donated by corporations
7th Jan
31st Mar
71k light units sold to date, but we urgently need a better social return
per philanthropic £. We keep learning, and focusing, in search of that.
Fundraising at the Design Lighting Awards
7th Jan
Derry Newman, 2nd Solarcentury CEO (2007-2012),
joins SolarAid’s board, adding vital business skills
He will stay until
December 2017,
playing a major
role with Philip
Angier during
the ups and
downs to come
Kat Harrison joins SolarAid
as Director of Research
7th Jan
She will remain with us, leading our journey to world leader in solar light
impact research, until October 2015, when she moves on to Acumen.
Lorraine Hammond, a tax and audit accountant,
joins SolarAid as Project Accountant
7th Jan
2nd Sep
Today she is Finance Director, leading us through massive change
and into the next exciting phase of our development.
Sales soar beyond 200,000: SunnyMoney becomes
top seller of solar lights in the whole of Africa
7th Jan
Picture of
students ?
Business students from around the world pitch their ideas to help
provide solar power to remote communities. Some are inspired to work
for our innovation unit in Nairobi, “SunnyMoney Brains”.
2012 SolarAid chosen as part of the Hult Global Case
Challenge: a $1m prize split equally by 3 causes
Rock-star free-solo world climbing champion Alex
Honnold becomes a major donor to SolarAid
7th Jan
He is a material supporter as well as donor. US donations to the charity
will be channeled through his foundation.
Look Mum, no ropes
His world record attempt is thwarted when he is hit by a truck. A local
doctor looks after him and donates a new bike for him to continue.
Sean Conway, born in Zambia, cycles around the
world for SolarAid raising £17,000
7th Jan
28th Feb
BBC Newsnight covers SolarAid’s SunnyMoney
Kenya operations
In a remote school, a BBC reporter interviews Enock, who came in top
60 nationally in exams. Enock says (unprompted) his solar light is why.
“What do
you want to
do in your
future? What
is your
“To be a
SunnyMoney sells 338,298 solar lights in the
2012-13 FY ….up 650% from 51,811 in 2011-12
7th Jan
31st Mar
60% of our sales are in Tanzania, where finally we are showing signs of
catalyzing our first solar light market via exponential growth.
SolarAid secures a £300,000 working capital facility
with social investor AlphaMundi
7th Jan
This is the first debt we have raised, encouraged by the rapid growth of
2012-13. We need it to get even more lights into a hungry market.
The SolarAid team with Dan Colby of Google. Pippa Palmer (right) was
the driver behind our winning proposal and a £500k award.
SolarAid named one of four winners in the
Google Global Impact Challenge
3rd June
Solarcentury CEO Frans van den Heuvel makes his
50th birthday party a fundraiser for SolarAid
7th Jan
22nd Jun
Frans receiving
the SPP Lifetime
Achievement Award
British government’s Department for International
Development (DFID) begins supporting SolarAid
7th Jan
The first project involves matching funds the organization raises over a 3
month period. More direct support for programmes will follow.
Support pours in, with the Guardian and Observer,
Google and Business Green among those joining the general public.
The fundraising campaign “Bring Me Sunshine”
goes on to raise £1.2 million
SolarAid is one of four charities supported in the
Guardian & Observer Christmas appeal
7th Jan
We also benefit from a series of articles based on visits by journalists
including John Vidal to our work in the field.
SolarAid wins 3 major awards in one year
7th Jan
The Guardian Sustainable Business Award, Ashden Gold Award
and Google Global Impact Challenge.
SolarAid partners with Google on the largest ever
Randomised Control Trial study for pico-solar lights
7th Jan
At this stage, our data collection on our impact is
widely seen as best in the entire solar light industry
7th Jan
• 30,000 + direct research
• Quantitative and qualitative
• Informs our business strategy
• Adopted by our industry association
the Global Off Grid Lighting
Association (GOGLA)
7th Jan
Kenyan lawyer Joseph Karanja pioneers use of
SolarAid lights for tribal peace and reconciliation
After extraordinary results in his native Eldoret, which was an epicenter
of inter-tribal election violence in 2007, he takes his project national.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xMarking a Solarcentury donation to SolarAid
at a combined team meeting
28th Jan
Eynsham, Oxfordshire
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSunnyMoney Kenya begins first Kenya trials
of Pay-As-You-Go solar lights in Machakos
global director
Cindy Kerr
Ops director
Funding to test the viability of the marketing and distribution model
comes from the Kenya Climate Innovation Center.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSA and SM design and deliver new Light Library
model in Senegal with World Bank / Lighting Africa
The idea is that by accessing solar lights in a “library,” people will
become familiar with products and many will want to own / sell them.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xJeremy Leggett and major donor Jamie Arbib tour
SunnyMoney’s Kenyan operations
4th Feb
Eynsham, OxfordshireHere they talk about SolarAid’s aspirations to a group of headteachers
gathered for a solar-light induction in the Eldoret region.
SunnyMoney sells 613,165 solar lights in the
2013-14 FY ….up 81% from 338,298 in 2012-13
7th Jan
31st Mar
SA raises £2.2 million of donated funds in
FY 2013-14, with companies the biggest donors
7th Jan
31st Mar
SM holds £438 k of debt, but we are confident <20% commercial debt
to philanthropic funding is a good ratio in such a dynamic market.
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSunnyMoney sells its millionth solar light
….and reaches more than 4 million people
A few years later we learn of one couple who choose to leave generous
legacies to SolarAid. Our gratitude to them was part of their rationale.
“Thanks a million” campaign to contact supporters
to thank them for helping us reach 1 million
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSolarAid CEO Steve Andrews moves on to set up a
Kenyan solar and consumer goods company
When he joined we were selling c. 2,000 lights per month. He leaves an
organisation that is now selling around 65,000 lights per month.
The first three SolarAid’s CEOs2014
Andy Webb Steve Andrews Nick Sireau
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSunnyMoney receives Platinum GIIRS social impact
rating, the highest possible
This standing in the the Global Impact Investing Rating System is
testament to the world-leading work of Kat Harrison and her team.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
SunnyMoney opens a fifth office, in Uganda
Ramulat Anduru joins the team as accountant, later to become
Operations Director.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xJamie McCloskey joins SolarAid after heading
fundraising at the National AIDS Trust
14th Sep
Pictured here with Brave Mhonie in Malawi,
he now heads fundraising at SolarAid.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xIan Marchant, a significant individual donor to
SolarAid, visits our Malawi operations
The former SSE CEO, founder of “Scotland Lights Up Malawi”,
has been an ambassador of ours throughout our history.
SolarAid supporter Keith Neal ships 100 solar lights
to Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone
7th Jan
Oct 2014
- 2015
Medical teams working at night
Just 100 SolarAid lights “contributed greatly to the
control of the spread of Ebola in the (Bo) district”.
7th Jan
Oct 2014
- 2015
15 Chiefdom taskforces, 10
burial teams, 5 Emergency
Obstetrics and Neonatal
Care Centres, 5 Pillars for
Ebola Response and the
Central Command Centre
were now all able to work
around the clock treating
those in the stricken district.
So the Government of Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation
writes in a thank-you letter to Keith Neal.
The fundraising campaign ‘Light the Way’ goes on to raise over £1
million with support from Virgin, The Big Issue, and The Duke of York.
SolarAid awarded its second UK Aid match with UK
Government matching donations from the public
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSolarAid is runner up for the Zayed Future Energy
Prize ($1 million)
19th Jan
This after screening of thousands of entries from SME development
projects around the world by eminent judges including Richard Branson.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xThe Zayed near-miss is painful. Entering 2015, we
are beginning to see financial trouble ahead
We plan a “Chair’s campaign” to persuade foundations to back us at
scale, companies to contribute 5% of profits like Solarcentury does, etc.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xA great way to start The International Year of Light:
SolarAid has sold 1.5 million solar lights
21st Jan
SunnyMoney Kenya Operations Director Linda Wamune gives a speech
about our work at the launch event in Paris.
SunnyMoney sells a record 624,468 solar lights in
the 2014-15 FY ….up 1.8% from 613,165 in 2013-14
7th Jan
31st Mar
We have sold more than 1.7 million lights since we began, benefitting
more than 10 million people in 1.5 million households across East Africa.
Training agents
in Zambia
SA raises a record £2.5 million of donated funds in
FY 2014-15, with companies the biggest donors
7th Jan
31st Mar
Plus SunnyMoney has now drawn £536k of loans from social investors
(£467k this FY), repayable within 3 years ….fine unless sales drop.
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSolarAid reaches its 10 millionth person
with solar light
This is c. 20% of the c 50 million reached so far across the continent.
….550 million for us and the solar light industry still to reach.
The first two African
solar lighting markets
1.7 million sold
….198.2 million to go
"Few, if any, other businesses have launched
a sustainable brand and enabled thousands of people
to live more sustainably in such a short space of time”
1st light sold
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSummary of Phase 3: Finding and hitting an updraft
to become Africa’s biggest solar lighting retailer
2012 to
per light
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xQuantifying the impact of SolarAid’s SunnyMoney’s
1.9 million solar light sales
> 10 million
£283.4 million
saved by rural
1.9 billion
extra study
hours for
2 million
tonnes of CO₂
Safer homes
reduced risk
of fire and
4 million
better health
PWC gives us the Prove It Social Impact award
for this web-based innovation.
We design an impact calculator to help supporters
see the impact of their contributions & fundraising
Phase 4 of 5:
Scaling back
2015 - 2016
After selling an unprecedented volume of lights -
over 1.4 m in Tanzania and Kenya - we become over
stretched: the speed of incoming competition, and
the consequent “race to the bottom” on pricing,
takes us by surprise….
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xAs VC-backed companies enter the markets
we have catalyzed, our sales plummet….
….while we hold large stocks in warehouses and on the water.
Generic products, available at lower prices, add to the challenge.
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xSolarAid and SunnyMoney restructure under
extreme cash pressure as sales fall
Caesar Mwangi, SunnyMoney CEO 2015 -
2016, leads the withdrawal from Tanzania
and Kenya
Andy Webb, SolarAid CEO 2015 - 2016,
leads the downsizing and restructuring of
the head office in the UK
At the point of our contraction, we have sold 1.7 million solar lights. All
players operating continent-wide have sold around 10 million.
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
But the upbeat assessment is much dependent on “massive potential to
work with companies to leverage existing market channels and develop
new channels to market through innovative strategic partnerships.”
Free audit of SC & SM finds “a winning
formula both unique and scaleable”
Each sale equates to a night of light for a child in Africa.
Sales of 9 Bars raise £250,000 for SolarAid.
“Good Energy Twice”: Wholebake approach
SolarAid for a partnership with their 9 Bar range.
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xRichard Branson helps out with the SolarAid
“Chair’s Campaign” on fundraising
“SolarAid brings together the best of business and charity to tackle two
of the world’s biggest problems: climate change and poverty.”
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xJamie Arbib, long-time SolarAid supporter, lends us
£100,000 at a life-saving cash-flow moment
Pictured here at a Charities Aid Foundation event, Jamie is founder and
director of the Tellus Mater Foundation.
-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xThree international superstars join forces to make a
fundraising video for SolarAid
Canadian pop star Raghav, American rapper Nelly, & Bollywood’s
Abhishek Bachchan perform “Until The Sun Comes Up”.
30th Sep
18th Sep
UNGA agrees Sustainable Development Goals
Aim: to eradicate poverty via sustainable development
SolarAid’s work pertains to 14 of them. The target on which others
depend is SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy for Everyone by 2030.
Southwick Solar Farm
48 MWp
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xFor the second year running, SolarAid is runner up
for the (now $1.5 million) Zayed Future Energy Prize
15th Jan
Jeremy Leggett: “It is a rare form of torture to come so close, twice, to a
cash prize that could save SolarAid and SunnyMoney from the mistake -
which I must take the blame for - of literally not planning for success.”
2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xOur industry peers tell us we led catalyzation of the
markets they now enjoy in Kenya and Tanzania
“SolarAid’s SunnyMoney non-profit
business model acts as a market
primer for companies like ours. We
have found it much easier to
penetrate markets where customers
have already had a positive
experience with solar products. We
spend much less time educating
customers about the benefits of solar
in areas where they have worked, as
they have already built trust in solar
technology and there are much higher
levels of demand.”
Erica Mackey, COO, Off-Grid Electric
Typical feedback: “Sunny Money helped catalyze solar
markets in Kenya and Tanzania, starting
with getting lights into schools and
expanding beyond that. The field needs
organizations like Sunny Money to use
grant funding to enter frontier markets
and help jumpstart adoption of solar.”
Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund,
“Enabling pioneers such as SolarAid and
Sunnymoney to do their ground-breaking
'grassroots' work is key, and perhaps the
only way to ultimately reach universal
energy access and a sustainable off-grid
electrification market.”
Koen Peters, Executive Director of the
Global Off-Grid Lighting Association
(the solar light industry’s trade body)
Total market penetration
solar lighting vs kerosene
Where we are working
1 – 10%
Where we have succeeded
> 10%
Rest of Sub – Saharan Africa
Less than 3%
>100 companies are now active globally on stand-
alone solar lanterns and solar home systems
7th Jan
3rd Mar
They have sold c. 20 million products collectively to date, mostly
portable lights, reaching 89 m people. SolarAid has sold 9% of these.
Source: BNEF, Lighting Global, Dahlberg
7th Jan
7th Mar
Exit from Tanzania: SunnyMoney brand, customer
list and stock handed on to Arti Energy
Our team sold over 900,000 solar lights, 12% of all quality solar products
sold across Africa, reaching 13% of Tanzania’s off-grid population
SunnyMoney sells 173,366 solar lights in the
2015-16 FY ….only 27% of the 624,468 in 2014-15
7th Jan
31st Mar
As we withdraw from Tanzania and Kenya, there is no sign of us
reaching the same scale in Zambia, Malawi and Uganda.
SolarAid raises £1.25 million of donated funds in
FY 2015-16, down 50% on the record £2.5m 2014-15
7th Jan
31st Mar
Individuals are the biggest donor sector: £329k Non High Net Worth,
£313k HNW. Outreach to corporations and foundations is not working as
hoped. We have cut loan balances down to £223k (£438k Mar 2015).
Oli Sylvester-Bradley, former Solarcentury
marketing manager, joins SolarAid in the same role
7th Jan
He will stay with us through to summer 2018, providing vital marketing
support for our fundraising and outreach at a crucial time.
7th Jan
Keap Candles, a New York company pledging
25% of profits to SolarAid, makes its first donation
Founder Harry Doull
(right) has such a
passion for our project
that he sets up a US
non-profit to channel
US donations to the
SolarAid USA is set up in
September 2017.
SunnyMoney ceases direct market operations
in Kenya
7th Jan
CEO Caesar Mwangi moves on to try and set up a for-profit solar light
retailer. Friends of SolarAid provide his start-up capital.
7th Jan
x7th Jan
The Solarcentury runners-for-SolarAid team enters
the Tough Mudder half marathon
7th Jan
SM100 - Research-th ---
Solarcentury growth2nd Mar
2nd Mar
xWe decide we need our own (lowest cost) product
and find the perfect partner to help us do it….
2015 to
….Namene Solar Light Company (at the time a team within Yingli)
• Product design based on >30,000 consumer research interactions
• 2 years in design and prototype, from >300 original design drawings
• Rigorous prototype testing with Fraunhofer Institute
7th Jan
4th Oct
Launch of own product, co-developed with Namene
Solar Light Company, on SolarAid’s 10th anniversary
o 18 lumen
o 6 hrs run time
o Water-resistant
o Reliable
o Durable
SM100 Solar Light:
One of the most affordable entry-level
quality solar lights
Average savings: $70 per year
1 tonne of carbon dioxide
7th Jan
4th Oct
SolarAid holds 10th birthday party at the
Bulgari Hotel in London
7th Jan
Aug - Sep
Proof of value proposition for SM100 Solar Light:
9,000 unit Sales Field Trial in Africa
7th Jan
2016 to
Can we make the SM100 Solar Light a commercial
success ….in current and new African countries?
…it isn’t always easy in the field
7th Jan
13th Feb
Joseph Karanaja’s Solar For Peace Initiative in Kenya
now has 3,000 members from nearly 900 families
By June 2018 SPI is active in 44 of Kenya’s 47 counties with over 7,000
members and 22,000 solar lights sold
Joseph Karanja,
founder Carolyne Wanjiku and her mother Anne
SunnyMoney sells just 73k solar lights in the
2016-17 FY ….only 42% of the 173k in 2015-16
7th Jan
31st Mar
We are struggling in all three countries of operation. But then so are
many more solar light companies, despite all the capital flowing in….
© Namene Solar Light Company
7th Jan
22nd Jan
Global solar lighting sales actually fell in 2017
…despite $600m “impact” investment 2016 & 2017
Global Off
7th Jan
23rd Oct
Solar lighting: only 30 million sold, anywhere, ever,
in a world of 1.1 billion without electricity….
Source: GOGLA / Lighting Africa
30.7 m
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 H1 2017
…as reported by 65 GOGLA members
Non branded products approximately double the total
Data include only quality-verified pico-solar (<11 W) and solar home
system products, c. 30% of all. Other 70% are generic products.
Global solar lighting sales have essentially stalled
since 2015 …despite a steep rise in investment
7th Jan
26th Apr
Data source: GOGLA / Lighting Global
<35 million solar light sales in all
> $600 m$207m$75 m$18 m$21 mInvestment:
Uganda office closed, with great sadness, in order
to focus resources on Zambia and Malawi
7th Jan
Ramulat Andiru continues to sell solar lights, and service existing
SunnyMoney customers, in her own right.
SA raises £881k of donated funds in
FY 2016-17, with individuals still the biggest donors
7th Jan
31st Mar
Though our fundraising is down on the £1.25m in 2015-16, our
restructuring has meant that our debts are essentially cleared now.
Phase 5 of 5:
New Quest
2017 - present
Post-crisis, how to find our way to a second
exponential impact ….in a very different
world to the one we started in
7th Jan
26th April
2017 SM100 receives Lighting Global approval
7th Jan
6th June
The Grade 4 class at West Bay Elementary,
Vancouver raises £600 for SolarAid
There are so many heart warming efforts like this. The support of
ordinary people is turning into the bedrock of the charity.
Solarcentury’s Solar Rollers ride
for SolarAid at the Dragon Ride
7th Jan
7th Jan
3rd July
Total sells its 2 millionth solar light, having taken
the lead from SunnyMoney in Africa during 2017
90% of the sales have been Africa, via 4,000 filling stations.
The oil and gas giant’s next goal is 5 million by 2020.
7th Jan
SunnyMoney partners with Malawi’s largest
Financial co-operative, FinCoop
National Sales Coordinator Brave Mhonie with Fincoop’s
General Manager, McMillan Nankhonya.
This we hope
will lift our
Go sales by
giving our
agents access
to credit
7th Jan
3rd July
SM100 and designers Future Product (formerly
Inventid) and NSLC featured by the BBC and FT
But sales are going slowly. Low quality products - short-lived but
cheaper - are increasingly proving to be a problem for sales teams.
Malawi sales team meeting
7th Jan
7th July
SolarAid’s retail brand SunnyMoney wins
BITC – Unilever Global Development Award
7th Jan
1st Sep
John Keane returns to SolarAid and SunnyMoney as
CEO after working for our trade association GOGLA
He replaces Jeremy Leggett, who has been Acting CEO
as well as Chair for more than a year.
“Universal energy access by 2030 now within reach
thanks to growing political will and falling costs”
7th Jan
19th Oct
IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017
Africa imagined at night, 2030
Population without
electricity has fallen
to <1.1 bn
1,060 million people still have no electricity access
in 2016 …588 million (48%) in Africa
7th Jan
19th Oct
Africa at night, 2030IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017
IEA Energy Access
Outlook 2017
Electricity for all 2017 – 2030 requires investment
of $725bn, $52bn per year: IEA
7th Jan
19th Oct
Africa at night, 2030
Providing for the 674m people that the New
Policies Scenario doesn’t (601m, 90%, in SSA)
$391 bn
IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017
7th Jan
A new board of trustees, and advisory board,
for a new year, and renewed effort
John was legal counsel at Solarcentury for 17 years, and is now an legal
consultant. Mirjana, an auditor, is head of finance at Carbon Tracker.
Jeremy Leggett John Faulks Mirjana Skrba
Charlotte Grimshaw Aki Maruyama-Leggett Jeunesse Park Glenda Vergeer
7th Jan
1st Jan
Steve Phillips embarks on a quite unique SolarAid
fundraising project
Every day in 2018, he will play a different song on his Ukulele and post
the recording on YouTube. 1st Jan: “After Hours” by Velvet Underground.
SunnyMoney sells 112k solar lights in the
2017-18 FY ….53% up on 73k in 2016-17
7th Jan
31st Mar
We are on an upward trend again, but we are not close to catalyzing
the markets in Zambia or Malawi.
SolarAid raises £0.72 million of donated funds in
FY 2017-18
7th Jan
31st Mar
Since started in 2007 we have leveraged £35k from Solarcentury into
£17.2 million of philanthropic funding for SolarAid.
7th Jan
1st Nov
Off grid solar lighting sales fell again in 2018 H1
….no sign of the growth needed to hit SDG 7
A billion people remain without electricity. Yet existing light sales mean
c. $3.5bn additional income for households over lifetime of products.
7th Jan
1st Nov
Solar home systems were only 11% of total
2018 H1 solar lighting unit sales, but….
….All 4 types of SHS grew, between 15% & 200% (>100 Wp) due to PAYG.
For all solar lighting, PAYG value ($110m) exceeds cash value ($107m).
GOGLA members data for c. 30% of global market <11Wp …..& c. 60-80% <11Wp
0 - 1.5
1.5 - 3
3 - 10
11 - 20
21 - 49
50 - 100
26 MW
2.7 m
$76 m
561 k
$40 m value
395 k
$102 m
7th Jan
1st Nov
Potential is clear in impact estimates for all off-grid
solar lighting products sold to date (as of June 2018)
Figures are conservative: based on constantly-updated GOGLA industry
standards, including only quality-verified products.
people with currently living in a
household with improved energy access
due to solar lighting products
people undertaking more economic
activity due to solar lighting access
metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided,
over products’ lifetimes
additional income unlocked over the
products’ lifetimes
savings on energy expenditure by
households switching to solar lanterns or
multi-light systems, over products’ lifetime
extra hours of light created for families
over products’ lifetimes
7th Jan
2nd Nov
Access to electricity is growing rapidly
around the world ….except in Africa
New IEA figures show the number without electricity has fallen
below 1 billion, but in Africa it remains around 600 million:
deployment is not keeping up with population growth.
Alongside continuing solar light sales, we develop a
new strategy for access to light by the poorest
7th Jan
We raise dedicated funds to begin a pilot innovations project in Malawi,
with an appeal to our core supporters and the general public.
A solar charging hub designed to serve low income villagers. Customers pay to
recharge centrally owned and maintained batteries, which light their homes
SolarAid lights distributed in a refugee settlement
by Syria Relief
7th Jan
Funding from Next Energy Capital and long-term SolarAid supporter
Keith Neal, a retired schoolteacher from Manchester.
SolarAid Zambia revisits a hospital we solarised in
2010 ….and find the medicine is still solar-chilled
7th Jan
The solar powered fridge at St Luke’s Hospital, which treats 25,000 -
40,000 patients a year. Think of the lives saved by this one installation!
Sister Valeria
7th Jan
10th Sep
John Keane moves to Lusaka, with his family,
to lead Africa operations from the field
7th Jan
12th Sep
SolarAid partners with Elle Solaire to help women
entrepreneurs in Senegal
This partnership means we can further our mission in Senegal, which
began with our Light Libraries experiment in 2014.
ElleSolaire- one of
the first women-
led clean energy
networks in
Senegal- recruits
local women from
remote villages
and provides them
with training and
support in sales,
marketing and
7th Jan
3rd Dec
Our manufacturing partner Namene Solar Light
Company launches an improved SM100
Increase from 18 to 30 lumens for 4+ hrs, second light setting for 10
lumens for 10+ hrs, 2 year warranty, plug & play for easier repair and
recycling…no increase in prices. “More Light For Your Money.”
7th Jan
3rd Dec
Namene Solar Light Company has a highly
experienced team dedicated to SDG7
Managing Director Darren Thompson’s passion for SolarAid dates back
to a strategy discussion dinner we held in 2011.
Darren Thompson, Managing Director
Massimo Lisanti, Technical Director
Carolin Stähler, Communications Director
Denis Daumal,
Head of Corporate Carbon Strategy
7th Jan
16th Nov
It wouldn’t, if you do the accounting properly: drop kerosene subsidies,
count savings on kerosene and healthcare savings, price carbon, etc etc
How much would it cost to deploy an SM100 so that
everyone had access to clean, affordable light?
Can this new light, new models &
new partnerships, help us achieve
the SDGs & create a world where:
No school, No clinic,
No one, is left in the dark?
Our quest continues….
Please follow our continuing effort to
play a major role in achieving
Sustainable Development Goal 7
(and other SDGs) on

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SolarAid - a history in pictures and charts, as we help launch an upgraded best-of-class solar light and approach our 2 millionth solar light sale

  • 1. A history in pictures and charts as we help launch an upgraded best-of-class solar light and approach our 2 millionth solar light sale 3 December 2018
  • 2. Preface In order not to make the number of charts too daunting an obstacle to those who don’t know us well, very few of the current SolarAid and SunnyMoney team members or our esteemed alumni are mentioned by name in this history. But I am confident that everyone will appreciate that I am profoundly and enduringly grateful to them all. Jeremy Leggett 3rd December 2018
  • 3. Editorial note This slideshow should be regarded as a work in progress. Suggestions for additions will be gratefully received, and of course any mistakes of record or memory will be corrected in a version kept updated periodically on my website:
  • 4. 5% of profits 7th Jan 2016 1998 Our origin: a simple idea 20 years ago, at the start of Solarcentury’s journey A solar company-with-a-difference uses venture capital to grow, and creates a non-profit social venture that stimulates solar lighting markets.
  • 5. 7th Jan 2016 28th Oct 1998 SolarAid is set up on paper, awaiting Solarcentury’s first profits
  • 6. -5 0 5 10 15 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Round 2 £1m SSE First of two phases of investment and ascent to profitability: through the recession following the bursting of the dot-com bubble…. Round 1 £8m GrupoEcos £m 1st commercial installation 50th installation 1st £500k project 1st own-product trial: C21e 1st new product award 1st own-product production Revenue EBITDA Loss SolarAid start-up can now be funded 7th Jan 2016 1998 to 2006 Solarcentury takes longer than hoped to get through “the Valley of Death” and reach first profits
  • 8. 600 million without electricity in Africa Solar Aid
  • 9. 1 billion without electricity in the world
  • 10. % population without grid electricity
  • 11. Option 1: burn oil (kerosene) ….at c.$50 a year Annual global spend on kerosene and other unsustainables: $27 billion
  • 12. Option 2: Solar light …at $5 (as of 2018) for 3-5 years Savings per household: Average annual income, Malawi: $225 $145 at least
  • 14. Phase 1 of 5: Reconnaissance 2006 – 2008 Seeking a route to major impact
  • 15. Charity SolarAid set up with 5% of Solarcentury’s 2005 operating profit (£35k) and Nick Sireau as CEO 7th Jan 2016 30th May 2006 While leading SolarAid until 2010, Nick will enjoy great success in leveraging further funding with Solarcentury’s small first donation.
  • 16. John Keane starts volunteering for SolarAid, in its setup stage, before joining full time as 2nd employee 7th Jan 2016 May 2006 He led programme design and implementation then ….and he is still with us today, leading SolarAid and SunnyMoney as CEO.
  • 17. Solarcentury’s Andy Bodycombe takes a 6 month sabbatical in Malawi starting SolarAid operations 7th Jan 2016 2006
  • 18. Andy installs 300W of solar and batteries plus lights (“macrosolar”, as we call it) for Kaliya Youth Group 7th Jan 2016 2006
  • 19. The Kaliya solar building opens up a whole new set of evening activities for the community 7th Jan 2016 2006 The KYG is a community-based organization helping young people with HIV-AIDS. Theirs is the only building with electricity in their village. New activities include evening classes, tinsmithing, battery charging, cinema.
  • 20. Nick, Andy, and John set up a small factory for the assembly of microsolar lights by Malawians 7th Jan 2016 2006 But as Chinese solar lanterns start to appear in Africa, it becomes clear that this experiment cannot produce competitive products.
  • 21. Gordon Brown formally launches SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 26th Sep 2006 The Labour Chancellor gives a speech to the press and party conference delegates in Manchester about the importance of solar in development.
  • 22. Cate Blanchett agrees to be SolarAid’s first Patron 7th Jan 2016 Oct 2006 For the next three years she leads appeals, hosts dinners, and appears for us on media including the BBC’s Today Programme. “Imagine, night in Africa…” SolarAid appeal video
  • 23. SolarAid supports the start up of a second microsolar assembly project, in Iringa, Tanzania 7th Jan 2016 2007 The Neema Crafts Centre is a project for disabled and deaf local people who otherwise find jobs and support for their families hard to come by.
  • 24. Our first six-figure donation: Stephan Schmidheiny donates £250,000 to SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 27th Apr 2007 Stephan, World Business Council for Sustainable Development founder and a major philanthropist, was Solarcentury’s first investor.
  • 25. SolarAid sets up in Tanzania, Zambia & Kenya with funders including Big Lottery Fund and Vodafone 7th Jan 2016 2008 A school day starts in Tanzania (minus solar)
  • 26. Brave Mhonie, a teacher, joins SolarAid, to rise through the ranks until he leads SM Malawi today 7th Jan 2016 4th Mar 2008 Brave graduated from the University of St Gallen Business School in 2017 with a postgraduate diploma after a course paid for by SolarAid.
  • 27. Philip Angier, an ex banker with a passion for development, joins the board as Treasurer 7th Jan 2016 Mar 2008 He will remain on the board until 2017, a mission-critical pillar of strength in all things financial and beyond, through good times and bad.
  • 28. Communities hated it – the hurricane lamp is seen as a symbol of poverty. But the customer feedback propelled SolarAid to seek solar lights that the market wanted. A bright idea ….not. One of SolarAid’s first ever solar lights incorporated into a hurricane lamp. 2008
  • 29. Phase 2 of 5: Macro and micro 2008 – 2012 Still seeking a route to major impact ….but beginning to sell
  • 30. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xAs well as macrosolar, we begin marketing and selling quality-verified microsolar lighting products 2008 to 2015
  • 31. Strategy: we decide to shoot for replacement of all kerosene lamps in Africa with solar within 10 years 7th Jan 2016 June 2008 At this stage we still include macrosolar installations in our - as it would turn out - completely overambitious strategic goal.
  • 32. We set up SunnyMoney as a retail brand, aiming to catalyse national solar light markets 7th Jan 2016 October 2008 Aim: to run SunnyMoney as though it is for-profit company, but to use philanthropic funds as equity SolarAid does not not expect returned.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Author Ian McEwan agrees to become a patron of SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 October 2008 He will do two BBC Radio charity appeals for us in the years ahead, one of them the most successful BBC appeal ever.
  • 37. SolarAid chosen by The Times newspaper as Christmas charity of the year 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2009 The appeal and a series of Times articles on the charity generates a significant increase in interest in our work.
  • 38. By now, we have installed macrosolar on 52 rural schools, community centres and clinics…. 7th Jan 2016 March 2010 …and sold 5,500 solar light products via SunnyMoney.
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  • 41.
  • 42. Luhunga School, Tanzania ….lit up by a SolarAid macrosolar installation
  • 43. Zambia Ops Director Karla Kanyanga’s son Christopher does his homework by solar light
  • 44. Two supporters cycle round the world to raise funds for SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 March 2010 There will be many more wonderful feats of endurance fundraising for the charity in the years ahead. Susie Wheeldon, who later works for SolarAid
  • 45. Karla Kanyanga, an American nurse, joins SolarAid …and today she leads SunnyMoney Zambia. 7th Jan 2016 1st June 2010 Before becoming Ops Director, Karla (left) was right hand person to her predecessor, Alex Burrough (right, Jan 2013 – Feb '18 with SunnyMoney)
  • 46.
  • 47. The Solarcentury SolarRollers, just before they undertake a stage of the Tour de Britain for SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 Sep 2010
  • 48. Steve Andrews takes over as CEO after Nick Sireau steps down to pursue other charity work 7th Jan 2016 Sep 2010 Steve has been a long-time advisor to SolarAid and Solarcentury, as CEO of award-winning direct-marketing company Whitewater.
  • 49. SunnyMoney sells 3,400 solar lights in just 4 days, via schools, on Mafia Island, Tanzania 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2010 We are hopeful that we have identified a route to market that can scale quickly. And this proves to be the case, in both Tanzania and Kenya.
  • 50. First reports that grades are going up in schools SunnyMoney has supplied in Kenya: Kitui District 7th Jan 2016 Feb 2011 Anecdotal evidence of rising grades continues to come in from other schools in other districts in the months and years ahead. SunnyMoney field staff consistently report that educational attainment is the single biggest incentive for buying a solar light.
  • 51. By now, we have sold 18,000 solar light products reaching some 84,000 beneficiaries 7th Jan 2016 March 2011 We have also installed macrosolar on 200 rural schools, community centres & clinics. But our growth is not exponential, as we had hoped. Our main manufacturing partners (products shown) are Greenlight Planet and d-light.
  • 52. Richard Turner becomes Director of Marketing and Fundraising 7th Jan 2016 June 2011 He brings a wealth of experience, having been head of fundraising at both ActionAid and FARM Africa, and will be with us until 2016.
  • 53. UK government announces deep cuts in solar feed- in tariffs from August 7th Jan 2016 Jun 2011 The tariff cut is aimed at killing the solar-farm market. It sparks a rush to complete big ground mount systems within weeks. July 2011: Solarcentury runners take on 10 k for SolarAid
  • 54. SunnyMoney Global launched as a private limited company, owned by SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 27th Sep 2011 We aim to replicate the successful Mafia Island pilot across Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia, in a unified social enterprise. Solar light deliveries, Zambia
  • 55. SolarAid sets ‘BHAG’ goal to eradicate the kerosene lamp from Africa by 2020 …with microsolar 7th Jan 2016 June 2011 Nancy delivers solar lights in Zambia …how many van loads make a BHAG? As we complete macrosolar commitments, we decide to focus on scaling up distribution of more affordable pico solar lights & systems <10W.
  • 56. John Keane on the day the senior team came up with the school campaigns strategy. It will prove to be a breakthrough idea. Nov 2011 A bright idea – the SunnyMoney Way is born: convening headteachers to see solar lights at work
  • 57. SunnyMoney sells 3,400 solar lights in just 4 days, via schools, on Mafia Island, Tanzania 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2010 We are hopeful that we have identified a route to market that can scale quickly. And this proves to be the case, in both Tanzania and Kenya. A headteachers training day
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. So, a new strategy with this in mind….
  • 61. One of many deadly African fires caused using candles for light: Idodi School, Iringa, Tanzania 7th Jan 2016 August 2009 12 girls died in this fire in a dormitory next to a building we had installed a macrosolar unit on. Had we deployed microsolar all over instead…..
  • 62. The tragedy has a profound impact on staff and is a key factor in the decision to focus on microsolar Aug 2009
  • 63. Phase 3 of 5: Exponential growth 2012 – 2015 Potentially major impact, finally
  • 64. SunnyMoney sells 51,811 solar lights in the 2011-12 FY ….up 287% from 18,000 in 2010-11 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2012 SolarAid has at this point installed 416 macrosolar systems on schools, medical centres and community centres in rural, off-grid locations.
  • 65. Funds raised from the start in 2006 until this point total £8.3 million, mostly donated by corporations 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2012 71k light units sold to date, but we urgently need a better social return per philanthropic £. We keep learning, and focusing, in search of that. Fundraising at the Design Lighting Awards
  • 66. 7th Jan 2016 June 2012 Derry Newman, 2nd Solarcentury CEO (2007-2012), joins SolarAid’s board, adding vital business skills He will stay until December 2017, playing a major role with Philip Angier during the ups and downs to come
  • 67. Kat Harrison joins SolarAid as Director of Research 7th Jan 2016 She will remain with us, leading our journey to world leader in solar light impact research, until October 2015, when she moves on to Acumen. August 2012
  • 68. Lorraine Hammond, a tax and audit accountant, joins SolarAid as Project Accountant 7th Jan 2016 2nd Sep 2012 Today she is Finance Director, leading us through massive change and into the next exciting phase of our development.
  • 69. Sales soar beyond 200,000: SunnyMoney becomes top seller of solar lights in the whole of Africa 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2012
  • 70.
  • 71. Picture of students ? Business students from around the world pitch their ideas to help provide solar power to remote communities. Some are inspired to work for our innovation unit in Nairobi, “SunnyMoney Brains”. 2012 SolarAid chosen as part of the Hult Global Case Challenge: a $1m prize split equally by 3 causes
  • 72. Rock-star free-solo world climbing champion Alex Honnold becomes a major donor to SolarAid 7th Jan 20162012 He is a material supporter as well as donor. US donations to the charity will be channeled through his foundation. Look Mum, no ropes
  • 73. His world record attempt is thwarted when he is hit by a truck. A local doctor looks after him and donates a new bike for him to continue. 2012 Sean Conway, born in Zambia, cycles around the world for SolarAid raising £17,000
  • 74. 7th Jan 2016 28th Feb 2013 BBC Newsnight covers SolarAid’s SunnyMoney Kenya operations In a remote school, a BBC reporter interviews Enock, who came in top 60 nationally in exams. Enock says (unprompted) his solar light is why. “What do you want to do in your future? What is your hope?” “To be a doctor”
  • 75. SunnyMoney sells 338,298 solar lights in the 2012-13 FY ….up 650% from 51,811 in 2011-12 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2013 60% of our sales are in Tanzania, where finally we are showing signs of catalyzing our first solar light market via exponential growth. Team Tanzania
  • 76. SolarAid secures a £300,000 working capital facility with social investor AlphaMundi 7th Jan 2016 April 2013 This is the first debt we have raised, encouraged by the rapid growth of 2012-13. We need it to get even more lights into a hungry market.
  • 77. The SolarAid team with Dan Colby of Google. Pippa Palmer (right) was the driver behind our winning proposal and a £500k award. SolarAid named one of four winners in the Google Global Impact Challenge 3rd June 2013
  • 78. Solarcentury CEO Frans van den Heuvel makes his 50th birthday party a fundraiser for SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 22nd Jun 2013 Frans receiving the SPP Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 79. British government’s Department for International Development (DFID) begins supporting SolarAid 7th Jan 2016 Nov 2013 The first project involves matching funds the organization raises over a 3 month period. More direct support for programmes will follow.
  • 80. Support pours in, with the Guardian and Observer, Google and Business Green among those joining the general public. Nov 2013 The fundraising campaign “Bring Me Sunshine” goes on to raise £1.2 million
  • 81. SolarAid is one of four charities supported in the Guardian & Observer Christmas appeal 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2013 We also benefit from a series of articles based on visits by journalists including John Vidal to our work in the field.
  • 82. SolarAid wins 3 major awards in one year 7th Jan 20162013 The Guardian Sustainable Business Award, Ashden Gold Award and Google Global Impact Challenge.
  • 83. SolarAid partners with Google on the largest ever Randomised Control Trial study for pico-solar lights 7th Jan 2016 Dec 2013
  • 84. At this stage, our data collection on our impact is widely seen as best in the entire solar light industry 7th Jan 2016 Jan 2014 • 30,000 + direct research interactions • Quantitative and qualitative • Informs our business strategy • Adopted by our industry association the Global Off Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA)
  • 85. 7th Jan 2016 2013 to 2014 Kenyan lawyer Joseph Karanja pioneers use of SolarAid lights for tribal peace and reconciliation After extraordinary results in his native Eldoret, which was an epicenter of inter-tribal election violence in 2007, he takes his project national.
  • 86. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xMarking a Solarcentury donation to SolarAid at a combined team meeting 28th Jan 2014 Eynsham, Oxfordshire
  • 87. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSunnyMoney Kenya begins first Kenya trials of Pay-As-You-Go solar lights in Machakos Jan 2014 SunnyMoney global director Cindy Kerr CEO Steve Andrews Kenya Ops director Linda Wamune Funding to test the viability of the marketing and distribution model comes from the Kenya Climate Innovation Center.
  • 88. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSA and SM design and deliver new Light Library model in Senegal with World Bank / Lighting Africa Jan 2014 The idea is that by accessing solar lights in a “library,” people will become familiar with products and many will want to own / sell them.
  • 89. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xJeremy Leggett and major donor Jamie Arbib tour SunnyMoney’s Kenyan operations 4th Feb 2014 Eynsham, OxfordshireHere they talk about SolarAid’s aspirations to a group of headteachers gathered for a solar-light induction in the Eldoret region.
  • 90. SunnyMoney sells 613,165 solar lights in the 2013-14 FY ….up 81% from 338,298 in 2012-13 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2014
  • 91. SA raises £2.2 million of donated funds in FY 2013-14, with companies the biggest donors 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2014 SM holds £438 k of debt, but we are confident <20% commercial debt to philanthropic funding is a good ratio in such a dynamic market.
  • 92. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSunnyMoney sells its millionth solar light ….and reaches more than 4 million people Mar 2014
  • 93. A few years later we learn of one couple who choose to leave generous legacies to SolarAid. Our gratitude to them was part of their rationale. April 2014 “Thanks a million” campaign to contact supporters to thank them for helping us reach 1 million
  • 94. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSolarAid CEO Steve Andrews moves on to set up a Kenyan solar and consumer goods company April 2014 When he joined we were selling c. 2,000 lights per month. He leaves an organisation that is now selling around 65,000 lights per month.
  • 95. The first three SolarAid’s CEOs2014 Andy Webb Steve Andrews Nick Sireau
  • 96. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSunnyMoney receives Platinum GIIRS social impact rating, the highest possible June 2014 This standing in the the Global Impact Investing Rating System is testament to the world-leading work of Kat Harrison and her team.
  • 97. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 x SunnyMoney opens a fifth office, in Uganda June 2014 Ramulat Anduru joins the team as accountant, later to become Operations Director.
  • 98. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xJamie McCloskey joins SolarAid after heading fundraising at the National AIDS Trust 14th Sep 2014 Pictured here with Brave Mhonie in Malawi, he now heads fundraising at SolarAid.
  • 99. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xIan Marchant, a significant individual donor to SolarAid, visits our Malawi operations Sep 2014 The former SSE CEO, founder of “Scotland Lights Up Malawi”, has been an ambassador of ours throughout our history.
  • 100. SolarAid supporter Keith Neal ships 100 solar lights to Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone 7th Jan 2016 Oct 2014 - 2015 Medical teams working at night
  • 101. Just 100 SolarAid lights “contributed greatly to the control of the spread of Ebola in the (Bo) district”. 7th Jan 2016 Oct 2014 - 2015 15 Chiefdom taskforces, 10 burial teams, 5 Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal Care Centres, 5 Pillars for Ebola Response and the Central Command Centre were now all able to work around the clock treating those in the stricken district. So the Government of Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation writes in a thank-you letter to Keith Neal.
  • 102. The fundraising campaign ‘Light the Way’ goes on to raise over £1 million with support from Virgin, The Big Issue, and The Duke of York. SolarAid awarded its second UK Aid match with UK Government matching donations from the public Dec 2014
  • 103. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSolarAid is runner up for the Zayed Future Energy Prize ($1 million) 19th Jan 2015 This after screening of thousands of entries from SME development projects around the world by eminent judges including Richard Branson.
  • 104. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xThe Zayed near-miss is painful. Entering 2015, we are beginning to see financial trouble ahead Jan 2015 We plan a “Chair’s campaign” to persuade foundations to back us at scale, companies to contribute 5% of profits like Solarcentury does, etc.
  • 105. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xA great way to start The International Year of Light: SolarAid has sold 1.5 million solar lights 21st Jan 2015 SunnyMoney Kenya Operations Director Linda Wamune gives a speech about our work at the launch event in Paris.
  • 106. SunnyMoney sells a record 624,468 solar lights in the 2014-15 FY ….up 1.8% from 613,165 in 2013-14 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2015 We have sold more than 1.7 million lights since we began, benefitting more than 10 million people in 1.5 million households across East Africa. Training agents in Zambia
  • 107. SA raises a record £2.5 million of donated funds in FY 2014-15, with companies the biggest donors 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2015 Plus SunnyMoney has now drawn £536k of loans from social investors (£467k this FY), repayable within 3 years ….fine unless sales drop.
  • 108. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSolarAid reaches its 10 millionth person with solar light Apr 2015 This is c. 20% of the c 50 million reached so far across the continent. ….550 million for us and the solar light industry still to reach.
  • 109. The first two African solar lighting markets catalysed 1.7 million sold ….198.2 million to go "Few, if any, other businesses have launched a sustainable brand and enabled thousands of people to live more sustainably in such a short space of time” $25 1st light sold $10 Tanzania Kenya Zambia Malawi Uganda -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSummary of Phase 3: Finding and hitting an updraft to become Africa’s biggest solar lighting retailer 2012 to 2015 per light
  • 110. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xQuantifying the impact of SolarAid’s SunnyMoney’s 1.9 million solar light sales 2016 Reaching > 10 million people £283.4 million saved by rural families 1.9 billion extra study hours for children 2 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions averted Safer homes with reduced risk of fire and burns 4 million experiencing better health
  • 111. PWC gives us the Prove It Social Impact award for this web-based innovation. We design an impact calculator to help supporters see the impact of their contributions & fundraising 2015
  • 112. Phase 4 of 5: Scaling back 2015 - 2016 After selling an unprecedented volume of lights - over 1.4 m in Tanzania and Kenya - we become over stretched: the speed of incoming competition, and the consequent “race to the bottom” on pricing, takes us by surprise….
  • 113. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xAs VC-backed companies enter the markets we have catalyzed, our sales plummet…. 2015 ….while we hold large stocks in warehouses and on the water. Generic products, available at lower prices, add to the challenge.
  • 114. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xSolarAid and SunnyMoney restructure under extreme cash pressure as sales fall Summer 2015 Caesar Mwangi, SunnyMoney CEO 2015 - 2016, leads the withdrawal from Tanzania and Kenya Andy Webb, SolarAid CEO 2015 - 2016, leads the downsizing and restructuring of the head office in the UK At the point of our contraction, we have sold 1.7 million solar lights. All players operating continent-wide have sold around 10 million.
  • 115. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xJan 2015 But the upbeat assessment is much dependent on “massive potential to work with companies to leverage existing market channels and develop new channels to market through innovative strategic partnerships.” Free audit of SC & SM finds “a winning formula both unique and scaleable”
  • 116. Each sale equates to a night of light for a child in Africa. Sales of 9 Bars raise £250,000 for SolarAid. “Good Energy Twice”: Wholebake approach SolarAid for a partnership with their 9 Bar range. 2015
  • 117. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xRichard Branson helps out with the SolarAid “Chair’s Campaign” on fundraising June 2015 “SolarAid brings together the best of business and charity to tackle two of the world’s biggest problems: climate change and poverty.”
  • 118. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xJamie Arbib, long-time SolarAid supporter, lends us £100,000 at a life-saving cash-flow moment Aug 2015 Pictured here at a Charities Aid Foundation event, Jamie is founder and director of the Tellus Mater Foundation.
  • 119. -th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xThree international superstars join forces to make a fundraising video for SolarAid Aug 2015 Canadian pop star Raghav, American rapper Nelly, & Bollywood’s Abhishek Bachchan perform “Until The Sun Comes Up”.
  • 120. 30th Sep 2015 18th Sep 2015 UNGA agrees Sustainable Development Goals Aim: to eradicate poverty via sustainable development SolarAid’s work pertains to 14 of them. The target on which others depend is SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy for Everyone by 2030.
  • 121. Southwick Solar Farm 48 MWp 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xFor the second year running, SolarAid is runner up for the (now $1.5 million) Zayed Future Energy Prize 15th Jan 2016 Jeremy Leggett: “It is a rare form of torture to come so close, twice, to a cash prize that could save SolarAid and SunnyMoney from the mistake - which I must take the blame for - of literally not planning for success.”
  • 122. 2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xOur industry peers tell us we led catalyzation of the markets they now enjoy in Kenya and Tanzania 2016 “SolarAid’s SunnyMoney non-profit business model acts as a market primer for companies like ours. We have found it much easier to penetrate markets where customers have already had a positive experience with solar products. We spend much less time educating customers about the benefits of solar in areas where they have worked, as they have already built trust in solar technology and there are much higher levels of demand.” Erica Mackey, COO, Off-Grid Electric Typical feedback: “Sunny Money helped catalyze solar markets in Kenya and Tanzania, starting with getting lights into schools and expanding beyond that. The field needs organizations like Sunny Money to use grant funding to enter frontier markets and help jumpstart adoption of solar.” Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund, “Enabling pioneers such as SolarAid and Sunnymoney to do their ground-breaking 'grassroots' work is key, and perhaps the only way to ultimately reach universal energy access and a sustainable off-grid electrification market.” Koen Peters, Executive Director of the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (the solar light industry’s trade body)
  • 123. Total market penetration solar lighting vs kerosene Where we are working 1 – 10% Where we have succeeded > 10% Rest of Sub – Saharan Africa Less than 3%
  • 124. >100 companies are now active globally on stand- alone solar lanterns and solar home systems 7th Jan 2016 3rd Mar 2016 They have sold c. 20 million products collectively to date, mostly portable lights, reaching 89 m people. SolarAid has sold 9% of these. Source: BNEF, Lighting Global, Dahlberg
  • 125. 7th Jan 2016 7th Mar 2016 Exit from Tanzania: SunnyMoney brand, customer list and stock handed on to Arti Energy Our team sold over 900,000 solar lights, 12% of all quality solar products sold across Africa, reaching 13% of Tanzania’s off-grid population
  • 126. SunnyMoney sells 173,366 solar lights in the 2015-16 FY ….only 27% of the 624,468 in 2014-15 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2016 As we withdraw from Tanzania and Kenya, there is no sign of us reaching the same scale in Zambia, Malawi and Uganda.
  • 127. SolarAid raises £1.25 million of donated funds in FY 2015-16, down 50% on the record £2.5m 2014-15 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2016 Individuals are the biggest donor sector: £329k Non High Net Worth, £313k HNW. Outreach to corporations and foundations is not working as hoped. We have cut loan balances down to £223k (£438k Mar 2015).
  • 128. Oli Sylvester-Bradley, former Solarcentury marketing manager, joins SolarAid in the same role 7th Jan 2016 2016 He will stay with us through to summer 2018, providing vital marketing support for our fundraising and outreach at a crucial time.
  • 129. 7th Jan 2016 April 2016 Keap Candles, a New York company pledging 25% of profits to SolarAid, makes its first donation Founder Harry Doull (right) has such a passion for our project that he sets up a US non-profit to channel US donations to the charity. SolarAid USA is set up in September 2017.
  • 130. SunnyMoney ceases direct market operations in Kenya 7th Jan 2016 May 2016 CEO Caesar Mwangi moves on to try and set up a for-profit solar light retailer. Friends of SolarAid provide his start-up capital.
  • 131. x. x 7th Jan 2016 x7th Jan 2016 Aug 2016 The Solarcentury runners-for-SolarAid team enters the Tough Mudder half marathon
  • 133. SM100 - Research-th --- 2016 Solarcentury growth2nd Mar 2016 2nd Mar 2016 xWe decide we need our own (lowest cost) product and find the perfect partner to help us do it…. 2015 to 2016 ….Namene Solar Light Company (at the time a team within Yingli) • Product design based on >30,000 consumer research interactions • 2 years in design and prototype, from >300 original design drawings • Rigorous prototype testing with Fraunhofer Institute
  • 134. 7th Jan 2016 4th Oct 2016 Launch of own product, co-developed with Namene Solar Light Company, on SolarAid’s 10th anniversary o 18 lumen o 6 hrs run time o Water-resistant o Reliable o Durable SM100 Solar Light: One of the most affordable entry-level quality solar lights
  • 135. Average savings: $70 per year 1 tonne of carbon dioxide
  • 136. 7th Jan 2016 4th Oct 2016 SolarAid holds 10th birthday party at the Bulgari Hotel in London
  • 137. 137 7th Jan 2016 Aug - Sep 2016 Proof of value proposition for SM100 Solar Light: 9,000 unit Sales Field Trial in Africa
  • 138.
  • 139. 7th Jan 2016 2016 to present Can we make the SM100 Solar Light a commercial success ….in current and new African countries? …it isn’t always easy in the field
  • 140. 7th Jan 2016 13th Feb 2017 Joseph Karanaja’s Solar For Peace Initiative in Kenya now has 3,000 members from nearly 900 families By June 2018 SPI is active in 44 of Kenya’s 47 counties with over 7,000 members and 22,000 solar lights sold Joseph Karanja, founder Carolyne Wanjiku and her mother Anne
  • 141. SunnyMoney sells just 73k solar lights in the 2016-17 FY ….only 42% of the 173k in 2015-16 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2017 We are struggling in all three countries of operation. But then so are many more solar light companies, despite all the capital flowing in…. © Namene Solar Light Company
  • 142. 7th Jan 2016 22nd Jan 2018 Global solar lighting sales actually fell in 2017 …despite $600m “impact” investment 2016 & 2017 Source: Global Off Grid Lighting Association
  • 143. 7th Jan 2016 23rd Oct 2017 Solar lighting: only 30 million sold, anywhere, ever, in a world of 1.1 billion without electricity…. Source: GOGLA / Lighting Africa 30.7 m 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 H1 2017 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 million …as reported by 65 GOGLA members Non branded products approximately double the total 120k
  • 144. Data include only quality-verified pico-solar (<11 W) and solar home system products, c. 30% of all. Other 70% are generic products. Global solar lighting sales have essentially stalled since 2015 …despite a steep rise in investment 7th Jan 2016 26th Apr 2018 0 1 2 3 4 5 H2 2010 H1 2011 H2 2011 H1 2012 H2 2012 H1 2013 H2 2013 H1 2014 H2 2014 H1 2015 H2 2015 H1 2016 H2 2016 H1 2017 H2 2017 million Data source: GOGLA / Lighting Global <35 million solar light sales in all > $600 m$207m$75 m$18 m$21 mInvestment:
  • 145. Uganda office closed, with great sadness, in order to focus resources on Zambia and Malawi 7th Jan 2016 2017 Ramulat Andiru continues to sell solar lights, and service existing SunnyMoney customers, in her own right.
  • 146. SA raises £881k of donated funds in FY 2016-17, with individuals still the biggest donors 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2017 Though our fundraising is down on the £1.25m in 2015-16, our restructuring has meant that our debts are essentially cleared now.
  • 147. Phase 5 of 5: New Quest 2017 - present Post-crisis, how to find our way to a second exponential impact ….in a very different world to the one we started in
  • 148. 7th Jan 2016 26th April 2017 SM100 receives Lighting Global approval
  • 149. 7th Jan 2016 6th June 2017 The Grade 4 class at West Bay Elementary, Vancouver raises £600 for SolarAid There are so many heart warming efforts like this. The support of ordinary people is turning into the bedrock of the charity.
  • 150. Solarcentury’s Solar Rollers ride for SolarAid at the Dragon Ride 7th Jan 2016 June 2017
  • 151. 7th Jan 2016 3rd July 2017 Total sells its 2 millionth solar light, having taken the lead from SunnyMoney in Africa during 2017 90% of the sales have been Africa, via 4,000 filling stations. The oil and gas giant’s next goal is 5 million by 2020.
  • 152. 7th Jan 2016 2017 SunnyMoney partners with Malawi’s largest Financial co-operative, FinCoop National Sales Coordinator Brave Mhonie with Fincoop’s General Manager, McMillan Nankhonya. This we hope will lift our Pay-As-You- Go sales by giving our agents access to credit
  • 153. 7th Jan 2016 3rd July 2017 SM100 and designers Future Product (formerly Inventid) and NSLC featured by the BBC and FT But sales are going slowly. Low quality products - short-lived but cheaper - are increasingly proving to be a problem for sales teams.
  • 154. Malawi sales team meeting
  • 155. 7th Jan 2016 7th July 2017 SolarAid’s retail brand SunnyMoney wins BITC – Unilever Global Development Award
  • 156. 7th Jan 2016 1st Sep 2017 John Keane returns to SolarAid and SunnyMoney as CEO after working for our trade association GOGLA He replaces Jeremy Leggett, who has been Acting CEO as well as Chair for more than a year.
  • 157. “Universal energy access by 2030 now within reach thanks to growing political will and falling costs” 7th Jan 2016 19th Oct 2017 IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017 Africa imagined at night, 2030 Population without electricity has fallen to <1.1 bn
  • 158. 1,060 million people still have no electricity access in 2016 …588 million (48%) in Africa 7th Jan 2016 19th Oct 2017 Africa at night, 2030IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017 IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017
  • 159. Electricity for all 2017 – 2030 requires investment of $725bn, $52bn per year: IEA 7th Jan 2016 19th Oct 2017 Africa at night, 2030 Investment Providing for the 674m people that the New Policies Scenario doesn’t (601m, 90%, in SSA) $391 bn IEA Energy Access Outlook 2017
  • 160. 7th Jan 2016 2018 A new board of trustees, and advisory board, for a new year, and renewed effort John was legal counsel at Solarcentury for 17 years, and is now an legal consultant. Mirjana, an auditor, is head of finance at Carbon Tracker. BOARDOFTRUSTEES ADVISORYBOARD Jeremy Leggett John Faulks Mirjana Skrba Charlotte Grimshaw Aki Maruyama-Leggett Jeunesse Park Glenda Vergeer
  • 161. 7th Jan 2016 1st Jan 2018 Steve Phillips embarks on a quite unique SolarAid fundraising project Every day in 2018, he will play a different song on his Ukulele and post the recording on YouTube. 1st Jan: “After Hours” by Velvet Underground.
  • 162. SunnyMoney sells 112k solar lights in the 2017-18 FY ….53% up on 73k in 2016-17 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2018 We are on an upward trend again, but we are not close to catalyzing the markets in Zambia or Malawi.
  • 163. SolarAid raises £0.72 million of donated funds in FY 2017-18 7th Jan 2016 31st Mar 2018 Since started in 2007 we have leveraged £35k from Solarcentury into £17.2 million of philanthropic funding for SolarAid.
  • 164. 7th Jan 2016 1st Nov 2018 Off grid solar lighting sales fell again in 2018 H1 ….no sign of the growth needed to hit SDG 7 A billion people remain without electricity. Yet existing light sales mean c. $3.5bn additional income for households over lifetime of products. million 4 33 1 2 12% down
  • 165. 7th Jan 2016 1st Nov 2018 Solar home systems were only 11% of total 2018 H1 solar lighting unit sales, but…. ….All 4 types of SHS grew, between 15% & 200% (>100 Wp) due to PAYG. For all solar lighting, PAYG value ($110m) exceeds cash value ($107m). GOGLA members data for c. 30% of global market <11Wp …..& c. 60-80% <11Wp Total 0 - 1.5 Wp 1.5 - 3 Wp 3 - 10 Wp 11 - 20 Wp 21 - 49 Wp 50 - 100 Wp >100 Wp 26 MW 2.7 m solar lanterns $76 m value 561 k multi-light systems $40 m value 395 k solar home systems $102 m value 20% Total Cash PAYG
  • 166. 7th Jan 2016 1st Nov 2018 Potential is clear in impact estimates for all off-grid solar lighting products sold to date (as of June 2018) Figures are conservative: based on constantly-updated GOGLA industry standards, including only quality-verified products. people with currently living in a household with improved energy access due to solar lighting products people undertaking more economic activity due to solar lighting access metric tons of CO2 emissions avoided, over products’ lifetimes additional income unlocked over the products’ lifetimes savings on energy expenditure by households switching to solar lanterns or multi-light systems, over products’ lifetime extra hours of light created for families over products’ lifetimes
  • 167. 7th Jan 2016 2nd Nov 2018 Access to electricity is growing rapidly around the world ….except in Africa New IEA figures show the number without electricity has fallen below 1 billion, but in Africa it remains around 600 million: deployment is not keeping up with population growth.
  • 168. Alongside continuing solar light sales, we develop a new strategy for access to light by the poorest 7th Jan 2016 May 2018 We raise dedicated funds to begin a pilot innovations project in Malawi, with an appeal to our core supporters and the general public. A solar charging hub designed to serve low income villagers. Customers pay to recharge centrally owned and maintained batteries, which light their homes
  • 169. SolarAid lights distributed in a refugee settlement by Syria Relief 7th Jan 2016 Jun 2018 Funding from Next Energy Capital and long-term SolarAid supporter Keith Neal, a retired schoolteacher from Manchester.
  • 170. SolarAid Zambia revisits a hospital we solarised in 2010 ….and find the medicine is still solar-chilled 7th Jan 2016 Aug 2018 The solar powered fridge at St Luke’s Hospital, which treats 25,000 - 40,000 patients a year. Think of the lives saved by this one installation! Sister Valeria
  • 171. 7th Jan 2016 10th Sep 2018 John Keane moves to Lusaka, with his family, to lead Africa operations from the field
  • 172. 7th Jan 2016 12th Sep 2018 SolarAid partners with Elle Solaire to help women entrepreneurs in Senegal This partnership means we can further our mission in Senegal, which began with our Light Libraries experiment in 2014. ElleSolaire- one of the first women- led clean energy distribution networks in Senegal- recruits local women from remote villages and provides them with training and support in sales, marketing and financial management.
  • 173. 7th Jan 2016 3rd Dec 2018 Our manufacturing partner Namene Solar Light Company launches an improved SM100 Increase from 18 to 30 lumens for 4+ hrs, second light setting for 10 lumens for 10+ hrs, 2 year warranty, plug & play for easier repair and recycling…no increase in prices. “More Light For Your Money.”
  • 174. 7th Jan 2016 3rd Dec 2018 Namene Solar Light Company has a highly experienced team dedicated to SDG7 Managing Director Darren Thompson’s passion for SolarAid dates back to a strategy discussion dinner we held in 2011. Darren Thompson, Managing Director Massimo Lisanti, Technical Director Carolin Stähler, Communications Director Denis Daumal, Head of Corporate Carbon Strategy
  • 175. 7th Jan 2016 16th Nov 2018 It wouldn’t, if you do the accounting properly: drop kerosene subsidies, count savings on kerosene and healthcare savings, price carbon, etc etc How much would it cost to deploy an SM100 so that everyone had access to clean, affordable light?
  • 176. Can this new light, new models & new partnerships, help us achieve the SDGs & create a world where: No school, No clinic, No one, is left in the dark?
  • 177. Our quest continues…. Please follow our continuing effort to play a major role in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (and other SDGs) on