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Investment in the global energy transition:
a report from the front lines
28 March 2019
BusinessGreen Technology
& Investment Forum 2019
Jeremy Leggett
A tour of the global energy transition
The investment challenge
Investment opportunities
Investment risks
A tour of the global energy transition
and its drivers
The investment challenge
Investment opportunities
Investment risks
Global average cost of PV has fallen c.78% since
2010 to $80/MWh (£61) today …and continues
7th Jan
11th Sep
Source: IRENA, Carbon Tracker adaptation
The PV panel learning curve is 29% (BNEF)
BNEF estimates the 2nd TW will arrive by mid-2023, costing 46% less
than the c. $1.3 trillion required for the first.
7th Jan
2nd Aug
World passes 1,000 GW of wind and solar,
on a rising exponential curve
7th Jan
19th Nov
Solar PV & wind are now the cheapest new sources
of generation in every developed country ex. Japan
Without subsidies.
So BNEF concludes in its analysis of H2 2018.
7th Jan
1st Nov
Lazard LCOE latest: solar less expensive
than coal, gas, and nuclear at utility scale
PV rooftop resi
PV rooftop C&I
PV community
PV cx utility
PV thin film utility
Gas combined cycle
Gas peaking
Solar thermal tower
Fuel cell
Source: Lazard Levelized cost MWh
PV residential
“doesn’t compare apples with apples”
– the numbers ignore behind the
meter cost savings: PV Magazine
7th Jan
1st Dec
Operating coal plants are beginning to be shut
down and replaced by solar ….on economic grounds
First in the USA: Wisconsin utility WEC Energy’s 1,190MW Pleasant
Prairie plant to be replaced by a 350 MW solar farm.
“Case for coal and gas plants is ‘crumbling’ as wind,
solar and battery costs plunge”
7th Jan
28th Mar
BNEF observes that its latest data have “chilling”
implications for fossil generators.
The Way Humans Get Electricity Is About To Change Forever
Nuclear is “ridiculously expensive”, “utterly uncompetitive”,
says the longstanding nuclear advocate.
7th Jan
24th July
Nuclear power can’t compete with solar power:
former IEA boss Nobuaki Tanaka
Mark Dooley, Macquarie Capital: “while it makes sense that an
aluminium producer is in the vanguard (Norsk Hydro’s giant wind plans),
there is every reason to expect that all heavy industrial will follow.”
7th Jan
24th July
Heavy industry turns to renewables, including
aluminium smelters, cement plants & “green steel”
7th Jan
2nd Oct
Carmakers embrace electricity as the fuel of the
future at 2016 Paris motor show
Daimler Chairman Dieter Zetsche
unveils the Mercedes-Benz EQ
China's Chongqing Changan will sell only EVs
from 2025
7th Jan
19th Oct
BYD’s first electric bus, just 7 years ago, was widely viewed as a joke.
Now China’s e-buses are displacing 233,000 barrels of oil a day.
Every five weeks, Chinese cities are adding 9,500
electric buses – the size of the London bus fleet
7th Jan
23rd Apr
Honda’s Asimo
This is a total system change
It is very popular
with publics around the world
…and it has an endgame
once widely dismissed
as rootless dreaming
7th Jan
13th Nov
82% in 13 countries believe it is important to create
a world fully powered by renewable energy
This is the largest ever such study:
26,000 people surveyed by Edelman for Orsted.
Not just popular
but imperative
Insurers warn that climate change could make
insurance unaffordable, threatening social order
7th Jan
20th Mar
Munich Re‘s Ernst Rauch warns of unaffordability for ordinary people.
Insurance Europe’s Nicolas Jeanmart warns of societal implications.
Wyoming oil and gas operations
So estimates a Stanford University economic study. “The benefits of
meeting the targets vastly outweigh the costs”: a common conclusion.
Hitting 1.5˚C Paris target vs 2˚ will save the world c.
$30 trillion in climate-related damages by 2030
7th Jan
23rd May
Future Today
Net global CO2 emission pathway
1980 20202000 2040 2060
7th Jan
7th Oct
IPCC: the 1.5˚ C target entails systems transitions
that are “unprecedented in scale….”
“…but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions
reductions in all sectors” plus “significant upscaling of investments.”
7th Jan
13th Nov
Carbon budget is all used up - world has no more
capacity for building fossil fuel plants: IEA
“We have no room to build anything that emits CO2 emissions,” says ED
Fatih Birol. This applies to the 2˚C target, never mind 1.5˚C.
Existing infrastructure would “lock
in” 550 gigatonnes of carbon
dioxide over the next 22 years.
A tour of the global energy transition
The investment challenge
inherent in the Paris Agreement
Investment opportunities
Investment risks
Infrastructure the world needs by 2030 will require
c. $90 trillion of investment, built clean or fossil
7th Jan
5th Sep
Building it clean – low & zero carbon, as per governments’ 2015 Paris
agreement commitments – yields $26 trillion in direct economic gain.
The main conclusion
of a Global
Commission on the
Economy and
Climate report
That, averaged over the next 11 years,
is $8.2 trillion a year of investment
for $2.4 trillion a year of direct economic gain
…a lot of people investing clean
will make good returns
Conversely, many investments in the threatened
incumbencies will end up stranded, devalued
and in some cases written off….
They are solar, lighting, data centres and networks, and EVs. Particularly
problematic is that energy efficiency improvements have slowed.
IEA publishes a new monitoring tool showing only 4
of 38 energy sectors are on track with Paris targets
7th Jan
29th May
Future Today
On track: 4
Much more effort needed: 23
Significantly off track: 11
A report by CERES sees realistic opportunities in the tens of trillions of
dollars across an array of asset classes in multiple sectors.
The “clean trillion” - the extra c. $1 tn p.a. needed
through 2050 for Paris 2˚C - is “eminently feasible”
7th Jan
10th May
Summary of conclusion in the original 2014 CERES report
on closing the clean energy investment gap
Investment in renewables in 2017 was less than it
was in 2011 …it has essentially been flat since 2011
7th Jan
4th Jun
Global investment in renewable power and fuels
Source: REN21 Renewables 2018 Global Status Report excluding hydro >50MW
…at least $310 bn if included
Since 2016, and Paris, 33 banks have poured
$1.9 trillion into fossil-fuels worldwide
7th Jan
20th Mar
The top 4 are all US based: JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, and Bank
of America. Losses from MidWest flooding in March: $1 bn.
A tour of the global energy transition
The investment challenge
Investment opportunities
Investment risks
7th Jan
28th Nov
EU announces it will be the first major economy to
be “climate neutral” - net zero emissions - by 2050
Renewables will be 80% of electricity, 53% final energy demand.
Package will boost economies by 2% of GDP by 2050.
EC’s VP of the
energy union
Maros Sefcovic
Miguel Arias
7th Jan
28th Aug
Hawaii passed legislation in 2015 for 100% carbon-free electricity by
2045. Other states including New York are considering the same.
California's legislators set landmark goal for 100%
carbon-free electricity by 2045 …& 60% RE by 2030
7th Jan
27th Feb
2018 43 cities are now 100% renewable powered
The 43 are mostly in Latin America. Of 570 cities reporting to CDP, 101
are 70% or more renewable powered, compared to 42 in 2015.
Science Based Targets Initiative launched by
major companies at New York Climate Week
7th Jan
25th Sep
Companies commit to a sector-specific pro-rata emissions pathway
consistent with <2˚C …with verification.
480 companies from 38 countries now base climate
plans on SBTs: c. one eighth of global market cap
7th Jan
13th Sep
That is nearly USD$10 trillion, comparable to the NASDAQ exchange.
17% of Fortune Global 500. 50 since Trump’s withdrawal from Paris.
7th Jan
23rd Jan
122 companies are now pledged to 100% renewable
electricity. If they were a country….
Their use of renewable electricity in 2017 was up 49% on 2016.
PPAs quadrupled. 25 companies had achieved 100% by end 2016.
Source: RE100 Progress and Insights report
…it would
be the
world’s 14th
user of
Jerome Pecresse, GE Renewables: “We are inventing things that we did
not even imagine three years ago …renewable baseload is coming fast.”
“Utilities dispel all doubts about renewables' ability
to power planet”: Recharge on Eurelectric summit
7th Jan
6th Jun
Starace, Enel
CEO: electrifying
the transport
sector “is not
only a winning
strategy, it’s a
Digitalisation “will increase the profitability of solar
power across every part of the value chain”: SPE
7th Jan
13th Sep
Business models: eg solar to be sold as part of a smart building package.
Grid services and cost savings for manufacturers, developers & installers
A tour of the global energy transition
The investment challenge
Investment opportunities
Investment risks
First, a disclaimer
I researched the geological history of oceans, including shale, funded by
BP, Shell, +. This led to my concerns about climate change.
7th Jan
A first career as an an oil-industry insider: lecturer
and consultant at the Royal School of Mines
Oil and gas exploration, Baluchistan, 1984
20 years old, we began in a 180 MW a year global market, & now
operate in a c. 100 GW a year market, with a strong cash position.
Solarcentury: a team of 180 from 14 nations
developing >3 GW of solar on 4 continents
7th Jan
Joint project with a community, on a waste tip next to an industrial site,
saving 600,000 tonnes of CO2 in the next 25 years.
Nyrstar, Netherlands, connects to the Dutch grid:
44 MW, 120 football pitches, just 5 months to build
7th Jan
3rd Dec
Two Solarcentury mini-grid projects bring
solar electricity to 40,000 in Eritrea
7th Jan
26th Mar
1.25 MWp system in Areza and 1 MWp in Maidma, EU & UNDP funded,
Solarcentury managing construction and training locals for operation.
The risks for energy incumbents intent on a
slightly modified version of business-as-usual
begin with the prospect that most governments
will execute on what they promised in the 2015
Paris Agreement …or a significant part of it
Youth climate strikers: “We are going to change the
fate of humanity, whether you like it or not”
7th Jan
1st Mar
In a letter, from an international co-ordination group of 150: “United we
will rise on 15 March and many times after until we see climate justice.”
Net global CO2 emission pathway
1980 20202000 2040 2060
The system change we need
according to climate scientists
UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, October 2018:
To limit global mean surface air temperature to the 1.5˚C target in the Paris Agreement
BP’s Energy Outlook, January 2019:
(*Similar to Shell’s and ExxonMobil’s: see
Primary energy consumption by fuelBillionsoftonnesofoilequivalent 25
The best we can expect by 2040
according to BP*
a little less
“Off the charts”
7th Jan
15th Feb
BP projects demand for oil & gas in 2040 higher
than today even with fast transition to RE and EVs
I asked Twitter users for the most appropriate word
to describe BP’s intentions in the context of
striking schoolchildrens’ hopes
Death wish
Addiction Criminal
Deliberate Deluded Evil
Sick Suicidal
Such views are far from limited to the
echo chambers of people like me
7th Jan
11th Dec
Lift emissions pledges or be guilty of “immoral” and
“suicidal” inaction, UN chief tells climate summit
“To waste this opportunity would compromise our last best chance to stop runaway
climate change. It would not only be immoral, it would be suicidal.”
António Guterres
Global coal use up by a third as 2018 global energy
demand / emissions rise at fastest rate in a decade
7th Jan
26th Mar
The IEA reports that much of the growth is down to a fleet of young coal
plants in Asia. And ED Fatih Birol says gas had another “golden year”.
Average annual global primary energy demand growth by fuel, 2010-18
Source: IEA
Key constituencies perceive substantial risk
in the current oil-and-gas industry approach
“The depressing reality about climate change is that
we could solve the problem, at manageable cost,
but are failing to do so”: FT Editorial Board
7th Jan
26th Dec
“This failure is due to a
mixture of blindness
and self-deception. The
blindness comes from
those, such as US
president Donald
Trump, who deny the
reality of climate
“The self-deception
comes from those who
accept the reality, but
only pretend to solve it.”
Howblind do you
have to be?
“Investment in low-carbon energy remains poor
for oil majors”
7th Jan
27th Dec
Disclosed low carbon investment as a
proportion of total capital spend,
2010 to Q3 2018
…a tiny percentage of overall capex
“Fossil fuels will peak in the 2020s as renewables
supply all growth in energy demand”
7th Jan
11th Sep
Carbon Tracker report warns of “trillions of dollars in stranded assets”
across much of the corporate sector, and in petro states.
Most likely
$25 trillion in past infrastructure investment
is at risk if governments do what they say they will
7th Jan
11th Sep
Companies making up to
a quarter of equity
indexes & debt markets
will be hit, incl. banking,
capital goods, transport
and automotive sectors.
After 6 years of the divestment campaign,
1,000 divestments now sum almost to $8 trillion
7th Jan
16th Dec
Widespread action by mainstream FIs means that divestment is now a
clear risk to fossil fuel companies …and they admit as much.
Norwegian government approves state fund to
divest from pure oil & gas exploration companies
7th Jan
8th Mar
Finance Minister Siv Jensen: “The objective is to reduce the vulnerability
of our common wealth to a permanent oil price decline.”
“Oil must face its future as a declining industry”:
Legal & General Investment Management in the FT
7th Jan
13th Jun
The CIO and a commodities specialist suggest that rather than transition
to renewables, oil companies stop investing and return cash.
Energy analysts forecast ‘start of end of coal’ in Asia
as key Japanese investors switch to renewables
7th Jan
18th Mar
When Australia’s number one customer and the funder of coal’s growth
agenda moves, says Tim Buckley of IEEFA, the rest of Asia will follow.
Tsuruga, Japan
US shale gas and oil
are central to the plans
of the oil and gas majors
“ ‘Big Oil’ is rapidly becoming
‘Big Shale’ ”
7th Jan
5th Mar
ExxonMobil & Chevron both
planning to c. treble oil
production in the Permian
in the next 5 years….
US shale to lead global oil supply growth of 5.7 mbd
by 2024, with no peak in oil demand in sight: IEA
7th Jan
11th Mar
The Oil 2019 report sees 70% of global growth in a 4 mbd expansion
of US shale production in the next 5 years.
“Our forecast
for supply
depends on
But there are some inconvenient truths
concerning the economics
7th Jan
6th Feb
“The US exploration and production sector has
been a great place to burn cash”
Worse than that, argues e.g. Steve StAngelo of @SRSroccoReport
it has been “a Ponzi scheme from Day One”.
7th Jan
2nd Jan
So how will the drillers service their debts, much less pay them off
and finally make a collective profit?
“Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t
Producing as Much as Forecast”
“Frackers Face Harsh Reality as Wall Street
Backs Away”
7th Jan
24th Feb
New bond & equity deals have dwindled to the lowest level since 2007.
In 2018 companies raised less than half the 2016 total.
“The Next Financial Crisis Lurks Underground”
…in shale
7th Jan
1st Sep
Bethany McLean, author of famous book on Enron's collapse:
“the Federal Reserve is responsible for the fracking boom.”
And then there is methane leakage
Methane leaks from the US oil & gas industry c.60%
higher than government estimates: new study
7th Jan
21st Jun
9-basin estimate incorporating aerial data suggests 2.3% leakage well-
to-power plant. EPA suggested 1.4%. 2.7% makes gas worse than coal.
NASA-led team shows oil & gas industry responsible
for largest share of rising methane concentrations
7th Jan
20th Dec
New measurements reconciling isotopic data suggest fossil fuels
contributed 12–19 Tg CH4 per year of c. 25 Tg CH4 per year since 2006.
One player’s conclusion from all data, trends
and developments in this presentation
7th Jan
22nd Jan
Carbon Tracker analysts argue that the world is
sitting right on a political tipping point now
We will see!
Please place your bets
Including links to this and other powerpoints for free use
Much more here
Thank you

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Investment on the global energy transition: a report from the front lines as of March 28th 2019

  • 1. Investment in the global energy transition: a report from the front lines 28 March 2019 BusinessGreen Technology & Investment Forum 2019 Jeremy Leggett
  • 2. A tour of the global energy transition The investment challenge Investment opportunities Investment risks
  • 3. A tour of the global energy transition and its drivers The investment challenge Investment opportunities Investment risks
  • 4. Global average cost of PV has fallen c.78% since 2010 to $80/MWh (£61) today …and continues 7th Jan 2016 11th Sep 2018 Source: IRENA, Carbon Tracker adaptation The PV panel learning curve is 29% (BNEF) (£267) (£38)
  • 5. BNEF estimates the 2nd TW will arrive by mid-2023, costing 46% less than the c. $1.3 trillion required for the first. 7th Jan 2016 2nd Aug 2018 World passes 1,000 GW of wind and solar, on a rising exponential curve
  • 6. 7th Jan 2016 19th Nov 2018 Solar PV & wind are now the cheapest new sources of generation in every developed country ex. Japan Without subsidies. So BNEF concludes in its analysis of H2 2018.
  • 7. 7th Jan 2016 1st Nov 2018 Lazard LCOE latest: solar less expensive than coal, gas, and nuclear at utility scale PV rooftop resi PV rooftop C&I PV community PV cx utility PV thin film utility Coal Gas combined cycle Gas peaking Nuclear Solar thermal tower Fuel cell Geothermal Wind Source: Lazard Levelized cost MWh Offshore PV residential “doesn’t compare apples with apples” – the numbers ignore behind the meter cost savings: PV Magazine
  • 8. 7th Jan 2016 1st Dec 2017 Operating coal plants are beginning to be shut down and replaced by solar ….on economic grounds First in the USA: Wisconsin utility WEC Energy’s 1,190MW Pleasant Prairie plant to be replaced by a 350 MW solar farm.
  • 9. “Case for coal and gas plants is ‘crumbling’ as wind, solar and battery costs plunge” 7th Jan 2016 28th Mar 2018 BNEF observes that its latest data have “chilling” implications for fossil generators. The Way Humans Get Electricity Is About To Change Forever
  • 10. Nuclear is “ridiculously expensive”, “utterly uncompetitive”, says the longstanding nuclear advocate. 7th Jan 2016 24th July 2018 Nuclear power can’t compete with solar power: former IEA boss Nobuaki Tanaka
  • 11. Mark Dooley, Macquarie Capital: “while it makes sense that an aluminium producer is in the vanguard (Norsk Hydro’s giant wind plans), there is every reason to expect that all heavy industrial will follow.” 7th Jan 2016 24th July 2018 Heavy industry turns to renewables, including aluminium smelters, cement plants & “green steel”
  • 12. 7th Jan 2016 2nd Oct 2016 Carmakers embrace electricity as the fuel of the future at 2016 Paris motor show Daimler Chairman Dieter Zetsche unveils the Mercedes-Benz EQ
  • 13. China's Chongqing Changan will sell only EVs from 2025 7th Jan 2016 19th Oct 2017
  • 14. BYD’s first electric bus, just 7 years ago, was widely viewed as a joke. Now China’s e-buses are displacing 233,000 barrels of oil a day. Every five weeks, Chinese cities are adding 9,500 electric buses – the size of the London bus fleet 7th Jan 2016 23rd Apr 2018 Honda’s Asimo
  • 15. This is a total system change It is very popular with publics around the world …and it has an endgame once widely dismissed as rootless dreaming
  • 16. 7th Jan 2016 13th Nov 2017 82% in 13 countries believe it is important to create a world fully powered by renewable energy This is the largest ever such study: 26,000 people surveyed by Edelman for Orsted.
  • 17. Not just popular but imperative
  • 18. Insurers warn that climate change could make insurance unaffordable, threatening social order 7th Jan 2016 20th Mar 2019 Munich Re‘s Ernst Rauch warns of unaffordability for ordinary people. Insurance Europe’s Nicolas Jeanmart warns of societal implications. Wyoming oil and gas operations
  • 19. So estimates a Stanford University economic study. “The benefits of meeting the targets vastly outweigh the costs”: a common conclusion. Hitting 1.5˚C Paris target vs 2˚ will save the world c. $30 trillion in climate-related damages by 2030 7th Jan 2016 23rd May 2018 Future Today
  • 20. Net global CO2 emission pathway 1980 20202000 2040 2060 BilliontonnesofCO2peryear 2018 2050 …50% chance Zero net carbon 7th Jan 2016 7th Oct 2018 IPCC: the 1.5˚ C target entails systems transitions that are “unprecedented in scale….” “…but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions reductions in all sectors” plus “significant upscaling of investments.”
  • 21. 7th Jan 2016 13th Nov 2018 Carbon budget is all used up - world has no more capacity for building fossil fuel plants: IEA “We have no room to build anything that emits CO2 emissions,” says ED Fatih Birol. This applies to the 2˚C target, never mind 1.5˚C. Existing infrastructure would “lock in” 550 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide over the next 22 years.
  • 22. A tour of the global energy transition The investment challenge inherent in the Paris Agreement Investment opportunities Investment risks
  • 23. Infrastructure the world needs by 2030 will require c. $90 trillion of investment, built clean or fossil 7th Jan 2016 5th Sep 2018 Building it clean – low & zero carbon, as per governments’ 2015 Paris agreement commitments – yields $26 trillion in direct economic gain. The main conclusion of a Global Commission on the Economy and Climate report
  • 24. That, averaged over the next 11 years, is $8.2 trillion a year of investment for $2.4 trillion a year of direct economic gain …a lot of people investing clean will make good returns Conversely, many investments in the threatened incumbencies will end up stranded, devalued and in some cases written off….
  • 25. They are solar, lighting, data centres and networks, and EVs. Particularly problematic is that energy efficiency improvements have slowed. IEA publishes a new monitoring tool showing only 4 of 38 energy sectors are on track with Paris targets 7th Jan 2016 29th May 2018 Future Today On track: 4 Much more effort needed: 23 Significantly off track: 11
  • 26. A report by CERES sees realistic opportunities in the tens of trillions of dollars across an array of asset classes in multiple sectors. The “clean trillion” - the extra c. $1 tn p.a. needed through 2050 for Paris 2˚C - is “eminently feasible” 7th Jan 2016 10th May 2018 Summary of conclusion in the original 2014 CERES report on closing the clean energy investment gap
  • 27. Investment in renewables in 2017 was less than it was in 2011 …it has essentially been flat since 2011 7th Jan 2016 4th Jun 2018 Global investment in renewable power and fuels Source: REN21 Renewables 2018 Global Status Report excluding hydro >50MW …at least $310 bn if included
  • 28. Since 2016, and Paris, 33 banks have poured $1.9 trillion into fossil-fuels worldwide 7th Jan 2016 20th Mar 2019 The top 4 are all US based: JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, and Bank of America. Losses from MidWest flooding in March: $1 bn.
  • 29. A tour of the global energy transition The investment challenge Investment opportunities Investment risks
  • 30. 7th Jan 2016 28th Nov 2018 EU announces it will be the first major economy to be “climate neutral” - net zero emissions - by 2050 Renewables will be 80% of electricity, 53% final energy demand. Package will boost economies by 2% of GDP by 2050. EC’s VP of the energy union Maros Sefcovic Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete
  • 31. 7th Jan 2016 28th Aug 2018 Hawaii passed legislation in 2015 for 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045. Other states including New York are considering the same. California's legislators set landmark goal for 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045 …& 60% RE by 2030
  • 32. 7th Jan 2016 27th Feb 2018 43 cities are now 100% renewable powered The 43 are mostly in Latin America. Of 570 cities reporting to CDP, 101 are 70% or more renewable powered, compared to 42 in 2015.
  • 33. Science Based Targets Initiative launched by major companies at New York Climate Week 7th Jan 2016 25th Sep 2014 Companies commit to a sector-specific pro-rata emissions pathway consistent with <2˚C …with verification.
  • 34. 480 companies from 38 countries now base climate plans on SBTs: c. one eighth of global market cap 7th Jan 2016 13th Sep 2018 That is nearly USD$10 trillion, comparable to the NASDAQ exchange. 17% of Fortune Global 500. 50 since Trump’s withdrawal from Paris.
  • 35. 7th Jan 2016 23rd Jan 2018 122 companies are now pledged to 100% renewable electricity. If they were a country…. Their use of renewable electricity in 2017 was up 49% on 2016. PPAs quadrupled. 25 companies had achieved 100% by end 2016. Source: RE100 Progress and Insights report …it would be the world’s 14th biggest user of electricity
  • 36. Jerome Pecresse, GE Renewables: “We are inventing things that we did not even imagine three years ago …renewable baseload is coming fast.” “Utilities dispel all doubts about renewables' ability to power planet”: Recharge on Eurelectric summit 7th Jan 2016 6th Jun 2018 Francesco Starace, Enel CEO: electrifying the transport sector “is not only a winning strategy, it’s a must.”
  • 37. Digitalisation “will increase the profitability of solar power across every part of the value chain”: SPE 7th Jan 2016 13th Sep 2017 Business models: eg solar to be sold as part of a smart building package. Grid services and cost savings for manufacturers, developers & installers
  • 38. A tour of the global energy transition The investment challenge Investment opportunities Investment risks
  • 40. I researched the geological history of oceans, including shale, funded by BP, Shell, +. This led to my concerns about climate change. 7th Jan 2016 1978 to 1989 A first career as an an oil-industry insider: lecturer and consultant at the Royal School of Mines Oil and gas exploration, Baluchistan, 1984
  • 41. 20 years old, we began in a 180 MW a year global market, & now operate in a c. 100 GW a year market, with a strong cash position. Solarcentury: a team of 180 from 14 nations developing >3 GW of solar on 4 continents 7th Jan 2016 August 2018
  • 42. Joint project with a community, on a waste tip next to an industrial site, saving 600,000 tonnes of CO2 in the next 25 years. Nyrstar, Netherlands, connects to the Dutch grid: 44 MW, 120 football pitches, just 5 months to build 7th Jan 2016 3rd Dec 2018
  • 43. Two Solarcentury mini-grid projects bring solar electricity to 40,000 in Eritrea 7th Jan 2016 26th Mar 2019 1.25 MWp system in Areza and 1 MWp in Maidma, EU & UNDP funded, Solarcentury managing construction and training locals for operation.
  • 44. The risks for energy incumbents intent on a slightly modified version of business-as-usual begin with the prospect that most governments will execute on what they promised in the 2015 Paris Agreement …or a significant part of it
  • 45. Youth climate strikers: “We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not” 7th Jan 2016 1st Mar 2019 In a letter, from an international co-ordination group of 150: “United we will rise on 15 March and many times after until we see climate justice.”
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. Net global CO2 emission pathway 1980 20202000 2040 2060 BilliontonnesofCO2peryear 2018 The system change we need according to climate scientists UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, October 2018: To limit global mean surface air temperature to the 1.5˚C target in the Paris Agreement 2050 …50% chance Zero net carbon
  • 49. BP’s Energy Outlook, January 2019: (*Similar to Shell’s and ExxonMobil’s: see 2017 2040 Primary energy consumption by fuelBillionsoftonnesofoilequivalent 25 20 15 10 5 0 The best we can expect by 2040 according to BP* Renewables Hydro Coal Gas Oil more a little less “Off the charts” renewables
  • 50. 7th Jan 2016 15th Feb 2019 BP projects demand for oil & gas in 2040 higher than today even with fast transition to RE and EVs I asked Twitter users for the most appropriate word to describe BP’s intentions in the context of striking schoolchildrens’ hopes Death wish Greed Addiction Criminal Deliberate Deluded Evil Madness Self-serving Hubris Sick Suicidal
  • 51. Such views are far from limited to the echo chambers of people like me
  • 52. 7th Jan 2016 11th Dec 2018 Lift emissions pledges or be guilty of “immoral” and “suicidal” inaction, UN chief tells climate summit “To waste this opportunity would compromise our last best chance to stop runaway climate change. It would not only be immoral, it would be suicidal.” António Guterres
  • 54. Global coal use up by a third as 2018 global energy demand / emissions rise at fastest rate in a decade 7th Jan 2016 26th Mar 2019 The IEA reports that much of the growth is down to a fleet of young coal plants in Asia. And ED Fatih Birol says gas had another “golden year”. Average annual global primary energy demand growth by fuel, 2010-18 Source: IEA Nuclear Coal Oil Renewables Gas
  • 55. Key constituencies perceive substantial risk in the current oil-and-gas industry approach
  • 56. “The depressing reality about climate change is that we could solve the problem, at manageable cost, but are failing to do so”: FT Editorial Board 7th Jan 2016 26th Dec 2018 “This failure is due to a mixture of blindness and self-deception. The blindness comes from those, such as US president Donald Trump, who deny the reality of climate change.” “The self-deception comes from those who accept the reality, but only pretend to solve it.” Howblind do you have to be?
  • 57. “Investment in low-carbon energy remains poor for oil majors” 7th Jan 2016 27th Dec 2018 Disclosed low carbon investment as a proportion of total capital spend, 2010 to Q3 2018 …a tiny percentage of overall capex
  • 58. “Fossil fuels will peak in the 2020s as renewables supply all growth in energy demand” 7th Jan 2016 11th Sep 2018 Carbon Tracker report warns of “trillions of dollars in stranded assets” across much of the corporate sector, and in petro states. Most likely
  • 59. $25 trillion in past infrastructure investment is at risk if governments do what they say they will 7th Jan 2016 11th Sep 2018 Companies making up to a quarter of equity indexes & debt markets will be hit, incl. banking, capital goods, transport and automotive sectors. $bn
  • 60. After 6 years of the divestment campaign, 1,000 divestments now sum almost to $8 trillion 7th Jan 2016 16th Dec 2018 Widespread action by mainstream FIs means that divestment is now a clear risk to fossil fuel companies …and they admit as much.
  • 61. Norwegian government approves state fund to divest from pure oil & gas exploration companies 7th Jan 2016 8th Mar 2019 Finance Minister Siv Jensen: “The objective is to reduce the vulnerability of our common wealth to a permanent oil price decline.”
  • 62. “Oil must face its future as a declining industry”: Legal & General Investment Management in the FT 7th Jan 2016 13th Jun 2018 The CIO and a commodities specialist suggest that rather than transition to renewables, oil companies stop investing and return cash.
  • 63. Energy analysts forecast ‘start of end of coal’ in Asia as key Japanese investors switch to renewables 7th Jan 2016 18th Mar 2019 When Australia’s number one customer and the funder of coal’s growth agenda moves, says Tim Buckley of IEEFA, the rest of Asia will follow. Tsuruga, Japan
  • 64. US shale gas and oil are central to the plans of the oil and gas majors
  • 65. “ ‘Big Oil’ is rapidly becoming ‘Big Shale’ ” 7th Jan 2016 5th Mar 2019 ExxonMobil & Chevron both planning to c. treble oil production in the Permian in the next 5 years….
  • 66. US shale to lead global oil supply growth of 5.7 mbd by 2024, with no peak in oil demand in sight: IEA 7th Jan 2016 11th Mar 2019 The Oil 2019 report sees 70% of global growth in a 4 mbd expansion of US shale production in the next 5 years. “Our forecast for supply growth depends on investment.”
  • 67. But there are some inconvenient truths concerning the economics
  • 68. 7th Jan 2016 6th Feb 2018 “The US exploration and production sector has been a great place to burn cash” Worse than that, argues e.g. Steve StAngelo of @SRSroccoReport it has been “a Ponzi scheme from Day One”.
  • 69. 7th Jan 2016 2nd Jan 2019 So how will the drillers service their debts, much less pay them off and finally make a collective profit? “Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast”
  • 70. “Frackers Face Harsh Reality as Wall Street Backs Away” 7th Jan 2016 24th Feb 2019 New bond & equity deals have dwindled to the lowest level since 2007. In 2018 companies raised less than half the 2016 total.
  • 71. “The Next Financial Crisis Lurks Underground” …in shale 7th Jan 2016 1st Sep 2018 Bethany McLean, author of famous book on Enron's collapse: “the Federal Reserve is responsible for the fracking boom.”
  • 72. And then there is methane leakage
  • 73. Methane leaks from the US oil & gas industry c.60% higher than government estimates: new study 7th Jan 2016 21st Jun 2018 9-basin estimate incorporating aerial data suggests 2.3% leakage well- to-power plant. EPA suggested 1.4%. 2.7% makes gas worse than coal.
  • 74. NASA-led team shows oil & gas industry responsible for largest share of rising methane concentrations 7th Jan 2016 20th Dec 2017 New measurements reconciling isotopic data suggest fossil fuels contributed 12–19 Tg CH4 per year of c. 25 Tg CH4 per year since 2006.
  • 75. One player’s conclusion from all data, trends and developments in this presentation
  • 76. 7th Jan 2016 22nd Jan 2019 Carbon Tracker analysts argue that the world is sitting right on a political tipping point now
  • 77. We will see! Please place your bets
  • 78. Including links to this and other powerpoints for free use Much more here Thank you

Editor's Notes

  1. Image: Seatrade Maritime News
  2. Image: from report
  3. Image: from article
  4. Image:, modified
  5. Image: from report, adapted
  6. Image: Power Magazine
  7. Image: Depositphotos
  8. Image:
  9. Image: The Australian Independent Media Network
  10. Image: The Detroit Bureau
  11. Image: China Daily
  12. Image: Bloomberg
  13. Image: from report
  14. Image: wachterinsurance
  15. Image: NASA / NOAA
  16. Image: adapted from report
  18. Image: from report
  19. Image: from website
  20. Image: from the original 2014 report:
  21. Image: from the report
  22. Image: Nebraska National Guard
  23. Image: EC
  24. Image: Senate Bill 100 website video screenshot
  25. Image: CDP
  26. Image: screenshot from SBT video on website
  27. Image: SBT website
  28. Image: from report
  29. Image: Recharge
  30. Image:
  31. Image: frUNDP
  32. Image: screenshot from video embedded in the article
  33. Image: adapted from report
  34. Image: from report
  35. Image: from report
  36. Image: UNFCCC
  37. Image: from report
  39. Image: screenshot of article
  40. Image: from report
  41. Image: from report
  42. Image: TV Norge
  43. Image: Glencore video screenshot
  44. Image: Bloomberg
  45. Image: ZDNet
  46. Image:
  47. Image: Glencore video screenshot
  48. Image: Chart from FT article cited in article
  49. Image: DeSmog Blog
  50. Image:
  51. Image: Reuters video screenshot
  52. Image:
  53. Image: Stanford University
  54. Image: from report