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Soil And Water Conservation Essay
Crafting an essay on soil and water conservation can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in the intricate balance between providing comprehensive information on the
importance of preserving soil and water resources while maintaining a coherent and engaging
narrative. Researching the topic requires delving into various scientific aspects, environmental
concerns, and conservation methods. Understanding the interconnectedness of soil and water
ecosystems adds another layer of complexity to the writing process.
Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting the information in a way that captivates the reader's
attention and emphasizes the urgency of conservation efforts. Striking the right balance between
scientific facts and a compelling narrative can be a delicate task. It's essential to convey the
significance of soil and water conservation without overwhelming the reader with technical
Additionally, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a well-rounded perspective
is crucial. This requires a thorough exploration of opposing views on conservation practices and
the potential environmental impact. Balancing advocacy with objectivity adds another layer of
complexity to the essay.
However, despite these challenges, composing an essay on soil and water conservation can be
immensely rewarding. The process allows the writer to deepen their understanding of
environmental issues, contributing to a sense of personal and societal responsibility. Successfully
conveying the importance of conservation efforts can inspire readers to take action and
contribute to the protection of our planet.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on soil and water conservation poses its challenges, the
opportunity to raise awareness and inspire change makes it a worthwhile endeavor. The
complexity of the topic necessitates careful research, thoughtful analysis, and skillful storytelling.
By overcoming these challenges, the essay can become a powerful tool for advocating
sustainable practices and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring writing services like, where professionals can provide support and guidance in crafting impactful
and well-researched content.
Soil And Water Conservation EssaySoil And Water Conservation Essay
Semiotics of Gloves Essay
A glove protects. A glove provides warmth. A glove provides safety. A glove
possesses many different qualities. The presence of a glove in Cather in the Rye
and Winter s Bone is something that readers possibly overlook before delving into
the true significance of the book. Once readers closely analyze the importance within
a text, some realize that a small symbol can mean something more than life to a
particular character. Both J.D. Salinger and Daniel Woodrell provide a divine
illustration of how individual culturereflects the arbitrary connection of a specific
symbol. In Kaja Silverman s The Subject of Semiotics, theorist Charles Sanders
Peirce demonstrates his specific knowledge about sign theory. He writes that a sign is
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The glove not only represents Holden s love for his younger brother it also
exemplifies Allie s individuality. It is understood that after analyzing Holden s
character he hates conflict with anything around him. He is confused by his brother
s death and therefore fears interactions with people and is hesitant to let people into
the barrier her has created for himself. This is seen when he struggles to explain to
Stradlater his descriptive composition assignment. Holden failed to describe a room
or house, and instead described the baseball glove. Holden gives Stradlater the
composition and the conversation flows as follows, This is about a goddamn
baseball glove. So what? I said. Cold as hell. Wuddya mean so what? I told ya it
had to be about a goddamn room or a house or something. You said is had to be
descriptive. What the hell s the difference if it s about a baseball glove? (41). This
is definitely contributes to part of his culture and how he chooses to conduct his
life. The glove is a part of him, and to others, a worn out, left handed baseball mitt
with scribbles of poems may not mean anything, but to Holden, it means the world
because that is all he has left of his brother. Holden keeps Allie alive through the
baseball glove. And although it s just an old worn
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington, the legendary jazz pianist, said that a problem is a chance to do
your best, and I agree with him. When people learn from their problems, it can help
them in many ways. They can learn how to do things better in the future, they can
learn more about themselves and what they like or dislike, and they can even be used
to help someone who is having trouble with the same issue(s).
If I am having trouble I, can pause and reassess my strategy plan. A problemis a
chance to try my best. It trains me to solve problems. It makes me think about
different ways to solve a problem. It makes me work diligently on that specific
issue. Problems teach me many things, and I try to work very hard to achieve the
goal solving the problem.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Essay
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a well known autosomal recessive disorder and
the vast majority, approximately 95%, of cases are due to a deficiency of 21 alpha
hydroxylase. The other common type of CAH is caused by a deficiency of 11 beta
hydroxylase. In both types of the disorder, the adrenal gland is unable to produce
sufficient amounts of cortisoland aldosterone. CAH is estimated to manifest in 1 of
every 15,000 live births. In the United States, the prevalence of the disorder is lower
in African American children in comparison to Caucasians. Moreover, the decreased
synthesis of cortisol results in diminished negative feedback of adrenocorticotropic
hormone(ATCH) and over secretion of ACTH. This pathological increase of ACTH
in an attempt to increase serum cortisol levels is prevented because of the lack of
appropriate enzymes and actually results in increased androgen... Show more content
on ...
On the other hand, affected males present normally at birth with some showing signs
of hyperpigmentation of the scrotum or a large phallus. It is recommended that
surgery on females with ambiguous genitalia has the most positive outcomes
between two and six months. Individuals with CAH are also at higher risk of early
pubertal development and short stature as adults. Additionally, fertility rates in
women with classic 21 alpha hydroxylase CAH are low, while most males with the
disorder are fertile as adults with a minority exhibiting evidence of Leydig cell
failure and impaired spermatogenesis. In patients with classic 21 alpha hydroxylase
CAH there is an elevated serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone concentration of higher than
1200 ng/dL. In fact, most of the neonates found with the disorder have serum
concentrations of 17 hydroxyprogesterone that exceed 3500
Boeing Apache Paper
The Boeing AH 64 Apache is one of the most advanced attack helicopters in the
world. It has been in service since 1986 in the US Army. It fills multiple combat
roles in different configurations, and is commonly used as an anti armor aircraft,
or to support friendly infantry. It was originally designed to replace the AH 1
Cobra, and has since been upgraded and adapted to the Apache Longbow. The
Apache longbow is equipped with two 1,994 horsepower engines, which power it s
four bladed rotor, allowing it to reach speeds of over 180 mph, making it faster than
nearly all military helicopters. The Apache carries very advanced sensory arrays
also, it can track, target, and prioritize still, and moving targets on a battlefield, all by
itself. ... Show more content on ...
Its main gun is an M230 chain gun, which fires 30mm rounds at a rate of 625 rounds
per minute. It can hold a maximum of 1200 of these rounds. Instead of being a
traditional machine gun and using expanding gas or recoil to fire the gun, it uses a
2 hp electric engine to actuate the bolt. Just to load this gun, ground crews have to
have access to specialized machinery to load and clean this weapon because of its
impressive size and electronic systems. But the Apache doesn t just have its gun. It
can mount up to 16 Hellfire missiles, each of which is capable at blowing up a tank
by itself, at ranges of over 4.5 miles. These missiles are radar or laser guided, and
lock onto targets, allowing a pilot to fire and forget . Hellfires are extremely
effective against armored vehicles, and have been adapted to use in other roles.
Apaches can also carry Hydra 70 rocket pods on its weapon pylons. These are thin,
long, unguided air to surface rockets that carry a 10 pound explosive warhead. These
are mostly used against infantry or lightly armored vehicles such as Jeep style
vehicles. All together, the armament used with the Apache is extremely effective in
its anti armor
The First Years Of My Life
For the first fifteen years of my life, I never referred to myself as a firm believer in
love at first sight. People often tossed around the word love like it was nothing, but
I knew that I had never truly been in love before. This all changed about a month
before my sixteenth birthday when I fell in love with the windy city. In May of
2015, the band took a four day trip to Chicago. I was thrilled for the excursion
because I had only traveled outside of Kansas a few times. Those vacations were to
the beach, which is nothing like the bustling metropolis of Chicago. I had never
truly experienced the city life before, so I was beyond ready for this new
adventure. When I arrived to Chicago, I expected to see sights that were familiar to
me, like in Kansas City. Hundreds of people traveling in different directions,
towering skyscrapers, and shops were all around the city. When we were just a few
miles outside from Chicago, I could see the whole skyline in the distance. I was
completely fascinated by the hundreds of skyscrapers that lined the city, and the
sunrise that turned the sky different shades of orange, yellow, and pink. The views
that I encountered while first entering Chicago were breathtaking. Throughout the
whole trip, I experienced multiple new sights, smells, and sounds. As the trip came
to an end, I realized that I had developed a true love for the natural and urban beauty
of Chicago, and that I eventually want to call this place home in a few years.
The windy
The Crucible Sheila Quotes Analysis
When she was physically or mentally, Sheila retaliated and seldom reacted to the
situation properly because she was unable to keep her emotions under control. In
this scene, Torey has just arrived from 4 day vacation and the other educators were
describing how Sheila had behaved. Sheila went absolutely berserk. She refused to
talk. She pulled all the stuff off the walls, all the books out of the book cases. She
gave Peter a bloody nose on Friday. She wouldn t do any work at all. (Hayden 122)
This quote illustrates how Sheila went on a rampage while Torey was gone. Sheila
knew that she could make Torey angry by refusing to cooperate with anyone else and
being destructive in the classroom. Torey Hayden s purpose is to show that Sheila let
Ursa Minor In Greek Mythology
My favorite constellation happens to be ursa minor. i find ursa minor interesting as
it contains the north star polaris which is referred too as a guide through out history
by witches and muggles alike. another thing i find interesting about ursa minor is
that it is part of one of my favorite mythological tales and is only behind the greek
tale of the seasons. i also find it funny the way in the story they attempt to justify
why ursa major and minor have long tails even though they are referred to as bears.
the story of ursa minor begins with Arcas the son of Callisto. his mother callisto was
transformed into a bear by hera prier to the events in this story. Arcas is fifteen and is
out hunting when he came across a strange bear that looked ... Show more content on ...
a small girl walks softly though the forest on a warm summer night looking for a
place to sleep, you see this little girl has only just existed she woke up under a olive
tree that very morning with no memories in her head but her name, ursa and the
image of a forrest so that was where she went. her golden ringlets and white cotton
dress billowing in the wind pulling her deep into the forest leaves crush softly
under her bare feet. she hears sound not at all different from a clock but slower
then normal and reverberating all throughout the forest. she walks closer to the
sound and eventually finding a clearing where the sound feel as if it is shaking her
bones and in the center stands a woman who s body looks as if the left half in
made of bronze hello my little star light the woman says to eva her voice like
chimes but still feels to fill the whole forest. ursa walks to the woman and with
every step she remembers more, that woman is time and heaven and she is a baby
star, named after her mother and not yet in the sky. Ursa s eyes look up at time you
caused quite a bit of trouble, your mama s worried sick time says pointing at ursa s
mothers constellation ursa major see she s dim, now lets get you home minor time
says gently grasping ursa minor s hands before ursa minor s human body twinkles
away in star light and her constellation ursa minor appears in the sky next to her
mother and time fades away to the sound of a ticking
Moral Development In Michael Stewart s Novel Bye-Bye
In Michael Stewart s novel Bye Bye Birdie, children and their attitudes play a
significant role from disobedience and protective parents, to teenage love and
jealousy. Some parents in the little town of Sweet Apple, Ohio attributed children s
attitudes to Elvis stereotyped Conrad Birdie; however, others believed it was their
age. Psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg, described many moral stages each and
every person goes through during his or her life. Two kids I know illustrate
Kohlberg s stages of Moral Development very well. Karim is an eight year old boy
whom I taught swim lessons to and is currently in the preconventional stage. Sam is
my 12 year old brother and living in the conventional stage of Kohlberg s Moral
Stages. Probably one... Show more content on ...
Their products range from teaching basic numbers and shapes to language and
music. Baby Einstein encourages parents to purchase the products to increase the
sensory information processing flooding the child s senses. The website s products
are geared toward babies under the age of one year. The diverse products appear to
help the babies by enhancing the child s rhythm, encouraging exploration and
discovery, developing visual pathways, and exposing the baby to vocabulary. By
using these toys from Baby Einstein during the Critical Period of the brain
development, there is a production of normal development because of the exposure to
stimuli such as colors, numbers, music, words, and animals. Baby Einstein strives to
enhance the cognitive development of newborns during the critical period of brain
A single sperm cell going through the ejaculation process...
A single sperm cell going through the ejaculation process would first have to meet
the age requirement in order for it to be ejected out of the epididymus. Once
rendered to be mature enough, the sperm will wait in the vas deferens where the
seminal vesicles will secrete fructose rich fluid till an orgasm occurs in which the
spermatozoa will be released. During an erection, the sperm will be pushed towards
the posterior side of the urethra along with several other fluids that make up the semen
. When the male ejaculates the sperm cell will travel the urethra till it reaches the
urethral opening in the glans, head , of the penis. Before being propelled into the
vaginal canal, the prostate gland will secrete a basic substance to help the... Show
more content on ...
The male reproductive system like any other system must have hormones aiding its
several processes in order for it to function well. In this system, male sex hormones
are also known as androgens with testosterone being the one most commonly known.
Testosterone is only produced two times in a male s life with it being secreted
continuously and consistently once puberty begins in order to enable the
reproductive function. This hormone is responsible for the secondary sex
characteristics of males that develop during the course of puberty and providing
negative feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. The production of
testosterone is roused by the luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulating Leydig cells.
Meanwhile the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is responsible for stimulating
Sertoli cells to produce androgen binding protein (ABP), thereby stimulating
spermatogenesis. ( In the course of puberty, males develops
certain sex characteristics that are then divided into either primary or secondary sex
characteristics. The primary sex characteristics include those that are directly
involved in reproduction such as the enlargement of the testes as well the production
of spermatozoa. In males, prior to the first ejaculation is spermarche, or the first
production of sperm. This early production of sperm is often fraught with genetic
imperfections and the male may also be infertile for a short time. (Devin
A Report On The River Discharge Essay
The Apalachicola River discharge was about an order or two higher in a wet
season (March 23 25, 2015) than in a dry season (November 2 4, 2015) (Figure 8a
8b). Furthermore, the river discharge increased progressively in March, whereas it
altered a little in November except after November 4, 2015. The predicted tidal
heights showed relatively similar micro tidal environment in both surveys;
however the ebb tidal periods were much stronger in March than in November
(Figure 8c 8d). Weak to average winds (2.85 В± 0.97 ms 1 in March and 2.29 В±
1.68 ms 1 in November) were observed during the field measurements. Nonetheless,
sustained periods of cold northerly winds in March and warm southerly winds in
November could have affected the field and satellite measurements at some
stations, e.g., by sediment re suspension and wavy sea state (black boxes, Figure
8e 8f). Tidal forcing was likely the major factor to control the diurnal variation in
salinity and water level in both the seasons (Figure 8c 8d). Moreover, moderate
winds could have affected salinity and water level above the tidal height either by
pushing riverwater towards the bay or by introducing shelf water into the bay (e.g.
black boxes in Figure 8) (Huang et al. 2002a; Huang et al. 2002b). Dry Bar and Cat
Point salinity stations were located close to river mouth (Figure 1); however, they
showed considerable variations in salinity during the study period (Figure 8g 8h).
Figure 8: Time series of major forcing
The Body Shop International Plc
After the boom of the third industry and the foundation of WTO, companies are now
facing more severe competitions than ever before, not only domestically but also
internationally. Therefore, figuring out how can we survive the competition and
stand out from the others have been put ahead of the schedule of plenty of
enterprises. While many others are scrambling for marketing their invariable products
paying more attention to propaganda, packaging price strategies etc. some other have
found it more crucial to be innovative. But that is not enough, to achieve greater
success, one must combine proper managementand adequate entrepreneurial part, and
this technique has later evolved into the term entrepreneurial management . In this
essay, I will mainly talk about how companies using the entrepreneurial management
make themselves distinguished from the others and what value they create through
this strategy by studying the case: The Body ShopInternational Plc. First of all, I will
give a brief introduction to the background of The Body Shop International Plc. Then
the essay will go further into the definition of the Entrepreneurial Management
Model, which is introduced to people by Dr. David Rae (2007), and how The Body
Shop explains the concept of the model by illustrating the management strategies the
company uses and the entrepreneurial skills it adopts respectively.
The Body Shop is a well known British beauty and skin care brand, founded in 1976
in Brighton, England,
How Does Beethoven Use Gcse Form In Symphony 8
Introduction One of the most crucial composers throughout the transition of the
classical era to the romantic era was Beethoven. He was pronounced as the greatest
living composer by the time he was 50. Throughout his lifetime he had published
138 compositions and after his death there were over 200 more compositions
published. This is an amazing feat as he had started suffering from hearing loss at
the age of 26 and by the time he was around the age of 46, he became fully deaf. He
created some of the most famous pieces of which includes Fur Elise, Symphony
No.5, and Symphony No.9. This topic interested me because of how he was able to
create spectacular compositions even while being affected by hearing loss. I also
realized that I did not... Show more content on ...
This theme begins with a legato and lyrical style that contrasts the staccato style of
the first theme. The violins are used as an accompaniment of the melodic exchange
between the flute and the oboe. This exchange creates a back and forth movement
between the two instruments. The melody begins with a rising fourth which is a
link to the first theme. The accompaniment plays staccato arpeggios which gives a
reminder of the last measure of the first theme. From measure 65, the use of
syncopation previously heard measures 57 to 58 gives rhythmic drive through this
section. The violins then take the lead and restate the theme with the flutes and
oboes answering. Beethoven s use of diminished chords, in measure 65, and
adding emphasis using sforzando adds more the dramatic nature of the passage. In
measure 69, the strings have rising eighth notes with semitones. A few measures
later the flutes and oboes double the violins rising eighth notes which again
underlines the importance of the rising semitone. This last until measure 77 as the
second theme returns to a soft ending as the lyrical phrases played by the violins,
oboes, and flutes are now played by the cellos and double basses. The codetta, or
closing, begins at measure 88 and lasts until measure 110. This section creates a
conclusion by combining familiar elements from the first and second themes. In
measures 94 to 99, the strings have tremolos which gives a sensation of the music
being at fast rhythmic tempo and in measures 100 to 109 the woodwinds and horns
have slurred phrases which resembles the lyrical phrases played in the second
Kung Women Essays
1. Ernestine Friedl says that the position of women is higher the more they are
involved in
(1) Primary subsistence (as owners or controllers, NOT merely as laborers) and (2)
the PUBLIC distribution of the product of subsistence. Use this argument to account
for the position of women in !Kung society. Make sure you use both part (1) and part
(2) of Friedl s argument.
The !Kung are hunter gatherers of Southern Africa and the women play an essential
role in the production of subsistence for their families. The woman actually contribute
a greater proportion of the subsistence to their families directly than do the men who
are the game hunters in the family. As Friedl describes in Society and Sex Roles
(page 101) regardless of ... Show more content on ...
Also in the division of the kill there is great acknowledgement to the hunter whose
arrow was the first to hit the kill and as the one who is highly celebrated, men gain
a larger range of influence and power in the village. It is believed that the higher
status that the men gain is due to their greater ability to protect themselves in the
wild and because they feed everyone in their village! In addition, due to the scarcity
of large and small game (protein) not being plentiful the hunters who do bring it
home are given great authority because they are heroes. I also found it very
interesting to learn that every part of the animal is used by the !Kung; hides are
tanned for blankets and bones are cracked for the marrow. The men of the !Kung
also provide household tools and maintain a supply of poison tipped arrows and
spears for hunting. It is thought that women lose a lot of their independence
because they are the caretakers for the children and elderly and while the husbands
are gone to hunt they literally hold down the fort. There are several different
theories relating to the !Kung people as to their being equals and as stated by
Russell Dekema, which conflicts to Friedl and Nisa, It is known that there is a large
social division among the !Kung and it is between men and women . In NISA, the
!Kung are stated to be something of an anomaly and in a society of ancient traditions,
Anxiety And Learning Anxiety
Adolescents today are forced to face the intensified stressors of life in our high
pressured society and the cognitive, physiological, and emotional changes that take
place throughout this stage of development. As a result, the rates of many
psychopathologies increase significantly among adolescents ages 10 16. Extensive
research that shows that anxietylevels and disrupted social skills can be particularly
high among adolescents with learningdisabilities (LD). However, the origin of
anxiety as it relates to LD has yet to be determined, making it hard to treat. On the
one hand, there exists the deficit in study skills model in which anxiety is a result of
low self assurance and feeling unprepared due to deficient knowledge. On the other...
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Thus, the authors hypothesized that if mindfulness meditation can encourage
attentional factors and self esteem and, thus, reduce anxiety, it may also concurrently
enhance social skills and academic performance. They also hypothesized that
mindfulness meditation (MM) would positively influence all three of these outcome
variables by mitigating cognitive interference. The participant sample was composed
of thirtyВtwo adolescent volunteers (aged 13 17) recruited from four classes in a
private high school for children with LD. For five days a week, the participants
were led in mindfulness meditation (not identified with MBSR) for five to ten
minutes at the beginning of each class period by two classroom teachers. The
researchers used a preВpost no control design composed of three tests: the Social
Skills Rating System (SSRS), The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and
Attitudinal questions. All three surveys were completed by both the students and
their two teachers. On postВintervention surveys, students selfВreported both
decreased state (shortВterm) and trait (longВterm) anxiety (STAI test). Moreover, the
teachers reported improvements of students social skills and academic performance
(SRRS and attitudinal questions surveys). The variables above showed significant
improvements in the postВtest (all p values .05). Although not directly assessed, these
results suggest that mindfulness
Quotation Analysis Of Gilgamesh
Part A: Quotation Analysis
A.The similes used by the speaker help depict his lover s image. He compares the
movement of the separate strands of her hair like goats traveling down the side of
a mountain. The speaker also compares when her teeth first appear as she smiles
like a flock of sheep that arise after being washed. In his similes, the depiction of
the flock of animals is repeated by the speaker in order to show that his lover is very
fertile and the two should stick together. This section of the text is similar to the other
parts of the poem since the two lovers are completely infatuated with one another and
enjoy expressing their emotions.
B.The narrator s purpose for including this hyperbolic description is to describe the ...
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D.Daedalus carefully explains to his son, Icarus, how to use the wings he has
invented. Even though Icarus is very mischievous, Daedalus trusts that he will take
his warnings into consideration; however, his warning foreshadows Icarus
downfall. His instructions connect to Icarus death since Icarus both melts the wax
from the feathers and becomes too heavy to escape the waters. Given Daedalus
instructions, Icarus was determined to fail since he had to delicately fly in between
the waves and the sun, no explicit boundaries are in place. It is ironic that Daedalus
fails to predict his son s behavior, yet he equips Icarus with a such an instrument that
requires a high skill to operate; therefore, Daedalus indirectly kills his only son. Part
B: Essay In The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and The Ramayana of Valmiki, the
protagonists Gilgamesh, Odysseus, and Rama all share similar traits. Although the
three characters each came from different backgrounds and accomplished different
tasks, they all share the qualities of a hero. The three exhibit strength and wisdom,
the ability to defeat god like creatures, and are able to overcome the obstacles in
their lives. In order to be labeled as a hero, characters are usually stronger than or go
through enough hardship to become stronger than their obstacles. In the introduction
to The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is portrayed as the mightiest man of the
Natural Theology Was Under Deep Debate
In the 20th century the question of natural theology was under deep debate. While
the enlightenment had a deep confidence in gaining knowledge of God through
observation of the natural world, this attitude was deeply criticised in both
philosophy and theology. On the one hand Heidegger criticized this project as deeply
ontotheological confusing the distinction between beings and the Being of beings.
Moreover as a result of this enterprise, one was left with the philosopher s Godat best,
a god to which one could not praise, pray to or sacrifice. On the other hand Barth
lambasted it as denying the subjectivity of God, and submitting God to the same
kind of being as humans, reducing the creator to the realm of the created while
simultaneous denying the finitude and falleness of human rationality. For Barth
there could be no point of contact and the analogy of being of the medieval period
must be scrapped for the analogy of faith, an inbreaking from the top down miracle
of grace . But while Barth claims Natural theologyas an irrelevant for revelation,
Natural theology is the condition of possibility of the human side of revelation. This
will be shown through a critical examination of Barth s doctrine of revelation, an
appropriation of Jean Luc Marions phenomenology of revelation and an exploration
of Pannenberg s theological method.
In beginning to explore the possibility for a natural theology one must overcome its
most powerful opponent the theology of Karl Barth. As
Reflection Paper On Negotiation
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach
a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to
at least one of these issues. This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties
involved, or just for one or some of them. Now a days openly dominating a
negotiation has pretty much gone by the wayside. An emphasis on listening and
building a helpful atmosphere is a more accepted negotiating style for both women
and men. When I was studying my tenth standard, in my schooldays one of my
teacher, her name is Savitri, she has proposed some rules which are very useful to all
the students which are like sports, physical exercises and some local cultural
activities in meeting,... Show more content on ...
That s where we get to a position, a resolution, that works for both sides. Potenta
suggested that women may have an innate advantage when it comes to listening
skills. It s something that I do better than my male counterparts. Rachel Krol, a
lecturer in Wharton s legal studies and business ethics department and the panel s
moderator, noted that listening is essential to successful negotiations even though
it can seem like a weak position. Sometimes we feel like whoever is dominating the
airwaves is controlling the negotiation and the space. Closely related to listening,
openness and collaboration is building long term relationships, according to some
of the speakers. Pereira said that in her industry, one tends to work with the same
advisors again and again, and someone on the other side of a negotiation could
easily turn up on the same side of the table later on. we don t always know when
someone s going to pop back into our life. It really is so important to negotiate with
integrity and build personal relationships as we go. Long term relationships are very
important in my industry, too, very similar to Jen s, said Potenta. We re
Essay Euthanasia
Imagine yourself lying on a hospital bed totally unaware of the happenings around
you. Doctors and family members come and go, mostly out of habit now, because
they know there s nothing more they can do. Many of their visits are a blur to you,
with their voices and movements becoming unrecognizable. The pain you experience
is nothing short of excruciating, but the hospital has exhausted all of their resources
in their attempt to help you. After monthsof medicationand efforts to assist your
recovery, you re left with nothing to show for it other than the dreadful bills. Your
family is just patiently waiting for your final days.
Luckily, you are not in a situation like this, and hopefully you never will be. ... Show
more content on ...
After caring for his wife, Jean, while she battled breast cancer, Derek Humphry
suffered greatly through her death. Afterwards, he was inspired to publish Jean s
Way. The story, telling of their marriage, his wife s sickness, and her death, was
Humprhy s earliest attempt to challenge the law and display euthanasia in a sensible,
helpful manner (Cundiff 72).
Some more of the most well known recent instances of euthanasia and physician
assisted suicide include the participation of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Also known as Dr.
Death , Jack Kevorkian has been involved in the death of approximately 130 people
as they sought out his knowledge and assistance in their suicide. Using some
household tools, toys, magnets and electrical switches Jack Kevorkian was able to
build a machine that he called the Thanatron (Greek for death machine ). The
Thanatron made it so that with the flip of a switch a person attached to an
intravenous tube would experience drips of a saline solution, followed by the release
of thiopental which would place them in a deep coma, and then the rush of a lethal
dose of potassium chloride which would stop their heart in a few short minutes.
When demonstrating his invention on the Donahue show, Dr. Kevorkian referred to
the Thanatron as quot;dignified, humane and painless and the patient can do it in the
comfort of their own home at any
How Does Sugar Sweetened Drinks Affect Children
In the last 40 years, there have been incidences of increased use of SSBs the
children and the adults. Before the 1950s the standard soft drink was only for the
small bottles that did not have many litters of beverages. [12] The beverage
companies, however, increased the size of the bottles and they ended up making
even the 12 ounce can by the 1960s. This enabled people to have access to the sugar
sweetened snacks widely and thus increasing their consumption. [11]
Impacts of consumption of the sugar sweetened drinks
Research which was carried out showed that in most cases people do not account for
the excess energy that they get due to the consumption of the sugar sweetened drinks.
They believe that this will increase the total energy intakes ... Show more content on ...
The educational campaigns should be extended to the whole school approach and set
up. [16] This will include also enlightening the parents and families the effects of
consuming sugar sweetened drinks.
Dietary Assessment
The dietary assessment method has also been employed to evaluate the levels of
beverage consumption for the body. Two largest investigations were done by
Backholer [13] and Troiano [16]; both studied the previous year s intake of SSBs
and evaluated drinks over the next years. Their research helped people to gauge
whether they are supposed to reduce their consumption of SSBs whenever energy
levels are high in their bodies more than the previous year.
What Is Pecking Order Theory
Pecking order theory
Effective financial management and what characters affect their capital structure are
important for a firm to obtain better operational performance. A false decision about
the capital structure may lead to financial distress and even to bankruptcy. There are
numerous theories developed to analyze alternative capital structures. Among all
these theories, the static trade off theory which derived by Modigliani and Miller
(1963) was the earliest and most recognized which explains the formulation of capital
structure. Their trade off theory assumed that there are optimal capital structures by
trading off the benefits and cost of debt and equity. The main benefit of debt is tax
deductibility of interest and the costs are bankruptcy ... Show more content on ...
The pecking order theory stems from Myers (1984) who in turn was influenced by
the earlier institutional literature including the book by Donaldson (1961). Myers
(1984) argues that adverse selection implies that retained earnings are better than
debt and debt is better than equity. This ranking was motivated with reference to the
Myers and Majluf s (1984) adverse selection model. The ordering, however, stems
from a variety of sources including agency conflicts and taxes.
Pecking order theory also referred to as information asymmetry theory was proposed
by Ross (1996), Fama French (2004) suggests that firms prefer to finance new
investments, first internally with retained earnings, then with debt and finally with
the issue of new equity. The pecking order theory is based on two assumptions:
Firstly, according to informational asymmetry, managers are better informed about
their own firms prospect than are outside investors. So, when they decide to issue
new equity to finance new projects it is almost invariably taken by outside
investors as a signal that the firm s prospects, as seen by management, are not good
and that the said issue is therefore overvalued and therefore causes the firm s share
price to fall (Ross,
The British Position s Position On The Morality Continuum
A major difference between 1956 and the 1930s was the British position s position
on the morality continuum. The Anti Appeasement position championed by
Churchill during the 1930s had aged very well. By 1956 the horrors of world war
two were still fresh memories for all adult Britons and Churchill s historical writings
seemed to cement this view.
At a time when the evils of imperialism were becoming more apparent and resented
a great deal of British pride was sourced from standing up to fascism in 1939 and
ultimately winning.
Illegal, unilateral military intervention in Suez on the back of a legal nationalisation
of a foreign owned asset had all the hallmarks of a colonist power s show of strength.
British national interest was undoubtedly threatened by the loss of oil, spread of Arab
nationalism and (more questionably) the resulting spread of communism throughout
the region but the moral high ground of a nation defending itself against fascism was
more difficult to conjure up.
By drawing parallels between (specifically) 1938 and the nationalization crisis a
sense of moral authority was gained.
Britain could no longer hope to act unilaterally with success. The support (active and
passive) from the commonwealth and the USA was no longer present.
Britain viewed Nasser as a reckless dictator who had potential to massively threaten
western power in the Middle East, the power of Britain and ultimately tip the balance
in the cold war.
The decision not to pursue further
Corruption In Canterbury Tales
A medieval miller was a worker that would grind grain at the mill to produce flour
and meal. In Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales, the Miller is a deceitful
man that advances in her career through deception and tells a fabliau, a comical
fable told in verse that is characterized by sexual obscenity. Fabliaux were generally
told by jongleurs, or medieval entertainers. This particular fabliau is a bawdy tale
that discusses a scandalous affair. Through the Miller s description as a thieving and
scheming peasant and the Miller s raunchy tale, Chaucer criticizes the dangerous
precedent of corruption set by the nobilitywhich consequently spreads to all classes
due to esteem and success amassed by corruption and the stereotype of the Third
Estate or lower class as lewd and having a lack of intelligence.
Chaucer s description of the Miller as deceitful and thieving through his appearance
and actions criticizes the upper class tendency to underestimate the ability of the
lower class. The upper class is so consumed with maintaining their image of affluence
and looking down on the lower class, they fail to recognize that peasants can learn to
imitate their habits of corruption that lead to immense wealth. The Miller is depicted
as a well built, muscular man who wears a whit cote and a blew hood and has a red
beard as any sowe or fox that would steal from his customers by selling his grain for
three times its worth, yit he hadde a thombe of gold (554,565 566). The Miller
Character Analysis Of Grey s Anatomy
From grueling surgerys to intense romances Greys Anatomy offers it all. This five
star television series focuses on the journey of doctors through there surgical
residency. For 13 seasons Grey s Anatomy has followed Dr. Meredith Grey through
the roller coaster ride that is a surgical residency. Along the way she has met people
she will never forget and has dealt with enough trauma for a lifetime. There are also
many other doctors this show follows including Derek Shepard, Christina Yang,
Alex Karev, Miranda Bailey, and Richard Webber. Whether a person is a romance
fanatic or a thrill seeker this television show offers it all. Creator Shonda Rhimes
keeps the viewers drawn in with constant drama that always keeps the viewers
wondering what happens next. Grey s Anatomyhas remained a number 1 rated
television series based on the character development, the plots, and the actors
interpretation of their roles.
Grey s Anatomy does a phenomenal job of showing how each of the characters
progress not only in there surgical skills, but also in their personal lives. Each
character is created so that everybody watching the television show falls in love
with each of the actors and actresses. Viewers become invested in the relationships
and the lives of each character. As the viewers watch they see each character change
and grow. For example, Meredith Grey had always had commitment problems. That is
until she met Derek Shepard. Of course, in the beginning and middle of the series
The Power Of Words In Richard Wright s Black Boy
Southern Summer Nights
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will hurt forevermore. Words
hold power, they are the key to success and the bomb to downfall. Throughout
history, only the words of victors are remembered while the voices of the lost are
forgotten throughout the ages. A simple piece of literature, such as the Diary of
Anne Frank, can cause millions of people to see their world in a new light. From a
young age, Richard Wright discovered the power behind the words he spoke and
heard; the strength that bleeds through the inked characters of the forbidden books he
read, and the influence that a book written ages ago had on his family and others.
The author of the autobiography Black boy, Richard Wright, uses literary... Show
more content on ...
In short, things happened that resulted in a change of home and environment.
Exposed to a young lady by the name of Ella, he learned the influence between the
written words that morphed obscure and abstract thoughts into a series of clips that
became one long, detailed, movie. His imagination [was] blazed (39) and his
interest in the story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives clutched desperately onto
his senses as she read aloud. Despite the book being the Devil s work (39), at least to
his grandmother anyway, Richard found that he hungered for the sharp, frightening,
breathtaking, almost painful excitement that the story (40) offered him. He stole
books and attempted to read them despite not knowing more than a handful of
words. Although the words alone had no value to Richard, the words became a
gateway to a forbidden and enchanting land (40). Series of magazines and books
later, Richard himself got to give meaning to inked characters by writing a short story
himself. His classmates asked in awe if he really wrote it himself in which he
replies with a simple yes. Having written a piece of literature himself, Richard knew
how influential the written word could be, especially if it was the word of
Wine Consumer Behavior
Sarah Geraghty Shannon College of Hotel Management
The Irish wine market, worth €1.65 billion in 2009 (DIGI, 2010), has
experienced unprecedented growth in the last fifteen years, growing from an 8%
share of the overall alcoholic beverage market in Ireland in 1994 (WDB, 2007) to
22% in 2007 (DIGI, 2009). Relative to the long history of wine making and wine
drinking, the marketing of wine is in its infancy (Thomas and Pickering, 2003). With
approximately 1,451,000 wine drinkers (WDB, 2004) Ireland is an attractive and
profitable target market for international wine brands.
This research aims to analyse the ... Show more content on ...
This paper also outlines the direction of future research to address the shortcomings
of research to date and to provide marketers of wine with more rounded and
meaningful insights into the wine consumption behaviour in Ireland.
The Irish wine market has experienced tremendous growth over the past 15 to 20
years, with an almost five fold increase in the consumption of wine from 1.7
million cases in 1990 to 8.2 million cases in 2007 (WDB, 2008). DIGI (2010)
reported a 6.9% decline in wine consumption (by volume in 2009), however this
decline took place in a year when the overall alcohol market contracted by about
10% due to poor national economic performance (DIGI, 2010, p. 6). Despite the
recent drop in consumption over the past year, the 450% growth in the Irish wine
market since 1990, and the shifts in demand and preference result in the Irish wine
market becoming an important target market for wine brands.
Preferences of Irish wine consumers have changed with a notable shift towards
New World wines, from a 6% market share in 1990 to a 68% share in 2007 (WDB,
2008). Previously, wine was a highly inaccessible product in the market, with high
prices, limited selections, and complex labelling (Farren, 2003). In more recent
years, wine has become widely available and increasingly affordable and accessible.
Quinton and
Scientific Process Worksheet
Scientific process worksheet
The question that Maria and Elena are trying to answer by performing an experiment
is whether cold water or hot water freezes fasters to make ice cubes.
Maria s hypothesis for this experiment is that the cold water will freeze faster, she
thinks this is correct because the hot water molecules move faster than the cold water
molecules, causing the hot water to take longer to freeze.
To make the results of the experiment valid four variables to take into account are if
the freezer is the same temperature for both tests, the water is the same water just
different temperatures, the ice cube trays are the same size, and finally both trays are
in the freezer for the same amount of time.
Two types of measurements
Animal Science Research Paper
Veterinary and Animal Science I want to be a Veterinarian when I get old enough
to get a job. So when I get to Heritage High School, I would like to take the
Veterinary and Animal Science Program of Study to learn about small animals and
small animal caretaking. Veterinary and Animal Science is a Program of Study of
small and large animals owned by humans. Other related areas in Veterinary and
Animal Science are Small Animal Science, Large Animal Science, Agriscience,
Veterinary Science, and many more classes all over the world. Small Animal
Science is also known as Animal Bioscience, studying the life of small animals
owned by humans.When I get to Heritage High School I will probably pick to take
the Small Animal Science class to learn... Show more content on ...
The job I would pick would most likely pick to be would be a Veterinarian or
Veterinarian Assistant. The salary of a Veterinarian is $91,250 a year, and the
salary of a Veterinarian Assistant would be about $24,430 a year. The salary of a
Wildlife Rehabilitator would be around $31,760. A Zoologist would get paid about
$59,680 per year. An Animal Scientist would make about $76,190. If you had any
other jobs you could do with the Heritage High School class about Veterinary and
Animal Science you could search the average salary of them as well. The job
outlook of a Veterinarian or a Veterinarian Assistant would be 9% of the United
States, The job outlook for a Veterinarian Assistant would also be 9% in the United
States. The job outlook of a Wildlife Rehabilitator or would be about 11% of the
United States in 10 years. The job outlook of a Zoologist would be 4% of the
United States in 10 years. The job outlook of an Animal Scientist would be 9% in
the next 10 years. Lastly, any of the jobs that I choose from my three paragraphs
will make good amounts of money yearly and will have quite a few job openings
by the time I graduate high school and by the time I graduate one of these colleges
listed above, if I choose to be a Veterinarian, Veterinarian Assistant, Wildlife
Rehabilitator, Zoologist, or Animal Science, or any other job that you would need in
Animal Science and Veterinarian class in high school to do that
Attractive Poker Offers
Title: Attractive Poker Bonus Offers: A Must Have for Great Sites
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Poker Bonus Serves Multiple Purposes
Encouraging is a good stimulation of any activity, poker including. A poker bonus,
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of the beginning player. An attractive welcome poker bonus serves several purposes
except for pleasing the user. It gives a possibility to polish playing skills before
diving into a poker for real money world. No feelings and emotions are involved
when the bet of the game is just virtual points. It becomes easier for the players to
understand how to play poker online, how to build winning tactics when no real
money is at the stake. The head stays calm and the heart beats steadily.
However, different websites conduct various customer care policy towards fishy
players. Some websites divide the bonus into cash and tournament tickets, with the
second part prevailing. Others allow withdrawing bonus in cash if you meet some
special requirements. For example, at first, you must ... Show more content on ...
Regardless, few of us are informed via a toll free telephone number, e mail sustains
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us staying invisible. Just think about this. How many opportunities we miss? It
takes days and weeks to screen the whole market and highlight the offer you really
like. None of the solid players can spend so much time on seeking bonuses, either as
fishy players would better choose to practice in live or online poker rooms instead of
turning Internet upside down in order to find the best poker bonus. It is not
A Partition Function Served For Normalizing The...
5. Is a partition function served for normalizing the probability score. Has unary
potential Ој(yi,xi) and pairwise potential y(yi,yj,xi,xj). New equation will be
D.Partial Implementation Module Fig.2 Snapshort of video Input taken from
computer Fig.3 Extraction of video into frames after taking input In given above
two snap short we done with 1st module partial implementation in that we taken
video as input browse from computer or either from camera two options provided
their according to take input.After that the second snapshort shows the paly button
that extracts all images from videos and stored in terms of frames in some
dadabase records according to fraction of second the frames appeared. the
extraction button provided for the extract the features from videos that nothing
but number of frames images of that person belong that respective videos it further
used for face to name retrivals. E.Expected results The below fig.4 shows the
Excepted result of the perfeormance of calculating precision and recall for better
annotaion of faces into videos improvement of processing time.It will help to search
engine for faster search of videos. Fig.4 Expected Result of Performance(precision
Recall) Example: 1) total faces in a frame 5 Total faces detected 4. Precision=4/4=1
Recall=4/5 2)Total faces in a frame 7 Total faces detected 2. Precision: 1/7 Recall: 2/7
IV.CONCLUSION We have presented an approach for celebrity naming in the Web
video domain.
Marine Pollution Essay
The world population is living, working, vacationing, increasingly conglomerating
along the coasts, and standing on the front row of the greatest, most
unprecedented, plastic waste tide ever faced. So, this is an opportunity to learn
about the ocean from a big experiment that has already been put in place by
humans. Over the last several decades, human activities have so altered the basic
chemistry of the seas that they are now experiencing evolution in reverse: a return
to the barren primeval waters of hundreds of millions of years ago. Marine
pollution is basically the consequences of oceanic destruction which means when
hazardous materials and chemicals enter the ocean or a big body of water and
spread to rate of exponential growth and decrease the lifespan of nearby marine
animals. Marine pollution is not just given in the word itself, but it holds a deeper
understanding than most know. Plastic bottles and cigarette buds are visible to the
eye and can be removed by just picking it up, but there is another monstrosity
roaming the oceans called the plastisphere. Which is still a form of marine
pollution that very few understand. The plastisphere are tiny, microscopic plastic
pieces that make their way into the ocean and give microbial (relating to or
characteristic of a microorganism) squatters a place to take up residence. It is still in
question whether or not the impact is good or bad and which outweighs the other.
Even small particles like this can have a
Benefits Of Company On Using Data Mining And Data
Benefits to Company on Using Data Mining and Data Warehouse
Using current database company is providing web portal to the users of the
system. For example person sitting in the main office can access information from
the web portal currently what are the orders made by a particular sales man and
what orders are ready to ship from warehouse. Same way warehouse person can
access the orders that need to be shipped. Once the orders are ready warehouse staff
can commits through the web portal to acknowledge main office.
This database provides general reports for. E.g. Daily Sales report by product or by
customer or by route. These reports are helpful particularly for real time reporting
but they don t allow in depth analysis. The possibilities for reporting and analysis are
endless. When it comes to analyzing data, a static list is insufficient. There s an
intrinsic need for aggregating, summarizing, and drilling down into the data. A data
warehouse enables you to perform many types of analysis:
Descriptive (what has happened)
Diagnostic (why it happened)
Predictive (what will happen)
Prescriptive (what to do about it)
This is the level of analytics required to drive real quality, cost and process
improvement in business. Mining and Warehouse Analysis in Detail
In order to provide the detail analytics, we tried to build another database (OLAP) on
top of current database to provision them for analytical use. We follow the steps that
are mention in the Red block of the
The Gilded Age Essay
The Gilded Age
Mark Twain collaborated with Charles Dudley Warner on The Gilded Age: A Tale
of Today. Published in 1973, as Twain s earliest work of extended fiction, The
Gilded Age gives a name to the period of opulence and corruption at the end of the
19th century. Portraying the superficial luxury of Washington and high society, the
authors describe The general laxity of the time, and the absence of a sense of duty
toward any part of the community but the individual himself (Twain 203). Twain s
The Gilded Age, like Wharton s The Age of Innocencefocuses on high society. Yet,
the imperfections in the gilding betray the dramatic change of the period. Forces of
corporatization, unionization, immigration, urbanization, populism, ... Show more
content on ...
The Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor soon followed,
organizing strikes and negotiations as leverage against the powerful big business.
However, big business worked around labor unions with yellow dog contracts
requiring employees not to join a union and with armed Pinkerton Detectives hired to
combat strikes (Kingwood College Library).
Immigration and Urbanization
The manufacturing jobs promised by large corporations brought many people to the
cities and effected widespread immigration and urbanization during the Gilded Age.
Living conditions were harsh and the familiarity of small towns disappeared in the
crowds of the cities. Technological advances in architecture allowed for taller
buildings and higher concentrations of people. Upper and middle class families
escaped to suburbs as an influx of immigrants and lower class workers flocked to the
cities to find employment. The flood of new immigrants from southern and eastern
Europe resulted in the creation of many anti immigration groups (Digital History).
While the cities urbanized, the financial crisis of rural farmers fueled the populist
movement. The populists campaigned for a bimetallic standard to back American
currency with hopes of creating inflation to diminish the growing debts of farmers.
Regulation of railroad monopolies on shipping was also a major concern (Morgan
149 170). Democrat
James Fenimore Cooper Research Paper
Steven Menkin Professor Jesse Doiron ENGL 2326.02 September 16 2015 James
Fenimore Cooper: The Father of Naval Novels James Fenimore Cooper was born
September 15, 1789 in New Jersey. During The Era of National Expansion (online, The Spy, his first novel, led him to continue publication of
historical romance novels. Published in 1821, his novel credited to the success of
his work. The Spy inspired others to inherit an understanding of patriotism. Cooper
inspired many novelists, philosophers, and the military because of the publication
of his naval novels. Cooper s family history, travels, and time in the military had a
direct impact on his writing ( Cooper was the eleventh child of
twelve. During James first year, his family relocated to New York in order to form a
settlement called Cooperstown in 1786 (, where his father,
William Cooper a successful congressman expected his son to be politically involved
from an early age. By... Show more content on ...
By the age of thirty, he had already moved from America to Europe and was
welcomed heartily. Works such as The Bravo and The Headsman were based on his
foreign travels and the European background. His more romantic novels were not
popular in Europe ( The Spy, influenced American Philosophers,
Writers, and the Military, that spies were not stealing confidential information due to
greed, but to further the independence of their nation ( An
example from his novel is when protagonist Henry Birch rejects others beliefs about
spying for money, and states that he is spying for independence (
Cooper wrote with real world situations to engage his readers in reflecting their own
experience in hope that they would take more interest in his novel. As a result he
successfully became famous upon writing The Spy
Unit 5 Health And Social Care Communication Essay
Janes communication strengths and needs both directly and indirectly impact her
and her family. I will discuss these potential impacts by utilising the health and
social care PIES model. Firstly, I will discuss the physical influences which
occurred because of Jane s TBI. Initially, the oro motor assessment indicates that
Jane s face is symmetrical and that she can accurately copy non speech sounds. This
is advantageous as she can swallow and eat her food successfully by manipulating
her tongue and moving the bolus to her oesophagus. Being able to swallow will give
Jane independence and will ensure her family does not have to feed her.
Additionally, the oro motor assessment reports that Jane can accurately copy speech
sounds in isolation and vary her volume and pitch accordingly. It also states that her
... Show more content on ...
Jane may feel frustrated by her deficient communication and may blame herself for
her disorder. Losing independence may make Jane feel upset and worthless. She
may feel a burden to her family and socially isolated as she struggles to have
conversations with groups of people and loses track of her thoughts and speech. She
may also feel embarrassed by her limited memory and attention span. Furthermore,
Janes family may experience high levels of anxiety or depression. (,
2017). They may struggle to communicate with Jane and feel intimidated by her
dominating behaviour.
Finally, I will discuss the social influences of Janes communication. The TBI affected
her communication and meant she was unable to work as an IT consultant. Thus,
causing financial dependencies which frequently leads to relationship strain. Jane
may feel upset about losing her independence and may develop comorbid depression
because of her TBI. Jane may never return to this speech orientated, customer facing
role. She may need to apply for other jobs and carry out further interviews which
could increase her
The Gap Between Whites And Blacks
while the gap between whites and collective blacks does not shrink. The authors
argue that in group versus out group hostilities will lessen between the whites and
honorary whites, however this will only increase their in group size compared to
the out group of the collective blacks and only create new tensions while
strengthening old ones between these two groups. This will be because the
collective blacks will feel more segregated from their lighter skinned counterparts.
This type of grouping will only allot the whites more power as honorary whites
participation within social society will rely solely on their whitesuperiors for their
approval. Maxine Leeds Craig argued in The Colors of an Ideal Negro Beauty Queen,
that one way to... Show more content on ...
Ludwig also writes that white is monochromatic, which relates to racial intermixing
and the idea of white purity or eugenics because once a wholly white European has
sex with someone who is not, then their child s dominant white genes are saturated
with others gene types, thus believed to taint their purity and dub them less white
and less valuable. This is the same with other skin colors that may purposely mate
with someone who possesses milky, white skin in order to perpetuate this idealized
characteristic in their child, because the own dismay for their own skin color,
precedent by the colorism fluxes in society, is influential because parents do not
want their child to go through the social maltreatment they endured. Another reason
for the overemphasis on the importance of whiteness may be its relationship to
light, as white is strictly opaque, lacking dimensions unlike its colorful counterparts
whose dimensions compare to their prejudicial past and present in which they suffer
from discrimination and bigotry by its white Supremes. This differs from black
because other in between colors like red, green, and blue all make variations of
black when combined at different levels, which is representative of the forgotten
races of Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, etc. When this occurs, even if the
resulting color is a lighter shade, it is still related to
The Fabrication And Modification Of T Cuas With
2.1 Fabrication and Modification of T CUAs with Cellulose Acetate (CA)
Membrane and Chitosan Gold Nanoparticles (CS GNPs). T CUAs. Preparation of
the T CUAs follows previously described procedures.[references] Briefly, the
fabrication consist of dropcasting polystyrene spheres (PSS) of a diameter of 1.54
Вµm onto a conductive carbon pyrolized photoresist film (PPF)
electrode.[references] In a collaboration with the Stevenson group, we have
reported a method for detecting H2O2 using T CUAs.[reference] We introduce two
modifications to T CUAs: (1) the addition of a cellulose acetate (CA) gas
permeable membrane selective to NO and (2) the introduction of chitosan and
gold nanoparticles (CS/GNPs) to enhance its catalytic activity, sensitivity, and
limit of detection (LOD) to NO. The schematic of the modified T CUA is
illustrated in Scheme 2. The CA membrane precursor solution was prepared
according to a previous procedure.[reference] The pore size of the CA membrane
(~6 Г…) filters out non gaseous molecules typically secreted by cells (i.e.
proteins). The average membrane thickness is determined to be ~100 nm using
atomic force microscopy (AFM). This is shown in Figure 1.The second
modification is introduced to the T CUAs via one step electrodeposition of chitosan
gold nanoparticles (CS/GNPs). Figure 2 shows scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) images of an unmodified T CUA, a modified CS/GNPs T CUAs. Although,
the size of the GNPs ranges from 5 to 80 nm, there is an
Grief and Bereavement Essay
Grief and Bereavement
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Crisis involved with loss of other human being is the intensive of all types of crises.
This paper I will be talking mainly about grief through people loss, as it is something,
which happens suddenly, and which can also lead into intense grief. In this paper I
want to also talk about how we as a Christian and especially as a pastor will be able
to cope with or help a person that is undergoing this grief situation. This is because
many of the times when we see someone undergoing this kind of crisis of grief, we
tend to ignore it or we try to take over the grief to ourselves. Worst of all this when
we try to convince ... Show more content on ...
This kind of grieve is the one which has to be looked most into. As this has greater
danger of affecting the individual physically and emotionally. The symptoms of this
kind of grief are as follows:
a. There is an inability to express emotions as in the normal grief. This causes to
have still extreme feelings for the loss and those affected by it.
b. In addition to the symptoms of the normal grief, these kinds of individuals tend to
show more pathological symptoms like: intense depression, anger and loneliness.
When these kinds of people are not properly attended, they tend top have a number of
other physical and mental problems, like asthma, heart problems, suicidal thoughts
and attempts, and other illnesses.
c. In morbid grief, the person suffering has a serious struggle with his faith in God,
often resulting in not attending the church anymore. Most of them change to
becoming sinners; they find fascinations in cult practices to get in contact with the
dead ones, etc.
chapter is to look at the relationship between the process of grieving and pastoral
counselling. This understanding of the grief process is very important for a pastoral
counsellor as he is responsible for both families and individuals. There are
Pubic Mice Research Paper
Pubic Lice are tiny, parasitic, blood sucking, wingless insects that infect the human
genitals and cause itching and red spots according to Medical News Today. Pubic
Lice is most commonly spread through sexual contact. It can also be spread through
touching clothing, linens, or towels that an infected person has used but it is less
common. Pubic Lice found in children can be a sign of sexual exposure or abuse,
according to MedicineNet. Symptoms for males include itching and redness in the
infected areas, black powdery droppings from your underwear, brown eggs on pubic
or body hair, and tiny specks of blood on the skin, on the FPA website. Some female
symptoms are itching in the genitals or the anus, mild fever, feeling run down, and
The National Council Of Jewish Women Essay
The National Council of Jewish Women has a wide history from the 1890s all the
way through 2010. In 1893, Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago was asked to organize
the participation of Jewish women in the Chicago World s Fair. Hannah and her
recruits discovered that they would pouring coffee and doing other hostess duties,
they decided to walk out and take matters into their own hands. At the end of the
World Fair, Hannah and the accompanying delegate body of women founded the
National Council of Jewish Women, changing the roles of Jewish Women and the
nature of volunteerism. The National Council of Jewish Women is a grassroots
organization of volunteers and advocates who turn open minded ideals into action.
They take inspiration from Jewish values, and strive for social justice by improving
the quality of life for women, children, and families. They also want to safeguard
individual rights and freedoms. The NCJW works both in the U.S and in Israel. In the
U.S they deal with many issues and programs. They work with BenchMark, Promote
the vote, protect the vote, plan A, Higher Ground, NCJW s Reproductive Justice
Initiative, and Exodus. BenchMark deals with the federal courts and judges. The
NCJW fights to ensure a fair and independent judiciary that keeps faith with
constitutional values. They work to educate their communities about the importance
of the federal judiciary and mobilizes and advocates to ensure that court vacancies
are filled in a timely manner by nominees who are
The Norton Anthology World Literary Analysis
As I am siting and read thing the passages from our reading book The Norton
Anthology World Literature I m a little taken back. As a child who was raised
reading the Bible at church I have learned that I never took the time to really see
what it was telling me. I see in reading passage of section in of Hebrew s Genesis 6
9 where the words say and to the woman, Though God said, you shall not eat from
any tree in the garden (96). This is where the woman is talking to the serpentand she
is telling him that God told her not to eat from the tree that is in the middle of the
garden. But, like people in today s world we tend to do be persuaded to do things that
we know are wrong. We will continuously have people all over the place trying and
leading marines
1. Identify the author s mission (task and purpose) in writing this book. The author
s purpose in writing this book was to explain the role of the leader in the Marine
Corps. To accomplish this the author used examples of corps values, ethos,
individual courage and unit spirit. 2. What part of the book was the most effective in
accomplishing the author s mission? What part of the book was the least effective?
The part of the book that I think is most effective at accomplishing the author s
mission is chapter three: Challenges. Friction dominates war, it makes simple tasks
hard . The author touches on how friction affects us anywhere from the marine air
ground task force down to the most forward fighting positions and how... Show more
content on ...
2. What part of the book was the most effective in accomplishing the author s
mission? What part of the book was the least effective? The part of the book that I
think is most effective at accomplishing the author s mission is chapter three:
Challenges. Friction dominates war, it makes simple tasks hard . The author
touches on how friction affects us anywhere from the marine air ground task force
down to the most forward fighting positions and how getting over the brick wall
that is adversity is key to being able to lead marines. 3. What does the author
assume to be true in order to accomplish his mission? Does the author validate these
assumptions in the book? The author really shows the importance of the lessons
we learned in boot camp and OCS as the basis of what is needed to accomplish any
mission. The author validates these assumptions as he goes back to what we
learned in training as examples of how we should carry ourselves as leaders and
Marines. 4. The part of the book that is most relevant to what I / we do is: The part
of the book that is most relevant to what I/we do is chapter three. The author talks
about Friction and overcoming challenges in everyday life such as physical
challenge and the importance of being combat effective. This is relevant to me
because I think physical fitness is key to anyone in the Marine Corps who wants to
be a leader. 5. Identify
It Is Shocking How Many Things We Take For Granted
It is shocking how many things we take for granted. We plan out our day, and don t
think twice about how those plans can be taken away or changed in the blink of an
eye. I never thought much about it personally, until I was faced with the surprise, and
undeniable truth of my friend s death. I don t think anyone really thinks about
tragedy until they are actually faced with the dreadful news. No one ever thinks that
something that heartbreaking or shocking would happen to them; no one really puts
themselves in a catastrophic scenario. Losing someone who can t be replaced by
anyone else is probably the hardest thing a person has to overcome.
It was my senior year of high school and everything was going great. My mother had
been staying ... Show more content on ...
I got myself ready for school made sure my siblings were all dressed and ready as
well, then made my way to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking
my cup of coffee listening to my dad and sister tease and joke around about how
paranoid my brother was about how his first football game that he had that night.
My dad was telling that maybe if I stayed and watched my brother at his game that
he would feel a little more at ease because my dad didn t get off work till late that
night. And that I would have fun at the football game myself cheering him on. I
was too stuck on the idea of finally getting away, that what my dad said to me went
in one ear and came out the other. I was too busy thinking about the plans my mom
and I had like to go shopping, take a tour of NYC, and then to end the night a dinner
and a movie.
The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes
then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to
what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our
first time there ever; like we didn t live and hour away. We were having out dinner
reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a
phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she
started talking to my dad. Suddenly
Essay on Leadership Definition
Leadership Definition
There are lots of definitions and interpretations for the term LEADERSHIP. One is A
relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other
people (Mullins, L.J. 2002, Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition,
FT Publishing, p904). Another popular definition would be, the process of influencing
an organization or groups within an organization in its efforts towards achieving a
goal (Johnson, Scholes Whittington, 2005, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition,
FT Prentice Hall, p.519)
Leadership Theories on Behaviour
To me, leaders are constantly surrounding us. People constantly need to be led and
they seek out individuals around them who have personalities ... Show more content
on ...
We shall reflect the above theories in two great leaders: Sir Winston Churchill and
Adolf Hitler.
Their Similarities in Behaviour
Sir Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler have many similar qualities; these qualities
enabled them to be most influential people of their time. Churchill and Hitler are
both very determined and modest; they worked tirelessly for their countries and
causes they represent. Both have an eye for details, Churchill would require an
extensive walkthrough of the departments under his lead for every new post he takes
up, while Hitler had an incredible memory for details, every point made must be
correct and consistent with previous briefings or he would be annoyed with the
discrepancies. They are intelligent, excellent public speakers and most importantly,
they have the self belief and confidence to continue to fight for their cause (both
reasons are at the extreme of each other). Their confidences were not influenced by
their failures.
Their Differences in Behaviour
Adolf Hitler had motivated thousands of people to action for his cause. He inspired
powerful emotional loyalty in his followers the loyalty that spawned the intense
effort and sacrifice among his followers. Hitler s ideas may have been illogical but
the fact is he convinced people that these were ideas worth listening and living for.
He has charisma, confidence and excellent speaking skills to make people believe in
Historical Documents In Cursive Writing
Through the years, many people have stated that cursive should not be taught in
schools. Reading historical documents, personalization, and brain function involves
cursive. Cursive writing definitely has a place in our digital society.
Through the years, many historical documents are written in cursive writing. For
example, the Declaration of Independence is written in cursive. Also, some of your
relatives could have written you letters from places. K 5 learning blog states, if they
cannot write cursive, they cannot read cursive writing and would not be able to read
historical documents, such as the Declaration of Independence (1).
Writing in cursive can also improve your brain function. In school, writing in cursive
Similarities Between Macedonn And Greek
This coin came from the kingdom of Macedon during the Hellenistic Period of
Greece. It is made of silver and weighs approximately the same weight as three
United State quarters. It marks the first appearance of a living man on a European
coin. Used in Greece and Macedon, the obverse of this coin is a bust of Demetrius
Poliocretes with bull s horns and a diadem. The reverse of the coinshows the Greek
god, Poseidon with his trident. The legend of the coin reads, О’О‘ОЈО™О›О•О©ОЈ
О”О—ОњО—О¤ОЎО™ОџОҐ,which translates to, Of King Demetrius.
The Tetradrachm of Demetrius Poliocretes depicts Demetrius and Alexander s coin
from the reign of Ptolemy I (with Enthroned Zeus on the reverse) very similarily.
Both coins show their respective rulers looking
Oedipus Character Analysis
In Act 1 King Lear decides to divide his throne amongst his three daughters; with the
purpose of conferring the kingdom onto younger strengths . To determine whether
they are worthy of the throne, he decides to ask them how much they loved him.
After being, disappointed by his favorite daughter s answer, conflict arises and
results in betrayal by his confidants and his other two daughters. Regardless of the
secondary character s intentions and feelings towards the King, Lear s impulsive
behavior is comparable to that of Oedipus. Lear s pride drives him to make an
irrational decision, as he lets his feelings ruin the kingship his worked towards his
entire life. It is, although, unclear whether this is typical of Lear s behavior or a
characteristic of a senile king, which foreshadows the king s madness.
Nonetheless, Oedipus s fate is proven to be doomed since the beginning of the
play, as he lives a tragedy that the reader can anticipate due to the foreshadowing of
Oedipus name and upbringing. Pride is visible in both characters as they fail to
listen to ones who care for them, and are blind in their life as rulers as well. Lear
for instance, exiles his daughter Cordelia over not understanding her argument for
loving him beyond words, in addition to exiling Kent, who is most loyal to him.
Similarly, Oedipus is offered aid by Tiresias upon being advised he possessed the
knowledge he needed; he refuses to acknowledge Tiresias predictions and defies him
by calling him a liar,
The Art and Methods Used in KIMSOOJA Unfolding Essay
Textiles works are the most important works that represents Asian countries. Mostly
all the textile works are exported to western countries from Asia, because textile
works are very famous in Asia especially in Korea. One of the most famous Korean
artists, Kimsooja s works is based on fabrics that were sewn out of colorful clothing
from thread and ink. Recently when I went at the show KIMSOOJA Unfolding,
VancouverArt Gallery, I got to see many remarkable textile works made by her, it
seemed very beautiful seeing the whole segment of the gallery decorated with her
colorful textile works.
The artist has collected Korean clothing fragments for making collage works using
geometric compositions. Kimsooja is a new generation artist who ... Show more
content on ...
The same old truck is exhibited in a room next to the video installation and named
Bottari Truck which was loaded full of bottaries. The artist had sourced clothing from
Vancouver community and the truck from the Pacific Northwest.
To further explain Bottari, it is the wrapping of belongings that references both
Korean cultural traditions as well as ideas that is about shifting and migration that
exceed a local setting. Kimsooja s bottari is always filled with used clothing or
objects; its use symbolizes hopes, memories and pains of anonymous lives, as well as
of the relationship between consciousness, time, space and movement. She reveals
the expressive power of ordinary objects by using the used clothing and bed covers
which are replete with individual memories stains that might indicate pain, sorrow or
pleasure and are intimately connected to the body, by using them to create her bottari.
Bottari bundles are traditionally made by women and used for the safekeeping and
transportation of one s worldly possessions during both voluntary and forced
migration. As mentioned by Kimsooja, a bottari is an Korean word for bundle,
Bottari is actually everywhere in our country. We always keep bottari, which means
a bundle in Korean, in our family, to keep things and protect them or to put them
aside in the attic, or to carry from one place to another. Also in Korea, making a
bundle (when it refers to women) means leaving the family that is, the woman leaves
her own
Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis
31 OCTOBER 2014
QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire?
ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate
political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist
Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian
government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that
is the judges and the police officers.
In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges
help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police
officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the
society. ... Show more content on ...
They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them.
These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter
Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the
suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as
it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they
refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about
him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also
shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the
reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public.
The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed
the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy
and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in
public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
Importance Of The Colosseum
The functions religious or otherwise, of the colosseum were irrelevant to the ultimate
design of the architecture.
Once the colosseum had been built it seems to have become the model for many, if
not most, of those that followed (Hopkins and Beard 2005, 24). The Colosseum
stands proudly upon the villainous Emperor Nero s once grand Valley of the Golden
House, projecting the munificence of Imperial Roman Architecture of the Flavian
period. Its ultimate design could be said to be formed through purpose or function.
However, this does not do justice to the importance of architecture within Roman
society (Thornton and Thornton in Lyes 1999, 2). The functions whether it be
religious or otherwise, of the Colosseum were irrelevant to the ... Show more content
on ...
The diameter of the entire Colosseum was thus reduced and convention disregarded
to take into consideration this architectural feature. Looking in detail at the classical
orders themselves which made up the levels of the façade and the 80 grand
entrances of the Colosseum it would appear to not be revolutionary. However, if you
engage with the architecture closer it reveals further Roman architectural ingenuity
and the importance of the structures appearance.
Traditionally Roman buildings saw the use of the classical Greek Doric order on
ground levels (without bases) with the more decorative orders of Ionic and
Corinthian stacked above this (Lyes 1999, 6). However, in the Colosseum these
orders were stacked and used in a way which had no previous precedent in Roman
architecture (Lyes 1999, 6). The design sees the orders dramatically reduced, which
has the columns that are engaged within the structure constructed with bases, and
the column shaft themselves missing the usual entasis of classic Greek orders, this
all leads to a much simplified capital. Between each stacked order there is a triple
facia architrave, a relatively plain designed freeze and cornice (Lyes 1999, 6). The
use of the classical orders in this manner within the design of the Colosseum, without
precedent, was in fact not structural but a façade or veneer. This allowed the
The Werewolf
The Werewolf By Angela Carter Fairy Tales tend to start off dark and progress to
have a happy ending or, failing that, to teach a lesson. Angela Carter does an
excellent job of this in her short story The Werewolf . This is her take on Little
Red Riding Hood . This is not the classic spin on the original fairy tale however, in
Angela s take on it we will explore ageism, sexism, and greed. Though the story
casts a once upon a time aura, the lessons learned from it are as modern as the
IPhone you might have in your pocket. Historically we have not changed much, the
old days when women were just seen as objects, are not far behind us. The first line
of the story, it is a northern country; they have cold weather, they have cold... Show
more content on ...
She knew the forest too well to fear it shows her as a fellow wild beasts in the
forest , and being on her guard is an indication of an awareness of her surroundings.
The practice of calling old women werewolves is an ancient one, but the thought
processes behind it are hardly new. Whether through moving our aging family to
nursing homes, or leaving them to survive on their own, even in this day and age
we seem to have little respect for our elders. How often is it, that through saying
someone is growing senile or having symptoms of Alzheimer s, we send them away
to die in neglect in some group home? Just like the girl in the story, the possessions
and shelter fall to their
Moore Vs Hlobo
This essay will explore the contrasts and similarities that can be taken from two
drawings. Henry Moore s, Standing figures of 1940 and Nicholas Hlobo s, Macaleni
Iintozomlambo of 2010. It will discuss the comparisons that can be made about the
colour schemes, composition and subject matter of the pieces. This will also include
an evaluation of how the time scales and influences of the period have affected the
final outcomes of the two artists. The two pieces actually share many more
similarities than first hits the eye after deconstructing all of the components listed.
Henry Moore is typically renowned for the many sculptures mused by the human
form, typically the female form. He began his artistic venture in 1919 where he
attended Leeds School of art, here he met Barbra Hepworth and was inspired
greatly by her. He then received many scholarships leading to the opportunity to
travel around the world, it was early Mexican and Aztec that mostly inspired his
work. His first commissioned piece was in 1928 and named West Wind. In order to
create his pieces he did however create unfinished drawing plans of organic
compositions that he could imagine creating to a much larger scale. These were often
many drawings to a page that overlapped showing the spontaneity ... Show more
content on ...
He creates sculptural pieces that contrast the ideals of feminine and masculine
qualities. He uses different media s to create this and has been awarded
acknowledgement in the textiles industry as well as the art despite creating
sculptures. Like Moore he has created a drawing that is being studied in this essay.
It is a single finished drawing. It is composed of layers off Tea stains and Thread,
juxtaposing colours and using the thread to tell a story of the human inners and old
folk tales. It isn t an obvious piece and requires a description to know the history
behind the
Symbols And Symbols In The Book The Shawl
Shelby McCrory Ms. Corbin English 102 February 4, 2015 The Shawl and
Symbols In the book The Shawl a family of a mother and two children are trying to
survive during the Holocaust. It proves that humans strongest instinct is the will to
survive and apparently the shawl is the only way to accomplish this. Throughout
the story survival is linked back to the shawl itself. The main focus of the story is
having the shawl and using it to survive. The shawl is a symbol of many things,
but most importantly it is a symbol of protection, a symbol of comfort, and a
symbol of nourishment. Throughout the story it is obvious that the shawl is
thought of as a symbol of protection. She looked into Magda s face through a gap in
the shawl: a squirrel in a nest, safe no one could reach her... (247). From Rosa s
statement it is easily known that the shawl is complete protection to Magda. As
long as she is covered and wrapped in the shawl she thinks she is protected, and it
becomes obvious that she is as long as she remains in it. ... She might drop the
shawl, and Magda would fall out and strike her head and die (247). This symbolizes
that the shawl is the only thing protecting her from death itself. If the shawl is taken
away from her she has nothing left to save her. Every morning Rosa had to conceal
Magda under... Show more content on ...
It was a magical shawl, it could nourish an infant for three days and three nights
(247). Although the shawl is not giving actual food or drink to the one sucking on
it it gives that person a feeling of a full stomach. She did not walk very well partly
because she could not hold up her fat belly (247). It gives off the sense that the
shawl is really providing nourishment for the child to survive, but really her belly is
just full of air from sucking on the shawl. Magda survived longer because the shawl
gave her a magical type of nourishment that only could be given by the shawl
Darwin s Doubts
Dr. Stephen Meyer s Darwin s Doubts could possible disprove Charles Darwin s
theory of biological evolution. In fact, Meyer s ideologies emphasize a creationist s
perspective on materialism and a reassurance of the belief in an intelligent designer.
Critics are appealing to ridicule Meyer s inaccuracies of data on the Cambrian
explosion and the actual duration of the period in which fossils appeared. Critics also
question Meyer s misinterpretation of past and modern phylogenetic classification,
and correlations between older nomenclature of phyla within the Cambrian period.
Nevertheless, the debate between naturalism and materialism can presumably be
skewed, the fact remains on whether one is undoubtedly factual. But Meyer s takes a
different proposition on the skepticism of evolutionistic hating creationists, accepting
the fact that world is undoubtedly indifferent, but his mission is to combine both
religionand sciencetogether. In so doing, Meyer s exhibits philosophies consistent
with the idea of an intelligent designer, in which... Show more content on ...
Darwin was well acquainted with the research of the Cambrian Explosion, 540
million years ago within a ten million year timeframe that showed a rapid growth in
the number and complexity of biological forms. The sudden appearance of such
geologically diversity contrasted from Darwin s viewpoint of a steady evolution.
Considering the overall observation of the research, Darwin wanted to assure his
readers: If my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian
[Cambrian] stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far
longer than, the whole interval from the Silurian age to the present day; and that
during these vast, yet quite unknown, periods of time, the world swarmed with living
creatures. (Darwin
The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence Essay
The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence
Frank Drake, an American astronomer made an equation to find the probability of
finding aliens in our galaxy. The probability of humans finding extraterrestrial
intelligence in our galaxy equals Nfpnef1fifcfL, where N equals the number of stars
in the Milky Way, fp equals the fraction of those stars having planets, ne equals the
number of those planets that can support life, f1 equals the number of those planets
on which life arises, fi equals the fraction of those planets on which intelligent life
evolves, fc equals the fraction of those planets where intelligent life developed into a
technologically advanced civilization and fL equals the fraction of time a technical
civilization lasts. ... Show more content on ...
Though we know a lot about radio astronomy, the problem that is stopping the Search
for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (better known as SETI) from finding anyone is the
vastness of space. The chance of us pointing our telescopes at the right point in the
universe at the right time is astronomical. The chance of aliens finding us is just as
bad. If life on Alpha Centauri, the closest star to our solar system, found us and sent
a message, traveling at the speed of light, we would not receive it for four and one
half years. Then, it would take another four and one half years for our reply to reach
them. The distances make communication while on our home worlds nearly
Even if aliens came to Earth, they could have ships that cannot be found with our
tracking devices. If I was an extraterrestrial, and saw the problems on Earth, I
would take my ship and leave as soon as possible. I would never go near a race still
killing each other over stupid things. I do not think we can start our search for
extraterrestrial intelligence in earnest until we can live in harmony as humans.
Most people do not realize what we are sending to outer space. Every second, we
send many television signals everywhere, traveling at the speed of light, and they
are strong enough to be found anywhere in space. We send so many signals, humans
are polluting outer space. The first message they would receive would be of the 1936
Olympics, since that was the first television signal strong
Oodgeroo Noonuccal s Poem, The Past
Oodgeroo Noonuccal s poem The Past was first published in 1970, narrated in the
first person, by the poet herself, with only her ancestors mentioned as other
characters. Ostensibly, it appears to be a reminiscence about an earlier time in the
writer s life as she compares her accidental present living in suburbia with idealistic
memories of her indigenous heritage. The idea that pastand presentare connected is a
recurring theme throughout the poem. Noonuccal is both the woman next to the
electric radiator , relaxing in a deep chair and the person that sits next to the fire in
nature, in ancestral times. She clearly feels connected with the ancestors of her tribe
and that, in many ways, they are still a part of her, My own people,... Show more
content on ...
Objects like the electric heater are almost symbolic of her current existence, devoid
of any interaction with Nature, as opposed to a time when her ancestors would sit at
the camp fire in the bush ... at one with old Nature s lives . Her tone seems to imply
that the past where her ancestors lived in peaceful harmony with nature, where the
trees composed their own music is preferable to a present consisting of artificial
comfort, easy chair before electric heater , a man made luxury in replacement of
camp fires. The reference to No walls about me , also possibly functions as a
metaphor for the freedom the narrator and her ancestors once
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  • 1. Soil And Water Conservation Essay Crafting an essay on soil and water conservation can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty lies in the intricate balance between providing comprehensive information on the importance of preserving soil and water resources while maintaining a coherent and engaging narrative. Researching the topic requires delving into various scientific aspects, environmental concerns, and conservation methods. Understanding the interconnectedness of soil and water ecosystems adds another layer of complexity to the writing process. Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting the information in a way that captivates the reader's attention and emphasizes the urgency of conservation efforts. Striking the right balance between scientific facts and a compelling narrative can be a delicate task. It's essential to convey the significance of soil and water conservation without overwhelming the reader with technical details. Additionally, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a well-rounded perspective is crucial. This requires a thorough exploration of opposing views on conservation practices and the potential environmental impact. Balancing advocacy with objectivity adds another layer of complexity to the essay. However, despite these challenges, composing an essay on soil and water conservation can be immensely rewarding. The process allows the writer to deepen their understanding of environmental issues, contributing to a sense of personal and societal responsibility. Successfully conveying the importance of conservation efforts can inspire readers to take action and contribute to the protection of our planet. In conclusion, while writing an essay on soil and water conservation poses its challenges, the opportunity to raise awareness and inspire change makes it a worthwhile endeavor. The complexity of the topic necessitates careful research, thoughtful analysis, and skillful storytelling. By overcoming these challenges, the essay can become a powerful tool for advocating sustainable practices and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring writing services like, where professionals can provide support and guidance in crafting impactful and well-researched content. Soil And Water Conservation EssaySoil And Water Conservation Essay
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  • 3. Duke Ellington Duke Ellington, the legendary jazz pianist, said that a problem is a chance to do your best, and I agree with him. When people learn from their problems, it can help them in many ways. They can learn how to do things better in the future, they can learn more about themselves and what they like or dislike, and they can even be used to help someone who is having trouble with the same issue(s). If I am having trouble I, can pause and reassess my strategy plan. A problemis a chance to try my best. It trains me to solve problems. It makes me think about different ways to solve a problem. It makes me work diligently on that specific issue. Problems teach me many things, and I try to work very hard to achieve the goal solving the problem.
  • 4. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Essay Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a well known autosomal recessive disorder and the vast majority, approximately 95%, of cases are due to a deficiency of 21 alpha hydroxylase. The other common type of CAH is caused by a deficiency of 11 beta hydroxylase. In both types of the disorder, the adrenal gland is unable to produce sufficient amounts of cortisoland aldosterone. CAH is estimated to manifest in 1 of every 15,000 live births. In the United States, the prevalence of the disorder is lower in African American children in comparison to Caucasians. Moreover, the decreased synthesis of cortisol results in diminished negative feedback of adrenocorticotropic hormone(ATCH) and over secretion of ACTH. This pathological increase of ACTH in an attempt to increase serum cortisol levels is prevented because of the lack of appropriate enzymes and actually results in increased androgen... Show more content on ... On the other hand, affected males present normally at birth with some showing signs of hyperpigmentation of the scrotum or a large phallus. It is recommended that surgery on females with ambiguous genitalia has the most positive outcomes between two and six months. Individuals with CAH are also at higher risk of early pubertal development and short stature as adults. Additionally, fertility rates in women with classic 21 alpha hydroxylase CAH are low, while most males with the disorder are fertile as adults with a minority exhibiting evidence of Leydig cell failure and impaired spermatogenesis. In patients with classic 21 alpha hydroxylase CAH there is an elevated serum 17 hydroxyprogesterone concentration of higher than 1200 ng/dL. In fact, most of the neonates found with the disorder have serum concentrations of 17 hydroxyprogesterone that exceed 3500
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  • 6. The First Years Of My Life For the first fifteen years of my life, I never referred to myself as a firm believer in love at first sight. People often tossed around the word love like it was nothing, but I knew that I had never truly been in love before. This all changed about a month before my sixteenth birthday when I fell in love with the windy city. In May of 2015, the band took a four day trip to Chicago. I was thrilled for the excursion because I had only traveled outside of Kansas a few times. Those vacations were to the beach, which is nothing like the bustling metropolis of Chicago. I had never truly experienced the city life before, so I was beyond ready for this new adventure. When I arrived to Chicago, I expected to see sights that were familiar to me, like in Kansas City. Hundreds of people traveling in different directions, towering skyscrapers, and shops were all around the city. When we were just a few miles outside from Chicago, I could see the whole skyline in the distance. I was completely fascinated by the hundreds of skyscrapers that lined the city, and the sunrise that turned the sky different shades of orange, yellow, and pink. The views that I encountered while first entering Chicago were breathtaking. Throughout the whole trip, I experienced multiple new sights, smells, and sounds. As the trip came to an end, I realized that I had developed a true love for the natural and urban beauty of Chicago, and that I eventually want to call this place home in a few years. The windy
  • 7. The Crucible Sheila Quotes Analysis When she was physically or mentally, Sheila retaliated and seldom reacted to the situation properly because she was unable to keep her emotions under control. In this scene, Torey has just arrived from 4 day vacation and the other educators were describing how Sheila had behaved. Sheila went absolutely berserk. She refused to talk. She pulled all the stuff off the walls, all the books out of the book cases. She gave Peter a bloody nose on Friday. She wouldn t do any work at all. (Hayden 122) This quote illustrates how Sheila went on a rampage while Torey was gone. Sheila knew that she could make Torey angry by refusing to cooperate with anyone else and being destructive in the classroom. Torey Hayden s purpose is to show that Sheila let her
  • 8. Ursa Minor In Greek Mythology My favorite constellation happens to be ursa minor. i find ursa minor interesting as it contains the north star polaris which is referred too as a guide through out history by witches and muggles alike. another thing i find interesting about ursa minor is that it is part of one of my favorite mythological tales and is only behind the greek tale of the seasons. i also find it funny the way in the story they attempt to justify why ursa major and minor have long tails even though they are referred to as bears. the story of ursa minor begins with Arcas the son of Callisto. his mother callisto was transformed into a bear by hera prier to the events in this story. Arcas is fifteen and is out hunting when he came across a strange bear that looked ... Show more content on ... a small girl walks softly though the forest on a warm summer night looking for a place to sleep, you see this little girl has only just existed she woke up under a olive tree that very morning with no memories in her head but her name, ursa and the image of a forrest so that was where she went. her golden ringlets and white cotton dress billowing in the wind pulling her deep into the forest leaves crush softly under her bare feet. she hears sound not at all different from a clock but slower then normal and reverberating all throughout the forest. she walks closer to the sound and eventually finding a clearing where the sound feel as if it is shaking her bones and in the center stands a woman who s body looks as if the left half in made of bronze hello my little star light the woman says to eva her voice like chimes but still feels to fill the whole forest. ursa walks to the woman and with every step she remembers more, that woman is time and heaven and she is a baby star, named after her mother and not yet in the sky. Ursa s eyes look up at time you caused quite a bit of trouble, your mama s worried sick time says pointing at ursa s mothers constellation ursa major see she s dim, now lets get you home minor time says gently grasping ursa minor s hands before ursa minor s human body twinkles away in star light and her constellation ursa minor appears in the sky next to her mother and time fades away to the sound of a ticking
  • 9. Moral Development In Michael Stewart s Novel Bye-Bye Birdie In Michael Stewart s novel Bye Bye Birdie, children and their attitudes play a significant role from disobedience and protective parents, to teenage love and jealousy. Some parents in the little town of Sweet Apple, Ohio attributed children s attitudes to Elvis stereotyped Conrad Birdie; however, others believed it was their age. Psychologist, Lawrence Kohlberg, described many moral stages each and every person goes through during his or her life. Two kids I know illustrate Kohlberg s stages of Moral Development very well. Karim is an eight year old boy whom I taught swim lessons to and is currently in the preconventional stage. Sam is my 12 year old brother and living in the conventional stage of Kohlberg s Moral Stages. Probably one... Show more content on ... Their products range from teaching basic numbers and shapes to language and music. Baby Einstein encourages parents to purchase the products to increase the sensory information processing flooding the child s senses. The website s products are geared toward babies under the age of one year. The diverse products appear to help the babies by enhancing the child s rhythm, encouraging exploration and discovery, developing visual pathways, and exposing the baby to vocabulary. By using these toys from Baby Einstein during the Critical Period of the brain development, there is a production of normal development because of the exposure to stimuli such as colors, numbers, music, words, and animals. Baby Einstein strives to enhance the cognitive development of newborns during the critical period of brain development.
  • 10. A single sperm cell going through the ejaculation process... A single sperm cell going through the ejaculation process would first have to meet the age requirement in order for it to be ejected out of the epididymus. Once rendered to be mature enough, the sperm will wait in the vas deferens where the seminal vesicles will secrete fructose rich fluid till an orgasm occurs in which the spermatozoa will be released. During an erection, the sperm will be pushed towards the posterior side of the urethra along with several other fluids that make up the semen . When the male ejaculates the sperm cell will travel the urethra till it reaches the urethral opening in the glans, head , of the penis. Before being propelled into the vaginal canal, the prostate gland will secrete a basic substance to help the... Show more content on ... The male reproductive system like any other system must have hormones aiding its several processes in order for it to function well. In this system, male sex hormones are also known as androgens with testosterone being the one most commonly known. Testosterone is only produced two times in a male s life with it being secreted continuously and consistently once puberty begins in order to enable the reproductive function. This hormone is responsible for the secondary sex characteristics of males that develop during the course of puberty and providing negative feedback to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. The production of testosterone is roused by the luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulating Leydig cells. Meanwhile the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is responsible for stimulating Sertoli cells to produce androgen binding protein (ABP), thereby stimulating spermatogenesis. ( In the course of puberty, males develops certain sex characteristics that are then divided into either primary or secondary sex characteristics. The primary sex characteristics include those that are directly involved in reproduction such as the enlargement of the testes as well the production of spermatozoa. In males, prior to the first ejaculation is spermarche, or the first production of sperm. This early production of sperm is often fraught with genetic imperfections and the male may also be infertile for a short time. (Devin
  • 11. A Report On The River Discharge Essay The Apalachicola River discharge was about an order or two higher in a wet season (March 23 25, 2015) than in a dry season (November 2 4, 2015) (Figure 8a 8b). Furthermore, the river discharge increased progressively in March, whereas it altered a little in November except after November 4, 2015. The predicted tidal heights showed relatively similar micro tidal environment in both surveys; however the ebb tidal periods were much stronger in March than in November (Figure 8c 8d). Weak to average winds (2.85 В± 0.97 ms 1 in March and 2.29 В± 1.68 ms 1 in November) were observed during the field measurements. Nonetheless, sustained periods of cold northerly winds in March and warm southerly winds in November could have affected the field and satellite measurements at some stations, e.g., by sediment re suspension and wavy sea state (black boxes, Figure 8e 8f). Tidal forcing was likely the major factor to control the diurnal variation in salinity and water level in both the seasons (Figure 8c 8d). Moreover, moderate winds could have affected salinity and water level above the tidal height either by pushing riverwater towards the bay or by introducing shelf water into the bay (e.g. black boxes in Figure 8) (Huang et al. 2002a; Huang et al. 2002b). Dry Bar and Cat Point salinity stations were located close to river mouth (Figure 1); however, they showed considerable variations in salinity during the study period (Figure 8g 8h). Figure 8: Time series of major forcing
  • 12. The Body Shop International Plc After the boom of the third industry and the foundation of WTO, companies are now facing more severe competitions than ever before, not only domestically but also internationally. Therefore, figuring out how can we survive the competition and stand out from the others have been put ahead of the schedule of plenty of enterprises. While many others are scrambling for marketing their invariable products paying more attention to propaganda, packaging price strategies etc. some other have found it more crucial to be innovative. But that is not enough, to achieve greater success, one must combine proper managementand adequate entrepreneurial part, and this technique has later evolved into the term entrepreneurial management . In this essay, I will mainly talk about how companies using the entrepreneurial management make themselves distinguished from the others and what value they create through this strategy by studying the case: The Body ShopInternational Plc. First of all, I will give a brief introduction to the background of The Body Shop International Plc. Then the essay will go further into the definition of the Entrepreneurial Management Model, which is introduced to people by Dr. David Rae (2007), and how The Body Shop explains the concept of the model by illustrating the management strategies the company uses and the entrepreneurial skills it adopts respectively. The Body Shop is a well known British beauty and skin care brand, founded in 1976 in Brighton, England,
  • 13. How Does Beethoven Use Gcse Form In Symphony 8 Introduction One of the most crucial composers throughout the transition of the classical era to the romantic era was Beethoven. He was pronounced as the greatest living composer by the time he was 50. Throughout his lifetime he had published 138 compositions and after his death there were over 200 more compositions published. This is an amazing feat as he had started suffering from hearing loss at the age of 26 and by the time he was around the age of 46, he became fully deaf. He created some of the most famous pieces of which includes Fur Elise, Symphony No.5, and Symphony No.9. This topic interested me because of how he was able to create spectacular compositions even while being affected by hearing loss. I also realized that I did not... Show more content on ... This theme begins with a legato and lyrical style that contrasts the staccato style of the first theme. The violins are used as an accompaniment of the melodic exchange between the flute and the oboe. This exchange creates a back and forth movement between the two instruments. The melody begins with a rising fourth which is a link to the first theme. The accompaniment plays staccato arpeggios which gives a reminder of the last measure of the first theme. From measure 65, the use of syncopation previously heard measures 57 to 58 gives rhythmic drive through this section. The violins then take the lead and restate the theme with the flutes and oboes answering. Beethoven s use of diminished chords, in measure 65, and adding emphasis using sforzando adds more the dramatic nature of the passage. In measure 69, the strings have rising eighth notes with semitones. A few measures later the flutes and oboes double the violins rising eighth notes which again underlines the importance of the rising semitone. This last until measure 77 as the second theme returns to a soft ending as the lyrical phrases played by the violins, oboes, and flutes are now played by the cellos and double basses. The codetta, or closing, begins at measure 88 and lasts until measure 110. This section creates a conclusion by combining familiar elements from the first and second themes. In measures 94 to 99, the strings have tremolos which gives a sensation of the music being at fast rhythmic tempo and in measures 100 to 109 the woodwinds and horns have slurred phrases which resembles the lyrical phrases played in the second
  • 14. Kung Women Essays 1. Ernestine Friedl says that the position of women is higher the more they are involved in (1) Primary subsistence (as owners or controllers, NOT merely as laborers) and (2) the PUBLIC distribution of the product of subsistence. Use this argument to account for the position of women in !Kung society. Make sure you use both part (1) and part (2) of Friedl s argument. The !Kung are hunter gatherers of Southern Africa and the women play an essential role in the production of subsistence for their families. The woman actually contribute a greater proportion of the subsistence to their families directly than do the men who are the game hunters in the family. As Friedl describes in Society and Sex Roles (page 101) regardless of ... Show more content on ... Also in the division of the kill there is great acknowledgement to the hunter whose arrow was the first to hit the kill and as the one who is highly celebrated, men gain a larger range of influence and power in the village. It is believed that the higher status that the men gain is due to their greater ability to protect themselves in the wild and because they feed everyone in their village! In addition, due to the scarcity of large and small game (protein) not being plentiful the hunters who do bring it home are given great authority because they are heroes. I also found it very interesting to learn that every part of the animal is used by the !Kung; hides are tanned for blankets and bones are cracked for the marrow. The men of the !Kung also provide household tools and maintain a supply of poison tipped arrows and spears for hunting. It is thought that women lose a lot of their independence because they are the caretakers for the children and elderly and while the husbands are gone to hunt they literally hold down the fort. There are several different theories relating to the !Kung people as to their being equals and as stated by Russell Dekema, which conflicts to Friedl and Nisa, It is known that there is a large social division among the !Kung and it is between men and women . In NISA, the !Kung are stated to be something of an anomaly and in a society of ancient traditions,
  • 15. Anxiety And Learning Anxiety Adolescents today are forced to face the intensified stressors of life in our high pressured society and the cognitive, physiological, and emotional changes that take place throughout this stage of development. As a result, the rates of many psychopathologies increase significantly among adolescents ages 10 16. Extensive research that shows that anxietylevels and disrupted social skills can be particularly high among adolescents with learningdisabilities (LD). However, the origin of anxiety as it relates to LD has yet to be determined, making it hard to treat. On the one hand, there exists the deficit in study skills model in which anxiety is a result of low self assurance and feeling unprepared due to deficient knowledge. On the other... Show more content on ... Thus, the authors hypothesized that if mindfulness meditation can encourage attentional factors and self esteem and, thus, reduce anxiety, it may also concurrently enhance social skills and academic performance. They also hypothesized that mindfulness meditation (MM) would positively influence all three of these outcome variables by mitigating cognitive interference. The participant sample was composed of thirtyВtwo adolescent volunteers (aged 13 17) recruited from four classes in a private high school for children with LD. For five days a week, the participants were led in mindfulness meditation (not identified with MBSR) for five to ten minutes at the beginning of each class period by two classroom teachers. The researchers used a preВpost no control design composed of three tests: the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS), The State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Attitudinal questions. All three surveys were completed by both the students and their two teachers. On postВintervention surveys, students selfВreported both decreased state (shortВterm) and trait (longВterm) anxiety (STAI test). Moreover, the teachers reported improvements of students social skills and academic performance (SRRS and attitudinal questions surveys). The variables above showed significant improvements in the postВtest (all p values .05). Although not directly assessed, these results suggest that mindfulness
  • 16. Quotation Analysis Of Gilgamesh Part A: Quotation Analysis A.The similes used by the speaker help depict his lover s image. He compares the movement of the separate strands of her hair like goats traveling down the side of a mountain. The speaker also compares when her teeth first appear as she smiles like a flock of sheep that arise after being washed. In his similes, the depiction of the flock of animals is repeated by the speaker in order to show that his lover is very fertile and the two should stick together. This section of the text is similar to the other parts of the poem since the two lovers are completely infatuated with one another and enjoy expressing their emotions. B.The narrator s purpose for including this hyperbolic description is to describe the ... Show more content on ... D.Daedalus carefully explains to his son, Icarus, how to use the wings he has invented. Even though Icarus is very mischievous, Daedalus trusts that he will take his warnings into consideration; however, his warning foreshadows Icarus downfall. His instructions connect to Icarus death since Icarus both melts the wax from the feathers and becomes too heavy to escape the waters. Given Daedalus instructions, Icarus was determined to fail since he had to delicately fly in between the waves and the sun, no explicit boundaries are in place. It is ironic that Daedalus fails to predict his son s behavior, yet he equips Icarus with a such an instrument that requires a high skill to operate; therefore, Daedalus indirectly kills his only son. Part B: Essay In The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, and The Ramayana of Valmiki, the protagonists Gilgamesh, Odysseus, and Rama all share similar traits. Although the three characters each came from different backgrounds and accomplished different tasks, they all share the qualities of a hero. The three exhibit strength and wisdom, the ability to defeat god like creatures, and are able to overcome the obstacles in their lives. In order to be labeled as a hero, characters are usually stronger than or go through enough hardship to become stronger than their obstacles. In the introduction to The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is portrayed as the mightiest man of the
  • 17. Natural Theology Was Under Deep Debate In the 20th century the question of natural theology was under deep debate. While the enlightenment had a deep confidence in gaining knowledge of God through observation of the natural world, this attitude was deeply criticised in both philosophy and theology. On the one hand Heidegger criticized this project as deeply ontotheological confusing the distinction between beings and the Being of beings. Moreover as a result of this enterprise, one was left with the philosopher s Godat best, a god to which one could not praise, pray to or sacrifice. On the other hand Barth lambasted it as denying the subjectivity of God, and submitting God to the same kind of being as humans, reducing the creator to the realm of the created while simultaneous denying the finitude and falleness of human rationality. For Barth there could be no point of contact and the analogy of being of the medieval period must be scrapped for the analogy of faith, an inbreaking from the top down miracle of grace . But while Barth claims Natural theologyas an irrelevant for revelation, Natural theology is the condition of possibility of the human side of revelation. This will be shown through a critical examination of Barth s doctrine of revelation, an appropriation of Jean Luc Marions phenomenology of revelation and an exploration of Pannenberg s theological method. In beginning to explore the possibility for a natural theology one must overcome its most powerful opponent the theology of Karl Barth. As
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Negotiation Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues. This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties involved, or just for one or some of them. Now a days openly dominating a negotiation has pretty much gone by the wayside. An emphasis on listening and building a helpful atmosphere is a more accepted negotiating style for both women and men. When I was studying my tenth standard, in my schooldays one of my teacher, her name is Savitri, she has proposed some rules which are very useful to all the students which are like sports, physical exercises and some local cultural activities in meeting,... Show more content on ... That s where we get to a position, a resolution, that works for both sides. Potenta suggested that women may have an innate advantage when it comes to listening skills. It s something that I do better than my male counterparts. Rachel Krol, a lecturer in Wharton s legal studies and business ethics department and the panel s moderator, noted that listening is essential to successful negotiations even though it can seem like a weak position. Sometimes we feel like whoever is dominating the airwaves is controlling the negotiation and the space. Closely related to listening, openness and collaboration is building long term relationships, according to some of the speakers. Pereira said that in her industry, one tends to work with the same advisors again and again, and someone on the other side of a negotiation could easily turn up on the same side of the table later on. we don t always know when someone s going to pop back into our life. It really is so important to negotiate with integrity and build personal relationships as we go. Long term relationships are very important in my industry, too, very similar to Jen s, said Potenta. We re
  • 19. Essay Euthanasia Imagine yourself lying on a hospital bed totally unaware of the happenings around you. Doctors and family members come and go, mostly out of habit now, because they know there s nothing more they can do. Many of their visits are a blur to you, with their voices and movements becoming unrecognizable. The pain you experience is nothing short of excruciating, but the hospital has exhausted all of their resources in their attempt to help you. After monthsof medicationand efforts to assist your recovery, you re left with nothing to show for it other than the dreadful bills. Your family is just patiently waiting for your final days. Luckily, you are not in a situation like this, and hopefully you never will be. ... Show more content on ... After caring for his wife, Jean, while she battled breast cancer, Derek Humphry suffered greatly through her death. Afterwards, he was inspired to publish Jean s Way. The story, telling of their marriage, his wife s sickness, and her death, was Humprhy s earliest attempt to challenge the law and display euthanasia in a sensible, helpful manner (Cundiff 72). Some more of the most well known recent instances of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide include the participation of Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Also known as Dr. Death , Jack Kevorkian has been involved in the death of approximately 130 people as they sought out his knowledge and assistance in their suicide. Using some household tools, toys, magnets and electrical switches Jack Kevorkian was able to build a machine that he called the Thanatron (Greek for death machine ). The Thanatron made it so that with the flip of a switch a person attached to an intravenous tube would experience drips of a saline solution, followed by the release of thiopental which would place them in a deep coma, and then the rush of a lethal dose of potassium chloride which would stop their heart in a few short minutes. When demonstrating his invention on the Donahue show, Dr. Kevorkian referred to the Thanatron as quot;dignified, humane and painless and the patient can do it in the comfort of their own home at any
  • 20. How Does Sugar Sweetened Drinks Affect Children In the last 40 years, there have been incidences of increased use of SSBs the children and the adults. Before the 1950s the standard soft drink was only for the small bottles that did not have many litters of beverages. [12] The beverage companies, however, increased the size of the bottles and they ended up making even the 12 ounce can by the 1960s. This enabled people to have access to the sugar sweetened snacks widely and thus increasing their consumption. [11] Impacts of consumption of the sugar sweetened drinks Research which was carried out showed that in most cases people do not account for the excess energy that they get due to the consumption of the sugar sweetened drinks. They believe that this will increase the total energy intakes ... Show more content on ... The educational campaigns should be extended to the whole school approach and set up. [16] This will include also enlightening the parents and families the effects of consuming sugar sweetened drinks. Dietary Assessment The dietary assessment method has also been employed to evaluate the levels of beverage consumption for the body. Two largest investigations were done by Backholer [13] and Troiano [16]; both studied the previous year s intake of SSBs and evaluated drinks over the next years. Their research helped people to gauge whether they are supposed to reduce their consumption of SSBs whenever energy levels are high in their bodies more than the previous year. Economic
  • 21. What Is Pecking Order Theory Pecking order theory Effective financial management and what characters affect their capital structure are important for a firm to obtain better operational performance. A false decision about the capital structure may lead to financial distress and even to bankruptcy. There are numerous theories developed to analyze alternative capital structures. Among all these theories, the static trade off theory which derived by Modigliani and Miller (1963) was the earliest and most recognized which explains the formulation of capital structure. Their trade off theory assumed that there are optimal capital structures by trading off the benefits and cost of debt and equity. The main benefit of debt is tax deductibility of interest and the costs are bankruptcy ... Show more content on ... The pecking order theory stems from Myers (1984) who in turn was influenced by the earlier institutional literature including the book by Donaldson (1961). Myers (1984) argues that adverse selection implies that retained earnings are better than debt and debt is better than equity. This ranking was motivated with reference to the Myers and Majluf s (1984) adverse selection model. The ordering, however, stems from a variety of sources including agency conflicts and taxes. Pecking order theory also referred to as information asymmetry theory was proposed by Ross (1996), Fama French (2004) suggests that firms prefer to finance new investments, first internally with retained earnings, then with debt and finally with the issue of new equity. The pecking order theory is based on two assumptions: Firstly, according to informational asymmetry, managers are better informed about their own firms prospect than are outside investors. So, when they decide to issue new equity to finance new projects it is almost invariably taken by outside investors as a signal that the firm s prospects, as seen by management, are not good and that the said issue is therefore overvalued and therefore causes the firm s share price to fall (Ross,
  • 22. The British Position s Position On The Morality Continuum A major difference between 1956 and the 1930s was the British position s position on the morality continuum. The Anti Appeasement position championed by Churchill during the 1930s had aged very well. By 1956 the horrors of world war two were still fresh memories for all adult Britons and Churchill s historical writings seemed to cement this view. At a time when the evils of imperialism were becoming more apparent and resented a great deal of British pride was sourced from standing up to fascism in 1939 and ultimately winning. Illegal, unilateral military intervention in Suez on the back of a legal nationalisation of a foreign owned asset had all the hallmarks of a colonist power s show of strength. British national interest was undoubtedly threatened by the loss of oil, spread of Arab nationalism and (more questionably) the resulting spread of communism throughout the region but the moral high ground of a nation defending itself against fascism was more difficult to conjure up. By drawing parallels between (specifically) 1938 and the nationalization crisis a sense of moral authority was gained. Britain could no longer hope to act unilaterally with success. The support (active and passive) from the commonwealth and the USA was no longer present. Britain viewed Nasser as a reckless dictator who had potential to massively threaten western power in the Middle East, the power of Britain and ultimately tip the balance in the cold war. The decision not to pursue further
  • 23. Corruption In Canterbury Tales A medieval miller was a worker that would grind grain at the mill to produce flour and meal. In Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales, the Miller is a deceitful man that advances in her career through deception and tells a fabliau, a comical fable told in verse that is characterized by sexual obscenity. Fabliaux were generally told by jongleurs, or medieval entertainers. This particular fabliau is a bawdy tale that discusses a scandalous affair. Through the Miller s description as a thieving and scheming peasant and the Miller s raunchy tale, Chaucer criticizes the dangerous precedent of corruption set by the nobilitywhich consequently spreads to all classes due to esteem and success amassed by corruption and the stereotype of the Third Estate or lower class as lewd and having a lack of intelligence. Chaucer s description of the Miller as deceitful and thieving through his appearance and actions criticizes the upper class tendency to underestimate the ability of the lower class. The upper class is so consumed with maintaining their image of affluence and looking down on the lower class, they fail to recognize that peasants can learn to imitate their habits of corruption that lead to immense wealth. The Miller is depicted as a well built, muscular man who wears a whit cote and a blew hood and has a red beard as any sowe or fox that would steal from his customers by selling his grain for three times its worth, yit he hadde a thombe of gold (554,565 566). The Miller
  • 24. Character Analysis Of Grey s Anatomy From grueling surgerys to intense romances Greys Anatomy offers it all. This five star television series focuses on the journey of doctors through there surgical residency. For 13 seasons Grey s Anatomy has followed Dr. Meredith Grey through the roller coaster ride that is a surgical residency. Along the way she has met people she will never forget and has dealt with enough trauma for a lifetime. There are also many other doctors this show follows including Derek Shepard, Christina Yang, Alex Karev, Miranda Bailey, and Richard Webber. Whether a person is a romance fanatic or a thrill seeker this television show offers it all. Creator Shonda Rhimes keeps the viewers drawn in with constant drama that always keeps the viewers wondering what happens next. Grey s Anatomyhas remained a number 1 rated television series based on the character development, the plots, and the actors interpretation of their roles. Grey s Anatomy does a phenomenal job of showing how each of the characters progress not only in there surgical skills, but also in their personal lives. Each character is created so that everybody watching the television show falls in love with each of the actors and actresses. Viewers become invested in the relationships and the lives of each character. As the viewers watch they see each character change and grow. For example, Meredith Grey had always had commitment problems. That is until she met Derek Shepard. Of course, in the beginning and middle of the series
  • 25. The Power Of Words In Richard Wright s Black Boy Southern Summer Nights Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will hurt forevermore. Words hold power, they are the key to success and the bomb to downfall. Throughout history, only the words of victors are remembered while the voices of the lost are forgotten throughout the ages. A simple piece of literature, such as the Diary of Anne Frank, can cause millions of people to see their world in a new light. From a young age, Richard Wright discovered the power behind the words he spoke and heard; the strength that bleeds through the inked characters of the forbidden books he read, and the influence that a book written ages ago had on his family and others. The author of the autobiography Black boy, Richard Wright, uses literary... Show more content on ... In short, things happened that resulted in a change of home and environment. Exposed to a young lady by the name of Ella, he learned the influence between the written words that morphed obscure and abstract thoughts into a series of clips that became one long, detailed, movie. His imagination [was] blazed (39) and his interest in the story of Bluebeard and His Seven Wives clutched desperately onto his senses as she read aloud. Despite the book being the Devil s work (39), at least to his grandmother anyway, Richard found that he hungered for the sharp, frightening, breathtaking, almost painful excitement that the story (40) offered him. He stole books and attempted to read them despite not knowing more than a handful of words. Although the words alone had no value to Richard, the words became a gateway to a forbidden and enchanting land (40). Series of magazines and books later, Richard himself got to give meaning to inked characters by writing a short story himself. His classmates asked in awe if he really wrote it himself in which he replies with a simple yes. Having written a piece of literature himself, Richard knew how influential the written word could be, especially if it was the word of
  • 26. Wine Consumer Behavior WINE CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: AN IRISH WINE MARKET ANALYSIS. A LITERATURE REVIEW. Sarah Geraghty Shannon College of Hotel Management ABSTRACT The Irish wine market, worth €1.65 billion in 2009 (DIGI, 2010), has experienced unprecedented growth in the last fifteen years, growing from an 8% share of the overall alcoholic beverage market in Ireland in 1994 (WDB, 2007) to 22% in 2007 (DIGI, 2009). Relative to the long history of wine making and wine drinking, the marketing of wine is in its infancy (Thomas and Pickering, 2003). With approximately 1,451,000 wine drinkers (WDB, 2004) Ireland is an attractive and profitable target market for international wine brands. This research aims to analyse the ... Show more content on ... This paper also outlines the direction of future research to address the shortcomings of research to date and to provide marketers of wine with more rounded and meaningful insights into the wine consumption behaviour in Ireland. BACKGROUND TO THE IRISH WINE MARKET The Irish wine market has experienced tremendous growth over the past 15 to 20 years, with an almost five fold increase in the consumption of wine from 1.7 million cases in 1990 to 8.2 million cases in 2007 (WDB, 2008). DIGI (2010) reported a 6.9% decline in wine consumption (by volume in 2009), however this decline took place in a year when the overall alcohol market contracted by about 10% due to poor national economic performance (DIGI, 2010, p. 6). Despite the recent drop in consumption over the past year, the 450% growth in the Irish wine market since 1990, and the shifts in demand and preference result in the Irish wine market becoming an important target market for wine brands. Preferences of Irish wine consumers have changed with a notable shift towards New World wines, from a 6% market share in 1990 to a 68% share in 2007 (WDB, 2008). Previously, wine was a highly inaccessible product in the market, with high prices, limited selections, and complex labelling (Farren, 2003). In more recent years, wine has become widely available and increasingly affordable and accessible. Quinton and
  • 27. Scientific Process Worksheet Scientific process worksheet The question that Maria and Elena are trying to answer by performing an experiment is whether cold water or hot water freezes fasters to make ice cubes. Maria s hypothesis for this experiment is that the cold water will freeze faster, she thinks this is correct because the hot water molecules move faster than the cold water molecules, causing the hot water to take longer to freeze. To make the results of the experiment valid four variables to take into account are if the freezer is the same temperature for both tests, the water is the same water just different temperatures, the ice cube trays are the same size, and finally both trays are in the freezer for the same amount of time. Two types of measurements
  • 28. Animal Science Research Paper Veterinary and Animal Science I want to be a Veterinarian when I get old enough to get a job. So when I get to Heritage High School, I would like to take the Veterinary and Animal Science Program of Study to learn about small animals and small animal caretaking. Veterinary and Animal Science is a Program of Study of small and large animals owned by humans. Other related areas in Veterinary and Animal Science are Small Animal Science, Large Animal Science, Agriscience, Veterinary Science, and many more classes all over the world. Small Animal Science is also known as Animal Bioscience, studying the life of small animals owned by humans.When I get to Heritage High School I will probably pick to take the Small Animal Science class to learn... Show more content on ... The job I would pick would most likely pick to be would be a Veterinarian or Veterinarian Assistant. The salary of a Veterinarian is $91,250 a year, and the salary of a Veterinarian Assistant would be about $24,430 a year. The salary of a Wildlife Rehabilitator would be around $31,760. A Zoologist would get paid about $59,680 per year. An Animal Scientist would make about $76,190. If you had any other jobs you could do with the Heritage High School class about Veterinary and Animal Science you could search the average salary of them as well. The job outlook of a Veterinarian or a Veterinarian Assistant would be 9% of the United States, The job outlook for a Veterinarian Assistant would also be 9% in the United States. The job outlook of a Wildlife Rehabilitator or would be about 11% of the United States in 10 years. The job outlook of a Zoologist would be 4% of the United States in 10 years. The job outlook of an Animal Scientist would be 9% in the next 10 years. Lastly, any of the jobs that I choose from my three paragraphs will make good amounts of money yearly and will have quite a few job openings by the time I graduate high school and by the time I graduate one of these colleges listed above, if I choose to be a Veterinarian, Veterinarian Assistant, Wildlife Rehabilitator, Zoologist, or Animal Science, or any other job that you would need in Animal Science and Veterinarian class in high school to do that
  • 29. Attractive Poker Offers Title: Attractive Poker Bonus Offers: A Must Have for Great Sites Description: Get special poker deals, information about upcoming freeroll tournaments, best poker bonus proposals, including welcome and deposit bonuses! Poker Bonus Serves Multiple Purposes Encouraging is a good stimulation of any activity, poker including. A poker bonus, offered at the right time and in the right website, can make the day and the future of the beginning player. An attractive welcome poker bonus serves several purposes except for pleasing the user. It gives a possibility to polish playing skills before diving into a poker for real money world. No feelings and emotions are involved when the bet of the game is just virtual points. It becomes easier for the players to understand how to play poker online, how to build winning tactics when no real money is at the stake. The head stays calm and the heart beats steadily. However, different websites conduct various customer care policy towards fishy players. Some websites divide the bonus into cash and tournament tickets, with the second part prevailing. Others allow withdrawing bonus in cash if you meet some special requirements. For example, at first, you must ... Show more content on ... Regardless, few of us are informed via a toll free telephone number, e mail sustains or just via live chat. As a result, the flaw of the most favorable offers passes through us staying invisible. Just think about this. How many opportunities we miss? It takes days and weeks to screen the whole market and highlight the offer you really like. None of the solid players can spend so much time on seeking bonuses, either as fishy players would better choose to practice in live or online poker rooms instead of turning Internet upside down in order to find the best poker bonus. It is not
  • 30. A Partition Function Served For Normalizing The... 5. Is a partition function served for normalizing the probability score. Has unary potential Ој(yi,xi) and pairwise potential y(yi,yj,xi,xj). New equation will be D.Partial Implementation Module Fig.2 Snapshort of video Input taken from computer Fig.3 Extraction of video into frames after taking input In given above two snap short we done with 1st module partial implementation in that we taken video as input browse from computer or either from camera two options provided their according to take input.After that the second snapshort shows the paly button that extracts all images from videos and stored in terms of frames in some dadabase records according to fraction of second the frames appeared. the extraction button provided for the extract the features from videos that nothing but number of frames images of that person belong that respective videos it further used for face to name retrivals. E.Expected results The below fig.4 shows the Excepted result of the perfeormance of calculating precision and recall for better annotaion of faces into videos improvement of processing time.It will help to search engine for faster search of videos. Fig.4 Expected Result of Performance(precision Recall) Example: 1) total faces in a frame 5 Total faces detected 4. Precision=4/4=1 Recall=4/5 2)Total faces in a frame 7 Total faces detected 2. Precision: 1/7 Recall: 2/7 IV.CONCLUSION We have presented an approach for celebrity naming in the Web video domain.
  • 31. Marine Pollution Essay The world population is living, working, vacationing, increasingly conglomerating along the coasts, and standing on the front row of the greatest, most unprecedented, plastic waste tide ever faced. So, this is an opportunity to learn about the ocean from a big experiment that has already been put in place by humans. Over the last several decades, human activities have so altered the basic chemistry of the seas that they are now experiencing evolution in reverse: a return to the barren primeval waters of hundreds of millions of years ago. Marine pollution is basically the consequences of oceanic destruction which means when hazardous materials and chemicals enter the ocean or a big body of water and spread to rate of exponential growth and decrease the lifespan of nearby marine animals. Marine pollution is not just given in the word itself, but it holds a deeper understanding than most know. Plastic bottles and cigarette buds are visible to the eye and can be removed by just picking it up, but there is another monstrosity roaming the oceans called the plastisphere. Which is still a form of marine pollution that very few understand. The plastisphere are tiny, microscopic plastic pieces that make their way into the ocean and give microbial (relating to or characteristic of a microorganism) squatters a place to take up residence. It is still in question whether or not the impact is good or bad and which outweighs the other. Even small particles like this can have a
  • 32. Benefits Of Company On Using Data Mining And Data Warehouse Benefits to Company on Using Data Mining and Data Warehouse Using current database company is providing web portal to the users of the system. For example person sitting in the main office can access information from the web portal currently what are the orders made by a particular sales man and what orders are ready to ship from warehouse. Same way warehouse person can access the orders that need to be shipped. Once the orders are ready warehouse staff can commits through the web portal to acknowledge main office. This database provides general reports for. E.g. Daily Sales report by product or by customer or by route. These reports are helpful particularly for real time reporting but they don t allow in depth analysis. The possibilities for reporting and analysis are endless. When it comes to analyzing data, a static list is insufficient. There s an intrinsic need for aggregating, summarizing, and drilling down into the data. A data warehouse enables you to perform many types of analysis: Descriptive (what has happened) Diagnostic (why it happened) Predictive (what will happen) Prescriptive (what to do about it) This is the level of analytics required to drive real quality, cost and process improvement in business. Mining and Warehouse Analysis in Detail In order to provide the detail analytics, we tried to build another database (OLAP) on top of current database to provision them for analytical use. We follow the steps that are mention in the Red block of the
  • 33. The Gilded Age Essay The Gilded Age Mark Twain collaborated with Charles Dudley Warner on The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. Published in 1973, as Twain s earliest work of extended fiction, The Gilded Age gives a name to the period of opulence and corruption at the end of the 19th century. Portraying the superficial luxury of Washington and high society, the authors describe The general laxity of the time, and the absence of a sense of duty toward any part of the community but the individual himself (Twain 203). Twain s The Gilded Age, like Wharton s The Age of Innocencefocuses on high society. Yet, the imperfections in the gilding betray the dramatic change of the period. Forces of corporatization, unionization, immigration, urbanization, populism, ... Show more content on ... The Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor soon followed, organizing strikes and negotiations as leverage against the powerful big business. However, big business worked around labor unions with yellow dog contracts requiring employees not to join a union and with armed Pinkerton Detectives hired to combat strikes (Kingwood College Library). Immigration and Urbanization The manufacturing jobs promised by large corporations brought many people to the cities and effected widespread immigration and urbanization during the Gilded Age. Living conditions were harsh and the familiarity of small towns disappeared in the crowds of the cities. Technological advances in architecture allowed for taller buildings and higher concentrations of people. Upper and middle class families escaped to suburbs as an influx of immigrants and lower class workers flocked to the cities to find employment. The flood of new immigrants from southern and eastern Europe resulted in the creation of many anti immigration groups (Digital History). Populism While the cities urbanized, the financial crisis of rural farmers fueled the populist movement. The populists campaigned for a bimetallic standard to back American currency with hopes of creating inflation to diminish the growing debts of farmers. Regulation of railroad monopolies on shipping was also a major concern (Morgan 149 170). Democrat
  • 34. James Fenimore Cooper Research Paper Steven Menkin Professor Jesse Doiron ENGL 2326.02 September 16 2015 James Fenimore Cooper: The Father of Naval Novels James Fenimore Cooper was born September 15, 1789 in New Jersey. During The Era of National Expansion (online, The Spy, his first novel, led him to continue publication of historical romance novels. Published in 1821, his novel credited to the success of his work. The Spy inspired others to inherit an understanding of patriotism. Cooper inspired many novelists, philosophers, and the military because of the publication of his naval novels. Cooper s family history, travels, and time in the military had a direct impact on his writing ( Cooper was the eleventh child of twelve. During James first year, his family relocated to New York in order to form a settlement called Cooperstown in 1786 (, where his father, William Cooper a successful congressman expected his son to be politically involved from an early age. By... Show more content on ... By the age of thirty, he had already moved from America to Europe and was welcomed heartily. Works such as The Bravo and The Headsman were based on his foreign travels and the European background. His more romantic novels were not popular in Europe ( The Spy, influenced American Philosophers, Writers, and the Military, that spies were not stealing confidential information due to greed, but to further the independence of their nation ( An example from his novel is when protagonist Henry Birch rejects others beliefs about spying for money, and states that he is spying for independence ( Cooper wrote with real world situations to engage his readers in reflecting their own experience in hope that they would take more interest in his novel. As a result he successfully became famous upon writing The Spy
  • 35. Unit 5 Health And Social Care Communication Essay Janes communication strengths and needs both directly and indirectly impact her and her family. I will discuss these potential impacts by utilising the health and social care PIES model. Firstly, I will discuss the physical influences which occurred because of Jane s TBI. Initially, the oro motor assessment indicates that Jane s face is symmetrical and that she can accurately copy non speech sounds. This is advantageous as she can swallow and eat her food successfully by manipulating her tongue and moving the bolus to her oesophagus. Being able to swallow will give Jane independence and will ensure her family does not have to feed her. Additionally, the oro motor assessment reports that Jane can accurately copy speech sounds in isolation and vary her volume and pitch accordingly. It also states that her ... Show more content on ... Jane may feel frustrated by her deficient communication and may blame herself for her disorder. Losing independence may make Jane feel upset and worthless. She may feel a burden to her family and socially isolated as she struggles to have conversations with groups of people and loses track of her thoughts and speech. She may also feel embarrassed by her limited memory and attention span. Furthermore, Janes family may experience high levels of anxiety or depression. (, 2017). They may struggle to communicate with Jane and feel intimidated by her dominating behaviour. Finally, I will discuss the social influences of Janes communication. The TBI affected her communication and meant she was unable to work as an IT consultant. Thus, causing financial dependencies which frequently leads to relationship strain. Jane may feel upset about losing her independence and may develop comorbid depression because of her TBI. Jane may never return to this speech orientated, customer facing role. She may need to apply for other jobs and carry out further interviews which could increase her
  • 36. The Gap Between Whites And Blacks while the gap between whites and collective blacks does not shrink. The authors argue that in group versus out group hostilities will lessen between the whites and honorary whites, however this will only increase their in group size compared to the out group of the collective blacks and only create new tensions while strengthening old ones between these two groups. This will be because the collective blacks will feel more segregated from their lighter skinned counterparts. This type of grouping will only allot the whites more power as honorary whites participation within social society will rely solely on their whitesuperiors for their approval. Maxine Leeds Craig argued in The Colors of an Ideal Negro Beauty Queen, that one way to... Show more content on ... Ludwig also writes that white is monochromatic, which relates to racial intermixing and the idea of white purity or eugenics because once a wholly white European has sex with someone who is not, then their child s dominant white genes are saturated with others gene types, thus believed to taint their purity and dub them less white and less valuable. This is the same with other skin colors that may purposely mate with someone who possesses milky, white skin in order to perpetuate this idealized characteristic in their child, because the own dismay for their own skin color, precedent by the colorism fluxes in society, is influential because parents do not want their child to go through the social maltreatment they endured. Another reason for the overemphasis on the importance of whiteness may be its relationship to light, as white is strictly opaque, lacking dimensions unlike its colorful counterparts whose dimensions compare to their prejudicial past and present in which they suffer from discrimination and bigotry by its white Supremes. This differs from black because other in between colors like red, green, and blue all make variations of black when combined at different levels, which is representative of the forgotten races of Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, etc. When this occurs, even if the resulting color is a lighter shade, it is still related to
  • 37. The Fabrication And Modification Of T Cuas With Cellulose... 2.1 Fabrication and Modification of T CUAs with Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membrane and Chitosan Gold Nanoparticles (CS GNPs). T CUAs. Preparation of the T CUAs follows previously described procedures.[references] Briefly, the fabrication consist of dropcasting polystyrene spheres (PSS) of a diameter of 1.54 Вµm onto a conductive carbon pyrolized photoresist film (PPF) electrode.[references] In a collaboration with the Stevenson group, we have reported a method for detecting H2O2 using T CUAs.[reference] We introduce two modifications to T CUAs: (1) the addition of a cellulose acetate (CA) gas permeable membrane selective to NO and (2) the introduction of chitosan and gold nanoparticles (CS/GNPs) to enhance its catalytic activity, sensitivity, and limit of detection (LOD) to NO. The schematic of the modified T CUA is illustrated in Scheme 2. The CA membrane precursor solution was prepared according to a previous procedure.[reference] The pore size of the CA membrane (~6 Г…) filters out non gaseous molecules typically secreted by cells (i.e. proteins). The average membrane thickness is determined to be ~100 nm using atomic force microscopy (AFM). This is shown in Figure 1.The second modification is introduced to the T CUAs via one step electrodeposition of chitosan gold nanoparticles (CS/GNPs). Figure 2 shows scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of an unmodified T CUA, a modified CS/GNPs T CUAs. Although, the size of the GNPs ranges from 5 to 80 nm, there is an
  • 38. Grief and Bereavement Essay Grief and Bereavement CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4 Crisis involved with loss of other human being is the intensive of all types of crises. This paper I will be talking mainly about grief through people loss, as it is something, which happens suddenly, and which can also lead into intense grief. In this paper I want to also talk about how we as a Christian and especially as a pastor will be able to cope with or help a person that is undergoing this grief situation. This is because many of the times when we see someone undergoing this kind of crisis of grief, we tend to ignore it or we try to take over the grief to ourselves. Worst of all this when we try to convince ... Show more content on ... This kind of grieve is the one which has to be looked most into. As this has greater danger of affecting the individual physically and emotionally. The symptoms of this kind of grief are as follows: a. There is an inability to express emotions as in the normal grief. This causes to have still extreme feelings for the loss and those affected by it. b. In addition to the symptoms of the normal grief, these kinds of individuals tend to show more pathological symptoms like: intense depression, anger and loneliness. When these kinds of people are not properly attended, they tend top have a number of other physical and mental problems, like asthma, heart problems, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and other illnesses. c. In morbid grief, the person suffering has a serious struggle with his faith in God, often resulting in not attending the church anymore. Most of them change to becoming sinners; they find fascinations in cult practices to get in contact with the dead ones, etc. CHAPTER III PASTORAL COUNSELLING AND THE PHASES OF GRIEF The purpose of this chapter is to look at the relationship between the process of grieving and pastoral counselling. This understanding of the grief process is very important for a pastoral counsellor as he is responsible for both families and individuals. There are
  • 39. Pubic Mice Research Paper Pubic Lice are tiny, parasitic, blood sucking, wingless insects that infect the human genitals and cause itching and red spots according to Medical News Today. Pubic Lice is most commonly spread through sexual contact. It can also be spread through touching clothing, linens, or towels that an infected person has used but it is less common. Pubic Lice found in children can be a sign of sexual exposure or abuse, according to MedicineNet. Symptoms for males include itching and redness in the infected areas, black powdery droppings from your underwear, brown eggs on pubic or body hair, and tiny specks of blood on the skin, on the FPA website. Some female symptoms are itching in the genitals or the anus, mild fever, feeling run down, and irritability
  • 40. The National Council Of Jewish Women Essay The National Council of Jewish Women has a wide history from the 1890s all the way through 2010. In 1893, Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago was asked to organize the participation of Jewish women in the Chicago World s Fair. Hannah and her recruits discovered that they would pouring coffee and doing other hostess duties, they decided to walk out and take matters into their own hands. At the end of the World Fair, Hannah and the accompanying delegate body of women founded the National Council of Jewish Women, changing the roles of Jewish Women and the nature of volunteerism. The National Council of Jewish Women is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn open minded ideals into action. They take inspiration from Jewish values, and strive for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families. They also want to safeguard individual rights and freedoms. The NCJW works both in the U.S and in Israel. In the U.S they deal with many issues and programs. They work with BenchMark, Promote the vote, protect the vote, plan A, Higher Ground, NCJW s Reproductive Justice Initiative, and Exodus. BenchMark deals with the federal courts and judges. The NCJW fights to ensure a fair and independent judiciary that keeps faith with constitutional values. They work to educate their communities about the importance of the federal judiciary and mobilizes and advocates to ensure that court vacancies are filled in a timely manner by nominees who are
  • 41. The Norton Anthology World Literary Analysis As I am siting and read thing the passages from our reading book The Norton Anthology World Literature I m a little taken back. As a child who was raised reading the Bible at church I have learned that I never took the time to really see what it was telling me. I see in reading passage of section in of Hebrew s Genesis 6 9 where the words say and to the woman, Though God said, you shall not eat from any tree in the garden (96). This is where the woman is talking to the serpentand she is telling him that God told her not to eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden. But, like people in today s world we tend to do be persuaded to do things that we know are wrong. We will continuously have people all over the place trying and
  • 42. leading marines 1. Identify the author s mission (task and purpose) in writing this book. The author s purpose in writing this book was to explain the role of the leader in the Marine Corps. To accomplish this the author used examples of corps values, ethos, individual courage and unit spirit. 2. What part of the book was the most effective in accomplishing the author s mission? What part of the book was the least effective? The part of the book that I think is most effective at accomplishing the author s mission is chapter three: Challenges. Friction dominates war, it makes simple tasks hard . The author touches on how friction affects us anywhere from the marine air ground task force down to the most forward fighting positions and how... Show more content on ... 2. What part of the book was the most effective in accomplishing the author s mission? What part of the book was the least effective? The part of the book that I think is most effective at accomplishing the author s mission is chapter three: Challenges. Friction dominates war, it makes simple tasks hard . The author touches on how friction affects us anywhere from the marine air ground task force down to the most forward fighting positions and how getting over the brick wall that is adversity is key to being able to lead marines. 3. What does the author assume to be true in order to accomplish his mission? Does the author validate these assumptions in the book? The author really shows the importance of the lessons we learned in boot camp and OCS as the basis of what is needed to accomplish any mission. The author validates these assumptions as he goes back to what we learned in training as examples of how we should carry ourselves as leaders and Marines. 4. The part of the book that is most relevant to what I / we do is: The part of the book that is most relevant to what I/we do is chapter three. The author talks about Friction and overcoming challenges in everyday life such as physical challenge and the importance of being combat effective. This is relevant to me because I think physical fitness is key to anyone in the Marine Corps who wants to be a leader. 5. Identify
  • 43. It Is Shocking How Many Things We Take For Granted It is shocking how many things we take for granted. We plan out our day, and don t think twice about how those plans can be taken away or changed in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it personally, until I was faced with the surprise, and undeniable truth of my friend s death. I don t think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with the dreadful news. No one ever thinks that something that heartbreaking or shocking would happen to them; no one really puts themselves in a catastrophic scenario. Losing someone who can t be replaced by anyone else is probably the hardest thing a person has to overcome. It was my senior year of high school and everything was going great. My mother had been staying ... Show more content on ... I got myself ready for school made sure my siblings were all dressed and ready as well, then made my way to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my cup of coffee listening to my dad and sister tease and joke around about how paranoid my brother was about how his first football game that he had that night. My dad was telling that maybe if I stayed and watched my brother at his game that he would feel a little more at ease because my dad didn t get off work till late that night. And that I would have fun at the football game myself cheering him on. I was too stuck on the idea of finally getting away, that what my dad said to me went in one ear and came out the other. I was too busy thinking about the plans my mom and I had like to go shopping, take a tour of NYC, and then to end the night a dinner and a movie. The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our first time there ever; like we didn t live and hour away. We were having out dinner reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she started talking to my dad. Suddenly
  • 44. Essay on Leadership Definition Leadership Definition There are lots of definitions and interpretations for the term LEADERSHIP. One is A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people (Mullins, L.J. 2002, Management and Organisational Behaviour, 6th Edition, FT Publishing, p904). Another popular definition would be, the process of influencing an organization or groups within an organization in its efforts towards achieving a goal (Johnson, Scholes Whittington, 2005, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, p.519) Leadership Theories on Behaviour To me, leaders are constantly surrounding us. People constantly need to be led and they seek out individuals around them who have personalities ... Show more content on ... We shall reflect the above theories in two great leaders: Sir Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler. Their Similarities in Behaviour Sir Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler have many similar qualities; these qualities enabled them to be most influential people of their time. Churchill and Hitler are both very determined and modest; they worked tirelessly for their countries and causes they represent. Both have an eye for details, Churchill would require an extensive walkthrough of the departments under his lead for every new post he takes up, while Hitler had an incredible memory for details, every point made must be correct and consistent with previous briefings or he would be annoyed with the discrepancies. They are intelligent, excellent public speakers and most importantly, they have the self belief and confidence to continue to fight for their cause (both reasons are at the extreme of each other). Their confidences were not influenced by their failures. Their Differences in Behaviour Adolf Hitler had motivated thousands of people to action for his cause. He inspired powerful emotional loyalty in his followers the loyalty that spawned the intense effort and sacrifice among his followers. Hitler s ideas may have been illogical but the fact is he convinced people that these were ideas worth listening and living for. He has charisma, confidence and excellent speaking skills to make people believe in
  • 45. Historical Documents In Cursive Writing Through the years, many people have stated that cursive should not be taught in schools. Reading historical documents, personalization, and brain function involves cursive. Cursive writing definitely has a place in our digital society. Through the years, many historical documents are written in cursive writing. For example, the Declaration of Independence is written in cursive. Also, some of your relatives could have written you letters from places. K 5 learning blog states, if they cannot write cursive, they cannot read cursive writing and would not be able to read historical documents, such as the Declaration of Independence (1). Writing in cursive can also improve your brain function. In school, writing in cursive helps
  • 46. Similarities Between Macedonn And Greek This coin came from the kingdom of Macedon during the Hellenistic Period of Greece. It is made of silver and weighs approximately the same weight as three United State quarters. It marks the first appearance of a living man on a European coin. Used in Greece and Macedon, the obverse of this coin is a bust of Demetrius Poliocretes with bull s horns and a diadem. The reverse of the coinshows the Greek god, Poseidon with his trident. The legend of the coin reads, О’О‘ОЈО™О›О•О©ОЈ О”О—ОњО—О¤ОЎО™ОџОҐ,which translates to, Of King Demetrius. The Tetradrachm of Demetrius Poliocretes depicts Demetrius and Alexander s coin from the reign of Ptolemy I (with Enthroned Zeus on the reverse) very similarily. Both coins show their respective rulers looking
  • 47. Oedipus Character Analysis In Act 1 King Lear decides to divide his throne amongst his three daughters; with the purpose of conferring the kingdom onto younger strengths . To determine whether they are worthy of the throne, he decides to ask them how much they loved him. After being, disappointed by his favorite daughter s answer, conflict arises and results in betrayal by his confidants and his other two daughters. Regardless of the secondary character s intentions and feelings towards the King, Lear s impulsive behavior is comparable to that of Oedipus. Lear s pride drives him to make an irrational decision, as he lets his feelings ruin the kingship his worked towards his entire life. It is, although, unclear whether this is typical of Lear s behavior or a characteristic of a senile king, which foreshadows the king s madness. Nonetheless, Oedipus s fate is proven to be doomed since the beginning of the play, as he lives a tragedy that the reader can anticipate due to the foreshadowing of Oedipus name and upbringing. Pride is visible in both characters as they fail to listen to ones who care for them, and are blind in their life as rulers as well. Lear for instance, exiles his daughter Cordelia over not understanding her argument for loving him beyond words, in addition to exiling Kent, who is most loyal to him. Similarly, Oedipus is offered aid by Tiresias upon being advised he possessed the knowledge he needed; he refuses to acknowledge Tiresias predictions and defies him by calling him a liar,
  • 48. The Art and Methods Used in KIMSOOJA Unfolding Essay Textiles works are the most important works that represents Asian countries. Mostly all the textile works are exported to western countries from Asia, because textile works are very famous in Asia especially in Korea. One of the most famous Korean artists, Kimsooja s works is based on fabrics that were sewn out of colorful clothing from thread and ink. Recently when I went at the show KIMSOOJA Unfolding, VancouverArt Gallery, I got to see many remarkable textile works made by her, it seemed very beautiful seeing the whole segment of the gallery decorated with her colorful textile works. The artist has collected Korean clothing fragments for making collage works using geometric compositions. Kimsooja is a new generation artist who ... Show more content on ... The same old truck is exhibited in a room next to the video installation and named Bottari Truck which was loaded full of bottaries. The artist had sourced clothing from Vancouver community and the truck from the Pacific Northwest. To further explain Bottari, it is the wrapping of belongings that references both Korean cultural traditions as well as ideas that is about shifting and migration that exceed a local setting. Kimsooja s bottari is always filled with used clothing or objects; its use symbolizes hopes, memories and pains of anonymous lives, as well as of the relationship between consciousness, time, space and movement. She reveals the expressive power of ordinary objects by using the used clothing and bed covers which are replete with individual memories stains that might indicate pain, sorrow or pleasure and are intimately connected to the body, by using them to create her bottari. Bottari bundles are traditionally made by women and used for the safekeeping and transportation of one s worldly possessions during both voluntary and forced migration. As mentioned by Kimsooja, a bottari is an Korean word for bundle, Bottari is actually everywhere in our country. We always keep bottari, which means a bundle in Korean, in our family, to keep things and protect them or to put them aside in the attic, or to carry from one place to another. Also in Korea, making a bundle (when it refers to women) means leaving the family that is, the woman leaves her own
  • 49. Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis DOLVI OSWAL CATHERINE THOMAS ENGLISH 31 OCTOBER 2014 QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire? ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that is the judges and the police officers. In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the society. ... Show more content on ... They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them. These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public. The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
  • 50. Importance Of The Colosseum The functions religious or otherwise, of the colosseum were irrelevant to the ultimate design of the architecture. Once the colosseum had been built it seems to have become the model for many, if not most, of those that followed (Hopkins and Beard 2005, 24). The Colosseum stands proudly upon the villainous Emperor Nero s once grand Valley of the Golden House, projecting the munificence of Imperial Roman Architecture of the Flavian period. Its ultimate design could be said to be formed through purpose or function. However, this does not do justice to the importance of architecture within Roman society (Thornton and Thornton in Lyes 1999, 2). The functions whether it be religious or otherwise, of the Colosseum were irrelevant to the ... Show more content on ... The diameter of the entire Colosseum was thus reduced and convention disregarded to take into consideration this architectural feature. Looking in detail at the classical orders themselves which made up the levels of the faГ§ade and the 80 grand entrances of the Colosseum it would appear to not be revolutionary. However, if you engage with the architecture closer it reveals further Roman architectural ingenuity and the importance of the structures appearance. Traditionally Roman buildings saw the use of the classical Greek Doric order on ground levels (without bases) with the more decorative orders of Ionic and Corinthian stacked above this (Lyes 1999, 6). However, in the Colosseum these orders were stacked and used in a way which had no previous precedent in Roman architecture (Lyes 1999, 6). The design sees the orders dramatically reduced, which has the columns that are engaged within the structure constructed with bases, and the column shaft themselves missing the usual entasis of classic Greek orders, this all leads to a much simplified capital. Between each stacked order there is a triple facia architrave, a relatively plain designed freeze and cornice (Lyes 1999, 6). The use of the classical orders in this manner within the design of the Colosseum, without precedent, was in fact not structural but a faГ§ade or veneer. This allowed the
  • 51. The Werewolf The Werewolf By Angela Carter Fairy Tales tend to start off dark and progress to have a happy ending or, failing that, to teach a lesson. Angela Carter does an excellent job of this in her short story The Werewolf . This is her take on Little Red Riding Hood . This is not the classic spin on the original fairy tale however, in Angela s take on it we will explore ageism, sexism, and greed. Though the story casts a once upon a time aura, the lessons learned from it are as modern as the IPhone you might have in your pocket. Historically we have not changed much, the old days when women were just seen as objects, are not far behind us. The first line of the story, it is a northern country; they have cold weather, they have cold... Show more content on ... She knew the forest too well to fear it shows her as a fellow wild beasts in the forest , and being on her guard is an indication of an awareness of her surroundings. The practice of calling old women werewolves is an ancient one, but the thought processes behind it are hardly new. Whether through moving our aging family to nursing homes, or leaving them to survive on their own, even in this day and age we seem to have little respect for our elders. How often is it, that through saying someone is growing senile or having symptoms of Alzheimer s, we send them away to die in neglect in some group home? Just like the girl in the story, the possessions and shelter fall to their
  • 52. Moore Vs Hlobo This essay will explore the contrasts and similarities that can be taken from two drawings. Henry Moore s, Standing figures of 1940 and Nicholas Hlobo s, Macaleni Iintozomlambo of 2010. It will discuss the comparisons that can be made about the colour schemes, composition and subject matter of the pieces. This will also include an evaluation of how the time scales and influences of the period have affected the final outcomes of the two artists. The two pieces actually share many more similarities than first hits the eye after deconstructing all of the components listed. Henry Moore is typically renowned for the many sculptures mused by the human form, typically the female form. He began his artistic venture in 1919 where he attended Leeds School of art, here he met Barbra Hepworth and was inspired greatly by her. He then received many scholarships leading to the opportunity to travel around the world, it was early Mexican and Aztec that mostly inspired his work. His first commissioned piece was in 1928 and named West Wind. In order to create his pieces he did however create unfinished drawing plans of organic compositions that he could imagine creating to a much larger scale. These were often many drawings to a page that overlapped showing the spontaneity ... Show more content on ... He creates sculptural pieces that contrast the ideals of feminine and masculine qualities. He uses different media s to create this and has been awarded acknowledgement in the textiles industry as well as the art despite creating sculptures. Like Moore he has created a drawing that is being studied in this essay. It is a single finished drawing. It is composed of layers off Tea stains and Thread, juxtaposing colours and using the thread to tell a story of the human inners and old folk tales. It isn t an obvious piece and requires a description to know the history behind the
  • 53. Symbols And Symbols In The Book The Shawl Shelby McCrory Ms. Corbin English 102 February 4, 2015 The Shawl and Symbols In the book The Shawl a family of a mother and two children are trying to survive during the Holocaust. It proves that humans strongest instinct is the will to survive and apparently the shawl is the only way to accomplish this. Throughout the story survival is linked back to the shawl itself. The main focus of the story is having the shawl and using it to survive. The shawl is a symbol of many things, but most importantly it is a symbol of protection, a symbol of comfort, and a symbol of nourishment. Throughout the story it is obvious that the shawl is thought of as a symbol of protection. She looked into Magda s face through a gap in the shawl: a squirrel in a nest, safe no one could reach her... (247). From Rosa s statement it is easily known that the shawl is complete protection to Magda. As long as she is covered and wrapped in the shawl she thinks she is protected, and it becomes obvious that she is as long as she remains in it. ... She might drop the shawl, and Magda would fall out and strike her head and die (247). This symbolizes that the shawl is the only thing protecting her from death itself. If the shawl is taken away from her she has nothing left to save her. Every morning Rosa had to conceal Magda under... Show more content on ... It was a magical shawl, it could nourish an infant for three days and three nights (247). Although the shawl is not giving actual food or drink to the one sucking on it it gives that person a feeling of a full stomach. She did not walk very well partly because she could not hold up her fat belly (247). It gives off the sense that the shawl is really providing nourishment for the child to survive, but really her belly is just full of air from sucking on the shawl. Magda survived longer because the shawl gave her a magical type of nourishment that only could be given by the shawl
  • 54. Darwin s Doubts Dr. Stephen Meyer s Darwin s Doubts could possible disprove Charles Darwin s theory of biological evolution. In fact, Meyer s ideologies emphasize a creationist s perspective on materialism and a reassurance of the belief in an intelligent designer. Critics are appealing to ridicule Meyer s inaccuracies of data on the Cambrian explosion and the actual duration of the period in which fossils appeared. Critics also question Meyer s misinterpretation of past and modern phylogenetic classification, and correlations between older nomenclature of phyla within the Cambrian period. Nevertheless, the debate between naturalism and materialism can presumably be skewed, the fact remains on whether one is undoubtedly factual. But Meyer s takes a different proposition on the skepticism of evolutionistic hating creationists, accepting the fact that world is undoubtedly indifferent, but his mission is to combine both religionand sciencetogether. In so doing, Meyer s exhibits philosophies consistent with the idea of an intelligent designer, in which... Show more content on ... Darwin was well acquainted with the research of the Cambrian Explosion, 540 million years ago within a ten million year timeframe that showed a rapid growth in the number and complexity of biological forms. The sudden appearance of such geologically diversity contrasted from Darwin s viewpoint of a steady evolution. Considering the overall observation of the research, Darwin wanted to assure his readers: If my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian [Cambrian] stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far longer than, the whole interval from the Silurian age to the present day; and that during these vast, yet quite unknown, periods of time, the world swarmed with living creatures. (Darwin
  • 55. The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence Essay The Probability of Extraterrestrial Existence Frank Drake, an American astronomer made an equation to find the probability of finding aliens in our galaxy. The probability of humans finding extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy equals Nfpnef1fifcfL, where N equals the number of stars in the Milky Way, fp equals the fraction of those stars having planets, ne equals the number of those planets that can support life, f1 equals the number of those planets on which life arises, fi equals the fraction of those planets on which intelligent life evolves, fc equals the fraction of those planets where intelligent life developed into a technologically advanced civilization and fL equals the fraction of time a technical civilization lasts. ... Show more content on ... Though we know a lot about radio astronomy, the problem that is stopping the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (better known as SETI) from finding anyone is the vastness of space. The chance of us pointing our telescopes at the right point in the universe at the right time is astronomical. The chance of aliens finding us is just as bad. If life on Alpha Centauri, the closest star to our solar system, found us and sent a message, traveling at the speed of light, we would not receive it for four and one half years. Then, it would take another four and one half years for our reply to reach them. The distances make communication while on our home worlds nearly impossible. Even if aliens came to Earth, they could have ships that cannot be found with our tracking devices. If I was an extraterrestrial, and saw the problems on Earth, I would take my ship and leave as soon as possible. I would never go near a race still killing each other over stupid things. I do not think we can start our search for extraterrestrial intelligence in earnest until we can live in harmony as humans. Most people do not realize what we are sending to outer space. Every second, we send many television signals everywhere, traveling at the speed of light, and they are strong enough to be found anywhere in space. We send so many signals, humans are polluting outer space. The first message they would receive would be of the 1936 Olympics, since that was the first television signal strong
  • 56. Oodgeroo Noonuccal s Poem, The Past Oodgeroo Noonuccal s poem The Past was first published in 1970, narrated in the first person, by the poet herself, with only her ancestors mentioned as other characters. Ostensibly, it appears to be a reminiscence about an earlier time in the writer s life as she compares her accidental present living in suburbia with idealistic memories of her indigenous heritage. The idea that pastand presentare connected is a recurring theme throughout the poem. Noonuccal is both the woman next to the electric radiator , relaxing in a deep chair and the person that sits next to the fire in nature, in ancestral times. She clearly feels connected with the ancestors of her tribe and that, in many ways, they are still a part of her, My own people,... Show more content on ... Objects like the electric heater are almost symbolic of her current existence, devoid of any interaction with Nature, as opposed to a time when her ancestors would sit at the camp fire in the bush ... at one with old Nature s lives . Her tone seems to imply that the past where her ancestors lived in peaceful harmony with nature, where the trees composed their own music is preferable to a present consisting of artificial comfort, easy chair before electric heater , a man made luxury in replacement of camp fires. The reference to No walls about me , also possibly functions as a metaphor for the freedom the narrator and her ancestors once