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Socratic Seminar Analysis
During the Socratic seminar 4 questions were presented to the speakers going as follows. The
individual is always more important than society, is true because you need to focus more on one
standpoint than everything around it for equality. The good of the whole society is more critical than
the whims of an individual, I would say part of this is correct because even though thinking of the
big picture is good if you can't even fix the problems of an individual what can you really do. The
laws of the state should be obeyed , as they are constructed by the majority and the consent of the
governed, this can only work as the evil creatures that human possess are finally gone , Individuals
should resist unfairness and wrongs, no matter where they are as if they don't they will just lead to
something like the holocaust. Throughout the seminar many great ideas were presented, people like
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Besides that one mistake small mistakes were brought in but too small of a subject. I just really
agree with everyone's point of view on these topics and can't really point out what's wrong when it's
so thoroughly thought out and so fluently connected to their facts.
As the commentaries have said what improvements of the seminar, I think they missed a few points
that I would like to add first would be multiple people started talking along with their academic
transitions and were more comfortable along the way better giving their points on the topics. Also
the fact that they brought hand gestures and better eye contact really help comply what they were
trying to say.Surprisingly I never really saw or heard any lacking conversations between the
discussants. As a coach during the seminar I would say everyone went above and beyond and
everyone did a fruitful
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Burning Hearts School Seminar
Burning Hearts Prayer Culture Seminar
A two day seminar designed for local churches and ministry organizations to reinforce the
foundation of intercessory prayer by igniting a passion for prayer in each individual believer.
Prayer is not intended to be just a part or segment of overall ministry, but is to be a foundation under
all that we do. This seminar is for leaders, department heads, intercessors and all those who are part
of the congregation or ministry. Our goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to take each individual and the
entire ministry to the next exciting level in prayer as we develop an understanding of a culture of
It is designed to be held on two evening meetings with two daytime ... Show more content on ...
I would be glad to meet with main leaders and prayer leaders to discuss all facets of the prayer
ministry. For many years I've functioned in the role of pastoral oversight for prayer ministry in local
church and could help bring some insight on prayer ministry for existing organizations, churches
and especially for new church plants. The seminar and the consulting are both on an honorarium or
offering basis.
Burning Hearts School of Intercession
In 2009 we began the Burning Hearts School of Intercession as a two day training. Many have
assumed that this training has been just for Intercessors, but it is actually designed to bring the all
Christ–followers into an understanding what intercessory prayer is and how we really cannot get by
without connecting with God in prayer.
Here's an overview of the training weekend:
Session 1 – The Importance of Intercession
Session 2 – Effective Personal Intercession
Session 3 – Onsite Strategic Intercession
Session 4 – Intercession and
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Ap Seminar Reflection
Starting this class, I'll be honest, I was afraid when I heard about AP Seminar. I didn't really know
how I got into the class because I know my writing isn't as great as most kids in my class. AP
Seminar involves a lot of hard work, and I felt as if my writing wasn't good enough. Out of my 5
essays from last year, I only got one A. That one A didn't make me feel smart though, and I didn't
understand why. Writing this now is difficult for me because I don't know how to explain things in
my own words. I heard a lot about how hard this class is and about the speeches. I can't stand talking
about speeches because that is my greatest fear. I still haven't figured out my main writing strength,
but what I do know is I am taking small steps into
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Collegiate Seminar Essay
At Saint Mary's College, the Collegiate Seminar program is a uniquely designed program for
students to "serve the College's goals for a liberal education [as it] strives to put students in
possession of their powers to think clearly, critically, and collaboratively, and articulate their ideas
effectively–powers that will serve them for the rest of their lives." (SMC Seminar 104 Course
Reader) As a requirement for graduation, all students regardless of what discipline they are in must
complete four courses of seminar. A quite interesting kind of class as it integrates students from
different kinds of discipline, thus, attracting different kinds of perspectives, creating stimulating
conversations about varying topics. Unlike traditional teacher–centered teaching, the Seminar
program invites students to interrogate texts and examine questions that are raised by both the text
and the students through stimulating discussions. Additionally, these discussions are meant to create
an environment "in which the student and the seminar leader engage together in the pursuit of
understanding." (stmarys––seminar/seminars) Saint Mary's alumni often have said
that ... Show more content on ...
In Finance, we are continuously presented with data to be analyzed and through evaluation and
synthesis of evidences, assumptions, arguments and so on, we are able to draw conclusions that are
consistent with the text. And in the same manner, in Economics, we sometimes are presented with
different graphs that illustrate different situations regarding economical issues within the country
and as we explore varying assumptions, theses, and arguments within the presented data, we draw
conclusions to understand the status quo. Both the Seminar program and my discipline are
interconnected in ways that is essential to my learning as a student but as well as skills to be applied
in the real
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Seminar Questions : Oedipus Rex Seminar Questions
Oedipus Rex Seminar Questions 1. "Come then, my seer! Tell us: of what consists your
qualification? Where were you when the Great Bitch, that Sphinx who sang her deadly puzzles
outside this city and who needed the art of a genuine seer to answer those puzzles, where were you
then? Why did you not save the city then? Where were your gods then? Where were your birds? It
was I! Yes I, Oedipus, who knew nothing of such things who shut that monster's mouth; not by
magic or by signs of birds but by my own brain. So! Here you are, now! Intending to send me away
from here, hoping to hang around Creon's throne! For this outrage, Teiresias, you shall pay with
tears; you, Teiresias and he, the chief plotter. And were it not for your advanced years, ... Show more
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4. "Well then! Alright! I will leave nothing unsaid in my wrath. And I say to you then, old man, that
in my mind I have you as one of those who has helped in Laius' murder! Yes, old man! You have
worked with them. Perhaps even you, yourself, have committed the deed! Indeed, if you had eyes
that could see I would have said you did the deed all alone!" (Sophocles 346–350). When engaging
with the blind prophet, Oedipus attempts to pry the truth out of Tiresias by accusing him, Tiresias of
the murder. He thinks that if he starts making accusations towards Tiresias, he will in turn tell the
truth so that people don't start hearing this rumor. 5. "Time, Oedipus, Time will show you the truth
in this matter. Innocence takes time to be revealed; guilt can be announced far too quickly."
(Sophocles 614–615). Creon accuses Oedipus of making up fantasies. He tells Oedipus that wild
accusations will only make the truth come out, which resulted in the truth coming out eventually. 6.
"Let me tell you the truth, wife. As I got to that spot, I came across a herald and a man on a
horsedrawn carriage. Both, man and herald came and tried to push me out of the way. In a very
rough manner. I got so angry that, in the fight, I hit the driver of the carriage. The old man saw this
and as I walked past the carriage he picked up the double goad and hit me over the head with it. Let
me tell you, wife, for that little act, he paid a double
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Socratic Seminar Essay
Mark L. Reed Jr. British Literature – Dystopian Literature Mr. Didiano October 19th, 2015 Group 2
Comeback Why Group 2 Should gain points back on their Socratic Seminar. Our group, Group 2,
was assigned to formulate a Socratic seminar discussion about chapter 4 to chapter 6 of The Time
Machine by H.G. Wells. Our goal for the seminar was to convey the central ideas of our portion of
the text and generalize the information to the remaining students. Our group's main focus was
including everyone into the conversation and evenly dispersing the discussion among our group
members. Our Conversation should include connections to our society today in different forms such
as government, politics, military, etc... and the important references to the
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Business Law Seminar
Business Law Seminar Report Analysis of Gladiators FC Case In order to explore all the possible
solutions to the crisis of Gladiators FC club, first of all, we need to have a thorough and clear vision
of the actual situation faced by the club and point out the advantages and disadvantages they have.
Then based on the analysis of the situation, we may suggest several potential ways to get the
Gladiators FC club out of crisis. The Situation Analysis Advantageous condition for the financial
problem of the club The club has its own stadium and training facilities which are funded by
accumulating a large amount of debt. The star players in the club are still very popular with fans,
and due to their presence in the team, shirt sales as ... Show more content on ...
The club can accept the commercial advertisement offers to gain the profit, furthermore they try to
raise the price of the related products of players or the team to gain more revenues from the sales.
Since a consortium of foreign investors has interest in rescuing the business and improving the
performance of the club under the circumstance that the debt is reduced or rescheduled, the club can
try to negotiate with the consortium to agree on a valid contract. The content of contract, for
example, can be that if the team succeeds in wining a certain grade in the next football season, the
consortium should decide to invest in exchange. If the team obtains the investment successfully, it
should first pay a part of the debt of Bank Beta in case of worse situation. Due to the agreement of
the preliminary negotiation with the bondholders, Gamma Bank and trade creditors, the team can
choose to ask for a partial write–off and the rescheduling of the maturity dates. According to the
financial advisor of the team, the current market value of Bank Beta's collateral is lower than the
face value of its secured claim. Therefore, based on the rules relevant to pledge in the property law,
the team can meet its liabilities by letting Bank Beta coping with the pledge. 8) At last, if all the
above possible solutions can not change the situation of the Gladiators FC club, the club can take
into account asking for
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A Seminar Essay
Socratic Seminar Essay There has been a drastic change in the way we perceive the world and this
can alter the way we see each other. We tend to jump onto a bandwagon because it seems easiest or
because of one personal scenario. This is one of the main causes for prejudice and injustice. How a
person reacts to being oppressed may bring out another side of them, but this side is their true self.
This reaction speaks of his or her morals, ethics, and values. To these people, all the perpetrators
appear the same, but it is known that while some may easily go along with it, some may choose to
stand above it all. The concepts referenced to earlier will be soon elaborated on in further analysis as
this essay goes on. It is human nature to assume certain ideas about certain people and it is also
human nature to love and trust wholeheartedly. These two aspects of our species collide when the
terms "prejudice" and "injustice" are involved. If one person had a certain relationship with someone
different than themselves in some way, they will most likely come in contact with someone who
they feel the need to share this event with. This person will most likely be trusted and respected by
the storyteller and listen to/believe everything they say. This is lead to rumors and soon becoming a
prejudice because there might be multiple acting this certain way. Although it does very frequently,
this should not lead people to jump to conclusions about a general group. This soon leads to
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Socratic Seminar Questions
Socratic Seminar Questions 1. Both books can be considered "coming of age" subject matter. How
do Elie and Liesel change? Both Elie and Liesel change throughout their respective books. In Night,
Elie begins as a Jewish youth, almost thirteen, who wants to study the Kabbalah and delve into the
secrets of mysticism. As his life progresses, he witnesses the ugly side of human nature. He loses his
faith in God, for His mercy is nowhere to be found. On the other hand, in the beginning of The Book
Thief, Liesel, a girl not even ten years of age, is placed in a foster home after being traumatized by
the death of her brother. There, she experiences love and loss, joy and pain. She discovers the power
of words, and how, just like life, they are both ... Show more content on ...
In Night, People are starving, and many will do anything it takes to abate their hunger, to survive.
Once, Elie witnessed a son killing his father for some bread. In The Book Thief, food is scarce, and
although its absence does not lead Liesel anywhere close to killing, it does cause her to steal. On the
other hand, food can also be shared. Elie gives up his rations for his father even though he will
probably die, and Liesel's family shares the little food they have with Max despite the fact that they
are already taking a huge risk by simply hiding him in their home. 4. Is there a different attitude
toward children in both books versus the children of today? Discuss the role that youth play in each.
There is a completely different attitude towards children today, especially due to technology and the
altered perspective of the world. In Night, the horrors done to the Jewish are exponentially worse
when done to the youth. Infants are burned alive, an angelic child is hanged, and Elie himself is
merely a teenager when he is forced into a concentration camp. Forced to endure such hardships at
such a young age, he is left traumatized. In The Book Thief, Liesel, in her youth, sees the world
differently from adults. She steals, fights, and loves. As a child, she is passionate and filled with
adrenaline. 5. Examine the role of music in both Night and The Book Thief. What does music
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Ap Seminar Reflection
The grade that I think that I should receive for the first semester of AP Seminar is an A. I believe
that I should get an A for multiple reasons, such as I complete all my work, I have always given my
full effort throughout the class, and I work well in group scenarios. Throughout the first semester, I
consistently finish my assignments. While we were doing the practice PT1 I had finished the
individual research report and the drafts that went along with it on time. Additionally, I found and
read research to help myself prepare for the socratic seminar. During the course of the class I have
constantly completed my tasks to the best of my ability. The second day of school we were to
prepare a short presentation about a picture. In the beginning
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Religious Seminar Case
A. Is a request to attend a religious seminar a protected activity under Union Pacific's Policy?
B. The Complainant requested a "reasonable accommodation" under Union Pacific EEO policy to
attend a religious seminar. Complainant's request was denied by CMS.
C. Were co–workers granted time off during the relevant time period.
The "C" had requested time off to attend a religious seminar. The C had not requested the time off
during the annual scheduling process in December 2015. The C was aware in January 2016 the
REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH! 2016 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses seminar would be held
in July 2016. The Jehovah Witness Conference is being offered 178 times between July 1, 2016 and
December 31, 2016 throughout the United States according to their web site. (site visited June 30,
2016 ––witnesses/conventions/)
Flynn explained the processes for layoff approvals (LV, PL, etc). Flynn also reviewed information
on the ... Show more content on ...
Brown v. Renter's Choice, Inc., 55 F.Supp.2d 788, 795 (N.D.Ohio 1999) (quoting Nix v. WLCY
Radio/Rahall Communications, 738 F.2d 1181, 1187 (11th Cir.1984)). In this case, Title VII does not
cover the accommodation request. The convention is a learning opportunity, not an exercise of his
ability to practice his faith. The Courts have looked at accommodations under the religious
accommodations provisions. Common illustrations are request to have a particular religious holiday,
or refraining from working on the Sabbath, or wearing religious garb. C fails to reach the threshold
that attendance at a seminar hosted by your faith, is a protected action or exercise of practicing one's
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Hoby Seminar
The Hugh O'Brian Youth leadership seminar is a unique program that enables potential leaders to
identify their commanding qualities and use them to benefit their community. By attending the
HOBY seminar, I will broaden my intuition to solve issues and overcome barriers. I will learn to
accept responsibility to drive my community and myself forward. Not only will this program aid me
to thrive in my current activities, it will also enhance my ability to inspire others to be leaders and
take action in their lives as well.
I believe that I should be chosen to represent Cranbrook in the seminar not because I possess a set of
strong qualities, but because of my enthusiasm for developing and utilizing these leadership skills.
To me, being a true leader is to take all my skills and return them to my community in an even better
way. I'm dedicated to helping those less fortunate than me and service is my biggest ... Show more
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I've been to 4 international schools and met people from all across the globe. In the HOBY seminar,
I'll be able to meet other leaders from multiple backgrounds to discover different leadership skills.
I'll use my newfound skills in Business Club to make my goal as a future business leader possible.
I'm intrigued to develop my communication skills and learn how to build better relationships in
order to strengthen the outcome of cooperation. Although I'm new to Cranbrook this year, I'm
determined to contribute to the Cranbrook community likewise. Furthermore, I'm a risk taker; I
usually don't participate in events like HOBY, but this time, I challenged myself to seize an
opportunity where I'm given the potential to improve as a leader. Cranbrook is full of excellent
students, thus my role as a leader would be to guide them to use their talent in a positive and
beneficial way. The seminar will instruct me on how to be a leader of action, not position. I am
confident that the HOBY seminar will be extremely awarding to both my community and
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Pa Seminar Reflection
I have learned so much over the last few months. The lessons that I have acquired in PA Seminar
class are invaluable as I embark on my journey to become a future physician assistant.
PA Seminar class has augmented my clinical skills training. This class has enlightened my view on
the complexity of ethical decision in medicine.
As a healthcare provider, I know that I will face many ethical dilemmas, such as how to provide care
for patients that are self–destructive. Executing decisions in medicine is not always smooth or
straightforward. At such challenging time, I will reflect on my education and use that as a baseline
for ethical principles. PA school also equipped me with the skills to handle sensitive issues, such as
gender and religious
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My Career Path For A Teacher
On October 21, 2015 my cooperating teacher mocked me in front of my class. You see I was the
student teacher in a second grade classroom at Charles Olbon Elementary School. After class I went
home, locked myself in my bedroom and I started pondering my future and my career path. I
thought I would not be a good teacher, why did I choose this career path? I choose this path because
my friends and family saw me a teacher, but I guess they do not know the real me. In 2003 at the
age of ten years old I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My father saw me down at the kitchen
table and strongly advised me to go into an "easy" profession. He instructed me to become a teacher,
therefore I mindlessly agreed to his requests. Then when I entered college, I did not enjoy the
teaching classes and I told my friends, family, and fellow teachers. However everyone told me the
similar line: "you will make a great teacher, you're just nervous cause you're almost graduating, just
stick it out and get your degree." I listened to others while ignoring my inner voice and passion.
Now fast forward to October 23–25th I ended up skipping student teaching to go into the city for
Robert McKee's Story and Storynomics seminar class. I consider myself a happy go lucky person
who is a positive thinker and dreamer however on this particular day when my mom dropped me off
at the bus station I was in a depressed state of mind. The night before I stayed in my bed didn't eat
dinner, and I just cried
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Freshman Seminar
It started out as required community service. Fifty hours of required community service for four
years. The odd times I helped out in my school's pre–K led to an opportunity to volunteer in the
after–school program for kids every weekday, and that became my plan for almost every day of my
high school career. In my first year of high school, I took a mandatory course called Freshman
Seminar. Truthfully, I don't remember much of it except for one moment sometime in December.
That day, my teacher told the class about a mom of five kids who attended our school and had
suddenly died from an aneurysm. My school is small, but I didn't recognize the name. I thought this
news was sad but didn't consider dwelling on it. In the next few days of the
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LP1 Seminar Assessment
The LP1 Seminar Assessment emphasizes the importance of writing a proper APA style paper. One
of the most important criteria for writing a good APA paper consist of organized ideas with proper
research strategy, this is done by collecting data from other people or author to support main ideas.
By utilizing proper references and sources, a writer would be able to support their main ideas or
arguments, and are more convincing and reliable to those who are reading it. Furthermore, the list of
citations would enable readers to conduct further study of the writer's supporting argument or facts.
Additionally, the citations and references also protect the writers from possible plagiarism,
especially when a writer is using someone's sources to support
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Socratic Seminar Reflection
During the Socratic seminar, Lizzy did well on contributing to the seminar with comments and
questions. She also did well on pushing the conversation on by helping clarify either her own
questions or the ones that were asked by other students. Adding onto this, she also did well on
paying attention to what everyone had to say or ask and tried to answer or clarify what they were
trying to ask or explain. When she spoke, she did speak loud and clear but could have been louder
and also could have pronounced her words better. She was decent on everything; however, she can
improve on everything as well. Though, she spoke more than once during the seminar, she could
have spoken more than the few times that she did. This would have helped both her
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The Contemporary Historical-Jesus By Elisabeth Schüssler...
The contemporary "Historical–Jesus" is in a kyriarchal structure of domination which belittles
feminism and Judaism. In Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's book, Jesus and the Politics of
Interpretation, Fiorenza seeks to break the kyriarchal context in which Jesus is and "foster an
identity crisis in the scientific self–understanding of the Historical–Jesus scholarship" (Fiorenza 2).
Fiorenza, a professor at Harvard Divinity school, specializes in scripture and interpretation from a
feminist perspective. She has noticed masculine language which dominates in the construction of the
Historical–Jesus and attempts to challenge this language to reform the context of the quest for the
Historical–Jesus so it is all inclusive. Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation is not another book
which seeks to describe who the Historical–Jesus is; rather, "it is a sustained rhetorical inquiry into
the scholarly discourses that produce the Historical–Jesus as an article of trade and an object of
spiritual consumption in the global capitalist market". (Fiorenza 13) The Historical Jesus: A Guide
for the Perplexed by Helen K. Bond is a supplement to Fiorenza as it is full of the quests which
Fiorenza desires to challenge. The Historical–Jesus as a "symbolic scholarly construct and as an
ideologically produced subject" allows elite men to be in a position which subordinates woman
(Fiorenza 15). To combat the elite malestream perspective, Fiorenza investigates the power and
breaks it down in hopes of
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A Seminar On Education And Poverty
In September of 2013, my sister passed away, leaving our family with more questions than answers
and challenges that parallel with heartbreak. As a freshman trying to find my way at the University
of Georgia, it seemed that I was going backwards compared to my peers and my grieving put more
of a strain on my will to continue my studies. Pursuing any actions for bettering myself or my
counterparts tended to feel overwhelming. Feelings of loneliness engulfed my state of mind, but
what was most unbearable was my realization that I had no idea of how I was going to overcome
this. I usually have a plan of what I would like to accomplish and who I strive to become, but at this
stage of life, I felt as lost as ever. As months passed, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar on
education and poverty. Although I was not interested in education, I attended to gain information for
a class project. Through this seminar, I found the beginning of passion that I did not know I
possessed. The presenters exposed the significant fact that students often times do not finish school
due to their lacking in resources to finish. These self– and material doubts affect students at every
level of education. While focusing on my own challenges, I lost sight of the present, daunting
challenges that others, whether they be my peers or younger students, face on a daily basis. Pity for
these other students had not crossed my mind, but rather, an urgency to take action. Students must
work so relentlessly
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Seminar On Jason
In response to the seminar on Jason's section, I would like to look at Jason and his car. Jason
purchased his car with the money that his mother had given him to invest in the store. Jason
obviously sees himself as an astute businessman. However, Jason must prefer the automobile to
business as he pursues the purchase of a car rather than a stable career as part–owner of the store
where he is an employee. There is something about owning a car that, to Jason, means more than
owning part of a business. It is as if after losing the chance to have a position at the bank due to
Caddy's divorce Jason has found his lost manhood in the car. To achieve the control and
independence that he seems to want so badly, Jason must purchase a car and a certain kind of car.
The reader knows that Jason does not own a Ford, "I think too much of my car; I'm not going to
hammer it to pieces like it was a ford" (238). To Jason, a Ford is obviously a cheap car and his more
expensive car is necessary for him to attempt to retain the class status of the Compson's that has
dramatically declined since the Civil War. There is, however, a conflict between Jason and his car.
Jason's sense of smell is as sensitive as his brothers'. It is not the smell of trees, death, or ... Show
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Of course, the car fails in reclaiming the status that Jason desires. It also fails to reclaim the
masculinity that Jason seems to be seeking and actually helps to reduce his masculinity and reveal
his failures. Jason fails in his hunt for Quentin and the man in the red tie and is forced to hire an
African–American to drive him home. The car becomes a symbol of his failed masculinity and in
the end he is unable to drive the car that he is so proud of. He has been defeated by the very vehicle
that was supposed to help him establish his place in
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Socratic Seminar Report
One of my favorite class activities that I conducted was a Socratic Seminar based on Romeo and
Juliet. The ninth grade ELA class that I had been teaching had just finished two acts of Romeo and
Juliet. To bring these acts to a close, I planned a Socratic Seminar and through Pear Deck I had
students vote on a topic of discussion. The students chose to focus on young people and decision
making. To further develop the idea of young people's process of decision making, I found an article
on NPR that delved into the science behind decision making and the adolescent brain. After I choose
the second text, I choose the standards I would assess CCSS.ELA–LITERACY.RL.9–10.2
"Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development ... Show more
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Students were quoting and summarizing countless ideas from the NPR article and Romeo and Juliet.
The students gave an objective summary of each text and related specific scenes from the play to
specific neuroscientific reasons for teenager's rash decision making processes. Several students went
above and beyond by elaborating on each other's ideas and sharing personal anecdotes that related to
their process of decision making. Overall, about 95% of students handed back their note sheets with
several quotes from each text and quotes from what they heard their classmates say. Through their
arguments and their notes, students proved that they could give objective summaries of the texts,
express their own original ideas, and build on each other's ideas. Not only did the students prove
through speaking and writing that they had met each standard, but they showed me that they could
relate to the discussion. They had a lot to say about the teenage brain and decision making; since
they had chosen the topic of focus and could personally relate to it, students gained a wider
perspective on the teenage brain and decision
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socratic seminar
To Kill a Mockingbird Socratic Seminar On the upcoming block day we will have a Socratic
Seminar in which we discuss the chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird that deal with Tom Robinson's
trial and its aftermath. Your assignment is to prepare for the seminar ahead of time, participate in the
seminar and capture the main ideas of the discussion in your notes. A Socratic Seminar is a formal
discussion, named after the famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, who literally gave his life for his
belief in the power of provoking people to uncover the deeper meanings of important topics. The
purpose of our dialogue is to build understanding together of the text we are reading, using the
process of rigorous and thoughtful dialogue. In a Socratic ... Show more content on
Remind students that they need to take notes during the seminar of important ideas shared. An
addition responsibility of the outer circle is to notice what is going on in terms of discussion–does
everyone participate? Do people seem to listen to each other? Ask clarifying questions? For inside
circle, look at the person on your right (don't include me). You will be giving this person feedback as
a participant at the end of the discussion. Keep track of the number of times this person speaks
during the discussion and which skills he/she exhibits. Opening question: who was responsible for
Tom Robinson's death? Additional questions to spur dialogue: Why did the Ewell's make the
accusation in the first place? How does Mayella's sexual abuse impact her testimony? How does
Mayella's sexual abuse impact your feelings about her culpability? Does it mitigate culpability? Will
anyone marry Mayella? What creates a Bob Ewell? Go back to preparation questions Other ways to
keep the discussion interesting: Stop for a few minutes once in awhile if necessary to take a text
check break so that students can look for evidence. Periodic check ins. What have you heard that has
been particularly interesting? A go–round or
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Chrysalids Group Seminar
The Chrysalids Seminar
Sumayyah– Betrayal and loyalty those are two strong words that might have affected us some time
in our life. The terms betrayal and loyalty are also relatable when we started our novel the
Chrysalids by John Wyndham. In the novel the author shows the concept of betrayal and loyalty as
the ultimate result of poor relationships.
Jamal– Betrayal and loyalty are represented by the various kinds of relationships and their impact on
one another.
Misty– This is illustrated in two ways. Firstly the act of loyalty is shown as a result of true
Pratish– And secondly the act of betrayal is the result of poor family relationships and friendships.
We would now like to begin this seminar by supporting and proving ... Show more content on ...
It is clear that Anne no longer cared for the group ultimately betraying and risking the life of
everyone in the group. This effected many people such as Anne herself because she ended up taking
her life because she did not the trust the group also the whole group need to stay more alarmed just
in case anyone found out about their skills.
Pratish– Betrayal was also the result when aunt Harriet asks to borrow her sisters' baby to receive a
certificate for normality, the sister refuses furiously showing no empathy or kindness. This is seen
when Aunt Harriet enters David's moms' room and begs to borrow Petra in exchange for some days.
David's mom cold heartedly replies "In all my life. I have never heard anything so outrageous... To
think that I should led you my own child" This quote is important because it shows that Aunt
Harriet's sister is so hateful towards deviants and blasphemies that she would not even bother
helping her own sister. It also shows that Aunt Harriet and her sister don't have a strong family
relationship. This develops the thesis because it shows poor relationships are the results of heart
breaking betrayals.
Misty– Therefore it is clear that betrayal and loyalty is depended on the kind of relationship you
have with the person. For example this was proven when David attempts to save Sophie from Allan
even though it was a great risk.
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Socratic Seminar On The Hobbit
During a Socratic Seminar about the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, many interesting topics were
discussed. We spent the majority of the time talking about the main character Bilbo. During the
beginning of the book, Bilbo was a very quiet and reserved hobbit. When there was a chance of
going on an adventure, though, Bilbo ran out the front door without a second though. We ended up
discussing why he did this. People said that Bilbo ran out for the adventure for a number of reasons,
however I thought that he did it on pure impulse, and I made sure to make that opinion know. I think
that, because of the opinions of the other hobbits, Bilbo was convincing himself that adventures
were foolhardy and not worth the effort. However, Bilbo actually loves adventures,
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Senior Seminar Essay
Crystal Phillips
Biology 545 Senior Seminar
Fresh from Truman, just starting out, I must admit I was at a loss on what to do with my Biology
studies. Furthermore, in this economy I had doubts as to whether I could obtain a job lucrative
enough to support myself with the degree once I received it. This is why, heartbroken and
disappointed as I was to have learned that I had not received my degree, I consciously put it off for a
while until I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. It turned out that what I learned majoring in
Biology not only gave me the tools to save my own life but helped me to do what I believe I was put
on this earth to do.
I remember exactly when lightning struck, the moment when I started looking beyond theoretical
biology ... Show more content on ...
Although several Houston neighborhoods living below the poverty line came to mind, I treated this
decision like a scientist would, I relied on research. I discovered 130 key indicators of poverty as
presented in the "Growing Up in Houston 2012–2014" edition. I narrowed those down to the five
indicators I believe would most identify the areas that both needed Seasonal Harvest and would be
receptive to the idea if given the information. I looked at infant mortality rates, the number of
uninsured children, family annual income, education level of parents, and the number of free lunch
program recipients. I then compared those indicators to the neighborhood specific indexes provided
by the website, City Data to determine the neighborhoods that the company would pilot in. After
looking at all the data, only three neighborhoods in Houston had medium incomes below the poverty
line: Kashmere Gardens, Trinity Gardens, and Sunnyside with an average income of $26,419.00.
These neighborhoods also have a high population of people with less than a high school education
(45%), 24% of the families are uninsured, and the infant mortality rate is
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Socratic Seminar Report
During the Socratic seminar, I heard a lot of interesting common things about the immigration
specifics from 3 different sources. I also noticed that these 3 different sources are related to the past
and modern immigration law of United States of America. For example, an article from a CNN
source talks about President Donald Trump's new immigration order ban on Muslim countries. "He
also suspended for three months entry by citizens of seven majority–Muslim nations – Iran, Iraq,
Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – on immigrant or non–immigrant visas–––" (CNN) In
this quote, President Donald Trump ordered an immigration ban on Muslims. This immigration
topic relates to CWRIC and a Farewell to Manzanar novel because back in World World
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Senior Seminar Project
For my senior seminar project, I wish to complete a community event. With about 10 kids from the
Youth Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3:30–4:15, I plan to have a t–ball clinic. I
plan to use the field at the Bow Youth Center as a location for my clinic, in which there will be 3
different stations– hitting, throwing, and fielding. The stations will be run on Mondays and
Wednesdays, and on Fridays, there will be a t–ball game in which kids will be able to put their
learned skills to use. For the volunteer hours, I plan to job shadow the PE teacher at Abbot Downing
School in Concord. I will drive down 4 times a week (Tuesday/Thursday from 11:45 to 1:00 and
Wednesday/Friday from 1:30–2:30) and complete my job shadow, which could involve anything
from me helping set up games and activities, helping run the activities during gym class, and
cleaning up afterwards. This is an exciting topic for me because I've played baseball my whole life,
and I can't wait to pass down my love of the ... Show more content on ...
Hlavaz. I chose her because I got to know her well last year because of AP Psychology, and I feel
like she got to know me pretty well too. I know that she'll help me with whatever I may need
throughout the course of this project. I do not have a content mentor. My essential question is what
are the positive effects of playing sports at a young age. I feel like this topic is important because
sports have always been prevalent in society, but in the past decade or so, there has been more of a
push, or movement, to get the younger generation involved in youth sports. I hope to find out the
cause of this major push– to find out why it is important for kids to play sports at a young age.
Through job shadowing a PE teacher, along with running the t–ball clinic, I hopefully will be able to
see some of the immediate positive effects of athletics on young kids, which could possible be
anything such as better attitudes, more friends made, and improved teamwork
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Socratic Seminar Reflection
Socratic Seminar Reflection
For group 1, Andrew Loftis started the discussion with the question, "What conflicts were presented
in your book?" Thus, he answered his question and goes on to discuss the main character of his
book, Breaking Beautiful and explained what the main character, Allie had to face after being
involved in a car accident. He commented how the character's physical appearance has changed due
to the accident and how the death of her boyfriend has affected her. While explaining the conflict,
Andrew also summarized the plot, giving the group some background information about his novel.
After he talked, immediately, Nick responded and talked about the conflict in his book. He noted
how the characters in his novel had to face fear on a daily basis, not knowing if they will end up
dead or alive. After that, there was a short paused, and Alex related her book back to ... Show more
content on ...
As for the weaknesses and strengths, one of the biggest weaknesses I've noticed was that there was
not a smooth transition presented during the majority of the seminar. None of the students, except
two at the very end of the discussion used "I agree" or "I disagree" when it was their turn to speak.
This made it confusing for me, the audience because it seemed like what each student was saying
had no connection to what the previous student was saying. Another weakness I've noticed was that
many of the students used fill–in words such as "um" and "like". I had a hard time trying to
understand my classmates's ideas and what they were trying to say because they kept using "um"
and "like" in between words and sentences. In addition, as I mentioned above, a lot of the questions
evolved around the conflict of the story. This became repetitive and I felt like many of the students
repeated their answers. The last weakness I noticed was that nobody, except Andrew used direct
quotes from the novel. I believe that using direct quotes would give more evidence and strengthen
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Simon Birch Seminar
The seminar that was conducted among the students in the IB English class focused on the novel "A
Prayer for Owen Meany" and the film "Simon Birch". Upon this two topic, the students were able to
concisely derive insightful meanings of the both the novel and the film. Personally, I believe that the
class did an incredible job in conducting the seminar. All students had an opportunity to participate
and certain students asked questions that transpired in the entire class to engage in a sociable
discussion. However, there were a few flaws that seemed to recurrently appear during the seminar.
These flaws that I noticed during the seminar was the format in which the seminar was conducted,
for instance, I noticed that the class had a tendency to ... Show more content on ...
This friendly atmosphere facilitated all students to have an opportunity participate in the discussion
within the seminar. In addition, to being friendly no one appeared to be pessimistic during the
seminar, the majority of students were presenting their questions and statements in an optimistic
manner. However, a negative point that I noticed is, during the seminar, the only majority of
students had an augmented participation rate. Whereas, certain students only participated a few
times. To be honest, I am not sure why this was the case, however, I assume that those who did not
participate as much as they should have could have have been a result of a majority of students
participating in a manner that only seemed to engage
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Socratic Seminar Report
Socratic Seminar in the Language Arts Classroom
My classes tend to be larger than 15 students, so I prefer to use the fishbowl method. The teacher
uses socratic seminar as a democratic way to learn by questioning. It allows students to formulate or
even deviate from previous opinions. It also allows students to examine, in depth, various cultural
differences and cultural issues. Socratic seminar requires students to engage the text at a deep level.
Step One: Preparation Select a complex, meaningful, and relevant text. All students must read and
use annotations for the appropriate portion of the text that is being discussed. Students are grouped
using a variety of factors based on lexile scores, learning types, and workability of the ... Show more
content on ...
Peer Evaluation
Ball, W., & Brewer, P. (2000). Socratic seminars in the block. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Copeland, M. (2005). Socratic circles: Fostering critical and creative thinking in middle and high
school. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Moeller, V., & Moeller, M. (2002). Socratic seminars and literature circles for middle and high
school English. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.
Polite, V., & Adams, A. (1996). Improving critical thinking through Socratic seminars. Spotlight on
student success, No. 110.
Polite, V., & Adams, A. (1997). Critical thinking and values clarification through Socratic seminars.
Urban Education, , 32(2), 23.
Strong, M. (1996). The habit of thought: From Socratic seminars to Socratic practice. Chapel Hill,
NC: New View Publications.
Tredway, L. (1995). Socratic seminars: Engaging students in intellectual discourse. Educational
Leadership, 53(1).
Part 1–tA
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Writing in Mathematics Seminar
Mathematics is different from some other disciplines such as art and music in that it builds upon
itself. It has traditionally been based on a series of axioms and theorems derived from these axioms,
from which more theorems can be derived. Therefore, when an essay asks us to eliminate a concept
fundamental to mathematics, it is difficult to make a choice since each concept has its merits and is
necessary for understanding concepts that build upon it. This essay, although not feasible to
implement in the real world, accomplishes the goals of a Writing in Mathematics seminar, which are
to encourage students to think creatively about mathematics, increase the students' skills in writing
effective arguments, and show the students that there ... Show more content on ...
The ultimate goal of this seminar is to enhance our writing capabilities, with mathematics as the
topic of discussion. This assignment challenges us to think about the arguments of the opposing
viewpoints, because both sides are necessary for mathematics to function properly. We have to
anticipate the arguments of the other side and build a strong case against those points–thereby
encouraging us to write more persuasively than a typical assignment in this class would. In my
essay, I chose to eliminate the triangle. I had to take into consideration that other people could argue
triangles are important in engineering, and I built an argument on how triangles are not necessary
with some creative uses of circles. This exercise in counterargument allowed me to practice different
persuasive techniques. The higher level thinking required by us is twofold–creative workarounds to
mathematical concepts and advanced methods of persuasion. While this assignment does challenge
our writing abilities, it could do more. We are offered a choice of three topics to write about, so we
are free to pick a topic that is the most comfortable for us. A good writer can create an argument for
either side of any topic. If the assignment did not give us any choices, we would be challenged to
write about something that we are not necessarily comfortable writing about. Students who write in
their comfort zone will not try to improve their writing
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Domestic Violence Seminar
On Thursday night I went to the "Shatter the Silence, Stop the Violence" seminar by the Sexual
Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Committee. During the seminar I learned about several
parts of dating and domestic violence, as well as healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. I was
familiar with many of these topics, but hadn't gone so far in depth with them before.
First of all, dating violence and domestic violence are completely different things. Dating violence is
when physical violence is used against or between one's significant other and oneself. Meanwhile,
domestic violence is violence against or between someone one lives with and oneself. For example,
dating violence is happening if one's boyfriend or girlfriend were to slap one's face without consent.
Domestic violence can occur between parents and children, husbands and wives, or even
roommates. So if I were to slap my ... Show more content on ...
Everyone had to assess the same statements, and circle either "comfortable" or "not comfortable."
Just about every response was divided between "comfortable" and "not comfortable," except for
"your partner takes you out to dinner," to which everyone responded with "comfortable." This
demonstrates that different people are comfortable or uncomfortable with different things,
depending on how they were raised and past dating experience. Thus, the lists of signs of healthy
and unhealthy relationships will not be completely accurate for different relationships.
I haven't had great experiences dating. While I won't go into details here, I feel I tend to be more
sensitive in my answers to the statements about what I am comfortable with in a relationship. Even
with that past relationship being done for over a year now, it still makes it so I'm not interested in
dating anyone, and I'm not willing to put up with just about anything in a hypothetical
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Harmony's Seminar Sparknotes
After watching the documentary for Harmony's seminar, I simply could not brainstorm about
anything else. The chilling display of female repression is all that I have been able to think about. I
have never seen something that made me feel physically ill before and the after–effects of watching
this have not led up. I am full of a deep mixture of rage and grief when reflecting upon the systems
deeply embedded within the fabric of India's culture. Though it must be said that brutality is not
limited to the borders of India as Aboriginal women suffer in present–day Canada.
Almost equal with the women of India, Aboriginal women have been struggling against racism,
sexism, and domestic violence since the dawn of colonialism (explorers brought with them their
patriarchal social codes and beliefs). They are faced with a double–burden for being female and a
minority. Emma LaRocque, a Metis woman and professor of Native Studies at the University of
Manitoba writes, ... Show more content on ...
I was shocked when one of the lawyers said something along the lines of 'Oh, we have a great
culture, and in our culture there is no place for females' but anyone who believes this who has a
mother/sister/daughter is essentially turning a blind eye to what happened and are perpetuating the
male–oriented status quo. Children in India and on First Nation reserves cannot continue to be raised
believing that it is okay to disrespect, beat, rape, or kill women. The brutality shown in the film
requires an extreme sense of malignancy that could only be found in the deranged. I think you can
educate men to respect women and educate women on self–defense but a great deal of the
education/socio–economic background talk is of no use because it really comes down to basic
human goodness, compassion, empathy, and
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Jesus Seminar Critique
One critique to the Jesus Seminar was the motives behind their work. The media often portrayed the
group to be comprised mostly of former Christians, attacking hardest on the group's leader Robert
Funk and cochair John Crossan. Critics went as far to describe their meetings as having "the air of a
village atheists' convention" (Powell, 110). Such an allegation gave rise to the popular belief that the
motives of the scholars were to get revenge on institutionalized religion for not being accepting to
them. I believe the media was too quick to judge the motives of the scholars by attacking their
backgrounds. Just because their work was controversial doesn't mean it was subjective with
underlying personal vendettas. It seems unlikely that a group ... Show more content on ...
The most rebutted aspect of the work done by the scholars was their idiosyncrasy to equate
"unverifiable" with "unauthentic." Most scholars who study the elements attribute to the life of Jesus
stand on common ground when it comes to the realization that many of the sayings and deeds
associated to Jesus in the Gospels lack sufficient evidence to establish authenticity. However, to
many scholars insufficient evidence means an element cannot be verified, and therefore should not
be deemed as historical. In contrast, the Jesus Seminar went beyond this scope and maintained that
Jesus did not say or did not do things that cannot be authenticated by evidence. For example, it is
widely accepted that there is very little evidence to support whether or not Jesus was born from his
virgin mother, Mary. As a result, this element of his life has just been something that one would
believe on the foundation of religious faith rather than historical science. However, the Jesus
Seminar applied a post–Enlightenment historical scientific view to this element in order to
determine authenticity. Under this assessment, they determined not only what is confirmable but
what also is scientifically possible. Therefore, the scholars deemed the virgin birth as non–historical,
concluding that Jesus had been conceived through normal sexual intercourse between a male and
female because it fit the paradigm known today. This stance held by the Jesus Seminar "turn[s] a
corner in the traditional understanding of the relationship that faith and philosophy bear to science
and history" (Powell, 115). For this reason, I reject the integrity of their work. I believe faith and
philosophy should be kept separate of science and history, unless the two aim to support one
another. Rescinding concepts of faith simply because they do fall within current scientific
boundaries is illegitimate. The major flaw of the Jesus Seminar is their
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Mm Case Seminar
Case Seminar
1. How do you think the marketing task for Nokia is different in developing markets (versus in
developed countries)?
Nokia has conducted a customer–driven marketing strategy. They segment the market by income
and they have divided their target group into developing markets and developed ones. They sell
phones to over 150 countries and among them European countries contributes to 39 percent of its
total net sales while Asia, Latin America, and other developing markets account for 56 percent. It is
shown from the numbers that developing markets are essential for Nokia.
Nokia takes over the market shares in a way similar to Honda. It started by focusing on developing
countries and selling them entry–level phones. ... Show more content on ...
This is hard to copy because their customer loyalty is gained from a long period of time. In one
word, Nokia's competitive advantage in developed markets is not as strong as that in developing
markets but they still have a pretty good market share. Being a market leader in developing markets,
what Nokia needs to do is to protect and expand its market shares. And being more of a market
challenger in developed markets, Nokia needs to keep transforming their product to meet the new
demands ands not to lose their market shares to others. Ben & Jerry's
1. How does Ben & Jerry's values help execute the marketing strategy?
Social values take an important part of Ben & Jerry's company values. The company aims to build a
strong relationship with its customers therefore creates a long–term loyalty. Ben & Jerry's social
values is the foundation of its marketing strategy. The product and promotion of marketing mix in
Ben & Jerry's are good examples of how their company values affect their marketing strategy. Their
social mission sets the company apart from simple cause–related markets. By promoting and
sticking to its social values, customers are paying for more than just the ice–cream but also the idea
behind it, therefore creates a lifestyle product. Their products are environmental friendly and they
show their concern of environment as well as social issues in small details of their products. These
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Commentary Search Essay
July 15, 2012
COMMENTARY ANALYSIS......................................................................3 D.A.
Carson..................................................................................3 W. Hall Harris
III............................................................................4 Leon
DISCUSSION/EVALUATION ....................................................................6
Within the Gospel of John lies a tremendous amount of texts that offer an ... Show more content on ...
Harris quoted another author to say, "these linguistic and stylistic considerations, when weighed
against the undoubted resemblances between the first 20 chapters and chapter 21, it offers no
sufficient information that would lead one to believe that chapter 21 was written by any other
author." Harris contends that most scholars, do not make the decision for or against the identity of
the authorship based on the stylistic or linguistic evidence, but rather, that argument is made on the
basis of the content or logical argument flow. Harris uses the knowledge of other scholars regarding
chapter 21 of the Gospel of John. He highlights another scholar when viewing the idea if chapter 21
was just an addendum to the Gospel of John or is it an item of necessity. He quotes S. Smalley to
say this, "Smalley demonstrates that chapter 21 is not as much of an addendum as some believe, and
that it does in fact provide a necessary conclusion to the Fourth Gospel, which does not merely end
with the confession by Thomas, but offer a repetitive emphasis that the disciples will continue the
witness of Jesus even after He has ascended to His Father, in addition to carrying out the mission
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AVID Socratic Seminar
In the module for week two there were several ideas that you can implement in your classroom. For
instance you could try the walk and talk discussion strategy. This strategy simply means that the
students read a selected piece of literature and have a small–group discussion about teacher–created
topics posted around the room. The resources/idea for this strategy includes identifying main ideas
and develop 4–5 questions pertaining to the ideas. Afterword's you type up questions to be printed
out and placed around the room. You then should secure large sheets of butcher paper or whiteboard
space for the students to write down the groups' ideas, once this task is completed make sure you
have supplied each group with dry erase or regular felt tip pens. Aside from this wonderful strategy
there was another traffic strategy that was discussed it was the 4–2–1 method. Students generate
four big ideas from the text. Students then pair with someone else and share their four big ideas.
After sharing their ideas, they must decide which ones from their lists are the 2 big ideas. That pair
then pairs up with another pair and they share their 2 big ideas. That group of 4 must then determine
which of the ideas on their list is the 1 big main idea. Each group ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, the AVID Socratic Seminar could be useful method to deploy in the classroom as well.
However as a future teacher I want to utilize hands on methods that get the students engaged in the
classroom. That's not to say that the AVID Socratic Seminar lacks engagement from the students it
does that by allowing students the opportunities to "examine" a common piece of text, whether it is
in the form of a novel, poem, art print, or piece of music. Unlike the above two strategies this one
involves a stationary setting. I prefer as a teacher to engage students and get them to move around
and be interactive in their
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Jesus Seminar Thesis
Jesus is most definitely a symbol of hope, however, we need a foundation for our faith. Having
evidence about Jesus' life, teaching, and resurrection provides a firm foundation for our faith. The
"Jesus Seminar" states that the Jesus of faith is merely just a symbol of hope that provides people
with a good feeling and a sense of security, but it's not the real Jesus of history. Contrary to this
statement, the Jesus of faith is the opposite and much more than the views of those from the "Jesus
Seminar." Much of the historical evidence points to a historical Jesus who did many supernatural
acts throughout his lifetime. As Boyd says, "Jesus is not a symbol of anything unless he's root in
history." Those who state that the Jesus of faith was merely
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The Socratic Seminars
One topic that went quite unexplored during the Socratic Seminars was how we all individually
incorporated quotes seamlessly into our essays. As a result, I would like point out that there are
multiple ways to seamlessly fit quotes into sentences, such as informing the reader about how the
character feels about the event, what exactly the character is talking about, and beginning the
sentence containing the quote with paraphrasing. For example, I included as an example in my
essay, "Secondly, Ashleigh questions her father's plan on page 4 of Ashes, ' "That's a lot of money.
What if Mom finds out?" ' " I inform the reader as to how Ashleigh is feeling about her father's plan.
It's simple for the reader to see that Ashleigh is skeptical about
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Socratic Seminar Analysis

  • 1. Socratic Seminar Analysis During the Socratic seminar 4 questions were presented to the speakers going as follows. The individual is always more important than society, is true because you need to focus more on one standpoint than everything around it for equality. The good of the whole society is more critical than the whims of an individual, I would say part of this is correct because even though thinking of the big picture is good if you can't even fix the problems of an individual what can you really do. The laws of the state should be obeyed , as they are constructed by the majority and the consent of the governed, this can only work as the evil creatures that human possess are finally gone , Individuals should resist unfairness and wrongs, no matter where they are as if they don't they will just lead to something like the holocaust. Throughout the seminar many great ideas were presented, people like ... Show more content on ... Besides that one mistake small mistakes were brought in but too small of a subject. I just really agree with everyone's point of view on these topics and can't really point out what's wrong when it's so thoroughly thought out and so fluently connected to their facts. As the commentaries have said what improvements of the seminar, I think they missed a few points that I would like to add first would be multiple people started talking along with their academic transitions and were more comfortable along the way better giving their points on the topics. Also the fact that they brought hand gestures and better eye contact really help comply what they were trying to say.Surprisingly I never really saw or heard any lacking conversations between the discussants. As a coach during the seminar I would say everyone went above and beyond and everyone did a fruitful ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Burning Hearts School Seminar BURNING HEARTS MINISTRIES – WHAT WE OFFER Burning Hearts Prayer Culture Seminar A two day seminar designed for local churches and ministry organizations to reinforce the foundation of intercessory prayer by igniting a passion for prayer in each individual believer. Prayer is not intended to be just a part or segment of overall ministry, but is to be a foundation under all that we do. This seminar is for leaders, department heads, intercessors and all those who are part of the congregation or ministry. Our goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to take each individual and the entire ministry to the next exciting level in prayer as we develop an understanding of a culture of prayer. It is designed to be held on two evening meetings with two daytime ... Show more content on ... I would be glad to meet with main leaders and prayer leaders to discuss all facets of the prayer ministry. For many years I've functioned in the role of pastoral oversight for prayer ministry in local church and could help bring some insight on prayer ministry for existing organizations, churches and especially for new church plants. The seminar and the consulting are both on an honorarium or offering basis. Burning Hearts School of Intercession In 2009 we began the Burning Hearts School of Intercession as a two day training. Many have assumed that this training has been just for Intercessors, but it is actually designed to bring the all Christ–followers into an understanding what intercessory prayer is and how we really cannot get by without connecting with God in prayer. Here's an overview of the training weekend: Session 1 – The Importance of Intercession Session 2 – Effective Personal Intercession Session 3 – Onsite Strategic Intercession Session 4 – Intercession and ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Ap Seminar Reflection Starting this class, I'll be honest, I was afraid when I heard about AP Seminar. I didn't really know how I got into the class because I know my writing isn't as great as most kids in my class. AP Seminar involves a lot of hard work, and I felt as if my writing wasn't good enough. Out of my 5 essays from last year, I only got one A. That one A didn't make me feel smart though, and I didn't understand why. Writing this now is difficult for me because I don't know how to explain things in my own words. I heard a lot about how hard this class is and about the speeches. I can't stand talking about speeches because that is my greatest fear. I still haven't figured out my main writing strength, but what I do know is I am taking small steps into ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Collegiate Seminar Essay At Saint Mary's College, the Collegiate Seminar program is a uniquely designed program for students to "serve the College's goals for a liberal education [as it] strives to put students in possession of their powers to think clearly, critically, and collaboratively, and articulate their ideas effectively–powers that will serve them for the rest of their lives." (SMC Seminar 104 Course Reader) As a requirement for graduation, all students regardless of what discipline they are in must complete four courses of seminar. A quite interesting kind of class as it integrates students from different kinds of discipline, thus, attracting different kinds of perspectives, creating stimulating conversations about varying topics. Unlike traditional teacher–centered teaching, the Seminar program invites students to interrogate texts and examine questions that are raised by both the text and the students through stimulating discussions. Additionally, these discussions are meant to create an environment "in which the student and the seminar leader engage together in the pursuit of understanding." (stmarys––seminar/seminars) Saint Mary's alumni often have said that ... Show more content on ... In Finance, we are continuously presented with data to be analyzed and through evaluation and synthesis of evidences, assumptions, arguments and so on, we are able to draw conclusions that are consistent with the text. And in the same manner, in Economics, we sometimes are presented with different graphs that illustrate different situations regarding economical issues within the country and as we explore varying assumptions, theses, and arguments within the presented data, we draw conclusions to understand the status quo. Both the Seminar program and my discipline are interconnected in ways that is essential to my learning as a student but as well as skills to be applied in the real ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Seminar Questions : Oedipus Rex Seminar Questions Oedipus Rex Seminar Questions 1. "Come then, my seer! Tell us: of what consists your qualification? Where were you when the Great Bitch, that Sphinx who sang her deadly puzzles outside this city and who needed the art of a genuine seer to answer those puzzles, where were you then? Why did you not save the city then? Where were your gods then? Where were your birds? It was I! Yes I, Oedipus, who knew nothing of such things who shut that monster's mouth; not by magic or by signs of birds but by my own brain. So! Here you are, now! Intending to send me away from here, hoping to hang around Creon's throne! For this outrage, Teiresias, you shall pay with tears; you, Teiresias and he, the chief plotter. And were it not for your advanced years, ... Show more content on ... 4. "Well then! Alright! I will leave nothing unsaid in my wrath. And I say to you then, old man, that in my mind I have you as one of those who has helped in Laius' murder! Yes, old man! You have worked with them. Perhaps even you, yourself, have committed the deed! Indeed, if you had eyes that could see I would have said you did the deed all alone!" (Sophocles 346–350). When engaging with the blind prophet, Oedipus attempts to pry the truth out of Tiresias by accusing him, Tiresias of the murder. He thinks that if he starts making accusations towards Tiresias, he will in turn tell the truth so that people don't start hearing this rumor. 5. "Time, Oedipus, Time will show you the truth in this matter. Innocence takes time to be revealed; guilt can be announced far too quickly." (Sophocles 614–615). Creon accuses Oedipus of making up fantasies. He tells Oedipus that wild accusations will only make the truth come out, which resulted in the truth coming out eventually. 6. "Let me tell you the truth, wife. As I got to that spot, I came across a herald and a man on a horsedrawn carriage. Both, man and herald came and tried to push me out of the way. In a very rough manner. I got so angry that, in the fight, I hit the driver of the carriage. The old man saw this and as I walked past the carriage he picked up the double goad and hit me over the head with it. Let me tell you, wife, for that little act, he paid a double ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Socratic Seminar Essay Mark L. Reed Jr. British Literature – Dystopian Literature Mr. Didiano October 19th, 2015 Group 2 Comeback Why Group 2 Should gain points back on their Socratic Seminar. Our group, Group 2, was assigned to formulate a Socratic seminar discussion about chapter 4 to chapter 6 of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. Our goal for the seminar was to convey the central ideas of our portion of the text and generalize the information to the remaining students. Our group's main focus was including everyone into the conversation and evenly dispersing the discussion among our group members. Our Conversation should include connections to our society today in different forms such as government, politics, military, etc... and the important references to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Business Law Seminar Business Law Seminar Report Analysis of Gladiators FC Case In order to explore all the possible solutions to the crisis of Gladiators FC club, first of all, we need to have a thorough and clear vision of the actual situation faced by the club and point out the advantages and disadvantages they have. Then based on the analysis of the situation, we may suggest several potential ways to get the Gladiators FC club out of crisis. The Situation Analysis Advantageous condition for the financial problem of the club The club has its own stadium and training facilities which are funded by accumulating a large amount of debt. The star players in the club are still very popular with fans, and due to their presence in the team, shirt sales as ... Show more content on ... The club can accept the commercial advertisement offers to gain the profit, furthermore they try to raise the price of the related products of players or the team to gain more revenues from the sales. Since a consortium of foreign investors has interest in rescuing the business and improving the performance of the club under the circumstance that the debt is reduced or rescheduled, the club can try to negotiate with the consortium to agree on a valid contract. The content of contract, for example, can be that if the team succeeds in wining a certain grade in the next football season, the consortium should decide to invest in exchange. If the team obtains the investment successfully, it should first pay a part of the debt of Bank Beta in case of worse situation. Due to the agreement of the preliminary negotiation with the bondholders, Gamma Bank and trade creditors, the team can choose to ask for a partial write–off and the rescheduling of the maturity dates. According to the financial advisor of the team, the current market value of Bank Beta's collateral is lower than the face value of its secured claim. Therefore, based on the rules relevant to pledge in the property law, the team can meet its liabilities by letting Bank Beta coping with the pledge. 8) At last, if all the above possible solutions can not change the situation of the Gladiators FC club, the club can take into account asking for ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. A Seminar Essay Socratic Seminar Essay There has been a drastic change in the way we perceive the world and this can alter the way we see each other. We tend to jump onto a bandwagon because it seems easiest or because of one personal scenario. This is one of the main causes for prejudice and injustice. How a person reacts to being oppressed may bring out another side of them, but this side is their true self. This reaction speaks of his or her morals, ethics, and values. To these people, all the perpetrators appear the same, but it is known that while some may easily go along with it, some may choose to stand above it all. The concepts referenced to earlier will be soon elaborated on in further analysis as this essay goes on. It is human nature to assume certain ideas about certain people and it is also human nature to love and trust wholeheartedly. These two aspects of our species collide when the terms "prejudice" and "injustice" are involved. If one person had a certain relationship with someone different than themselves in some way, they will most likely come in contact with someone who they feel the need to share this event with. This person will most likely be trusted and respected by the storyteller and listen to/believe everything they say. This is lead to rumors and soon becoming a prejudice because there might be multiple acting this certain way. Although it does very frequently, this should not lead people to jump to conclusions about a general group. This soon leads to ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Socratic Seminar Questions Socratic Seminar Questions 1. Both books can be considered "coming of age" subject matter. How do Elie and Liesel change? Both Elie and Liesel change throughout their respective books. In Night, Elie begins as a Jewish youth, almost thirteen, who wants to study the Kabbalah and delve into the secrets of mysticism. As his life progresses, he witnesses the ugly side of human nature. He loses his faith in God, for His mercy is nowhere to be found. On the other hand, in the beginning of The Book Thief, Liesel, a girl not even ten years of age, is placed in a foster home after being traumatized by the death of her brother. There, she experiences love and loss, joy and pain. She discovers the power of words, and how, just like life, they are both ... Show more content on ... In Night, People are starving, and many will do anything it takes to abate their hunger, to survive. Once, Elie witnessed a son killing his father for some bread. In The Book Thief, food is scarce, and although its absence does not lead Liesel anywhere close to killing, it does cause her to steal. On the other hand, food can also be shared. Elie gives up his rations for his father even though he will probably die, and Liesel's family shares the little food they have with Max despite the fact that they are already taking a huge risk by simply hiding him in their home. 4. Is there a different attitude toward children in both books versus the children of today? Discuss the role that youth play in each. There is a completely different attitude towards children today, especially due to technology and the altered perspective of the world. In Night, the horrors done to the Jewish are exponentially worse when done to the youth. Infants are burned alive, an angelic child is hanged, and Elie himself is merely a teenager when he is forced into a concentration camp. Forced to endure such hardships at such a young age, he is left traumatized. In The Book Thief, Liesel, in her youth, sees the world differently from adults. She steals, fights, and loves. As a child, she is passionate and filled with adrenaline. 5. Examine the role of music in both Night and The Book Thief. What does music ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Ap Seminar Reflection The grade that I think that I should receive for the first semester of AP Seminar is an A. I believe that I should get an A for multiple reasons, such as I complete all my work, I have always given my full effort throughout the class, and I work well in group scenarios. Throughout the first semester, I consistently finish my assignments. While we were doing the practice PT1 I had finished the individual research report and the drafts that went along with it on time. Additionally, I found and read research to help myself prepare for the socratic seminar. During the course of the class I have constantly completed my tasks to the best of my ability. The second day of school we were to prepare a short presentation about a picture. In the beginning ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Religious Seminar Case Issues: A. Is a request to attend a religious seminar a protected activity under Union Pacific's Policy? B. The Complainant requested a "reasonable accommodation" under Union Pacific EEO policy to attend a religious seminar. Complainant's request was denied by CMS. C. Were co–workers granted time off during the relevant time period. Findings: The "C" had requested time off to attend a religious seminar. The C had not requested the time off during the annual scheduling process in December 2015. The C was aware in January 2016 the REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH! 2016 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses seminar would be held in July 2016. The Jehovah Witness Conference is being offered 178 times between July 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 throughout the United States according to their web site. (site visited June 30, 2016 ––witnesses/conventions/) Flynn explained the processes for layoff approvals (LV, PL, etc). Flynn also reviewed information on the ... Show more content on ... Brown v. Renter's Choice, Inc., 55 F.Supp.2d 788, 795 (N.D.Ohio 1999) (quoting Nix v. WLCY Radio/Rahall Communications, 738 F.2d 1181, 1187 (11th Cir.1984)). In this case, Title VII does not cover the accommodation request. The convention is a learning opportunity, not an exercise of his ability to practice his faith. The Courts have looked at accommodations under the religious accommodations provisions. Common illustrations are request to have a particular religious holiday, or refraining from working on the Sabbath, or wearing religious garb. C fails to reach the threshold that attendance at a seminar hosted by your faith, is a protected action or exercise of practicing one's ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Hoby Seminar The Hugh O'Brian Youth leadership seminar is a unique program that enables potential leaders to identify their commanding qualities and use them to benefit their community. By attending the HOBY seminar, I will broaden my intuition to solve issues and overcome barriers. I will learn to accept responsibility to drive my community and myself forward. Not only will this program aid me to thrive in my current activities, it will also enhance my ability to inspire others to be leaders and take action in their lives as well. I believe that I should be chosen to represent Cranbrook in the seminar not because I possess a set of strong qualities, but because of my enthusiasm for developing and utilizing these leadership skills. To me, being a true leader is to take all my skills and return them to my community in an even better way. I'm dedicated to helping those less fortunate than me and service is my biggest ... Show more content on ... I've been to 4 international schools and met people from all across the globe. In the HOBY seminar, I'll be able to meet other leaders from multiple backgrounds to discover different leadership skills. I'll use my newfound skills in Business Club to make my goal as a future business leader possible. I'm intrigued to develop my communication skills and learn how to build better relationships in order to strengthen the outcome of cooperation. Although I'm new to Cranbrook this year, I'm determined to contribute to the Cranbrook community likewise. Furthermore, I'm a risk taker; I usually don't participate in events like HOBY, but this time, I challenged myself to seize an opportunity where I'm given the potential to improve as a leader. Cranbrook is full of excellent students, thus my role as a leader would be to guide them to use their talent in a positive and beneficial way. The seminar will instruct me on how to be a leader of action, not position. I am confident that the HOBY seminar will be extremely awarding to both my community and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Pa Seminar Reflection I have learned so much over the last few months. The lessons that I have acquired in PA Seminar class are invaluable as I embark on my journey to become a future physician assistant. PA Seminar class has augmented my clinical skills training. This class has enlightened my view on the complexity of ethical decision in medicine. As a healthcare provider, I know that I will face many ethical dilemmas, such as how to provide care for patients that are self–destructive. Executing decisions in medicine is not always smooth or straightforward. At such challenging time, I will reflect on my education and use that as a baseline for ethical principles. PA school also equipped me with the skills to handle sensitive issues, such as gender and religious ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. My Career Path For A Teacher On October 21, 2015 my cooperating teacher mocked me in front of my class. You see I was the student teacher in a second grade classroom at Charles Olbon Elementary School. After class I went home, locked myself in my bedroom and I started pondering my future and my career path. I thought I would not be a good teacher, why did I choose this career path? I choose this path because my friends and family saw me a teacher, but I guess they do not know the real me. In 2003 at the age of ten years old I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My father saw me down at the kitchen table and strongly advised me to go into an "easy" profession. He instructed me to become a teacher, therefore I mindlessly agreed to his requests. Then when I entered college, I did not enjoy the teaching classes and I told my friends, family, and fellow teachers. However everyone told me the similar line: "you will make a great teacher, you're just nervous cause you're almost graduating, just stick it out and get your degree." I listened to others while ignoring my inner voice and passion. Now fast forward to October 23–25th I ended up skipping student teaching to go into the city for Robert McKee's Story and Storynomics seminar class. I consider myself a happy go lucky person who is a positive thinker and dreamer however on this particular day when my mom dropped me off at the bus station I was in a depressed state of mind. The night before I stayed in my bed didn't eat dinner, and I just cried ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Freshman Seminar It started out as required community service. Fifty hours of required community service for four years. The odd times I helped out in my school's pre–K led to an opportunity to volunteer in the after–school program for kids every weekday, and that became my plan for almost every day of my high school career. In my first year of high school, I took a mandatory course called Freshman Seminar. Truthfully, I don't remember much of it except for one moment sometime in December. That day, my teacher told the class about a mom of five kids who attended our school and had suddenly died from an aneurysm. My school is small, but I didn't recognize the name. I thought this news was sad but didn't consider dwelling on it. In the next few days of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. LP1 Seminar Assessment The LP1 Seminar Assessment emphasizes the importance of writing a proper APA style paper. One of the most important criteria for writing a good APA paper consist of organized ideas with proper research strategy, this is done by collecting data from other people or author to support main ideas. By utilizing proper references and sources, a writer would be able to support their main ideas or arguments, and are more convincing and reliable to those who are reading it. Furthermore, the list of citations would enable readers to conduct further study of the writer's supporting argument or facts. Additionally, the citations and references also protect the writers from possible plagiarism, especially when a writer is using someone's sources to support ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Socratic Seminar Reflection During the Socratic seminar, Lizzy did well on contributing to the seminar with comments and questions. She also did well on pushing the conversation on by helping clarify either her own questions or the ones that were asked by other students. Adding onto this, she also did well on paying attention to what everyone had to say or ask and tried to answer or clarify what they were trying to ask or explain. When she spoke, she did speak loud and clear but could have been louder and also could have pronounced her words better. She was decent on everything; however, she can improve on everything as well. Though, she spoke more than once during the seminar, she could have spoken more than the few times that she did. This would have helped both her ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Contemporary Historical-Jesus By Elisabeth Schüssler... The contemporary "Historical–Jesus" is in a kyriarchal structure of domination which belittles feminism and Judaism. In Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza's book, Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation, Fiorenza seeks to break the kyriarchal context in which Jesus is and "foster an identity crisis in the scientific self–understanding of the Historical–Jesus scholarship" (Fiorenza 2). Fiorenza, a professor at Harvard Divinity school, specializes in scripture and interpretation from a feminist perspective. She has noticed masculine language which dominates in the construction of the Historical–Jesus and attempts to challenge this language to reform the context of the quest for the Historical–Jesus so it is all inclusive. Jesus and the Politics of Interpretation is not another book which seeks to describe who the Historical–Jesus is; rather, "it is a sustained rhetorical inquiry into the scholarly discourses that produce the Historical–Jesus as an article of trade and an object of spiritual consumption in the global capitalist market". (Fiorenza 13) The Historical Jesus: A Guide for the Perplexed by Helen K. Bond is a supplement to Fiorenza as it is full of the quests which Fiorenza desires to challenge. The Historical–Jesus as a "symbolic scholarly construct and as an ideologically produced subject" allows elite men to be in a position which subordinates woman (Fiorenza 15). To combat the elite malestream perspective, Fiorenza investigates the power and breaks it down in hopes of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. A Seminar On Education And Poverty In September of 2013, my sister passed away, leaving our family with more questions than answers and challenges that parallel with heartbreak. As a freshman trying to find my way at the University of Georgia, it seemed that I was going backwards compared to my peers and my grieving put more of a strain on my will to continue my studies. Pursuing any actions for bettering myself or my counterparts tended to feel overwhelming. Feelings of loneliness engulfed my state of mind, but what was most unbearable was my realization that I had no idea of how I was going to overcome this. I usually have a plan of what I would like to accomplish and who I strive to become, but at this stage of life, I felt as lost as ever. As months passed, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar on education and poverty. Although I was not interested in education, I attended to gain information for a class project. Through this seminar, I found the beginning of passion that I did not know I possessed. The presenters exposed the significant fact that students often times do not finish school due to their lacking in resources to finish. These self– and material doubts affect students at every level of education. While focusing on my own challenges, I lost sight of the present, daunting challenges that others, whether they be my peers or younger students, face on a daily basis. Pity for these other students had not crossed my mind, but rather, an urgency to take action. Students must work so relentlessly ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Seminar On Jason In response to the seminar on Jason's section, I would like to look at Jason and his car. Jason purchased his car with the money that his mother had given him to invest in the store. Jason obviously sees himself as an astute businessman. However, Jason must prefer the automobile to business as he pursues the purchase of a car rather than a stable career as part–owner of the store where he is an employee. There is something about owning a car that, to Jason, means more than owning part of a business. It is as if after losing the chance to have a position at the bank due to Caddy's divorce Jason has found his lost manhood in the car. To achieve the control and independence that he seems to want so badly, Jason must purchase a car and a certain kind of car. The reader knows that Jason does not own a Ford, "I think too much of my car; I'm not going to hammer it to pieces like it was a ford" (238). To Jason, a Ford is obviously a cheap car and his more expensive car is necessary for him to attempt to retain the class status of the Compson's that has dramatically declined since the Civil War. There is, however, a conflict between Jason and his car. Jason's sense of smell is as sensitive as his brothers'. It is not the smell of trees, death, or ... Show more content on ... Of course, the car fails in reclaiming the status that Jason desires. It also fails to reclaim the masculinity that Jason seems to be seeking and actually helps to reduce his masculinity and reveal his failures. Jason fails in his hunt for Quentin and the man in the red tie and is forced to hire an African–American to drive him home. The car becomes a symbol of his failed masculinity and in the end he is unable to drive the car that he is so proud of. He has been defeated by the very vehicle that was supposed to help him establish his place in ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Socratic Seminar Report One of my favorite class activities that I conducted was a Socratic Seminar based on Romeo and Juliet. The ninth grade ELA class that I had been teaching had just finished two acts of Romeo and Juliet. To bring these acts to a close, I planned a Socratic Seminar and through Pear Deck I had students vote on a topic of discussion. The students chose to focus on young people and decision making. To further develop the idea of young people's process of decision making, I found an article on NPR that delved into the science behind decision making and the adolescent brain. After I choose the second text, I choose the standards I would assess CCSS.ELA–LITERACY.RL.9–10.2 "Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development ... Show more content on ... Students were quoting and summarizing countless ideas from the NPR article and Romeo and Juliet. The students gave an objective summary of each text and related specific scenes from the play to specific neuroscientific reasons for teenager's rash decision making processes. Several students went above and beyond by elaborating on each other's ideas and sharing personal anecdotes that related to their process of decision making. Overall, about 95% of students handed back their note sheets with several quotes from each text and quotes from what they heard their classmates say. Through their arguments and their notes, students proved that they could give objective summaries of the texts, express their own original ideas, and build on each other's ideas. Not only did the students prove through speaking and writing that they had met each standard, but they showed me that they could relate to the discussion. They had a lot to say about the teenage brain and decision making; since they had chosen the topic of focus and could personally relate to it, students gained a wider perspective on the teenage brain and decision ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. socratic seminar To Kill a Mockingbird Socratic Seminar On the upcoming block day we will have a Socratic Seminar in which we discuss the chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird that deal with Tom Robinson's trial and its aftermath. Your assignment is to prepare for the seminar ahead of time, participate in the seminar and capture the main ideas of the discussion in your notes. A Socratic Seminar is a formal discussion, named after the famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, who literally gave his life for his belief in the power of provoking people to uncover the deeper meanings of important topics. The purpose of our dialogue is to build understanding together of the text we are reading, using the process of rigorous and thoughtful dialogue. In a Socratic ... Show more content on ... Remind students that they need to take notes during the seminar of important ideas shared. An addition responsibility of the outer circle is to notice what is going on in terms of discussion–does everyone participate? Do people seem to listen to each other? Ask clarifying questions? For inside circle, look at the person on your right (don't include me). You will be giving this person feedback as a participant at the end of the discussion. Keep track of the number of times this person speaks during the discussion and which skills he/she exhibits. Opening question: who was responsible for Tom Robinson's death? Additional questions to spur dialogue: Why did the Ewell's make the accusation in the first place? How does Mayella's sexual abuse impact her testimony? How does Mayella's sexual abuse impact your feelings about her culpability? Does it mitigate culpability? Will anyone marry Mayella? What creates a Bob Ewell? Go back to preparation questions Other ways to keep the discussion interesting: Stop for a few minutes once in awhile if necessary to take a text check break so that students can look for evidence. Periodic check ins. What have you heard that has been particularly interesting? A go–round or ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Chrysalids Group Seminar The Chrysalids Seminar Sumayyah– Betrayal and loyalty those are two strong words that might have affected us some time in our life. The terms betrayal and loyalty are also relatable when we started our novel the Chrysalids by John Wyndham. In the novel the author shows the concept of betrayal and loyalty as the ultimate result of poor relationships. Jamal– Betrayal and loyalty are represented by the various kinds of relationships and their impact on one another. Misty– This is illustrated in two ways. Firstly the act of loyalty is shown as a result of true friendship. Pratish– And secondly the act of betrayal is the result of poor family relationships and friendships. We would now like to begin this seminar by supporting and proving ... Show more content on ... It is clear that Anne no longer cared for the group ultimately betraying and risking the life of everyone in the group. This effected many people such as Anne herself because she ended up taking her life because she did not the trust the group also the whole group need to stay more alarmed just in case anyone found out about their skills. Pratish– Betrayal was also the result when aunt Harriet asks to borrow her sisters' baby to receive a certificate for normality, the sister refuses furiously showing no empathy or kindness. This is seen when Aunt Harriet enters David's moms' room and begs to borrow Petra in exchange for some days. David's mom cold heartedly replies "In all my life. I have never heard anything so outrageous... To think that I should led you my own child" This quote is important because it shows that Aunt Harriet's sister is so hateful towards deviants and blasphemies that she would not even bother helping her own sister. It also shows that Aunt Harriet and her sister don't have a strong family relationship. This develops the thesis because it shows poor relationships are the results of heart breaking betrayals. Misty– Therefore it is clear that betrayal and loyalty is depended on the kind of relationship you have with the person. For example this was proven when David attempts to save Sophie from Allan even though it was a great risk. ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Socratic Seminar On The Hobbit During a Socratic Seminar about the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien, many interesting topics were discussed. We spent the majority of the time talking about the main character Bilbo. During the beginning of the book, Bilbo was a very quiet and reserved hobbit. When there was a chance of going on an adventure, though, Bilbo ran out the front door without a second though. We ended up discussing why he did this. People said that Bilbo ran out for the adventure for a number of reasons, however I thought that he did it on pure impulse, and I made sure to make that opinion know. I think that, because of the opinions of the other hobbits, Bilbo was convincing himself that adventures were foolhardy and not worth the effort. However, Bilbo actually loves adventures, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Senior Seminar Essay Crystal Phillips Biology 545 Senior Seminar Fresh from Truman, just starting out, I must admit I was at a loss on what to do with my Biology studies. Furthermore, in this economy I had doubts as to whether I could obtain a job lucrative enough to support myself with the degree once I received it. This is why, heartbroken and disappointed as I was to have learned that I had not received my degree, I consciously put it off for a while until I figured out exactly what I wanted to do. It turned out that what I learned majoring in Biology not only gave me the tools to save my own life but helped me to do what I believe I was put on this earth to do. I remember exactly when lightning struck, the moment when I started looking beyond theoretical biology ... Show more content on ... Although several Houston neighborhoods living below the poverty line came to mind, I treated this decision like a scientist would, I relied on research. I discovered 130 key indicators of poverty as presented in the "Growing Up in Houston 2012–2014" edition. I narrowed those down to the five indicators I believe would most identify the areas that both needed Seasonal Harvest and would be receptive to the idea if given the information. I looked at infant mortality rates, the number of uninsured children, family annual income, education level of parents, and the number of free lunch program recipients. I then compared those indicators to the neighborhood specific indexes provided by the website, City Data to determine the neighborhoods that the company would pilot in. After looking at all the data, only three neighborhoods in Houston had medium incomes below the poverty line: Kashmere Gardens, Trinity Gardens, and Sunnyside with an average income of $26,419.00. These neighborhoods also have a high population of people with less than a high school education (45%), 24% of the families are uninsured, and the infant mortality rate is ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Socratic Seminar Report During the Socratic seminar, I heard a lot of interesting common things about the immigration specifics from 3 different sources. I also noticed that these 3 different sources are related to the past and modern immigration law of United States of America. For example, an article from a CNN source talks about President Donald Trump's new immigration order ban on Muslim countries. "He also suspended for three months entry by citizens of seven majority–Muslim nations – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – on immigrant or non–immigrant visas–––" (CNN) In this quote, President Donald Trump ordered an immigration ban on Muslims. This immigration topic relates to CWRIC and a Farewell to Manzanar novel because back in World World ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Senior Seminar Project For my senior seminar project, I wish to complete a community event. With about 10 kids from the Youth Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 3:30–4:15, I plan to have a t–ball clinic. I plan to use the field at the Bow Youth Center as a location for my clinic, in which there will be 3 different stations– hitting, throwing, and fielding. The stations will be run on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Fridays, there will be a t–ball game in which kids will be able to put their learned skills to use. For the volunteer hours, I plan to job shadow the PE teacher at Abbot Downing School in Concord. I will drive down 4 times a week (Tuesday/Thursday from 11:45 to 1:00 and Wednesday/Friday from 1:30–2:30) and complete my job shadow, which could involve anything from me helping set up games and activities, helping run the activities during gym class, and cleaning up afterwards. This is an exciting topic for me because I've played baseball my whole life, and I can't wait to pass down my love of the ... Show more content on ... Hlavaz. I chose her because I got to know her well last year because of AP Psychology, and I feel like she got to know me pretty well too. I know that she'll help me with whatever I may need throughout the course of this project. I do not have a content mentor. My essential question is what are the positive effects of playing sports at a young age. I feel like this topic is important because sports have always been prevalent in society, but in the past decade or so, there has been more of a push, or movement, to get the younger generation involved in youth sports. I hope to find out the cause of this major push– to find out why it is important for kids to play sports at a young age. Through job shadowing a PE teacher, along with running the t–ball clinic, I hopefully will be able to see some of the immediate positive effects of athletics on young kids, which could possible be anything such as better attitudes, more friends made, and improved teamwork ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Socratic Seminar Reflection Socratic Seminar Reflection For group 1, Andrew Loftis started the discussion with the question, "What conflicts were presented in your book?" Thus, he answered his question and goes on to discuss the main character of his book, Breaking Beautiful and explained what the main character, Allie had to face after being involved in a car accident. He commented how the character's physical appearance has changed due to the accident and how the death of her boyfriend has affected her. While explaining the conflict, Andrew also summarized the plot, giving the group some background information about his novel. After he talked, immediately, Nick responded and talked about the conflict in his book. He noted how the characters in his novel had to face fear on a daily basis, not knowing if they will end up dead or alive. After that, there was a short paused, and Alex related her book back to ... Show more content on ... As for the weaknesses and strengths, one of the biggest weaknesses I've noticed was that there was not a smooth transition presented during the majority of the seminar. None of the students, except two at the very end of the discussion used "I agree" or "I disagree" when it was their turn to speak. This made it confusing for me, the audience because it seemed like what each student was saying had no connection to what the previous student was saying. Another weakness I've noticed was that many of the students used fill–in words such as "um" and "like". I had a hard time trying to understand my classmates's ideas and what they were trying to say because they kept using "um" and "like" in between words and sentences. In addition, as I mentioned above, a lot of the questions evolved around the conflict of the story. This became repetitive and I felt like many of the students repeated their answers. The last weakness I noticed was that nobody, except Andrew used direct quotes from the novel. I believe that using direct quotes would give more evidence and strengthen ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Simon Birch Seminar The seminar that was conducted among the students in the IB English class focused on the novel "A Prayer for Owen Meany" and the film "Simon Birch". Upon this two topic, the students were able to concisely derive insightful meanings of the both the novel and the film. Personally, I believe that the class did an incredible job in conducting the seminar. All students had an opportunity to participate and certain students asked questions that transpired in the entire class to engage in a sociable discussion. However, there were a few flaws that seemed to recurrently appear during the seminar. These flaws that I noticed during the seminar was the format in which the seminar was conducted, for instance, I noticed that the class had a tendency to ... Show more content on ... This friendly atmosphere facilitated all students to have an opportunity participate in the discussion within the seminar. In addition, to being friendly no one appeared to be pessimistic during the seminar, the majority of students were presenting their questions and statements in an optimistic manner. However, a negative point that I noticed is, during the seminar, the only majority of students had an augmented participation rate. Whereas, certain students only participated a few times. To be honest, I am not sure why this was the case, however, I assume that those who did not participate as much as they should have could have have been a result of a majority of students participating in a manner that only seemed to engage ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Socratic Seminar Report Socratic Seminar in the Language Arts Classroom My classes tend to be larger than 15 students, so I prefer to use the fishbowl method. The teacher uses socratic seminar as a democratic way to learn by questioning. It allows students to formulate or even deviate from previous opinions. It also allows students to examine, in depth, various cultural differences and cultural issues. Socratic seminar requires students to engage the text at a deep level. Step One: Preparation Select a complex, meaningful, and relevant text. All students must read and use annotations for the appropriate portion of the text that is being discussed. Students are grouped using a variety of factors based on lexile scores, learning types, and workability of the ... Show more content on ... Self–evaluation Peer Evaluation References Ball, W., & Brewer, P. (2000). Socratic seminars in the block. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Copeland, M. (2005). Socratic circles: Fostering critical and creative thinking in middle and high school. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Moeller, V., & Moeller, M. (2002). Socratic seminars and literature circles for middle and high school English. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education. Polite, V., & Adams, A. (1996). Improving critical thinking through Socratic seminars. Spotlight on student success, No. 110. Polite, V., & Adams, A. (1997). Critical thinking and values clarification through Socratic seminars. Urban Education, , 32(2), 23. Strong, M. (1996). The habit of thought: From Socratic seminars to Socratic practice. Chapel Hill, NC: New View Publications. Tredway, L. (1995). Socratic seminars: Engaging students in intellectual discourse. Educational
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  • 122. Writing in Mathematics Seminar Mathematics is different from some other disciplines such as art and music in that it builds upon itself. It has traditionally been based on a series of axioms and theorems derived from these axioms, from which more theorems can be derived. Therefore, when an essay asks us to eliminate a concept fundamental to mathematics, it is difficult to make a choice since each concept has its merits and is necessary for understanding concepts that build upon it. This essay, although not feasible to implement in the real world, accomplishes the goals of a Writing in Mathematics seminar, which are to encourage students to think creatively about mathematics, increase the students' skills in writing effective arguments, and show the students that there ... Show more content on ... The ultimate goal of this seminar is to enhance our writing capabilities, with mathematics as the topic of discussion. This assignment challenges us to think about the arguments of the opposing viewpoints, because both sides are necessary for mathematics to function properly. We have to anticipate the arguments of the other side and build a strong case against those points–thereby encouraging us to write more persuasively than a typical assignment in this class would. In my essay, I chose to eliminate the triangle. I had to take into consideration that other people could argue triangles are important in engineering, and I built an argument on how triangles are not necessary with some creative uses of circles. This exercise in counterargument allowed me to practice different persuasive techniques. The higher level thinking required by us is twofold–creative workarounds to mathematical concepts and advanced methods of persuasion. While this assignment does challenge our writing abilities, it could do more. We are offered a choice of three topics to write about, so we are free to pick a topic that is the most comfortable for us. A good writer can create an argument for either side of any topic. If the assignment did not give us any choices, we would be challenged to write about something that we are not necessarily comfortable writing about. Students who write in their comfort zone will not try to improve their writing ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Domestic Violence Seminar On Thursday night I went to the "Shatter the Silence, Stop the Violence" seminar by the Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Committee. During the seminar I learned about several parts of dating and domestic violence, as well as healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. I was familiar with many of these topics, but hadn't gone so far in depth with them before. First of all, dating violence and domestic violence are completely different things. Dating violence is when physical violence is used against or between one's significant other and oneself. Meanwhile, domestic violence is violence against or between someone one lives with and oneself. For example, dating violence is happening if one's boyfriend or girlfriend were to slap one's face without consent. Domestic violence can occur between parents and children, husbands and wives, or even roommates. So if I were to slap my ... Show more content on ... Everyone had to assess the same statements, and circle either "comfortable" or "not comfortable." Just about every response was divided between "comfortable" and "not comfortable," except for "your partner takes you out to dinner," to which everyone responded with "comfortable." This demonstrates that different people are comfortable or uncomfortable with different things, depending on how they were raised and past dating experience. Thus, the lists of signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships will not be completely accurate for different relationships. I haven't had great experiences dating. While I won't go into details here, I feel I tend to be more sensitive in my answers to the statements about what I am comfortable with in a relationship. Even with that past relationship being done for over a year now, it still makes it so I'm not interested in dating anyone, and I'm not willing to put up with just about anything in a hypothetical ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Harmony's Seminar Sparknotes After watching the documentary for Harmony's seminar, I simply could not brainstorm about anything else. The chilling display of female repression is all that I have been able to think about. I have never seen something that made me feel physically ill before and the after–effects of watching this have not led up. I am full of a deep mixture of rage and grief when reflecting upon the systems deeply embedded within the fabric of India's culture. Though it must be said that brutality is not limited to the borders of India as Aboriginal women suffer in present–day Canada. Almost equal with the women of India, Aboriginal women have been struggling against racism, sexism, and domestic violence since the dawn of colonialism (explorers brought with them their patriarchal social codes and beliefs). They are faced with a double–burden for being female and a minority. Emma LaRocque, a Metis woman and professor of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba writes, ... Show more content on ... I was shocked when one of the lawyers said something along the lines of 'Oh, we have a great culture, and in our culture there is no place for females' but anyone who believes this who has a mother/sister/daughter is essentially turning a blind eye to what happened and are perpetuating the male–oriented status quo. Children in India and on First Nation reserves cannot continue to be raised believing that it is okay to disrespect, beat, rape, or kill women. The brutality shown in the film requires an extreme sense of malignancy that could only be found in the deranged. I think you can educate men to respect women and educate women on self–defense but a great deal of the education/socio–economic background talk is of no use because it really comes down to basic human goodness, compassion, empathy, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Jesus Seminar Critique One critique to the Jesus Seminar was the motives behind their work. The media often portrayed the group to be comprised mostly of former Christians, attacking hardest on the group's leader Robert Funk and cochair John Crossan. Critics went as far to describe their meetings as having "the air of a village atheists' convention" (Powell, 110). Such an allegation gave rise to the popular belief that the motives of the scholars were to get revenge on institutionalized religion for not being accepting to them. I believe the media was too quick to judge the motives of the scholars by attacking their backgrounds. Just because their work was controversial doesn't mean it was subjective with underlying personal vendettas. It seems unlikely that a group ... Show more content on ... The most rebutted aspect of the work done by the scholars was their idiosyncrasy to equate "unverifiable" with "unauthentic." Most scholars who study the elements attribute to the life of Jesus stand on common ground when it comes to the realization that many of the sayings and deeds associated to Jesus in the Gospels lack sufficient evidence to establish authenticity. However, to many scholars insufficient evidence means an element cannot be verified, and therefore should not be deemed as historical. In contrast, the Jesus Seminar went beyond this scope and maintained that Jesus did not say or did not do things that cannot be authenticated by evidence. For example, it is widely accepted that there is very little evidence to support whether or not Jesus was born from his virgin mother, Mary. As a result, this element of his life has just been something that one would believe on the foundation of religious faith rather than historical science. However, the Jesus Seminar applied a post–Enlightenment historical scientific view to this element in order to determine authenticity. Under this assessment, they determined not only what is confirmable but what also is scientifically possible. Therefore, the scholars deemed the virgin birth as non–historical, concluding that Jesus had been conceived through normal sexual intercourse between a male and female because it fit the paradigm known today. This stance held by the Jesus Seminar "turn[s] a corner in the traditional understanding of the relationship that faith and philosophy bear to science and history" (Powell, 115). For this reason, I reject the integrity of their work. I believe faith and philosophy should be kept separate of science and history, unless the two aim to support one another. Rescinding concepts of faith simply because they do fall within current scientific boundaries is illegitimate. The major flaw of the Jesus Seminar is their ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Mm Case Seminar Case Seminar Nokia 1. How do you think the marketing task for Nokia is different in developing markets (versus in developed countries)? Nokia has conducted a customer–driven marketing strategy. They segment the market by income and they have divided their target group into developing markets and developed ones. They sell phones to over 150 countries and among them European countries contributes to 39 percent of its total net sales while Asia, Latin America, and other developing markets account for 56 percent. It is shown from the numbers that developing markets are essential for Nokia. Nokia takes over the market shares in a way similar to Honda. It started by focusing on developing countries and selling them entry–level phones. ... Show more content on ... This is hard to copy because their customer loyalty is gained from a long period of time. In one word, Nokia's competitive advantage in developed markets is not as strong as that in developing markets but they still have a pretty good market share. Being a market leader in developing markets, what Nokia needs to do is to protect and expand its market shares. And being more of a market challenger in developed markets, Nokia needs to keep transforming their product to meet the new demands ands not to lose their market shares to others. Ben & Jerry's 1. How does Ben & Jerry's values help execute the marketing strategy? Social values take an important part of Ben & Jerry's company values. The company aims to build a strong relationship with its customers therefore creates a long–term loyalty. Ben & Jerry's social values is the foundation of its marketing strategy. The product and promotion of marketing mix in Ben & Jerry's are good examples of how their company values affect their marketing strategy. Their social mission sets the company apart from simple cause–related markets. By promoting and sticking to its social values, customers are paying for more than just the ice–cream but also the idea behind it, therefore creates a lifestyle product. Their products are environmental friendly and they show their concern of environment as well as social issues in small details of their products. These measure ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Commentary Search Essay LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY COMMENTARY SEARCH ON APORIA IN THE 21ST CHAPTER OF JOHN WRITTEN FOR PROFESSOR THOMAS CAMPBELL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE COURSE NBST 655 THE GOSPEL OF JOHN BY DENISE WATSON–SMITH #221890 July 15, 2012 LYNCHBURG, VA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION....................................................................................3 COMMENTARY ANALYSIS......................................................................3 D.A. Carson..................................................................................3 W. Hall Harris III............................................................................4 Leon Morris..................................................................................6 DISCUSSION/EVALUATION ....................................................................6 CONCLUSION........................................................................................7 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................9 INTRODUCTION Within the Gospel of John lies a tremendous amount of texts that offer an ... Show more content on ... Harris quoted another author to say, "these linguistic and stylistic considerations, when weighed against the undoubted resemblances between the first 20 chapters and chapter 21, it offers no sufficient information that would lead one to believe that chapter 21 was written by any other author." Harris contends that most scholars, do not make the decision for or against the identity of the authorship based on the stylistic or linguistic evidence, but rather, that argument is made on the basis of the content or logical argument flow. Harris uses the knowledge of other scholars regarding chapter 21 of the Gospel of John. He highlights another scholar when viewing the idea if chapter 21
  • 143. was just an addendum to the Gospel of John or is it an item of necessity. He quotes S. Smalley to say this, "Smalley demonstrates that chapter 21 is not as much of an addendum as some believe, and that it does in fact provide a necessary conclusion to the Fourth Gospel, which does not merely end with the confession by Thomas, but offer a repetitive emphasis that the disciples will continue the witness of Jesus even after He has ascended to His Father, in addition to carrying out the mission ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. AVID Socratic Seminar In the module for week two there were several ideas that you can implement in your classroom. For instance you could try the walk and talk discussion strategy. This strategy simply means that the students read a selected piece of literature and have a small–group discussion about teacher–created topics posted around the room. The resources/idea for this strategy includes identifying main ideas and develop 4–5 questions pertaining to the ideas. Afterword's you type up questions to be printed out and placed around the room. You then should secure large sheets of butcher paper or whiteboard space for the students to write down the groups' ideas, once this task is completed make sure you have supplied each group with dry erase or regular felt tip pens. Aside from this wonderful strategy there was another traffic strategy that was discussed it was the 4–2–1 method. Students generate four big ideas from the text. Students then pair with someone else and share their four big ideas. After sharing their ideas, they must decide which ones from their lists are the 2 big ideas. That pair then pairs up with another pair and they share their 2 big ideas. That group of 4 must then determine which of the ideas on their list is the 1 big main idea. Each group ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, the AVID Socratic Seminar could be useful method to deploy in the classroom as well. However as a future teacher I want to utilize hands on methods that get the students engaged in the classroom. That's not to say that the AVID Socratic Seminar lacks engagement from the students it does that by allowing students the opportunities to "examine" a common piece of text, whether it is in the form of a novel, poem, art print, or piece of music. Unlike the above two strategies this one involves a stationary setting. I prefer as a teacher to engage students and get them to move around and be interactive in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Jesus Seminar Thesis Jesus is most definitely a symbol of hope, however, we need a foundation for our faith. Having evidence about Jesus' life, teaching, and resurrection provides a firm foundation for our faith. The "Jesus Seminar" states that the Jesus of faith is merely just a symbol of hope that provides people with a good feeling and a sense of security, but it's not the real Jesus of history. Contrary to this statement, the Jesus of faith is the opposite and much more than the views of those from the "Jesus Seminar." Much of the historical evidence points to a historical Jesus who did many supernatural acts throughout his lifetime. As Boyd says, "Jesus is not a symbol of anything unless he's root in history." Those who state that the Jesus of faith was merely ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. The Socratic Seminars One topic that went quite unexplored during the Socratic Seminars was how we all individually incorporated quotes seamlessly into our essays. As a result, I would like point out that there are multiple ways to seamlessly fit quotes into sentences, such as informing the reader about how the character feels about the event, what exactly the character is talking about, and beginning the sentence containing the quote with paraphrasing. For example, I included as an example in my essay, "Secondly, Ashleigh questions her father's plan on page 4 of Ashes, ' "That's a lot of money. What if Mom finds out?" ' " I inform the reader as to how Ashleigh is feeling about her father's plan. It's simple for the reader to see that Ashleigh is skeptical about ... Get more on ...