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Social Networks and the
Government: Forecasts
for 2011

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Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                 Gencat blog   1

Cristina Aced, communication                                I look forward to (and hope to have) a
consultant                                                  relationship which continues to become
                                                            more accessible and open. Using tools
                                                            which facilitate participation, the
                                                            government can make itself more
                                                            accessible to the general public and
                                                            become a bit more human.

                                                            In fact, providing relevant, updated

“Because of these efforts, we                               material which helps users search for
                                                            information about administrative
are moving towards a                                        procedures or allows them to handle them
government that serves its                                  over the internet makes life easier for
                                                            people. This also helps make the
citizens better, honoring the
                                                            government more human, or at least
etymological origin of the                                  contributes to people viewing the

word administration: ad                                     government more positively than they had
                                                            in the past. Because of these efforts, we
ministrare (in the service of)”                             are moving towards a government that
                                                            serves its citizens better, honoring the
                                                            etymological origin of the word
                                                            administration: ad ministrare (in the
                                                            service of).
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog     2

Anna Cabañas, consultant                                    We will see two contrasting kinds of
                                                            models: those that justify the existence
                                                            and use of social networks and force the
                                                            government to use them, and those that
                                                            integrate and blend these new realities
                                                            into the government’s day-today operation
                                                            to add value to services. In short, the real
“In short, the real emerging                                emerging needs of both internal and
                                                            external users will shape the new
needs of both internal and
                                                            approaches which the government adopts.
external users will shape the
                                                            The biggest challenge of the next decade
new approaches which the
                                                            will be to stop talking about public
government adopts.”                                         administration 2.0. The real evolution of
                                                            government will take place in a natural,
                                                            fluid way, free from restrictions which are
                                                            tied to one model or another, where
                                                            innovation is a critical component in
                                                            effecting change and the use of technology
                                                            becomes a simple narrative in the creation
                                                            of a new public administration. This will
                                                            be the result of understanding that, first
                                                            and foremost, we need tools that can
                                                            meet our needs before we address the
                                                            needs that these new tools make possible,
                                                            since public administrations will be
                                                            motivated to follow this path to success
                                                            because of the tangible returns they see
                                                            on these investments, i.e. the value
                                                            derived from their implementation.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                    Gencat blog   3

Simon Collister, social media                               With the current economic situation set to
consultant, specialist on                                   continue – and in some European
public sector and NGOs                                      countries, set to get worse – there's a real
                                                            possibility that the initial steps made to
                                                            utilise technology to make a difference to
                                                            public services and ultimately people's
                                                            lives are likely to be replaced with a
                                                            reluctance to continue innovating.

                                                            This reluctance is a result of a double
                                                            challenge to social innovators: firstly,
                                                            funding opportunities for innovative - but

“The big challenge for                                      unproven projects – are likely to
                                                            disappear. Secondly, there is currently a
government will be to take                                  lack of proven and scalable Web 2.0 public
things a step further and fund                              service projects that can be rolled out to
                                                            prove the potential of internet-enabled
the delivery of key public
                                                            public service delivery.
services using web 2.0
technology”                                                 This puts social innovators and forward-
                                                            thinking government departments and
                                                            local authorities in a double-bind. While
                                                            the desire for innovation remains alive,
                                                            the reality of the public service cuts has
                                                            potentially put an end to real

                                                            Crowdsourcing and wikinomics projects for
                                                            improving the perception of government
                                                            and its engagement with its citizens will
                                                            be potentially useful – and I'm certain we
                                                            will see more to come – but the big
                                                            challenge for government will be to take
                                                            things a step further and fund the delivery
                                                            of key public services using web 2.0
                                                            technology. By doing so the government
                                                            may well achieve the greater efficiencies
                                                            and collaborative public engagement that
                                                            the pilot projects of 2009 and 2010 so
                                                            tantalisingly promised.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                 Gencat blog     4

Marc Cortés, internet business                              Governments have always turned a blind
strategist                                                  eye to reality (and continue to do so), but
                                                            it seems clear that they will need to
                                                            actively take advantage of the
                                                            development of social networks, especially
                                                            given that these media make it easier to
                                                            reach the public.

                                                            We often link social networks to
                                                            technology and forget that the most
                                                            important thing is that social networks are
“The government needs to be                                 composed of relationships between
                                                            people. Public administrations need to
able to listen to and assess the
                                                            begin to develop at least two kinds of
opinions of the public using                                programs which take advantage of online
online forums.”                                             forums:

                                                            1. They should cultivate an online
                                                            presence through which they can offer
                                                            services to the public. For example, if
                                                            more than 2 million Catalans are on
                                                            Facebook, perhaps the government should
                                                            consider that Facebook is an important
                                                            venue for offering information services to
                                                            the public; the government should listen
                                                            to what its citizens have to say.

                                                            2. The government needs to be able to
                                                            listen to and assess the opinions of the
                                                            public using online forums, and should use
                                                            these opinions as a tool to develop or
                                                            adapt the policies of each branch of the
                                                            public administration.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                   Gencat blog     5

Roc Fages, strategy and                                     2011 might be the year for realism 2.0
innovation project consultant                               when it comes to how the government
                                                            should handle social networks. What do I
                                                            mean by realism 2.0? On the one hand,
                                                            advanced 2.0 users are more and more
                                                            choosy about how they use 2.0 tools. On
                                                            the other hand, users who don’t currently
                                                            use social networks professionally do use
                                                            them on a personal level, but are not
                                                            convinced that they are useful for relating
                                                            to businesses or public organizations.
“The government needs to
                                                            Therefore, the government needs to know
know how to carefully choose
                                                            how to carefully choose its investments in
its investments in 2.0. They                                2.0. They should either develop tools for

should either develop tools for                             governmental workers or think more about
                                                            the general public. Personally, I think the
governmental workers or think
                                                            best investment would be on the internal
more about the general                                      side. Even though there are over 500
                                                            million users on Facebook, given the lack
                                                            of resources which is a result of the
                                                            current financial crisis, it’s more realistic
                                                            and less risky to invest our time and effort
                                                            in going 2.0 internally before trying to
                                                            investing in this for a general public that
                                                            still sees these tools as a game.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog   6

Jose Antonio del Moral,                                     Given that it’s so hard for people to
expert consultant on social                                 participate in open government, we will
networks and author of the                                  stop talking about it so much.
blog Redes Sociales (social
networks)                                                   Open data will be one of the government’s
                                                            biggest frustrations, since nobody (or
                                                            almost nobody) will use it. It will be
                                                            reworked to be easier to use and more
                                                            relevant to business interests: for
                                                            example, it will have more excel
                                                            worksheets and less APIs.

“Open data will be one of the                               Efforts will focus on active listening and
                                                            will especially strive to use social networks
government’s biggest                                        to better understand and meet the
frustrations, since nobody (or                              demands of the general public.
                                                            Much effort will be expended in training
almost nobody) will use it. It
                                                            government employees, since the
will be reworked to be easier                               government will understand that its

to use and more relevant to                                 workers have to get involved in social
                                                            networks to be in contact with the general
business interests.”                                        public.

                                                            Open Administration is not a set of tools
                                                            (as we have conceptualized it so far) but
                                                            rather a set of people (government
                                                            employees) who are ready to discuss and
                                                            solve problems using social media.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog     7

Tona Pou, social internet                                   I’m not too optimistic about governmental
strategist                                                  progress on social networks. It’s not that
                                                            they’re not using them more frequently,
                                                            because they are; it’s that the government
                                                            does so as propaganda. It’s quite difficult
                                                            to hold a (generalized) dialogue or
                                                            conversation between public
                                                            administrations and the general public. Of
                                                            course, the government might use social
                                                            networks to conduct surveys, solicit
                                                            opinions, and demonstrate that the
“Dialogues must first take                                  government is open and transparent... but
                                                            the problem is that the government is
place within the government
                                                            neither open nor modern nor transparent.
itself before public
administrations can have an                                 These conversations or dialogues must first
                                                            take place within the government itself
effective presence on social
                                                            before public administrations can have an
networks.”                                                  effective presence on social networks.

                                                            As long as technological resources,
                                                            government communications, and the legal
                                                            system continue to be the most important
                                                            players in determining what information
                                                            should be available, how it should be made
                                                            available, and how it should be regulated,
                                                            the government’s presence on social
                                                            networks will be no more than a façade.

                                                            Nevertheless, I believe that this restrictive
                                                            system will change, and that 2011 will be
                                                            the year when the first steps are taken to
                                                            provide a coherent government presence
                                                            on social networks, both internally and
                                                            externally. If I didn’t think so, I wouldn’t
                                                            argue so much at work!
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                   Gencat blog      8

Dolors Reig, social                                         Several things will become more important in

psychologist, professor of                                  terms of the form this will take and specific

social media, social networks,                              trends: applications specifically designed for

and educational innovation                                  iPhones, Android phones, and Rim
                                                            (BlackBerry phones) which provide mobile
                                                            web services (and all of the new
                                                            opportunities they generate); augmented
                                                            reality; governmental presence in the new
                                                            geolocation systems which we will soon see;
                                                            or public participation in government using
                                                            social networks connected to geolocation
                                                            devices, which will allow the public to play a
                                                            greater role in questions which until now

“Public participation in                                    were almost exclusively decided by the
                                                            government (for example, Twitter has played
government will become more                                 an important role in questions of security

important; using social                                     and public transportation). A prevailing
                                                            debate which will probably be resolved in
networks connected to                                       the next few months is whether these new
geolocation devices, the                                    kinds of online participation are equivalent
                                                            to, or less important than, other types of in-
public will be able to play a                               person participation. An extreme example of
greater role in questions                                   this can be found in the USA, where people
                                                            are already considering whether the
which until now were almost
                                                            electoral process’ growing presence on
exclusively decided by the                                  Facebook, Twitter, and even Foursquare has
                                                            led to real changes in how people vote. We
                                                            will surely see a period of contradictions
                                                            when some public administrations who are
                                                            aware of the importance of social media and
                                                            a society which communicates over the
                                                            internet coexist with others who deny this
                                                            importance, probably due to a poor solution
                                                            to their stage fright: their own seriousness.
                                                            Similarly, another ongoing debate which will
                                                            probably be resolved in 2011 has to do with
                                                            whether or not archived tweets and notes
                                                            from political blogs can be considered
                                                            official press releases.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                   Gencat blog   9

Genís Roca, specialist in                                   The public’s ability to organize, create
online business strategy                                    structures, and share opinions online has
                                                            caught public administrations off guard.
                                                            This has happened at a dizzying speed, not
                                                            being online has come to mean risking
                                                            being out of the loop in the conversations
                                                            on the net, seeing your identity usurped in
                                                            these new online forums, and especially
                                                            seeming unmodern. Something had to be
                                                            done quickly, and the result of this was
                                                            that every department and every ministry
                                                            did what it wanted and what it could, thus
“2011 will be the year of
                                                            giving rise to a wide but uncontrolled
control. All kinds of                                       governmental presence on social networks.
procedures for social networks
                                                            2011 will be the year of control. All kinds
will be defined and
                                                            of procedures for social networks will be
standardized.”                                              defined and standardized: who can open a
                                                            government website and how; what goals
                                                            it should have; what statistics must be
                                                            kept; the content and who is allowed to
                                                            provide this; what protocols will be used
                                                            for crisis control; and a long list of
                                                            oversight policies. Control will also imply
                                                            closing sites which were opened with
                                                            limited guidelines, standardizing oversight
                                                            procedures, and systematically applying
                                                            routines and protocols. Nevertheless, we
                                                            will continue to make progress. And in my
                                                            opinion, it’s progress in the right
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog   10

María Salido, design and                                    Times are tough, we have to do more with
development of projects on                                  less and at the same time transform
networks, knowledge, and                                    government’s role in a society which has
technology                                                  changed substantially with the invention of
                                                            the social structures we have today. Social
                                                            networks, the internet, and new
                                                            technologies will be an ally, helping
                                                            organizations to dedicate less time and
                                                            fewer resources to low-value processes so
                                                            they can take advantage of new surplus
                                                            time to innovate, generate value, and
                                                            create new production tools and

“Social networks will be an                                 relationships which further enrich their

ally, helping organizations to                              environments (in the broadest sense of the
dedicate less time and                                      word enrich).
resources to low-value
                                                            Therefore, these tools will have a double
processes so they can take
                                                            impact on public structures: they will
advantage of new surplus time
                                                            increase efficiency. Thanks to an
to innovate, generate value,
and create new production                                   optimized use of knowledge, and they will

tools and relationships which                               act as a catalyst for change and a new role
further enrich their                                        for government. This new government will
environments.”                                              be able to take advantage of expert
                                                            knowledge from beyond its borders; design
                                                            new forms, formats, and purposes in its
                                                            relationships with the users of its services;
                                                            give support and credit to platforms the
                                                            public itself organizes to solve common
                                                            problems; launch projects for the public
                                                            good which coordinate all kinds of agents;
                                                            and become a hub of knowledge and
                                                            organization of all of the energy that we
                                                            need to manage the growing complexity of
                                                            our society and to provide it with tools to
                                                            improve and adapt to new contexts.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog   11

Isabel Troytiño, consultor and                              As their name suggests, public
coordinator of lab contents for                             administrations must provide a service to
innovative social networks                                  society. Governmental activities are
                                                            developed via methods to survey and study
                                                            society which are often indirect. Using
                                                            web-based tools, governments can gain
                                                            access to the public, soliciting information
                                                            in a simpler way and storing this
                                                            information more easily than in the pre-
“Facebook and other social                                  internet era. However, Facebook and

media are simply ephemeral                                  other social media are simply ephemeral
                                                            repositories of information; the
repositories of information;                                government can only take advantage of
the government can only take                                their content by means of professionals
                                                            who can filter this information,
advantage of their contents by
                                                            professionals who know how to manage it
means of professionals who                                  and create something new, such as official

can filter this information,                                announcements, subsidies, governmental
                                                            promotional materials, community
professionals who know how                                  projects, or making the most of physical
to manage and use it.”                                      and human resources. Firstly, the
                                                            government needs to ask itself what it
                                                            wants to do on these (virtual) social
                                                            networks. Next, it needs to decide if it
                                                            wants to use generalized, pre-existing
                                                            social media or virtual social networks
                                                            with specific goals, while taking the risk
                                                            that the public may decide to play a larger
                                                            role in the creation of these services with
                                                            the government. This is the most difficult
                                                            step, and it needs to be considered most
                                                            carefully. If the government is not willing
                                                            to take these risks, in 2011 it will use
                                                            social media because they are fashionable
                                                            and will spend money on promoting its
                                                            new 2.0 initiatives; this, however, has
                                                            little do with the (long-term) processes of
                                                            public participation and change.
                                                            Innovation leads to new ways of using the
                                                            technological tools we have today.
Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011                                  Gencat blog   12

Marc Vidal, expert in internet                              This is already taking place, but next year,
socioeconomics                                              the political prosumer (a citizen who
                                                            interacts with the government) will stop
                                                            seeing public sites as simple settings
                                                            where to get concrete information and will
                                                            inevitably begin to demand spaces which
                                                            allow participation. The public
                                                            administration’s challenge here is not
“The public administration’s                                simply to have a website up and running
                                                            but to open debates which generate
challenge with the internet is
                                                            interest and have to do with what the
not simply to have a website                                public is really interested in and really
up and running but to open
debates which generate                                      The internet is a space for collaboration,
interest.”                                                  community, and constant change. Vertical
                                                            structures will have to rework their
                                                            internal processes and forms of
                                                            communication. While the general public
                                                            communicates in a fluid space where
                                                            flexibility reigns, governmental institutions
                                                            transfer their bureaucratic organizational
                                                            model to the internet, making it
                                                            impossible for the two communities to

                                                            I suppose that next year and in the next
                                                            few years, adaptability will be a key factor
                                                            for all public agents. Two-way
                                                            communication and transparency will be
                                                            the first step towards this new stage. This
                                                            step only can (and indeed, must) be
                                                            implemented via official websites, the
                                                            creation of mobile applications which
                                                            provide access to relevant 2.0 data
                                                            streams, and a strategy which stimulates
                                                            and monitors all of the forums for
                                                            discourse generated by the government

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Social networks and the government forecasts for 2011

  • 1. Social Networks and the Government: Forecasts for 2011 Legal notice This work is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. It allows the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation to generate a derivative work, without any restriction providing that the author is always cited (Governtment of Catalonia. Presidential Department) and this licence does not contradict any specific licence that an image within this report might have and the rights of the image prevail. The complete licence can be consulted at
  • 2. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 1 Cristina Aced, communication I look forward to (and hope to have) a consultant relationship which continues to become more accessible and open. Using tools which facilitate participation, the government can make itself more accessible to the general public and become a bit more human. In fact, providing relevant, updated “Because of these efforts, we material which helps users search for information about administrative are moving towards a procedures or allows them to handle them government that serves its over the internet makes life easier for people. This also helps make the citizens better, honoring the government more human, or at least etymological origin of the contributes to people viewing the word administration: ad government more positively than they had in the past. Because of these efforts, we ministrare (in the service of)” are moving towards a government that serves its citizens better, honoring the etymological origin of the word administration: ad ministrare (in the service of).
  • 3. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 2 Anna Cabañas, consultant We will see two contrasting kinds of models: those that justify the existence and use of social networks and force the government to use them, and those that integrate and blend these new realities into the government’s day-today operation to add value to services. In short, the real “In short, the real emerging emerging needs of both internal and external users will shape the new needs of both internal and approaches which the government adopts. external users will shape the The biggest challenge of the next decade new approaches which the will be to stop talking about public government adopts.” administration 2.0. The real evolution of government will take place in a natural, fluid way, free from restrictions which are tied to one model or another, where innovation is a critical component in effecting change and the use of technology becomes a simple narrative in the creation of a new public administration. This will be the result of understanding that, first and foremost, we need tools that can meet our needs before we address the needs that these new tools make possible, since public administrations will be motivated to follow this path to success because of the tangible returns they see on these investments, i.e. the value derived from their implementation.
  • 4. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 3 Simon Collister, social media With the current economic situation set to consultant, specialist on continue – and in some European public sector and NGOs countries, set to get worse – there's a real possibility that the initial steps made to utilise technology to make a difference to public services and ultimately people's lives are likely to be replaced with a reluctance to continue innovating. This reluctance is a result of a double challenge to social innovators: firstly, funding opportunities for innovative - but “The big challenge for unproven projects – are likely to disappear. Secondly, there is currently a government will be to take lack of proven and scalable Web 2.0 public things a step further and fund service projects that can be rolled out to prove the potential of internet-enabled the delivery of key public public service delivery. services using web 2.0 technology” This puts social innovators and forward- thinking government departments and local authorities in a double-bind. While the desire for innovation remains alive, the reality of the public service cuts has potentially put an end to real experimentation. Crowdsourcing and wikinomics projects for improving the perception of government and its engagement with its citizens will be potentially useful – and I'm certain we will see more to come – but the big challenge for government will be to take things a step further and fund the delivery of key public services using web 2.0 technology. By doing so the government may well achieve the greater efficiencies and collaborative public engagement that the pilot projects of 2009 and 2010 so tantalisingly promised.
  • 5. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 4 Marc Cortés, internet business Governments have always turned a blind strategist eye to reality (and continue to do so), but it seems clear that they will need to actively take advantage of the development of social networks, especially given that these media make it easier to reach the public. We often link social networks to technology and forget that the most important thing is that social networks are “The government needs to be composed of relationships between people. Public administrations need to able to listen to and assess the begin to develop at least two kinds of opinions of the public using programs which take advantage of online online forums.” forums: 1. They should cultivate an online presence through which they can offer services to the public. For example, if more than 2 million Catalans are on Facebook, perhaps the government should consider that Facebook is an important venue for offering information services to the public; the government should listen to what its citizens have to say. 2. The government needs to be able to listen to and assess the opinions of the public using online forums, and should use these opinions as a tool to develop or adapt the policies of each branch of the public administration.
  • 6. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 5 Roc Fages, strategy and 2011 might be the year for realism 2.0 innovation project consultant when it comes to how the government should handle social networks. What do I mean by realism 2.0? On the one hand, advanced 2.0 users are more and more choosy about how they use 2.0 tools. On the other hand, users who don’t currently use social networks professionally do use them on a personal level, but are not convinced that they are useful for relating to businesses or public organizations. “The government needs to Therefore, the government needs to know know how to carefully choose how to carefully choose its investments in its investments in 2.0. They 2.0. They should either develop tools for should either develop tools for governmental workers or think more about the general public. Personally, I think the governmental workers or think best investment would be on the internal more about the general side. Even though there are over 500 million users on Facebook, given the lack public.” of resources which is a result of the current financial crisis, it’s more realistic and less risky to invest our time and effort in going 2.0 internally before trying to investing in this for a general public that still sees these tools as a game.
  • 7. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 6 Jose Antonio del Moral, Given that it’s so hard for people to expert consultant on social participate in open government, we will networks and author of the stop talking about it so much. blog Redes Sociales (social networks) Open data will be one of the government’s biggest frustrations, since nobody (or almost nobody) will use it. It will be reworked to be easier to use and more relevant to business interests: for example, it will have more excel worksheets and less APIs. “Open data will be one of the Efforts will focus on active listening and will especially strive to use social networks government’s biggest to better understand and meet the frustrations, since nobody (or demands of the general public. Much effort will be expended in training almost nobody) will use it. It government employees, since the will be reworked to be easier government will understand that its to use and more relevant to workers have to get involved in social networks to be in contact with the general business interests.” public. Open Administration is not a set of tools (as we have conceptualized it so far) but rather a set of people (government employees) who are ready to discuss and solve problems using social media.
  • 8. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 7 Tona Pou, social internet I’m not too optimistic about governmental strategist progress on social networks. It’s not that they’re not using them more frequently, because they are; it’s that the government does so as propaganda. It’s quite difficult to hold a (generalized) dialogue or conversation between public administrations and the general public. Of course, the government might use social networks to conduct surveys, solicit opinions, and demonstrate that the “Dialogues must first take government is open and transparent... but the problem is that the government is place within the government neither open nor modern nor transparent. itself before public administrations can have an These conversations or dialogues must first take place within the government itself effective presence on social before public administrations can have an networks.” effective presence on social networks. As long as technological resources, government communications, and the legal system continue to be the most important players in determining what information should be available, how it should be made available, and how it should be regulated, the government’s presence on social networks will be no more than a façade. Nevertheless, I believe that this restrictive system will change, and that 2011 will be the year when the first steps are taken to provide a coherent government presence on social networks, both internally and externally. If I didn’t think so, I wouldn’t argue so much at work!
  • 9. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 8 Dolors Reig, social Several things will become more important in psychologist, professor of terms of the form this will take and specific social media, social networks, trends: applications specifically designed for and educational innovation iPhones, Android phones, and Rim (BlackBerry phones) which provide mobile web services (and all of the new opportunities they generate); augmented reality; governmental presence in the new geolocation systems which we will soon see; or public participation in government using social networks connected to geolocation devices, which will allow the public to play a greater role in questions which until now “Public participation in were almost exclusively decided by the government (for example, Twitter has played government will become more an important role in questions of security important; using social and public transportation). A prevailing debate which will probably be resolved in networks connected to the next few months is whether these new geolocation devices, the kinds of online participation are equivalent to, or less important than, other types of in- public will be able to play a person participation. An extreme example of greater role in questions this can be found in the USA, where people are already considering whether the which until now were almost electoral process’ growing presence on exclusively decided by the Facebook, Twitter, and even Foursquare has led to real changes in how people vote. We government. will surely see a period of contradictions when some public administrations who are aware of the importance of social media and a society which communicates over the internet coexist with others who deny this importance, probably due to a poor solution to their stage fright: their own seriousness. Similarly, another ongoing debate which will probably be resolved in 2011 has to do with whether or not archived tweets and notes from political blogs can be considered official press releases.
  • 10. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 9 Genís Roca, specialist in The public’s ability to organize, create online business strategy structures, and share opinions online has caught public administrations off guard. This has happened at a dizzying speed, not being online has come to mean risking being out of the loop in the conversations on the net, seeing your identity usurped in these new online forums, and especially seeming unmodern. Something had to be done quickly, and the result of this was that every department and every ministry did what it wanted and what it could, thus “2011 will be the year of giving rise to a wide but uncontrolled control. All kinds of governmental presence on social networks. procedures for social networks 2011 will be the year of control. All kinds will be defined and of procedures for social networks will be standardized.” defined and standardized: who can open a government website and how; what goals it should have; what statistics must be kept; the content and who is allowed to provide this; what protocols will be used for crisis control; and a long list of oversight policies. Control will also imply closing sites which were opened with limited guidelines, standardizing oversight procedures, and systematically applying routines and protocols. Nevertheless, we will continue to make progress. And in my opinion, it’s progress in the right direction.
  • 11. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 10 María Salido, design and Times are tough, we have to do more with development of projects on less and at the same time transform networks, knowledge, and government’s role in a society which has technology changed substantially with the invention of the social structures we have today. Social networks, the internet, and new technologies will be an ally, helping organizations to dedicate less time and fewer resources to low-value processes so they can take advantage of new surplus time to innovate, generate value, and create new production tools and “Social networks will be an relationships which further enrich their ally, helping organizations to environments (in the broadest sense of the dedicate less time and word enrich). resources to low-value Therefore, these tools will have a double processes so they can take impact on public structures: they will advantage of new surplus time increase efficiency. Thanks to an to innovate, generate value, and create new production optimized use of knowledge, and they will tools and relationships which act as a catalyst for change and a new role further enrich their for government. This new government will environments.” be able to take advantage of expert knowledge from beyond its borders; design new forms, formats, and purposes in its relationships with the users of its services; give support and credit to platforms the public itself organizes to solve common problems; launch projects for the public good which coordinate all kinds of agents; and become a hub of knowledge and organization of all of the energy that we need to manage the growing complexity of our society and to provide it with tools to improve and adapt to new contexts.
  • 12. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 11 Isabel Troytiño, consultor and As their name suggests, public coordinator of lab contents for administrations must provide a service to innovative social networks society. Governmental activities are developed via methods to survey and study society which are often indirect. Using web-based tools, governments can gain access to the public, soliciting information in a simpler way and storing this information more easily than in the pre- “Facebook and other social internet era. However, Facebook and media are simply ephemeral other social media are simply ephemeral repositories of information; the repositories of information; government can only take advantage of the government can only take their content by means of professionals who can filter this information, advantage of their contents by professionals who know how to manage it means of professionals who and create something new, such as official can filter this information, announcements, subsidies, governmental promotional materials, community professionals who know how projects, or making the most of physical to manage and use it.” and human resources. Firstly, the government needs to ask itself what it wants to do on these (virtual) social networks. Next, it needs to decide if it wants to use generalized, pre-existing social media or virtual social networks with specific goals, while taking the risk that the public may decide to play a larger role in the creation of these services with the government. This is the most difficult step, and it needs to be considered most carefully. If the government is not willing to take these risks, in 2011 it will use social media because they are fashionable and will spend money on promoting its new 2.0 initiatives; this, however, has little do with the (long-term) processes of public participation and change. Innovation leads to new ways of using the technological tools we have today.
  • 13. Social Networks and the Government: Predictions for 2011 Gencat blog 12 Marc Vidal, expert in internet This is already taking place, but next year, socioeconomics the political prosumer (a citizen who interacts with the government) will stop seeing public sites as simple settings where to get concrete information and will inevitably begin to demand spaces which allow participation. The public administration’s challenge here is not “The public administration’s simply to have a website up and running but to open debates which generate challenge with the internet is interest and have to do with what the not simply to have a website public is really interested in and really needs. up and running but to open debates which generate The internet is a space for collaboration, interest.” community, and constant change. Vertical structures will have to rework their internal processes and forms of communication. While the general public communicates in a fluid space where flexibility reigns, governmental institutions transfer their bureaucratic organizational model to the internet, making it impossible for the two communities to meet. I suppose that next year and in the next few years, adaptability will be a key factor for all public agents. Two-way communication and transparency will be the first step towards this new stage. This step only can (and indeed, must) be implemented via official websites, the creation of mobile applications which provide access to relevant 2.0 data streams, and a strategy which stimulates and monitors all of the forums for discourse generated by the government itself.