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 So, for just about anybody.

Social media are media for social interaction, using highly
accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media
uses web-based technologies to turn communication into
interactive dialogues. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein also
define social media as “a group of Internet-based applications
that build on the ideological and technological foundations
of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-
generated content.” Businesses also refer to social media
as consumer-generated media (CGM). A common thread
running through all definitions of social media is a blending of
technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value.

           BEFORE WE START

           STEP 1

           STEP 2

           STEP 3

           STEP 4

           STEP 5
           TELL A STORY

           STEP 6

           STEP 7
           GO AND DO IT!

Viral marketing and viral advertising, (buzzwords), refer to
marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks
to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other
marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-
replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of virus
or computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered
or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral
promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash
games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or
even text messages. The goal of marketers interested in creating
successful viral marketing programs is to identify individuals
with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) and create viral
messages that appeal to this segment of the population and
BEFORE WE START   This is a guide which can be used by people with different levels of
                  experience with social media. To find out what steps are relevant
                  for you, please find out who you are, based on the list below.

                  BEGINNER                                               REAL REGULAR USER
                                                                         ExTEND MY POSSIBILITIES.
                  Lucky you! Because you’re about to discover
                  something revolutionary. Start with step 1. Then       You might want to start at step 4.
                  read step 1 again. Then again. It is really, really
                  important that you understand it. If not, contact      EXPERIENCED
                  me on and I will explain it to you personally.         I WANT TO KNOW WHAT COMES AFTER HAVING
                  The last steps will seem to be a bridge too far for    A COMPANY ACCOUNT.
                  you, yet. Use it as a goal to focus on and base your
                  social media strategy on it.                           Start at step 6.

                  REGULAR USER                                           EXPERT
                  HAVE qUITE SOME FOLLOWERS/FRIENDS,                     COULD EVER DREAM OF.
                  NOW WHAT?
                                                                         Please contact me asap, and tell me everything you
                  See Beginner. Really, only opening an account and      know.
                  having added peers to your network does not make
                  you a regular user.
Not convinced yet of the benefits of social media?
                                                              Perhaps this movie can change your mind.

Depending on your skills, you might encounter
terms or concepts that you don’t understand, for
instance ‘co-creation’ or ‘app’. This guide is too
short, though, to explain everything concerned
with social media. But here’s the good news: social
media takes place on the web, so everything that
has to do with it, is on the web too. So you can look
it up! Can’t find it? Contact me, and I’ll explain.

Additional note: everywhere ‘she’ or ‘her’ is used,
‘he’ or ‘him’ can also be meant.

                                                                         Social Media Revolution 2010 by Social Media Energy
Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which
offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling
its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets.
Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed
on the user’s profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by
default, however senders can restrict message delivery to their
friends list. Users may subscribe to other users’ tweets—this
is known as following and subscribers are known as followers.
STEP 1: FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW   So you want to start using social media. Could I ask you why
                               exactly? Oh, let me guess. Because everybody does it? Come on, you
                               know that’s not the real reason. Ah, because you want to have more
                               customers. No?

                               Well then, perhaps because you want to sell more        WHAT IS THE RESULT FOR YOU?
                               products. Wrong again? Let me think… because
                               you are looking for cheap ways for your marketing       The answer comes from Stef de Jong:
                               communication? I knew it.
                                                                                       “In the Netherlands, products are priced on
                               Well, think again, because these are all the wrong, rated on, judged on
                               reasons. Let me explain why.                   and sold on Marktplaats. John from
                                                                                       Rotterdam has a better online shop than the
                               Internet enables people to connect to each other        advertiser, he sells through eBay. Pete from
                               on a huge, global scale. Okay, I hear you say, that’s   The Hague replies quicker and more extensive
                               nothing new. It isn’t. But social media gives people    than the customer service, she is on Tweakers.
                               miles and miles away from each other tools to  loses the scopes to Twitter and there are
                               interact like they are in the same room, not only       more people on Hyves (+/- 8,9 mln) than live
                               by clinical text messages, but with movies, pictures,   in Switserland (+/- 7,3 mln). In other words:
                               games and blogs and forums full of discussions,         the power lies at the feet of the consumer.“ [1]
                               experiences, opinions, news and facts. Almost like
                               real life.                                              [1]
                                                                                             DE JONG (2010) SOCiAL MEDiA MARKETiNG: COMMUNiTY MANAGEMENT.
Tip: I’ve written a thesis which describes the history of social media
                                                      and 2.0. You can download it here.

Repeat that last sentence. Repeat it again. And
again. Now, take a black marker and write it on
your forehead. Record it into your clockradio as
a wake-up tune. “The power lies at the feet of the

Now you know why all the reasons on the top of this
page are not valid. They are about what you want.

Facebook is a social network service and website launched in
February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook,
Inc. As of July 2010 Facebook has more than 500 million
active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other
users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic
notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users
may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace,
school, or college, or other characteristics. The name of the
service stems from the colloquial name for the book given
to students at the start of the academic year by university
administrations in the US with the intention of helping students
to get to know each other better. Facebook allows anyone who
declares themselves to be at least 13 years old to become a
STEP 2: FiND OUT WHAT YOUR CLiENTS WANT                           How do you find out what somebody wants? Well, she will probably
                                                                  tell you, if you just listen. So start listening!

                                                                  If you haven’t created one or more social media          Who exactly is your client? What do you know about
                                                                  accounts, for instance Facebook, Twitter or              her? If you would sum up all characteristics of all
                                                                  LinkedIn, this is the time to do it. Don’t bother        your clients, take the average and thus combine
                                                                  opening an account for your company yet, just start      them into one person, who would that person be?
                                                                  with a personal account for yourself. Search for the     That is your key individual, your stereotype client.
                                                                  online accounts of your clients and add them to          Most companies do not have one key individual,
                                                                  your network. Next to only adding your clients, it is    they have several. You probably, too. Start making
                                                                  also wise to add other parties and stakeholders to       a list of them, and be as extensive in your details
                                                                  your network with whom you have contact being a          as possible: age, sex, educational level, political
                                                                  company. Think of suppliers, developers, experts or      interests, hobbies, social class, etcetera. We will use
                                                                  advisors, local politicians or financial institutions,   this list in the next step.
                                                                  shareholders,   people    from    your   community,
                                                                  colleagues and friends. Later we’ll see why this         Now, find out what activity those people have online.
                                                                  is important. First, let’s focus a bit more on your      What are they doing? Where do they participate in
                                                                  clients.                                                 conversations or post content? Find out what they
                                                                                                                           have to say and where they say it. First, this has to
                                                                                                                           be done manually. In later stages, you might want
                                                                                                                           to start using monitoring tools, programs which
                                                                                                                           automatically search for relevant interactions.
Tip: examples of monitoring tools are Google Blogsearch, Google                                                            Interactions about you, for instance!

Alert, Technorati or, just to name a few of the
many out there.
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. Founded
in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used
for professional networking. As of 2 November 2010, LinkedIn
had more than 80 million registered users, spanning more than
200 countries and territories worldwide.The site is available
in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Quantcast reports Linkedin has 21.4 million monthly unique
U.S. visitors and 47.6 million globally. Unregistered users can
watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload
an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered
to contain potentially offensive content are available only to
registered users 18 and older. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC
was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and now operates
STEP 3: START ENGAGiNG & ADD VALUE                   Now that you have located the places where your clients interact,
                                                     start engaging in these interactions. Add to the conversation! But
                                                     how? And how often? What are the rules of engagement?

                                                     Well, you have to understand that social media is                          Of course, telling people about yourself and
                                                     pretty much a digital version of real life. Really,                        your activities is a good idea. However, it’s very
                                                     exactly the same rules apply. For instance, imagine                        important to not only do that, a mistake made by
                                                     yourself going to a bar. You enter the bar, step                           lots of companies (“I use Twitter to keep my clients
                                                     inside and shout something to the crowd, then                              informed”). People will start to ignore you if you
                                                     walking out the door again. It’s pretty unlikely you                       only talk about yourself, even if the content is of the
                                                     will get the message across, let alone make any                            utmost relevance. Compare it with somebody with
                                                     friends [2]. Only when you visit the bar more often                        the greatest job in the world always talking about
                                                     and start talking with people, people will start to                        her own life. Despite the fact that she probably
                                                     recognize you and become friends with you. So                              delivers very interesting content, people will feel
                                                     there’s your answer. Act online like you would do                          ignored in conversations with her. People who only
                                                     offline. Translate your offline social behavior to an                      talk (about) themselves are considered annoying,
                                                     online one. Every time you use social media, think of                      and will be ignored themselves in the long run.
                                                     yourself being in bar. Engage in conversations and                         Successfully engaging in conversations is two-way,
                                                     add value by helping people out, sharing expertise                         not one-way.
                                                     or knowledge, amusing them with videos or photos
                                                     or linking them to other people.

                                                           BELLEGEM, VAN S. (2010) WHEN ON TWiTTER, ACT LiKE YOU’RE iN A BAR.

Tip: You can download an example of the
mentioned list here. Feel free to use it yourself!
Do you have accounts on multiple platforms? Then a social media
                                                           aggregation tool is what you need! Yoono is probably the most well-
                                                           known. Xobni integrates social media with your e-mail (Outlook).

Just like in real life, in order to have a successful
interaction you need to adjust yourself to the one
who is opposite you. This is a good time to start
using your list of key individuals. Expand the list with
an overview of dos and don’ts per key individual.
Also, on the list indicate which tools are suitable for
interacting with each key individual, and how these
tools can be used.

All these engagements will build your online identity
and attract more and more peers towards you,
thus building your online network. In this phase,
you will be the face of the company. Once you have
established a firm identity and have a significant
network, you can start building the online identity
of your company or brand by creating its social
media account and directing your peers to that
YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload,
share, and view videos. Three former PayPal employees created
YouTube in February 2005. The company is based in San Bruno,
California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display
a wide variety of user-generated video content, including
movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur
content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most
of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals,
although media corporations including CBS, BBC, Vevo and
other organizations offer some of their material via the site,
as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered
users may watch videos, and registered users may upload
an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered
STEP 4: BECOME A PLATFORM   Okay, so you have opened a social media account for your company.
                            And your personal peers are slightly leaking in. What are you going
                            to do with it?

                            Sure, you could start by posting news and updates       After a while, hundreds of people contribute to it,
                            about your company. Or, a step further, post content    resulting in the topic hitting a top-10 place in Google
                            like, for instance, videos giving a look behind the     rankings. People are starting topics theirselves, in
                            scenes, or interesting pictures or information.         which they post and discuss everything of relevance
                                                                                    for painters and painting.
                            But remember from the previous step that only
                            posting content is not enough. The idea is that you     This goes on and on until, after a while, your page
                            start with interaction, or: facilitate it. How could    is known as the place to be when it comes to
                            you do that?                                            everything having to do with painting. Great, you
                                                                                    probably say, what’s in it for me?
                            Image being a painter, opening a social media page.
                            Imagine starting a forum on that page and inviting a    Well, if you think people will leave it to only
                            few people to discuss on the first topic. Apparently,   exchanging knowledge, think again. Ever heard
                            it’s a hot topic because the discussion is lively and   of top-of-mind position? (No? Google it, quick!)
                            more and more others are invited to join, causing       You will become the first they’d call for a paint
                            the number of replies to grow rapidly.                  job. You have earned the status of expert, people
                                                                                    trust you because of that and trust is the basis of
                                                                                    doing business. This is new marketing: attracting
                                                                                    customers by giving them something first. Welcome
                                                                                    to the Pull era, say goodbye to good old Push.
Being the center of information exchange can           Also, co-creation is a great way to come on one         Tip: this step doesn’t have to be limited to the digital domain
easily be linked with facilitating ways for people     level with clients and make them feel part of the
to meet each other, on basis of what they do or        company. It really puts the customer in control.        only. Rent a space somewhere and start organizing inspiration-,
know. Something that enhances this even more,          It generates many ideas from all corners of the
is for instance interviewing business relations or     world, is not bound to place or time, consults
                                                                                                               information and discussion evenings! And: co-creation can
putting spotlights on customers in newsletters or      hundreds at once which all, in turn, are… possible
blog posts. Also, sorting all network-relatives into   clients. It thus saves costs on development and on
                                                                                                               become a lively happening, if you announce (ideas for) new
disciplines might be a good idea, making it easy for   marketing(communication).
people to see who does what.
                                                                                                               products or services at those evenings and give room for feedback.
                                                       Either way, it’s important that the online identity
                                                       of your company or brand grows. The more fans,
                                                                                                               You can even divide people into think-tank groups and let them
                                                       followers or peers, the bigger the identity. This can
                                                       be sped up even more by telling a story.
                                                                                                               come with solutions, improvements or elaborations. The result

                                                                                                               will be an optimal win-win situation:

                                                                                                               •	   Your	client	feels	like	she	has	worked	with	you	on	the	product	(which	actually	is	true)
                                                                                                               •	   Because	of	that,	she	gets	a	custom-made	product	for	the	price	of	a	mass-product;
                                                                                                               •	   Your	client	will	therefore	long	for	the	moment	that	it	becomes	available;
                                                                                                               •	   They’ll	tell	others	out	of	enthusiam;
                                                                                                               •	   You	get	to	have	valuable	customer	feedback	for	free.
Co-creation is a form of market or business strategy that
emphasises the generation and ongoing realisation of mutual
firm-customer value. It views markets as forums for firms and
active customers to share, combine and renew each other’s
resources and capabilities to create value through new forms
of interaction, service and learning mechanisms. It differs from
the traditional active firm - passive consumer market construct
of the past. Co-created value arises in the form of personalised,
unique experiences for the customer (value-in-use) and ongoing
revenue, learning and enhanced market performance drivers
for the firm (loyalty, relationships, customer word of mouth).
Value is co-created with customers if and when a customer is
able to personalize his/her experience using a firm’s product-
STEP 5: TELL A STORY            A step further in engaging in conversations and interactions, is to
                                tell a compelling story of yourself, or create one around you.

                                An example comes from David Perez, creative             There are numerous ways to get attention online.
                                recruiter at advertising agency. To get attention       The ultimate would be to become viral, which means
                                on the Lion’s Festival in Cannes, he invited people     that people automatically forward and distribute
                                through Twitter to give him all kinds of assignments    your message for you. David Perez’ action is a good
                                to do at the Film Festival. Everything Perez would      example of that.
                                do, was filmed from his point of view by a camera in
                                his glasses, and put online. This was a huge success:   Another nice example of a viral is a Youtube movie
                                he got more than 20.000 assignments including           called ‘Hunter Shoots Bear’ [3], with as description:
                                taking a tattoo and making a helicopterflight (he       ‘A huge bear attacks after being shot by a hunter’.
                                has fear of heights).                                   In reality, it is nothing more than a commercial
                                                                                        from Tippex. The viewer gets to choose whether
                                                                                        the hunter shoots the bear who, in the end, refuses
                                                                                        to shoot him. He erases the ‘shoot’ from the title
                                                                                        with a huge Tippex unit. Then it’s possible to type in
                                                                                        something that the hunter should do with the bear,
                                                                                        and, if possible, the command is being executed.
                                                                                        The movie has over eleven million views up until

                                                                                              HUNTER SHOOTS BEAR ON YOUTUBE

Hunter Shoots Bear by Tipp-ex
A similar example is on       You could think of a similar thing. Perhaps a small
It’s from the Swedish band Fulkutur. On the site is     application could be made with which users can play
an extremely funny dancing person, which you can        with something that has to do with your company.
give your own face by uploading a picture. After that   This could also be an app. The app must however
you can choose from three sorts of clothing, and        be more than just product portfolio and be useful
then a song starts making the person start to dance     in some way. It’s a waste of money if people would
in a way that you can choose by clicking different      install the app, use it only once, and then delete it.
dance moves. Fulkutur claims to ‘want to release an     Also, it would be even better if the app went viral.
EP’ so ‘are in need of new equipment’, and after the    This can only be the case if it’s worth sharing, for
song, the viewer is given the possibility to donate.    instance because it has a ‘fun factor’. Also, the app
                                                        could provide people with news or updates from
                                                        the industry. In any case, the app should be worth
                                                        while checking regularly.

                                                                                                                 The Ugly Dance by Fulkutur
Top of mind awareness (TOMA) is ”When people think of you
first to fulfill their product or service needs.” Traditionally,
TOMA has been achieved through traditional channels such as
newspapers, television, and magazines. Increasingly companies
of all sizes are moving towards social media like Twitter and
Facebook over against traditional channels. Chicago Now
reports, “Close to four-in-ten employers (37%) plan to put a
greater emphasis on social media in 2010 to create a more
positive brand for their organization.” Therefore, TOMA refers
to percent of respondents who name a brand or product first
when asked to list companies in that industry sector—including,
but not limited to traditional advertising channels. TOMA has
traditionally been defined as “the percent of respondents who,
STEP 6: START YOUR OWN SOCiAL NETWORK   So now you have your own social media place on the web.
                                        Congratulations! But did you ever realize that none of the media
                                        you investigate so much time in, is your possession? You are hiring
                                        it. What if Facebook or LinkedIn go bankrupt one day?

                                        There goes your five years of building your precious      on social media, he built his own network
                                        network, gone in a flash. Oh no! What to do?     Members of the network
                                                                                                  could share, interact and engage with each other, in
                                        Again, compare social media to real life. It is           other words do quite the same they could do when
                                        perfectly normal for new companies to start               Obama would have had a Facebook or LinkedIn page,
                                        out in rented buildings. Renting however means            but in a self-designed, self-controlled surrounding,
                                        depending on an external party, which can always          and with great added features like the possibility to
                                        decide to sell the place or end the contract. This        sign up for campaign activities and keeping track of
                                        is not such a problem with small companies as             your personal ‘making a difference’-index.
                                        they are flexible and have a small reputation. But
                                        imagine a company doing business for years and            Your owned, closed social media world can become
                                        years in a certain building, suddenly not being there     a place of exchange between you and clients, or
                                        anymore. Especially if the building is a place where      clients and clients, but also between all peers as
                                        clients do lots of transactions, for instance a bank      described in step 2. It should become a platform
                                        or a shop, this could be a disaster. This goes the        which creates an experience for its members.
                                        same for social media. When having established a          Something that will take this experience another
                                        significant online identity, it’s time to buy your very   step further, is making it into a co-creation
                                        own office on the web: start your own network. So         platform, a Second Life-like virtual environment
                                        a platform like Hyves, Facebook, or LinkedIn, but         where participants can move around with their
                                        then not hired, but owned and controlled by you.          online identity and are able to choose what project
                                        What are examples? The most outstanding one               they want to contribute to. This way you create
                                        comes from Barack Obama. Being the first US               a total online experience, which ensures that the
                                        president ever who based his election campaign            right people add value in the right places and can
also invite other people to do so. This can have a      So, what are we waiting for? I hear you say. Let’s
high entertainment value (and therefore could           start this network! Sorry, but I must disappoint
grow very fast) but at the same time, it’s just tough   you. At this moment, starting your own network is
community building. An example is IKEA’s Design         something financially not possible unless the name
Your Own Life, a site on which you can make a           of your company is CocaCola, Nike or Virgin. The
picture of rooms in your home, and then place IKEA      reason that I am telling you is because technology
furniture in it. After that, you can invite others to   develops in such a rapid pace that it won’t be long
look at it, or visit others yourself and comment on     before it will be available for SME’s as well. And good
their furnishing.                                       for you, because it is essential for a sustainable
                                                        social media approach. The most important is, that
Another example is Amstel Teamlink, a kind of           now you got the picture of what social media can
‘online soccer canteen’ in which you gather with        do for you.
your friends to discuss team results.
App is the cool way of saying cell phone application. These
applications are add-ons or bits of data added to a cell phone
so it can perform functions usually unrelated to making
a phone call. Cell phones always did come with a few extra
things unrelated to making phone calls, but these have greatly
expanded, and now many people download the extra the apps
they want. Many of the early cell phone app programs were
designed to make a cellphone more like a computer. They often
integrated some of the computer elements into the phone.
While many of these early programs continue to be updated
and used to track things like business performance or email,
they are only the tip of the iceberg in modern cell phone app
offerings. Applications on a cellphone can provide the phone
STAP 7: GO AND DO iT!   Like everything in life, beginning is the hardest part. Start by
                        making it an everyday practice to spend time on social media by
                        implementing it in your planning. Find the places where the
                        interactions take place that you can add value to.

                        After a while you will recognize patterns and logic
                        in it, which makes things easier. The advantage of
                        the strategy in this document, is that you can start
                        really small. Every tiny step that you undertake,
                        every minute that you spend on social media will
                        bring you slightly closer towards step 6. There is no
                        hurry. And yet there is. The world is changing fast.
                        So get out there and claim your online space!
Pay-What-You-Want is a new participative pricing mechanism
whereby consumers have maximum control over the price
they pay. Previous research suggests that participative pricing
increases consumers’ intent to purchase. Sellers using PWYW
face the risk, however, that consumers exploit their control and
pay nothing at all or a price below the seller’s costs. The authors
find in three field studies that prices paid are significantly
greater than zero. They analyze factors influencing prices paid
and show that PWYW can even lead to an increase in seller
revenues. Participative pricing mechanisms, such as auctions
and Name-Your-Own-Price, can be seen as innovative, here in
the sense of unconventional, by involving consumers in the
price-setting process. Hence, innovative pricing models can
ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                    I am fascinated by the 2.0 revolution because I think it makes this
                                                                    world a better place . It is therefore my personal goal to inspire
                                                                    people from all over the world to embrace the new mindset that
                                                                    comes with it.

                                                                    I love adding value by participating in everything
                                                                    that has to do with 2.0, social media and lifehacking.
                                                                    So don’t hesitate to contact me!

                                                                    In case you want to hire me for a longer period of
                                                                    time, to develop strategies or even set things up for
                                                                    you, then this is also possible. I work according to
                                                                    “Pay what it’s worth” (“Waardebepaling achteraf”).
                                                                    This is a Dutch system which is not yet used much
                                                                    outside of Holland, so unfortunately the best
                                                                    information is only in Dutch, but here is also some
                                                                    in English.

                                                                    Good luck!

                                                                    MANOAH KLAASSE


Tip: Please see my next e-book called ‘How to become                This eBook is designed by Bernard Westerdijk, a
                                                                    stunningly good graphic designer whom I recommend
entrepreneur of the year 2021 in 7 simple steps’ (working title).   working with. Go and check out his website:
Contact me if you’d like a copy.

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Social media strategy in 7 steps

  • 2. Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein also define social media as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user- generated content.” Businesses also refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value.
  • 4. Viral marketing and viral advertising, (buzzwords), refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self- replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of virus or computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages. The goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to identify individuals with high Social Networking Potential (SNP) and create viral messages that appeal to this segment of the population and
  • 5. BEFORE WE START This is a guide which can be used by people with different levels of experience with social media. To find out what steps are relevant for you, please find out who you are, based on the list below. BEGINNER REAL REGULAR USER I DON’T HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA ExPERIENCE AT SOCIAL MEDIA IS PART OF MY COMMUNICATION ALL. I DON’T EVEN HAVE AN ACCOUNT YET. AND EVERYDAY PRACTICE, BUT I WANT TO ExTEND MY POSSIBILITIES. Lucky you! Because you’re about to discover something revolutionary. Start with step 1. Then You might want to start at step 4. read step 1 again. Then again. It is really, really important that you understand it. If not, contact EXPERIENCED me on and I will explain it to you personally. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT COMES AFTER HAVING The last steps will seem to be a bridge too far for A COMPANY ACCOUNT. you, yet. Use it as a goal to focus on and base your social media strategy on it. Start at step 6. REGULAR USER EXPERT I AM ACTIVE ON SEVERAL PLATFORMS AND I KNOW MORE OF SOCIAL MEDIA THAN YOU HAVE qUITE SOME FOLLOWERS/FRIENDS, COULD EVER DREAM OF. NOW WHAT? Please contact me asap, and tell me everything you See Beginner. Really, only opening an account and know. having added peers to your network does not make you a regular user.
  • 6. Not convinced yet of the benefits of social media? Perhaps this movie can change your mind. Depending on your skills, you might encounter terms or concepts that you don’t understand, for instance ‘co-creation’ or ‘app’. This guide is too short, though, to explain everything concerned with social media. But here’s the good news: social media takes place on the web, so everything that has to do with it, is on the web too. So you can look it up! Can’t find it? Contact me, and I’ll explain. Additional note: everywhere ‘she’ or ‘her’ is used, ‘he’ or ‘him’ can also be meant. Social Media Revolution 2010 by Social Media Energy
  • 7. Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user’s profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other users’ tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers.
  • 8. STEP 1: FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW So you want to start using social media. Could I ask you why exactly? Oh, let me guess. Because everybody does it? Come on, you know that’s not the real reason. Ah, because you want to have more customers. No? Well then, perhaps because you want to sell more WHAT IS THE RESULT FOR YOU? products. Wrong again? Let me think… because you are looking for cheap ways for your marketing The answer comes from Stef de Jong: communication? I knew it. “In the Netherlands, products are priced on Well, think again, because these are all the wrong, rated on, judged on reasons. Let me explain why. and sold on Marktplaats. John from Rotterdam has a better online shop than the Internet enables people to connect to each other advertiser, he sells through eBay. Pete from on a huge, global scale. Okay, I hear you say, that’s The Hague replies quicker and more extensive nothing new. It isn’t. But social media gives people than the customer service, she is on Tweakers. miles and miles away from each other tools to loses the scopes to Twitter and there are interact like they are in the same room, not only more people on Hyves (+/- 8,9 mln) than live by clinical text messages, but with movies, pictures, in Switserland (+/- 7,3 mln). In other words: games and blogs and forums full of discussions, the power lies at the feet of the consumer.“ [1] experiences, opinions, news and facts. Almost like real life. [1] DE JONG (2010) SOCiAL MEDiA MARKETiNG: COMMUNiTY MANAGEMENT.
  • 9. Tip: I’ve written a thesis which describes the history of social media and 2.0. You can download it here. Repeat that last sentence. Repeat it again. And again. Now, take a black marker and write it on your forehead. Record it into your clockradio as a wake-up tune. “The power lies at the feet of the consumer.“ Now you know why all the reasons on the top of this page are not valid. They are about what you want. SOCIAL MEDIA IS ABOUT WHAT YOUR CLIENTS WANT.
  • 10. Facebook is a social network service and website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of July 2010 Facebook has more than 500 million active users. Users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common interest user groups, organized by workplace, school, or college, or other characteristics. The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better. Facebook allows anyone who declares themselves to be at least 13 years old to become a
  • 11. STEP 2: FiND OUT WHAT YOUR CLiENTS WANT How do you find out what somebody wants? Well, she will probably tell you, if you just listen. So start listening! If you haven’t created one or more social media Who exactly is your client? What do you know about accounts, for instance Facebook, Twitter or her? If you would sum up all characteristics of all LinkedIn, this is the time to do it. Don’t bother your clients, take the average and thus combine opening an account for your company yet, just start them into one person, who would that person be? with a personal account for yourself. Search for the That is your key individual, your stereotype client. online accounts of your clients and add them to Most companies do not have one key individual, your network. Next to only adding your clients, it is they have several. You probably, too. Start making also wise to add other parties and stakeholders to a list of them, and be as extensive in your details your network with whom you have contact being a as possible: age, sex, educational level, political company. Think of suppliers, developers, experts or interests, hobbies, social class, etcetera. We will use advisors, local politicians or financial institutions, this list in the next step. shareholders, people from your community, colleagues and friends. Later we’ll see why this Now, find out what activity those people have online. is important. First, let’s focus a bit more on your What are they doing? Where do they participate in clients. conversations or post content? Find out what they have to say and where they say it. First, this has to be done manually. In later stages, you might want to start using monitoring tools, programs which automatically search for relevant interactions. Tip: examples of monitoring tools are Google Blogsearch, Google Interactions about you, for instance! Alert, Technorati or, just to name a few of the many out there.
  • 12. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking. As of 2 November 2010, LinkedIn had more than 80 million registered users, spanning more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.The site is available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Quantcast reports Linkedin has 21.4 million monthly unique U.S. visitors and 47.6 million globally. Unregistered users can watch the videos, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered to contain potentially offensive content are available only to registered users 18 and older. In November 2006, YouTube, LLC was bought by Google Inc. for $1.65 billion, and now operates
  • 13. STEP 3: START ENGAGiNG & ADD VALUE Now that you have located the places where your clients interact, start engaging in these interactions. Add to the conversation! But how? And how often? What are the rules of engagement? Well, you have to understand that social media is Of course, telling people about yourself and pretty much a digital version of real life. Really, your activities is a good idea. However, it’s very exactly the same rules apply. For instance, imagine important to not only do that, a mistake made by yourself going to a bar. You enter the bar, step lots of companies (“I use Twitter to keep my clients inside and shout something to the crowd, then informed”). People will start to ignore you if you walking out the door again. It’s pretty unlikely you only talk about yourself, even if the content is of the will get the message across, let alone make any utmost relevance. Compare it with somebody with friends [2]. Only when you visit the bar more often the greatest job in the world always talking about and start talking with people, people will start to her own life. Despite the fact that she probably recognize you and become friends with you. So delivers very interesting content, people will feel there’s your answer. Act online like you would do ignored in conversations with her. People who only offline. Translate your offline social behavior to an talk (about) themselves are considered annoying, online one. Every time you use social media, think of and will be ignored themselves in the long run. yourself being in bar. Engage in conversations and Successfully engaging in conversations is two-way, add value by helping people out, sharing expertise not one-way. or knowledge, amusing them with videos or photos or linking them to other people. [2] BELLEGEM, VAN S. (2010) WHEN ON TWiTTER, ACT LiKE YOU’RE iN A BAR. Tip: You can download an example of the mentioned list here. Feel free to use it yourself!
  • 14. Do you have accounts on multiple platforms? Then a social media aggregation tool is what you need! Yoono is probably the most well- known. Xobni integrates social media with your e-mail (Outlook). Just like in real life, in order to have a successful interaction you need to adjust yourself to the one who is opposite you. This is a good time to start using your list of key individuals. Expand the list with an overview of dos and don’ts per key individual. Also, on the list indicate which tools are suitable for interacting with each key individual, and how these tools can be used. All these engagements will build your online identity and attract more and more peers towards you, thus building your online network. In this phase, you will be the face of the company. Once you have established a firm identity and have a significant network, you can start building the online identity of your company or brand by creating its social media account and directing your peers to that account.
  • 15. YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos. Three former PayPal employees created YouTube in February 2005. The company is based in San Bruno, California, and uses Adobe Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short original videos. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals, although media corporations including CBS, BBC, Vevo and other organizations offer some of their material via the site, as part of the YouTube partnership program. Unregistered users may watch videos, and registered users may upload an unlimited number of videos. Videos that are considered
  • 16. STEP 4: BECOME A PLATFORM Okay, so you have opened a social media account for your company. And your personal peers are slightly leaking in. What are you going to do with it? Sure, you could start by posting news and updates After a while, hundreds of people contribute to it, about your company. Or, a step further, post content resulting in the topic hitting a top-10 place in Google like, for instance, videos giving a look behind the rankings. People are starting topics theirselves, in scenes, or interesting pictures or information. which they post and discuss everything of relevance for painters and painting. But remember from the previous step that only posting content is not enough. The idea is that you This goes on and on until, after a while, your page start with interaction, or: facilitate it. How could is known as the place to be when it comes to you do that? everything having to do with painting. Great, you probably say, what’s in it for me? Image being a painter, opening a social media page. Imagine starting a forum on that page and inviting a Well, if you think people will leave it to only few people to discuss on the first topic. Apparently, exchanging knowledge, think again. Ever heard it’s a hot topic because the discussion is lively and of top-of-mind position? (No? Google it, quick!) more and more others are invited to join, causing You will become the first they’d call for a paint the number of replies to grow rapidly. job. You have earned the status of expert, people trust you because of that and trust is the basis of doing business. This is new marketing: attracting customers by giving them something first. Welcome to the Pull era, say goodbye to good old Push.
  • 17. Being the center of information exchange can Also, co-creation is a great way to come on one Tip: this step doesn’t have to be limited to the digital domain easily be linked with facilitating ways for people level with clients and make them feel part of the to meet each other, on basis of what they do or company. It really puts the customer in control. only. Rent a space somewhere and start organizing inspiration-, know. Something that enhances this even more, It generates many ideas from all corners of the is for instance interviewing business relations or world, is not bound to place or time, consults information and discussion evenings! And: co-creation can putting spotlights on customers in newsletters or hundreds at once which all, in turn, are… possible blog posts. Also, sorting all network-relatives into clients. It thus saves costs on development and on become a lively happening, if you announce (ideas for) new disciplines might be a good idea, making it easy for marketing(communication). people to see who does what. products or services at those evenings and give room for feedback. Either way, it’s important that the online identity of your company or brand grows. The more fans, You can even divide people into think-tank groups and let them followers or peers, the bigger the identity. This can be sped up even more by telling a story. come with solutions, improvements or elaborations. The result will be an optimal win-win situation: • Your client feels like she has worked with you on the product (which actually is true) • Because of that, she gets a custom-made product for the price of a mass-product; • Your client will therefore long for the moment that it becomes available; • They’ll tell others out of enthusiam; • You get to have valuable customer feedback for free.
  • 18. Co-creation is a form of market or business strategy that emphasises the generation and ongoing realisation of mutual firm-customer value. It views markets as forums for firms and active customers to share, combine and renew each other’s resources and capabilities to create value through new forms of interaction, service and learning mechanisms. It differs from the traditional active firm - passive consumer market construct of the past. Co-created value arises in the form of personalised, unique experiences for the customer (value-in-use) and ongoing revenue, learning and enhanced market performance drivers for the firm (loyalty, relationships, customer word of mouth). Value is co-created with customers if and when a customer is able to personalize his/her experience using a firm’s product-
  • 19. STEP 5: TELL A STORY A step further in engaging in conversations and interactions, is to tell a compelling story of yourself, or create one around you. An example comes from David Perez, creative There are numerous ways to get attention online. recruiter at advertising agency. To get attention The ultimate would be to become viral, which means on the Lion’s Festival in Cannes, he invited people that people automatically forward and distribute through Twitter to give him all kinds of assignments your message for you. David Perez’ action is a good to do at the Film Festival. Everything Perez would example of that. do, was filmed from his point of view by a camera in his glasses, and put online. This was a huge success: Another nice example of a viral is a Youtube movie he got more than 20.000 assignments including called ‘Hunter Shoots Bear’ [3], with as description: taking a tattoo and making a helicopterflight (he ‘A huge bear attacks after being shot by a hunter’. has fear of heights). In reality, it is nothing more than a commercial from Tippex. The viewer gets to choose whether the hunter shoots the bear who, in the end, refuses to shoot him. He erases the ‘shoot’ from the title with a huge Tippex unit. Then it’s possible to type in something that the hunter should do with the bear, and, if possible, the command is being executed. The movie has over eleven million views up until now. [3] HUNTER SHOOTS BEAR ON YOUTUBE Hunter Shoots Bear by Tipp-ex
  • 20. A similar example is on You could think of a similar thing. Perhaps a small It’s from the Swedish band Fulkutur. On the site is application could be made with which users can play an extremely funny dancing person, which you can with something that has to do with your company. give your own face by uploading a picture. After that This could also be an app. The app must however you can choose from three sorts of clothing, and be more than just product portfolio and be useful then a song starts making the person start to dance in some way. It’s a waste of money if people would in a way that you can choose by clicking different install the app, use it only once, and then delete it. dance moves. Fulkutur claims to ‘want to release an Also, it would be even better if the app went viral. EP’ so ‘are in need of new equipment’, and after the This can only be the case if it’s worth sharing, for song, the viewer is given the possibility to donate. instance because it has a ‘fun factor’. Also, the app could provide people with news or updates from the industry. In any case, the app should be worth while checking regularly. The Ugly Dance by Fulkutur
  • 21. Top of mind awareness (TOMA) is ”When people think of you first to fulfill their product or service needs.” Traditionally, TOMA has been achieved through traditional channels such as newspapers, television, and magazines. Increasingly companies of all sizes are moving towards social media like Twitter and Facebook over against traditional channels. Chicago Now reports, “Close to four-in-ten employers (37%) plan to put a greater emphasis on social media in 2010 to create a more positive brand for their organization.” Therefore, TOMA refers to percent of respondents who name a brand or product first when asked to list companies in that industry sector—including, but not limited to traditional advertising channels. TOMA has traditionally been defined as “the percent of respondents who,
  • 22. STEP 6: START YOUR OWN SOCiAL NETWORK So now you have your own social media place on the web. Congratulations! But did you ever realize that none of the media you investigate so much time in, is your possession? You are hiring it. What if Facebook or LinkedIn go bankrupt one day? There goes your five years of building your precious on social media, he built his own network network, gone in a flash. Oh no! What to do? Members of the network could share, interact and engage with each other, in Again, compare social media to real life. It is other words do quite the same they could do when perfectly normal for new companies to start Obama would have had a Facebook or LinkedIn page, out in rented buildings. Renting however means but in a self-designed, self-controlled surrounding, depending on an external party, which can always and with great added features like the possibility to decide to sell the place or end the contract. This sign up for campaign activities and keeping track of is not such a problem with small companies as your personal ‘making a difference’-index. they are flexible and have a small reputation. But imagine a company doing business for years and Your owned, closed social media world can become years in a certain building, suddenly not being there a place of exchange between you and clients, or anymore. Especially if the building is a place where clients and clients, but also between all peers as clients do lots of transactions, for instance a bank described in step 2. It should become a platform or a shop, this could be a disaster. This goes the which creates an experience for its members. same for social media. When having established a Something that will take this experience another significant online identity, it’s time to buy your very step further, is making it into a co-creation own office on the web: start your own network. So platform, a Second Life-like virtual environment a platform like Hyves, Facebook, or LinkedIn, but where participants can move around with their then not hired, but owned and controlled by you. online identity and are able to choose what project What are examples? The most outstanding one they want to contribute to. This way you create comes from Barack Obama. Being the first US a total online experience, which ensures that the president ever who based his election campaign right people add value in the right places and can
  • 23. also invite other people to do so. This can have a So, what are we waiting for? I hear you say. Let’s high entertainment value (and therefore could start this network! Sorry, but I must disappoint grow very fast) but at the same time, it’s just tough you. At this moment, starting your own network is community building. An example is IKEA’s Design something financially not possible unless the name Your Own Life, a site on which you can make a of your company is CocaCola, Nike or Virgin. The picture of rooms in your home, and then place IKEA reason that I am telling you is because technology furniture in it. After that, you can invite others to develops in such a rapid pace that it won’t be long look at it, or visit others yourself and comment on before it will be available for SME’s as well. And good their furnishing. for you, because it is essential for a sustainable social media approach. The most important is, that Another example is Amstel Teamlink, a kind of now you got the picture of what social media can ‘online soccer canteen’ in which you gather with do for you. your friends to discuss team results.
  • 24. App is the cool way of saying cell phone application. These applications are add-ons or bits of data added to a cell phone so it can perform functions usually unrelated to making a phone call. Cell phones always did come with a few extra things unrelated to making phone calls, but these have greatly expanded, and now many people download the extra the apps they want. Many of the early cell phone app programs were designed to make a cellphone more like a computer. They often integrated some of the computer elements into the phone. While many of these early programs continue to be updated and used to track things like business performance or email, they are only the tip of the iceberg in modern cell phone app offerings. Applications on a cellphone can provide the phone
  • 25. STAP 7: GO AND DO iT! Like everything in life, beginning is the hardest part. Start by making it an everyday practice to spend time on social media by implementing it in your planning. Find the places where the interactions take place that you can add value to. After a while you will recognize patterns and logic in it, which makes things easier. The advantage of the strategy in this document, is that you can start really small. Every tiny step that you undertake, every minute that you spend on social media will bring you slightly closer towards step 6. There is no hurry. And yet there is. The world is changing fast. So get out there and claim your online space!
  • 26. Pay-What-You-Want is a new participative pricing mechanism whereby consumers have maximum control over the price they pay. Previous research suggests that participative pricing increases consumers’ intent to purchase. Sellers using PWYW face the risk, however, that consumers exploit their control and pay nothing at all or a price below the seller’s costs. The authors find in three field studies that prices paid are significantly greater than zero. They analyze factors influencing prices paid and show that PWYW can even lead to an increase in seller revenues. Participative pricing mechanisms, such as auctions and Name-Your-Own-Price, can be seen as innovative, here in the sense of unconventional, by involving consumers in the price-setting process. Hence, innovative pricing models can
  • 27. ABOUT THE AUTHOR I am fascinated by the 2.0 revolution because I think it makes this world a better place . It is therefore my personal goal to inspire people from all over the world to embrace the new mindset that comes with it. I love adding value by participating in everything that has to do with 2.0, social media and lifehacking. So don’t hesitate to contact me! In case you want to hire me for a longer period of time, to develop strategies or even set things up for you, then this is also possible. I work according to “Pay what it’s worth” (“Waardebepaling achteraf”). This is a Dutch system which is not yet used much outside of Holland, so unfortunately the best information is only in Dutch, but here is also some in English. Good luck! MANOAH KLAASSE Tip: Please see my next e-book called ‘How to become This eBook is designed by Bernard Westerdijk, a stunningly good graphic designer whom I recommend entrepreneur of the year 2021 in 7 simple steps’ (working title). working with. Go and check out his website: Contact me if you’d like a copy.