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Social media marketing
10 Steps to a Successful
Social Media Marketing Strategy
in 2020
The Digital Landscape
2::Search Engines
3::Social Networks
What has happened since 1990?
 1st Website in 1990
 130 Websites in 1993
 16 Million Users in 1995
 738 Million Internet users in Asia in December 2009
 252 Million Internet users in North America in 2009
 90 Trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2009
 234 Million Websites in 2010
 247 Billion – Average number of email messages per day in 2010
 30 Billion – Photos uploaded to Facebook per year 2010
 2.0 Billion Users of the Internet in 2011
 2.5 Billion Users of Facebook in 2020
 2.0 Billion Users of YouTube in 2020
 4.5 Billion Users of the Internet in 2020
The Digital Landscape
 Google
The Digital Landscape
 Facebook
The Digital Landscape
 Mobile Devices
The Digital Landscape
The “Numbers’ Problem”
The Digital Landscape
 There are currently over 4.5 billion active internet users worldwide
 59 percent of the entire world’s population has internet access.
 Internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 30 minutes online every
 Today, there are over 1.7 billion websites on the world wide web.
The “Noise” Problem
DisplayAd “Clutter”Problem
 Send a timely message
 Avoid cheap tricks
 Get personal
 Know your audience
 Give users choices
“Technology” Problem
Many peoplestill thinkanalog
“Technology” Problem
Why SocialMediaMarketing??
 Social Media Amplifies your Content
 Makes you Stand out from the Crowd
 Networking on Steroids
 Accelerates the Spread of your Brand
 It can Position You as an Expert
 Your Business Can Self-Publish
 Global Word of Mouth
 On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog
 Facilitates Trust
Why SocialMediaMarketing??
Foundations andApproachto SocialMedia
Foundations andApproachto SocialMedia
 Content
 Search
 Social
 Publish to Multiple Networks
 Publish a Variety of Multi-Media Content
10Steps to a Successful
Social Media Marketing Strategy
Step 1
Establish a Clear Focused Vision
Nike’s Vision
“To bring inspiration and
innovation to every
athlete in the world.
If you have a body, you
are an athlete”
Step 2
Commitment from Management
Step 3
Determine Prospects &
Customer Personas
Step 4
Create and Prioritize Goals
Step 5
Develop Tactics to Achieve Goals
Step 6
Allocate Resources to achieve Goals:
Money, Time & Tools
Step 7
Plan and Create Content
Step 8
Publish and Promote on the
Social Networks where your
Customers are
Step 9
Measure & Monitor the Results
Step 10
Analyze & Improve
and Repeat
Social Media Marketing Toolsand Tactics
SocialMedia Marketing
With Facebook
 2.60 billion monthly active users use Facebook. It also has 1.73 billion
users that are visiting the social networking site on a daily basis.
 Facebook is the leading social platform, reaching 60.6 percent of
internet users.
 Facebook brought in $17.44 billion in ad revenue in Q1 2020.
 More than 80 million small businesses around the world are using
Facebook Pages.
 Seven out of ten (69%) adults in the U.S. claim that they use Facebook.
 65 percent of Facebook users are under the age of 35.
 96 percent of active Facebook users accessed the social media
platform via mobile devices.
 58.5 minutes in the average time users spend on Facebook each day.
 86 percent of US marketers are using Facebook for advertising.
 78 percent of American consumers have discovered retail products to
buy via Facebook.
Why use facebook??
 Choose the right category for your business page
 Use a Vanity URL or a branded link like: “”
 Provide an incentive for growing your Facebook “Likes”
 Capture email subscriptions for your database
 Sell products on your Facebook store
 Offer specials with CTA button
 Follow the 70-20-10 rule:
 Post original content 70% of the time.
 Post content relevant to your followers’ interests 20% of the time.
 Post self-promotional content 10% of the time.
 Share user-generated content
 Post rich multimedia like high-quality photos or live videos
Example Ad: Airtable
 Addresses the Problem and
 Unique and Eye-Catching
Example Page: GoPro
 Number of Likes: 10 million
 You're met with videos and
images that scream adventure,
action, and adrenaline.
 They're not connecting with their
users through their products —
instead, they're connecting with
their users through the lifestyle
their products enable.
Example Page: Tasty
 Number of Likes: 97 million
 The brand, produces engaging
videos about making delicious
food items in a short amount of
 Tasty's brand understands the
context and experience of users
on Facebook. For instance,
what makes their videos unique
is that the videos don't require
audio for a user to engage. This
might seem like a minor detail,
but it isn’t.
 Facebook ads can reach more than 2 billion people worldwide –
most of your potential buyers have a social media account
 Facebook has some of the best ad algorithms in the industry –
even if you’re unsure whom exactly to target, Facebook will almost do
the selection for you
 Facebook provides many different campaign types –
from building brand awareness, driving traffic to your landing pages to
closing the sales deal with the Conversions campaign objective
 Facebook ads are considerably cheap to get started with –
you can run a campaign test with as little as $200
Facebooktips& tricks
 Install The Facebook Pixel - It will allow you to track conversions on
different types of pages, from sales page conversions to submission
page conversions.
 B2B Facebook Marketing Objectives – Focus on Brand Awareness,
Traffic & Lead Generation and Conversion.
 B2B Facebook Ad Sets -
 Budgeting – Options are daily or lifetime budget
 Scheduling - Show conversion campaign ads to prospects while
they’re in the mood to buy/convert.
 Ad Locations - You first might think of ads that you see in your
newsfeed. But there are far more options for ad placements like
Instagram or Audience Network.
Facebooktips& tricks
SocialMedia Marketing
With twitter
 There are 330 million monthly active users and 145 million daily active
users on Twitter.
 63 percent of all Twitter users worldwide are between 35 and 65.
 The ratio of female to male Twitter users is roughly one to two: 34
percent female and 66 percent male.
 The average session on Twitter is 3.39 minutes.
 There were 11.7 million downloads of Twitter on the App Store in the
first quarter of 2019.
 75 percent of B2B businesses market their products and/or services on
 500 million tweets are sent out per day.
 More than 20 percent of all US internet users access Twitter at least
once per month.
 40 percent of Twitter users carried out a purchase after seeing it on
Why use twitter??
 Direct messaging creates genuine connections
 Tags encourage engagements - The @ is the key to sending other users a
notification that almost guarantees your tweet gets viewed.
 Posting multiple times per day is expected, not annoying - Twitter is the
only social network where marketers are recommended to post up to 15 times per day
 Twitter best showcases your brand voice - With a more robust posting
schedule, Twitter is a network where a brand can develop its voice and public personality.
 TweetDeck lets your monitor Twitter for free - lets you watch your competitors'
activity and community all at once, which makes it an impactful tool for poaching
 Influencers can boost your campaigns - Marketers have found that influencer
campaigns yield an average return of around $7.65 for every $1 spent.
Why use twitter??
 Your profile will drive traffic to your site - 47% of the people who visit a Twitter
profile also visit the website linked to that profile.
 Follower insights help you develop your follower persona –
The Audiences tab helps marketers paint a picture of their average follower.
 Advertising spend is low & effective - Independent research shows that Twitter
marketing campaigns can deliver 40% higher return on investment when compared to
other media channels.
 Community management is possible with branded hashtags –
Hashtags are still the king of social media discovery tools, especially when marketers use
branded hashtags. Created by brands to give consumers a way to share their experiences
on social channels, branded hashtags comprise 70% of the total hashtag landscape.
 Anyone can go viral - One of the best parts of Twitter is its capability to spread a
message like wildfire. Anyone who uses the platform regularly sees multiple tweets per day
reach viral status because they're funny, relatable or newsworthy. Those tweets can come
from anyone, no matter how few followers they might have.
Why use twitter??
Example Tweet: Doritos
 People use Twitter to be
entertained. There are more
Tweets about celebrities,
musicians, and sports than
there are about family, school or
work (this isn’t Facebook,
people!) In fact, a 2012 study
showed that 40 percent of
daytime tweets were about
television shows. Entertain your
Followers and they’ll come back
for more.
twitter Marketing?
Example Tweet: LG
 So much of tweeting for
business is about re-tweeting.
Encourage your followers to
share your content by making it
share-able. I’m talking
interesting facts, statistics, top
tips, insider information,
exclusives… All that information
that social media users like to
take and say ‘Hey everybody,
look what I just learned!’
twitter Marketing?
 Build an Attractive Profile –
 Twitter handle: Your Twitter handle is your username.
 Profile: Your Twitter profile picture represents your brand or an individual.
 Header: The header on your Twitter profile is the space at top of the profile, can be
used to unleash your creativity and show off your brand message and personalia
 Optimize your Profile Bio –
 Write a bio from scratch, avoid copying from other content.
 A bio should sound sweet, it should be short.
 Keep it exact. Tell people precisely who your brand is.
 Let it be something humorous and engaging.
 Keep it targeted. Write a bio that will attract people that fit in with your target audience.
 Add hashtags so that people can find your account when they search for those terms
 Engage with your audience - Studies show that customers expect a response
from brands on social media within an hour. However, most of the brands take 10 hours to
respond which results in losing followers.
twitter tips & tricks
 Create Engaging content – Find out how many retweets, follows, replies, favorites
and click-through your tweet gets.
 Impression: Check how many times your tweets appeared on your audience’s timeline.
 Hashtags: Find out which of your hashtags are usually used by your audience.
 Top tweets: Find out which of your recent tweets received more retweets and
categorize the ones people favorited or favorites. Create similar tweets to drag the
audience’s attention frequently.
 Frequently post twitter Video
 Visual marketing brings positive effects to the audience. According to a survey, 82% of
Twitter users watch video content on Twitter.
 Consumers prefer to watch a video to learn about a product over reading a page on the
product. In fact, 84% of users who watch a brand’s video end up buying the product.
Tweet the videos created by your company.
 According to Adweek, videos can be retweeted 6 times more than images and texts.
Twitter allows its users to go live with the live video feature. It is posted as a tweet.
twitter tips & tricks
 Post Images to Increase Retweets - Post images at least 3 times a week.
This is because images can easily explain things which text fail to. Tweets with images
always stand out and get more audience attention.
 Tweet at Peak Time - Studies show that tweets posted on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday between 12 pm and 6 pm bring thousands on clicks. Other studies show that
posting between 12 pm to 3 pm on Monday through Friday will work best. Users are
more active at this time.
 Target Audience and be Interactive with Your Audience - Build a twitter
marketing strategy. Focus on the right audience. Target audiences who live in your
area and are from the same industry.
 Showcase Your Brand and Get Verified on Twitter - Getting verified on
twitter will trigger your business growth. This will obviously affect your marketing and
twitter tips & tricks
SocialMedia Marketing
 LinkedIn has over 660 million users in more than 200 countries and
territories across the globe.
 57 percent of LinkedIn users are male and 43 percent are female.
 37 percent of US adults who use LinkedIn are between 30 and 49
years old.
 Half of all US adults with college degrees use LinkedIn.
 Nearly 15 percent of all LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers.
 There are more than 30 million companies listed on LinkedIn.
 LinkedIn is the second-most popular social media platform among B2B
 The US offers the largest group of LinkedIn advertising audience with a
reach of 160 million users.
 52 percent of buyers says LinkedIn has the most influence on their
research process before purchasing a product.
 57 percent of LinkedIn’s traffic is mobile.
Why use linkedin??
 Create awareness and improve reputation - Ideal platform to increase your
online presence. With more than two professionals signing up on LinkedIn every second,
businesses have the opportunity to network with an increasing number of interesting
 Thought leadership and influencer marketing - Position yourself as leader in
a particular domain. From providing high-quality content, improving your personal profile
and participating in LinkedIn communities to answering questions: the network is fertile
ground for thought and practice leaders, aiming to become trusted advisors. Leadership
and reputation go hand in hand with influence.
 Selling and generating leads - Customers and prospect are more likely to post
questions and needs, 18% is Group-related posts which gives the B2B marketers an
opportunity to identify new leads. Another 18% are content sharing and liking content,
which gives you insights on what they find interesting.
Why uselinkedin??
 Social CRM - It allows us to gain a better view on – prospective – customers and other
contacts. This can be done using simple Social CRM applications but also by using
‘connecters’, for instance, for Outlook. Although most Social CRM solutions offer integration
with LinkedIn, you can also set up a basic integration of your contacts as LinkedIn supports
Google Contacts. A benefit of a social CRM tool is that it allows you to see what your
contacts are doing on LinkedIn in real-time, offering valuable additional information on their
behavior and preferences.
 Traffic building - Power in link building and traffic driving. Just as other social networks
do, LinkedIn has a social sharing button that enables you to share content in your status
updates and in LinkedIn Groups you are a member of. This works especially well for
business-related content and can lead to viral effects. Business content often gets shared
more often via LinkedIn than via Facebook.
 Listening and gaining insights - Last but certainly not least: LinkedIn is perfect to
listen, ask questions and gain insights. Which is the case for all social media marketing!
Why uselinkedin??
Example Page:
Greenhouse Software
A leading provider of enterprise
talent acquisition software,
Greenhouse Software’s Page
stands out with a colorful cover
photo, a sharp tagline, and a great
They also make use of the new
Associated Hashtags feature,
making it clear that they are part of
the recruiting community.
Example Page:
B2B conversation intelligence
platform grabs your
attention with a stunning and
visually cohesive banner/logo
They make good use of the Life
tab, giving members an inside
look into what it’s like working
 Create an Effective LinkedIn Company Page - A Company Page is your
business’ LinkedIn profile, similar to how your Facebook Business Page is your
company’s personal Facebook account. The company page serves to tell other potential
connections about your offerings, the people who work there, and engage with actionable
content. Company Pages are also a great way to establish industry expertise.
 Have your employees connect with your company’s LinkedIn Page –
Your employees have 10x more first-degree connections than your company does
followers. Employees are your biggest advocates, and by making sure they’re following
you, you’re also tapping into their vast network of potential connections.
 Define your audience and goals - As with any marketing venture, defining your
goals is a great place to start. Are you trying to establish yourself as a thought leader?
Recruit valuable candidates? Or generate leads for your company to follow up with?
 Optimize your company page for search –
Add Keywords: If you missed adding these in step one of our list of LinkedIn tips and
tricks, now is your opportunity to insert keywords into the company profile.
linkedintips & tricks
 Optimize your company page for search –
Link to your Company Page: Link to your company page from your website, blog, social
media posts, or email newsletters. This step is crucial to boosting your ranking in search
and driving traffic to your LinkedIn page.
Share relevant content: The most effective ways to improve your rankings is to share
content regularly. The more frequently you share content, the higher your company page
will appear in search results.
 Include rich media to increase company page engagement –
Our brains process images faster than text, so it only make sense that LinkedIn posts with
images receive 98% more engagement.
 Tag your connections or other members in posts –
Getting likes in your posts is, of course, good for you. However, if you really want to stand
out, then encourage some activity on your posts. When someone leaves a comment, take
the time to respond. Or you can also do this on other people’s posts, just be sure to
mention them using their first name. This is the best way to be relevant with your key
linkedintips & tricks
 Get involved in LinkedIn groups - As a business, taking advantage of LinkedIn
groups will help you connect with your customers. It also allows you and your business to
network with other people in your field, especially those outside your immediate
 Incorporate LinkedIn ads - When you create your personal LinkedIn profile, you’re
giving the network detailed information about your interests, basic demographics, and
skills. This data is vital to marketers! LinkedIn can be known as the platform with the most
defining targeting options, which allows you to easily incorporate LinkedIn to your
marketing ventures.
 Understand the LinkedIn algorithm –
Content is posted, and passes the initial computerized test. It will either rank as ‘spam,’
‘low quality,’ or ‘clear.’ Quality is key as you obviously want your content to be in the clear.
linkedintips & tricks
 Understand the LinkedIn algorithm –
Content is left on the feed temporarily to measure engagement.
Initial indicators of engagement (likes, comments, shares) are good.
However if your content is hidden, not good. Make sure your content speaks to your
audience so they won’t hide it or mark it as spam.
Content passes a computerized virality check.
The algorithm does some further checks for spam and credibility based on the quality of
your account and network.
Content is reviewed by human editors.
 Learn from LinkedIn analytics - Monitoring your LinkedIn analytics helps you
make informed decisions that lead to better results. This will lead to maximizing the
effectiveness of this important business social network. You can understand your follower
demographics, track traffic and activity on your company page.
linkedintips & tricks
SocialMedia Marketing
 YouTube has 2 billion users worldwide.
 79 percent of Internet users have their own YouTube account.
 Almost eight out of ten marketers consider YouTube to be the most
effective video marketing platform.
 94 percent of American users between the age range of 18-44 year old
accessed YouTube at least once a month.
 Everyday people watch one billion hours of video on YouTube.
 62 percent of businesses use YouTube as a channel to post video content.
 More than 70 percent of YouTube watch time comes from mobile devices.
 90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on
 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide.
 90 percent of US digital video viewers use YouTube, the most popular
channel for digital video consumption.
Why use youtube??
 Tap Into The Horde of YouTube’s Traffic - Online video is growing exponentially,
with over 4 billion videos viewed daily. If you use YouTube for your business, you can
easily reach your audience, both by creating videos and advertising on other people’s
 Marketing On YouTube Will Help You Get Found On Google - Due to
Google Universal Search, videos, images, news, books and local searches are blended
together in Google’s search results, so as to provide the most useful information for people
 Your Content Never Dies - Using YouTube for business can help you to re-purpose
content you’ve already created without the need to spend a lot of time or to invest in
expensive equipment.
Re-purposing content you have already created is an effective form of content marketing,
as you can reach an audience that will love that particular type of content.
Why use youtube??
 Grow Your Audience Worldwide - Consistently creating video content opens the
door to new visitors who would never come across your business any other way. Through
YouTube, you can reach a worldwide audience even if you only speak one language. If
you’re a native English speaker, you’re at an advantage, as it’s difficult to capture the huge
English-speaking markets (30% of all YouTube views) if you can’t write or produce
excellent content.
 Build Your Email List in YouTube - Ability to build your email list as you continue
to provide valuable, engaging content. Use software that allows you to embed your sign-up
form directly into YouTube videos.
 Your Audience Will Promote You and Buy from You - Videos with a personal
touch help to increase conversions. People buy from those they trust, and that trust is built
by you relating to them on an emotional level. Research now shows that, for professional
services and general companies, if you are driving traffic to a landing page with a video of
a person in the company speaking about the product or service, it can dramatically
increase your list of leads and sales.
Why use youtube??
Example Video: Beauty Battle
Take a look at YouTube’s trending
videos. Even if these videos have
nothing to do with your business or
industry, there’s a lot you can learn
from them. Are all of these videos
high-production, or are they shot
more casually? What is the most
common length of these videos?
Do they have a host? Do they add
special effects or text overlays?
 Create a YouTube channel for business – Start by opening a Brand Account
on Google. You can create a YouTube channel with your regular Google account, but if
you do, only you can access it. Plus, the account will be under your name and depending
on your settings, may connect viewers to your personal email address.
 Learn about your audience - If you’re just starting out on YouTube, set aside
some time to learn about YouTube demographics. This includes quantitative data, like
where the majority of users live (nearly 15% of site traffic comes from the U.S.),
predominant age range (81% of 15–25 year-olds ), and viewing preferences (70% of
watch time is on mobile).
 Research your competition - Competitive analysis. Like any platform, YouTube is
a competitive space. By conducting an audit of competitors, you can see how your
channel measures up and identify opportunities.
 Learn from your favorite channels - Scroll through your subscriptions and your
YouTube history. As you do, take note of the techniques and formats that hold your
attention. What keeps you coming back to these channels? How do the most popular
channels drive views, subscriptions, and engagement?
youtube tips & tricks
 Optimize your videos to get views - YouTube is a video search engine. Like
Google (which happens to own YouTube) videos results are ranked by titles, keywords,
descriptions, and other factors. Then there’s the YouTube recommendation algorithm,
which determines 70% of what people watch.
 Upload and schedule your videos - Check your channel analytics to see if
there’s a day or hour that tends to have a high amount of viewership and engagement.
Once you’ve pinpointed the best time to post, aim to publish regularly within this window.
 Try YouTube advertising - YouTube advertising can be an effective way to expand
your reach beyond your channel. Want to promote your brand, an event, or a new
product? YouTube ads are good for that, too. People are 3 times more likely to pay
attention to online video ads versus TV ads.
 Try working with an influencer - According to Google, 60% of YouTube
subscribers are more likely to follow shopping advice from their favorite creator over their
favorite TV movie personality. Why? It’s often a lot easier to relate to creators. With the
right partnership, creators can transfer that reliability and trust to your brand.
youtube tips & tricks
 Analyze and adapt –
Use YouTube Analytics to monitor the growth of your channel and track the performance of
your videos. When you publish a new video, keep an eye on:
 Significant changes in subscriber count
 New or changing audience demographics
 Video playback locations and traffic sources
 Device reports (mobile, desktop, smart TVs, etc.)
 5 YouTube marketing tools for business –
 YouTube Audio Library
 Canva
 Hootsuite
 Mentionlytics
 Channelview
youtube tips & tricks
SocialMedia Marketing
With blogging
 There are currently more than 600 million blogs on the internet out of the 1.7
billion websites.
 The number of active bloggers in the United States is estimated to hit 31.7 million
in 2020.
 86% of content marketers use blog posts as part of their marketing strategy.
 The average blog post today has 1236 words. That’s 53% more than the average
blog post six years ago.
 It takes bloggers an average of 3 hours, 57 minutes to produce a blog post.
 Bloggers say the most important factor for success is the quality of content.
 97% of bloggers use social media to promote their blog posts.
 Businesses that publish 16 or more posts per month receive 3.5x more traffic than
those who publish fewer than four posts.
 60% of consumers say blog posts are valuable in the early stages of the buying
 More than half of content marketers say blog content is their top inbound marketing
Why use blogging??
 Blogging for Business Owners - 43% of business owners say they don’t know
what blogging is or don’t actively blog for their business. In this age of online marketing,
these businesses are likely missing out on more customers and sales.
55% out of the ones that do, use it as their #1 inbound marketing strategy and say they
have benefited from it.
 Show that you are an expert in your industry - Blogging is a great way for
businesses to share knowledge with their customers about the industry or other relevant
interest areas. Successful companies consistently publish blog articles to assert their
authority as an industry leader and subject matter expert.
It helps consumers build trust and confidence in your brand. A user who reads your blog
often naturally has a relationship with you and trusts you.
 Create Value for your customers - You want to provide a better customer
experience than your competitors. We cannot stress the importance of this enough.
Blogging without thinking about adding value to customer experience is like going on a
trek without shoes on. It’s pointless because you are going to get hurt.
Why use blogging??
Example Blog: Gillette
Gillette Understood the Benefits of
Blogging Early On.
The best example that comes to
mind is Gillette’s transition from
promoting its razors via local
newspaper inserts on weekends to
a convincing lifestyle blog that
gives tips about shaving.
blogging Marketing?
Example Blog: Airbnb’s Belong Anywhere blog page
It connects readers with guest experiences and destination reviews.
When you think of budget vacations, you would never miss out on checking out
Airbnb first.
Have you ever wondered what makes innovative startups like Uber & Airbnb
industry leaders and thought provokers? It is things like blogging that make the
top of mind when customers are planning their vacations.
blogging Marketing?
 SEO - Search engine optimization is more than just ranking. It is a long-term tactic to
make your business visible above your competition in search engine results. There are a
couple of ways to do that.
One of the ways is to write blog posts around keywords that your customers search for.
This is a great way to make sure you’re publishing relevant content. And when the search
engine algorithms come crawling, they find your blog to have used the popular keyword
multiple times. Due to its relevance, they determine to rank your business higher on the
search results page.
 Collect Emails – Business owners can use blogging as a way to collect emails of
interested prospects by asking website visitors to subscribe to your blog posts. You can
then add these users to your marketing funnel. Where you can then send more
communications and promotions about your business. The more touch points you have
with a customer, the greater chance you’ll have of them converting.
 Demand Generation - Businesses often use blogs and content presentations as a
channel to announce new products, features, and inform customers about their brand and
the solutions they can provide.
blogging tips & tricks
 Lead Conversions – In the most simple terms, there are 3 stages of capturing a
customer to your business.
 Awareness Stage
 Consideration Stage
 Decision Stage
The benefits of blogging can be extended across all three. And it is even more
important to understand that all 3 stages play an equal assertive role in converting a
 Get Exposure & Visibility - Sometimes, business owners feel their money is better
invested in things like operations and management of the brand rather than advertising
and promotions. But then how do build awareness about your business without spending
resources to promote it?
 Build Your Network with Influencer Marketing - You would generally give an
influencer your product to have or use in exchange for a blog post reviewing the product
and your company. The key here is to make sure you work with an influencer that your
customers admire or follow.
blogging tips & tricks
 Generate Backlinks - Inbound links are links on other web pages that link back to
your website. Other than being a great SEO growth tool, it finds its place among the
benefits of blogging as well. Blogging creates value for customers by giving out tips and
important information about the business or industry in general. If these blog articles are
valuable enough to solve a customer problem, they might get picked up by other websites
or blogs too.
 Feedback - Customers can share stories with other users about your
products/services. Or just leave feedback on the blog pages. Similar to social listening,
brands can easily adjust their marketing/advertising strategy accordingly based on the
engagement and feedback they receive on blog posts.
 Stay Ahead of the Competition - A business that has an active blog on its
website is more likely to get a visitor to make a purchase. A recent marketing study
concluded that 55% of users are encouraged enough to buy from a business if they have
a consistent and interesting blog. A business with a steady blog is not only seen as an
expert by users, but it also creates value that indirectly helps a consumer choose
products and services.
blogging tips & tricks
1. Strategy not just Tactics
2. Content is the Foundation
3. Optimize for search
4. Make it easy to share
5. Think like a Publisher
6. Build an online Asset
7. Publish where your Customers
8. Implement the Hub & Spoke
9. Use paid as the Catalyst for your
10.Be patient and Persisted
10 takeaways
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by
The contents of this presentation is inspired on the Slideshare presentation from Jeff Bullas and updated for 2020.
Do you have any questions?
Martin van Vliet
+31 611 477 925

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Social Media Marketing Strategy for your Business in 2020

  • 1. Social media marketing 10 Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2020
  • 2. The Digital Landscape 1::Portals 2::Search Engines 3::Social Networks
  • 3. What has happened since 1990?  1st Website in 1990  130 Websites in 1993  16 Million Users in 1995  738 Million Internet users in Asia in December 2009  252 Million Internet users in North America in 2009  90 Trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2009  234 Million Websites in 2010  247 Billion – Average number of email messages per day in 2010  30 Billion – Photos uploaded to Facebook per year 2010  2.0 Billion Users of the Internet in 2011  2.5 Billion Users of Facebook in 2020  2.0 Billion Users of YouTube in 2020  4.5 Billion Users of the Internet in 2020 The Digital Landscape
  • 6.  Mobile Devices The Digital Landscape
  • 8.  There are currently over 4.5 billion active internet users worldwide  59 percent of the entire world’s population has internet access.  Internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 30 minutes online every day.  Today, there are over 1.7 billion websites on the world wide web. The “Noise” Problem
  • 9. DisplayAd “Clutter”Problem  Send a timely message  Avoid cheap tricks  Get personal  Know your audience  Give users choices
  • 14.  Social Media Amplifies your Content  Makes you Stand out from the Crowd  Networking on Steroids  Accelerates the Spread of your Brand  It can Position You as an Expert  Your Business Can Self-Publish  Global Word of Mouth  On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog  Facilitates Trust Why SocialMediaMarketing??
  • 16. Foundations andApproachto SocialMedia  Content  Search  Social  Publish to Multiple Networks  Publish a Variety of Multi-Media Content
  • 17. 10Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • 18. Step 1 Establish a Clear Focused Vision Nike’s Vision “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete”
  • 20. Step 3 Determine Prospects & Customer Personas
  • 21. Step 4 Create and Prioritize Goals
  • 22. Step 5 Develop Tactics to Achieve Goals
  • 23. Step 6 Allocate Resources to achieve Goals: Money, Time & Tools
  • 24. Step 7 Plan and Create Content
  • 25. Step 8 Publish and Promote on the Social Networks where your Customers are
  • 26. Step 9 Measure & Monitor the Results
  • 27. Step 10 Analyze & Improve and Repeat
  • 28. Social Media Marketing Toolsand Tactics
  • 30.  2.60 billion monthly active users use Facebook. It also has 1.73 billion users that are visiting the social networking site on a daily basis.  Facebook is the leading social platform, reaching 60.6 percent of internet users.  Facebook brought in $17.44 billion in ad revenue in Q1 2020.  More than 80 million small businesses around the world are using Facebook Pages.  Seven out of ten (69%) adults in the U.S. claim that they use Facebook.  65 percent of Facebook users are under the age of 35.  96 percent of active Facebook users accessed the social media platform via mobile devices.  58.5 minutes in the average time users spend on Facebook each day.  86 percent of US marketers are using Facebook for advertising.  78 percent of American consumers have discovered retail products to buy via Facebook. Why use facebook??
  • 31.  Choose the right category for your business page  Use a Vanity URL or a branded link like: “”  Provide an incentive for growing your Facebook “Likes”  Capture email subscriptions for your database  Sell products on your Facebook store  Offer specials with CTA button  Follow the 70-20-10 rule:  Post original content 70% of the time.  Post content relevant to your followers’ interests 20% of the time.  Post self-promotional content 10% of the time.  Share user-generated content  Post rich multimedia like high-quality photos or live videos FacebookTips
  • 32. Example Ad: Airtable  Addresses the Problem and Solution  Unique and Eye-Catching Image FacebookMarketing?
  • 33. Example Page: GoPro  Number of Likes: 10 million  You're met with videos and images that scream adventure, action, and adrenaline.  They're not connecting with their users through their products — instead, they're connecting with their users through the lifestyle their products enable. FacebookMarketing?
  • 34. Example Page: Tasty  Number of Likes: 97 million  The brand, produces engaging videos about making delicious food items in a short amount of time.  Tasty's brand understands the context and experience of users on Facebook. For instance, what makes their videos unique is that the videos don't require audio for a user to engage. This might seem like a minor detail, but it isn’t. FacebookMarketing
  • 35.  Facebook ads can reach more than 2 billion people worldwide – most of your potential buyers have a social media account  Facebook has some of the best ad algorithms in the industry – even if you’re unsure whom exactly to target, Facebook will almost do the selection for you  Facebook provides many different campaign types – from building brand awareness, driving traffic to your landing pages to closing the sales deal with the Conversions campaign objective  Facebook ads are considerably cheap to get started with – you can run a campaign test with as little as $200 Facebooktips& tricks
  • 36.  Install The Facebook Pixel - It will allow you to track conversions on different types of pages, from sales page conversions to submission page conversions.  B2B Facebook Marketing Objectives – Focus on Brand Awareness, Traffic & Lead Generation and Conversion.  B2B Facebook Ad Sets -  Budgeting – Options are daily or lifetime budget  Scheduling - Show conversion campaign ads to prospects while they’re in the mood to buy/convert.  Ad Locations - You first might think of ads that you see in your newsfeed. But there are far more options for ad placements like Instagram or Audience Network. Facebooktips& tricks
  • 38.  There are 330 million monthly active users and 145 million daily active users on Twitter.  63 percent of all Twitter users worldwide are between 35 and 65.  The ratio of female to male Twitter users is roughly one to two: 34 percent female and 66 percent male.  The average session on Twitter is 3.39 minutes.  There were 11.7 million downloads of Twitter on the App Store in the first quarter of 2019.  75 percent of B2B businesses market their products and/or services on Twitter.  500 million tweets are sent out per day.  More than 20 percent of all US internet users access Twitter at least once per month.  40 percent of Twitter users carried out a purchase after seeing it on Twitter. Why use twitter??
  • 39.  Direct messaging creates genuine connections  Tags encourage engagements - The @ is the key to sending other users a notification that almost guarantees your tweet gets viewed.  Posting multiple times per day is expected, not annoying - Twitter is the only social network where marketers are recommended to post up to 15 times per day  Twitter best showcases your brand voice - With a more robust posting schedule, Twitter is a network where a brand can develop its voice and public personality.  TweetDeck lets your monitor Twitter for free - lets you watch your competitors' activity and community all at once, which makes it an impactful tool for poaching customers.  Influencers can boost your campaigns - Marketers have found that influencer campaigns yield an average return of around $7.65 for every $1 spent. Why use twitter??
  • 40.  Your profile will drive traffic to your site - 47% of the people who visit a Twitter profile also visit the website linked to that profile.  Follower insights help you develop your follower persona – The Audiences tab helps marketers paint a picture of their average follower.  Advertising spend is low & effective - Independent research shows that Twitter marketing campaigns can deliver 40% higher return on investment when compared to other media channels.  Community management is possible with branded hashtags – Hashtags are still the king of social media discovery tools, especially when marketers use branded hashtags. Created by brands to give consumers a way to share their experiences on social channels, branded hashtags comprise 70% of the total hashtag landscape.  Anyone can go viral - One of the best parts of Twitter is its capability to spread a message like wildfire. Anyone who uses the platform regularly sees multiple tweets per day reach viral status because they're funny, relatable or newsworthy. Those tweets can come from anyone, no matter how few followers they might have. Why use twitter??
  • 41. Example Tweet: Doritos  People use Twitter to be entertained. There are more Tweets about celebrities, musicians, and sports than there are about family, school or work (this isn’t Facebook, people!) In fact, a 2012 study showed that 40 percent of daytime tweets were about television shows. Entertain your Followers and they’ll come back for more. twitter Marketing?
  • 42. Example Tweet: LG  So much of tweeting for business is about re-tweeting. Encourage your followers to share your content by making it share-able. I’m talking interesting facts, statistics, top tips, insider information, exclusives… All that information that social media users like to take and say ‘Hey everybody, look what I just learned!’ twitter Marketing?
  • 43.  Build an Attractive Profile –  Twitter handle: Your Twitter handle is your username.  Profile: Your Twitter profile picture represents your brand or an individual.  Header: The header on your Twitter profile is the space at top of the profile, can be used to unleash your creativity and show off your brand message and personalia  Optimize your Profile Bio –  Write a bio from scratch, avoid copying from other content.  A bio should sound sweet, it should be short.  Keep it exact. Tell people precisely who your brand is.  Let it be something humorous and engaging.  Keep it targeted. Write a bio that will attract people that fit in with your target audience.  Add hashtags so that people can find your account when they search for those terms .  Engage with your audience - Studies show that customers expect a response from brands on social media within an hour. However, most of the brands take 10 hours to respond which results in losing followers. twitter tips & tricks
  • 44.  Create Engaging content – Find out how many retweets, follows, replies, favorites and click-through your tweet gets.  Impression: Check how many times your tweets appeared on your audience’s timeline.  Hashtags: Find out which of your hashtags are usually used by your audience.  Top tweets: Find out which of your recent tweets received more retweets and categorize the ones people favorited or favorites. Create similar tweets to drag the audience’s attention frequently.  Frequently post twitter Video  Visual marketing brings positive effects to the audience. According to a survey, 82% of Twitter users watch video content on Twitter.  Consumers prefer to watch a video to learn about a product over reading a page on the product. In fact, 84% of users who watch a brand’s video end up buying the product. Tweet the videos created by your company.  According to Adweek, videos can be retweeted 6 times more than images and texts. Twitter allows its users to go live with the live video feature. It is posted as a tweet. twitter tips & tricks
  • 45.  Post Images to Increase Retweets - Post images at least 3 times a week. This is because images can easily explain things which text fail to. Tweets with images always stand out and get more audience attention.  Tweet at Peak Time - Studies show that tweets posted on Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 12 pm and 6 pm bring thousands on clicks. Other studies show that posting between 12 pm to 3 pm on Monday through Friday will work best. Users are more active at this time.  Target Audience and be Interactive with Your Audience - Build a twitter marketing strategy. Focus on the right audience. Target audiences who live in your area and are from the same industry.  Showcase Your Brand and Get Verified on Twitter - Getting verified on twitter will trigger your business growth. This will obviously affect your marketing and business. twitter tips & tricks
  • 47.  LinkedIn has over 660 million users in more than 200 countries and territories across the globe.  57 percent of LinkedIn users are male and 43 percent are female.  37 percent of US adults who use LinkedIn are between 30 and 49 years old.  Half of all US adults with college degrees use LinkedIn.  Nearly 15 percent of all LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers.  There are more than 30 million companies listed on LinkedIn.  LinkedIn is the second-most popular social media platform among B2B marketers.  The US offers the largest group of LinkedIn advertising audience with a reach of 160 million users.  52 percent of buyers says LinkedIn has the most influence on their research process before purchasing a product.  57 percent of LinkedIn’s traffic is mobile. Why use linkedin??
  • 48.  Create awareness and improve reputation - Ideal platform to increase your online presence. With more than two professionals signing up on LinkedIn every second, businesses have the opportunity to network with an increasing number of interesting contacts.  Thought leadership and influencer marketing - Position yourself as leader in a particular domain. From providing high-quality content, improving your personal profile and participating in LinkedIn communities to answering questions: the network is fertile ground for thought and practice leaders, aiming to become trusted advisors. Leadership and reputation go hand in hand with influence.  Selling and generating leads - Customers and prospect are more likely to post questions and needs, 18% is Group-related posts which gives the B2B marketers an opportunity to identify new leads. Another 18% are content sharing and liking content, which gives you insights on what they find interesting. Why uselinkedin??
  • 49.  Social CRM - It allows us to gain a better view on – prospective – customers and other contacts. This can be done using simple Social CRM applications but also by using ‘connecters’, for instance, for Outlook. Although most Social CRM solutions offer integration with LinkedIn, you can also set up a basic integration of your contacts as LinkedIn supports Google Contacts. A benefit of a social CRM tool is that it allows you to see what your contacts are doing on LinkedIn in real-time, offering valuable additional information on their behavior and preferences.  Traffic building - Power in link building and traffic driving. Just as other social networks do, LinkedIn has a social sharing button that enables you to share content in your status updates and in LinkedIn Groups you are a member of. This works especially well for business-related content and can lead to viral effects. Business content often gets shared more often via LinkedIn than via Facebook.  Listening and gaining insights - Last but certainly not least: LinkedIn is perfect to listen, ask questions and gain insights. Which is the case for all social media marketing! Why uselinkedin??
  • 50. Example Page: Greenhouse Software A leading provider of enterprise talent acquisition software, Greenhouse Software’s Page stands out with a colorful cover photo, a sharp tagline, and a great description. They also make use of the new Associated Hashtags feature, making it clear that they are part of the recruiting community. linkedinMarketing?
  • 51. Example Page: B2B conversation intelligence platform grabs your attention with a stunning and visually cohesive banner/logo combo. They make good use of the Life tab, giving members an inside look into what it’s like working for linkedinMarketing?
  • 52.  Create an Effective LinkedIn Company Page - A Company Page is your business’ LinkedIn profile, similar to how your Facebook Business Page is your company’s personal Facebook account. The company page serves to tell other potential connections about your offerings, the people who work there, and engage with actionable content. Company Pages are also a great way to establish industry expertise.  Have your employees connect with your company’s LinkedIn Page – Your employees have 10x more first-degree connections than your company does followers. Employees are your biggest advocates, and by making sure they’re following you, you’re also tapping into their vast network of potential connections.  Define your audience and goals - As with any marketing venture, defining your goals is a great place to start. Are you trying to establish yourself as a thought leader? Recruit valuable candidates? Or generate leads for your company to follow up with?  Optimize your company page for search – Add Keywords: If you missed adding these in step one of our list of LinkedIn tips and tricks, now is your opportunity to insert keywords into the company profile. linkedintips & tricks
  • 53.  Optimize your company page for search – Link to your Company Page: Link to your company page from your website, blog, social media posts, or email newsletters. This step is crucial to boosting your ranking in search and driving traffic to your LinkedIn page. Share relevant content: The most effective ways to improve your rankings is to share content regularly. The more frequently you share content, the higher your company page will appear in search results.  Include rich media to increase company page engagement – Our brains process images faster than text, so it only make sense that LinkedIn posts with images receive 98% more engagement.  Tag your connections or other members in posts – Getting likes in your posts is, of course, good for you. However, if you really want to stand out, then encourage some activity on your posts. When someone leaves a comment, take the time to respond. Or you can also do this on other people’s posts, just be sure to mention them using their first name. This is the best way to be relevant with your key networks. linkedintips & tricks
  • 54.  Get involved in LinkedIn groups - As a business, taking advantage of LinkedIn groups will help you connect with your customers. It also allows you and your business to network with other people in your field, especially those outside your immediate connections.  Incorporate LinkedIn ads - When you create your personal LinkedIn profile, you’re giving the network detailed information about your interests, basic demographics, and skills. This data is vital to marketers! LinkedIn can be known as the platform with the most defining targeting options, which allows you to easily incorporate LinkedIn to your marketing ventures.  Understand the LinkedIn algorithm – Content is posted, and passes the initial computerized test. It will either rank as ‘spam,’ ‘low quality,’ or ‘clear.’ Quality is key as you obviously want your content to be in the clear. linkedintips & tricks
  • 55.  Understand the LinkedIn algorithm – Content is left on the feed temporarily to measure engagement. Initial indicators of engagement (likes, comments, shares) are good. However if your content is hidden, not good. Make sure your content speaks to your audience so they won’t hide it or mark it as spam. Content passes a computerized virality check. The algorithm does some further checks for spam and credibility based on the quality of your account and network. Content is reviewed by human editors.  Learn from LinkedIn analytics - Monitoring your LinkedIn analytics helps you make informed decisions that lead to better results. This will lead to maximizing the effectiveness of this important business social network. You can understand your follower demographics, track traffic and activity on your company page. linkedintips & tricks
  • 57.  YouTube has 2 billion users worldwide.  79 percent of Internet users have their own YouTube account.  Almost eight out of ten marketers consider YouTube to be the most effective video marketing platform.  94 percent of American users between the age range of 18-44 year old accessed YouTube at least once a month.  Everyday people watch one billion hours of video on YouTube.  62 percent of businesses use YouTube as a channel to post video content.  More than 70 percent of YouTube watch time comes from mobile devices.  90 percent of people say they discover new brands or products on YouTube.  400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide.  90 percent of US digital video viewers use YouTube, the most popular channel for digital video consumption. Why use youtube??
  • 58.  Tap Into The Horde of YouTube’s Traffic - Online video is growing exponentially, with over 4 billion videos viewed daily. If you use YouTube for your business, you can easily reach your audience, both by creating videos and advertising on other people’s videos.  Marketing On YouTube Will Help You Get Found On Google - Due to Google Universal Search, videos, images, news, books and local searches are blended together in Google’s search results, so as to provide the most useful information for people searching.  Your Content Never Dies - Using YouTube for business can help you to re-purpose content you’ve already created without the need to spend a lot of time or to invest in expensive equipment. Re-purposing content you have already created is an effective form of content marketing, as you can reach an audience that will love that particular type of content. Why use youtube??
  • 59.  Grow Your Audience Worldwide - Consistently creating video content opens the door to new visitors who would never come across your business any other way. Through YouTube, you can reach a worldwide audience even if you only speak one language. If you’re a native English speaker, you’re at an advantage, as it’s difficult to capture the huge English-speaking markets (30% of all YouTube views) if you can’t write or produce excellent content.  Build Your Email List in YouTube - Ability to build your email list as you continue to provide valuable, engaging content. Use software that allows you to embed your sign-up form directly into YouTube videos.  Your Audience Will Promote You and Buy from You - Videos with a personal touch help to increase conversions. People buy from those they trust, and that trust is built by you relating to them on an emotional level. Research now shows that, for professional services and general companies, if you are driving traffic to a landing page with a video of a person in the company speaking about the product or service, it can dramatically increase your list of leads and sales. Why use youtube??
  • 60. Example Video: Beauty Battle Take a look at YouTube’s trending videos. Even if these videos have nothing to do with your business or industry, there’s a lot you can learn from them. Are all of these videos high-production, or are they shot more casually? What is the most common length of these videos? Do they have a host? Do they add special effects or text overlays? youtubeMarketing?
  • 61.  Create a YouTube channel for business – Start by opening a Brand Account on Google. You can create a YouTube channel with your regular Google account, but if you do, only you can access it. Plus, the account will be under your name and depending on your settings, may connect viewers to your personal email address.  Learn about your audience - If you’re just starting out on YouTube, set aside some time to learn about YouTube demographics. This includes quantitative data, like where the majority of users live (nearly 15% of site traffic comes from the U.S.), predominant age range (81% of 15–25 year-olds ), and viewing preferences (70% of watch time is on mobile).  Research your competition - Competitive analysis. Like any platform, YouTube is a competitive space. By conducting an audit of competitors, you can see how your channel measures up and identify opportunities.  Learn from your favorite channels - Scroll through your subscriptions and your YouTube history. As you do, take note of the techniques and formats that hold your attention. What keeps you coming back to these channels? How do the most popular channels drive views, subscriptions, and engagement? youtube tips & tricks
  • 62.  Optimize your videos to get views - YouTube is a video search engine. Like Google (which happens to own YouTube) videos results are ranked by titles, keywords, descriptions, and other factors. Then there’s the YouTube recommendation algorithm, which determines 70% of what people watch.  Upload and schedule your videos - Check your channel analytics to see if there’s a day or hour that tends to have a high amount of viewership and engagement. Once you’ve pinpointed the best time to post, aim to publish regularly within this window.  Try YouTube advertising - YouTube advertising can be an effective way to expand your reach beyond your channel. Want to promote your brand, an event, or a new product? YouTube ads are good for that, too. People are 3 times more likely to pay attention to online video ads versus TV ads.  Try working with an influencer - According to Google, 60% of YouTube subscribers are more likely to follow shopping advice from their favorite creator over their favorite TV movie personality. Why? It’s often a lot easier to relate to creators. With the right partnership, creators can transfer that reliability and trust to your brand. youtube tips & tricks
  • 63.  Analyze and adapt – Use YouTube Analytics to monitor the growth of your channel and track the performance of your videos. When you publish a new video, keep an eye on:  Significant changes in subscriber count  New or changing audience demographics  Video playback locations and traffic sources  Device reports (mobile, desktop, smart TVs, etc.)  5 YouTube marketing tools for business –  YouTube Audio Library  Canva  Hootsuite  Mentionlytics  Channelview youtube tips & tricks
  • 65.  There are currently more than 600 million blogs on the internet out of the 1.7 billion websites.  The number of active bloggers in the United States is estimated to hit 31.7 million in 2020.  86% of content marketers use blog posts as part of their marketing strategy.  The average blog post today has 1236 words. That’s 53% more than the average blog post six years ago.  It takes bloggers an average of 3 hours, 57 minutes to produce a blog post.  Bloggers say the most important factor for success is the quality of content.  97% of bloggers use social media to promote their blog posts.  Businesses that publish 16 or more posts per month receive 3.5x more traffic than those who publish fewer than four posts.  60% of consumers say blog posts are valuable in the early stages of the buying process.  More than half of content marketers say blog content is their top inbound marketing priority. Why use blogging??
  • 66.  Blogging for Business Owners - 43% of business owners say they don’t know what blogging is or don’t actively blog for their business. In this age of online marketing, these businesses are likely missing out on more customers and sales. 55% out of the ones that do, use it as their #1 inbound marketing strategy and say they have benefited from it.  Show that you are an expert in your industry - Blogging is a great way for businesses to share knowledge with their customers about the industry or other relevant interest areas. Successful companies consistently publish blog articles to assert their authority as an industry leader and subject matter expert. It helps consumers build trust and confidence in your brand. A user who reads your blog often naturally has a relationship with you and trusts you.  Create Value for your customers - You want to provide a better customer experience than your competitors. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. Blogging without thinking about adding value to customer experience is like going on a trek without shoes on. It’s pointless because you are going to get hurt. Why use blogging??
  • 67. Example Blog: Gillette Gillette Understood the Benefits of Blogging Early On. The best example that comes to mind is Gillette’s transition from promoting its razors via local newspaper inserts on weekends to a convincing lifestyle blog that gives tips about shaving. blogging Marketing?
  • 68. Example Blog: Airbnb’s Belong Anywhere blog page It connects readers with guest experiences and destination reviews. When you think of budget vacations, you would never miss out on checking out Airbnb first. Have you ever wondered what makes innovative startups like Uber & Airbnb industry leaders and thought provokers? It is things like blogging that make the top of mind when customers are planning their vacations. blogging Marketing?
  • 69.  SEO - Search engine optimization is more than just ranking. It is a long-term tactic to make your business visible above your competition in search engine results. There are a couple of ways to do that. One of the ways is to write blog posts around keywords that your customers search for. This is a great way to make sure you’re publishing relevant content. And when the search engine algorithms come crawling, they find your blog to have used the popular keyword multiple times. Due to its relevance, they determine to rank your business higher on the search results page.  Collect Emails – Business owners can use blogging as a way to collect emails of interested prospects by asking website visitors to subscribe to your blog posts. You can then add these users to your marketing funnel. Where you can then send more communications and promotions about your business. The more touch points you have with a customer, the greater chance you’ll have of them converting.  Demand Generation - Businesses often use blogs and content presentations as a channel to announce new products, features, and inform customers about their brand and the solutions they can provide. blogging tips & tricks
  • 70.  Lead Conversions – In the most simple terms, there are 3 stages of capturing a customer to your business.  Awareness Stage  Consideration Stage  Decision Stage The benefits of blogging can be extended across all three. And it is even more important to understand that all 3 stages play an equal assertive role in converting a customer.  Get Exposure & Visibility - Sometimes, business owners feel their money is better invested in things like operations and management of the brand rather than advertising and promotions. But then how do build awareness about your business without spending resources to promote it?  Build Your Network with Influencer Marketing - You would generally give an influencer your product to have or use in exchange for a blog post reviewing the product and your company. The key here is to make sure you work with an influencer that your customers admire or follow. blogging tips & tricks
  • 71.  Generate Backlinks - Inbound links are links on other web pages that link back to your website. Other than being a great SEO growth tool, it finds its place among the benefits of blogging as well. Blogging creates value for customers by giving out tips and important information about the business or industry in general. If these blog articles are valuable enough to solve a customer problem, they might get picked up by other websites or blogs too.  Feedback - Customers can share stories with other users about your products/services. Or just leave feedback on the blog pages. Similar to social listening, brands can easily adjust their marketing/advertising strategy accordingly based on the engagement and feedback they receive on blog posts.  Stay Ahead of the Competition - A business that has an active blog on its website is more likely to get a visitor to make a purchase. A recent marketing study concluded that 55% of users are encouraged enough to buy from a business if they have a consistent and interesting blog. A business with a steady blog is not only seen as an expert by users, but it also creates value that indirectly helps a consumer choose products and services. blogging tips & tricks
  • 72. 1. Strategy not just Tactics 2. Content is the Foundation 3. Optimize for search 4. Make it easy to share 5. Think like a Publisher 6. Build an online Asset 7. Publish where your Customers are 8. Implement the Hub & Spoke model 9. Use paid as the Catalyst for your Business 10.Be patient and Persisted 10 takeaways
  • 73. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. The contents of this presentation is inspired on the Slideshare presentation from Jeff Bullas and updated for 2020. THANKS! Do you have any questions? Martin van Vliet +31 611 477 925

Editor's Notes

  6. Send a timely message. Ads that are specific to a season, holiday, or other timely cultural experience are more likely to garner consumer attention. Find ways to present your product or brand in the context of a current event. Avoid cheap tricks. Banners that flash, blink, or interrupt the site experience without the user’s permission might get attention, but not the kind you’re looking for. Stick with rich media that’s user-initiated. Get personal. Use dynamic rich media to give consumers relevant ads (ads, for example, that take into account a user’s current location or weather report). The more relevant the ad to a user’s personal circumstances, the more likely she is to take note. Know your audience. Consumers are more likely to sit through a home page takeover for a new blockbuster movie than they are for a new brand of weed killer. Understand what your customer wants from your business, and deliver it in a way that makes sense for your brand. Give users choices. Allowing site users to select the video ad they’d like to see from among several choices, or determining whether they’d like to watch a video in full after viewing a clip in a banner ad, puts the consumer in control. And that’s exactly where she wants to be.