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Social Media for Business: Designing Your Strategy

          Taught by Tracy Samantha Schmidt, The Chicago Tribune
Social Media = individuals or brands
talking with each other, sharing content
      and interacting with it online
What do you share online?
Why do we share online?
•   To stay connected with our friends & family
•   To celebrate our latest accomplishments
•   To seek support during hard times
•   To ask for feedback about an idea
•   To laugh about something funny we found
•   To raise awareness about an important issue
•   To promote an upcoming event
Social Media’s Influence @ Your Business

              Send new followers                               Build relationships & handle
              directly to your website                         problems immediately
              for more information
                                          Traffic    Service

                          Search Engine                                     Promotions, events, sales
Create a link-building                                      Marketing       and news at your business
campaign to increase      Optimization
your site’s SEO

                                   Development      Monitoring

             Identify and follow up on                      Analyze your competition, the
             potential business leads                       market demand & who is talking
                                                            about your business
The Top Social Networks
Why you should consider Facebook
• Facebook has 800+ million users--200 million joined in 2011.

• The average Facebook user has 130 friends and is connected to 80
  Facebook pages, events & groups.

• You can create a Facebook Page for free and use it to talk directly
  with your customers, as well as share information (status updates,
  links, photos, videos) about your business.

• 56 % of consumers polled said they are likely to recommend a
  brand after becoming a fan of it on Facebook.

• More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories,
  blog posts, etc.) are shared each week on Facebook.
                For more info, visit
Facebook dominates in traffic

       Source: Venture Beat, December 2011
Facebook Page
•Can be created by a business, brand,
band or celebrity.
•Free to create, takes just minutes.
•You don’t need to have a Facebook
Profile to create a Page.
•As a Page, you can share info for free
about your business.
•You cannot “friend” users.
•Instead, they can “like” you and opt
in to receiving your Facebook posts.

Learn more at
The Anatomy of
a Facebook Page

 Facebook Likes =
 The number of Facebook
 users who opt in to hearing
 news about your Page.

 Only human users will
 appear in this count.

 “Like us on Facebook”
 encourages a user to opt in
 to a brand’s Facebook Page.
The Anatomy of
a Facebook Page

 Facebook Wall =
 The main area of your
 Facebook Page where you
 can post content.

 Content can include status
 updates, links, photos,
 videos and polls.

 Users can also post to your
 Facebook wall unless you
 restrict them from doing so.
The Anatomy of
a Facebook Page

 Photo Strip =
 A stream of all photos that
 have been posted to your
 Facebook Page.

 Photos appear here in
 reverse-chronological order.

 You can prevent users from
 posting photos to your
The Anatomy of
a Facebook Page

 Applications =
 Applications, or Apps, can
 be added to your Page to
 further customize it.

 Thousands of apps are
 available at

 Facebook Apps are available
 both for free & a premium.
The Anatomy of
a Facebook Page

 Page Likes =
 Your Facebook Page can like
 other Pages on Facebook.

 You can like whatever Pages
 you want to like.

 As a Page, you cannot send
 friend requests to users.

Welcome Tab =
An optional app that acts
like a mini web page within
your Facebook Page.

You can include links to
direct Facebook users back
to your website for more

Learn more at

Photos =
A free app that is included
with your Facebook Page.

You can post photos from
your business & ask
customers to tag

Learn more at

Contact Forms
Multiple apps are available
collect the contact info and
birthdays of your

Many of these apps can be
integrated into your own
databases for a fee.

Learn more at

Questions =
A free app that is included
with your Facebook Page.

Use this app to take a
survey of or poll your

Learn more at
Why you should consider Twitter
• Founded in 2006, Twitter now has more than
  300 million users—many of them influencers.
• Setting up a Twitter profile is free.
• As a business, you can interact with current
  customers and potential customers.
• You can also monitor what is being said about
  your business and respond in real-time.
• Twitter is a great way to improve your SEO.
           For more info, visit
Twitter Highlights
  •Both individuals and businesses can create Twitter accounts.
  •You can create several different accounts for free.
  •Your tweets are limited to 140 characters.
  •All of your tweets can be seen by the entire world.
Anatomy of a Twitter Profile
Handle - Your handle is the name people refer to you by on Twitter. My
handle is @tracysamantha. All handles are limited to 13 characters.

Display Name - This is the name associated with your account. You should
use your full name or business name here. My bio appears below it.
Anatomy of a Twitter Profile
Following- These are the Twitter users that have opted in to receiving your
tweets on their personalized Twitter homepages.

Followers– These are the Twitter users whose tweets you have opted in to
receiving on your personalized Twitter homepage.
Anatomy of a Twitter Profile
Tweets –These are my most recent Tweets, listed in reverse chronological
@ Replies – These are tweets that are directed at one or more specific Twitter
users. The tweets are still public and anyone can join our conversation.
Anatomy of a Twitter Homepage
Recent Tweets –These are the most recent tweets of the users I am following.

Trends– These are the trending topics that Twitter users in my area are
discussing right now.
Anatomy of a Twitter Homepage
Hashtag - A tag attached to a tweet (with a #) that allows users to talk about a
topic together in real-time. Anyone can create a hashtag by adding # to a word
or phrase.

Popular hashtags include #Oscars #SOTU #Japan #Fail #Winning
As soon as I tweet, it
                                                                  appears instantly on
                                                                  my profile & on my
                                                                  friends’ feeds.

Always use caution: All tweets can be captured by search engines.
Even if you delete them, they can still be found by other people. Remember Anthony Weiner?
Why you should consider LinkedIn
•   Largest social network for professionals.
•   More than 100 million users worldwide.
•   Highly optimized for search engines.
•   The neatest way to display your resume.
•   You can easily showcase client testimonials.
•   You can also create a company page for free.

             For more info, visit
A completed profile – Includes your full name, headline, photo, work history,
education, recommendations, and links to your website (if applicable).
A completed profile – You should also include a detailed summary of your work
history. Be sure to include key phrases you want to be found for in your summary.
Status Updates– Are an easy way to share your latest accomplishment or just an article
you think will be of interest to your LinkedIn connections.
A LinkedIn Group– Is an easy way to meet other people in your industry, learn the
latest trends, discuss ideas and build your own professional reputation.
A Company Page– Is a free way to share information about your business, including
linking together your employee’s profiles and detailing services that you offer.
Why you should consider Flickr
• The largest photo-sharing social network.
• Flickr is owned by Yahoo, making it also one of
  the world’s largest search engines.
• For free, you can upload 300 MB of photos per
  month. For $25/year, you have unlimited
• Flickr is an easy way to store your photos
  online and increase your SEO.
              For more info, visit
A Flickr Profile– Let’s you share information about your business and group together all
photo albums you’ve created, as well as your favorites of other Flickr users.
A Flickr Collection– Let’s you group together individual albums around a theme. You
can also include more information about your business & direct users to your website.
A Flickr Album– Let’s you group together individual photos around a specific theme or
event. Like a collection, you can include additional info and direct users to your website.
Flickr Photo– You can include caption and licensing information with each photo. Each
photo also has a unique url, so you can link directly to the photo and use it to improve your SEO.
Group Pool– You can encourage your customers to post photos of your business and
attach it to your Group Pool. With permission, you can repurpose these photos offline.
Why you should consider Foursquare
• Largest social network for check-ins.
• Every time a customer checks in to your store,
  their personal networks can be notified.
• Your store/brand thus gets free publicity.
• Customers can also leave tips on Foursquare
  for future customers to your store.
• To reward loyal customers, you can create
  Foursquare specials for free.
      For more info, visit
Offer loyalty & check-in specials
Encourage customers to leave tips
And ask for photos, too.
Why you should consider Google+
• Social network owned by Google, the world’s
  largest search engine.
• Google+ launched in summer 2011 and now
  has an estimated 62 million users worldwide.
• Google+ results are integrated into users’
  searches through a new feature called Search
  + Your World.
• It’s free to create a brand page for your
  business on Google+.
           For more info, visit
Google+ Profile – As a brand, you can share status updates, links, photos and videos as
you would on a Facebook Page. Users can also comment on what you’ve shared, as well as give
it a +1 and reshare your content with their own Google+ circles.
SEO & Google+ – While it doesn’t have the engagement of Facebook, Google+ is an
easy way to increase your business’ search results. Include plenty of key phrases and info about
your business throughout your profile. Learn more at
Why you should consider Pinterest
• Pinterest is a virtual pinboard built around a
  social network. Users can “pin” images they’ve
  found online, as well as upload their own images.
• Pinterest launched in March 2010. By December
  2011, it had 7.5 million users—up from 418,000
  users in May 2011.
• Retailers are using to Pinterest to create a “social
  shopping” experience.
• Pinterest now matches Twitter’s rate of traffic
  referral to publishers’ sites, according to the WSJ.
              For more info, visit
How Pinterest Works – Users find or upload images to their own Pinterest
boards. Other users who like the images can “like” the image, comment on it or repin
the image on to their own boards.
How Pinterest Works – Users can create unlimited boards. Other users can
then choose to follow an individual board or all of the user’s boards.
How Pinterest Works – Each photo posted to Pinterest includes a link back to
the site that owns the image. This creates huge SEO potential for a business whose
images are repinned frequently on Pinterest. Learn more at
1.Update       2.Improve      3.Research
                your website     your SEO      competition

                  6. Enlist     5. Decide on   4. Establish
                 resources       platforms     guidelines

                7. Train your   8. Test the    9. Evolve &
                 employees      waters first      Adapt

Your Road Map

Your social media road map
  1.Update       2.Improve      3.Research
your website     your SEO      competition

  6. Enlist     5. Decide on   4. Establish
 resources       platforms     guidelines

7. Train your   8. Test the    9. Evolve &
 employees      waters first      Adapt
1. Update your website
• Your website should be easy for customers to
  navigate and find what they’re looking for.
• Display calls to action throughout your site.
• Also include all essential information about
  your business, including:
     •   Business name
     •   Goods or services offered
     •   Contact information
     •   Store hours and/or address
2. Fix your SEO
• Next, make sure your web site can be found.
• At the minimum, customers should be able to
  Google your business’ name to find your
• To do this, claim your Google Place listing.
• Consider hiring an SEO consultant to improve
  your overall search engine results.
3. Research the competition
• Analyze your competitors online.
• Ask yourself:
     What’s the focus on their website?
     How do they show up in Google?
     What are they doing in social media?
     What are their customers saying online?
4. Write your social media guidelines
Before you even begin, make decisions about
  how your company will act online. These
  decisions include:
     •   Your “personality” across the social networks
     •   What information you will & will not share
     •   What you will do to satisfy an unhappy customer
     •   How to handle a crisis when it strikes
5. Decide on a platform
6. Enlist resources to help you.
            People                               Content
• Look for employees who love         • Look for content that can be
  using social media.
   – Ask them for feedback on your      reused via social media.
     strategy                            –   Old company photos
   – Encourage them to act as brand      –   Short videos of your team
   – Consider changing their job         –   Upcoming event calendars
     description to include              –   Printed newsletters
     executing your social media
     strategy                            –   Letters from your executives
• Do NOT give full control of            –   Annual reports
  your profiles to an
  unsupervised intern or entry-
  level employee.
7. Train & encourage your employees
• Teach all of your employees how to use the
  social networks your company will use.
• Create an employee social media policy.
• Be sure to monitor your employees online.
  Look out for:
     • Negative comments about your company
     • Inappropriate behavior online
     • Leaking of proprietary information
8. Test the waters first
• Start with the social network that is the
  simplest for you to use & fits your business.
• Spend at least a month building that profile
  and getting comfortable in social media.
• When you’re ready, add another social profile
  and make sure your profiles are connected to
  each other & to your website.
9. Evolve and adapt
Give your social media strategy at least three
  months to show results.
• Use the social networks’ reporting tools to
  measure what is and is not working.
• Ask your followers for constructive feedback
  right on your social media profile.
• Be willing to adapt and make changes to your
  strategy if needed.
Your social media road map
  1.Update       2.Improve      3.Research
your website     your SEO      competition

  6. Enlist     5. Decide on   4. Establish
 resources       platforms     guidelines

7. Train your   8. Test the    9. Evolve &
 employees      waters first      Adapt
Social Media for Business: Part Two
           Building an editorial strategy for your profiles

           Setting up a free social media dashboard

           Setting up Google Alerts for your business & field

           Actively engaging your followers

           Quickly responding to questions & comments

           Handling negative reviews in a positive manner

                                     Monday, Feb. 13| 6 p.m. | Tribune Tower | $75
Thank you for joining us!

                             Tracy Samantha Schmidt
                             Manager, Educational Programs
                             Tribune Media Group

           Register for upcoming classes at

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Social Media for Business: Designing Your Strategy

  • 1. Social Media for Business: Designing Your Strategy Taught by Tracy Samantha Schmidt, The Chicago Tribune
  • 2. Social Media = individuals or brands talking with each other, sharing content and interacting with it online
  • 3. What do you share online?
  • 4. Why do we share online? • To stay connected with our friends & family • To celebrate our latest accomplishments • To seek support during hard times • To ask for feedback about an idea • To laugh about something funny we found • To raise awareness about an important issue • To promote an upcoming event
  • 5. Social Media’s Influence @ Your Business Send new followers Build relationships & handle directly to your website problems immediately for more information Customer Traffic Service Referral Search Engine Promotions, events, sales Create a link-building Marketing and news at your business campaign to increase Optimization your site’s SEO Business Development Monitoring Identify and follow up on Analyze your competition, the potential business leads market demand & who is talking about your business
  • 6. The Top Social Networks
  • 8. Why you should consider Facebook • Facebook has 800+ million users--200 million joined in 2011. • The average Facebook user has 130 friends and is connected to 80 Facebook pages, events & groups. • You can create a Facebook Page for free and use it to talk directly with your customers, as well as share information (status updates, links, photos, videos) about your business. • 56 % of consumers polled said they are likely to recommend a brand after becoming a fan of it on Facebook. • More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, etc.) are shared each week on Facebook. For more info, visit
  • 9. Facebook dominates in traffic Source: Venture Beat, December 2011
  • 10. Facebook Page Highlights •Can be created by a business, brand, band or celebrity. •Free to create, takes just minutes. •You don’t need to have a Facebook Profile to create a Page. •As a Page, you can share info for free about your business. •You cannot “friend” users. •Instead, they can “like” you and opt in to receiving your Facebook posts. Learn more at
  • 11. The Anatomy of a Facebook Page Facebook Likes = The number of Facebook users who opt in to hearing news about your Page. Only human users will appear in this count. “Like us on Facebook” encourages a user to opt in to a brand’s Facebook Page.
  • 12. The Anatomy of a Facebook Page Facebook Wall = The main area of your Facebook Page where you can post content. Content can include status updates, links, photos, videos and polls. Users can also post to your Facebook wall unless you restrict them from doing so.
  • 13. The Anatomy of a Facebook Page Photo Strip = A stream of all photos that have been posted to your Facebook Page. Photos appear here in reverse-chronological order. You can prevent users from posting photos to your Page.
  • 14. The Anatomy of a Facebook Page Applications = Applications, or Apps, can be added to your Page to further customize it. Thousands of apps are available at Facebook Apps are available both for free & a premium.
  • 15. The Anatomy of a Facebook Page Page Likes = Your Facebook Page can like other Pages on Facebook. You can like whatever Pages you want to like. As a Page, you cannot send friend requests to users.
  • 16. Applications Welcome Tab = An optional app that acts like a mini web page within your Facebook Page. You can include links to direct Facebook users back to your website for more information. Learn more at
  • 17. Applications Photos = A free app that is included with your Facebook Page. You can post photos from your business & ask customers to tag themselves. Learn more at
  • 18. Applications Contact Forms Multiple apps are available collect the contact info and birthdays of your customers. Many of these apps can be integrated into your own databases for a fee. Learn more at
  • 19. Applications Questions = A free app that is included with your Facebook Page. Use this app to take a survey of or poll your customers. Learn more at
  • 21. Why you should consider Twitter • Founded in 2006, Twitter now has more than 300 million users—many of them influencers. • Setting up a Twitter profile is free. • As a business, you can interact with current customers and potential customers. • You can also monitor what is being said about your business and respond in real-time. • Twitter is a great way to improve your SEO. For more info, visit
  • 22. Twitter Highlights •Both individuals and businesses can create Twitter accounts. •You can create several different accounts for free. •Your tweets are limited to 140 characters. •All of your tweets can be seen by the entire world.
  • 23. Anatomy of a Twitter Profile Handle - Your handle is the name people refer to you by on Twitter. My handle is @tracysamantha. All handles are limited to 13 characters. Display Name - This is the name associated with your account. You should use your full name or business name here. My bio appears below it.
  • 24. Anatomy of a Twitter Profile Following- These are the Twitter users that have opted in to receiving your tweets on their personalized Twitter homepages. Followers– These are the Twitter users whose tweets you have opted in to receiving on your personalized Twitter homepage.
  • 25. Anatomy of a Twitter Profile Tweets –These are my most recent Tweets, listed in reverse chronological order. @ Replies – These are tweets that are directed at one or more specific Twitter users. The tweets are still public and anyone can join our conversation. .
  • 26. Anatomy of a Twitter Homepage Recent Tweets –These are the most recent tweets of the users I am following. Trends– These are the trending topics that Twitter users in my area are discussing right now. .
  • 27. Anatomy of a Twitter Homepage Hashtag - A tag attached to a tweet (with a #) that allows users to talk about a topic together in real-time. Anyone can create a hashtag by adding # to a word or phrase. Popular hashtags include #Oscars #SOTU #Japan #Fail #Winning
  • 28. As soon as I tweet, it appears instantly on my profile & on my friends’ feeds. Always use caution: All tweets can be captured by search engines. Even if you delete them, they can still be found by other people. Remember Anthony Weiner?
  • 30. Why you should consider LinkedIn • Largest social network for professionals. • More than 100 million users worldwide. • Highly optimized for search engines. • The neatest way to display your resume. • You can easily showcase client testimonials. • You can also create a company page for free. For more info, visit
  • 31. A completed profile – Includes your full name, headline, photo, work history, education, recommendations, and links to your website (if applicable).
  • 32. A completed profile – You should also include a detailed summary of your work history. Be sure to include key phrases you want to be found for in your summary.
  • 33. Status Updates– Are an easy way to share your latest accomplishment or just an article you think will be of interest to your LinkedIn connections.
  • 34. A LinkedIn Group– Is an easy way to meet other people in your industry, learn the latest trends, discuss ideas and build your own professional reputation.
  • 35. A Company Page– Is a free way to share information about your business, including linking together your employee’s profiles and detailing services that you offer.
  • 37. Why you should consider Flickr • The largest photo-sharing social network. • Flickr is owned by Yahoo, making it also one of the world’s largest search engines. • For free, you can upload 300 MB of photos per month. For $25/year, you have unlimited uploads. • Flickr is an easy way to store your photos online and increase your SEO. For more info, visit
  • 38. A Flickr Profile– Let’s you share information about your business and group together all photo albums you’ve created, as well as your favorites of other Flickr users.
  • 39. A Flickr Collection– Let’s you group together individual albums around a theme. You can also include more information about your business & direct users to your website.
  • 40. A Flickr Album– Let’s you group together individual photos around a specific theme or event. Like a collection, you can include additional info and direct users to your website.
  • 41. Flickr Photo– You can include caption and licensing information with each photo. Each photo also has a unique url, so you can link directly to the photo and use it to improve your SEO.
  • 42. Group Pool– You can encourage your customers to post photos of your business and attach it to your Group Pool. With permission, you can repurpose these photos offline.
  • 44. Why you should consider Foursquare • Largest social network for check-ins. • Every time a customer checks in to your store, their personal networks can be notified. • Your store/brand thus gets free publicity. • Customers can also leave tips on Foursquare for future customers to your store. • To reward loyal customers, you can create Foursquare specials for free. For more info, visit
  • 45. Offer loyalty & check-in specials
  • 47. And ask for photos, too.
  • 49. Why you should consider Google+ • Social network owned by Google, the world’s largest search engine. • Google+ launched in summer 2011 and now has an estimated 62 million users worldwide. • Google+ results are integrated into users’ searches through a new feature called Search + Your World. • It’s free to create a brand page for your business on Google+. For more info, visit
  • 50. Google+ Profile – As a brand, you can share status updates, links, photos and videos as you would on a Facebook Page. Users can also comment on what you’ve shared, as well as give it a +1 and reshare your content with their own Google+ circles.
  • 51. SEO & Google+ – While it doesn’t have the engagement of Facebook, Google+ is an easy way to increase your business’ search results. Include plenty of key phrases and info about your business throughout your profile. Learn more at
  • 53. Why you should consider Pinterest • Pinterest is a virtual pinboard built around a social network. Users can “pin” images they’ve found online, as well as upload their own images. • Pinterest launched in March 2010. By December 2011, it had 7.5 million users—up from 418,000 users in May 2011. • Retailers are using to Pinterest to create a “social shopping” experience. • Pinterest now matches Twitter’s rate of traffic referral to publishers’ sites, according to the WSJ. For more info, visit
  • 54. How Pinterest Works – Users find or upload images to their own Pinterest boards. Other users who like the images can “like” the image, comment on it or repin the image on to their own boards.
  • 55. How Pinterest Works – Users can create unlimited boards. Other users can then choose to follow an individual board or all of the user’s boards.
  • 56. How Pinterest Works – Each photo posted to Pinterest includes a link back to the site that owns the image. This creates huge SEO potential for a business whose images are repinned frequently on Pinterest. Learn more at
  • 57.
  • 58. 1.Update 2.Improve 3.Research your website your SEO competition 6. Enlist 5. Decide on 4. Establish resources platforms guidelines 7. Train your 8. Test the 9. Evolve & employees waters first Adapt Your Road Map DESIGNING YOUR STRATEGY
  • 59. Your social media road map 1.Update 2.Improve 3.Research your website your SEO competition 6. Enlist 5. Decide on 4. Establish resources platforms guidelines 7. Train your 8. Test the 9. Evolve & employees waters first Adapt
  • 60. 1. Update your website • Your website should be easy for customers to navigate and find what they’re looking for. • Display calls to action throughout your site. • Also include all essential information about your business, including: • Business name • Goods or services offered • Contact information • Store hours and/or address
  • 61.
  • 62. 2. Fix your SEO • Next, make sure your web site can be found. • At the minimum, customers should be able to Google your business’ name to find your website. • To do this, claim your Google Place listing. • Consider hiring an SEO consultant to improve your overall search engine results.
  • 63.
  • 64. 3. Research the competition • Analyze your competitors online. • Ask yourself: What’s the focus on their website? How do they show up in Google? What are they doing in social media? What are their customers saying online?
  • 65. 4. Write your social media guidelines Before you even begin, make decisions about how your company will act online. These decisions include: • Your “personality” across the social networks • What information you will & will not share • What you will do to satisfy an unhappy customer • How to handle a crisis when it strikes
  • 66. 5. Decide on a platform
  • 67. 6. Enlist resources to help you. People Content • Look for employees who love • Look for content that can be using social media. – Ask them for feedback on your reused via social media. strategy – Old company photos – Encourage them to act as brand – Short videos of your team ambassadors – Consider changing their job – Upcoming event calendars description to include – Printed newsletters executing your social media strategy – Letters from your executives • Do NOT give full control of – Annual reports your profiles to an unsupervised intern or entry- level employee.
  • 68. 7. Train & encourage your employees • Teach all of your employees how to use the social networks your company will use. • Create an employee social media policy. • Be sure to monitor your employees online. Look out for: • Negative comments about your company • Inappropriate behavior online • Leaking of proprietary information
  • 69. 8. Test the waters first • Start with the social network that is the simplest for you to use & fits your business. • Spend at least a month building that profile and getting comfortable in social media. • When you’re ready, add another social profile and make sure your profiles are connected to each other & to your website.
  • 70. 9. Evolve and adapt Give your social media strategy at least three months to show results. • Use the social networks’ reporting tools to measure what is and is not working. • Ask your followers for constructive feedback right on your social media profile. • Be willing to adapt and make changes to your strategy if needed.
  • 71. Your social media road map 1.Update 2.Improve 3.Research your website your SEO competition 6. Enlist 5. Decide on 4. Establish resources platforms guidelines 7. Train your 8. Test the 9. Evolve & employees waters first Adapt
  • 72. Social Media for Business: Part Two Building an editorial strategy for your profiles Setting up a free social media dashboard Setting up Google Alerts for your business & field Actively engaging your followers Quickly responding to questions & comments Handling negative reviews in a positive manner Monday, Feb. 13| 6 p.m. | Tribune Tower | $75
  • 73. Thank you for joining us! Tracy Samantha Schmidt Manager, Educational Programs Tribune Media Group 312-222-3099 Register for upcoming classes at