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Define Social Deviance
Deviance is by definition "the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards,
especially in social or sexual behavior."Social deviance is a very extensive term, which describes
actions or behaviors that violate social "norms." Norms are just rules by which members of any
society are expected to uphold. Social deviance has many forms and interpretations. However,
deviant acts can vary in different places thus they are primarily relative to setting, because what
could be considered deviant in one place could be considered normal in another place.
For example, a few days ago I went to a family's party in which we are all Hispanics. Females know
that this is a very important day so they can express how they are in the way they
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Social Norms And Deviance Essay
Deviance is a violation of social norms, that is behavior that is known as violating expected rules
and norms. And is not always punishable the social setting in which it occurs should be understood.
Example; A student talking on his or her cell phone during class. Is disrespectful and a bad habit for
a student to be talking on her cell phone when in class, as is against the school it causes
distraction to other students and the lecturer. The student can get informal negative sanction Women
putting on paint in a society were culture don't allowed women to wear paint. This is a violation
against cultural rule the person can be negatively sanction Eating, smoking in the classroom when
instructor is lecturing Driving through
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Social Deviance Essay
When it comes to the hypothetical and "useless" questions that people often think of, one of the
most persistent ponderings is what would someone do if they were to achieve a very high level
of power such as a being a king. So how would I make such classifications of behaviors that were
to be deemed as deviant from the social norms of my kingdom? That is a question that proved to be
quite intriguing to me as a set forth to come up with a system regarding social deviance. My
ultimate conclusion was the laws regarding such deviance would be limited only to those at which
lead to the violation of the negative rights of others. This would include things such as rape, assault,
and kidnapping in addition to non–violent aggressions such as more content...
My reasoning is that many forms social deviance are acts which ultimately are extremely
subjective or relative in terms of their nature. For example, saying things that are perceived as
racist in nature is widely viewed as being deviant of the social norms since they are incredibly
offensive in nature. Thus many areas even have created laws to combat such racist speech since
it defies the social order and also is said to incite people. However such deviance of social norms
(by saying racist comments) is quite relative since there are many contexts where such supposed
racist speech could be within what some would call the social norm depending on how such
speech is handled. One example that I think of would be Ice Cube's classic album Death
Certificate which contains the song Black Korea. The song was removed from the United
Kingdom's release as they felt that the content of the song would be classified as a violation of
laws against racial incitement (which is viewed as being against the social norm in the area). In
some sense finding the song to be a deviant of social standards is quite normal since the language
of the song is very strong and includes language that obviously would be found as offensive to
those of Asian descent. So should the song be banned due to racial incitement that goes against the
social norms ("IT'S NOT A BLACK THING",
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Social Construction Of Deviance Essay
Deviance is any behavior that violate social principles and values resulting in specific prohibition ( ) but this behavior can vary over time and place ,what may
be deviant in one society won't be in another or it may even be a desirable behavior ,social norms
are continually evolving depending on culture religion world affairs ...
During a large demonstration against the world trade organization (WTO) where Police and
protester interacted in different way and levels. in sociologist point of view this can be considered
as a formal deviance simply because there was a major violation of formal social norms, a norms
that's have been imposed by law through civil disobedience that caused some property destruction more content...
this is historically proven there a lot of deviant behavior that (
/articles/PMC527707/ ) encouraged the development of more justice and rightness in society
helping it to move forward such as with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr and the little Rock
Nine and other heroes of the American civil rights movement.. Sometime we do not recognize
positivity of deviance nearly as much as recognize the negativity. Actually deviance can be a one way
of social change, helping people adjust to change and a way in which some individuals and groups
can introduce their agendas to the rest of society, and elevate their own personal status while doing it
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What is Deviance? Essay
Deviance can be defined as an absence of conformity to the social norm. Not all deviant behavior
is necessarily illegal or harmful to individuals, these behaviors can range from standing in
another's personal space to murdering another individual. In some cases, it can be looked upon as
a positive change or a unique and favorable act. Although, considered deviant because it is not the
social norm, it still can have a very positive social aspect or lead to social change. Culture and the
societies within these cultures have a significant impact on what is considered deviant and what is
acceptable or even lawful behavior. The degree of deviance is measured by society's reaction
towards the action and the lawful sanctions that may more content...
Abnormal behavior in one society appears normal in the other society (Nairne, 426). Deviance is
weighed by the society's reactions to the particular behavior, also it is measured by the society's
way of life so that it defines the unwelcoming behavior. It ignores the social order and some
organizations believe, the reality in society. The violation of the social norm can be meant to be
utilized as a way of sustaining power, position, and influence of a specific group of people or
organizations. In most cultures, the idea of deviance is based on the values, deeds, and beliefs that
are achieved through interaction among people that have influence in the society and from the
understanding that culture is passed on from member to member. Societies are also comprised of the
subculture and the culture itself. The huge cultural forces depict what deeds are appreciated and
which are unaccepted or discouraged. On the other hand, the subculture in a certain setting creates a
resistance to the dominating culture and in doing so, they give a hand in the behavior that violates
the large culture social norms. Therefore, the deviation from the cultural norms can be attributed to
the social classes and financial classes. For example, prostitution in regions of the developing world
is deviant in most cultures, however poverty pressure pushes young girls toward it for survival.
Another reason deviant people take a
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Essay on Deviance and Social Control
The concepts 'Social Control' and 'Deviance' have more than one definition to me, my
understandings of these terms are that they try to group, control and define different kinds of
anti–social behaviour. In this essay I will be reflecting on how certain topics have deviant labels
attached to them as a result of social control. I will be explaining my initial understanding and
views of these topics, going on to explain how they may have been changed, challenged or
reinforced after attending lectures and using the sources available to me to expand my knowledge.
Also, I will be using evidence from texts I have read to support these views and considering how
these contribute to the inner–relationship between 'deviance' and social control. more
This understanding has been reinforced but I now understand that social control lays much more
emphasis on the behaviour of individuals in the society it controls. The knowledge I had on
deviance was slightly mixed, as before this module I was unsure whether deviance and crime
were related. I knew that crime is the act of disobeying the law, and I did not see that socially
deviant behaviour should be classified as a criminal act. I believed deviance was more so
directed to behaviour that is not socially accepted or follows social norms. For example, I think
the act of being as part of a 'gang' is socially deviant behaviour but until a person within a gang has
disobeyed the law and committed a crime, they are not a criminal. I believe social control has a
very big influence on what society views as 'deviant' especially with teenage mothers. My view on
teenage mothers was one that was slightly biased. Being twenty one, I have many friends a few
years older and around the same age as myself who have children that were conceived and/or born
whilst the mother was in her teens. After seeing first–hand what a great job they do, shaped my
opinion that it should not matter what age you are when you have a child as long as that child is
loved and cared for. Women should not be stigmatised, defined or judged upon the age they become
parents. I do however believe that it is not a wise choice, and do not encourage it, because although
teenage mothers may give their children all
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Social Deviance and Social Norms Essay
Social deviance is a violation of social norms. So what qualifies as a social deviant? According to
sociologist, Howard S. Becker the best definition of social deviance is, "It is not the act itself, but
the reactions to the act, that do something deviant." In cultures around the world, there are many
practices Americans find deviant, but in other cultures, it's the norm. In many countries around the
world, girls are married as young as 11 years old. To Americans, that is considered child abuse and
rape, but that is only because of our social norms. To the men and parents in different countries, it is
perfectly normal because their social norms. In America, social deviance comes in many different
forms. We have our sexual deviants, more content...
Avner considered himself bi–sexual. He associated with the furry culture, and attended several furry
conventions. Imagine how he would have been looked at thirty years ago. Appearance
modification is the lighter side of social deviance. Other forms of deviance include serial murder,
incest, rape and pedophilia. One of the most famous of violent social deviance would have to be
Theodore Bundy. Theodore Bundy was a serial murderer and rapist. He killed dozens of women
across four states. He was executed, by way of electrocution, in Florida in 1989. He was an
extreme case of social deviance. Rape is an awful, but real type of social deviance. Whether it is
from a stranger, friend, relative or even a husband; According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest,
National, Network) an American is assaulted every two minutes. In other cultures, rape is a way
of marrying the women of your choice. "Marriage by capture" practiced in Hmong culture.
Hmong men simply pick a girl, take her to their home and rape her, then they are considered
married. To Americans, that is a horrifying idea, but for the Hmong people it is a cultural norm. In
America, it is a serious form of socially deviant behavior. In America, incest is another shocking
form of sexual, social deviance. In the Netherlands and Belgium, you can have sex with close
family members, if you are over the age of 18 and it is consensual. In other countries, cousins are
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Social Deviance
Social Deviance Paper Deviance is defined as the violation of cultural norms. This is an extremely
broad definition, and depending on who is explaining it, the above definition can mean a variety of
different things. It is, however, generally assumed by the public that anyone who is considered
"deviant" is putting a negative hold on society. This is not necessarily true. Deviance is exhibited in
many forms throughout society. Deviance is not necessarily negative; sometimes the norms of
society need to be violated so that new norms can be formed. Society repeatedly attempts to put
many social controls on its' people. Anyone who does not fit the perfect mold of the perfect–citizen
would be considered a deviant (Social Deviance, 2006). more content...
These prejudices can also lead to discrimination and exclusion. These prejudices also lead to labeling
and the labeling theory. Labeling theory says that deviance is not inherent to an act, but instead
focuses on the linguistic tendency of majorities to negatively label minorities or those seen as
deviant from norms. The theory is concerned with how the self–identity and behavior of individuals
may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them, and is associated
with the concept of a self–fulfilling–prophecy and stereotyping. The theory was prominent in the
1960s and 1970s, and some modified versions of the theory have developed. Unwanted descriptors
or categorizations, including terms related to deviance, disability or a diagnosis of mental–illness,
may be rejected on the basis that they are "labels", often with attempts to adopt a more constructive
language in its place. Labeling theory is also closely related to interactionism and
social–construction (Social Deviance, 2006). "The term 'homosexual ' is generally used to refer to
anyone who engages in overt sexual practices with a member of his own sex, the practice being
called 'homosexuality. ' This usage appears to be based on a medical and legal frame of reference.
Society has come to believe that homosexual males and females are discretely different from persons
who respond to natural stimuli. Instead of using these terms as substantives,
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The Importance Of Social Deviance
Deviance is a concept that sociologists tend to struggle coming up with one widely accepted
definition for. It is a concept that impacts everyone in a given society, either directly or indirectly,
and is generally defined as "Variation from a set of norms or shared social expectations."
(Laurence Basirico, Barbara Cashion, J. Ross Eshleman 2014:195) Society often views social
deviance as a negative thing that disrupts that natural order and guidelines of a society, but it also
has many positive functions to it. Society can help, "define the limits of social tolerance",
"Increase the solidarity and integration of a group", "Serve as a "safety valve" for social
discontent", and "indicate defects of inadequacies in the existing social organization." (Basirico,
2014:195). All of these positive functions of a deviant behavior tend to lead towards positive
change in a society that although may serve as a culture shock to the society at first, such as
equality for LGBT groups, it will eventually become beneficial to the society and make it a healthier
and more sustainable one. Without deviant behavior, the society becomes stagnant and will die,
much like a living organism's cells becoming stagnant, and the organism dying. Although social
deviance can bring productive change to a society, it is still important to understand that it can lead
to dysfunctions and be harmful to the society, as well as the people within it. Dysfunctions of
society can be things such as,
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Social Deviance
Social Deviance Compiled by Parul Parihar As Young and Mack have pointed out, "No norm is
always obeyed; no individual always conforms to every set of expectations". Hence, deviance, that is,
the act of going against the rules or norms is there everywhere. Deviant Behaviour such as knavery,
cheating, adultery, unfairness, crime, malingering, immorality, dishonesty, betrayal, burglary,
corruption, cunningness, sneakiness, wickedness, gambling, drunkenness etc., go along with
conformity. Definitions of Deviance 1) Horton and Hunt "The term Deviation is given to any failure
to conform to customary norms". 2) Louise Weston "Deviance can be defined as behavior that is more content...
This 'defective Socialization' involves emotional disturbance which leads to the formation of
maladjusted personality traits. * As with Biological theories, Sociologists tend to dismiss
psychological explanations of deviance. Firstly, they argue that such theories tend to ignore the
social and cultural factors in the explanation of deviance. Secondly, they argue that the
methodology of the studies is suspect. There is little agreement among psychologists about what
constitutes mental health and on how to measure personality characteristics. Thirdly, many
Sociologists reject the priority given to childhood experiences. Factors facilitating Deviance
H.M.Johnson had listed a few factors that facilitate deviance among which the following may be
noted: 1) Faulty Socialization 2) Weak Sanctions 3) Poor Enforcement 4) Ease of Rationalization
5) Ambivalence of the agents of Social Control 6) Subcultural Support of Deviance 7) Secrecy of
Violation 8) Poverty 9) Lack of Education Types of Deviance Robert Merton 's Structural Strain
Theory gives vent to creation of four responses as evident in four deviant forms visible as a reaction
towards failing to achieve Culturally defined Goals and Institutionally prescribed means towards
reaching those goals: a) Innovation b) Ritualism c) Retreatism d) Rebellion e) conformist
Implications of Deviance * Labeling–
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Social Deviance Research Paper
As an act of social deviance, I decided to refer to myself in third person for a day. Although I know
how to formulate my sentences in third person, it was challenging because I am so use to the social
norm of speaking in first person. Multiple times throughout the day, I had to correct myself, or rather
my friends corrected me when I unconsciously spoke in first person. This act was also challenging
because I felt as though it brought more attention to me when people noticed my speaking in third
person. As the surrounding environment changed throughout day, I got different reactions; Some
being more vibrant than others. When I walked in downtown, most people were invested in their
own conversations and paid little attention to my words. Most
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Deviant Behavior and Social Control Essay
Deviant Behavior and Social Control
Deviance is only considered to be deviance when the actions go against what are
considered the norms of the group. Is a group of cannibals in the South American jungle
eating fellow human beings considered deviant behavior? Is kissing your loved one in a
public place to show affection considered deviant behavior? What about a person laying
down a small rug and praying wherever they are at certain times throughout the day.
There is no definite answer to the questions previously posed. Deviant behavior is a part
of every society, but is it a necessary part of society and what causes it? There are many
theories on what may cause deviance, but no single one is correct. more content...
also states that our instincts are subdued by socialization, but for some the socialization is
not adequate and this causes deviance. In behavioral theory it says that we respond to
incentives and negative sanctions. If one is rewarded for a negative behavior that they
are likely to continue that behavior. The crime as individual choice theory takes into
thought everything that could cause crime and says that if the consequences of
committing a crime are more desirable that not committing the crime than a person
will choose the one with the greater reward.
Sociologists have developed six main sociological theories of deviance. Emile Durkheim's Anomie
theory suggests that people become disconnected from society because they feel that the norms are
inadequate examples for behavior. Durkheim said, "We must not say that an action shocks the
common conscience because it is criminal, but rather that it is criminal because it shocks the
common conscience." The strain theory by Robert K. Merton suggests that American are geared
toward deviance because of a lack of legitimate options to attain the monetary goal that Americans
emphasize (Tischler, p. 146). Travis Hirschi posed the control theory which focuses on the
importance of the people around you to mold you into a regular lifestyle. He said that there are four
main points to why someone will become deviant or not: attachment to others, commitment to
conformity, involvement
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Essay about Social Deviance
"Social Deviance"
Social deviance stems from the passive–aggressive attitudes parents have upon their children. This
pressure, coupled with society's own conformist attitude, causes certain members of the society to
drift toward what sociologists call deviant groups. These deviant groups, like punks, hippies or other
radical organizations, often fight against a society they deem unworthy of their attention and thus
ignore. However Emile Durkheim pointed out that deviance is important for the structure of society
(Durkheim 1893,1964). Certain groups deviate from social norms because of both their raising and
social pressures at the time while others conform for the exact same reason.
"One of more content...
Social deviance has many negatives, which were explained in the above paragraph on conformity,
but it also has positives that any society needs to fight apathy and discord. "Deviance can be
defined as behavior that differs from the norm, especially behavior and attitudes that differ from
accepted social standards (Am. Heritage, 1998)." Two different, yet similar, deviant groups
can be used to describe the entire deviant subculture. Those who classify themselves as punks and
anarchists are one type and those that spout "free love" and peace (hippies) are
another type of deviant subculture. The first group chooses to be social outcasts because of a
hatred of norms. This group attempts to destroy society and with it the means for bettering it. They
believe in a type of anarchy that stems from loathing toward excepted values and refuse to get jobs
or even conform to society in the most basic ways. Hippies on the other hand choose a method of
peace and tranquility, believing that people should all love one another and anarchy would be
beautiful if everyone could simply understand how to live at peace with themselves and nature.
Although both groups believe in anarchy one chooses hate and aggression to show their views
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What Is Social Deviance
2. Social deviance can be simply defined as any violation of social norms and laws, be it formal
or informal (Conley, 2011). These transgressions may include minor acts such as violation of
personal space, playing loud music or picking one's nose publicly. It also includes major acts of
crime such as theft, murder, rape, or assault. One of the currently hot topics regarding social
deviance is the society's acceptance towards gay people, especially those who went for surgery and
became transgender. Today,LGBT rights are being established and strengthened step by step.
However, not so long ago, gay people were usually glared at especially when they chose to exhibit
their cross–dressing or their affairs publicly. Although most of these people
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Deviance : Deviance And Social Deviance
Deviance in Subcultures Our society is made up of many subcultures that have different beliefs,
norms, and morals as we do. A subculture is a distinct group within the larger culture that has its own
subset of norms, values, behaviors, or characteristics. Subcultures are seen everywhere whether it be
a religion such as the Amish, or profession such as exotic dancing. Out society may see their
behavior and norms as deviant, but to the members of the subculture it is normal, and our lifestyle is
considered deviant. Throughout this paper concepts on subcultures will be explains, polygamy, the
Amish, sexual deviance are just some of the topics that will be covered. Although most subcultures
are hidden within our society, some subcultures are easily identified and singled out. Sexual
deviance can be defined in many ways and is largely determined by community, culture, and context,
sexual deviance may include exotic dancers, strippers, sex tourism, anonymous sex in public
restrooms, bisexuality, online sexual predators, prostitutes, premarital chastity, and many others.
Some of the things listed are considered a profession, and how people make a living. Although to
society these professions such as, stripping, exotic dancing, and prostitution are seen as deviant and
unusual, their subculture believes it is just normal life. However, prostitution is seen as a crime in
many areas, although in many places in Nevada it is legal. Nevada is home to many brothels that are
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Social Deviance And Social Deviance
Social deviance is considered a broad term, it tends to describe actions or behaviors that violate
society's "norms." Norms, in a simple context, are rules by, which members of society are expected
to conform to. When it comes to discussing the term deviance, it tends to mean a person's failure to
conform to unspoken rules established by society. Social deviance can have many forms and
interpretations. Deviant acts are primarily relative to the setting because deviance in one place could
be considered non–deviance in another place. Theft, violence, murder, or any kind of criminal
behavior, can be considered either deviant or non–deviant, depending on the context. It's coming up
to countries, establishments, and governing bodies to determine, which acts are and aren't
acceptable. An example, could be murdering someone for drugs is not acceptable, but murdering
someone in an act of self–defense is. It can be concluded, all acts of deviance are subjected to
review and accepted on the condition that it fits what society holds acceptable. Acts of deviance can
result in some very positive outcomes.(Why is this here?) Everyone has unconsciously committed an
act of deviance, in addition, have conformed to society's norms, as well. A un–establish rule in
society is to always pay for one's food prior to consumption. However, I do not always conform to
this social norm. For example, when I go grocery shopping I tend to consume food that has not been
purchased, yet, while walking
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Deviance And Social Control Essay
The research done in this paper provides a better understanding of deviance and social control.
There are various factors to research on the topic to develop a complete understanding of the two
ideas. Specifically, the goal is to identify factors that directly impact deviance and social control
and if one can exist without the other. These topics provide a better understanding of the human
behavior and actions because of social control and societal norms. The focus of this discussion is
to provide a detailed analysis of societal norms, deviance, and social control. I have used supporting
research and my own personal ideas to develop the findings in this paper. It has become evident that
without societal norms there would be no more content...
These two beliefs make the idea of social control make sense, which is understood to be a group
that imposes conformity based on what they have set to be identified as normal. To understand
the elements that influence deviance and social control, an individual must understand cultural
and societal norms, what is deviant behavior, and the actions that transpire to guarantee social
control. Cultural and societal norms are based on aspects such as differences in opinion, beliefs,
and backgrounds. New norms are constantly created as generations come and go, with societal
changes taking place daily. Norms are shaped based on the way people are raised, the individuals
we surround ourselves with, and the transformations that occur in our lives. Although groups
identify and set norms, these can change in our personal lives based on the social groups we
interact with as we grow through life, such as groups of friends from childhood that may be
different from groups of friends we make as we enter adulthood. As we change from one group to
another and transition through life, the result of social norms can be seen through new behavior.
For example, an individual who did not grow up regularly attending church or practicing a religion,
but later in life decided to start attending religious services and practicing, behavior changes would
be evident based on guidelines set by that religion That individual may stop
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Examples Of Social Deviant
Within my twenty six years of life, I've partook in a lot of what society would call deviant, one in
particular stands apart from the rest. June 2014, I had started a second job at the Lake White
Club where my mother worked and also managed. A Wednesday afternoon, I was approached at
the end of the bar by an older, but extremely attractive man. Expressing our policy on starting bar
tabs, the owner, who was my boss, told me that he wasn't required to and when he asked if I
remembered him, I quickly realized who he was. The night went on, I took a lot of beer out onto
the patio where he and his friends were seated, overlooking the lake. We had slowed down inside
so I stuck around for a bit, engaging in some very flirtatious conversation, not long after I returned
behind the bar, my boyfriend takes a seat at the end to visit with me since I worked a lot. We
arrived home after the bar closed down, Cody handed me my phone, it was a message on facebook
from the guy earlier that evening, he said "It was great to finally meet you in person, I hope that more content...
The day I first went to his house, was almost something out of a movie, big house, new truck, the
backyard was incredible, and there he was getting out of the pool, he pulled me to him, the first
kiss was somewhat electrifying. Talking for hours outside beside the lake, he revealed his age to
me, 45, which I was not bothered by, after all my father was married to a woman 16 years
younger. It had begun to rain, he led me into the house, gave me a tour of all the rooms, and then
finally the last room filled with huge pillows, large open windows, and a fireplace, this would
become where we spent the most time, a playroom if you will. Now, it wasn't quite like Fifty
Shades of Grey, but the sex wasn't typically how most people did it, this was much more intense and
slightly based around a fetish, we clearly
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Examples Of Social Deviance Goode
Social Deviance
According to Erich Goode, individuals living in poverty are considered to be deviant in the U.S
culture because of two reasons. Goode terms the first reason as priority, explaining that the poor get
exposed to deviant attitudes mush earlier in life. They therefore have higher chances of learning and
internalizing deviant attitudes. The second reason has to do with the intensity of interaction between
the poor and deviants. Most deviant people are to be found in areas inhabited or frequented by the
poor. The frequent association with deviants gives the poor higher chances of developing deviant
attitudes and skills. Goode maintains that one learns deviance the same way one learns to clean their
teeth. People living in poverty
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Essay about Social Deviance
Social Deviance
Social deviance is a term that refers to forms of behavior and qualities of persons that others in
society devalue and discredit. So what exactly is deviance? In this essay we are concerned with
social deviance, not physiological deviations from the expected norm. In general, any behavior that
does not conform to social norms is deviance; that is behavior that violates significant social norms
and is disapproved of by a large number of people as a result. For societies to run with some
semblance of order the problem of deviance is essential and intrinsic to any conception of social
order. It is problematic because it causes a disruption, but it is essential because it defines our
boundaries as a society. It more content...
(Erikson 1964)
Sociologists have said that deviance is a social reality, that it is shared and learned like any aspect of
culture. Emile Durkheim and other functionalists posed the notion that deviance is functional. He
asserted that:
1. Deviance acts as a safety valve
2. Deviance inspires creativity
3. Deviance creates social change
4. Deviance outlines boundaries and rules
5. Deviance can promote social solidarity. (Haralambos, Holborn,van Krieken, Smith, 1996)
Chicago school sociologists believed that any region that was physically separated from the others
was viewed as a natural area. Within each of these areas are moral, social and structural orders. That
is, a set of customs, rules, or regulations that control the process of competition and cooperation.
Theorists of the Chicago school believed that deviance resulted from disorganized areas (which they
believed would be characterized with physical deterioration, economic deprivation, poverty, racial
and ethnic heterogeneity, turnover, alienation, high rate of suicide.). The weak community
integration led to the formation of and higher rates of deviance. Overtime these theorists backed
away from the idea that these areas are disorganized and instead argued that they were differently
organized. Deviance was a by–product of different social organization. This move allowed
researchers to see deviant behavior as something that was caused by society and culture rather than
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Social Deviance Essay

  • 1. Define Social Deviance Deviance is by definition "the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior."Social deviance is a very extensive term, which describes actions or behaviors that violate social "norms." Norms are just rules by which members of any society are expected to uphold. Social deviance has many forms and interpretations. However, deviant acts can vary in different places thus they are primarily relative to setting, because what could be considered deviant in one place could be considered normal in another place. For example, a few days ago I went to a family's party in which we are all Hispanics. Females know that this is a very important day so they can express how they are in the way they Get more content on
  • 2. Social Norms And Deviance Essay Deviance is a violation of social norms, that is behavior that is known as violating expected rules and norms. And is not always punishable the social setting in which it occurs should be understood. Example; A student talking on his or her cell phone during class. Is disrespectful and a bad habit for a student to be talking on her cell phone when in class, as is against the school it causes distraction to other students and the lecturer. The student can get informal negative sanction Women putting on paint in a society were culture don't allowed women to wear paint. This is a violation against cultural rule the person can be negatively sanction Eating, smoking in the classroom when instructor is lecturing Driving through Get more content on
  • 3. Social Deviance Essay When it comes to the hypothetical and "useless" questions that people often think of, one of the most persistent ponderings is what would someone do if they were to achieve a very high level of power such as a being a king. So how would I make such classifications of behaviors that were to be deemed as deviant from the social norms of my kingdom? That is a question that proved to be quite intriguing to me as a set forth to come up with a system regarding social deviance. My ultimate conclusion was the laws regarding such deviance would be limited only to those at which lead to the violation of the negative rights of others. This would include things such as rape, assault, and kidnapping in addition to non–violent aggressions such as more content... My reasoning is that many forms social deviance are acts which ultimately are extremely subjective or relative in terms of their nature. For example, saying things that are perceived as racist in nature is widely viewed as being deviant of the social norms since they are incredibly offensive in nature. Thus many areas even have created laws to combat such racist speech since it defies the social order and also is said to incite people. However such deviance of social norms (by saying racist comments) is quite relative since there are many contexts where such supposed racist speech could be within what some would call the social norm depending on how such speech is handled. One example that I think of would be Ice Cube's classic album Death Certificate which contains the song Black Korea. The song was removed from the United Kingdom's release as they felt that the content of the song would be classified as a violation of laws against racial incitement (which is viewed as being against the social norm in the area). In some sense finding the song to be a deviant of social standards is quite normal since the language of the song is very strong and includes language that obviously would be found as offensive to those of Asian descent. So should the song be banned due to racial incitement that goes against the social norms ("IT'S NOT A BLACK THING", Get more content on
  • 4. Social Construction Of Deviance Essay Deviance is any behavior that violate social principles and values resulting in specific prohibition ( ) but this behavior can vary over time and place ,what may be deviant in one society won't be in another or it may even be a desirable behavior ,social norms are continually evolving depending on culture religion world affairs ... During a large demonstration against the world trade organization (WTO) where Police and protester interacted in different way and levels. in sociologist point of view this can be considered as a formal deviance simply because there was a major violation of formal social norms, a norms that's have been imposed by law through civil disobedience that caused some property destruction more content... this is historically proven there a lot of deviant behavior that ( /articles/PMC527707/ ) encouraged the development of more justice and rightness in society helping it to move forward such as with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr and the little Rock Nine and other heroes of the American civil rights movement.. Sometime we do not recognize positivity of deviance nearly as much as recognize the negativity. Actually deviance can be a one way of social change, helping people adjust to change and a way in which some individuals and groups can introduce their agendas to the rest of society, and elevate their own personal status while doing it ( Get more content on
  • 5. What is Deviance? Essay Deviance can be defined as an absence of conformity to the social norm. Not all deviant behavior is necessarily illegal or harmful to individuals, these behaviors can range from standing in another's personal space to murdering another individual. In some cases, it can be looked upon as a positive change or a unique and favorable act. Although, considered deviant because it is not the social norm, it still can have a very positive social aspect or lead to social change. Culture and the societies within these cultures have a significant impact on what is considered deviant and what is acceptable or even lawful behavior. The degree of deviance is measured by society's reaction towards the action and the lawful sanctions that may more content... Abnormal behavior in one society appears normal in the other society (Nairne, 426). Deviance is weighed by the society's reactions to the particular behavior, also it is measured by the society's way of life so that it defines the unwelcoming behavior. It ignores the social order and some organizations believe, the reality in society. The violation of the social norm can be meant to be utilized as a way of sustaining power, position, and influence of a specific group of people or organizations. In most cultures, the idea of deviance is based on the values, deeds, and beliefs that are achieved through interaction among people that have influence in the society and from the understanding that culture is passed on from member to member. Societies are also comprised of the subculture and the culture itself. The huge cultural forces depict what deeds are appreciated and which are unaccepted or discouraged. On the other hand, the subculture in a certain setting creates a resistance to the dominating culture and in doing so, they give a hand in the behavior that violates the large culture social norms. Therefore, the deviation from the cultural norms can be attributed to the social classes and financial classes. For example, prostitution in regions of the developing world is deviant in most cultures, however poverty pressure pushes young girls toward it for survival. Another reason deviant people take a Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Deviance and Social Control The concepts 'Social Control' and 'Deviance' have more than one definition to me, my understandings of these terms are that they try to group, control and define different kinds of anti–social behaviour. In this essay I will be reflecting on how certain topics have deviant labels attached to them as a result of social control. I will be explaining my initial understanding and views of these topics, going on to explain how they may have been changed, challenged or reinforced after attending lectures and using the sources available to me to expand my knowledge. Also, I will be using evidence from texts I have read to support these views and considering how these contribute to the inner–relationship between 'deviance' and social control. more content... This understanding has been reinforced but I now understand that social control lays much more emphasis on the behaviour of individuals in the society it controls. The knowledge I had on deviance was slightly mixed, as before this module I was unsure whether deviance and crime were related. I knew that crime is the act of disobeying the law, and I did not see that socially deviant behaviour should be classified as a criminal act. I believed deviance was more so directed to behaviour that is not socially accepted or follows social norms. For example, I think the act of being as part of a 'gang' is socially deviant behaviour but until a person within a gang has disobeyed the law and committed a crime, they are not a criminal. I believe social control has a very big influence on what society views as 'deviant' especially with teenage mothers. My view on teenage mothers was one that was slightly biased. Being twenty one, I have many friends a few years older and around the same age as myself who have children that were conceived and/or born whilst the mother was in her teens. After seeing first–hand what a great job they do, shaped my opinion that it should not matter what age you are when you have a child as long as that child is loved and cared for. Women should not be stigmatised, defined or judged upon the age they become parents. I do however believe that it is not a wise choice, and do not encourage it, because although teenage mothers may give their children all Get more content on
  • 7. Social Deviance and Social Norms Essay Social deviance is a violation of social norms. So what qualifies as a social deviant? According to sociologist, Howard S. Becker the best definition of social deviance is, "It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that do something deviant." In cultures around the world, there are many practices Americans find deviant, but in other cultures, it's the norm. In many countries around the world, girls are married as young as 11 years old. To Americans, that is considered child abuse and rape, but that is only because of our social norms. To the men and parents in different countries, it is perfectly normal because their social norms. In America, social deviance comes in many different forms. We have our sexual deviants, more content... Avner considered himself bi–sexual. He associated with the furry culture, and attended several furry conventions. Imagine how he would have been looked at thirty years ago. Appearance modification is the lighter side of social deviance. Other forms of deviance include serial murder, incest, rape and pedophilia. One of the most famous of violent social deviance would have to be Theodore Bundy. Theodore Bundy was a serial murderer and rapist. He killed dozens of women across four states. He was executed, by way of electrocution, in Florida in 1989. He was an extreme case of social deviance. Rape is an awful, but real type of social deviance. Whether it is from a stranger, friend, relative or even a husband; According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National, Network) an American is assaulted every two minutes. In other cultures, rape is a way of marrying the women of your choice. "Marriage by capture" practiced in Hmong culture. Hmong men simply pick a girl, take her to their home and rape her, then they are considered married. To Americans, that is a horrifying idea, but for the Hmong people it is a cultural norm. In America, it is a serious form of socially deviant behavior. In America, incest is another shocking form of sexual, social deviance. In the Netherlands and Belgium, you can have sex with close family members, if you are over the age of 18 and it is consensual. In other countries, cousins are Get more content on
  • 8. Social Deviance Social Deviance Paper Deviance is defined as the violation of cultural norms. This is an extremely broad definition, and depending on who is explaining it, the above definition can mean a variety of different things. It is, however, generally assumed by the public that anyone who is considered "deviant" is putting a negative hold on society. This is not necessarily true. Deviance is exhibited in many forms throughout society. Deviance is not necessarily negative; sometimes the norms of society need to be violated so that new norms can be formed. Society repeatedly attempts to put many social controls on its' people. Anyone who does not fit the perfect mold of the perfect–citizen would be considered a deviant (Social Deviance, 2006). more content... These prejudices can also lead to discrimination and exclusion. These prejudices also lead to labeling and the labeling theory. Labeling theory says that deviance is not inherent to an act, but instead focuses on the linguistic tendency of majorities to negatively label minorities or those seen as deviant from norms. The theory is concerned with how the self–identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them, and is associated with the concept of a self–fulfilling–prophecy and stereotyping. The theory was prominent in the 1960s and 1970s, and some modified versions of the theory have developed. Unwanted descriptors or categorizations, including terms related to deviance, disability or a diagnosis of mental–illness, may be rejected on the basis that they are "labels", often with attempts to adopt a more constructive language in its place. Labeling theory is also closely related to interactionism and social–construction (Social Deviance, 2006). "The term 'homosexual ' is generally used to refer to anyone who engages in overt sexual practices with a member of his own sex, the practice being called 'homosexuality. ' This usage appears to be based on a medical and legal frame of reference. Society has come to believe that homosexual males and females are discretely different from persons who respond to natural stimuli. Instead of using these terms as substantives, Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Social Deviance Deviance is a concept that sociologists tend to struggle coming up with one widely accepted definition for. It is a concept that impacts everyone in a given society, either directly or indirectly, and is generally defined as "Variation from a set of norms or shared social expectations." (Laurence Basirico, Barbara Cashion, J. Ross Eshleman 2014:195) Society often views social deviance as a negative thing that disrupts that natural order and guidelines of a society, but it also has many positive functions to it. Society can help, "define the limits of social tolerance", "Increase the solidarity and integration of a group", "Serve as a "safety valve" for social discontent", and "indicate defects of inadequacies in the existing social organization." (Basirico, 2014:195). All of these positive functions of a deviant behavior tend to lead towards positive change in a society that although may serve as a culture shock to the society at first, such as equality for LGBT groups, it will eventually become beneficial to the society and make it a healthier and more sustainable one. Without deviant behavior, the society becomes stagnant and will die, much like a living organism's cells becoming stagnant, and the organism dying. Although social deviance can bring productive change to a society, it is still important to understand that it can lead to dysfunctions and be harmful to the society, as well as the people within it. Dysfunctions of society can be things such as, Get more content on
  • 10. Social Deviance Social Deviance Compiled by Parul Parihar As Young and Mack have pointed out, "No norm is always obeyed; no individual always conforms to every set of expectations". Hence, deviance, that is, the act of going against the rules or norms is there everywhere. Deviant Behaviour such as knavery, cheating, adultery, unfairness, crime, malingering, immorality, dishonesty, betrayal, burglary, corruption, cunningness, sneakiness, wickedness, gambling, drunkenness etc., go along with conformity. Definitions of Deviance 1) Horton and Hunt "The term Deviation is given to any failure to conform to customary norms". 2) Louise Weston "Deviance can be defined as behavior that is more content... This 'defective Socialization' involves emotional disturbance which leads to the formation of maladjusted personality traits. * As with Biological theories, Sociologists tend to dismiss psychological explanations of deviance. Firstly, they argue that such theories tend to ignore the social and cultural factors in the explanation of deviance. Secondly, they argue that the methodology of the studies is suspect. There is little agreement among psychologists about what constitutes mental health and on how to measure personality characteristics. Thirdly, many Sociologists reject the priority given to childhood experiences. Factors facilitating Deviance H.M.Johnson had listed a few factors that facilitate deviance among which the following may be noted: 1) Faulty Socialization 2) Weak Sanctions 3) Poor Enforcement 4) Ease of Rationalization 5) Ambivalence of the agents of Social Control 6) Subcultural Support of Deviance 7) Secrecy of Violation 8) Poverty 9) Lack of Education Types of Deviance Robert Merton 's Structural Strain Theory gives vent to creation of four responses as evident in four deviant forms visible as a reaction towards failing to achieve Culturally defined Goals and Institutionally prescribed means towards reaching those goals: a) Innovation b) Ritualism c) Retreatism d) Rebellion e) conformist Implications of Deviance * Labeling– Get more content on
  • 11. Social Deviance Research Paper As an act of social deviance, I decided to refer to myself in third person for a day. Although I know how to formulate my sentences in third person, it was challenging because I am so use to the social norm of speaking in first person. Multiple times throughout the day, I had to correct myself, or rather my friends corrected me when I unconsciously spoke in first person. This act was also challenging because I felt as though it brought more attention to me when people noticed my speaking in third person. As the surrounding environment changed throughout day, I got different reactions; Some being more vibrant than others. When I walked in downtown, most people were invested in their own conversations and paid little attention to my words. Most Get more content on
  • 12. Deviant Behavior and Social Control Essay Deviant Behavior and Social Control Deviance is only considered to be deviance when the actions go against what are considered the norms of the group. Is a group of cannibals in the South American jungle eating fellow human beings considered deviant behavior? Is kissing your loved one in a public place to show affection considered deviant behavior? What about a person laying down a small rug and praying wherever they are at certain times throughout the day. There is no definite answer to the questions previously posed. Deviant behavior is a part of every society, but is it a necessary part of society and what causes it? There are many theories on what may cause deviance, but no single one is correct. more content... He also states that our instincts are subdued by socialization, but for some the socialization is not adequate and this causes deviance. In behavioral theory it says that we respond to incentives and negative sanctions. If one is rewarded for a negative behavior that they are likely to continue that behavior. The crime as individual choice theory takes into thought everything that could cause crime and says that if the consequences of committing a crime are more desirable that not committing the crime than a person will choose the one with the greater reward. Sociologists have developed six main sociological theories of deviance. Emile Durkheim's Anomie theory suggests that people become disconnected from society because they feel that the norms are inadequate examples for behavior. Durkheim said, "We must not say that an action shocks the common conscience because it is criminal, but rather that it is criminal because it shocks the common conscience." The strain theory by Robert K. Merton suggests that American are geared toward deviance because of a lack of legitimate options to attain the monetary goal that Americans emphasize (Tischler, p. 146). Travis Hirschi posed the control theory which focuses on the
  • 13. importance of the people around you to mold you into a regular lifestyle. He said that there are four main points to why someone will become deviant or not: attachment to others, commitment to conformity, involvement Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Social Deviance "Social Deviance" Social deviance stems from the passive–aggressive attitudes parents have upon their children. This pressure, coupled with society's own conformist attitude, causes certain members of the society to drift toward what sociologists call deviant groups. These deviant groups, like punks, hippies or other radical organizations, often fight against a society they deem unworthy of their attention and thus ignore. However Emile Durkheim pointed out that deviance is important for the structure of society (Durkheim 1893,1964). Certain groups deviate from social norms because of both their raising and social pressures at the time while others conform for the exact same reason. "One of more content... Social deviance has many negatives, which were explained in the above paragraph on conformity, but it also has positives that any society needs to fight apathy and discord. "Deviance can be defined as behavior that differs from the norm, especially behavior and attitudes that differ from accepted social standards (Am. Heritage, 1998)." Two different, yet similar, deviant groups can be used to describe the entire deviant subculture. Those who classify themselves as punks and anarchists are one type and those that spout "free love" and peace (hippies) are another type of deviant subculture. The first group chooses to be social outcasts because of a hatred of norms. This group attempts to destroy society and with it the means for bettering it. They believe in a type of anarchy that stems from loathing toward excepted values and refuse to get jobs or even conform to society in the most basic ways. Hippies on the other hand choose a method of peace and tranquility, believing that people should all love one another and anarchy would be beautiful if everyone could simply understand how to live at peace with themselves and nature. Although both groups believe in anarchy one chooses hate and aggression to show their views Get more content on
  • 15. What Is Social Deviance 2. Social deviance can be simply defined as any violation of social norms and laws, be it formal or informal (Conley, 2011). These transgressions may include minor acts such as violation of personal space, playing loud music or picking one's nose publicly. It also includes major acts of crime such as theft, murder, rape, or assault. One of the currently hot topics regarding social deviance is the society's acceptance towards gay people, especially those who went for surgery and became transgender. Today,LGBT rights are being established and strengthened step by step. However, not so long ago, gay people were usually glared at especially when they chose to exhibit their cross–dressing or their affairs publicly. Although most of these people Get more content on
  • 16. Deviance : Deviance And Social Deviance Deviance in Subcultures Our society is made up of many subcultures that have different beliefs, norms, and morals as we do. A subculture is a distinct group within the larger culture that has its own subset of norms, values, behaviors, or characteristics. Subcultures are seen everywhere whether it be a religion such as the Amish, or profession such as exotic dancing. Out society may see their behavior and norms as deviant, but to the members of the subculture it is normal, and our lifestyle is considered deviant. Throughout this paper concepts on subcultures will be explains, polygamy, the Amish, sexual deviance are just some of the topics that will be covered. Although most subcultures are hidden within our society, some subcultures are easily identified and singled out. Sexual deviance can be defined in many ways and is largely determined by community, culture, and context, sexual deviance may include exotic dancers, strippers, sex tourism, anonymous sex in public restrooms, bisexuality, online sexual predators, prostitutes, premarital chastity, and many others. Some of the things listed are considered a profession, and how people make a living. Although to society these professions such as, stripping, exotic dancing, and prostitution are seen as deviant and unusual, their subculture believes it is just normal life. However, prostitution is seen as a crime in many areas, although in many places in Nevada it is legal. Nevada is home to many brothels that are Get more content on
  • 17. Social Deviance And Social Deviance Social deviance is considered a broad term, it tends to describe actions or behaviors that violate society's "norms." Norms, in a simple context, are rules by, which members of society are expected to conform to. When it comes to discussing the term deviance, it tends to mean a person's failure to conform to unspoken rules established by society. Social deviance can have many forms and interpretations. Deviant acts are primarily relative to the setting because deviance in one place could be considered non–deviance in another place. Theft, violence, murder, or any kind of criminal behavior, can be considered either deviant or non–deviant, depending on the context. It's coming up to countries, establishments, and governing bodies to determine, which acts are and aren't acceptable. An example, could be murdering someone for drugs is not acceptable, but murdering someone in an act of self–defense is. It can be concluded, all acts of deviance are subjected to review and accepted on the condition that it fits what society holds acceptable. Acts of deviance can result in some very positive outcomes.(Why is this here?) Everyone has unconsciously committed an act of deviance, in addition, have conformed to society's norms, as well. A un–establish rule in society is to always pay for one's food prior to consumption. However, I do not always conform to this social norm. For example, when I go grocery shopping I tend to consume food that has not been purchased, yet, while walking Get more content on
  • 18. Deviance And Social Control Essay The research done in this paper provides a better understanding of deviance and social control. There are various factors to research on the topic to develop a complete understanding of the two ideas. Specifically, the goal is to identify factors that directly impact deviance and social control and if one can exist without the other. These topics provide a better understanding of the human behavior and actions because of social control and societal norms. The focus of this discussion is to provide a detailed analysis of societal norms, deviance, and social control. I have used supporting research and my own personal ideas to develop the findings in this paper. It has become evident that without societal norms there would be no more content... These two beliefs make the idea of social control make sense, which is understood to be a group that imposes conformity based on what they have set to be identified as normal. To understand the elements that influence deviance and social control, an individual must understand cultural and societal norms, what is deviant behavior, and the actions that transpire to guarantee social control. Cultural and societal norms are based on aspects such as differences in opinion, beliefs, and backgrounds. New norms are constantly created as generations come and go, with societal changes taking place daily. Norms are shaped based on the way people are raised, the individuals we surround ourselves with, and the transformations that occur in our lives. Although groups identify and set norms, these can change in our personal lives based on the social groups we interact with as we grow through life, such as groups of friends from childhood that may be different from groups of friends we make as we enter adulthood. As we change from one group to another and transition through life, the result of social norms can be seen through new behavior. For example, an individual who did not grow up regularly attending church or practicing a religion, but later in life decided to start attending religious services and practicing, behavior changes would be evident based on guidelines set by that religion That individual may stop Get more content on
  • 19. Examples Of Social Deviant Within my twenty six years of life, I've partook in a lot of what society would call deviant, one in particular stands apart from the rest. June 2014, I had started a second job at the Lake White Club where my mother worked and also managed. A Wednesday afternoon, I was approached at the end of the bar by an older, but extremely attractive man. Expressing our policy on starting bar tabs, the owner, who was my boss, told me that he wasn't required to and when he asked if I remembered him, I quickly realized who he was. The night went on, I took a lot of beer out onto the patio where he and his friends were seated, overlooking the lake. We had slowed down inside so I stuck around for a bit, engaging in some very flirtatious conversation, not long after I returned behind the bar, my boyfriend takes a seat at the end to visit with me since I worked a lot. We arrived home after the bar closed down, Cody handed me my phone, it was a message on facebook from the guy earlier that evening, he said "It was great to finally meet you in person, I hope that more content... The day I first went to his house, was almost something out of a movie, big house, new truck, the backyard was incredible, and there he was getting out of the pool, he pulled me to him, the first kiss was somewhat electrifying. Talking for hours outside beside the lake, he revealed his age to me, 45, which I was not bothered by, after all my father was married to a woman 16 years younger. It had begun to rain, he led me into the house, gave me a tour of all the rooms, and then finally the last room filled with huge pillows, large open windows, and a fireplace, this would become where we spent the most time, a playroom if you will. Now, it wasn't quite like Fifty Shades of Grey, but the sex wasn't typically how most people did it, this was much more intense and slightly based around a fetish, we clearly Get more content on
  • 20. Examples Of Social Deviance Goode Social Deviance According to Erich Goode, individuals living in poverty are considered to be deviant in the U.S culture because of two reasons. Goode terms the first reason as priority, explaining that the poor get exposed to deviant attitudes mush earlier in life. They therefore have higher chances of learning and internalizing deviant attitudes. The second reason has to do with the intensity of interaction between the poor and deviants. Most deviant people are to be found in areas inhabited or frequented by the poor. The frequent association with deviants gives the poor higher chances of developing deviant attitudes and skills. Goode maintains that one learns deviance the same way one learns to clean their teeth. People living in poverty Get more content on
  • 21. Essay about Social Deviance Social Deviance Social deviance is a term that refers to forms of behavior and qualities of persons that others in society devalue and discredit. So what exactly is deviance? In this essay we are concerned with social deviance, not physiological deviations from the expected norm. In general, any behavior that does not conform to social norms is deviance; that is behavior that violates significant social norms and is disapproved of by a large number of people as a result. For societies to run with some semblance of order the problem of deviance is essential and intrinsic to any conception of social order. It is problematic because it causes a disruption, but it is essential because it defines our boundaries as a society. It more content... (Erikson 1964) Sociologists have said that deviance is a social reality, that it is shared and learned like any aspect of culture. Emile Durkheim and other functionalists posed the notion that deviance is functional. He asserted that: 1. Deviance acts as a safety valve 2. Deviance inspires creativity 3. Deviance creates social change 4. Deviance outlines boundaries and rules 5. Deviance can promote social solidarity. (Haralambos, Holborn,van Krieken, Smith, 1996) Chicago school sociologists believed that any region that was physically separated from the others was viewed as a natural area. Within each of these areas are moral, social and structural orders. That is, a set of customs, rules, or regulations that control the process of competition and cooperation. Theorists of the Chicago school believed that deviance resulted from disorganized areas (which they believed would be characterized with physical deterioration, economic deprivation, poverty, racial and ethnic heterogeneity, turnover, alienation, high rate of suicide.). The weak community integration led to the formation of and higher rates of deviance. Overtime these theorists backed away from the idea that these areas are disorganized and instead argued that they were differently organized. Deviance was a by–product of different social organization. This move allowed researchers to see deviant behavior as something that was caused by society and culture rather than Get more content on