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Deviance Essay
Deviance is a term which I was unfamiliar with prior to doing research and learning more about it
in sociology. Whenever I would hear the word in society, it would usually be in pop culture and
for me, it was most notably in those stereotypical "student misbehaving in classroom" scenarios. In
these scenarios, the child would misbehave in some way, whether it be by throwing materials at
other classmates, or bad mouthing the teacher in a disrespectful way. As a result, the student
would be called a "deviant" by the teacher and would receive suspension for deviance in the
classroom. The word deviance is generally defined as follows, behaviors or actions that may violate
social norms as well as informal social norms. The definition of the more content...
Lastly, with promoting social change, for example, "deviants" can show majorities differing norms
to expose those who may be unfamiliar. Another article I came across was titled, "Status,
Endorsement, and the Legitimacy of Deviance". The part of the article in which I thought was
intriguing was the depth that the author went into; regarding the theory of endorsements and
legitimacy and how deviant actions shown from individuals unto others can appear to legitimate or
illegitimate. A quote taken from the article further examines legitimacy, "an act violating these
existing norms may itself become legitimate within a group, generating expectations obligating
group members to engage in deviant conduct. Failing to engage in legitimated deviance
communicates that the focal actor believes that the behavior suggested by the carrier is
inappropriate and raises doubts about the definition of the situation (Berger and Luckmann 1966;
Thomas et al. 1986). If deviance is legitimate, therefore, group members will be more likely to
engage in deviance, will expect others to do the same, and will support deviance and punish
nonโ€“deviance" (Younts 2008). This quote expressed the theory that if deviance is shown to be
normalized by an individual of a group, then others are less likely to go against it because it appears
as legitimate. This aspect of deviance I found unsettling because in this example, deviance can be
used as a form of manipulation depending on the
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What is Deviance? Essay
Deviance can be defined as an absence of conformity to the social norm. Not all deviant behavior
is necessarily illegal or harmful to individuals, these behaviors can range from standing in
another's personal space to murdering another individual. In some cases, it can be looked upon as
a positive change or a unique and favorable act. Although, considered deviant because it is not the
social norm, it still can have a very positive social aspect or lead to social change. Culture and the
societies within these cultures have a significant impact on what is considered deviant and what is
acceptable or even lawful behavior. The degree of deviance is measured by society's reaction
towards the action and the lawful sanctions that may more content...
Abnormal behavior in one society appears normal in the other society (Nairne, 426). Deviance is
weighed by the society's reactions to the particular behavior, also it is measured by the society's
way of life so that it defines the unwelcoming behavior. It ignores the social order and some
organizations believe, the reality in society. The violation of the social norm can be meant to be
utilized as a way of sustaining power, position, and influence of a specific group of people or
organizations. In most cultures, the idea of deviance is based on the values, deeds, and beliefs that
are achieved through interaction among people that have influence in the society and from the
understanding that culture is passed on from member to member. Societies are also comprised of the
subculture and the culture itself. The huge cultural forces depict what deeds are appreciated and
which are unaccepted or discouraged. On the other hand, the subculture in a certain setting creates a
resistance to the dominating culture and in doing so, they give a hand in the behavior that violates
the large culture social norms. Therefore, the deviation from the cultural norms can be attributed to
the social classes and financial classes. For example, prostitution in regions of the developing world
is deviant in most cultures, however poverty pressure pushes young girls toward it for survival.
Another reason deviant people take a
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Deviance Essay
Deviance is what is considered a violation of cultural norms, and is something that is frowned
upon due to social norms. Society attempts to regulate people's thoughts and behaviors for social
control. There is a huge connection between the two because deviance varies with cultural norms,
people become deviant when others define them as such and both norms and the definition given
involve social power. Lets take the example of Brent Staple; new to New York, and was a graduate
student who had been an avid nightwalker. Mr. Staples became painfully aware that society had
seen him as deviant, because when they looked at him all they saw was a black man wearing bulky
clothes late at night walking around ready to attack someone. more content...
So to sum that all up categories, labels and boundary lines are constructed so that social groups
can maintain a norm and they believe allows for a functioning society. You have racially
motivated deviant boundary lines so that social groups can segregate themselves from others to
have power over each other. So why do social groups label and categorize people as deviant based
off of race? Labeling someone as deviant because of race is away for society to try and
strengthening themselves as racially segregated groups. For example if a group of whites label a
group of blacks as outcasts or deviants it gives them social control and power. Another reason
why social groups construct boundary lines, labels and categorizes is because that is their way of
keeping society functioning and keeping people within the norms of what we know as normal
and abnormal. If society cannot outcast people then we have no hierarchy and no power. With
Brent Staples he was feeling as an outsider, seeing fear from people because of his race, his
gender, his clothing as well as the fact he was out late walking around. In my opinion society is
taking away his power of freedom to be comfortable doing what many other people were doing at
night walking around, they took away his power to feel whole as an individual. All of these factors
gave the people around him the idea that he was something to be feared. It made him feel that he
needed to change, to conform to society so he would not be
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Deviance Essay
Deviance is an action or behavior that violates social norms, including a formally enacted rule, as
well as informal violations of social norms. Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the
dominant norms of society. Norms are rules and expectation by which members of society are
conventionally guided. Social norms differ from culture to culture. Deviance can be criminal or
nonโ€“criminal. There are many different theories on what causes a person to exhibit deviant
behavior. Some explanations can be biological, sociological as well as psychological. Sociological
explanations for deviant behavior focus on how social structures, forces, and relationships foster
deviance whereas biological explanations focus on physical more content...
Conformity and deviance are two responses to real or imagined pressures from others. In order for
a society to function smoothly, it must have social order; although, that does not mean that all
members will behave as expected to all the time. When a person fails to conform to the social
norms of society, social deviation arises and some people may react differently than others. I
conducted a few "experiments" to see how people would react if I displayed deviant behavior in
regards to the social norms. I started out small by cutting in line, once at the bank and another in
line to get Costco food. Banks are typically quiet so when I did no one said anything, in fact, the
lady I passed cleared her throat and when I looked at her she just gave me a confused look and
then smiled when I just kept looking at her without reacting. She was surprisingly nice about it.
When I got to the teller though he asked me if I knew that I just passed someone and I just said
"yes" and went on with my day. At first, he was giving me a bit of attitude when I was getting
money out of my account. Before I left I finally explained why I did that and his whole demeanor
changed. At first, he was a little shocked and didn't know how to react and finally, he asked me
how that made me feel being called out on passing someone in line and that he misjudged me due
to the deviant behavior. When I cut in line to get food at Costco I was rudely put in my place. At
first, the lady
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Definition Of Deviance Essay
Your text book definition of deviance I totally agree with. I like your views on deviance. If the
group you belong to does not think what you are doing is acceptable or deviant you will be
persuaded to change. I think this is what happens most of the time. I think there will be a person
that might migrate over to a new group so that is acceptable to a certain act. Religion will have a
very big impact on what is considered a deviant act. The person will feel that they have shamed
themselves and the lord. The problem is when there is the fakes out there trying to basically steel
from good hearted people Homosexuality was a great example of what is excepted in America but
not around the world. I am a business major and homosexuality will disrupt
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Deviance Definition Essay
Quit often in our dayโ€“toโ€“day lives we hear the word "deviance", but never truly know the concepts
behind it. ... An important sociological concept states that people conform, or perform to societal
expectation or norms (Brown, 1965).The term deviance can be defined as the absence of
conformity. Deviant acts are acts that violate the social norm. All deviant acts are mala prohibited
or evil because laws prohibit it. (Anderson 2014) For example, speeding on your way to work
would be considered deviant because it is against the law, not only because it is looked down upon
and goes against societies set of norms. Deviant acts can vary by time, place, content, and person
(Anderson 2014). This means that something that is considered deviant in America
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Essay about Deviance
Deviance Whatever the term deviance creates , in general it is popularly assumed that 'deviants' are
individuals who are somehow less capable, less socially responsible, less adjusted, and consequently
less useful to society than their more fortunate, upright and 'normal' fellows ( Social Deviance in
Australia, p 4). In the case of Aboriginal drinking, alcohol is the main source of criminalisation and
incarceration. This public labelling gives the individual an entirely new statusโ€“ one which tends to
dominate the person's self conception. Once this assumes a 'master status' it becomes the major
reference for personal identity and relegates all to other 'normal' characteristics to a subsidiary status.
This process insures more content...
According to Merton it is this lack of integration between what the culture expects and what the
structure permits that causes deviant behaviour (Robert Merton Website). Merton points out that
there are particular goals which are strongly emphasised by society. Society puts a strong emphasis
on the correct means in which to reach those goals (such as education, hard work etc,.). However not
everyone has equal access to the legitimate means to attain those goals. The"Social structure" of
American society limits the ability of certain groups to satisfy those appetites. The result is "a
definite pressure on certain persons in the society to engage in nonconformist rather than conformist
conduct". Merton points out that the culture of any society defines certain goals it deem "worth
striving for". The most important aspiration in American society, is to obtain wealth. Accumulated
wealth is generally equated with personal value and worth is associated with a high degree of
prestige and social status (Criminological theories p 135โ€“136).
Merton argues that American culture specifically encourages all individuals to achieve the greatest
amount of wealth. American culture is based on an egalitarian ideology that declares that all people
have an equal chance to obtain wealth. Although all individuals are not expected to achieve this
goal, all are expected to try. Those who do not may be unfavourably charcterised as "lazy" or
"unambitious" ( Criminological theories p
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Deviance Essay
Intro The word deviance is more thought of as a way to define unacceptable behavior, but in the
sociological field deviance is simply any violation of society's norms. Ranging from a minor
infraction, such as a traffic violation or improper attire, to an act or behavior highly seen as
immoral, such as robbery or murder. Each society defines for itself what they view as deviant
behavior and what they choose to find acceptable; how one society chooses to define deviance
differs widely from another, even in the world we know today. Some societies choose to have more
strict cultural ruling regarding gender roles than we have in the United States, and still other
societies' rules governing gender roles are far more lenient than our own. In more content...
Good eyebrows have become the equivalent of good character. Methods (1) Required materials
include an eyebrow pencil in a shade different from the natural color of the user, either 2+ shades
lighter or darker, and an eyebrow spooly for combing the eyebrow hairs. A mirror is optional but
not necessary, eyebrows are meant to exaggerated and not matching to the face of the participant.
There was no limitation in age, gender, and/or sexual orientation, for those whose statements
/reactions were deemed permissible. Informed consent was not required because identifying details
about those who speak about the outrageousness of the eyebrows will not be recorded, nor will
anything be provoked by the experimenter. Participants were all on the Salem State College campus,
motivations to be present were not noted or asked. The experiment took place in the vicinity of the
Dunkin Donuts within the Meier hall school building. I worked behind the register in order to
increase customer interaction in both the length of interaction time as well as the amount of face to
face interactions with individuals. My employment in this establishment is decent in length so I've
established rapport with some of the customer base but not all, which will allowed for a mixture of
reactions from both causal acquaintances to complete strangers. Conducting this experiment on a
college campus is ideal because it allows for a mixture of the public to be, at the minimum,
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Social Construction Of Deviance And Crime
Interactionists do not believe that deviants and criminals are different to others, they believe that
everyone commits deviant acts however only some are caught, stigmatized and ridiculed for them.
Deviance and crime is relative to the time and place that you are living in. No particular action itself
is deviant or a crime is all depends on society, and how people react to it. Howard becker stated that
"social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction constitute deviance" (Becker, 1963)
However functionalists would argue that we need consensus, and that these rules that define
deviance help to give our society order. (Thompson, 2011)
Becker may however argue that due to the social construction of deviance, it requires two groups
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Deviant Behavior And Its Effects On Society
These past 8 weeks has totally contribute to my understanding of deviant behavior, but at the same
time, it changes some of my views toward the word 'deviant' as well. Deviance, as mentioned in
my first discussion post, varies from people to people, time to time, culture to culture and more.
There is no one definite point to define what behavior is deviant and what is not. Besides that,
how do we classify one particular action as deviant? Do we classify it because it harms someone?
What if that action somehow benefit someone but creates some extent of harm to another person?
Throughout this 8 weeks of discussion and short paper, I realized there is no universally accepted
deviant behavior like what I discussed in my first discussion post. I used to believe universally
accepted deviant behavior is a behavior that inflicts harm on other people such as homicide. I
begin to realized that maybe it creates certain extent of harm on one person but brings certain
extent of benefit to another person. For instance, there were drugs that were illegalized because it
cause addiction to another person and therefore, it is called deviance if the person is using that
illegal drugs. On another hand, those illegal drugs might have medicinal properties that helps in
certain sickness. Due to it being deviant, the drugs cannot be prescribed as medicine and this in a
way, will cause harm for people who needs to medicine to recover from the sickness. Now, how do
we define deviant because
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Social Construction Of Deviance Essay
Deviance is any behavior that violate social principles and values resulting in specific prohibition ( ) but this behavior can vary over time and place ,what may
be deviant in one society won't be in another or it may even be a desirable behavior ,social norms
are continually evolving depending on culture religion world affairs ...
During a large demonstration against the world trade organization (WTO) where Police and
protester interacted in different way and levels. in sociologist point of view this can be considered
as a formal deviance simply because there was a major violation of formal social norms, a norms
that's have been imposed by law through civil disobedience that caused some property destruction more content...
this is historically proven there a lot of deviant behavior that (
/articles/PMC527707/ ) encouraged the development of more justice and rightness in society
helping it to move forward such as with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr and the little Rock
Nine and other heroes of the American civil rights movement.. Sometime we do not recognize
positivity of deviance nearly as much as recognize the negativity. Actually deviance can be a one way
of social change, helping people adjust to change and a way in which some individuals and groups
can introduce their agendas to the rest of society, and elevate their own personal status while doing it
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Essay On Deviance
The crime deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms cultural standards prescribing how
human ought to behave normally. As we look at it everyone has values and cultures or
upbringings cause a to have a very wide range of what we wall consider the deviant and
completely normal or satisfactory. Well, some people may think that devious is many different
things. Maybe a criminal act or just being outright disrespectful and just being defiant to any rule
possible. I will be interviewing to people one will be Lydia and Raul I will be getting their point of
view on what they consider deviance and how they also Define deviance and in a way how they
came corrected also if they were to see that happen before their eyes Lydia is 27โ€“yearโ€“old with a
bachelor of science in RN registered nurse and Raul is 22โ€“yearโ€“old who has twoโ€“year associate
degree in human services. Norms guide almost all human activities, so the concept of deviance is
quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a society's formally enacted
criminal law. Even criminal deviance spans a wide range, from minor traffic violations to
prostitution, sexual assault, and murder (Macionis, 2013). First off, I will be interviewing Lydia
who I meet at a Starbucks at a coffee place. when I was talking to Lydia I want to ask her can you
tell me what you think deviance is she felt like deviance is somebody who has total disrespect to
any rule weather is the smallest or to the most major rule ever so it to
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Norms And Deviance Essay
Deviancy is the act of going against something that you may normally never do. Being deviant
means that you feel uncomfortable doing something that you would not do on a day to day basis.
For the experimental part of this assignment, I looked at what I normally did, and where I could
do something a little deviant. I decided that during the first few weeks in October, I would start
vocally complimenting the male customers that come into the convince store I work in. This was
an act of deviance for me, in the sense that I never vocally compliment men. I find myself
randomly vocally complimenting females, but I never seemed to do this to males. For my
experiment, I decided I would find openly look for something to compliment a male on. The
compliments ranged from the color of their shirts to the way their beards looked. I did this
experiment over several weekends, and to as many males that I could while at work. While doing
this experiment, there were many different reactions to the compliments. Though a lot more
The first idea of sociology is that of norms and deviance themselves. A norm is a guide that is
unspoken in society, and the act of deviance is the breaking of a norm. Norms can differ
personโ€“toโ€“person, though there are cultural norms that are unspoken within a whole culture. This
led me to the topic of gender roles in our society, and it led me to the conclusion that it is
uncommon that a person will regularly compliment someone, much that someone of the opposite
sex. Doing this experiment made me uncomfortable, and that to me to George Herbert Mead's idea
of self, and how our personalities are based on selfโ€“ awareness, and selfโ€“image. I was then exposed
to Cooley's "lookingโ€“glass self", and the idea that we see ourselves based on how other people see
us. This assignment helped me connect the ideas of sociology with realโ€“life
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Deviance And Culture
I was born in an Eastern country, Vietnam, where people have much respect for the traditional
culture. I have been raised by my whole family which includes all of my relatives, especially my
parents. I cannot tell how many traditional things that I have been told to learn from my culture. My
parents have been teaching me about many cultural values and beliefs. Some of the values that I
have followed the most are the love of learning and the concept of respect. And the only belief that
my parents taught me is Buddhism. Even though Vietnam is a traditional country, it does not mean
that we do not face to deviance. The ways that my parents handle deviance are always the best to
me. They showed me why and how it is deviance and taught me either it is good or bad to have
First of all, I was born and raised by my parents who I love the most. My parents were both born in
poor families. However, they both work really hard so that my sister and I can have a much better
life than they had. They have been going through many types of problems that life has given them;
however, they have never given up. They teach me many things from simple to complexes such as
an easy homework from school, a process to plant the tree or the ways to become a good person.
My mom always tells me that I have to study hard all the time because education is the best way to
reach my goals in life. My dad tells me that I have to keep moving on even though there are many
factors in life that want to
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Deviance And Its Effect On Society
In the United States of America, societal deviance changes nearly on a daily basis. Depending on
the current culture, deviance is modified to make societal heroes like celebrities, political figures,
and sport players look less deviant and more like role models for the public. The change in what
is considered "normal" is customarily a result of society in general. By using a reference group of
people, individuals tend to identify with those who are in the lime light. Then when that role model
does something appalling, the public becomes desensitized to this behavior and its abnormality and
becomes less distinct thus adding to the change in social deviances. Author of the 2002
Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Charles R. states that the word deviance is one that "usually
refers to some behavior that is inconsistent with the standards of acceptable conduct prevailing in a
given social group, although the term has also been used to designate personal conditions, ideas, or
statuses that are stigmatized or disreputable" (p. 1). Assuming this ideal as fact, we must consider
those who influence the change in behavior that is deemed "disreputable." In order to understand
this, the Nation must be observed in a large scale while searching for the persons that are most
influential. In this way, we must designate which behaviors are considered deviant and how those
influential people help those behaviors to be deemed so. Anything similar to gang activity, drug use,
violence of any
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Example Of Relativity Of Deviance
Deviance tends to be a misunderstood term in our modern day society. Just speaking for myself,
when I generally hear about a person referred to as 'deviant', I assume they are a troubleโ€“making,
outcasted, or mean individual. However, this generalized idea is not necessarily truthful because the
term deviant actually has a much more inโ€“depth definition. Sociologically, deviance is defined as "a
violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms" (OpenStax, 2015). Although a violation tends to
be thought of as a negative offense, violations can also be positive movements made by individuals
in order to break free of generalized societal norms as well. Deviance can also vary based on who is
committing the deviant act, depending on factors more content...
The first example of the relativity of deviance that I thought of was the act of eating dog meat as
a meal. I know that specifically in the U.S., the mere thought of this act is (for the most part)
deemed to be entirely unethical and outrageous to even consider. However, having dog meat as the
main dish of a meal is more common than not in countries such as China and Nigeria. As the
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have stated loud and clear, "Before we point the finger
and call such people hypocrites, think of people in the Western world who have "pet" hens and
potโ€“bellied pigs yet still eat fried chicken and ham sandwiches. They balk at eating animals they
"know" but have no problem eating an animal they never met who invariably endured a miserable
life on a filthy factory farm and ended up in a very scary place: the slaughterhouse" (Sherrow,
2011). Essentially, dogs clearly play different roles in different cultures. While dogs are primarily
considered 'man's best friend' in the U.S., dogs in other countries are equivalent to the chicken and
pork in the U.S. While our culture sees the killing of dogs for meals as deviant, other countries
may not. It is obvious that deviance will always be relative to the 'eye of the beholder' so to say,
meaning that deviance is open
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Deviance Essay
Deviance is the violation of social norms. Social norms and values determine what level of
deviance is acceptable. My folkway violation was on the cultural norms in black churches about
not wearing pants and not being late for services. I developed my foundation of religion in the
A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) church. The majority of the congregation is black. This is
because of social norms only. When I was younger, Sunday mornings was filled with dressing in
your best attire. For women my grandmother's age (she took me to church) the dress was in the
price range of 1โ€“2 hundred dollars. A huge hat in the same price range, topped off with matching
shoes and handbag. Stockings or pantyhose were mandatory. Being tardy was more
I was unable to make Sunday services. I went to Wednesday prayer meeting. Wednesdays, is not
as full as Sunday but it carried enough people for my experiment to bring the results. The attire
for the evening was a pair of shorts, (blue jeans) white tank top, and a pair of black Chuck Taylor
tennis shoes, low top, and no socks. I also came fifteen minutes late for desired and expected
affect. I put a piece of notebook paper and placed it inside my bible, popped a piece of chewing
gum in my mouth and proceeded to the doors leading inside. As I expected the Usher Mrs.
Garibay was posted in the back pew waiting on any late stragglers like myself. I was nervous. I
can remember some of the sermons preached about, "presenting your best to the lord". In addition,
the treatment and talk that took place when someone dared to breach this with a dress that was
maybe a little short. Never had anyone in my memory sat through any kind of service in my
attire. I walked in very quickly, not really having eye contact with the Usher; I grabbed a study
sheet from her and quickly took my seat, in the back. When I did look up it was to see about 45
members looking back at me. I recognized about fifteen people I knew well. There was an
uncomfortable silence. My beat so loud I thought everyone would hear it. The pastor's first reaction
was mouth open shock, then recognition, then shock again. When the pastor's wife recognized me,
she rushed over to where I was sitting. I was
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Deviance Essay
The Role of Deviances Juliette Scott Kaplan University September 12, 2017 Introduction
Describe the role of deviance in social movements based on the readings. Deviance is any
behavior that stands against cultural norms; norms are the social behavior that protects some
type of behavior. Deviance is differed in two separate ways the first crime is standing against
laws that has been passed which is suggested to be formal deviancy this type of formal deviance
could be like theft, raping, assaulted etc. then of cause the second deviance way of acting could be
standing or violate social norms which has not been organized or adapted to law which can be
acknowledged as informal norms Consider and explain your own views on more
Include details of your experiences in your service project so far. If you have not started your
service project yet, I do not start my service project yet but I am planning to start soon Incorporate
elements of your previous community involvement describing what was successful and made it
effective or in contrast At the Darby recreation center closer to where I live, they serve dinner to
the children and family every Tuesday after the children get off school. They also provide the
children with school supplies and wrapped Christmas gift for them, at the Darby Recreation
center they encourage every parent to involve in the live of the children and assist the children
for a better tomorrow, they parent come together and assist the children with their home work
and sharing of food always volunteer to help, What made it unsuccessful? I do not see it as
unsuccessful yet because every child came in well fed and the parent where happy about their
services even my son is always happy to be there every Tuesday. The basketball coach is very nice
to the children and the parent help the children with behavioral and emotional issues. Because of
the desire I have for volunteering and specifically working with children, I have decided to
volunteer at the head start program to help with their school trips, helping class room full of 3 and 4
years old, serving breakfast in the morning, and reading to the kids.
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Deviance And Crime Reflection Paper
Reflection 3 Chapter seven is focused on deviance and crime. The text provided a thorough
analysis of the way deviance is defined, while also defining crime in ways I never thought of.
Some of the terms explained ways that society labeled individuals, which led me to an
understanding about why certain individuals are viewed a certain way. The material that was
covered also gave an inโ€“depth picture of the criminal justice system as well as explaining the
reasoning behind labels for certain groups. In tThis reflection various perspectives of deviance,
types of crimes and the importance of their labels when it comes to the justice system punishment
will be presented. In society, deviance is determined by social norms and interactions that are
defined by society itself, based off of how it is perceived by others. In chapter seven, Kendall
(2017) mentions different perspectives that defines s deviance. One of the perspectives that is
mentioned is from the functionalist. When I read the chapter, I thought about what functions
deviance has in society, . wWhich was answered by Emile Durkheim, who stated that deviance
contributes to social change in society. Kendall (2017) states that "deviance may also be
dysfunctional for society" (p.177). This is due to the fact that everyday existence in society can be
interrupted by too many people moving away from the norm. In addition, when too many people
move from the norm, it creates violence and chaos such as more serious deviance such as crimes.
But the act of deviance may also provide ways into which some individuals acquire necessities for
life that they cannot afford legally, which the term anomie comes into play.
Robert Merton modified Durkheim's concept of anomie to create the strain theory. The strain
theory gives examples of how people use deviance to obtain resources or necessities needed to
survive in society in good and bad ways. Learning about these good and bad ways on the strain
theory led into the second perspective of the first half of the chapter called Conflict Perceptive. This
perspective focused on the conflict between the social classes and gender classes. AOne point that I
would like to mention that helped me in this chapter was made by Kendall
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The Relation Between Deviance And Labeling Theory
Deviance is a behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a
negative reaction in a group. The definition of deviance varies widely across cultures, time, and
situations. Some of the different deviances that our culture encounters is: body modifications,
being overweight, exc. I personal have experienced being treated as devein because since high
school to now in collage I have had a mohawk off and on. This is nothing to extreme when talking
about the world of deviance but none the less it is an experience that has changed my view on how
people are judged. When sociologists use the word "deviant," they are making a social judgment but
never a moral judgment. If a particular behavior is more content...
The Differential association theory states we learn to be deviant through our relations with deviant
people. Labeling theory says that deviance is a consequence of outside decisions, or labels, which
equally change the person's selfโ€“concept and change the way others react to the labeled person.
Labeling theory is also linked to the impression of the selfโ€“fulfilling prophecy, which usually is
defined by a label that causes the situation to come true. All of these theories are quite interesting
and point different views on deviance and can make you better understand people around you.
Stigma is a term that Erving Goffman's came up with and is defined as a mark of disgrace or
infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation. We have all met or at least have seen someone
with a stigma and have noticed that even if it is untrue it becomes true to that person. One strategy
analyzed by Goffman that stigmatized individuals use to negotiate everyday interaction is called
passing, or concealing the stigmatizing information. Many people have what Goffman called an
inโ€“group orientation, where the stigmatized people follow a direction away from mainstream
society and towards a new standards that value their groups' identity. Finally, others choose deviance
avowal, a process by which an individual selfโ€“identifies as deviant and initiates his or her own
labeling process. It is always a good thing to try to change the cultures point of view on stigmatized
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Deviance Essay

  • 1. Deviance Essay Deviance is a term which I was unfamiliar with prior to doing research and learning more about it in sociology. Whenever I would hear the word in society, it would usually be in pop culture and for me, it was most notably in those stereotypical "student misbehaving in classroom" scenarios. In these scenarios, the child would misbehave in some way, whether it be by throwing materials at other classmates, or bad mouthing the teacher in a disrespectful way. As a result, the student would be called a "deviant" by the teacher and would receive suspension for deviance in the classroom. The word deviance is generally defined as follows, behaviors or actions that may violate social norms as well as informal social norms. The definition of the more content... Lastly, with promoting social change, for example, "deviants" can show majorities differing norms to expose those who may be unfamiliar. Another article I came across was titled, "Status, Endorsement, and the Legitimacy of Deviance". The part of the article in which I thought was intriguing was the depth that the author went into; regarding the theory of endorsements and legitimacy and how deviant actions shown from individuals unto others can appear to legitimate or illegitimate. A quote taken from the article further examines legitimacy, "an act violating these existing norms may itself become legitimate within a group, generating expectations obligating group members to engage in deviant conduct. Failing to engage in legitimated deviance communicates that the focal actor believes that the behavior suggested by the carrier is inappropriate and raises doubts about the definition of the situation (Berger and Luckmann 1966; Thomas et al. 1986). If deviance is legitimate, therefore, group members will be more likely to engage in deviance, will expect others to do the same, and will support deviance and punish nonโ€“deviance" (Younts 2008). This quote expressed the theory that if deviance is shown to be normalized by an individual of a group, then others are less likely to go against it because it appears as legitimate. This aspect of deviance I found unsettling because in this example, deviance can be used as a form of manipulation depending on the Get more content on
  • 2. What is Deviance? Essay Deviance can be defined as an absence of conformity to the social norm. Not all deviant behavior is necessarily illegal or harmful to individuals, these behaviors can range from standing in another's personal space to murdering another individual. In some cases, it can be looked upon as a positive change or a unique and favorable act. Although, considered deviant because it is not the social norm, it still can have a very positive social aspect or lead to social change. Culture and the societies within these cultures have a significant impact on what is considered deviant and what is acceptable or even lawful behavior. The degree of deviance is measured by society's reaction towards the action and the lawful sanctions that may more content... Abnormal behavior in one society appears normal in the other society (Nairne, 426). Deviance is weighed by the society's reactions to the particular behavior, also it is measured by the society's way of life so that it defines the unwelcoming behavior. It ignores the social order and some organizations believe, the reality in society. The violation of the social norm can be meant to be utilized as a way of sustaining power, position, and influence of a specific group of people or organizations. In most cultures, the idea of deviance is based on the values, deeds, and beliefs that are achieved through interaction among people that have influence in the society and from the understanding that culture is passed on from member to member. Societies are also comprised of the subculture and the culture itself. The huge cultural forces depict what deeds are appreciated and which are unaccepted or discouraged. On the other hand, the subculture in a certain setting creates a resistance to the dominating culture and in doing so, they give a hand in the behavior that violates the large culture social norms. Therefore, the deviation from the cultural norms can be attributed to the social classes and financial classes. For example, prostitution in regions of the developing world is deviant in most cultures, however poverty pressure pushes young girls toward it for survival. Another reason deviant people take a Get more content on
  • 3. Deviance Essay Deviance is what is considered a violation of cultural norms, and is something that is frowned upon due to social norms. Society attempts to regulate people's thoughts and behaviors for social control. There is a huge connection between the two because deviance varies with cultural norms, people become deviant when others define them as such and both norms and the definition given involve social power. Lets take the example of Brent Staple; new to New York, and was a graduate student who had been an avid nightwalker. Mr. Staples became painfully aware that society had seen him as deviant, because when they looked at him all they saw was a black man wearing bulky clothes late at night walking around ready to attack someone. more content... So to sum that all up categories, labels and boundary lines are constructed so that social groups can maintain a norm and they believe allows for a functioning society. You have racially motivated deviant boundary lines so that social groups can segregate themselves from others to have power over each other. So why do social groups label and categorize people as deviant based off of race? Labeling someone as deviant because of race is away for society to try and strengthening themselves as racially segregated groups. For example if a group of whites label a group of blacks as outcasts or deviants it gives them social control and power. Another reason why social groups construct boundary lines, labels and categorizes is because that is their way of keeping society functioning and keeping people within the norms of what we know as normal and abnormal. If society cannot outcast people then we have no hierarchy and no power. With Brent Staples he was feeling as an outsider, seeing fear from people because of his race, his gender, his clothing as well as the fact he was out late walking around. In my opinion society is taking away his power of freedom to be comfortable doing what many other people were doing at night walking around, they took away his power to feel whole as an individual. All of these factors gave the people around him the idea that he was something to be feared. It made him feel that he needed to change, to conform to society so he would not be Get more content on
  • 4. Deviance Essay Deviance is an action or behavior that violates social norms, including a formally enacted rule, as well as informal violations of social norms. Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the dominant norms of society. Norms are rules and expectation by which members of society are conventionally guided. Social norms differ from culture to culture. Deviance can be criminal or nonโ€“criminal. There are many different theories on what causes a person to exhibit deviant behavior. Some explanations can be biological, sociological as well as psychological. Sociological explanations for deviant behavior focus on how social structures, forces, and relationships foster deviance whereas biological explanations focus on physical more content... Conformity and deviance are two responses to real or imagined pressures from others. In order for a society to function smoothly, it must have social order; although, that does not mean that all members will behave as expected to all the time. When a person fails to conform to the social norms of society, social deviation arises and some people may react differently than others. I conducted a few "experiments" to see how people would react if I displayed deviant behavior in regards to the social norms. I started out small by cutting in line, once at the bank and another in line to get Costco food. Banks are typically quiet so when I did no one said anything, in fact, the lady I passed cleared her throat and when I looked at her she just gave me a confused look and then smiled when I just kept looking at her without reacting. She was surprisingly nice about it. When I got to the teller though he asked me if I knew that I just passed someone and I just said "yes" and went on with my day. At first, he was giving me a bit of attitude when I was getting money out of my account. Before I left I finally explained why I did that and his whole demeanor changed. At first, he was a little shocked and didn't know how to react and finally, he asked me how that made me feel being called out on passing someone in line and that he misjudged me due to the deviant behavior. When I cut in line to get food at Costco I was rudely put in my place. At first, the lady Get more content on
  • 5. Definition Of Deviance Essay Your text book definition of deviance I totally agree with. I like your views on deviance. If the group you belong to does not think what you are doing is acceptable or deviant you will be persuaded to change. I think this is what happens most of the time. I think there will be a person that might migrate over to a new group so that is acceptable to a certain act. Religion will have a very big impact on what is considered a deviant act. The person will feel that they have shamed themselves and the lord. The problem is when there is the fakes out there trying to basically steel from good hearted people Homosexuality was a great example of what is excepted in America but not around the world. I am a business major and homosexuality will disrupt Get more content on
  • 6. Deviance Definition Essay Quit often in our dayโ€“toโ€“day lives we hear the word "deviance", but never truly know the concepts behind it. ... An important sociological concept states that people conform, or perform to societal expectation or norms (Brown, 1965).The term deviance can be defined as the absence of conformity. Deviant acts are acts that violate the social norm. All deviant acts are mala prohibited or evil because laws prohibit it. (Anderson 2014) For example, speeding on your way to work would be considered deviant because it is against the law, not only because it is looked down upon and goes against societies set of norms. Deviant acts can vary by time, place, content, and person (Anderson 2014). This means that something that is considered deviant in America Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Deviance Deviance Whatever the term deviance creates , in general it is popularly assumed that 'deviants' are individuals who are somehow less capable, less socially responsible, less adjusted, and consequently less useful to society than their more fortunate, upright and 'normal' fellows ( Social Deviance in Australia, p 4). In the case of Aboriginal drinking, alcohol is the main source of criminalisation and incarceration. This public labelling gives the individual an entirely new statusโ€“ one which tends to dominate the person's self conception. Once this assumes a 'master status' it becomes the major reference for personal identity and relegates all to other 'normal' characteristics to a subsidiary status. This process insures more content... According to Merton it is this lack of integration between what the culture expects and what the structure permits that causes deviant behaviour (Robert Merton Website). Merton points out that there are particular goals which are strongly emphasised by society. Society puts a strong emphasis on the correct means in which to reach those goals (such as education, hard work etc,.). However not everyone has equal access to the legitimate means to attain those goals. The"Social structure" of American society limits the ability of certain groups to satisfy those appetites. The result is "a definite pressure on certain persons in the society to engage in nonconformist rather than conformist conduct". Merton points out that the culture of any society defines certain goals it deem "worth striving for". The most important aspiration in American society, is to obtain wealth. Accumulated wealth is generally equated with personal value and worth is associated with a high degree of prestige and social status (Criminological theories p 135โ€“136). Merton argues that American culture specifically encourages all individuals to achieve the greatest amount of wealth. American culture is based on an egalitarian ideology that declares that all people have an equal chance to obtain wealth. Although all individuals are not expected to achieve this goal, all are expected to try. Those who do not may be unfavourably charcterised as "lazy" or "unambitious" ( Criminological theories p Get more content on
  • 8. Deviance Essay Intro The word deviance is more thought of as a way to define unacceptable behavior, but in the sociological field deviance is simply any violation of society's norms. Ranging from a minor infraction, such as a traffic violation or improper attire, to an act or behavior highly seen as immoral, such as robbery or murder. Each society defines for itself what they view as deviant behavior and what they choose to find acceptable; how one society chooses to define deviance differs widely from another, even in the world we know today. Some societies choose to have more strict cultural ruling regarding gender roles than we have in the United States, and still other societies' rules governing gender roles are far more lenient than our own. In more content... Good eyebrows have become the equivalent of good character. Methods (1) Required materials include an eyebrow pencil in a shade different from the natural color of the user, either 2+ shades lighter or darker, and an eyebrow spooly for combing the eyebrow hairs. A mirror is optional but not necessary, eyebrows are meant to exaggerated and not matching to the face of the participant. There was no limitation in age, gender, and/or sexual orientation, for those whose statements /reactions were deemed permissible. Informed consent was not required because identifying details about those who speak about the outrageousness of the eyebrows will not be recorded, nor will anything be provoked by the experimenter. Participants were all on the Salem State College campus, motivations to be present were not noted or asked. The experiment took place in the vicinity of the Dunkin Donuts within the Meier hall school building. I worked behind the register in order to increase customer interaction in both the length of interaction time as well as the amount of face to face interactions with individuals. My employment in this establishment is decent in length so I've established rapport with some of the customer base but not all, which will allowed for a mixture of reactions from both causal acquaintances to complete strangers. Conducting this experiment on a college campus is ideal because it allows for a mixture of the public to be, at the minimum, Get more content on
  • 9. Social Construction Of Deviance And Crime Interactionists do not believe that deviants and criminals are different to others, they believe that everyone commits deviant acts however only some are caught, stigmatized and ridiculed for them. Deviance and crime is relative to the time and place that you are living in. No particular action itself is deviant or a crime is all depends on society, and how people react to it. Howard becker stated that "social groups create deviance by making rules whose infraction constitute deviance" (Becker, 1963) However functionalists would argue that we need consensus, and that these rules that define deviance help to give our society order. (Thompson, 2011) Becker may however argue that due to the social construction of deviance, it requires two groups Get more content on
  • 10. Deviant Behavior And Its Effects On Society These past 8 weeks has totally contribute to my understanding of deviant behavior, but at the same time, it changes some of my views toward the word 'deviant' as well. Deviance, as mentioned in my first discussion post, varies from people to people, time to time, culture to culture and more. There is no one definite point to define what behavior is deviant and what is not. Besides that, how do we classify one particular action as deviant? Do we classify it because it harms someone? What if that action somehow benefit someone but creates some extent of harm to another person? Throughout this 8 weeks of discussion and short paper, I realized there is no universally accepted deviant behavior like what I discussed in my first discussion post. I used to believe universally accepted deviant behavior is a behavior that inflicts harm on other people such as homicide. I begin to realized that maybe it creates certain extent of harm on one person but brings certain extent of benefit to another person. For instance, there were drugs that were illegalized because it cause addiction to another person and therefore, it is called deviance if the person is using that illegal drugs. On another hand, those illegal drugs might have medicinal properties that helps in certain sickness. Due to it being deviant, the drugs cannot be prescribed as medicine and this in a way, will cause harm for people who needs to medicine to recover from the sickness. Now, how do we define deviant because Get more content on
  • 11. Social Construction Of Deviance Essay Deviance is any behavior that violate social principles and values resulting in specific prohibition ( ) but this behavior can vary over time and place ,what may be deviant in one society won't be in another or it may even be a desirable behavior ,social norms are continually evolving depending on culture religion world affairs ... During a large demonstration against the world trade organization (WTO) where Police and protester interacted in different way and levels. in sociologist point of view this can be considered as a formal deviance simply because there was a major violation of formal social norms, a norms that's have been imposed by law through civil disobedience that caused some property destruction more content... this is historically proven there a lot of deviant behavior that ( /articles/PMC527707/ ) encouraged the development of more justice and rightness in society helping it to move forward such as with Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr and the little Rock Nine and other heroes of the American civil rights movement.. Sometime we do not recognize positivity of deviance nearly as much as recognize the negativity. Actually deviance can be a one way of social change, helping people adjust to change and a way in which some individuals and groups can introduce their agendas to the rest of society, and elevate their own personal status while doing it ( Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Deviance The crime deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms cultural standards prescribing how human ought to behave normally. As we look at it everyone has values and cultures or upbringings cause a to have a very wide range of what we wall consider the deviant and completely normal or satisfactory. Well, some people may think that devious is many different things. Maybe a criminal act or just being outright disrespectful and just being defiant to any rule possible. I will be interviewing to people one will be Lydia and Raul I will be getting their point of view on what they consider deviance and how they also Define deviance and in a way how they came corrected also if they were to see that happen before their eyes Lydia is 27โ€“yearโ€“old with a bachelor of science in RN registered nurse and Raul is 22โ€“yearโ€“old who has twoโ€“year associate degree in human services. Norms guide almost all human activities, so the concept of deviance is quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law. Even criminal deviance spans a wide range, from minor traffic violations to prostitution, sexual assault, and murder (Macionis, 2013). First off, I will be interviewing Lydia who I meet at a Starbucks at a coffee place. when I was talking to Lydia I want to ask her can you tell me what you think deviance is she felt like deviance is somebody who has total disrespect to any rule weather is the smallest or to the most major rule ever so it to Get more content on
  • 13. Norms And Deviance Essay Deviancy is the act of going against something that you may normally never do. Being deviant means that you feel uncomfortable doing something that you would not do on a day to day basis. For the experimental part of this assignment, I looked at what I normally did, and where I could do something a little deviant. I decided that during the first few weeks in October, I would start vocally complimenting the male customers that come into the convince store I work in. This was an act of deviance for me, in the sense that I never vocally compliment men. I find myself randomly vocally complimenting females, but I never seemed to do this to males. For my experiment, I decided I would find openly look for something to compliment a male on. The compliments ranged from the color of their shirts to the way their beards looked. I did this experiment over several weekends, and to as many males that I could while at work. While doing this experiment, there were many different reactions to the compliments. Though a lot more content... The first idea of sociology is that of norms and deviance themselves. A norm is a guide that is unspoken in society, and the act of deviance is the breaking of a norm. Norms can differ personโ€“toโ€“person, though there are cultural norms that are unspoken within a whole culture. This led me to the topic of gender roles in our society, and it led me to the conclusion that it is uncommon that a person will regularly compliment someone, much that someone of the opposite sex. Doing this experiment made me uncomfortable, and that to me to George Herbert Mead's idea of self, and how our personalities are based on selfโ€“ awareness, and selfโ€“image. I was then exposed to Cooley's "lookingโ€“glass self", and the idea that we see ourselves based on how other people see us. This assignment helped me connect the ideas of sociology with realโ€“life Get more content on
  • 14. Deviance And Culture I was born in an Eastern country, Vietnam, where people have much respect for the traditional culture. I have been raised by my whole family which includes all of my relatives, especially my parents. I cannot tell how many traditional things that I have been told to learn from my culture. My parents have been teaching me about many cultural values and beliefs. Some of the values that I have followed the most are the love of learning and the concept of respect. And the only belief that my parents taught me is Buddhism. Even though Vietnam is a traditional country, it does not mean that we do not face to deviance. The ways that my parents handle deviance are always the best to me. They showed me why and how it is deviance and taught me either it is good or bad to have deviance. First of all, I was born and raised by my parents who I love the most. My parents were both born in poor families. However, they both work really hard so that my sister and I can have a much better life than they had. They have been going through many types of problems that life has given them; however, they have never given up. They teach me many things from simple to complexes such as an easy homework from school, a process to plant the tree or the ways to become a good person. My mom always tells me that I have to study hard all the time because education is the best way to reach my goals in life. My dad tells me that I have to keep moving on even though there are many factors in life that want to Get more content on
  • 15. Deviance And Its Effect On Society In the United States of America, societal deviance changes nearly on a daily basis. Depending on the current culture, deviance is modified to make societal heroes like celebrities, political figures, and sport players look less deviant and more like role models for the public. The change in what is considered "normal" is customarily a result of society in general. By using a reference group of people, individuals tend to identify with those who are in the lime light. Then when that role model does something appalling, the public becomes desensitized to this behavior and its abnormality and becomes less distinct thus adding to the change in social deviances. Author of the 2002 Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Charles R. states that the word deviance is one that "usually refers to some behavior that is inconsistent with the standards of acceptable conduct prevailing in a given social group, although the term has also been used to designate personal conditions, ideas, or statuses that are stigmatized or disreputable" (p. 1). Assuming this ideal as fact, we must consider those who influence the change in behavior that is deemed "disreputable." In order to understand this, the Nation must be observed in a large scale while searching for the persons that are most influential. In this way, we must designate which behaviors are considered deviant and how those influential people help those behaviors to be deemed so. Anything similar to gang activity, drug use, violence of any Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Relativity Of Deviance Deviance tends to be a misunderstood term in our modern day society. Just speaking for myself, when I generally hear about a person referred to as 'deviant', I assume they are a troubleโ€“making, outcasted, or mean individual. However, this generalized idea is not necessarily truthful because the term deviant actually has a much more inโ€“depth definition. Sociologically, deviance is defined as "a violation of contextual, cultural, or social norms" (OpenStax, 2015). Although a violation tends to be thought of as a negative offense, violations can also be positive movements made by individuals in order to break free of generalized societal norms as well. Deviance can also vary based on who is committing the deviant act, depending on factors more content... The first example of the relativity of deviance that I thought of was the act of eating dog meat as a meal. I know that specifically in the U.S., the mere thought of this act is (for the most part) deemed to be entirely unethical and outrageous to even consider. However, having dog meat as the main dish of a meal is more common than not in countries such as China and Nigeria. As the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have stated loud and clear, "Before we point the finger and call such people hypocrites, think of people in the Western world who have "pet" hens and potโ€“bellied pigs yet still eat fried chicken and ham sandwiches. They balk at eating animals they "know" but have no problem eating an animal they never met who invariably endured a miserable life on a filthy factory farm and ended up in a very scary place: the slaughterhouse" (Sherrow, 2011). Essentially, dogs clearly play different roles in different cultures. While dogs are primarily considered 'man's best friend' in the U.S., dogs in other countries are equivalent to the chicken and pork in the U.S. While our culture sees the killing of dogs for meals as deviant, other countries may not. It is obvious that deviance will always be relative to the 'eye of the beholder' so to say, meaning that deviance is open Get more content on
  • 17. Deviance Essay Deviance is the violation of social norms. Social norms and values determine what level of deviance is acceptable. My folkway violation was on the cultural norms in black churches about not wearing pants and not being late for services. I developed my foundation of religion in the A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) church. The majority of the congregation is black. This is because of social norms only. When I was younger, Sunday mornings was filled with dressing in your best attire. For women my grandmother's age (she took me to church) the dress was in the price range of 1โ€“2 hundred dollars. A huge hat in the same price range, topped off with matching shoes and handbag. Stockings or pantyhose were mandatory. Being tardy was more content... I was unable to make Sunday services. I went to Wednesday prayer meeting. Wednesdays, is not as full as Sunday but it carried enough people for my experiment to bring the results. The attire for the evening was a pair of shorts, (blue jeans) white tank top, and a pair of black Chuck Taylor tennis shoes, low top, and no socks. I also came fifteen minutes late for desired and expected affect. I put a piece of notebook paper and placed it inside my bible, popped a piece of chewing gum in my mouth and proceeded to the doors leading inside. As I expected the Usher Mrs. Garibay was posted in the back pew waiting on any late stragglers like myself. I was nervous. I can remember some of the sermons preached about, "presenting your best to the lord". In addition, the treatment and talk that took place when someone dared to breach this with a dress that was maybe a little short. Never had anyone in my memory sat through any kind of service in my attire. I walked in very quickly, not really having eye contact with the Usher; I grabbed a study sheet from her and quickly took my seat, in the back. When I did look up it was to see about 45 members looking back at me. I recognized about fifteen people I knew well. There was an uncomfortable silence. My beat so loud I thought everyone would hear it. The pastor's first reaction was mouth open shock, then recognition, then shock again. When the pastor's wife recognized me, she rushed over to where I was sitting. I was Get more content on
  • 18. Deviance Essay The Role of Deviances Juliette Scott Kaplan University September 12, 2017 Introduction Describe the role of deviance in social movements based on the readings. Deviance is any behavior that stands against cultural norms; norms are the social behavior that protects some type of behavior. Deviance is differed in two separate ways the first crime is standing against laws that has been passed which is suggested to be formal deviancy this type of formal deviance could be like theft, raping, assaulted etc. then of cause the second deviance way of acting could be standing or violate social norms which has not been organized or adapted to law which can be acknowledged as informal norms Consider and explain your own views on more content... Include details of your experiences in your service project so far. If you have not started your service project yet, I do not start my service project yet but I am planning to start soon Incorporate elements of your previous community involvement describing what was successful and made it effective or in contrast At the Darby recreation center closer to where I live, they serve dinner to the children and family every Tuesday after the children get off school. They also provide the children with school supplies and wrapped Christmas gift for them, at the Darby Recreation center they encourage every parent to involve in the live of the children and assist the children for a better tomorrow, they parent come together and assist the children with their home work and sharing of food always volunteer to help, What made it unsuccessful? I do not see it as unsuccessful yet because every child came in well fed and the parent where happy about their services even my son is always happy to be there every Tuesday. The basketball coach is very nice to the children and the parent help the children with behavioral and emotional issues. Because of the desire I have for volunteering and specifically working with children, I have decided to volunteer at the head start program to help with their school trips, helping class room full of 3 and 4 years old, serving breakfast in the morning, and reading to the kids. Get more content on
  • 19. Deviance And Crime Reflection Paper Reflection 3 Chapter seven is focused on deviance and crime. The text provided a thorough analysis of the way deviance is defined, while also defining crime in ways I never thought of. Some of the terms explained ways that society labeled individuals, which led me to an understanding about why certain individuals are viewed a certain way. The material that was covered also gave an inโ€“depth picture of the criminal justice system as well as explaining the reasoning behind labels for certain groups. In tThis reflection various perspectives of deviance, types of crimes and the importance of their labels when it comes to the justice system punishment will be presented. In society, deviance is determined by social norms and interactions that are defined by society itself, based off of how it is perceived by others. In chapter seven, Kendall (2017) mentions different perspectives that defines s deviance. One of the perspectives that is mentioned is from the functionalist. When I read the chapter, I thought about what functions deviance has in society, . wWhich was answered by Emile Durkheim, who stated that deviance contributes to social change in society. Kendall (2017) states that "deviance may also be dysfunctional for society" (p.177). This is due to the fact that everyday existence in society can be interrupted by too many people moving away from the norm. In addition, when too many people move from the norm, it creates violence and chaos such as more serious deviance such as crimes. But the act of deviance may also provide ways into which some individuals acquire necessities for life that they cannot afford legally, which the term anomie comes into play. Robert Merton modified Durkheim's concept of anomie to create the strain theory. The strain theory gives examples of how people use deviance to obtain resources or necessities needed to survive in society in good and bad ways. Learning about these good and bad ways on the strain theory led into the second perspective of the first half of the chapter called Conflict Perceptive. This perspective focused on the conflict between the social classes and gender classes. AOne point that I would like to mention that helped me in this chapter was made by Kendall Get more content on
  • 20. The Relation Between Deviance And Labeling Theory Deviance is a behavior, trait, belief, or other characteristic that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction in a group. The definition of deviance varies widely across cultures, time, and situations. Some of the different deviances that our culture encounters is: body modifications, being overweight, exc. I personal have experienced being treated as devein because since high school to now in collage I have had a mohawk off and on. This is nothing to extreme when talking about the world of deviance but none the less it is an experience that has changed my view on how people are judged. When sociologists use the word "deviant," they are making a social judgment but never a moral judgment. If a particular behavior is more content... The Differential association theory states we learn to be deviant through our relations with deviant people. Labeling theory says that deviance is a consequence of outside decisions, or labels, which equally change the person's selfโ€“concept and change the way others react to the labeled person. Labeling theory is also linked to the impression of the selfโ€“fulfilling prophecy, which usually is defined by a label that causes the situation to come true. All of these theories are quite interesting and point different views on deviance and can make you better understand people around you. Stigma is a term that Erving Goffman's came up with and is defined as a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation. We have all met or at least have seen someone with a stigma and have noticed that even if it is untrue it becomes true to that person. One strategy analyzed by Goffman that stigmatized individuals use to negotiate everyday interaction is called passing, or concealing the stigmatizing information. Many people have what Goffman called an inโ€“group orientation, where the stigmatized people follow a direction away from mainstream society and towards a new standards that value their groups' identity. Finally, others choose deviance avowal, a process by which an individual selfโ€“identifies as deviant and initiates his or her own labeling process. It is always a good thing to try to change the cultures point of view on stigmatized people Get more content on