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Social Media Marketing Practice

         suresh                                          "frequent reader"

                                                                                                        Suresh S.




                                              Geektoid Mangala

Social CRM integrates social data

…Blogs are like conversations with friends. You share what you feel
and what excites you about certain things. It's almost as good as
being there. The fact that others can Google your topic and read is
like tuning into a television station.

 We all want to know what's out there. Who's doing what,
shopping where and what products help others. Blogs are just
another way to share all the great things, not so great things and
just a part of who we are. An outlet if you will. The blogisphere
community is all connect and we make contacts in many ways.
Through posts, through twitter conversations, through smaller nit
community's, live web casts, and through conferences that we met
in person. We make many friends and help each other with lot of
topics. Many of us are Mom bloggers who stay at home and have
no way of making new friends or communicating with others until
we found blogging. Blogging creates friendships and that's what
makes us real and connected.

                                    40 year old Mom blogger “nightowlmama” (#260)
Theory and Research on Consumers‘ Reports of Interactions with Brands and Experiencing Primal Forces,
                                      Suresh Sood, 2010

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
IP TV & Mobile - 2014
       Connected TV Shipments to Grow at CAGR of 58 Percent through 2014 with the
       Asia-Pacific region is the driving force, with CAGR of over 60% and representing
       almost half of global shipments by 2014.

                                     Gross transaction value of mobile payments in Asia Pacific to
                                     rise to $316 billion in 2014. According to forecasts, the combined
                                     global market for mobile payments is expected to exceed US$1
                                     trillion by 2014, with over one billion users in that year.

Share with friends. Boxee makes it easy for friends to share their favorite
movies, TV Shows, and songs with each other, on Boxee or on social
networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Detecting flu trends using search engine query data (intentionality)

Twitter and Marketing Predictions
• Tweets is “found data” without asking questions

• More meaning than typical search engine query
• Large numbers of passive participants in natural settings

• Twitter can predict the stock market (Lisa Grossman, Wired, Oct 19 2010)

• Predict movie success in first few weekends of release
   – “…it also raises an interesting new question for advertisers and marketing
     executives. Can they change the demand for their film, product or service buy
     directly influencing the rate at which people tweet about it? In other words,
     can they change the future that tweeters predict?”
       Tech Review,
―…According to the spreading activation
                                                        model of Collins and Loftus (1975), the
                                                         concepts (or brands in this case) are
                                                         represented in memory as nodes…‖

―Most of what we know we don‘t know we know. It usually seems that we
consciously will our actions, but this is an illusion‖ (Wenger, Daniel 2002)

Spreading Activation of “Sporty” Car

         BMW                                       VW R32
         135i                 German

fun to
            impressive       Sporty           all-wheel
           acceleration                         drive

          Subaru              handling             Chevy
         Impreza                                  Cobalt SS

                      Baumgartner, H (2011)
Archetypes, Story Gists, and Brand Examples
                    Archetype                                     Story Gist                                      Brand Examples
                                                                                                          (not from consumer perspective)
Ultimate Strength                              When an obstacle is there, it must be overcome,        Timex— “It takes a licking and keeps ticking.
                                               strength must be proven in use.
The Siren                                      Power of attraction, linked with the possibility of    Allure by Chanel; Envy by Gucci
The Hero                                       Fortitude, courage, and victory; a journey and         Michael Jordan and Nike shoes; Joe DiMaggio
                                               transformation                                         and Mr. Coffee; Power Puff Girls; Forrest Gump
The Anti-Hero                                  Universal message of destruction and attraction        Heavy metal icons; Howard Stern; Jerry Springer;
                                               of evil; the bad dude                                  Oakland Raiders; Che Guevara; Harley-Davidson
The Creator                                    Creative inspiration and the potency of                Coca Cola—the real thing; Walt Disney; Kleenex
                                               imagination; originality; authentic
The Change Master                              Transformation, self-improvement and self-             Curves—workout stores for women; Gillette’s
                                               mastery                                                Mach 2 Razor; Porsche 911
The Powerbroker                                Authority, influence and domination—the world’s        CNN; E.F. Hutton; Bill Gates; Microsoft
                                               leading -….; the best …; number one
The Wise Old Man                               Experience, advice and heritage; staying the test      Levi’s; Obi-Wan Kenobi
                                               of time
The Loyalist                                   Trust, loyalty and reassurance                         Coca Cola and “Mean” Joe Green with boy of 12
                                                                                                      TV commercial; I Love Lucy; Friends TV sitcom
The Mother of Goodness                         Purity, nourishment, and motherly warmth               Just Juice; Ivory Soap; Tropicana Orange Juice;
                                                                                                      Aunt Jemima; Fairy Godmother; Witch of the
                                                                                                      East; Snow White
The Little Trickster                           Humor, non-conformity, and the element of              Dennis the Menace; Bart Simpson; Pee-Wee’s Big
                                               surprise                                               Adventure; SpongeBob SquarePants
The Enigma                                     Mystery, suspense, and uncertainty                     Zorro; Abercrombie and Fitch; Star Trek

                                Source: Developed in part from several chapters in Weretime (2002).

     £ 1000   £ 150
                                                                                      4          5


                                             Textualizing the Contexts
                             1.   Pollee shopping in store at Beauchamp Place and
1                                 spots a Versace coat on sale for very low price that
                                  she is able to try-on because no anti-theft device                               8
                                  is attached to the coat; Versace’s image sits on top
                                  of Pollee’s head.
                             2.   After buying coat, Pollee goes to Rigby & Peller
                                  and buys luxury-sexy lingerie.
                             3.   Pollee calls boyfriend and buys takeaway food to               9
                                  take to his place.
                             4.   Pollee stops at loo and transforms in to a Siren by…
                             5.   Taking-off dress and wearing only coat with lingerie
                                  to surprise boyfriend.
                             6.   Pollee talks to boyfriend on cell phone.
                             7.   Police stop Pollee for talking on cell while driving.
                             8.   Pollee explains wearing coat in summer by telling
                                  officer that she is traveling to a vicars and tarts party.
                             9.   Pollee arrives home to see her boyfriend watching
                                   football on TV; takes off coat, shows him her
                                  transformation; they embrace and have sex.

    Textualizing the Visual Contexts of Pollee’s Shopping, Buying, and Using Versace Cashmere Coat/Lingerie
         Source: Original visual structure that follows from Figure 3 template in Woodside, Sood, and Miller (2008)

                      Story enactment, gist, that follows Siren plot and consumer-brand unconscious/conscious interactions

              Stage 5                                                                              Stage 4
                                                                  Stage 6                                                             C
                                            Line of consciousness / unconsciousness
                                             Stage 3

                                                                                                         Brand, visual message, and
                                             Stage 1                                                         mono-scenic story
                                                                                      Stage 2                     portrayal
Consumer, Pollee, with unconscious/
conscious desire to enact archetype

                                      Archetype: Siren

            Brand and Consumer Interacting in Storytelling Production of Siren Archetype

                 Source: Original visual structure that follows from Figure 3 template in Woodside, Sood, and Miller (2008)
Social Media Marketing Practice is not Conventional Marketing

   “a many-to-many mediated communications model in which

   consumers can interact with the medium, firms can provide

   content to the medium and, in the most radical departure from

   traditional marketing environments, consumers can provide

   commercially oriented content to the medium.”

                                              Hoffman & Novak, 1997

The Content is the Audience
In speaking about the mass media of the day, McLuhan stated
 ―the content is the audience.‖

It‘s an amazingly prescient statement. While the mass media most prominent in
McLuhan‘s time incorporated a one-to-many broadcast model, he understood that
ultimately it was still up to each audience member to control their intake of that
media, and to contextualize it in a way that made sense in their own world view.
Facebook and the like simply extend this natural capability that media in general
(and the people who consume media) have.

Social media explicitly take the one-to-many and make it many-to-many. The
content of social environments is the same as the content of a house party, or a
coffee shop. They are about you.In fact, ALL media have ALWAYS been about you
— they are about what you choose to pay attention to how you make sense of it in
your life.

McLuhan saw that half a century ago. Others are still figuring it out.

2011 Australian Social Media Data
                                          Mobile internet 50% penetration amongst online
                                          Australians in 2010

                                          35 % penetration of smartphones among online

                                          8% of online Australians use tablet
                                          [ end 2011 forecast 24% +]

                                          71% accessing audio or video content online in 2010
                                          and 35% on a weekly basis

                                          3 in 4 online Australians tap consumer opinion about
                                          brands, products and organisations, found in social

                                          63% have Facebook profile

                                          46% have clicked the Facebook ‗Like‘ button for a
                                          brand, product, org.

                                          43% share their opinions about brands and products
                                          via social media

                                          53% engaged with a brand or company on a social
                                          networking site

                                          36% engaged with government or politicians on a
                                          social networking site

Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific   Source: Nielsen
Social Media #Infographics H1 2011       State of the online market: evolution or revolution?
August 2011                              March 2011                                       18
Australian Facebook Demographics (

Collision of Marketing, Customer Service and PR

“United Breaks Guitars”

                              “They Shake me”

The Future of Customer Support

Support is not only a major marketing but
company asset

Teaches us how to deal with ―messiness‖

Gems in unstructured user generated content

Facilitate customers to self-support each other

Provides immediate feedback to product
Relationships Matter
“For the public, being able to reach someone who listens to
you and treats your ideas and questions respectfully is
another important dimension of accountability. Based on
what we learned in these focus groups, this human
connection is generally more meaningful to people than
accountability measures like performance indicators and
progress on benchmarks. For most people, not being able
to talk to someone is a signal that the institution doesn’t
genuinely care about the public”.

     “How An Overreliance On Accountability Could Undermine The Public's Confidence In Schools, Business,
                Government, And More”, A Report from Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation,2011
                                     A Relationship

   Accessibility                              Promptness                       Follow Up

   Responsiveness                             Promises Kept                    No Surprises

   Knowledgeable People                       Kept Informed                    Do It Right First Time

Source : Ray Kurdupleski, (ex-AT&T) & Universal Card Services case study, Bradley T Gale, “Competing on Value”
Example: Outside London flat

with Council
Engaged Citizen looking for new ways to connect with Council

Challenge Today : Moving from
  Transactions Alone to Relationships

Current State                Future State
= Transactions               = Citizen Engagement
We do this stuff well e.g.
Fines, Service Fees …        We don‘t do this really
                             e.g. User generated
                             content, ratings,
                             reviews, 1:1 dialogue

Marketing Moves to Citizen Facing Systems & Relationships
                                                            Food Safety Offences ( notices/)
                                                            publishing breaches in food safety to the citizens of New South Wales in

Patient Opinion ( facilitating
dialogue between patients in the United Kingdom and the
National Health Service

                                                                       Toronto, MyBikeLane (
                                                                       reporting bike lane violations in Toronto. Little
                                                                       Bee is top offender. So far, zero violations at
Communities and Networks – New Models & New Practices
Social Trash Cans, City of Lucern (Switzerland)

Source: Neue Luzerner Zeitung Online, 11. Mai 2011
The Marketing Opportunity: A Social Media Marketing Challenge
Low engagement consumer interaction (click on content : limited effort & no content generation )

Clicking a link to share info or start a discussion thread
Video or photo viewing
Rate a service
Touch someone, teleport or gesture via avatar in Second Life (SL) virtual tourist location
Microblogging (Twitter) – 140 characters SMS (excludes Australia)
Commenting on a blog entry
Write a review
Create a video blog entry/vlog
Build a city in SL, allow avatars to vote on favorite monuments or learn a language

High engagement consumer interaction ( effort spent on content creation e.g. video &create artifact )

     Level of Engagement  Brand Signal  Brand Equity
March 2011 “Online Australians Shift To Social Networks”
                                 Most Online Australian Adults Use Social Media Regularly

 Increasing social
media engagement

Social Media  Change

• Align with company strategy

• Encapsulate company strategy as keywords

• Social media policy or guidelines and implementation

• Prioritise internal changes with potential across entire company

• Listen to competitors and customers to identify change

Social Operating Strategy # Social Media Policy
• Policy is good substitute when you do not have purpose

• Why should anyone buy our products or services?

• Outline what works and why different from traditional marketing

• Provide associates with ideas for conversations

• Just one voice or everyone ?

• Consistent voice talking to a single customer

• Best practice rules of engagement:

A Fluid Social Infrastructure


• Enhance customer
• Provision of functionality
  very fast
• Enhance customer


• Benefits outweigh risks
• 3rd party controls SLA
• Mitigate risk on customer

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
7 S’s of Social Media Marketing Practice

                        1. Social Graph

6. Service Dominant                        2. Story Feed (Stream)
                                              Sharing Stories
                      7. Social Commerce

    5. Social                               3. Social Gesture
(being vs having)

                        4. Social Object

“We Are Building A Web Where The Default Is Social”
                (Zuckerberg, 3rd F8 developer conference, San Francisco)

• Open Graph not just has a record of relationships with other people
  (“friends”)but database of relationships with everything else mapping interests

• Any action on websites outside of update the profile and “Open
  graph” via social plugins

• Facebook Open Graph is a “proxy you”, your preferences, behaviours and friends
  anywhere on web.

• Recommendations from friends not strangers

• Most personalised search engine with not only your tastes but friends tastes

Facebook Object Types for Social Graph
Activities   Businesses     Groups          Organizations   People          Places             Products and
Activity     Bar            Cause           Band            Actor           City               Album

Sport        Company        Sports_league   Government      Athlete         Country            Book

             Cafe           Sports_team     Non_profit      Director        Landmark           Drink

             Hotel                          School          Musician        State_province     Food

             Restaurant                     University      Politician                         Game

                                                            Public_figure                      Product




Websites      UPC/ISBN        Other                           latitude
                                                              longitude                      Contact Info :
Blog          UPC code        Other                           street-address
                                             location         locality                       email
Website       ISBN number                                     region                         phone_number
                                                              postal-code                    fax_number
Giant Global Graph
I'll be thinking in the graph.
                                                                            The ABC as Social Graph
My flights.
My friends.
                                                                               Topics   Events
Things in my life.
My breakfast.
                                                                            Music           Programmes

What was that? Oh, yogurt, granola, nuts, and fresh fruit, since you ask.
                                                                        Users               Gardening
Submitted by timbl on Wed, 2007-11-21
                                                                               News     Food
       Facebook Social Graph

Facebook EdgeRank
•   Object = status update or post
•   Edge = like, comment or interaction with object
•   Interesting info  more people interactions resulting in higher rank and story in “Top News”
•   Posting status updates without conversation does not get high rank and move into “Top News” feed
•   EdgeRank is based on sum of three factors:
     –   affinity or the relationship between the creator and user
     –    interaction with the object (likes, comments have different levels of user engagement)
     –   timeliness means new objects have better chance

•   6 Tips to increase EdgeRank
     –   Publish objects that encourage interaction
     –   Create a forum
     –   Make most of photos and videos
     –   Share links
     –   Keep it fresh
     –   Ask users to share

     Source: 6 Tips to Increase Your Facebook EdgeRank and Exposure by Jim Lodico, 28/4/2011

The Facebook Newsfeed (Stream)
Being able to quickly parse through what your friends are up to, in line,
and in reverse chronological order is the cleanest and simplest way to
navigate a social net. (The News Feed - A Powerful UI Innovation, Fred Wilson, December 10,2007)

Today we're ready to declare The Newsfeed the dominant internet
metaphor of the day; the cascading waterfall of updates from your friends,
with comments swirling even around those - that model is everywhere
(Having Conquered Flickr & Yahoo, "The Newsfeed" Is Now the Dominant Info-Metaphor of Our Time, Marshall Kirkpatrick,
Read Write Web, October 16, 2008)

A method for displaying a news feed in a social network
environment is described. The method includes generating news
items regarding activities associated with a user of a social network
environment and attaching an informational link associated with at
least one of the activities, to at least one of the news items, as well
as limiting access to the news items to a predetermined set of
viewers and assigning an order to the news items. The method
further may further include displaying the news items in the
assigned order to at least one viewing user of the predetermined
set of viewers and dynamically limiting the number of news items
displayed. (US Patent 20080040673, Zuckerberg et al.)                 43
What is a Feed Story? (Facebook Guidelines)
•   A Feed story describes a single specific action between an actor and an object. Examples:
     – "Peter joined the cause Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
     – "Ari posted a song to Serkan's profile."
     – "Peter thanked Ronnie for his donation."
•   A Feed story contains valuable information that the actor wants to share and others want to
•   A Feed story is well-designed, succinct, and if appropriate, features an attached piece of media
    that further describes the action or the object of the action. Examples:
     – "Peter joined the cause Leukemia and Lymphoma Society."
     – "<Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Logo> <blurb about the society>"
•   Design Guidelines
•   Feed story body:
     – Shows more details about the action or object.
     – Does not repeat information in the headline.
     – Does not include promotional links or explicit calls to action.
     – Example: "<Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Logo> <blurb about the society>"
•   Action Links:
     – Appear on all stories
     – Feature contextually relevant calls to action
     – Only one action link with a max of 25 chars can appear in a Feed story
     – Cannot contain any formatting characters (like "[", "]", "|")
     – Example: "Comment - Share - Join Cause"
Sharing Stories
What happens when you tell stories? Two magical things: You
build trust with other people in your network, and from there you
build empathy…is when you share the emotions that other people
have and express. It‘s a powerful, deeply primal experience.
ShareThis! Deanna Zandt, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010

Sponsored Stories- Facebook

Stories and Listening to Brand Attributes

• Your own stories are ego centric

• Stories others tell about you to friends and associates
  (future prospects) are powerful

   – What vocabulary do others use
   – What do others tell about your skills
   – What stories do you tell about others

• Brand attributes are what others write and repeat

Google+ Stream and Hangouts

Social Gesture
•   @                       •   Like (Facebook)
•   Block                   •   Share
•   Bookmark                •   Pokes
•   Check-in (Foursquare)   •   Retweet
•   Comments                •   Reblog
•   #tags                   •   Status update
•   (Un)Follow              •   (Un)Subscribe

Opportunities to Influence

•   When you are in a good mood
•   When world view no longer makes sense
•   When you can take action immediately
•   When you feel indebted because of a favor
•   Immediately after you have made a mistake
•   Immediately after you have denied a request

Social Psychology
1. Reciprocity: we want to repay, in kind, what another person
     has provided us
2. Consistency: desire to be (and to appear) consistent with
     what we have already done
3. Social proof: to determine what is correct find out what other
     people think is correct
4. Authority: deep-seated sense of duty to authority
5. Likeability: we say yes to someone we like
6. Scarcity: limitation enhances desirability
 Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (revised; New York: Quill, 1993)
Social Media Marketing and Principles of Influence
                (adapted from the blog of Mischa Coster)

• Following, Connecting or Friends
    – Who are you/what can you bring me/ What do others say about you ?

         • Begin with Reciprocation (what will you bring ) to build followers
         • Liking and similarities
         • Reciprocation and Liking => Drives social proof

• How does scarcity work in social media world of free downloads
    – Social Media = sharing, giving and receiving
    – Scarcity in social media = unique value

 • Authority
     –   Quantity of internet publications (Social proof) vs. Quality (Reciprocity)
     –   Authority most important and influential on topics of fact
     –   Google ranks people – higher ranking for important pages and sites
     –   Expert on matters of fact emphasize authority when presenting
     –   Matters of taste (film, restaurant or hotel etc.) consensus, number of things
     –   To begin share valuable information and share authorities in agreement

Social Media Marketing and Principles of Influence
                          (adapted from blog of Mischa Coster)
•   Critical mass of social proof

     –   Lower mass than offline media
     –    Similarity in network of shared of interests and backgrounds
     –   Not as many dissimilar others as offline

•   Commitment and Consistency in Social Media

     –   Small effort for small favour to retweet, review or ask opinion
     –   How do we create a request for larger favour later ?
           • Reciprocal response (the favour in return to your request) needs to be made actively, publicly and
             voluntarily (no one is forcing me to do any of this)
           • Ask for action publicly made e.g. comments on website, share on other websites or within network
           • Enough effort not to scare but meaningful step
           • Facebook like’ button is a very small effort but publicly made (gets shared in your own network)
           • Liking a product, band or actor allows marketer to make a bigger request later e.g. visit demo offline
           • Like is consistent with preference to allow supplier to send relevant information
           • Characterise in terms of larger issues (internal to individual)
           • For an environmental cause (after “like” ) ask given importance of cause to individual would they
             become an ambassador in the network or geography
           • Characterise in terms of larger issue not something small they did
           • You call the commitment to be logically consistent with what you have already done that you would
             do this larger one, because you are favorable to this cause or to this type of consumer product

Social Proof (or validation) and Social Media Marketing
                Consumer seeks external cues
• High subscriber counts get more subscribers faster
• Lots of blog post comments end up with many more
• Social news with lots of votes and interesting headlines gets votes form others
  before being read
• Popular bookmarks get even more popular
• Retweeted content spreads even faster through further retweeting
• Recommended content more favourable than found
• Quality,quality & quality content spreads with social proof through reciprocity
  and liking establishing authority with people and Google
• Blogging Content creates bonding with customers

Social Objects
―Social Networks form around Social Objects**, not the other way around‖.
     (** Term attributed to Jyri Engstrom)                MacLeod Hugh (2008)

Wine Communities

Service-Dominant Logic
• A logic that views service, rather than goods, as the focus of
  economic and social exchange i.e., Service is exchanged for service

• Essential Concepts and Components
    – Service: the application of competences for the benefit of another entity
        • Service (singular) is a process—distinct from “services”— particular types of goods
    – Shifts primary focus to “operant resources” (skills and knowledge) from
      “operand resources” (static and tangible)
    – See value as always co-created (Market With
        i.e. Collaborate with Customers & Partners to Create & Sustain Value)
    – Sees goods as appliances for service delivery
    – Implies all economies are service economies
        • All businesses are service businesses

                             Vargo, S.L. and R.F. Lusch (2004).
    ―Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing, Journal of Marketing 68(January): 1-17
Purpose Motive
Drive #1: Eat when we’re hungry. Drink when we’re thirsty. Etc.

Drive #2: Respond to rewards and punishments in our environment.

Drive #3: We do things because they’re interesting and because they’re
engaging and because they’re the right things to do and because they
contribute to the world. (!!!)

“Our Third Drive, intrinsic motivation, is the most powerful.”

        Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink, Riverhead 2009

Evil Plans: Having Fun on the Road to World Domination
      Hugh MacLeod (Kindle Edition - Feb 17, 2011)
The largest funding platform for creative projects in the

New Generation of Social Platforms

Leading social Platform for Peer-to-Peer Borrowing and
• platform facilitates carpooling and carsharing
• put passengers in touch with drivers – who are
  free to put a price on the rides they offer
• 100,000 passengers find rides through
  Comuto per month
• traffic has doubled since volcanic eruption in

• True relationship driven transactions/sales

• social (networks & UGC)+ e-commerce+ mobile

• 3 key categories of developing S-commerce
   – Group buying (Groupon, LivingSocial and BuyWithMe)
   – Recommendations and reviews*** (Amazon, Apple and BestBuy)
   – Shopping communities (f-commerce or Facebook stores)

   ***see evidence of reviews impacting revenue: &

Comparing User Engagement Across Different Ad Types
            (Psychster and, 2010)

Sponsored Content ads, in which individuals viewed a holiday page that was
―brought to you by‖ a leading brand, were the most engaging but produced the
least purchase intent of the 7 ad types tested.

Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent
and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo
to their own profiles than when they could not.

Give and Get Widgets in which individuals could create and customize something
(a car or a dinner menu) and then either send it to a friend (―give‖ widget) or keep it
for themselves (―get‖ widget) were more engaging than traditional banner
advertisements but no more likely to produce an intent to purchase.

Above conclusions held across brands (a leading soup brand and a leading car
brand) and publishers (on and on, but like
traditional ads, widgets had increased success if the brand was relevant to
the website (i.e a soup brand on a cooking website).
Social (Local) Promotions & Online Group Buying Using Viral
•   Scoopon (sister site catch of the day)                                80% of Australian Group Buying
•   Spreets (Yahoo!7)                                                     revenue:
•   Cudo (ninemsn/Nine Entertainment Co)                                  2010 - $63M
•   Jump on it                                                            2011 - $242M
                                                                          2014 – $0.5 B
•   Harvey Norman Big Buys                                                                      Telsyte research
•   Deal Me (Deals Direct and James Packer)
•   OurDeal (Ten)
•   Deal Busters (Southern Cross Media)

•   GrabOne (NZ)
•   TreatMe (NZ)

•   Groupon* (StarDeals Australia) acquisition of CrowdMass (Melbourne)
•   Gilt
•   LivingSocial (Amazon investment)

•   Walmart CrowdSavers (Facebook)
•   Paypal Shoptimist

•   Google Offers
•   Facebook Deals (no mobile at launch, Groupon + Fan page + Places/check ins + News Feed)

*According to Forbes "fastest-growing company in history", Groupon turned over US$760 million last year, and expects
that to hit the billions in 2011.

How effective are Groupon Promotions for businesses?
       Study by Utpal M. Dholakia 28/9/ 2010
                          see Harvard Business Review Jan-Feb 2011

•   150 small companies
•   Groupon promotions 6/2009 to 8/2010
•   Promotion profitable for 66% and unprofitable for 32%
•   Employee satisfaction primary driver of the profitability
•   42% would not run a Groupon promotion again
•   Social promotional customers # long term relational customers
    –   Groupon redeemers are “extremely price sensitive
    –   Bargain hunters frugal by nature
    –   Barely spending beyond a discounted product's face value for unprofitable
    –   Transaction focus
    –   Repeat-purchase rates 15% for unprofitable (for profitable 31%)
• For sustainability design offers aligning with benefits to business

S-Commerce Strategies

                     ACQUISTION          RETENTION                  $$$
Online              F-commerce                ✔                 ✔
                     Amazon                  Amazon             Amazon

              Physical availability
Offline       See, touch, smell               ✔                   ✔
              Try /use
              Human interaction

          ✔    Key opportunities – social selling and social loyalty/retention
How Shoppers Make Buying Decisions

                        Online reviews more important
50%                        than in-store employees,
                         traditional media, and social
40%                               networking

                      29%        29%
20%                                                    24%        23%         21%
10%                                                                                               14%
                                                                                                            11%        10%
           Friends /         Online Customer Data on   In-store    Online     In-store   Print   Customer Customer     TV
            Family professional reviews mfg. sites     product    reviews    employees            reviews reviews on
                            reviews  (online-          displays    (store-                       on blogs,  social
                                       only                        based                         message networks
Sample Size = 1,000 U.S. consumers
                                     retailer                     retailer                         boards
                                      sites)                        sites)
Source: Cisco IBSG Research & Economics Practice, 2010
S-Commerce Category Opportunities
1. Recommendations and reviews
  – Social network
  – Service /syndication
2. Group Buying
  – Retail or manufacturer site
  – Social network
  – Service /syndication
3. Communities
  – Retail or manufacturer site
  – Social network
  – Service /syndication
The benefits of social media marketing practice

       brand equity                          Social ✔
       build enduring and
       intimate brand                        commerce
       relationships                         accountable commercial


        knowledge                            research &
        management                           development
        generate, aggregate,                 generate ideas, develop insights,
        disseminate organisational           test strategies

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
Google, Facebook and Twitter is My Newspaper

Social Search
Search Engines                                               Social Networks

                     indexing and archiving social content in realtime
                 people you know recommended links from Google + posts
                                Semantic related content


How to Participate in Conversations
•   Conversational calendar
•   Keywords/Vocabulary online & offline
•   What topics do your customers care about ?
•   What topics are trending in your industry
•   Monitor existing social media via dashboard e.g. Fb or Twitter
•   Use complaints or opportunity to discuss solutions
•   Become an expert providing service through social exchange

Social Media Conversation Calendar Triggers

•   Tweets ~ 1 to 2 per day
•   Facebook status daily
•   YouTube weekly
•   New content ~ 3 to 5 hours per month
•   New online contacts ~ 1 hour per month
•   New blog post ~ 1 per working day

8 Levels of Social Media Analytics

8 Levels of Analytics           Key Social Media Questions
Standard Reports                What conversations are taking place?

Ad Hoc reports                  When and where are conversations taking place?

Query Drilldown                 What are the sentiment of conversations?

Alerts                          What actions are required?

Statistical Analysis            Why are these conversations occurring?

Forecasting                     What if conversations continue?

Predictive Modeling             What conversations are next?

Optimization                    How can we lead conversations?
          orginally adapted from Davenport T (2007), Competing on Analytics

First Step Monitoring [Brand] Conversations & Tips

• Social Media Dashboard

    – All social media sources relating to brand
    – RSS technologies
    – Mashups (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Nielsen, Google )

• Weak Signals
    – Twitter early warning in advance of blogging

• Set up comprehensive Google Alerts

• Set up a feed reader with relevant blogs and new feeds

• Use Twitter Search to follow hashtags and keywords in Twitter streams

• Start immediately (~3 mins) with Netvibes and vocabulary
Google Reader
•   Free
•   Collects info from Twitter, blogs, and other RSS sources
•   Allows for easy sharing
•   Info all in one spot
•   Less real-time (both benefit and drawback)
•   Track what‘s read/not
•   Powerful: Star, share, email, tag, notes, trends
•   LinkedIn - Job changes, New connections, Updates and Groups

Other monitoring options

Brand Equity - Conversational

  Conversation Gap - Vacation and Paris                         Conversation Gap (Rubel 2005)

                                                            Brand share of the online conversation
                                                            Gap between the total number of
                                                            conversations about a category and the
                                                            proportion which mention the brand
                                                            operating in the category

 * Total identified blogs: 99,181,005 @ 18 December, 2008
                                                          Paris – Equity Share Analysis of Attributes
    Equities of a Brand (Stein 2006)

Topics being mentioned in conversations
about a brand with equity share
corresponding to the frequency at which
each topic is mentioned

See pp 115-116 Cook, N 2008. Enterprise 2.0
Hampshire,England: Gower Publishing

                                   * Total identified blogs: 151,048,780 @ 24 November, 2010     87
How Social Media Supports the Myth of Paris

                                                          “We'll Always Have Paris”

                                City of love , city of lights,
Lamps, Eiffel Tower,france,
night, street, notredame,
                                landmarks , museums &
 bw, church, architecture,      galleries, Cafés, coffee,
                                conversations, friendship,
 toureiffel, city, cathedral,
louvre, museum
                                artists, lovers, philosophers

Content Marketing
• Thought leadership, thought leadership & thought leadership

• Content marketing is second guessing what your customers need to
  know and delivering the info in a relevant and compelling manner

• Best practices, case studies and success stories

• Not media company driven content but content for customers

• Provide materials to support a service where customer says
  ‘Wow, you really made this easier for me!’”
   e.g. Blendtec “Will it blend?”
•   Wikipedia entries well placed on Google
•   Collaborative authoring of content
•   User-edited content
•   17 million Wiki Pages
•   Content changes must by approved
•   Articles are cross-indexed
•   Generate articles relating to your organisation,executives and news
•   Monitor articles on wikipedia for reputation management
•   Reference with related entries

Content Syndication
• Social bookmarking sites
   – News
        •,,,, Shoutwire,

   – Bookmarking
   – Channel surfing
   – SME Marketing
        • SEO
        • Content marketing
“New Rules of New News Releases”

•   Don’t send news releases only when “big news” is happening
•   Find good reasons to send news releases all the time
•   Don’t just target a handful of journalists
•   Create news releases appealing directly to your buyers.
•   Write releases rich with your keywords
•   Include compelling offers consumers action
•   Add social media tags with keywords so release can be found
•   Drive people into the sales process with a news release.

       David Meerman Scott‘s The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 2007

Marketing Content
1.    Audio and video recordings of interviews,roadshows or roundtables for repurposing e.g.podcasts
2.    Release schedule focusing on key topics affecting customers with a free subscription
3.    Send out news releases through a keyword-optimized service e.g. PRWeb, eReleases (paid) or, Clickpress
4.    Send releases direct to influential bloggers and post on Scribd and FreeIQ
5.    Post videos of interviews on YouTube and industry specific video portals specific to your industry
6.    Upload audio & video to microsite relevant podcast directories
7.     All articles with own HTML pages on microsite
8.     Each article with social media capabilities, such as letting people add it to Facebook, Digg, or StumbleUpon
9.    Provide a free e-book or whitepaper on microsite for downloading to continue the conversation with current
      customers information on prospects so that you can begin a conversation (no sales pitch education only)
10.   RSS feeds available for Web content
11.   New news releases are for building key links and for helping bloggers and influencers find the site
12.   Upload articles to key vertical and social bookmarking sites
13.   If deemed relevant create a Facebook fan page and invite key customers to join the Facebook group

Adapted from Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett (2009) Get Content Get Customers, McGraw Hill

Diverse Content Practices
   – Category killer for welding information
• Tween Waters Inn (Captiva Island)
• Fleishman-Hillard
   – &
• David Lawrence Centre
   – Mental Health & Substance abuse
• Kitchen Studio of Naples, Florida
• Maui Wowi Franchisee
   – CoffeesAndSmooth
   – Conversion rate blog
• Mindjet
• Pinsent Masons
   –                                94
Article Directories
WebProNews (internet marketing)

Pyramid of Economics of Social Content

                      Original Content = X

            Original Content + Ratings/Reviews = 2X

Original Content + Ratings/Reviews + User generated content = 4X

  Source: Happe R. (2009) Social Media in the Enterprise, GigaomPRO

                                   Rate My Space
                          • over 22MM page views per month,
                            adding new ad revenue
                          • 3 additional campaigns and launched
                            new tv series based on the online
Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    8s framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
Relationships # Technologies

  In Saren M. (2006) Marketing Graffati, Butterworth-Heinemann

Australian Social Networking

Source: comScore Media Metrix, November 2010 : Australian Audience 15+ accessing Internet from Home or Work

Social Media Concepts
Media      Share   Engage   Relationships
Fb           ✔                   ✔
Flickr       ✔
Blogging     ✔       ✔
Twitter      ✔       ✔           ✔

Social Bookmarking
•   Information sharing and promotion for content
•   Delicious acquired by founders of YouTube(AVOS)
•   Social bookmarking rank well in search
•   Increase audience reach e.g. non-commercial users
•   Top 4 general sites
     – Digg,Delicious, Reddit and Stumbleupon
     – Stumbleupon drives >50% of all referral traffic from top social media sites
• Top niche sites
     – (technical)
     –   Sphinn (search)
     – (financial)
     –   kirtsy (female)



an online electronics store, gives
members the option of discussing
issues regarding specific products

                                          myRidez recruits users to demonstrate how to install
                                          and upgrade vehicles, it has also made the page fun by
                                          asking users to submit photos of the finished vehicle.
Social Networking
Technology and services creating unique personal
profiles, mapping out relationships, and leveraging
connections to accomplish a task.

Key characteristics of Network :

•Personal Profile
•Visible Relationships

Profiles: The Real Value Of Social Networks by Charlene Li, Forrester, July 2004

• 41% of traffic came from Facebook and Twitter (users share)

•   Foursquare announced 275,00 check-ins in one March day (2010)

• UTS Library Kuring-gai (Lindfield, NSW, Australia)
    “A free USB car charger for whoever is the Mayor of UTS Library Kuring-gai on the 6th
    of December! To claim your prize come to the research help desk!”

• Checkout offers

• Venue owner checks real time stats
    – Recent visitors, frequent, time of check in gender, broadcast to Fb and Twitter

                                                                           * Stats from Hitwise

Popular Social Networking Sites by Country
China (420 M) - QQ, Xiaonei (now RenRen), 51, Tencent
UK - Facebook, Bebo, MySpace
NZ - Facebook, Bebo MySpace
USA - Facebook, MySpace, Twitter
Korea – Cyworld
Japan – Twitter, (22 M users at 31/10)
Germany - Facebook, StudiVZ, MySpace

These social networks exclude popular dating sites
e.g. Flirtomatic (UK) and loveonline (NZ)
•   Wikifashion has no central editorial board or editor-in-chief. Created by dedicated volunteers from around the world
    donating time and fashion expertise.

•   Allows employees, consumers, passionate to collate and collaborate

•   Web pages anyone you allow can edit

•   Share best practice and knowledge

•   Empower staff and value their experience

TREND                Motivation to Blog
• The Journal of Advertising Research (Huang et al., Dec 2007)
  identified five major motivations for a blogger to blog:

   1.   self-expression
   2.   life documenting
   3.    commenting
   4.   forum participating
   5.   information searching

• The idea of being able to escape the real world

• Web-based technologies help to unlock existing human needs

Tag Cloud of Paige’s Story About Travel to Paris

Created from Daniel Steinbock’s TagCrowd under Creative Commons ©

Elaboration of Trip to Paris Blog Story (Means-End & Heider)
                                   Woodside, Sood & Miller 2008 When Consumers and Brands Talk Psychology & Marketing
                                                                                                                                      18."We went on Fat
                 17. "I wanted Paige to get a feel                                                                                    Tire's day trip to
                                                                                                                                         +                                19....."I know Paige will
                  for shopping experiences that                                                                                       Monet's gardens and                treasure the memory of
                she would not have at home (aka                                                                                       house in Giverny, about             this girl's trip for many
                      the ubiquitous mall). "                                 16. "On our trip to Giverny, we met a young             an hour outside Paris."+                years to come."
                                                                              woman from Brisbane, Australia who was
                                                                              traveling on her own and we invited her to join
                                                                              us. Three of us enjoyed delicious and
                                                                              innovative soufflés, while Paige had the rack of
                                                       3. Paris
                                                                              lamb. We shared two dessert soufflés, one                   11.Sites
                                 +                                            chocolate and the other cherry/almond. Yum"                 •The Marais
                                                                                                                                          •Notre Dame
                                                                                                                                          •L'Arc de Triomphe - 248 steps up and 248 steps
                                                              +                                                                           down...
      1.Gayle                                                                     15." Michael Osman is an American artists               •Champs Elysee
                                                                                  living in Paris."                                       •Jacquemart Museum
                                                                                  "He supplements his income by being a                   •Louvre Lite
                                 +                      2. Paige
                                                                                  tour guide." I" found out about him on
                                                                                                                                          •Musee D'Orsay
                                                                                                                                          •Les Invalides, Napoleon's Tomb and the
                                                                                  "So I engaged Michael for two days."                    Napoleon Museum
                                                                                                                                          •Sacre Coeur
                                   +                                              14. "They had decide to come to Paris                   •Rodin Museum
                                                                                   to find the Harley Davidson store so                   •Pompidou Museum
                                                                                   they could buy Harley Paris t-shirts."                 •Train to Vernon, bike to Giverny with Fat Tire
4.”The occasion
                                                                                                                                          Bike Tours
was my cousin                           5. “I am a Canadian
Paige’s 16th”                           and get by in
                                                                     13."The father stretched out his cupped                              •Eiffel Tower
                                                                     hands which held all of the pieces they were
                                                                     able to recover, including the memory stick
                                                                     and he very solemnly said, "El muerto...".

6. "All I can say is WOW! We rented a 2                                                                                                9. "I bought a Paris Pratique pocket-sized book at a
bedroom, 1 ½ bath apartment (two                     12. Unforgettable Memories                                                        Metro station. This handy guide has detailed maps
showers), "Merlot" from ParisPerfect                 "This trip had so many memories, but here are a few choice                        of each arrondisement, as well as the metro lines, and boy was             highlights........On our very first night, knowing that the Eiffel                the bus lines, the RER and the SCNF (trains). I'll
it ever perfect! "                                   Tower light show started at 10:00 p.m.... she [Paige] dropped                     never be without this again."
                                                     her camera…down 6 flights…we were stunned…Spanish
                                                     Family below standing below *with pieces of the camera+”

7. “We had a full view of the Eiffel from                                                                                     10."Six months before our trip, I gave
our charming little terrace. ....We were                      8. "We were walkable to many good                               Paige a couple of good guide books on
within walking distance to two metro                          bistros, cafes and bakeries and only a                          Paris and suggested she let me know
stops (Pont d'Alma or Ecole Militaire) "                      few blocks from the wonderful market                            what her interests were since after all,                111
                                                              street Rue Cler."                                               this was to be her trip."
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)
             Text Analysis : The Psychological Power of Words

LWIC dimension                 “I love Paris”      Personal texts           Formal texts
                               Paige’s Story

Self-references                6.12                11.4                     4.2
(I, me, my)
Social words                   10.55               9.5                      8.0
Positive emotions              3.04                2.7                      2.6
Negative emotions              0.54                2.6                      1.6
Overall cognitive words        4.12                7.8                      5.4
Articles (a, an, the)          7.74                5.0                      7.2
Big words (> 6 letters)        18.40               13.1                     19.6
Pennebaker, J. W., Francis ME, Booth RJ. (2001). Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC):
LIWC2001. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Iconic Sites & Scenes from Paris Blog
•   Eiffel tour night show
•   The Marais
•   Notre Dame
•   L'Arc de Triomphe - 248 steps up and 248 steps down...
•   Champs Elysee
•   Jacquemart Museum
•   Louvre Lite
•   Musee D'Orsay
•   Les Invalides, Napoleon's Tomb and the Napoleon Museum
•   Sacre Coeur
•   Monmartre
•   Rodin Museum
•   Pompidou Museum
•   Train to Vernon, bike to Giverny with Fat Tire Bike Tours

Marketing & Advertising Strategy Implications the Story of Paige

• Story told in natural city setting
• Assume Paris = brand
• Brand is supporting actor enabling Gayle to achieve her goals of
  showing Paris to Paige (conscious) and help her coming of age
• Builds favorable consumer brand relationship:
  best friendship (Fournier 1998)
• Show someone Paris:
  Share experience,teacher-student,”fairy-godmother” or be the
  tourist guide
• Use social relationships to sell cities
• Interpersonal relationships (people travel with people)
• Near conversational interaction with brand:
   story is called “I love Paris”

Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs versus online Magazines
The results of the current study clearly show that the publicity effectiveness of blogs is higher than that of
online magazines. The use of social media requires marketers to take a step back from traditional campaign
thinking and focus more on relationship building.

The study conclusively shows that the publicity effectiveness is superior in social media as compared to
“traditional” online media.

Public-relations practitioners end up in traditional media by reason of news-generating spectacular
advertising campaigns, press releases, sponsored competitions, and the like. By contrast, for publicity to find
a credible spot on blogs, placement efforts need to begin with genuine relationships with the bloggers.

Finding “fashionable friends” online takes time and effort. The return of those investments, however, could
provide marketers with a new kind of far-reaching effective publicity generated by blog producers who
similarly devote both time and effort to promoting the brands they believe in.

   Colliander and Dahlen (2011), Following the Fashionable Friend :The Power of Social Media Weighing
  Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs versus online Magazines, Journal of Advertising Research, pp. 313 – 320.

•   Join a photo sharing site e.g. Flickr or Picasa

•   Upload photos and create a slideshow

•   Use the embed code from the slideshow or follow your blogs rules
    to embed it on your blog. Use HTML tab in blog form.

•   Optimize photos for the Web via Photoshop or via a Web-based
    solution (

•   Provide interesting captions to your photos to tell the story

•   Try the popular Glimph which automatically captures with every
    picture you take a video clip.

LVMH – Louis Vuitton


Susan Boyle                                 “United Breaks
 79,804,980                                    Guitars”

                          Old Spice
                      The Man Your Man
                       Could Smell Like

              ** views current as at 19 November 2011      118
UNICEF/Oxfam Haiti YouTube emergency case study :
                 Priority vs. Quality

• Ewan McGregor UNICEF for the children of Haiti (21 Jan)

• Ian Bray Oxfam Haiti emergency appeal (13 Jan)
User generated video reviews show strong
presence of strategic advertising elements

YouTube Insight – Video Analytics

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
Australian Facebook Demographics (

Facebook Pages
What would it be like to work with you?

News about your business

Share your work

Share blog posts

Specials and events only on Facebook

Use your own voice.

Case Studies - Facebook

•   Brasnthings
•   Coldstone Creamery
•   Del Mar racetrack (California)
•   Lacta Chocolate (Greece)
•   Logos Bible Software
•   SSP (Sydney international airport)
•   Tommee Tippee Australia
•   Yellow Convenience store (Israel)
•   Washington Redskins
Like, Comment & Share
The “Like”, “Comment” and “Share” features on Facebook are three good
ways to monitor your posts, but more importantly to help spread the word of
your events as well as other events that your friends find interesting and
      1. If you don’t want to leave a comment just click on the “like” button
      2. If you feel inclined leave a comment. By doing one of these options you are
         essentially subscribing to any future comments other people may make
         about this particular posting
      3. If you really like the posting and want all of your friends/fans to know about
         it click on the “share” button.

Facebook – Main Tabs

•   Wall – mini press releases, announcements
•   Info – static information, Overview, mission, etc.
•   Photos – multiple photo albums
•   Videos
•   You can add custom/application tabs
    – Causes, Flickr,, myPersonality, Slideshare,YouTube

Facebook Insights
• Facebook wants your fans to interact with your
 –Wall posts
• Ask questions of your fans
 –Surveys – polls - input
• Use a casual approach where appropriate

The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers

1.    The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore
2.    The Self-Promoter
3.    The Friend-Padder.
4.    The Town Crier
5.    TMIer (The Much)
6.    The Bad Grammarian
7.    The Sympathy-Baiter.
8.    The Lurker
9.    The Crank
10.   The Paparazzo
11.   The Obscurist
12.   The Chronic Inviter
Sharing Your Content and Information
                               Date of Last Revision: April 26, 2011 Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
Sharing Your Content and Information
You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and
application settings. In addition:
For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following
permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-
free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends
when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.
When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand
that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).
When you use an application, your content and information is shared with the application. We require applications to respect
your privacy, and your agreement with that application will control how the application can use, store, and transfer that content
and information. (To learn more about Platform, read our Privacy Policy and Platform Page.)
When you publish content or information using the everyone setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people
off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).
We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Facebook, but you understand that we may use them without
any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    8s framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
Water Cooler/Ambient Intelligence
    Microblogging microsharing -> microlearning
Status management without walking around -touching base
Checking the overall state of company or group - awareness
Response and listening – all optional i.e. a pub/sub model
Spot check all is well or anyone absent or problems ?
Adjust accordingly and move on
Share info
Get to know others
More aware
What are you working on ?
What is taking up time – ask advice
What did you learn ?
Adly Influencers via Twitter

Reach(millions)            Influencer
10 savvy/active moms       Jenny McCarthy, Kourtney Kardashian, Tori Spelling
6 passionate sports fans   Cristiano Renaldo, Paul Pierce, Nick Swisher
12 trend conscious teens Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Lauren Conrad
16 teen males              50 Cent, Ryan Sheckler, Ryan Higa.
14 women 18-34             Ivanka Trump, Mandy Moore, Serena Williams
20 men 18-34               Mark Cuban, Jalen Rose, Michael Ian Black
200K+ clicks
20K+ retweets
15K+ shares, "Likes" and comments on Facebook
A Look at the                                                      Numbers
•    175M registered users with 119 M users following one or more account
•    Worldwide visitors approached 10M in Feb 2009, up 700+% vs. Feb 2008 (Comscore)
•    180 M unique visitors per month( Huffington Post, 30/4/2010)
•    105,779,710 registered users (ibid)
•    60+% stopped using Twitter a month after joining (Neilsen Online, via Reuters)
•    Older than you think!
       –    18-24 year olds 12% less likely than average to visit Twitter
       –    25-54 year old crowd is driving this trend
       –    45-54 year olds 36% more likely to visit Twitter, making them the highest indexing age group
       –    Next is 25-34 year olds: 30% more likely
•     Twitter rose to over 800,000 users in June 2009, up from 13,000 in 2008**
•     Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API
•     Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day.
•     1M Twitter apps connect up from 150,000 in 2010
•     Twitter team size 600 (up from 250)
       2007 ~ 5,000 tweets per day
       2008, ~ 300,000 tweets per day
       2009 ~2.5 million tweets every day
       End 2009 Tweet growth 1,400% reaching 35 million tweets per day
       Feb 2010 Twitter sees 50 million tweets created per day or 600 TPS
       Aug 2010 Twitter sees 65 million tweets per day
       Aug 2011 Twitter sees 200 million tweets per day
       Nov 2011 Twitter sees 250 million tweets per day

       Source :Measuring Tweets, twitter blog, @kevinweil, Feb 22, 2010 and Aug 01, 2011
    Source: Reuters reporter Alexei Oreskovic.
    ** comScore study, June 2009 Reported in Marketing Charts, August 17th 2009                            135
•   Ambient intelligence
•   Takes microblogging mainstream
•   A giant “coffee shop”
•   Limited to 140 characters
•   Use Twitter to :
    – post blog updates
    – connect with existing members
    – recruit new members
•   Handle - @soody
•   Follow – who you’re listening to
•   Replies – have a conversation! @
•   Retweet – RETWEET or RT
•   #FollowFriday (#FF)
•   Avatar – Your picture. Decide Logo or Face
•   Hashtag - #TwOrCo – Twitterers in OC
•   You can create your own hashtag #PUTM

DM (Direct Message)

Direct messages (DMs) are Twitter’s private messaging channel like Instant Messaging.

Tweets appear on your home page under the Direct Messages tab

Email notifications turned on, you’ll also get an email message when somebody DMs .

DMs don’t appear in either person’s public timeline or in search results. No one but you
can see your DMs.

You can send DM only to people who are following you. Conversely, you can receive them
only from people you’re following.

You can send DMs from the Direct Messages tab by using the pull-down menu to choose a
recipient and then typing in your note. To send a DM from your home page, start your
message with “d username,” like this:

         d Johnny How about next Monday?

Finding People to Follow
1. Go to

   –   In the advanced search field enter: near:2066 within:25km
   –   Replace with your post code and extend radius if desired
   –   The search results include all Tweeters based within your area
   –   Click on a user name and their Twitter page will open
   –   Click “Follow”
   –   Repeat steps as many times over to check users of interest

2. If you find a local Twitter with lots of followers go to their
   page and click on the pictures on their page of their followers

3. and “Enter a Tag” to follow the results

4. Visit pages of people who follow you and check out their
   followers to see if you want to follow them

This is Negative WOM!

                        Should We Care?

Twitter Tools & Applications
users tweet traffic info


First steps

• Consider FaceBook or Google + first

• Try Twitter or Yammer starting small

• Have fun and give them a chance

• Add social media to your profile

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
• Over 120 million users
     –   26m+ members in Europe
     –   6m+ members in the UK
     –   2m+ members in France
     –   2m+ members in the Netherlands
     –   2m+ members in Italy
     –   1m+ members in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
     –   1m+ members in Spain
     –   10m+ members in India
     –   4m+ members in Canada
     –   4m+ members in Brazil
     –   2m+ members in Australia
•   2M+ professionals in Australia (~40% + of professionals)
•   Widely used in Financial Services (Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne)
•   Australian member usage
      ~ 8 minutes per month
                                                                             affluent & influential membership.
•   6.5 million students and 9 million recent college graduates
•   More than 2 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages.

•   Find and recruit staff
•   Create employee groups and pool ideas
•   Create a company profile
•   Network with related professionals
•   Be a Resource
       Answer Questions as an expert in your field.

       Provide referrals.

       Make meaningful connections.

• Use an Authentic Style in your Profile
Guy Kawasaki’s 11 Ways to Use LinkedIn:

1.    Increase your visibility
2.    Improve your connectability
3.    Improve your Google PageRank
4.    Enhance your search engine results
5.    Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference checks
6.    Increase the relevancy of your job search
7.    Make your interview go smoother
8.    Gauge the health of a company
9.    Gauge the health of an industry
10.   Track startups.
11.   Ask for advice. (LinkedIn Answers)


• Podcasting

• Webinars
  –   Go To Meeting (
  –   WebEx (
  –   Live Meeting (
  –   Great Web Meetings (
  –   Acrobat Connect Professional/Personal Web Conferencing (

On demand Webinar (Slideshare)
• Competes with GoToMeeting and Webex
• Meeting on the go
• Adds social to invite friends on Facebook and Twitter including
  chat postings on Facebook
• Hosts a meeting in less than 30 seconds
• Click Zipcast on any slideshare presentation
• Select Public or Private
• Schedule or commence Zipcast & enable live video
• Cons – no recording, registration or taking payments

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
Best Practices
                     Sharing                                     Blogging
•     Add ―Share This‖ widgets to your website            •   Pick an interesting voice
•   Create your own widgets visitors can                  •   Maximize outbound links
      share on own sites and pages                        •   Set outbound links to be opened in a new window
                                                          •   Invite and encourage conversation
•   Share the content of others
•   Share your own content across platforms

                     Twitter                                       Facebook
•   70 – 20 – 10 Engagement Model (Angela Maiers)                       •    Profiles are for People
     – 70% - Sharing others voices, opinions, and tools                 •    Get a Page, Get Some Fans
     – 20% - Responding, connecting, collaboration,                     •    Use Groups for collaboration
           and co-creating with like-minded Twitter colleagues          •    Use Events to Generate Attendance
     – 10% - Promoting and/or chit-chatting
                                                                    •       Create a channel
•     Make sure content has an RSS feed
                                                                    •       Tag your videos with keywords
•     Share RSS feed with site visitors, social network
                                                                    •       Embed videos in your blog and website
                                                                    •       Engage commentators
•     Use RSS feeds to help streamline social media

Agenda – SMMP (stage 1)

1.    Marketing transition
2.    7S framework
3.    The beginning of social search
4.    Tools and tactics of SMMP
5.    Facebook fan marketing
6.    Twitter and implications for real time marketing
7.    B2B Social Networking
8.    Best Practices in Social Media
9.    Social Graph
10.   Social Relationship Management
11.   Industry Adoption & ROI
12.   Future implications and where will the jobs come from ?
A New Way of Marketing ?

                                    Social Network

                          1:1            „All Customers
                                          in a network
            Segment                „All
Shotgun       „All Customers    different‟
Marketing      in a segment
                 the same‟
the same‟                                            153

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  • 2. 2
  • 3.
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  • 5. …Blogs are like conversations with friends. You share what you feel and what excites you about certain things. It's almost as good as being there. The fact that others can Google your topic and read is like tuning into a television station. We all want to know what's out there. Who's doing what, shopping where and what products help others. Blogs are just another way to share all the great things, not so great things and just a part of who we are. An outlet if you will. The blogisphere community is all connect and we make contacts in many ways. Through posts, through twitter conversations, through smaller nit community's, live web casts, and through conferences that we met in person. We make many friends and help each other with lot of topics. Many of us are Mom bloggers who stay at home and have no way of making new friends or communicating with others until we found blogging. Blogging creates friendships and that's what makes us real and connected. 40 year old Mom blogger “nightowlmama” (#260) 5
  • 6. Theory and Research on Consumers‘ Reports of Interactions with Brands and Experiencing Primal Forces, Suresh Sood, 2010 6
  • 7. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 7
  • 8. IP TV & Mobile - 2014 Connected TV Shipments to Grow at CAGR of 58 Percent through 2014 with the Asia-Pacific region is the driving force, with CAGR of over 60% and representing almost half of global shipments by 2014. Gross transaction value of mobile payments in Asia Pacific to rise to $316 billion in 2014. According to forecasts, the combined global market for mobile payments is expected to exceed US$1 trillion by 2014, with over one billion users in that year. Share with friends. Boxee makes it easy for friends to share their favorite movies, TV Shows, and songs with each other, on Boxee or on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
  • 9. Detecting flu trends using search engine query data (intentionality) 9
  • 10. Twitter and Marketing Predictions • Tweets is “found data” without asking questions • More meaning than typical search engine query • • Large numbers of passive participants in natural settings • Twitter can predict the stock market (Lisa Grossman, Wired, Oct 19 2010) • Predict movie success in first few weekends of release – “…it also raises an interesting new question for advertisers and marketing executives. Can they change the demand for their film, product or service buy directly influencing the rate at which people tweet about it? In other words, can they change the future that tweeters predict?” Tech Review, 10
  • 11. ―…According to the spreading activation model of Collins and Loftus (1975), the concepts (or brands in this case) are represented in memory as nodes…‖ ―Most of what we know we don‘t know we know. It usually seems that we consciously will our actions, but this is an illusion‖ (Wenger, Daniel 2002) 11
  • 12. Spreading Activation of “Sporty” Car BMW VW R32 135i German fun to drive impressive Sporty all-wheel acceleration drive Cars excellent Subaru handling Chevy Impreza Cobalt SS WRX Baumgartner, H (2011)
  • 13. Archetypes, Story Gists, and Brand Examples Archetype Story Gist Brand Examples (not from consumer perspective) Ultimate Strength When an obstacle is there, it must be overcome, Timex— “It takes a licking and keeps ticking. strength must be proven in use. The Siren Power of attraction, linked with the possibility of Allure by Chanel; Envy by Gucci destruction The Hero Fortitude, courage, and victory; a journey and Michael Jordan and Nike shoes; Joe DiMaggio transformation and Mr. Coffee; Power Puff Girls; Forrest Gump The Anti-Hero Universal message of destruction and attraction Heavy metal icons; Howard Stern; Jerry Springer; of evil; the bad dude Oakland Raiders; Che Guevara; Harley-Davidson The Creator Creative inspiration and the potency of Coca Cola—the real thing; Walt Disney; Kleenex imagination; originality; authentic The Change Master Transformation, self-improvement and self- Curves—workout stores for women; Gillette’s mastery Mach 2 Razor; Porsche 911 The Powerbroker Authority, influence and domination—the world’s CNN; E.F. Hutton; Bill Gates; Microsoft leading -….; the best …; number one The Wise Old Man Experience, advice and heritage; staying the test Levi’s; Obi-Wan Kenobi of time The Loyalist Trust, loyalty and reassurance Coca Cola and “Mean” Joe Green with boy of 12 TV commercial; I Love Lucy; Friends TV sitcom The Mother of Goodness Purity, nourishment, and motherly warmth Just Juice; Ivory Soap; Tropicana Orange Juice; Aunt Jemima; Fairy Godmother; Witch of the East; Snow White The Little Trickster Humor, non-conformity, and the element of Dennis the Menace; Bart Simpson; Pee-Wee’s Big surprise Adventure; SpongeBob SquarePants The Enigma Mystery, suspense, and uncertainty Zorro; Abercrombie and Fitch; Star Trek Source: Developed in part from several chapters in Weretime (2002).
  • 14. 3 6 A £ 1000 £ 150 2 4 5 7 Textualizing the Contexts 1. Pollee shopping in store at Beauchamp Place and 1 spots a Versace coat on sale for very low price that she is able to try-on because no anti-theft device 8 is attached to the coat; Versace’s image sits on top of Pollee’s head. 2. After buying coat, Pollee goes to Rigby & Peller and buys luxury-sexy lingerie. 3. Pollee calls boyfriend and buys takeaway food to 9 take to his place. 4. Pollee stops at loo and transforms in to a Siren by… 5. Taking-off dress and wearing only coat with lingerie to surprise boyfriend. 6. Pollee talks to boyfriend on cell phone. 7. Police stop Pollee for talking on cell while driving. 8. Pollee explains wearing coat in summer by telling officer that she is traveling to a vicars and tarts party. 9. Pollee arrives home to see her boyfriend watching football on TV; takes off coat, shows him her transformation; they embrace and have sex. Textualizing the Visual Contexts of Pollee’s Shopping, Buying, and Using Versace Cashmere Coat/Lingerie Source: Original visual structure that follows from Figure 3 template in Woodside, Sood, and Miller (2008)
  • 15. D + Story enactment, gist, that follows Siren plot and consumer-brand unconscious/conscious interactions Stage 5 Stage 4 B Stage 6 C Line of consciousness / unconsciousness Stage 3 A Brand, visual message, and Stage 1 mono-scenic story Stage 2 portrayal Consumer, Pollee, with unconscious/ conscious desire to enact archetype Archetype: Siren Brand and Consumer Interacting in Storytelling Production of Siren Archetype Source: Original visual structure that follows from Figure 3 template in Woodside, Sood, and Miller (2008)
  • 16. Social Media Marketing Practice is not Conventional Marketing “a many-to-many mediated communications model in which consumers can interact with the medium, firms can provide content to the medium and, in the most radical departure from traditional marketing environments, consumers can provide commercially oriented content to the medium.” Hoffman & Novak, 1997 16
  • 17. The Content is the Audience In speaking about the mass media of the day, McLuhan stated ―the content is the audience.‖ It‘s an amazingly prescient statement. While the mass media most prominent in McLuhan‘s time incorporated a one-to-many broadcast model, he understood that ultimately it was still up to each audience member to control their intake of that media, and to contextualize it in a way that made sense in their own world view. Facebook and the like simply extend this natural capability that media in general (and the people who consume media) have. Social media explicitly take the one-to-many and make it many-to-many. The content of social environments is the same as the content of a house party, or a coffee shop. They are about you.In fact, ALL media have ALWAYS been about you — they are about what you choose to pay attention to how you make sense of it in your life. McLuhan saw that half a century ago. Others are still figuring it out. Source: technology-experts-today-dont/ 17
  • 18. 2011 Australian Social Media Data Mobile internet 50% penetration amongst online Australians in 2010 35 % penetration of smartphones among online Australians 8% of online Australians use tablet [ end 2011 forecast 24% +] 71% accessing audio or video content online in 2010 and 35% on a weekly basis 3 in 4 online Australians tap consumer opinion about brands, products and organisations, found in social media 63% have Facebook profile 46% have clicked the Facebook ‗Like‘ button for a brand, product, org. 43% share their opinions about brands and products via social media 53% engaged with a brand or company on a social networking site 36% engaged with government or politicians on a social networking site Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Source: Nielsen Social Media #Infographics H1 2011 State of the online market: evolution or revolution? August 2011 March 2011 18
  • 19. Australian Facebook Demographics ( 19
  • 20. 20
  • 21. Collision of Marketing, Customer Service and PR “United Breaks Guitars” “They Shake me” 21
  • 22. The Future of Customer Support Support is not only a major marketing but company asset Teaches us how to deal with ―messiness‖ Gems in unstructured user generated content Facilitate customers to self-support each other Provides immediate feedback to product development 22
  • 23. Relationships Matter “For the public, being able to reach someone who listens to you and treats your ideas and questions respectfully is another important dimension of accountability. Based on what we learned in these focus groups, this human connection is generally more meaningful to people than accountability measures like performance indicators and progress on benchmarks. For most people, not being able to talk to someone is a signal that the institution doesn’t genuinely care about the public”. “How An Overreliance On Accountability Could Undermine The Public's Confidence In Schools, Business, Government, And More”, A Report from Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation,2011
  • 24. WHAT DO CUSTOMERS WANT ? A Relationship Accessibility Promptness Follow Up Responsiveness Promises Kept No Surprises Knowledgeable People Kept Informed Do It Right First Time Source : Ray Kurdupleski, (ex-AT&T) & Universal Card Services case study, Bradley T Gale, “Competing on Value” 24
  • 27. Engaged Citizen looking for new ways to connect with Council 27
  • 28. Challenge Today : Moving from Transactions Alone to Relationships Current State Future State = Transactions = Citizen Engagement (relationships) We do this stuff well e.g. Fines, Service Fees … We don‘t do this really e.g. User generated content, ratings, reviews, 1:1 dialogue 28
  • 29. Marketing Moves to Citizen Facing Systems & Relationships Food Safety Offences ( notices/) publishing breaches in food safety to the citizens of New South Wales in Australia. Patient Opinion ( facilitating dialogue between patients in the United Kingdom and the National Health Service Toronto, MyBikeLane ( reporting bike lane violations in Toronto. Little Bee is top offender. So far, zero violations at 29
  • 30. Communities and Networks – New Models & New Practices
  • 31. Social Trash Cans, City of Lucern (Switzerland) Source: Neue Luzerner Zeitung Online, 11. Mai 2011 31
  • 32. The Marketing Opportunity: A Social Media Marketing Challenge Low engagement consumer interaction (click on content : limited effort & no content generation ) Bookmarking Clicking a link to share info or start a discussion thread Video or photo viewing Rate a service Touch someone, teleport or gesture via avatar in Second Life (SL) virtual tourist location Microblogging (Twitter) – 140 characters SMS (excludes Australia) Commenting on a blog entry Write a review Create a video blog entry/vlog Build a city in SL, allow avatars to vote on favorite monuments or learn a language High engagement consumer interaction ( effort spent on content creation e.g. video &create artifact ) Level of Engagement  Brand Signal  Brand Equity 32
  • 33. March 2011 “Online Australians Shift To Social Networks” Most Online Australian Adults Use Social Media Regularly Increasing social media engagement 33
  • 34. Social Media  Change • Align with company strategy • Encapsulate company strategy as keywords • Social media policy or guidelines and implementation • Prioritise internal changes with potential across entire company • Listen to competitors and customers to identify change 34
  • 35. Social Operating Strategy # Social Media Policy • Policy is good substitute when you do not have purpose • Why should anyone buy our products or services? • Outline what works and why different from traditional marketing • Provide associates with ideas for conversations • Just one voice or everyone ? • Consistent voice talking to a single customer • Best practice rules of engagement: 35
  • 36. A Fluid Social Infrastructure +ve • Enhance customer experience • Provision of functionality very fast • Enhance customer feedback -ve • Benefits outweigh risks • 3rd party controls SLA • Mitigate risk on customer experience
  • 37. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 37
  • 38. 7 S’s of Social Media Marketing Practice 1. Social Graph 6. Service Dominant 2. Story Feed (Stream) & Sharing Stories 7. Social Commerce 5. Social 3. Social Gesture (being vs having) 4. Social Object 38
  • 39. “We Are Building A Web Where The Default Is Social” (Zuckerberg, 3rd F8 developer conference, San Francisco) • Open Graph not just has a record of relationships with other people (“friends”)but database of relationships with everything else mapping interests • Any action on websites outside of update the profile and “Open graph” via social plugins • Facebook Open Graph is a “proxy you”, your preferences, behaviours and friends anywhere on web. • Recommendations from friends not strangers • Most personalised search engine with not only your tastes but friends tastes 39
  • 40. Facebook Object Types for Social Graph Activities Businesses Groups Organizations People Places Products and Entertainment Activity Bar Cause Band Actor City Album Sport Company Sports_league Government Athlete Country Book Cafe Sports_team Non_profit Director Landmark Drink Hotel School Musician State_province Food Restaurant University Politician Game Public_figure Product Song Movie Tv_show Websites UPC/ISBN Other latitude longitude Contact Info : Blog UPC code Other street-address location locality email Website ISBN number region phone_number postal-code fax_number Article country-name 40
  • 41. Giant Global Graph I'll be thinking in the graph. The ABC as Social Graph My flights. My friends. Topics Events Things in my life. My breakfast. Music Programmes What was that? Oh, yogurt, granola, nuts, and fresh fruit, since you ask. Users Gardening Submitted by timbl on Wed, 2007-11-21 News Food Facebook Social Graph 41
  • 42. Facebook EdgeRank • Object = status update or post • Edge = like, comment or interaction with object • Interesting info  more people interactions resulting in higher rank and story in “Top News” • Posting status updates without conversation does not get high rank and move into “Top News” feed • EdgeRank is based on sum of three factors: – affinity or the relationship between the creator and user – interaction with the object (likes, comments have different levels of user engagement) – timeliness means new objects have better chance • 6 Tips to increase EdgeRank – Publish objects that encourage interaction – Create a forum – Make most of photos and videos – Share links – Keep it fresh – Ask users to share Source: 6 Tips to Increase Your Facebook EdgeRank and Exposure by Jim Lodico, 28/4/2011 42
  • 43. The Facebook Newsfeed (Stream) Being able to quickly parse through what your friends are up to, in line, and in reverse chronological order is the cleanest and simplest way to navigate a social net. (The News Feed - A Powerful UI Innovation, Fred Wilson, December 10,2007) Today we're ready to declare The Newsfeed the dominant internet metaphor of the day; the cascading waterfall of updates from your friends, with comments swirling even around those - that model is everywhere now! (Having Conquered Flickr & Yahoo, "The Newsfeed" Is Now the Dominant Info-Metaphor of Our Time, Marshall Kirkpatrick, Read Write Web, October 16, 2008) A method for displaying a news feed in a social network environment is described. The method includes generating news items regarding activities associated with a user of a social network environment and attaching an informational link associated with at least one of the activities, to at least one of the news items, as well as limiting access to the news items to a predetermined set of viewers and assigning an order to the news items. The method further may further include displaying the news items in the assigned order to at least one viewing user of the predetermined set of viewers and dynamically limiting the number of news items displayed. (US Patent 20080040673, Zuckerberg et al.) 43
  • 44. What is a Feed Story? (Facebook Guidelines) • A Feed story describes a single specific action between an actor and an object. Examples: – "Peter joined the cause Leukemia and Lymphoma Society." – "Ari posted a song to Serkan's profile." – "Peter thanked Ronnie for his donation." • A Feed story contains valuable information that the actor wants to share and others want to consume. • A Feed story is well-designed, succinct, and if appropriate, features an attached piece of media that further describes the action or the object of the action. Examples: – "Peter joined the cause Leukemia and Lymphoma Society." – "<Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Logo> <blurb about the society>" • Design Guidelines • Feed story body: – Shows more details about the action or object. – Does not repeat information in the headline. – Does not include promotional links or explicit calls to action. – Example: "<Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Logo> <blurb about the society>" • Action Links: – Appear on all stories – Feature contextually relevant calls to action – Only one action link with a max of 25 chars can appear in a Feed story – Cannot contain any formatting characters (like "[", "]", "|") 44 – Example: "Comment - Share - Join Cause"
  • 45. Sharing Stories What happens when you tell stories? Two magical things: You build trust with other people in your network, and from there you build empathy…is when you share the emotions that other people have and express. It‘s a powerful, deeply primal experience. ShareThis! Deanna Zandt, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010 45
  • 47. Stories and Listening to Brand Attributes • Your own stories are ego centric • Stories others tell about you to friends and associates (future prospects) are powerful – What vocabulary do others use – What do others tell about your skills – What stories do you tell about others • Brand attributes are what others write and repeat 47
  • 48. Google+ Stream and Hangouts 48
  • 49.
  • 50. Social Gesture • @ • Like (Facebook) • Block • Share • Bookmark • Pokes • Check-in (Foursquare) • Retweet • Comments • Reblog • #tags • Status update • (Un)Follow • (Un)Subscribe 50
  • 51. Opportunities to Influence • When you are in a good mood • When world view no longer makes sense • When you can take action immediately • When you feel indebted because of a favor • Immediately after you have made a mistake • Immediately after you have denied a request 51
  • 52. Social Psychology 1. Reciprocity: we want to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us 2. Consistency: desire to be (and to appear) consistent with what we have already done 3. Social proof: to determine what is correct find out what other people think is correct 4. Authority: deep-seated sense of duty to authority 5. Likeability: we say yes to someone we like 6. Scarcity: limitation enhances desirability Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (revised; New York: Quill, 1993) 52
  • 53. Social Media Marketing and Principles of Influence (adapted from the blog of Mischa Coster) • Following, Connecting or Friends – Who are you/what can you bring me/ What do others say about you ? • Begin with Reciprocation (what will you bring ) to build followers • Liking and similarities • Reciprocation and Liking => Drives social proof • How does scarcity work in social media world of free downloads – Social Media = sharing, giving and receiving – Scarcity in social media = unique value • Authority – Quantity of internet publications (Social proof) vs. Quality (Reciprocity) – Authority most important and influential on topics of fact – Google ranks people – higher ranking for important pages and sites – Expert on matters of fact emphasize authority when presenting – Matters of taste (film, restaurant or hotel etc.) consensus, number of things – To begin share valuable information and share authorities in agreement 53
  • 54. Social Media Marketing and Principles of Influence (adapted from blog of Mischa Coster) • Critical mass of social proof – Lower mass than offline media – Similarity in network of shared of interests and backgrounds – Not as many dissimilar others as offline • Commitment and Consistency in Social Media – Small effort for small favour to retweet, review or ask opinion – How do we create a request for larger favour later ? • Reciprocal response (the favour in return to your request) needs to be made actively, publicly and voluntarily (no one is forcing me to do any of this) • Ask for action publicly made e.g. comments on website, share on other websites or within network • Enough effort not to scare but meaningful step • Facebook like’ button is a very small effort but publicly made (gets shared in your own network) • Liking a product, band or actor allows marketer to make a bigger request later e.g. visit demo offline • Like is consistent with preference to allow supplier to send relevant information • Characterise in terms of larger issues (internal to individual) • For an environmental cause (after “like” ) ask given importance of cause to individual would they become an ambassador in the network or geography • Characterise in terms of larger issue not something small they did • You call the commitment to be logically consistent with what you have already done that you would do this larger one, because you are favorable to this cause or to this type of consumer product 54
  • 55. Social Proof (or validation) and Social Media Marketing Consumer seeks external cues • High subscriber counts get more subscribers faster • Lots of blog post comments end up with many more • Social news with lots of votes and interesting headlines gets votes form others before being read • Popular bookmarks get even more popular • Retweeted content spreads even faster through further retweeting • Recommended content more favourable than found • Quality,quality & quality content spreads with social proof through reciprocity and liking establishing authority with people and Google • Blogging Content creates bonding with customers 55
  • 56. Social Objects ―Social Networks form around Social Objects**, not the other way around‖. (** Term attributed to Jyri Engstrom) MacLeod Hugh (2008) 56
  • 57. 57
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60
  • 62. Service-Dominant Logic • A logic that views service, rather than goods, as the focus of economic and social exchange i.e., Service is exchanged for service • Essential Concepts and Components – Service: the application of competences for the benefit of another entity • Service (singular) is a process—distinct from “services”— particular types of goods – Shifts primary focus to “operant resources” (skills and knowledge) from “operand resources” (static and tangible) – See value as always co-created (Market With i.e. Collaborate with Customers & Partners to Create & Sustain Value) – Sees goods as appliances for service delivery – Implies all economies are service economies • All businesses are service businesses Vargo, S.L. and R.F. Lusch (2004). ―Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing, Journal of Marketing 68(January): 1-17 62
  • 63. Purpose Motive Linux-Apache-Wikipedia Drive #1: Eat when we’re hungry. Drink when we’re thirsty. Etc. Drive #2: Respond to rewards and punishments in our environment. Drive #3: We do things because they’re interesting and because they’re engaging and because they’re the right things to do and because they contribute to the world. (!!!) “Our Third Drive, intrinsic motivation, is the most powerful.” Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel Pink, Riverhead 2009 63
  • 64. Evil Plans: Having Fun on the Road to World Domination by Hugh MacLeod (Kindle Edition - Feb 17, 2011)
  • 65. The largest funding platform for creative projects in the world 65
  • 66. New Generation of Social Platforms 66
  • 67. Leading social Platform for Peer-to-Peer Borrowing and Lending
  • 68. Trust
  • 69. • platform facilitates carpooling and carsharing • put passengers in touch with drivers – who are free to put a price on the rides they offer • 100,000 passengers find rides through Comuto per month • traffic has doubled since volcanic eruption in Iceland 69
  • 70. S-Commerce • True relationship driven transactions/sales • social (networks & UGC)+ e-commerce+ mobile • 3 key categories of developing S-commerce – Group buying (Groupon, LivingSocial and BuyWithMe) – Recommendations and reviews*** (Amazon, Apple and BestBuy) – Shopping communities (f-commerce or Facebook stores) ***see evidence of reviews impacting revenue: & 70
  • 71. Comparing User Engagement Across Different Ad Types (Psychster and, 2010) Sponsored Content ads, in which individuals viewed a holiday page that was ―brought to you by‖ a leading brand, were the most engaging but produced the least purchase intent of the 7 ad types tested. Corporate Profiles on social-networking sites produced greater purchase intent and more recommendations when users could become a fan and add the logo to their own profiles than when they could not. Give and Get Widgets in which individuals could create and customize something (a car or a dinner menu) and then either send it to a friend (―give‖ widget) or keep it for themselves (―get‖ widget) were more engaging than traditional banner advertisements but no more likely to produce an intent to purchase. Above conclusions held across brands (a leading soup brand and a leading car brand) and publishers (on and on, but like traditional ads, widgets had increased success if the brand was relevant to the website (i.e a soup brand on a cooking website). 71
  • 72. Social (Local) Promotions & Online Group Buying Using Viral • Scoopon (sister site catch of the day) 80% of Australian Group Buying • Spreets (Yahoo!7) revenue: • Cudo (ninemsn/Nine Entertainment Co) 2010 - $63M • Jump on it 2011 - $242M 2014 – $0.5 B • Harvey Norman Big Buys Telsyte research • Deal Me (Deals Direct and James Packer) • OurDeal (Ten) • Deal Busters (Southern Cross Media) • GrabOne (NZ) • TreatMe (NZ) • Groupon* (StarDeals Australia) acquisition of CrowdMass (Melbourne) • Gilt • LivingSocial (Amazon investment) • Walmart CrowdSavers (Facebook) • Paypal Shoptimist • Google Offers • Facebook Deals (no mobile at launch, Groupon + Fan page + Places/check ins + News Feed) *According to Forbes "fastest-growing company in history", Groupon turned over US$760 million last year, and expects that to hit the billions in 2011. 72
  • 73. How effective are Groupon Promotions for businesses? Study by Utpal M. Dholakia 28/9/ 2010 see Harvard Business Review Jan-Feb 2011 • 150 small companies • Groupon promotions 6/2009 to 8/2010 • Promotion profitable for 66% and unprofitable for 32% • Employee satisfaction primary driver of the profitability • 42% would not run a Groupon promotion again • Social promotional customers # long term relational customers – Groupon redeemers are “extremely price sensitive – Bargain hunters frugal by nature – Barely spending beyond a discounted product's face value for unprofitable – Transaction focus – Repeat-purchase rates 15% for unprofitable (for profitable 31%) • For sustainability design offers aligning with benefits to business 73
  • 74. S-Commerce Strategies ACQUISTION RETENTION $$$ Groupon Online F-commerce ✔ ✔ Amazon Amazon Amazon Physical availability Offline See, touch, smell ✔ ✔ Try /use Human interaction ✔ Key opportunities – social selling and social loyalty/retention 74
  • 75. How Shoppers Make Buying Decisions 60% 60% Online reviews more important 50% than in-store employees, traditional media, and social 40% networking 30% 29% 29% 27% 20% 24% 23% 21% 19% 10% 14% 11% 10% 0 Friends / Online Customer Data on In-store Online In-store Print Customer Customer TV Family professional reviews mfg. sites product reviews employees reviews reviews on reviews (online- displays (store- on blogs, social only based message networks Sample Size = 1,000 U.S. consumers retailer retailer boards sites) sites) Source: Cisco IBSG Research & Economics Practice, 2010 75
  • 76. S-Commerce Category Opportunities 1. Recommendations and reviews – Social network – Service /syndication 2. Group Buying – Retail or manufacturer site – Social network – Service /syndication 3. Communities – Retail or manufacturer site – Social network – Service /syndication 76
  • 77. The benefits of social media marketing practice brand equity Social ✔ build enduring and intimate brand commerce relationships accountable commercial outcomes Social media marketing knowledge research & management development generate, aggregate, generate ideas, develop insights, disseminate organisational test strategies knowledge 77
  • 78. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 78
  • 79. Google, Facebook and Twitter is My Newspaper 79
  • 80. Social Search Search Engines Social Networks indexing and archiving social content in realtime people you know recommended links from Google + posts Semantic related content Zemanta 80
  • 81. How to Participate in Conversations • Conversational calendar • Keywords/Vocabulary online & offline • What topics do your customers care about ? • What topics are trending in your industry • Monitor existing social media via dashboard e.g. Fb or Twitter • Use complaints or opportunity to discuss solutions • Become an expert providing service through social exchange • 81
  • 82. Social Media Conversation Calendar Triggers • Tweets ~ 1 to 2 per day • Facebook status daily • YouTube weekly • New content ~ 3 to 5 hours per month • New online contacts ~ 1 hour per month • New blog post ~ 1 per working day 82
  • 83. 8 Levels of Social Media Analytics 8 Levels of Analytics Key Social Media Questions (Davenport) Standard Reports What conversations are taking place? Ad Hoc reports When and where are conversations taking place? Query Drilldown What are the sentiment of conversations? Alerts What actions are required? Statistical Analysis Why are these conversations occurring? Forecasting What if conversations continue? Predictive Modeling What conversations are next? Optimization How can we lead conversations? orginally adapted from Davenport T (2007), Competing on Analytics 83
  • 84. First Step Monitoring [Brand] Conversations & Tips • Social Media Dashboard – All social media sources relating to brand – RSS technologies – Mashups (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, Nielsen, Google ) • Weak Signals – Twitter early warning in advance of blogging • Set up comprehensive Google Alerts • Set up a feed reader with relevant blogs and new feeds • Use Twitter Search to follow hashtags and keywords in Twitter streams • Start immediately (~3 mins) with Netvibes and vocabulary 84
  • 85. Google Reader • Free • Collects info from Twitter, blogs, and other RSS sources • Allows for easy sharing • Info all in one spot • Less real-time (both benefit and drawback) • Track what‘s read/not • Powerful: Star, share, email, tag, notes, trends • LinkedIn - Job changes, New connections, Updates and Groups 85
  • 87. Brand Equity - Conversational Conversation Gap - Vacation and Paris Conversation Gap (Rubel 2005) Brand share of the online conversation Gap between the total number of conversations about a category and the proportion which mention the brand operating in the category * Total identified blogs: 99,181,005 @ 18 December, 2008 Paris – Equity Share Analysis of Attributes Equities of a Brand (Stein 2006) Topics being mentioned in conversations about a brand with equity share corresponding to the frequency at which each topic is mentioned See pp 115-116 Cook, N 2008. Enterprise 2.0 Hampshire,England: Gower Publishing * Total identified blogs: 151,048,780 @ 24 November, 2010 87
  • 88. How Social Media Supports the Myth of Paris Casablanca “We'll Always Have Paris” City of love , city of lights, Lamps, Eiffel Tower,france, night, street, notredame, landmarks , museums & bw, church, architecture, galleries, Cafés, coffee, conversations, friendship, toureiffel, city, cathedral, louvre, museum artists, lovers, philosophers 88
  • 89. Content Marketing • Thought leadership, thought leadership & thought leadership • Content marketing is second guessing what your customers need to know and delivering the info in a relevant and compelling manner • Best practices, case studies and success stories • Not media company driven content but content for customers • Provide materials to support a service where customer says ‘Wow, you really made this easier for me!’” e.g. Blendtec “Will it blend?” 89
  • 90. Wikipedia entries well placed on Google • Collaborative authoring of content • User-edited content • 17 million Wiki Pages • Content changes must by approved • Articles are cross-indexed • Generate articles relating to your organisation,executives and news • Monitor articles on wikipedia for reputation management • Reference with related entries 90
  • 91. Content Syndication • RSS • Social bookmarking sites – News •,,,, Shoutwire, – Bookmarking • – Channel surfing • – SME Marketing • • SEO – • Content marketing – 91
  • 92. “New Rules of New News Releases” • Don’t send news releases only when “big news” is happening • Find good reasons to send news releases all the time • Don’t just target a handful of journalists • Create news releases appealing directly to your buyers. • Write releases rich with your keywords • Include compelling offers consumers action • Add social media tags with keywords so release can be found • Drive people into the sales process with a news release. David Meerman Scott‘s The New Rules of Marketing and PR, 2007 92
  • 93. Marketing Content 1. Audio and video recordings of interviews,roadshows or roundtables for repurposing e.g.podcasts 2. Release schedule focusing on key topics affecting customers with a free subscription 3. Send out news releases through a keyword-optimized service e.g. PRWeb, eReleases (paid) or, Clickpress (free) 4. Send releases direct to influential bloggers and post on Scribd and FreeIQ 5. Post videos of interviews on YouTube and industry specific video portals specific to your industry 6. Upload audio & video to microsite relevant podcast directories 7. All articles with own HTML pages on microsite 8. Each article with social media capabilities, such as letting people add it to Facebook, Digg, or StumbleUpon 9. Provide a free e-book or whitepaper on microsite for downloading to continue the conversation with current customers information on prospects so that you can begin a conversation (no sales pitch education only) 10. RSS feeds available for Web content 11. New news releases are for building key links and for helping bloggers and influencers find the site 12. Upload articles to key vertical and social bookmarking sites 13. If deemed relevant create a Facebook fan page and invite key customers to join the Facebook group Adapted from Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barrett (2009) Get Content Get Customers, McGraw Hill 93
  • 94. Diverse Content Practices • – Category killer for welding information • Tween Waters Inn (Captiva Island) • Fleishman-Hillard – & • David Lawrence Centre – Mental Health & Substance abuse • Kitchen Studio of Naples, Florida – • Maui Wowi Franchisee – CoffeesAndSmooth • – Conversion rate blog • Mindjet • Pinsent Masons – 94
  • 95. Article Directories WebProNews (internet marketing) 95
  • 96. Pyramid of Economics of Social Content Original Content = X Original Content + Ratings/Reviews = 2X Original Content + Ratings/Reviews + User generated content = 4X Source: Happe R. (2009) Social Media in the Enterprise, GigaomPRO HGTV Rate My Space • over 22MM page views per month, adding new ad revenue • 3 additional campaigns and launched new tv series based on the online content 96
  • 97. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 8s framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 97
  • 98. Relationships # Technologies In Saren M. (2006) Marketing Graffati, Butterworth-Heinemann 98
  • 99. 99
  • 100. Australian Social Networking Source: comScore Media Metrix, November 2010 : Australian Audience 15+ accessing Internet from Home or Work 100
  • 101. Social Media Concepts Media Share Engage Relationships Fb ✔ ✔ Flickr ✔ Blogging ✔ ✔ Twitter ✔ ✔ ✔ 101
  • 102. Social Bookmarking • Information sharing and promotion for content • Delicious acquired by founders of YouTube(AVOS) • Social bookmarking rank well in search • Increase audience reach e.g. non-commercial users • Top 4 general sites – Digg,Delicious, Reddit and Stumbleupon – Stumbleupon drives >50% of all referral traffic from top social media sites • Top niche sites – (technical) – Sphinn (search) – (financial) – kirtsy (female) 102
  • 103. Forums an online electronics store, gives members the option of discussing issues regarding specific products myRidez recruits users to demonstrate how to install and upgrade vehicles, it has also made the page fun by asking users to submit photos of the finished vehicle. 103
  • 104. Social Networking Technology and services creating unique personal profiles, mapping out relationships, and leveraging connections to accomplish a task. Key characteristics of Network : •Personal Profile •Visible Relationships •Connections Profiles: The Real Value Of Social Networks by Charlene Li, Forrester, July 2004 104
  • 105. 105
  • 106. Foursquare • 41% of traffic came from Facebook and Twitter (users share) • Foursquare announced 275,00 check-ins in one March day (2010) • UTS Library Kuring-gai (Lindfield, NSW, Australia) “A free USB car charger for whoever is the Mayor of UTS Library Kuring-gai on the 6th of December! To claim your prize come to the research help desk!” • Checkout offers • Venue owner checks real time stats – Recent visitors, frequent, time of check in gender, broadcast to Fb and Twitter * Stats from Hitwise 106
  • 107. Popular Social Networking Sites by Country China (420 M) - QQ, Xiaonei (now RenRen), 51, Tencent UK - Facebook, Bebo, MySpace NZ - Facebook, Bebo MySpace USA - Facebook, MySpace, Twitter Korea – Cyworld Japan – Twitter, (22 M users at 31/10) Germany - Facebook, StudiVZ, MySpace These social networks exclude popular dating sites e.g. Flirtomatic (UK) and loveonline (NZ) 107
  • 108. Wikifashion has no central editorial board or editor-in-chief. Created by dedicated volunteers from around the world donating time and fashion expertise. • Allows employees, consumers, passionate to collate and collaborate • Web pages anyone you allow can edit • Share best practice and knowledge • Empower staff and value their experience 108
  • 109. TREND Motivation to Blog • The Journal of Advertising Research (Huang et al., Dec 2007) identified five major motivations for a blogger to blog: 1. self-expression 2. life documenting 3. commenting 4. forum participating 5. information searching • The idea of being able to escape the real world • Web-based technologies help to unlock existing human needs 109
  • 110. Tag Cloud of Paige’s Story About Travel to Paris Created from Daniel Steinbock’s TagCrowd under Creative Commons © 110
  • 111. Elaboration of Trip to Paris Blog Story (Means-End & Heider) Woodside, Sood & Miller 2008 When Consumers and Brands Talk Psychology & Marketing 18."We went on Fat 17. "I wanted Paige to get a feel Tire's day trip to + 19....."I know Paige will for shopping experiences that Monet's gardens and treasure the memory of she would not have at home (aka house in Giverny, about this girl's trip for many the ubiquitous mall). " 16. "On our trip to Giverny, we met a young an hour outside Paris."+ years to come." woman from Brisbane, Australia who was traveling on her own and we invited her to join us. Three of us enjoyed delicious and innovative soufflés, while Paige had the rack of 3. Paris lamb. We shared two dessert soufflés, one 11.Sites + chocolate and the other cherry/almond. Yum" •The Marais •Notre Dame •L'Arc de Triomphe - 248 steps up and 248 steps + down... 1.Gayle 15." Michael Osman is an American artists •Champs Elysee living in Paris." •Jacquemart Museum "He supplements his income by being a •Louvre Lite + 2. Paige tour guide." I" found out about him on Fodors" •Musee D'Orsay •Les Invalides, Napoleon's Tomb and the "So I engaged Michael for two days." Napoleon Museum •Sacre Coeur •Monmartre + 14. "They had decide to come to Paris •Rodin Museum to find the Harley Davidson store so •Pompidou Museum they could buy Harley Paris t-shirts." •Train to Vernon, bike to Giverny with Fat Tire 4.”The occasion Bike Tours was my cousin 5. “I am a Canadian • Paige’s 16th” and get by in 13."The father stretched out his cupped •Eiffel Tower French.” hands which held all of the pieces they were able to recover, including the memory stick and he very solemnly said, "El muerto...". 6. "All I can say is WOW! We rented a 2 9. "I bought a Paris Pratique pocket-sized book at a bedroom, 1 ½ bath apartment (two 12. Unforgettable Memories Metro station. This handy guide has detailed maps showers), "Merlot" from ParisPerfect "This trip had so many memories, but here are a few choice of each arrondisement, as well as the metro lines, and boy was highlights........On our very first night, knowing that the Eiffel the bus lines, the RER and the SCNF (trains). I'll it ever perfect! " Tower light show started at 10:00 p.m.... she [Paige] dropped never be without this again." her camera…down 6 flights…we were stunned…Spanish Family below standing below *with pieces of the camera+” 7. “We had a full view of the Eiffel from 10."Six months before our trip, I gave our charming little terrace. ....We were 8. "We were walkable to many good Paige a couple of good guide books on within walking distance to two metro bistros, cafes and bakeries and only a Paris and suggested she let me know stops (Pont d'Alma or Ecole Militaire) " few blocks from the wonderful market what her interests were since after all, 111 street Rue Cler." this was to be her trip."
  • 112. Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) Text Analysis : The Psychological Power of Words LWIC dimension “I love Paris” Personal texts Formal texts Paige’s Story Self-references 6.12 11.4 4.2 (I, me, my) Social words 10.55 9.5 8.0 Positive emotions 3.04 2.7 2.6 Negative emotions 0.54 2.6 1.6 Overall cognitive words 4.12 7.8 5.4 Articles (a, an, the) 7.74 5.0 7.2 Big words (> 6 letters) 18.40 13.1 19.6 Pennebaker, J. W., Francis ME, Booth RJ. (2001). Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC): LIWC2001. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 112
  • 113. Iconic Sites & Scenes from Paris Blog • Eiffel tour night show • The Marais • Notre Dame • L'Arc de Triomphe - 248 steps up and 248 steps down... • Champs Elysee • Jacquemart Museum • Louvre Lite • Musee D'Orsay • Les Invalides, Napoleon's Tomb and the Napoleon Museum • Sacre Coeur • Monmartre • Rodin Museum • Pompidou Museum • Train to Vernon, bike to Giverny with Fat Tire Bike Tours 113
  • 114. Marketing & Advertising Strategy Implications the Story of Paige • Story told in natural city setting • Assume Paris = brand • Brand is supporting actor enabling Gayle to achieve her goals of showing Paris to Paige (conscious) and help her coming of age (unconscious) • Builds favorable consumer brand relationship: best friendship (Fournier 1998) • Show someone Paris: Share experience,teacher-student,”fairy-godmother” or be the tourist guide • Use social relationships to sell cities • Interpersonal relationships (people travel with people) • Near conversational interaction with brand: story is called “I love Paris” 114
  • 115. Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs versus online Magazines The results of the current study clearly show that the publicity effectiveness of blogs is higher than that of online magazines. The use of social media requires marketers to take a step back from traditional campaign thinking and focus more on relationship building. The study conclusively shows that the publicity effectiveness is superior in social media as compared to “traditional” online media. Public-relations practitioners end up in traditional media by reason of news-generating spectacular advertising campaigns, press releases, sponsored competitions, and the like. By contrast, for publicity to find a credible spot on blogs, placement efforts need to begin with genuine relationships with the bloggers. Finding “fashionable friends” online takes time and effort. The return of those investments, however, could provide marketers with a new kind of far-reaching effective publicity generated by blog producers who similarly devote both time and effort to promoting the brands they believe in. Colliander and Dahlen (2011), Following the Fashionable Friend :The Power of Social Media Weighing Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs versus online Magazines, Journal of Advertising Research, pp. 313 – 320. 115
  • 116. Photos • Join a photo sharing site e.g. Flickr or Picasa • Upload photos and create a slideshow • Use the embed code from the slideshow or follow your blogs rules to embed it on your blog. Use HTML tab in blog form. • Optimize photos for the Web via Photoshop or via a Web-based solution ( • Provide interesting captions to your photos to tell the story • Try the popular Glimph which automatically captures with every picture you take a video clip. 116
  • 117. LVMH – Louis Vuitton 117
  • 118. Blendtech 12,860,143 Susan Boyle “United Breaks 79,804,980 Guitars” 10,177,221 Old Spice The Man Your Man Could Smell Like 37,180,978 ** views current as at 19 November 2011 118
  • 119. UNICEF/Oxfam Haiti YouTube emergency case study : Priority vs. Quality • Ewan McGregor UNICEF for the children of Haiti (21 Jan) • Ian Bray Oxfam Haiti emergency appeal (13 Jan)
  • 120. User generated video reviews show strong presence of strategic advertising elements 120
  • 121. YouTube Insight – Video Analytics 121
  • 122. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 122
  • 123. Australian Facebook Demographics ( 123
  • 124. Facebook Pages What would it be like to work with you? News about your business Share your work Share blog posts Specials and events only on Facebook Use your own voice. 124
  • 125. Case Studies - Facebook • Brasnthings • Coldstone Creamery • Del Mar racetrack (California) • Lacta Chocolate (Greece) • Logos Bible Software • SSP (Sydney international airport) • Tommee Tippee Australia • Yellow Convenience store (Israel) • Washington Redskins 125
  • 126. Like, Comment & Share The “Like”, “Comment” and “Share” features on Facebook are three good ways to monitor your posts, but more importantly to help spread the word of your events as well as other events that your friends find interesting and relevant. 1. If you don’t want to leave a comment just click on the “like” button 2. If you feel inclined leave a comment. By doing one of these options you are essentially subscribing to any future comments other people may make about this particular posting 3. If you really like the posting and want all of your friends/fans to know about it click on the “share” button. 126
  • 127. Facebook – Main Tabs • Wall – mini press releases, announcements • Info – static information, Overview, mission, etc. • Photos – multiple photo albums • Videos • You can add custom/application tabs – Causes, Flickr,, myPersonality, Slideshare,YouTube 127
  • 128. Facebook Insights • Facebook wants your fans to interact with your Page: –Wall posts –Likes –Comments • Ask questions of your fans –Surveys – polls - input • Use a casual approach where appropriate 128
  • 129. The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers 1. The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore 2. The Self-Promoter 3. The Friend-Padder. 4. The Town Crier 5. TMIer (The Much) 6. The Bad Grammarian 7. The Sympathy-Baiter. 8. The Lurker 9. The Crank 10. The Paparazzo 11. The Obscurist 12. The Chronic Inviter 129
  • 130. Sharing Your Content and Information Date of Last Revision: April 26, 2011 Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Statement of Rights and Responsibilities Sharing Your Content and Information You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In addition: For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty- free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others). When you use an application, your content and information is shared with the application. We require applications to respect your privacy, and your agreement with that application will control how the application can use, store, and transfer that content and information. (To learn more about Platform, read our Privacy Policy and Platform Page.) When you publish content or information using the everyone setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture). We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Facebook, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them). 130
  • 131. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 8s framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 131
  • 132. Water Cooler/Ambient Intelligence Microblogging microsharing -> microlearning Status management without walking around -touching base Checking the overall state of company or group - awareness Response and listening – all optional i.e. a pub/sub model Spot check all is well or anyone absent or problems ? Adjust accordingly and move on Collaborate Share info Get to know others More aware What are you working on ? What is taking up time – ask advice What did you learn ? 132
  • 133. Adly Influencers via Twitter Reach(millions) Influencer 10 savvy/active moms Jenny McCarthy, Kourtney Kardashian, Tori Spelling 6 passionate sports fans Cristiano Renaldo, Paul Pierce, Nick Swisher 12 trend conscious teens Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Lauren Conrad 16 teen males 50 Cent, Ryan Sheckler, Ryan Higa. 14 women 18-34 Ivanka Trump, Mandy Moore, Serena Williams 20 men 18-34 Mark Cuban, Jalen Rose, Michael Ian Black
  • 134. 200K+ clicks 20K+ retweets 15K+ shares, "Likes" and comments on Facebook
  • 135. A Look at the Numbers • 175M registered users with 119 M users following one or more account • Worldwide visitors approached 10M in Feb 2009, up 700+% vs. Feb 2008 (Comscore) • 180 M unique visitors per month( Huffington Post, 30/4/2010) • 105,779,710 registered users (ibid) • 60+% stopped using Twitter a month after joining (Neilsen Online, via Reuters) • Older than you think! – 18-24 year olds 12% less likely than average to visit Twitter – 25-54 year old crowd is driving this trend – 45-54 year olds 36% more likely to visit Twitter, making them the highest indexing age group – Next is 25-34 year olds: 30% more likely • Twitter rose to over 800,000 users in June 2009, up from 13,000 in 2008** • Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API • Twitter's search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day. • 1M Twitter apps connect up from 150,000 in 2010 • Twitter team size 600 (up from 250) 2007 ~ 5,000 tweets per day 2008, ~ 300,000 tweets per day 2009 ~2.5 million tweets every day End 2009 Tweet growth 1,400% reaching 35 million tweets per day Feb 2010 Twitter sees 50 million tweets created per day or 600 TPS Aug 2010 Twitter sees 65 million tweets per day Aug 2011 Twitter sees 200 million tweets per day Nov 2011 Twitter sees 250 million tweets per day Source :Measuring Tweets, twitter blog, @kevinweil, Feb 22, 2010 and Aug 01, 2011 Source: Reuters reporter Alexei Oreskovic. ** comScore study, June 2009 Reported in Marketing Charts, August 17th 2009 135
  • 136. TWITTER • Ambient intelligence • Takes microblogging mainstream • A giant “coffee shop” • Limited to 140 characters • Use Twitter to : – post blog updates – connect with existing members – recruit new members 136
  • 137. TWITTER BASICS • Handle - @soody • Follow – who you’re listening to • Replies – have a conversation! @ • Retweet – RETWEET or RT • #FollowFriday (#FF) • Avatar – Your picture. Decide Logo or Face • Hashtag - #TwOrCo – Twitterers in OC • You can create your own hashtag #PUTM 137
  • 138. DM (Direct Message) Direct messages (DMs) are Twitter’s private messaging channel like Instant Messaging. Tweets appear on your home page under the Direct Messages tab Email notifications turned on, you’ll also get an email message when somebody DMs . DMs don’t appear in either person’s public timeline or in search results. No one but you can see your DMs. You can send DM only to people who are following you. Conversely, you can receive them only from people you’re following. You can send DMs from the Direct Messages tab by using the pull-down menu to choose a recipient and then typing in your note. To send a DM from your home page, start your message with “d username,” like this: d Johnny How about next Monday? 138
  • 139. Finding People to Follow 1. Go to – In the advanced search field enter: near:2066 within:25km – Replace with your post code and extend radius if desired – The search results include all Tweeters based within your area – Click on a user name and their Twitter page will open – Click “Follow” – Repeat steps as many times over to check users of interest 2. If you find a local Twitter with lots of followers go to their page and click on the pictures on their page of their followers 3. and “Enter a Tag” to follow the results 4. Visit pages of people who follow you and check out their followers to see if you want to follow them 139
  • 140. This is Negative WOM! Should We Care? 140
  • 141. Twitter Tools & Applications users tweet traffic info TweetStats 141
  • 142. 142
  • 143. First steps • Consider FaceBook or Google + first • Try Twitter or Yammer starting small • Have fun and give them a chance • Add social media to your profile 143
  • 144. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 144
  • 145. LinkedIn • Over 120 million users – 26m+ members in Europe – 6m+ members in the UK – 2m+ members in France – 2m+ members in the Netherlands – 2m+ members in Italy – 1m+ members in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) – 1m+ members in Spain – 10m+ members in India – 4m+ members in Canada – 4m+ members in Brazil – 2m+ members in Australia • 2M+ professionals in Australia (~40% + of professionals) • Widely used in Financial Services (Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne) • Australian member usage ~ 8 minutes per month affluent & influential membership. • 6.5 million students and 9 million recent college graduates • More than 2 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages. 145
  • 146. Find and recruit staff • Create employee groups and pool ideas • Create a company profile • Network with related professionals • Be a Resource Answer Questions as an expert in your field. Provide referrals. Make meaningful connections. • Use an Authentic Style in your Profile 146
  • 147. Guy Kawasaki’s 11 Ways to Use LinkedIn: 1. Increase your visibility 2. Improve your connectability 3. Improve your Google PageRank 4. Enhance your search engine results 5. Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference checks 6. Increase the relevancy of your job search 7. Make your interview go smoother 8. Gauge the health of a company 9. Gauge the health of an industry 10. Track startups. 11. Ask for advice. (LinkedIn Answers) Source: 147
  • 148. VOIP-Podcasting-Webinars • VOIP • Podcasting • Webinars – Go To Meeting ( – WebEx ( – Live Meeting ( – Great Web Meetings ( – Acrobat Connect Professional/Personal Web Conferencing ( 148
  • 149. On demand Webinar (Slideshare) • Competes with GoToMeeting and Webex • Meeting on the go • Adds social to invite friends on Facebook and Twitter including chat postings on Facebook • Hosts a meeting in less than 30 seconds • Click Zipcast on any slideshare presentation • Select Public or Private • Schedule or commence Zipcast & enable live video • Cons – no recording, registration or taking payments 149
  • 150. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 150
  • 151. Best Practices Sharing Blogging • Add ―Share This‖ widgets to your website • Pick an interesting voice • Create your own widgets visitors can • Maximize outbound links share on own sites and pages • Set outbound links to be opened in a new window • Invite and encourage conversation • Share the content of others • Share your own content across platforms Twitter Facebook • 70 – 20 – 10 Engagement Model (Angela Maiers) • Profiles are for People – 70% - Sharing others voices, opinions, and tools • Get a Page, Get Some Fans – 20% - Responding, connecting, collaboration, • Use Groups for collaboration and co-creating with like-minded Twitter colleagues • Use Events to Generate Attendance – 10% - Promoting and/or chit-chatting YouTube RSS • Create a channel • Make sure content has an RSS feed • Tag your videos with keywords • Share RSS feed with site visitors, social network • Embed videos in your blog and website friends • Engage commentators • Use RSS feeds to help streamline social media workflow 151
  • 152. Agenda – SMMP (stage 1) 1. Marketing transition 2. 7S framework 3. The beginning of social search 4. Tools and tactics of SMMP 5. Facebook fan marketing 6. Twitter and implications for real time marketing 7. B2B Social Networking 8. Best Practices in Social Media 9. Social Graph 10. Social Relationship Management 11. Industry Adoption & ROI 12. Future implications and where will the jobs come from ? 152
  • 153. A New Way of Marketing ? Social Network Marketing 1:1 „All Customers Marketing in a network interrelated‟ Segment „All Marketing Customers are Shotgun „All Customers different‟ Marketing in a segment the same‟ „All Customers the same‟ 153

Editor's Notes

  1. Social graph in the following order: you, your social network friends, friends-of-friends, your followers, and the overall community.Wall Street feed – simple way to navigate social network of friends social gestures and your –efficient, increased engagement , increases importance of attention info c.f. banking – remember fuss around news feedGoogle Open Social Attention Streams (already included in Plaxo Pulse) - MySpace Friends Updates -Netvibes Activities-LinkedIn Network UpdatesHigh social engagement vs traditional media (radio, tv, print, outdoor) with low engagement. This is about dialogue, interactivity, informality, people + technology &amp; niche NOT Tradigital for mass using push, automation &amp; technology only. Social Media Marketing practice centres around – networks, communities, blogs and microblogging. Traditional business functions can be socialised e.g. legal, supply chain, R&amp;D, HR…Social Strategy (Media) - through sharing; engaging; building relationships and influencingincrease our reach, influence and relevancecreate ambassadors to support and promote what we dopersonalise interactionsencourage and grow communities through a critical mass of active cultural and scientific participants maximise revenuechange our work models from one-to-one communication to many-to-many communicationmove from providing information to creating shared meaning with audiences
  2. Combine traditional and social data to create a Social CRM Build social fields into customer contact informationTrack social media interactions with customers.Understand where customers hang with social media dataCollect customer feedback from social channels.
  3. McLuhan notesThe content of any new medium is some older medium. “The content of the telegraph is print, and the content of print is writing. The content of writing is speech, and the content of speech is thought (McLuhan 1964, 8).“No medium has its meaning or existence alone, but only in constant interplay with other media.”Understanding Media, p. l26The medium is the message.The medium determines the content of communication.The medium is the massage.The medium has the power to manipulate our perceptions of the world.The medium is the mass-age.Mass communication has become the dominant form of interaction.Some examples of how messages are crafted to conform to the medium.Film and TV action/violence.Windows interface and “multitasking.”The e-book.
  4. Flirtomatic example whereby unstructured feedback provides deeper insightWe canmanageme and analyse of customer data from social sourcesto activate and reinvigorate marketing activitiesContextual insights – are conclusions from data coinciding with a deep understanding of the businessStatisticalinsights - Hypotheses about customers and the business based on analysis of large volumes of data
  5. Penalty notices under “about us” !SUMO SALAD MLC CENTRE - Fail to display potentially hazardous food under temperature control - wraps displayed at 11.2C, tuna at 14C, lamb at 17.2CM &amp; X BUTCHERY) SHOP TG5 PRINCE CENTRE 8 QUAY STREET HAYMARKET 2000 – Fail to hold the required licence to carry on a food business or activity - operating retail meat premises without a licenceFail to comply with the requirements of a food safety scheme - did not protect food from contamination, meat stored outside in unprotected unrefrigerated areaOpinions about a particular hospital or other health service : 18486The site began in 2005 and is funded by hospitals who subscribe to access the information and analyses of the data.
  6. This is transforming our behavior from the active, &quot;seek, search, consume&quot; paradigm to the more passive, stream-styled model of consumption. Jason Shellen, CEO of Thing Labs, points out that the move is from explicit activities on the web (search) to implicit information consumption via the activity streams.
  7. 1000 passionate fans told 10 friends who told 10 friends 100,000 people who have been told by someone they trust and care aboutReasons to Forward an Email:Humour: 78%A Recommendation 50%Involve in a Competition 49%Earn yourself Benefits 15%Raise money for a charity 15%Sex 11%Make you feel appreciated 10%Join a Petition 10%Embarrass them 10%Source: Sharpe Partners/BurstonMartsteller
  8. Cognitive Transformation Theory (Klein)
  9. Sharing and bartering of goods and services onlineAirbnbZipcartarnsportation serviceAdoption specific web-sharing categories:Home/place sharingCar sharingParking sharingClothes sharingLand/garden sharingTools/equipment sharingOffice-space sharing
  10. User generated content (UGC) includes info, product reviews, exclusive or special pricing,promotions, registrations as key elements of social engagement toengender conversations amongst influencers and prospectsShopping communities use social networks for customer acquisitionBazzarvoice is a technology infrastructure player powering reviews on a variety of sites helping customers include consumer reviews as part of marketing activities as well as customer testimonials and articles (how to )
  11. Minimum buyer requirements and timed sales are an important element.
  12. Acquisition – awareness and considerationRetention – loyalty and customer serviceTx – actual purchase (conversion)Data from social commerce helps provide inputs for new product development and marketingIncreasing Facebook Storefront deployment over next 12 - 18 months. customer acquisition and transactions continue social commerceretention strategies kicks off 18-24 months Offline opportunityPeer reviews / ratingsPrice comparisonsProduct information Recommendations
  13. Content Curation is not new - this is what links on a page were to us back in the 90sNow it’s automated – lots of debate on human curationvs computer curation (computers scalePaper liTwitter &amp; Facebook Aggregator Decent User Interface Easy &amp; Free Curation More Features NeededFlipboardMaster Aggregator Amazing User Interface Easy Curation Not Corporate Yet… As revolutionary as Caxton printing press will revamp :Training, handbooks, reference guides, product guides, manualsRich content, commercial ValueMulti-media experienceSearchable, indexed CredibilityDirect links to experts Also, think Mobile we will discuss UK stats shortly from December released over weekend. Social Media moving rapidly to be the gateway to web content Facebook has replaced her newspaper as the go-to place for relevant news in Susie’s life. It&apos;s not hard to imagine a near future where Facebook (and sites like it) also replace a lot of the ways we use atomized search.For people who are deeply immersed in social media, social networks are already a much heavier influence on personal choices—where to visit, what concert to attend--than traditional advertising. Which means that your organization&apos;s website--a brochure out in the wilderness of the Web--is only going to remain relevant and useful as a marketing piece if it is being referenced in the social context of your users&apos; lives. the next generation of Web users may find what they want by using their social network rather than a search algorithm. Social Media changes way we deal with web and in a sec we see mobile.
  14. The ability to disperse and share information through social platforms and do it using real-time tools is shifting the focus of content from “historical” news to real-time events.
  15. Expands consumer experience with owned and earned mediaBuild content and community.
  16. Google Reader track and manageSpecific blogsBlog searchesNewsTwitter contactsTwitter searchesSharing All shared items are available to all people with whom you’re connected.Can star, share, email, and add tags, just like with items in your own feedsCan comment back and forthHow ?Copy RSS URL of desired content.Click “Add a subscription” in Google Reader.Paste URL and click “Add”buttonTry with variety of feeds including Facebook
  17. HootsuiteMulti-faceted (plug into mostly anything social)Team collaboration with tasks associated (Scale) Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn,, Wordpress &amp; more
  18. Level of engagement strongly impacted by types of content
  19. (see popular brands and new pages) – Brisbane based. &amp; wikiscannerHow Can You Use Wikipedia?•Create unbiased articles about your company, executives and important news stories&gt; Web site traffic increase•Cross-reference your articles with related articles &gt; New user discovery•Reputation managementSubscribe to updates to monitor changes Manage photos, links, content, etc.
  20. What about wikipedia ?
  21. The key is to focus on the relationships and connections that are enabled, not the technologies. Thesocila thing is the use of the technology Think about the kind of relationship that you want. Do you want it to be short term and transaction, or long-term and intimate? is the world&apos;s first social experience marketplace sharing and selling interesting items from Japan. Connects sellers and buyers not simply through traditional transaction, but through the universal language of adventure and narrative.Organic vs StaticEmotional vs DataRelationships vs TransactionsContinuum vs Viral Campaigns
  22. Youtube = self expression, Fb = social life &amp; linkedin =business relationshipCategorisation:Generate content ,share or CollaborateShare = information, contentEngage = listen, discuss, encourageRelationshipsWhat should we share ? How ? Also for engagement &amp; relationships
  23. To create a dynamic forum remember in accordance with 90-9-1 you require 3 or 4 active based on sourcing from 300+ users signed up for the forum
  24. Seek ideasSolve issues or improve experiences with product or service Entertainment
  25. Mutliple screensSocial results in interactive channel Extend compliment tv video Concurrent synchronised social conversations
  26. (see popular brands and new pages) – Brisbane based. &amp; wikiscannerHow Can You Use Wikipedia?•Create unbiased articles about your company, executives and important news stories&gt; Web site traffic increase•Cross-reference your articles with related articles &gt; New user discovery•Reputation managementSubscribe to updates to monitor changes Manage photos, links, content, etc.
  27. The results of the current study clearly show that the publicity effectiveness of blogs is higher than that of online magazines—a symptom of a new logic wherein media, marketing, and consumers are joined in friendships. Consumers follow their “fashionable” blogger friends and, as long as the bloggers genuinely follow brands, their readers form friendships with the brands as well. Blogs, in effect, provide a testimony to this logic that nei- ther media nor marketers can ignore.The use of social media requires marketers to take a step back from traditional campaign thinking and focus more on relationship building. The study conclusively shows that the publicity effectiveness is superior in social media as compared to “traditional” online media. There is a similarity between social-media marketing and WOM adver- tising. In each case, the unbiased nature of the sender—and other perceptions of his or her credibility—play a greater role in social media than in traditional media.This study displayed clearly how the writer–brand relationship and writers’ credibility affected readers’ perceptions of brand publicity on blogs. These find- ings highlight the need for transparency of blogs and other social media. For con- sumers, it is essential that the information is unbiased—originating from “people like me”—rather than a corporate-spon- sored online presence (cf. Allsop et al., 2007).For consumer watchdogs and govern- ment regulators, the unbiased nature of the endorsements has become equally impor- tant. Coincidental with the growth of the social media, many companies began sponsoring social media in exchange for endorsements of their products (Arango, 2009). Various advocacy groups have called for stricter oversight of such mar- keting practices (Joshi, 2009). Noting the growth and importance of social media, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission moved to regulate marketing within that environment: Social media endorsers now are compelled to disclaim any “material connection” with the brands they endorse (Arango).The use of social media requires marketers to take a step back from traditional campaign thinking and focus more on relationship building. Public-relations practitioners end up in traditional media by reason of news-generating spectacular advertising campaigns, press releases, sponsored competitions, and the like. By contrast, for publicity to find a credible spot on blogs, placement efforts need to begin with genuine relationships with the bloggers.Finding “fashionable friends” online takes time and effort. The return of those investments, however, could provide mar- keters with a new kind of far-reaching effective publicity generated by blog pro- ducers who similarly devote both time and effort to promoting the brands they believe in.Colliander and Dahlen (2011), Following the Fashionable Friend :The Power of Social Media Weighing Publicity Effectiveness of Blogs versus online Magazines, Journal of Advertising Research, pp. 313 – 320.
  28. Take Fb as sample social network – 4 key entities : communities ,users, Applications &amp; Albums (friends can be tagged) Make the page simple but effective Add contacts and build a group Buy advertising space and very cost effective and targeted Promote and sell in facebook marketImport blogs into feed Advertise events Not unrealistic to get about a 1,000 visitors per month from these steps. Breaking social marketing rules ??? Resist Gordon effect !Communicate (but not to just sell!)Try not to hi jack freely shared info for lead generation or 1:1 mktg
  29. Individual updatemicro-sharing– social networking tools and systems that enable listening, awareness, communication and collaboration between people, through short bursts of text, links, and multimedia content. – surprisingly powerful way to connect people to one another for corporate benefit.Pistacho Consulting Original Microsharing Report “Enterprise Microsharing Tools Comparison” November 2008, Laura Fitton“me”centric presence collective intelligenceGet answers fastReal time listening and learningSillos overcome via social seamingManage without walking aroundAmbient Intelligence – Constant Awareness –Micro updatesWhen integrated with enterprise software and other core business applications, microsharing can fundamentally improve operating efficiency, employee retention, company culture and professional development for individual and team contributors.
  30. Twitter is the microsharing industry leader, the de-facto lingua franca for related applicationsMicroblogsTwitter is not the only microblog platform plenty of others including Yammer for internal use Short burst of information that others might be interested in knowingWhat you’re working onResearching/readingNeed help withSome non-business stuff for Aussie twitters Build real relationships by replying, retweeting, and joining discussionswww.twitterfall.comTweetstatsPredictor for blogs
  31., or retweetTo help share cool ideas via Twitter and to give a shout-out to people you respect, you can repost their messages and give them credit. People call that retweeting (or RT), and it usually looks something like this: “RT @Username: Original message, often with a link.” Retweeting is common, and it’s a form of conversation on Twitter. It’s also a powerful way to spread messages and ideas across Twitter quickly. So when you do it, you’re engaging in a way people recognize and usually like—making it a good way to connect.Hashtag (#)Twitter messages don’t have a field where you can categorize them. So people have created the hashtag—which is just the # symbol followed by a term describing or naming the topic—that you add to a post as a way of saying, “This message is about the same thing as other messages from other people who include the same hashtag.” Then, when somebody searches for that hashtag, they’ll get all of the related messages.For instance, let’s say you post, “Voted sixty times in tonight’s showdown. #AmericanIdol.” Your message would then be part of Twitter search results for “#AmericanIdol,” and if enough people use the same hashtag at once, the term will appear in Twitter’s Trending Topics.Companies often use hashtags as part of a product launch (like #FordFiesta), and conferences and events frequently have hashtags associated with them (like #VRPS).Shortened URLsWith just 140 characters at your disposal, Twitter doesn’t give you much room to include URL links—some of which are longer than 140 characters themselves. If you post a link on Twitter via the website, sometimes we automatically shorten the URL for you. There are also a number of services—URL shorteners—that take regular links and shrink them down to a manageable length for tweets, and some even let you track clicks.
  32. Social Flow (management tool)Best Time &amp; Content For a Tweet or Facebook Post- Metrics &amp; Reporting- Acts on Real-time Intelligence- Great Dashboard Analytics- Tip: Can Try Now with Beta Offertweetdeck, a free tool that enhances your productivity with Twitter. What I like about Tweetdeck is that it allows you to have multiple columns with separate groups and/or searches. I keep a column dedicated to anyone who mentions the word “Brand” in their tweet. You can see what people are talking about in general. You can also connect with other club members, by creating a Tweetdeck group (which shows up in a column) where you can manually add club members.
  33. Credible business referral NetworkProfessional outpostTool for content syndicationLong tail groups and communitiesKeys include connections and credible content
  34. PodcastsCommunication with subscribed listenersEncourage sales &amp; conversion ratesSupport nurture programAbility to offer richer content, greater loyaltyDifferentiateAppeal to long tail niche
  35. Diana – max links (degree centrality) most connected – connector or hub – number of nodes connected – high influence of spreading info or virusHeather – best location powerful figure as broker to determine what flows and doesn’t –single point of failure – high betweeness = high influence – position of node as gatekeeper to exploit structural holes (gaps in network)Fernado &amp; Garth – shortest paths = closeness – the bigger the number the less centralEigenvector = importance of node in network ~ page rank google is similar measure
  36. Participation Inequality (Jakob Nielsen )90% of users are the “audience”, or lurkers. The people tend to read or observe, but don’t actively contribute.9% of users are “editors”, sometimes modifying content or adding to an existing thread, but rarely create content from scratch.1% of users are “creators”, driving large amounts of the social group’s activity. More often than not, these people are driving a vast percentage of the site’s new content, threads, and activityFor participation on Amazon see: 100 visitors10 will become members1 will generate contentFacebook users have ~200 friends thus ~2 of friends contribute content
  37. Community Manager is also StorytellerPast: Facilitated story creation through activating community discussions, sharing member stories within the community. In the past, storytelling on an internal level wasn’t heavily emphasized.Present: Seeks out and shares the most relevant and meaningful stories of community members with the entire community and within company walls. Future: Will be soughtout more heavily and will work to show internal and external community players not only how things are being done, but why they’re being done and their impact on the bigger picture.Action Steps:Align business objectives.Develop progress reports.Establish emotional investment.