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Utilities      the way we do it

Smart Grid Operational Services
Utility Mobile IT Adoption

Utility companies have taken great           Why? The reasons are many:
strides in employing the latest              Continuing deregulation has made the
technology to manage their work forces,      utilities industry more price
assets and operations. Many have             competitive. The transmission and
invested significantly in enterprise asset   distribution infrastructure is aging and
management (EAM) and outage                  is in some instances well past its
management software, scheduling tools,       planned service life. The workforce is
remote meter reading systems and             aging as well, and qualified people are
proprietary communication networks.          increasingly scarce and more expensive
These tools have delivered marked            to hire. Customers are demanding one
improvements in productivity and the         hundred percent availability,
quality of many processes, empowering        environmental awareness, accurate
utilities to provide a consistent and        billing and quick fault resolution.
reliable product. Yet many utility           Government and industry compliance
organizations are looking beyond             regulations are becoming stricter. All of
improving back office operations and         this, and more, is business as usual
seeking other ways to get more done,         for utilities management.
collaborate better and further the
efficiency of their day to day activities.
To meet these challenges and be               and remote office solutions such as
                              better prepared for the unexpected,           wireless e-mail, mainly because they
                              companies are increasingly adopting           were widely available and delivered a
                              mobile solutions as a way to further          clear set of benefits. The second phase is
                              control costs, improve productivity           the adoption of mobile applications
                              and make better decisions throughout          designed specifically for the utilities
                              their organizations.                          industry. These can bring exponentially
According to the US           This report briefly reviews the state
                                                                            larger benefits than general use
                                                                            horizontal tools, and they are
Department of Energy, 70      of mobile adoption among utilities            quickly gaining acceptance because
percent of the nation’s       and outlines several high return              of changes in the external environment.
                              mobilization areas for managers to
transmission lines and        consider. It further discusses criteria       First, the utilities industry is facing the
power transformers are now    for selection of mobile solutions and         dual challenge of aging infrastructure
25 years or older, and 60     provides some leading practices for           and aging workforce. Over the past
                              their implementation within the               decade, most investment was directed
percent of circuit breakers   utility industry.                             toward constructing new facilities to
are more than 30 years old.                                                 meet demand, rather than to
                              Why Now?
This makes preventative       Electric utilities are enabling or
                                                                            refurbishing existing equipment.
                                                                            According to the US Department of
maintenance a top priority    deploying mobility mobile because             Energy, 70 percent of the nation’s
and creates tight cost        of the technology’s two fundamental           transmission lines and power
                              capabilities to:
pressures for asset                                                         transformers are now 25 years or older,
                              Reduce cycle time: Mobile technology          and 60 percent of circuit breakers are
management operations.        allows such repetitive and/or time            more than 30 years old. This makes
                              consuming activities as inspections,          preventative maintenance a top priority
                              repairs, meter readings and installation      and creates tight cost pressures for asset
                              of equipment to be completed more             management operations. By the same
                              efficiently. This reduction in process        token, some industry surveys report
With a paper based            cycle time delivers significant benefits in   that less than 10 percent of utility
system, a single work order   customer satisfaction, cost reduction         workers are under the age of 35, and
requires an 11-step process   and efficiency.                               that most utilities will lose an average of
                                                                            20 percent of their staffs over the next
that involves at least five   Facilitate the exchange of information:       five years, and some will lose up to 40
employees to print, sort,     Mobile technology is extremely                percent. This trend exacerbates the need
                              beneficial to organizations whose data
enter data and perform        either resides outside of the enterprise
                                                                            to get more done with fewer people, cut
                                                                            costs, transfer knowledge and
the actual work. With         or is needed and inaccessible in the          standardize processes.
mobile technology, work       field. This bilateral flow of information
                              greatly improves the decision making          Secondly, at the infrastructure level, is
orders can be automatically   ability of both field employees and           the emergence of mobile platforms
scheduled, distributed        managers back at the office.                  that can interface with several
to field employees and                                                      back-end systems simultaneously and
                              As we will discuss later in this report,      cost effectively deliver intuitive
closed without a single       mobile technology finds many uses in          workflow solutions.
paper document.               the utility industry, and most of them
                              belong in the above categories.               Third is the improvement of mobile
                                                                            device technology. Today’s handheld
                              When we talk about adoption of mobile         mobile units are vastly superior to older
                              technology by utilities, it is important to   devices, which lacked in battery power,
                              note that this process is happening in        memory, processing capacity and
                              two distinct phases. The industry was         support for the multiple networks and
                              rather quick to adopt communi-cations         peripherals that employees needed in

Utilities      the way we do it

the field. Current generation ruggedized      benefit of the collective intelligence         n Better management of spare parts and
devices are truly multipurpose tools that     of the world’s leading utility companies         tools inventories reduces the
can incorporate location based                behind us. This gives us great                   organization’s costs in handling these
information, bar-coding and RFID, voice       confidence in confirming that mobile             items and often completely eliminates
applications, signature capture, imaging,     technology finds its uses in virtually all       excessive shipping charges for
printing and pairing with calibration         parts of a utilities provider’s value chain.     emergency parts orders
tools in a small, lightweight device that     The next several pages of the report           n Tightened supply chain capabilities,

has an outdoor readable screen and can        will review some of these applications           specifically with raw materials
be worn on a belt.                            as well as benefits that companies               forecasting leads to decreased
                                              can realize.                                     operating costs
The fourth factor is the improvement of
                                                                                             n Faster turnarounds by pairing project
mobile application security, which had        Benefits of Mobile Technology
previously posed a barrier.                   Increase worker productivity                     management software with mobile
                                              Mobile solutions improve worker                  solutions can save companies millions
Finally, a drastic shift has occurred in      productivity by minimizing idle time,            of dollars in lost revenue and overtime
how companies use mobile technology.          unnecessary travel and redundant data            labor costs
Previously, the main use of mobile            entry. Consider the following example          Streamline operations
applications has been to get the              that compares a paper based work               Although some benefits of mobile
information “out” into the hands of field     order process with one that can be             technology can be easily tied to the
personnel. Increasingly, however,             achieved with a mobile work                    organization’s bottom line, many
companies are placing more importance         management solution.                           others contribute to the company’s
on the inward flow of information to                                                         competitiveness and long term well
enterprise applications such as ERP,          With a paper based system, a single            being less directly. The improved flow of
EAM, CIS and SCM. In the ELP                  work order requires an 11-step process         information to and from field employees
industry, rapid incorporation of              that involves at least five employees to       serves as a key enabler for companies to:
information from the field allows             print, sort, enter data and perform the        n Improve and accelerate decision
companies to optimize power                   actual work. With mobile technology,
                                                                                               making by providing employees with
generation, transmission and                  work orders can be automatically
                                                                                               situational data they need to
distribution through improvements             scheduled, distributed to field
                                                                                               confidently make decisions in the
in planning, scheduling, inventory            employees and closed without a single
                                                                                               field: Because the data is continuously
management, logistics and other               paper document. This cuts out multiple
                                                                                               and consistently updated by the entire
processes. This inward flow of                time consuming steps from the process
                                                                                               team, engineers can be confident
information is nearly impossible to           and results in better visibility and
                                                                                               that they are making decisions
achieve, with any degree of detail or         supervisory control across the board.
                                                                                               based on trustworthy and
reliability, with horizontal solutions,
                                              Reduce costs                                     up-to-date information.
such as wireless e-mail.
                                              Replacing a paper based system                 n Improve visibility into work status:

Mobilize What?                                with a mobile work management                    Without mobile technology, the work
Contrary to what many believe, the            solution delivers considerable cost              order status and information captured
biggest barrier to mobile adoption isn’t      savings. Using mobile technology allows          in the field is often collated only at the
the complexity of the mobile technology       companies to handle increased work               end of the shift when all employees
or tying it to back-end software.             volumes without the propor-tionate
                                                                                               return to the office. Extending back-
According to a study by a leading             increases in staffing levels.
                                                                                               end systems to mobile devices allows
industry analyst firm, two of the largest     For many companies, this can translate           managers to have instant knowledge
challenges that companies have to             into significant savings in hiring,
overcome are proving the business case                                                         and control of the work that is
                                              training and salary for new employees.
and selecting areas to mobilize. While        Several other areas benefit from cost            being done.
the first challenge is rather apparent, the   savings as well:                               n Improve scheduling: Enabled with real

second is less obvious. Yet it is true that   n Eliminating the need for data entry            time work status and location
many applications of mobile in the                                                             information for employees, inventory
                                                and handling of paperwork can reduce
utility industry are hard to uncover.                                                          and equipment, supervisors can make
                                                administrative expenses and allow
                                                companies to retrain administrative            vastly better scheduling decisions. The
At Capgemini, with multiple live
                                                staff to perform higher value activities       added transparency of operations
deployments in utilities, we have the

Utility Mobile IT Adoption                                                                                                         3
The goal behind                 ensures that travel times are                levels to get out to an unfamiliar
implementing sophisticated      minimized, that engineers who                outage site, at night and under heavy
                                arrive at job site have the correct          rain, and not even know where the
project management,             qualifications, and that all necessary       assignment is without consulting
outage management and           parts and tools are available at the         detailed maps in the truck.
GIS systems was to improve      job site before work begins. This
                                                                             Mobile software solutions can give
                                eliminates employee frustration, saves
decision making across the      labor and travel hours and ensures           employees improved autonomy and
organization, track more        that more work gets done every day.          personal control over their work, and
                                                                             they can streamline the inter-
information and improve       Extend asset life
                                                                             departmental cooperation that makes
                              Multiple operational improvements
analysis and performance                                                     many tasks easier. The results are
                              created by mobile technology allow
in key areas of the           engineers to do a better job at servicing
                                                                             increased employee morale and
                                                                             decreased absenteeism and turnover.
business. It only makes       critical assets. Improved productivity
                              and scheduling provides more time for
sense then, to extend                                                        Enhance safety and security
                              preventative maintenance of power              Mobile solutions promote employees’
these capabilities to as      plants, the transmission network,              safety by providing them with the
many employees as             substations and the distribution               information they need to make
                              infrastructure. In addition, immediate
possible and to                                                              competent decisions in the field. For
                              access to historical maintenance and           example, if a switch was broken and is
remove paper as the           repair records allows technicians to           being replaced, the entire team benefits
communication medium          better isolate current and potential           from knowing when it goes back online.
                              problem areas and perform proper and
between information in                                                       Similarly, having full access to
                              timely service on assets. As a result, first   information about the location and
the field and in the          time fix rates improve, and the assets’        condition of the plant and equipment
back-end applications.        service life is extended.                      allows linemen to take necessary
                                                                             precautions upfront.
                              Increase responsiveness
                              Bridging the gap between the field and         Reduce regulatory fines and
                              the office greatly affects a company’s         improve compliance
                              ability to react to unexpected events,         Compliance and reporting for the US
                              shortening outage times and allowing           Department of Energy, OSHA, and state
                              engineers to swiftly resolve unforeseen        and industry agencies can strain utilities
                              changes in loads and conditions.               companies’ time and resources. In
Bridging the gap              Adding mobile components to outage             addition to developing and complying
between the field and         management, work management and                with multiple procedures, companies
                              scheduling/dispatch systems allows
the office greatly affects    system operations to rapidly disseminate
                                                                             must readily provide in-depth reports
                                                                             on their operations — facing hefty fines
a company’s ability to        large numbers of work orders and               for failure to do so. By capturing
react to unexpected events,   instructions in response to an outage          information at the point of performance
                              or an emergency.
shortening outage times                                                      and uploading it directly to back-end
                                                                             systems, companies can quickly create
and allowing engineers        Improve employee satisfaction
                                                                             the necessary reports and successfully
                              When employees have the right tools
to swiftly resolve                                                           pass the strictest of audits.
                              and resources to do their jobs, their
unforeseen changes in         satisfaction invariably improves. After        Improve customer service
loads and conditions.         all, staff engineers and technicians are       Mobilizing critical parts of customer
                              hired for their skills in their crafts, not    account management allows utility
                              for their ability to navigate mazes of         companies to be more responsive to
                              paperwork and intricacies of forms             customer needs and create higher levels
                              and procedures. And it certainly adds          of customer satisfaction. For example, if
                              much to the a standby engineer’s stress        a company has a policy of terminating

Utilities   the way we do it

electricity supply to a residence or         Usability
business when payment is not received        No matter how brilliant the underlying
on time, the payment status should be        technology or tangible the business
updated immediately upon receipt to          benefits, a mobile solution that is
ensure that the customer can have their      difficult to use, slow or cumbersome to
power quickly switched back on.              interact with, or prone to errors will
Similarly, a customer may be paying his      inevitably fail. Ease of use and seamless
bill in one of the offices when a service    operation is paramount to user adoption
representative in the field terminates the   and the success of a mobile deployment.
customer’s electrical supply. With           Here are some things to keep in mind:
wireless applications, an alert will be      n Intuitive workflow: The mobile

automatically issued to the field              application should reflect the way that
worker and an unfortunate incident             employees work, not the way that the
will be avoided.                               back-end systems are set up. This
                                               includes arranging fields and forms in
Maximize the Value of
                                               the order of task progression, using
Back-End Systems
                                               branching logic to only display
Finally, extending core back-end
                                               relevant information and breaking up
systems to mobile devices helps
                                               a single form into several screens,
companies get the most out of their
                                               tends to improve usability and shorten
investments in these applications. The
                                               training times. Other usability
goal behind implementing sophis-
                                               improvements, such as providing
ticated project management, outage
                                               several ways to navigate to the needed
management and GIS was to improve
                                               screen, context sensitive information
decision making across the organization,
                                               entry and drop down menus can also
track more information and improve
                                               help reduce process and data entry
analysis and performance in key areas
                                               errors. The primary goals for a
of the business. It only makes sense
                                               mobile solution are to gather better
then, to extend these capabilities to as
                                               information and to be more
many employees as possible and to
                                               productive. The software should be set
remove paper as the communication
                                               up to achieve these objectives.
medium between information in the
                                             n Device selection: Selecting the correct
field and in the back-end applications.
                                               device for the job plays a major role in
                                                                                          Few applications deployed
Selecting the Right Mobile                     the speed of adoption and the level of
Solution: Leading Practices                    worker productivity. For example,          by utility companies today
Suppose the areas of the business              using a palm top (instead of a pistol      are self!contained tools that
that should be mobilized have been             grip) device in scan intensive
                                                                                          function in isolation on
identified and a strong business case          environments, or using a keyboardless
for a mobile deployment can be built.          handheld for qualitative observations      workers’ devices. Mobile
How does a business select a mobile            may significantly reduce productivity      solutions are generally
solution that is correct for its needs?        and prompt complaints from your
                                                                                          geared at getting data in or
                                               workforce. Selecting a rugged, easy
The following section provides a brief         to use multipurpose tool with an           out of back-end systems
overview of areas that must be                 outdoor readable screen, support for       and therefore, have to be
addressed to arrive at a solution that         a variety of networks, integrated GPS,
will meet demands in the short term                                                       integrated into them to
                                               and bar-coding/imaging can greatly
and the years ahead.                           contribute to ther solution’s usability    exchange information.
                                               and aid adoption rates.
                                             n Battery life: It is important to pick a

                                               configuration that provides the

Utility Mobile IT Adoption                                                                                             5
necessary duration of uninterrupted        Traditional mobile approaches either          mobile software. It is important that
  usage for employees. Always-on             required each individual system to have       the chosen vendor support a broad
  connectivity and heavy data entry          a mobile extension or integrated              range of devices in order to make the
  quickly deplete the battery, requiring     multiple systems before passing the           best out of your current hardware
  employees to spot charge the device        information to the mobile device. Both        investments and to provide flexibility
  or carry a spare.                          of these approaches have different but        in the future.
n Availability: Good mobile solutions        rather significant disadvantages. Having    n Support for multiple peripherals:

  are not completely dependent on            mobile extensions for multiple systems        Although it is unlikely that your core
  connectivity. Although it is extremely     requires separate applications to be          business processes will change
  beneficial to update information in real   deployed and managed on mobile                dramatically in the coming years,
  time, the behavior of the actual mobile    devices, which is expensive and               technology has a way of constantly
  application should not vary with           generally does not allow workers to use       uncovering new ways to streamline
  network availability. Always-on            more than one system at a time. On the        existing practices and introduce new
  approaches tend to be very sensitive       other hand, integrating multiple systems      efficiencies. GPS, WiFi, RFID, voice,
  to network bandwidth and latency,          before sending information to the             and high megapixel integrated cameras
  and can leave employees waiting for        mobile solution can help achieve the          are just few examples of technologies
  screens to refresh instead of              needed functionality, but it creates a        that gained wide acceptance in recent
  performing work. Robust client-based       system that is very inflexible. A minor       years and transformed many activities
  applications that store all pertinent      change in business logic or workflow          in the business world. Selecting a
  data and business logic on the device      can have the domino effect of having to       vendor that is quick to integrate such
  offer great advantages in this regard.     adjust the entire arrangement, most           new technology can help companies to
  They are always available and perform      often by employing expensive on site          remain competitive and efficient.
  faster in all conditions because all       consultants. In contrast, having a          n Support for multiple networks: Great

  screens and data sets reside on the        solution that independently interacts
                                                                                           care should be taken to understand
  device, and validation rules and           with multiple back-end systems and
                                                                                           when and where employees need
  business logic can run locally.            automatically aggregates information for
                                                                                           wireless connectivity. A mobile
                                             the user makes the mobile application
                                                                                           solution that supports wireless
                                             adaptable and eliminates vendor lock in.
Solution Architecture and                                                                  networks allows the user to configure
                                             It also eliminates the time consuming
Integration Capabilities                                                                   the software to use different
                                             process of rekeying information from
Few applications deployed by utility                                                       communication methods depending
                                             one system to another or accessing
companies today are self contained                                                         on availability, cost and convenience
                                             multiple systems to coordinate a single
tools that function in isolation on                                                        and to add an extra level of reliability
                                             repair trip.
workers’ devices. Mobile solutions are                                                     to the solution by allowing the device
generally geared at getting data in or       Technology Capabilities                       to switch to a different connectivity
out of back-end systems and therefore,       Another key area to address in                method if the primary
have to be integrated into them to           deploying a mobile solution is the            communications path is broken.
exchange information.                        depth of functionality and technology         Ideally, support for these various
                                             capabilities that the solution requires.      networks should be driven by solution
As previously mentioned, the best            Over engineering a mobile application         intelligence that defines least cost
mobile solutions can instantly integrate     may diminish performance and                  routing or preferred network routing
with multiple systems to provide             usability, and can make the mobile
employees with all of the information                                                      for flexibility and cost management.
                                             tool difficult and expensive to maintain.
they need as a part of a single                                                          n Security: Security measures may be
                                             However, it is important to ensure that
application, and to allow workers            a mobile vendor addresses the following       available at the enterprise, transport
to simultaneously update several             areas to guarantee that a solution is         and device levels. Although not all
systems based on information captured        flexible and can meet needs in the            applications should be equally secure,
in the field. Such solutions can             long term:                                    look for a mobile solution that allows
significantly improve productivity                                                         one to adjust security measures to
by simplifying information retrieval
                                             n   Support for diverse device platforms:
                                                 Device platforms and operating            accommodate the changes to the
and reduce costs by eliminating
redundant information entry. In effect,          systems undergo significant upgrades      security profile over time.
a mobile solution can become the                 every two to three years, often
information hub for back-end systems.            becoming incompatible with current

Utilities     the way we do it

n   Integration with third party mobile      the beginning of the shift, the solution     return on investment with a mobile
    applications: On device integration      should not become sluggish or prone to       initiative, ensure that mobile tools are
    with other mobile applications is        crashing. On the hardware side, it is        easy to use, versatile, durable and
    important for companies that already     critical to understand the rigors of the     scalable. Understand that the solution
    employ or plan to roll out third party   devices’ everyday lives. Notebooks will      will evolve over time, both in size and
                                             be dropped and stepped on, handhelds         in scope, and it is critical to Sselect a
    software, such as GIS mapping
                                             will be left in trucks under damaging        solution that can accommodate this.
    services. When the client side           sun, screen scratching signatures will be    Think strategically about mobile as a
    architecture is open, the new            captured 50 times a day, and moisture        part of the overall IT infrastructure,
    mobile application can be                and dust will be ever present. Although      security profile and back-end
    configured to exchange information       consumer grade devices may be cheaper        system environment.
    with other mobile software on the        to buy at the onset, the overall cost of
    device, providing an added measure       ownership for ruggedized devices can be      Finally, seek advice from mobile
    of integration.                          up to 33 percent lower due to their          specialists. Look for comparable
                                             durability and a strong support network.     companies that have deployed multiple
                                                                                          solutions to address similar challenges.
Flexibility and Upgradeability               Solution Set                                 Time and money will likely be saved in
In addition to technology capabilities, it   Consider the mobility strategy in the        development, integration and
is important to understand a vendor’s        long term. Does it include deploying a       deployment by relying on a set of
application development and software         single application or potentially            industry leading practices and
upgrade methodologies. Some critical         mobilizing several areas of the business?    knowledge of mobile “gotchas” that can
questions to ask include:                    If so, vendors must be evaluated on the      only come from years of experience.
n Can the solution be configured and
                                             ability to provide ready to deploy
                                             applications for multiple areas in the       With years of experience and
  maintained on site by trained staff or     company’s value chain. Having such           unmatched execution expertise
  do changes have to be hard coded by        solutions dramatically reduces project       serving over 750 customers, Capgemini
  the vendor?                                times and saves companies significant        assists organizations with mobile
n If changes can be made on site, are        resources in application development,        workforces who are faced with the
                                             integration and customization.               challenges of streamlining workflow
  they easy to make? Can they be made
                                                                                          and improving productivity.
  in a GUI environment rather than
                                             In Summary
  coding in VB, .NET or C++?                                                              Capgemini delivers quick realization
                                             Utility companies are quickly adopting
n Can a vendor’ development
                 s                           mobile technology to help drive              of benefits by offering rapidly
  framework be used to inexpensively         efficiencies in generation, transmission     deployable mobile solutions built
  create custom applications or              and distribution of electricity. Whether     on 100-percent configurable and
                                             a company owns several steps of this         reliable mobile architectures.
  application modules in the future?
n Do devices need to be brought in from
                                             process or concentrates on a single area,
                                                                                          Capgemini provides the fastest path to
                                             mobile solutions can help to shorten
  the field for upgrades, or can updates                                                  mobilize enterprise systems. Unlike
                                             core process times and facilitate the flow
  be sent over the network?                                                               other mobile solution providers,
                                             of information throughout the
                                                                                          Capgemini simplifies enterprise wide
The degree to which a future vendor          enterprise. Several high benefit mobility
                                                                                          deployments with a leading strategic
addresses these lifecycle management         areas have been outlined in this report,
                                                                                          architecture for one or more mobile
areas can have a significant impact on       yet the technology presents virtually
                                                                                          applications while you concentrate
the total cost of ownership (TCO) of         limitless opportunities to improve
                                                                                          on business processes. Capgemini
the mobile solutions.                        employees’ workflow, maximize the
                                                                                          also sets the standard for adapting
                                             quality of data in the back-end
                                                                                          to rapid change and managing the
Durability of a Solution                     systems and cut paperwork out
                                                                                          risks associated with change.
When choosing a mobile solution, a           of everyday processes.
company must carefully consider the
every day demands to its software and        It is important, however, to carefully
hardware components. On the software         weigh costs against benefits in mobile
side, the system should be highly            projects. Remember: if a mobile
scalable and capable of simultaneously       solution does not save time or money,
processing multiple transactions.            it’s a waste of both. Take a holistic
                                             approach to scoping out the mobile
For example, when the entire workforce       project and to selecting a long term
of several thousand engineers signs in at    technology partner. To achieve a high

Utility Mobile IT Adoption                                                                                                     7

 Smart Energy Services—Experience Reduces Risk
 Capgemini’s Smart Energy Services (SES) provides the full spectrum of smart metering,
 smart grid, smart home and smart analytics solutions through leveraging best practices
 developed over the last 10 years working alongside the world’s leading utilities. Our team
 has extensive utilities industry experience with an unequaled track record for successful
 innovation and delivery. We are helping over 43 million utility customers by delivering
 sustainable energy efficiency and environmental solutions—transforming utility
 operations and the customer experience. Our commitment is strong with more than 8,400
 professionals dedicated to the utility sector. More information is available at

                             About Capgemini

                      With around 120,000                With EUR 670 million revenue in 2011
                   people in 40 countries,               and 8,400 dedicated consultants engaged
     Capgemini is one of the world's foremost            in Utilities projects across Europe, North
     providers of consulting, technology and             & South America and Asia Pacific,
     outsourcing services. The Group reported            Capgemini's Global Utilities Sector serves
     2011 global revenues of EUR 9.7 billion.            the business consulting and information
     Together with its clients, Capgemini                technology needs of many of the world’s
     creates and delivers business and                   largest players of this industry.
     technology solutions that fit their needs
     and drive the results they want.                    More information is available at
     A deeply multicultural organization,      
     Capgemini has developed its own way of
     working, the Collaborative Business
     ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®,
     its worldwide delivery model.
     Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini

Gord Reynolds                                            Alon Gat
Smart Grid Operational Services Leader                   Utility Industry Specialist / AOS                    
+1 416-732-2200                                          +1 416-930-7405

Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All r ights reserved.

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Smart Grid Operational Services: Utilities Mobile IT Adoption

  • 1. Utilities the way we do it Smart Grid Operational Services Utility Mobile IT Adoption Utility companies have taken great Why? The reasons are many: strides in employing the latest Continuing deregulation has made the technology to manage their work forces, utilities industry more price assets and operations. Many have competitive. The transmission and invested significantly in enterprise asset distribution infrastructure is aging and management (EAM) and outage is in some instances well past its management software, scheduling tools, planned service life. The workforce is remote meter reading systems and aging as well, and qualified people are proprietary communication networks. increasingly scarce and more expensive These tools have delivered marked to hire. Customers are demanding one improvements in productivity and the hundred percent availability, quality of many processes, empowering environmental awareness, accurate utilities to provide a consistent and billing and quick fault resolution. reliable product. Yet many utility Government and industry compliance organizations are looking beyond regulations are becoming stricter. All of improving back office operations and this, and more, is business as usual seeking other ways to get more done, for utilities management. collaborate better and further the efficiency of their day to day activities.
  • 2. To meet these challenges and be and remote office solutions such as better prepared for the unexpected, wireless e-mail, mainly because they companies are increasingly adopting were widely available and delivered a mobile solutions as a way to further clear set of benefits. The second phase is control costs, improve productivity the adoption of mobile applications and make better decisions throughout designed specifically for the utilities their organizations. industry. These can bring exponentially According to the US This report briefly reviews the state larger benefits than general use horizontal tools, and they are Department of Energy, 70 of mobile adoption among utilities quickly gaining acceptance because percent of the nation’s and outlines several high return of changes in the external environment. mobilization areas for managers to transmission lines and consider. It further discusses criteria First, the utilities industry is facing the power transformers are now for selection of mobile solutions and dual challenge of aging infrastructure 25 years or older, and 60 provides some leading practices for and aging workforce. Over the past their implementation within the decade, most investment was directed percent of circuit breakers utility industry. toward constructing new facilities to are more than 30 years old. meet demand, rather than to Why Now? This makes preventative Electric utilities are enabling or refurbishing existing equipment. According to the US Department of maintenance a top priority deploying mobility mobile because Energy, 70 percent of the nation’s and creates tight cost of the technology’s two fundamental transmission lines and power capabilities to: pressures for asset transformers are now 25 years or older, Reduce cycle time: Mobile technology and 60 percent of circuit breakers are management operations. allows such repetitive and/or time more than 30 years old. This makes consuming activities as inspections, preventative maintenance a top priority repairs, meter readings and installation and creates tight cost pressures for asset of equipment to be completed more management operations. By the same efficiently. This reduction in process token, some industry surveys report With a paper based cycle time delivers significant benefits in that less than 10 percent of utility system, a single work order customer satisfaction, cost reduction workers are under the age of 35, and requires an 11-step process and efficiency. that most utilities will lose an average of 20 percent of their staffs over the next that involves at least five Facilitate the exchange of information: five years, and some will lose up to 40 employees to print, sort, Mobile technology is extremely percent. This trend exacerbates the need beneficial to organizations whose data enter data and perform either resides outside of the enterprise to get more done with fewer people, cut costs, transfer knowledge and the actual work. With or is needed and inaccessible in the standardize processes. mobile technology, work field. This bilateral flow of information greatly improves the decision making Secondly, at the infrastructure level, is orders can be automatically ability of both field employees and the emergence of mobile platforms scheduled, distributed managers back at the office. that can interface with several to field employees and back-end systems simultaneously and As we will discuss later in this report, cost effectively deliver intuitive closed without a single mobile technology finds many uses in workflow solutions. paper document. the utility industry, and most of them belong in the above categories. Third is the improvement of mobile device technology. Today’s handheld When we talk about adoption of mobile mobile units are vastly superior to older technology by utilities, it is important to devices, which lacked in battery power, note that this process is happening in memory, processing capacity and two distinct phases. The industry was support for the multiple networks and rather quick to adopt communi-cations peripherals that employees needed in 2
  • 3. Utilities the way we do it the field. Current generation ruggedized benefit of the collective intelligence n Better management of spare parts and devices are truly multipurpose tools that of the world’s leading utility companies tools inventories reduces the can incorporate location based behind us. This gives us great organization’s costs in handling these information, bar-coding and RFID, voice confidence in confirming that mobile items and often completely eliminates applications, signature capture, imaging, technology finds its uses in virtually all excessive shipping charges for printing and pairing with calibration parts of a utilities provider’s value chain. emergency parts orders tools in a small, lightweight device that The next several pages of the report n Tightened supply chain capabilities, has an outdoor readable screen and can will review some of these applications specifically with raw materials be worn on a belt. as well as benefits that companies forecasting leads to decreased can realize. operating costs The fourth factor is the improvement of n Faster turnarounds by pairing project mobile application security, which had Benefits of Mobile Technology previously posed a barrier. Increase worker productivity management software with mobile Mobile solutions improve worker solutions can save companies millions Finally, a drastic shift has occurred in productivity by minimizing idle time, of dollars in lost revenue and overtime how companies use mobile technology. unnecessary travel and redundant data labor costs Previously, the main use of mobile entry. Consider the following example Streamline operations applications has been to get the that compares a paper based work Although some benefits of mobile information “out” into the hands of field order process with one that can be technology can be easily tied to the personnel. Increasingly, however, achieved with a mobile work organization’s bottom line, many companies are placing more importance management solution. others contribute to the company’s on the inward flow of information to competitiveness and long term well enterprise applications such as ERP, With a paper based system, a single being less directly. The improved flow of EAM, CIS and SCM. In the ELP work order requires an 11-step process information to and from field employees industry, rapid incorporation of that involves at least five employees to serves as a key enabler for companies to: information from the field allows print, sort, enter data and perform the n Improve and accelerate decision companies to optimize power actual work. With mobile technology, making by providing employees with generation, transmission and work orders can be automatically situational data they need to distribution through improvements scheduled, distributed to field confidently make decisions in the in planning, scheduling, inventory employees and closed without a single field: Because the data is continuously management, logistics and other paper document. This cuts out multiple and consistently updated by the entire processes. This inward flow of time consuming steps from the process team, engineers can be confident information is nearly impossible to and results in better visibility and that they are making decisions achieve, with any degree of detail or supervisory control across the board. based on trustworthy and reliability, with horizontal solutions, Reduce costs up-to-date information. such as wireless e-mail. Replacing a paper based system n Improve visibility into work status: Mobilize What? with a mobile work management Without mobile technology, the work Contrary to what many believe, the solution delivers considerable cost order status and information captured biggest barrier to mobile adoption isn’t savings. Using mobile technology allows in the field is often collated only at the the complexity of the mobile technology companies to handle increased work end of the shift when all employees or tying it to back-end software. volumes without the propor-tionate return to the office. Extending back- According to a study by a leading increases in staffing levels. end systems to mobile devices allows industry analyst firm, two of the largest For many companies, this can translate managers to have instant knowledge challenges that companies have to into significant savings in hiring, overcome are proving the business case and control of the work that is training and salary for new employees. and selecting areas to mobilize. While Several other areas benefit from cost being done. the first challenge is rather apparent, the savings as well: n Improve scheduling: Enabled with real second is less obvious. Yet it is true that n Eliminating the need for data entry time work status and location many applications of mobile in the information for employees, inventory and handling of paperwork can reduce utility industry are hard to uncover. and equipment, supervisors can make administrative expenses and allow companies to retrain administrative vastly better scheduling decisions. The At Capgemini, with multiple live staff to perform higher value activities added transparency of operations deployments in utilities, we have the Utility Mobile IT Adoption 3
  • 4. The goal behind ensures that travel times are levels to get out to an unfamiliar implementing sophisticated minimized, that engineers who outage site, at night and under heavy arrive at job site have the correct rain, and not even know where the project management, qualifications, and that all necessary assignment is without consulting outage management and parts and tools are available at the detailed maps in the truck. GIS systems was to improve job site before work begins. This Mobile software solutions can give eliminates employee frustration, saves decision making across the labor and travel hours and ensures employees improved autonomy and organization, track more that more work gets done every day. personal control over their work, and they can streamline the inter- information and improve Extend asset life departmental cooperation that makes Multiple operational improvements analysis and performance many tasks easier. The results are created by mobile technology allow in key areas of the engineers to do a better job at servicing increased employee morale and decreased absenteeism and turnover. business. It only makes critical assets. Improved productivity and scheduling provides more time for sense then, to extend Enhance safety and security preventative maintenance of power Mobile solutions promote employees’ these capabilities to as plants, the transmission network, safety by providing them with the many employees as substations and the distribution information they need to make infrastructure. In addition, immediate possible and to competent decisions in the field. For access to historical maintenance and example, if a switch was broken and is remove paper as the repair records allows technicians to being replaced, the entire team benefits communication medium better isolate current and potential from knowing when it goes back online. problem areas and perform proper and between information in Similarly, having full access to timely service on assets. As a result, first information about the location and the field and in the time fix rates improve, and the assets’ condition of the plant and equipment back-end applications. service life is extended. allows linemen to take necessary precautions upfront. Increase responsiveness Bridging the gap between the field and Reduce regulatory fines and the office greatly affects a company’s improve compliance ability to react to unexpected events, Compliance and reporting for the US shortening outage times and allowing Department of Energy, OSHA, and state engineers to swiftly resolve unforeseen and industry agencies can strain utilities changes in loads and conditions. companies’ time and resources. In Bridging the gap Adding mobile components to outage addition to developing and complying between the field and management, work management and with multiple procedures, companies scheduling/dispatch systems allows the office greatly affects system operations to rapidly disseminate must readily provide in-depth reports on their operations — facing hefty fines a company’s ability to large numbers of work orders and for failure to do so. By capturing react to unexpected events, instructions in response to an outage information at the point of performance or an emergency. shortening outage times and uploading it directly to back-end systems, companies can quickly create and allowing engineers Improve employee satisfaction the necessary reports and successfully When employees have the right tools to swiftly resolve pass the strictest of audits. and resources to do their jobs, their unforeseen changes in satisfaction invariably improves. After Improve customer service loads and conditions. all, staff engineers and technicians are Mobilizing critical parts of customer hired for their skills in their crafts, not account management allows utility for their ability to navigate mazes of companies to be more responsive to paperwork and intricacies of forms customer needs and create higher levels and procedures. And it certainly adds of customer satisfaction. For example, if much to the a standby engineer’s stress a company has a policy of terminating 4
  • 5. Utilities the way we do it electricity supply to a residence or Usability business when payment is not received No matter how brilliant the underlying on time, the payment status should be technology or tangible the business updated immediately upon receipt to benefits, a mobile solution that is ensure that the customer can have their difficult to use, slow or cumbersome to power quickly switched back on. interact with, or prone to errors will Similarly, a customer may be paying his inevitably fail. Ease of use and seamless bill in one of the offices when a service operation is paramount to user adoption representative in the field terminates the and the success of a mobile deployment. customer’s electrical supply. With Here are some things to keep in mind: wireless applications, an alert will be n Intuitive workflow: The mobile automatically issued to the field application should reflect the way that worker and an unfortunate incident employees work, not the way that the will be avoided. back-end systems are set up. This includes arranging fields and forms in Maximize the Value of the order of task progression, using Back-End Systems branching logic to only display Finally, extending core back-end relevant information and breaking up systems to mobile devices helps a single form into several screens, companies get the most out of their tends to improve usability and shorten investments in these applications. The training times. Other usability goal behind implementing sophis- improvements, such as providing ticated project management, outage several ways to navigate to the needed management and GIS was to improve screen, context sensitive information decision making across the organization, entry and drop down menus can also track more information and improve help reduce process and data entry analysis and performance in key areas errors. The primary goals for a of the business. It only makes sense mobile solution are to gather better then, to extend these capabilities to as information and to be more many employees as possible and to productive. The software should be set remove paper as the communication up to achieve these objectives. medium between information in the n Device selection: Selecting the correct field and in the back-end applications. device for the job plays a major role in Few applications deployed Selecting the Right Mobile the speed of adoption and the level of Solution: Leading Practices worker productivity. For example, by utility companies today Suppose the areas of the business using a palm top (instead of a pistol are self!contained tools that that should be mobilized have been grip) device in scan intensive function in isolation on identified and a strong business case environments, or using a keyboardless for a mobile deployment can be built. handheld for qualitative observations workers’ devices. Mobile How does a business select a mobile may significantly reduce productivity solutions are generally solution that is correct for its needs? and prompt complaints from your geared at getting data in or workforce. Selecting a rugged, easy The following section provides a brief to use multipurpose tool with an out of back-end systems overview of areas that must be outdoor readable screen, support for and therefore, have to be addressed to arrive at a solution that a variety of networks, integrated GPS, will meet demands in the short term integrated into them to and bar-coding/imaging can greatly and the years ahead. contribute to ther solution’s usability exchange information. and aid adoption rates. n Battery life: It is important to pick a device/connectivity/workflow configuration that provides the Utility Mobile IT Adoption 5
  • 6. necessary duration of uninterrupted Traditional mobile approaches either mobile software. It is important that usage for employees. Always-on required each individual system to have the chosen vendor support a broad connectivity and heavy data entry a mobile extension or integrated range of devices in order to make the quickly deplete the battery, requiring multiple systems before passing the best out of your current hardware employees to spot charge the device information to the mobile device. Both investments and to provide flexibility or carry a spare. of these approaches have different but in the future. n Availability: Good mobile solutions rather significant disadvantages. Having n Support for multiple peripherals: are not completely dependent on mobile extensions for multiple systems Although it is unlikely that your core connectivity. Although it is extremely requires separate applications to be business processes will change beneficial to update information in real deployed and managed on mobile dramatically in the coming years, time, the behavior of the actual mobile devices, which is expensive and technology has a way of constantly application should not vary with generally does not allow workers to use uncovering new ways to streamline network availability. Always-on more than one system at a time. On the existing practices and introduce new approaches tend to be very sensitive other hand, integrating multiple systems efficiencies. GPS, WiFi, RFID, voice, to network bandwidth and latency, before sending information to the and high megapixel integrated cameras and can leave employees waiting for mobile solution can help achieve the are just few examples of technologies screens to refresh instead of needed functionality, but it creates a that gained wide acceptance in recent performing work. Robust client-based system that is very inflexible. A minor years and transformed many activities applications that store all pertinent change in business logic or workflow in the business world. Selecting a data and business logic on the device can have the domino effect of having to vendor that is quick to integrate such offer great advantages in this regard. adjust the entire arrangement, most new technology can help companies to They are always available and perform often by employing expensive on site remain competitive and efficient. faster in all conditions because all consultants. In contrast, having a n Support for multiple networks: Great screens and data sets reside on the solution that independently interacts care should be taken to understand device, and validation rules and with multiple back-end systems and when and where employees need business logic can run locally. automatically aggregates information for wireless connectivity. A mobile the user makes the mobile application solution that supports wireless adaptable and eliminates vendor lock in. Solution Architecture and networks allows the user to configure It also eliminates the time consuming Integration Capabilities the software to use different process of rekeying information from Few applications deployed by utility communication methods depending one system to another or accessing companies today are self contained on availability, cost and convenience multiple systems to coordinate a single tools that function in isolation on and to add an extra level of reliability repair trip. workers’ devices. Mobile solutions are to the solution by allowing the device generally geared at getting data in or Technology Capabilities to switch to a different connectivity out of back-end systems and therefore, Another key area to address in method if the primary have to be integrated into them to deploying a mobile solution is the communications path is broken. exchange information. depth of functionality and technology Ideally, support for these various capabilities that the solution requires. networks should be driven by solution As previously mentioned, the best Over engineering a mobile application intelligence that defines least cost mobile solutions can instantly integrate may diminish performance and routing or preferred network routing with multiple systems to provide usability, and can make the mobile employees with all of the information for flexibility and cost management. tool difficult and expensive to maintain. they need as a part of a single n Security: Security measures may be However, it is important to ensure that application, and to allow workers a mobile vendor addresses the following available at the enterprise, transport to simultaneously update several areas to guarantee that a solution is and device levels. Although not all systems based on information captured flexible and can meet needs in the applications should be equally secure, in the field. Such solutions can long term: look for a mobile solution that allows significantly improve productivity one to adjust security measures to by simplifying information retrieval n Support for diverse device platforms: Device platforms and operating accommodate the changes to the and reduce costs by eliminating redundant information entry. In effect, systems undergo significant upgrades security profile over time. a mobile solution can become the every two to three years, often information hub for back-end systems. becoming incompatible with current 6
  • 7. Utilities the way we do it n Integration with third party mobile the beginning of the shift, the solution return on investment with a mobile applications: On device integration should not become sluggish or prone to initiative, ensure that mobile tools are with other mobile applications is crashing. On the hardware side, it is easy to use, versatile, durable and important for companies that already critical to understand the rigors of the scalable. Understand that the solution employ or plan to roll out third party devices’ everyday lives. Notebooks will will evolve over time, both in size and be dropped and stepped on, handhelds in scope, and it is critical to Sselect a software, such as GIS mapping will be left in trucks under damaging solution that can accommodate this. services. When the client side sun, screen scratching signatures will be Think strategically about mobile as a architecture is open, the new captured 50 times a day, and moisture part of the overall IT infrastructure, mobile application can be and dust will be ever present. Although security profile and back-end configured to exchange information consumer grade devices may be cheaper system environment. with other mobile software on the to buy at the onset, the overall cost of device, providing an added measure ownership for ruggedized devices can be Finally, seek advice from mobile of integration. up to 33 percent lower due to their specialists. Look for comparable durability and a strong support network. companies that have deployed multiple solutions to address similar challenges. Flexibility and Upgradeability Solution Set Time and money will likely be saved in In addition to technology capabilities, it Consider the mobility strategy in the development, integration and is important to understand a vendor’s long term. Does it include deploying a deployment by relying on a set of application development and software single application or potentially industry leading practices and upgrade methodologies. Some critical mobilizing several areas of the business? knowledge of mobile “gotchas” that can questions to ask include: If so, vendors must be evaluated on the only come from years of experience. n Can the solution be configured and ability to provide ready to deploy applications for multiple areas in the With years of experience and maintained on site by trained staff or company’s value chain. Having such unmatched execution expertise do changes have to be hard coded by solutions dramatically reduces project serving over 750 customers, Capgemini the vendor? times and saves companies significant assists organizations with mobile n If changes can be made on site, are resources in application development, workforces who are faced with the integration and customization. challenges of streamlining workflow they easy to make? Can they be made and improving productivity. in a GUI environment rather than In Summary coding in VB, .NET or C++? Capgemini delivers quick realization Utility companies are quickly adopting n Can a vendor’ development s mobile technology to help drive of benefits by offering rapidly framework be used to inexpensively efficiencies in generation, transmission deployable mobile solutions built create custom applications or and distribution of electricity. Whether on 100-percent configurable and a company owns several steps of this reliable mobile architectures. application modules in the future? n Do devices need to be brought in from process or concentrates on a single area, Capgemini provides the fastest path to mobile solutions can help to shorten the field for upgrades, or can updates mobilize enterprise systems. Unlike core process times and facilitate the flow be sent over the network? other mobile solution providers, of information throughout the Capgemini simplifies enterprise wide The degree to which a future vendor enterprise. Several high benefit mobility deployments with a leading strategic addresses these lifecycle management areas have been outlined in this report, architecture for one or more mobile areas can have a significant impact on yet the technology presents virtually applications while you concentrate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of limitless opportunities to improve on business processes. Capgemini the mobile solutions. employees’ workflow, maximize the also sets the standard for adapting quality of data in the back-end to rapid change and managing the Durability of a Solution systems and cut paperwork out risks associated with change. When choosing a mobile solution, a of everyday processes. company must carefully consider the every day demands to its software and It is important, however, to carefully hardware components. On the software weigh costs against benefits in mobile side, the system should be highly projects. Remember: if a mobile scalable and capable of simultaneously solution does not save time or money, processing multiple transactions. it’s a waste of both. Take a holistic approach to scoping out the mobile For example, when the entire workforce project and to selecting a long term of several thousand engineers signs in at technology partner. To achieve a high Utility Mobile IT Adoption 7
  • 8. Smart Energy Services—Experience Reduces Risk Capgemini’s Smart Energy Services (SES) provides the full spectrum of smart metering, smart grid, smart home and smart analytics solutions through leveraging best practices developed over the last 10 years working alongside the world’s leading utilities. Our team has extensive utilities industry experience with an unequaled track record for successful innovation and delivery. We are helping over 43 million utility customers by delivering sustainable energy efficiency and environmental solutions—transforming utility operations and the customer experience. Our commitment is strong with more than 8,400 professionals dedicated to the utility sector. More information is available at About Capgemini ® ® With around 120,000 With EUR 670 million revenue in 2011 people in 40 countries, and 8,400 dedicated consultants engaged Capgemini is one of the world's foremost in Utilities projects across Europe, North providers of consulting, technology and & South America and Asia Pacific, outsourcing services. The Group reported Capgemini's Global Utilities Sector serves 2011 global revenues of EUR 9.7 billion. the business consulting and information Together with its clients, Capgemini technology needs of many of the world’s creates and delivers business and largest players of this industry. technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. More information is available at A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini EUC_ITADPTFLR_032409_014 Gord Reynolds Alon Gat Smart Grid Operational Services Leader Utility Industry Specialist / AOS +1 416-732-2200 +1 416-930-7405 Copyright © 2012 Capgemini. All r ights reserved.