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         SLAV 20100/30100             genetic affiliation of Slavic
Intro to Slavic Linguistics      higher-order protolanguages:
            Autumn 2012          1.    Swedish + Danish + Norwegian ?

           Yaroslav Gorbachov
                                       English + Dutch + German ?   2.    Scandinavian + West Germanic ?
                                 3.    Germanic + Slavic + Celtic + Greek… ?
                 ”                     Indo-European!
                                       other branches of Indo-European?
             č        ę

 genetic affiliation of Slavic        genetic affiliation of Slavic



   genetic affiliation of Slavic                       closest relative: Baltic
                                                    maximum spread of Baltic hydronyms
how close are the IE languages?
    E. sister            OCS sestrá
    E. brother           Cz. bratr, OCS brátrŭ
    E. widow             OCS vĭdová
    E. two               OCS dŭvá
    E. three             OCS trĭje
    E. sit               OCS sěd-
    E. nose              OCS nosŭ
    E. (eye)brow         OCS brŭv-                   source: Marija Gimbutas, The Balts, London, 1963

      closest relative: Baltic                         closest relative: Baltic
1. lexical similarities (both pan-IE and, more   OCS glavá              Lith. galvá ‘head’
   importantly, exclusively BSl.)                OCS rǫká               Lith. rankà ‘hand’
2. morphology (structure of roots and affixes)   OR pĭrstŭ              Lith. pir͂štas ‘finger’
                                                 OCS lédŭ               Lith. lẽdas ‘ice’
3. syntax (rules for constructing phrases and
                                                 OCS želězo             Lith. geležìs ‘iron’
                                                 R. bába                Lith. bóba ‘old woman’
4. prosody (rhythm, stress, and intonation         150+ BSl. words not found in any other IE
   patterns)                                       language, mostly referring to nature (flora,
                                                   fauna, landscape, weather, etc.)


the nature of B.-Slavic affinity                                             Indo-European 'family tree'

Source: Van Wijk, Die baltischen und slavischen Akzent- und Intonations-
                             systeme (1923)

         conservatism of Baltic
OCS synъ = synŭ 'son'
          < PSl. *synŭ < Early PSl. *sūnus
                                Lith. sūnùs
                                                                           survey of the literary/standard
OCS synu 'of (a/the) son,' 'son's'                                                Slavic languages
          < PSl. *synu < Early PSl. *sūnåus
                              Lith. sūnaũs OCS synu 'son!' = Lith. sūnaũ 'son!'


        Old Church Slavonic                          Constantine (Cyril) & Methodius
the first literary (liturgical and ecclesiastic)
language of the Slavs; which branch of Slavic?
     Moravians (WS)
     Bulgarians, Serbs (SS)
     Russians (ES)
genetic affiliation of the lang. of most mss.:
     South East Slavic (recall *tj > št, *dj > žd)
     i.e., the Bulgarian-Macedonian subgroup
time frame: 9-11th c.                                monument to SS Cyril & Methodius in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
                                                     credit: Vitaly Moskalyuk

                                                                        Church Slavonic
                                                     cover term for the local varieties (recensions) of
                                                     OCS (Bulg., Serb., Russ., Rum., etc.)
                                                     the supranational literary language of Slavia
                                                     was in use long after the 11th c.
                                                     used for both ecclesiastic and non-ecclesiastic
                                                     aspects of literary production
                                                     has left an indelible mark on the Russian literary
                                                     language (lexicon, бегущий vs. бегучий, etc.)


         the scripts: Glagolitic

Codex Zographensis, 10-11th c.; fnd.: Bulgarian Zograf Monastery, Mount Athos
source: А. М. Селищев, Старославянский язык, ч. 2, Москва 1952, стр. 8

           the scripts: 'Cyrillic'

                              Ostromirovo Evangelie, Russia, 1056-1057


  Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
formerly known as Serbo-Croatian
speakers: ca. 15 million
four main dialects:
     Štokavian (štokavski)       – što, šta
     Kajkavian (kajkavski)       – kaj
     Čakavian (čakavski)         – ča                                 original distribution of BCS dialects
                                                                      before the 16th c. migrations
     Torlak (torlački)

  Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian                        Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
Štokavian is further subdivided into:                prior to early 19th c.:
     Ekavian (ekavski)           – PSl. *ě > e       Serbia:     Serb. recension of Church Slavonic
     (I)jekavian ((i)jekavski)   – PSl. *ě > (i)je   Dalmatia: old Glagolitic tradition
                                                               since 15th c. – a Čakavian-based
     Ikavian (ikavski)           – PSl. *ě > i
                                                                               written language
cf. reka, les, mera vs. rijeka, lijes, mjera
                                                     1818: Serbian folklorist Vuk Karadžić reforms
NB: modern BCS is a pluricentric language (it        the Cyrillic alphabet and adopts the principle
has several written standards)                       of phonetic spelling ('piši kao što govoriš')
all are based on the Neoštokavian dialect            1868: 'vukovica' is officially adopted in Serbia


    Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian                                           Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
 1836: Ljudevit Gaj, Đuro Daničić, and a few                              some exx. of lexical differences btw. S and C:
 other Croatian writers abandon the local
                                                                               jul       vs. srpanj                  (← srp)
 Čakavian-based norm and adopt Štokavian as
 the new standard                                                              oktobar vs. listopad (← list, padati)
 1850: Serbian and Croatian linguists sign the                                 fabrika   vs. tvornica (← tvoriti)
 Vienna Literary Agreement settling on Štok. as                                muzika    vs. glazba                  (← glas)
 the base for a common SC literary language
                                                                               advokat vs. odvjetnik (← odvjet?)
 both Roman 'gajevica' & Cyrillic 'vukovica', the
                                                                               fudbal    vs. nogomet (← noga, metati)
 ekavian & ijekavian pronunciation norms, and
 lexical differences are recognized as admissible

             Glagoljica in Croatia                                                   Glagoljica in Croatia

                                                                                         Hrvoje’s Missal (1404) & Prince Novak’s
the Baška Tablet (Bašćanska ploča), ca. 1100; found: Baška, Krk island,                  Missal (1368)                sources:
Croatia        source:           


               the first printed Glagolitic                                              the Zagreb Cathedral
               book (Missal), 1483, Croatia

               et03.html                                                                 source:

                                                     multiple palatal/palatalized consonants ("soft")
 some salient characteristics                           P. koń, BCS konj (коњ), R. конь (vs. R. кон)

     of Slavic languages                                minimal pair! /n/ and /nj/ are contrastive!)
                                                     postalveolar sibilants: š [ʃ], ž [ʒ]
(a sketch of Slavic typology)                           Cz. šiška, žába; R. шишка, жаба
                                                     + multiple affricates: ʒ' [dzj], c' [tsj], č [tʃ]
                                                        Cz. čas, celý; R. час, целый; OCS ʒělo


                 phonology                                              phonology
some "funny" vowels:                                   late Proto-Slavic and early historical Slavic (OCS,
    ě (yat') ― [æ], [ie] (depending on the lg.)        Old Russ., etc.) were characterized by
    y [ɨ]                                              1. law of open syllables (syllables should be open)
  + nasal vowels (OCS + P.): OCS mǫžь, P. mąż               Old Russ. ратьникъ [ra.tĭ.nji.kŭ]
                                                                            > R. ратник [rat.njik]
multiple morphophonemic alternations
     k:č, k:c, g:ž, x:š, s:š, o:a:
                                                       2. syllabic synharmony (syllables should be
                                                       synharmonic: i.e., every sound within a syllable
     R. просить : спрашивать                           should have the same 'tonality' – high or low)
     U. рука : в руцi       P. ręka : w ręce                Old Russ. поѥши [pɔ.jɛ.ʃi]
     OCS rek-ǫ, reč-eši, rě-xъ, rьc-i, rok-ъ                               > R. поёшь [pǝ.jɔʃ ]

                    prosody                                            morphology
                                                       rich inflectional morphology (many morphological
free and mobile stress (minus West Slavic + M.):
                                                       contrasts expressed by suffixes + endings):
      cf. R. головá : гóлову : голóв;
                                                            robust case systems (NSl., SWSl.)
             ношý : нóсишь                                  two adjective forms (short + long)
pitch accent (Proto-Slavic + BCS):                          two-three numbers, three genders…
      acute, circumflex    ― inherited from BSl.,           many tenses (SESl.)
                                                            three moods
                              cf. Lithuanian!
                                                       verb aspects (perfective + imperfective)
vowel quantity/length (BCS + Cz.);                     uni-/multidirectional (aka determinate/indeterm.)
    lost or transformed to vowel height
                                                       verbs: R. нести : носить; лететь : летать,
    elsewhere (e.g., P. ó, P. dial. å, ė, R. dial ô)
                                                       Cz. nést : nosit, letět : létat; P. lecieć : latać)


                morphology                                                     syntax
                                                      "free" word order (the word order is determined
multiple noun + verb classes:
                                                      by pragmatic factors such as topic and focus)
          P. gen. brat-a vs. siostr-y
                                                      "scrambling" (in the sense discontinuity of
          P. inst. brat-em vs. siostr-ą
                                                      constituents resulting in a crossing of lines in the
          R. pres. нес-ёшь vs. нос-ишь          tree structure!)
"fusional" (endings may carry multiple functions):
           R. в (его) дом-ах 'in (his) houses'
           vs. Tatar торак-лар-(ын)-да 'idem'
           or Georg. sakhl-eb-ši 'in houses'                     новую книгу читаю         новую читаю книгу

                    syntax                                                     syntax
but not so free within constituents (e.g., within     examples of clitics (Bg.):
                                                            Вчера Петко ми го даде.
     R. человек слова (noun + adnominal genitive)           yesterday Petko me.DAT it gave
     R. честный человек (modifier + head noun)
                                                            Ти      си    му         ги     показвал.
not so free in general in Bg. and M.!                       you have him.DAT them            shown

outright restricted so far as clitics are concerned         Си           му          гиi     дал ли паритеi?
                                                            have.2.SG. him.DAT them given            Q    money.THE
complex systems of (verb-adjacent) pronominal +
verbal auxiliary clitics in WSl.+SSl.                                                              (obj. doubling!)


extensive agreement system
     subject/verb AGR:     дети читают
     noun/modifier AGR:    новую книгу
genitive of negation: R. они не едят мяса
finite subordinated (embedded) clauses
introduced by a clause-initial conjunctions
participles may be used for relative clauses
WSl. + SSl. are largely null subject languages (but
again, ESl. which happen to lack overt present
tense copula are not)

                                                                writing Slavic down
                                                      what are the difficulties?
                                                           more sounds than there are Rom. characters
                                                      problematic areas:
        Slavic alphabets
                                                           marking "soft" (palatalized/palatal cons.)
  "(ortho)graphic" strategies                              rendering postalveolars: š [ʃ], ž [ʒ]
                                                           rendering affricates: ʒ' [dzj], c' [tsj], č [tʃ ]…
                                                           some vowels: jers, jat', /ɨ/, nasal vowels
                                                        + prosodic features (length, pitch, etc.)


         writing Slavic down                                 writing Slavic down
Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD)   Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD)

Eccę bi detd nas ne zegresil te u veku              Ešče bi děd(ъ) naš ne sъgrěšil(ъ) tъ vъ věku
gemu be siti starosti ne prigemlióki                jemu by žiti starosti ne prijьml'ǫči

         writing Slavic down
Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD)

'If our forefather had not sinned, he would have
lived forever without growing old'


             writing Slavic down                                         writing Slavic down
Glagolitic:                    Cyrillic:                       Glagolitic:                  Cyrillic:
¶   = ž [ʒ]                    ¶                               ¶   = ž [ʒ]                  ¶
È   = š [ʃ]                    È                               È   = š [ʃ]                  È             °=Α
Ç   = č [tʃ]                   Y                               Ç   = č [tʃ]                 Y             ²=Β
Î   = c [ts]                   Æ                               Î   = c [ts]                 Æ             ³=Γ
@   = ě [æ] or [ie]            @ the rest are Greek            @   = ě [æ] or [ie]          @             ´=Δ
’ = ę [ɛ̃]                                                    ’ = ę [ɛ̃]                                ¸=Η
™ = ǫ [ɔ̃]                     ™                               ™ = ǫ [ɔ̃]                   ™             ¿=Π
Ê   = ъ [ʊ̆ ]                  Ê                               Ê   = ъ [ʊ̆ ]                Ê             Ä=Φ
Ì   = ь [ɪ ̆]                  Ì                               Ì   = ь [ɪ ̆]                Ì             Å=Χ     etc.
Ë (ъ + i) = y [ɨ] or [ɯ]       Ë (ъ + i)                       Ë (ъ + i) = y [ɨ] or [ɯ]     Ë (ъ + i)

   marking post-alveolar cons.                                            marking "softness"
the post-alveolar affricates and sibilants                     Czech:
inherited from Proto-Slavic: *š *ž *č *šč                         t' d' Ť Ď ň Ň d'ábel, kůň, daň, daňový ráj [ɲɔ]
Russian:          ш     ж      ч [tɕ] щ [ɕtɕ] > [ɕ:]              but necitlivý vs. něco [ɲɛ]; dým vs. dimenze [ɟi]
Bulgarian:        ш     ж      ч      щ [ɕtɕ] > [ɕt] > [ʃt]    Polish (+ Sorbian/Lusatian):
BCS Cyrillic:     ш     ж      ч [tʃ] шт + ћ [tɕ] ђ [dʑ] џ        nie wiem [ɲɛ vjɛm]; konia [kɔɲɑ]
BCS Roman:        š     ž      č     št + ć        đ     dž       koń [kɔɲ]; coś [tsɔsj] > [tsɔɕ] (laminal palatalized)
Czech:            š     ž      č     št'                       Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:
Polish:         sz [ʂ] ż/rz [ʐ] cz [tʂ] szcz [ʂtʂ] + dż [dʐ]      konj, коњ (н + ь) [ɲ]; zemlja, земља (л + ь) [ʎ]


          marking "softness"                                    marking prosodic features
Russian       лог [lɔk]         лёг [ljɔk]                  stress, pitch, and vowel quantity (length):
              лук [luk]         люк [ljuk]                  Czech      á é í ú ů: pták chléb úraz kůň můj vozů
              сэр [sɛr]         сер [sjɛr]                  Polish     ó + dial. å ė: mój ptåk chlėb
                                                            Slovak     Í ŕ (long syllabic liquids): stÍp, vŕba
              мат [mɑt]         мят [mjɑt]
                                                            BCS        stress + quantity + pitch
are C and C' distinct sounds or positional variants               ȁ ȍ … = short falling       grȁd mȍra pȁs lȕk
(allophones) of the same phoneme?                                 ȃ ȏ … = long falling        grȃd mȏra pȃs lȗk
   / __ С,#    кон [kɔn] конь [kɔnj] коньки                       à ò … = short rising        kòsa mòra
               дан         дань                                   á ó … = long rising         Kósa móra
why not mark palatalization on consonants?!!                      ā ō … = long unstressed (flat intonation)

    writing the 'funny' vowels                               two transliterations systems
*y [ɨ]:
     merged with i everywhere (except P., R., B.)
                                                            the "linguistic" system vs. the LOC system
nasal vowels:
     OCS ѧ ѫ:            пѧть дѫбъ                          Cyrillic      ш ж ч ц х я ю е э й ъ ь
     Pol. (i)ę (i)ą:     pięć dąb
     but Cz. pět dub, BCS pȇt dȗb, R. пять дуб              'linguistic' š    ž č c x ja ju e è j " '
*ě [æ]/[ie]:
                                                            LOC           sh zh ch ts kh ia iu e ė ĭ " '
     merged w. 'a, e, i (miasto město mȅsto mȉsto)
     distinct in R. dial ê, U. i, Jek. BCS (i)je (mjȅsto)
*ь *ъ:
     'fell' everywhere (vocalized or dropped)


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Slav 20100 lecture_slides_week_02

  • 1. 10/11/2012 SLAV 20100/30100 genetic affiliation of Slavic Intro to Slavic Linguistics higher-order protolanguages: Autumn 2012 1. Swedish + Danish + Norwegian ? Yaroslav Gorbachov English + Dutch + German ? 2. Scandinavian + West Germanic ? 3. Germanic + Slavic + Celtic + Greek… ? ” Indo-European! other branches of Indo-European? č ę genetic affiliation of Slavic genetic affiliation of Slavic source: 1
  • 2. 10/11/2012 genetic affiliation of Slavic closest relative: Baltic maximum spread of Baltic hydronyms how close are the IE languages? E. sister OCS sestrá E. brother Cz. bratr, OCS brátrŭ E. widow OCS vĭdová E. two OCS dŭvá E. three OCS trĭje E. sit OCS sěd- E. nose OCS nosŭ E. (eye)brow OCS brŭv- source: Marija Gimbutas, The Balts, London, 1963 closest relative: Baltic closest relative: Baltic 1. lexical similarities (both pan-IE and, more OCS glavá Lith. galvá ‘head’ importantly, exclusively BSl.) OCS rǫká Lith. rankà ‘hand’ 2. morphology (structure of roots and affixes) OR pĭrstŭ Lith. pir͂štas ‘finger’ OCS lédŭ Lith. lẽdas ‘ice’ 3. syntax (rules for constructing phrases and OCS želězo Lith. geležìs ‘iron’ sentences) R. bába Lith. bóba ‘old woman’ 4. prosody (rhythm, stress, and intonation 150+ BSl. words not found in any other IE patterns) language, mostly referring to nature (flora, fauna, landscape, weather, etc.) 2
  • 3. 10/11/2012 the nature of B.-Slavic affinity Indo-European 'family tree' Source: Van Wijk, Die baltischen und slavischen Akzent- und Intonations- systeme (1923) conservatism of Baltic OCS synъ = synŭ 'son' < PSl. *synŭ < Early PSl. *sūnus Lith. sūnùs survey of the literary/standard OCS synu 'of (a/the) son,' 'son's' Slavic languages < PSl. *synu < Early PSl. *sūnåus Lith. sūnaũs OCS synu 'son!' = Lith. sūnaũ 'son!' 3
  • 4. 10/11/2012 Old Church Slavonic Constantine (Cyril) & Methodius the first literary (liturgical and ecclesiastic) language of the Slavs; which branch of Slavic? Moravians (WS) Bulgarians, Serbs (SS) Russians (ES) genetic affiliation of the lang. of most mss.: South East Slavic (recall *tj > št, *dj > žd) i.e., the Bulgarian-Macedonian subgroup time frame: 9-11th c. monument to SS Cyril & Methodius in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia credit: Vitaly Moskalyuk Church Slavonic cover term for the local varieties (recensions) of OCS (Bulg., Serb., Russ., Rum., etc.) the supranational literary language of Slavia Orthodoxa was in use long after the 11th c. used for both ecclesiastic and non-ecclesiastic aspects of literary production has left an indelible mark on the Russian literary language (lexicon, бегущий vs. бегучий, etc.) 4
  • 5. 10/11/2012 the scripts: Glagolitic Codex Zographensis, 10-11th c.; fnd.: Bulgarian Zograf Monastery, Mount Athos source: А. М. Селищев, Старославянский язык, ч. 2, Москва 1952, стр. 8 source: the scripts: 'Cyrillic' Ostromirovo Evangelie, Russia, 1056-1057 source: 5
  • 6. 10/11/2012 Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian formerly known as Serbo-Croatian speakers: ca. 15 million four main dialects: Štokavian (štokavski) – što, šta Kajkavian (kajkavski) – kaj Čakavian (čakavski) – ča original distribution of BCS dialects before the 16th c. migrations Torlak (torlački) Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian Štokavian is further subdivided into: prior to early 19th c.: Ekavian (ekavski) – PSl. *ě > e Serbia: Serb. recension of Church Slavonic (I)jekavian ((i)jekavski) – PSl. *ě > (i)je Dalmatia: old Glagolitic tradition since 15th c. – a Čakavian-based Ikavian (ikavski) – PSl. *ě > i written language cf. reka, les, mera vs. rijeka, lijes, mjera 1818: Serbian folklorist Vuk Karadžić reforms NB: modern BCS is a pluricentric language (it the Cyrillic alphabet and adopts the principle has several written standards) of phonetic spelling ('piši kao što govoriš') all are based on the Neoštokavian dialect 1868: 'vukovica' is officially adopted in Serbia 6
  • 7. 10/11/2012 Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian 1836: Ljudevit Gaj, Đuro Daničić, and a few some exx. of lexical differences btw. S and C: other Croatian writers abandon the local jul vs. srpanj (← srp) Čakavian-based norm and adopt Štokavian as the new standard oktobar vs. listopad (← list, padati) 1850: Serbian and Croatian linguists sign the fabrika vs. tvornica (← tvoriti) Vienna Literary Agreement settling on Štok. as muzika vs. glazba (← glas) the base for a common SC literary language advokat vs. odvjetnik (← odvjet?) both Roman 'gajevica' & Cyrillic 'vukovica', the fudbal vs. nogomet (← noga, metati) ekavian & ijekavian pronunciation norms, and lexical differences are recognized as admissible Glagoljica in Croatia Glagoljica in Croatia Hrvoje’s Missal (1404) & Prince Novak’s the Baška Tablet (Bašćanska ploča), ca. 1100; found: Baška, Krk island, Missal (1368) sources: Croatia source: 7
  • 8. 10/11/2012 the first printed Glagolitic the Zagreb Cathedral book (Missal), 1483, Croatia source: et03.html source: phonology multiple palatal/palatalized consonants ("soft") consonants: some salient characteristics P. koń, BCS konj (коњ), R. конь (vs. R. кон) of Slavic languages minimal pair! /n/ and /nj/ are contrastive!) postalveolar sibilants: š [ʃ], ž [ʒ] (a sketch of Slavic typology) Cz. šiška, žába; R. шишка, жаба + multiple affricates: ʒ' [dzj], c' [tsj], č [tʃ] Cz. čas, celý; R. час, целый; OCS ʒělo 8
  • 9. 10/11/2012 phonology phonology some "funny" vowels: late Proto-Slavic and early historical Slavic (OCS, ě (yat') ― [æ], [ie] (depending on the lg.) Old Russ., etc.) were characterized by y [ɨ] 1. law of open syllables (syllables should be open) + nasal vowels (OCS + P.): OCS mǫžь, P. mąż Old Russ. ратьникъ [ra.tĭ.nji.kŭ] > R. ратник [rat.njik] multiple morphophonemic alternations k:č, k:c, g:ž, x:š, s:š, o:a: 2. syllabic synharmony (syllables should be synharmonic: i.e., every sound within a syllable R. просить : спрашивать should have the same 'tonality' – high or low) U. рука : в руцi P. ręka : w ręce Old Russ. поѥши [pɔ.jɛ.ʃi] OCS rek-ǫ, reč-eši, rě-xъ, rьc-i, rok-ъ > R. поёшь [pǝ.jɔʃ ] prosody morphology rich inflectional morphology (many morphological free and mobile stress (minus West Slavic + M.): contrasts expressed by suffixes + endings): cf. R. головá : гóлову : голóв; robust case systems (NSl., SWSl.) ношý : нóсишь two adjective forms (short + long) pitch accent (Proto-Slavic + BCS): two-three numbers, three genders… acute, circumflex ― inherited from BSl., many tenses (SESl.) three moods cf. Lithuanian! verb aspects (perfective + imperfective) vowel quantity/length (BCS + Cz.); uni-/multidirectional (aka determinate/indeterm.) lost or transformed to vowel height verbs: R. нести : носить; лететь : летать, elsewhere (e.g., P. ó, P. dial. å, ė, R. dial ô) Cz. nést : nosit, letět : létat; P. lecieć : latać) 9
  • 10. 10/11/2012 morphology syntax "free" word order (the word order is determined multiple noun + verb classes: by pragmatic factors such as topic and focus) P. gen. brat-a vs. siostr-y "scrambling" (in the sense discontinuity of P. inst. brat-em vs. siostr-ą constituents resulting in a crossing of lines in the R. pres. нес-ёшь vs. нос-ишь tree structure!) "fusional" (endings may carry multiple functions): R. в (его) дом-ах 'in (his) houses' vs. Tatar торак-лар-(ын)-да 'idem' or Georg. sakhl-eb-ši 'in houses' новую книгу читаю новую читаю книгу syntax syntax but not so free within constituents (e.g., within examples of clitics (Bg.): NPs): Вчера Петко ми го даде. R. человек слова (noun + adnominal genitive) yesterday Petko me.DAT it gave R. честный человек (modifier + head noun) Ти си му ги показвал. not so free in general in Bg. and M.! you have him.DAT them shown outright restricted so far as clitics are concerned Си му гиi дал ли паритеi? have.2.SG. him.DAT them given Q money.THE complex systems of (verb-adjacent) pronominal + verbal auxiliary clitics in WSl.+SSl. (obj. doubling!) 10
  • 11. 10/11/2012 syntax extensive agreement system subject/verb AGR: дети читают noun/modifier AGR: новую книгу genitive of negation: R. они не едят мяса finite subordinated (embedded) clauses introduced by a clause-initial conjunctions participles may be used for relative clauses WSl. + SSl. are largely null subject languages (but again, ESl. which happen to lack overt present tense copula are not) writing Slavic down what are the difficulties? more sounds than there are Rom. characters problematic areas: Slavic alphabets marking "soft" (palatalized/palatal cons.) "(ortho)graphic" strategies rendering postalveolars: š [ʃ], ž [ʒ] rendering affricates: ʒ' [dzj], c' [tsj], č [tʃ ]… some vowels: jers, jat', /ɨ/, nasal vowels + prosodic features (length, pitch, etc.) 11
  • 12. 10/11/2012 writing Slavic down writing Slavic down Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD) Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD) Eccę bi detd nas ne zegresil te u veku Ešče bi děd(ъ) naš ne sъgrěšil(ъ) tъ vъ věku gemu be siti starosti ne prigemlióki jemu by žiti starosti ne prijьml'ǫči writing Slavic down Freising Fragments, Old Slovene (late 10th c. AD) 'If our forefather had not sinned, he would have lived forever without growing old' 12
  • 13. 10/11/2012 writing Slavic down writing Slavic down Glagolitic: Cyrillic: Glagolitic: Cyrillic: ¶ = ž [ʒ] ¶ ¶ = ž [ʒ] ¶ È = š [ʃ] È È = š [ʃ] È °=Α Ç = č [tʃ] Y Ç = č [tʃ] Y ²=Β Î = c [ts] Æ Î = c [ts] Æ ³=Γ @ = ě [æ] or [ie] @ the rest are Greek @ = ě [æ] or [ie] @ ´=Δ ’ = ę [ɛ̃]  ’ = ę [ɛ̃]  ¸=Η ™ = ǫ [ɔ̃] ™ ™ = ǫ [ɔ̃] ™ ¿=Π Ê = ъ [ʊ̆ ] Ê Ê = ъ [ʊ̆ ] Ê Ä=Φ Ì = ь [ɪ ̆] Ì Ì = ь [ɪ ̆] Ì Å=Χ etc. Ë (ъ + i) = y [ɨ] or [ɯ] Ë (ъ + i) Ë (ъ + i) = y [ɨ] or [ɯ] Ë (ъ + i) marking post-alveolar cons. marking "softness" the post-alveolar affricates and sibilants Czech: inherited from Proto-Slavic: *š *ž *č *šč t' d' Ť Ď ň Ň d'ábel, kůň, daň, daňový ráj [ɲɔ] Russian: ш ж ч [tɕ] щ [ɕtɕ] > [ɕ:] but necitlivý vs. něco [ɲɛ]; dým vs. dimenze [ɟi] Bulgarian: ш ж ч щ [ɕtɕ] > [ɕt] > [ʃt] Polish (+ Sorbian/Lusatian): BCS Cyrillic: ш ж ч [tʃ] шт + ћ [tɕ] ђ [dʑ] џ nie wiem [ɲɛ vjɛm]; konia [kɔɲɑ] BCS Roman: š ž č št + ć đ dž koń [kɔɲ]; coś [tsɔsj] > [tsɔɕ] (laminal palatalized) Czech: š ž č št' Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian: Polish: sz [ʂ] ż/rz [ʐ] cz [tʂ] szcz [ʂtʂ] + dż [dʐ] konj, коњ (н + ь) [ɲ]; zemlja, земља (л + ь) [ʎ] 13
  • 14. 10/11/2012 marking "softness" marking prosodic features Russian лог [lɔk] лёг [ljɔk] stress, pitch, and vowel quantity (length): лук [luk] люк [ljuk] Czech á é í ú ů: pták chléb úraz kůň můj vozů сэр [sɛr] сер [sjɛr] Polish ó + dial. å ė: mój ptåk chlėb Slovak Í ŕ (long syllabic liquids): stÍp, vŕba мат [mɑt] мят [mjɑt] BCS stress + quantity + pitch are C and C' distinct sounds or positional variants ȁ ȍ … = short falling grȁd mȍra pȁs lȕk (allophones) of the same phoneme? ȃ ȏ … = long falling grȃd mȏra pȃs lȗk / __ С,# кон [kɔn] конь [kɔnj] коньки à ò … = short rising kòsa mòra дан дань á ó … = long rising Kósa móra why not mark palatalization on consonants?!! ā ō … = long unstressed (flat intonation) writing the 'funny' vowels two transliterations systems *y [ɨ]: merged with i everywhere (except P., R., B.) the "linguistic" system vs. the LOC system nasal vowels: OCS ѧ ѫ: пѧть дѫбъ Cyrillic ш ж ч ц х я ю е э й ъ ь Pol. (i)ę (i)ą: pięć dąb but Cz. pět dub, BCS pȇt dȗb, R. пять дуб 'linguistic' š ž č c x ja ju e è j " ' *ě [æ]/[ie]: LOC sh zh ch ts kh ia iu e ė ĭ " ' merged w. 'a, e, i (miasto město mȅsto mȉsto) distinct in R. dial ê, U. i, Jek. BCS (i)je (mjȅsto) *ь *ъ: 'fell' everywhere (vocalized or dropped) 14