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Skeletal System Essay
The basic framework of the body is a system of 206 bones and the joints between them are known as the skeleton. Bones have a number of
functions in the body, they serve as a firm framework, protect delicate structures as the brain and spinal cord. They work as levers with attached
muscles to produce movement, they store calcium salts, which may be reabsorbed into the blood if calcium is needed, and they produce red blood
cells (in the red marrow). Bones are organs, with their own systems of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. There are two types of bone tissue.
One type is compact bone, which is hard and dense. The second type is spongy bone. It is made of a meshwork of small, bony plates, filled with red
marrow. The more content...
40%– 50% of our body weight is skeletal muscle. Muscles fill in the form and contour of the body. There are three primary functions of skeletal
muscles; muscles in this system are attached to the bones and produce movement of the skeleton. Muscles are attached to bones and contract to
change the position of the bones at a joint. Maintenance of posture a partial of muscle known, as muscle tone, keeps the body in position. Muscles
generate most of the heat needed to keep the body at 37 degree Celsius. Heat is a natural byproduct of muscle cell metabolism. The structure of
muscle is held by connective tissue. There are three kinds of muscle tissue: smooth muscle which is in the wall of hollow organs, vessels and
respiratory passageways. Its action produces peristalsis; contracts and relaxes slowly; may sustain contraction, it is an involuntary muscle. The cardiac
muscle lies in the wall of the heart. It pumps blood out of the heart and is an involuntary muscle. It contracts rhythmically and continuously to provide
the pumping action needed to maintain constant blood flow. The skeletal muscle is attached to bones. It produces movement at the joints; stimulated
by the nervous system; contacts and relaxes rapidly, different types of skeletal muscle groups include muscle of the head, are those of facial expression
and mastication (chewing). Muscles of the neck, muscles of the upper extremities, include the muscles that determine the position of the shoulder, the
anterior and posterior muscles that move the arm, and the muscles that move the forearm and hand. Muscles of the trunk, include muscles that are
involved in breathing, the thin muscle layers of the abdomen, and the muscles if the pelvic floor. Muscles of the lower extremities are among the
longest and strongest muscles in the body, they are specialized for locomotion and balance. This includes the muscles that move the thigh and and
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Circulatory System Vs Muscular System
The Muscular system consists of 600 muscles. The function of the system is to give strength to the body so it can perform a movement. The system
consists of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. The cardiovascular system and the muscular system both help each other to perform their actions. Due
to the fact that muscles require a lot of oxygen the circulatory system takes in the air which is combined with the blood flow and sent to the muscles.
When the body is at rest the blood flow carries nutrients to the muscles so they can be repaired. Everyday, muscles produce a lot of waste products so
when the blood flow reaches the heart it is pumped into the lungs so it can be transferred out of the body. The benefits of the muscular system when
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Skeletal System Vs Muscular System
How you ever thought about how we run, walk, and talk? The organ systems in our bodies are vital for our body to function. These systems work
with each other in order to carry out functions that we need. You may wonder how these systems made up of? It's like climbing down a ladder. First,
you have an organism or in this case the human and the humans are made up of organ systems that are made up of organs, tissues, and cells. The
skeletal system generates a framework for the body while the muscular system generally produces movement. The skeletal system and muscular system
are two vital systems that help aid movement and much more.
The skeletal system includes ligaments, cartilage, and bones. Four major organs in the skeletal system are more content...
This system consists of both the skeletal and muscular system. They work together in unison to help our body produce movement, stabilize bones and
give the body support, and pump blood cells. The bones have skeletal muscles that help produce movement. With the joints they act like fulcrums
while the bones and muscles work and act like a lever. Depending on how close or far away of the load to the joint make the bones and muscles create
a mechanical advantage or disadvantage when lifting an object. The bone that is stationary is the skeletal system. The skeletal muscles are attached by
bones by tendons which help move the body. The tendon is a strong tissue used to produce movement. It doesn't stretch. Most of the time the tendon
fastens a muscle to a bone. For example, the muscle on the upper part of the arm, is known as the biceps, is pulled together by a tendon to the bones
just below the elbow. When the biceps becomes shorter, the tendon holds fast and pulls up the lower arm. On the back of the arm is triceps. When
the muscle contracts, it pulls and straightens the arm. This is how a person is able to walk, raise and lower the head, and much more. The bone
marrow produces leukocytes and erythrocytes while the muscular system pumps it out to the cells in the body. Now the skeletal system and muscular
system gives our body our shape and stability. The muscles in the muscular system like the skeletal muscles and tendons help the bones in the skeletal
system have their for a and shape so they would not fall and collapse. These are the interactions of both the skeletal and muscular
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Muscular System Essay
Millions of athletes, trainers, children, and adults, anyone who has ever participated in physical activity, knows the pain of waking up the next
morning hardly able to move from sore muscles. This log will be discussing the muscular system, and more specifically how exercise affects it. To
start off, the muscular system is what allows the body to move. Muscles are attached to the bones of the skeletal system and are made up of skeletal
muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves. There are roughly 700 of them and each one is a discrete organ, together they make up
approximately half of a person's body weight ("Muscular System").
As an athlete my coaches have always stressed the importance of weight training for keeping my more content...
However, on the top of the machine there would be a start and a level request button. Once the start button is pressed then a platform will emerge from
the bottom of the machine. This is where the athlete is to start their push up. Once they have their hands on the platform they will do the pushup but
then push hard off of it so that their hands come off of the platform. Once their hands leave the first platform another one will pop out on top of it so
that they are now on a higher level. They will continue to do so until they have reached the highest level that they have selected using the level request
button. Once they reach the highest platform they will push off of it again and the levels will start receding back into the machine.
This idea will be made possible using a weight sensor, more specifically, a load cell. A load cell is a device that is used to convert pressure into an
electrical signal whose magnitude is directly proportional to the force being measured (Load Cell). As the athletes hands go onto a platform the load
cell would send an electrical signal to the machine telling it that there is someone on that platform. As they push off the platform and the weight goes
away it will send another signal telling the machine to send another platform
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Essay about The Human Body: The Muscular System
The human body is composed of many different systems working cooperatively. Unlike other body systems, there are some that are essential for
circulation, locomotion and posture; the muscular system being one of those. Muscles, the main constituents of this system, are organs that serve in
converting chemical signals into mechanical forces which permit the movement of the body (Campbell, 2012). The basic units of this system are
muscular cells. This type of cells originates from the mesoderm where the development results in a buildup of myofilaments in the cytoplasm and the
formation of specialized parts and channels. A type of muscles in the iris, which is an exception, originates from the ectoderm (Paulsen, 2010).
There are more content...
Smooth Muscles
As their name indicates, smooth muscles are "smooth" and thus lack striations unlike skeletal and cardiac muscles. The smooth muscle cells also differ
in that they are mononucleated. The contractions of these cells are involuntary, but can be either tonic contractions which are slow with a little use of
energy, or phasic contractions that are rapid contractions and relaxations (Campbell, 2012).
To achieve proper function, the muscular system needs to work in coordination with other body systems. With the skeletal system, it provides the
physical posture and the movement ability of vertebrates. The muscular system also needs to be directed by the nervous system. Some innervations are
voluntary, while others are autonomous; similar to the case of cardiac muscles and smooth muscles. Because of the difference in anatomy and
physiology of the different types of muscles, the means of innervations and communication varies.
Paulsen D.F. (2010). Chapter 10. Muscle Tissue. In Paulsen D.F. (Eds), Histology & Cell Biology: Examination & Board Review, 5e. Retrieved May
23, 2014 from
Campbell D (2012). Chapter 12. Muscles and Motility. In Janson L.W., Tischler M.E. (Eds), The Big Picture: Medical Biochemistry. Retrieved May 24,
2014 from
Mescher A.L. (2013). Chapter 10. Muscle Tissue. In Mescher
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Muscular System Research Paper–muscular–system–facts–functions–diseases.html
While most people associate muscles with strength, they do more than assist in lifting heavy objects. The 650 muscles in the body not only support
movement – controlling walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions that people consciously perform – but also help to
maintain posture and circulate blood and other substances throughout the body, among other functions.
/articles/muscles/exercise.shtml Endurance exercises like running or cycling make your muscles stronger and less likely to get tired. This sort of
exercise doesn't only benefit your skeletal muscles. It also:
Enlarges your heart so it can pump blood around your more content...
This center sends ongoing signals down your spine and to the muscles involved in breathing.
These signals ensure your breathing muscles contract (tighten) and relax regularly. This allows your breathing to happen automatically, without you
being aware of it.
To a limited degree, you can change your breathing rate, such as by breathing faster or holding your breath. Your emotions also can change your
breathing. For example, being scared or angry can affect your breathing pattern.
Your breathing will change depending on how active you are and the condition of the air around you. For example, you need to breathe more often
when you do physical activity. In contrast, your body needs to restrict how much air you breathe if the air contains irritants or toxins.
To adjust your breathing to changing needs, your body has many sensors in your brain, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs.
Sensors in the brain and in two major blood vessels (the carotid (ka–ROT–id) artery and the aorta) detect carbon dioxide or oxygen levels in your blood
and change your breathing rate as
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The Human Muscular System Essay
The Human Muscular System
The human muscular system is made up of over 600 connecting muscles. All of the muscles work together in sync to make your body move in
inumerable different ways.
None of the body systems can work without muscles and your muscles can't work without your other body systems so that means that all of your body
systems need each other to work and make your body function correctly.
Your muscles need protein, nutrients, and oxygen to move and work. Then the circulatory system carries those essential particles to your muscles from
the digestive and respiratory systems. That is when your circulatory system carries the leftover waste back to the original systems to be discharged
from your body. Your more content...
There are the Smooth, the Skeletal, and the Cardiac muscular tissues. Smooth muscles are made of spindle–shaped cells.
Smooth muscles are found in the skin, internal organs, reproductive system, major blood vessels, and excretory system. Skeletal muscles are
composed of long fibers surrounded by a membranous sheath, the sarcolemma. Since the Skeletal muscles are under control by whom ever they
belong to are called voluntary muscles. This muscle is attached to two or more bones which are then attached to the skeleton by tendons. For example,
head and neck muscles; contraction of these muscles produces facial expressions and head movements. They are also responsible for speech and
swallowing. Skeletal muscles are the main muscles which move your body. Muscles nearly always work in coordinated groups; contraction of one
muscle is accompanied by relaxation of another, while other muscles stabilize nearby joints. Then the last of the muscle types is the Cardiac Muscle or
the involuntary muscles. Cardiac muscles are not under conscious control they do not react by a persons decision or movement. and are connected to
the nervous system which are stimulated by autonomic impulses. Cardiac muscles are found in your internal organs like the heart or the intestine. For
example; they include muscles that propel food through the intestine and those that control sweating and blood pressure.
Muscles that are properly exercised react to stimuli quickly and powerfully. As a
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The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the body.Bones of the skeletal system are about 700 muscles that make up roughly. There
muscles is a discrete organ that strutted. Tissue is also found in the heart. There organs, muscles serve to move substance through the body.Muscles are
often active with activities or the legs, arms in other appendages. Muscular produce more movements. Such as facial expression. Movement and
respiration according to the
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The Muscular System of the Human Body Essay
The muscular system is a very important part of the human body. It has many components and functions, and is the source of the body's movement.
There are roughly 650 muscles in the human body and are different types of muscles. Muscles can either be voluntary or involuntary which means
controlled or uncontrolled movement. Muscles have many reasons and in this paper you will widen your knowledge of muscles and their functions as
well their diseases and how they help maintain the body. There are three different types of muscles in the body, and the first to be talked about are
skeletal muscles. The body consists of about 640 skeletal muscles and they just so happen to be the only voluntary or (controlled) muscles. Their main
function is more content...
For example refer to figure 1–2 of the stomach. Last but not least is the cardiac muscle, the only place the cardiac muscle can be located is the heart. Its
main function is to contract through stimulation of other cardiac muscle within the heart which pulses the blood through the heart were it can be
distributed through the body. While blood is being pumped, hormones send signals to your brain which is how the rate of contraction is adjusted. The
most muscular part of the heart is the middle called the myocardium which is the main contraction control part. This muscle is made of protein fibers
known as sarcomeres which are responsible for contractions. For example of cardiac muscle refer to figure 1–3 of the heart. Muscles have three
different basic types of cells, striped or striated and then smooth. Striated muscle has grooves that show each individual cell, these cells are extended
to the length of the muscle so that they can contract and expand along with the muscle. Sooth muscles which can be found in the digestive tract, or
stomach are not made as long because they do not need to be, they are that more similar to non muscular cells because they are smooth and not
elongated like cardiac and or striated muscle cells. Cardiac muscle is like the skeletal muscle but shorter and are branched together which gives them a
distinct characteristic and makes it easier to pump blood throughout the heart. Even
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Why Is The Muscular System Important To Survival
The muscular system allows your body to move which is very important for your survival. Without it you would not only never be able to move, but
you would not be able to digest food and your heart would not beat. The three types of muscles in your body are smooth muscles which is in your
organs like your stomach, cardiac muscles which is in your heart, and skeletal muscles which is in muscles like your bicep.
The muscular system works closely with the nervous system. The brain knows the body position because of receptors in muscles. The nervous system
also regulates how fast smooth muscles digest food.
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Muscular System Movement
The main function of the muscular system is to make the body move. Although it is the skeleton that enables movement, only muscles can actually
move. Muscles only can pull not push, so muscles have to work in pairs to make the bones move in more than one direction and increase the possible
amount of movement this way. To do that the muscles cross the joint they move, when amuscle contracts it pulls on the bones and makes them move
this way. Muscles are made of many tiny muscle fibres. Those individual muscle fibres are either fully contracted or fully relaxed but they cannot all
be fully relaxed at once because your muscles always have to be read to contract in case you have to defence yourself by, for example, running away
or fighting. Even
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Muscular System Research Paper
Our body contains many different parts and different functions. Each body function is essential and when all of them are put together, it's a perfect
combination. The function of the body is fascinating and quite amazing to see how our body can cooperate with one another. Our body is like a team
that works together. One of these organ system is the muscular system. The muscular system is responsible for movement. Some jobs that the muscular
system does is that the nervous system regulates the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract, the brain controls the contraction of skeletal
muscle, and receptors in muscles provide the brain with information about body position and movement. Three organs that involve the muscular system
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Muscular System
Introduction: Grass originated around eighty million years ago, but it did not flourish, like the modern days, until fifteen million years ago. It
diffused around the world and has become one of the most common plants in the world. The uncontrolled growth of grass resulted in oodles of
overgrown grass. A man named Edwin Beard Budding fixed this problem with his invention, the lawn mower. This machine revolutionized the way
grass was cut. All people needed to do is push this machine over the grass, and it was "magically" cut. Their body systems were able to make this
process happen.
Muscular System:
The muscular system's main functions are heat production, enabling movement, and posture. There are three types of muscles: smooth, cardiac,
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Then, the sandwich is inserted into the mouth. The teeth chew the sandwich while saliva chemically breaks down carbs. After that, the sandwich goes
down the pharynx and into the esophagus. The sandwich is pushed into the stomach by peristalsis which is contractions of smooth muscle. In the
stomach, the sandwich is broken down. An enzyme, called Pepsin, breaks down proteins. The stomach also churns the things inside of it. After the
stomach, the chyme (stomach contents and food) travels to the small intestine. This is where most of the absorption takes place. This absorption helps
take the sandwiches essential nutrients and put them to use in the body. There are three main structures that help withdigestion in the small intestine.
They are the pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder. The pancreas regulates blood sugar. The liver secretes bile which helps digest lipids, and the
gallbladder stores the bile. Villi are folds in the small intestine that help absorb. Then, the chyme travels into the large intestine where water is absorbed.
The chyme passes into the rectum, and it will stay there until he/she will have to go to the bathroom. It will leave the body through the anus. The things
that leave the body are usually non essential or
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Muscular System Research Paper
The muscular system is an organ system composed of roughly 650 to 850 muscles. The muscular systems consist of skeletal, smooth and cardiac
muscles. The muscular system collectively works with other organ systems to permit movement, posture, conduction of heat and the circulation of
blood throughout the human body.
There are three types of muscle tissues in the human body: skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscles are striated muscles that attach to the
bone by tendons and permit movement. Skeletal muscles promote movement by contracting and relaxing in response to voluntary messages from the
nervous system, deeming skeletal muscles, the only voluntary muscles in the human body. Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles found inside the
walls of the stomach, more content...
Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases caused by mutations of the genes associated with the proteins needed for the production of healthy
muscles. Muscles progressively become weakened and loose mass. People affected by muscular dystrophy may experience pain in muscles,
cardiomyopathy, scoliosis, difficulty swallowing, developmental delays, abnormal walking and may eventually be confined to a wheelchair. There
is no cure for muscular dystrophy however devices such as splints, physical therapy, exercise, and medications such as steroids help patients to cope.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder caused by a widespread muscle pain throughout the body, often due to uncontrollable muscle spasms and inflammation. It's
accompanied by fatigue, sleep problems, memory loss and mood swings. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, and people with the condition usually
have it for life. However, it is not likely to get worse as you age and it does not damage muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Many people are able to cope
their symptoms with a combination of exercise, medication and physical
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Muscular System Papers
Muscular system
The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body. Attached to a human's bones are about 700 named muscles. These muscles
make up roughly half of a person's body weight. Skeletal muscle tissues, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves make up the muscles in your body. Not only
does it support movement it also controls walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions.
There are ten major muscle groups. The first major muscle group is the quadriceps. They are four huge muscles that make up the front of the thigh.
Another name for this group is your quads. The second major group is the hamstrings. They are the huge muscle group that make up the back of the
thigh. They are known as the biceps
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Muscular System Research Paper
The Muscular System The muscular system moves the body. The body has more than 600 muscles and each of them has special fibers that contract.
When a muscle contracts, it pulls the tissue that it is attached to. This pulling results in movement. Skeletal muscles are probably the most familiar type
of muscle. They are the muscles that ache after strenuous work or exercise. Skeletal muscles make up about 40 percent of the body's mass or weight.
They stabilize joints, help maintain posture, and give the body its general shape. They also use a great deal of oxygen and nutrients from the blood
supply. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tough, fibrous connective tissue called tendons. Tendons are rich in the protein collagen, which is more content...
But like smooth muscle, it contracts automatically and rhythmically without tiring. Cardiac muscle allows the heart to beat an average of 70 time a
minute without rest throughout a person's lifetime (Conway).
Disorders of the muscular system The most common muscular disorder is injury from misuse. Skeletal muscle sprains and tears cause excess blood
to seep into the tissue in order to heal it. The remaining scar tissue results in a slightly shorter muscle. Overexertion or a diminished blood supply
can cause muscle cramping. Diminished blood supply and oxygen to the heart muscle causes chest pain called angina pectoris. The most common
type of genetic (inherited) muscular disorder is muscular dystrophy. This disease causes muscles to progressively waste away. There are six forms of
muscular dystrophy. The most frequent and most serious form appears in boys aged three to seven. (Boys are usually affected because it is a
sex–linked condition; girls are carriers of the disease and are usually not affected.) The first symptom of the disease is a clumsiness in walking. This
problem occurs because the muscles of the pelvis and the thighs are first affected. The disease spreads to muscles in other areas of the body, and by
the age of ten, a child is usually confined to a wheelchair or a bed. Death usually occurs before adulthood ("Muscular system")
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Muscular System In Tennis
Body Systems
Muscular system
Playing tennis involves more muscles than simply your arm and wrists. It involves a series of complex movements that start with your feet and ends
up swinging a tennis racket. It requires a honed and well–trained muscular system to perform with the required power and speed needed. The muscular
system is one of the most important systems involved in the sport of tennis. The muscular system is the tissue of fibres around your bones. This is a
main part of tennis because specifically these muscles will put force on the bones and pull them. This will result in the tennis player getting more
power behind there hit and also helps the play with moving around the court in a quicker pace.
Skeletal system
Despite the Muscular system playing a large role when playing tennis the skeletal system also play a major role. This is because the skeletal system
supports your body, hence it also give your body a more expanded structure and also protects major organs like your lungs and heart. Furthermore, it
produces blood cells for the body to function and this also creates a place for the minerals to be stored. Some major bones used in tennis are your
fingers, arms, hips, wrists, shoulders, knees, feet and ankles. Some bones that are mainly used are more content...
Speed gives a tennis player many advantages. Firstly, your reaction speed is really important too react to a ball being play to your side of the net.
In tennis you have too respond really quick to be able to get too the ball on time one tip is to stand on your toes so that you as a player can respond
quicker. Furthermore, you need it too move your body around the court. Moreover, the quicker your brain responds to your body the more time you
have to run towards the ball. Lastly, speed is crucial in tennis because it makes a player react quicker and be able to hit the ball back easier using there
speed to get to the ball on
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The Muscular System Of The Human
Introduction The muscular system of the human is a vital part in one's everyday life. There are three types of muscles. Skeletal muscles help people
carry out locomotor skills like walking and skipping as well as skills related to sports like kicking a soccer ball. Smooth muscles are located in the
digestive, excretory, respiratory, reproductive, and other body systems. The purpose of smooth muscles is to contract and move food or carry blood
through the body. The cardiacmuscle is responsible for pumping the heart so blood can circulate throughout the body (Allen and Harper 2013). Skeletal
muscles are composed of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are made from filaments that are think and thin. Actin is molecules that make the thin filament.
Intertwined in the thin filament, is a strand called tropomyosin. In between the tropomyosin is troponin, molecules that are placed within the
tropomyosin at specific points of the strand. The think filaments are made of molecules of myosin. At the ends of the filament strands, there are
teardrop–shaped ends known as myosin heads. With the help of ATP, the myosin heads attach to the thin filament's binding sites and form crossbridges.
The attachment aids in the contraction of human muscles (Allen and Harper 2013). There are instances when human muscles do not function properly
and limit human motion. For instance, Ataxia is a disease that affects one's movement and coordination. Cerebellar ataxia is when the part of the brain
that controls
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Essay about The Muscular System
The muscular system is the set of all the muscles that make up the human body. It is an extensive system of muscles and nervous tissue, which is
distributed all through the body. In total, the human body consists of approximately 650 muscles (Shier, Butler, Lewis, 2009). The muscular system is
divided into three types of muscle: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle (p.212).
Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found only in the walls of the heart, specifically the myocardium. Cardiac muscles contract
automatically to tighten the walls of the heart in a rhythmic fashion (pp.212–216). The heart beats nonstop about 100,000 times each day (p.18).
Smooth muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found within the walls more content...
An example of fine motor movements or smaller movements would be blinking, talking or chewing. The skeletal muscles will also contract as a
reflex to stimuli, like when the hand moves away from a hot cup of coffee (pp. 167–172). Another basic function is to protect internal organs, which is
also executed by the skeletal muscles. The abdominal cavity is not protected by bones like the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage. Therefore,
the abdominal muscles and muscles in the lower back help protect the vital organs. For example the rectus abdominus or "six pack" muscle protect the
body from the front. The third function of the muscular system is pumping blood. The cardiac muscles in our body control the pumping of blood
throughout arteries and veins. The contraction of the heart muscle is involuntary and is controlled by the hearts own electrical system. The right side
of the heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the
body (Shier, Butler, Lewis, 2009). The fourth function of the muscular system is aiding digestion. The smooth muscles in the stomach and intestines
work to process or digest food. The involuntary contractions in the stomach and intestines help move the food along the digestive tract and direct
indigestible contents to the rectum (p.189).
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Skeletal System Essay

  • 1. Skeletal System Essay The basic framework of the body is a system of 206 bones and the joints between them are known as the skeleton. Bones have a number of functions in the body, they serve as a firm framework, protect delicate structures as the brain and spinal cord. They work as levers with attached muscles to produce movement, they store calcium salts, which may be reabsorbed into the blood if calcium is needed, and they produce red blood cells (in the red marrow). Bones are organs, with their own systems of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. There are two types of bone tissue. One type is compact bone, which is hard and dense. The second type is spongy bone. It is made of a meshwork of small, bony plates, filled with red marrow. The more content... 40%– 50% of our body weight is skeletal muscle. Muscles fill in the form and contour of the body. There are three primary functions of skeletal muscles; muscles in this system are attached to the bones and produce movement of the skeleton. Muscles are attached to bones and contract to change the position of the bones at a joint. Maintenance of posture a partial of muscle known, as muscle tone, keeps the body in position. Muscles generate most of the heat needed to keep the body at 37 degree Celsius. Heat is a natural byproduct of muscle cell metabolism. The structure of muscle is held by connective tissue. There are three kinds of muscle tissue: smooth muscle which is in the wall of hollow organs, vessels and respiratory passageways. Its action produces peristalsis; contracts and relaxes slowly; may sustain contraction, it is an involuntary muscle. The cardiac muscle lies in the wall of the heart. It pumps blood out of the heart and is an involuntary muscle. It contracts rhythmically and continuously to provide the pumping action needed to maintain constant blood flow. The skeletal muscle is attached to bones. It produces movement at the joints; stimulated by the nervous system; contacts and relaxes rapidly, different types of skeletal muscle groups include muscle of the head, are those of facial expression and mastication (chewing). Muscles of the neck, muscles of the upper extremities, include the muscles that determine the position of the shoulder, the anterior and posterior muscles that move the arm, and the muscles that move the forearm and hand. Muscles of the trunk, include muscles that are involved in breathing, the thin muscle layers of the abdomen, and the muscles if the pelvic floor. Muscles of the lower extremities are among the longest and strongest muscles in the body, they are specialized for locomotion and balance. This includes the muscles that move the thigh and and Get more content on
  • 2. Circulatory System Vs Muscular System The Muscular system consists of 600 muscles. The function of the system is to give strength to the body so it can perform a movement. The system consists of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. The cardiovascular system and the muscular system both help each other to perform their actions. Due to the fact that muscles require a lot of oxygen the circulatory system takes in the air which is combined with the blood flow and sent to the muscles. When the body is at rest the blood flow carries nutrients to the muscles so they can be repaired. Everyday, muscles produce a lot of waste products so when the blood flow reaches the heart it is pumped into the lungs so it can be transferred out of the body. The benefits of the muscular system when working Get more content on
  • 3. Skeletal System Vs Muscular System How you ever thought about how we run, walk, and talk? The organ systems in our bodies are vital for our body to function. These systems work with each other in order to carry out functions that we need. You may wonder how these systems made up of? It's like climbing down a ladder. First, you have an organism or in this case the human and the humans are made up of organ systems that are made up of organs, tissues, and cells. The skeletal system generates a framework for the body while the muscular system generally produces movement. The skeletal system and muscular system are two vital systems that help aid movement and much more. The skeletal system includes ligaments, cartilage, and bones. Four major organs in the skeletal system are more content... This system consists of both the skeletal and muscular system. They work together in unison to help our body produce movement, stabilize bones and give the body support, and pump blood cells. The bones have skeletal muscles that help produce movement. With the joints they act like fulcrums while the bones and muscles work and act like a lever. Depending on how close or far away of the load to the joint make the bones and muscles create a mechanical advantage or disadvantage when lifting an object. The bone that is stationary is the skeletal system. The skeletal muscles are attached by bones by tendons which help move the body. The tendon is a strong tissue used to produce movement. It doesn't stretch. Most of the time the tendon fastens a muscle to a bone. For example, the muscle on the upper part of the arm, is known as the biceps, is pulled together by a tendon to the bones just below the elbow. When the biceps becomes shorter, the tendon holds fast and pulls up the lower arm. On the back of the arm is triceps. When the muscle contracts, it pulls and straightens the arm. This is how a person is able to walk, raise and lower the head, and much more. The bone marrow produces leukocytes and erythrocytes while the muscular system pumps it out to the cells in the body. Now the skeletal system and muscular system gives our body our shape and stability. The muscles in the muscular system like the skeletal muscles and tendons help the bones in the skeletal system have their for a and shape so they would not fall and collapse. These are the interactions of both the skeletal and muscular Get more content on
  • 4. Muscular System Essay Topic Millions of athletes, trainers, children, and adults, anyone who has ever participated in physical activity, knows the pain of waking up the next morning hardly able to move from sore muscles. This log will be discussing the muscular system, and more specifically how exercise affects it. To start off, the muscular system is what allows the body to move. Muscles are attached to the bones of the skeletal system and are made up of skeletal muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves. There are roughly 700 of them and each one is a discrete organ, together they make up approximately half of a person's body weight ("Muscular System"). As an athlete my coaches have always stressed the importance of weight training for keeping my more content... However, on the top of the machine there would be a start and a level request button. Once the start button is pressed then a platform will emerge from the bottom of the machine. This is where the athlete is to start their push up. Once they have their hands on the platform they will do the pushup but then push hard off of it so that their hands come off of the platform. Once their hands leave the first platform another one will pop out on top of it so that they are now on a higher level. They will continue to do so until they have reached the highest level that they have selected using the level request button. Once they reach the highest platform they will push off of it again and the levels will start receding back into the machine. This idea will be made possible using a weight sensor, more specifically, a load cell. A load cell is a device that is used to convert pressure into an electrical signal whose magnitude is directly proportional to the force being measured (Load Cell). As the athletes hands go onto a platform the load cell would send an electrical signal to the machine telling it that there is someone on that platform. As they push off the platform and the weight goes away it will send another signal telling the machine to send another platform Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about The Human Body: The Muscular System The human body is composed of many different systems working cooperatively. Unlike other body systems, there are some that are essential for circulation, locomotion and posture; the muscular system being one of those. Muscles, the main constituents of this system, are organs that serve in converting chemical signals into mechanical forces which permit the movement of the body (Campbell, 2012). The basic units of this system are muscular cells. This type of cells originates from the mesoderm where the development results in a buildup of myofilaments in the cytoplasm and the formation of specialized parts and channels. A type of muscles in the iris, which is an exception, originates from the ectoderm (Paulsen, 2010). There are more content... Smooth Muscles As their name indicates, smooth muscles are "smooth" and thus lack striations unlike skeletal and cardiac muscles. The smooth muscle cells also differ in that they are mononucleated. The contractions of these cells are involuntary, but can be either tonic contractions which are slow with a little use of energy, or phasic contractions that are rapid contractions and relaxations (Campbell, 2012). To achieve proper function, the muscular system needs to work in coordination with other body systems. With the skeletal system, it provides the physical posture and the movement ability of vertebrates. The muscular system also needs to be directed by the nervous system. Some innervations are voluntary, while others are autonomous; similar to the case of cardiac muscles and smooth muscles. Because of the difference in anatomy and physiology of the different types of muscles, the means of innervations and communication varies. Paulsen D.F. (2010). Chapter 10. Muscle Tissue. In Paulsen D.F. (Eds), Histology & Cell Biology: Examination & Board Review, 5e. Retrieved May 23, 2014 from Campbell D (2012). Chapter 12. Muscles and Motility. In Janson L.W., Tischler M.E. (Eds), The Big Picture: Medical Biochemistry. Retrieved May 24, 2014 from Mescher A.L. (2013). Chapter 10. Muscle Tissue. In Mescher Get more content on
  • 6. Muscular System Research Paper–muscular–system–facts–functions–diseases.html While most people associate muscles with strength, they do more than assist in lifting heavy objects. The 650 muscles in the body not only support movement – controlling walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions that people consciously perform – but also help to maintain posture and circulate blood and other substances throughout the body, among other functions. /articles/muscles/exercise.shtml Endurance exercises like running or cycling make your muscles stronger and less likely to get tired. This sort of exercise doesn't only benefit your skeletal muscles. It also: Enlarges your heart so it can pump blood around your more content... This center sends ongoing signals down your spine and to the muscles involved in breathing. These signals ensure your breathing muscles contract (tighten) and relax regularly. This allows your breathing to happen automatically, without you being aware of it. To a limited degree, you can change your breathing rate, such as by breathing faster or holding your breath. Your emotions also can change your breathing. For example, being scared or angry can affect your breathing pattern. Your breathing will change depending on how active you are and the condition of the air around you. For example, you need to breathe more often when you do physical activity. In contrast, your body needs to restrict how much air you breathe if the air contains irritants or toxins. To adjust your breathing to changing needs, your body has many sensors in your brain, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs. Sensors in the brain and in two major blood vessels (the carotid (ka–ROT–id) artery and the aorta) detect carbon dioxide or oxygen levels in your blood and change your breathing rate as Get more content on
  • 7. The Human Muscular System Essay The Human Muscular System The human muscular system is made up of over 600 connecting muscles. All of the muscles work together in sync to make your body move in inumerable different ways. None of the body systems can work without muscles and your muscles can't work without your other body systems so that means that all of your body systems need each other to work and make your body function correctly. Your muscles need protein, nutrients, and oxygen to move and work. Then the circulatory system carries those essential particles to your muscles from the digestive and respiratory systems. That is when your circulatory system carries the leftover waste back to the original systems to be discharged from your body. Your more content... There are the Smooth, the Skeletal, and the Cardiac muscular tissues. Smooth muscles are made of spindle–shaped cells. Smooth muscles are found in the skin, internal organs, reproductive system, major blood vessels, and excretory system. Skeletal muscles are composed of long fibers surrounded by a membranous sheath, the sarcolemma. Since the Skeletal muscles are under control by whom ever they belong to are called voluntary muscles. This muscle is attached to two or more bones which are then attached to the skeleton by tendons. For example, head and neck muscles; contraction of these muscles produces facial expressions and head movements. They are also responsible for speech and swallowing. Skeletal muscles are the main muscles which move your body. Muscles nearly always work in coordinated groups; contraction of one muscle is accompanied by relaxation of another, while other muscles stabilize nearby joints. Then the last of the muscle types is the Cardiac Muscle or the involuntary muscles. Cardiac muscles are not under conscious control they do not react by a persons decision or movement. and are connected to the nervous system which are stimulated by autonomic impulses. Cardiac muscles are found in your internal organs like the heart or the intestine. For example; they include muscles that propel food through the intestine and those that control sweating and blood pressure. Muscles that are properly exercised react to stimuli quickly and powerfully. As a
  • 8. Get more content on
  • 9. The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the body.Bones of the skeletal system are about 700 muscles that make up roughly. There muscles is a discrete organ that strutted. Tissue is also found in the heart. There organs, muscles serve to move substance through the body.Muscles are often active with activities or the legs, arms in other appendages. Muscular produce more movements. Such as facial expression. Movement and respiration according to the Get more content on
  • 10. The Muscular System of the Human Body Essay The muscular system is a very important part of the human body. It has many components and functions, and is the source of the body's movement. There are roughly 650 muscles in the human body and are different types of muscles. Muscles can either be voluntary or involuntary which means controlled or uncontrolled movement. Muscles have many reasons and in this paper you will widen your knowledge of muscles and their functions as well their diseases and how they help maintain the body. There are three different types of muscles in the body, and the first to be talked about are skeletal muscles. The body consists of about 640 skeletal muscles and they just so happen to be the only voluntary or (controlled) muscles. Their main function is more content... For example refer to figure 1–2 of the stomach. Last but not least is the cardiac muscle, the only place the cardiac muscle can be located is the heart. Its main function is to contract through stimulation of other cardiac muscle within the heart which pulses the blood through the heart were it can be distributed through the body. While blood is being pumped, hormones send signals to your brain which is how the rate of contraction is adjusted. The most muscular part of the heart is the middle called the myocardium which is the main contraction control part. This muscle is made of protein fibers known as sarcomeres which are responsible for contractions. For example of cardiac muscle refer to figure 1–3 of the heart. Muscles have three different basic types of cells, striped or striated and then smooth. Striated muscle has grooves that show each individual cell, these cells are extended to the length of the muscle so that they can contract and expand along with the muscle. Sooth muscles which can be found in the digestive tract, or stomach are not made as long because they do not need to be, they are that more similar to non muscular cells because they are smooth and not elongated like cardiac and or striated muscle cells. Cardiac muscle is like the skeletal muscle but shorter and are branched together which gives them a distinct characteristic and makes it easier to pump blood throughout the heart. Even Get more content on
  • 11. Why Is The Muscular System Important To Survival The muscular system allows your body to move which is very important for your survival. Without it you would not only never be able to move, but you would not be able to digest food and your heart would not beat. The three types of muscles in your body are smooth muscles which is in your organs like your stomach, cardiac muscles which is in your heart, and skeletal muscles which is in muscles like your bicep. The muscular system works closely with the nervous system. The brain knows the body position because of receptors in muscles. The nervous system also regulates how fast smooth muscles digest food. Get more content on
  • 12. Muscular System Movement The main function of the muscular system is to make the body move. Although it is the skeleton that enables movement, only muscles can actually move. Muscles only can pull not push, so muscles have to work in pairs to make the bones move in more than one direction and increase the possible amount of movement this way. To do that the muscles cross the joint they move, when amuscle contracts it pulls on the bones and makes them move this way. Muscles are made of many tiny muscle fibres. Those individual muscle fibres are either fully contracted or fully relaxed but they cannot all be fully relaxed at once because your muscles always have to be read to contract in case you have to defence yourself by, for example, running away or fighting. Even Get more content on
  • 13. Muscular System Research Paper Our body contains many different parts and different functions. Each body function is essential and when all of them are put together, it's a perfect combination. The function of the body is fascinating and quite amazing to see how our body can cooperate with one another. Our body is like a team that works together. One of these organ system is the muscular system. The muscular system is responsible for movement. Some jobs that the muscular system does is that the nervous system regulates the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract, the brain controls the contraction of skeletal muscle, and receptors in muscles provide the brain with information about body position and movement. Three organs that involve the muscular system Get more content on
  • 14. Muscular System Introduction: Grass originated around eighty million years ago, but it did not flourish, like the modern days, until fifteen million years ago. It diffused around the world and has become one of the most common plants in the world. The uncontrolled growth of grass resulted in oodles of overgrown grass. A man named Edwin Beard Budding fixed this problem with his invention, the lawn mower. This machine revolutionized the way grass was cut. All people needed to do is push this machine over the grass, and it was "magically" cut. Their body systems were able to make this process happen. Muscular System: The muscular system's main functions are heat production, enabling movement, and posture. There are three types of muscles: smooth, cardiac, more content... Then, the sandwich is inserted into the mouth. The teeth chew the sandwich while saliva chemically breaks down carbs. After that, the sandwich goes down the pharynx and into the esophagus. The sandwich is pushed into the stomach by peristalsis which is contractions of smooth muscle. In the stomach, the sandwich is broken down. An enzyme, called Pepsin, breaks down proteins. The stomach also churns the things inside of it. After the stomach, the chyme (stomach contents and food) travels to the small intestine. This is where most of the absorption takes place. This absorption helps take the sandwiches essential nutrients and put them to use in the body. There are three main structures that help withdigestion in the small intestine. They are the pancreas, the liver, and the gallbladder. The pancreas regulates blood sugar. The liver secretes bile which helps digest lipids, and the gallbladder stores the bile. Villi are folds in the small intestine that help absorb. Then, the chyme travels into the large intestine where water is absorbed. The chyme passes into the rectum, and it will stay there until he/she will have to go to the bathroom. It will leave the body through the anus. The things that leave the body are usually non essential or Get more content on
  • 15. Muscular System Research Paper The muscular system is an organ system composed of roughly 650 to 850 muscles. The muscular systems consist of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. The muscular system collectively works with other organ systems to permit movement, posture, conduction of heat and the circulation of blood throughout the human body. There are three types of muscle tissues in the human body: skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. Skeletal muscles are striated muscles that attach to the bone by tendons and permit movement. Skeletal muscles promote movement by contracting and relaxing in response to voluntary messages from the nervous system, deeming skeletal muscles, the only voluntary muscles in the human body. Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles found inside the walls of the stomach, more content... Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases caused by mutations of the genes associated with the proteins needed for the production of healthy muscles. Muscles progressively become weakened and loose mass. People affected by muscular dystrophy may experience pain in muscles, cardiomyopathy, scoliosis, difficulty swallowing, developmental delays, abnormal walking and may eventually be confined to a wheelchair. There is no cure for muscular dystrophy however devices such as splints, physical therapy, exercise, and medications such as steroids help patients to cope. Fibromyalgia is a disorder caused by a widespread muscle pain throughout the body, often due to uncontrollable muscle spasms and inflammation. It's accompanied by fatigue, sleep problems, memory loss and mood swings. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, and people with the condition usually have it for life. However, it is not likely to get worse as you age and it does not damage muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Many people are able to cope their symptoms with a combination of exercise, medication and physical Get more content on
  • 16. Muscular System Papers Muscular system The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body. Attached to a human's bones are about 700 named muscles. These muscles make up roughly half of a person's body weight. Skeletal muscle tissues, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves make up the muscles in your body. Not only does it support movement it also controls walking, talking, sitting, standing, eating and other daily functions. There are ten major muscle groups. The first major muscle group is the quadriceps. They are four huge muscles that make up the front of the thigh. Another name for this group is your quads. The second major group is the hamstrings. They are the huge muscle group that make up the back of the thigh. They are known as the biceps Get more content on
  • 17. Muscular System Research Paper The Muscular System The muscular system moves the body. The body has more than 600 muscles and each of them has special fibers that contract. When a muscle contracts, it pulls the tissue that it is attached to. This pulling results in movement. Skeletal muscles are probably the most familiar type of muscle. They are the muscles that ache after strenuous work or exercise. Skeletal muscles make up about 40 percent of the body's mass or weight. They stabilize joints, help maintain posture, and give the body its general shape. They also use a great deal of oxygen and nutrients from the blood supply. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tough, fibrous connective tissue called tendons. Tendons are rich in the protein collagen, which is more content... But like smooth muscle, it contracts automatically and rhythmically without tiring. Cardiac muscle allows the heart to beat an average of 70 time a minute without rest throughout a person's lifetime (Conway). Disorders of the muscular system The most common muscular disorder is injury from misuse. Skeletal muscle sprains and tears cause excess blood to seep into the tissue in order to heal it. The remaining scar tissue results in a slightly shorter muscle. Overexertion or a diminished blood supply can cause muscle cramping. Diminished blood supply and oxygen to the heart muscle causes chest pain called angina pectoris. The most common type of genetic (inherited) muscular disorder is muscular dystrophy. This disease causes muscles to progressively waste away. There are six forms of muscular dystrophy. The most frequent and most serious form appears in boys aged three to seven. (Boys are usually affected because it is a sex–linked condition; girls are carriers of the disease and are usually not affected.) The first symptom of the disease is a clumsiness in walking. This problem occurs because the muscles of the pelvis and the thighs are first affected. The disease spreads to muscles in other areas of the body, and by the age of ten, a child is usually confined to a wheelchair or a bed. Death usually occurs before adulthood ("Muscular system") Get more content on
  • 18. Muscular System In Tennis Body Systems Muscular system Playing tennis involves more muscles than simply your arm and wrists. It involves a series of complex movements that start with your feet and ends up swinging a tennis racket. It requires a honed and well–trained muscular system to perform with the required power and speed needed. The muscular system is one of the most important systems involved in the sport of tennis. The muscular system is the tissue of fibres around your bones. This is a main part of tennis because specifically these muscles will put force on the bones and pull them. This will result in the tennis player getting more power behind there hit and also helps the play with moving around the court in a quicker pace. Skeletal system Despite the Muscular system playing a large role when playing tennis the skeletal system also play a major role. This is because the skeletal system supports your body, hence it also give your body a more expanded structure and also protects major organs like your lungs and heart. Furthermore, it produces blood cells for the body to function and this also creates a place for the minerals to be stored. Some major bones used in tennis are your fingers, arms, hips, wrists, shoulders, knees, feet and ankles. Some bones that are mainly used are more content... Speed gives a tennis player many advantages. Firstly, your reaction speed is really important too react to a ball being play to your side of the net. In tennis you have too respond really quick to be able to get too the ball on time one tip is to stand on your toes so that you as a player can respond quicker. Furthermore, you need it too move your body around the court. Moreover, the quicker your brain responds to your body the more time you have to run towards the ball. Lastly, speed is crucial in tennis because it makes a player react quicker and be able to hit the ball back easier using there speed to get to the ball on Get more content on
  • 19. The Muscular System Of The Human Introduction The muscular system of the human is a vital part in one's everyday life. There are three types of muscles. Skeletal muscles help people carry out locomotor skills like walking and skipping as well as skills related to sports like kicking a soccer ball. Smooth muscles are located in the digestive, excretory, respiratory, reproductive, and other body systems. The purpose of smooth muscles is to contract and move food or carry blood through the body. The cardiacmuscle is responsible for pumping the heart so blood can circulate throughout the body (Allen and Harper 2013). Skeletal muscles are composed of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are made from filaments that are think and thin. Actin is molecules that make the thin filament. Intertwined in the thin filament, is a strand called tropomyosin. In between the tropomyosin is troponin, molecules that are placed within the tropomyosin at specific points of the strand. The think filaments are made of molecules of myosin. At the ends of the filament strands, there are teardrop–shaped ends known as myosin heads. With the help of ATP, the myosin heads attach to the thin filament's binding sites and form crossbridges. The attachment aids in the contraction of human muscles (Allen and Harper 2013). There are instances when human muscles do not function properly and limit human motion. For instance, Ataxia is a disease that affects one's movement and coordination. Cerebellar ataxia is when the part of the brain that controls Get more content on
  • 20. Essay about The Muscular System The muscular system is the set of all the muscles that make up the human body. It is an extensive system of muscles and nervous tissue, which is distributed all through the body. In total, the human body consists of approximately 650 muscles (Shier, Butler, Lewis, 2009). The muscular system is divided into three types of muscle: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle (p.212). Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found only in the walls of the heart, specifically the myocardium. Cardiac muscles contract automatically to tighten the walls of the heart in a rhythmic fashion (pp.212–216). The heart beats nonstop about 100,000 times each day (p.18). Smooth muscle is a type of involuntary muscle found within the walls more content... An example of fine motor movements or smaller movements would be blinking, talking or chewing. The skeletal muscles will also contract as a reflex to stimuli, like when the hand moves away from a hot cup of coffee (pp. 167–172). Another basic function is to protect internal organs, which is also executed by the skeletal muscles. The abdominal cavity is not protected by bones like the heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage. Therefore, the abdominal muscles and muscles in the lower back help protect the vital organs. For example the rectus abdominus or "six pack" muscle protect the body from the front. The third function of the muscular system is pumping blood. The cardiac muscles in our body control the pumping of blood throughout arteries and veins. The contraction of the heart muscle is involuntary and is controlled by the hearts own electrical system. The right side of the heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart receives blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body (Shier, Butler, Lewis, 2009). The fourth function of the muscular system is aiding digestion. The smooth muscles in the stomach and intestines work to process or digest food. The involuntary contractions in the stomach and intestines help move the food along the digestive tract and direct indigestible contents to the rectum (p.189). Get more content on