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Parents Responsibility
"Parents should be held solely responsible for their children's actions." Do you agree? A WebQuest for Secondary 3 NA / 3 Exp / 4 NA Designed by
Teachers teaching Secondary 3 NA / 3 Exp |Ms Deepa Madan |Mr Sharom Mak |Mr Victor Ong | |Miss Cheryl Tan |Mrs Grace Wong |Ms Lee Chai Noi
| | | | | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Introduction This WebQuest is a more content...
|concrete evidence. |evidence. | |Style |The writer has not managed to persuade |The writer has managed to persuade me |The writer has managed to
persuade me | | |me to agree with his point–of–view. |to agree with his point–of–view to some|to agree with his point–of–view to a | | | |extent. |large
extent. | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Conclusion At the end of this WebQuest, you should have consolidated
your knowledge from Term 2 of what argumentative essays are all about. Do ask your EL teacher in Term 3 should you have any doubts on how to
answer argumentative essays or on the text type. Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Credits & References Don't forget
to list, in your essay, the sources of any images, music or text that you're using to give credit to the authors or publishers. In citing the source of the
resources, you need to include the author, title, name of web site, date of publication and web site
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Communication From Teacher to Parents Essay
Children! When someone becomes a parent their kids are the most important thing on the planet. They will do anything to protect them from danger.
Parents will love their kids more than life itself. So why a parent wouldn't be upset when something happens to their children and they do not find out
about it. I know I sure would be. There are many cases where school had the students in dangerous situations and didn't contact their parents. Of course
the parents where very upset they found out by someone other than the schools. Whether it is gang activity, bus accidents or unsuitable learning
environments schools and parents need to have strong communication to have a strong relationship and make the most for the kids to have a safe place more content...
These problems are not self solving problems. Parents must go forth and try to help. For the best results of the parent and teacher to have good
communication a teacher should put one–way and two–way communication skill sets together and use them. One–way communication skill set is when
the teacher tries to inform parents about upcoming events, activities, or student progress. They will try to communicate through report card, newsletter
and school websites. The report card is an old traditional way of communication between the teachers and the parents on how their kids are doing in
their classes. It is one of the biggest innovations from the teachers to the parent for them to respond back to the teachers in any kind of way, it's an
easy and very understandable way to communicate. The report card has information on the child's learning strength and learning styles. Besides the
report card there are many more ways to communicate. The most common and effective way is through writing. Teachers have to be clear and format
and content. Make is so parents will understand it. Two–way communications is when there is talk between the teacher and the parent through phone
calls, parent teacher conferences and open house. The most common response to the report card is a parent teacher conference. They will come in to
the school and sit down this the teachers and talk about the child's strengths, weaknesses and everything in between. When the parent
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Parents Are The Best Teacher Essay
Academic Writing Parents are the best teacher
No one can deny that parents are the best and first teachers. They were the fire who triggered our learning skills; as they taught us how to walk,
how to talk and later in our lives; they also have a great role in the real world's teaching life experiences. Early in life, parents are the only people
known for their child, surrounding him or her with care and love, and of course giving him or her too much time in order to teach them the early skills.
Such as, talking, waiving, eating, walking and education. Education is very important thing in every person's life, education makes you became an adult
and educated. Parents are indeed the best teacher of their children. Why? Because parents are more content...
Need to remember, scolding is one of the worst way to educate child. At the time of scolding children, we are not educating them, but to vent our
frustration because we can not solve the problem what children did. What should we do as parents? All you need to do is talk "firm" not to speak
"loud". Talk firm in a flat tone, with serious and stared into the face and eyes. Firmly speak is to speak at the time of the rational mind, while talking
loudly when our minds are controlled by emotions.
Always obey the demand of the children. Like a king, the more the demands increasingly strange and powerful, if it has become a habit will be
difficult to be accommodated. Children are educated in this way would become a super selfish child, do not know tolerance, and can not socialize.
What should we do as parents? No matter how great our love to children, never impose this kind of parenting it is not good. Affection does not
always have to obey his will. If we really love him or her then we have to teach him or her about the value of good and bad, right and wrong, who
should and who should not be. If not, our affection, would make it a selfish child. This is in layman's language is often called spoiled
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Thank My Parents Essay
There is an old saying about children and their parents: "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," and in many situations this saying is true, and I
am a prime example. I am quite similar to my parents in many ways and I have been profoundly impacted by them. Theses similarities go beyond
mere appearance and have become key parts of my life and my worldview. I have come to realize how truly blessed I am to have them and I want to
take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do for me, in particular, three distinct things. I would like to thank my parents for giving me
wise guidance, having a strong, positive influence on me, and always watching out for me. One of the things I appreciate most about my parents is
how they are always giving me guidance and advice. While some would be bothered by their constant interest in my activities, I have come to savor
their advice when it comes to decision–making. Whenever I need to make a decision I will often try and get their perspective and ideas. I may not
always agree or like the advice, but I will always seek it. This goes for mundane things like which shirt looks better, all the way to a major decision
like where to go to college. By talking things over with them, I am able to get other perspectives on the matter and make a better, more educated
decision. This wise guidance is one of the things I appreciate most about my parents, and I am able to see the positive influence that my parents have
on me through
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There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three
types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of
parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is
a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and
rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal
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They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant Parents is commanding and direct the lives of
their children. They provide messages of low personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about
responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility; how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes
such as, "This is the decision you should make!" They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as,
"You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the problem using threats and orders to solve the
problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not
believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so I knew I did not want to be the same way with
my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects
the children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar with the effect that type of parenting can have
on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some
portions as well. As
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Definition Essay On Parenting
Parenting Do you ever wonder how you became the person you are today? People's life in general is made up of behaviors that they learn from
everyday life. Our parents are our number one teacher in life. They show us how to tie our shoes, how to deal with situations, how to eat, how to
behave, they even show us things when they aren't even meaning to. Soon their habits become our habits; it's the cycle of life. On March 20th,
2011, my husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Ian into the world. I never imagined an 8lb 3oz and, 21.5 inches long "thing" would
soon become my biggest transition in life. I came from a single mother who had four kids all by the age of seventeen. I was the only girl and was
second to oldest. My life growing up was not a childhood more like a survival hood. My mother dealt with many from issues like drug addiction,
mental, medical, abusive and relationship issues. Growing up I never realized that my "childhood" was abnormal. Being the only girl and the second
oldest I had a lot more content...
Kids need to be able to mess up and learn. I am his mother and it's my job as his parent to teach him all the things that I was not taught. It's not my job
to make him into a person that I want him to be but give him all the tools he needs to become a GREAT person inside and out.Love isn't being perfect
or making someone perfect. Love is being there for someone and caring for them unconditionally. If you were to ask me six years ago what my
biggest transition in life was, I would have said the moment I stood up to my mother and started my own adult life. Now I say that becoming a parent
has been the biggest transition in my life. I went from a scared/lost girl to a tough–hard headed women to a mother that I myself respect. I didn't do it
alone and I know that I have the rest of my life to still make mistakes and a lot to learn about parenting but I believe I am on a great
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Life Is Not Easy Without Parents In My Life
College essay Life is not easy without parents. I grew up with my aunt and did not even know my parents until I was 8. My life was not hard yet. I
was going to school and my aunt took care of me and taught me and helped me to study. I was always the first rank in my grade. My aunt has been
telling me since my first day at school "Your mom lives in Spain and your dad is in America and you are here with me in Egypt ,but one day I will be
married and I won't be able to stay forever with you! Do not expect any help from anybody, even me! You will have to create your future and work
hard on anything you do in your life, especially school. That's the only way to show me, your parents and the whole world that you made up
yourself by just yourself". I started understanding that when she got married and I had to move around between a lot of houses as temporary situation,
until my dad asked me to come to the US when I was 15 to live with him and my brother. I definitely agreed because I was tired of moving to different
houses and I was so excited about living with my brother .Also, I knew that I was planning to go to college in USA. It was hard because I was just
seeing my dad and my brother once a week for the first time I had to be by myself in a big apartment. I had to cook, clean and face everything by
myself when I wasn't ready for it. School was very hard because I did not even speak English so I did not understand what was going on in my classes.
After 2 weeks I told my dad I
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Essay on Parents and their Children
As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles each year. However, there are multiple
psychological factors involved in this process. The factors include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is
raised, and television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a child's role model and support since
birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to
love, care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because they are different individuals with different more content...
However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are known as permissive parents. They show more
affection than control over their children, allowing the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all,
show strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents who show no affection or interest in their
children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues such
as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than
parents, peers play a factor in development as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be positive as
well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare
themselves to others their own age, they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like communication,
such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive
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My Parents Essay
My parents have always been very caring and reassuring. They pushed me to be where I am today. They are my allies. They significantly helped me
get through many tough times at school. I was doing well with most of the subjects but there was one that I definitely was not fond of: math. I did
not hate math; in fact, I enjoyed math. I simply did not like that I was not doing well in it. I often had trouble using the information I learned in class
to solve equations on the homework. I was also the kind of person to rush through many of the problems that I thought I knew how to do, resulting in
silly mistakes. I was getting stressed out about my grades and lost hope in being the all A's student my parents were encouraging me to be. Getting into more content...
I did not want her to make this a bigger problem than it was. "Nothing. Everything is okay, Mama." I replied looking down. "Kaia, I know
something is wrong. Tell me and I will help." "Well, it's just that I'm stressed out about my grades." I admitted. "Everyone else is getting all A's
and I don't want to disappoint you and Tata. Especially since you made a big deal about me getting into gifted." My mom looked at me
understandingly. "Don't worry Kaiusia. You don't need to get perfect grades all the time. As long as you are doing your best I am proud of you."
She remarked. "And don't compare yourself to other people. Focus on yourself. Go at your own pace and you'll be fine. I'm also pretty sure you are
not the only one going through this. Talk to your friends and maybe you will feel a little better. Remember, come to me whenever something isn't going
well. I love you " "Thanks Mama. Love you too." I responded. I felt relieved that my mom understood the situation. I finally went to sleep and
woke up the next morning with a better attitude. It took me a while to reduce the amount of times I would compare my grades to other students'
grades; I still do it sometimes. When I do, I just remember back to what my mom always says: "Don't compare yourself to other people". She has
helped me cope with my stress then and I know she will for many more years to come. In the end, to say that I am thankful for all that my parents
have done for me would be
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Reflection Paper On Parents
Reflection A. Watch the video, Making Parents Partners, and provide a response to one of the four discussion questions at the bottom of video's page.
A.Discuss things your school does to encourage parents to be partners, and to help parents feel welcome at school. Describe specific events or efforts
that have been particularly successful, and things that have been less successful. What contributes to successful collaboration between parents and the
Many of the schools in my district believe in developing a strong parental presence in their child's education. My current school provides multiple
opportunities for parents to enter their student's learning environment throughout the school year. First, I believe that it is appropriate to discuss the
first attempts of my school's parent involvement efforts. Before the school year commences the parents and students are invited to "Meet the Teacher
Night". During this meet and greet, the parents receive the first opportunity to interact with the new teacher before the school year begins. This is also
a moment for the teacher to share their goals and expectations for the upcoming school year. The next parent involvement opportunity takes place after
the second week of school, known as Parent Orientation. Parent orientation is designed for parents to become familiar with their child's daily class
routines, and examine work samples or baseline assessment results. Many parents enjoy having the orientation because they
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Persuasive Essay On Parents
Being a parent is an extremely important job, and how it is done defines who the child is and who they become. There are many strategies and
philosophies represented across cultures from around the world that range from being extremely involved to being more hands–off. The range of these
styles comes with varying degrees of effectiveness. Goldilocks parenting is when parents interact with their child in a way that balances patience,
helpfulness, and involvedness. From this, the child is able to develop the ability to reflect on choices and make decisions according to their own free
will. Goldilocks parenting combined with a government that strongly supports parents is the best combination for success. European parents who use
Goldilocks parenting are most effective at raising today's children.
European Goldilocks parenting is the best kind of parenting because, generally speaking, the parents live in the most balanced and supportive system.
"The government offers high–quality daycare, billed on a sliding scale, and free preschool for children 3 and up. Older kids have subsidized
after–school activities and summer camps. On average, college costs less than $500 a year " (Druckerman) These specific supports make it much
easier for parents to focus on balancing the dependence and independence of their children. "Building self–esteem of children will carry them far. But
children also need to know disappointment and failure if they're to be resilient adults" (Druckerman). If
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Good Parenting Essay
Good Parenting
What makes a good parent? People have always tired to find out the answer, because what makes a good parent makes a good family and what makes a
good family makes a good society and finally what makes a good society makes the world we live in a good one. Actually it is family where all the
social ills come from. It is family that predetermines what kind of society we will have tomorrow, because the society of tomorrow will be born to
and moulded in the family of today. So if we want to find out what makes a good parent and try to change the society we'll be living in we've got to
start right now. So let's start.
What makes a good parent? Many people think that it is impossible to answer this question, because more content...
But as soon as children start feeling that their parents care too much, they try to get back at them and do just what their parents don't want them to do.
On the other hand kids who face lack of freedom may end up turning into introverts afraid to speak to other people or not as social (which is not a bad
thing though).
I believe that next thing any parent must not forget about is trust. Being consistent with your child is of paramount importance because that's how trust
is supported. Being consistent is not changing the rules half way through the game. Being consistent is not promising rewards that kids will never see.
Being consistent is not threatening punishment without carrying it through. From the very first day on Earth children put trust in their parents and it
must not be betrayed because once it is, once children find out they have been lied to, you will have to literally put yourself out to win it back.
Communication. Being able to communicate well builds confidence and charisma. Parents should not be afraid to talk to their children. They should
not jump down through their throat when they are curious about something either no matter how stupid it may seem. Parents should be able to look at
everyday things and events through the eyes of their children who are new in this world and have little knowledge of it. Everyday experiences can
give children a wonderful chance to explore and learn and it must not be taken from them by their
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Parenting Essay
Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes
your child may disagree with the rules you have set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise with
your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I
want to make sure my children have guidelines. I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of
entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have a say in, along with their input of
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That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the democratic parenting style is when your teenager
wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing, but
I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most of the time to everything. With my children, I do not
want to have to say no because that will make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate and
small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing
in their spare time is not only a personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she could not play hockey,
or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make.
Although I would control how much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or clubs. Television shows
and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on
Elm Street'? No, I definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is especially difficult once
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Essay on Parental Involvement in Education
Parental involvement in education is a vital essential for creating a cooperative environment for the student to thrive and succeed in. When a student
knows that he or she is receiving support both inside and outside the school, the chances of that child becoming responsible for and active in their
education are more likely. I know that there can be difficulties including parents for many reasons. Such parents may be too busy, uninterested or just
feel helpless. However, as an educator, I will still have an obligation to reach out to these parents and assist them.
It is important to start the year off making parental involvement a top priority. Establishing clear and open lines with the parent early in more
Once there is a clear and open path for communication, it is important to make the communication meaningful. Often parents aren't involved because
they are not aware of ways that they can help. Keeping parents informed of upcoming tests, projects, homework assignments, and areas of study give
them some knowledge about what is going on and also makes them feel like they are capable of helping and can be an asset to their child's education.
It may also be helpful to suggest ways that parents can aid their child in preparing and studying for tests. Helping parents feel useful creates an essential
cooperative learning environment.
It is also important to go beyond parental involvement in your classroom. It is also necessary to help foster a community that supports and is also
active in the local schools. There are a variety of methods for accomplishing this goal: ask community leaders to lead projects in the school or come
in to talk on career day, or sponsor an ice–cream night at the school and invite all the children, parents, and community members for a social gathering.
As a teacher, I could also call the local newspaper to ensure that the student's accomplishments, successes, and/or talents are recognized by the
A student needs every means of support available to ensure that they succeed and prosper in the
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Interview With Parents
Interviewing the parents of students in our district was one of the first steps I took in completing this project. The questions were provided by the
instructor for the course so I prepared written surveys for the respondents from those questions. I did not add to those questions, although I do now
wish that I had. I invited parents of students in my school district who I knew to complete the survey. I sent them the surveys via email and asked for
their responses within a week, if possible. Everyone responded quickly and was quite honest with their responses. After I received the responses, I
tallied them and put them into a chart format to review. I would like to have interviewed a larger number and broader range of parents for this portion
of the project. I feel like not enough parents were interviewed to get an accurate picture of the opinions of parents in our school district.
At that point, I began to review the policy regarding teacher leave. I was unaware then that policy was governed by state law. I assumed that the
policies were determined by our school district and were therefore something that could be "tweaked".
The information received from the parent interviews was what I expected. The feedback showed that most parents thought learning occurred as usual more content...
Parents do have an opinion on almost every subject related to the school and these days they are not afraid to share that opinion. If I had found the
overall opinions of parents were negative and sour toward teacher absences, I would have also found a negative school climate, I believe. Negative
opinions spread to the community and can affect the climate of the community if unchecked. If parents had felt that teachers were absent at an
excessive amount, I probably would have also found that very group of parents were also unhappy with the state of the
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My Parents, My Brother And I Essay
I was born in Northridge, California and raised in a working class family. My older brother and I grew up on the doctrine of not selling our physical
and mental labor for proletariat wages. My parents' primary motive was to surpass their success. They worked vigorously to make us fearless,
determined, and humble individuals; however, we were conditioned to cloak and suppress our emotional deficiencies that may impede our future
accomplishments. My then, immigrant father left behind his poverty–stricken family in Mexico to pursue his American dream in California. Like many
immigrants before him, he experienced many barriers, such as, racism, fear, and mental and emotional distress. Guided by his faith and unparalleled
fortitude he ploughed through the barriers and fulfilled his dreams to marry a Mexican–American woman to start a family with, and obtain his
citizenship. My parents, the survivalist, sacrificed their earnings to provide food, clothes and shelter for my brother and I. They were true survivalist in
the purist form, there were moments that they would ration their food for my brother and I, but they would go without eating for days. Never did they
express their sorrows; their bravery outweighed their hunger woes. Their devotion and martyrdom acts would make a permanent impact on my brother
and I later in life. As a young docile girl, my parents managed to sustain a healthy atmosphere by masking our impoverished environment for many
years until one Christmas.
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How My Parents Raised Me
How My Parents Raised Me As far as I can remember I have had a happy childhood. I don't have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my
parents raised me like most of the other kids. My parents handled my wrongdoings and mistakes very calmly, although I can't remember doing
something that's very bad. I guess you could say that I'm spoiled but I don't think I am. Being an only child I think helped on making my
punishments not that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the person that I am today, and I think they did a great job. No, my
parents were never pushing or demanding what I should do or become. My first 4 years of life, it was just traveling, since I was just two months old. I
am lucky in many ways. I was more content...
Make sure that the weakest have their share. If someone has a hard time, do not put the person more down. Help the weak. Plant trees or flowers;
do anything what makes surroundings more beautiful. Not only me, but everybody around my father, has been learning these facts of life. Even
my mom, she became totally devoted to our pet dogs. These things and more have been my guiding ropes these nearly 19 years of my life. Since I
was in kinder, I was never pushed or forced to study, or to be the best or even second best. I was taught to be fair and independent. For my parents,
any level of test grades was good. I was never told to become an engineer, nurse or a doctor. Choice was trusted on me. My parents said: Be you,
because the future is yours, we just try our best to give a nice path and a little push for your starting journey in life. Here again, I been lucky, no
demanding and no pressure. I have been taught to make my own decisions and to stick with them. That is maybe the greatest thing in my upbringing,
loving and trusting parents, whom been treating me as equal, not just like a kid. Anything and everything was and is discussed in the dinner table or
any given time when we are together. No matter how young I was, there were never secrets or some "adult talk only", I was always present and part
of it. From Global matters, to politics and family planning, I was taught everything before I was 8 years old. There were no questions or
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Parents And Parents Essay
The current longitudinal study shows that there is a correlation between physical health and relationship to parents regardless of gender. However, the
results for each hypothesis of this study showed varying results. Hypothesis #1, which predicted that there will be a positive correlation between
adolescents in good physical health and the quality of the relationship with their parents regardless of gender, was statistically significant by results of
this questionnaire. The results show that there is a correlation between the relationship (closeness) to parents and general health of adolescents. When
asked to rate general health and level of closeness to each of their parents, adolescents who rated higher health levels tended to rate more
This means that the more parents are involved in deciding who their adolescent children spend time with, the more likely that the adolescent will
report having better health. There was also a positive correlation between the curfew variable and ability to select friends, meaning that, adolescents
who were able to select their own friends were more likely to also be able to choose their own curfew time by their parents. These results show a
significance relating to the hypothesis, there was a positive correlation between the quality of parenting methods and the general health of the
adolescents. This shows that positive parental disciplinary techniques where parents balance being actively involved in their adolescent children's
activities and habits while maintaining a level of trust in allowing them to make some decisions on their own may positively affect their children's
general health. These findings are consistent with and relate to a finding by a previous study which found that: "adolescents who perceived that their
parents knew their friends, where they went at night, how they spent their money, what they did with their free time, and where they were most
afternoons, were less likely to begin to use drugs (Steinberg et al., 1994). Hypothesis #3, which predicted that students performing better academically
will report
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Parents and Education Essay
Parents and Education
I am writing primarily to parents who have children in elementary school and high school, but teachers, librarians, and other members of school staff
ought to listen as well. My position is that both parents should be closely involved in the school life of all their children. Education is a very important
part of all societies and cultures. The education system plays a key role in the early lives of all citizens of the United States of America. The nature
and extent of an individual's formal education will generally have great effects upon their entire life. Therefore, this topic is of significant relevance
and usefulness to our society as a whole.
The first reason for this call to more content...
He says that "high out–of–wedlock birthrates mean a constantly renewed cohort of adolescent males without parenting, which means disorderly
neighborhoods and schools." (Will). Broken up homes is one major problem of this subject, affecting the success of children from all races and social
classes. So, part of this problem will only be improved, if the proper family unit is encouraged and restored in this country. The goals of bothschool
and home need to be at least basically aligned for the success of a child in school. Mary Lou Sayler wrote Parents: Active Partners in Education and
lays out a parental involvement program for parents. In this short book she affirms, "If the goals of the home and school are in conflict, children often
become confused and develop anxieties which prevent learning." (Sayler 7). She also notes the importance of stable home–life and she writes the
"Moreover, teachers also report that the most common classroom indicators of children who are experiencing disruption at home include: aggression
toward peers, defiance toward authority, moodiness, daydreaming, withdrawal and declining grades. Such children experience low self–esteem,
especially in regard to their capacity to master new tasks and adapt to unfamiliar situations. They also find it difficult to handle
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Parents Responsibility

  • 1. Parents Responsibility "Parents should be held solely responsible for their children's actions." Do you agree? A WebQuest for Secondary 3 NA / 3 Exp / 4 NA Designed by Teachers teaching Secondary 3 NA / 3 Exp |Ms Deepa Madan |Mr Sharom Mak |Mr Victor Ong | |Miss Cheryl Tan |Mrs Grace Wong |Ms Lee Chai Noi | | | | | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Introduction This WebQuest is a more content... |concrete evidence. |evidence. | |Style |The writer has not managed to persuade |The writer has managed to persuade me |The writer has managed to persuade me | | |me to agree with his point–of–view. |to agree with his point–of–view to some|to agree with his point–of–view to a | | | |extent. |large extent. | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Conclusion At the end of this WebQuest, you should have consolidated your knowledge from Term 2 of what argumentative essays are all about. Do ask your EL teacher in Term 3 should you have any doubts on how to answer argumentative essays or on the text type. Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Credits & References Don't forget to list, in your essay, the sources of any images, music or text that you're using to give credit to the authors or publishers. In citing the source of the resources, you need to include the author, title, name of web site, date of publication and web site Get more content on
  • 2. Communication From Teacher to Parents Essay Children! When someone becomes a parent their kids are the most important thing on the planet. They will do anything to protect them from danger. Parents will love their kids more than life itself. So why a parent wouldn't be upset when something happens to their children and they do not find out about it. I know I sure would be. There are many cases where school had the students in dangerous situations and didn't contact their parents. Of course the parents where very upset they found out by someone other than the schools. Whether it is gang activity, bus accidents or unsuitable learning environments schools and parents need to have strong communication to have a strong relationship and make the most for the kids to have a safe place more content... These problems are not self solving problems. Parents must go forth and try to help. For the best results of the parent and teacher to have good communication a teacher should put one–way and two–way communication skill sets together and use them. One–way communication skill set is when the teacher tries to inform parents about upcoming events, activities, or student progress. They will try to communicate through report card, newsletter and school websites. The report card is an old traditional way of communication between the teachers and the parents on how their kids are doing in their classes. It is one of the biggest innovations from the teachers to the parent for them to respond back to the teachers in any kind of way, it's an easy and very understandable way to communicate. The report card has information on the child's learning strength and learning styles. Besides the report card there are many more ways to communicate. The most common and effective way is through writing. Teachers have to be clear and format and content. Make is so parents will understand it. Two–way communications is when there is talk between the teacher and the parent through phone calls, parent teacher conferences and open house. The most common response to the report card is a parent teacher conference. They will come in to the school and sit down this the teachers and talk about the child's strengths, weaknesses and everything in between. When the parent Get more content on
  • 3. Parents Are The Best Teacher Essay Academic Writing Parents are the best teacher No one can deny that parents are the best and first teachers. They were the fire who triggered our learning skills; as they taught us how to walk, how to talk and later in our lives; they also have a great role in the real world's teaching life experiences. Early in life, parents are the only people known for their child, surrounding him or her with care and love, and of course giving him or her too much time in order to teach them the early skills. Such as, talking, waiving, eating, walking and education. Education is very important thing in every person's life, education makes you became an adult and educated. Parents are indeed the best teacher of their children. Why? Because parents are more content... Need to remember, scolding is one of the worst way to educate child. At the time of scolding children, we are not educating them, but to vent our frustration because we can not solve the problem what children did. What should we do as parents? All you need to do is talk "firm" not to speak "loud". Talk firm in a flat tone, with serious and stared into the face and eyes. Firmly speak is to speak at the time of the rational mind, while talking loudly when our minds are controlled by emotions. Always obey the demand of the children. Like a king, the more the demands increasingly strange and powerful, if it has become a habit will be difficult to be accommodated. Children are educated in this way would become a super selfish child, do not know tolerance, and can not socialize. What should we do as parents? No matter how great our love to children, never impose this kind of parenting it is not good. Affection does not always have to obey his will. If we really love him or her then we have to teach him or her about the value of good and bad, right and wrong, who should and who should not be. If not, our affection, would make it a selfish child. This is in layman's language is often called spoiled Get more content on
  • 4. Thank My Parents Essay There is an old saying about children and their parents: "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," and in many situations this saying is true, and I am a prime example. I am quite similar to my parents in many ways and I have been profoundly impacted by them. Theses similarities go beyond mere appearance and have become key parts of my life and my worldview. I have come to realize how truly blessed I am to have them and I want to take this opportunity to thank them for everything they do for me, in particular, three distinct things. I would like to thank my parents for giving me wise guidance, having a strong, positive influence on me, and always watching out for me. One of the things I appreciate most about my parents is how they are always giving me guidance and advice. While some would be bothered by their constant interest in my activities, I have come to savor their advice when it comes to decision–making. Whenever I need to make a decision I will often try and get their perspective and ideas. I may not always agree or like the advice, but I will always seek it. This goes for mundane things like which shirt looks better, all the way to a major decision like where to go to college. By talking things over with them, I am able to get other perspectives on the matter and make a better, more educated decision. This wise guidance is one of the things I appreciate most about my parents, and I am able to see the positive influence that my parents have on me through Get more content on
  • 5. There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal more content... They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant Parents is commanding and direct the lives of their children. They provide messages of low personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility; how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes such as, "This is the decision you should make!" They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as, "You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the problem using threats and orders to solve the problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so I knew I did not want to be the same way with my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects the children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar with the effect that type of parenting can have on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some portions as well. As Get more content on
  • 6. Definition Essay On Parenting Parenting Do you ever wonder how you became the person you are today? People's life in general is made up of behaviors that they learn from everyday life. Our parents are our number one teacher in life. They show us how to tie our shoes, how to deal with situations, how to eat, how to behave, they even show us things when they aren't even meaning to. Soon their habits become our habits; it's the cycle of life. On March 20th, 2011, my husband and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Ian into the world. I never imagined an 8lb 3oz and, 21.5 inches long "thing" would soon become my biggest transition in life. I came from a single mother who had four kids all by the age of seventeen. I was the only girl and was second to oldest. My life growing up was not a childhood more like a survival hood. My mother dealt with many from issues like drug addiction, mental, medical, abusive and relationship issues. Growing up I never realized that my "childhood" was abnormal. Being the only girl and the second oldest I had a lot more content... Kids need to be able to mess up and learn. I am his mother and it's my job as his parent to teach him all the things that I was not taught. It's not my job to make him into a person that I want him to be but give him all the tools he needs to become a GREAT person inside and out.Love isn't being perfect or making someone perfect. Love is being there for someone and caring for them unconditionally. If you were to ask me six years ago what my biggest transition in life was, I would have said the moment I stood up to my mother and started my own adult life. Now I say that becoming a parent has been the biggest transition in my life. I went from a scared/lost girl to a tough–hard headed women to a mother that I myself respect. I didn't do it alone and I know that I have the rest of my life to still make mistakes and a lot to learn about parenting but I believe I am on a great Get more content on
  • 7. Life Is Not Easy Without Parents In My Life College essay Life is not easy without parents. I grew up with my aunt and did not even know my parents until I was 8. My life was not hard yet. I was going to school and my aunt took care of me and taught me and helped me to study. I was always the first rank in my grade. My aunt has been telling me since my first day at school "Your mom lives in Spain and your dad is in America and you are here with me in Egypt ,but one day I will be married and I won't be able to stay forever with you! Do not expect any help from anybody, even me! You will have to create your future and work hard on anything you do in your life, especially school. That's the only way to show me, your parents and the whole world that you made up yourself by just yourself". I started understanding that when she got married and I had to move around between a lot of houses as temporary situation, until my dad asked me to come to the US when I was 15 to live with him and my brother. I definitely agreed because I was tired of moving to different houses and I was so excited about living with my brother .Also, I knew that I was planning to go to college in USA. It was hard because I was just seeing my dad and my brother once a week for the first time I had to be by myself in a big apartment. I had to cook, clean and face everything by myself when I wasn't ready for it. School was very hard because I did not even speak English so I did not understand what was going on in my classes. After 2 weeks I told my dad I Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Parents and their Children As a child grows up it may appears as a simple matter of blowing out a different number of candles each year. However, there are multiple psychological factors involved in this process. The factors include parents' role in the child's life, peer pressure, the culture in which the child is raised, and television. These factors work together to shape a child's social development. Parents are seen as a child's role model and support since birth. As a role model, their actions teach children the difference between right and wrong. As a support, they provide love and care. In addition to love, care, and knowledge, they exert control and provide discipline. Not all parents are the same because they are different individuals with different more content... However, there are also parents who make few rules that are hardly reinforced. Those parents are known as permissive parents. They show more affection than control over their children, allowing the children to take control of their own actions. Children raised by permissive parents, not all, show strong correlation to impulsive behaviors and limited self–control. Then there are permissive parents who show no affection or interest in their children's lives. Those parents are the neglecting parents. Neglecting parents are not involved in their children's lives, resulting in social issues such as difficulty in social relationships. Neglectfulness has been correlated to delinquent in early teen years such as drugs or alcohol abuse. Other than parents, peers play a factor in development as well. Peer relationships are influences are biasedly view as negative, however they can be positive as well. Peer relationships act as socializing assembly with ideal behaviors, languages, and appearances. Because peer groups allow children to compare themselves to others their own age, they learn more about themselves. These relationships contribute to skill developing in areas like communication, such as controlling their aggression. With appearances and behaviors looked upon by peers those who act appropriately and appear attractive Get more content on
  • 9. My Parents Essay My parents have always been very caring and reassuring. They pushed me to be where I am today. They are my allies. They significantly helped me get through many tough times at school. I was doing well with most of the subjects but there was one that I definitely was not fond of: math. I did not hate math; in fact, I enjoyed math. I simply did not like that I was not doing well in it. I often had trouble using the information I learned in class to solve equations on the homework. I was also the kind of person to rush through many of the problems that I thought I knew how to do, resulting in silly mistakes. I was getting stressed out about my grades and lost hope in being the all A's student my parents were encouraging me to be. Getting into more content... I did not want her to make this a bigger problem than it was. "Nothing. Everything is okay, Mama." I replied looking down. "Kaia, I know something is wrong. Tell me and I will help." "Well, it's just that I'm stressed out about my grades." I admitted. "Everyone else is getting all A's and I don't want to disappoint you and Tata. Especially since you made a big deal about me getting into gifted." My mom looked at me understandingly. "Don't worry Kaiusia. You don't need to get perfect grades all the time. As long as you are doing your best I am proud of you." She remarked. "And don't compare yourself to other people. Focus on yourself. Go at your own pace and you'll be fine. I'm also pretty sure you are not the only one going through this. Talk to your friends and maybe you will feel a little better. Remember, come to me whenever something isn't going well. I love you " "Thanks Mama. Love you too." I responded. I felt relieved that my mom understood the situation. I finally went to sleep and woke up the next morning with a better attitude. It took me a while to reduce the amount of times I would compare my grades to other students' grades; I still do it sometimes. When I do, I just remember back to what my mom always says: "Don't compare yourself to other people". She has helped me cope with my stress then and I know she will for many more years to come. In the end, to say that I am thankful for all that my parents have done for me would be Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Paper On Parents Reflection A. Watch the video, Making Parents Partners, and provide a response to one of the four discussion questions at the bottom of video's page. A.Discuss things your school does to encourage parents to be partners, and to help parents feel welcome at school. Describe specific events or efforts that have been particularly successful, and things that have been less successful. What contributes to successful collaboration between parents and the school? Many of the schools in my district believe in developing a strong parental presence in their child's education. My current school provides multiple opportunities for parents to enter their student's learning environment throughout the school year. First, I believe that it is appropriate to discuss the first attempts of my school's parent involvement efforts. Before the school year commences the parents and students are invited to "Meet the Teacher Night". During this meet and greet, the parents receive the first opportunity to interact with the new teacher before the school year begins. This is also a moment for the teacher to share their goals and expectations for the upcoming school year. The next parent involvement opportunity takes place after the second week of school, known as Parent Orientation. Parent orientation is designed for parents to become familiar with their child's daily class routines, and examine work samples or baseline assessment results. Many parents enjoy having the orientation because they Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Parents Being a parent is an extremely important job, and how it is done defines who the child is and who they become. There are many strategies and philosophies represented across cultures from around the world that range from being extremely involved to being more hands–off. The range of these styles comes with varying degrees of effectiveness. Goldilocks parenting is when parents interact with their child in a way that balances patience, helpfulness, and involvedness. From this, the child is able to develop the ability to reflect on choices and make decisions according to their own free will. Goldilocks parenting combined with a government that strongly supports parents is the best combination for success. European parents who use Goldilocks parenting are most effective at raising today's children. European Goldilocks parenting is the best kind of parenting because, generally speaking, the parents live in the most balanced and supportive system. "The government offers high–quality daycare, billed on a sliding scale, and free preschool for children 3 and up. Older kids have subsidized after–school activities and summer camps. On average, college costs less than $500 a year " (Druckerman) These specific supports make it much easier for parents to focus on balancing the dependence and independence of their children. "Building self–esteem of children will carry them far. But children also need to know disappointment and failure if they're to be resilient adults" (Druckerman). If Get more content on
  • 12. Good Parenting Essay Good Parenting What makes a good parent? People have always tired to find out the answer, because what makes a good parent makes a good family and what makes a good family makes a good society and finally what makes a good society makes the world we live in a good one. Actually it is family where all the social ills come from. It is family that predetermines what kind of society we will have tomorrow, because the society of tomorrow will be born to and moulded in the family of today. So if we want to find out what makes a good parent and try to change the society we'll be living in we've got to start right now. So let's start. What makes a good parent? Many people think that it is impossible to answer this question, because more content... But as soon as children start feeling that their parents care too much, they try to get back at them and do just what their parents don't want them to do. On the other hand kids who face lack of freedom may end up turning into introverts afraid to speak to other people or not as social (which is not a bad thing though). I believe that next thing any parent must not forget about is trust. Being consistent with your child is of paramount importance because that's how trust is supported. Being consistent is not changing the rules half way through the game. Being consistent is not promising rewards that kids will never see. Being consistent is not threatening punishment without carrying it through. From the very first day on Earth children put trust in their parents and it must not be betrayed because once it is, once children find out they have been lied to, you will have to literally put yourself out to win it back. Communication. Being able to communicate well builds confidence and charisma. Parents should not be afraid to talk to their children. They should not jump down through their throat when they are curious about something either no matter how stupid it may seem. Parents should be able to look at everyday things and events through the eyes of their children who are new in this world and have little knowledge of it. Everyday experiences can give children a wonderful chance to explore and learn and it must not be taken from them by their Get more content on
  • 13. Parenting Essay Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility and difficult decision making. You always have your child's best interest at heart, but sometimes your child may disagree with the rules you have set down. That is why, I believe, the perfect parenting style is democratic. You can compromise with your child, but still have basic rules you want them to follow, without them feeling targeted or that you are being unfair. When i become a parent, I want to make sure my children have guidelines. I want them to be able to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Their health, their type of entertainment and the toys they play with are three major, broad categories that I would like to have a say in, along with their input of more content... That always worked on me, so hopefully they will pick up that trait. Another example of the democratic parenting style is when your teenager wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. This subject is surprisingly easy for me to make rules upon. I would never tell my child not to get a piercing, but I also would not give them consent. I know what it is like to have a mom who says no most of the time to everything. With my children, I do not want to have to say no because that will make them want to do it even more. As long as I found the piercing or tattoo to be age appropriate and small, I would not mind making an adjustment to their wishes as long as they made adjustments to mine. Secondly, what my children enjoy doing in their spare time is not only a personal chioce, but an important aspect in anyones life. I would never tell my daughter she could not play hockey, or my son that he could not dance. Even though I would not be a huge fan of my son dancing, it is his own decision and not mine to make. Although I would control how much they play and where and when they play and everything that goes along with sports or clubs. Television shows and movies are another thing that I have difficulty deciding where the line is for a certain age. Do I let my eight year old child watch 'Nightmare on Elm Street'? No, I definitely do not. But I can give them the choice of watching Pokemon or Harry Potter. It is especially difficult once Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Parental Involvement in Education Parental involvement in education is a vital essential for creating a cooperative environment for the student to thrive and succeed in. When a student knows that he or she is receiving support both inside and outside the school, the chances of that child becoming responsible for and active in their education are more likely. I know that there can be difficulties including parents for many reasons. Such parents may be too busy, uninterested or just feel helpless. However, as an educator, I will still have an obligation to reach out to these parents and assist them. It is important to start the year off making parental involvement a top priority. Establishing clear and open lines with the parent early in more content... Once there is a clear and open path for communication, it is important to make the communication meaningful. Often parents aren't involved because they are not aware of ways that they can help. Keeping parents informed of upcoming tests, projects, homework assignments, and areas of study give them some knowledge about what is going on and also makes them feel like they are capable of helping and can be an asset to their child's education. It may also be helpful to suggest ways that parents can aid their child in preparing and studying for tests. Helping parents feel useful creates an essential cooperative learning environment. It is also important to go beyond parental involvement in your classroom. It is also necessary to help foster a community that supports and is also active in the local schools. There are a variety of methods for accomplishing this goal: ask community leaders to lead projects in the school or come in to talk on career day, or sponsor an ice–cream night at the school and invite all the children, parents, and community members for a social gathering. As a teacher, I could also call the local newspaper to ensure that the student's accomplishments, successes, and/or talents are recognized by the community. A student needs every means of support available to ensure that they succeed and prosper in the Get more content on
  • 15. Interview With Parents Interviewing the parents of students in our district was one of the first steps I took in completing this project. The questions were provided by the instructor for the course so I prepared written surveys for the respondents from those questions. I did not add to those questions, although I do now wish that I had. I invited parents of students in my school district who I knew to complete the survey. I sent them the surveys via email and asked for their responses within a week, if possible. Everyone responded quickly and was quite honest with their responses. After I received the responses, I tallied them and put them into a chart format to review. I would like to have interviewed a larger number and broader range of parents for this portion of the project. I feel like not enough parents were interviewed to get an accurate picture of the opinions of parents in our school district. At that point, I began to review the policy regarding teacher leave. I was unaware then that policy was governed by state law. I assumed that the policies were determined by our school district and were therefore something that could be "tweaked". The information received from the parent interviews was what I expected. The feedback showed that most parents thought learning occurred as usual more content... Parents do have an opinion on almost every subject related to the school and these days they are not afraid to share that opinion. If I had found the overall opinions of parents were negative and sour toward teacher absences, I would have also found a negative school climate, I believe. Negative opinions spread to the community and can affect the climate of the community if unchecked. If parents had felt that teachers were absent at an excessive amount, I probably would have also found that very group of parents were also unhappy with the state of the Get more content on
  • 16. My Parents, My Brother And I Essay I was born in Northridge, California and raised in a working class family. My older brother and I grew up on the doctrine of not selling our physical and mental labor for proletariat wages. My parents' primary motive was to surpass their success. They worked vigorously to make us fearless, determined, and humble individuals; however, we were conditioned to cloak and suppress our emotional deficiencies that may impede our future accomplishments. My then, immigrant father left behind his poverty–stricken family in Mexico to pursue his American dream in California. Like many immigrants before him, he experienced many barriers, such as, racism, fear, and mental and emotional distress. Guided by his faith and unparalleled fortitude he ploughed through the barriers and fulfilled his dreams to marry a Mexican–American woman to start a family with, and obtain his citizenship. My parents, the survivalist, sacrificed their earnings to provide food, clothes and shelter for my brother and I. They were true survivalist in the purist form, there were moments that they would ration their food for my brother and I, but they would go without eating for days. Never did they express their sorrows; their bravery outweighed their hunger woes. Their devotion and martyrdom acts would make a permanent impact on my brother and I later in life. As a young docile girl, my parents managed to sustain a healthy atmosphere by masking our impoverished environment for many years until one Christmas. Get more content on
  • 17. How My Parents Raised Me How My Parents Raised Me As far as I can remember I have had a happy childhood. I don't have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my parents raised me like most of the other kids. My parents handled my wrongdoings and mistakes very calmly, although I can't remember doing something that's very bad. I guess you could say that I'm spoiled but I don't think I am. Being an only child I think helped on making my punishments not that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the person that I am today, and I think they did a great job. No, my parents were never pushing or demanding what I should do or become. My first 4 years of life, it was just traveling, since I was just two months old. I am lucky in many ways. I was more content... Make sure that the weakest have their share. If someone has a hard time, do not put the person more down. Help the weak. Plant trees or flowers; do anything what makes surroundings more beautiful. Not only me, but everybody around my father, has been learning these facts of life. Even my mom, she became totally devoted to our pet dogs. These things and more have been my guiding ropes these nearly 19 years of my life. Since I was in kinder, I was never pushed or forced to study, or to be the best or even second best. I was taught to be fair and independent. For my parents, any level of test grades was good. I was never told to become an engineer, nurse or a doctor. Choice was trusted on me. My parents said: Be you, because the future is yours, we just try our best to give a nice path and a little push for your starting journey in life. Here again, I been lucky, no demanding and no pressure. I have been taught to make my own decisions and to stick with them. That is maybe the greatest thing in my upbringing, loving and trusting parents, whom been treating me as equal, not just like a kid. Anything and everything was and is discussed in the dinner table or any given time when we are together. No matter how young I was, there were never secrets or some "adult talk only", I was always present and part of it. From Global matters, to politics and family planning, I was taught everything before I was 8 years old. There were no questions or Get more content on
  • 18. Parents And Parents Essay The current longitudinal study shows that there is a correlation between physical health and relationship to parents regardless of gender. However, the results for each hypothesis of this study showed varying results. Hypothesis #1, which predicted that there will be a positive correlation between adolescents in good physical health and the quality of the relationship with their parents regardless of gender, was statistically significant by results of this questionnaire. The results show that there is a correlation between the relationship (closeness) to parents and general health of adolescents. When asked to rate general health and level of closeness to each of their parents, adolescents who rated higher health levels tended to rate more content... This means that the more parents are involved in deciding who their adolescent children spend time with, the more likely that the adolescent will report having better health. There was also a positive correlation between the curfew variable and ability to select friends, meaning that, adolescents who were able to select their own friends were more likely to also be able to choose their own curfew time by their parents. These results show a significance relating to the hypothesis, there was a positive correlation between the quality of parenting methods and the general health of the adolescents. This shows that positive parental disciplinary techniques where parents balance being actively involved in their adolescent children's activities and habits while maintaining a level of trust in allowing them to make some decisions on their own may positively affect their children's general health. These findings are consistent with and relate to a finding by a previous study which found that: "adolescents who perceived that their parents knew their friends, where they went at night, how they spent their money, what they did with their free time, and where they were most afternoons, were less likely to begin to use drugs (Steinberg et al., 1994). Hypothesis #3, which predicted that students performing better academically will report Get more content on
  • 19. Parents and Education Essay Parents and Education I am writing primarily to parents who have children in elementary school and high school, but teachers, librarians, and other members of school staff ought to listen as well. My position is that both parents should be closely involved in the school life of all their children. Education is a very important part of all societies and cultures. The education system plays a key role in the early lives of all citizens of the United States of America. The nature and extent of an individual's formal education will generally have great effects upon their entire life. Therefore, this topic is of significant relevance and usefulness to our society as a whole. The first reason for this call to more content... He says that "high out–of–wedlock birthrates mean a constantly renewed cohort of adolescent males without parenting, which means disorderly neighborhoods and schools." (Will). Broken up homes is one major problem of this subject, affecting the success of children from all races and social classes. So, part of this problem will only be improved, if the proper family unit is encouraged and restored in this country. The goals of bothschool and home need to be at least basically aligned for the success of a child in school. Mary Lou Sayler wrote Parents: Active Partners in Education and lays out a parental involvement program for parents. In this short book she affirms, "If the goals of the home and school are in conflict, children often become confused and develop anxieties which prevent learning." (Sayler 7). She also notes the importance of stable home–life and she writes the following: "Moreover, teachers also report that the most common classroom indicators of children who are experiencing disruption at home include: aggression toward peers, defiance toward authority, moodiness, daydreaming, withdrawal and declining grades. Such children experience low self–esteem, especially in regard to their capacity to master new tasks and adapt to unfamiliar situations. They also find it difficult to handle Get more content on