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Stopping a Fight
"HoN darc rou!'- hollcrcd Jack.s hc clcnchcd his lisl a.d punchcd Tonr
on hk chcck. caxsi.s him to slfl3ecr bnct$.rds tron thc impad I N chcd in
lNrror nhcn I si$ tlrc loot ofsuiplncooTort s anc. DorDh inb a furious glai.
Hc $.s undaunrcd b! Jnckt .crions. Rctaliotirg Nitlr r Dnnch ofhk oNn. hc hil
,acksquarclJ onhisclc.Immcdiarclt-lackco$cdhiscl.andbcnrooihpain
Dissalisned nh the result. Ton raised his rigbr fool and rickd rack s sloinach
Rc0cxnch. I ncppcd bchrccn both ol lhcm and ticd to push Tom nral
Ho$ccr hc rs roo stong aor nc Shoring m. asidc. hc ldtanccd losards
lack and rrised his n't in rronrofhis r!ce- 0rcarcni.g lo hir hin again. Wi$oul
hesnalion.l [elped ]acli to his fcct ard lricd to dng hin anar bul Jick sas nol
10 bc dclcrtcd b,r'sonconc
ns snRllcFsircd than hc $as. Ignoins Bc. hc
lunecd ar Tom- cngagihg him Bo$or$cm crc mt aricnds IhadtosopLnc
nehl Smndihgibrro.rofjrct.IplcadcdNilhlimlosropnghling
-G.toutofdrrvarl'- hc shoulcd. Iis chcoks flushcd  hanscr
-No!-'I rcbncd. -Sbp n!W
'rc )ou 6ghting?Wcicrll fricnds!'
''Tonisnolmr lricnd!--hcsaidinacoldchillingoice "Do,oukno hal
he didl You ould nol forgn e him ei$crilrouNcrc nc.-'He said in aroice fillcd
sit[ so uch coricrion lhar I as curious abour lEr could [arc n.ppcncd
I rvas aboul to ask a qucsr,on Nh.n Ton rankcd lac* s collar lron bcbi.d.
cnusins both Jnck and ne lo lose our balance. Lucli,lr. I caurhl hold of Jacli in
lime to slop hnn frorn lalliq Inccnscd b! rh.t Ton had donc. I pusbcd
asidc drd pnllcd Tom losads'nc
''Listcn. bo$ of)ou! I h6scd. _Wharcf rbc poblcn is. I n suic thcr.
are berchrars b solre rllStop drn fighling beloe ]ou hur rounelf Thenon
inptrlsc.l Baecacloft[cmasLp mros lhe lacc.
Mr rclions sccmcd to iolr lhcm our of thcn onacr Ahhoush srill lookins n
litrlcdisgrunrlcd.Oc) aerccdtositdonandlalkaboulhathadhappcncd INas
glad lhat I had Nanased lo slop the 6sht.
Thc lonc boar Nirh rhc hro boatmcn could barclr bc sccn as il driftcd
don lhe rnc. TIc onl! sound thal camc fton n ras lhc chn83ins ol llc
nroor. The 60 nen ur. esb and thli drorrs ThDrc as b.n sicting out
lronr rhcn pockcls Ncxt to lhcm rcrc xo pails nllcd Nilh nsh. Anronc rvho
sr rhcn $ould ihncdirtclj $ink lhar tcJ $cic nshcincn on $cn $a!
hone arte, ! ielrding nshin! rrip. No onc rould hae gue$ed rha! thee Ias
a sccrct companrncnt al thc borton oftbc roclir boat.
Thc bort chusged tolvards a clcnring in lhc cmbonkmcnt. Wilh lhc dcnsc
bxshcs surcunding the plrcc- crc4 pdt loolcd $c samc brtrhe borhcn kn.
cMcI! Ih(c to stop SloNing doh. thc) $roq i6 lhe uchor &d lro burly
sccurc thc boal. lhc t$o mcn €ntcrcd lhc boat .nd nalkcd toards thc ccnlrc oa
Llr bo,t Thcrc  a s no nocd ror plcasantics Each ptrt) sccmcd to kno n,l$c
otcr pa$ r ercd Bc.ding do*n to iclc!*, cath. onc ofdc bollnc. opcncd
! sccrcldoor.nd clinrbcd doNn a fishtofshns h.momcnl.hcasoutigain
Nifi abor in hs hnds Hrndi.g ir ro rhc to mcn. hc rcnr dorn for,rolhcr bo
Br thc line hc $6 done.Ihcrc cre fic simil bocson$enoo.
Tcaing op.n one of rhc boxes. rlr nicn checlicd rhe conrcnc and mddcd
h approal Thc bocs crc 6llcd rnb prckck oI conaabod cigarcncs anct
ronld lctch. high pricc I{.hding ocr asuncasc silh rvads of thouend dollar
notes. $e xro men shook hands nh the boattuen Then $e boxes rvere canied
oll the bo .nd thc boot conlinucd on its journcr as thongn nodins had ktcn
placc Ecrlonc Nas conlctrtd. knoNing tnal thc coaslgualds hod not bcc.lippcd
Hoerer.adistancean r.arouneborNasholdinganrobilephonehich
drc co.stsuard had sncn nim Hc prcsscd l[c nunbcr for drc dirccllnrc lhat he
had bccn sircn. Thc oicc on lhc odcr Inrc lislcncd lo him and tou hnn lhat hc
had donc a tsood lob. As thc ncn lcnt on rhcn 6. lhct cic ua arc ol thc
police omce6 $at Nere ani.g for then nea, lhen lor.r rhere the) planned
to load thc conlraband cigdcrc' A coasrguard c$cl sls aitine iusr round a
bcnd. c.nro!,lagcd in tc darkncss. rcad) to srop fic nshing boatoncc ilas ncar
A Close Encounter
Thc ctunchins oa dricd lcncs rcsonorcd rhroushour rhc silcnl forcst. Thc
nore e Nrlkcd- te quietr dd darkcr ( got. Thc sun *as hiddcn b! i blrnkel
ol clouds rid Nl[r hrlc surlighL rltu sho.c duough rlrs foliag. .s Aone. Atuor
ed I allcd closc to cach oficr and sloppcd c!r] fc slcps lo loot dound.
Thcn *itholl rvami.g. apairolbrighr rcd cy.s s$nd al !s liom bct$ cc. $c tre.
Aarcn stoppcd in his traclis Thc colou daincd from his fncc. A clill rnn
doM nt spinc I ft,nblcd nh fcar and nt lcgs quncad w. s&od our grouhd-
hopirg dar h,l sc hld sccn rorlddisappcar Ho$. ci. d. prirofcvcabccamc
bisgcr and bdghlcr To our horo. Ne rcali/xd thathalccrlhcercs bclonged lo
as connB lorv ds ns. As n ad3nced to$ards us. fic ercs loNcrcd as though
tc crcaurc had suddchlv bccomc sborrc. l rclacd a lirlc lor I sas ccnain rhlr
A,ronandl$ould bc.blcto ocrconcsuch,small crcaturc Wc hcld our brc,lh
as a fuII] oal-shaped head appcared lrom bexeen thc ttes Il ras a ild dos!
Wc rrc stunncd Thcr. had ncd bccn sightings oI rvild dogs in tlr forcsl Il
so lcd a! us. barins ils sha.p tcctn Saha $as drippnrs arcn thc cor.crofns
nouth Aaron lugsed nl land 'Leltrun!"hcrhispcred.
Tumin8aroud. se ronasfastas rccould Wc isnorcd tlE rusllinsollcacs
as lizdds dld squidcls mocd around us Wc did nor ccnaccl dr nrsr drops of
iain as a stcady dri,,lc bcgan. Wc ran $irhout lumi g back oncc. Finally. out ol
breath- r€ stopped and fell to the ground I lumed aronnd. epecri.g the dog ro
Doucc on trs bul nsas lonc
NudgihgAaron. rho srs panling so hdd.l told hin llrr lbc dog s as gonc
wc dcodcd ro cnd our hiko and l.aa Oc aoicsr wc did nor rnl to bu6p inlo
lhe Nild dog aga,n and lhe 6in as aho beconing lreaLier As Ne frade our Na)
oul. rc [card t]r squcals and scrcccncs ordrc crcalurcs in lhc rorcsl. Somclhins
munbchappcningindrclorci PcrnapsficsilddogNasonihcprosla8ain Nor
$anins ro bcconc its Drc. sc hn d spccd rhc rcsl ofth. u! honc
A Squabble
Mr Bhkc hcard a doo. slflm as hc ras nbour to lc.c his honsc. Tumin8
to his Ln. hc gl.rcd or thc pcrpctrolo. Shc ras a ladt in Id mid-ftinics Shc
.s .ll-drcssed i omc. suir.nd hccls. SIE $as Mrs Lcis Mr
ncislbour. Scnsins hs ncighbour lookins m hci shc tumcd aron.d lnd Eorc
him an cquallJ hGtilc 8laio. Thcn shc slomcd plsi bin. thocting do*. a por of
begonias on (he $a) oul
-LIcr!" Mr Blalic shoutcd aner hc. S[c did not bothcr lo tum !rcund as shc
Mlkcd loards lhc lin Hc nn.ftcrbcrandorcrtookhc.Thcn hc stood in lronl
of hcr. blocking hcnvrj'
''Wh!rrr.roudoingl lhehbscd It Nas srill early in rhe moming and ndy
"Do rou kno rvhal rou iust didl I took a rcdlr lons limc lo sm filt pol
ofbcSonias! hc ]cllcd at $c rop orhis oicc. obhions lo hon his oicc s.s
{hoiig rhrouelDur dc cnrir. Ioor
"Oh.' shc said. lootnrs bact.'l ddn l troN. Bul anrNav you should nol
hac bn ii thcrc ifn is so imporht. shc rctoncd rs shc ticd to pnsh hnn asidc
Horrcr. Mr Blalic rcfused lo lcthrnsellb.brushedolt Hc dcmandcd lhal
MB Lc is par lor Ih pot of bcgonias At 661. shc Octcnded nol lo hear hin ard
lappcd hcr tool im paricnl lt as snc r .ncd aor $c lift HoNc vc r hc r innor ion g!c
as Mr DIalc bcgan accusing her olbci.g nEsponsiblc and odc Shc snappcd at
hih and told h,to $at she had ahays lell thil he $as a pe(r man nho krcked up
a fuss oe! sn.ll marlcrs Hc. oicc incEascd a notcn fls shc spoke Bclorc shc
could6nish nat shc ms sil ing. MrBlakc ranofbardshishonsc MG]-cNis
snilcdsnuglv. thin*rng dal shc hadlon rh. argutuonr
An.srngsoundrshea.d..dthelifl doosopened MrsLeisrasaboullo
stp ntu &c lin  hcn Mr Blitc appearcd bcforc hcr Strkins t[c Dor of bcsoniis
ans h in lront ol bcr facc. hc dcn dcd for comFcnsorion Snc sercd al hnn
incrcdulolsl!androldhimdartcplantasalrcad, ilringbclorcshcrh@tcd
into n.Ther shod there. glaring llercel) arcach oue(
Al thd,noncnl dorhcr ncighbou appcarcd. Sltr as old M6 Sni$.
Sccing Mr Blahc and M6 Lc$is. shc p.6rad.d rncn lo nop arBuihg. Borh of
thcnr lnmcd rcd Nilh cnbamssmcnl Thc! srudsinslr smilcd al olhcr and
€nl licir scpamc rvays.
A Dangerous Act
Andy and Brandon sconrcd lhc snorc. sc chins aor scrslrclk Horycci
tc) loud noting bur pcbblcs Dishcrncncd.tnq ruhcdlosardsagra$rpatch
ar rhc ropoa.slopc Thcrc tic a$chl hn8crock$crc
onl" shouled Andy. Theie nighr be sohe$ing inleEsrnrg hehrd
Thc hors scEfrblcd up lhc slopc. Thor laces N(c hncd nh $eat and
linr hitc0ocmcrcsluckon$cnclolhcs.Andr stmdalrhctopollhcslopc-
btushine thcn oII Undclctrcd bt thc mcss on nis clofics. Brrndon rnl on lo
c$lorc lhc r6ts Whco Andl rallicd ocr Bmrdont laoc as shinnrs rilh
cxcilcrnc Hc nad opcnc d a blac( bag  h icl hc lad fomd hiddcn al undcr
the roclis. Snall ranspare stoncs spa led in thc anemoon sun.
"CaU lhc policc! ' Atrdr  lispcrcd inmcdiatclt. Hc rcmcmbcrcd ryl[t lrc hnd
rad ih lhc ncnspipcB a lcrv dars ago and hc rccogni?cd lhc diatuoids aotu a
picturc in lh. rcpon. An infanbus gang ofrobbcunad slolcn a ladr's diamonds.
The bqs shored the bag back lo rhere ther had found naod hid (behi.d a
clumpofbushes as ther trailed for thepolice to a(nt Horer€r mornents later a
nEn lnh bloodsho! er es and a lhicli blact bea.d gror rog aiound his face a(n ed.
Hc rcmhchind lncrcts. rc achcd u ndcrncat md ht out lhc bagoadiamonds
And, iumpcd up loft hn hid,6g placc sirhou, sccond rhoughr and lcapr nr th.
,nar Hc r.incd bloMflo bloN otr fic
Tnc ran. N[o Ms nucb lallcr lhm
And. punchcd hnn o. tc.oso nn6cdia$l- blood gushcd oul l.on his.ostrils.
ln rctaliaion. he sanli his Ieefi in$ lhe nani am so hard lhat he cried out in
p,in Ilocrci.hcrNocrcdqxicllt adpurhishahds.roundAndt'shcct Andy
as sasping lor an hcn drcc ,oliccmcn catuc tuhning loards $cm Onc of
rhcn rlmN a balon.r thc ran $nich hil nnn o. fic hcad Stu.ncd. ihc m.n lcll
bacrrvard s. Thc polic c hcn pushcd hin lo thc ground andhandcuaacd hih
And! md Smdon scrc pEiscd b! thc policcmcn tor $cn quict thinkins
Ho$eer Andt rs also seerelv reprinanded aor his behaiou. He had
cndansercdhnlleb) hkingonantanhoNashuchbigsersi/idlhrnhenas.
nrc mor nisnl aho hrc cadtibs a scapob Thc policcmcn also lold tnc
bols lnal lhcy nod alrcad_' apprchcndcd lhc rce of thc sans mcmbcs rho rcrc
ndiinE then ar uD lhe slope. The bors stared open-nouthed al$e &rs. A
lin glinB sc n salion s cnl do . thc ir s pinc r s lher droushl or the c onsequences it
$c resr ol thc men n.d rnrcked rhc,n.
A Dangerous Job
D.n pickcdnp thc hcorr conlaincrofclcanin8sohtionand placcd ilon thc
so.dola Ukcoueasuc.S.m.asakcadr railinsforhin.Thcirhsldrldar sas
dirl'clco{ l1o$ rhos. dk dr} usu.llr did As$i onrslEs.rlrrsue(u ll
liitcd alon8 lhc glass Nindoss of r high-nsc bnildnrs in a sondol! likc printcrs
olbloc(s olnrE. Hoc!r 6ardar. $c gondol, (as goingmuch hiehcr$an il
usually did lor the) tre going to cleah $c lerrcrs rhar hade up the hahe ola
hrasmid-d.r' ondlhcsunN,scxccptionnllynoldrald.t. Wilh tlcscorching
hcar bcating don on $cn- thc .o mcn crc pc(pning profusch cvcn b.foi.
$cr rcachcd lhe rop Slspcndcd on fie gondola. $q rec pu(i.g tun ln.s al
isli Thcy c.c[ orc a safet] hancss lhnt r ould pr$rnl ficn lron fauins s[ould
thc sondoln malfunclion. Horvccr lhcrc ros alnvs n ch.ncc lhm lhc safclr
hmoss  onld aril Dd ftct  ould pcrish $hilc doine lhcn job Tl'd da) .  nh
tcn sarc! hrihNrs on. ttct sar ahd uilcd lor Oc gondol! lo rcach $c lop
lnstad ofl6k6g doNn and rcalizing hor lar thcr rcr fton thc grcund. lhcr
rook lhcn rind oll rhc l,cighr bt chlting ro crch odE
Ther NeE about to tach the top rvhcn ithoul anins. lhcrc as a loud
clang and thc hn side oflhc gondola did dorvnads. Thc mcn scrcamed and
grabbcd o.lo tlc sidcs'l nc cnitu on onc sidc of lnc gohdola had givcn sa,r md
$c contraprion sas nos $vot ihg bac( rnd aonh dmgcousll in
rere shouts lrom belon aspeople nolicedNhat rshrpp.nins. From the topof
rhc bniunrg. thcir supcn isor shontcd for rhcm lo lcr so of rhc Bondoh snrcc $cr,'
nod lncn harncsscs on Ho$cyc( thc hro mcn scrc lcluctanr to do so 0s rhc_' lcn
norc $curcd bcingon rhc gondola.Al$ar tooncnr. rhcorhcrsidc gair!v and
$e gondola renrcrashing to $e rround People screamedandran oulolthe ar.
Forhnotclr nooneont[c slrcetbclos rashu .Altlrush DanlndSrm had lhen
sofc! lmmcscson.rhcr rcrc sill sNar ins abour dangcnnslr in fic ai. As lbcl
had lo barl. inds thal $c much stonBcr, lhlt.ltnudc. ir $as dimcuh aor
dem to lorver lhemseles
Tho ro mcn ccbrurllr rcaclrd fic ground slfclr. Hocer lhc) had
a 6aronu cpoi.ncc in fic air For lhc nrer rinc. $ct rcrli/cd tc danecrs
assocdcd $nh rhcnjob
Helping a Friend in Need
Thc shnll rins oa thc phonc slartlcd Jim. sho N.s rcodinE a mos.zinc.
Rcaching aor lhcphonc. hc ns surpri*dlo hcarhhfricndt amntic oicc.
''You e got ro gcr ord lEic righr asa_ ! O.h rou car gcr orc our ol r(
mcss!" Jin N.nlcd to ost Pcld nhat hld happcncd bul hc had alrcad! sl.rnmcd
do n thc phonc rih rushcdoutofrh. holse- glad thll Pct6ihouscaso.l!on
the net stieet W]1en he eached lhe hous. he sa Pelci Naiting a.iouslv lor
"Pnrkr is goncl" hc shoulcd
Jim nnalh mdcrslood h! Pcicrhadcallcdhimocr Pint! sashisbrodcr's
larourircpel Irasagrc)ishblrckscorpio.tharrsslighl largertannispaln
Jim line that Pclcr's brothcr Nould be ftrioN rlEn he lound oul. H. ako knc
th Pctcras lcrilicd oallE scoDion and sas too alrnid to pick it up rlhc lonnd
n On cnrfting Pctasroon. hc lcantr fron Pcrcrthal hc had accidcnhll! th@tcd
into hisbrolhci srdl conlainihg lhc scorpion Thc mk had ralb. onto lhc 0ooi
ahd Pctcras t@ frishrcncd to put n back in placc. Bcforc long.lhc scorpion had
crarvlcd our ol lhc rant Thc rDk Nls nor brotcn md Pcrcr had rcrnmcd ir ro it
oiginal placc bul hc ras too alrad lo looli lor ftc crcaurc
Jih took a torch and shonc il undd thc heds and behind thc .trpboards.
HoNcrc( fic scorpion as noNncrc to bc lound Ancr gong dmugh (llc room
mcliculouslr. Jim cneckcd thc olhs roons Hc ccn cncckcd tu bilcl Jnn
nlledcaEtully as he ras aftaid $atherould slepon thc scorpDh unlnoN,nsl).
Hc had bccn *0rchiDg for almo( r cn! mnrulcs ud $as aboul ro sicuprlrcn
hc sar a morcncnr undcr drc sofa Bcndnrg do n carcfnll( hcpccrcd und$thc
sofa. Thc scorpion nas right h rh. cc.lrc oa thc dar*cne^d fl ooi Using lhc cnd ol
an utobretla. he nudred the scorpion oul froh uMer the sofa Then he caried n
Pctcr shmnk bmk $ncn nc sar thc scorpion Hc sincd a scrcam .s Jnn ricd
to scarchin b) holdins thc scorpion clos tohiD Pu(in! Uc scoQion carctully
bacL inlo Oe td. Jin bu4l out laulhing nhen he sar ho teriiied Pel*Nas.
He as siuine at $c lai cnd ofhis bod- cocring his fac. ed lrcmbling.
'Lcl nc hnos ilyo! losc rhc scorpioh again." ,in said nirh a chcc' gdn
on hs lacc as hc nncd,roodbc lo Pclc.
A Flood
Crnlhi! rollcd np hcr lrouscrs and bcnt doNn to scooD norc Natcr fom thc
srcn.d oulsidc hcr housc. Hcr parcnc $crc doin8 $c a shorl disLncc.ral
Tlr.r] lre.d ar tlE ras fol halltu hour TIE nmssie dourpou, dE
da! bcforc brd causcd onood oursidc Crnthia-s housc. Dcspitcrhcmanl paih of
$atodc) had ancad! $oop.d !p- thc $atcr lcclrcmaincdtcsahc. iust thcn-
Crnthia lookcd up lo se. ctclist cnsl i o hcrfathc. rholEd son€ nnhcrout
olllrc housc lo tr-r to clclr lhc dcbris lnd  c!lhcrc.Thccrcl (as ut ins lo aoid
goingoolnrcith d lloaling in Oc Narcr A. hc s{^ed unsLrdi[ aron !id. lo
side. hc did not notice Cl ntlia s larher squatd.B ned Uc sidc ol rhc @d Br Ue im c
he sN hin. il ras re htc. Hc did not crD 16€ time to scne at) tom lin Hc
cnshcd inlo C. nlhiai ftlhcr and both of thcm acll lo thc sround. Although ticl  sc
norbad bm.lhcndotn s Nsc sortcd dd onc shccl oa&e bictclc na punctued
Cththia ud no moLn$ hclpcd 6cn inro dr housc dd dJcscd Ocn (o@ds
That aftcmoon. lhc ratcr rcccdcd a ln c Thc ianr had causcd lhc dnslbins
oubidc rhc houscs ro ropplc oYs and robbish ras no,ri.g crcnlvhcrc Ctrrhia
and her mothcr nef ablc lo sccp thc rcmainins  aler and the dcbris out ofhcir
lronl _tud and in|o a dranr Horrr. pieccs of lissue pape.lcarts and plaslic
baes  crc siill stuck oD lnc ground Usingahosc.Ctntniainoficrsprarcdsalcr
aL$clitlcrmd$cpliLourol$clromgalc Whcnlhclomtaldhadnnalh bccn
cleaned. Crnthia helped her ftoder lo clean the house. Astoall area in her hdg
roon had also bccn afcctcd b! thc 0ood Thc 0oor$.s nucdnhblacl{prrliclcs
so Crndria had to scrub lhc arc8
Thc ltood had causcd ! lot ofihco.rcnfncc to C)nthia and hci frnrlr Il
lool a dar olrain lo cEate lhe ness in $e hou$ng estate but Crn$ra and her
famil! look tltrcc drys lo clcatr up Tbcrc $$ .lso pcmnncnt danage lo thc
aoDilri sodcn as rhc flood had dcslrolcd thc snEll planls fial rvcrc srorvins
all arolnd lhc gardcn C)nlhia s norh(rclucrrhllr pullcd olt all rh. Shc
ouldharelosta(plaoUngner onesaga,o Ee!ooehopedlhatlhererouldnol
bc m 6orc lloods inftc rrca
My Mischievous Brother
Closinsmr book. I hidilundcrm! pillolrlitclalrvalsdidhcnllcnmr
r@m It sas. Dcr book in ,nr foyourile scries 'Mr Midni3hl' Thc book as
espcciall) prccious b rc is rltc iudru liosclf lmd s,Bncd on rbc irs( prgu. i
Nanlcd to kccp itpislinc so ldid not cr cn d.rc to bcndllrc corcuNhcn I rcnd lhc
b@l I uscd a bootmlil instcadofloldingfic topcomc6ofrhc prCcs.
I spent an houi Natchi.g, docune.uq N(h mt paenb. I could nol a(
to rctum to mv hoo( O. r! u! upshns. I suddcnl] rcrlizcd lnal n] brclhcr
had not bccn rilh us Ihc cntirc rnnc Asuddcn scnsc ofpmic ocnficlmcd mc
{hcnlnoticcdm bcdr@ndoorrid lhadlcft ilcloscdsh.nlcnrdo$nsuns
Rushing inro 6r roon. I enl sroieht to n) bcd to rcrricc m prccious book
HoNcc.lhc beli *as sonc. I turncd os t[c piuoN is scll as thc bladiel.lhc
bolslcrand thc son toys on r! bcd. Hoscc.lhc boot ras no hcrc to hc lound.
i could fccl mt cars ahd chcc(s Scting hor as mgcr 6sc snhin mc lr nusr bo
I marchcd |onis roonr. dcnrindins dul hclcll mc Nhcrc hc had pnt nr b@k.
Isxnodi6cdio$cm bookhcsidchino.rhcbcdnhscrcmlplgcsromonr
Thcrcrcreccnshredsollishtbro$npapcron the noor. Mybrothdslardatnc
rvnn a checN gnn on his lacc.
''Nicc papc("nc said h his nuucrinSoicc
Crabbihe lhc booL aron him.l shooknim hard bt fic shouldcreand shoukd
m his lace I could nolbelee hormuch drnage a four rearcldcoulddo tonr
drinas Brcoki.! arec from mc. m brothcr cra lcd lo thc cornu ofhn bcd. curlcd
his lcssundcr him md cricd u nco ntol lablr
Hcrilng rhc cohmolion- I parcnts 6n i6ro rhc ooh lo nnd out hat had
happeied Thel rere about to scold ne lor Lightenins hl botherbu| rhen lher
s!$ $. danrscd book in mr [.nds.llrcr undc6lood h.l h.d [epcncd.In{c.d
ofbcnrsansn ithmc,thcrdragscdmrbrolhcrfromhiscorncmndlorccdhnn
to apolos i7c lo ntc Thcnmr morhci promiscd lo but mc a ncs copr olthcbook.
I lodded.nd entbacl lony room niseirblr lnmyhands$ere$etopieces
lron rhc 6isl pagc of rhc boo[ Thar nighr. I spenr a long rinc r^ing ro lapc lhc
troDicccsrvi$ thc a!thor's rirnarurc back in placc.
A Rescue
Grcs a.d An$ont N?ndcrcd torards lnc monsoon dEin Thc rain hodjml
subsidcdand llrc monsoon .s almosl fillcd rith satcr Gre3 and Androny
dscid.d ro go lor a nir. Tln !arc, lootcd crurrn.l) caLn Snnnmbg ir dE
Nnlcronld bc a brcczc
As rhc! cnrci.d tc icc-cold alor lhc bots shic(d. Cr.g sohdcicd ifil
as a good idea bul he did not ndtAnlhon) to crll him ! co!id. He decided
lo eo alcad rit[ thc sin Hoerei lhcv had on' gonc a shon distecc  hcn
a suddcn cumnr srvcDt thc bols fonrard Crcs tricd to snb onro thc sidc ofthc
dmin bu!his nne(s slid along ii as hc as lnablc to find an)Lhing lo hold on to
Anhon)- $c seall.j4d one.llo.led don rhc drain ar such a spced Oal ne Nas
sootr oul ofsight. Crg nailcd his arhs abour. nrusgling to 6nd a N4 to slo$
hinsclldoNn nEt llcn. hc fclt $mcthing lussins on thc bact ofhisTihin Hc
srugglcd b lrcc himsclabur hc lrcard oiccs shouting ro rcll nim b nop noi.g
Looking !p. Grcg rcrliTcd tlDr r lcN mcr hld spoucd hin i. dr drrin Th$ $ crc
loldinsont a sfick rvith a hoot al onc cnd to pull Crcs oul ofthc dhin.
h did nor bhc long for GrA ro bc rcscucd Jur hcn hc
dr grass
palch.a ladr oamc running to ads then ltum $colhcrcndofthe drain Bc[rccn
breaths.slesaid alaroungbol$asscetrnoadnsdonlhcdrain. IlheNasml
rcscucd soon.hcould bc rvasncd inlolhcrncr Bt lhcn- hc
$ough hcMs cxhausLcd and siill in sbock.6rcg ran $ith tllc rhrcc mcn as $cr-'
rushed lo fie other end hdidnoltnte$e long lo spot Anthony. Foduatel). he
$as holdi.son lo scrcnl prolrusions on thc rou8h aUs. HorNc. hc rvas losin8
nisgrip HcNassotircdtlmthcdidnolcrcnhacdrcsrrcnghtosloutforhclp If
hc had nol bccnrcaring hn b.ghroiangcT{htn. no onc}ould har. spotlcd him.
lustnhenhereleasedhissrip-heashauledupb) lhe$reetren.
Anlhoo] ed GrcB rcrc smtcful lo lhc pas*rbr Nho nad hclpcd lo sayc
lhcrn Thq nod bamlalcssotr fiomlhcnnam cscapc Thcr haddi$olrcd thar
cvcn though thc atcr in rhcnoisoond{i. sccmcd caln. it.sactMIl) nol Il
as  err dangerous aM no ole should sio in (.
Helping the Poiice
Danicl siarcd ristaully
thc policc oiiccB in lhc policc slation Sonc oa
dEnr scE busr aucnding ro pcoplc nt rbe courtc^ Somc rcrc talkins on lhc uldMrlmdjus{,rtuncd.ddncr. gcniig ou{oadE policcc.,. Daricl
'.nlcd to bc likc thcn His nmbition Nas lo bc . policc omcc. Hc inrsincd ho
inpicssnc hc &!ld loo( hallin8 a ciininal blck lo lhc policc skrion Thihkine
aboul hat hld h.ppcned errlici. hc as plcased ilh h6 perform!.cc He as
abonl to coDlinuc on hn ar to lhc Iood cenlrc N[cn hc [ead a cn for lrclp.
Tunringaronnd. Danicl s.r r m.n in a bhctT-shirt ind $hilcjcans nnnins aa
Irom anold lady Thc old la/y ras scicamingduihcr pu6c had bccn srolcn
Ddicl sprinted inlo acrio. As hc (n.r Oe &c! cll. hc knc Oal thcre
was a s[on ctrl lcaditrs lo t[c placc rhcE lhe thicfras headcd Running to a
path bchind thc policc stnlion. Danicl jumpcd orcr obsbclcs srch as bushcs.
idc drains dld bck a p.rk unril hc rcachcd thc m,i. r@d Thcn dashin!
lcoss rhc nainroad lnd runn,e imoasidc ro!d. hc us acrulll jusrbcliM $c
drict Hc cillcd for hclp hilc kccpmg a safc dislancc bchnd $c lhict Thc area
rvas dcscncd ,nd rlrc thicl hd nor spou.d hnn tci Danicl ran as qnicrlt rs hc
could.hopingnotlorrouscthcnantsuspicions Oncc lhcmanonpastarc$oI
ab.ndoncd slolhouscs. heleant againslarall. outofbEa$. L@liins around. hc
didnorsccrtrto.c Tncr nc srl on dr Cmund lo go lhrough lllc puisc Th.t.s
rvhcn Danicl pouccd o. hifr.
The man $d caughl br suDise. He as $ stunned that he did nol es
slru88lc shcn Daniclsnatncd $c purc Irom hin Horcci hc sasmuch tallcr
dr Danicl Alfiough Danicl rricd lo hoB hnn doNn undl nch nncd t[c m.n
srcsrcd aicc lrotr Danicland shacd tonnrng. Fonunarlr. Dnn,cl ras onc ollhc
besl tunneB in h6 school athletcs leao It did .o! hlie hito lons to oulfon lhe
man. Hc slrusglcd rith lhc m fora shilc Lrrorc policc ofllccB ooncd.
Dmicl ras glad th lhc policc of6cc6 r@k o.r Thc! Ncrc rnrch stron8cr
than Dahicl Oncof$cmhandclifcdtcthiclhilcdothcrloldDaniclloaollo
rhen backlolhepol,cesraronro g6!hissrarenenr Daniel renrinrorhe policecar
irl his h.rd hcu nigh. Hc could nor bcli.rc lh,l h. ras ofhclp to lnc policc.
A Birthday Cetebration
I conld nor bclicc
crcs ncn I sar Pctcrond Frcd sln8slins undcr thc
cishroflb. husc catc Trchr orm8c 0,,ncs niclcrcd.borc il. sninslhc roonr
a ml urious glon. Esonc bcllcd otrr rhc Undtdrr song. l.l4p.d m) hmds
Nilhdclishl. Mr binhdar had 6n.ll! mircd
Thc da! sDncd olt lik. !.) odci oidinu dar. Hoccr. aor nc. it as
direre.t lt as h! bnthda) and I ras xrehe )ears old. UnliLe o pieiols
binldar cclebmtions. dns timc lhcrc tronld nol bc n [oncnadc btlhdny c.lic lilic
in lhc past. Ncithcr $onld tlE c bc a kblc ofhol catcrcd lood in sincr nc.mcrs
Thcrc onld nor bc any childish padr gane. cnhcr This e!r I $as ha ing a
pul) !rachaletinstad B.loiotheprnlstaacd.Icouldhctamriadorsounds
Thc firc had ahc.dr bccn shncd on lhc srill oulsidc and platcs olchickcn
sings.srus,gcsmdpmrns$cic$.ninebbccoolcd Soncormt frichdsscrc
ancadr c@ting Oc l@d Thc pany  a. goihg lo bc a onc Al thal moncm-
lhc runrblins olthundci could bc lurd in tne distance and a flash of lightnins
shrkcd across rhc skl Al ,.cd. crcryonc nshcd ro hc rhc food brck into lnc
Thcre as a dhslic chansc in the $cather as $c s bccamc oreran I
n] panr Nas tu1ncd. lhc cuaaiG {fc suddcnlt ddr n and out oa lhc cornf of
n:rere.lsarrano,anseglo The huge birhda) cate cahe as a pleasa surprise
for I donght that nr flic.ds crc burnrs mc onc $ai as nuch smalld Ancr drc
binhdal song.l closcd mr ctcsand nudc a ris[
Il Nas onc oalhc bc$ bnrhdar cclcbrations I had cdhnd. Thcrain sloppcd
afte, a $hile and re Nere able to resuhe ourbarbeue. Allhough ne did nol pla)
sancs. $c spent a lol oftimc I'lHns lo onc anoftcr nnd lcllins iokcs To$ards
rhc cnd of lhc pan!. I oDcncd mr prcsctra Whilc somc of lhcm munchcd on
tc lctoq barb.clcd aood and othea plalcd id tc brlloons. I iippcd opcn
one i.teresang present rlter another dd lhanlied ny lriends lor tlreir thoughtlul
A House.warming Partyl
Tobr lookcd rrcund his ncN housc  ilh plcNrc Il usspick and spon.ncr
hc b.d lhe snoh.i8ht clconi.B ir His prrcnls n.rc rnatin8 he-minxrc
p,.pr.rto.s. Euirrbnrg nas readr lor dE! housc{dtrtilg Tobr rould
nor rail ro shoN off hn ncr housc ro his fricnds.
Hcaiine $c suddcn shrill nng oarh. d@rbcll. Tobt spcd lo tc fio.l dooi.
hoping lhd hn friends had ontred. Hoger lhe guests Nere his prients lriends.
Crecl s lhen polilclr. Tobr shocd lhcn inlo th€ housc and caUcd l s molhcr
Hc spcnl lhc rcst oarhc rimc trltins lo thc sucsts .nd s$ ing lbcn dinks Jusr
den- hc hctd tu d@ibcll ring rgrin
Tobr rhiorr opcntedoor rosechis rro beslfiie.ds sffding in fro.r ofhin
Bclrvccn t[d Nas a hugc bighl rcd h.anbag thc exact one lhal Tobr had bccn
cycins for lhc post month lumping rilh cxcitcmcnt. Tobr thankcd his fricnds for
Lhc prosem and l@t rhom to his rcon On dc 6nd 0oo( Tobt lcd rhcm to nhcrc
his rooh $rs SundingouNido- hc opcncd ir Niln a lolrish. His fiicnds erspcd
nr amazcmcnt for the roortr lookcd is lhotrsn n Nas foating in outr spacc. Thc
2lls dccrli.Srcrcprinrcd nart btuc5nd rhcrccr srrcand pl crsprinr.d
on lhe ceiling. Tobr's bed Nas shapcd like a space shullle and his $nting dcst
N"s in a sMll cnclarc dul loolied lile a i e rachinc Hisfriends sp.nt such a
Iong limc rdrning nis roo,n thar al'nos all ihc food as gonc bt lhc lnnc lhct
Aner n qurt real. Tob) look th€$ on a bur ofhn nelr house. The huse
ch.ndclicr aborc hisdinin8 tablc snvc lhc placc. rc8al lool Thclilcbcn l@hcd
litc onc of tnosc lrom a cm(ing sl[$ Whar capturcd lhc borf axcnrioo thc
toosl as a roon on thc sccond floor Il containcd lhicc conputc{ dar .ic all
connecrcd to fte Inte,ner. Ther conld nol beliei hoN luctr Tob) as - lE had
hk on inlcmct cafa in his houscj Tob! clullcd ud lold lhcm lhd lher rcrc
clcoDc.n!rimc to pla! onlinc g ncs
Thc housc{.ming part! laslcd rhoughout lhc nisht. Bt thc linc thc lasr
gucsl hnd let. Toby and his pare. ts  ere ehausted. Massaging her achiog neck.
Tob} s norh{sal in drc amchanas shc athcd Tob! and ht fa$cropcning do
mant picscnts tat had bccn plac.d in apilc on $c n@r Thcrc wc bos and
box cs of hou schold itcms Shc rvondcrcd rh.l shc ms soins to do rvnh tum.
A Welcome Party
''Has fie food atrned retl Where are the paper plales:' Brcnda. don l blon
$c balloons so big or lhcr sill bust!' Miclt. lhc cl.$ nonilor cnt around fic
classroom. NanrgsuredDt.rcrllhnrgrasirordcr TlrcpargNasabodtonarl.
I[rasa rclcomc pait for thcn f!ouritc English t.chcr Ms Bcll. Shc had bccn
abscnl fiom scnoolaor hrll. rc.r.ncr shc mct rnh a I -and-run.ccidcm Just
lhen. soneonc herrd the clacl,ing oaheels on $e landing and inmcdiatel) the
lighls$rc rumcdoll Thc clasyooto Nas throni.dar(
"What hnppcncdl" crmc M6 Bcll s ftmilior dccp throatv oicc Thc Bnls
 c rc bcsidc lhensc hrs  i lh cxci tcmcnl Tbcv cou Id b!'dll rnir for Mm Bcl I lo
rumon de lights so tat lhcr couldiunpoutdd suipiise her At that nomcnl. 1ro
clicts N$c hcad rnd $c nuorcsccnl ligh$ aboc blinhcd r$icc bclo( nooding
lhccntncchssroomritlrbrishrlight Jcsieaslhcfi uttorumpup Shcnnntcd
lo reU surprise bul she tipped and atnosl tnoclicd ocr a chair in fie proccs.
Ec,_onc bursr our lauehihg dd canc out ol rcn hidine placcs Mrs Bcll $as
shihrg lrom carto car Lootins donnd allhc bightlr dccoritcd classooD. shc
bc,ncd at hcr srndcnk Shc had misscd thc,n dnriDg hcrabscncc Shccouldnor
bcliccrhat rhel had putinsonruch cflon to $clconrc her bact
The gnh ushered M6 Bcll to a chan h $c ccntft oflhc classoom Thcn
crodirg aronnd hcr drl.ll bad c.rds and gifis for hcr lo rvclcomc ncr b
school Mantol rcn scrc conccmcd abour hn ihjudcs.nd rcrc mliccd onlr,,
rhen she told them rhd sne Nas in tip lopcondrlion. The gnhodecd IIB Bell
lo icnanr d hcrscat rvhrlc thc,r'scncd hcr food and dink Thcr trcarcd h*litc
"Wc misscd tou,' Susic. ftc nan8hricst Birl in lhc closs said
did a sid Ms B.ll in suAns. IdoughtIouharedneforbeinssostem'
Susic lookcd bashfullv ar h.r tcr.lrci Nho 6.ccrcllcd at hf c(n d8 lor
"Withoul lou shoudr8 ,r mc. I  as nor ablc lo do nr rcrl.
Ee+oneas inst'lches Nhenlher heard dral ErenM4Bell
Th tnr8 c cNonc for lhc pa(y. Mx Bcll mldc hcr rar lo rhc fronl of dE
classr@nandonccagrin. h(thund$ousau$onhln.loicc.shcroldccryonc
$!l ilastm.roclean up tne place and betin the lesson
A Special Chinese New Year
"The chaacter -fu- should be huns upside dorn. Ben told his rounset
sislci Jcnnr h r.s LIE cc ofclincsc Nc Yc.r.nd lhcr $.rc hclpins Gcir
pa'cnts to dccolalc llE lDusc fo' llE occasion. Il Nas goi'rglo bc a spccial nclr
lcar lor thcm bcconsclhcirsnndnroduMs goinslo b. disclDrgcd lrorn nospil.l
.nd rhcr ouldbcablclospcndlhcncNIcar$iLIhc! aor 0s lon8 as lhcy could
emenber fien gondoother had bee. going in a.d out orhospnrl dd rhen
she nas al honc. shc Nas oltcn bcdriddc.. Bcn a.d lc.n (c dccodting dc
housc csp(ialll for hcr as drc rv$ finah rcll cnoush lo mo. around in a
Ancr hnch. thc childrcn e.t to tc hospihl ilh $en paients to lclch
rhcir grandnoth( 6om. Shc ra looting chiQicr $an !s!al and shc qs 3ll
smilcsas shc snt Nailins aor thcn rt lhccdgc ollhc bcd Oncc ficr lrcrc homc.
slE rcquested to bc pus[ed aror.d lhe house lo .drnc dE beaulilul dccontions
tnar rhc childrcn hld puiup Shc praiscd ficn for $c l.nrcrns $,l thc! hrdmadc
thchslrcs.Thataftcrnoon. Bcnand Jcnntspcnlnoslofthctinrcl.llinglothcn
gEndmorhcr Shc Nas srill pcrlv dnd shc lcpr up rn inrcrc ingnonologuc abou!
rvhalChinese Nes Yea, ras lilic in hcrchrldhood. Hernnklcd finscG $crc aho
nihblc cnougn10fold $in red strint into intricatc Chinese NcrYeardecorations.
Thc childrcn scrc dclightcd rhcr lad trcrcr sccn such dccorarions bcforc Tnct
nn around l}lc honsc. hrnging lhc dccorations ecqrncrc
,usl belore rhe stan ol the reunDn dinner. the resl ol the relatr€s besnn
trooping m. Wnh Grandnothcratuund. lhc aftospherc Nas lNclicr and 6.q onc
Ns in hig! spirit Gmndmolhcr did not narc lo car tlc spccial bmln thal shc
had bc.n c.lin8 in lhc In$ead. sl[ ras .blc b cat poEidsc and nos of
the lood thal eyer.vone else as ealin!. Ben and Jennr sal on eider side ofthen
grandoolhci. scnrg hcr aood and constanllr asliing hc, iashc Nas lccling all
risnt Thar nishl. ccrlonc ras smiling fron car ro car as dE! lalkcd among
drcrnschcs Cmndmolh.r herscllras bc.nins as shs sal bact in hcr shcslcbnn.
enjoJing the buoyln t am osphere.
Thar"ishr bcforc Bctr and Jcnnr Ncnrrobcd.rhq rcnfiothcnsmodnorncr
@fr ro ray goodnight to h* Shc $as still fcclinB chcorul. Thc childrcn Ncrc
elad lheir rrandnother aound
An tmpromptu Birthday Celebntion
Joson and Mnric crc caminsa pilc olcxcEisc b@ts lo thc stailr@m aor
tcn Enelish lcachcr. M6 Shc.s ,ason sas abou to slidc M$ Shcde accc$
c.rd i slor ro opcn thc door shcn hc noric.d hcr d.rc oabidh
_He]l-hesaidexcnedlr loMarie _h'sIr^Slea*-bnddaytodayl'
Snatcbing the card from hson. Marie rcld lhc dalc in smau bl.c( trumbers
'4l5/l970 Winogar Jason. Mane lold hrn about h.r plan
Thc childrcn haslily pur lhc books in lhc srall rcom Thc! rhc rcMncd
lo Bcn chssroon. As thc nct rcachcr hrd no! ariLcd. tur an.ounccd to tcn
classhilcs drat il ras M^ Shears binhday. Thcrc Ncrc shour ofjor and  hoops
''Let'slhrorhcrasurpnseparlrl saidMaieexciledh EeDoncnoddcdin
agrccNcnt. Th.t dal.lhc childrcn spc.l $cnrcccss buynr8 sn.cks lor thc pa l
Thcr boughlsa.dNichcs. biscullsandpackctdi,nks Thc) also bouelta &n phlcs
ofnoodlcs Thcr had to oblain pcmnsion to l*c lhc food to lhc classoom. Whcn
fienpiincipalloundoulnhalrher Nantedtodo-she laughedandalloedOen
lodoso She e*n conlribul€d by buring more drinlis for lhe par! The childre.
also pooled their6oner to buy a pcsenl fo, theirkachei from the b@hshop The
class nonitor madc 0 birlnd.y cad and Ncqonc signcd on it
Aiorcccss. thc childich tidgctcd through tcn Scicncc pcriod Thq $cr.
vcit cxcncd abour llE p&t! t[c] had plmcd wlrcn il ras nnill l[c lnslish
pcriod agiin. $c childicn snul 6c doo4 and oaranecd tc dcsls .nd cnans
Mrs Shears r as puzzled rvhen she neared lhe claseooh The lightsere s$nched
ofand lhc dooB scrc closcd Horvcrcr. oncc shc ptrshcd opcn thc doo6. tn.
lightcam.on and cer.yonc shoutcd. ^H.pp Bnthda!l
Mrs Sncrs sas so shockcd ln.r shc droppcd hcr rhings on tlc 8oo. Sllc
lookcd aound $c classr@n i. ana hcnt. Thcc Nas rood on Oc dcsks. Ahugc
binhdar card vas placed in the middlc Mu chppcd hcr hmds i. dclisbl
hso. prescnled her $it tc giar. il!s a red pen lron Lhe school bookshop
Mrs Shea6 Nas sohaprr thar she husged cerr on. of lhem. Shc rhaned theh
Thc imprcmptu p.rq bol{ up dr Nholc Englkn pcriod Thc cnil{Lcn hrd lo
do tuore hotoe.rli inskad 1o nate up the Nort ther did not do Ho er er. $ey
did notmind Ther adorcd ME S[earand lher_ scre slad thal thc] Ncrc ablc lo
cclcbrarc hcr birrhd. loi hcr
Josiua trudBcd homc Hc conld not Nait to nac o hot borh and takca nrp
tlovcc( hn drou8hc nevs bn fte nc nobil. pho.clnatbisfiicnd had brou8ht
b sclDol. h lrd iU r[.likn leatues.nd aancs. H. n (hed lE could bu] one bu{
hk parcnhrould ncssirc him thc monc!.s il lras onc oflhccosllicstphoncs
on thc marlcr. Hc hadiusl slcppcd in& tc oid dccl $hcn hc noticcd soncthine
fall foh Oerocketofrhe nan in aiontorhim
Obhious lo r$!t had h.pp€ncd. i[c man Naured on. Joshna callcd oul lo
him bul thcn hc noliccd thc DairofcrrDhoncs llugscd in hisca6. Joshurtushcd
lonvard lo pict up rhc wlllcr bu! shcn hc lootcd lround. d. nan sas gon.
He sas lbout to hud Oc allcr ocr lo th. police hcn hc noriccd de 6tr-
dollar .otes sticking our of n. Opcning lhc rallcl. lE san ninr nl'{ollar .otcs
insidcrsrcllas.hundrcd{oll.rnolc Hnlacclnupinrncdintcl} Athoushlrvas
bcginning b rom in hb hcrd.nd his bodt ringlcd nhcxcncncmashc rhouehi
olshar hc colld do snh Uc monq.
Rctrating to a comcr ofdr oid dccli. Joshua lootcd around 10 nrkc surc
Gar hc 2s lloDc Thc. hc bcgr. counting thc roncy Hc rus nlhbcrgrncd b
find oul that lhc man had bccn carq insa lhousand dolla.s{ith hn. Joshuacould
bur lhc mobilc pnonc sirh Ihc monc) Sho tug the troner into his p@kct. loshua
?s aboul ro tos thc N.Udntutu dustbin rvhcn hc hcdd voiccs tucpingassliu
.shccould. hc lntncd as a cDupl. hlkd in Noriicd roncs
"Are rou sure rou dropp€d - our $allet herc? Sofreone nrust hat takn n
b! nos Thcrc s so nuch monq in it. No onc is 8oi.e to rclum it io ox." said
"Lcl slccp scaiching. caec thcnr. sro'c.. _Irrcdo. rdndn.Irnlnor
be able lopat for Crandnui sta) nr lhe nusinghome hn nonth '
Josiu.'s crcs idcncd md hnias drcpp.d. Hc immediolcly nc trn he
hadro do Punnu rhc nonq{ inlo fic  alld hc canc out from fic comcr d
approachcd tccouplo IsUistourallcl'l h. aslcd mcekll
Thenanhearedasighofrelierand lrshed roshua a broad grin. He anted lo
gnc.rchua a rcNard bulJoshua dcclincd lnd hutricd hoh.. Hc .s too ashamcd
ro rh'n of nhlr hc hrd (rnlcd ro do s rd rhc mon. cdllcr.
Chccrs rcson.dcd in thc sLdiun d bi8 colourlnl b.nncu crc flrins
ctcrtrhc( Il as thc 32nd wcsl zohc School Sporrs Mccr Si(ing on tu floor
ryil]l hcr lcgs staigh oul. Samotla rcachcd orcr od touchcd fic lips ol hcr
shocs ill hc! finscre TIE cxcrcisc $as clTorllcss to Sam.ntho as shc prcparcd
lor dr 400-ncm hcc. Shc qas dakd lo lalc hohc lhc lrophr asar $is rcar If
rhc o.. sh. ould narrc hislon as lhc nr$ sudcnr lo Nin rhc 100-nc1rc.200-
mclrc and.l0omclrc ccnls for lhrcc conscculnc caB
Anahnou,c.ncnt .s mad. Wnh a spring in ncr srcp- SrmDln, m.dc hcr
Nn) lo thc lmct Al oncc. shc Nas orcNhclnEd bv Ihc enlnc shdium scrcaming
her oanc. Shc ras lhe faounte As she bcnt fohrard alld readied lrrsell for the
signal. snc rorn.d b ncr lcar a.d grinn.d al hcr bcst lricnd. Shccnr Shccna had
becn in lhc samc crcnk as hcr for thc past thrcc ]cns and drc anars c ncjml
sccond ahcr Sm.ntha l hct'  crc dr bcs runncG nr dr school Shccna g.rc
Sana ha a thurnbs up sign alld $q bolh lookcd fon ad as lhcr railed for tlE
signal A1$c sound ol Oc hon. thc enh sprintd loNard Ther casilt ouran
rhc rcsofrhc conp. ors Ecn bcforc rhc h.lfrar rn,r( rhcrc Nis. nugc eap
bcl ccr fien rnd ft otncu.l,sr $cn. Srna,d, neald i c'_1 Thc $holc
s[diun Nas silenl Gta.cing behiod her Safranlha sar her lriend lunblins
aorrv.rd on tu trac( md lallnrg in a hcap
Without hcslation. Surorha ror back to her lricnd and h.nt doNn lo hclp lM
''Coon! Sheena loldher'Leae nealone!'
HosccL Sananlbarcfuscd. Whcn Shccnalricd LosLndup. S.m.nd. ncld
"Wc ll[ lhc racc toscllrcr." shc sid to ncr
With her am amund Sheena. Samantha rallied alonsside as her friend
nobbicdalong Thcnnisnihglincsccncdsolaraa bulShcora16dctcinihcd
il and SoDart[a $as cqn ly dcicmincd to hclp hcr fricnd
The ofier runneB caught up easil) as the lrvo lrie ds slassered along the
loct. Ecr]onc /.omcd past lhcn but thc hro aricnds rcnrnincd u a7.d As lhc!
.llcd., b.c.n hnilding up frofr rhc cror.d Rb $nic clipping bcs.h as
cvcrl onc chanted lhe nadcs ol bo$ gnls. As thc) approachcd thc nnishi.s line.
$c) noriccd $c ofi$ conpcriloB chc.ri.B lhcn on.s Mll That rrs de nrsr
limc Samanth! hnd losl an crcnt bnt shc rc.lizcd thrhrinnin8 ms nor imponanl
I:ricndshipscrcn miltcred
The Bu y
Shn pudEd mc 4ainstlhc$all. prcssing his cmirc rcishtdon on mc Hc
placcd hi! hugc coa^c ha.don h neck as 6oush hc ras about lo suansle hc.
I A.sprd loi br.dl .nd Li.d (o ptrsh lln. i$.r  nI rr htuds Dur hc s nnrclr
''I rhr all Oc noncv rhar you hac in )oui tallct." Srd gorl.d.
"Ll mc so aM I U snc I ou lhc moncy. l said nccklr
Shn's clcs n rcNcd into slils. Hc slaEd al mc lor n rhilc.nd  hispcred.
''You hld bc(lcl noi rw to nrn.ay'
Uc r.lcrscdhis grip on n riehr hahd lor mc ro gcr n! alld Thc minuc
I handed it lo him. hc snatchcd n lrom mc and loo( oul lhc lirc-dollI notc lhrt
I [ad insidc. Tossing tlt $allel on lhe grcu.d. [c laushcd at mc and s.. ]nc a
'You rc usclcss." hc snccred You cahi c.n dcacnd yoxtsclf Ho long
aE ]ou going lo lel me do lhn to ,you, I-ll be richl' he snarled at ne as he
I s.rcd aftcr hiE I Nas consuEcd rnh noftd. I as so shakcn lia! m)'
hands had tumcdclamn). Hor$tr nhcn I thoughtofnhat Ihadplanned. asnrilc
crcsscd m! lacc. Making surc dral Slan h.d kn. I salkcd ocr to lhc bacsacl
rir I [rd lcn on r
'[an Hrddcn h rhc brg. ra'ing rhc opcn zrp Ms m nc
toobilc pho.cNith rhc latcslrccordrg rcchnolo$ Taking oul rhc nobllc phonc.
I rieN€d $hnl I had secrelly recorded There. rith a shshllr sra,nl mrse. bul
mnetclcss slill clce. $as Slan conlronlins nc at thc $all Er€4 rord tbat hc
said could bc clc.,l! hcrd Inad pl.ccd drc phonc alju$ tfu rignt spor lo capturc
Slansfaccclcarll.IlasunnishLablcih hc ras dor.g !o nc. Non: I had thc
Amed $ilh llE eidcn€c in n! mobilc phonc. I iroopcd do$n to lhe
princip,li omcc to rcll hcr sbar Sl0n nod bccn doins to mc I nod Na.rd ro
lodgc a complainl aor a long rimc butdid nol hac $c.ridcncc Slan clcn bdb.d
rvnncscsnollo tcllon hin.No. hc rotrld not bc.blc lo dcnr his lclions.
The Hunter
Crouchins bchind o thick buslr Jocl. a huntc. Nailcd in onticipalio. aor
$c husc aurt crcaluc to cmc'8c. Hc nclrd a disht rustlin8 of Lhc lcacs and
soai8lc".d up. r,.i ng b scc LhLu rlN rhic( loli4u. A sq ui(.I sc.rr pcled
p.slhin lt us o fnkc rlnrn. Hc hrd bccn sqna$nrs for ascs and il did cros his
nvnching his reet inside his rell-nom lerther boots. he {itrhped hn nngers
againsl his lhisls as lrc  aited for lhc cEatMe
Jac}i did not hlrc IoNril lons fo!.jnsl bclorc noo". hc hc.rd hcan stomping
and$ccrmchingollc,.s Tatingachancc.hc6is.dhimscllali crndpc$cd
orcr do lop ol6e busL H. arrighrTheblac(bearrs amblingloards hi6
It Nas much bisgd {tn lacl lad thotrslt. The iltomr.lion hc had sadrercd fron
thc Intcmct ccn.nrf did not prcpnrc hnn lor such a big crcaturc hct ss lcss
dehalanssi/. Thc bcd loolcd around andtrrncd. bding ns tcclh Irlookcda
friehful siehtbulhcktncs $ hc*ould bc ablc lo incapacirllc ir si$.i!sr onc
oltn tahquillircr bnllcrs. Thc bcar Nas nol moins cr Lst so it Nould nor bc
dimculr rohtcdshor Hc r,rchcdasrhc bcar proddcd i.,bnshrsrhough ir r,s
searchinglorfood Iflhebearloolcdinthcbush$hereracl ras.hcknc lhathe
ould bccoDe lhc bcaas ftcil for $c dar. He hid to makc his moc.
Wilh tcNblnrg nonds. Jact pictcd up nis tequillizcr gun |ron bcsidc him
I'lc rishcd drrL hc $onld slop rrcmbling Dcspnc nis cann dcmcanou. hc ras
actualh beside hnnsellith ecnement. He had been huntins for a decade bul
lhis sas tlrc 6d timc hc h.d lod ach.ncc ro hu.l a bcar h ras aho lhc fiisl rimc
nc hod poochcd Hc.sinaprotcclcdarca No nuling '.s oUord Hoscc(
hc h.cN that lhc bcai s oislhs had purposcs dd ould acth a hrgh
Jack stared at lhc be Hn sun as Doirrins dircclly ar n AU ne nad lo do
as slmol HoNcrc.jusl s nc ras about lo pull lhc Eissc( hc hcrrd a Bruntins
noisc and alnosr imm.dialclJ_. a cub craslcd lorrrds ns no0(and thc no$cr
bear allored n lo nesde agaiost ns body. Jacli loNered his lun. He could nol bear
tc tougbr of thc cub losing ils ho$cr warching ttun. hc dccided nor to shool
The Old Lady
Old Mrs Perc_ sat alnosl hotionless on her bug-inlesled matlless.
Occasio..llt.shcrouldr $bcrhandlosvataccblr olaflr.t]o$cc(drcsoon
gac up for rhcrc slrc.iusl too
ofdrcnl.'ll,c lcliorcr lood otr hcr labh nad
bccn ficrc for morc lhm hro dals
MB Pcrcr  .s aboul ro s .i ar molhcr 0r shcn thcic s.s a slwptnoct on
hcrdoor She igored n lor she did nol hri Oe srenglh to stand up. The $ound
in hci l.g. Nhich nas badlv inlcclcd. Nas Baring 6cr.r nocncnt painaul. Thc
-Go aa!!" sbc s[oulcd !t hoevcr ns bchird lne d@. Hcr !icc 0s
surpris'ngh loud for,omconcshorr.sonrrl Hoscc'.he' r, or rspc6rronr
.nd.ohrinlcd rapping on rhcdoor wilh a sigh- Mrs P$ct plllcd h.$clf up lrcm
hcr bcd. Nincing at lhc sharp pain lhm scarcd through hcr rishl lcs. Mutlcring
unlappil] lo hemcr. sle s[umed lo thc door and opcned il $il[ thc chain loct
sill on rc scc ho ilas Ahanddr ladr drcsscd inoi'cc.ltc crc sla.ding
bclorchcrdoo, Tl'c' rcrcholdirsplJslic bJssoldrGcrics
"Go arv!t!' Mrs Pcrcr- said "I don-t nccd r charitt.'shc conrinncd
lierccl) Hor$c( thc couplc rnsislcd on cnlerins lEr house. Flashins idenlity
cards trom a seial scnice ccnlre. $cy told M* Pcrcr rhat thc] Ncrc actns on
calls bI hcr ncignboure sno scrc roricd drt sondhnE had happcncd lo hc.
Too incd lo arguc ith ftcm. MB Pcrct IcL lhcm in Thc l.d! gaspcd in sh@t
rhen she sa$ $e ftess and the nan rinlled his nose at rhe smell Ther n ere
slunncd by drc d,lapidatcd slatc ofMB Pcrri asccnarnlr not fit lor anv
hDtr.. bcing lo lnc in Thc conplc bad brclt slcppcd orcr drc lnrcshold sncn
Ln* iold Mre Pcrc thar rh$  ould lca c rlrc xroccrics $ilh hcr md conc bacl
rnh help Snonin!. MB Perc! told thenr dat ir asall right Thanliins then for
rhc groccics. shc pur rhctr on hci nuurcss sccon& larr. bugs *cic (arlinE
into tbc plasric bags Ir ros a rcroltin8 sishr Hocycr M6 Pcrcr ras obhious
tothccrcc$ crcaiurcs $ar had nadc lhcnhomc in hcrsmallonc{oom flal
Retumng to he, place oh the auesr. M6 Perc) ignored Oe plastic bags
and sal on bcr bcd. fannins ncrsclt Slaring drc brotcn-don lclcrisioD sct in
fionlorhcr shc so.dcrcd ilit$as sill$orking Forcing hcacla olI $c nanrc$
agrin- she ieached lor Be ss itch ro luo ir on
A New Lease ol LiJe
Mikc slmd bcloE fic prison omccr an nou bclorc hn rcbnsc His old
clolhcs crc rclurncd lo him and n vas auos cd to clEnsc Thcn. back in bisosn
clorlEs. lr colleurL'd drc LrlooAin8s rld hc lDd n itl hi[ on dre da] h. lDd
!rcstcd Takinscrcqlhins. Milc b c farccll lo lhc offrco od slcppcd otrlof
$c pnson inlo thc blarngs!n. Hc asnll.d $ith apprchchsion abourhis tuturc
He had been in pdson for so long. Heondered illile outside
hc cntcrcd. Hc sondcrcd ifhc onld bc ablc io snppon hnnsclt T.king a dccp
brcath. hc snrilcdnnd ncd lonncldcrlr conplc ryriting b1 n car
Milc $rs nnallv rclcas.d lroh prison aar.i bcihg in.jail aor rcn t.r( His
puc.B loo(ed 6!ch older fian rllen he lasl sa Ocn on r isiling dar Ru.ning lo
thcn. Mikc cn cloped tlrcn in a bcartug. Patring his son on fic bac. Mr Darbt.
Mikc-s anthcr lold hinr rhlr hc should pur hn pnst bchnrd him lnd morr on rilh
his lilc Ar! oaoptinism s$cpr olcr him Hc s,s glad rhrl his prrcn6 bad
rorgncn him. Hc hld bcc, cohictcd olrobboD a.d ,ncd 4srulr shcn hc $as
onll nvcnll Ho $tr. as hc sal in thc car and lootcd ar dr sccncry flasling pasl
hnn- hc Msdcrcmincd rosbrrfc Haing trincdnndcrrhc pison.hca. M'tc
asell-prcpaled to E'coter nomal lilc.
HoN$tL lindns ajob is trot casr'. Nol nianr emplorcB rcre on
nirng nnn hc. lhcr found our fid nc nad . criniin.l rccord ll as onlr hcn
$c Ycllor Ribbon Proicctbcgah did Mik nnd it crsicrro gcr a.iob llc orkcd
as a kainee in acald Mosl oflhe stail lheE had c.nn,nal Ecords. Er en $e o ner
ollhc cali had sonc b jail bclorc The c.ra as. placc shcrccx-prisoncrscould
gcl a nc lcrsc of litc and stan carning an hoDcsl Iniog lo supporl ficnschcs
and thctr fanilics. Dcspnc lhc backgiound of thc stalf. pcoplc fiockcd to rhc cafi
lor the rood food dd sen ice. Milie ras so busr thal he Nas on his feet de rhole
dar Hc rorkcd six dars. cck.
Milc Nas sl.d rh.t hc as ablc lo slarl ocr Hc pul trp rith thc slrcs of
$orlingin abusJ kithcn and bccanc nuch hunbl$and lcss hor-tcnpcicd $an
heNasbelore. Heasca.ingandaflentne|otheneedsolhis.usloqers. HeNas
dclcmincd b lcnd a bcrcr Iirc
A Loyal Dog
Policc brohc doNn thc dooroaahouscald.rn Nhcn ncishbouscomploincd
of lhcsncllolrouin8 flcsbcomin8 aro]n it Thc pulidsmclloldcc.r'ocN[clmcd
rlED rlrn rlE) opcdcd lhc door rd dq [.d ro pur on drsts bDforc cnrLaing rbc
honsc oslin In lhc darkcncd housc. thq sa ancldc l man lrinsf.ccdonnon
Oc ,loor i. Uc lnine oon. His Nhcclchan zs.carbJ It $as obrious $ar $c
(d had lallcn lior his rheel.han rnd no one had b!e. ablc lohelphih. Ner lo
l n. occasionallr licking lh€ old nant hands loyinsly Nis a smau Nlilc dos.
Aslhc mant hodr Nas t*cn anr. thc dos ras also lcd orm! br lhc policc.
Ilrcfuscdlonoesonhad!obccani.d Ilsriugglcdloarcctuclarndrhch.ciil
lumpod od ofOe omceis!ms. it rould rush bact inlo $c nolsc Een hcn ir
was in lh. policc c.r n stulgl a conlinuons high-pitchcd relp lhaldid not stop aU
thc nar lo tIc policc slalion. E cn onc thousht that il N?s pinins aor its or$cr and
loot pnt on n At dc a,ioh. sonc omcc6 oocr.d n food md atr bur ns.s
nor lppcrscd. lr cohrin8d lo Nhihc and claN ar Oc cridborrd bor t.t it had bcci
pul in.As thc da) oE on. nsNhincsludedrobarks. Thq rcrc so disruprirc dd
dnoyinS Ho ccr no onc knc $har rodo
,ust thcn. one ollhcomocrs sugscsted taliins the dos bacli lo lhc housc. Hcr
incredulous suggestion as shot dorvn nn cdialelr but Nhcn Ihc barkidg did nor
srop. n *cmcd d.r a lrip bact ro fic housc ras tlc onlt choicc lhc of6ccn had
Whcn lhct drn cd- tnc nonc *oppcd Inl.ct.lhcdogs6eB.dnstailcohlinuously
andjunpedaboutallhesit€.ba ing lohe ler in. When oneolrhe omced opened
drc salc and latcr t[c door. Gc dog pushcd lhc door opcn and d.shcd in Throxsh
tu opcn door dr oficcn s, it scanpcr up lhc (ans. Lcss lh.n a minurc latcr it
appcarcd nt lhc dooragain ln ns frouthn6abedioon slippci
Ee^o.e fi.all) undeGtood h de dog had been crearins a runpus lhe
cnlnc d.r Itrcolizcd llur ils orner r.s dcad but n nisscd nir so nuch ll[r il
?nlcd somcthins tnor Nould rcmnd n ofils oNncr Whcn it Nrs pl.ccd boct
in thc cardboid bo al thc slarion. ir sat th(c. lapping ratcr Ni$ lhc bcdroon
sliDper rrhly beNeen its pars
Earning a Living
I Nas in $e nnddle of mr brcaklast hetr I heard someone shour,ns oul
in irrilalion nmins. I saM sroup ol bols r ellins !l m old lad! for lonchnrs
lhc drn,ks on drcir bblc. Thc ol'l ladv
hcr land ir apologr ald slumcd
.rv._' Sic as dmsainBa hugc plNlic b.g in hcrhand th Nos har-nUcd $ith
Culpi.g don lhe est ol m] ddnk- 1 rushed up lo hei rnd tapped her o.
tc shouldcr Whcn I garc h( thc aluminiun can. snc smilcd apprcciatn.ll
md tha*cd mc in dialcct. Takins pin on hci I dccidcd lo hclp ho collcd thc
cans Lookins around.I rc.li7.d tlmt lhc custoncG fror *rcr.ll$leshad lcft.I
nuriedlr rlk.docilo tale thc aluminium ca.s rron $cntables Wncn I g.c
tcn lo hc( shc rhankcd hc pioflsclr again Thcn shc ghbbcd n) haid aid
shook lrcr hcad. Shc spokc tonrc in lhc saDc dirlccl rhich I did nol undcGland
bur I line tlEl she did nol rmt rr hclp. Sluugsill8. I lei her alone nnd rerumed
And y brc.tfast. I $cnl to lhc proision shop 10 buy sornc etuccrics.
Whcn I prslcd rn allcy. I sr rhc old hdI scabd on rhc ground. pushing lnc
alunrinrum cans i.lo lhc bas Tlcn shc ticd lhe bas and put il asidc Irasaboul
lo alk or rvhcn I sarv hei pick,rs up thrcc huge cardboad bocs ftom bcside
ncr Tnct Ncrc cumbc omc and nncn biggcr rlEn shc sas brt slc mamgcd lo
aold lhcm Thcn shc i.d thcm rnn $ing Aaraid orbcihg soldcd 6t ncr. I hid
behi.d a nll and pee.ed out ar her A le$ minutes laler. a lo,o stopped al lhe
cntancclo$callcr Atoanjunpcdotrralldcollccl.dthcplaslicba!ofcansand
lhc cardbo.rd lroh thc old ladr Hcthcngarc[crafc$doll sinrctun
Fom mr posilion.l raGncd as tlr old ldr rallcd lo Lnc cofcc shop TIrcrc
as a sprins in her slep. She loolied much happ,er lhan she Nas earlier U$ns
soncofrhchon.) lbarshchrdcamcd.shcboughlhc.scllaboNlor.oodlcsand
a cup of tc! I u s full oladmnoion for lhc old lad! Dcspi& shc us
illins to slo8 to c.m u honcl lnins I ondcrcd ifl nould bc ablc lo do Lnc
saDe ill eie in hei posnion
The Latchkey Child
Anllonr lnrncd lnc kcr in ihc kctholc Hc could trolhclp sishinB as hc
dDushl or$c munda.c ancrnoon lhal lat olrc.d. Thcrc ould not bc anyonc al
lDnr.. His si cr. $I[ nrs alre.d) or s€condrq scliool. oultl oo I'c lDrc rt
scrcn o'clockand nisp cnls ofic. rctumcd homcancrdinncr Anlho.! Nas lcn
alonc ar homc$c,) a0cmooh
Aner uring a balh Anrhon seuled in his roon to do his ork. Hc could
[cr his ncishbonG phrnrs al lhc pla] sround don nshns bur A,lhonr Nas not
alloNcd lo so dornstoirs on nk or.. Hc ras cxpcctcd lo spcnd tbc .ncm@n
sudling whcn nc nnish.d his ort. hc (ould bc ablc lo phy conporcr gancs
Somernncs. Anthonr anredloplar conpu$i goncsthc holcaflonoo. bul he
hcr lhal [c $ould nol be ablc lo as lis parenls had a lock on lhe srstem lhal
pr$cnlcd him lronr spcnding morc than.n hour on rhc conputcr Houschold
chorcs orc ako lci in Anfiont s hands as fic rdtril! had no maid Anthon)_
clcancd $c llooi and rindo s thrcc dncs a Nccl. Hc aGo had ro prcparc dn$c.
Allnorsh hcmadc simplcdshcs. hc sliu foundcooking achorc
Hotvcr. no mrucr hoN mnch andDnr hd to do. hc Dadc surc hc spcnt
some tinc al hn kithen indo* in he latc afiemoon Itas thdc thalhc madc
cotrhcl i$ hn spccial fricnd fron fie blek adoss. Hn lricndt nare as
La{rcncc. snicn Arlnont found od aftq going dmngh sisn Ianguagc b@ts
Larcncc ras ncding-impancd md nc s,s also lear ar homc.lonc ancr scnool
erer_r da). Anrhonr sa him one day hen he as cleanrns the hchen rn $e
ancrnoon Hc drtrlcd across but lhe bor back WhcnAn$onr tound out
dd tnc bor could nol hce. hc sign lmeuagc so that hc could communicrlc
rnh $c boI. Sincc rhc kirchcn indos rrrc so closc. thcy had no problchs
toaliing oul hat each olher Nas slgning
Anlhon] t crnoons brishlcncd uprhcncerhc sas ablc tocommunic.te
rvnn L.srcrcc Whcn Larrcncc as ill. A.lhonr ras borcd sidrs in his r@m.
rcading tc cnlia aftcmoon. Apa( lron LiNicncc. Anthon scldoh spokc lo his
classnatesorerthe phone lorhh pacnts limned Ue phone calh he could ftalie.
Anfion Nas glad thll hc 6ad Larcnco as his lricnd

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Singapore model-composition-primary-6

  • 1. Stopping a Fight "HoN darc rou!'- hollcrcd Jack.s hc clcnchcd his lisl a.d punchcd Tonr on hk chcck. caxsi.s him to slfl3ecr bnct$.rds tron thc impad I N chcd in lNrror nhcn I si$ tlrc loot ofsuiplncooTort s anc. DorDh inb a furious glai. Hc $.s undaunrcd b! Jnckt .crions. Rctaliotirg Nitlr r Dnnch ofhk oNn. hc hil ,acksquarclJ onhisclc.Immcdiarclt-lackco$cdhiscl.andbcnrooihpain Dissalisned nh the result. Ton raised his rigbr fool and rickd rack s sloinach Rc0cxnch. I ncppcd bchrccn both ol lhcm and ticd to push Tom nral Ho$ccr hc rs roo stong aor nc Shoring m. asidc. hc ldtanccd losards lack and rrised his n't in rronrofhis r!ce- 0rcarcni.g lo hir hin again. Wi$oul hesnalion.l [elped ]acli to his fcct ard lricd to dng hin anar bul Jick sas nol 10 bc dclcrtcd b,r'sonconc 'rho ns snRllcFsircd than hc $as. Ignoins Bc. hc lunecd ar Tom- cngagihg him Bo$or$cm crc mt aricnds IhadtosopLnc nehl Smndihgibrro.rofjrct.IplcadcdNilhlimlosropnghling -G.toutofdrrvarl'- hc shoulcd. Iis chcoks flushcd hanscr -No!-'I rcbncd. -Sbp n!W 'rc )ou 6ghting?Wcicrll fricnds!' ''Tonisnolmr lricnd!--hcsaidinacoldchillingoice "Do,oukno hal he didl You ould nol forgn e him ei$crilrouNcrc nc.-'He said in aroice fillcd sit[ so uch coricrion lhar I as curious abour lEr could [arc n.ppcncd I rvas aboul to ask a qucsr,on Nh.n Ton rankcd lac* s collar lron bcbi.d. cnusins both Jnck and ne lo lose our balance. Lucli,lr. I caurhl hold of Jacli in lime to slop hnn frorn lalliq Inccnscd b! rh.t Ton had donc. I pusbcd asidc drd pnllcd Tom losads'nc ''Listcn. bo$ of)ou! I h6scd. _Wharcf rbc poblcn is. I n suic thcr. are berchrars b solre rllStop drn fighling beloe ]ou hur rounelf Thenon inptrlsc.l Baecacloft[cmasLp mros lhe lacc. Mr rclions sccmcd to iolr lhcm our of thcn onacr Ahhoush srill lookins n litrlcdisgrunrlcd.Oc) aerccdtositdonandlalkaboulhathadhappcncd INas glad lhat I had Nanased lo slop the 6sht. t',
  • 2. Smugglers Thc lonc boar Nirh rhc hro boatmcn could barclr bc sccn as il driftcd don lhe rnc. TIc onl! sound thal camc fton n ras lhc chn83ins ol llc nroor. The 60 nen ur. esb and thli drorrs ThDrc as b.n sicting out lronr rhcn pockcls Ncxt to lhcm rcrc xo pails nllcd Nilh nsh. Anronc rvho sr rhcn $ould ihncdirtclj $ink lhar tcJ $cic nshcincn on $cn $a! hone arte, ! ielrding nshin! rrip. No onc rould hae gue$ed rha! thee Ias a sccrct companrncnt al thc borton oftbc roclir boat. Thc bort chusged tolvards a clcnring in lhc cmbonkmcnt. Wilh lhc dcnsc bxshcs surcunding the plrcc- crc4 pdt loolcd $c samc brtrhe borhcn kn. cMcI! Ih(c to stop SloNing doh. thc) $roq i6 lhe uchor &d lro burly mcnpullcdlhcboallorardsrshonvoodcnalli'.Tritrsarcpetol[cpostlo sccurc thc boal. lhc t$o mcn €ntcrcd lhc boat .nd nalkcd toards thc ccnlrc oa Llr bo,t Thcrc a s no nocd ror plcasantics Each ptrt) sccmcd to kno n,l$c otcr pa$ r ercd Bc.ding do*n to iclc!*, cath. onc ofdc bollnc. opcncd ! sccrcldoor.nd clinrbcd doNn a fishtofshns h.momcnl.hcasoutigain Nifi abor in hs hnds Hrndi.g ir ro rhc to mcn. hc rcnr dorn for,rolhcr bo Br thc line hc $6 done.Ihcrc cre fic simil bocson$enoo. Tcaing op.n one of rhc boxes. rlr nicn checlicd rhe conrcnc and mddcd h approal Thc bocs crc 6llcd rnb prckck oI conaabod cigarcncs anct ronld lctch. high pricc I{.hding ocr asuncasc silh rvads of thouend dollar notes. $e xro men shook hands nh the boattuen Then $e boxes rvere canied oll the bo .nd thc boot conlinucd on its journcr as thongn nodins had ktcn placc Ecrlonc Nas conlctrtd. knoNing tnal thc coaslgualds hod not bcc.lippcd Hoerer.adistancean r.arouneborNasholdinganrobilephonehich drc co.stsuard had sncn nim Hc prcsscd l[c nunbcr for drc dirccllnrc lhat he had bccn sircn. Thc oicc on lhc odcr Inrc lislcncd lo him and tou hnn lhat hc had donc a tsood lob. As thc ncn lcnt on rhcn 6. lhct cic ua arc ol thc police omce6 $at Nere ani.g for then nea, lhen lor.r rhere the) planned to load thc conlraband cigdcrc' A coasrguard c$cl sls aitine iusr round a bcnd. c.nro!,lagcd in tc darkncss. rcad) to srop fic nshing boatoncc ilas ncar
  • 3. A Close Encounter Thc ctunchins oa dricd lcncs rcsonorcd rhroushour rhc silcnl forcst. Thc nore e Nrlkcd- te quietr dd darkcr ( got. Thc sun *as hiddcn b! i blrnkel ol clouds rid Nl[r hrlc surlighL rltu sho.c duough rlrs foliag. .s Aone. Atuor ed I allcd closc to cach oficr and sloppcd c!r] fc slcps lo loot dound. Thcn *itholl rvami.g. apairolbrighr rcd cy.s s$nd al !s liom bct$ cc. $c tre. Aarcn stoppcd in his traclis Thc colou daincd from his fncc. A clill rnn doM nt spinc I ft,nblcd nh fcar and nt lcgs quncad w. s&od our grouhd- hopirg dar h,l sc hld sccn rorlddisappcar Ho$. ci. d. prirofcvcabccamc bisgcr and bdghlcr To our horo. Ne rcali/xd thathalccrlhcercs bclonged lo as connB lorv ds ns. As n ad3nced to$ards us. fic ercs loNcrcd as though tc crcaurc had suddchlv bccomc sborrc. l rclacd a lirlc lor I sas ccnain rhlr A,ronandl$ould bc.blcto ocrconcsuch,small crcaturc Wc hcld our brc,lh as a fuII] oal-shaped head appcared lrom bexeen thc ttes Il ras a ild dos! Wc rrc stunncd Thcr. had ncd bccn sightings oI rvild dogs in tlr forcsl Il so lcd a! us. barins ils sha.p tcctn Saha $as drippnrs arcn thc cor.crofns nouth Aaron lugsed nl land 'Leltrun!"hcrhispcred. Tumin8aroud. se ronasfastas rccould Wc isnorcd tlE rusllinsollcacs as lizdds dld squidcls mocd around us Wc did nor ccnaccl dr nrsr drops of iain as a stcady dri,,lc bcgan. Wc ran $irhout lumi g back oncc. Finally. out ol breath- r€ stopped and fell to the ground I lumed aronnd. epecri.g the dog ro Doucc on trs bul nsas lonc NudgihgAaron. rho srs panling so hdd.l told hin llrr lbc dog s as gonc wc dcodcd ro cnd our hiko and l.aa Oc aoicsr wc did nor rnl to bu6p inlo lhe Nild dog aga,n and lhe 6in as aho beconing lreaLier As Ne frade our Na) oul. rc [card t]r squcals and scrcccncs ordrc crcalurcs in lhc rorcsl. Somclhins munbchappcningindrclorci PcrnapsficsilddogNasonihcprosla8ain Nor $anins ro bcconc its Drc. sc hn d spccd rhc rcsl ofth. u! honc n
  • 4. A Squabble Mr Bhkc hcard a doo. slflm as hc ras nbour to lc.c his honsc. Tumin8 to his Ln. hc gl.rcd or thc pcrpctrolo. Shc ras a ladt in Id mid-ftinics Shc .s .ll-drcssed i omc. suir.nd hccls. SIE $as Mrs Lcis Mr ncislbour. Scnsins hs ncighbour lookins m hci shc tumcd aron.d lnd Eorc him an cquallJ hGtilc 8laio. Thcn shc slomcd plsi bin. thocting do*. a por of begonias on (he $a) oul -LIcr!" Mr Blalic shoutcd aner hc. S[c did not bothcr lo tum !rcund as shc Mlkcd loards lhc lin Hc nn.ftcrbcrandorcrtookhc.Thcn hc stood in lronl of hcr. blocking hcnvrj' ''Wh!rrr.roudoingl lhehbscd It Nas srill early in rhe moming and ndy "Do rou kno rvhal rou iust didl I took a rcdlr lons limc lo sm filt pol ofbcSonias! hc ]cllcd at $c rop orhis oicc. obhions lo hon his oicc s.s {hoiig rhrouelDur dc cnrir. Ioor "Oh.' shc said. lootnrs bact.'l ddn l troN. Bul anrNav you should nol hac bn ii thcrc ifn is so imporht. shc rctoncd rs shc ticd to pnsh hnn asidc Horrcr. Mr Blalic rcfused lo lcthrnsellb.brushedolt Hc dcmandcd lhal MB Lc is par lor Ih pot of bcgonias At 661. shc Octcnded nol lo hear hin ard lappcd hcr tool im paricnl lt as snc r .ncd aor $c lift HoNc vc r hc r innor ion g!c as Mr DIalc bcgan accusing her olbci.g nEsponsiblc and odc Shc snappcd at hih and told h,to $at she had ahays lell thil he $as a pe(r man nho krcked up a fuss oe! sn.ll marlcrs Hc. oicc incEascd a notcn fls shc spoke Bclorc shc could6nish nat shc ms sil ing. MrBlakc ranofbardshishonsc MG]-cNis snilcdsnuglv. thin*rng dal shc hadlon rh. argutuonr An.srngsoundrshea.d..dthelifl doosopened MrsLeisrasaboullo stp ntu &c lin hcn Mr Blitc appearcd bcforc hcr Strkins t[c Dor of bcsoniis ans h in lront ol bcr facc. hc dcn dcd for comFcnsorion Snc sercd al hnn incrcdulolsl!androldhimdartcplantasalrcad, ilringbclorcshcrh@tcd into n.Ther shod there. glaring llercel) arcach oue( Al thd,noncnl dorhcr ncighbou appcarcd. Sltr as old M6 Sni$. Sccing Mr Blahc and M6 Lc$is. shc p.6rad.d rncn lo nop arBuihg. Borh of thcnr lnmcd rcd Nilh cnbamssmcnl Thc! srudsinslr smilcd al olhcr and €nl licir scpamc rvays. o
  • 5. A Dangerous Act Andy and Brandon sconrcd lhc snorc. sc chins aor scrslrclk Horycci tc) loud noting bur pcbblcs Dishcrncncd.tnq ruhcdlosardsagra$rpatch ar rhc ropoa.slopc Thcrc tic a$chl hn8crock$crc _Cohe onl" shouled Andy. Theie nighr be sohe$ing inleEsrnrg hehrd Thc hors scEfrblcd up lhc slopc. Thor laces N(c hncd nh $eat and linr hitc0ocmcrcsluckon$cnclolhcs.Andr stmdalrhctopollhcslopc- btushine thcn oII Undclctrcd bt thc mcss on nis clofics. Brrndon rnl on lo c$lorc lhc r6ts Whco Andl rallicd ocr Bmrdont laoc as shinnrs rilh cxcilcrnc Hc nad opcnc d a blac( bag h icl hc lad fomd hiddcn al undcr the roclis. Snall ranspare stoncs spa led in thc anemoon sun. "CaU lhc policc! ' Atrdr lispcrcd inmcdiatclt. Hc rcmcmbcrcd ryl[t lrc hnd rad ih lhc ncnspipcB a lcrv dars ago and hc rccogni?cd lhc diatuoids aotu a picturc in lh. rcpon. An infanbus gang ofrobbcunad slolcn a ladr's diamonds. The bqs shored the bag back lo rhere ther had found naod hid (behi.d a clumpofbushes as ther trailed for thepolice to a(nt Horer€r mornents later a nEn lnh bloodsho! er es and a lhicli blact bea.d gror rog aiound his face a(n ed. Hc rcmhchind lncrcts. rc achcd u ndcrncat md ht out lhc bagoadiamonds And, iumpcd up loft hn hid,6g placc sirhou, sccond rhoughr and lcapr nr th. ,nar Hc r.incd bloMflo bloN otr fic 'ne Tnc ran. N[o Ms nucb lallcr lhm And. punchcd hnn o. tc.oso nn6cdia$l- blood gushcd oul l.on his.ostrils. ln rctaliaion. he sanli his Ieefi in$ lhe nani am so hard lhat he cried out in p,in Ilocrci.hcrNocrcdqxicllt adpurhishahds.roundAndt'shcct Andy as sasping lor an hcn drcc ,oliccmcn catuc tuhning loards $cm Onc of rhcn rlmN a balon.r thc ran $nich hil nnn o. fic hcad Stu.ncd. ihc m.n lcll bacrrvard s. Thc polic c hcn pushcd hin lo thc ground andhandcuaacd hih And! md Smdon scrc pEiscd b! thc policcmcn tor $cn quict thinkins Ho$eer Andt rs also seerelv reprinanded aor his behaiou. He had cndansercdhnlleb) hkingonantanhoNashuchbigsersi/idlhrnhenas. nrc mor nisnl aho hrc cadtibs a scapob Thc policcmcn also lold tnc bols lnal lhcy nod alrcad_' apprchcndcd lhc rce of thc sans mcmbcs rho rcrc ndiinE then ar uD lhe slope. The bors stared open-nouthed al$e &rs. A lin glinB sc n salion s cnl do . thc ir s pinc r s lher droushl or the c onsequences it $c resr ol thc men n.d rnrcked rhc,n. R
  • 6. A Dangerous Job D.n pickcdnp thc hcorr conlaincrofclcanin8sohtionand placcd ilon thc so.dola Ukcoueasuc.S.m.asakcadr railinsforhin.Thcirhsldrldar sas dirl'clco{ l1o$ rhos. dk dr} usu.llr did As$i onrslEs.rlrrsue(u ll liitcd alon8 lhc glass Nindoss of r high-nsc bnildnrs in a sondol! likc printcrs olbloc(s olnrE. Hoc!r 6ardar. $c gondol, (as goingmuch hiehcr$an il usually did lor the) tre going to cleah $c lerrcrs rhar hade up the hahe ola hrasmid-d.r' ondlhcsunN,scxccptionnllynoldrald.t. Wilh tlcscorching hcar bcating don on $cn- thc .o mcn crc pc(pning profusch cvcn b.foi. $cr rcachcd lhe rop Slspcndcd on fie gondola. $q rec pu(i.g tun ln.s al isli Thcy c.c[ orc a safet] hancss lhnt r ould pr$rnl ficn lron fauins s[ould thc sondoln malfunclion. Horvccr lhcrc ros alnvs n ch.ncc lhm lhc safclr hmoss onld aril Dd ftct ould pcrish $hilc doine lhcn job Tl'd da) . nh tcn sarc! hrihNrs on. ttct sar ahd uilcd lor Oc gondol! lo rcach $c lop lnstad ofl6k6g doNn and rcalizing hor lar thcr rcr fton thc grcund. lhcr rook lhcn rind oll rhc l,cighr bt chlting ro crch odE Ther NeE about to tach the top rvhcn ithoul anins. lhcrc as a loud clang and thc hn side oflhc gondola did dorvnads. Thc mcn scrcamed and grabbcd o.lo tlc sidcs'l nc cnitu on onc sidc of lnc gohdola had givcn sa,r md $c contraprion sas nos $vot ihg bac( rnd aonh dmgcousll in ' Thcrc rere shouts lrom belon aspeople nolicedNhat rshrpp.nins. From the topof rhc bniunrg. thcir supcn isor shontcd for rhcm lo lcr so of rhc Bondoh snrcc $cr,' nod lncn harncsscs on Ho$cyc( thc hro mcn scrc lcluctanr to do so 0s rhc_' lcn norc $curcd bcingon rhc gondola.Al$ar tooncnr. rhcorhcrsidc gair!v and $e gondola renrcrashing to $e rround People screamedandran oulolthe ar. Forhnotclr nooneont[c slrcetbclos rashu .Altlrush DanlndSrm had lhen sofc! lmmcscson.rhcr rcrc sill sNar ins abour dangcnnslr in fic ai. As lbcl had lo barl. inds thal $c much stonBcr, lhlt.ltnudc. ir $as dimcuh aor dem to lorver lhemseles Tho ro mcn ccbrurllr rcaclrd fic ground slfclr. Hocer lhc) had a 6aronu cpoi.ncc in fic air For lhc nrer rinc. $ct rcrli/cd tc danecrs assocdcd $nh rhcnjob I
  • 7. Helping a Friend in Need Thc shnll rins oa thc phonc slartlcd Jim. sho N.s rcodinE a mos.zinc. Rcaching aor lhcphonc. hc ns surpri*dlo hcarhhfricndt amntic oicc. ''You e got ro gcr ord lEic righr asa_ ! O.h rou car gcr orc our ol r( mcss!" Jin N.nlcd to ost Pcld nhat hld happcncd bul hc had alrcad! sl.rnmcd do n thc phonc rih rushcdoutofrh. holse- glad thll Pct6ihouscaso.l!on the net stieet W]1en he eached lhe hous. he sa Pelci Naiting a.iouslv lor "Pnrkr is goncl" hc shoulcd Jim nnalh mdcrslood h! Pcicrhadcallcdhimocr Pint! sashisbrodcr's larourircpel Irasagrc)ishblrckscorpio.tharrsslighl largertannispaln Jim line that Pclcr's brothcr Nould be ftrioN rlEn he lound oul. H. ako knc th Pctcras lcrilicd oallE scoDion and sas too alrnid to pick it up rlhc lonnd n On cnrfting Pctasroon. hc lcantr fron Pcrcrthal hc had accidcnhll! th@tcd into hisbrolhci srdl conlainihg lhc scorpion Thc mk had ralb. onto lhc 0ooi ahd Pctcras t@ frishrcncd to put n back in placc. Bcforc long.lhc scorpion had crarvlcd our ol lhc rant Thc rDk Nls nor brotcn md Pcrcr had rcrnmcd ir ro it oiginal placc bul hc ras too alrad lo looli lor ftc crcaurc Jih took a torch and shonc il undd thc heds and behind thc .trpboards. HoNcrc( fic scorpion as noNncrc to bc lound Ancr gong dmugh (llc room mcliculouslr. Jim cneckcd thc olhs roons Hc ccn cncckcd tu bilcl Jnn nlledcaEtully as he ras aftaid $atherould slepon thc scorpDh unlnoN,nsl). Hc had bccn *0rchiDg for almo( r cn! mnrulcs ud $as aboul ro sicuprlrcn hc sar a morcncnr undcr drc sofa Bcndnrg do n carcfnll( hcpccrcd und$thc sofa. Thc scorpion nas right h rh. cc.lrc oa thc dar*cne^d fl ooi Using lhc cnd ol an utobretla. he nudred the scorpion oul froh uMer the sofa Then he caried n Pctcr shmnk bmk $ncn nc sar thc scorpion Hc sincd a scrcam .s Jnn ricd to scarchin b) holdins thc scorpion clos tohiD Pu(in! Uc scoQion carctully bacL inlo Oe td. Jin bu4l out laulhing nhen he sar ho teriiied Pel*Nas. He as siuine at $c lai cnd ofhis bod- cocring his fac. ed lrcmbling. 'Lcl nc hnos ilyo! losc rhc scorpioh again." ,in said nirh a chcc' gdn on hs lacc as hc nncd,roodbc lo Pclc.
  • 8. A Flood Crnlhi! rollcd np hcr lrouscrs and bcnt doNn to scooD norc Natcr fom thc srcn.d oulsidc hcr housc. Hcr parcnc $crc doin8 $c a shorl disLncc.ral Tlr.r] lre.d ar tlE ras fol halltu hour TIE nmssie dourpou, dE da! bcforc brd causcd onood oursidc Crnthia-s housc. Dcspitcrhcmanl paih of $atodc) had ancad! $oop.d !p- thc $atcr lcclrcmaincdtcsahc. iust thcn- Crnthia lookcd up lo se. ctclist cnsl i o hcrfathc. rholEd son€ nnhcrout olllrc housc lo tr-r to clclr lhc dcbris lnd c!lhcrc.Thccrcl (as ut ins lo aoid goingoolnrcith d lloaling in Oc Narcr A. hc s{^ed unsLrdi[ aron !id. lo side. hc did not notice Cl ntlia s larher squatd.B ned Uc sidc ol rhc @d Br Ue im c he sN hin. il ras re htc. Hc did not crD 16€ time to scne at) tom lin Hc cnshcd inlo C. nlhiai ftlhcr and both of thcm acll lo thc sround. Although ticl sc norbad bm.lhcndotn s Nsc sortcd dd onc shccl oa&e bictclc na punctued Cththia ud no moLn$ hclpcd 6cn inro dr housc dd dJcscd Ocn (o@ds That aftcmoon. lhc ratcr rcccdcd a ln c Thc ianr had causcd lhc dnslbins oubidc rhc houscs ro ropplc oYs and robbish ras no,ri.g crcnlvhcrc Ctrrhia and her mothcr nef ablc lo sccp thc rcmainins aler and the dcbris out ofhcir lronl _tud and in|o a dranr Horrr. pieccs of lissue pape.lcarts and plaslic baes crc siill stuck oD lnc ground Usingahosc.Ctntniainoficrsprarcdsalcr aL$clitlcrmd$cpliLourol$clromgalc Whcnlhclomtaldhadnnalh bccn cleaned. Crnthia helped her ftoder lo clean the house. Astoall area in her hdg roon had also bccn afcctcd b! thc 0ood Thc 0oor$.s nucdnhblacl{prrliclcs so Crndria had to scrub lhc arc8 Thc ltood had causcd ! lot ofihco.rcnfncc to C)nthia and hci frnrlr Il lool a dar olrain lo cEate lhe ness in $e hou$ng estate but Crn$ra and her famil! look tltrcc drys lo clcatr up Tbcrc $$ .lso pcmnncnt danage lo thc aoDilri sodcn as rhc flood had dcslrolcd thc snEll planls fial rvcrc srorvins all arolnd lhc gardcn C)nlhia s norh(rclucrrhllr pullcd olt all rh. Shc ouldharelosta(plaoUngner onesaga,o Ee!ooehopedlhatlhererouldnol bc m 6orc lloods inftc rrca
  • 9. My Mischievous Brother Closinsmr book. I hidilundcrm! pillolrlitclalrvalsdidhcnllcnmr r@m It sas. Dcr book in ,nr foyourile scries 'Mr Midni3hl' Thc book as espcciall) prccious b rc is rltc iudru liosclf lmd s,Bncd on rbc irs( prgu. i Nanlcd to kccp itpislinc so ldid not cr cn d.rc to bcndllrc corcuNhcn I rcnd lhc b@l I uscd a bootmlil instcadofloldingfic topcomc6ofrhc prCcs. I spent an houi Natchi.g, docune.uq N(h mt paenb. I could nol a( to rctum to mv hoo( O. r! u! upshns. I suddcnl] rcrlizcd lnal n] brclhcr had not bccn rilh us Ihc cntirc rnnc Asuddcn scnsc ofpmic ocnficlmcd mc {hcnlnoticcdm bcdr@ndoorrid lhadlcft ilcloscdsh.nlcnrdo$nsuns Rushing inro 6r roon. I enl sroieht to n) bcd to rcrricc m prccious book HoNcc.lhc beli *as sonc. I turncd os t[c piuoN is scll as thc bladiel.lhc bolslcrand thc son toys on r! bcd. Hoscc.lhc boot ras no hcrc to hc lound. i could fccl mt cars ahd chcc(s Scting hor as mgcr 6sc snhin mc lr nusr bo I marchcd |onis roonr. dcnrindins dul hclcll mc Nhcrc hc had pnt nr b@k. Isxnodi6cdio$cm bookhcsidchino.rhcbcdnhscrcmlplgcsromonr Thcrcrcreccnshredsollishtbro$npapcron the noor. Mybrothdslardatnc rvnn a checN gnn on his lacc. ''Nicc papc("nc said h his nuucrinSoicc Crabbihe lhc booL aron him.l shooknim hard bt fic shouldcreand shoukd m his lace I could nolbelee hormuch drnage a four rearcldcoulddo tonr drinas Brcoki.! arec from mc. m brothcr cra lcd lo thc cornu ofhn bcd. curlcd his lcssundcr him md cricd u nco ntol lablr Hcrilng rhc cohmolion- I parcnts 6n i6ro rhc ooh lo nnd out hat had happeied Thel rere about to scold ne lor Lightenins hl botherbu| rhen lher s!$ $. danrscd book in mr [.nds.llrcr undc6lood h.l h.d [epcncd.In{c.d ofbcnrsansn ithmc,thcrdragscdmrbrolhcrfromhiscorncmndlorccdhnn to apolos i7c lo ntc Thcnmr morhci promiscd lo but mc a ncs copr olthcbook. I lodded.nd entbacl lony room niseirblr lnmyhands$ere$etopieces lron rhc 6isl pagc of rhc boo[ Thar nighr. I spenr a long rinc r^ing ro lapc lhc troDicccsrvi$ thc a!thor's rirnarurc back in placc.
  • 10. A Rescue Grcs a.d An$ont N?ndcrcd torards lnc monsoon dEin Thc rain hodjml subsidcdand llrc monsoon .s almosl fillcd rith satcr Gre3 and Androny dscid.d ro go lor a nir. Tln !arc, lootcd crurrn.l) caLn Snnnmbg ir dE Nnlcronld bc a brcczc As rhc! cnrci.d tc icc-cold alor lhc bots shic(d. Cr.g sohdcicd ifil as a good idea bul he did not ndtAnlhon) to crll him ! co!id. He decided lo eo alcad rit[ thc sin Hoerei lhcv had on' gonc a shon distecc hcn a suddcn cumnr srvcDt thc bols fonrard Crcs tricd to snb onro thc sidc ofthc dmin bu!his nne(s slid along ii as hc as lnablc to find an)Lhing lo hold on to Anhon)- $c seall.j4d one.llo.led don rhc drain ar such a spced Oal ne Nas sootr oul ofsight. Crg nailcd his arhs abour. nrusgling to 6nd a N4 to slo$ hinsclldoNn nEt llcn. hc fclt $mcthing lussins on thc bact ofhisTihin Hc srugglcd b lrcc himsclabur hc lrcard oiccs shouting ro rcll nim b nop noi.g Looking !p. Grcg rcrliTcd tlDr r lcN mcr hld spoucd hin i. dr drrin Th$ $ crc loldinsont a sfick rvith a hoot al onc cnd to pull Crcs oul ofthc dhin. h did nor bhc long for GrA ro bc rcscucd Jur hcn hc 'c,chcd dr grass palch.a ladr oamc running to ads then ltum $colhcrcndofthe drain Bc[rccn breaths.slesaid alaroungbol$asscetrnoadnsdonlhcdrain. IlheNasml rcscucd soon.hcould bc rvasncd inlolhcrncr Bt lhcn- hc 'nighrdbrn Ecn $ough hcMs cxhausLcd and siill in sbock.6rcg ran $ith tllc rhrcc mcn as $cr-' rushed lo fie other end hdidnoltnte$e long lo spot Anthony. Foduatel). he $as holdi.son lo scrcnl prolrusions on thc rou8h aUs. HorNc. hc rvas losin8 nisgrip HcNassotircdtlmthcdidnolcrcnhacdrcsrrcnghtosloutforhclp If hc had nol bccnrcaring hn b.ghroiangcT{htn. no onc}ould har. spotlcd him. lustnhenhereleasedhissrip-heashauledupb) lhe$reetren. Anlhoo] ed GrcB rcrc smtcful lo lhc pas*rbr Nho nad hclpcd lo sayc lhcrn Thq nod bamlalcssotr fiomlhcnnam cscapc Thcr haddi$olrcd thar cvcn though thc atcr in rhcnoisoond{i. sccmcd caln. it.sactMIl) nol Il as err dangerous aM no ole should sio in (.
  • 11. Helping the Poiice Danicl siarcd ristaully "l thc policc oiiccB in lhc policc slation Sonc oa dEnr scE busr aucnding ro pcoplc nt rbe courtc^ Somc rcrc talkins on lhc uldMrlmdjus{,rtuncd.ddncr. gcniig ou{oadE policcc.,. Daricl '.nlcd to bc likc thcn His nmbition Nas lo bc . policc omcc. Hc inrsincd ho inpicssnc hc &!ld loo( hallin8 a ciininal blck lo lhc policc skrion Thihkine aboul hat hld h.ppcned errlici. hc as plcased ilh h6 perform!.cc He as abonl to coDlinuc on hn ar to lhc Iood cenlrc N[cn hc [ead a cn for lrclp. Tunringaronnd. Danicl s.r r m.n in a bhctT-shirt ind $hilcjcans nnnins aa Irom anold lady Thc old la/y ras scicamingduihcr pu6c had bccn srolcn Ddicl sprinted inlo acrio. As hc (n.r Oe &c! cll. hc knc Oal thcre was a s[on ctrl lcaditrs lo t[c placc rhcE lhe thicfras headcd Running to a path bchind thc policc stnlion. Danicl jumpcd orcr obsbclcs srch as bushcs. idc drains dld bck a p.rk unril hc rcachcd thc m,i. r@d Thcn dashin! lcoss rhc nainroad lnd runn,e imoasidc ro!d. hc us acrulll jusrbcliM $c drict Hc cillcd for hclp hilc kccpmg a safc dislancc bchnd $c lhict Thc area rvas dcscncd ,nd rlrc thicl hd nor spou.d hnn tci Danicl ran as qnicrlt rs hc could.hopingnotlorrouscthcnantsuspicions Oncc lhcmanonpastarc$oI ab.ndoncd slolhouscs. heleant againslarall. outofbEa$. L@liins around. hc didnorsccrtrto.c Tncr nc srl on dr Cmund lo go lhrough lllc puisc Th.t.s rvhcn Danicl pouccd o. hifr. The man $d caughl br suDise. He as $ stunned that he did nol es slru88lc shcn Daniclsnatncd $c purc Irom hin Horcci hc sasmuch tallcr dr Danicl Alfiough Danicl rricd lo hoB hnn doNn undl nch nncd t[c m.n srcsrcd aicc lrotr Danicland shacd tonnrng. Fonunarlr. Dnn,cl ras onc ollhc besl tunneB in h6 school athletcs leao It did .o! hlie hito lons to oulfon lhe man. Hc slrusglcd rith lhc m fora shilc Lrrorc policc ofllccB ooncd. Dmicl ras glad th lhc policc of6cc6 r@k o.r Thc! Ncrc rnrch stron8cr than Dahicl Oncof$cmhandclifcdtcthiclhilcdothcrloldDaniclloaollo rhen backlolhepol,cesraronro g6!hissrarenenr Daniel renrinrorhe policecar irl his h.rd hcu nigh. Hc could nor bcli.rc lh,l h. ras ofhclp to lnc policc.
  • 12. A Birthday Cetebration I conld nor bclicc 'nr crcs ncn I sar Pctcrond Frcd sln8slins undcr thc cishroflb. husc catc Trchr orm8c 0,,ncs niclcrcd.borc il. sninslhc roonr a ml urious glon. Esonc bcllcd otrr rhc Undtdrr song. l.l4p.d m) hmds Nilhdclishl. Mr binhdar had 6n.ll! mircd Thc da! sDncd olt lik. !.) odci oidinu dar. Hoccr. aor nc. it as direre.t lt as h! bnthda) and I ras xrehe )ears old. UnliLe o pieiols binldar cclebmtions. dns timc lhcrc tronld nol bc n [oncnadc btlhdny c.lic lilic in lhc past. Ncithcr $onld tlE c bc a kblc ofhol catcrcd lood in sincr nc.mcrs Thcrc onld nor bc any childish padr gane. cnhcr This e!r I $as ha ing a pul) !rachaletinstad B.loiotheprnlstaacd.Icouldhctamriadorsounds Thc firc had ahc.dr bccn shncd on lhc srill oulsidc and platcs olchickcn sings.srus,gcsmdpmrns$cic$.ninebbccoolcd Soncormt frichdsscrc ancadr c@ting Oc l@d Thc pany a. goihg lo bc a onc Al thal moncm- lhc runrblins olthundci could bc lurd in tne distance and a flash of lightnins shrkcd across rhc skl Al ,.cd. crcryonc nshcd ro hc rhc food brck into lnc Thcre as a dhslic chansc in the $cather as $c s bccamc oreran I scrcdindisma!rsbigdropsofr.inpcncddoNnohlhcnoo..,unrhcnldougnr n] panr Nas tu1ncd. lhc cuaaiG {fc suddcnlt ddr n and out oa lhc cornf of n:rere.lsarrano,anseglo The huge birhda) cate cahe as a pleasa surprise for I donght that nr flic.ds crc burnrs mc onc $ai as nuch smalld Ancr drc binhdal song.l closcd mr ctcsand nudc a ris[ Il Nas onc oalhc bc$ bnrhdar cclcbrations I had cdhnd. Thcrain sloppcd afte, a $hile and re Nere able to resuhe ourbarbeue. Allhough ne did nol pla) sancs. $c spent a lol oftimc I'lHns lo onc anoftcr nnd lcllins iokcs To$ards rhc cnd of lhc pan!. I oDcncd mr prcsctra Whilc somc of lhcm munchcd on tc lctoq barb.clcd aood and othea plalcd id tc brlloons. I iippcd opcn one i.teresang present rlter another dd lhanlied ny lriends lor tlreir thoughtlul
  • 13. A House.warming Partyl Tobr lookcd rrcund his ncN housc ilh plcNrc Il usspick and spon.ncr hc b.d lhe snoh.i8ht clconi.B ir His prrcnls n.rc rnatin8 he-minxrc p,.pr.rto.s. Euirrbnrg nas readr lor dE! housc{dtrtilg Tobr rould nor rail ro shoN off hn ncr housc ro his fricnds. Hcaiine $c suddcn shrill nng oarh. d@rbcll. Tobt spcd lo tc fio.l dooi. hoping lhd hn friends had ontred. Hoger lhe guests Nere his prients lriends. Crecl s lhen polilclr. Tobr shocd lhcn inlo th€ housc and caUcd l s molhcr Hc spcnl lhc rcst oarhc rimc trltins lo thc sucsts .nd s$ ing lbcn dinks Jusr den- hc hctd tu d@ibcll ring rgrin Tobr rhiorr opcntedoor rosechis rro beslfiie.ds sffding in fro.r ofhin Bclrvccn t[d Nas a hugc bighl rcd h.anbag thc exact one lhal Tobr had bccn cycins for lhc post month lumping rilh cxcitcmcnt. Tobr thankcd his fricnds for Lhc prosem and l@t rhom to his rcon On dc 6nd 0oo( Tobt lcd rhcm to nhcrc his rooh $rs SundingouNido- hc opcncd ir Niln a lolrish. His fiicnds erspcd nr amazcmcnt for the roortr lookcd is lhotrsn n Nas foating in outr spacc. Thc 2lls dccrli.Srcrcprinrcd nart btuc5nd rhcrccr srrcand pl crsprinr.d on lhe ceiling. Tobr's bed Nas shapcd like a space shullle and his $nting dcst N"s in a sMll cnclarc dul loolied lile a i e rachinc Hisfriends sp.nt such a Iong limc rdrning nis roo,n thar al'nos all ihc food as gonc bt lhc lnnc lhct Aner n qurt real. Tob) look th€$ on a bur ofhn nelr house. The huse ch.ndclicr aborc hisdinin8 tablc snvc lhc placc. rc8al lool Thclilcbcn l@hcd litc onc of tnosc lrom a cm(ing sl[$ Whar capturcd lhc borf axcnrioo thc toosl as a roon on thc sccond floor Il containcd lhicc conputc{ dar .ic all connecrcd to fte Inte,ner. Ther conld nol beliei hoN luctr Tob) as - lE had hk on inlcmct cafa in his houscj Tob! clullcd ud lold lhcm lhd lher rcrc clcoDc.n!rimc to pla! onlinc g ncs Thc housc{.ming part! laslcd rhoughout lhc nisht. Bt thc linc thc lasr gucsl hnd let. Toby and his pare. ts ere ehausted. Massaging her achiog neck. Tob} s norh{sal in drc amchanas shc athcd Tob! and ht fa$cropcning do mant picscnts tat had bccn plac.d in apilc on $c n@r Thcrc wc bos and box cs of hou schold itcms Shc rvondcrcd rh.l shc ms soins to do rvnh tum.
  • 14. A Welcome Party ''Has fie food atrned retl Where are the paper plales:' Brcnda. don l blon $c balloons so big or lhcr sill bust!' Miclt. lhc cl.$ nonilor cnt around fic classroom. NanrgsuredDt.rcrllhnrgrasirordcr TlrcpargNasabodtonarl. I[rasa rclcomc pait for thcn f!ouritc English t.chcr Ms Bcll. Shc had bccn abscnl fiom scnoolaor hrll. rc.r.ncr shc mct rnh a I -and-run.ccidcm Just lhen. soneonc herrd the clacl,ing oaheels on $e landing and inmcdiatel) the lighls$rc rumcdoll Thc clasyooto Nas throni.dar( "What hnppcncdl" crmc M6 Bcll s ftmilior dccp throatv oicc Thc Bnls c rc bcsidc lhensc hrs i lh cxci tcmcnl Tbcv cou Id b!'dll rnir for Mm Bcl I lo rumon de lights so tat lhcr couldiunpoutdd suipiise her At that nomcnl. 1ro clicts N$c hcad rnd $c nuorcsccnl ligh$ aboc blinhcd r$icc bclo( nooding lhccntncchssroomritlrbrishrlight Jcsieaslhcfi uttorumpup Shcnnntcd lo reU surprise bul she tipped and atnosl tnoclicd ocr a chair in fie proccs. Ec,_onc bursr our lauehihg dd canc out ol rcn hidine placcs Mrs Bcll $as shihrg lrom carto car Lootins donnd allhc bightlr dccoritcd classooD. shc bc,ncd at hcr srndcnk Shc had misscd thc,n dnriDg hcrabscncc Shccouldnor bcliccrhat rhel had putinsonruch cflon to $clconrc her bact The gnh ushered M6 Bcll to a chan h $c ccntft oflhc classoom Thcn crodirg aronnd hcr drl.ll bad c.rds and gifis for hcr lo rvclcomc ncr b school Mantol rcn scrc conccmcd abour hn ihjudcs.nd rcrc mliccd onlr,, rhen she told them rhd sne Nas in tip lopcondrlion. The gnhodecd IIB Bell lo icnanr d hcrscat rvhrlc thc,r'scncd hcr food and dink Thcr trcarcd h*litc "Wc misscd tou,' Susic. ftc nan8hricst Birl in lhc closs said _You did a sid Ms B.ll in suAns. IdoughtIouharedneforbeinssostem' Susic lookcd bashfullv ar h.r tcr.lrci Nho 6.ccrcllcd at hf c(n d8 lor "Withoul lou shoudr8 ,r mc. I as nor ablc lo do nr rcrl. Ee+oneas inst'lches Nhenlher heard dral ErenM4Bell Th tnr8 c cNonc for lhc pa(y. Mx Bcll mldc hcr rar lo rhc fronl of dE classr@nandonccagrin. h(thund$ousau$onhln.loicc.shcroldccryonc $!l ilastm.roclean up tne place and betin the lesson
  • 15. A Special Chinese New Year "The chaacter -fu- should be huns upside dorn. Ben told his rounset sislci Jcnnr h r.s LIE cc ofclincsc Nc Yc.r.nd lhcr $.rc hclpins Gcir pa'cnts to dccolalc llE lDusc fo' llE occasion. Il Nas goi'rglo bc a spccial nclr lcar lor thcm bcconsclhcirsnndnroduMs goinslo b. disclDrgcd lrorn nospil.l .nd rhcr ouldbcablclospcndlhcncNIcar$iLIhc! aor 0s lon8 as lhcy could emenber fien gondoother had bee. going in a.d out orhospnrl dd rhen she nas al honc. shc Nas oltcn bcdriddc.. Bcn a.d lc.n (c dccodting dc housc csp(ialll for hcr as drc rv$ finah rcll cnoush lo mo. around in a Ancr hnch. thc childrcn e.t to tc hospihl ilh $en paients to lclch rhcir grandnoth( 6om. Shc ra looting chiQicr $an !s!al and shc qs 3ll smilcsas shc snt Nailins aor thcn rt lhccdgc ollhc bcd Oncc ficr lrcrc homc. slE rcquested to bc pus[ed aror.d lhe house lo .drnc dE beaulilul dccontions tnar rhc childrcn hld puiup Shc praiscd ficn for $c l.nrcrns $,l thc! hrdmadc thchslrcs.Thataftcrnoon. Bcnand Jcnntspcnlnoslofthctinrcl.llinglothcn gEndmorhcr Shc Nas srill pcrlv dnd shc lcpr up rn inrcrc ingnonologuc abou! rvhalChinese Nes Yea, ras lilic in hcrchrldhood. Hernnklcd finscG $crc aho nihblc cnougn10fold $in red strint into intricatc Chinese NcrYeardecorations. Thc childrcn scrc dclightcd rhcr lad trcrcr sccn such dccorarions bcforc Tnct nn around l}lc honsc. hrnging lhc dccorations ecqrncrc ,usl belore rhe stan ol the reunDn dinner. the resl ol the relatr€s besnn trooping m. Wnh Grandnothcratuund. lhc aftospherc Nas lNclicr and 6.q onc Ns in hig! spirit Gmndmolhcr did not narc lo car tlc spccial bmln thal shc had bc.n c.lin8 in lhc In$ead. sl[ ras .blc b cat poEidsc and nos of the lood thal eyer.vone else as ealin!. Ben and Jennr sal on eider side ofthen grandoolhci. scnrg hcr aood and constanllr asliing hc, iashc Nas lccling all risnt Thar nishl. ccrlonc ras smiling fron car ro car as dE! lalkcd among drcrnschcs Cmndmolh.r herscllras bc.nins as shs sal bact in hcr shcslcbnn. enjoJing the buoyln t am osphere. Thar"ishr bcforc Bctr and Jcnnr Ncnrrobcd.rhq rcnfiothcnsmodnorncr @fr ro ray goodnight to h* Shc $as still fcclinB chcorul. Thc childrcn Ncrc elad lheir rrandnother aound
  • 16. An tmpromptu Birthday Celebntion Joson and Mnric crc caminsa pilc olcxcEisc b@ts lo thc stailr@m aor tcn Enelish lcachcr. M6 Shc.s ,ason sas abou to slidc M$ Shcde accc$ c.rd i slor ro opcn thc door shcn hc noric.d hcr d.rc oabidh _He]l-hesaidexcnedlr loMarie _h'sIr^Slea*-bnddaytodayl' Snatcbing the card from hson. Marie rcld lhc dalc in smau bl.c( trumbers '4l5/l970 Winogar Jason. Mane lold hrn about h.r plan Thc childrcn haslily pur lhc books in lhc srall rcom Thc! rhc rcMncd lo Bcn chssroon. As thc nct rcachcr hrd no! ariLcd. tur an.ounccd to tcn classhilcs drat il ras M^ Shears binhday. Thcrc Ncrc shour ofjor and hoops ''Let'slhrorhcrasurpnseparlrl saidMaieexciledh EeDoncnoddcdin agrccNcnt. Th.t dal.lhc childrcn spc.l $cnrcccss buynr8 sn.cks lor thc pa l Thcr boughlsa.dNichcs. biscullsandpackctdi,nks Thc) also bouelta &n phlcs ofnoodlcs Thcr had to oblain pcmnsion to l*c lhc food to lhc classoom. Whcn fienpiincipalloundoulnhalrher Nantedtodo-she laughedandalloedOen lodoso She e*n conlribul€d by buring more drinlis for lhe par! The childre. also pooled their6oner to buy a pcsenl fo, theirkachei from the b@hshop The class nonitor madc 0 birlnd.y cad and Ncqonc signcd on it Aiorcccss. thc childich tidgctcd through tcn Scicncc pcriod Thq $cr. vcit cxcncd abour llE p&t! t[c] had plmcd wlrcn il ras nnill l[c lnslish pcriod agiin. $c childicn snul 6c doo4 and oaranecd tc dcsls .nd cnans Mrs Shears r as puzzled rvhen she neared lhe claseooh The lightsere s$nched ofand lhc dooB scrc closcd Horvcrcr. oncc shc ptrshcd opcn thc doo6. tn. lightcam.on and cer.yonc shoutcd. ^H.pp Bnthda!l Mrs Sncrs sas so shockcd ln.r shc droppcd hcr rhings on tlc 8oo. Sllc lookcd aound $c classr@n i. ana hcnt. Thcc Nas rood on Oc dcsks. Ahugc binhdar card vas placed in the middlc Mu chppcd hcr hmds i. dclisbl hso. prescnled her $it tc giar. il!s a red pen lron Lhe school bookshop Mrs Shea6 Nas sohaprr thar she husged cerr on. of lhem. Shc rhaned theh Thc imprcmptu p.rq bol{ up dr Nholc Englkn pcriod Thc cnil{Lcn hrd lo do tuore hotoe.rli inskad 1o nate up the Nort ther did not do Ho er er. $ey did notmind Ther adorcd ME S[earand lher_ scre slad thal thc] Ncrc ablc lo cclcbrarc hcr birrhd. loi hcr
  • 17. Honesty Josiua trudBcd homc Hc conld not Nait to nac o hot borh and takca nrp tlovcc( hn drou8hc nevs bn fte nc nobil. pho.clnatbisfiicnd had brou8ht b sclDol. h lrd iU r[.likn leatues.nd aancs. H. n (hed lE could bu] one bu{ hk parcnhrould ncssirc him thc monc!.s il lras onc oflhccosllicstphoncs on thc marlcr. Hc hadiusl slcppcd in& tc oid dccl $hcn hc noticcd soncthine fall foh Oerocketofrhe nan in aiontorhim Obhious lo r$!t had h.pp€ncd. i[c man Naured on. Joshna callcd oul lo him bul thcn hc noliccd thc DairofcrrDhoncs llugscd in hisca6. Joshurtushcd lonvard lo pict up rhc wlllcr bu! shcn hc lootcd lround. d. nan sas gon. He sas lbout to hud Oc allcr ocr lo th. police hcn hc noriccd de 6tr- dollar .otes sticking our of n. Opcning lhc rallcl. lE san ninr nl'{ollar .otcs insidcrsrcllas.hundrcd{oll.rnolc Hnlacclnupinrncdintcl} Athoushlrvas bcginning b rom in hb hcrd.nd his bodt ringlcd nhcxcncncmashc rhouehi olshar hc colld do snh Uc monq. Rctrating to a comcr ofdr oid dccli. Joshua lootcd around 10 nrkc surc Gar hc 2s lloDc Thc. hc bcgr. counting thc roncy Hc rus nlhbcrgrncd b find oul that lhc man had bccn carq insa lhousand dolla.s{ith hn. Joshuacould bur lhc mobilc pnonc sirh Ihc monc) Sho tug the troner into his p@kct. loshua ?s aboul ro tos thc N.Udntutu dustbin rvhcn hc hcdd voiccs tucpingassliu .shccould. hc lntncd as a cDupl. hlkd in Noriicd roncs "Are rou sure rou dropp€d - our $allet herc? Sofreone nrust hat takn n b! nos Thcrc s so nuch monq in it. No onc is 8oi.e to rclum it io ox." said "Lcl slccp scaiching. caec thcnr. sro'c.. _Irrcdo. rdndn.Irnlnor be able lopat for Crandnui sta) nr lhe nusinghome hn nonth ' Josiu.'s crcs idcncd md hnias drcpp.d. Hc immediolcly nc trn he hadro do Punnu rhc nonq{ inlo fic alld hc canc out from fic comcr d approachcd tccouplo IsUistourallcl'l h. aslcd mcekll Thenanhearedasighofrelierand lrshed roshua a broad grin. He anted lo gnc.rchua a rcNard bulJoshua dcclincd lnd hutricd hoh.. Hc .s too ashamcd ro rh'n of nhlr hc hrd (rnlcd ro do s rd rhc mon. cdllcr.
  • 18. Friendship Chccrs rcson.dcd in thc sLdiun d bi8 colourlnl b.nncu crc flrins ctcrtrhc( Il as thc 32nd wcsl zohc School Sporrs Mccr Si(ing on tu floor ryil]l hcr lcgs staigh oul. Samotla rcachcd orcr od touchcd fic lips ol hcr shocs ill hc! finscre TIE cxcrcisc $as clTorllcss to Sam.ntho as shc prcparcd lor dr 400-ncm hcc. Shc qas dakd lo lalc hohc lhc lrophr asar $is rcar If rhc o.. sh. ould narrc hislon as lhc nr$ sudcnr lo Nin rhc 100-nc1rc.200- mclrc and.l0omclrc ccnls for lhrcc conscculnc caB Anahnou,c.ncnt .s mad. Wnh a spring in ncr srcp- SrmDln, m.dc hcr Nn) lo thc lmct Al oncc. shc Nas orcNhclnEd bv Ihc enlnc shdium scrcaming her oanc. Shc ras lhe faounte As she bcnt fohrard alld readied lrrsell for the signal. snc rorn.d b ncr lcar a.d grinn.d al hcr bcst lricnd. Shccnr Shccna had becn in lhc samc crcnk as hcr for thc past thrcc ]cns and drc anars c ncjml sccond ahcr Sm.ntha l hct' crc dr bcs runncG nr dr school Shccna g.rc Sana ha a thurnbs up sign alld $q bolh lookcd fon ad as lhcr railed for tlE signal A1$c sound ol Oc hon. thc enh sprintd loNard Ther casilt ouran rhc rcsofrhc conp. ors Ecn bcforc rhc h.lfrar rn,r( rhcrc Nis. nugc eap bcl ccr fien rnd ft otncu.l,sr $cn. Srna,d, neald i c'_1 Thc $holc s[diun Nas silenl Gta.cing behiod her Safranlha sar her lriend lunblins aorrv.rd on tu trac( md lallnrg in a hcap Without hcslation. Surorha ror back to her lricnd and h.nt doNn lo hclp lM ''Coon! Sheena loldher'Leae nealone!' HosccL Sananlbarcfuscd. Whcn Shccnalricd LosLndup. S.m.nd. ncld "Wc ll[ lhc racc toscllrcr." shc sid to ncr With her am amund Sheena. Samantha rallied alonsside as her friend nobbicdalong Thcnnisnihglincsccncdsolaraa bulShcora16dctcinihcd lo 'nal,c il and SoDart[a $as cqn ly dcicmincd to hclp hcr fricnd The ofier runneB caught up easil) as the lrvo lrie ds slassered along the loct. Ecr]onc /.omcd past lhcn but thc hro aricnds rcnrnincd u a7.d As lhc! .llcd., b.c.n hnilding up frofr rhc cror.d Rb $nic clipping bcs.h as cvcrl onc chanted lhe nadcs ol bo$ gnls. As thc) approachcd thc nnishi.s line. $c) noriccd $c ofi$ conpcriloB chc.ri.B lhcn on.s Mll That rrs de nrsr limc Samanth! hnd losl an crcnt bnt shc rc.lizcd thrhrinnin8 ms nor imponanl I:ricndshipscrcn miltcred
  • 19. The Bu y Shn pudEd mc 4ainstlhc$all. prcssing his cmirc rcishtdon on mc Hc placcd hi! hugc coa^c ha.don h neck as 6oush hc ras about lo suansle hc. I A.sprd loi br.dl .nd Li.d (o ptrsh lln. i$.r nI rr htuds Dur hc s nnrclr ''I rhr all Oc noncv rhar you hac in )oui tallct." Srd gorl.d. "Ll mc so aM I U snc I ou lhc moncy. l said nccklr Shn's clcs n rcNcd into slils. Hc slaEd al mc lor n rhilc.nd hispcred. ''You hld bc(lcl noi rw to nrn.ay' Uc r.lcrscdhis grip on n riehr hahd lor mc ro gcr n! alld Thc minuc I handed it lo him. hc snatchcd n lrom mc and loo( oul lhc lirc-dollI notc lhrt I [ad insidc. Tossing tlt $allel on lhe grcu.d. [c laushcd at mc and s.. ]nc a 'You rc usclcss." hc snccred You cahi c.n dcacnd yoxtsclf Ho long aE ]ou going lo lel me do lhn to ,you, I-ll be richl' he snarled at ne as he I s.rcd aftcr hiE I Nas consuEcd rnh noftd. I as so shakcn lia! m)' hands had tumcdclamn). Hor$tr nhcn I thoughtofnhat Ihadplanned. asnrilc crcsscd m! lacc. Making surc dral Slan h.d kn. I salkcd ocr to lhc bacsacl rir I [rd lcn on r '[an Hrddcn h rhc brg. ra'ing rhc opcn zrp Ms m nc toobilc pho.cNith rhc latcslrccordrg rcchnolo$ Taking oul rhc nobllc phonc. I rieN€d $hnl I had secrelly recorded There. rith a shshllr sra,nl mrse. bul mnetclcss slill clce. $as Slan conlronlins nc at thc $all Er€4 rord tbat hc said could bc clc.,l! hcrd Inad pl.ccd drc phonc alju$ tfu rignt spor lo capturc Slansfaccclcarll.IlasunnishLablcih hc ras dor.g !o nc. Non: I had thc Amed $ilh llE eidcn€c in n! mobilc phonc. I iroopcd do$n to lhe princip,li omcc to rcll hcr sbar Sl0n nod bccn doins to mc I nod Na.rd ro lodgc a complainl aor a long rimc butdid nol hac $c.ridcncc Slan clcn bdb.d rvnncscsnollo tcllon hin.No. hc rotrld not bc.blc lo dcnr his lclions.
  • 20. The Hunter Crouchins bchind o thick buslr Jocl. a huntc. Nailcd in onticipalio. aor $c husc aurt crcaluc to cmc'8c. Hc nclrd a disht rustlin8 of Lhc lcacs and soai8lc".d up. r,.i ng b scc LhLu rlN rhic( loli4u. A sq ui(.I sc.rr pcled p.slhin lt us o fnkc rlnrn. Hc hrd bccn sqna$nrs for ascs and il did cros his m'rdlhalhc.hould,ldonnbulh.dldnolanllomJlcJnu nvnching his reet inside his rell-nom lerther boots. he {itrhped hn nngers againsl his lhisls as lrc aited for lhc cEatMe Jac}i did not hlrc IoNril lons fo!.jnsl bclorc noo". hc hc.rd hcan stomping and$ccrmchingollc,.s Tatingachancc.hc6is.dhimscllali crndpc$cd orcr do lop ol6e busL H. arrighrTheblac(bearrs amblingloards hi6 It Nas much bisgd {tn lacl lad thotrslt. The iltomr.lion hc had sadrercd fron thc Intcmct ccn.nrf did not prcpnrc hnn lor such a big crcaturc hct ss lcss dehalanssi/. Thc bcd loolcd around andtrrncd. bding ns tcclh Irlookcda friehful siehtbulhcktncs $ hc*ould bc ablc lo incapacirllc ir si$.i!sr onc oltn tahquillircr bnllcrs. Thc bcar Nas nol moins cr Lst so it Nould nor bc dimculr rohtcdshor Hc r,rchcdasrhc bcar proddcd i.,bnshrsrhough ir r,s searchinglorfood Iflhebearloolcdinthcbush$hereracl ras.hcknc lhathe ould bccoDe lhc bcaas ftcil for $c dar. He hid to makc his moc. Wilh tcNblnrg nonds. Jact pictcd up nis tequillizcr gun |ron bcsidc him I'lc rishcd drrL hc $onld slop rrcmbling Dcspnc nis cann dcmcanou. hc ras actualh beside hnnsellith ecnement. He had been huntins for a decade bul lhis sas tlrc 6d timc hc h.d lod ach.ncc ro hu.l a bcar h ras aho lhc fiisl rimc nc hod poochcd Hc.sinaprotcclcdarca No nuling '.s oUord Hoscc( hc h.cN that lhc bcai s oislhs had purposcs dd ould acth a hrgh Jack stared at lhc be Hn sun as Doirrins dircclly ar n AU ne nad lo do as slmol HoNcrc.jusl s nc ras about lo pull lhc Eissc( hc hcrrd a Bruntins noisc and alnosr imm.dialclJ_. a cub craslcd lorrrds ns no0(and thc no$cr bear allored n lo nesde agaiost ns body. Jacli loNered his lun. He could nol bear tc tougbr of thc cub losing ils ho$cr warching ttun. hc dccided nor to shool
  • 21. The Old Lady Old Mrs Perc_ sat alnosl hotionless on her bug-inlesled matlless. Occasio..llt.shcrouldr $bcrhandlosvataccblr olaflr.t]o$cc(drcsoon gac up for rhcrc slrc.iusl too 'nanr ofdrcnl.'ll,c lcliorcr lood otr hcr labh nad bccn ficrc for morc lhm hro dals MB Pcrcr .s aboul ro s .i ar molhcr 0r shcn thcic s.s a slwptnoct on hcrdoor She igored n lor she did nol hri Oe srenglh to stand up. The $ound in hci l.g. Nhich nas badlv inlcclcd. Nas Baring 6cr.r nocncnt painaul. Thc -Go aa!!" sbc s[oulcd !t hoevcr ns bchird lne d@. Hcr !icc 0s surpris'ngh loud for,omconcshorr.sonrrl Hoscc'.he' r, or rspc6rronr .nd.ohrinlcd rapping on rhcdoor wilh a sigh- Mrs P$ct plllcd h.$clf up lrcm hcr bcd. Nincing at lhc sharp pain lhm scarcd through hcr rishl lcs. Mutlcring unlappil] lo hemcr. sle s[umed lo thc door and opcned il $il[ thc chain loct sill on rc scc ho ilas Ahanddr ladr drcsscd inoi'cc.ltc crc sla.ding bclorchcrdoo, Tl'c' rcrcholdirsplJslic bJssoldrGcrics "Go arv!t!' Mrs Pcrcr- said "I don-t nccd r charitt.'shc conrinncd lierccl) Hor$c( thc couplc rnsislcd on cnlerins lEr house. Flashins idenlity cards trom a seial scnice ccnlre. $cy told M* Pcrcr rhat thc] Ncrc actns on calls bI hcr ncignboure sno scrc roricd drt sondhnE had happcncd lo hc. Too incd lo arguc ith ftcm. MB Pcrct IcL lhcm in Thc l.d! gaspcd in sh@t rhen she sa$ $e ftess and the nan rinlled his nose at rhe smell Ther n ere slunncd by drc d,lapidatcd slatc ofMB Pcrri asccnarnlr not fit lor anv hDtr.. bcing lo lnc in Thc conplc bad brclt slcppcd orcr drc lnrcshold sncn Ln* iold Mre Pcrc thar rh$ ould lca c rlrc xroccrics $ilh hcr md conc bacl rnh help Snonin!. MB Perc! told thenr dat ir asall right Thanliins then for rhc groccics. shc pur rhctr on hci nuurcss sccon& larr. bugs *cic (arlinE into tbc plasric bags Ir ros a rcroltin8 sishr Hocycr M6 Pcrcr ras obhious tothccrcc$ crcaiurcs $ar had nadc lhcnhomc in hcrsmallonc{oom flal Retumng to he, place oh the auesr. M6 Perc) ignored Oe plastic bags and sal on bcr bcd. fannins ncrsclt Slaring drc brotcn-don lclcrisioD sct in fionlorhcr shc so.dcrcd ilit$as sill$orking Forcing hcacla olI $c nanrc$ agrin- she ieached lor Be ss itch ro luo ir on
  • 22. A New Lease ol LiJe Mikc slmd bcloE fic prison omccr an nou bclorc hn rcbnsc His old clolhcs crc rclurncd lo him and n vas auos cd to clEnsc Thcn. back in bisosn clorlEs. lr colleurL'd drc LrlooAin8s rld hc lDd n itl hi[ on dre da] h. lDd !rcstcd Takinscrcqlhins. Milc b c farccll lo lhc offrco od slcppcd otrlof $c pnson inlo thc blarngs!n. Hc asnll.d $ith apprchchsion abourhis tuturc He had been in pdson for so long. Heondered illile outside hc cntcrcd. Hc sondcrcd ifhc onld bc ablc io snppon hnnsclt T.king a dccp brcath. hc snrilcdnnd ncd lonncldcrlr conplc ryriting b1 n car Milc $rs nnallv rclcas.d lroh prison aar.i bcihg in.jail aor rcn t.r( His puc.B loo(ed 6!ch older fian rllen he lasl sa Ocn on r isiling dar Ru.ning lo thcn. Mikc cn cloped tlrcn in a bcartug. Patring his son on fic bac. Mr Darbt. Mikc-s anthcr lold hinr rhlr hc should pur hn pnst bchnrd him lnd morr on rilh his lilc Ar! oaoptinism s$cpr olcr him Hc s,s glad rhrl his prrcn6 bad rorgncn him. Hc hld bcc, cohictcd olrobboD a.d ,ncd 4srulr shcn hc $as onll nvcnll Ho $tr. as hc sal in thc car and lootcd ar dr sccncry flasling pasl hnn- hc Msdcrcmincd rosbrrfc Haing trincdnndcrrhc pison.hca. M'tc asell-prcpaled to E'coter nomal lilc. HoN$tL lindns ajob is trot casr'. Nol nianr emplorcB rcre on nirng nnn hc. lhcr found our fid nc nad . criniin.l rccord ll as onlr hcn $c Ycllor Ribbon Proicctbcgah did Mik nnd it crsicrro gcr a.iob llc orkcd as a kainee in acald Mosl oflhe stail lheE had c.nn,nal Ecords. Er en $e o ner ollhc cali had sonc b jail bclorc The c.ra as. placc shcrccx-prisoncrscould gcl a nc lcrsc of litc and stan carning an hoDcsl Iniog lo supporl ficnschcs and thctr fanilics. Dcspnc lhc backgiound of thc stalf. pcoplc fiockcd to rhc cafi lor the rood food dd sen ice. Milie ras so busr thal he Nas on his feet de rhole dar Hc rorkcd six dars. cck. Milc Nas sl.d rh.t hc as ablc lo slarl ocr Hc pul trp rith thc slrcs of $orlingin abusJ kithcn and bccanc nuch hunbl$and lcss hor-tcnpcicd $an heNasbelore. Heasca.ingandaflentne|otheneedsolhis.usloqers. HeNas dclcmincd b lcnd a bcrcr Iirc
  • 23. A Loyal Dog Policc brohc doNn thc dooroaahouscald.rn Nhcn ncishbouscomploincd of lhcsncllolrouin8 flcsbcomin8 aro]n it Thc pulidsmclloldcc.r'ocN[clmcd rlED rlrn rlE) opcdcd lhc door rd dq [.d ro pur on drsts bDforc cnrLaing rbc honsc oslin In lhc darkcncd housc. thq sa ancldc l man lrinsf.ccdonnon Oc ,loor i. Uc lnine oon. His Nhcclchan zs.carbJ It $as obrious $ar $c (d had lallcn lior his rheel.han rnd no one had b!e. ablc lohelphih. Ner lo l n. occasionallr licking lh€ old nant hands loyinsly Nis a smau Nlilc dos. Aslhc mant hodr Nas t*cn anr. thc dos ras also lcd orm! br lhc policc. Ilrcfuscdlonoesonhad!obccani.d Ilsriugglcdloarcctuclarndrhch.ciil lumpod od ofOe omceis!ms. it rould rush bact inlo $c nolsc Een hcn ir was in lh. policc c.r n stulgl a conlinuons high-pitchcd relp lhaldid not stop aU thc nar lo tIc policc slalion. E cn onc thousht that il N?s pinins aor its or$cr and loot pnt on n At dc a,ioh. sonc omcc6 oocr.d n food md atr bur ns.s nor lppcrscd. lr cohrin8d lo Nhihc and claN ar Oc cridborrd bor t.t it had bcci pul in.As thc da) oE on. nsNhincsludedrobarks. Thq rcrc so disruprirc dd dnoyinS Ho ccr no onc knc $har rodo ,ust thcn. one ollhcomocrs sugscsted taliins the dos bacli lo lhc housc. Hcr incredulous suggestion as shot dorvn nn cdialelr but Nhcn Ihc barkidg did nor srop. n *cmcd d.r a lrip bact ro fic housc ras tlc onlt choicc lhc of6ccn had Whcn lhct drn cd- tnc nonc *oppcd Inl.ct.lhcdogs6eB.dnstailcohlinuously andjunpedaboutallhesit€.ba ing lohe ler in. When oneolrhe omced opened drc salc and latcr t[c door. Gc dog pushcd lhc door opcn and d.shcd in Throxsh tu opcn door dr oficcn s, it scanpcr up lhc (ans. Lcss lh.n a minurc latcr it appcarcd nt lhc dooragain ln ns frouthn6abedioon slippci Ee^o.e fi.all) undeGtood h de dog had been crearins a runpus lhe cnlnc d.r Itrcolizcd llur ils orner r.s dcad but n nisscd nir so nuch ll[r il ?nlcd somcthins tnor Nould rcmnd n ofils oNncr Whcn it Nrs pl.ccd boct in thc cardboid bo al thc slarion. ir sat th(c. lapping ratcr Ni$ lhc bcdroon sliDper rrhly beNeen its pars
  • 24. Earning a Living I Nas in $e nnddle of mr brcaklast hetr I heard someone shour,ns oul in irrilalion nmins. I saM sroup ol bols r ellins !l m old lad! for lonchnrs lhc drn,ks on drcir bblc. Thc ol'l ladv 'aiscd hcr land ir apologr ald slumcd .rv._' Sic as dmsainBa hugc plNlic b.g in hcrhand th Nos har-nUcd $ith Culpi.g don lhe est ol m] ddnk- 1 rushed up lo hei rnd tapped her o. tc shouldcr Whcn I garc h( thc aluminiun can. snc smilcd apprcciatn.ll md tha*cd mc in dialcct. Takins pin on hci I dccidcd lo hclp ho collcd thc cans Lookins around.I rc.li7.d tlmt lhc custoncG fror *rcr.ll$leshad lcft.I nuriedlr rlk.docilo tale thc aluminium ca.s rron $cntables Wncn I g.c tcn lo hc( shc rhankcd hc pioflsclr again Thcn shc ghbbcd n) haid aid shook lrcr hcad. Shc spokc tonrc in lhc saDc dirlccl rhich I did nol undcGland bur I line tlEl she did nol rmt rr hclp. Sluugsill8. I lei her alone nnd rerumed And y brc.tfast. I $cnl to lhc proision shop 10 buy sornc etuccrics. Whcn I prslcd rn allcy. I sr rhc old hdI scabd on rhc ground. pushing lnc alunrinrum cans i.lo lhc bas Tlcn shc ticd lhe bas and put il asidc Irasaboul lo alk or rvhcn I sarv hei pick,rs up thrcc huge cardboad bocs ftom bcside ncr Tnct Ncrc cumbc omc and nncn biggcr rlEn shc sas brt slc mamgcd lo aold lhcm Thcn shc i.d thcm rnn $ing Aaraid orbcihg soldcd 6t ncr. I hid behi.d a nll and pee.ed out ar her A le$ minutes laler. a lo,o stopped al lhe cntancclo$callcr Atoanjunpcdotrralldcollccl.dthcplaslicba!ofcansand lhc cardbo.rd lroh thc old ladr Hcthcngarc[crafc$doll sinrctun Fom mr posilion.l raGncd as tlr old ldr rallcd lo Lnc cofcc shop TIrcrc as a sprins in her slep. She loolied much happ,er lhan she Nas earlier U$ns soncofrhchon.) lbarshchrdcamcd.shcboughlhc.scllaboNlor.oodlcsand a cup of tc! I u s full oladmnoion for lhc old lad! Dcspi& shc us illins to slo8 to c.m u honcl lnins I ondcrcd ifl nould bc ablc lo do Lnc saDe ill eie in hei posnion
  • 25. The Latchkey Child Anllonr lnrncd lnc kcr in ihc kctholc Hc could trolhclp sishinB as hc dDushl or$c munda.c ancrnoon lhal lat olrc.d. Thcrc ould not bc anyonc al lDnr.. His si cr. $I[ nrs alre.d) or s€condrq scliool. oultl oo I'c lDrc rt scrcn o'clockand nisp cnls ofic. rctumcd homcancrdinncr Anlho.! Nas lcn alonc ar homc$c,) a0cmooh Aner uring a balh Anrhon seuled in his roon to do his ork. Hc could [cr his ncishbonG phrnrs al lhc pla] sround don nshns bur A,lhonr Nas not alloNcd lo so dornstoirs on nk or.. Hc ras cxpcctcd lo spcnd tbc .ncm@n sudling whcn nc nnish.d his ort. hc (ould bc ablc lo phy conporcr gancs Somernncs. Anthonr anredloplar conpu$i goncsthc holcaflonoo. bul he hcr lhal [c $ould nol be ablc lo as lis parenls had a lock on lhe srstem lhal pr$cnlcd him lronr spcnding morc than.n hour on rhc conputcr Houschold chorcs orc ako lci in Anfiont s hands as fic rdtril! had no maid Anthon)_ clcancd $c llooi and rindo s thrcc dncs a Nccl. Hc aGo had ro prcparc dn$c. Allnorsh hcmadc simplcdshcs. hc sliu foundcooking achorc Hotvcr. no mrucr hoN mnch andDnr hd to do. hc Dadc surc hc spcnt some tinc al hn kithen indo* in he latc afiemoon Itas thdc thalhc madc cotrhcl i$ hn spccial fricnd fron fie blek adoss. Hn lricndt nare as La{rcncc. snicn Arlnont found od aftq going dmngh sisn Ianguagc b@ts Larcncc ras ncding-impancd md nc s,s also lear ar homc.lonc ancr scnool erer_r da). Anrhonr sa him one day hen he as cleanrns the hchen rn $e ancrnoon Hc drtrlcd across but lhe bor back WhcnAn$onr tound out dd tnc bor could nol hce. hc sign lmeuagc so that hc could communicrlc rnh $c boI. Sincc rhc kirchcn indos rrrc so closc. thcy had no problchs toaliing oul hat each olher Nas slgning Anlhon] t crnoons brishlcncd uprhcncerhc sas ablc tocommunic.te rvnn L.srcrcc Whcn Larrcncc as ill. A.lhonr ras borcd sidrs in his r@m. rcading tc cnlia aftcmoon. Apa( lron LiNicncc. Anthon scldoh spokc lo his classnatesorerthe phone lorhh pacnts limned Ue phone calh he could ftalie. Anfion Nas glad thll hc 6ad Larcnco as his lricnd