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$6r MG
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree
Management &
ot.. A"s t FMJitllrttzslio s, alerting
at lean tt/O questions flor, @th pon.
a. Givc an exanlre lorea.h olrhe nunagcnal tuncrions af,d e{tl i thc
b. Expl0in.nytue prin.iples olhmageoreDr as lormulared bl lxyol.
a Lnrand explain dre sEps inplanning.
b. Listany li!erypesolplansandeplaineachbriefly
a. whalisslan otconroland*harfaciosaffe.tit? Expl i)
b Explah rec.unnenl and selcclion Vhrr r 4BO lndMBE?
moInarc his mbordiDarsl
b. Lisl Hysiencc and norivalio.lirctoB.s pq llcr2bergand erpto;. tho. i,tricollolti
, .,,*,
a. Ho$ does M6lor's Lenarchy ol Deeds help a m.Dxger 10
r Lnl the sases olent.prcneuroroccss and erpalin xnr one ollhe,r
b. Lnr the chsEderhics olu cnlrcprcncur.nd cxplai..n) ore ol rhein.
Lht tlre c[aracrerieics ol $rl rxlc indu$ry (ssl) and cytlaii rho lor ssl in rhe
ccononyoflco0tr_a (r0!h't5)
hararetheriersinrclrcdinsrfiinpSSllFxplainoneolrhen. 00tu!k)
a. Lisl some sare leve!agencies rhich ruppon SSI and erplain one otlher 6lo ho$ thcy
asistthc SSls. 0oir,*,
b. whlt etheschcrcsollinanccproidedbySIDBI?Explarnoneolrhesctcmes.(10Mlrkt
a. Mark.l reasibiliry nudy
b. financralfeaslbilirystudy.
c. IeclDical liasibilirt srudt
d Econoni. leasibllnr sudy
*.l-fffT ai I f,-
lrifth Semester B.E. Desrce Examinrtion, Dec.20l4/Ja
Design of Machine Elements - I
Max. Marks:100
Not.. t. A"s$er FIYE ful q aestioit:, s.lectirg
d tatn TwO qtations lrott eath pan
2. Use of
desisn data h!,.tbook is pzt,,in.d.,
stccl rcd suppons a 9 kN load and in addition ro rhn
is applied .n it as shoM r Iis Ql(a). Dcrcmine thea
Fis Ql(a)
b. Biefl],discuss three dimensional shc$ ield and sre$ ren:ur
a. A mild seelsh.t 0160 moi diamcrer n sxbjdcted ro bendinS nrolnc.r otl5xtO. N nnn and
torque M, lfthe yield nrc$ in resion n 300 N/mm:. find rhc runnum value.trorque
wit|our causins yiclding orrhe shat lccodins to
, MainuN shcar sress theory off0ilurc and ii) M0xnNmdnrodio. rhcorv ot fuilue
Adoo'. h-.oror ,r.r n. 5
D  r.-.., l u'i kC . be1E or,r,o oy 16 .. or.reel ure'nr ir trC..J...eJ.,dt rc1
:5r, nh l,e ci!i. o. rhe w. e r 0 r n.c.. -,er 1.. .'s. i, I tr e..eDded.opc. 2"
m, fie shea!. Cets sluck up Deremrine rhe *rc$ induced in rhc rope due 10 rudden stoppase
.fthc sheave. Ncelecr liiction Takc E= 190 GPa. (l0tuarkt
A tanstui$ion shaft caftics apulley mid$aybctwee. two bcarnrss. Ttre bendine mome at rhe
ptrllcy vaies from 200 N nr ro 600 N{ as rhc roisiona moneni oarhe haft larics nom
70 N-nr ro :00 N rn. The neqncn.ies or xnation ofbeDding and rosioDat mooents ae equrt
ro rhe sbaft speed Trc slrft n a lnade olsteel tilE.t(]l] (6r, = s40 Mpa.6, = 4Ol] Mpa).
f-p."cccder F.l'.ll]ll,,m(..(Jb,,er..,.,..rrr
h n. r lJrrororvret) ot2.
a. Ah M10 $cel bolr or 125 Dnn lonS is subjected to an itupx.r k,ad. The kineric eneigy
absorbed by lhc bolt is 2 s J. Deremiie: i) Str.s nr rhc shanl olthe bolr if ihcrc ir no
thrcaded posnjon betwccn rhc rlr and rhe bolthoad ii) Sncs nr dre nrnk itlhc arcaotthe
drink n.educed ro rhal ofrhe rcot dea olthe or the eninc ldgrh otbotr is rhrcrdcd.
b The irucrutul comection snown i. F1AQ1(b) is subiccrcd lo an eccenn.ic toad p.I t0 k
rnn ar ccce.r.icrry 01500 nnn Thc cente disrancc bedreen botts ar I and 3 is t50 nrh and
the cc.te distaDcc b.nreen I and 2 is 200 nn. Alt rhe bolis are idenriclt. The bolh arc
nade ofplain carbon sreel hrvins yield srengrh r tension ot,t00 Mpa and rhe tactor oa
$Gt],is 2.5 Dereirnine sizeot rlt bolrs
r liece ofcommcrcral shliiins n suppotred by Nlo bearings I t in apafi. A kcyed
eear.20" nrrclure a.d 175 nnn indiameter. is located400 hm ro drc lcil of rNright bda.insand
n diren bl a sear dirccny bchiDd it. A 600 hniianeirpullerr is keyed to rne shatr 600 nnn k)
the isht olthe lcft bcaling ahd drnes a pulley Nith a hortonhl bdx dnccrly bebnrd ir. Ihe
tensiotr mrio ofrhe belt is3lo I *ith d slack sde ontop. Thedrivc rmsn1ns45 kw ar 130 lTnr
Take Cn = C, = l.t. Calculste the neccs0ry shaft diameter aDd ansular deflecrh ln dcgrees.
Use allowablc shear srress 40 MPa and c = 30x lo! N,nrl
Design a ca$ non flanse coqrlins ro co ect t{o shaih of,l5 mm diaherer is nr rensnnr
20('po*er. 4irrrpn lt"prn,. D- r,i.ire'-1t .,v^
.Ier8 fo. .a.' ro.
' 'r.
q.nne !r,ntrg ro'que I 10 per.
tr-,.' .rr .1!
Des,sn the assenrbly ofa k.ncklejoinr ro comecr two mild $ee,."u,
pulloll00kN TleallowablestestortudsandpnraE l00MPa. iioMpaand60Mpd,n
tcnsion. cm[ine and shear respectivel]. The bcnding ofthe pnr is prerentcdbv seledbn of
proper fit. (0s err,
Deteftine rhe size ol tie weld rcquired lbr Fn eccenricatty toaded weld as shou in
Fig.Qr(a). Assuae *d.Jy loadand filletweld. (0s tuertt
in lhe exre,ne rows. rlricb are in slngk sncar n Nice rhe pir.h.frireIs in rtre irnf ross
shicn arc double shear The design $reses ofthc materials olthe ninr plarc and lhe nrcs
For platc narenal in rension d, = r20 MPa tbr rvcr
lbr rilet malerial i. shear r = 30 MPa
materialin conpresnnr 6.= 160 vPa.
Explain self lockins and olenrauling in porr scrervs.
4,.wia.L- rohPr o.d.30. ,Il - pr1roi100.m -trm e-ren]tro
1r'L lre '. 'c
!"np e.: .n r0o"' -ndu.t.
nratcrial for rhe nut is phosphor broMc for shich rhe ulrinmre srcngrh is too N/nnnr nr
rension and 90 N/mmr in .onpie$i.n and 80 Nrmrr in shcar itt t*rtng presrc
bet$ccn the nut xnd thc s.nw is nor ro exceed 18 N/mmr Desgn tlre scrc* ard nur and
check lir treses Take FOS = l. as$me 25% ovqload lbr screw rod desig.
rifth S.mester Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015
Energy EngineerinE
Iffe: I hrs Vax MarL!:100
Not.: A tw/a ! FlfEItll qrestior!, seL.rinEal.ur TWO qa"stu rJiont.4.h Bfl
. rvith a near sker.h, epLii the *orting ol sDEder sroker Skre
With a neai sletch. cxplain hydLxuli. ash h&dlings]slenr.
Lhl fie di$ercnr rypes ol luels used for sleam sencfthon
Explain snh a treatskctch, rvolkiig olVolexboile.
Draw the ncrt skel.h of lndu.ed Dmugh sy$eD. hplain
Whll are Supfheate6 andlclnomiser?
l:rplar rhe necesny olcoolins syncn in diesel ensiDc. wnh $e
eplain rhernm$ar cooli.g and thennisiphon cooling
DnN schcm0ti. layout of dicscl potrer pl r and cxtlain iuncrion
a ClasilrHydro clc.6cpolverplaDi.
6. Explrin$irhnearskclches,0nylhieediffdEnrr$esofsurgel k
c. Thctun offdalaoliver ap licularsile is rabulared beLoLr:
Mean Discnarse ih m,llion Month
Meu Dis.harg. if, millb.s
i) DrarvhrdDgEpn and lindrhe tuein flow ,i) Dra$lhe notr dualioncuse
iii) Find drepotrerinvw arailahLc atNm floq, ilthcheadavlilabteis lOl]nandoenll
dficicrcy olscncmllon is 80% 0oMsrk,
wirhlhehelp oincardiagan, explainrheworklngorLiquid Meral Cooled Reaclor
(03 Yrrk,
Erpliin rbouldisposal ofsolid,liquid art gaseols lands 0roduced l,yNuclear!owerllanl
ExplainadvbhgesmddisadvanlaeesotNuclcdpowdptani. (05Merr,
Dra{ r near shelrh, explain SolarPond Ele.rr Powei Pknr. DmN conccnraro. dd
Briefl y cxplain rlc sorkrg ol s.lar cell
c wind blows widr velocily or l6m^ ar l5rc. The tudine dimerer is I lsm *irh opeming
speed or40,!s at 6,xinum efliciency. Assume I srodard atmosphenc presuE md
prcpeuer Nind turbine. CalculaElhe lollowing:
i) Tolal power density in rlE wind st€am ii) Maximum obrainable Nwei densny
iii) Reasonably obtsinable powerdensily,l = 35% iv) Totalporr
v) Toque ud axill thon. (o3Mrrlt,
.. with a neat skerch ed TS diesFnr, explain closed cycle OTEC (07M,iro
b Draw a neat skelch md explain the wo ins orDouble basin tidai power pldt. (06rl.irr,
c. wi1h a neat sketh, exDlain lhe working ol vapour dominaled - rotal now concepr
C€othemal slrten (07 Mrrtt,
a. Explatu rhe 6do6 afGcling Biogas setredtion. (t0 rlrr,
b. with a neat skdcn, the wo*ins ol Updraft g.srier Mention rhe rempeElure
rdges. (07 Nhrr,
c Wnte a nole otr Energyplantalion. (orMlrro
(ISN l0ME54
B.L. Degrce Lamination, Dec.20l:l J.n.20lS
Dynamics of Machines
Not.t Ans$./ !,J' FIyEf,nl qrcstions, set..tilte
anasr 1-wO quesiio"s Jto,t ea.h pa .
Stale the conditions lor rbe eqlrilibriunr olrre foLlowine sy$ems: , Tro iorce nEmbel
ii)lhrcc lorce mcmberi iir) Menrber $nn two forces and aroque. (0srrrrt,
Dctemrne the requncd inDur torqne or rhe .tuik ot a slider crank mechaDnfr shosn iD
Fle.Q.l(b)flr natic cquilibrium 02 iltrrk,
lD n machine, the i.tem tcnt operarioDs dcmM rhetorqDerobe apptied Bs rblloNs.
Durhs thc fist halarcrol ion, the torque nrcreascs ubitb.0ny nom 3oo N-n ro 3000 N,m.
JL',i' e re., ore reo
' 'on 'l.e
L q.; rF tr. .i n4,. D..,f,a.onereoturr i. ,.
rorquc decEascs unifomny lDm 3000 N n ro 800 N-n Dlri'rs tasr tt Erolution. 11[
Thus ! cycle is comDleled in,1 reolltions. rhc m.i{r ro which the Drachtne is coupled
crerts a connant torquc at a mean snccd of:50A.1 A rlrvheel ofnss l300ks and radius
ofgl,rntim ol500nm i nued ro thc shan Deremiine: i) Tnspow.rotrhe mororiii) rLe
totul iluouation ofspeed ofthe nacnine shaL
Stale tqo la*s.f liiction.
A belt drne h requned to tmnsmir power ftod a notor rutring ar 9oorym. The ot
the drus pullcy olthe moror h loomm Tne drncn pultey runs ar loo roh .d thc
disan.e bedlcen cenrfcs ol No pullcys is la Thc{idt[ and rhickness otbclt are soh]n
.'d ln''r!.0e.. .e) l.crcr,i. olb I'd(..i 1 OOO.!', I tr".o.
nres in beh maleiial is 2.5 NlPr Te coefilcienr olliiction be$cen bet atut pulley is(].3.
Assunre ope. belt drive and ncglecr slip in bclr d.ive. Detemrine rhc nower fiannnitred by
thc beltdrile. 05 nhrk!)
a. Dcline strtic a d_$rnic
b A rotatins shift carics 4 na*es A.
respectivcly. Thc planes ir which ihe
mases B. C and D hlvins 10. 5 and,1
,ehtirc angul,r positions of4 ma$es ro
mdii 100, Il5. 200 and 150Dm
are spaced 600mm apd a.d rhe
Find rhe reqnntd Dass A ard the
The crunks and conncctins rods ofa 4 cylinder in-li.e.nsine rotating ar 1800ry.r arc 60nn
and 240mm each refecrilely. The cyl dc(rrespacedat l50mnrap and,ie ntrmhcrcd I
to 4 in sequence liom one e.d. The cranks dppeBr ar inrervals or90' in an end vies nr dre
ords I 4-2-l The rcciprocalins ms conesponding to each ctlibder a l.5kg. Deternrire:
a. Unbala..ed a.ndry d.d s..ondart, ifa.y
b. Unbalancednrnnaryandsecondarycolpleswnhrettencc toammlplaNolihe engin.
r. Dcnnc thc lollowine tenns with Espect to eovcrnoEr i) sen$tnencssi
iii) Conftollins lorcq nl covemor powei
ln a sprins loaded ltu neu t)pe sovernor, the eiteme rndii ofrouion oi dre b.lls rrc
s0mm and 120nfl The balland sleeve arms ot the bcllcmnk lerer are equrl in lcngrh. The
mss of each ball is 2ks. Ilthe speeds ar the.vo extrehe positiors lrc 400 a.d,1:0+nl
Find: i) The neere hftj i,) Stithess orrhesprinei ii) I tialcomprc$ionolthespins.
With neat sketches, explan the elTect olsFoscopic couple on neeriry ol{crcplxnc. when
takesaiehttuar. Thcc.gineruns nlcbckFGe shen vicwed nonrcar. (06:r!rk,
Eeh Nhccl of a motor crrle is ol 600mn diameter Md has ! momenr ol inertia ot
n' . i. t80m dbue .he jro-'dl!11 rjcl r r rn'.-!le..o'..1r. llc ror
inc'ri, tllerotd.iniodl"'ine02ler.r .neei!,rnc.p"eo.-.'n! I'c peeo
oflhc rheels and i! r rhe sdtoe sense. Dciemrine dre argle ol heel Deccsary whe0 the
1o,'t)ler1N. ,'ui !r15ri 4-iu.ra pe,oo 4r
rur " .ir.ular or. ,an uiln ia' rat.o rulo !r. de-.. .'t... roo.
xcceleraiions olrhe lbllorerben ir is rouchinq rhe cir.lLrar nank
A tangent .dm u h a basc ctrcle dianretcr of 50mm operates a nnine
diameter 20.rm. Thc angle bcrween rhe tmgentiaL faccs ofca.1 n 604,
shalt and lift oflhefollover l5Dm Determinc:
i) The.lanr dintnsi.ns ofthecam
: Tte
"c-e'e ".'o1ol efo'oqr rl., bcp
Fifth SemesterB.E. Desree Examination.Dec.20l4lJan.20l5
Manufacluring Process - llt
notet Ans'lzt FIVE fill qa5tions, s.te.tinla
al teast Ttt O.luestio sfron ea.h ?aft
a Brleilyexplai'1rhe classifimrion ollbrnrine proce5s based oi for.o applied.
b. !xphinrhe lollorvi.g y,eld citerionl
c Dcrne rhe llow strcs equarron.
a. Discussthe en:ecr otlariouspdanrrercon md,t o&in! !.oess.
b D'.. o.r.e i,oU.o.Lm;.roto| (!
c rtre d..te on ulrkih! i! of iihn,.
ihat are n1e a$ufrpri.ns made Nlllc &atyzing forccs during
exfr€ssions lor lorging pre$ues and load in .peh die aorgi.g hrr
ocms interfme) Hcnce find near forsing plessurc.
i) r irh collon]b lii.rn,r ar ttre inrerfacc.
iil wirb.onsad fricrion facror at dE i.rertace.
'nh near skfi.h, eplai. dre workrg of
tsoard-drop ha|m.r..
ExFlain rre parafrereNto bcconrdered durnrrdte desilD in t ryios.
a lvirh near sker.L erplaind,fferenr rlles otrol g nr|l ana.gcnents
b. Eplain the delicrs olrolledpiodu.r.
c. In rollin! a slab fton 35 to l0 nn catctrl0re the coeffci.nt otfticrion and ihe
ofcoDtacr. Takcrhe!,lueofrcllradlus as 250 mm
5 n Wbat isdrArinpprore$? Exphir (us]rxrk,
Nd trdktr 1- " iaoF. l .orJ.,bre.t)
' .;..'.'ed,r'"1.po.e..,.e0,,'b.u..,ne,i ,.,e.oot., rJote..c.!tlC.fd
n. Erplai. o| ansle anddedzone brmaiion in drawing.
r , rlc.;-'.!"ro. de.o.,.".. c.i,...,pro... qrn
r.rt k.1h
rxlraiD cr*nv r.e vj mbres nrnucncine ermsio. proccs lllil;:I]It n r.quied to exNdc x .ylifdrical alLrnrinud biltfi ot 50 mn diancrf !o 1(] mm diaftre, .
The leDgrh.fthc billcr ls 75 nnr and rhe alerae. rcdsit. )ield sress ror ahmnnrm nfleial
n l7()
C.l.ulare rhe forcc icqu;.d for cxrtuson. -{sumc ! = l] ij and sen;dic
I wirh neat skerch, exPlain
b. Explain rhe nrrming limit dia$an
c. A 25 mm square hob nto be r in sheet meral ol0.?5 Dmrnick.
mterial is 2.86 x loj kN/#. Calculate rhe cufting io.e.
Aia Discu$ the pdnciple ofworting, advantages ard application oi
i) lxplosive forming
ii) Elecro hyd@lic ftming
b. Eaplain the atomization ' method ofpowderproduction inpowder
c. $/hat is linterins ? Explain its neclanhn
rlcuo_krgol-p.oge+ne',nd'iumpoDddF"dftrsenenr i1
(0s Mrrk,
The shear strcngll oflhe
Filth Semester B.E. Degree Examination,
a. ErpLainstaricandftg.and.*atefora0urd. (0,1]t&.ko
b. $haI is rchear lhctor? Shol,thar rhexr lactor is grearerthanunny. (06 r!rk,
c A tuultistage axial ilo$.odppssor the an is EIen at L b.r xnd I5.C a.d.on{re$ed ro a
pre$urd or 6..1 bar The linal rue rcq)$arure is 100"C due to the co.prcsi..
Der.rtrirle the oemll coDpresioi eliicien.y and ako dre pollropic efticiency Deremln.
e number of nages tuquiFd irft irue r.'npenru€ rne is li.rncd ro l3.K rbr naee.
Asuneplyropic efficiency is eqn0lro $aeeenicien.y o0rkrk,
a. Derile utilization ihcbr ftr a turLrine. Dcriye a! erprc$io. rehting unlizalion faclor rirh
desree o l rcac tion lbr an axial flotr turbine. (t0rr,rks)
b. The rolor bhde spccd ofan axill llo turbine stagc rvirh 509r, reacrion h ll0 .r's
Steam ,iotu rhe nozzle incLined ar 23'ro rhe pla.e ol rhe {heel irilh xxial
component equal ro blade speed. A$uming symnefic iolet aDd outlcr rebcny tnargld.
d.rcrfrr1e tie rctor 61xde angle,nd urilizarion f.cror l]ro dctemN rl1e degree ofE&rior
10 tu,ke ihc utilizatnr nDxrnNh ilrhe axirlvc6.ny. b de spccd. as rell as n.zzLe rngtc
Noie: 1. Answerur FtlE full 4,estiohs, s.le.lihe
a .ast TWO tlr*liohs Jioh zath pan-
2. t :. ol.raht rahbt
dala han.l book is pmnnod.
E$lain rhe sienlncaffe or fiN and second law of thermodynaniics apllicd ro a
trubomchiilc (06 rerrt
DefiDc Ihe specitc speed oai prmp. Obrain an epression for rhe $mc nr rcrN 01'
discbarge. spccd and head (06:rrrr,
A one-lirurih scale rurbine nrodel G tencd n.der a held of l0 neres The prorxrrpe is
requircd ro !,k under r head oIl0 nretrcs and 1o run ar l2irpm E$imare rhe sneed ofrlrc
niodel il it dclclops lzs kw and uses 1.1 /s rtr speed. Also c0lcularc nF
p.rqourputolnrproror)leandsuase*thcrlIeoarurbine. t03rrlrk,
Dnw t|e |cbcny dialmm for a po*rr absorbne mdiat uNr rurbo mcLnre drd nror thar
I- |
: t.
DDr tle v.lo.n} t;anglcs at inler and oudcr ol an axrat tloiv conrpressor iion rhe
consdn throughor 120 mrs- spccd.ofrotatbn 6i00 Dn, radius ol romrion 2oc'n, btade
speed ar nner ir cqlal 1o blide speed at ourlel Catcutate angtes ai inlcr and ourler. Also
calculate porer.eededto hrndlc 1.5 kg,sofun. (r0rturk,
d S$tr'd'hr.r'bao.c | '^- -fo'o ,o d.oo (!ror p-ron..,'""t-,.,
b. Stean cnsging liom x nozTlc ro a inpulie De-Lalal trrb,ne wnh a ebcnt of tl)ol] mr
The nozzlc angle n 20o. The mean blxdc 6 400mr The blades are smmetricat
'0 0, T1cr,,...or."..0,....' . tl]1](] [ '. t.rr!1 t.,. or L0b t.'rrte
folloing: i) Blade a.glesi ii) Axial thnurr ni) ,ork do.e tcr kg otsream: iv) po{er
dc,rloped lro,arkn
Witcashoanoteon draft tubcs in a ieadio. hydnulicturbjne. o{Nrrrkn
Jn a powd slalion singleler Pelton *heelFroduces 2:l t 10 kW u.der a ]lead ot t77on hitc
E nate: i) Jetdiamerol ii) Verndramererofrhcrunner iii) Nrmber of trNkels.
A$une rhs necessary dak suirabl). (06 rlrln
. Anin[ardnoNea.ri.nturbi're$orksundcraheadott]om The nler and ourleldianrercts
ortle nLnner arc I 5tu and 1.0m rcspedivety The Bidth otlbe fttrrn$ is..nsranr rhou{hour
as l50inm. The 51add an-qle at outler n l5o. Theb)dmnli.efficiencv is 09. Calculate:
i) The spccd ofrheturbiire.
iii) The powerproduced rvhen rhe dischaBe rcbcny is 6n,s
b. A.e.t,tuSalpumn is ro dischilee0.lls frrt of*arerar a speed ot
of2jrn The imFeller dianrcter is lscm r.d jrs Fidlh nr the ourler
efllciencl/ is 75%. (alculate rhe va.e ansle a he outler
c. A centritugalpump trith I2n dlaberer rons ar 2r)orDn and pumps r.8s m'
lrt being6n. Thelnglevhi.h the va.e nrakes ar ern n,nh rne ianccnt ro nrc
..d F .0, re,oc,i . rou..:.Ts t-irorFen.,or t(m.i j.. ,u
ro starr pumping iathe fncr diaDeter bcing 0.6m.
a I,}!t n mininunr starnrs specd ofa cenriiigrl pu'ul
mnrimtrm slantus sDeed.
DLrrr rr eF($tun r"r rle
a. wnh neat sketch cxflaln. slip. slip.oefilcie.r and slip tx.roi.
b ExplainthephenoncDonol$trgingand$rlline.
. Tc r
'e, 'd'..rerr, klrlo...ompe..o,.
rFfr The rclocir! ofno 220 d is con$n.t and rhe v.lo.ny
The inlet l)rc$ue and temperaiurd are I bar and ]Ol],K The
FresureBtiorlroughrhestageis t.s.calcut,ie:
i) Fluid denecti{r af-qle.
ii) Thedegreeof rcacrion irrvorl donefacroris1].E.
0 5nr and ir (trates ar ti000
of$hnldt drc inler is 80n:.
sage efficiency is 0 88 The

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5th Semester (December; January-2014 and 2015) Mechanical Engineering Question Papers

  • 1. ,j " $6r MG l04L5l Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Management & I - 1 2, i. ,a if i!6 ;'2a-i : ot.. A"s t FMJitllrttzslio s, alerting at lean tt/O questions flor, @th pon. IAB.L-A a. Givc an exanlre lorea.h olrhe nunagcnal tuncrions af,d e{tl i thc b. Expl0in.nytue prin.iples olhmageoreDr as lormulared bl lxyol. a Lnrand explain dre sEps inplanning. b. Listany li!erypesolplansandeplaineachbriefly a. whalisslan otconroland*harfaciosaffe.tit? Expl i) b Explah rec.unnenl and selcclion Vhrr r 4BO lndMBE? o0lrr*n 00IjrL, moInarc his mbordiDarsl (r01h, b. Lisl Hysiencc and norivalio.lirctoB.s pq llcr2bergand erpto;. tho. i,tricollolti , .,,*, a. Ho$ does M6lor's Lenarchy ol Deeds help a m.Dxger 10 r Lnl the sases olent.prcneuroroccss and erpalin xnr one ollhe,r b. Lnr the chsEderhics olu cnlrcprcncur.nd cxplai..n) ore ol rhein. Lht tlre c[aracrerieics ol $rl rxlc indu$ry (ssl) and cytlaii rho lor ssl in rhe ccononyoflco0tr_a (r0!h't5) hararetheriersinrclrcdinsrfiinpSSllFxplainoneolrhen. 00tu!k) a. Lisl some sare leve!agencies rhich ruppon SSI and erplain one otlher 6lo ho$ thcy asistthc SSls. 0oir,*, b. whlt etheschcrcsollinanccproidedbySIDBI?Explarnoneolrhesctcmes.(10Mlrkt a. Mark.l reasibiliry nudy b. financralfeaslbilirystudy. c. IeclDical liasibilirt srudt d Econoni. leasibllnr sudy
  • 2. *.l-fffT ai I f,- lrifth Semester B.E. Desrce Examinrtion, Dec.20l4/Ja Design of Machine Elements - I Max. Marks:100 Not.. t. A"s$er FIYE ful q aestioit:, s.lectirg d tatn TwO qtations lrott eath pan 2. Use of ",a.hine desisn data h!,.tbook is pzt,,in.d., stccl rcd suppons a 9 kN load and in addition ro rhn is applied .n it as shoM r Iis Ql(a). Dcrcmine thea ? ;1 ta li al ! Fis Ql(a) b. Biefl],discuss three dimensional shc$ ield and sre$ ren:ur a. A mild seelsh.t 0160 moi diamcrer n sxbjdcted ro bendinS nrolnc.r otl5xtO. N nnn and torque M, lfthe yield nrc$ in resion n 300 N/mm:. find rhc runnum value.trorque wit|our causins yiclding orrhe shat lccodins to , MainuN shcar sress theory off0ilurc and ii) M0xnNmdnrodio. rhcorv ot fuilue Adoo'. h-.oror ,r.r n. 5 D r.-.., l u'i kC . be1E or,r,o oy 16 .. or.reel ure'nr ir trC..J...eJ.,dt rc1 :5r, nh l,e ci!i. o. rhe w. e r 0 r n.c.. -,er 1.. .'s. i, I tr e..eDded.opc. 2" m, fie shea!. Cets sluck up Deremrine rhe *rc$ induced in rhc rope due 10 rudden stoppase .fthc sheave. Ncelecr liiction Takc E= 190 GPa. (l0tuarkt A tanstui$ion shaft caftics apulley mid$aybctwee. two bcarnrss. Ttre bendine mome at rhe ptrllcy vaies from 200 N nr ro 600 N{ as rhc roisiona moneni oarhe haft larics nom 70 N-nr ro :00 N rn. The neqncn.ies or xnation ofbeDding and rosioDat mooents ae equrt ro rhe sbaft speed Trc slrft n a lnade olsteel tilE.t(]l] (6r, = s40 Mpa.6, = 4Ol] Mpa). f-p."cccder F.l'.ll]ll,,m(..(Jb,,er..,.,..rrr h n. r lJrrororvret) ot2. a. Ah M10 $cel bolr or 125 Dnn lonS is subjected to an itupx.r k,ad. The kineric eneigy absorbed by lhc bolt is 2 s J. Deremiie: i) Str.s nr rhc shanl olthe bolr if ihcrc ir no thrcaded posnjon betwccn rhc rlr and rhe bolthoad ii) Sncs nr dre nrnk itlhc arcaotthe drink n.educed ro rhal ofrhe rcot dea olthe or the eninc ldgrh otbotr is rhrcrdcd. (l0IIrrkt b The irucrutul comection snown i. F1AQ1(b) is subiccrcd lo an eccenn.ic toad p.I t0 k rnn ar ccce.r.icrry 01500 nnn Thc cente disrancc bedreen botts ar I and 3 is t50 nrh and the cc.te distaDcc b.nreen I and 2 is 200 nn. Alt rhe bolis are idenriclt. The bolh arc nade ofplain carbon sreel hrvins yield srengrh r tension ot,t00 Mpa and rhe tactor oa $Gt],is 2.5 Dereirnine sizeot rlt bolrs l.f2
  • 3. r liece ofcommcrcral shliiins n suppotred by Nlo bearings I t in apafi. A kcyed eear.20" nrrclure a.d 175 nnn indiameter. is located400 hm ro drc lcil of rNright bda.insand n diren bl a sear dirccny bchiDd it. A 600 hniianeirpullerr is keyed to rne shatr 600 nnn k) the isht olthe lcft bcaling ahd drnes a pulley Nith a hortonhl bdx dnccrly bebnrd ir. Ihe tensiotr mrio ofrhe belt is3lo I *ith d slack sde ontop. Thedrivc rmsn1ns45 kw ar 130 lTnr Take Cn = C, = l.t. Calculste the neccs0ry shaft diameter aDd ansular deflecrh ln dcgrees. 10MEs2 FieQ4(b) Use allowablc shear srress 40 MPa and c = 30x lo! N,nrl Design a ca$ non flanse coqrlins ro co ect t{o shaih of,l5 mm diaherer is nr rensnnr 20('po*er. 4irrrpn lt"prn,. D- r,i.ire'-1t .,v^ .Ier8 fo. .a.' ro. ' l' ' 'r. q.nne !r,ntrg ro'que I 10 per. '. tr-,.' .rr .1! nominalrorque.DesignrhecouplingassunrinerhebolrarcfittedinEamcdholes. Des,sn the assenrbly ofa k.ncklejoinr ro comecr two mild $ee,."u, ",0j.",.0 ,l',l'llt] pulloll00kN TleallowablestestortudsandpnraE l00MPa. iioMpaand60Mpd,n tcnsion. cm[ine and shear respectivel]. The bcnding ofthe pnr is prerentcdbv seledbn of proper fit. (0s err, Deteftine rhe size ol tie weld rcquired lbr Fn eccenricatty toaded weld as shou in Fig.Qr(a). Assuae *d.Jy loadand filletweld. (0s tuertt DesisnatiplcriveftedbutrjointtojointwoFlatesorrhicknest0mmThepilch.trjveE in lhe exre,ne rows. rlricb are in slngk sncar n Nice rhe pir.h.frireIs in rtre irnf ross shicn arc double shear The design $reses ofthc materials olthe ninr plarc and lhe nrcs For platc narenal in rension d, = r20 MPa tbr rvcr lbr rilet malerial i. shear r = 30 MPa materialin conpresnnr 6.= 160 vPa. (l1iu,k, Explain self lockins and olenrauling in porr scrervs. 4,.wia.L- rohPr o.d.30. ,Il - pr1roi100.m -trm e-ren]tro 1r'L lre '. 'c Fro ' r 'J !"np e.: .n r0o"' -ndu.t. nratcrial for rhe nut is phosphor broMc for shich rhe ulrinmre srcngrh is too N/nnnr nr rension and 90 N/mmr in .onpie$i.n and 80 Nrmrr in shcar itt t*rtng presrc bet$ccn the nut xnd thc s.nw is nor ro exceed 18 N/mmr Desgn tlre scrc* ard nur and check lir treses Take FOS = l. as$me 25% ovqload lbr screw rod desig.
  • 4. I()ME5] ! 2 i. Z rifth S.mester Degree Examination, Dec.2014/Jan.2015 Energy EngineerinE Iffe: I hrs Vax MarL!:100 Not.: A tw/a ! FlfEItll qrestior!, seL.rinEal.ur TWO qa"stu rJiont.4.h Bfl IABLI . rvith a near sker.h, epLii the *orting ol sDEder sroker Skre With a neai sletch. cxplain hydLxuli. ash h&dlings]slenr. Lhl fie di$ercnr rypes ol luels used for sleam sencfthon Explain snh a treatskctch, rvolkiig olVolexboile. Draw the ncrt skel.h of lndu.ed Dmugh sy$eD. hplain Whll are Supfheate6 andlclnomiser? l:rplar rhe necesny olcoolins syncn in diesel ensiDc. wnh $e eplain rhernm$ar cooli.g and thennisiphon cooling DnN schcm0ti. layout of dicscl potrer pl r and cxtlain iuncrion a ClasilrHydro clc.6cpolverplaDi. 6. Explrin$irhnearskclches,0nylhieediffdEnrr$esofsurgel k c. Thctun offdalaoliver ap licularsile is rabulared beLoLr: Mean Discnarse ih m,llion Month oa.u/rnonih Meu Dis.harg. if, millb.s i) DrarvhrdDgEpn and lindrhe tuein flow ,i) Dra$lhe notr dualioncuse iii) Find drepotrerinvw arailahLc atNm floq, ilthcheadavlilabteis lOl]nandoenll dficicrcy olscncmllon is 80% 0oMsrk, !!aL_B wirhlhehelp oincardiagan, explainrheworklngorLiquid Meral Cooled Reaclor (03 Yrrk, Erpliin rbouldisposal ofsolid,liquid art gaseols lands 0roduced l,yNuclear!owerllanl (0?Nhrk, ExplainadvbhgesmddisadvanlaeesotNuclcdpowdptani. (05Merr, Dra{ r near shelrh, explain SolarPond Ele.rr Powei Pknr. DmN conccnraro. dd Briefl y cxplain rlc sorkrg ol s.lar cell
  • 5. l0ME53 c wind blows widr velocily or l6m^ ar l5rc. The tudine dimerer is I lsm *irh opeming speed or40,!s at 6,xinum efliciency. Assume I srodard atmosphenc presuE md prcpeuer Nind turbine. CalculaElhe lollowing: i) Tolal power density in rlE wind st€am ii) Maximum obrainable Nwei densny iii) Reasonably obtsinable powerdensily,l = 35% iv) Totalporr v) Toque ud axill thon. (o3Mrrlt, .. with a neat skerch ed TS diesFnr, explain closed cycle OTEC (07M,iro b Draw a neat skelch md explain the wo ins orDouble basin tidai power pldt. (06rl.irr, c. wi1h a neat sketh, exDlain lhe working ol vapour dominaled - rotal now concepr C€othemal slrten (07 Mrrtt, a. Explatu rhe 6do6 afGcling Biogas setredtion. (t0 rlrr, b. with a neat skdcn, the wo*ins ol Updraft g.srier Mention rhe rempeElure rdges. (07 Nhrr, c Wnte a nole otr Energyplantalion. (orMlrro
  • 6. ,s 2 (ISN l0ME54 B.L. Degrce Lamination, Dec.20l:l J.n.20lS Dynamics of Machines 'l Not.t Ans$./ !,J' FIyEf,nl qrcstions, set..tilte anasr 1-wO quesiio"s Jto,t ea.h pa . PAR'T A Stale the conditions lor rbe eqlrilibriunr olrre foLlowine sy$ems: , Tro iorce nEmbel ii)lhrcc lorce mcmberi iir) Menrber $nn two forces and aroque. (0srrrrt, Dctemrne the requncd inDur torqne or rhe .tuik ot a slider crank mechaDnfr shosn iD Fle.Q.l(b)flr natic cquilibrium 02 iltrrk, lD n machine, the i.tem tcnt operarioDs dcmM rhetorqDerobe apptied Bs rblloNs. Durhs thc fist halarcrol ion, the torque nrcreascs ubitb.0ny nom 3oo N-n ro 3000 N,m. JL',i' e re., ore reo ' 'on 'l.e L q.; rF tr. .i n4,. D..,f,a.onereoturr i. ,. rorquc decEascs unifomny lDm 3000 N n ro 800 N-n Dlri'rs tasr tt Erolution. 11[ Thus ! cycle is comDleled in,1 reolltions. rhc m.i{r ro which the Drachtne is coupled crerts a connant torquc at a mean snccd of:50A.1 A rlrvheel ofnss l300ks and radius ofgl,rntim ol500nm i nued ro thc shan Deremiine: i) Tnspow.rotrhe mororiii) rLe totul iluouation ofspeed ofthe nacnine shaL Stale tqo la*s.f liiction. A belt drne h requned to tmnsmir power ftod a notor rutring ar 9oorym. The ot the drus pullcy olthe moror h loomm Tne drncn pultey runs ar loo roh .d thc disan.e bedlcen cenrfcs ol No pullcys is la Thc{idt[ and rhickness otbclt are soh]n .'d ln''r!.0e.. .e) l.crcr,i. olb I'd(..i 1 OOO.!', I tr".o. nres in beh maleiial is 2.5 NlPr Te coefilcienr olliiction be$cen bet atut pulley is(].3. Assunre ope. belt drive and ncglecr slip in bclr d.ive. Detemrine rhc nower fiannnitred by thc beltdrile. 05 nhrk!) a. Dcline strtic a d_$rnic b A rotatins shift carics 4 na*es A. respectivcly. Thc planes ir which ihe mases B. C and D hlvins 10. 5 and,1 ,ehtirc angul,r positions of4 ma$es ro (05Nlr.k, mdii 100, Il5. 200 and 150Dm are spaced 600mm apd a.d rhe Find rhe reqnntd Dass A ard the
  • 7. l0ME54 PART B The crunks and conncctins rods ofa 4 cylinder in-li.e.nsine rotating ar 1800ry.r arc 60nn and 240mm each refecrilely. The cyl dc(rrespacedat l50mnrap and,ie ntrmhcrcd I to 4 in sequence liom one e.d. The cranks dppeBr ar inrervals or90' in an end vies nr dre ords I 4-2-l The rcciprocalins ms conesponding to each ctlibder a l.5kg. Deternrire: a. Unbala..ed a.ndry d.d s..ondart, ifa.y b. Unbalancednrnnaryandsecondarycolpleswnhrettencc toammlplaNolihe engin. rrj r. Dcnnc thc lollowine tenns with Espect to eovcrnoEr i) sen$tnencssi iii) Conftollins lorcq nl covemor powei ln a sprins loaded ltu neu t)pe sovernor, the eiteme rndii ofrouion oi dre b.lls rrc s0mm and 120nfl The balland sleeve arms ot the bcllcmnk lerer are equrl in lcngrh. The mss of each ball is 2ks. Ilthe speeds ar the.vo extrehe positiors lrc 400 a.d,1:0+nl Find: i) The neere hftj i,) Stithess orrhesprinei ii) I tialcomprc$ionolthespins. (r?rirlrr With neat sketches, explan the elTect olsFoscopic couple on neeriry ol{crcplxnc. when takesaiehttuar. Thcc.gineruns nlcbckFGe shen vicwed nonrcar. (06:r!rk, Eeh Nhccl of a motor crrle is ol 600mn diameter Md has ! momenr ol inertia ot l2kg-h'Therorrlmassofdremotorc}lleandriderisl80kgandthecombiiredcenkeor n' . i. t80m dbue .he jro-'dl!11 rjcl r r rn'.-!le..o'..1r. llc ror 'er.r ,t inc'ri, tllerotd.iniodl"'ine02ler.r .neei!,rnc.p"eo.-.'n! I'c peeo oflhc rheels and i! r rhe sdtoe sense. Dciemrine dre argle ol heel Deccsary whe0 the 1o,'t)ler1N. ,'ui !r15ri 4-iu.ra pe,oo 4r 'p1. rur " .ir.ular or. ,an uiln ia' rat.o rulo !r. de-.. .'t... roo. xcceleraiions olrhe lbllorerben ir is rouchinq rhe cir.lLrar nank A tangent .dm u h a basc ctrcle dianretcr of 50mm operates a nnine diameter 20.rm. Thc angle bcrween rhe tmgentiaL faccs ofca.1 n 604, shalt and lift oflhefollover l5Dm Determinc: i) The.lanr dintnsi.ns ofthecam : Tte "c-e'e ".'o1ol efo'oqr rl., bcp 'nrns.tld.
  • 8. Fifth SemesterB.E. Desree Examination.Dec.20l4lJan.20l5 Manufacluring Process - llt l0ME55 -l ? notet Ans'lzt FIVE fill qa5tions, s.te.tinla al teast Ttt O.luestio sfron ea.h ?aft a Brleilyexplai'1rhe classifimrion ollbrnrine proce5s based oi for.o applied. b. !xphinrhe lollorvi.g y,eld citerionl c Dcrne rhe llow strcs equarron. a. Discussthe en:ecr otlariouspdanrrercon md,t o&in! !.oess. b D'.. o.r.e i,oU.o.Lm;.roto| (! c rtre d..te on ulrkih! i! of iihn,. ihat are n1e a$ufrpri.ns made Nlllc &atyzing forccs during exfr€ssions lor lorging pre$ues and load in .peh die aorgi.g hrr ocms interfme) Hcnce find near forsing plessurc. i) r irh collon]b lii.rn,r ar ttre inrerfacc. iil wirb.onsad fricrion facror at dE i.rertace. 'nh near skfi.h, eplai. dre workrg of . tsoard-drop ha|m.r.. ExFlain rre parafrereNto bcconrdered durnrrdte desilD in t ryios. a lvirh near sker.L erplaind,fferenr rlles otrol g nr|l ana.gcnents b. Eplain the delicrs olrolledpiodu.r. c. In rollin! a slab fton 35 to l0 nn catctrl0re the coeffci.nt otfticrion and ihe ofcoDtacr. Takcrhe!,lueofrcllradlus as 250 mm 84BI=-B 5 n Wbat isdrArinpprore$? Exphir (us]rxrk, Nd trdktr 1- " iaoF. l .orJ.,bre.t) ' .;..'.'ed,r'"1.po.e..,.e0,,'b.u..,ne,i ,.,e.oot., rJote..c.!tlC.fd n. Erplai. o| ansle anddedzone brmaiion in drawing. r , rlc.;-'.!"ro. de.o.,.".. c.i,...,pro... qrn r.rt k.1h rxlraiD cr*nv r.e vj mbres nrnucncine ermsio. proccs lllil;:I]It n r.quied to exNdc x .ylifdrical alLrnrinud biltfi ot 50 mn diancrf !o 1(] mm diaftre, . The leDgrh.fthc billcr ls 75 nnr and rhe alerae. rcdsit. )ield sress ror ahmnnrm nfleial n l7() ^_,frD C.l.ulare rhe forcc icqu;.d for cxrtuson. -{sumc ! = l] ij and sen;dic
  • 9. 1. I wirh neat skerch, exPlain b. Explain rhe nrrming limit dia$an c. A 25 mm square hob nto be r in sheet meral ol0.?5 Dmrnick. mterial is 2.86 x loj kN/#. Calculate rhe cufting io.e. Aia Discu$ the pdnciple ofworting, advantages ard application oi i) lxplosive forming ii) Elecro hyd@lic ftming b. Eaplain the atomization ' method ofpowderproduction inpowder c. $/hat is linterins ? Explain its neclanhn "4.- 10MEss rlcuo_krgol-p.oge+ne',nd'iumpoDddF"dftrsenenr i1 (l0M.rk, (0s Mrrk, The shear strcngll oflhe
  • 10. Filth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Turbomachinos 10tI856 Dec.20l4[an-2015 i 2 a.- a'! a2 a. ErpLainstaricandftg.and.*atefora0urd. (0,1]t&.ko b. $haI is rchear lhctor? Shol,thar rhexr lactor is grearerthanunny. (06 r!rk, c A tuultistage axial ilo$.odppssor the an is EIen at L b.r xnd I5.C a.d.on{re$ed ro a pre$urd or 6..1 bar The linal rue rcq)$arure is 100"C due to the co.prcsi.. Der.rtrirle the oemll coDpresioi eliicien.y and ako dre pollropic efticiency Deremln. e number of nages tuquiFd irft irue r.'npenru€ rne is li.rncd ro l3.K rbr naee. Asuneplyropic efficiency is eqn0lro $aeeenicien.y o0rkrk, a. Derile utilization ihcbr ftr a turLrine. Dcriye a! erprc$io. rehting unlizalion faclor rirh desree o l rcac tion lbr an axial flotr turbine. (t0rr,rks) b. The rolor bhde spccd ofan axill llo turbine stagc rvirh 509r, reacrion h ll0 .r's Steam ,iotu rhe nozzle incLined ar 23'ro rhe pla.e ol rhe {heel irilh xxial component equal ro blade speed. A$uming symnefic iolet aDd outlcr rebcny tnargld. d.rcrfrr1e tie rctor 61xde angle,nd urilizarion f.cror l]ro dctemN rl1e degree ofE&rior 10 tu,ke ihc utilizatnr nDxrnNh ilrhe axirlvc6.ny. b de spccd. as rell as n.zzLe rngtc Noie: 1. Answerur FtlE full 4,estiohs, s.le.lihe a .ast TWO tlr*liohs Jioh zath pan- 2. t :. ol.raht rahbt "n.t pruatrntnti dala han.l book is pmnnod. PART A E$lain rhe sienlncaffe or fiN and second law of thermodynaniics apllicd ro a trubomchiilc (06 rerrt DefiDc Ihe specitc speed oai prmp. Obrain an epression for rhe $mc nr rcrN 01' discbarge. spccd and head (06:rrrr, A one-lirurih scale rurbine nrodel G tencd n.der a held of l0 neres The prorxrrpe is requircd ro !,k under r head oIl0 nretrcs and 1o run ar l2irpm E$imare rhe sneed ofrlrc niodel il it dclclops lzs kw and uses 1.1 /s rtr speed. Also c0lcularc nF p.rqourputolnrproror)leandsuase*thcrlIeoarurbine. t03rrlrk, Dnw t|e |cbcny dialmm for a po*rr absorbne mdiat uNr rurbo mcLnre drd nror thar I- | - : t. DDr tle v.lo.n} t;anglcs at inler and oudcr ol an axrat tloiv conrpressor iion rhe folloei.!data.Desreeolmacii.n05,ietbladeangle.1s..alalrelocayofllosrlrichis consdn throughor 120 mrs- spccd.ofrotatbn 6i00 Dn, radius ol romrion 2oc'n, btade speed ar nner ir cqlal 1o blide speed at ourlel Catcutate angtes ai inlcr and ourler. Also calculate porer.eededto hrndlc 1.5 kg,sofun. (r0rturk,
  • 11. .." 10],IE56 d S$tr'd'hr.r'bao.c | '^- -fo'o ,o d.oo (!ror p-ron..,'""t-,., b. Stean cnsging liom x nozTlc ro a inpulie De-Lalal trrb,ne wnh a ebcnt of tl)ol] mr The nozzlc angle n 20o. The mean blxdc 6 400mr The blades are smmetricat '0 0, T1cr,,...or."..0,....' . tl]1](] [ '. t.rr!1 t.,. or L0b t.'rrte folloing: i) Blade a.glesi ii) Axial thnurr ni) ,ork do.e tcr kg otsream: iv) po{er dc,rloped lro,arkn Witcashoanoteon draft tubcs in a ieadio. hydnulicturbjne. o{Nrrrkn Jn a powd slalion singleler Pelton *heelFroduces 2:l t 10 kW u.der a ]lead ot t77on hitc E nate: i) Jetdiamerol ii) Verndramererofrhcrunner iii) Nrmber of trNkels. A$une rhs necessary dak suirabl). (06 rlrln . Anin[ardnoNea.ri.nturbi're$orksundcraheadott]om The nler and ourleldianrercts ortle nLnner arc I 5tu and 1.0m rcspedivety The Bidth otlbe fttrrn$ is..nsranr rhou{hour as l50inm. The 51add an-qle at outler n l5o. Theb)dmnli.efficiencv is 09. Calculate: i) The spccd ofrheturbiire. iii) The powerproduced rvhen rhe dischaBe rcbcny is 6n,s b. A.e.t,tuSalpumn is ro dischilee0.lls frrt of*arerar a speed ot of2jrn The imFeller dianrcter is lscm r.d jrs Fidlh nr the ourler efllciencl/ is 75%. (alculate rhe va.e ansle a he outler c. A centritugalpump trith I2n dlaberer rons ar 2r)orDn and pumps r.8s m' lrt being6n. Thelnglevhi.h the va.e nrakes ar ern n,nh rne ianccnt ro nrc ..d F .0, re,oc,i . rou..:.Ts t-irorFen.,or t(m.i j.. ,u ro starr pumping iathe fncr diaDeter bcing 0.6m. a I,}!t n mininunr starnrs specd ofa cenriiigrl pu'ul mnrimtrm slantus sDeed. DLrrr rr eF($tun r"r rle a. wnh neat sketch cxflaln. slip. slip.oefilcie.r and slip tx.roi. b ExplainthephenoncDonol$trgingand$rlline. . Tc r 'e, 'd'..rerr, klrlo...ompe..o,. rFfr The rclocir! ofno 220 d is con$n.t and rhe v.lo.ny The inlet l)rc$ue and temperaiurd are I bar and ]Ol],K The FresureBtiorlroughrhestageis t.s.calcut,ie: i) Fluid denecti{r af-qle. ii) Thedegreeof rcacrion irrvorl donefacroris1].E. (06tirln (0rrr!rrt 0 5nr and ir (trates ar ti000 of$hnldt drc inler is 80n:. sage efficiency is 0 88 The