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Raffles Institution

2011      ADDICTION

               Teacher Mentor: Mr Daniel Chua
       Danson (12), Kei Feng(15), Vint Seng(10), Nikhil(23)

Chapter 1: Why DFC? --------------------------------------------------- 3

Chapter 2: Background Research -------------------------------------- 4

Chapter 3: Preparation for Action Week ----------------------------- 5

Chapter 4: Our Action Week ------------------------------------------- 6

Chapter 5: Reflections ---------------------------------------------------- 7

Bibliography ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------- 10

Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

       Research Notes
       Survey Report
            o Parent Survey Results
            o Student Survey Results
       Surveys

Chapter 1: Why DFC?

       Our group has boldly decided to undertake this DFC project as we felt that through
this project, we would be able to bring about good to the society, helping the less fortunate or
solving societal problems. This would be a great way to give back to our country after all the
funding and support we have received from her in teaching us.

       The objective of our project was to curb or reduce gaming addiction which is an
increasingly prominent form of addiction in our society today. Although this problem mainly
manifests itself within children or young adults, it is still a rather serious problem and could
lead to the breakdown of our entire society as the saying goes that the young are the future
pillars of our country. Hence, we decided that it would be good to do a part in controlling and
preventing such a disastrous condition.

       For our action, we have decided to organize a one day anti-game addiction
camp/workshop for Primary 4 pupils from several schools, promoting sports as a healthier
replacement for video games as a source of fun and enjoyment.

Chapter 2: Background Research

       First, we researched on the symptoms of gaming addiction and found that they led to
many various social and health problems, such as frequent family quarrels as well as obesity.
We agreed readily that this was true as we also could feel for it through our personal

       Generally, this form of addiction affects mainly teenagers(Source: http://i-am-a- groups of adults as well as
children are also affected quite severely. This condition is also more prevalent within males.
The situation in Singapore with regard to gaming addiction is growing more severe by day,
although still less serious than that of developed countries like the United States of America,
with almost 10% of the children showing pathological gambling ways just in the state of
Idaho itself.( Source: In Canada
also, addicted gamers form 80% of a counsellors workload in a certain counselling
Online sources state that different countries have different methods of curbing gaming
addiction such as gaming addiction clinics, counselling, treatment facilities etc.
wever, we felt that action should not be taken only when the condition has slipped into total
disaster as prevention is ultimately better than cure.

       We also conducted a survey which yielded similar results.

       Hence, we decided to go to the root of the matter. After consulting our parents and
asking around several friends, we decided in unison that most of us came into contact with
video games around primary school time. Due to the immaturity and lack of a certain level of
education in Lower Primary students, we have hence decided to target the 1st level of Upper
Primary students, the Primary 4s.

Chapter 3: Preparation for Action Week

          Generally, we allocated ourselves into 3 different sectors: Logistics, Activities as well
as External Relations cum Admin.

          Logistics was in charge of the food catering, camp shirts as well as prizes for the
camp. Quotations had to be obtained for the shirts and the food and the shirt design was also
put under the logistics section.

          For Activities, the section is in charge of organising the different activities for the
camp as well as settling the small details such as the venue of activities etc. Activities would
also be needed to type and print instruction sheets for each activity as well as the objectives
of each game.

          Generally, our planning of time was quite messed up at first. We decided to postpone
our event in the end due to some personal commitments of a group member as well as a lapse
in foresight. However, in the end, we decided to set a date and placed weekly goals for each
passing week. Every week, we would get about a few things done, for example, getting
responses from the schools in 2 weeks and getting the quotations for the food and shirt
vendors in a week.

          Regarding the matter of finance and funding, we charged the participants each $15 for
a shirt, a buffet lunch, as well as prizes which were given out at the end of all the activities.
For the aspect on manpower, we decided to get volunteers, calling all our interested friends to
join us too. We gave them a short briefing cum training and also did a dry run. Our event was
placed during the school holidays, therefore, there was not much problem with the timing.

          Due to the fact that our event includes young participants from primary school levels,
we had to take notice of their safety and well-being during the entire camp too. Hence, we
took extra precaution in taking care of them and appointed 2 facilitators to follow the groups
around during their activities. Mr Daniel Chua was also present to ensure the smooth flow of

          We had a short survey before deciding all of the above actions to be taken so as to
find out the reasons for addiction and the common definition of addiction as defined by the
general public. The audience of our surveys are completely random and not picked purposely.
The survey report is attached in the appendix.

Chapter 4: Our Action Week

        We started the day at 7am and set up all the games and equipment in wait for the
participants. The participants all came on time and we started at around 8.40am. The students
were all very attracted to our presentation and some even took down notes enthusiastically.
Then, we proceeded with the ice-breakers. The students were all extremely participative and
soon got very familiar with each other. Though many of them were new to the idea of a group
cheer, they were also greatly engaged and intrigued by such an idea and were very happy
when they finally crafted their cheers.

       Then, we proceeded to the actual activities of introducing sports to them. All the
sports were generally well-received with everyone participating in them actively. However,
we could see that the girls had a greater preference for floorball as well as freesbie rather than
soccer or sepak takraw. On the other hand, the boys were excited about every sport, but were
the most excited about soccer.

       After the day of activities, we sat down for a major debrief. We told them the
objectives of us introducing them to sports -- to increase the number of people committed to
various sports so as to reduce the number of people who are addicted to video games. They
understood and nodded happily. We also received positive feedback for the various games
and activities, with the children saying that they really had fun while learning.

Chapter 5: Reflections

       Generally, we feel that our objectives have been met this is because we feel that we
have been able to successfully get the message of through to our audience. The message that
gaming addiction is bad for a person, physically, psychologically as well as academically and
that sports on the other hand benefits the person physically and psychologically, resulting in
better results in the academics too indirectly.

       We feel that our team has shown the 'I Can' attitude quite greatly when we decided to
undertake and follow through on this task of organising such a camp to guide the mindset and
understanding of primary school students regarding the matter of gaming.

       The strengths of our team is that we really have some individuals who are willing to
spend more than their allocated amount of time and go out of their ways to try their best to
complete their parts in style. However, there are quite a few weaknesses in this group. Firstly,
we are not very on task and several of us actually keep deviating from the matter at hand
when we are discussing matters, putting us at a very great disadvantage and making us move
at an extremely slow pace. Secondly, the same few members are also very slack and do not
do much work. They do not have the initiative to start on things that are more than what they
have been allocated and also take an extremely long period of time to get their basic parts
done. Thirdly, a few of us also have too much personal commitments that we are unable to
meet up to datelines. These were also the main challenges and difficulties we faced
throughout this project -- the attitude problems.

       Through this project, we have had many learning points. Firstly, we have learnt a
great deal about our own characters. We have realised that we take too long a time to decide
on things due to the attitude of perfectionism as well as constant procrastination. This
resulted in slow progress overall for the project. We are also relaxed and show little initiative
when we feel that the deadline is far away. This turned out to be our worst point and almost
prevented us from completing our project successfully. Lastly, we realised that we work well
under stress too. When we had only a few days left to the submission of the project final
report, we worked hard and hence could complete the report on time for submission and in a
rather substantial quality and quantity. Several of us from the group have also always thought
of primary school students as immature and mischievous, but after the interaction with them,
we have realised that majority of them are actually very mature in thought and know when to

do the right thing. They also display a high level of self-discipline. Hence, we found that we
could actually handle them with great ease.

       We feel that our project would not really greatly impact the situation of gaming
addiction in the world. However, we feel that we have made a tiny step in the right direction
and every great success starts with one tiny step. To ourselves, we have achieved something
we have not achieved before and hence we feel proud of it -- we have helped around 90
children to try and stay out of the destructive path of gaming addiction.

       In general, we feel that we have taken the starting steps to a gaming addiction-free
Singapore/world. However, whether society really turns addiction free depends on the
determination and willpower of the people in curbing their desire for games. To impact the
society further in the aspect of preventing gaming addiction, we could do further follow ups
by giving talks at community centres and other places, engaging the community as a whole in
various activities to save, cure and prevent people from falling into the hands of gaming

(2011). Association football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Floorball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Gaming Addiction Who Does It Affect | Gaming Addiction. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Sepak takraw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Ultimate (sport) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Video game addiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from

(2011). Video Game Addiction Growing In Eastern Idaho - Local News Story - KIFI Idaho
        Falls. Retrieved 2011, from

We would like to express our gratitude towards:

 Mr Daniel Chua for giving us advice and guidance throughout the whole process of our
project, understanding our tight schedules and various situation and constantly giving us

Mrs Lim Yoke Tong who has also answered many of our queries very helpfully and gave us
valuable advice when we needed it most.

The principals of the various invited primary schools for their fast and good responses to our
appeal for participation.

The primary school students of Nan Hua Primary, South View Primary as well as Princess
Elizabeth Primary who were willing to come down during their school holidays to take part
in our programme, giving us a chance to impart our skills and knowledge to them and hence
making the event a succes.

All survey participants, who completed all the surveys with utmost seriousness and
concentration, giving rise to our relatively reliable survey results.

Last but not least, anyone and everyone who has contributed to this project in one way or
another and made it a success.

Appendix A

                                 Raffles Institution
                            Year 2 Research Education
                     Design for Change School Challenge 2011

Teacher-Mentor:    Mr Daniel Chua
Team Leader:       Lim Kai Bing, Danson                        2M
Team members:      Lee Vint Seng Hein Lin Htut                 2M
                   Low Kei Feng                                2M
                   Nikhil Puthran                              2M

       Use this template to record and plan the activities for the Action Week.

Day    Date/           Activity/Venue               Resources           required
 1     Wk 3          Awareness Week --                        Poster
                     Getting Volunteers                      Manpower

 2      Wk 3         Awareness Week --                        Poster
                     Getting Volunteers                      Manpower

 3      Wk 3         Awareness Week --                        Poster
                     Getting Volunteers                      Manpower

 4     1 day       Anti-Gaming Addiction                    Manpower
                          Camp                 Logistics: Equipment, Venues, Prizes,
                                               food, camp shirts, instruction sheets

Appendix B
      Survey Compilation Results
                      Q2                         Q3               Q4             Q5a
Age    Gender   Q2    Common       Q3            Common      Q4   Common   Q5a   Common
K1     F        a     a            b,c           b,c         a    a        b     b

P1     F        c     c            e (Phone)     e (Phone)   a    a        b     b

P2     F        d     d            e (NIL)       e (NIL)     a    a        b     b

P3     M        b     b            e (PSP)       e (PSP)     d    d        a     a

P4     M        b     b            c             c           a    a        b     b
P4     F        a     |            c             |           a    |        b     |
P4     F        d     |            e (NIL)       |           a    |        b     |
P4     F        b     |            e (NIL)       |           a    |        b     |
P4     F        e     |            c,e (iPad)    |           c    |        c     |
P4     F        c     |            c             |           b    |        c     |
                                   c,e (Wii,
P4     F        b     |            3DS)          |           a    |        c     |

                                                 c, e
P5     M        e     |            c,e (Phone)   (Phone)     b    b        c     b
P5     F        d     |            c             |           b    |        b     |
P5     F        b     |            e (Phone)     |           a    |        b     |

P6     M        e     c            b,c           c           a    a,b      b     b
P6     M        e     |            c             |           b    |        b     |
P6     M        c     |            e (Wii)       |           a    |        b     |
P6     M        c     |            c,e (Wii)     |           b    |        b     |
P6     F        a     |            c,e (Phone)   |           a    |        a     |
P6     F        c     |            c             |           b    |        b     |
P6     F        c     |            c             |           a    |        b     |
P6     F        c     |            e (iPad)      |           b    |        c     |

S1     M        c     c            c             c           d    |        a     a
S1     F        c     |            c             |           a    |        a     |

S2     M        b     d            a,c           c           a    b        b     c
S2     M        d     |            c,e (Phone)   |           a    |        c     |
S2     M        e     |            a             |           b    |        c     |
S2     M        d     |            (Phone)       |           c    |        c     |
S2     M        c     |            c             |           b    |        c     |
S2     M        c     |            c,e (Phone)   |           b    |        b     |
S2     M        d     |            c             |           b    |        NIL   |

S3    M        e        |      c         c            b         |            b        b
S3    F        b        |      c         |            a         |            b        |

S4    M        a        |      c         c            a         a            b        b
S4    F        d        |      c         |            a         |            b        |
S4    F        b        |      c         |            a         |            b        |

JC1   M        e        |      a         |            b         b            a        |
JC1   F        d        |      c         |            b         |            b        |

JC2   F        a        a      c         c            a         a            b        b

      Column            Q2               Q3                     Q4                    Q5a
      1        Q2       common Q3        common       Q4        common       Q5a      common
      a             5         2      4            0        21            7        5            2
      b             8         2      2            1        14            4       24            9
      c            11         3     29            9         2            0        9            1
      d             8         2      0            0         2            1        0            0
      e             7         0     16            4         0            0        0            0


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Sin eng-5 - gaming addiction

  • 1. Raffles Institution 2M DESIGN FOR CHANGE: ANTI-GAMING 2011 ADDICTION Teacher Mentor: Mr Daniel Chua Danson (12), Kei Feng(15), Vint Seng(10), Nikhil(23)
  • 2. Contents Chapter 1: Why DFC? --------------------------------------------------- 3 Chapter 2: Background Research -------------------------------------- 4 Chapter 3: Preparation for Action Week ----------------------------- 5 Chapter 4: Our Action Week ------------------------------------------- 6 Chapter 5: Reflections ---------------------------------------------------- 7 Bibliography ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Acknowledgements -------------------------------------------------------- 10 Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11  Research Notes  Survey Report o Parent Survey Results o Student Survey Results  Surveys 2
  • 3. Chapter 1: Why DFC? Our group has boldly decided to undertake this DFC project as we felt that through this project, we would be able to bring about good to the society, helping the less fortunate or solving societal problems. This would be a great way to give back to our country after all the funding and support we have received from her in teaching us. The objective of our project was to curb or reduce gaming addiction which is an increasingly prominent form of addiction in our society today. Although this problem mainly manifests itself within children or young adults, it is still a rather serious problem and could lead to the breakdown of our entire society as the saying goes that the young are the future pillars of our country. Hence, we decided that it would be good to do a part in controlling and preventing such a disastrous condition. For our action, we have decided to organize a one day anti-game addiction camp/workshop for Primary 4 pupils from several schools, promoting sports as a healthier replacement for video games as a source of fun and enjoyment. 3
  • 4. Chapter 2: Background Research First, we researched on the symptoms of gaming addiction and found that they led to many various social and health problems, such as frequent family quarrels as well as obesity. We agreed readily that this was true as we also could feel for it through our personal experience. Generally, this form of addiction affects mainly teenagers(Source: http://i-am-a- groups of adults as well as children are also affected quite severely. This condition is also more prevalent within males. The situation in Singapore with regard to gaming addiction is growing more severe by day, although still less serious than that of developed countries like the United States of America, with almost 10% of the children showing pathological gambling ways just in the state of Idaho itself.( Source: In Canada also, addicted gamers form 80% of a counsellors workload in a certain counselling organisation. (Source: Online sources state that different countries have different methods of curbing gaming addiction such as gaming addiction clinics, counselling, treatment facilities etc. (Source: wever, we felt that action should not be taken only when the condition has slipped into total disaster as prevention is ultimately better than cure. We also conducted a survey which yielded similar results. Hence, we decided to go to the root of the matter. After consulting our parents and asking around several friends, we decided in unison that most of us came into contact with video games around primary school time. Due to the immaturity and lack of a certain level of education in Lower Primary students, we have hence decided to target the 1st level of Upper Primary students, the Primary 4s. 4
  • 5. Chapter 3: Preparation for Action Week Generally, we allocated ourselves into 3 different sectors: Logistics, Activities as well as External Relations cum Admin. Logistics was in charge of the food catering, camp shirts as well as prizes for the camp. Quotations had to be obtained for the shirts and the food and the shirt design was also put under the logistics section. For Activities, the section is in charge of organising the different activities for the camp as well as settling the small details such as the venue of activities etc. Activities would also be needed to type and print instruction sheets for each activity as well as the objectives of each game. Generally, our planning of time was quite messed up at first. We decided to postpone our event in the end due to some personal commitments of a group member as well as a lapse in foresight. However, in the end, we decided to set a date and placed weekly goals for each passing week. Every week, we would get about a few things done, for example, getting responses from the schools in 2 weeks and getting the quotations for the food and shirt vendors in a week. Regarding the matter of finance and funding, we charged the participants each $15 for a shirt, a buffet lunch, as well as prizes which were given out at the end of all the activities. For the aspect on manpower, we decided to get volunteers, calling all our interested friends to join us too. We gave them a short briefing cum training and also did a dry run. Our event was placed during the school holidays, therefore, there was not much problem with the timing. Due to the fact that our event includes young participants from primary school levels, we had to take notice of their safety and well-being during the entire camp too. Hence, we took extra precaution in taking care of them and appointed 2 facilitators to follow the groups around during their activities. Mr Daniel Chua was also present to ensure the smooth flow of events. We had a short survey before deciding all of the above actions to be taken so as to find out the reasons for addiction and the common definition of addiction as defined by the general public. The audience of our surveys are completely random and not picked purposely. The survey report is attached in the appendix. 5
  • 6. Chapter 4: Our Action Week We started the day at 7am and set up all the games and equipment in wait for the participants. The participants all came on time and we started at around 8.40am. The students were all very attracted to our presentation and some even took down notes enthusiastically. Then, we proceeded with the ice-breakers. The students were all extremely participative and soon got very familiar with each other. Though many of them were new to the idea of a group cheer, they were also greatly engaged and intrigued by such an idea and were very happy when they finally crafted their cheers. Then, we proceeded to the actual activities of introducing sports to them. All the sports were generally well-received with everyone participating in them actively. However, we could see that the girls had a greater preference for floorball as well as freesbie rather than soccer or sepak takraw. On the other hand, the boys were excited about every sport, but were the most excited about soccer. After the day of activities, we sat down for a major debrief. We told them the objectives of us introducing them to sports -- to increase the number of people committed to various sports so as to reduce the number of people who are addicted to video games. They understood and nodded happily. We also received positive feedback for the various games and activities, with the children saying that they really had fun while learning. 6
  • 7. Chapter 5: Reflections Generally, we feel that our objectives have been met this is because we feel that we have been able to successfully get the message of through to our audience. The message that gaming addiction is bad for a person, physically, psychologically as well as academically and that sports on the other hand benefits the person physically and psychologically, resulting in better results in the academics too indirectly. We feel that our team has shown the 'I Can' attitude quite greatly when we decided to undertake and follow through on this task of organising such a camp to guide the mindset and understanding of primary school students regarding the matter of gaming. The strengths of our team is that we really have some individuals who are willing to spend more than their allocated amount of time and go out of their ways to try their best to complete their parts in style. However, there are quite a few weaknesses in this group. Firstly, we are not very on task and several of us actually keep deviating from the matter at hand when we are discussing matters, putting us at a very great disadvantage and making us move at an extremely slow pace. Secondly, the same few members are also very slack and do not do much work. They do not have the initiative to start on things that are more than what they have been allocated and also take an extremely long period of time to get their basic parts done. Thirdly, a few of us also have too much personal commitments that we are unable to meet up to datelines. These were also the main challenges and difficulties we faced throughout this project -- the attitude problems. Through this project, we have had many learning points. Firstly, we have learnt a great deal about our own characters. We have realised that we take too long a time to decide on things due to the attitude of perfectionism as well as constant procrastination. This resulted in slow progress overall for the project. We are also relaxed and show little initiative when we feel that the deadline is far away. This turned out to be our worst point and almost prevented us from completing our project successfully. Lastly, we realised that we work well under stress too. When we had only a few days left to the submission of the project final report, we worked hard and hence could complete the report on time for submission and in a rather substantial quality and quantity. Several of us from the group have also always thought of primary school students as immature and mischievous, but after the interaction with them, we have realised that majority of them are actually very mature in thought and know when to 7
  • 8. do the right thing. They also display a high level of self-discipline. Hence, we found that we could actually handle them with great ease. We feel that our project would not really greatly impact the situation of gaming addiction in the world. However, we feel that we have made a tiny step in the right direction and every great success starts with one tiny step. To ourselves, we have achieved something we have not achieved before and hence we feel proud of it -- we have helped around 90 children to try and stay out of the destructive path of gaming addiction. In general, we feel that we have taken the starting steps to a gaming addiction-free Singapore/world. However, whether society really turns addiction free depends on the determination and willpower of the people in curbing their desire for games. To impact the society further in the aspect of preventing gaming addiction, we could do further follow ups by giving talks at community centres and other places, engaging the community as a whole in various activities to save, cure and prevent people from falling into the hands of gaming addiction. 8
  • 9. Bibliography (2011). Association football - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Floorball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Gaming Addiction Who Does It Affect | Gaming Addiction. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Sepak takraw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Ultimate (sport) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Video game addiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 2011, from (2011). Video Game Addiction Growing In Eastern Idaho - Local News Story - KIFI Idaho Falls. Retrieved 2011, from 9
  • 10. Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude towards: Mr Daniel Chua for giving us advice and guidance throughout the whole process of our project, understanding our tight schedules and various situation and constantly giving us extensions. Mrs Lim Yoke Tong who has also answered many of our queries very helpfully and gave us valuable advice when we needed it most. The principals of the various invited primary schools for their fast and good responses to our appeal for participation. The primary school students of Nan Hua Primary, South View Primary as well as Princess Elizabeth Primary who were willing to come down during their school holidays to take part in our programme, giving us a chance to impart our skills and knowledge to them and hence making the event a succes. All survey participants, who completed all the surveys with utmost seriousness and concentration, giving rise to our relatively reliable survey results. Last but not least, anyone and everyone who has contributed to this project in one way or another and made it a success. 10
  • 11. Appendix A Raffles Institution Year 2 Research Education Design for Change School Challenge 2011 Teacher-Mentor: Mr Daniel Chua Team Leader: Lim Kai Bing, Danson 2M Team members: Lee Vint Seng Hein Lin Htut 2M Low Kei Feng 2M Nikhil Puthran 2M Use this template to record and plan the activities for the Action Week. Day Date/ Activity/Venue Resources required duration 1 Wk 3 Awareness Week -- Poster Getting Volunteers Manpower 2 Wk 3 Awareness Week -- Poster Getting Volunteers Manpower 3 Wk 3 Awareness Week -- Poster Getting Volunteers Manpower 4 1 day Anti-Gaming Addiction Manpower Camp Logistics: Equipment, Venues, Prizes, food, camp shirts, instruction sheets etc. 11
  • 12. Appendix B Survey Compilation Results Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5a Age Gender Q2 Common Q3 Common Q4 Common Q5a Common K1 F a a b,c b,c a a b b P1 F c c e (Phone) e (Phone) a a b b P2 F d d e (NIL) e (NIL) a a b b P3 M b b e (PSP) e (PSP) d d a a P4 M b b c c a a b b P4 F a | c | a | b | P4 F d | e (NIL) | a | b | P4 F b | e (NIL) | a | b | P4 F e | c,e (iPad) | c | c | P4 F c | c | b | c | c,e (Wii, P4 F b | 3DS) | a | c | c, e P5 M e | c,e (Phone) (Phone) b b c b P5 F d | c | b | b | P5 F b | e (Phone) | a | b | P6 M e c b,c c a a,b b b P6 M e | c | b | b | P6 M c | e (Wii) | a | b | P6 M c | c,e (Wii) | b | b | P6 F a | c,e (Phone) | a | a | P6 F c | c | b | b | P6 F c | c | a | b | P6 F c | e (iPad) | b | c | S1 M c c c c d | a a S1 F c | c | a | a | S2 M b d a,c c a b b c S2 M d | c,e (Phone) | a | c | S2 M e | a | b | c | a,c,e S2 M d | (Phone) | c | c | S2 M c | c | b | c | S2 M c | c,e (Phone) | b | b | S2 M d | c | b | NIL | 12
  • 13. S3 M e | c c b | b b S3 F b | c | a | b | S4 M a | c c a a b b S4 F d | c | a | b | S4 F b | c | a | b | JC1 M e | a | b b a | JC1 F d | c | b | b | JC2 F a a c c a a b b Column Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5a 1 Q2 common Q3 common Q4 common Q5a common a 5 2 4 0 21 7 5 2 b 8 2 2 1 14 4 24 9 c 11 3 29 9 2 0 9 1 d 8 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 e 7 0 16 4 0 0 0 0 13