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Sidewalk In My Life
A sidewalk is a safe place for us and children to walk so they are not in the way of cars. Sidewalks
are for walking, they have cracks and potholes like people. They have different colors and different
textures that make them up just like people in their cultures and situations. Sidewalks guide people
on where to go like some people show others where to go.Some sidewalks are smooth, neat, and
clean with the grass trimmed just so on the sides but you cannot see what is underneath. Sidewalk
always begin somewhere and end somewhere. Through my life I have kept the part of me that
people see neat, clean, and smooth, but on the inside i'm shattered.
This sidewalk is very smooth nicely put together with the grass cut just so on the sides. Although if
you were to examine it a little closer you would see that underneath it is shattered if it had to bear
any more weight it just might break under all the pressure, even though no one really pays any
attention to what they can't see or hear they don't really seem to care about it but if someone did they
would see. Some of the cracks underneath have been repaired or something has been put in them to
act as a quick fix but it's not the same as the original bond. How I hold myself is what makes me
who I am. I keep every part of me nice neat and put together, at least on the outside. This sidewalk
represents me in many aspects of my life.
From about the time I was 15 to the time I was 17 my trust has been ultimately shattered.I have dealt
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Sidewalk Day Research Paper
Too often we are surrounded by negative thoughts, words and images, the goal of my project is to
surround our community with positive messages. We are a community that thrives on positivity,
kindness and support of each other. Fill a Sidewalk Day would be our community's day to fill
sidewalks with positive messages to lift up all our citizens. Through the use of the colorful chalk, all
homes and businesses would fill the sidewalk in front of their location with messages of positivity
and encouragement. This annual tradition would take place in late spring or early summer when our
sidewalks are clean and dry for a extended period of time. We would not need to worry about
cleaning up these inspirational quotes because the rain will wash it away
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Analysis of the Poem Crossings, by Judith Ortiz Cofer
The theme of poem "Crossings," by Judith Ortiz Cofer is evaluating and reacting upon the tough
decisions that come up in life. The cracks represent the flaws you can find and the inevitable
accidents that will occur. "But each day more and more fissures / crisscross your path, and like the
lines/ on your palms, they mean something." (6–8) These lines show that each days more incidents
and troubles, "the fissures", will come up in your life, the bad things will happen in your life time,
"crisscross your path, and like the lines on your palms, they mean something," however, every time
you experience a bad accident or disaster, which it seems at the time, you will learn something. It
also seems like fate is a big theme in this piece and the human reaction to fate's doings. On lines 8
and 9, "on your palms, they mean something/ you cannot decipher," shows fate's working in
manufacturing these cracks. What they incidents mean, or what you can learn from them however, is
still a mystery because it is brought on by fate, such as the example of lines on your palms, and how
some people believe they are a representation of one's future. The lines "Finally you must choose
between / standing still in the one solid spot / you have found, or you keep moving / and take the
risk: / Break your mother's back." (10–14) show the choices humans have to make in relation to the
events brought on like fate. This poem describes that like in Romeo and Juliet fate isn't just
responsible for Romeo and
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Stick Sidewalks
There were no areas for people to hang out, chat, or even socialize. Sidewalks are similar to a
corridor where there needs some refuge in the path. There will be a need for an area of refuge that is
adjacent to the sidewalk. By adding benches with planting of area in front of it then could be
recognized as a place to be. Also by providing benches and metal canopies will attract individuals.
An image where is shows areas of refuge adjacent to side walk 3. Urban Sharing Community base
object sharing is a place that people contributing to one thing. There will be places that are
designated areas for bike sharing stations around the site so this attracts the most users. Bike sharing
stations are going to be located near the education buildings ... Show more content on ...
Instead of only having a typical 90–degree sidewalk. This will provide more of different pathways
allowing people to take to their destination. This will also help people take short cuts wherever they
happen to go. Even if a person is on a leisurely walk the stick sidewalks can provide a miniature
adventure fore people to explore the site. Besides having the chance to explore the stick sidewalks
will be able provide a variety and allow different bodies of landscapes. The stick sidewalks will vary
in size throughout the site. Each size of the pathways will be different task depending on where and
what each individual stick is located. The two largest sticks sidewalks will just be secondary
pathways that would give another route to walk on. The two smallest sidewalks are not designed as
a major walkway for the inhabitants. It was designed in a way for allowing people to explore and
view different angles or felt like being alone. For each single stick sidewalk there will be a different
type of material or pattern for them. This will give an opportunity for stick sidewalks to disrupt the
regular pathways in a visual manner. The stick sidewalks give a chance for more of variety materials
that will be at your feet. Reasons for allowing the major sidewalks continue being concrete because
of the continuation of the sidewalk surrounding the
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The Importance Of Public Spaces
Have you ever wondered why people are drawn to certain public spaces but not others? What makes
those public spaces more attractive to people? Some public spaces are packed full of people while
others remain barren and unused. Furthermore, particular soft edges are highly used as public spaces
while other soft edges are simply used as entrances to buildings and not utilized as public spaces. On
Milwaukee School of Engineering's campus, there are numerous outdoor public spaces and soft
edges. Jan Gehl (2011) examines public spaces in her book Life between buildings: Using public
space. She inspects different public spaces and soft edges, and determines what makes various
public spaces highly used and others vacant and desolate. Soft edges need ample room for walking
and wandering, along with sitting areas for people to socialize and communicate with one another.
Soft edges are defined as the immediate space surrounding the outside entrance of a building. It can
be as simple as extra space off to the side of a sidewalk for entering and exiting a building, to an
elaborate space that includes benches and tables for people to socialize and enjoy themselves. Gehl
(2011) explains that people need space for "basic activities such as walking, standing, and sitting, as
well as seeing, hearing, and talking" (p. 131). Those spaces are often located in soft edges, because
people frequently travel throughout soft edges and they do those basic functions while traveling
through soft
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The Importance Of Public Spaces
Cities are full of public spaces, some for walking, some for sitting, and some for standing. These
public spaces can be good for just one activity like many sidewalks, or they can be good for all
activities like well laid out public parks. Most of the public spaces within a city will be soft edges.
Soft edges are the spaces between, in front, and behind buildings. Soft edges may consist of alley
ways between buildings, sidewalks in front of buildings, or courtyards behind buildings. Usually the
goal of city planning is to create well rounded soft edges because they help the life between
buildings. The soft edges at the Werwath Mall between MSOE's science building and library are
good for walking, but not so good for either sitting or standing. In her book Life Between Buildings,
Jan Gehl (2011) states, "walking is first and foremost a type of transportation, a way to get around,
but it also provides an informal and uncomplicated possibility for being present in the public
environment" (p. 133). The act of walking is usually done because it is necessary. For a space to be
good for walking it has to have plenty of space so that people can get to where they are going.
Werwath Mall has the space needed to be good for walking, as it is about 20 yards wide. It has
diagonal paths so that people can take the most efficient route to get where they are going. Another
thing that makes a place a good walking space is if it is near an entrance of a building. People are
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The Pros And Cons Of Recommendation By MPKB
5.3.2 Recommendation by MPKB Imposed stricter punishment Besides that, other recommendation
that could be done to improve the MPKB's effort is to impose stricter punishment to those who not
pay the tax such as the assessment tax or not paying permit to sell at the stalls. This is because,
MPKB had taken a lot of efforts in order to ensure the implementation of the Safe City Programme
to be successful such as by providing the infrastructure, maintenance of the areas, design a physical
environment that is safe and informing the people about the programme through the mass media.
However, in order to continuously do the effort, MPKB needs to have strong financial resources and
this not only come from the Federal Government but also from the state government or the local
government itself. Generally, the resources for financial of MPKB comes from the tax. The tax then
will be used in order to do the maintenance of the Safe City programme such as the facilities.
Nevertheless, most of the public are neglecting their responsibility to pay the tax that had been
imposed to them. Some of them ... Show more content on ...
As what has been discussed and explained in Chapter Two in the Literature Review and Conceptual
Framework, the factor that lead to impact of Safe City Programme implementation by MPKB will
depends on the public attitude and the provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure. According
to the finding, it showed that the two factors can give the impact of Safe City Programme
implementation by MPKB. As the result, these factors are essentially having the stability in affecting
the impact of Safe City Programme implementation by MPKB. Moreover, based on the finding, it
was identified that the public attitude had become the mostly influence the impact of Safe City
Programme implementation by
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Sidewalk End Settings
The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was a very well written book. A theme that was common among
lots of poems was that all people and species are different and have their own special quirks and
their own issues. The settings vary throughout the poems. Some examples of settings in poems
include a farm, a home, inside a snake, in a deserted house, etc. The book was inspiring. This was
due to how some of the poem's purposes made you want to get up and do something astonishing.
The book is also easy to read. This is due to how it has patterns that are formed through rhymes and
lyrical verses. The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was a very well written book for all of the
reasons below. The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was very inspiring. In the
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Gresham Vs Peterson Case Study
In Gresham v. Peterson, the City of Indianapolis amended an ordinance regarding solicitation in
public places. Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899, 901 (7th Cir. 2000). The ordinance prohibited
"any solicitation made in person upon any street, public place or park in the city, in which a person
requests an immediate donation of money or other gratuity . . . ." Id. It included seeking donations
"by vocal appeal or for . . . street performance . . . and where the person being solicited receives an
item of little or no monetary value in exchange for a donation . . . where a reasonable person would
understand that the transaction is in substance a donation." Id. However, panhandling did "not
include the act of passively standing or sitting nor performing music, singing or other street
performance with a sign or ... Show more content on ...
Public streets provide not only the transportation, but the vitality, attraction, and interaction in a city.
A willingness to walk on and use the streets is essential to businesses, and to the life and economic
success of a city. Robert Teir, Maintaining Safety and Civility in Public Spaces: A Constitutional
Approach to Aggressive Begging, 54 La. L. Rev. 285, 288 (1993). However, these social catalysts
only exist if public spaces are viewed as desirable and attractive. Id. at 289. Unfortunately, when
parks or sidewalks are a place of frequent intimidation and intrusion, they become a place not to be
sought out, but rather to be avoided. Citizens and visitors begin to think twice about taking their
children to the park or square, or taking a walk to the lake, the coffee shop, or the corner store, due
to the unwillingness to want to face solicitors because of the frequent intimidation, intrusion, and
oftentimes violent and coercive nature of panhandling. Because panhandling threatens the
community, as well as personal security, it must be regulated in order to maintain attractive and
secure public spaces. Id. at
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Lawrence Halprin Was A Landscape Architect And Land Planner
Lawrence Halprin was a landscape architect and land planner whose concept of including the
elements of a natural environment in his many projects and the internal design thought process that
had him focus on how individuals interact within a public space were the two major aspects that
contributed to his success. He designed his spaces to allow the visitors to not just pass though, but to
exist in the space, and feel as they have a choice in which way they go. Most of his projects were
not an attempt to replicate a natural environment, but rather he drew inspiration for elements of
design from nature itself. Halprin had a deep desire to improve the lives of people living in urban
cities by giving them a reason to stay or return to the ... Show more content on ...
He started his deign career with the landscape architect Thomas Church in San Francisco, shortly
after that in 1949 he opened his own design office (TCLF). All of Halprin's designs have their root
in nature or natural environments and how he integrates these into his manmade spaces. He spent
many hours walking through the mountains, hills, valleys, and coastlines observing the natural
elements that make each one of these places unique. The key feature of many of Halprin's projects
included the use of water features, he would use these water features to elicit the feeling of being in
a natural environment rather than a man made one. In addition to his astute incorporation of natural
elements, his other focus was how people interacted in a public space. His wife Anna was a dancer
and choreographer and inspired the basis for many of his landscape designs and the human
interaction of people in these spaces and how he could essentially choreograph how people moved
through the public spaces he designed (Halprin Landscape Conservancy). He coined a new term,
"motation", this was the combination of motion and notation, he would use this concept while
plotting or choreographing how he wanted to have people move through a particular space that he
was in the process of designing (TCLF). In addition to his extensive resume of landscapes he
designed over his 60–year career, Halprin also authored 9 books and an award–winning
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On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis
On The Sidewalk Bleeding Essay When you come close to death you think about many things, who
would fill your job? Where would your dog go? Most importantly, you would probably think about
your family. In this short story, a character named Andy, gets stabbed in the middle of an alley. In
the short story, On The Sidewalk Bleeding, the author, Evan Hunter describes how it would feel to
be dying alone in a cold, dark alleyway. Andy is walking to the store, when suddenly, he gets
stabbed in an alleyway. This happens all because of the jacket he is wearing. Evan Hunter used
symbolism in his story, "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" to convey the theme of not judging a book by
its cover.
Andy's, jacket and the words on the jacket, in the beginning of the story symbolizes violence. In the
beginning of the story the narrator said, "He wore a bright purple silk jacket" (1). The only reason
Andy got stabbed is because he was wearing the purple jacket. The purple jacket shows that Andy
belongs to a gang. In the middle of the story, the boy, who finds Andy in the alley, sees the words on
Andy's jacket, and ends up walking away from Andy not helping him. The boy saw THE ROYALS
on the jacket then. He turned to the girl and said, "He's a Royal," (5) he said. This shows that the boy
was weary of what Andy's jacket said so he walked away from Andy and didn't help him. If the boy
would've stayed then Andy might have lived. Towards the middle of the story, Andy realizes that life
is worth living and it's not all like he thought.
Andy starts to rethink if becoming a royal was worth it, and doesn't want to die in the way that he
did. Andy is thinking negative thoughts and losing hope. "He watched people passing. The world
didn't know he was alive." (8) People see Andy laying in the ground, but they see his jacket and
what it represents, danger. In the story, the cop judges the way Andy died and seen him as a bad
person. "The cop put the jacket over his arm. He took out his black pad. He opened it to a blank
page. "A Royal," he said." (10) Since this happened it explains how people see others when they
judge a book by its cover. People judge a book by
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Descriptive Essay On The Sidewalk
My hand reaches for the door handle. The cold metal sends a shiver down my spine. Two steps and
my body is out the door. A gust of wind makes my footing unsteady, without thinking I lunge for the
building for support. I need this fresh air, the office was suffocating. A walk on the sidewalk is just
the break I need. The stoplight turns red. I turn my head left, then right. The coast is clear. My legs
scurry across the road. Safe. The familiar sidewalks lead me past the newspaper, the post office, the
Sell–It–Again shop, and all the buildings that have lived as long as I have. This is home, where only
two stoplights delay our travel.
As I walk, the sounds of passing motorists fill the background. The faint sound of construction at the
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I miss you. The tears stream down my face. I don't try to hide them. I have been pushing this anger
and sadness down for so many years, it has ravaged my body. Holding these feelings back from all
the important people in my life, has been hard. I feel as though I shouldn 't be this upset, it's not fair
to my mom, she lost her dad. The sidewalk ends with train tracks, instead of going back the way I
came, I decide to cross the road. Looking left and looking right, I sprint. Being on the opposite side,
holds a new perspective. I know it's not your fault that you can't be here, I have asbestos to blame
for that.
A passing motorist slams on her brakes. The screeching sound jerks me out of my thoughts. The stop
light turned red. The vehicles are stopping, but I continue to walk. Realization overwhelms me.
A stop light represents tragedy. Red is the incident that causes sadness. When one stoplight is red,
others might not, which represents that the world is still turning even though there is tragedy. Yellow
represents slowly recovering or looking ahead at what will change. Green means learning to keep
going and adapt to the change. Life will have many stoplights, some worse than others.
Building after building, car after car, noise after noise, I absorb all of it. The chaos surrounding me
is nothing compared to chaos in Kokomo. Returning to the place I started, the sadness I felt earlier is
tucked away barely visible. While I was walking along the
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Melcher-Dallas Road Safety Essay
In Melcher–Dallas, Iowa, children walking to and from school put themselves in danger by walking
in the streets instead of the adjacent sidewalks. When the children walk in the streets, they do not
walk along the left side or any side in general; they walk spread out in the streets. Before and after
school, a number of inexperienced teen drivers drive on the same streets the children walk in, not to
mention the number of people who choose to ignore the speed limit signs. Linda Snook, the
Melcher–Dallas's school crosswalk guard, notes that "people speed through the school zone with no
consideration of the kids. One of these times, a kid is going to end up getting hit." When children
endanger themselves because they want to walk in the streets, a major problem is presented.
Melcher–Dallas may not be a hot spot for vehicular accidents, but they still happen. Not utilizing the
provided sidewalks not only wastes the thousands of dollars that went into building the sidewalks
and sidewalk maintenance, but it increases the chances of getting hit by passing vehicles. According
to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2016), traffic crashes injured about ... Show
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The city council makes the town decisions and has the most influence and power around the town.
After bringing the problem to the city council, a proposal of warnings and fines should be made. A
notification should be sent out to all the townspeople to notify them what codes they frequently
break. A notification is important because many people may not realize they violate city rules. The
notification would inform the townspeople of the dangers presented by not using the sidewalks as
they were meant. There should be a note mentioned specifically for anybody with children in their
care. As these are the main culprits in violation of the city codes, the note should suggest that the
parents talk to their
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Creative Writing: The Dark Sidewalk
As you are walking down the sidewalk in Cleveland you feel something cold hit your left ear. You
look over and realize that it was only one of the many snowflakes that have begun falling from the
inky blue sky. The cold chill causes you to shudder as you continue on your path down the slushy
street. As cars pass, the grey mixture splashes onto your shoes. Surveying the damage the slush has
done to your new sneakers, you accidentally wander off the well lit sidewalk and into a dark
alleyway. Suddenly aware of your surroundings, you look up to see the long dark corridor in front of
you. The cheery sounds of the people on the sidewalk are muffled by the thick brick walls on either
side of you. You feel trapped, look around, and spot a glimpse of light at the end of the passageway.
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The scent of mildew and garbage fills your nostrils as you pass a dumpster that belongs to the local
pizza shop. "Crush Crush" goes your shoes; the sound echoes through the corridor. As you pass a
damp brown box a furry creature skitters out. Alarmed, you jump back only to realize it was an
alleycat. Your pace quickens once you reach the middle of the ally. It is pitch black and you are
unaware of what lies ahead and behind you. The only thing guiding you is the tiny glimpse of light
that grows larger with every
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Sidewalks-The Pedestrians
The manner in understanding the approach of various protocol in determining space lies in a
conjecture, the humanist focuses to understand the achievable proximity of every outcome, the
definition of street as present in this perspective as per the view of Jacob (1961), 'streets in cities
serve many purposes besides carrying vehicles, and city sidewalks– the pedestrian parts of the
streets – serve many purposes besides carrying pedestrians. These uses are bound up with circulation
but are not identical with it in their own right they are at least as basic as circulation to the proper
working of cities'. The author went on defining that, a city sidewalk by itself is nothing. It is an
abstraction, it means something only in conjunction with the
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Public Space : The Importance Of Public Spaces
A public space is a space that is generally open and accessible to people. Roads (including the
pavement), public squares, and parks are public space. To a limited extent, government buildings
which are open to the public, such as public libraries are public spaces, although they tend to have
restricted areas and limits on use. The term 'public space' is often misconstrued to mean other things
such as "gathering place," which is an element of the larger concept of social space. Gathering
places may be public, including streets, town squares, and parks. They may also be privately owned,
such as bars, coffee shops, churches and theaters. While Downtown New Castle has public space, it
does not have strong gathering places.
As noted in the SWOT assessment, the lack of strong gathering places is a concern Downtown.
Hogback Pizza and the Black Dog Saloon provide a foundation but, for Downtown to be successful,
there must be a reason for people to come Downtown and, when they get there, there must be an
exuberant environment – a place where they can meet, mingle, interact and connect.
Downtown could benefit from more functional open spaces, plazas and courtyards, that can be used
and enjoyed day and night by residents, visitors, and workers nearby. However, it is not simply
about providing space. The questions have to be ask "why would people, or any age, be attracted to
and want to use the space." These spaces must appear to the observer to be inviting and comfortable.
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On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis
The Thoughts of a boy "On the Sidewalk Bleeding"
Why is it that when you are in the stages of death, the world seems to become different? It is the
same concept as grieving. Somebody who is grieving is known to go through multiple stages that
change their perception of the world. For instance, a woman who is grieving might distance herself
from the instance and attempt to continue her life. Although the man whom she was grieving for
may have thought that he did not want her to think of him in this way it is impossible to be definite
with this answer, as science cannot explain the heart. While exploring the short story "On the
Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter, it was found that Andy, the main protagonist is going through
his coming of age moment. This moment begins when he is stabbed and left on a sidewalk. He
begins to go through three peak moments that transform him from a child to adult ignorance,
idealism, and selfishness all turn into knowledge, realism and selflessness. Andy, whilst on his
deathbed turns from adolescence to adulthood. He learns that the world he lives in was all about
gangs and doing what Andy would please to be a selfless and knowledgeable man.
Ignorance and knowledge, one blissful, the other a curse. Opposites and equals. When on a sidewalk
bleeding it is interesting to think this could be the moment when someone realizes that by making
these choices, led them to their death. The ignorance of a young man can never be surpassed, but
can always prove detrimental. Andy is an ignorant boy as most boys are. The Protagonist believes
the cut he receives is going to be fine and he decides to lay there and wait, he waits and waits and
waits. Nobody comes to help him, the closest he gets to help is Freddie, who leaves him and helps
his girlfriend get home. Freddie fears The Guardians finding out who helped the Royals. While he is
lying there, all he can think is, "That was a fierce rumble, they got me good that time." (Hunter, 1).
Andy believes that help is coming, whether that be because he is a royal, or because this was not
severe, Andy is going to die and nobody will want to help him except for his girlfriend Laura who
only finds him too late. As if it is as soon as he sees Freddie and his
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Horseheads Sidewalk
HORSEHEADS (WENY) – If you've noticed your sidewalk is filling up with cracks to the point
that it's becoming dangerous, or just plain unattractive to look at, you might want to consider getting
a new one. The Village of Horseheads has set up a program from homeowners to fix their sidewalks
at a low cost. It's called the Horseheads Sidewalk Program. "People want to walk the sidewalks
without tripping on busted sidewalks. So we've given them a very inexpensive way to repair this,"
explains Village of Horseheads Mayor, Don Zeigler. Before, when residents wanted to put in a new
sidewalk, the Village would pay half of whatever it costs to dig out the old sidewalk and lay down a
new one. Now, the Village does the heavy work by taking out
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Apolis Research Paper
Our city, Apolis, is located in Finland, a country in Europe. Apolis has an estimate of about 500,000
people and counting. In the year 2120, we had a civil war in our city amongst our people. It was a
four–year war and it took us over ten years to rebuild and remodel. Apolis is looking better than it
ever has in the past. The hottest month is July and it only gets in the low sixties and the coldest
month is February and gets in the low twenties in Fahrenheit. August is the wettest season with 3.5
inches of rain.
Infrastructure in Apolis is very civilized and organized. The selection of apartments in our city can
be 30 –50 stories high. Most of our apartments are located near schools and grocery stores for the
convenience of travel. Our housing ... Show more content on ...
Often times there is a lack of seating, so we brought outside sitting to our city. Careful not to
overcrowd the area or have a poor amount of seating. Another problem we have dealt with in our
city is the shortfallings of gathering areas. People would complain that there were not enough places
that they wanted or needed. After taking these complaints into mind we have added playgrounds,
vending carts, bus stops, outdoor seating, and eye pleasing shops that serve food. We took away
features that served no real purpose other than to take up space, and not allowing vehicles to take
over the public spaces by adding crosswalks, sidewalks, and reasonably sized roads. Our city took
the blank or boring parts of public spaces and designed and managed our precious spaces. Transit,
bus, or train spots have all been located in areas that are convenient and where people want to use
them. These are all improvement that our city, Apolis, made to our local public spaces.
One thing we repaired in Apolis was the sidewalks. We improved the sidewalks so people can get
places safer, faster and easier. Existing sidewalks were grounded up and then we recycled them and
created better sidewalks. We turned an old abandoned theme park into a new theme park that people
now enjoy visiting. We not only did we fix these problems, we also fixed multiple other problems to
make our city a better place for tourist and our
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Sidewalk: A Short Story
Everybody was born innocent. Until Society corrupted them. You can't do bad if you don't know
what bad is. Once we start knowing right from wrong we tend to do mostly wrong. Life can be
viewed as a Sidewalk. Sidewalks are made from concrete. When poured and hardened it can be in
the form of something new. As time passes on the planet earth the concrete will be eroded by
weather and put back into the soil of the earth. I choose sidewalk number four. That sidewalk was
put down in rows of bricks. It has green grass growing around it and between the bricks. My
sidewalk was put down as pure concrete. It was nothing but concrete until the grass started to sprout
between the cracks in the sidewalk. I feel like the picture relates to me because the Grass can be ...
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After a few decades go by you won't even notice there were a sidewalk there. As a human it takes
more than our first contact with the ground to start changing. But not long after that. I was innocent
until I stopped sitting in my mother's lap and started sitting in front of the tv. That was the day I was
introduced to society. Most kids grew up watching cartoons and educational shows but I had an
older brother. When he had the tv we watched crime shows, hunting shows, and just stuff a child
don't need to watch! When I finally got the control over the tv I watched cartoons, crime shows, and
hunting shows. After watching it over and over again I started adapting to the world. As a 3 year old
I could do stuff most toddlers didn't know how to do all from watching tv. I knew I wasn't allowed
to cuss so i'd go out behind the house to the garbage can and say a few light cuss words then put my
hands over my mouth but nobody was around to hear me. I didn't go to head start or pre–K. I
learned stuff in those two years outside of school most adults don't know now. I remember back in
the day before school me and mama would have a peanut swallowing
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On The Sidewalk Bleeding Symbolism
In the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter, the theme of titles are not as important as
they seem is conveyed by literary elements of flashback and symbolism.
Flashback is one literary element that plays a considerable role in the making of "On the Sidewalk
Bleeding". While Andy was on the pavement with his life slowly seeping out of him, he awakened
the old feeling of great bliss from a new title, a new jacket. "He could remember when the Royals
had taken him"(Hunter 6). This is a fantastic example of a flashback, Andy pondered the feeling of
apotheosis, but to his disadvantage, the contentment would not last. In the end, that title will always
lead to grief and melancholy. Then continued to think about his life even more. Andy ... Show more
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Some things Andy thought was important, like the jacket, was not as important morally, but for the
story, it symbolically means something other that just a jacket. " ...the jacket read the Royals"
(Hunter 1). The jacket was used to mean importance or dignity in Andy's life, but after some
shocking realization and dying, he found the real symbol, the real name of the jacket. Death. More
key symbols were scattered throughout the story, what they represent is obvious and it connects to
the theme of titles not being as important as they seem to be. When he left the dance, a knife was
plunged into his purple Royal jacket, and under that jacket, there was a kid named Andy who bled
out on a sidewalk thanks to the knife. "...the knife..."(Hunter 7). The knife was portrayed as anger
and ignorance; there was anger in the knife, and that anger hated the jacket that Andy was wearing.
Ignorance of the person underneath the detested jacket led to an unneeded murder. Without that
anger, without the stabbing, Andy would have gone through his life thinking that his jacket was who
he was. The jacket was shredded by a knife brimming with anger and the jacket suddenly lost all of
its value, and yet Andy still had more to figure out in his life before his last breath. The whole
reason Andy left the dance was his need for some more cigarettes. The cigarettes played the whole
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Sidewalks: A Narrative Fiction
I'm pretty sure that the needle was used. Sophie was laughing and slurring something, her body
pressed up against a storm drain. I pushed at her. My arm was numb. "What's this?" She grinned. A
new tooth was missing, right up in the front. "Same as me." I stood. My legs were wobbly. "And
look at you." "I can take it!" She grabbed at my ankle. "Sit down with me." "Not right now. I want a
soda." Sophie let me go. "You got a dollar?" I felt my pocket. There was a lump. "Yeah." Sophie
threw her head back and shut her eyes. "Hurry up." It was dark and the streetlamp was out.
Sidewalks were cracked and alleys were littered with the usual. I took a few unsure steps. Whatever
Sophie had given me wasn't what she usually had. The ... Show more content on ...
"I can't see. Are you my Mother?" "Yes." It reached for me. "Come with me, child." It was a woman
now, her voice like syrup and honey and her touch like warmth after frost. "See your life." I was in a
white gown in a field, playing with another child. My hair was wild and my feet were bare and
stained with earth. "What is this?" Mother ran a finger down my nose. "It is what you wanted."
"This is not my life." She tilted her head and covered me with her sleeve. I closed my eyes. I was
older, in blue jeans. A woman lay beside me on a mattress on the floor. I looked up. The figure wore
a red mask that bore a twisted grimace. Now it was a man. The woman beside me, below me,
touched my hair. "I can't believe this." I watched as I rolled over, away from her. "I can't believe
you. You're leaving me?" "Not forever." The woman beside me had thick curly hair. "I'll still be with
you." "But I won't be with you." The woman smiled. "Of course you will. This isn't goodbye." It
blew away like a wisp of smoke. It reached up and lifted the mask. Its face was shrouded in the
shadow of its cloak. "That is your life." "No!" I knew that the woman beside me hadn't returned.
"That is not
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The Death And Life Of Great American Cities And E.b
The silence is deafening. Other than the occasional screech of a cat fighting with a raccoon, there is
no sign of human life. The nighttime is no time for neighborhood adventures, there is no one to save
you from the dangers that lurk around every corner. Here, there are never any witnesses to avenge
the victims of horrific crimes. A couple of weeks ago there was string of arson attacks; I watched the
flames rise from the house across the way. I observed all the residents on the block as they stood
outside asking each other, "Did anyone see anything?" After several weeks of investigation the
answer always seemed to be no. Jane Jacobs' The Death and Life of Great American Cities and E.B.
White's Here is New York are writings that both ... Show more content on ...
A general trust between neighbors and help from storekeepers allows for the protection of residents
of the neighborhood and the continuous flow of strangers. Jacobs illustrates this point when she
writes about an incident in her old neighborhood. One day an incident attracted her attention, she
watched from second–floor window as, what looked like, a struggle between a man and little girl. It
seemed as though the man was trying to convince the young girl to go with him. Just as Jacobs was
thinking of how to intervene she saw that it might not be necessary. "From the butcher shop beneath
the tenement had emerged the woman who, with her husband, runs the shop; she was standing
within earshot of the man, her arms folded..." (39). Once the storeowner stepped out this started a
chain reaction of storeowners and residents standing outside watching making sure the girl was safe.
This sidewalk was public and allowed people to witness what potentially could have been a
Applying Jacobs' theory to my neighborhood would significantly increase the safety. Jacobs'
example of her neighborhood looking out for a young girl is used to illustrate how proper use of
private and public is beneficial for the people of the city. Unlike Jacobs, there are few places in my
neighborhood that can offer that type of defense that was shown on her street. The streets of
Midwood, Brooklyn are in abundance of dead
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Learning Responsibility On City Sidewalks By Jane Jacobs
Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks
In the essay " Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks", the author Jane Jacobs shows us that it is
important to let children interact with city sidewalks because they can learn lots of things there. On
the other hand, the author also argues that it is necessary to select appropriate public areas because
not all the public areas can give children advantage lessons. Based on author's observations, some
parents will allow their children play in parks so they are convenient to take care of children and
save money for hiring daycare. However, it is not useful for children to learn in this environment.
For example, children will not learn independent under parent's supervision. Combing all the
factors, ... Show more content on ...
According to the essay " Nature Through the Looking Glass", the author believes that people should
be part of nature, but most of the time people do not have real touch activity of nature. Under the
strong competition society, it is not easy for a normal worker to go outside and interact with the
nature. Those green plants on two sides of the city sidewalk is one of the chances for people to get
touch to nature. More importantly, walking in the city sidewalks is easier than having a travel, which
can satisfy most of the city people's working requirement . Also, nature world will bring quiet life
for people I always ask myself, if I can live without business area, after reading the essay " The
Forged City". And I get a response, which is people need to get out of business activities and come
back to nature even a short time in each day. Without interest relationship, people's life will become
simple and pure. Shopping malls cannot replace traditional city centers because people have large
limitations in business malls. In contrast, people can observe different levels people in the society
with equality ideas in traditional city centers. City sidewalks can fit for this requirement and provide
a comfortable area for all of us. When children go
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Sidewalk, By Mitchell Duneier
Think back to the last time you walked through a busy street. After making it through the crowd,
you may have noticed that there was a crowd of people surrounding something, which turned out to
be a street vendor and their wares. You may have viewed it as a nuisance which benefited your life
in no shape or form, but have you ever taken into consideration the vendor and their life? In
Mitchell Duneier 's ethnographic novel Sidewalk, he researches the lives of these very street
vendors. Duneier spent years involved in the street vendor lifestyle so he could collect his data for
his work. His results show that vendors are necessary to the city life and sometimes choose that
lifestyle, rather than the other way around. This is introduced to the reader through the various
people he met during his research. In spite of Duneier standing out in this lifestyle as a white male,
he allows the vendors, which are primarily black males, to tell their stories from their own
perspectives. When Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier was released, he was an associate professor of
sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the University of California at Santa
Barbara. To observe the lives of those who lived and/or worked on the sidewalk, Duneier used a
variety of research methods to compile the information necessary for him to answer the questions
behind life on the sidewalk of Greenwich Village, New York City. Over the course of five years
which he
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Analysis Of New Zealand Shared Space Design Essay
In New Zealand shared spaces are a relatively new concept in relation to the United Kingdom, and
Netherlands. Therefore, case studies from the UK will provide strong insight in providing guidance
on speed reduction principles of shared spaces. The principles discovered throughout these case
studies will assist in developing an assessment criteria that is reliable and effective.
New Road, Brighton, London
New Roads shared space design has had an impressive design impact. Traffic volumes have reduced
by 93%, and vehicle speeds remain below 20km/hr. The road has many physical features that
occupy the street such as benches, restaurant, and café and bar seating, vegetation and pedestrian
dominated, with a carriageway width of 3.0 metres.
New Road, Brighton use different types of surfaces within the space with many pedestrians citing
the different surfaces as the key factor as the reason for taking ownership of the whole street with
vehicles and cyclists feel the different surfaces make them feel as pedestrians have priority
therefore, they travel with more care.
Ashford Ring Road
Ashford Ring Road shared space design has improved safety significantly. Vehicle speeds remain
around 32km/hr. This road also has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches,
signage, vegetation and pedestrian dominated. The road uses physical features to visually narrow the
road to reduce vehicle speeds with one way traffic carriageways 3.0 metres wide
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Stop Traffic On Galbraith Road And Preventing Tour Buses...
Construction can have a large impact on its surroundings, including local residents, pedestrians and
vehicular traffic depending on the site's location. For example, many of the sites visited in Toronto
affected traffic as they had frequent deliveries and had to stop traffic to allow this. This includes the
Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Toronto where frequent
trucks enter and exit to remove excavated soil (***Special Lecture***), stopping traffic on
Galbraith Road and preventing tour buses from enterring. On the other hand, outside the city,
construction has far less of an impact as there are often multiple lanes for traffic, and little or no
pedestrian traffic. When building in Toronto then, it is important to minimize construction's effect on
pedestrians, vehicle traffic, and local residents if present, since these parties are all impacted by the
decisions made on site.
In our site visits, we examined many sites at varying stages of completion, and noticed how some of
them dealt with construction's effect on the surroundings, as will be discussed here:
Yorkville Plaza II (YP2) – 21 Yorkville Avenue – Developer: Camrost–Felcorp
This site is located in the heart of Toronto's affluent Yorkville neighbourhood, and will be the home
of a 40–storey condo building. It has a luffing crane on site, so overhead protection had to be
installed for pedestrians on Avenue Road in the form of wooden boards. These wooden boards were
placed on
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Persuasive Essay On The Sidewalks
Linking sidewalks negatively to one of Texas issues is probably not a seroius deal, but in the past
years, sidewalks have become an increasing issue. Surely people would not recognize numerous of
pedestrian accidents in the news considering they only want to watch sports or they just do not care.
Recently, in South Padre Island two citizens were in a hit–and–run accident that caused them to be
transferred to the emergency room. Texas has its perks, but needs to construct sidewalks to keep
Texans secure. The lack of sidewalks attempts to risk pedestrians lives. Not every citizen has a car to
depart to work, school, or attend any appointments daily, so they need to walk cautiously to their
destinations because risking their lives is not a pleasant feeling. In South ... Show more content on ...
According to CBS news at Austin, the installation of sidewalks on a street will cost around $120,000
dollars (Hammons). In order to pay for the cost, Texans must pay another tax. This will cause people
to riot that they already pay too much taxes to pay another. Also, some people will be concerned that
their part of their property will be destroyed or taken away to build the sidewalk (Mouer). Not only
are grownups in danger, but also children. On Austin, Texas, parents and students walk in mid traffic
to attend school. Having no sidewalks, students are at risk of getting injured while crossing the
street. Mike Brode, a parent said that "when you throw cars going both ways with pedestrians, it's
just a recipe for disaster" (Hammons). This shows that even children are at expose to danger. Now,
people are even being beeped, screeched at and threaten on the street for interfering. On Houston,
Texas, a man yelled to a couple in the street, "The streets are not for people! Get off the road!"
(Dorantes). This demonstrates that without sidewalks nobody is safe to walk outside or to their
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Personal Narrative: A Day In Ohio
The sky was still dark as I got out of my car in front of the school building. The winter morning was
silent beyond the crunch of my boots in the snow and the howl of the wind. Immediately after
stepping out from the shelter of my car, I was welcomed by the piercing wind, it was relentless. The
door was about 30 feet away and had I not been scared of tripping I would've run to escape the cold.
I shoved my hands in my coat pockets and began my way to the front door. The air stung my eyes
each time a gust passed, my nose began to run, and although I couldn't see for myself, I'm sure most
of my face had taken on a red color from the biting wind. As often happens in Ohio, the weather had
been up and down in temperature all week and what had been snow melted and re–froze multiple
times, creating a slippery path to the building. Looking down at the ground as I walked I did my best
to miss the icy patches that were steadily being covered by the light dusting of snow as it continued
to fall. Halfway to the door and nearly under the protection of the entryway– which is covered by a
roof– I looked up. But then suddenly instead of seeing the front door, welcoming me with the inside
light which from the cold, dark morning looked like the golden sun in the distance; I ... Show more
content on ...
People have been bruised, and fallen sick after sitting in class shivering from their wet clothes.
There even was the student four years ago, in 2012, who had broken his elbow after he slipped while
stepping from the parkway to the sidewalk. The safety of anyone visiting Smithville High School is
at risk of something which has a solution. Smithville has never made a comment on the issue;
therefore, we do not know their exact reasoning behind not keeping up with salting the ice.
However, we can deduce possible reasons. In brainstorming we've come up with two potential
reasons behind the issue: lack of funds and
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The Death And Life Of Great American Cities
In Jane Jacobs' "The Death and Life of Great American Cities," she pays special attention to
sidewalks and sidewalk safety. As the title says, she spent her time writing about urban cities filled
with strangers. Jacobs, knowing that there are more strangers than acquaintances in the vast cities,
specified three qualities that must be present in a safe space. First, there must be distinct boundary
between public and private space. Second, there must be "eyes on the street." Finally, the sidewalk
must be used continuously to ensure the streets are occupied (Jacobs 35). Although the qualities
Jacobs describes are beneficial, there are many flaws that come with it. Jacobs mentions that a
boundary should exist that clearly divides the public and the private space (35). Before examining
what Jacobs wanted to convey, one must first understand what is public space and what is private
space. In the noisy city, structures such as the streets and parks are open to everyone and, therefore,
is seen as a public space. Rules are set to keep the space safe, however, one must also keep in mind
that the rules are created in a democratic way so that no person takes total control of the area (Miep).
The city also holds sections where people can live. In this case, that section is exclusively private to
the person who owns it. Unlike the public are, a private space has a set of rules that the owner
creates (Miep). With that knowledge reinforced, Jacobs argument of creating clear
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Essay on Jane Jacobs
The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety and Contact
Cities are generators of economic life and source of changes in the world. Thereby, Jane Jacobs in
her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities puts into relief the role of cities on the social
and economic levels, while denouncing the disastrous consequences of urban renewal programs. To
that extent, in chapters 2 and 3, she discusses "The Uses of Sidewalks", arguing that over all people
need safety and trust in their city. Therefore, first she claims the necessity of keeping streets and
sidewalks safe because they are the "vital organs" of cities (29). Secondly, she argues that the
functioning of cities should be organized in order to foster human interaction in which "casual
public ... Show more content on ...
In addition, she extends the idea of eyes upon the street showing that using and watching the street
not only guarantees the safety, but it makes the street more attractive. She argues: "the sight of
people attracts still other people" (37). Here, she points out the fact that people like watching other
people and activities around them. Nobody likes places where there is nothing to see or to do.
Interesting streets are attractive because we see different people, and different activities or
businesses. In short, the more a street is frequented, the more it is secure and interesting and vice–
versa. Safe streets and sidewalks contribute to the economic expansion of the city and the social
fulfillment of people. Then we can conclude that safety is a one of primordial factor to the social and
economic development of the city.
Approaching in the same direction of the importance of safety, Jacobs also discusses the theme of
confidence in the streets, which is trust. She mentions the concept of "sidewalks casual public trust."
First, trust may evolve from human contact and interaction in public. Jacobs explains human
interaction in these words:
Cities are full of people with whom, from your viewpoint, or mine, or any other individual's, a
certain degree of contact is useful or enjoyable; but you do not want them in your hair. And they do
not want you in theirs either. (56) From interaction with fellows in public spaces people are inclined
to trust everyone
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Loper Case Summary
Loper is not applicable to this case because unlike the regulation in Loper, Aston City Code § 06–79
is narrowly tailored to serve Aston's government interest in protecting its citizens and economy
because the ordinance does not prohibit begging in all public places within the City of Aston. The
statute only makes it "unlawful for a person to panhandle . . . on the Downtown Square or the streets
surrounding it . . . or within 1,000 feet of any spot on those streets . . . ." This restricted area is
merely a small section of the City of Aston, as any solicitor may travel outside of the regulated area
and make any verbal solicitations they like. Loper is also inapplicable, because the Aston
panhandling ordinance does not place restrictions on non–verbal solicitations. The ordinance
explicitly makes exceptions for "the act of standing or sitting with a sign or other indication that a
donation is being sought, without any vocal request." As stated previously, Petitioner could hold a
sign that says "Give me money, please" while holding out his hands, and there would be no violation
of the panhandling ordinance as long as he did not couple his act with a verbal request.
In conclusion, the city has effectively narrowed the ordinance to what is necessary to promote its
significant interest in protecting its citizens and visitors, and the local economy from threatening
A. The Aston City Ordinance Leaves Open Ample Alternative Channels Of Communication
Because It Only Applies In The Square Area And Only Applies To Verbal Solicitation. ... Show more
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Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899, 905 (7th Cir. 2000). An adequate alternative channel of
communication does not have to be the speaker's first or best choice. Id. at 906. In addition, the
alternative channel need not necessarily provide the same audience or impact for the speech.
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Descriptive Essay On Eclatant City
Éclatant City Paris, France is truly an incredible city. While it is best known for its tourist
attractions, including the Eiffel Tower, Paris is so much more than this. Despite being relatively cold
all throughout the year, the warmest being in the high sixties, Paris has a population of around
2,241,400. Paris is a very historical city, founded in the 3rd century BC by the Gauls. Some tourist
attractions in Paris include the Louvre museum, Notre Dame, and Disneyland Paris. While Paris is
great, it did need improvements, and the end result was Éclatant City, our new and advanced city.
There are many infrastructures to choose from, but the most important ones that we have placed in
our city are modes of transportation, education, health, and safety. It is important to every citizen,
that they can get to places they want to be to enjoy the beautiful cityscape. It is also crucial that a
city is safe, which we have decided to improve in our city. Many new forms of transportation and
safety improving items will be placed in this city to make it even better than before! Éclatant City is
a place of the future. When remodeling the city, we added many futuristic elements, such as drones.
We used police drones to help keep our citizens safe. These drones fly around, and, if they spot
something out of the ordinary, a message is sent to the local police station, ensuring that the problem
would is taken care of. These drones can also spot fires in the city and alert the fire
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Sidewalks Persuasive Speech
I am writing on behalf of myself and fellow students in the Sunland–Tujunga community. I have
lived in this community for my entire life, and noticed a consistent problem with in our
neighborhoods; the sidewalks. Many streets in the Sunland–Tujunga community have either
seriously damaged sidewalks or no sidewalks at all. I live across the street from a school, and have
noticed the number of students that are forced to walk in the streets as a result of the lack of
sidewalks. Sidewalks are very crucial for the safety and health of out community; therefore, I
believe that we need to fix and add more sidewalks.
In terms of safety terms of safety, most students enjoy skateboarding and riding their bikes around
town and in the neighborhood. Many kids also ride their bikes and walk to school. Over the years I
have noticed a steady decrease ... Show more content on ...
One out of three children is obese in the United States according to the CDC. Exercise is one of the
key elements in reducing obesity, and can not only benefit your body, but your mental state as well.
Because exercise is extremely crucial for losing weight, it would be highly beneficial if we had
more sidewalks. The sidewalks would encourage students to go outside and lose weight. Parents
would also be pleased with the new sidewalks not only because they would make the community
appear more polished, but also because they would feel more comfortable letting their children play
I think that we can agree that more sidewalks for our roads would be very useful for the people of
the Sunland–Tujunga community. So I am asking you, as the president of the Sunland–Tujunga
council and committee chair person of the Safety Committee, to please improve the quality and
quantity and sidewalks in out city.
I hope you consider my request to make Sunland–Tujunga a safer and healthier
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The Open Public Space
A public space is a space where people meet, interact and connect. It is an open space with various
activities happening simultaneously. A public space consists of parks, neighborhoods, streets, nodes,
city centers, squares and plazas where people meet up on daily basis to interact (Public health
regional paper 2010). A public space plays a vital role in a city's growth and development. An open
public space has a visual and physical accessibility for the users. These spaces are usually
strategically located at equidistant from all the areas and easily accessible for the people. Catherine
W. Thompson (2007) said that 'city is place where people need things to occupy themselves'. These
public spaces play a key role in a city's social and cultural identity. Human behavior is affected by
the nature of the public space. The character of the open public space is defined by the user and its
The ... Show more content on ...
They form a mental perception or an image of the area for future referencing through experience
(Yadav 1987). Mental mapping is used to familiarize with the space. Every person has its own
mental map– by discarding useless details, by using elements in space as reference points, if there's
a unique element in space–it suddenly strikes a person and arouses curiosity and if people move
from one place to another it is used as a comparison between their experiences within the two
environments. Because of this mental map they form an image of a place and get comfortable with it
if visited more often. There are various environmental factors which affects the behavior in space–
landscape, noise, climatic conditions and neighborhood. People use space for adjusting their social
interaction with others in terms of privacy, personal space and crowding levels (Yadav 1987). Social
comparison is also one of the driving factors for provoking wide range of behavior in humans in a
space (Robinson
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Sidewalk Mitchell Duneier
Mitchell Duneier, an American sociologist's professor at Princeton University. He graduated in the
University of Chicago, works on the urban ethnography. The author of Sidewalk in 1999, which
won the Los Angeles Times Book Price. Sidewalk takes us to a social cultural environment in New
York City, some folks see the blocks as a threatening, but it's a work day after a day for a several
poor black men and a few ladies. These poor black men make their livelihood on the sidewalks by
selling magazines, jewelry, secondhand good and any kind of books. The film takes place on Sixth
Avenue in Greenwich Village. Duneier spends five years in the sidewalks talking these men about
their live selling books and how to find them. The argument on the sidewalk is the contrary opinion
of variation of ... Show more content on ...
The men who work on the Sixth Avenue in New York City, blocks are not finding a place in the
mainstream economy. The social structures will be the black men are living and working on the
sidewalks by serving their emotional and financial needs. These benefits are a problem to everyone
in society that is having a hard time to survive out there in the real world. The major topic talked
about in the movie was race, class relations social cohesion and economic aspects on the streets. The
structural functional has the beneficial consequences for an operation on society, whose parts work
together to promote stability. On the Sixth Avenue of New York City, you could tell which of the
men worked together just to support each other. A couple of folks would say to these men, "why are
you selling book or do you have a job attend too." Well buying books with money and getting back
your change, that's math right there and they might not be able to write, but some of them can read.
The film shows how books and magazines are received and understood during discussions among
working class folks on the
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New Copenhagen : An Urban Utopia For Those Seeking A Good...
Our city, New Copenhagen, is an urban utopia for those seeking a good time. New Copenhagen is a
culturally diverse hotspot, and we specialize in small businesses and fine art. We've designed our
city to make the most out of our space, with rooftop gardens to grow things on top of buildings. Our
city is rather temperate, and we've paved it over. We import most of our goods, as we're mostly a
tourist city. We separate our zones sometimes, but we also combine them; Our residential areas are
mostly separated from industrial zones, while mostly close to commercial.
Infrastructure–wise, we really try to stay on the cutting edge, we stick to green energy, and clean
means of production. We have cleaner air because of this, and our life ... Show more content on ...
Our public education system is accessible to all, and no teacher's unions are in place, due to other
countries' systems being corrupted. All of our public services believe in quality and quantity, so we
can deliver the most impact to our community and its citizens.
As more and more public spaces pop up, many of those public spaces end up getting abandoned in
the near future, which is a problem for many cities as they take up a lot of unnecessary space and
cost the city a lot of money. So, the best way to deal with these is to renovate them and turn them
into something newer and better for our environment. Out of the three public spaces we solved in
our group, the best one out of all of them was the abandoned "Coaster Kingdom" theme park. This
theme park was a small tourist attraction with 8 rides and an Olympic sized pool. It was a place
where people of all kinds can come with theirere family and enjoy the rides. Unfortunately, the
owners ran into a financial problem and had no other choice but to abandon it. It is now reduced to a
bunch of broken parts and rides just collecting dust as it sits there for years. Another public space we
solved was the sidewalk, where it is an old stone tiled sidewalk with nothing new and innovative
added to it.
Our solution for the Theme Park was to remove all the trash and rubble and using all that space to
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Sidewalk Prophets
Popular Music
There are different kinds of popular music, rock, pop, soul, country, reggae, rap, and dance music.
Those are the kind of music that I only recognized before, until my brother introduce me to
Christian Music. When I started listening to it, I felt enthralled. Until then, it became part of my life.
It fills my car, makes me cry, and sometimes gives me chills the I cannot even explain why.?! One of
the song that I really adore is "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets. Sidewalk Prophets
was form by Dave Frey the lead singer and Ben Mcdonald the guitarist. They are a contemporary
Christian Music bands. The two college student are attending a demo for a University, without
knowing that the campus
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Sidewalk Essay
People often take paths in life that can either help them out or hurt them. Sidewalks are a little rocky
at times while others are smoothed out and ready to be used. Life will determine a future and
whatever choices that are made today will determine the future ahead. People use sidewalks as a
guide to a destination just like life we take life step by step get prepared for the future. The easiest
life still comes with cracks along the way.
Throughout my elementary school years I was worried and stressed out because I had a speech class
that I went to three days a week when I was in kindergarten. Mrs. Mackenzie was an awesome
teacher, she made us feel welcomed there and she cared about her students. Kindergarten through
third grade, ... Show more content on ...
Middle school just seemed like another round at the elementary school. The year that I was dreading
came along, seventh grade. Checking out an AR book was required for a grade and we had to test on
the books we checked out even if we didn't enjoy the book. My english teacher was picky,
everything had to be just how she wanted it but other than her checking over the students work
every five minutes she was good. Science was my favorite class to take and I was so excited to have
that class and Rainie, my sister told me she would be a great teacher. Our class had a couple of class
clowns in it, but who would have thought the students would end up making our teacher cry? Eighth
grade was definitely difficult my science teacher, Mrs Prescott knew what she was doing and boy
that made the class then times harder she was willing to do anything to help me out. She was not
hesitant to call home to a kids parent in front of the class if the next day there was no homework
brought back. Once a month we went on a field trip to E.O Wilson Biophilia and it was always a
blast studying different types of animals and learn about the environment. Middle school wasn't
exactly a walk in the park but it was not too far from it.
Just like any freshman in high school I was very nervous about coming up to the high school but
thankfully my sister and her friends were seniors so they made me
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Sidewalk In My Life

  • 1. Sidewalk In My Life A sidewalk is a safe place for us and children to walk so they are not in the way of cars. Sidewalks are for walking, they have cracks and potholes like people. They have different colors and different textures that make them up just like people in their cultures and situations. Sidewalks guide people on where to go like some people show others where to go.Some sidewalks are smooth, neat, and clean with the grass trimmed just so on the sides but you cannot see what is underneath. Sidewalk always begin somewhere and end somewhere. Through my life I have kept the part of me that people see neat, clean, and smooth, but on the inside i'm shattered. This sidewalk is very smooth nicely put together with the grass cut just so on the sides. Although if you were to examine it a little closer you would see that underneath it is shattered if it had to bear any more weight it just might break under all the pressure, even though no one really pays any attention to what they can't see or hear they don't really seem to care about it but if someone did they would see. Some of the cracks underneath have been repaired or something has been put in them to act as a quick fix but it's not the same as the original bond. How I hold myself is what makes me who I am. I keep every part of me nice neat and put together, at least on the outside. This sidewalk represents me in many aspects of my life. From about the time I was 15 to the time I was 17 my trust has been ultimately shattered.I have dealt ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Sidewalk Day Research Paper Too often we are surrounded by negative thoughts, words and images, the goal of my project is to surround our community with positive messages. We are a community that thrives on positivity, kindness and support of each other. Fill a Sidewalk Day would be our community's day to fill sidewalks with positive messages to lift up all our citizens. Through the use of the colorful chalk, all homes and businesses would fill the sidewalk in front of their location with messages of positivity and encouragement. This annual tradition would take place in late spring or early summer when our sidewalks are clean and dry for a extended period of time. We would not need to worry about cleaning up these inspirational quotes because the rain will wash it away ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis of the Poem Crossings, by Judith Ortiz Cofer The theme of poem "Crossings," by Judith Ortiz Cofer is evaluating and reacting upon the tough decisions that come up in life. The cracks represent the flaws you can find and the inevitable accidents that will occur. "But each day more and more fissures / crisscross your path, and like the lines/ on your palms, they mean something." (6–8) These lines show that each days more incidents and troubles, "the fissures", will come up in your life, the bad things will happen in your life time, "crisscross your path, and like the lines on your palms, they mean something," however, every time you experience a bad accident or disaster, which it seems at the time, you will learn something. It also seems like fate is a big theme in this piece and the human reaction to fate's doings. On lines 8 and 9, "on your palms, they mean something/ you cannot decipher," shows fate's working in manufacturing these cracks. What they incidents mean, or what you can learn from them however, is still a mystery because it is brought on by fate, such as the example of lines on your palms, and how some people believe they are a representation of one's future. The lines "Finally you must choose between / standing still in the one solid spot / you have found, or you keep moving / and take the risk: / Break your mother's back." (10–14) show the choices humans have to make in relation to the events brought on like fate. This poem describes that like in Romeo and Juliet fate isn't just responsible for Romeo and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Stick Sidewalks There were no areas for people to hang out, chat, or even socialize. Sidewalks are similar to a corridor where there needs some refuge in the path. There will be a need for an area of refuge that is adjacent to the sidewalk. By adding benches with planting of area in front of it then could be recognized as a place to be. Also by providing benches and metal canopies will attract individuals. An image where is shows areas of refuge adjacent to side walk 3. Urban Sharing Community base object sharing is a place that people contributing to one thing. There will be places that are designated areas for bike sharing stations around the site so this attracts the most users. Bike sharing stations are going to be located near the education buildings ... Show more content on ... Instead of only having a typical 90–degree sidewalk. This will provide more of different pathways allowing people to take to their destination. This will also help people take short cuts wherever they happen to go. Even if a person is on a leisurely walk the stick sidewalks can provide a miniature adventure fore people to explore the site. Besides having the chance to explore the stick sidewalks will be able provide a variety and allow different bodies of landscapes. The stick sidewalks will vary in size throughout the site. Each size of the pathways will be different task depending on where and what each individual stick is located. The two largest sticks sidewalks will just be secondary pathways that would give another route to walk on. The two smallest sidewalks are not designed as a major walkway for the inhabitants. It was designed in a way for allowing people to explore and view different angles or felt like being alone. For each single stick sidewalk there will be a different type of material or pattern for them. This will give an opportunity for stick sidewalks to disrupt the regular pathways in a visual manner. The stick sidewalks give a chance for more of variety materials that will be at your feet. Reasons for allowing the major sidewalks continue being concrete because of the continuation of the sidewalk surrounding the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Importance Of Public Spaces Have you ever wondered why people are drawn to certain public spaces but not others? What makes those public spaces more attractive to people? Some public spaces are packed full of people while others remain barren and unused. Furthermore, particular soft edges are highly used as public spaces while other soft edges are simply used as entrances to buildings and not utilized as public spaces. On Milwaukee School of Engineering's campus, there are numerous outdoor public spaces and soft edges. Jan Gehl (2011) examines public spaces in her book Life between buildings: Using public space. She inspects different public spaces and soft edges, and determines what makes various public spaces highly used and others vacant and desolate. Soft edges need ample room for walking and wandering, along with sitting areas for people to socialize and communicate with one another. Soft edges are defined as the immediate space surrounding the outside entrance of a building. It can be as simple as extra space off to the side of a sidewalk for entering and exiting a building, to an elaborate space that includes benches and tables for people to socialize and enjoy themselves. Gehl (2011) explains that people need space for "basic activities such as walking, standing, and sitting, as well as seeing, hearing, and talking" (p. 131). Those spaces are often located in soft edges, because people frequently travel throughout soft edges and they do those basic functions while traveling through soft ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Importance Of Public Spaces Cities are full of public spaces, some for walking, some for sitting, and some for standing. These public spaces can be good for just one activity like many sidewalks, or they can be good for all activities like well laid out public parks. Most of the public spaces within a city will be soft edges. Soft edges are the spaces between, in front, and behind buildings. Soft edges may consist of alley ways between buildings, sidewalks in front of buildings, or courtyards behind buildings. Usually the goal of city planning is to create well rounded soft edges because they help the life between buildings. The soft edges at the Werwath Mall between MSOE's science building and library are good for walking, but not so good for either sitting or standing. In her book Life Between Buildings, Jan Gehl (2011) states, "walking is first and foremost a type of transportation, a way to get around, but it also provides an informal and uncomplicated possibility for being present in the public environment" (p. 133). The act of walking is usually done because it is necessary. For a space to be good for walking it has to have plenty of space so that people can get to where they are going. Werwath Mall has the space needed to be good for walking, as it is about 20 yards wide. It has diagonal paths so that people can take the most efficient route to get where they are going. Another thing that makes a place a good walking space is if it is near an entrance of a building. People are not ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Pros And Cons Of Recommendation By MPKB 5.3.2 Recommendation by MPKB Imposed stricter punishment Besides that, other recommendation that could be done to improve the MPKB's effort is to impose stricter punishment to those who not pay the tax such as the assessment tax or not paying permit to sell at the stalls. This is because, MPKB had taken a lot of efforts in order to ensure the implementation of the Safe City Programme to be successful such as by providing the infrastructure, maintenance of the areas, design a physical environment that is safe and informing the people about the programme through the mass media. However, in order to continuously do the effort, MPKB needs to have strong financial resources and this not only come from the Federal Government but also from the state government or the local government itself. Generally, the resources for financial of MPKB comes from the tax. The tax then will be used in order to do the maintenance of the Safe City programme such as the facilities. Nevertheless, most of the public are neglecting their responsibility to pay the tax that had been imposed to them. Some of them ... Show more content on ... As what has been discussed and explained in Chapter Two in the Literature Review and Conceptual Framework, the factor that lead to impact of Safe City Programme implementation by MPKB will depends on the public attitude and the provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure. According to the finding, it showed that the two factors can give the impact of Safe City Programme implementation by MPKB. As the result, these factors are essentially having the stability in affecting the impact of Safe City Programme implementation by MPKB. Moreover, based on the finding, it was identified that the public attitude had become the mostly influence the impact of Safe City Programme implementation by ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Sidewalk End Settings The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was a very well written book. A theme that was common among lots of poems was that all people and species are different and have their own special quirks and their own issues. The settings vary throughout the poems. Some examples of settings in poems include a farm, a home, inside a snake, in a deserted house, etc. The book was inspiring. This was due to how some of the poem's purposes made you want to get up and do something astonishing. The book is also easy to read. This is due to how it has patterns that are formed through rhymes and lyrical verses. The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was a very well written book for all of the reasons below. The book Where the Sidewalk Ends was very inspiring. In the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Gresham Vs Peterson Case Study In Gresham v. Peterson, the City of Indianapolis amended an ordinance regarding solicitation in public places. Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899, 901 (7th Cir. 2000). The ordinance prohibited "any solicitation made in person upon any street, public place or park in the city, in which a person requests an immediate donation of money or other gratuity . . . ." Id. It included seeking donations "by vocal appeal or for . . . street performance . . . and where the person being solicited receives an item of little or no monetary value in exchange for a donation . . . where a reasonable person would understand that the transaction is in substance a donation." Id. However, panhandling did "not include the act of passively standing or sitting nor performing music, singing or other street performance with a sign or ... Show more content on ... Public streets provide not only the transportation, but the vitality, attraction, and interaction in a city. A willingness to walk on and use the streets is essential to businesses, and to the life and economic success of a city. Robert Teir, Maintaining Safety and Civility in Public Spaces: A Constitutional Approach to Aggressive Begging, 54 La. L. Rev. 285, 288 (1993). However, these social catalysts only exist if public spaces are viewed as desirable and attractive. Id. at 289. Unfortunately, when parks or sidewalks are a place of frequent intimidation and intrusion, they become a place not to be sought out, but rather to be avoided. Citizens and visitors begin to think twice about taking their children to the park or square, or taking a walk to the lake, the coffee shop, or the corner store, due to the unwillingness to want to face solicitors because of the frequent intimidation, intrusion, and oftentimes violent and coercive nature of panhandling. Because panhandling threatens the community, as well as personal security, it must be regulated in order to maintain attractive and secure public spaces. Id. at ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Lawrence Halprin Was A Landscape Architect And Land Planner Lawrence Halprin was a landscape architect and land planner whose concept of including the elements of a natural environment in his many projects and the internal design thought process that had him focus on how individuals interact within a public space were the two major aspects that contributed to his success. He designed his spaces to allow the visitors to not just pass though, but to exist in the space, and feel as they have a choice in which way they go. Most of his projects were not an attempt to replicate a natural environment, but rather he drew inspiration for elements of design from nature itself. Halprin had a deep desire to improve the lives of people living in urban cities by giving them a reason to stay or return to the ... Show more content on ... He started his deign career with the landscape architect Thomas Church in San Francisco, shortly after that in 1949 he opened his own design office (TCLF). All of Halprin's designs have their root in nature or natural environments and how he integrates these into his manmade spaces. He spent many hours walking through the mountains, hills, valleys, and coastlines observing the natural elements that make each one of these places unique. The key feature of many of Halprin's projects included the use of water features, he would use these water features to elicit the feeling of being in a natural environment rather than a man made one. In addition to his astute incorporation of natural elements, his other focus was how people interacted in a public space. His wife Anna was a dancer and choreographer and inspired the basis for many of his landscape designs and the human interaction of people in these spaces and how he could essentially choreograph how people moved through the public spaces he designed (Halprin Landscape Conservancy). He coined a new term, "motation", this was the combination of motion and notation, he would use this concept while plotting or choreographing how he wanted to have people move through a particular space that he was in the process of designing (TCLF). In addition to his extensive resume of landscapes he designed over his 60–year career, Halprin also authored 9 books and an award–winning ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis On The Sidewalk Bleeding Essay When you come close to death you think about many things, who would fill your job? Where would your dog go? Most importantly, you would probably think about your family. In this short story, a character named Andy, gets stabbed in the middle of an alley. In the short story, On The Sidewalk Bleeding, the author, Evan Hunter describes how it would feel to be dying alone in a cold, dark alleyway. Andy is walking to the store, when suddenly, he gets stabbed in an alleyway. This happens all because of the jacket he is wearing. Evan Hunter used symbolism in his story, "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" to convey the theme of not judging a book by its cover. Andy's, jacket and the words on the jacket, in the beginning of the story symbolizes violence. In the beginning of the story the narrator said, "He wore a bright purple silk jacket" (1). The only reason Andy got stabbed is because he was wearing the purple jacket. The purple jacket shows that Andy belongs to a gang. In the middle of the story, the boy, who finds Andy in the alley, sees the words on Andy's jacket, and ends up walking away from Andy not helping him. The boy saw THE ROYALS on the jacket then. He turned to the girl and said, "He's a Royal," (5) he said. This shows that the boy was weary of what Andy's jacket said so he walked away from Andy and didn't help him. If the boy would've stayed then Andy might have lived. Towards the middle of the story, Andy realizes that life is worth living and it's not all like he thought. Andy starts to rethink if becoming a royal was worth it, and doesn't want to die in the way that he did. Andy is thinking negative thoughts and losing hope. "He watched people passing. The world didn't know he was alive." (8) People see Andy laying in the ground, but they see his jacket and what it represents, danger. In the story, the cop judges the way Andy died and seen him as a bad person. "The cop put the jacket over his arm. He took out his black pad. He opened it to a blank page. "A Royal," he said." (10) Since this happened it explains how people see others when they judge a book by its cover. People judge a book by ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Descriptive Essay On The Sidewalk My hand reaches for the door handle. The cold metal sends a shiver down my spine. Two steps and my body is out the door. A gust of wind makes my footing unsteady, without thinking I lunge for the building for support. I need this fresh air, the office was suffocating. A walk on the sidewalk is just the break I need. The stoplight turns red. I turn my head left, then right. The coast is clear. My legs scurry across the road. Safe. The familiar sidewalks lead me past the newspaper, the post office, the Sell–It–Again shop, and all the buildings that have lived as long as I have. This is home, where only two stoplights delay our travel. As I walk, the sounds of passing motorists fill the background. The faint sound of construction at the ... Show more content on ... I miss you. The tears stream down my face. I don't try to hide them. I have been pushing this anger and sadness down for so many years, it has ravaged my body. Holding these feelings back from all the important people in my life, has been hard. I feel as though I shouldn 't be this upset, it's not fair to my mom, she lost her dad. The sidewalk ends with train tracks, instead of going back the way I came, I decide to cross the road. Looking left and looking right, I sprint. Being on the opposite side, holds a new perspective. I know it's not your fault that you can't be here, I have asbestos to blame for that. A passing motorist slams on her brakes. The screeching sound jerks me out of my thoughts. The stop light turned red. The vehicles are stopping, but I continue to walk. Realization overwhelms me. A stop light represents tragedy. Red is the incident that causes sadness. When one stoplight is red, others might not, which represents that the world is still turning even though there is tragedy. Yellow represents slowly recovering or looking ahead at what will change. Green means learning to keep going and adapt to the change. Life will have many stoplights, some worse than others. Building after building, car after car, noise after noise, I absorb all of it. The chaos surrounding me is nothing compared to chaos in Kokomo. Returning to the place I started, the sadness I felt earlier is tucked away barely visible. While I was walking along the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Melcher-Dallas Road Safety Essay In Melcher–Dallas, Iowa, children walking to and from school put themselves in danger by walking in the streets instead of the adjacent sidewalks. When the children walk in the streets, they do not walk along the left side or any side in general; they walk spread out in the streets. Before and after school, a number of inexperienced teen drivers drive on the same streets the children walk in, not to mention the number of people who choose to ignore the speed limit signs. Linda Snook, the Melcher–Dallas's school crosswalk guard, notes that "people speed through the school zone with no consideration of the kids. One of these times, a kid is going to end up getting hit." When children endanger themselves because they want to walk in the streets, a major problem is presented. Melcher–Dallas may not be a hot spot for vehicular accidents, but they still happen. Not utilizing the provided sidewalks not only wastes the thousands of dollars that went into building the sidewalks and sidewalk maintenance, but it increases the chances of getting hit by passing vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2016), traffic crashes injured about ... Show more content on ... The city council makes the town decisions and has the most influence and power around the town. After bringing the problem to the city council, a proposal of warnings and fines should be made. A notification should be sent out to all the townspeople to notify them what codes they frequently break. A notification is important because many people may not realize they violate city rules. The notification would inform the townspeople of the dangers presented by not using the sidewalks as they were meant. There should be a note mentioned specifically for anybody with children in their care. As these are the main culprits in violation of the city codes, the note should suggest that the parents talk to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Creative Writing: The Dark Sidewalk As you are walking down the sidewalk in Cleveland you feel something cold hit your left ear. You look over and realize that it was only one of the many snowflakes that have begun falling from the inky blue sky. The cold chill causes you to shudder as you continue on your path down the slushy street. As cars pass, the grey mixture splashes onto your shoes. Surveying the damage the slush has done to your new sneakers, you accidentally wander off the well lit sidewalk and into a dark alleyway. Suddenly aware of your surroundings, you look up to see the long dark corridor in front of you. The cheery sounds of the people on the sidewalk are muffled by the thick brick walls on either side of you. You feel trapped, look around, and spot a glimpse of light at the end of the passageway. ... Show more content on ... The scent of mildew and garbage fills your nostrils as you pass a dumpster that belongs to the local pizza shop. "Crush Crush" goes your shoes; the sound echoes through the corridor. As you pass a damp brown box a furry creature skitters out. Alarmed, you jump back only to realize it was an alleycat. Your pace quickens once you reach the middle of the ally. It is pitch black and you are unaware of what lies ahead and behind you. The only thing guiding you is the tiny glimpse of light that grows larger with every ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Sidewalks-The Pedestrians The manner in understanding the approach of various protocol in determining space lies in a conjecture, the humanist focuses to understand the achievable proximity of every outcome, the definition of street as present in this perspective as per the view of Jacob (1961), 'streets in cities serve many purposes besides carrying vehicles, and city sidewalks– the pedestrian parts of the streets – serve many purposes besides carrying pedestrians. These uses are bound up with circulation but are not identical with it in their own right they are at least as basic as circulation to the proper working of cities'. The author went on defining that, a city sidewalk by itself is nothing. It is an abstraction, it means something only in conjunction with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Public Space : The Importance Of Public Spaces A public space is a space that is generally open and accessible to people. Roads (including the pavement), public squares, and parks are public space. To a limited extent, government buildings which are open to the public, such as public libraries are public spaces, although they tend to have restricted areas and limits on use. The term 'public space' is often misconstrued to mean other things such as "gathering place," which is an element of the larger concept of social space. Gathering places may be public, including streets, town squares, and parks. They may also be privately owned, such as bars, coffee shops, churches and theaters. While Downtown New Castle has public space, it does not have strong gathering places. As noted in the SWOT assessment, the lack of strong gathering places is a concern Downtown. Hogback Pizza and the Black Dog Saloon provide a foundation but, for Downtown to be successful, there must be a reason for people to come Downtown and, when they get there, there must be an exuberant environment – a place where they can meet, mingle, interact and connect. Downtown could benefit from more functional open spaces, plazas and courtyards, that can be used and enjoyed day and night by residents, visitors, and workers nearby. However, it is not simply about providing space. The questions have to be ask "why would people, or any age, be attracted to and want to use the space." These spaces must appear to the observer to be inviting and comfortable. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis The Thoughts of a boy "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" Why is it that when you are in the stages of death, the world seems to become different? It is the same concept as grieving. Somebody who is grieving is known to go through multiple stages that change their perception of the world. For instance, a woman who is grieving might distance herself from the instance and attempt to continue her life. Although the man whom she was grieving for may have thought that he did not want her to think of him in this way it is impossible to be definite with this answer, as science cannot explain the heart. While exploring the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter, it was found that Andy, the main protagonist is going through his coming of age moment. This moment begins when he is stabbed and left on a sidewalk. He begins to go through three peak moments that transform him from a child to adult ignorance, idealism, and selfishness all turn into knowledge, realism and selflessness. Andy, whilst on his deathbed turns from adolescence to adulthood. He learns that the world he lives in was all about gangs and doing what Andy would please to be a selfless and knowledgeable man. Ignorance and knowledge, one blissful, the other a curse. Opposites and equals. When on a sidewalk bleeding it is interesting to think this could be the moment when someone realizes that by making these choices, led them to their death. The ignorance of a young man can never be surpassed, but can always prove detrimental. Andy is an ignorant boy as most boys are. The Protagonist believes the cut he receives is going to be fine and he decides to lay there and wait, he waits and waits and waits. Nobody comes to help him, the closest he gets to help is Freddie, who leaves him and helps his girlfriend get home. Freddie fears The Guardians finding out who helped the Royals. While he is lying there, all he can think is, "That was a fierce rumble, they got me good that time." (Hunter, 1). Andy believes that help is coming, whether that be because he is a royal, or because this was not severe, Andy is going to die and nobody will want to help him except for his girlfriend Laura who only finds him too late. As if it is as soon as he sees Freddie and his ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Horseheads Sidewalk HORSEHEADS (WENY) – If you've noticed your sidewalk is filling up with cracks to the point that it's becoming dangerous, or just plain unattractive to look at, you might want to consider getting a new one. The Village of Horseheads has set up a program from homeowners to fix their sidewalks at a low cost. It's called the Horseheads Sidewalk Program. "People want to walk the sidewalks without tripping on busted sidewalks. So we've given them a very inexpensive way to repair this," explains Village of Horseheads Mayor, Don Zeigler. Before, when residents wanted to put in a new sidewalk, the Village would pay half of whatever it costs to dig out the old sidewalk and lay down a new one. Now, the Village does the heavy work by taking out ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Apolis Research Paper Our city, Apolis, is located in Finland, a country in Europe. Apolis has an estimate of about 500,000 people and counting. In the year 2120, we had a civil war in our city amongst our people. It was a four–year war and it took us over ten years to rebuild and remodel. Apolis is looking better than it ever has in the past. The hottest month is July and it only gets in the low sixties and the coldest month is February and gets in the low twenties in Fahrenheit. August is the wettest season with 3.5 inches of rain. Infrastructure in Apolis is very civilized and organized. The selection of apartments in our city can be 30 –50 stories high. Most of our apartments are located near schools and grocery stores for the convenience of travel. Our housing ... Show more content on ... Often times there is a lack of seating, so we brought outside sitting to our city. Careful not to overcrowd the area or have a poor amount of seating. Another problem we have dealt with in our city is the shortfallings of gathering areas. People would complain that there were not enough places that they wanted or needed. After taking these complaints into mind we have added playgrounds, vending carts, bus stops, outdoor seating, and eye pleasing shops that serve food. We took away features that served no real purpose other than to take up space, and not allowing vehicles to take over the public spaces by adding crosswalks, sidewalks, and reasonably sized roads. Our city took the blank or boring parts of public spaces and designed and managed our precious spaces. Transit, bus, or train spots have all been located in areas that are convenient and where people want to use them. These are all improvement that our city, Apolis, made to our local public spaces. One thing we repaired in Apolis was the sidewalks. We improved the sidewalks so people can get places safer, faster and easier. Existing sidewalks were grounded up and then we recycled them and created better sidewalks. We turned an old abandoned theme park into a new theme park that people now enjoy visiting. We not only did we fix these problems, we also fixed multiple other problems to make our city a better place for tourist and our ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Sidewalk: A Short Story Everybody was born innocent. Until Society corrupted them. You can't do bad if you don't know what bad is. Once we start knowing right from wrong we tend to do mostly wrong. Life can be viewed as a Sidewalk. Sidewalks are made from concrete. When poured and hardened it can be in the form of something new. As time passes on the planet earth the concrete will be eroded by weather and put back into the soil of the earth. I choose sidewalk number four. That sidewalk was put down in rows of bricks. It has green grass growing around it and between the bricks. My sidewalk was put down as pure concrete. It was nothing but concrete until the grass started to sprout between the cracks in the sidewalk. I feel like the picture relates to me because the Grass can be ... Show more content on ... After a few decades go by you won't even notice there were a sidewalk there. As a human it takes more than our first contact with the ground to start changing. But not long after that. I was innocent until I stopped sitting in my mother's lap and started sitting in front of the tv. That was the day I was introduced to society. Most kids grew up watching cartoons and educational shows but I had an older brother. When he had the tv we watched crime shows, hunting shows, and just stuff a child don't need to watch! When I finally got the control over the tv I watched cartoons, crime shows, and hunting shows. After watching it over and over again I started adapting to the world. As a 3 year old I could do stuff most toddlers didn't know how to do all from watching tv. I knew I wasn't allowed to cuss so i'd go out behind the house to the garbage can and say a few light cuss words then put my hands over my mouth but nobody was around to hear me. I didn't go to head start or pre–K. I learned stuff in those two years outside of school most adults don't know now. I remember back in the day before school me and mama would have a peanut swallowing ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. On The Sidewalk Bleeding Symbolism In the story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Evan Hunter, the theme of titles are not as important as they seem is conveyed by literary elements of flashback and symbolism. Flashback is one literary element that plays a considerable role in the making of "On the Sidewalk Bleeding". While Andy was on the pavement with his life slowly seeping out of him, he awakened the old feeling of great bliss from a new title, a new jacket. "He could remember when the Royals had taken him"(Hunter 6). This is a fantastic example of a flashback, Andy pondered the feeling of apotheosis, but to his disadvantage, the contentment would not last. In the end, that title will always lead to grief and melancholy. Then continued to think about his life even more. Andy ... Show more content on ... Some things Andy thought was important, like the jacket, was not as important morally, but for the story, it symbolically means something other that just a jacket. " ...the jacket read the Royals" (Hunter 1). The jacket was used to mean importance or dignity in Andy's life, but after some shocking realization and dying, he found the real symbol, the real name of the jacket. Death. More key symbols were scattered throughout the story, what they represent is obvious and it connects to the theme of titles not being as important as they seem to be. When he left the dance, a knife was plunged into his purple Royal jacket, and under that jacket, there was a kid named Andy who bled out on a sidewalk thanks to the knife. "...the knife..."(Hunter 7). The knife was portrayed as anger and ignorance; there was anger in the knife, and that anger hated the jacket that Andy was wearing. Ignorance of the person underneath the detested jacket led to an unneeded murder. Without that anger, without the stabbing, Andy would have gone through his life thinking that his jacket was who he was. The jacket was shredded by a knife brimming with anger and the jacket suddenly lost all of its value, and yet Andy still had more to figure out in his life before his last breath. The whole reason Andy left the dance was his need for some more cigarettes. The cigarettes played the whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Sidewalks: A Narrative Fiction I'm pretty sure that the needle was used. Sophie was laughing and slurring something, her body pressed up against a storm drain. I pushed at her. My arm was numb. "What's this?" She grinned. A new tooth was missing, right up in the front. "Same as me." I stood. My legs were wobbly. "And look at you." "I can take it!" She grabbed at my ankle. "Sit down with me." "Not right now. I want a soda." Sophie let me go. "You got a dollar?" I felt my pocket. There was a lump. "Yeah." Sophie threw her head back and shut her eyes. "Hurry up." It was dark and the streetlamp was out. Sidewalks were cracked and alleys were littered with the usual. I took a few unsure steps. Whatever Sophie had given me wasn't what she usually had. The ... Show more content on ... "I can't see. Are you my Mother?" "Yes." It reached for me. "Come with me, child." It was a woman now, her voice like syrup and honey and her touch like warmth after frost. "See your life." I was in a white gown in a field, playing with another child. My hair was wild and my feet were bare and stained with earth. "What is this?" Mother ran a finger down my nose. "It is what you wanted." "This is not my life." She tilted her head and covered me with her sleeve. I closed my eyes. I was older, in blue jeans. A woman lay beside me on a mattress on the floor. I looked up. The figure wore a red mask that bore a twisted grimace. Now it was a man. The woman beside me, below me, touched my hair. "I can't believe this." I watched as I rolled over, away from her. "I can't believe you. You're leaving me?" "Not forever." The woman beside me had thick curly hair. "I'll still be with you." "But I won't be with you." The woman smiled. "Of course you will. This isn't goodbye." It blew away like a wisp of smoke. It reached up and lifted the mask. Its face was shrouded in the shadow of its cloak. "That is your life." "No!" I knew that the woman beside me hadn't returned. "That is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Death And Life Of Great American Cities And E.b The silence is deafening. Other than the occasional screech of a cat fighting with a raccoon, there is no sign of human life. The nighttime is no time for neighborhood adventures, there is no one to save you from the dangers that lurk around every corner. Here, there are never any witnesses to avenge the victims of horrific crimes. A couple of weeks ago there was string of arson attacks; I watched the flames rise from the house across the way. I observed all the residents on the block as they stood outside asking each other, "Did anyone see anything?" After several weeks of investigation the answer always seemed to be no. Jane Jacobs' The Death and Life of Great American Cities and E.B. White's Here is New York are writings that both ... Show more content on ... A general trust between neighbors and help from storekeepers allows for the protection of residents of the neighborhood and the continuous flow of strangers. Jacobs illustrates this point when she writes about an incident in her old neighborhood. One day an incident attracted her attention, she watched from second–floor window as, what looked like, a struggle between a man and little girl. It seemed as though the man was trying to convince the young girl to go with him. Just as Jacobs was thinking of how to intervene she saw that it might not be necessary. "From the butcher shop beneath the tenement had emerged the woman who, with her husband, runs the shop; she was standing within earshot of the man, her arms folded..." (39). Once the storeowner stepped out this started a chain reaction of storeowners and residents standing outside watching making sure the girl was safe. This sidewalk was public and allowed people to witness what potentially could have been a kidnapping. Applying Jacobs' theory to my neighborhood would significantly increase the safety. Jacobs' example of her neighborhood looking out for a young girl is used to illustrate how proper use of private and public is beneficial for the people of the city. Unlike Jacobs, there are few places in my neighborhood that can offer that type of defense that was shown on her street. The streets of Midwood, Brooklyn are in abundance of dead ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Learning Responsibility On City Sidewalks By Jane Jacobs Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks In the essay " Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks", the author Jane Jacobs shows us that it is important to let children interact with city sidewalks because they can learn lots of things there. On the other hand, the author also argues that it is necessary to select appropriate public areas because not all the public areas can give children advantage lessons. Based on author's observations, some parents will allow their children play in parks so they are convenient to take care of children and save money for hiring daycare. However, it is not useful for children to learn in this environment. For example, children will not learn independent under parent's supervision. Combing all the factors, ... Show more content on ... According to the essay " Nature Through the Looking Glass", the author believes that people should be part of nature, but most of the time people do not have real touch activity of nature. Under the strong competition society, it is not easy for a normal worker to go outside and interact with the nature. Those green plants on two sides of the city sidewalk is one of the chances for people to get touch to nature. More importantly, walking in the city sidewalks is easier than having a travel, which can satisfy most of the city people's working requirement . Also, nature world will bring quiet life for people I always ask myself, if I can live without business area, after reading the essay " The Forged City". And I get a response, which is people need to get out of business activities and come back to nature even a short time in each day. Without interest relationship, people's life will become simple and pure. Shopping malls cannot replace traditional city centers because people have large limitations in business malls. In contrast, people can observe different levels people in the society with equality ideas in traditional city centers. City sidewalks can fit for this requirement and provide a comfortable area for all of us. When children go ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Sidewalk, By Mitchell Duneier Think back to the last time you walked through a busy street. After making it through the crowd, you may have noticed that there was a crowd of people surrounding something, which turned out to be a street vendor and their wares. You may have viewed it as a nuisance which benefited your life in no shape or form, but have you ever taken into consideration the vendor and their life? In Mitchell Duneier 's ethnographic novel Sidewalk, he researches the lives of these very street vendors. Duneier spent years involved in the street vendor lifestyle so he could collect his data for his work. His results show that vendors are necessary to the city life and sometimes choose that lifestyle, rather than the other way around. This is introduced to the reader through the various people he met during his research. In spite of Duneier standing out in this lifestyle as a white male, he allows the vendors, which are primarily black males, to tell their stories from their own perspectives. When Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier was released, he was an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the University of California at Santa Barbara. To observe the lives of those who lived and/or worked on the sidewalk, Duneier used a variety of research methods to compile the information necessary for him to answer the questions behind life on the sidewalk of Greenwich Village, New York City. Over the course of five years which he ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Analysis Of New Zealand Shared Space Design Essay Introduction In New Zealand shared spaces are a relatively new concept in relation to the United Kingdom, and Netherlands. Therefore, case studies from the UK will provide strong insight in providing guidance on speed reduction principles of shared spaces. The principles discovered throughout these case studies will assist in developing an assessment criteria that is reliable and effective. New Road, Brighton, London New Roads shared space design has had an impressive design impact. Traffic volumes have reduced by 93%, and vehicle speeds remain below 20km/hr. The road has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches, restaurant, and café and bar seating, vegetation and pedestrian dominated, with a carriageway width of 3.0 metres. New Road, Brighton use different types of surfaces within the space with many pedestrians citing the different surfaces as the key factor as the reason for taking ownership of the whole street with vehicles and cyclists feel the different surfaces make them feel as pedestrians have priority therefore, they travel with more care. Ashford Ring Road Ashford Ring Road shared space design has improved safety significantly. Vehicle speeds remain around 32km/hr. This road also has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches, signage, vegetation and pedestrian dominated. The road uses physical features to visually narrow the road to reduce vehicle speeds with one way traffic carriageways 3.0 metres wide ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Stop Traffic On Galbraith Road And Preventing Tour Buses... Construction can have a large impact on its surroundings, including local residents, pedestrians and vehicular traffic depending on the site's location. For example, many of the sites visited in Toronto affected traffic as they had frequent deliveries and had to stop traffic to allow this. This includes the Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Toronto where frequent trucks enter and exit to remove excavated soil (***Special Lecture***), stopping traffic on Galbraith Road and preventing tour buses from enterring. On the other hand, outside the city, construction has far less of an impact as there are often multiple lanes for traffic, and little or no pedestrian traffic. When building in Toronto then, it is important to minimize construction's effect on pedestrians, vehicle traffic, and local residents if present, since these parties are all impacted by the decisions made on site. In our site visits, we examined many sites at varying stages of completion, and noticed how some of them dealt with construction's effect on the surroundings, as will be discussed here: Yorkville Plaza II (YP2) – 21 Yorkville Avenue – Developer: Camrost–Felcorp This site is located in the heart of Toronto's affluent Yorkville neighbourhood, and will be the home of a 40–storey condo building. It has a luffing crane on site, so overhead protection had to be installed for pedestrians on Avenue Road in the form of wooden boards. These wooden boards were placed on ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Persuasive Essay On The Sidewalks Linking sidewalks negatively to one of Texas issues is probably not a seroius deal, but in the past years, sidewalks have become an increasing issue. Surely people would not recognize numerous of pedestrian accidents in the news considering they only want to watch sports or they just do not care. Recently, in South Padre Island two citizens were in a hit–and–run accident that caused them to be transferred to the emergency room. Texas has its perks, but needs to construct sidewalks to keep Texans secure. The lack of sidewalks attempts to risk pedestrians lives. Not every citizen has a car to depart to work, school, or attend any appointments daily, so they need to walk cautiously to their destinations because risking their lives is not a pleasant feeling. In South ... Show more content on ... According to CBS news at Austin, the installation of sidewalks on a street will cost around $120,000 dollars (Hammons). In order to pay for the cost, Texans must pay another tax. This will cause people to riot that they already pay too much taxes to pay another. Also, some people will be concerned that their part of their property will be destroyed or taken away to build the sidewalk (Mouer). Not only are grownups in danger, but also children. On Austin, Texas, parents and students walk in mid traffic to attend school. Having no sidewalks, students are at risk of getting injured while crossing the street. Mike Brode, a parent said that "when you throw cars going both ways with pedestrians, it's just a recipe for disaster" (Hammons). This shows that even children are at expose to danger. Now, people are even being beeped, screeched at and threaten on the street for interfering. On Houston, Texas, a man yelled to a couple in the street, "The streets are not for people! Get off the road!" (Dorantes). This demonstrates that without sidewalks nobody is safe to walk outside or to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Personal Narrative: A Day In Ohio The sky was still dark as I got out of my car in front of the school building. The winter morning was silent beyond the crunch of my boots in the snow and the howl of the wind. Immediately after stepping out from the shelter of my car, I was welcomed by the piercing wind, it was relentless. The door was about 30 feet away and had I not been scared of tripping I would've run to escape the cold. I shoved my hands in my coat pockets and began my way to the front door. The air stung my eyes each time a gust passed, my nose began to run, and although I couldn't see for myself, I'm sure most of my face had taken on a red color from the biting wind. As often happens in Ohio, the weather had been up and down in temperature all week and what had been snow melted and re–froze multiple times, creating a slippery path to the building. Looking down at the ground as I walked I did my best to miss the icy patches that were steadily being covered by the light dusting of snow as it continued to fall. Halfway to the door and nearly under the protection of the entryway– which is covered by a roof– I looked up. But then suddenly instead of seeing the front door, welcoming me with the inside light which from the cold, dark morning looked like the golden sun in the distance; I ... Show more content on ... People have been bruised, and fallen sick after sitting in class shivering from their wet clothes. There even was the student four years ago, in 2012, who had broken his elbow after he slipped while stepping from the parkway to the sidewalk. The safety of anyone visiting Smithville High School is at risk of something which has a solution. Smithville has never made a comment on the issue; therefore, we do not know their exact reasoning behind not keeping up with salting the ice. However, we can deduce possible reasons. In brainstorming we've come up with two potential reasons behind the issue: lack of funds and ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Death And Life Of Great American Cities In Jane Jacobs' "The Death and Life of Great American Cities," she pays special attention to sidewalks and sidewalk safety. As the title says, she spent her time writing about urban cities filled with strangers. Jacobs, knowing that there are more strangers than acquaintances in the vast cities, specified three qualities that must be present in a safe space. First, there must be distinct boundary between public and private space. Second, there must be "eyes on the street." Finally, the sidewalk must be used continuously to ensure the streets are occupied (Jacobs 35). Although the qualities Jacobs describes are beneficial, there are many flaws that come with it. Jacobs mentions that a boundary should exist that clearly divides the public and the private space (35). Before examining what Jacobs wanted to convey, one must first understand what is public space and what is private space. In the noisy city, structures such as the streets and parks are open to everyone and, therefore, is seen as a public space. Rules are set to keep the space safe, however, one must also keep in mind that the rules are created in a democratic way so that no person takes total control of the area (Miep). The city also holds sections where people can live. In this case, that section is exclusively private to the person who owns it. Unlike the public are, a private space has a set of rules that the owner creates (Miep). With that knowledge reinforced, Jacobs argument of creating clear ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Essay on Jane Jacobs The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety and Contact Cities are generators of economic life and source of changes in the world. Thereby, Jane Jacobs in her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities puts into relief the role of cities on the social and economic levels, while denouncing the disastrous consequences of urban renewal programs. To that extent, in chapters 2 and 3, she discusses "The Uses of Sidewalks", arguing that over all people need safety and trust in their city. Therefore, first she claims the necessity of keeping streets and sidewalks safe because they are the "vital organs" of cities (29). Secondly, she argues that the functioning of cities should be organized in order to foster human interaction in which "casual public ... Show more content on ... In addition, she extends the idea of eyes upon the street showing that using and watching the street not only guarantees the safety, but it makes the street more attractive. She argues: "the sight of people attracts still other people" (37). Here, she points out the fact that people like watching other people and activities around them. Nobody likes places where there is nothing to see or to do. Interesting streets are attractive because we see different people, and different activities or businesses. In short, the more a street is frequented, the more it is secure and interesting and vice– versa. Safe streets and sidewalks contribute to the economic expansion of the city and the social fulfillment of people. Then we can conclude that safety is a one of primordial factor to the social and economic development of the city. Approaching in the same direction of the importance of safety, Jacobs also discusses the theme of confidence in the streets, which is trust. She mentions the concept of "sidewalks casual public trust." First, trust may evolve from human contact and interaction in public. Jacobs explains human interaction in these words: Cities are full of people with whom, from your viewpoint, or mine, or any other individual's, a certain degree of contact is useful or enjoyable; but you do not want them in your hair. And they do not want you in theirs either. (56) From interaction with fellows in public spaces people are inclined to trust everyone ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Loper Case Summary Loper is not applicable to this case because unlike the regulation in Loper, Aston City Code § 06–79 is narrowly tailored to serve Aston's government interest in protecting its citizens and economy because the ordinance does not prohibit begging in all public places within the City of Aston. The statute only makes it "unlawful for a person to panhandle . . . on the Downtown Square or the streets surrounding it . . . or within 1,000 feet of any spot on those streets . . . ." This restricted area is merely a small section of the City of Aston, as any solicitor may travel outside of the regulated area and make any verbal solicitations they like. Loper is also inapplicable, because the Aston panhandling ordinance does not place restrictions on non–verbal solicitations. The ordinance explicitly makes exceptions for "the act of standing or sitting with a sign or other indication that a donation is being sought, without any vocal request." As stated previously, Petitioner could hold a sign that says "Give me money, please" while holding out his hands, and there would be no violation of the panhandling ordinance as long as he did not couple his act with a verbal request. In conclusion, the city has effectively narrowed the ordinance to what is necessary to promote its significant interest in protecting its citizens and visitors, and the local economy from threatening solicitations. A. The Aston City Ordinance Leaves Open Ample Alternative Channels Of Communication Because It Only Applies In The Square Area And Only Applies To Verbal Solicitation. ... Show more content on ... Gresham v. Peterson, 225 F.3d 899, 905 (7th Cir. 2000). An adequate alternative channel of communication does not have to be the speaker's first or best choice. Id. at 906. In addition, the alternative channel need not necessarily provide the same audience or impact for the speech. ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Descriptive Essay On Eclatant City Éclatant City Paris, France is truly an incredible city. While it is best known for its tourist attractions, including the Eiffel Tower, Paris is so much more than this. Despite being relatively cold all throughout the year, the warmest being in the high sixties, Paris has a population of around 2,241,400. Paris is a very historical city, founded in the 3rd century BC by the Gauls. Some tourist attractions in Paris include the Louvre museum, Notre Dame, and Disneyland Paris. While Paris is great, it did need improvements, and the end result was Éclatant City, our new and advanced city. There are many infrastructures to choose from, but the most important ones that we have placed in our city are modes of transportation, education, health, and safety. It is important to every citizen, that they can get to places they want to be to enjoy the beautiful cityscape. It is also crucial that a city is safe, which we have decided to improve in our city. Many new forms of transportation and safety improving items will be placed in this city to make it even better than before! Éclatant City is a place of the future. When remodeling the city, we added many futuristic elements, such as drones. We used police drones to help keep our citizens safe. These drones fly around, and, if they spot something out of the ordinary, a message is sent to the local police station, ensuring that the problem would is taken care of. These drones can also spot fires in the city and alert the fire ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Sidewalks Persuasive Speech I am writing on behalf of myself and fellow students in the Sunland–Tujunga community. I have lived in this community for my entire life, and noticed a consistent problem with in our neighborhoods; the sidewalks. Many streets in the Sunland–Tujunga community have either seriously damaged sidewalks or no sidewalks at all. I live across the street from a school, and have noticed the number of students that are forced to walk in the streets as a result of the lack of sidewalks. Sidewalks are very crucial for the safety and health of out community; therefore, I believe that we need to fix and add more sidewalks. In terms of safety terms of safety, most students enjoy skateboarding and riding their bikes around town and in the neighborhood. Many kids also ride their bikes and walk to school. Over the years I have noticed a steady decrease ... Show more content on ... One out of three children is obese in the United States according to the CDC. Exercise is one of the key elements in reducing obesity, and can not only benefit your body, but your mental state as well. Because exercise is extremely crucial for losing weight, it would be highly beneficial if we had more sidewalks. The sidewalks would encourage students to go outside and lose weight. Parents would also be pleased with the new sidewalks not only because they would make the community appear more polished, but also because they would feel more comfortable letting their children play outside. I think that we can agree that more sidewalks for our roads would be very useful for the people of the Sunland–Tujunga community. So I am asking you, as the president of the Sunland–Tujunga council and committee chair person of the Safety Committee, to please improve the quality and quantity and sidewalks in out city. I hope you consider my request to make Sunland–Tujunga a safer and healthier ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Open Public Space A public space is a space where people meet, interact and connect. It is an open space with various activities happening simultaneously. A public space consists of parks, neighborhoods, streets, nodes, city centers, squares and plazas where people meet up on daily basis to interact (Public health regional paper 2010). A public space plays a vital role in a city's growth and development. An open public space has a visual and physical accessibility for the users. These spaces are usually strategically located at equidistant from all the areas and easily accessible for the people. Catherine W. Thompson (2007) said that 'city is place where people need things to occupy themselves'. These public spaces play a key role in a city's social and cultural identity. Human behavior is affected by the nature of the public space. The character of the open public space is defined by the user and its behavior. The ... Show more content on ... They form a mental perception or an image of the area for future referencing through experience (Yadav 1987). Mental mapping is used to familiarize with the space. Every person has its own mental map– by discarding useless details, by using elements in space as reference points, if there's a unique element in space–it suddenly strikes a person and arouses curiosity and if people move from one place to another it is used as a comparison between their experiences within the two environments. Because of this mental map they form an image of a place and get comfortable with it if visited more often. There are various environmental factors which affects the behavior in space– landscape, noise, climatic conditions and neighborhood. People use space for adjusting their social interaction with others in terms of privacy, personal space and crowding levels (Yadav 1987). Social comparison is also one of the driving factors for provoking wide range of behavior in humans in a space (Robinson ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Sidewalk Mitchell Duneier Mitchell Duneier, an American sociologist's professor at Princeton University. He graduated in the University of Chicago, works on the urban ethnography. The author of Sidewalk in 1999, which won the Los Angeles Times Book Price. Sidewalk takes us to a social cultural environment in New York City, some folks see the blocks as a threatening, but it's a work day after a day for a several poor black men and a few ladies. These poor black men make their livelihood on the sidewalks by selling magazines, jewelry, secondhand good and any kind of books. The film takes place on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village. Duneier spends five years in the sidewalks talking these men about their live selling books and how to find them. The argument on the sidewalk is the contrary opinion of variation of ... Show more content on ... The men who work on the Sixth Avenue in New York City, blocks are not finding a place in the mainstream economy. The social structures will be the black men are living and working on the sidewalks by serving their emotional and financial needs. These benefits are a problem to everyone in society that is having a hard time to survive out there in the real world. The major topic talked about in the movie was race, class relations social cohesion and economic aspects on the streets. The structural functional has the beneficial consequences for an operation on society, whose parts work together to promote stability. On the Sixth Avenue of New York City, you could tell which of the men worked together just to support each other. A couple of folks would say to these men, "why are you selling book or do you have a job attend too." Well buying books with money and getting back your change, that's math right there and they might not be able to write, but some of them can read. The film shows how books and magazines are received and understood during discussions among working class folks on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. New Copenhagen : An Urban Utopia For Those Seeking A Good... Our city, New Copenhagen, is an urban utopia for those seeking a good time. New Copenhagen is a culturally diverse hotspot, and we specialize in small businesses and fine art. We've designed our city to make the most out of our space, with rooftop gardens to grow things on top of buildings. Our city is rather temperate, and we've paved it over. We import most of our goods, as we're mostly a tourist city. We separate our zones sometimes, but we also combine them; Our residential areas are mostly separated from industrial zones, while mostly close to commercial. Infrastructure–wise, we really try to stay on the cutting edge, we stick to green energy, and clean means of production. We have cleaner air because of this, and our life ... Show more content on ... Our public education system is accessible to all, and no teacher's unions are in place, due to other countries' systems being corrupted. All of our public services believe in quality and quantity, so we can deliver the most impact to our community and its citizens. As more and more public spaces pop up, many of those public spaces end up getting abandoned in the near future, which is a problem for many cities as they take up a lot of unnecessary space and cost the city a lot of money. So, the best way to deal with these is to renovate them and turn them into something newer and better for our environment. Out of the three public spaces we solved in our group, the best one out of all of them was the abandoned "Coaster Kingdom" theme park. This theme park was a small tourist attraction with 8 rides and an Olympic sized pool. It was a place where people of all kinds can come with theirere family and enjoy the rides. Unfortunately, the owners ran into a financial problem and had no other choice but to abandon it. It is now reduced to a bunch of broken parts and rides just collecting dust as it sits there for years. Another public space we solved was the sidewalk, where it is an old stone tiled sidewalk with nothing new and innovative added to it. Our solution for the Theme Park was to remove all the trash and rubble and using all that space to ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Sidewalk Prophets Popular Music There are different kinds of popular music, rock, pop, soul, country, reggae, rap, and dance music. Those are the kind of music that I only recognized before, until my brother introduce me to Christian Music. When I started listening to it, I felt enthralled. Until then, it became part of my life. It fills my car, makes me cry, and sometimes gives me chills the I cannot even explain why.?! One of the song that I really adore is "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets. Sidewalk Prophets was form by Dave Frey the lead singer and Ben Mcdonald the guitarist. They are a contemporary Christian Music bands. The two college student are attending a demo for a University, without knowing that the campus ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Sidewalk Essay People often take paths in life that can either help them out or hurt them. Sidewalks are a little rocky at times while others are smoothed out and ready to be used. Life will determine a future and whatever choices that are made today will determine the future ahead. People use sidewalks as a guide to a destination just like life we take life step by step get prepared for the future. The easiest life still comes with cracks along the way. Throughout my elementary school years I was worried and stressed out because I had a speech class that I went to three days a week when I was in kindergarten. Mrs. Mackenzie was an awesome teacher, she made us feel welcomed there and she cared about her students. Kindergarten through third grade, ... Show more content on ... Middle school just seemed like another round at the elementary school. The year that I was dreading came along, seventh grade. Checking out an AR book was required for a grade and we had to test on the books we checked out even if we didn't enjoy the book. My english teacher was picky, everything had to be just how she wanted it but other than her checking over the students work every five minutes she was good. Science was my favorite class to take and I was so excited to have that class and Rainie, my sister told me she would be a great teacher. Our class had a couple of class clowns in it, but who would have thought the students would end up making our teacher cry? Eighth grade was definitely difficult my science teacher, Mrs Prescott knew what she was doing and boy that made the class then times harder she was willing to do anything to help me out. She was not hesitant to call home to a kids parent in front of the class if the next day there was no homework brought back. Once a month we went on a field trip to E.O Wilson Biophilia and it was always a blast studying different types of animals and learn about the environment. Middle school wasn't exactly a walk in the park but it was not too far from it. Just like any freshman in high school I was very nervous about coming up to the high school but thankfully my sister and her friends were seniors so they made me ... Get more on ...