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                                                        Vol.9 No.1, 2011

Equipments  Building  20 Tips             Technologies  Personal  Train
have Ears  First Time  to Best            that          Flying: A  your 
            Robust     of FEA             transform     Reality Brain
            Products                      our lives 
CONTENTS                                  Volume 9. No.1, 2011

Going Green: New Perspectives & Prospect of Green Engineering                                               1
              Green Engineers try to lower the emissions of their products, develop devices
              that consume less energy, creates viable renewable energy technologies and
              better understands the global ecosystem

Interfering with Interference...!"DIDO” – A solution to the wireless problems                                          8
                               Data from a single satellite narrow position down to a large area of the earth's
                               surface a second satellite narrows position down to the region where two
                               spheres overlap and the third provides relatively accurate position

COTS in Space: An Up Coming Trend.                                                                     12
                Converting a COTS product into a viable space product is not an easy
                task but certainly not an impossible one either. Let's take a look on
                how it can be done.

Non Linearity Simplified.                                                                               16
                                Non Linear FEA consumes lot of computing resources, adds to the cost of the product
                                and to time of realization. But if neglected and the applications demands the design
                                decisions made on the bases of Linear FEM could be catastrophic.

Equipments have “EARS”!!!                                                     21
               Micro vibrations based systems are widely used in health management. The
               breakthrough technology called Micro Vibration Therapy cures swiftly and safely
               without drugs and their side effect.

Building First Time Robust Products: A practical Viability!                                                 24
20 Tips to extract best of FEA                                                                              25

Trends and Advances in Engineering                                                                          27
* Personal Flying Jet Pack Machine * Technologies that Transform our lives: * The Healing Power of Light:        *
Nanogenerator Powers Up: * Tomorrow's Transistor, Built Atom by Atom

Train your Brain: Puzzles & Solutions. News & Views: * Cool Webs: * How to drill polygonal holes?: *
Does F really equal ma?: * A Few Facts about our planet: * Life is Echo!!!!. SSME news: Journal: Memoir: Honorary
Members: Website: New Members.

On the Lighter Side: *Poetry: *Jokes: * Proverbs at Work: *Engineering Clocks: *Laughtoons: *Neck Exercise: *
                                                "Transformation" is the Key
                         Scientists & Engineers to make impact on Global Green Economy
                        A.R.Srinivas, Chairman, JME & Vision, SSME

The World Economic Forum was recently concluded in Davos. The theme of the year was "transformation". Global leaders
from government, business and civil society felt reshaping our global economy is a vital task and can be achieved through
strong, green global economy for the 21st century as climate change is integral to a robust and resilient economy.

A glance of the data alarms us. "Globally, 2010 was the warmest year on record, with 2001 to 2010 the warmest decade.”
2010 is the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th-century average." With rising temperatures we
can expect to see more extreme weather events, including more frequent and intense droughts, floods and other natural
disasters. The environmental consequences translate readily into economic costs - as well as potential negative impacts on
water security, coastal development, infrastructure, agriculture, and health. The evidence of atmospheric warming is very
strong, and the potential for dangerous climate impacts is high. The scientific advice and dire need is to control 'carbon
pollution' .

In the national interest, it is indisputable to say that the Government has a responsibility to play a leading and vital role,
nevertheless, as the adage goes" Small beginnings make great endings”. To have a successful pollution free and minimal
carbon foot print economy every individual should play a responsible role in the international efforts to tackle climate
change and reduce pollution. The world leaders have already planned to "pricing carbon” to ensure that the International
economy of the 21st century remains globally competitive. Therefore, Engineers and scientists worldwide have the unique
opportunity to make a bigger impact on the environment than any government policy.

Drawing cue from these strings, we made a little effort by devoting the kick off article in this new edition of SEZINE (Vol.9
No. 1 ) towards "Greengineering", a Cradle 2 Cradle approach and principles to implement it through and the role every
engineer has to play in reducing carbon footprints and in saving material, cost and time by reducing the energy
consumption of the products and processes we design and deal with.

With this launch, yet another issue of the transformed SSME’s magazine will be in your hand and on your screens. A
completely techno packed edition will take you through " How to interfere with interference ", "Handling Non linearity with
ease", " COTS into space", "Humans Flying high in air ", " Does F really equals 'ma', " Have guffaws, through laughtoons,
cracking your heads through puzzles and many more on poetry, jokes, proverbs exercises etc, contributed by young ,
budding and enthusuastic engineers. Hope so, these little efforts will help and motivate more engineers amongst us by
unraveling the latent talent and making the world a better place to live in such a way that a clean energy future delivers a
clean environment and sustainable prosperity.

So get "transformed" , keep reading and write to us on what you felt. Send us your suggestions, comments and your valuable
contributions through email or letters, which, we will be eager to read and publish.

Before, I sign off; I would like to "grignite" your thoughts to be ready for “Green Beds", Green Mouse, Green Cars, Clocks
running with compost and many more as Green Products knocking your doors before we come back with another issue..!


                    Shri A. C Mathur, President, SSME.

Space Society of Mechanical Engineers (SSME) is a society dedicated to disseminate the knowledge base in the field of
Mechanical Engineering and allied Sciences. There are challenging roles for Mechanical Engineers in the development of
the space payloads as well conducting research in the fundamental materials, processes and new manufacturing
technologies. Today’s Mechanical Engineers are more towards handling multi-disciplinary tasks and projects interacting
with RF, Optics, chemical, metallurgy and Computer science disciplines and hence they play a vital role in the building the
engineering base which can be used for the betterment of the society.

The society has been quiet successfully in all its past endeavors in fulfilling many of its objectives with support of many
engineers around the country. I take this opportunity to acknowledge all your efforts in building this society of national
repute and welcome many budding new engineers to come and join us in taking the onus of carrying the baton further
ahead and take the society to new heights of success.

On the occasion of release of the SEZINE ( Vol.9. No.1) the InnoVision of SSME. I am indeed happy to find that SSME has
advanced further in abundance in bringing you a new piece of fully packed information completely in an e-format. The
contents of the magazine are very relevant to current challenges faced by many mechanical engineers and hope that it will
serve as a useful tool to all SSME members and even other engineers in general.

I congratulate Editorial Board, Chairman and his team for their excellent and stupendous work done in bringing out the
new version of the Vision in electronic format called se-zine. I wish them all success and encourage them to bring many
such issues of the magazine in the future.

                                                                                          Anil Chand Mathur
Tech. Articles

                                        "Green Engineering" by using            highly essential for us to
Going Green: New                        innovative            design,           "Remake the way we make
perspectives and                        manufacturing, measurement              the    things",     introduce
prospects of Green                      and control techniques to               "Cradle to Cradle" products
                                          Engineers and scientists around the world who have
Mind boggling pollution Numbers,          the unique opportunity to make a wider impact on the
Depletion of natural resources and        society and environment are now looking at one of the
ozone layers, Rising Carbon               largest challenges society faces. They are leading an
Footprints are burning issues....!        effort called "Green Engineering"

Wake up Call for Scientists &           develop,      and      improve          and evolve at sustainable
Engineers.                              products, technologies, and             solutions       for       enabling
                                        processes      resulting     in         ourselves to have biogenic life
                                        environmental and economic              on     earth.     While      green

R   ecent past has witnessed
                                        benefits. Green engineering
                                        provides the tools, techniques,
                                        and technologies to foster this
                                                                                revolution     in     engineering
                                                                                design has already wrung its
                                                                                tentacles in almost all of the
dramatic changes in the global
environment       on       many         innovation.    For    example,          worldly affairs, it is a high time
important     issues.    'Going         advanced         manufacturing          that we take a peep into the
Green' is the most important            techniques like desktop digital         green philosophy and embed
amongst all. New priorities and         product building, advanced              the culture into our day to day
expectations are rising on the          multi-domain-physics                    engineering life.      Let's start
concerns of global climate              simulations, graphical system           introducing it.
change, soaring energy prices,          design, high-speed and high-
and    increased    government          resolution      measurements,
                                                                   Green Engineering Defined
legislation. Right from fast            advanced analysis and signal
moving consumer products to             processing,      environmental
                                        emissions     monitoring   Green
                                                                     to      engineering     is   a
corporate responsibility and
                                        advanced engine simulators mechanism or a means used
sustainability plans industries,
                                        for next-generation hydrogen-    design,    develop,    and
big and small, around the
                                                                   improve                products,
world are scrambling
to not only create           Green Engineers try to lower the emissions of their products,
products             and     develop devices that consume less energy, create viable
technologies        that
address these concerns
                             renewable energy technologies and better understand the global
but also to change the       ecosystem.
procedures           and
                                    based vehicles , high-speed    technologies, and processes
processes they adopt to meet
                                    and sophisticated control, and that result in environmental
the herculean tasks. Engineers
                                    embedded system technology     and economic benefits.
and scientists around the
world who have the unique           provide     a wide range of
opportunity to make a wider         enabling technologies which    Green Engineering can also be
impact on the society and           have already penetrated in the defined       as     developing
environment are now looking         industry.       They       are environmental             caring
at    one    of   the    largest    demonstrating the positives of attitudes, values and principles
challenges society faces. They      sustainable     and      green which bind science, technology
are leading an effort called        engineering initiatives. It is and, engineering practice, all

                       "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Steve jobs
directed towards improving             the    next    generation     of        "Cradle-to-Cradle"    (C2C)
local and global environments.         products and technologies with          system powered by renewable
                                       improved      efficiency    and         energy, in which materials
Well,      performing       green                                              flow in safe, regenerative,
                                       reduced environmental impact.
engineering is fundamentally                                                   closed-loop cycles.
                                       Some industries enable green
no different than any other
                                       engineering    by    eliminating
conventional          engineering
practice. First, you need to           metal cutting and resort to
measure the variables with             only metal building layer by
which you are concerned, and           layer to form the product and
then you can begin the                 saving not only material being
process of designing or fixing         cut, but also the power, effort
products and processes that            and      the      environmental
achieve your desired goals.
                                       damage in the process
Green                 engineering
encompasses              common
measurements such as power              "Green Engineering" A cradle -
quality      &     consumption;        to- Cradle approach:                    Contrary to the historical
emissions from vehicles and                                                    approach of industrial problem
factories, such as mercury and                                                 solving, which often involves
                                       One    simple     and     straight
nitrogen       oxides;        and                                              fine-tuning a fundamentally
                                       forward procedure to adapt
environmental data, including                                                  flawed    system,     the   C2C
                                       green engineering philosophy
carbon,     temperature,      and                                              framework      articulates  this
                                       is, “Doing the right things
water        quality.      Green                                               conceptual shift. The C2C
                                       right”. Well...! It's not as easy
engineering      also    involves                                              framework is a science and
                                       as it sounds. Working smart
minimizing      material      and                                              values    based      vision   of
                                       may be easy, but working
process         wastage         in                                             sustainability that enunciates a
                                       smart without perspective or
manufacturing,         minimizing
/eliminating product testing for       One simple and straight forward procedure to adapt green
evaluation etc.
                                       engineering philosophy is, “Doing the right things right” with a
                                       fundamental conceptual paradigm shift away from the current
Engineers, who want to lower
the    emissions     of   their        system of Cradle-to Grave to Cradle-to-Cradle system.
products, develop devices that
consume less energy, create            guiding      principles     can         positive, long-term goal for
viable    renewable     energy         ultimately become an efficient          engineers. C2C propels the
technologies,     or     better        pursuit of the wrong goals.             design of a commercially
understand      the      global                                                productive, socially beneficial
ecosystem      need      green                                                 and    ecologically  intelligent
                                       So, one should have right               industrial system.
                                       goals, and the right tools. If
                                       we approach sustainability (a
For instance, some industries          life  cycle     assessment     of       C2C in perspective:
implement green engineering            product and process) from a
by providing measurement,              design perspective, we can see          A simple text book definition
automation, and design tools           the need for a fundamental &            does not enable “The C2C”
that empower engineers and             conceptual      paradigm     shift      framework       to reach     for
                                       away from the design of the             sustainability.     From     an
scientists to first quantify and
                                       current       system,      which        engineering        perspective,
understand real-world data             generates      toxic,   one-way,        conventional sustainability too
and, second, correct problems          "Cradle-to-Grave"          (C2G)        often suggests retrofitting the
by designing and developing            material    flows,    toward    a       machines of industry with

         “First they ignore you, then laugh at you, then they threaten you , then you win” Mahatma Gandhi
cleaner,      more     efficient      tree to use for growth.                 textiles and packaging made
"engines" to secure ongoing           Precisely, the nature's systems         from    natural   fibers,   can
economic                growth.       is built in a way that one              biodegrade safely and restore
Sustainability can be obtained        organism's waste, is food for           soil   after   use.   Materials
by developing strategies of           another so that the nutrients           designed       as      technical
“doing more with less" or             flow indefinitely in C2C cycles         nutrients, such as carpet yarns
"reducing the human footprint"        of birth, decay and rebirth. In         made from synthetics that can
to      minimize      troubling       other words, waste equals               be repeatedly depolymerized
symptoms of environmental             food.                                   and      repolymerized,     are
                                                                              providing high quality, high-
  Like the fact that, waste does not exist in the                             tech ingredients for generation
  ecosystem, engineers and designers have to                                  after generation of synthetic
  recognize that all materials can be designed as                             products.
  nutrients that flow through natural or designed
  metabolisms.                                                                Tapping Solar Income:

decline.                                                                      Another    viable    way      of
                                      Like the fact, that waste does
                                                                              embedding Green Engineering
                                      not exist in the ecosystem,
                                                                              is by use of solar income. We
Therefore, C2C framework is a         engineers and designers have
                                                                              appreciate the fact that, living
means of providing the natural        to recognize that all materials
world, a model for "Human
Designs". Recall that, the               Designers and engineers can use scientific assessments
natural     systems      largely         to select safe materials and optimize products and
operate on the free energy of            services, creating closed-loop material flows that are
the sun, which interacts with            inherently benign and sustaining.
the    geochemistry    of    the
earth's surface to sustain            can be designed as nutrients
                                                                              things thrives on the energy of
productive,        regenerative       that flow through natural or
                                                                              the sun. Trees and plants
biological systems. Human             designed metabolisms. While
                                                                              manufacture       food     from
systems designed to operate           nature's     nutrient      cycles
                                                                              sunlight, an elegant, effective
by the same rules that govern         comprise      the      biological
                                                                              system that uses the earth's
the natural world can approach        metabolism,     the    technical
                                                                              unrivalled    and    continuous
the effectiveness of the earth's      metabolism        should       be
                                                                              source of energy income.
diverse living systems, in            designed to mirror them in a
                                                                              Human energy systems can be
which    the    waste    almost       closed-loop system in which
                                                                              nearly as effective as natural
approaches zero.                      valuable, high-tech synthetics
                                                                              systems. C2C systems from
                                      and       mineral     resources
                                                                              buildings to manufacturing
Implementing a C2C system:            circulate    in     cycles     of
                                                                              processes tap into current
                                      "production, use, recovery and
                                                                              solar income using direct solar
To       quote      a      natural                                            energy collection or passive
regenerative ecosystem, let's                                                 solar processes, such as day
                                      Designers    and     engineers          lighting, which makes effective
discuss simple examples. A
                                      should      use       scientific        use of natural light. Wind
fruit tree's blossoms fall to the
                                      assessments to select safe              power-thermal flows fueled by
ground and decompose into
                                      materials     and     optimize          sunlight also are tapped.
food for other living things.
                                      products     and      services,
Bacteria and fungi feed on the
                                      creating closed-loop material
organic waste of both the                                                     If you are yet, not clear on
                                      flows that are inherently
trees and the animals that eat                                                how to implement the Green
                                      benign     and      sustaining.
its fruit, depositing nutrients in                                            engineering?   Principles of
                                      Materials     designed       as
the soil in a form ready for the                                              Green Engineering proposed
                                      biological nutrients, such as
                   “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." John F. Kennedy
by William McDonough, M.                      Green Engineering, Technology        Engineering yields can be
       Braungart, Paul Anastas, Julie                viability    and     Business        appreciated by looking at the
       Zimmerman, provide guidance                                                        following case studies.
       to tap the benefits in the
       design of engineering products                                                     Success Stories        of    Green
       using C2C approaches                          Industry has witnessed many
                                                     successful implementations in        Engineering
                                                     real world problems. Green
       Principles of Green Engineering:              Engineering has now become a         Nucor Steel (a steel major in
                                                     viable     technology     reaping    U.S) recycled more than 22
       •    Ensure that all materials and            profits for many industries.         million tons of steel, including
            energy inputs and outputs are            Green engineering applications       9          million          cars.
                                                     span almost every industry 
            inherently non-hazardous.
       •    Prevent waste rather than treat /        and range from monitoring the
                                                     health of forests, graphical
            clean up waste.
                                                     software to measure and fix,
       •    Separation      and      purification    High-speed          and      high-
            operations designed to minimize          resolution         measurements,
            energy & materials use.                  Domain-specific           analysis
       •    Products, processes and systems          libraries, FPGAs for advanced
            designed to maximize mass,               control to building engineering
            energy,     space       and      time    products,      All    contributing
            efficiency.                              further to our day to day lives.     In Europe, the End-of-Life
       •    Use catalysts, not stoichiometric                                             Vehicle Directive, made the
            reagents.                                The technology components            manufacturers responsible for
                                                     required for green engineering       automotive     materials,     is
       •    Products, processes and systems
                                                     are not only accessible but          encouraging    companies     to
            should ‘output pulled’ rather than
                                                     also   easier    to  use    and      consider      design        for
            ‘input pushed’ through the use of                                             disassembly    and    effective
            energy and materials.                    available at a lower price than
                                                     ever before. There is a huge         resource    recovery      more
       •    Recycle the materials.
       •    Targeted        durability,        not
            immortality, should be a design            There is a huge opportunity for profit and savings in
            goal.                                      green products. With oil prices surging to all-time highs,
       •    Design for unnecessary capacity            demand continues to be strong for technologies and
            or capability solutions should be          products that help companies use less oil in their
            considered a design flaw.                  machines and processes while achieving the same output.
       •    Material diversity in multi
            component products should be             opportunity for profit and           seriously.       Cradle-to-cradle
            minimized        to         promote      savings in green products.           systems, in which materials
                                                     With oil prices surging to all-      either go back to industry or
            disassembly and value retention.
                                                     time highs, demand continues         safely back to the soil, are
       •    Design of products, processes
                                                     to be strong for technologies        built for effective resource
            and systems must include                                                      recovery. In such a system,
            integration and interconnectivity        and    products    that    help
                                                     companies use less oil in their      each part of every car is either
            with available energy and                                                     returned    to    the    soil    or
                                                     machines and processes while
            material flows.                                                               recovered and reused in the
                                                     achieving the same output.
       •    Products, processes & systems to                                              assembly      of    new       cars,
                                                     Other companies, looking to
            be designed for performance in a         avoid steep fines for non            generating         extraordinary
            commercial “afterlife”.                  adherence to environmental           productivity and consistent
       •    Material and energy inputs should        regulations,    are     buying       employment.
            be renewable rather than                 monitoring and reporting tools.
            depleting.                               The penetration of the Green
“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.” George Washington
Efficiency of modern large           materials.     Possibly remotely
internal combustion engines          controlled      space     vehicles
has      been    tremendously        which can capture the debris
improved      using     green        serve as refueling depot to
principles. A simulator was          charge      and     replace    the
developed for this purpose           hardware      in    the    present
which is used for both the           satellites to extend the life and
development and validation of        missions     of    the    onboard
controllers by simulating the        payloads.
inputs from the engine and

Space     mechanical     engineers    have    complicated
                                                                                          Green Car
challenges in containing the space debris and
developing reusable, satellites, launch vehicles and
materials. Possibly remotely controlled space vehicles
which can capture the debris serve as refueling depot to
charge and replace the hardware in the present
satellites to extend the life and missions of the onboard
                                     Have a visual glimpse of the
acquiring the output data from       some of products already
the controller.                      benefiting the human race.
                                                                                         Green Bed
Digital Desktop Manufacturing        Be a part of It.!
is another successful example
of      green       engineering
                                     Are you ready             for    these
eliminating significant amount
of wastage in materials, time
and cost of manufacturing.

Green engineering has as well
pervaded into many other
products. A green car, Green                                                            Green Mouse
Bed, A growing Chair, Green
Mouse are some of the

The Green clock, powered by a           Super Futuristic Green Car Design
safe     chemical      reaction
between    mud     and   metal
electrodes, displays the time
without the need for additional
power sources. (Designers:
Francesco Castiglione Morelli &                                                      Growing Green Chair
Tommaso Ceschi)

Space mechanical engineers
have complicated challenges in
containing the space debris             Organic Self Growing House Design
and      developing   reusable,                                               Contributed by: Vikas Sinha &
satellites, launch vehicles and                                               A.R.Srinivas

           "Those who think ahead of their times are sure to be misunderstood.” Swami Vivekananda

                                                                Sustainable Living Walled Skyscraper

                    Stackable Futuristic Public Transit Cars

                                                                 Origamic Emergency Relief Shelter

  Green Clock
                   Beautiful Natural Green Research Complex

                                                               Super Vegitated Sustainable Community

Green Roof House

                        High Tech Luxury Green Resort

                                                                Portable Prefab Stadium Performance

 Green Knuckles

                   Eco-Friendly Lakeside Housing Complex

                                                                         Rapid Prototyping




                      SUN             LAND
introduced     the  problem      of
                Interfering                            interference grew exponentially
                with                                   with large number of users
                                                       simultaneously receiving and
                Interference...!                       transmitting         independent
                                                       communications.     There      also
                "DIDO” – A solution to the
                                                       existed       the     interference
                wireless problems.
                                                       problem. This problem was
                                                       solved by the concept of cells
             A    re you annoyed with call             with a mile or less in diameters
                                                       at different frequencies that did
                                                                                                 Nevertheless, a given cell has
                                                                                                 limited data rate capacity . Once
             drops, slow and/or unreliable
             internet on your mobile? Read             not     interfere   with      each        the data rate of the cell is
             these paragraphs ahead to                 other.                                    reached the users would not get
             understand who the culprit is                                                       the required data rate capacity
             and how to get rid of it.                                                           they needed. This is why you
                                                                                                 see that, your call is dropped
             Interference is felt whenever
                                                                                                 and may be your connection is
             there is more than one wireless
             transmission in the range of
             another. This is what you mostly                                                    Again to fomulate solutions and
             feel     while    driving   and                                                     give   the   service    to  their
             approaching/leaving the ranges   Then came rapid technological
                                                                                                 customers the service providers
                                                           advancements      in
                                                                                                 resorted to     capacity building
                Whenever there is more than one            the   mobile   and
                                                                                                 measures by adding new towers.
                wireless transmission within the           internet   industry
                                                                                                 To their utter surprise the
                range of another, there is a potential     which resulted in
                                                                                                 demand for the       higher rates
                for interference between them              the cost and sizing
                                                                                                 grew much faster as wireless
                                                           of mobile phones
                                                                                                 video has become a majority in
             of AM/FM radio transmissions.    where the service providers
                                                                                                 the data traffic. These together
             This is ensured placing the coming          up with number of
                                                                                                 ultimately      resulted     into
             commercial stations far apart schemes that enabled more and                         unreliable , low quality web,
             with limited transmission powers more
             and each transmitting one signal customer     MIMO is an advanced digital transmission
             to many users. So the problems   s to the     techniques using multiple antennae at both the
             were solved in the yester years  join the     transmission and receive ends to improve the
             by the broadcasters limiting the band         performance of the communication
             power to control the wireless wagon of
                                                                                video or videogame experiences.
             interference.                    cellular   community.       The
                                              interference problem was again
                                                                                Looking for the reason?
                                              an issue. MIMO (Multiple Input
                                              and Multiple Output) using Shannon’s law look’s to be the
                                              multiple antennae at the input one       restircting  us.     The
                                              and output to improve the multiuser            spectrum   capacity
                                              performance         of       the using     conventional   wireless
                                              communication came to the techniques is due to shannon's
             When cellular phones were rescue.                                  law which defines the maximum

“The quality of a person’s life is directly proportional to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Vince Lombardi
amount of   error free data rate                                             Shannon’s law. The reared
                                                                             group president who holds a
 Shannon’s law defines the maximum amount of error
                                                                             patent for this technology claims
 free data that can be transmitted through a single
                                                                             that though there could be a
 communication channel for a given amount of spectrum
                                                                             theoretical limit to how many
 and noise level called spectrum capacity                                    users could be added to the new
                                                                             system    ,    but      presently
that can be transmitted through
a single communication channel         DIDO is a wireless technology, a novel approach to multiuser
for a given amount of spectrum
                                       wireless, allows the number and density of users in the same
and noise level which is usually
                                       area to be steadily increased without additional users
referred    to   as   “Spectrum
                                       reducing the data rate of other users.
Capacity”. That is a cellular
sector say spanning a kilometer,
whose maximum data rate is                                                   nowhere close to the limit. They
limited by the shannon’s law                                                 claim that, when the Shannon
will be sharing the data capacity   The next generation Solution:            limit is 10X, they have already
of the this sector only. Users in                                            demonstrated 100X and are
                                     DIDO        (Distributed     input      confident of reaching 1000X.
Wi-Fi netwroks at the same
                                     distributed output) network was
frequency are also limited by
                                     rolled out to supplement today's         This is How a DIDO works:
shannon’s limited data capacity
                                     cellular network, so as to, break
                                     the      barriers     of   limited       Assume that there is a User1
                                     downloading       speeds.    DIDO        and wishes to reach a position,
Even somebody may argue that                                                  a website through an access
technologies like beamforming        involves intentionally combining
                                                                              point, AP1. When the user1
and advanced MIMO’s can lead         signals        from       multiple       clicks on a website 1 to
to 3X, 4X       data rates. As       transmitters,            exploiting      request a video stream , the
witnessed in the last decade has     interference to create a bubble          video data from the website 1
exponential growth of very high      of crystal-clear reception around        is not sent directly to AP1. It
                                     every user. Each signal that             first reaches a DIDO data
data rate users and a huge
                                     leaves an individual transmitter         center    that supports the
                                     is incomprehensible until it
      A Conventional System          encounters, and interferes with,                    The DIDO System
                                     other DIDO signals bubble near
                                     a device connected to the
                                     network. The size and shape of
                                     the bubbles varies depending on
                                     the     number      of   antennas
                                     broadcasting to a device. DIDO
                                     is multi-user wireless technology
                                     that allows the number and
                                     density of users in the same             website AP1 and the user1.
demand by consumers made                                                      The DIDO data center then
                                     area to be steadily increased
existing mode of communication                                                processes     the     data     ,
                                     without       additional     users
virtually blocked and prone to                                                modulates it into a radio signal
                                     reducing the data rate of others.
problems.                                                                     waveform and sends the
                                     DIDO bid’s a goodbye to

                     “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin
waveform to AP1 which simply        located or which users owns             Sounds Amazing isn’t!
  sends the waveform to its           what. Each user get the data
  antenna                                                                                        Looks like we
  and                                                                                            have lot more
  transmits                           The Multiple User DIDO System                                entertainment
  it as a
                                                                                                 on the Web for
  signal.                                                                                        the years to
  User1                                                                                          come     ,    no
  computer                                                                                       concerns      of
  receives                                                                                                loosing
  the radio                                                                                          connections
  signal    ,                                                                                    and          call
                                                                                                 dropping, A big
  tes     the
  waveform                                                                                       boon for us it
  into data                                                                                      yet to dawn.
  and plays
  back the                                                                                          Interested
                                      from the website they are
  video.                                                                      more in the topic and would like
                                      connected   to    through     an
                                                                              to have answers to,
 Similarly, when the second           independent wireless channel.
 User2 is added for another AP2,                                               How is DIDO able to create
                                      Not only the 100% data rate the
 the DIDO combines process                                                    waveform       that    summed
                                      DIDI offers clear signal quality
 both      the     inputs    and                                              together at each user still result
                                      and the reliability much higher
 simultaneously through DIDO                                                  in a clean waveform?
                                      than the Wi-Fi or cellular
 and get the radio signals back
                                      system. Also for a given range,
 to the respective users without                                              With Many users sharing the
                                      less wireless power is needed to
 loss of any data or the                                                      same spectrum why doesn’t
                                      operate and maintain a DIDO
 bandwidth sharing and most                                                   Shannon’s law limit the data
 important       without     any                                              rate?
 interference from the other
                                      DIDO also ensure that both the
 sources or with each other.                                                  How to visualize the DIDO
                                                                              channel and at what frequencies
DIDO communication uses a DIDO data center which                              it operates?
process the data, modulates it into a radio signal
waveform and sends the waveform to respective access                          How is DIDO with respect to the
points, which further sends the waveforms to its antenna                      conventional channels in latency
                                                                              and lag?
and transmits it as a radio signal which will be received
by the user.                                                                  Do log into rearden’s website
                                                                              and quench your thirst.
 Similarly even if we add up five
                                      AP’s and the radio of the user
 users and five AP’s, There is no
                                      devices (mobile, tablet, laptop
 interference among the 5 users
                                      etc) are much simpler than a
 and all the five users get the
                                      conventional Wi-Fi or cellular
 benefit of 100% of the data rate
 of the channel and doesn’t                                                    Contributed by: Piyush Shukla
 matter where the APS’s are                                                    & A. R.Srinivas

            “Failure comes only when we forget out ideals, objectives and principles.” Jawaharlal Nehru
                   AHMEDBAD 380004 (GUJARAT-INDIA)
  Ph: 079-25628851       Fax: 079-25633437         Mob: 9825484343 website:
own satellites". Satellites are           and       amenable              novel
 COTS in Space:                         shedding volume and mass but              technologies to space.
 An Up Coming                           they are growing in number.
                                        Cost in aerospace segment is              Commercial          hardware       in
 Trend.                                 being questioned in today’s ever          space

 Are the costs spent on
 development of space products
                                            Space has been a specialty domain for many years
 worth enough? Are we going                 now. This always demanded highest reliability at all
 to sustain them in the future?             levels, rendering every space endeavor a costly affair.
 Are these questions disturbing
                                        competitive economic scenario.             Space is a completely different
 you....? Read ahead...!
                                        The specialty domian of space,             place as compared to the
                                        exclusively controlled by state,           atmosphere of our planet.

S   pace has been a specialty           is now slowly drifting towards an
                                        enterprise with more private
                                                                                   However, as a matter of fact,
                                                                                   if a commercial system is
domain for many years now.              participation, moving up the               designed     for   a   specific
This always asked for the               hierarchy.                                 function, it principally also
highest reliability at all levels,                                                 works in space most of the
rendering any space endeavor a          Space was marked by reliable               times. A camera designed to
costly affair. A system cannot          products. This reliability comes           take    pictures   in   earth’s
inherit reliability. It has to be       at an exorbitant cost to the               atmosphere will take pictures
built in from its very roots to the     national exchequer. Gone are               in space as well. However, it
final form. In other words,             the days...! It has to now                 has to be evaluated for
almost every space hardware is          compete against the cost factor.           following aspects before it can
exclusively designed, fabricated        Use of commercial off-the-shelf            fly. There are five major evils
and tested for its very purpose         (COTS) hardware in space                   which    restrict   commercial
                                                                                   products to space use
 A paradigm shift is in the happening. A common man is
                                                                                   1.      Launch     loads:      A
 now seeking access to space as a tourist, Undergraduate
                                                                                   commercial       system        is
 student, opting to build satellites on their own. The
                                                                                   generally designed to take
 upswing is on.
                                                                                   loads that may come during its
to inbreed reliability. This takes                                                 performance      and     during
                                        dramatically brings down the
time, calls for specialized and                                                    logistics   transport.   Space
                                        realization cost and time. This
skilled manpower and demands                                                       transport    generates    much
                                        looks more appealing when
high budget.                                                                       higher dynamic loads. Using
                                        critical and rare launch windows
                                                                                   commercial hardware as it is
                                        are targeted. The transfer of
As nothing is constant and                                                         can lead to catastrophic failure
                                        new technological developments
change is supposed to happen,                                                      during launch itself.
                                        to space segment is sluggish.
this trend, however, is going
                                          There are five major evils which restrict commercial products to
through a change, a paradigm
                                          space use. Launch loads, Thermal Management, Contamination,
shift is in the happening. We
have already come across facts
                                          Interfaces & specifications and Radiation.
such as, "a common man is now                                                      2. Thermal management:
                                        Use of commercial components
seeking access to space as a                                                       Space  hardware invariably
                                        gives the advantage of viable
tourist", students, building their
         “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby
entails some electronics that             great concern for ground                 presence of each part in the
     dissipate heat as systems are             systems while every extra                product. May be at times, you
     not hundred percent efficient.            gram on space pinches the                need to dismantle the parts
     Remember convection one of                launch cost.                             and get back to it. If so, it's a
     the dominant mode of heat                                                          good practice to document all
     transfer is absent in space               5.       Radiation:        Earth         action by photographs and
     thus resulting in hot spots,              environment shields all high             videos. Also note that special
     high working temperatures or              energy radiation from entering           tools for dismantling and
     total burn out.                           the atmosphere and hence this            solvents can also act as aid in
                                               deleterious effect of radiation          dismantling process, and may
     3. Contamination: hardware                is not a point of consideration          need to be designed and
     used        for      commercial           in the design of a commercial            fabricated for this purpose.
     applications is always under              hardware. While in space, high
     atmospheric pressure, which               energy       particles      start        Strip    the    hardware     to
     keeps check on out-gassing (a             impinging     the    electronics,        reducing mass and power:
     phenomenon of mass loss and               deteriorating its performance            Eliminate all the parts which
     condensation     in    vacuum.)           and may result in "run away".            may not be useful to you
     Contamination is not prime                Polymers     materials    mainly         without      hampering      the
     factor affecting performance              dominant in commercial use               functionality. This could shed
     for the ground hardware as it             lose integrity and start to              most of the unwanted mass in
     is manned and maintenance                 decay under the shower of                the product. For example if
     activities can take care. In              high energy particles.                   you    are    working   on    a
     space, vaporization of volatile                                                    commercial camera, the focus
     materials can play havoc.                 Up gradation         for    space        ring can be discarded after
     Vapors can get deposited on               worthiness                               setting lens on infinite focus.
     functional surfaces like lens
     and mirror of imaging systems               Contact conductance of interfaces increases drastically as
     or detectors. It may affect
                                                 the molecules of air, which acts as thermal bridge between
     other special sensors like mass
                                                 the voids of interfacing surfaces is completely removed.
     spectrometers and can ruin
     their very function.                                                               The multi-leaf mechanism of
                                               Converting a COTS product
                                                                                        aperture     control   can    be
     4.        Interfaces      and             into a viable space product is
                                                                                        replaced with compact disc
     secondary specifications: A               not an easy task but certainly
                                                                                        with fixed aperture hole. Other
     commercial hardware will have             not an impossible one. Let's
                                                                                        areas which help you in
     its own unique foot-print with            take a look on how it can be
                                                                                        shedding     mass     could   be
     specific     mechanical    and            done.    First,   identify the
                                                                                        switches, potentiometers and
     electrical interfaces. It may             product you need to ruggedize
                                                                                        other control items replaced
     not be feasible to adopt them             to a space use, and then
                                                                                        with jumpers, resistor pairs
     in as is forms for a spacecraft           thoroughly      understand  its
                                                                                        etc. Extra length of harness,
     bus. Moreover, Mass is not a              characteristics and functional
                                                                                        internal connectors etc can be
     Converting a COTS product into a viable space product                              replaced with direct harness.
    is not an easy task but certainly not an impossible one                             Power     conditioning   circuits
    either. Let's take a look on how it can be done.                                    may      prove    redundant     if
                                                                                        satellite   bus    can   provide

“There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet." William Frederick Halsy, Jr.
regulated      power     output.       gradients produced. There are            compounds can undergo decay
Cooling fans can be replaced.          various ways to dissipate heat           if they see adequate humidity.
Caps and dust covers, parts            from the components to the               Some optical filters carry
for aesthetics, logos, supports        chassis. Addition of thermal             organic dies which can even
etc can be discarded or                control materials like, grease           develop     fungus     on    it.
replaced with light weight             or indium sheet as thermal               Thorough ultrasonic cleaning
parts. Sparsely located parts          interface    material,    high           in isopropyl alcohol or acetone
can be densely packed. The             conductivity    potting    and           of all hardware gets rid of
chassis of the system could be         graphite thermal shunts can              major      contaminants.     In
optimized       for   structural       improve contact conductance              addition, such systems have to
stiffness, thermal stability and       to bring down the peak                   be kept under observation and
intended functionality.                temperature of the devices.              controlled climate.

 Meeting         Environmental         Testing of the Hardware                  Interface design: Mechanical
Specifications: The existing           Testing    of     the    products        interface can be developed
commercial system should be            created from commercial items            either     as     an     external
modeled as conventional space          is very essential to reveal any          component or by replacing the
product design to look for             untoward         and       lateral       chassis with a new design.
vulnerabilities in the design          properties of the materials and          Electrical interface can be
and     validate   the   design        the processes used in the                accommodated by appropriate
parameters for complete set of         product             development.         selection of the hardware
environmental      loads   and         Therefore subjecting them to             specification in first place. If
specification in which the             rigorous space qualified tests           that is not feasible, suitable
product is suppose to operate.         would be highly advisable to             conversion has to be designed
                                       develop a ruggedized product.            at the tail end of data chain.
Thermal        Design       and        Thermal cycling, vacuum and
Control: Thermal design of             vibration, shock, humidity and           Protection             against
the product and the correction         storage tests will be of                 radiation:     The     greatest
the commercial product has to          immense          help.      Note,        reliability   challenge     for
undergo, needs to be given             commercial devices have lower            systems in space is the
special emphasis to keep away          allowable     temperature      as        constant    bombardment      by
surprises     later    in    the       compared       to    mil    grade        radiation.    Designing     for
ruggedized products. Contact           components.                              radiation tolerance is fast
conductance      of   interfaces
increases drastically as the              Commercial products use many oils for lubricating the
molecules of air (which acts as          joints which in space environments can degrade the
thermal bridge) between the              functional performance. Organic compounds can
voids of interfacing surfaces is         undergo decay if they see adequate humidity.
completely removed. Use of a           Contamination          control:          becoming an art which system
thermal scanner could be a             Remember,           commercial           engineers must undertake far
wise decision to critically            products use many oils for               in advance during the design
understand and evaluate the            lubricating the joints which in          process.    Severity  of   the
hot spots and the conduction           space      environments      can         radiation depends on the
paths. A rationale can then be         degrade       the     functional         space mission objectives. Low
established    correlating   the       performance.            Organic          earth orbit mission do not see
heat    dissipated    and    the                                                much of the radiation. Those
 “The definition of insanity is doing same thing again and again and expecting a different results." James Robbins
crossing Van Allen belt or            errors. Figure   shows    the          existence by the end of 2012,
   going far distances see a good        mechanism of neutron strikes.          when a tiny   satellite the shape
   amount of radiation. Figure                                                  of a compact disc rack will be
   below explains the severity of                                               blasted into space on top of a
   altitude.                                                                    converted       intercontinental
                                                                                ballistic missile. The boxy
                                                                                shape of the    UK‘s first official
                                                                                ‘cubesat’ is a testament to an
                                                                                approach that is all about
                                         These changes, or upsets, may          using   COTS parts and concepts
                                         occur in digital, analog and           to open space up to a wider
                                         optical components or may              variety of users. There are
                                         have effects in surrounding            many such upcoming tales of
   Memory devices are most
                                         circuitry. Devices can be              the utilization of COTS in the
   vulnerable to radiation attack
                                         shielded with materials like           design,     development    and
   and should be checked for
                                         tantalum     or    strategically       realization of space payloads.
   their sustainability limits by
                                         placed    in   spacecraft    for       The expected reliability with
   exposing them to radiation
                                         maximum resistance. Using              commercial system is on a rise
   source. The solution chosen
                                                                                and the pressure to reduce the
    The greatest reliability challenge for systems in space is                  cost on space mission is also
    the constant bombardment by radiation. Designing for                        building. Mechanical Engineers
    radiation tolerance is fast becoming an art which                           have to play a greater role in
    system engineers must undertake far in advance during                       “ruggedization”     of   COTS
    the design process.                                                         products for space use.

                                         anti fuse and flash based              So be a part of the mission
   should      offer   very    high                                             and participate in national
                                         devices can be used to get rid
   reliability   against  radiation                                             development.
                                         of SEU's. A newly designed
   that can cause single-event
                                         FPGA      based    anti    fuse
   upsets (SEUs), or changes of
                                         developed by ACTEL (RTAX-S)
   state in a device induced by an
                                         family    provides   a    good
   ionizing particle such as a
                                         solution    for    SEU's     by
   cosmic ray or proton. When
                                         enhancing the gate counts
   neutrons strike silicon atoms                                                Contributed by Anurag Verma
                                         forming              successful
   in devices heavy ions are                                                    & A.R.Srinivas
                                         replacement in space payload
The biggest success of the               applications.
COTS developed space payload
will come into existence by the
end of 2012, with launch of
tiny satellite, CUBESAT.
   ejected causing momentary
   current pulses in IC's which in       The biggest success of the
   turn can affect the quality of        COTS     developed   space
   the data amounting to soft bit        payload   will  come   into

           “A picture is worth a thousand words…a good prototype is worth a thousand pictures." Tom Kelley
and the applications demands               often yielding is not the only
Non Linearity                         the design decisions made on               mode of failure, it is also
                                      the bases of LFEM could be                 necessary      to     consider
Simplified.                           catastrophic.                              displacements to ensure the
                                                                                 part or assembly does not
If you believe that linear                                                       deform too much. Another
analysis     of    engineering
systems is enough or you are             The critical Buckling load for any structure is
much fearful about non-linear            calculated by performing a linear buckling analysis to
analysis, these paragraphs are           predict a Buckling Load Factor. The BLF value of the
for you...!                              structure is then multiplied by present load value to get
                                         the critical buckling load of the structure.

M    any a time we, the design        In       conventional    design
                                      practice, engineers resort to
                                                                                 important aspect is buckling
                                                                                 which more often belongs to a
engineers limit ourselves to          calculate the factor of safety             forgotten lot. But remember
performing    linear    finite-       (FOS) to ensure that the                   buckling poses a catastrophic
element analysis (LFEM). LFEM         design will withstand the                  mode of design failure as
does not provide enough               expected loadings. The risk                buckling happens suddenly,
information     about      the        involved        is     correctly           without little, if any, prior
structures to make correct            recognizing the mechanisms of              warning. So there is almost no
design decisions, especially          failure and is most important &            chance for corrective action.
when designing lightweight            difficult task.                            The following table shows
                                                                                 most prominent modes of
  Non Linear FEA consumes lot of computing                                       failure and their attributes.
  resources, adds to the cost of the product and to time
  of realization. But if neglected and the applications
                                                                                 In order to highlight the
  demands the design decisions made on the bases of                              importance and effect of the
  Linear FEM could be catastrophic.                                              linearity and non-linearity in
                                                                                 the design of components, we
components. For example a             In the conventional practice, it           take a simple case study of a
buckling      analysis   shows        is customary to associate all              cantilevered beam with a free
contradictory results for linear      the structural failures only to            end axial load to perform a
and       non-linear                                                                        linear      buckling
cases.      It      is                                                                       analysis or modal
important        and                                                                         analysis and non
imperative         to                                                                        linear     buckling
consider the effect                                                                          analysis.    Before
of    non   linearity                                                                        that, is essential
(NL) in the design.                                                                          that we clear up
To demonstrate the                                                                           our fundamentals
role and impact of                                                                           on linear and non-
the NL, buckling of                                                                          linear     analyses
beam is used as an                                                                           using FEM.
example. It is clear
that           NLFEA
consumes lot of                                                                             Linear Analysis:
computing                                                                                   Linear        Finite
resources, adds to the cost of        yielding. The designers are                Element     Analysis   though
the product and to time of            then content with sufficient               extensively used for analyzing
realization. But if neglected         FOS related to yield.  Most                displacement and stresses of
                                                                                 mechanical components, it is
                  “You will never be a leader unless you first learn to follow and be led." Tiorio
not a fool-proof way to                  analysis, which doesn’t take             over-predicts buckling load,
              validate the design of the               the factor of elasticity into            nonlinear buckling analysis is
              component. This is because               account.   The   values    of            recommended. Please not that
                                                                                                Static, Nonlinear with P-Delta
                                                                                                and large displacement is the
           Non-Linear Buckling requires a model with model with
                                                                                                load case type for non
           some initial imperfections. They must be added to control                            buckling analysis.
           the onset of buckling. A simple notch in the beam could
           serve as an imperfection to introduce non-linearity.                                 Non-Linear               Buckling
           Considering an elastic perfectly plastic material is another                         Analysis:
           way to introduce non-linearity
                                                                                                Nonlinear buckling analysis is
                                                                                                a more accurate method which
              during analysis linear finite            displacement, stresses, loads,
                                                                                                incrementally          increases
              element analysis does not take           and     boundary      conditions
                                                                                                applied      loading   until   a
              the elastic instability of the           acquired from this analysis are
                                                                                                structure becomes unstable.
              component into consideration             fed into a bucking solver, a
                                                                                                This condition of instability is
              which is a major reason for              means to carry the bucking
                                                                                                indicated by a small increase
              bucking of any mechanical                analysis. Buckling solver thus
                                                                                                in load level causing a very
              component.                               provides us with different
                                                                                                large change in deflection.
                                                       possible     buckling    failure
                                                                                                Nonlinear buckling analysis is
                                                       modes and respective failure
              Buckling is often termed as                                                       a     static    method     which
                                                       safety for each.
              potential              failure                                                    accounts for material and
              mechanism which leads to                                                          geometric nonlinearities (P-δ
              sudden failure of a structural           Eigen Value Analysis:                    and P-∆), load perturbations,
              component. Buckling analysis                                                      geometric imperfections, and
              helps to correctly recognize                                                      gaps.       Either   a     small
                                                       Eigenvalue buckling analysis
              the mechanisms of failure and                                                     destabilizing load or an initial
                                                       predicts     the     theoretical
              ensure that the design would                                                      imperfection is necessary to
                                                       buckling    strength    of    a
              withstand      the   expected                                                     initiate the desired buckling
                                                       structure idealized as elastic.
              loading conditions.                                                               mode.
                                                       In the classic Eigenvalue

              Magnitude of buckling loads,            Non-Linear Buckling Analysis incrementally increases
              material        strength       and      applied loading until a structure becomes unstable. This
              component design are the                condition of instability is indicated by a small increase in
              three main things analyzed by
                                                      load level causing a very large change in deflection.
              the       buckling       analysis.
              The critical buckling load for
              any     structure     should    be       method, structural eigenvalues           Introducing non linearity in
              calculated      to    know     the       are computed from the loading            the Simulation:
              strength of the structure. This          and constraint conditions of a
              is done by using buckling                given system. Each load has              When a nonlinear-buckling
              analysis to find the buckling            an associated buckled mode               analysis is run on an idealized
              load factor (BLF) value of the           shape which represents the               structure assuming a perfectly
              component. The BLF value of              shape a structure assumes                round and perfectly straight
              the structure is then multiplied         when     buckled.   For    real          column under a perfectly
              by present load value to get             structures, imperfections and            aligned    compressive    load,
              the critical buckling load of the        nonlinear    behavior     keep           theoretically,   buckling   will
              structure. Technically, bucking          systems from achieving this              never happen, but in practice,
              analysis     is    an    extended        theoretical buckling strength.           buckling    may    take   place
              analysis      of     linear-elastic      Since    eigenvalue    analysis          because of imperfections in

"A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better." Jim Rohn
Non Linear Buckling can be performed by a Load Control
   the geometry,        loads,   and
   supports.                                  Method (LCM) or an Arc length Control Method (ACM).
                                              LCM could lead to numerical instabilities and hence it is
                                              easier to use and apply ACM by evenly spacing the points
   When real-world imperfections
   are absent in the FEA model,               on load displacement curve.
   buckling will still happen, if
   imperfections are introduced            the applied load must be                The results of the analysis
   by      discretization     errors.      multiplied by (or divided,              show that in the Linear
   Therefore, nonlinear buckling           depending on the FEA package            buckling, free end figure, the
   requires a model with some              used) to obtain the buckling-           beam buckled in a direction
   initial imperfection. When no           load magnitude.                         opposite to the notch and not
   such       imperfections      are                                               toward the side of the notch as
   present, they must be added                                                     the linear-buckling analysis
   to control the onset of                 The buckling mode displays              only predicts the buckled
   buckling. We use notch in the           the    shape,    the  structure         shape and not the direction of
   beam as an imperfection to              assumes when it buckles in a            buckling.
   introduce     the      onset    of      particular mode, but gives no
   buckling.                               information about the accurate
                                           numerical     values   of   the         The Linear buckling, for beam
                                           displacements or stresses.              with notch direction relocated
   Linear-buckling                                                                          on the opposite side
   analysis                                                                                  of the beam, figure
                                                                                             shows     the     beam
   To illustrate the issues                                                                  buckling in the correct
   involved in the linear and                                                                direction, but this is
   non-linear buckling, two                                                                  purely     coincidental.
   cases are chosen, one            Linear buckling beam bending away from notch             The color legends with
   with a beam fixed at one                                                                            displacement
   end, applied with an axial                                                                magnitudes in both
   load at the free end and                                                                  figures point out their
   another, beam with a                                                                           meaninglessness.
   fixed and other end with                                                                  They show that linear
   axial load but with prop                                                                  buckling        analysis
                                    Linear buckling beam bending towards notch (same
   supports at the free end.                                                                 cannot          provide
   One     can     use    any                                                               quantitative      results
   commercial      software,   like                                                for displacements or stresses.
                                          This is in close analogy to
   ANSYS,         Solid      Works        modal        analysis,        which
   Simulation etc to perform this         calculates        the      natural       In addition, linear-buckling
   analysis.        A   notch     is      frequency        and      provides       analysis does not show what
   intentionally introduced in the        qualitative information on the           happens to a structure after
   beam to initiate the onset of
   the buckling. Linear-buckling            Linear Buckling analysis does not show what happens to a
   analysis calculates buckling
                                            structure after buckling. Does the structure collapse? Will
   load magnitudes that cause
   buckling     and     associated          it retain the load-bearing ability in the buckled shape? Or
   buckling modes. FEA programs             how much will it deform when it buckles?
   provide calculations of a large
   number of buckling modes and           modes of vibration (modal                buckling. Does the structure
   the associated buckling-load           shapes), but not on the actual           collapse, or will it retain the
   factors (BLF). The BLF is              magnitude of displacements.              load-bearing ability in the
   expressed by a number which                                                     buckled shape? How much will

"One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency." Arnold Glasow
it deform when it buckles? To            are evenly spaced along the              To model these events, it is
obtain more information than             load-displacement        curve,          necessary to account for
the BLF and the qualitative              which itself is constructed              another source of nonlinearity
buckled shape, it is necessary           during load application.                 beside the already considered
to enter the domain of                                                            geometric nonlinearity called
nonlinear buckling analysis.                                                      yielding. This is done by
                                         Nonlinear analysis calculates            using an elastic perfectly
                                         actual    displacements     and          plastic    material,      the
Nonlinear-buckling analysis              stresses.     Consider     what          simplest type of nonlinear
                                         happens     in    a   nonlinear          material models.
A load control method of Non-            buckling    analysis   of    the
linear analysis is the most              notched beam. Note that in
prevalent method of analyzing            the figure Nonlinear buckling,            However, when the load stays
non-linear cases (Load control           free end, the result      shows           the same, as is most often the
method: The load is applied              that buckling takes places in             case, the end of the vertical
gradually in multiple steps              the right direction and also              portion of the curve marks the
rather than in one step as in a          close to what the linear-                 beam’s structural collapse.
linear analysis. Each load               buckling analysis predicted.              Here, the beam is totally
increment                                                                                           plasticized    and
changes                                                                                             can no longer
the                                                                                                 support the load.
structure’s                                                                                         If you examined
shape, and                                                                                          the      deformed
this,       in                                                                                      shape you would
turn,                                                                                               have noted that
changes                                                                                             most      of   the
the                                                                                                       deformation
structure’s          Non-Linear buckling beam bending towards notch, predicting stresses &          takes place at
stiffness.                                      displacements                                       the        support
Therefore,                                                                                          where the plastic
the                                                                                                “hinge” develops.
structure stiffness must be              The beam buckles towards the
updated at each increment.)              notched side as it should.
                                         Then, the displacement grows               Modal & Buckling Analysis:
                                         at an almost constant load.               An Analogy.
In Nonlinear-buckling analysis,
the load steps are defined               The result implies that the
                                         beam is capable of balancing              Linear-buckling analysis is also
either     by   the    user      or
                                         the given load acting at an               called eigen value buckling or
automatically by the software
                                         increasing load offset, but this          Euler       buckling        analysis
so      the     difference       in
                                         is clearly unrealistic because            because       it    predicts    the
displacement between the two
                                         the buckling of the notched               theoretical buckling strength of
consecutive steps is not too
                                         beam initiates a chain of                 an elastic structure. Eigen
large. But implementing the
                                         events leading to structural              values are values of load at
load control method in a
                                         collapse as shown in the                  which buckling takes place.
buckling problem could lead
                                         graphs below.                             Eigenvectors        are    buckling
to numerical instabilities due
                                                                                   shapes associated with the
to the fact the onset of the
                                                                                   corresponding eigen values.
buckling results in momentary
                                                                                   According        to     eigenvalue-
loss of stiffness. Therefore, it
                                                                                   buckling analysis,         buckling
is advisable to use the arc
                                                                                   takes place by subtracting the
length control method where
                                                                                   stress stiffness induced by a
the points corresponding to
                                                                                   compressive load from the
consecutive load increments
                                                                                   elastic stiffness. The instability

    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Muriel Strode
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011
Sezine vol9 no.1_2011

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Sezine vol9 no.1_2011

  • 1. A PUBLICATION OF SPACE SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Vol.9 No.1, 2011 GREENOVATION Equipments  Building  20 Tips  Technologies  Personal  Train have Ears  First Time  to Best  that  Flying: A  your  Robust  of FEA  transform  Reality Brain Products  our lives 
  • 2. CONTENTS Volume 9. No.1, 2011 Going Green: New Perspectives & Prospect of Green Engineering 1 Green Engineers try to lower the emissions of their products, develop devices that consume less energy, creates viable renewable energy technologies and better understands the global ecosystem Interfering with Interference...!"DIDO” – A solution to the wireless problems 8 Data from a single satellite narrow position down to a large area of the earth's surface a second satellite narrows position down to the region where two spheres overlap and the third provides relatively accurate position COTS in Space: An Up Coming Trend. 12 Converting a COTS product into a viable space product is not an easy task but certainly not an impossible one either. Let's take a look on how it can be done. Non Linearity Simplified. 16 Non Linear FEA consumes lot of computing resources, adds to the cost of the product and to time of realization. But if neglected and the applications demands the design decisions made on the bases of Linear FEM could be catastrophic. Equipments have “EARS”!!! 21 Micro vibrations based systems are widely used in health management. The breakthrough technology called Micro Vibration Therapy cures swiftly and safely without drugs and their side effect. Building First Time Robust Products: A practical Viability! 24 20 Tips to extract best of FEA 25 Trends and Advances in Engineering 27 * Personal Flying Jet Pack Machine * Technologies that Transform our lives: * The Healing Power of Light: * Nanogenerator Powers Up: * Tomorrow's Transistor, Built Atom by Atom Train your Brain: Puzzles & Solutions. News & Views: * Cool Webs: * How to drill polygonal holes?: * Does F really equal ma?: * A Few Facts about our planet: * Life is Echo!!!!. SSME news: Journal: Memoir: Honorary Members: Website: New Members. On the Lighter Side: *Poetry: *Jokes: * Proverbs at Work: *Engineering Clocks: *Laughtoons: *Neck Exercise: *
  • 3. EDITORIAL "Transformation" is the Key Scientists & Engineers to make impact on Global Green Economy A.R.Srinivas, Chairman, JME & Vision, SSME The World Economic Forum was recently concluded in Davos. The theme of the year was "transformation". Global leaders from government, business and civil society felt reshaping our global economy is a vital task and can be achieved through strong, green global economy for the 21st century as climate change is integral to a robust and resilient economy. A glance of the data alarms us. "Globally, 2010 was the warmest year on record, with 2001 to 2010 the warmest decade.” 2010 is the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th-century average." With rising temperatures we can expect to see more extreme weather events, including more frequent and intense droughts, floods and other natural disasters. The environmental consequences translate readily into economic costs - as well as potential negative impacts on water security, coastal development, infrastructure, agriculture, and health. The evidence of atmospheric warming is very strong, and the potential for dangerous climate impacts is high. The scientific advice and dire need is to control 'carbon pollution' . pollution' In the national interest, it is indisputable to say that the Government has a responsibility to play a leading and vital role, nevertheless, as the adage goes" Small beginnings make great endings”. To have a successful pollution free and minimal carbon foot print economy every individual should play a responsible role in the international efforts to tackle climate change and reduce pollution. The world leaders have already planned to "pricing carbon” to ensure that the International economy of the 21st century remains globally competitive. Therefore, Engineers and scientists worldwide have the unique opportunity to make a bigger impact on the environment than any government policy. bigger Drawing cue from these strings, we made a little effort by devoting the kick off article in this new edition of SEZINE (Vol.9 No. 1 ) towards "Greengineering", a Cradle 2 Cradle approach and principles to implement it through and the role every engineer has to play in reducing carbon footprints and in saving material, cost and time by reducing the energy consumption of the products and processes we design and deal with. With this launch, yet another issue of the transformed SSME’s magazine will be in your hand and on your screens. A completely techno packed edition will take you through " How to interfere with interference ", "Handling Non linearity with ease", " COTS into space", "Humans Flying high in air ", " Does F really equals 'ma', " Have guffaws, through laughtoons, cracking your heads through puzzles and many more on poetry, jokes, proverbs exercises etc, contributed by young , budding and enthusuastic engineers. Hope so, these little efforts will help and motivate more engineers amongst us by unraveling the latent talent and making the world a better place to live in such a way that a clean energy future delivers a clean environment and sustainable prosperity. So get "transformed" , keep reading and write to us on what you felt. Send us your suggestions, comments and your valuable transformed" ansformed contributions through email or letters, which, we will be eager to read and publish. Before, I sign off; I would like to "grignite" your thoughts to be ready for “Green Beds", Green Mouse, Green Cars, Clocks running with compost and many more as Green Products knocking your doors before we come back with another issue..! A.R.Srinivas R.Srinivas
  • 4. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Shri A. C Mathur, President, SSME. Space Society of Mechanical Engineers (SSME) is a society dedicated to disseminate the knowledge base in the field of Mechanical Engineering and allied Sciences. There are challenging roles for Mechanical Engineers in the development of the space payloads as well conducting research in the fundamental materials, processes and new manufacturing technologies. Today’s Mechanical Engineers are more towards handling multi-disciplinary tasks and projects interacting with RF, Optics, chemical, metallurgy and Computer science disciplines and hence they play a vital role in the building the engineering base which can be used for the betterment of the society. The society has been quiet successfully in all its past endeavors in fulfilling many of its objectives with support of many engineers around the country. I take this opportunity to acknowledge all your efforts in building this society of national repute and welcome many budding new engineers to come and join us in taking the onus of carrying the baton further ahead and take the society to new heights of success. On the occasion of release of the SEZINE ( Vol.9. No.1) the InnoVision of SSME. I am indeed happy to find that SSME has advanced further in abundance in bringing you a new piece of fully packed information completely in an e-format. The contents of the magazine are very relevant to current challenges faced by many mechanical engineers and hope that it will serve as a useful tool to all SSME members and even other engineers in general. I congratulate Editorial Board, Chairman and his team for their excellent and stupendous work done in bringing out the new version of the Vision in electronic format called se-zine. I wish them all success and encourage them to bring many such issues of the magazine in the future. Anil Chand Mathur
  • 5. Tech. Articles "Green Engineering" by using highly essential for us to Going Green: New innovative design, "Remake the way we make perspectives and manufacturing, measurement the things", introduce prospects of Green and control techniques to "Cradle to Cradle" products Engineering Engineers and scientists around the world who have Mind boggling pollution Numbers, the unique opportunity to make a wider impact on the Depletion of natural resources and society and environment are now looking at one of the ozone layers, Rising Carbon largest challenges society faces. They are leading an Footprints are burning issues....! effort called "Green Engineering" Wake up Call for Scientists & develop, and improve and evolve at sustainable Engineers. products, technologies, and solutions for enabling processes resulting in ourselves to have biogenic life environmental and economic on earth. While green R ecent past has witnessed benefits. Green engineering provides the tools, techniques, and technologies to foster this revolution in engineering design has already wrung its tentacles in almost all of the dramatic changes in the global environment on many innovation. For example, worldly affairs, it is a high time important issues. 'Going advanced manufacturing that we take a peep into the Green' is the most important techniques like desktop digital green philosophy and embed amongst all. New priorities and product building, advanced the culture into our day to day expectations are rising on the multi-domain-physics engineering life. Let's start concerns of global climate simulations, graphical system introducing it. change, soaring energy prices, design, high-speed and high- and increased government resolution measurements, Green Engineering Defined legislation. Right from fast advanced analysis and signal moving consumer products to processing, environmental emissions monitoring Green to engineering is a corporate responsibility and advanced engine simulators mechanism or a means used sustainability plans industries, to for next-generation hydrogen- design, develop, and big and small, around the improve products, world are scrambling to not only create Green Engineers try to lower the emissions of their products, products and develop devices that consume less energy, create viable technologies that address these concerns renewable energy technologies and better understand the global but also to change the ecosystem. procedures and based vehicles , high-speed technologies, and processes processes they adopt to meet and sophisticated control, and that result in environmental the herculean tasks. Engineers embedded system technology and economic benefits. and scientists around the world who have the unique provide a wide range of opportunity to make a wider enabling technologies which Green Engineering can also be impact on the society and have already penetrated in the defined as developing environment are now looking industry. They are environmental caring at one of the largest demonstrating the positives of attitudes, values and principles challenges society faces. They sustainable and green which bind science, technology are leading an effort called engineering initiatives. It is and, engineering practice, all "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Steve jobs
  • 6. directed towards improving the next generation of "Cradle-to-Cradle" (C2C) local and global environments. products and technologies with system powered by renewable improved efficiency and energy, in which materials Well, performing green flow in safe, regenerative, reduced environmental impact. engineering is fundamentally closed-loop cycles. Some industries enable green no different than any other engineering by eliminating conventional engineering practice. First, you need to metal cutting and resort to measure the variables with only metal building layer by which you are concerned, and layer to form the product and then you can begin the saving not only material being process of designing or fixing cut, but also the power, effort products and processes that and the environmental achieve your desired goals. damage in the process Green engineering encompasses common measurements such as power "Green Engineering" A cradle - quality & consumption; to- Cradle approach: Contrary to the historical emissions from vehicles and approach of industrial problem factories, such as mercury and solving, which often involves One simple and straight nitrogen oxides; and fine-tuning a fundamentally forward procedure to adapt environmental data, including flawed system, the C2C green engineering philosophy carbon, temperature, and framework articulates this is, “Doing the right things water quality. Green conceptual shift. The C2C right”. Well...! It's not as easy engineering also involves framework is a science and as it sounds. Working smart minimizing material and values based vision of may be easy, but working process wastage in sustainability that enunciates a smart without perspective or manufacturing, minimizing /eliminating product testing for One simple and straight forward procedure to adapt green evaluation etc. engineering philosophy is, “Doing the right things right” with a fundamental conceptual paradigm shift away from the current Engineers, who want to lower the emissions of their system of Cradle-to Grave to Cradle-to-Cradle system. products, develop devices that consume less energy, create guiding principles can positive, long-term goal for viable renewable energy ultimately become an efficient engineers. C2C propels the technologies, or better pursuit of the wrong goals. design of a commercially understand the global productive, socially beneficial ecosystem need green and ecologically intelligent So, one should have right industrial system. engineering. goals, and the right tools. If we approach sustainability (a For instance, some industries life cycle assessment of C2C in perspective: implement green engineering product and process) from a by providing measurement, design perspective, we can see A simple text book definition automation, and design tools the need for a fundamental & does not enable “The C2C” that empower engineers and conceptual paradigm shift framework to reach for away from the design of the sustainability. From an scientists to first quantify and current system, which engineering perspective, understand real-world data generates toxic, one-way, conventional sustainability too and, second, correct problems "Cradle-to-Grave" (C2G) often suggests retrofitting the by designing and developing material flows, toward a machines of industry with “First they ignore you, then laugh at you, then they threaten you , then you win” Mahatma Gandhi
  • 7. cleaner, more efficient tree to use for growth. textiles and packaging made "engines" to secure ongoing Precisely, the nature's systems from natural fibers, can economic growth. is built in a way that one biodegrade safely and restore Sustainability can be obtained organism's waste, is food for soil after use. Materials by developing strategies of another so that the nutrients designed as technical “doing more with less" or flow indefinitely in C2C cycles nutrients, such as carpet yarns "reducing the human footprint" of birth, decay and rebirth. In made from synthetics that can to minimize troubling other words, waste equals be repeatedly depolymerized symptoms of environmental food. and repolymerized, are providing high quality, high- Like the fact that, waste does not exist in the tech ingredients for generation ecosystem, engineers and designers have to after generation of synthetic recognize that all materials can be designed as products. nutrients that flow through natural or designed metabolisms. Tapping Solar Income: decline. Another viable way of Like the fact, that waste does embedding Green Engineering not exist in the ecosystem, is by use of solar income. We Therefore, C2C framework is a engineers and designers have appreciate the fact that, living means of providing the natural to recognize that all materials world, a model for "Human Designs". Recall that, the Designers and engineers can use scientific assessments natural systems largely to select safe materials and optimize products and operate on the free energy of services, creating closed-loop material flows that are the sun, which interacts with inherently benign and sustaining. the geochemistry of the earth's surface to sustain can be designed as nutrients things thrives on the energy of productive, regenerative that flow through natural or the sun. Trees and plants biological systems. Human designed metabolisms. While manufacture food from systems designed to operate nature's nutrient cycles sunlight, an elegant, effective by the same rules that govern comprise the biological system that uses the earth's the natural world can approach metabolism, the technical unrivalled and continuous the effectiveness of the earth's metabolism should be source of energy income. diverse living systems, in designed to mirror them in a Human energy systems can be which the waste almost closed-loop system in which nearly as effective as natural approaches zero. valuable, high-tech synthetics systems. C2C systems from and mineral resources buildings to manufacturing Implementing a C2C system: circulate in cycles of processes tap into current "production, use, recovery and solar income using direct solar remanufacture". To quote a natural energy collection or passive regenerative ecosystem, let's solar processes, such as day Designers and engineers lighting, which makes effective discuss simple examples. A should use scientific use of natural light. Wind fruit tree's blossoms fall to the assessments to select safe power-thermal flows fueled by ground and decompose into materials and optimize sunlight also are tapped. food for other living things. products and services, Bacteria and fungi feed on the creating closed-loop material organic waste of both the If you are yet, not clear on flows that are inherently trees and the animals that eat how to implement the Green benign and sustaining. its fruit, depositing nutrients in engineering? Principles of Materials designed as the soil in a form ready for the Green Engineering proposed biological nutrients, such as “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." John F. Kennedy
  • 8. by William McDonough, M. Green Engineering, Technology Engineering yields can be Braungart, Paul Anastas, Julie viability and Business appreciated by looking at the Zimmerman, provide guidance following case studies. Opportunities. to tap the benefits in the design of engineering products Success Stories of Green using C2C approaches Industry has witnessed many successful implementations in Engineering real world problems. Green Principles of Green Engineering: Engineering has now become a Nucor Steel (a steel major in viable technology reaping U.S) recycled more than 22 • Ensure that all materials and profits for many industries. million tons of steel, including energy inputs and outputs are Green engineering applications 9 million cars. span almost every industry inherently non-hazardous. • Prevent waste rather than treat / and range from monitoring the health of forests, graphical clean up waste. software to measure and fix, • Separation and purification High-speed and high- operations designed to minimize resolution measurements, energy & materials use. Domain-specific analysis • Products, processes and systems libraries, FPGAs for advanced designed to maximize mass, control to building engineering energy, space and time products, All contributing efficiency. further to our day to day lives. In Europe, the End-of-Life • Use catalysts, not stoichiometric Vehicle Directive, made the reagents. The technology components manufacturers responsible for required for green engineering automotive materials, is • Products, processes and systems are not only accessible but encouraging companies to should ‘output pulled’ rather than also easier to use and consider design for ‘input pushed’ through the use of disassembly and effective energy and materials. available at a lower price than ever before. There is a huge resource recovery more • Recycle the materials. • Targeted durability, not immortality, should be a design There is a huge opportunity for profit and savings in goal. green products. With oil prices surging to all-time highs, • Design for unnecessary capacity demand continues to be strong for technologies and or capability solutions should be products that help companies use less oil in their considered a design flaw. machines and processes while achieving the same output. • Material diversity in multi component products should be opportunity for profit and seriously. Cradle-to-cradle minimized to promote savings in green products. systems, in which materials With oil prices surging to all- either go back to industry or disassembly and value retention. time highs, demand continues safely back to the soil, are • Design of products, processes to be strong for technologies built for effective resource and systems must include recovery. In such a system, integration and interconnectivity and products that help companies use less oil in their each part of every car is either with available energy and returned to the soil or machines and processes while material flows. recovered and reused in the achieving the same output. • Products, processes & systems to assembly of new cars, Other companies, looking to be designed for performance in a avoid steep fines for non generating extraordinary commercial “afterlife”. adherence to environmental productivity and consistent • Material and energy inputs should regulations, are buying employment. be renewable rather than monitoring and reporting tools. depleting. The penetration of the Green “Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.” George Washington
  • 9. Efficiency of modern large materials. Possibly remotely internal combustion engines controlled space vehicles has been tremendously which can capture the debris improved using green serve as refueling depot to principles. A simulator was charge and replace the developed for this purpose hardware in the present which is used for both the satellites to extend the life and development and validation of missions of the onboard controllers by simulating the payloads. inputs from the engine and Space mechanical engineers have complicated Green Car challenges in containing the space debris and developing reusable, satellites, launch vehicles and materials. Possibly remotely controlled space vehicles which can capture the debris serve as refueling depot to charge and replace the hardware in the present satellites to extend the life and missions of the onboard payloads. Have a visual glimpse of the acquiring the output data from some of products already the controller. benefiting the human race. Green Bed Digital Desktop Manufacturing Be a part of It.! is another successful example of green engineering Are you ready for these eliminating significant amount challenges..! of wastage in materials, time and cost of manufacturing. Green engineering has as well pervaded into many other products. A green car, Green Green Mouse Bed, A growing Chair, Green Mouse are some of the examples. The Green clock, powered by a Super Futuristic Green Car Design safe chemical reaction between mud and metal electrodes, displays the time without the need for additional power sources. (Designers: Francesco Castiglione Morelli & Growing Green Chair Tommaso Ceschi) Space mechanical engineers have complicated challenges in containing the space debris Organic Self Growing House Design and developing reusable, Contributed by: Vikas Sinha & satellites, launch vehicles and A.R.Srinivas "Those who think ahead of their times are sure to be misunderstood.” Swami Vivekananda
  • 10. GREENOVATION Sustainable Living Walled Skyscraper Stackable Futuristic Public Transit Cars Origamic Emergency Relief Shelter Designs Green Clock Beautiful Natural Green Research Complex Super Vegitated Sustainable Community Design Green Roof House High Tech Luxury Green Resort Portable Prefab Stadium Performance Space Green Knuckles Eco-Friendly Lakeside Housing Complex Rapid Prototyping
  • 12. introduced the problem of Interfering interference grew exponentially with with large number of users simultaneously receiving and Interference...! transmitting independent communications. There also "DIDO” – A solution to the existed the interference wireless problems. problem. This problem was solved by the concept of cells A re you annoyed with call with a mile or less in diameters at different frequencies that did Nevertheless, a given cell has limited data rate capacity . Once drops, slow and/or unreliable internet on your mobile? Read not interfere with each the data rate of the cell is these paragraphs ahead to other. reached the users would not get understand who the culprit is the required data rate capacity and how to get rid of it. they needed. This is why you see that, your call is dropped Interference is felt whenever and may be your connection is there is more than one wireless lost. transmission in the range of another. This is what you mostly Again to fomulate solutions and feel while driving and give the service to their approaching/leaving the ranges Then came rapid technological customers the service providers advancements in resorted to capacity building Whenever there is more than one the mobile and measures by adding new towers. wireless transmission within the internet industry To their utter surprise the range of another, there is a potential which resulted in demand for the higher rates for interference between them the cost and sizing grew much faster as wireless of mobile phones video has become a majority in of AM/FM radio transmissions. where the service providers the data traffic. These together This is ensured placing the coming up with number of ultimately resulted into commercial stations far apart schemes that enabled more and unreliable , low quality web, with limited transmission powers more and each transmitting one signal customer MIMO is an advanced digital transmission to many users. So the problems s to the techniques using multiple antennae at both the were solved in the yester years join the transmission and receive ends to improve the by the broadcasters limiting the band performance of the communication power to control the wireless wagon of video or videogame experiences. interference. cellular community. The interference problem was again Looking for the reason? an issue. MIMO (Multiple Input and Multiple Output) using Shannon’s law look’s to be the multiple antennae at the input one restircting us. The and output to improve the multiuser spectrum capacity performance of the using conventional wireless communication came to the techniques is due to shannon's When cellular phones were rescue. law which defines the maximum “The quality of a person’s life is directly proportional to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” Vince Lombardi
  • 13. amount of error free data rate Shannon’s law. The reared group president who holds a Shannon’s law defines the maximum amount of error patent for this technology claims free data that can be transmitted through a single that though there could be a communication channel for a given amount of spectrum theoretical limit to how many and noise level called spectrum capacity users could be added to the new system , but presently that can be transmitted through a single communication channel DIDO is a wireless technology, a novel approach to multiuser for a given amount of spectrum wireless, allows the number and density of users in the same and noise level which is usually area to be steadily increased without additional users referred to as “Spectrum reducing the data rate of other users. Capacity”. That is a cellular sector say spanning a kilometer, whose maximum data rate is nowhere close to the limit. They limited by the shannon’s law claim that, when the Shannon will be sharing the data capacity The next generation Solution: limit is 10X, they have already of the this sector only. Users in demonstrated 100X and are DIDO (Distributed input confident of reaching 1000X. Wi-Fi netwroks at the same distributed output) network was frequency are also limited by rolled out to supplement today's This is How a DIDO works: shannon’s limited data capacity cellular network, so as to, break law. the barriers of limited Assume that there is a User1 downloading speeds. DIDO and wishes to reach a position, Even somebody may argue that a website through an access technologies like beamforming involves intentionally combining point, AP1. When the user1 and advanced MIMO’s can lead signals from multiple clicks on a website 1 to to 3X, 4X data rates. As transmitters, exploiting request a video stream , the witnessed in the last decade has interference to create a bubble video data from the website 1 exponential growth of very high of crystal-clear reception around is not sent directly to AP1. It every user. Each signal that first reaches a DIDO data data rate users and a huge leaves an individual transmitter center that supports the is incomprehensible until it A Conventional System encounters, and interferes with, The DIDO System other DIDO signals bubble near a device connected to the network. The size and shape of the bubbles varies depending on the number of antennas broadcasting to a device. DIDO is multi-user wireless technology that allows the number and density of users in the same website AP1 and the user1. demand by consumers made The DIDO data center then area to be steadily increased existing mode of communication processes the data , without additional users virtually blocked and prone to modulates it into a radio signal reducing the data rate of others. problems. waveform and sends the DIDO bid’s a goodbye to “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin
  • 14. waveform to AP1 which simply located or which users owns Sounds Amazing isn’t! sends the waveform to its what. Each user get the data antenna Looks like we and have lot more transmits The Multiple User DIDO System entertainment it as a on the Web for radio signal. the years to User1 come , no computer concerns of receives loosing the radio connections signal , and call demodula dropping, A big tes the waveform boon for us it into data yet to dawn. and plays back the Interested from the website they are video. more in the topic and would like connected to through an to have answers to, Similarly, when the second independent wireless channel. User2 is added for another AP2, How is DIDO able to create Not only the 100% data rate the the DIDO combines process waveform that summed DIDI offers clear signal quality both the inputs and together at each user still result and the reliability much higher simultaneously through DIDO in a clean waveform? than the Wi-Fi or cellular and get the radio signals back system. Also for a given range, to the respective users without With Many users sharing the less wireless power is needed to loss of any data or the same spectrum why doesn’t operate and maintain a DIDO bandwidth sharing and most Shannon’s law limit the data system. important without any rate? interference from the other DIDO also ensure that both the sources or with each other. How to visualize the DIDO channel and at what frequencies DIDO communication uses a DIDO data center which it operates? process the data, modulates it into a radio signal waveform and sends the waveform to respective access How is DIDO with respect to the points, which further sends the waveforms to its antenna conventional channels in latency and lag? and transmits it as a radio signal which will be received by the user. Do log into rearden’s website and quench your thirst. Similarly even if we add up five AP’s and the radio of the user users and five AP’s, There is no devices (mobile, tablet, laptop interference among the 5 users etc) are much simpler than a and all the five users get the conventional Wi-Fi or cellular benefit of 100% of the data rate radios. of the channel and doesn’t Contributed by: Piyush Shukla matter where the APS’s are & A. R.Srinivas “Failure comes only when we forget out ideals, objectives and principles.” Jawaharlal Nehru
  • 16. own satellites". Satellites are and amenable novel COTS in Space: shedding volume and mass but technologies to space. An Up Coming they are growing in number. Cost in aerospace segment is Commercial hardware in Trend. being questioned in today’s ever space Are the costs spent on development of space products Space has been a specialty domain for many years worth enough? Are we going now. This always demanded highest reliability at all to sustain them in the future? levels, rendering every space endeavor a costly affair. Are these questions disturbing competitive economic scenario. Space is a completely different you....? Read ahead...! The specialty domian of space, place as compared to the exclusively controlled by state, atmosphere of our planet. S pace has been a specialty is now slowly drifting towards an enterprise with more private However, as a matter of fact, if a commercial system is domain for many years now. participation, moving up the designed for a specific This always asked for the hierarchy. function, it principally also highest reliability at all levels, works in space most of the rendering any space endeavor a Space was marked by reliable times. A camera designed to costly affair. A system cannot products. This reliability comes take pictures in earth’s inherit reliability. It has to be at an exorbitant cost to the atmosphere will take pictures built in from its very roots to the national exchequer. Gone are in space as well. However, it final form. In other words, the days...! It has to now has to be evaluated for almost every space hardware is compete against the cost factor. following aspects before it can exclusively designed, fabricated Use of commercial off-the-shelf fly. There are five major evils and tested for its very purpose (COTS) hardware in space which restrict commercial products to space use A paradigm shift is in the happening. A common man is 1. Launch loads: A now seeking access to space as a tourist, Undergraduate commercial system is student, opting to build satellites on their own. The generally designed to take upswing is on. loads that may come during its to inbreed reliability. This takes performance and during dramatically brings down the time, calls for specialized and logistics transport. Space realization cost and time. This skilled manpower and demands transport generates much looks more appealing when high budget. higher dynamic loads. Using critical and rare launch windows commercial hardware as it is are targeted. The transfer of As nothing is constant and can lead to catastrophic failure new technological developments change is supposed to happen, during launch itself. to space segment is sluggish. this trend, however, is going There are five major evils which restrict commercial products to through a change, a paradigm space use. Launch loads, Thermal Management, Contamination, shift is in the happening. We have already come across facts Interfaces & specifications and Radiation. such as, "a common man is now 2. Thermal management: Use of commercial components seeking access to space as a Space hardware invariably gives the advantage of viable tourist", students, building their “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." Bill Cosby
  • 17. entails some electronics that great concern for ground presence of each part in the dissipate heat as systems are systems while every extra product. May be at times, you not hundred percent efficient. gram on space pinches the need to dismantle the parts Remember convection one of launch cost. and get back to it. If so, it's a the dominant mode of heat good practice to document all transfer is absent in space 5. Radiation: Earth action by photographs and thus resulting in hot spots, environment shields all high videos. Also note that special high working temperatures or energy radiation from entering tools for dismantling and total burn out. the atmosphere and hence this solvents can also act as aid in deleterious effect of radiation dismantling process, and may 3. Contamination: hardware is not a point of consideration need to be designed and used for commercial in the design of a commercial fabricated for this purpose. applications is always under hardware. While in space, high atmospheric pressure, which energy particles start Strip the hardware to keeps check on out-gassing (a impinging the electronics, reducing mass and power: phenomenon of mass loss and deteriorating its performance Eliminate all the parts which condensation in vacuum.) and may result in "run away". may not be useful to you Contamination is not prime Polymers materials mainly without hampering the factor affecting performance dominant in commercial use functionality. This could shed for the ground hardware as it lose integrity and start to most of the unwanted mass in is manned and maintenance decay under the shower of the product. For example if activities can take care. In high energy particles. you are working on a space, vaporization of volatile commercial camera, the focus materials can play havoc. Up gradation for space ring can be discarded after Vapors can get deposited on worthiness setting lens on infinite focus. functional surfaces like lens and mirror of imaging systems Contact conductance of interfaces increases drastically as or detectors. It may affect the molecules of air, which acts as thermal bridge between other special sensors like mass the voids of interfacing surfaces is completely removed. spectrometers and can ruin their very function. The multi-leaf mechanism of Converting a COTS product aperture control can be 4. Interfaces and into a viable space product is replaced with compact disc secondary specifications: A not an easy task but certainly with fixed aperture hole. Other commercial hardware will have not an impossible one. Let's areas which help you in its own unique foot-print with take a look on how it can be shedding mass could be specific mechanical and done. First, identify the switches, potentiometers and electrical interfaces. It may product you need to ruggedize other control items replaced not be feasible to adopt them to a space use, and then with jumpers, resistor pairs in as is forms for a spacecraft thoroughly understand its etc. Extra length of harness, bus. Moreover, Mass is not a characteristics and functional internal connectors etc can be Converting a COTS product into a viable space product replaced with direct harness. is not an easy task but certainly not an impossible one Power conditioning circuits either. Let's take a look on how it can be done. may prove redundant if satellite bus can provide “There are no great people in this world, only great challenges which ordinary people rise to meet." William Frederick Halsy, Jr.
  • 18. regulated power output. gradients produced. There are compounds can undergo decay Cooling fans can be replaced. various ways to dissipate heat if they see adequate humidity. Caps and dust covers, parts from the components to the Some optical filters carry for aesthetics, logos, supports chassis. Addition of thermal organic dies which can even etc can be discarded or control materials like, grease develop fungus on it. replaced with light weight or indium sheet as thermal Thorough ultrasonic cleaning parts. Sparsely located parts interface material, high in isopropyl alcohol or acetone can be densely packed. The conductivity potting and of all hardware gets rid of chassis of the system could be graphite thermal shunts can major contaminants. In optimized for structural improve contact conductance addition, such systems have to stiffness, thermal stability and to bring down the peak be kept under observation and intended functionality. temperature of the devices. controlled climate. Meeting Environmental Testing of the Hardware Interface design: Mechanical Specifications: The existing Testing of the products interface can be developed commercial system should be created from commercial items either as an external modeled as conventional space is very essential to reveal any component or by replacing the product design to look for untoward and lateral chassis with a new design. vulnerabilities in the design properties of the materials and Electrical interface can be and validate the design the processes used in the accommodated by appropriate parameters for complete set of product development. selection of the hardware environmental loads and Therefore subjecting them to specification in first place. If specification in which the rigorous space qualified tests that is not feasible, suitable product is suppose to operate. would be highly advisable to conversion has to be designed develop a ruggedized product. at the tail end of data chain. Thermal Design and Thermal cycling, vacuum and Control: Thermal design of vibration, shock, humidity and Protection against the product and the correction storage tests will be of radiation: The greatest the commercial product has to immense help. Note, reliability challenge for undergo, needs to be given commercial devices have lower systems in space is the special emphasis to keep away allowable temperature as constant bombardment by surprises later in the compared to mil grade radiation. Designing for ruggedized products. Contact components. radiation tolerance is fast conductance of interfaces increases drastically as the Commercial products use many oils for lubricating the molecules of air (which acts as joints which in space environments can degrade the thermal bridge) between the functional performance. Organic compounds can voids of interfacing surfaces is undergo decay if they see adequate humidity. completely removed. Use of a Contamination control: becoming an art which system thermal scanner could be a Remember, commercial engineers must undertake far wise decision to critically products use many oils for in advance during the design understand and evaluate the lubricating the joints which in process. Severity of the hot spots and the conduction space environments can radiation depends on the paths. A rationale can then be degrade the functional space mission objectives. Low established correlating the performance. Organic earth orbit mission do not see heat dissipated and the much of the radiation. Those “The definition of insanity is doing same thing again and again and expecting a different results." James Robbins
  • 19. crossing Van Allen belt or errors. Figure shows the existence by the end of 2012, going far distances see a good mechanism of neutron strikes. when a tiny satellite the shape amount of radiation. Figure of a compact disc rack will be below explains the severity of blasted into space on top of a altitude. converted intercontinental ballistic missile. The boxy shape of the UK‘s first official ‘cubesat’ is a testament to an approach that is all about These changes, or upsets, may using COTS parts and concepts occur in digital, analog and to open space up to a wider optical components or may variety of users. There are have effects in surrounding many such upcoming tales of Memory devices are most circuitry. Devices can be the utilization of COTS in the vulnerable to radiation attack shielded with materials like design, development and and should be checked for tantalum or strategically realization of space payloads. their sustainability limits by placed in spacecraft for The expected reliability with exposing them to radiation maximum resistance. Using commercial system is on a rise source. The solution chosen and the pressure to reduce the The greatest reliability challenge for systems in space is cost on space mission is also the constant bombardment by radiation. Designing for building. Mechanical Engineers radiation tolerance is fast becoming an art which have to play a greater role in system engineers must undertake far in advance during “ruggedization” of COTS the design process. products for space use. anti fuse and flash based So be a part of the mission should offer very high and participate in national devices can be used to get rid reliability against radiation development. of SEU's. A newly designed that can cause single-event FPGA based anti fuse upsets (SEUs), or changes of developed by ACTEL (RTAX-S) state in a device induced by an family provides a good ionizing particle such as a solution for SEU's by cosmic ray or proton. When enhancing the gate counts neutrons strike silicon atoms Contributed by Anurag Verma forming successful in devices heavy ions are & A.R.Srinivas replacement in space payload The biggest success of the applications. COTS developed space payload will come into existence by the end of 2012, with launch of tiny satellite, CUBESAT. ejected causing momentary current pulses in IC's which in The biggest success of the turn can affect the quality of COTS developed space the data amounting to soft bit payload will come into “A picture is worth a thousand words…a good prototype is worth a thousand pictures." Tom Kelley
  • 20. and the applications demands often yielding is not the only Non Linearity the design decisions made on mode of failure, it is also the bases of LFEM could be necessary to consider Simplified. catastrophic. displacements to ensure the part or assembly does not If you believe that linear deform too much. Another analysis of engineering systems is enough or you are The critical Buckling load for any structure is much fearful about non-linear calculated by performing a linear buckling analysis to analysis, these paragraphs are predict a Buckling Load Factor. The BLF value of the for you...! structure is then multiplied by present load value to get the critical buckling load of the structure. M any a time we, the design In conventional design practice, engineers resort to important aspect is buckling which more often belongs to a engineers limit ourselves to calculate the factor of safety forgotten lot. But remember performing linear finite- (FOS) to ensure that the buckling poses a catastrophic element analysis (LFEM). LFEM design will withstand the mode of design failure as does not provide enough expected loadings. The risk buckling happens suddenly, information about the involved is correctly without little, if any, prior structures to make correct recognizing the mechanisms of warning. So there is almost no design decisions, especially failure and is most important & chance for corrective action. when designing lightweight difficult task. The following table shows most prominent modes of Non Linear FEA consumes lot of computing failure and their attributes. resources, adds to the cost of the product and to time of realization. But if neglected and the applications In order to highlight the demands the design decisions made on the bases of importance and effect of the Linear FEM could be catastrophic. linearity and non-linearity in the design of components, we components. For example a In the conventional practice, it take a simple case study of a buckling analysis shows is customary to associate all cantilevered beam with a free contradictory results for linear the structural failures only to end axial load to perform a and non-linear linear buckling cases. It is analysis or modal important and analysis and non imperative to linear buckling consider the effect analysis. Before of non linearity that, is essential (NL) in the design. that we clear up To demonstrate the our fundamentals role and impact of on linear and non- the NL, buckling of linear analyses beam is used as an using FEM. example. It is clear that NLFEA consumes lot of Linear Analysis: computing Linear Finite resources, adds to the cost of yielding. The designers are Element Analysis though the product and to time of then content with sufficient extensively used for analyzing realization. But if neglected FOS related to yield. Most displacement and stresses of mechanical components, it is “You will never be a leader unless you first learn to follow and be led." Tiorio
  • 21. not a fool-proof way to analysis, which doesn’t take over-predicts buckling load, validate the design of the the factor of elasticity into nonlinear buckling analysis is component. This is because account. The values of recommended. Please not that Static, Nonlinear with P-Delta and large displacement is the Non-Linear Buckling requires a model with model with load case type for non some initial imperfections. They must be added to control buckling analysis. the onset of buckling. A simple notch in the beam could serve as an imperfection to introduce non-linearity. Non-Linear Buckling Considering an elastic perfectly plastic material is another Analysis: way to introduce non-linearity Nonlinear buckling analysis is a more accurate method which during analysis linear finite displacement, stresses, loads, incrementally increases element analysis does not take and boundary conditions applied loading until a the elastic instability of the acquired from this analysis are structure becomes unstable. component into consideration fed into a bucking solver, a This condition of instability is which is a major reason for means to carry the bucking indicated by a small increase bucking of any mechanical analysis. Buckling solver thus in load level causing a very component. provides us with different large change in deflection. possible buckling failure Nonlinear buckling analysis is modes and respective failure Buckling is often termed as a static method which safety for each. potential failure accounts for material and mechanism which leads to geometric nonlinearities (P-δ sudden failure of a structural Eigen Value Analysis: and P-∆), load perturbations, component. Buckling analysis geometric imperfections, and helps to correctly recognize gaps. Either a small Eigenvalue buckling analysis the mechanisms of failure and destabilizing load or an initial predicts the theoretical ensure that the design would imperfection is necessary to buckling strength of a withstand the expected initiate the desired buckling structure idealized as elastic. loading conditions. mode. In the classic Eigenvalue Magnitude of buckling loads, Non-Linear Buckling Analysis incrementally increases material strength and applied loading until a structure becomes unstable. This component design are the condition of instability is indicated by a small increase in three main things analyzed by load level causing a very large change in deflection. the buckling analysis. The critical buckling load for any structure should be method, structural eigenvalues Introducing non linearity in calculated to know the are computed from the loading the Simulation: strength of the structure. This and constraint conditions of a is done by using buckling given system. Each load has When a nonlinear-buckling analysis to find the buckling an associated buckled mode analysis is run on an idealized load factor (BLF) value of the shape which represents the structure assuming a perfectly component. The BLF value of shape a structure assumes round and perfectly straight the structure is then multiplied when buckled. For real column under a perfectly by present load value to get structures, imperfections and aligned compressive load, the critical buckling load of the nonlinear behavior keep theoretically, buckling will structure. Technically, bucking systems from achieving this never happen, but in practice, analysis is an extended theoretical buckling strength. buckling may take place analysis of linear-elastic Since eigenvalue analysis because of imperfections in "A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better." Jim Rohn
  • 22. Non Linear Buckling can be performed by a Load Control the geometry, loads, and supports. Method (LCM) or an Arc length Control Method (ACM). LCM could lead to numerical instabilities and hence it is easier to use and apply ACM by evenly spacing the points When real-world imperfections are absent in the FEA model, on load displacement curve. buckling will still happen, if imperfections are introduced the applied load must be The results of the analysis by discretization errors. multiplied by (or divided, show that in the Linear Therefore, nonlinear buckling depending on the FEA package buckling, free end figure, the requires a model with some used) to obtain the buckling- beam buckled in a direction initial imperfection. When no load magnitude. opposite to the notch and not such imperfections are toward the side of the notch as present, they must be added the linear-buckling analysis to control the onset of The buckling mode displays only predicts the buckled buckling. We use notch in the the shape, the structure shape and not the direction of beam as an imperfection to assumes when it buckles in a buckling. introduce the onset of particular mode, but gives no buckling. information about the accurate numerical values of the The Linear buckling, for beam displacements or stresses. with notch direction relocated Linear-buckling on the opposite side analysis of the beam, figure shows the beam To illustrate the issues buckling in the correct involved in the linear and direction, but this is non-linear buckling, two purely coincidental. cases are chosen, one Linear buckling beam bending away from notch The color legends with with a beam fixed at one displacement end, applied with an axial magnitudes in both load at the free end and figures point out their another, beam with a meaninglessness. fixed and other end with They show that linear axial load but with prop buckling analysis Linear buckling beam bending towards notch (same supports at the free end. cannot provide case) One can use any quantitative results commercial software, like for displacements or stresses. This is in close analogy to ANSYS, Solid Works modal analysis, which Simulation etc to perform this calculates the natural In addition, linear-buckling analysis. A notch is frequency and provides analysis does not show what intentionally introduced in the qualitative information on the happens to a structure after beam to initiate the onset of the buckling. Linear-buckling Linear Buckling analysis does not show what happens to a analysis calculates buckling structure after buckling. Does the structure collapse? Will load magnitudes that cause buckling and associated it retain the load-bearing ability in the buckled shape? Or buckling modes. FEA programs how much will it deform when it buckles? provide calculations of a large number of buckling modes and modes of vibration (modal buckling. Does the structure the associated buckling-load shapes), but not on the actual collapse, or will it retain the factors (BLF). The BLF is magnitude of displacements. load-bearing ability in the expressed by a number which buckled shape? How much will "One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency." Arnold Glasow
  • 23. it deform when it buckles? To are evenly spaced along the To model these events, it is obtain more information than load-displacement curve, necessary to account for the BLF and the qualitative which itself is constructed another source of nonlinearity buckled shape, it is necessary during load application. beside the already considered to enter the domain of geometric nonlinearity called nonlinear buckling analysis. yielding. This is done by Nonlinear analysis calculates using an elastic perfectly actual displacements and plastic material, the Nonlinear-buckling analysis stresses. Consider what simplest type of nonlinear happens in a nonlinear material models. A load control method of Non- buckling analysis of the linear analysis is the most notched beam. Note that in prevalent method of analyzing the figure Nonlinear buckling, However, when the load stays non-linear cases (Load control free end, the result shows the same, as is most often the method: The load is applied that buckling takes places in case, the end of the vertical gradually in multiple steps the right direction and also portion of the curve marks the rather than in one step as in a close to what the linear- beam’s structural collapse. linear analysis. Each load buckling analysis predicted. Here, the beam is totally increment plasticized and changes can no longer the support the load. structure’s If you examined shape, and the deformed this, in shape you would turn, have noted that changes most of the the deformation structure’s Non-Linear buckling beam bending towards notch, predicting stresses & takes place at stiffness. displacements the support Therefore, where the plastic the “hinge” develops. structure stiffness must be The beam buckles towards the updated at each increment.) notched side as it should. Then, the displacement grows Modal & Buckling Analysis: at an almost constant load. An Analogy. In Nonlinear-buckling analysis, the load steps are defined The result implies that the beam is capable of balancing Linear-buckling analysis is also either by the user or the given load acting at an called eigen value buckling or automatically by the software increasing load offset, but this Euler buckling analysis so the difference in is clearly unrealistic because because it predicts the displacement between the two the buckling of the notched theoretical buckling strength of consecutive steps is not too beam initiates a chain of an elastic structure. Eigen large. But implementing the events leading to structural values are values of load at load control method in a collapse as shown in the which buckling takes place. buckling problem could lead graphs below. Eigenvectors are buckling to numerical instabilities due shapes associated with the to the fact the onset of the corresponding eigen values. buckling results in momentary According to eigenvalue- loss of stiffness. Therefore, it buckling analysis, buckling is advisable to use the arc takes place by subtracting the length control method where stress stiffness induced by a the points corresponding to compressive load from the consecutive load increments elastic stiffness. The instability "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Muriel Strode