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My Passion For Engineering
My true passion for engineering began when I came across the quote: "Technology are devices that make our lives better". Despite my first love of
mathematics, my recent interest for engineering has come from two major influences. The first being my mathematics and physics teachers, both
engineers by nature, who have helped me enhance the fundamental skills essential for engineering and embrace the importance of the field. The second
being the learning about uses of technology in Computer Science, it taught me the magnitude of which technology contributes to our everyday lives has
led me to intensify my desire to improve the lives of others.
I believe that my mathematics and physics skills would make me a proficient engineer. This is proven with my consistent performance in the UKMT,
achieving top of year for 5 consecutive years and reaching the final round in the intermediate stage as early as year 10. This has allowed be to
demonstrate my flexibility and adaptability, which are both important factors to my strong problem solving skills.
With no previous experience with engineering, a great deal of my knowledge for the subject comes from studying mathematics, physics and computer
science at A–Level. In preparation to study engineering at university, I have decided to read the books "Think like an engineer" by Guru Madhavan
and "Cats' Paws and Catapults" by Steven Vogel. The reason behind this was to grasp the methods in which a skilled engineer would think and
enhance basic knowledge about the effects of materials and forces. My aim for the future would be to use my engineering knowledge to create more
efficient mechanical limbs that may allow amputees to run and jump. From my reading, I have gained awareness of how natural tendons have certain
physical properties that allow them to function efficiently. This include very low strain which allows the animal to rebound without wasting high
energy, as the animal takes a stride the tendon compresses and absorbs energy, it then releases it when the animal springs forward. From the books, I
have also gathered the difference in the walking and running in terms of motion, energy storage and efficiency. Developing such knowledge at
undergraduate level will hopefully
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Essay about software engineering
Software engineering (SE) is the profession concerned with specifying, designing, developing and maintaining software applications by applying
technologies and practices from computer science, project management, and other fields.
SE applications are used in a wide range of activities, from industry to entertainment. Software applications improve user productivity and quality of
life. Application software examples: office suites, video games, and the world wide web. System software examples: embedded systems and operating
SE technologies and practices improve the productivity of developers and the quality of the applications they create. Software engineering examples:
databases, languages, libraries, patterns, and tools. more content...
Typical senior–level software engineers have an advanced degree and have ten or more years of experience. Note that these are only guidelines that are
trends seen in hiring practices and that many exceptions exist.
Software engineer
Software engineering is the practice of creating software.
Members of this profession are called software engineers, programmers, developers, or practitioners.
People who write code and do not follow the doctrines of software engineering are more accurately called programmers, developers, or software artists.
Software engineering today
Impact of software engineering
Software engineering affects economies and societies in many ways.
In the U.S., software drove about 1/4 of all increase in GDP during the 1990s (about $90 billion per year), and 1/6 of all productivity growth
(efficiency within GDP) during the late 1990s (about $33 billion per year). Software engineering drove $1 trillion of economic and productivity
growth over the last decade.
Software engineering changes world culture, wherever people use computers. Email, the world–wide web, and instant messaging enable people to
interact in new ways. Software lowers the cost and improves the quality of health–care, fire departments, and other important social services.
Successful projects where software engineering methods have been applied include Linux, the space shuttle software, and automatic teller machines.
When it is cheaper to run a business or
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The Career of Engineering Essay
The Career of Engineering
Take a look around yourself. What do you see? Maybe books, chairs, a television, or even your clothes. All the day to day things that are man–made,
you can be sure that an engineer helped make it. Engineers have shaped our world as we know it. There are many different kinds of engineers from
chemical, mechanical, textile, civil, agricultural and structural engineers. Our civilization would be as advanced as the Stone Age without these people.
This career demands a wide education of math and science. It is an ever–changing career with new advances in materials and the way products are
produced. Engineering careers are very secure with respect to compensation. Regardless of this, it does have it's more content...
(Britannica 243) Another disadvantage of being an engineer is the actual status of being one. It is not looked upon as highly as other fields such as
doctors and lawyers. Most of the time they are looked upon as nerds. In addition, most engineers are not promoted to high level positions such as
presidents or top executives. They do not have the accounting or business education to do that particular job. This means that most engineers never get
the opportunity to be their own boss. (Basta 22)
The job of an engineer itself is a creative job. The actual definition of an engineer is "The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and
natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature
economically for the benefit of mankind." (Bastas 24) In having the basic skills and experiences in math and science, an engineer is basically an
inventor. They are given a problem and are depended on to come up with a solution. Whether it be a new chemical, a mechanical part, or even a whole
new system such as computer operating program, engineers are the problem solvers of our materialistic society. (Basta 45)
Many engineers work in laboratories, industrial plants, or construction sites where they inspect, supervise, or solve onsite problems. (Britannica 244)
Engineering itself has a sort of chain of command in the way a project is handled. It follows in the
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Essay on Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science for analysis, design,
manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical
power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.[1] It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.
The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural
analysis, and electricity. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer–aided engineering, and product lifecycle
management to more content...
10–70 AD) created the first steam engine.[2] In China, Zhang Heng (78–139 AD) improved a water clock and invented a seismometer, and Ma Jun
(200–265 AD) invented a chariot with differential gears. The medieval Chinese horologist and engineer Su Song (1020–1101 AD) incorporated an
escapement mechanism into his astronomical clock tower two centuries before any escapement can be found in clocks of medieval Europe, as well as
the world's first known endless power–transmitting chain drive.[3]
During the years from 7th to 15th century, the era called the Islamic Golden Age, there were remarkable contributions from Muslim inventors in the
field of mechanical technology. Al–Jazari, who was one of them, wrote his famous Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices in 1206, and
presented many mechanical designs. He is also considered to be the inventor of such mechanical devices which now form the very basic of
mechanisms, such as the crankshaft and camshaft.[4]
Important breakthroughs in the foundations of mechanical engineering occurred in England during the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton both
formulated the three Newton's Laws of Motion and developed Calculus, the mathematical basis of physics. Newton was reluctant to publish his
methods and laws for years, but he was finally persuaded to do so by his colleagues, such as Sir Edmund Halley, much to the benefit of all mankind.
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Essay on engineering
Assessment 1 – Role Play
For this assessment students are allowed to work in small teams to gather information. However the all reports and documents must be prepared
independently. For this reason it is expected that each of these documents will be written in their own words.
The presentation may be prepared together however all team members should contribute in some way when it is delivered.
Assessment will be handed out on week 1 and should be completed /submitted by week 4.
VERSION: 1, October 2013
| Assessment 1 – Role Play
DKElectronix is a (fictional) medium sized manufacturing company based more content...
An evaluation of three possible solutions that you have researched to possibly resolve the business problem should be provided. To do this you should
outline the advantages and disadvantages of each of your solutions and each possible solution needs to be justified against the business requirements.
You do not have to do a detailedcost analysis. You should also clarify the recommended solution that is also the most economically feasible.
To complete this task you will need to prepare and submit a feasibility report containing at least the following sections:
Executive summary
This section should state the recommended solution, including the reasons for this choice, and should refer to the details in the alternatives section.
Project summary
п‚· Project name
Responsible analyst
Responsible user
Start date and end date
Current System
Project objectives
Functional requirements, identifying critical requirements and priorities
New system constraints and assumptions
п‚· Operating constraints
Hardware and software constraints
External constraints
VERSION: 1, October 2013
| Assessment 1 – Role Play
New system alternatives
For each alternative:
Description o The scope of the solution
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History of Engineering
Engineering has dated back to a time long ago. The concept of engineering has been present since ancient times. People have been making fundamental
inventions The pulley, lever, and and wheel, although simple ideas, have a modern definition of engineering. Engineers in the Ancient Era were mainly
used for building and supervising the pyramid constructions. Different civilizations used engineering in different ways. Ancient Greece made machines
in both public and military fields. Archimedes was known for the creation of the Antikythera mechanism, which was the first known computer model.
Archimedes was a Greek who lived from 287 BC – 212 BC. Archimedes also takes credit for the invention of gears. Chinese and Roman armies made more content...
The study of failed products is forensic engineering. It is often used to evaluate disasters.
Bridge collapses are examples of forensic engineering.
Safety is taken very seriously in engineering. All products have a factor of safety just in case it fails. The problem with safety factors are that they
make the products less efficient. Engineers try to make products as efficient as possible. Engineers make specifications based on limits of what is
needed and what is available. Engineers have to be able to see restraints on designs.
Some of the biggest constraints include: cost, safety, marketability, and productability.
Constraints may also include resources, ideas, and technical limitations.
Engineers often use scale models. Engineers use prototypes, simulations, nondestructive and destructive tests.
Engineers normally predict how well the well the product will perform before a full scale is made.
Engineers take the responsibility of a product doing poorly than tested. Often times engineers have to find the best possible solution of many
Math models and equations are used to test potential solutions tasks to identify, understand, and interpret designs are used to find a successful result.
Math and physics are often used in engineering. Science and engineering both go through observations of materials in the world Both Science and
engineering use math to analyze and solve observations Scientists and
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Essay about Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering The need for Civil Engineers is rapidly growing from day to day. Civil Engineers are vital to the advancement of society. Civil
Engineering is the combination of common knowledge and practical planning to the layout of the cities, towns, and communities being developed
today. Civil Engineers are involved in the designing and building of the new structures surrounding us, as well as keeping them maintained. Also, Civil
Engineers are responsible for finding efficient methods for updating city, town, and community structures. Civil Engineers are a necessity in the
advancement of structures, businesses, cities, towns, and communities that are used daily.
Although Civil Engineers are among the lowest paid more content...
For any engineer to be able to work with any project involving property, health, or life, they must become licensed. The engineering license,
Professional Engineer (P. E.), can be obtained by taking a class and passing the license exam at the end of the course. Once Civil Engineers get their
license, they are free to take their years of education and training and put them into good use.
Usually when Civil Engineers are in college or training, they have chosen a field of Civil Engineering in which they would want to be occupied.
Civil Engineering can be broken into many different fields. Civil Engineers may be employed by the Department of Transportation designing new
streets or bridges. Construction is another popular field within Civil Engineering. Designing drainage systems, sewer systems, pipelines, canals, and
occasionally hydroelectric power facilities may also be a field of study for Civil Engineers. Environmental Civil Engineers are responsible for
designing and testing methods for removing pollution from the air, water, and even soil. Community development Civil Engineering involves the
planning and constructing of city streets, sewers, and drainage systems for developing cities, towns, and communities. Civil Engineering has many
fields; as a result new engineers can be evolved in jobs that are satisfying.
After Civil Engineers have chosen and began working in their chosen field, a forty hour week is
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Personal Reflection On Engineering
CVEN 4701 Reflection
Yuyang Zhang z5101032 3.1 c
Engineering involves in designing and constructing buildings and bridges, which are related closely to people's life. Being a professional engineer and
knowing the accountabilities are important to contribute to the safety. Engineering is used to make people's life more convenient, so when engineers
carry out their responsibilities, people's life and wealth safety can be protected. Besides that, a design should meet the safety regulations to keep the
normal operation and protect the workers. Engineers should take the responsibility to eliminate the damage to the environment. In this semester, we did
an energy assignment, in which we achieved a renewable fraction of 77.7% and the emission was reduced. That means the emission to global warming
is little, public health and environmental quality are improved and the dependence on fossil fuels is reduced. Besides that design itself, the contribution
to the whole environment can also fulfil the engineer's social value.
3.1 d
In the first workshop of this class, an engineering world with strict regulations was presented by the professor to me. All engineering designs and
researches are the fruit of the engineers' intellect and hard work. Respecting the intellectual property rights is the principle to everyone in engineering
field. All the essays that I have been referred to have clear references of citation. I have learned from the essays that it is necessary to state the source
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Essay On Kansei Engineering
2.6Review on Related Work
Kansei measuring in Kansei Engineering is built on existing theories and methods. The new aspect with Kansei Engineering is the composition and
usage of tools from different areas within engineering, psychology and mathematics. This chapter provides the reader some of the most important tools
and techniques.
2.6.1Applications of Kansei Evaluation in Kansei Engineering
Kansei capturing or measuring in Kansei Engineering has gone through a wide area of applications. Several mainly Japanese companies in different
business areas used Kansei Engineering for improving their products. The range of industrial business areas stretches from automobile industry via
packaging design to cloth and furniture manufacturers, even Kansei Engineering applications in houses and flat conception bolster the record of
Kansei Engineering in industry. Most of the scientifically documented Kansei Engineering studies are published in Japanese, but around 30
publications are available in English. 34 Designing Feelings into objects. industry
In the automotive industry, companies like Mazda, Ford, Nissan and Honda have cooperated in projects. Jindo and Hirasago conducted a project on the
front– more content...
There are some cases reported where industrial products are examined regarding their Kansei. Arnold and Burkhard conducted two studies about
welding helmets in comparison to competing products using Kansei Engineering (Arnold 2002), (Burkhardt 2002). Lowlifter truck platforms are the
topic of another report made at Linköping University. An approach to driver feeling utilizing Kansei Engineering is made in L. Elsmarks thesis
(Elsmark 2000). In a co–operation between BT, Scania and Saab automobile, the Kansei of pushbuttons differing in pushing force and stroke was
determined (Rydman and Sandin 2000) and (Axelsson et al. 2001). 36 Designing Feelings into
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Engineering Essay
From the beginning of human existence, man has identified ways to improve the standard of living. Electricity was one of these identified ways. The
development of electricity led to the creation of electrical engineering, a challenging vocation that changed and improved our way of life. In this paper
I will discuss the history of electrical engineering, the preparation for becoming an electrical engineer, and the actual career.
The history of electrical engineering is rather recent, but it is based on ancient ideas. Electricity and magnetism are the two bases for electrical
engineering. The Greeks were the first to discover the nature of attraction of amber and lodestone. The Chinese, on the other hand, were the first to
control more content...
I used to hate English, but now I spend just as much time attempting to clearly communicate with others in writing as I do in performing actual
engineering work. I wish I paid more attention in my English classes in school. (Abrahamsen)
In preparation for the decision of which field of engineering one is interested in, one could job shadow an engineer. Also, one could get involved with
some engineering related projects in society (Jets). These projects can let one know about certain disciplines and if these disciplines are of interest. The
steps to preparing for engineering seem quite basic, but completing all will be time consuming and extremely difficult.
Electrical engineers regularly apply what was learned in college in their daily work. For example, at Cal Poly University, the Electrical Engineering
Department 's goal is to educate students to achieve excellence in the discipline of electrical engineering. This is why Cal Poly S.L.O is considered
to be one of the best electrical engineering colleges. The engineering program at Cal Poly is difficult to get into. One must have worked extremely
hard and one must have received outstanding grades in high school to be admitted. Cal Poly tries to educate their students to the point where they can
apply their knowledge to practical problems (Cal Poly).
Electrical engineering graduates should be looking at many job opportunities since electrical
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Philosophy has not paid sufficient attention to engineering. Nevertheless, engineering should not use this as an excuse to ignore philosophy. The
argument here is that philosophy is important to engineering for at least three reasons. First, philosophy is necessary so that engineers may understand
and defend themselves against philosophical criticisms. In fact, there is a tradition of engineering philosophy that is largely overlooked, even by
engineers. Second, philosophy, especially ethics, is necessary to help engineers deal with professional ethical problems. A case study of ethics
requirements for U.S. engineering curricula substantiates this point. Third, because of the inherently philosophical character of engineering, more
In the first instance, then, engineers have become involved with the study of philosophy in order to respond, to erect some fortifications against the
philosophical onslaught. A whole school of engineer philosophers has in fact taken up thick challenge, but it is a school that is incompletely recognized
even in engineering institutes and colleges – and certainly not in the liberal arts faculties in which most philosophy is taught. Allow me simply to
mention in passing some representative contributors to this school or tradition.8
First is Ernst Kapp (1808–1896), a contemporary of Karl Marx. Although originally educated as a philosopher, Kapp emigrated from Germany to
central Texas, where he became a pioneer and developed a view of technology as a complex extension or projection of human faculties and activities. In
a subsequent articulation of this philosophical anthropology of technology, he became the person to coin the phrase
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Essay on Engineering Developments
Engineering, in simple terms, is the application of science for the purpose of fulfilling the needs of society. In order for engineering to fully benefit
society, engineering must continue progressing with this technologically advancing world. The most prominent advancements in engineering concern
advancements in the field of medicine and health. Both engineering and medicine are so deeply correlated that current medicine would not be as
advanced as it is nowadays without the assistance of engineering. If engineering had never advanced through the ages, then hip replacements, magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), bioengineered skin, and bioengineered food would not exist for the benefit of humans. Without the study of engineering, more content...
Also, the engineering research done with artificial joint replacements has lessened the risk of these joint replacement surgeries. Through the
modifications achieved through engineering research, many more people will continue to lead more active lives because they won't be withheld by a
failing joint ("Hip Joint Replacement"). Engineering is crucial for the development of furthering techniques for diagnosing ailments. One such
technique that engineering research has had such an impact on is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most important diagnose provided from
MRIs is the diagnose of diseased tissues (i.e. cancerous tissues). This is significant because cancer is a growing concern in the world today due to its
increasing death toll. However, MRIs weren't always this successful in diagnosing. It was due to advancements in engineering research that allowed the
success of MRIs today. Due to engineering advancements using technology, MRIs now have amazing abilities that allow it to discern tissues by their
physical and biochemical properties. With advancing engineering research using technology, the images created MRIs have clearer resolutions that
allow for more accurate diagnoses of diseased tissues. Through the technological advancements provided by engineers, the ability to diagnose diseases
has improved greatly. Thus, saving the lives of many more people will become a reality. As MRIs continue to advance due to furthering engineering
research, the
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Essay on Making Decisions as an Engineer
Have you ever thought about how many precautions engineers have to take when designing new structures? Engineers have to take into account many
"what ifs" about the new structure that is going to be made. They are in charge of the design, construction, and the maintenance of the physically and
naturally built environment. The most important aspect engineers face is the safety for the community. Everything has to be perfect because the
margin of error is really small. They also face tough decisions everyday especially when it comes to construction. They are usually present when
construction has begun and are there to supervise the operation. If anything goes wrong the engineer is there to decide what is going to occur. These
decisions more content...
A responsibility of the engineer of record is to identify without ambiguity the objectives of the project and potential unexpected and surprising
outcomes. Before decisions can be made by the engineer of record, an unambiguous understanding of the objectives must be constructed. A case in
point was the two barriers proposed by the Corps of Engineers between the east end of Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi (Heiberg 2007).
These barriers would have closed when a flood surge threatened New Orleans and surroundings. This was an advocacy stance by the Corps. This
shows that the right decisions were made in case of emergency. A contrary stance was taken by Save Our Wetlands, Inc. in the role of protecting
environmental features that would have been threatened by the use of the barriers. The decision maker has both responsibilities and also an
obligation to behave responsibly. Any decision has associated responsibilities and Klein (1995) suggests four: causal responsibility, legal
responsibility, moral responsibility and role responsibility. Responsibility is a big factor towards making a decision. Often, many people are involved
in a decision, but ultimately there is only one owner responsible for that decision. These are some great factors that engineers take account of when
making decisions but there are ways of making
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Essay on Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering, also known as "bioengineering", is a branch of engineering that combines the design and problem solving techniques of
engineering with biological and medical sciences to improve health–related and medical problems. Bioengineers have made many positive changes in
many lives today. By designing live–saving objects such as artificial hearts, dialysis machines, and surgical lasers bioengineers have helped save many
lives. Biomedical engineers dates back to over 3000 years with the Egyptians. Egyptians created a wooden prosthesis to replace the big toe. Since then,
bioengineering has developed a great deal. A big improvement this century has been the development of artificial lungs. When polio hit the states, many more content...
Some colleges recommended to obtain an engineering degree include: Oklahoma State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota,
Baker University, Tennessee Tech University, and San Diego State University. A four to six year engineering program is also needed to become a
bioengineer. Aprofessional engineer license is required by all states in the United States, including the District of Columbia, if engineering person
wishes to offer services to the public. After becoming an engineer and gaining the expected work experience, the professional license can be taken in
any state. Bioengineering held around 14,000 jobs in 2006 but is expecting a 21 percent employment growth because of the "demand for better medical
devices and equipment designed by biomedical engineers." (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,
2008–09 Edition, Engineers, on the Internet at (visited October 04, 2009).) The states highest in demand for
bioengineers are California, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland. On the other hand, the states in lowest demand for bioengineers are
Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts. Biomedical engineering pays in between $47,640 and $121,970 with an average of $77,400.
Biomedical engineering advancements are
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Essay on Architectural Engineering
There are 25 major specialties in engineering that are recognized by professional societies. In any one of those 25 specialties, the goal of the
engineer is the same. The goal is to be able to come up with a cost effective design that aids people in the tasks they face each day. Whether it be the
coffee machine in the morning or the roads and highways we travel, or even the cars we travel in, it was all an idea that started with an engineer.
Someone engineered each idea to make it the best solution to a problem. Even though engineer's goals are similar, there are many different things that
engineers do within their selected field of engineering. This paper will focus on the architectural field of engineering.
Like all engineers, more content...
Longer hours can also be a part of the job depending on the position. For someone at a high level in a company, longer hours might be necessary in
order to make a profit for the company.
Admissions requirements for undergraduate engineering schools include a solid background in mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and
calculus), sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics), and courses in English, social studies, humanities, and computers. Graduate training is essential
for architectural engineering faculty positions, but is not required for the majority of entry–level architectural engineering jobs. Many engineers obtain
graduate degrees in engineering or business administration to learn new technology, broaden their education, and enhance their promotion
opportunities. Many high–level executives in government and industry began their careers as engineers.
A bachelor's degree in engineering is generally required for entry–level engineering jobs. College graduates with a degree in a physical science or
mathematics may occasionally qualify for some architectural engineering jobs.
In addition to the standard engineering degree, many colleges offer degrees in engineering technology, which are offered as either 2– or 4–year
programs. These programs prepare students for practical design and production work, rather than for jobs that require more theoretical and scientific
knowledge. Graduates of 4–year technology programs
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Industrial Engineering Essay
Technical Drawing Related Career Report
Industrial Engineers serve as a bridge between management and operations. They combine their solid engineering background with good business
sense and management ability. They figure out the best use of facilities, equipment and people for the most cost efficient and productive way to make
or process a product. Industrial Engineers concentrate on improving manufacturing productivity and reducing costs associated with inventory. They
are also concerned with worker safety and work environment.
In order to be any engineer, you must love math, science and solving problems. Whether it's figuring out how to erect a structurally more
Engineers have a hand in all phases of development, from idea conception, design and development, implementation and testing to customer support.
Industrial engineers have many responsibilities; one is to increasing productivity through their management skill. With there skill they manage people,
methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties. They generally work more with products or processes.
Another responsibilit of Industrial Engineers are the understanding of ergonomics and consider how the machines and work environment affect the
worker. They must attack the problem by breaking it down into small, independent parts. They design workstations to reduce fatigue and prevent
discomfort and work related injuries. They check the fit of chairs, the placement of equipment,
Industrial Engineers depend upon many resources, such as computers, CAD/CAM (computer–aided design and computer–aided manufacturing) and
computer simulation to figure out the best methods for production, distribution, equipment, and transportation. They may also be responsible for
quality control and inventory. They consider handling and storage of incoming material, and set inventory size, as well as packaging and shipping
methods. Industrial Engineers must have good people and commutation skill. They spend much of their time asking questions. They
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Civil Engineering Essay
Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects
such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of
buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil
engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on
the environment. They use their knowledge of the environment to create structures that more content...
They could be promoted to positions such as department heads and senior or project managers. Advanced degrees as well as registration as a
professional engineer also bolster ones chances of advancement.
The current employment outlook for civil engineers in Wisconsin is favorable. Those seeking jobs in the field will find very good employment
opportunities. This holds true throughout the nation and is also the long–term employment outlook. The factors that effect employment of civil
engineers include economic conditions, population growth, and investment in public infrastructures. The Wisconsin average salary for civil
engineering positions ranges from $47,400 to $60,600. The national average starts at $47,400 and goes as high as $68,500. Many employees enjoy
generous benefit packages that include paid vacation and sick leave as well as health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and profit sharing.
The education path for civil engineers begins with high school courses. Students who have an interest in entering the field of civil engineering should
take a college preparatory curriculum which includes natural resources conservation, environmental conservation, computing, advanced programming,
calculus, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, drafting, and computer design and drafting. Civil engineers must also have a bachelor's degree.
University coursework should include credits in
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My Passion For Engineering

  • 1. My Passion For Engineering My true passion for engineering began when I came across the quote: "Technology are devices that make our lives better". Despite my first love of mathematics, my recent interest for engineering has come from two major influences. The first being my mathematics and physics teachers, both engineers by nature, who have helped me enhance the fundamental skills essential for engineering and embrace the importance of the field. The second being the learning about uses of technology in Computer Science, it taught me the magnitude of which technology contributes to our everyday lives has led me to intensify my desire to improve the lives of others. I believe that my mathematics and physics skills would make me a proficient engineer. This is proven with my consistent performance in the UKMT, achieving top of year for 5 consecutive years and reaching the final round in the intermediate stage as early as year 10. This has allowed be to demonstrate my flexibility and adaptability, which are both important factors to my strong problem solving skills. With no previous experience with engineering, a great deal of my knowledge for the subject comes from studying mathematics, physics and computer science at A–Level. In preparation to study engineering at university, I have decided to read the books "Think like an engineer" by Guru Madhavan and "Cats' Paws and Catapults" by Steven Vogel. The reason behind this was to grasp the methods in which a skilled engineer would think and enhance basic knowledge about the effects of materials and forces. My aim for the future would be to use my engineering knowledge to create more efficient mechanical limbs that may allow amputees to run and jump. From my reading, I have gained awareness of how natural tendons have certain physical properties that allow them to function efficiently. This include very low strain which allows the animal to rebound without wasting high energy, as the animal takes a stride the tendon compresses and absorbs energy, it then releases it when the animal springs forward. From the books, I have also gathered the difference in the walking and running in terms of motion, energy storage and efficiency. Developing such knowledge at undergraduate level will hopefully Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about software engineering Software engineering (SE) is the profession concerned with specifying, designing, developing and maintaining software applications by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project management, and other fields. SE applications are used in a wide range of activities, from industry to entertainment. Software applications improve user productivity and quality of life. Application software examples: office suites, video games, and the world wide web. System software examples: embedded systems and operating systems. SE technologies and practices improve the productivity of developers and the quality of the applications they create. Software engineering examples: databases, languages, libraries, patterns, and tools. more content... Typical senior–level software engineers have an advanced degree and have ten or more years of experience. Note that these are only guidelines that are trends seen in hiring practices and that many exceptions exist. Software engineer Software engineering is the practice of creating software. Members of this profession are called software engineers, programmers, developers, or practitioners. People who write code and do not follow the doctrines of software engineering are more accurately called programmers, developers, or software artists. Software engineering today Impact of software engineering Software engineering affects economies and societies in many ways. Economic In the U.S., software drove about 1/4 of all increase in GDP during the 1990s (about $90 billion per year), and 1/6 of all productivity growth (efficiency within GDP) during the late 1990s (about $33 billion per year). Software engineering drove $1 trillion of economic and productivity growth over the last decade. Social Software engineering changes world culture, wherever people use computers. Email, the world–wide web, and instant messaging enable people to interact in new ways. Software lowers the cost and improves the quality of health–care, fire departments, and other important social services. Successful projects where software engineering methods have been applied include Linux, the space shuttle software, and automatic teller machines. When it is cheaper to run a business or
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  • 4. The Career of Engineering Essay The Career of Engineering Take a look around yourself. What do you see? Maybe books, chairs, a television, or even your clothes. All the day to day things that are man–made, you can be sure that an engineer helped make it. Engineers have shaped our world as we know it. There are many different kinds of engineers from chemical, mechanical, textile, civil, agricultural and structural engineers. Our civilization would be as advanced as the Stone Age without these people. This career demands a wide education of math and science. It is an ever–changing career with new advances in materials and the way products are produced. Engineering careers are very secure with respect to compensation. Regardless of this, it does have it's more content... (Britannica 243) Another disadvantage of being an engineer is the actual status of being one. It is not looked upon as highly as other fields such as doctors and lawyers. Most of the time they are looked upon as nerds. In addition, most engineers are not promoted to high level positions such as presidents or top executives. They do not have the accounting or business education to do that particular job. This means that most engineers never get the opportunity to be their own boss. (Basta 22) The job of an engineer itself is a creative job. The actual definition of an engineer is "The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature economically for the benefit of mankind." (Bastas 24) In having the basic skills and experiences in math and science, an engineer is basically an inventor. They are given a problem and are depended on to come up with a solution. Whether it be a new chemical, a mechanical part, or even a whole new system such as computer operating program, engineers are the problem solvers of our materialistic society. (Basta 45) Many engineers work in laboratories, industrial plants, or construction sites where they inspect, supervise, or solve onsite problems. (Britannica 244) Engineering itself has a sort of chain of command in the way a project is handled. It follows in the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.[1] It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer–aided engineering, and product lifecycle management to more content... 10–70 AD) created the first steam engine.[2] In China, Zhang Heng (78–139 AD) improved a water clock and invented a seismometer, and Ma Jun (200–265 AD) invented a chariot with differential gears. The medieval Chinese horologist and engineer Su Song (1020–1101 AD) incorporated an escapement mechanism into his astronomical clock tower two centuries before any escapement can be found in clocks of medieval Europe, as well as the world's first known endless power–transmitting chain drive.[3] During the years from 7th to 15th century, the era called the Islamic Golden Age, there were remarkable contributions from Muslim inventors in the field of mechanical technology. Al–Jazari, who was one of them, wrote his famous Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices in 1206, and presented many mechanical designs. He is also considered to be the inventor of such mechanical devices which now form the very basic of mechanisms, such as the crankshaft and camshaft.[4] Important breakthroughs in the foundations of mechanical engineering occurred in England during the 17th century when Sir Isaac Newton both formulated the three Newton's Laws of Motion and developed Calculus, the mathematical basis of physics. Newton was reluctant to publish his methods and laws for years, but he was finally persuaded to do so by his colleagues, such as Sir Edmund Halley, much to the benefit of all mankind. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on engineering Assessment 1 – Role Play Instructions: For this assessment students are allowed to work in small teams to gather information. However the all reports and documents must be prepared independently. For this reason it is expected that each of these documents will be written in their own words. The presentation may be prepared together however all team members should contribute in some way when it is delivered. Duration: Assessment will be handed out on week 1 and should be completed /submitted by week 4. VERSION: 1, October 2013 | Assessment 1 – Role Play ©WINDSOR INSTITUTE OF COMMERCE CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 01856K RTO NO. 90501 1 Scenario: DKElectronix is a (fictional) medium sized manufacturing company based more content... An evaluation of three possible solutions that you have researched to possibly resolve the business problem should be provided. To do this you should outline the advantages and disadvantages of each of your solutions and each possible solution needs to be justified against the business requirements. You do not have to do a detailedcost analysis. You should also clarify the recommended solution that is also the most economically feasible. To complete this task you will need to prepare and submit a feasibility report containing at least the following sections: Executive summary
  • 7. This section should state the recommended solution, including the reasons for this choice, and should refer to the details in the alternatives section. Project summary п‚· Project name п‚· Responsible analyst п‚· Responsible user п‚· Scope п‚· Start date and end date п‚· Budget Background Current System п‚· Description п‚· Problems Project objectives Functional requirements, identifying critical requirements and priorities
  • 8. New system constraints and assumptions п‚· Operating constraints п‚· Hardware and software constraints п‚· External constraints VERSION: 1, October 2013 | Assessment 1 – Role Play ©WINDSOR INSTITUTE OF COMMERCE CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 01856K RTO NO. 90501 3 New system alternatives For each alternative: п‚· Description o The scope of the solution o A Get more content on
  • 9. History of Engineering Engineering has dated back to a time long ago. The concept of engineering has been present since ancient times. People have been making fundamental inventions The pulley, lever, and and wheel, although simple ideas, have a modern definition of engineering. Engineers in the Ancient Era were mainly used for building and supervising the pyramid constructions. Different civilizations used engineering in different ways. Ancient Greece made machines in both public and military fields. Archimedes was known for the creation of the Antikythera mechanism, which was the first known computer model. Archimedes was a Greek who lived from 287 BC – 212 BC. Archimedes also takes credit for the invention of gears. Chinese and Roman armies made more content... The study of failed products is forensic engineering. It is often used to evaluate disasters. Bridge collapses are examples of forensic engineering. Safety is taken very seriously in engineering. All products have a factor of safety just in case it fails. The problem with safety factors are that they make the products less efficient. Engineers try to make products as efficient as possible. Engineers make specifications based on limits of what is needed and what is available. Engineers have to be able to see restraints on designs. Some of the biggest constraints include: cost, safety, marketability, and productability. Constraints may also include resources, ideas, and technical limitations. Engineers often use scale models. Engineers use prototypes, simulations, nondestructive and destructive tests. Engineers normally predict how well the well the product will perform before a full scale is made. Engineers take the responsibility of a product doing poorly than tested. Often times engineers have to find the best possible solution of many Math models and equations are used to test potential solutions tasks to identify, understand, and interpret designs are used to find a successful result. Math and physics are often used in engineering. Science and engineering both go through observations of materials in the world Both Science and engineering use math to analyze and solve observations Scientists and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Civil Engineering Civil Engineering The need for Civil Engineers is rapidly growing from day to day. Civil Engineers are vital to the advancement of society. Civil Engineering is the combination of common knowledge and practical planning to the layout of the cities, towns, and communities being developed today. Civil Engineers are involved in the designing and building of the new structures surrounding us, as well as keeping them maintained. Also, Civil Engineers are responsible for finding efficient methods for updating city, town, and community structures. Civil Engineers are a necessity in the advancement of structures, businesses, cities, towns, and communities that are used daily. Although Civil Engineers are among the lowest paid more content... For any engineer to be able to work with any project involving property, health, or life, they must become licensed. The engineering license, Professional Engineer (P. E.), can be obtained by taking a class and passing the license exam at the end of the course. Once Civil Engineers get their license, they are free to take their years of education and training and put them into good use. Usually when Civil Engineers are in college or training, they have chosen a field of Civil Engineering in which they would want to be occupied. Civil Engineering can be broken into many different fields. Civil Engineers may be employed by the Department of Transportation designing new streets or bridges. Construction is another popular field within Civil Engineering. Designing drainage systems, sewer systems, pipelines, canals, and occasionally hydroelectric power facilities may also be a field of study for Civil Engineers. Environmental Civil Engineers are responsible for designing and testing methods for removing pollution from the air, water, and even soil. Community development Civil Engineering involves the planning and constructing of city streets, sewers, and drainage systems for developing cities, towns, and communities. Civil Engineering has many fields; as a result new engineers can be evolved in jobs that are satisfying. After Civil Engineers have chosen and began working in their chosen field, a forty hour week is Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Reflection On Engineering CVEN 4701 Reflection Yuyang Zhang z5101032 3.1 c Engineering involves in designing and constructing buildings and bridges, which are related closely to people's life. Being a professional engineer and knowing the accountabilities are important to contribute to the safety. Engineering is used to make people's life more convenient, so when engineers carry out their responsibilities, people's life and wealth safety can be protected. Besides that, a design should meet the safety regulations to keep the normal operation and protect the workers. Engineers should take the responsibility to eliminate the damage to the environment. In this semester, we did an energy assignment, in which we achieved a renewable fraction of 77.7% and the emission was reduced. That means the emission to global warming is little, public health and environmental quality are improved and the dependence on fossil fuels is reduced. Besides that design itself, the contribution to the whole environment can also fulfil the engineer's social value. 3.1 d In the first workshop of this class, an engineering world with strict regulations was presented by the professor to me. All engineering designs and researches are the fruit of the engineers' intellect and hard work. Respecting the intellectual property rights is the principle to everyone in engineering field. All the essays that I have been referred to have clear references of citation. I have learned from the essays that it is necessary to state the source Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Kansei Engineering 2.6Review on Related Work Introduction Kansei measuring in Kansei Engineering is built on existing theories and methods. The new aspect with Kansei Engineering is the composition and usage of tools from different areas within engineering, psychology and mathematics. This chapter provides the reader some of the most important tools and techniques. 2.6.1Applications of Kansei Evaluation in Kansei Engineering Kansei capturing or measuring in Kansei Engineering has gone through a wide area of applications. Several mainly Japanese companies in different business areas used Kansei Engineering for improving their products. The range of industrial business areas stretches from automobile industry via packaging design to cloth and furniture manufacturers, even Kansei Engineering applications in houses and flat conception bolster the record of Kansei Engineering in industry. Most of the scientifically documented Kansei Engineering studies are published in Japanese, but around 30 publications are available in English. 34 Designing Feelings into objects. industry In the automotive industry, companies like Mazda, Ford, Nissan and Honda have cooperated in projects. Jindo and Hirasago conducted a project on the front– more content... There are some cases reported where industrial products are examined regarding their Kansei. Arnold and Burkhard conducted two studies about welding helmets in comparison to competing products using Kansei Engineering (Arnold 2002), (Burkhardt 2002). Lowlifter truck platforms are the topic of another report made at LinkГ¶ping University. An approach to driver feeling utilizing Kansei Engineering is made in L. Elsmarks thesis (Elsmark 2000). In a co–operation between BT, Scania and Saab automobile, the Kansei of pushbuttons differing in pushing force and stroke was determined (Rydman and Sandin 2000) and (Axelsson et al. 2001). 36 Designing Feelings into Get more content on
  • 13. Engineering Essay From the beginning of human existence, man has identified ways to improve the standard of living. Electricity was one of these identified ways. The development of electricity led to the creation of electrical engineering, a challenging vocation that changed and improved our way of life. In this paper I will discuss the history of electrical engineering, the preparation for becoming an electrical engineer, and the actual career. The history of electrical engineering is rather recent, but it is based on ancient ideas. Electricity and magnetism are the two bases for electrical engineering. The Greeks were the first to discover the nature of attraction of amber and lodestone. The Chinese, on the other hand, were the first to control more content... I used to hate English, but now I spend just as much time attempting to clearly communicate with others in writing as I do in performing actual engineering work. I wish I paid more attention in my English classes in school. (Abrahamsen) In preparation for the decision of which field of engineering one is interested in, one could job shadow an engineer. Also, one could get involved with some engineering related projects in society (Jets). These projects can let one know about certain disciplines and if these disciplines are of interest. The steps to preparing for engineering seem quite basic, but completing all will be time consuming and extremely difficult. Electrical engineers regularly apply what was learned in college in their daily work. For example, at Cal Poly University, the Electrical Engineering Department 's goal is to educate students to achieve excellence in the discipline of electrical engineering. This is why Cal Poly S.L.O is considered to be one of the best electrical engineering colleges. The engineering program at Cal Poly is difficult to get into. One must have worked extremely hard and one must have received outstanding grades in high school to be admitted. Cal Poly tries to educate their students to the point where they can apply their knowledge to practical problems (Cal Poly). Electrical engineering graduates should be looking at many job opportunities since electrical Get more content on
  • 14. Abstract Philosophy has not paid sufficient attention to engineering. Nevertheless, engineering should not use this as an excuse to ignore philosophy. The argument here is that philosophy is important to engineering for at least three reasons. First, philosophy is necessary so that engineers may understand and defend themselves against philosophical criticisms. In fact, there is a tradition of engineering philosophy that is largely overlooked, even by engineers. Second, philosophy, especially ethics, is necessary to help engineers deal with professional ethical problems. A case study of ethics requirements for U.S. engineering curricula substantiates this point. Third, because of the inherently philosophical character of engineering, more content... In the first instance, then, engineers have become involved with the study of philosophy in order to respond, to erect some fortifications against the philosophical onslaught. A whole school of engineer philosophers has in fact taken up thick challenge, but it is a school that is incompletely recognized even in engineering institutes and colleges – and certainly not in the liberal arts faculties in which most philosophy is taught. Allow me simply to mention in passing some representative contributors to this school or tradition.8 First is Ernst Kapp (1808–1896), a contemporary of Karl Marx. Although originally educated as a philosopher, Kapp emigrated from Germany to central Texas, where he became a pioneer and developed a view of technology as a complex extension or projection of human faculties and activities. In a subsequent articulation of this philosophical anthropology of technology, he became the person to coin the phrase Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Engineering Developments Engineering, in simple terms, is the application of science for the purpose of fulfilling the needs of society. In order for engineering to fully benefit society, engineering must continue progressing with this technologically advancing world. The most prominent advancements in engineering concern advancements in the field of medicine and health. Both engineering and medicine are so deeply correlated that current medicine would not be as advanced as it is nowadays without the assistance of engineering. If engineering had never advanced through the ages, then hip replacements, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bioengineered skin, and bioengineered food would not exist for the benefit of humans. Without the study of engineering, more content... Also, the engineering research done with artificial joint replacements has lessened the risk of these joint replacement surgeries. Through the modifications achieved through engineering research, many more people will continue to lead more active lives because they won't be withheld by a failing joint ("Hip Joint Replacement"). Engineering is crucial for the development of furthering techniques for diagnosing ailments. One such technique that engineering research has had such an impact on is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most important diagnose provided from MRIs is the diagnose of diseased tissues (i.e. cancerous tissues). This is significant because cancer is a growing concern in the world today due to its increasing death toll. However, MRIs weren't always this successful in diagnosing. It was due to advancements in engineering research that allowed the success of MRIs today. Due to engineering advancements using technology, MRIs now have amazing abilities that allow it to discern tissues by their physical and biochemical properties. With advancing engineering research using technology, the images created MRIs have clearer resolutions that allow for more accurate diagnoses of diseased tissues. Through the technological advancements provided by engineers, the ability to diagnose diseases has improved greatly. Thus, saving the lives of many more people will become a reality. As MRIs continue to advance due to furthering engineering research, the Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Making Decisions as an Engineer Have you ever thought about how many precautions engineers have to take when designing new structures? Engineers have to take into account many "what ifs" about the new structure that is going to be made. They are in charge of the design, construction, and the maintenance of the physically and naturally built environment. The most important aspect engineers face is the safety for the community. Everything has to be perfect because the margin of error is really small. They also face tough decisions everyday especially when it comes to construction. They are usually present when construction has begun and are there to supervise the operation. If anything goes wrong the engineer is there to decide what is going to occur. These decisions more content... A responsibility of the engineer of record is to identify without ambiguity the objectives of the project and potential unexpected and surprising outcomes. Before decisions can be made by the engineer of record, an unambiguous understanding of the objectives must be constructed. A case in point was the two barriers proposed by the Corps of Engineers between the east end of Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi (Heiberg 2007). These barriers would have closed when a flood surge threatened New Orleans and surroundings. This was an advocacy stance by the Corps. This shows that the right decisions were made in case of emergency. A contrary stance was taken by Save Our Wetlands, Inc. in the role of protecting environmental features that would have been threatened by the use of the barriers. The decision maker has both responsibilities and also an obligation to behave responsibly. Any decision has associated responsibilities and Klein (1995) suggests four: causal responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility and role responsibility. Responsibility is a big factor towards making a decision. Often, many people are involved in a decision, but ultimately there is only one owner responsible for that decision. These are some great factors that engineers take account of when making decisions but there are ways of making Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Biomedical Engineering Biomedical engineering, also known as "bioengineering", is a branch of engineering that combines the design and problem solving techniques of engineering with biological and medical sciences to improve health–related and medical problems. Bioengineers have made many positive changes in many lives today. By designing live–saving objects such as artificial hearts, dialysis machines, and surgical lasers bioengineers have helped save many lives. Biomedical engineers dates back to over 3000 years with the Egyptians. Egyptians created a wooden prosthesis to replace the big toe. Since then, bioengineering has developed a great deal. A big improvement this century has been the development of artificial lungs. When polio hit the states, many more content... Some colleges recommended to obtain an engineering degree include: Oklahoma State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Baker University, Tennessee Tech University, and San Diego State University. A four to six year engineering program is also needed to become a bioengineer. Aprofessional engineer license is required by all states in the United States, including the District of Columbia, if engineering person wishes to offer services to the public. After becoming an engineer and gaining the expected work experience, the professional license can be taken in any state. Bioengineering held around 14,000 jobs in 2006 but is expecting a 21 percent employment growth because of the "demand for better medical devices and equipment designed by biomedical engineers." (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008–09 Edition, Engineers, on the Internet at (visited October 04, 2009).) The states highest in demand for bioengineers are California, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland. On the other hand, the states in lowest demand for bioengineers are Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts. Biomedical engineering pays in between $47,640 and $121,970 with an average of $77,400. Biomedical engineering advancements are Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Architectural Engineering There are 25 major specialties in engineering that are recognized by professional societies. In any one of those 25 specialties, the goal of the engineer is the same. The goal is to be able to come up with a cost effective design that aids people in the tasks they face each day. Whether it be the coffee machine in the morning or the roads and highways we travel, or even the cars we travel in, it was all an idea that started with an engineer. Someone engineered each idea to make it the best solution to a problem. Even though engineer's goals are similar, there are many different things that engineers do within their selected field of engineering. This paper will focus on the architectural field of engineering. Like all engineers, more content... Longer hours can also be a part of the job depending on the position. For someone at a high level in a company, longer hours might be necessary in order to make a profit for the company. Admissions requirements for undergraduate engineering schools include a solid background in mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus), sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics), and courses in English, social studies, humanities, and computers. Graduate training is essential for architectural engineering faculty positions, but is not required for the majority of entry–level architectural engineering jobs. Many engineers obtain graduate degrees in engineering or business administration to learn new technology, broaden their education, and enhance their promotion opportunities. Many high–level executives in government and industry began their careers as engineers. A bachelor's degree in engineering is generally required for entry–level engineering jobs. College graduates with a degree in a physical science or mathematics may occasionally qualify for some architectural engineering jobs. In addition to the standard engineering degree, many colleges offer degrees in engineering technology, which are offered as either 2– or 4–year programs. These programs prepare students for practical design and production work, rather than for jobs that require more theoretical and scientific knowledge. Graduates of 4–year technology programs Get more content on
  • 19. Industrial Engineering Essay Technical Drawing Related Career Report Industrial Engineers serve as a bridge between management and operations. They combine their solid engineering background with good business sense and management ability. They figure out the best use of facilities, equipment and people for the most cost efficient and productive way to make or process a product. Industrial Engineers concentrate on improving manufacturing productivity and reducing costs associated with inventory. They are also concerned with worker safety and work environment. In order to be any engineer, you must love math, science and solving problems. Whether it's figuring out how to erect a structurally more content... Engineers have a hand in all phases of development, from idea conception, design and development, implementation and testing to customer support. Industrial engineers have many responsibilities; one is to increasing productivity through their management skill. With there skill they manage people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties. They generally work more with products or processes. Another responsibilit of Industrial Engineers are the understanding of ergonomics and consider how the machines and work environment affect the worker. They must attack the problem by breaking it down into small, independent parts. They design workstations to reduce fatigue and prevent discomfort and work related injuries. They check the fit of chairs, the placement of equipment, Industrial Engineers depend upon many resources, such as computers, CAD/CAM (computer–aided design and computer–aided manufacturing) and computer simulation to figure out the best methods for production, distribution, equipment, and transportation. They may also be responsible for quality control and inventory. They consider handling and storage of incoming material, and set inventory size, as well as packaging and shipping methods. Industrial Engineers must have good people and commutation skill. They spend much of their time asking questions. They Get more content on
  • 20. Civil Engineering Essay CIVIL ENGINEERING Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on the environment. They use their knowledge of the environment to create structures that more content... They could be promoted to positions such as department heads and senior or project managers. Advanced degrees as well as registration as a professional engineer also bolster ones chances of advancement. The current employment outlook for civil engineers in Wisconsin is favorable. Those seeking jobs in the field will find very good employment opportunities. This holds true throughout the nation and is also the long–term employment outlook. The factors that effect employment of civil engineers include economic conditions, population growth, and investment in public infrastructures. The Wisconsin average salary for civil engineering positions ranges from $47,400 to $60,600. The national average starts at $47,400 and goes as high as $68,500. Many employees enjoy generous benefit packages that include paid vacation and sick leave as well as health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and profit sharing. The education path for civil engineers begins with high school courses. Students who have an interest in entering the field of civil engineering should take a college preparatory curriculum which includes natural resources conservation, environmental conservation, computing, advanced programming, calculus, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, drafting, and computer design and drafting. Civil engineers must also have a bachelor's degree. University coursework should include credits in Get more content on