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.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

  .NET Library
      Cormac Sharpe

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Table of Contents
Library Project Overview.....................................................................................................................................3

Project Phase Overview.........................................................................................................................................4

Phase 1 - Windows Front-End Application.........................................................................................................5
   Check In an Item:................................................................................................................................................5
   Member Information............................................................................................................................................5
   Check in an Item for a given member:................................................................................................................7
   Juvenile Member Info..........................................................................................................................................9
   Add New Adult...................................................................................................................................................10
   Add New Juvenile..............................................................................................................................................11
   Check Out an Item:............................................................................................................................................13

Phase 2 – Business & Data Access Tiers............................................................................................................15
   Business Layer Code Samples...........................................................................................................................15
   Data Access Layer Code Samples.....................................................................................................................17
     Stored Procedure usp_AddAdult...................................................................................................................18
     GetItem(isbn, copyNumber)..........................................................................................................................19
   Entities Code Samples.......................................................................................................................................20
     Class Member................................................................................................................................................20
     Class LibraryException..................................................................................................................................20

Phase 3 – Web Application..................................................................................................................................21
   “Get Member Info” Page..................................................................................................................................22
   “Member Info” Page.........................................................................................................................................22
   “Get Book Info” Page.......................................................................................................................................26
   “Book Info” Page..............................................................................................................................................28

Phase 4 – Web Services........................................................................................................................................29
   Note: .................................................................................................................................................................29
   A Web-based (ASP.NET) client was provided as the starting point for the front-end to communicate with the
   web service. This was another separate implemenation of what I produced in Phase 3.................................29
   Server-side Code Samples - The Service Class.................................................................................................30
   Client-side Code Samples - The AddAdult Page...............................................................................................31

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Library Project Overview

                                                                Note: In Phase 3, a web-
                                                                based front end is designed
                                                                and implemented. Phase 4
                                                                goes further and provides
                                                                the functionality as a Web

                                                                  Note: Library Entities is a
                                                                  separate assembly
                                                                  containing the classes that
                                                                  define the various Entities
                                                                  involved in the Library
                                                                  Project, including Member,
                                                                  Adult Member, Juvenile
                                                                  Member, Item, Item
                                                                  Dataset, LibraryException.

This was a multi-phase project in the various .NET technologies using C# and
Visual Studio.
This set of projects was created to support the principal functions of a lending library’s
day-to-day operations.

TECHNOLOGIES USED: .NET with C#; Windows Forms Programming; Regular
Expressions; ADO.NET; SQL Server 2000; Transact SQL (Stored Procedures);
ASP.NET; ASP.NET Security; Web Services; XML; SOAP; WSE 3.0.
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Project Phase Overview
  Phase                           Objective                           Technologies
 Phase 1      In this phase, the Database, Data Access Layer,         .NET with C#;
              and Library Entities were already provided. So this     Windows Forms
              phase involved the development of the front-end         Programming;
              layer (tier) and a business logic layer.                Regular
Front-End     • Design and develop an intuitive Windows Forms-        Expressions.
Application   based front-end application that that will provide a
              librarian with a visual interface through which he or
              she may perform the desired functions.
              • Provide validation for all required fields, and
              adequate error handling.

 Phase 2      • Design and implement a Data Access tier using         .NET with C#;
              ADO.NET to replace the assembly provided in             ADO.NET;
              Phase 1.                                                SQL Server
              • Provide Stored Procedures to be used by the new       2000;
     &        Data Access tier. The Data Access tier should not       Transact SQL
Data Access   contain any SQL statements.                             (Stored
   Tiers      • Retool Business tier to use new Data Access tier.     Procedures).
              • Design and implement a Library Entities
              assembly to replace the assembly provided in
              Phase 1.

 Phase 3      • Create a web application that supports all the        .NET with C#;
              functionality required for Phase I and II of the        ASP.NET;
              Library project.                                        ASP.NET
              • Provide Authentication/Security using ASP.NET         Security.
Application   Membership & Role Management.

 Phase 4      • Take the library system to the next level – allow     .NET with C#;
              interoperability with other systems.                    ASP.NET;
              • Create a Web service that calls into the business     Web Services;
              layer.                                                  XML;
 Services     • Update the presentation (UI) layer to call the        SOAP;
              Web Service, and support previous project               WSE 3.0.
              • Employ WSE 3.0 security using Certificates.
              Signing, encryption and secure session are

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Phase 1 - Windows Front-End Application

In this phase, the Database, Data Access Layer, and Library Entities were provided. So
this phase involved the development of the front-end layer (tier) and a business logic
• Design and develop an intuitive Windows Forms-based front-end application that that
will provide a librarian with a visual interface through which he or she may perform the
desired functions.
• Provide validation for all required fields, and adequate error handling.

Technologies used:
.NET & C#
Windows Programming
Regular Expressions

Check In an Item:                                           MDI Interface
                                                            with Parent &
                                                            child forms.

                                                                                  Menu bar to

  Status Bar to
  Status and/or input
  errors to the User.

  In the above case, we tried to check in a book that was not on loan, and received an error
  message. So we choose ISBN 100, Copy # 1 instead, and we can confirm or cancel the Check In.
Member Information                      Note the additional “New Adult Member” & “New Juvenile
                                        Member” functions available in the Members Screen.
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

After we click
on Members …

… the default
function “Find
Member” is
displayed, and
a member is
found by
entering the
Card #….

        FIND MEMBER:
        Note: it could be an adult or a juvenile. We have 3 classes: Member, and then 2
        derived classes AdultMember & JuvenileMember that inherit from Member.
       private void btnFindMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check txtMemberID:
            bool parseOK = Int16.TryParse(txtMemberID.Text, out intMemberID);
            if (!parseOK)
                 DisplayStatus("Bad Number! Please enter a Valid Card Number.");
            }                 Instantiate Business Layer
            //                                                                      Business Layer
            //Get Member:                                                           does all relevant
            BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();                           error checking
            member = bizLayer.GetMyMember(intMemberID, out resultOK);               and passes the
            if (!resultOK)                                                          result back
            {                                                                       though variables
                 DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage);                              resultOK and
                 return;                                                            ErrorMessage.

        The code then determines that Member ID 1 is an Adult Member
        and displays the member info with the line:
        ShowInterface(member, Action.ShowAdult);

        … and the Member Info is displayed (in this case an Adult
        Member) with <Check In> and <Check Out> functions shown …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

                control to manage
                book loan
                information. This
                Member has 2
                books on Loan.

Check in an Item for a given member:

In the above example, the User has clicked on <Check In> without properly selecting a book to check
in, so receives an error message.

After correcting the error, the User
tries again, and gets the option to
confirm or back out of the CheckIn.

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe


        private void btnCheckIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             string msg;
             string msg2;                                              Handle selected rows
             bool resultOK;                                            in the DataGridView.
             if (dgItems.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                 DisplayStatus("Can't Check In - You need to Select an Item First!");
             foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvRow in dgItems.SelectedRows)
                 DataGridViewCellCollection coll = dgvRow.Cells;
                 //Handle nulls
                 //(happens if user has highlighted the new row at the end)
                 if (!(coll[0].Value == null))
                     int isbn = int.Parse(coll[0].Value.ToString());
                     short copy = short.Parse(coll[1].Value.ToString());
                     string title = coll[2].Value.ToString();
                     //Ask if User wants to Check it in:
                     msg = "Do you want to Check In: ";
                     msg += title + ", Copy # ";
                     msg += copy.ToString() + "?";
                     if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "Confirm Check In:",
                          MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
                          //Check it in:
 Instantiate              BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();
 Business                 resultOK = bizLayer.CheckInMyItem(isbn, copy);
 Layer and use            if (!resultOK)
 it to check in
 the book.
             //Refresh the grid:
             if (!BindGrid(intMemberID, out msg2))


.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Juvenile Member Info

 If we search for Member ID (card#) 10, we find that this is a juvenile Member …

 The only Member
 Info stored for a
 Juvenile is Name,
 Birthday, and the
 Parent’s Member ID.
 However this blue
 panel also displays
 the Parent’s member

 Notice that the
 Parents card is
 flagged as expired

    No books on loan
    for this Member.

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Add New Adult

                                                                                       loaded from
                                                                                       XML file.
using an
Error-                                                                                 When the
Provider                                                                               mouse
control …                                                                              hovers over
                                                                                       the Error-
… and the                                                                              control, it
status bar.                                                                            shows the
                                                                                       which is
                                                                                       using REGEX

         Set up Regular Expressions for Screen Validation, in the constructor
         of the MembersForm class - MembersForm:

              // set up validation regular expressions
              this.txtFirstName.Tag = new PatternAndMessage(@"^[A-Z][a-z]{0,14}$",
                  "First Name must be all letters, first uppercase, " +
                  "all others lowercase, maximum 15 letters.");

   PatternAndMessage is a helper object for associating a regular expression with an error message

         Load the “States” combobox from the XML file in MembersForm_Load():

              DataSet statesInfo = StatesData.GetStates();
              // bind the State table in the dataset to the combobox
              this.cbxState.DataSource = statesInfo.Tables["State"];
              // tell the combobox to display the state Abbreviation
              this.cbxState.DisplayMember = "Abbreviation";
              // tell the combobox to use the abbreviation as the value
              this.cbxState.ValueMember = "Abbreviation";

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Add New Juvenile

To add a new
Juvenile member,
first we need to
specify an adult
member who will
be responsible …

In the above case,
the User entered ID
10, which is that of
a juvenile, so the
input is rejected
with an error

When an Adult ID is
entered, we get the
following screen …

Click <Add
Member>, and we
are then ready to
check out books for
the new member …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe


    private void btnAddNewMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

         …Validate input …
                                                          Instantiate a
                                                          Business layer
              // Instantiate a Business Layer:            object.
              BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();
              //If Adult:
              if (whatTypeOfMember == TypeOfMember.Adult)

              }                                                    Instantiate and
              //If Juvenile:                                       populate a new
              else                                                 JuvenileMember
              {                                                    object.
                   //Instantiate and Populate:
                   //(Assumes Thorough Validation first in the form)
                   JuvenileMember juv = new JuvenileMember();
                   juv.FirstName = this.txtFirstName.Text;
                   juv.LastName = this.txtLastName.Text;
                   juv.MiddleInitial = this.txtMiddleInitial.Text;
                   juv.AdultMemberID = (short)Convert.ToInt16(this.txtMemberID.Text);
                   juv.BirthDate = this.dateTimePicker1.Value;
                   //Add the Member:                           Add the Juvenile member
                   if (!bizLayer.AddMyMember(juv))             to the Database using the
                   {                                           Business Layer.
                                                      Display the new
                   action = Action.ShowJuvenile;
                   ShowInterface(juv, action);        Juvenile member info.
        catch (OverflowException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); }
        catch (FormatException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); }
        //Possible Exceptions from LibraryEntities:
        catch (InvalidCastException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); }
        catch (ArgumentNullException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); }
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); }
        catch (Exception exc)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine("General Exception Error: " + exc.Message);
            if (!(exc.InnerException == null))
                sb.AppendLine("Inner Exception: " + exc.InnerException.Message);
            sb.AppendLine("Source: " + exc.Source);
            DisplayStatus(sb.ToString());                   Exception Handling
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

 … And the new Juvenile Member Info is displayed

                                                              Out>, to
                                                              check out
                                                              Books for

Check Out an Item:

If we choose
<Check Out> from
the Member
Screen, we get the
following dialog …                                 We choose a
                                                   Book to check out
                                                   for the current
                                                   Member, and click
                                                   <Check Out> …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

… then we get to confirm or back
out of the operation ….

… or if the book is in the system as
On Loan, the User is asked ….

                                       Again, we can confirm or cancel.

        private void btnCheckOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {                                                                 Instantiate a
            CheckOutForm frmCheckOut = new CheckOutForm(intMemberID);     new
            frmCheckOut.ShowDialog(this);                                 CheckOutForm
            //                                                            and open it
            string msg;                                                   modally.
            if (!BindGrid(intMemberID, out msg))    Refresh the grid
            {                                       to show newly
                DisplayStatus(msg);                 checked out item.

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Phase 2 – Business & Data Access Tiers
• Design and implement a Data Access tier using ADO.NET to replace the assembly
provided in Phase 1.
• Provide Stored Procedures to be used by the new Data Access tier, which should not
contain any SQL statements.
• Retool Business tier to use new Data Access tier.
• Design and implement a Library Entities assembly to replace the assembly provided in
Phase 1.

Technologies used:
.NET & C#
SQL Server 2000, Transact SQL (Stored Procedures)

Business Layer Code Samples
 ///   <summary>
 ///   The Business Layer is an intermediary layer between the Client and
 ///   Data Access Layers. It’s function is to encapsulate Business Logic.
 ///   </summary>
public class BusinessLayer
         /// <summary>
         /// Interrogates the Data Access Layer
         /// to return a Library ItemsDataSet object.
         /// </summary>
         public ItemsDataSet GetMyItems(short memberID, out bool resultOK)
             // init:
             ItemsDataSet MyItems = null;                    ItemsDataSet is a strongly typed
             resultOK = false;                               Dataset object for populating the
             //                                              DataGridView. It is defined in
             try                                             separate assembly LibraryEntities.
                 // create a library data access object:
                 LibraryDataAccess lda = new LibraryDataAccess();
                 // Get Items object:                                      Instantiate Data
                 MyItems = lda.GetItems(memberID);                         Access Layer …
                 resultOK = true;
             catch                                                         … and use it to return
                    … etc …
                                                                           a ItemsDataSet

             return MyItems;

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

        public bool AddMyMember(Member m)
        {                                                           AdultMember &
            // init:                                                JuvenileMember are
            bool resultOK = false;                                  derived from the Member
            bool isAdult;                                           base class. All are
            AdultMember adultMember;                                defined in separate
            JuvenileMember juvenileMember;                          assembly LibraryEntities.
                //check for null member:
                if (m == null)
                     errorMessage =
                         "Could not Add Member. " +
                         "The Member object was null.";
                     return resultOK;
                //Get What Kind Of Member:
                adultMember = m as AdultMember;
                if (!(adultMember == null)) { isAdult = true; }
                else { isAdult = false; }
                //                                                      Instantiate Data
                //Create a library data access object:                  Access Layer …
                LibraryDataAccess lda = new LibraryDataAccess();
 any            //Add the Member:                                       … and use it to add
 errors         if (isAdult) { lda.AddMember((AdultMember)m); }         the member to the
                else { lda.AddMember((JuvenileMember)m); }              database.
                resultOK = true;
            catch (LibraryException exc)                                LibraryException
            {                                                           is a custom Exception
                errorMessage = GetLibraryErrorMessage(exc);             object defined in
                return resultOK;                                        separate assembly
            }                                                           LibraryEntities.
            catch (Exception exc)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("General Exception Error: " + exc.Message);
                if (!(exc.InnerException == null))
                     sb.AppendLine("Inner Exception: " + exc.InnerException.Message);
                sb.AppendLine("Source: " + exc.Source);      The Business Layer traps any
                errorMessage = sb.ToString();                errors and exposes the result
                return resultOK;                             back to the calling front end
            }                                                though the variable resultOK
            return resultOK;                                 and the ErrorMessage property.

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Data Access Layer Code Samples
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds specified Adult Member to the database. The AdultMember object that is
        /// passed as a parameter must have all properties initialized except MemberID
        /// & ExpirationDate which are populated with values returned by the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddMember(AdultMember adultMember)                Instantiate a new
        {                                                             SqlConnection
                using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(
                  "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=library;Integrated Security=True"))
                    using (SqlCommand cmd =                                Instantiate a new
                       new SqlCommand("usp_AddAdult", cnn))                SqlCommand
                    {                                                      based on the
                         cnn.Open();                                       SqlConnection
                         cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;    and a stored
                         //                                                procedure
                         SqlParameter prmFirstname = new SqlParameter();
Add Input                prmFirstname.ParameterName = "@firstname";
Parameters to            prmFirstname.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                         prmFirstname.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
the SqlCommand
                         prmFirstname.Value = adultMember.FirstName;
object.                  cmd.Parameters.Add(prmFirstname);
                          … Other Input Parameters are added…
                         SqlParameter prmMember_no = new SqlParameter();
Add Output               prmMember_no.ParameterName = "@member_no";
Parameters to            prmMember_no.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
the SqlCommand           prmMember_no.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallInt;
                          … Output Parameter @expr-date " is also added in like fashion …

Execute the              //
command.                 int nrRowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
ExecuteNonQuery          //
means that it will
                         adultMember.MemberID = (short)cmd.Parameters["@member_no"].Value;
be returning no
                         adultMember.ExpirationDate =
                 }                       The AdultMember object is updated with the info returned
            }                            from the stored proc through the 2 output parameters.

            catch (SqlException SqlEx)
            {throw GetLibraryException(SqlEx); }        Note that the first type of exception we try to
            catch (Exception ex)                        catch is an SqlException. This will catch
            {throw GetLibraryException(ex); }           any error invoked by the RAISERROR
       }                                                statement in the stored procedure.
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Stored Procedure usp_AddAdult
-- Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_AddAdult]                Script Date: 07/13/2009 03:08:35
USE [library]
-- =============================================                 8 Input Parameters
-- Author:                 Cormac Sharpe
-- Create date:            June 26, 2009
-- Description:            Adds an Adult Member to the Library
                                                                                    2 Output Parameters
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_AddAdult]
         @firstname varchar(15), @lastname varchar(15), @middleinitial varchar(1),
         @street varchar(15), @city varchar(15), @state varchar(2), @zip varchar(10),
         @phone_no varchar(13), @member_no smallint output, @expr_date datetime output
         SET NOCOUNT ON;
                                              RAISERROR raises an                     State 118 flags an
         --Validate Input;                                                            AddAdultFailed
                                              sqlException, which is
         -----------------------------        caught in the ADO.NET code              ErrorCode to
         IF (@firstname is null)                                                      LibraryException.
         OR (@lastname is null)
Validate                   RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: Incomplete Name - either @firstname or
Input                                                            @lastname was null.',16,118);
                           -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException
                  return -1
          Also validated: IF (@street is null) OR (@city is null) OR (@state is null) (@zip is null) then RAISERROR.

         set @expr_date = dateadd(year,1,getdate())
         begin transaction
                insert into dbo.member(firstname, lastname, middleinitial)
                values (@firstname, @lastname, @middleinitial)
                if @@error <> 0
Insert                begin
Into                    rollback transaction
member                RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: An error occurred while adding an Adult
Table                                                                    Member.',16,118);
                      -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException
                      return -1
                                                                Save the newly created MemberID
                                                                to the output parameter.
                set @member_no = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
                insert into, street, city, state, zip, expr_date)
                values (@member_no, @street, @city,@state,@zip,@expr_date)
Insert          if @@error <> 0
                        rollback transaction
                        RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: An error occurred while adding an Adult
                        -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException
                        return -1
         commit transaction

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

GetItem(isbn, copyNumber)

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an Item object that contains data about the item whose
        /// ISBN and copy number are provided as parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isbn"></param>
        /// <param name="copyNumber"></param>
        public Item GetItem(int isbn, short copyNumber)

                 using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(
                   "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=library;Integrated Security=True"))
                     using (SqlCommand cmd =
                       new SqlCommand("usp_GetItem", cnn))
Add Input            {
Parameters to the        cnn.Open();
SqlCommand object.       cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
THERE ARE NO             //
OUTPUT                   //
PARAMETERS IN            SqlParameter prmISBN = new SqlParameter();
THIS CASE.               prmISBN.ParameterName = "@isbn";
                         prmISBN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                         prmISBN.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
                         prmISBN.Value = isbn;
                                … Input Parameter @copy_no" is also added in like fashion …
Execute the
returns rows to the         using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
object.                         //exactly 1 row should be returned
1 row is returned               if (!(reader.Read()))
(the Select is based            {
on a unique index).

The Item object is
created with the
row info returned                 Item myItem = new Item(myISBN, myCopyNumber, myTitle,
from the stored                     myAuthor, myMemberNumber, myCheckoutDate, myDueDate);
proc, and returned.
                                  return myItem;

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Entities Code Samples
LibraryEntities is a separate assembly containing the classes that define the Entities involved in the
Library Project, including Member, AdultMember, JuvenileMember, Item, ItemDataset, LibraryException.

Class Member
   /// <summary>
   /// Represents a member of the library.
   /// </summary>
                                                            Base class from which AdultMember
   public class Member
   {                                                        & JuvenileMember are derived.
       private string city;
                              … etc …
       // Member Constructor. Initializes the Member object.
       public Member()
           city = string.Empty; … etc …               Properties to be exposed for the
                                                      Member class. All are read/write.
       public string City
           get { return city; }
           set { city = value; } … etc …

Class LibraryException
   /// <summary>
   /// Custom exception for when a non-fatal error occurs in the Library App.
   /// </summary>
   public class LibraryException : Exception         Inherits from Exception.
       private ErrorCode libraryErrorCode = ErrorCode.None;
                                                               … etc …
       // Constructors:
       public LibraryException(ErrorCode errorCode)
       {libraryErrorCode = errorCode; }
                                                                    … and a lot more constructor
       public LibraryException(string message): base(message)
                                                                    overloads …
       {//do nothing - its handled by base class Exception. }
       //Gets the value of the ErrorCode that was set when this exception was created.
       //This value indicates the reason for the exception being thrown.
       //If this value was not set explicitly, this property will return ErrorCode.None
       public ErrorCode LibraryErrorCode
           get { return libraryErrorCode; }                         … and other Properties …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Phase 3 – Web Application
• Create a web application that supports all the functionality required for Phase I and II
of the Library project.

Technologies used:
.NET & C#; ASP.NET; Forms-based authentication;Security using ASP.NET Membership
& Role Management.

     All pages use a common
     theme and Master Page.

                  Hypertext based
                  Menu system

                  Security using
                  Membership & Role
                  Management. Only
                  Users belonging to
                  the “Librarian” role
                  can Log in.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration>                             Note authorization in
  <appSettings/>                            Web.config - Anyone can
  <connectionStrings/>                      access the Website, but all
                                            important functionality is
                                            restricted to “Librarian”
    <authorization>                         role members.
       <allow roles="Librarian" />
       <deny users="*" />
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

“Get Member Info” Page

 If we enter card# 1
 and click <Get Member
 Info>, the following
 code runs …

Session["MemberObject"] = member;
Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/MemberInfo.aspx");              Save member object as
                                                                 session info and redirect to
                                                                 the MemberInfo page.

“Member Info” Page
public partial class Operations_MemberInfo : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)           Only do these actions if this page is opening
        {                               fresh, i.e. not posting back from the server.

            if ((Session["MemberObject"] != null))
            { member = (Member)Session["MemberObject"]; }            Retrieve member object
            //                                                       from session info.
            if (member is AdultMember) { ShowAdult(); }
            else // Member is a Juvenile:
                juv = (JuvenileMember)member;
                //If Juvenile over 18:
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe
                   if (juv.BirthDate.AddYears(18) <= DateTime.Today)
                       //Update Juvenile to Adult:
                       BusinessLayer biz = new BusinessLayer();
                       resultOK = biz.UpdateToMyAdult(juv.MemberID);
 A Juvenile
 member who            … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc …
 is over 18 is        //Re-retrieve member - is now an adult:
 automatically        BusinessLayer biz1 = new BusinessLayer();
 updated to           member = biz1.GetMyMember(juv.MemberID, out resultOK);
 being an Adult        … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc …
                      string msg = string.Empty;
                      msg += "This member is over 18, but was in the system as a ";
                      msg += "juvenile. The member was updated to an Adult. ";
                   else { ShowJuvenile(); }


In this case we had entered card# 1, and
we find that this is an Adult Member …

                                                             Its not shown on this screen, but if the
                                                             card is over 1 year old, then the card is
                                                             flagged with Card is Expired, and the
                                                             user is given the opportunity to renew
                                                             it with a <Renew Membership>
                                                             button, which appears only in that
                                                             case. Here’s the code:
                                                             e.Text) < DateTime.Today)
                                                                this.lblExpired.Visible = true;
                                                                this.lblExpiredFlag.Visible = true;
                                                                this.btnRenew.Visible = true;
                                                                this.btnCheckOut.Enabled = false;

                                                             If we enter ISBN 1, Copy#1, and then
                                                             click <Check Out>, we get an option to
                                                             Confirm or Cancel …
 When we click on <OK> …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

                                                                   btnOK runs when the user
  protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)           confirms the Check out.
      Item item;
      string msg;
      //Retrieve the Item from Session:
      if (Session["ItemObject"] != null)
                                                                  Retrieve Item object from
           item = (Item)Session["ItemObject"];                    Session.
      }                                                           (Earlier when <Check Out>
      else                                                        was clicked,
      {                                                           btnCheckOut_Click ran,
           DisplayMessage("Error retrieving the Item.");          populating an Item object,
           SetCheckOut(false);                                    which it then saved to
           return;                                                Session)
      //If Item is on Loan:
      if (!(item.MemberNumber == 0))
           // Check it In first:
           BusinessLayer biz = new BusinessLayer();
           resultOK = biz.CheckInMyItem(item.ISBN, item.CopyNumber);
           if (!resultOK)
      //Check it out:
      BusinessLayer biz2 = new BusinessLayer();        Check out the Item
      resultOK = biz2.CheckOutMyItem(                  (copy of a book).
           item.ISBN, item.CopyNumber);
      if (!resultOK)
           if (biz2.ErrorMessage == "FourBooksAlreadyCheckedOut")
           {                                                         Enforce a
                msg = "Four Books are Already Checked Out. ";        maximum of 4
                msg += "n";                                         items on loan at
                msg += "Four is the maximum allowed.";               a time.
      //Refresh Grid:                                         Refresh the
                                                               grid to display
                                                               the new item on                 24
.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe
       DisplayMessage("Check Out Complete!");

 … the Item is added to the
 grid, and the Check Out is

  protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
      isbn = int.Parse(this.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text);   Selecting a book in
      copy = short.Parse(this.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text); the grid checks it in.
      BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();
      resultOK = bizLayer.CheckInMyItem(isbn, copy);
      if (!resultOK)
      //Refresh Grid:

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

“Get Book Info” Page

                                   User has the choice to
                                   just get the Book Info,
                                   or do so while also
                                   adding a new copy of
                                   the book.

            Click <Get Book> …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

public partial class Operations_GetBook : System.Web.UI.Page
      protected void btnGetBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          //Get Book:
          BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();
          book = bizLayer.GetMyBook(                            GetMyBook creates and
               int.Parse(this.txtISBN.Text),                    populates a Book object, based
               out resultOK);                                   on the inputted ISBN.
          if (!resultOK)
               if (bizLayer.ErrorMessage == "BookNotFound")
                    //give user option to add new Book or back out:
                    DisplayStatus("This Book does not yet exist. Do you want to add it?";);
                    //Show Ok & Cancel buttons
               else                                             The Book was not found. User is
               {                                                given the option to add it to the
                    DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage);       system.
          //                                                    Save Book object to Session.
          //if the code gets this far, then ....
          //Save the Book in Session:
          Session["BookObject"] = book;
          if (this.chkNewCopy.Checked)
          {                                                     Save the boolean
               Session["BookAddNewCopy"] = true;                BookAddNewCopy to Session.
               Session["BookAddNewCopy"] = false;
          Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/BookInfo.aspx");            Redirect to BookInfo
      }                                                                page.
      protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          Session["NewBookISBN"] = this.txtISBN.Text;
          Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/AddNewBook.aspx");            Redirect to AddNewBook
      }                                                                  page if User chose to
                                                                         add a book that was not
}                                                                        found.

    … and we are presented with the book info for ISBN #1 …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

“Book Info” Page

     Since we chose in the
     previous screen to add
     a new copy, copy #20
     has been added …

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (!Page.IsPostBack)
          if ((Session["BookObject"] != null))
                                                                Retrieve Book object
              book = (Book)Session["BookObject"];               from Session.
      this.lblAuthor.Text = book.Author;
      this.lblCover.Text = book.Cover;                          Populate the page.
      … etc …
     //                                                     Retrieve the boolean
     if ((bool)Session["BookAddNewCopy"])                   BookAddNewCopy from Session.
         newCopyNo = (short)(book.Max_copy_no + 1);         This indicates whether the user
         //                                                 chose to also add a new copy of
         //Add New Copy:                                    the book.
         BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer();
         resultOK = bizLayer.AddMyCopy(book.ISBN, newCopyNo, book.Title_no);
            … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc …
                                                             AddMyCopy, and flag this, if the
          this.lblMaxCopyNo.Text = newCopyNo.ToString();     user chose to add a new copy.
          lblMaxCopyUpdated.Visible = true;
          msg = "A New Copy "(Copy Nr " + newCopyNo.ToString() + ") has been added.";
          DisplayStatus(msg); }}

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Phase 4 – Web Services
• Take the library system to the next level – allow interoperability with other systems.
• Create a Web service that calls into the Business Layer.
• Update the Client (UI) layer to call the Web Service, and support previous project
• Employ WSE 3.0 security using Certificates. Signing, encryption and secure session are

Technologies used:
.NET; C#; ASP.NET; Web Services; XML; SOAP; WSE 3.0

 Web Client
 Sample Page.

 A Web-based
 (ASP.NET) client
 was provided as
 the starting
 point for the
 front-end to
 with the web
 service. This
 was another
 of what I
 produced in
 Phase 3.

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Server-side Code Samples - The Service Class
using   System;
using   System.Web;
using   System.Web.Services;
using   System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using   SFLibraryBusiness;
using   SFLibraryEntities;
using   System.Xml.Serialization;
using   System.Xml;                                                       The Web Service
using   Microsoft.Web.Services3;                                          supports the
                                                                          Basic Profile.

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
[Policy("CertificatesPolicy")]                                             Use WSE 3.0
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService                      security with
{                                                                          Certificates.

                            Derive Service class from

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the member object using a member number or id.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="memberNumber">Member number.</param>
    /// <returns>Populated member object with data.</returns> GetMember returns the base
    [WebMethod]                                                class Member. To tell the
    [XmlInclude(typeof(AdultMember))]                          client and web service to
    [XmlInclude(typeof(JuvenileMember))]                       handle the sub-classes
    public Member GetMember(short memberNumber)                correctly, we use the
    {                                                          XmlInclude attribute.
            Library lib = new Library();
            Member m = lib.GetMember(memberNumber);      The Web Service
            return m;                                    simply instantiates
        }                                                and calls into the
                                                         Business Layer.

          catch (LibraryException libex)
              throw new SoapException(libex.Message, SoapException.ClientFaultCode, libex);
                                     Re-throw any LibraryException as a SoapException.

    … and the other Web Methods are very similar …

.NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe

Client-side Code Samples - The AddAdult Page
public partial class AddAdult : System.Web.UI.Page
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!this.IsPostBack)        If this is the page opening 1st time (not a
    {                            postback from the server), then load the
      this.LoadStates();         States dropdown box from the xml file.

  protected void addAdultButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!Page.IsValid)
    { return; }
      // Populate new adult object
      AdultMember newAdultMember = new AdultMember();
      newAdultMember.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text;

         … etc …

        // Attempt to add new adult member               Implement WSE 3.0 security
        ServiceWse lib = new ServiceWse();               using Certificates.

        newAdultMember = lib.AddAdultMember(newAdultMember);
        short memberID = newAdultMember.MemberID;

    … and the service (ServiceWse) is invoked,
    which in turn calls into the Business Layer.

        // Redirect to the GetMemberInfo page and pass the new member id.
        // false is passed to surpress the internal call to the Response.End
        // Additional details at:
                                            memberID.ToString()), false);

    catch (Exception ex)
    {statusLabel.Text = "Error: <br> " + ex.Message;}

                       Redirect to the GetMemberInfo page passing the new member id.
                       In the GetMemberInfo class the MemberID will be retrieved as follows:
                       //populate the textbox with the value
                       this.memberNoTextBox.Text = Request.QueryString["MemberID"];


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.NET Project Manual

  • 1. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe .NET Library Project Cormac Sharpe 1
  • 2. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Table of Contents Library Project Overview.....................................................................................................................................3 Project Phase Overview.........................................................................................................................................4 Phase 1 - Windows Front-End Application.........................................................................................................5 Check In an Item:................................................................................................................................................5 Member Information............................................................................................................................................5 Check in an Item for a given member:................................................................................................................7 Juvenile Member Info..........................................................................................................................................9 Add New Adult...................................................................................................................................................10 Add New Juvenile..............................................................................................................................................11 Check Out an Item:............................................................................................................................................13 Phase 2 – Business & Data Access Tiers............................................................................................................15 Business Layer Code Samples...........................................................................................................................15 GetMyItems(MemberID)...............................................................................................................................15 AddMyMember(Member).............................................................................................................................16 Data Access Layer Code Samples.....................................................................................................................17 AddMember(AdultMember)..........................................................................................................................17 Stored Procedure usp_AddAdult...................................................................................................................18 GetItem(isbn, copyNumber)..........................................................................................................................19 Entities Code Samples.......................................................................................................................................20 Class Member................................................................................................................................................20 Class LibraryException..................................................................................................................................20 Phase 3 – Web Application..................................................................................................................................21 “Get Member Info” Page..................................................................................................................................22 “Member Info” Page.........................................................................................................................................22 “Get Book Info” Page.......................................................................................................................................26 “Book Info” Page..............................................................................................................................................28 Phase 4 – Web Services........................................................................................................................................29 Note: .................................................................................................................................................................29 A Web-based (ASP.NET) client was provided as the starting point for the front-end to communicate with the web service. This was another separate implemenation of what I produced in Phase 3.................................29 Server-side Code Samples - The Service Class.................................................................................................30 Client-side Code Samples - The AddAdult Page...............................................................................................31 2
  • 3. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Library Project Overview Note: In Phase 3, a web- based front end is designed and implemented. Phase 4 goes further and provides the functionality as a Web Service. Note: Library Entities is a separate assembly containing the classes that define the various Entities involved in the Library Project, including Member, Adult Member, Juvenile Member, Item, Item Dataset, LibraryException. This was a multi-phase project in the various .NET technologies using C# and Visual Studio. This set of projects was created to support the principal functions of a lending library’s day-to-day operations. TECHNOLOGIES USED: .NET with C#; Windows Forms Programming; Regular Expressions; ADO.NET; SQL Server 2000; Transact SQL (Stored Procedures); ASP.NET; ASP.NET Security; Web Services; XML; SOAP; WSE 3.0. 3
  • 4. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Project Phase Overview Phase Objective Technologies used Phase 1 In this phase, the Database, Data Access Layer, .NET with C#; and Library Entities were already provided. So this Windows Forms phase involved the development of the front-end Programming; Windows layer (tier) and a business logic layer. Regular Front-End • Design and develop an intuitive Windows Forms- Expressions. Application based front-end application that that will provide a librarian with a visual interface through which he or she may perform the desired functions. • Provide validation for all required fields, and adequate error handling. Phase 2 • Design and implement a Data Access tier using .NET with C#; ADO.NET to replace the assembly provided in ADO.NET; Phase 1. SQL Server Business • Provide Stored Procedures to be used by the new 2000; & Data Access tier. The Data Access tier should not Transact SQL Data Access contain any SQL statements. (Stored Tiers • Retool Business tier to use new Data Access tier. Procedures). • Design and implement a Library Entities assembly to replace the assembly provided in Phase 1. Phase 3 • Create a web application that supports all the .NET with C#; functionality required for Phase I and II of the ASP.NET; Library project. ASP.NET Web • Provide Authentication/Security using ASP.NET Security. Application Membership & Role Management. Phase 4 • Take the library system to the next level – allow .NET with C#; interoperability with other systems. ASP.NET; • Create a Web service that calls into the business Web Services; Web layer. XML; Services • Update the presentation (UI) layer to call the SOAP; Web Service, and support previous project WSE 3.0. functionality. • Employ WSE 3.0 security using Certificates. Signing, encryption and secure session are required. 4
  • 5. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Phase 1 - Windows Front-End Application Overview: Objective: In this phase, the Database, Data Access Layer, and Library Entities were provided. So this phase involved the development of the front-end layer (tier) and a business logic layer. • Design and develop an intuitive Windows Forms-based front-end application that that will provide a librarian with a visual interface through which he or she may perform the desired functions. • Provide validation for all required fields, and adequate error handling. Technologies used: .NET & C# Windows Programming Regular Expressions Check In an Item: MDI Interface with Parent & child forms. Menu bar to Navigate through various functions Status Bar to communicate Status and/or input errors to the User. In the above case, we tried to check in a book that was not on loan, and received an error message. So we choose ISBN 100, Copy # 1 instead, and we can confirm or cancel the Check In. Member Information Note the additional “New Adult Member” & “New Juvenile Member” functions available in the Members Screen. 5
  • 6. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe After we click on Members … … the default function “Find Member” is displayed, and a member is found by entering the Card #…. FIND MEMBER: Note: it could be an adult or a juvenile. We have 3 classes: Member, and then 2 derived classes AdultMember & JuvenileMember that inherit from Member. private void btnFindMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Check txtMemberID: bool parseOK = Int16.TryParse(txtMemberID.Text, out intMemberID); if (!parseOK) { DisplayStatus("Bad Number! Please enter a Valid Card Number."); return; } Instantiate Business Layer // Business Layer //Get Member: does all relevant BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); error checking member = bizLayer.GetMyMember(intMemberID, out resultOK); and passes the if (!resultOK) result back { though variables DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage); resultOK and return; ErrorMessage. } The code then determines that Member ID 1 is an Adult Member and displays the member info with the line: ShowInterface(member, Action.ShowAdult); } … and the Member Info is displayed (in this case an Adult Member) with <Check In> and <Check Out> functions shown … 6
  • 7. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe DataGridView control to manage book loan information. This Member has 2 books on Loan. Check in an Item for a given member: In the above example, the User has clicked on <Check In> without properly selecting a book to check in, so receives an error message. After correcting the error, the User tries again, and gets the option to confirm or back out of the CheckIn. 7
  • 8. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe CHECK IN AN ITEM FROM THE MEMBERS SCREEN: private void btnCheckIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string msg; string msg2; Handle selected rows bool resultOK; in the DataGridView. // if (dgItems.SelectedRows.Count == 0) { DisplayStatus("Can't Check In - You need to Select an Item First!"); return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvRow in dgItems.SelectedRows) { DataGridViewCellCollection coll = dgvRow.Cells; // //Handle nulls //(happens if user has highlighted the new row at the end) if (!(coll[0].Value == null)) { int isbn = int.Parse(coll[0].Value.ToString()); short copy = short.Parse(coll[1].Value.ToString()); string title = coll[2].Value.ToString(); // //Ask if User wants to Check it in: msg = "Do you want to Check In: "; msg += title + ", Copy # "; msg += copy.ToString() + "?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "Confirm Check In:", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK) { //Check it in: Instantiate BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); Business resultOK = bizLayer.CheckInMyItem(isbn, copy); Layer and use if (!resultOK) { it to check in DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage); the book. return; } } } } //Refresh the grid: if (!BindGrid(intMemberID, out msg2)) { DisplayStatus(msg2); return; } } 8
  • 9. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Juvenile Member Info If we search for Member ID (card#) 10, we find that this is a juvenile Member … The only Member Info stored for a Juvenile is Name, Birthday, and the Parent’s Member ID. However this blue panel also displays the Parent’s member info. Notice that the Parents card is flagged as expired No books on loan for this Member. 9
  • 10. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Add New Adult Combobox control loaded from XML file. Input Validation using an Error- When the Provider mouse control … hovers over the Error- Provider … and the control, it status bar. shows the error message, which is provided using REGEX (Regular Expressions) pattern matching. Set up Regular Expressions for Screen Validation, in the constructor of the MembersForm class - MembersForm: // set up validation regular expressions this.txtFirstName.Tag = new PatternAndMessage(@"^[A-Z][a-z]{0,14}$", "First Name must be all letters, first uppercase, " + "all others lowercase, maximum 15 letters."); PatternAndMessage is a helper object for associating a regular expression with an error message Load the “States” combobox from the XML file in MembersForm_Load(): DataSet statesInfo = StatesData.GetStates(); // bind the State table in the dataset to the combobox this.cbxState.DataSource = statesInfo.Tables["State"]; // tell the combobox to display the state Abbreviation this.cbxState.DisplayMember = "Abbreviation"; // tell the combobox to use the abbreviation as the value this.cbxState.ValueMember = "Abbreviation"; 10
  • 11. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Add New Juvenile To add a new Juvenile member, first we need to specify an adult member who will be responsible … In the above case, the User entered ID 10, which is that of a juvenile, so the input is rejected with an error message. When an Adult ID is entered, we get the following screen … Click <Add Member>, and we are then ready to check out books for the new member … 11
  • 12. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe ADD NEW JUVENILE MEMBER: private void btnAddNewMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { …Validate input … Instantiate a try Business layer { // Instantiate a Business Layer: object. BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); // //If Adult: if (whatTypeOfMember == TypeOfMember.Adult) { … } Instantiate and //If Juvenile: populate a new else JuvenileMember { object. //Instantiate and Populate: //(Assumes Thorough Validation first in the form) JuvenileMember juv = new JuvenileMember(); juv.FirstName = this.txtFirstName.Text; juv.LastName = this.txtLastName.Text; juv.MiddleInitial = this.txtMiddleInitial.Text; juv.AdultMemberID = (short)Convert.ToInt16(this.txtMemberID.Text); juv.BirthDate = this.dateTimePicker1.Value; // //Add the Member: Add the Juvenile member if (!bizLayer.AddMyMember(juv)) to the Database using the { Business Layer. DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage); return; } // Display the new action = Action.ShowJuvenile; ShowInterface(juv, action); Juvenile member info. } } catch (OverflowException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); } catch (FormatException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); } //Possible Exceptions from LibraryEntities: catch (InvalidCastException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); } catch (ArgumentNullException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException exc) { DisplayStatus(exc.Message); } catch (Exception exc) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("General Exception Error: " + exc.Message); if (!(exc.InnerException == null)) { sb.AppendLine("Inner Exception: " + exc.InnerException.Message); } sb.AppendLine("Source: " + exc.Source); DisplayStatus(sb.ToString()); Exception Handling } } 12
  • 13. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe … And the new Juvenile Member Info is displayed Click <Check Out>, to check out Books for this Member. Check Out an Item: If we choose <Check Out> from the Member Screen, we get the following dialog … We choose a Book to check out for the current Member, and click <Check Out> … 13
  • 14. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe … then we get to confirm or back out of the operation …. … or if the book is in the system as On Loan, the User is asked …. Again, we can confirm or cancel. private void btnCheckOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Instantiate a CheckOutForm frmCheckOut = new CheckOutForm(intMemberID); new frmCheckOut.ShowDialog(this); CheckOutForm // and open it string msg; modally. if (!BindGrid(intMemberID, out msg)) Refresh the grid { to show newly DisplayStatus(msg); checked out item. } } 14
  • 15. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Phase 2 – Business & Data Access Tiers Overview: Objective: • Design and implement a Data Access tier using ADO.NET to replace the assembly provided in Phase 1. • Provide Stored Procedures to be used by the new Data Access tier, which should not contain any SQL statements. • Retool Business tier to use new Data Access tier. • Design and implement a Library Entities assembly to replace the assembly provided in Phase 1. Technologies used: .NET & C# ADO.NET SQL Server 2000, Transact SQL (Stored Procedures) Business Layer Code Samples /// <summary> /// The Business Layer is an intermediary layer between the Client and /// Data Access Layers. It’s function is to encapsulate Business Logic. /// </summary> public class BusinessLayer { GetMyItems(MemberID) /// <summary> /// Interrogates the Data Access Layer /// to return a Library ItemsDataSet object. /// </summary> public ItemsDataSet GetMyItems(short memberID, out bool resultOK) { // init: ItemsDataSet MyItems = null; ItemsDataSet is a strongly typed resultOK = false; Dataset object for populating the // DataGridView. It is defined in try separate assembly LibraryEntities. { // create a library data access object: LibraryDataAccess lda = new LibraryDataAccess(); // // Get Items object: Instantiate Data MyItems = lda.GetItems(memberID); Access Layer … resultOK = true; } catch … and use it to return … etc … a ItemsDataSet return MyItems; } 15
  • 16. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe AddMyMember(Member) public bool AddMyMember(Member m) { AdultMember & // init: JuvenileMember are bool resultOK = false; derived from the Member bool isAdult; base class. All are AdultMember adultMember; defined in separate JuvenileMember juvenileMember; assembly LibraryEntities. // try { // //check for null member: if (m == null) { errorMessage = "Could not Add Member. " + "The Member object was null."; return resultOK; } // //Get What Kind Of Member: adultMember = m as AdultMember; if (!(adultMember == null)) { isAdult = true; } else { isAdult = false; } // Instantiate Data //Create a library data access object: Access Layer … LibraryDataAccess lda = new LibraryDataAccess(); Catch // any //Add the Member: … and use it to add errors if (isAdult) { lda.AddMember((AdultMember)m); } the member to the else { lda.AddMember((JuvenileMember)m); } database. // resultOK = true; } catch (LibraryException exc) LibraryException { is a custom Exception errorMessage = GetLibraryErrorMessage(exc); object defined in return resultOK; separate assembly } LibraryEntities. catch (Exception exc) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("General Exception Error: " + exc.Message); if (!(exc.InnerException == null)) { sb.AppendLine("Inner Exception: " + exc.InnerException.Message); } sb.AppendLine("Source: " + exc.Source); The Business Layer traps any errorMessage = sb.ToString(); errors and exposes the result return resultOK; back to the calling front end } though the variable resultOK return resultOK; and the ErrorMessage property. } 16
  • 17. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Data Access Layer Code Samples AddMember(AdultMember) /// <summary> /// Adds specified Adult Member to the database. The AdultMember object that is /// passed as a parameter must have all properties initialized except MemberID /// & ExpirationDate which are populated with values returned by the database. /// </summary> public void AddMember(AdultMember adultMember) Instantiate a new { SqlConnection try { using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection( "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=library;Integrated Security=True")) { using (SqlCommand cmd = Instantiate a new new SqlCommand("usp_AddAdult", cnn)) SqlCommand { based on the cnn.Open(); SqlConnection cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; and a stored // procedure SqlParameter prmFirstname = new SqlParameter(); Add Input prmFirstname.ParameterName = "@firstname"; Parameters to prmFirstname.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; prmFirstname.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar; the SqlCommand prmFirstname.Value = adultMember.FirstName; object. cmd.Parameters.Add(prmFirstname); // … Other Input Parameters are added… // SqlParameter prmMember_no = new SqlParameter(); Add Output prmMember_no.ParameterName = "@member_no"; Parameters to prmMember_no.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; the SqlCommand prmMember_no.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallInt; cmd.Parameters.Add(prmMember_no); object. // … Output Parameter @expr-date " is also added in like fashion … Execute the // command. int nrRowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ExecuteNonQuery // means that it will adultMember.MemberID = (short)cmd.Parameters["@member_no"].Value; be returning no adultMember.ExpirationDate = rows. Convert.ToDateTime(cmd.Parameters["@expr_date"].Value); } } The AdultMember object is updated with the info returned } from the stored proc through the 2 output parameters. catch (SqlException SqlEx) {throw GetLibraryException(SqlEx); } Note that the first type of exception we try to catch (Exception ex) catch is an SqlException. This will catch {throw GetLibraryException(ex); } any error invoked by the RAISERROR } statement in the stored procedure. 17
  • 18. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Stored Procedure usp_AddAdult -- Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_AddAdult] Script Date: 07/13/2009 03:08:35 USE [library] SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= 8 Input Parameters -- Author: Cormac Sharpe -- Create date: June 26, 2009 -- Description: Adds an Adult Member to the Library 2 Output Parameters -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_AddAdult] @firstname varchar(15), @lastname varchar(15), @middleinitial varchar(1), @street varchar(15), @city varchar(15), @state varchar(2), @zip varchar(10), @phone_no varchar(13), @member_no smallint output, @expr_date datetime output AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; RAISERROR raises an State 118 flags an --Validate Input; AddAdultFailed sqlException, which is ----------------------------- caught in the ADO.NET code ErrorCode to IF (@firstname is null) LibraryException. OR (@lastname is null) begin Validate RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: Incomplete Name - either @firstname or Input @lastname was null.',16,118); -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException return -1 end Also validated: IF (@street is null) OR (@city is null) OR (@state is null) (@zip is null) then RAISERROR. -- set @expr_date = dateadd(year,1,getdate()) begin transaction insert into dbo.member(firstname, lastname, middleinitial) values (@firstname, @lastname, @middleinitial) if @@error <> 0 Insert begin Into rollback transaction member RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: An error occurred while adding an Adult Table Member.',16,118); -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException return -1 Save the newly created MemberID end to the output parameter. set @member_no = SCOPE_IDENTITY() insert into, street, city, state, zip, expr_date) values (@member_no, @street, @city,@state,@zip,@expr_date) Insert if @@error <> 0 begin Into adult rollback transaction RAISERROR('usp_AddAdult: An error occurred while adding an Adult Table Member.',16,118); -- State 118 flags a AddAdultFailed ErrorCode to LibraryException return -1 end commit transaction END 18
  • 19. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe GetItem(isbn, copyNumber) /// <summary> /// Returns an Item object that contains data about the item whose /// ISBN and copy number are provided as parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="isbn"></param> /// <param name="copyNumber"></param> public Item GetItem(int isbn, short copyNumber) { … try { using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection( "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=library;Integrated Security=True")) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_GetItem", cnn)) Add Input { Parameters to the cnn.Open(); SqlCommand object. cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; THERE ARE NO // OUTPUT // PARAMETERS IN SqlParameter prmISBN = new SqlParameter(); THIS CASE. prmISBN.ParameterName = "@isbn"; prmISBN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; prmISBN.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; prmISBN.Value = isbn; cmd.Parameters.Add(prmISBN); … Input Parameter @copy_no" is also added in like fashion … Execute the command. ExecuteReader() returns rows to the using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) SqlDataReader { object. //exactly 1 row should be returned 1 row is returned if (!(reader.Read())) (the Select is based { on a unique index). … } The Item object is created with the row info returned Item myItem = new Item(myISBN, myCopyNumber, myTitle, from the stored myAuthor, myMemberNumber, myCheckoutDate, myDueDate); proc, and returned. return myItem; } } } } 19
  • 20. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Entities Code Samples LibraryEntities is a separate assembly containing the classes that define the Entities involved in the Library Project, including Member, AdultMember, JuvenileMember, Item, ItemDataset, LibraryException. Class Member /// <summary> /// Represents a member of the library. /// </summary> [Serializable] Base class from which AdultMember public class Member { & JuvenileMember are derived. //Fields: private string city; … etc … // Member Constructor. Initializes the Member object. public Member() { city = string.Empty; … etc … Properties to be exposed for the } Member class. All are read/write. //Properties: public string City { get { return city; } set { city = value; } … etc … } } Class LibraryException /// <summary> /// Custom exception for when a non-fatal error occurs in the Library App. /// </summary> [Serializable] public class LibraryException : Exception Inherits from Exception. { //Fields: private ErrorCode libraryErrorCode = ErrorCode.None; … etc … // // Constructors: public LibraryException(ErrorCode errorCode) {libraryErrorCode = errorCode; } … and a lot more constructor public LibraryException(string message): base(message) overloads … {//do nothing - its handled by base class Exception. } // //Properties: //Gets the value of the ErrorCode that was set when this exception was created. //This value indicates the reason for the exception being thrown. //If this value was not set explicitly, this property will return ErrorCode.None public ErrorCode LibraryErrorCode { get { return libraryErrorCode; } … and other Properties … } } 20
  • 21. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Phase 3 – Web Application Overview: Objective: • Create a web application that supports all the functionality required for Phase I and II of the Library project. Technologies used: .NET & C#; ASP.NET; Forms-based authentication;Security using ASP.NET Membership & Role Management. All pages use a common theme and Master Page. Hypertext based Menu system Security using ASP.NET Membership & Role Management. Only Users belonging to the “Librarian” role can Log in. WEB.CONFIG <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> Note authorization in <appSettings/> Web.config - Anyone can <connectionStrings/> access the Website, but all important functionality is <system.web> restricted to “Librarian” <authorization> role members. <allow roles="Librarian" /> <deny users="*" /> </authorization> </system.web> </configuration> 21
  • 22. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe “Get Member Info” Page If we enter card# 1 and click <Get Member Info>, the following code runs … Session["MemberObject"] = member; Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/MemberInfo.aspx"); Save member object as session info and redirect to the MemberInfo page. “Member Info” Page public partial class Operations_MemberInfo : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { … if (!Page.IsPostBack) Only do these actions if this page is opening { fresh, i.e. not posting back from the server. … if ((Session["MemberObject"] != null)) { member = (Member)Session["MemberObject"]; } Retrieve member object // from session info. if (member is AdultMember) { ShowAdult(); } else // Member is a Juvenile: { juv = (JuvenileMember)member; //If Juvenile over 18: 22
  • 23. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe if (juv.BirthDate.AddYears(18) <= DateTime.Today) { //Update Juvenile to Adult: BusinessLayer biz = new BusinessLayer(); resultOK = biz.UpdateToMyAdult(juv.MemberID); A Juvenile member who … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc … is over 18 is //Re-retrieve member - is now an adult: automatically BusinessLayer biz1 = new BusinessLayer(); updated to member = biz1.GetMyMember(juv.MemberID, out resultOK); being an Adult … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc … member. ShowAdult(); string msg = string.Empty; msg += "This member is over 18, but was in the system as a "; msg += "juvenile. The member was updated to an Adult. "; DisplayMessage(msg); } else { ShowJuvenile(); } } } … } In this case we had entered card# 1, and we find that this is an Adult Member … Its not shown on this screen, but if the card is over 1 year old, then the card is flagged with Card is Expired, and the user is given the opportunity to renew it with a <Renew Membership> button, which appears only in that case. Here’s the code: If (DateTime.Parse(this.lblExpirationDat e.Text) < DateTime.Today) { this.lblExpired.Visible = true; this.lblExpiredFlag.Visible = true; this.btnRenew.Visible = true; this.btnCheckOut.Enabled = false; } If we enter ISBN 1, Copy#1, and then click <Check Out>, we get an option to Confirm or Cancel … When we click on <OK> … 23
  • 24. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe btnOK runs when the user protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) confirms the Check out. { Item item; string msg; // //Retrieve the Item from Session: if (Session["ItemObject"] != null) Retrieve Item object from { item = (Item)Session["ItemObject"]; Session. } (Earlier when <Check Out> else was clicked, { btnCheckOut_Click ran, DisplayMessage("Error retrieving the Item."); populating an Item object, SetCheckOut(false); which it then saved to return; Session) } // //If Item is on Loan: if (!(item.MemberNumber == 0)) { // Check it In first: BusinessLayer biz = new BusinessLayer(); resultOK = biz.CheckInMyItem(item.ISBN, item.CopyNumber); if (!resultOK) { DisplayMessage(biz.ErrorMessage); SetCheckOut(false); return; } } // //Check it out: BusinessLayer biz2 = new BusinessLayer(); Check out the Item resultOK = biz2.CheckOutMyItem( (copy of a book). short.Parse(this.lblMemberID.Text), item.ISBN, item.CopyNumber); if (!resultOK) { if (biz2.ErrorMessage == "FourBooksAlreadyCheckedOut") { Enforce a msg = "Four Books are Already Checked Out. "; maximum of 4 msg += "n"; items on loan at msg += "Four is the maximum allowed."; a time. DisplayMessage(msg); } else { DisplayMessage(biz2.ErrorMessage); } SetCheckOut(false); return; } // //Refresh Grid: Refresh the grid to display the new item on 24 loan.
  • 25. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe this.GridView1.DataBind(); // SetCheckOut(false); // DisplayMessage("Check Out Complete!"); } … the Item is added to the grid, and the Check Out is confirmed. protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { isbn = int.Parse(this.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text); Selecting a book in copy = short.Parse(this.GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text); the grid checks it in. // BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); resultOK = bizLayer.CheckInMyItem(isbn, copy); if (!resultOK) { DisplayMessage(bizLayer.ErrorMessage); return; } //Refresh Grid: this.GridView1.DataBind(); } 25
  • 26. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe “Get Book Info” Page User has the choice to just get the Book Info, or do so while also adding a new copy of the book. Click <Get Book> … 26
  • 27. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe public partial class Operations_GetBook : System.Web.UI.Page { … protected void btnGetBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Get Book: BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); book = bizLayer.GetMyBook( GetMyBook creates and int.Parse(this.txtISBN.Text), populates a Book object, based out resultOK); on the inputted ISBN. if (!resultOK) { if (bizLayer.ErrorMessage == "BookNotFound") { //give user option to add new Book or back out: DisplayStatus("This Book does not yet exist. Do you want to add it?";); //Show Ok & Cancel buttons SetNewBookOption(true); return; } else The Book was not found. User is { given the option to add it to the DisplayStatus(bizLayer.ErrorMessage); system. return; } } // Save Book object to Session. //if the code gets this far, then .... //Save the Book in Session: Session["BookObject"] = book; if (this.chkNewCopy.Checked) { Save the boolean Session["BookAddNewCopy"] = true; BookAddNewCopy to Session. } else { Session["BookAddNewCopy"] = false; } Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/BookInfo.aspx"); Redirect to BookInfo } page. protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["NewBookISBN"] = this.txtISBN.Text; Response.Redirect(@"~/Operations/AddNewBook.aspx"); Redirect to AddNewBook } page if User chose to add a book that was not } found. … and we are presented with the book info for ISBN #1 … 27
  • 28. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe “Book Info” Page Since we chose in the previous screen to add a new copy, copy #20 has been added … protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if ((Session["BookObject"] != null)) Retrieve Book object { book = (Book)Session["BookObject"]; from Session. } } this.lblAuthor.Text = book.Author; this.lblCover.Text = book.Cover; Populate the page. … etc … // Retrieve the boolean if ((bool)Session["BookAddNewCopy"]) BookAddNewCopy from Session. { newCopyNo = (short)(book.Max_copy_no + 1); This indicates whether the user // chose to also add a new copy of //Add New Copy: the book. BusinessLayer bizLayer = new BusinessLayer(); resultOK = bizLayer.AddMyCopy(book.ISBN, newCopyNo, book.Title_no); … Check Result with: if (!resultOK) etc … AddMyCopy, and flag this, if the // this.lblMaxCopyNo.Text = newCopyNo.ToString(); user chose to add a new copy. lblMaxCopyUpdated.Visible = true; // msg = "A New Copy "(Copy Nr " + newCopyNo.ToString() + ") has been added."; DisplayStatus(msg); }} 28
  • 29. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Phase 4 – Web Services Overview: Objective: • Take the library system to the next level – allow interoperability with other systems. • Create a Web service that calls into the Business Layer. • Update the Client (UI) layer to call the Web Service, and support previous project functionality. • Employ WSE 3.0 security using Certificates. Signing, encryption and secure session are required. Technologies used: .NET; C#; ASP.NET; Web Services; XML; SOAP; WSE 3.0 Web Client Sample Page. Note: A Web-based (ASP.NET) client was provided as the starting point for the front-end to communicate with the web service. This was another separate implemenation of what I produced in Phase 3. 29
  • 30. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Server-side Code Samples - The Service Class using System; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using SFLibraryBusiness; using SFLibraryEntities; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml; The Web Service using Microsoft.Web.Services3; supports the Basic Profile. [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [Policy("CertificatesPolicy")] Use WSE 3.0 public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService security with { Certificates. Derive Service class from System.Web.Services.WebService /// <summary> /// Gets the member object using a member number or id. /// </summary> /// <param name="memberNumber">Member number.</param> /// <returns>Populated member object with data.</returns> GetMember returns the base [WebMethod] class Member. To tell the [XmlInclude(typeof(AdultMember))] client and web service to [XmlInclude(typeof(JuvenileMember))] handle the sub-classes public Member GetMember(short memberNumber) correctly, we use the { XmlInclude attribute. try { Library lib = new Library(); Member m = lib.GetMember(memberNumber); The Web Service return m; simply instantiates } and calls into the Business Layer. catch (LibraryException libex) { throw new SoapException(libex.Message, SoapException.ClientFaultCode, libex); } } Re-throw any LibraryException as a SoapException. … and the other Web Methods are very similar … } 30
  • 31. .NET Library Project Spring/Summer 2009 - Cormac Sharpe Client-side Code Samples - The AddAdult Page public partial class AddAdult : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) If this is the page opening 1st time (not a { postback from the server), then load the this.LoadStates(); States dropdown box from the xml file. } } protected void addAdultButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } try { // Populate new adult object AdultMember newAdultMember = new AdultMember(); newAdultMember.FirstName = firstNameTextBox.Text; … etc … // Attempt to add new adult member Implement WSE 3.0 security ServiceWse lib = new ServiceWse(); using Certificates. lib.SetPolicy("CertificatesPolicy"); newAdultMember = lib.AddAdultMember(newAdultMember); short memberID = newAdultMember.MemberID; … and the service (ServiceWse) is invoked, which in turn calls into the Business Layer. // Redirect to the GetMemberInfo page and pass the new member id. // false is passed to surpress the internal call to the Response.End // Additional details at: Response.Redirect(string.Format("GetMemberInfo.aspx?MemberID={0}", memberID.ToString()), false); } catch (Exception ex) {statusLabel.Text = "Error: <br> " + ex.Message;} Redirect to the GetMemberInfo page passing the new member id. In the GetMemberInfo class the MemberID will be retrieved as follows: //populate the textbox with the value this.memberNoTextBox.Text = Request.QueryString["MemberID"]; 31