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Special Topics in
 Search Engines
     Result Summaries
    Duplicate elimination
Results summaries
   Having ranked the documents matching a
    query, we wish to present a results list
   Most commonly, the document title plus a
    short summary
   The title is typically automatically extracted
    from document metadata
   What about the summaries?
   Two basic kinds:
       Static
       Dynamic

    A static summary of a document is always
    the same, regardless of the query that hit
    the doc
   Dynamic summaries are query-dependent
    attempt to explain why the document was
    retrieved for the query at hand
Static summaries
   In typical systems, the static summary is a
    subset of the document
   Simplest heuristic: the first 50 (or so – this
    can be varied) words of the document
       Summary cached at indexing time
   More sophisticated: extract from each
    document a set of “key” sentences
       Simple NLP heuristics to score each sentence
       Summary is made up of top-scoring
   Most sophisticated: NLP used to synthesize
    a summary
       Seldom used in IR; cf. text summarization
Dynamic summaries
   Present one or more “windows” within the
    document that contain several of the query
       “KWIC” snippets: Keyword in Context
   Generated in conjunction with scoring
       If query found as a phrase, the/some
        occurrences of the phrase in the doc
       If not, windows within the doc that contain
        multiple query terms
   The summary itself gives the entire content
    of the window – all terms, not only the query
Generating dynamic summaries
   If we have only a positional index, we cannot
    (easily) reconstruct context surrounding hits
   If we cache the documents at index time, can
    run the window through it, cueing to hits
    found in the positional index
       E.g., positional index says “the query is a
        phrase in position 4378” so we go to this
        position in the cached document and stream
        out the content
   Most often, cache a fixed-size prefix of the
       Note: Cached copy can be outdated
Dynamic summaries
   Producing good dynamic summaries is a
    tricky optimization problem
       The real estate for the summary is normally
        small and fixed
       Want short item, so show as many KWIC
        matches as possible, and perhaps other
        things like title
       Want snippets to be long enough to be useful
       Want linguistically well-formed snippets:
        users prefer snippets that contain complete
       Want snippets maximally informative about
   But users really like snippets, even if they
    complicate IR system design
Adversarial IR (Spam)
   Motives
       Commercial, political, religious, lobbies
       Promotion funded by advertising budget
   Operators
       Contractors (Search Engine Optimizers) for lobbies,
       Web masters
       Hosting services
   Forum
       Web master world ( )
            Search engine specific tricks
            Discussions about academic papers 
Search Engine Optimization II
Search Engine Optimization
       Adversarial IR
       Adversarial IR
  (“search engine wars”)
   (“search engine wars”)
Can you trust words on the page?


Examples from July 2002
Simplest forms
   Early engines relied on the density of terms
        The top-ranked pages for the query maui
         resort were the ones containing the most
         maui’s and resort’s
   SEOs responded with dense repetitions of
    chosen terms
        e.g., maui resort maui resort maui resort
        Often, the repetitions would be in the same
         color as the background of the web page
             Repeated terms got indexed by crawlers
             But not visible to humans on browsers

    Can’t trust the words on a web page, for ranking.
A few spam technologies
   Cloaking
       Serve fake content to search engine robot
       DNS cloaking: Switch IP address. Impersonate
   Doorway pages
       Pages optimized for a single keyword that re-
        direct to the real target page
   Keyword Spam
       Misleading meta-keywords, excessive
        repetition of a term, fake “anchor text”
       Hidden text with colors, CSS tricks, etc.
   Link spamming
       Mutual admiration societies, hidden links,
       Domain flooding: numerous domains that
        point or re-direct to a target page
   Robots
       Fake click stream
       Fake query stream
       Millions of submissions via Add-Url
More spam techniques
   Cloaking
 Serve fake content to search engine spider
 DNS cloaking: Switch IP address. Impersonate


                   Is this a Search
                   Engine spider?

                                      N   Real
               Cloaking                   Doc
Tutorial on
    Tutorial on
Cloaking & Stealth
Cloaking & Stealth
Variants of keyword stuffing
   Misleading meta-tags, excessive repetition
   Hidden text with colors, style sheet tricks,

      Meta-Tags =
      “… London hotels, hotel, holiday inn, hilton, discount, booking, reservation,
      sex, mp3, britney spears, viagra, …”
More spam techniques
   Doorway pages
       Pages optimized for a single keyword that re-
        direct to the real target page
   Link spamming
       Mutual admiration societies, hidden links,
        awards – more on these later
       Domain flooding: numerous domains that
        point or re-direct to a target page
   Robots
       Fake query stream – rank checking programs
            “Curve-fit” ranking programs of search engines
       Millions of submissions via Add-Url
The war against spam
Quality signals - Prefer authoritative
pages based on:
   Votes from authors (linkage signals)
   Votes from users (usage signals)
   Policing of URL submissions
   Anti robot test
 Limits on meta-keywords
Robust link analysis
   Ignore statistically implausible linkage (or text)
   Use link analysis to detect spammers (guilt by
The war against spam
   Spam recognition by machine learning
       Training set based on known spam
   Family friendly filters
       Linguistic analysis, general classification
        techniques, etc.
       For images: flesh tone detectors, source text
        analysis, etc.
   Editorial intervention
       Blacklists
       Top queries audited
       Complaints addressed
Acid test
   Which SEO’s rank highly on the query seo?
   Web search engines have policies on SEO
    practices they tolerate/block
       See pointers in Resources
   Adversarial IR: the unending (technical)
    battle between SEO’s and web search
   See for instance
Duplicate detection
Duplicate/Near-Duplicate Detection

   Duplication: Exact match with fingerprints
   Near-Duplication: Approximate match
   Overview
       Compute syntactic similarity with an edit-
        distance measure
       Use similarity threshold to detect near-
             E.g., Similarity > 80% => Documents are “near
             Not transitive though sometimes used
Computing Similarity
   Segments of a document (natural or artificial
    breakpoints) [Brin95]
   Shingles (Word k-Grams) [Brin95, Brod98]
        “a rose is a rose is a rose” =>
   Similarity Measure between two docs (= sets
    of shingles)
       Set intersection [Brod98]
        (Specifically, Size_of_Intersection /
        Size_of_Union )
                   Jaccard measure
Shingles + Set Intersection
Computing exact set intersection of shingles
between all pairs of documents is expensive
   Approximate using a cleverly chosen subset of
    shingles from each (a sketch)
   Estimate Jaccard from a short sketch
Create a “sketch vector” (e.g., of size 200) for
each document
   Documents which share more than t (say 80%)
    corresponding vector elements are similar
    For doc d, sketchd[i] is computed as follows:
         Let f map all shingles in the universe to 0..2 m
        Let πi be a specific random permutation on 0..2 m
        Pick MIN πi (f(s)) over all shingles s in d
Shingling with sampling
   Given two documents A1, A2.
   Let S1 and S2 be their shingle sets
   Resemblance = |Intersection of S1 and S2| / |
    Union of S1 and S2|.
   Let Alpha = min ( π (S1))
   Let Beta = min (π(S2))
       Probability (Alpha = Beta) = Resemblance
Computing Sketch[i] for Doc1
    Document 1

                 264   Start with 64 bit shingles

                       Permute on the number line
                 264   with   πi
                 264   Pick the min value
Test if Doc1.Sketch[i] = Doc2.Sketch[i]

       Document 1                 Document 2

                         264                      264
                         264                      264

                         264                      264
       A                              B
                         2   64                   264

              Are these equal?
Test for 200 random permutations: π1, π2,… π200
            Document 1                 Document 2

                                 264                264
                                 264                264
                                 264    B           264
                                 264                264

A = B iff the shingle with the MIN value in the union of
Doc1 and Doc2 is common to both (I.e., lies in the

This happens with probability:
       Size_of_intersection / Size_of_union
Set Similarity
   Set Similarity (Jaccard measure)
                                    Ci  C j
                simJ(Ci , C j ) =
                                    Ci  C j
   View sets as columns of a matrix; one row for
    each element in the universe. aij = 1 indicates
    presence of item i in set j
    Example      C1 C2

                  0   1
                  1   0
                  1   1      simJ(C1,C2) = 2/5 = 0.4
                  0   0
                  1   1
                  0   1
Key Observation
   For columns Ci, Cj, four types of rows
             Ci     Cj
       A      1      1
       B      1      0
       C      0      1
       D      0      0
   Overload notation: A = # of rows of type A
   Claim                     A
              simJ(Ci , C j ) =
Min Hashing
   Randomly permute rows
   h(Ci) = index of first row with 1 in column Ci
   Surprising Property

   Why? P [ h(Ci ) = h(C j ) ] = simJ ( Ci , C j )
        Both are A/(A+B+C)
        Look down columns Ci, Cj until first non-Type-
         D row
        h(Ci) = h(Cj)  type A row
Mirror Detection
   Mirroring is systematic replication of web pages
    across hosts.
      Single largest cause of duplication on the web

   Host1/α and Host2/β are mirrors iff
        For all (or most) paths p such that when
          http://Host1/ α / p exists
          http://Host2/ β / p exists as well
        with identical (or near identical) content, and
          vice versa.
Mirror Detection example
 and
   Structural Classification of Proteins
Repackaged Mirrors

   Why detect mirrors?
       Smart crawling
             Fetch from the fastest or freshest server
             Avoid duplication
       Better connectivity analysis
             Combine inlinks
             Avoid double counting outlinks
       Redundancy in result listings
            “If that fails you can try: <mirror>/samepath”
       Proxy caching
Bottom Up Mirror Detection
   Maintain clusters of subgraphs
   Initialize clusters of trivial subgraphs
       Group near-duplicate single documents into a cluster
   Subsequent passes
       Merge clusters of the same cardinality and corresponding linkage

       Avoid decreasing cluster cardinality
   To detect mirrors we need:
       Adequate path overlap
       Contents of corresponding pages within a small time range
Can we use URLs to find

                 a              b                                    a             b
                                           d                                                  d
                         c                                                   c…
                                               …… …                    …    
Top Down Mirror Detection
    [Bhar99, Bhar00c]
   E.g.,
   What features could indicate mirroring?
        Hostname similarity:
             word unigrams and bigrams: { www, www.synthesis, synthesis, …}
        Directory similarity:
             Positional path bigrams { 0:Docs/ProjAbs, 1:ProjAbs/synsys, … }
        IP address similarity:
             3 or 4 octet overlap
             Many hosts sharing an IP address => virtual hosting by an ISP
        Host outlink overlap
        Path overlap
             Potentially, path + sketch overlap
   Phase I - Candidate Pair Detection
        Find features that pairs of hosts have in common
        Compute a list of host pairs which might be mirrors
   Phase II - Host Pair Validation
         Test each host pair and determine extent of mirroring
          Check if 20 paths sampled from Host1 have near-

           duplicates on Host2 and vice versa
          Use transitive inferences:

               IF Mirror(A,x) AND Mirror(x,B) THEN Mirror(A,B)
               IF Mirror(A,x) AND !Mirror(x,B) THEN !Mirror(A,B)
   Evaluation
       140 million URLs on 230,000 hosts (1999)
       Best approach combined 5 sets of features
          Top 100,000 host pairs had precision = 0.57 and recall =

WebIR Infrastructure
   Connectivity Server
       Fast access to links to support for link
   Term Vector Database
       Fast access to document vectors to augment
        link analysis
Connectivity Server
[CS1: Bhar98b, CS2 & 3: Rand01]
   Fast web graph access to support connectivity
   Stores mappings in memory from
           URL to outlinks, URL to inlinks
   Applications
           HITS, Pagerank computations
           Crawl simulation
           Graph algorithms: web connectivity, diameter etc.
               more on this later
                      Execution             Output
  algorithm            Graph                URLs
      +       URLs    algorithm   IDs         +
    URLs      to       runs in    to        Values
      +       FPs     memory      URLs
   Values     to

    Translation Tables on Disk
    URL text: 9 bytes/URL (compressed from ~80 bytes )
    FP(64b) -> ID(32b): 5 bytes
    ID(32b) -> FP(64b): 8 bytes
    ID(32b) -> URLs: 0.5 bytes
E.g., HIGH IDs:
    ID assignment                        Max(indegree , outdegree) > 254

   Partition URLs into 3 sets, sorted
                                         ID                URL
        High: Max degree > 254          …
        Medium: 254 > Max degree > 24   9891
        Low: remaining (75%)            9912
   IDs assigned in sequence (densely)

    Adjacency lists                      …

     In memory tables for Outlinks,
      Inlinks                            85903590

     List index maps from a Source
      ID to start of adjacency list
Adjacency List Compression - I

           …           98                             …
                       132               …            -6
    104                153                            34
    105                98         104                 21
    106                147        105                 -8
                       153        106                 49
                        …                              6
           …                                          …
                     Sequence            …
                         of                         Delta
           List      Adjacency                    Encoded
          Index        Lists             List     Adjacency
                                        Index       Lists
• Adjacency List:
     - Smaller delta values are exponentially more frequent (80% to same host)
     - Compress deltas with variable length encoding (e.g., Huffman)
• List Index pointers: 32b for high, Base+16b for med, Base+8b for low
     - Avg = 12b per pointer
Adjacency List Compression - II

   Inter List Compression
       Basis: Similar URLs may share links
            Close in ID space => adjacency lists may overlap
       Approach
            Define a representative adjacency list for a block of IDs
                  Adjacency list of a reference ID
                  Union of adjacency lists in the block
            Represent adjacency list in terms of deletions and additions
             when it is cheaper to do so
       Measurements
            Intra List + Starts: 8-11 bits per link (580M pages/16GB RAM)
            Inter List: 5.4-5.7 bits per link (870M pages/16GB RAM.)
Term Vector Database
   Fast access to 50 word term vectors for web pages
        Term Selection:
             Restricted to middle 1/3rd of lexicon by document frequency
             Top 50 words in document by TF.IDF.
        Term Weighting:
             Deferred till run-time (can be based on term freq, doc freq, doc length)
   Applications
        Content + Connectivity analysis (e.g., Topic Distillation)
        Topic specific crawls
        Document classification
   Performance
        Storage: 33GB for 272M term vectors
        Speed: 17 ms/vector on AlphaServer 4100 (latency to read a disk
URLid * 64 /480


                                         URL Info
            Base (4 bytes)

                                            …        128
              Bit vector                             Byte
                 For                      LC:TID      TV
             480 URLids                             Record
        URLid to Term Vector

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seo tutorial

  • 1. Special Topics in Search Engines Result Summaries Anti-spamming Duplicate elimination
  • 3. Summaries  Having ranked the documents matching a query, we wish to present a results list  Most commonly, the document title plus a short summary  The title is typically automatically extracted from document metadata  What about the summaries?
  • 4. Summaries  Two basic kinds:  Static  Dynamic  A static summary of a document is always the same, regardless of the query that hit the doc  Dynamic summaries are query-dependent attempt to explain why the document was retrieved for the query at hand
  • 5. Static summaries  In typical systems, the static summary is a subset of the document  Simplest heuristic: the first 50 (or so – this can be varied) words of the document  Summary cached at indexing time  More sophisticated: extract from each document a set of “key” sentences  Simple NLP heuristics to score each sentence  Summary is made up of top-scoring sentences.  Most sophisticated: NLP used to synthesize a summary  Seldom used in IR; cf. text summarization
  • 6. Dynamic summaries  Present one or more “windows” within the document that contain several of the query terms  “KWIC” snippets: Keyword in Context presentation  Generated in conjunction with scoring  If query found as a phrase, the/some occurrences of the phrase in the doc  If not, windows within the doc that contain multiple query terms  The summary itself gives the entire content of the window – all terms, not only the query
  • 7. Generating dynamic summaries  If we have only a positional index, we cannot (easily) reconstruct context surrounding hits  If we cache the documents at index time, can run the window through it, cueing to hits found in the positional index  E.g., positional index says “the query is a phrase in position 4378” so we go to this position in the cached document and stream out the content  Most often, cache a fixed-size prefix of the doc  Note: Cached copy can be outdated
  • 8. Dynamic summaries  Producing good dynamic summaries is a tricky optimization problem  The real estate for the summary is normally small and fixed  Want short item, so show as many KWIC matches as possible, and perhaps other things like title  Want snippets to be long enough to be useful  Want linguistically well-formed snippets: users prefer snippets that contain complete phrases  Want snippets maximally informative about doc  But users really like snippets, even if they complicate IR system design
  • 10. Adversarial IR (Spam)  Motives  Commercial, political, religious, lobbies  Promotion funded by advertising budget  Operators  Contractors (Search Engine Optimizers) for lobbies, companies  Web masters  Hosting services  Forum  Web master world ( )  Search engine specific tricks  Discussions about academic papers 
  • 11. Search Engine Optimization II Search Engine Optimization Adversarial IR Adversarial IR (“search engine wars”) (“search engine wars”)
  • 12. Can you trust words on the page? Pornographic Content Examples from July 2002
  • 13. Simplest forms  Early engines relied on the density of terms  The top-ranked pages for the query maui resort were the ones containing the most maui’s and resort’s  SEOs responded with dense repetitions of chosen terms  e.g., maui resort maui resort maui resort  Often, the repetitions would be in the same color as the background of the web page  Repeated terms got indexed by crawlers  But not visible to humans on browsers Can’t trust the words on a web page, for ranking.
  • 14. A few spam technologies  Cloaking  Serve fake content to search engine robot  DNS cloaking: Switch IP address. Impersonate  Doorway pages  Pages optimized for a single keyword that re- direct to the real target page  Keyword Spam  Misleading meta-keywords, excessive repetition of a term, fake “anchor text”  Hidden text with colors, CSS tricks, etc.  Link spamming  Mutual admiration societies, hidden links, awards  Domain flooding: numerous domains that point or re-direct to a target page  Robots  Fake click stream  Fake query stream  Millions of submissions via Add-Url
  • 15. More spam techniques  Cloaking  Serve fake content to search engine spider  DNS cloaking: Switch IP address. Impersonate SPAM Y Is this a Search Engine spider? N Real Cloaking Doc
  • 16. Tutorial on Tutorial on Cloaking & Stealth Cloaking & Stealth Technology Technology
  • 17. Variants of keyword stuffing  Misleading meta-tags, excessive repetition  Hidden text with colors, style sheet tricks, etc. Meta-Tags = “… London hotels, hotel, holiday inn, hilton, discount, booking, reservation, sex, mp3, britney spears, viagra, …”
  • 18. More spam techniques  Doorway pages  Pages optimized for a single keyword that re- direct to the real target page  Link spamming  Mutual admiration societies, hidden links, awards – more on these later  Domain flooding: numerous domains that point or re-direct to a target page  Robots  Fake query stream – rank checking programs  “Curve-fit” ranking programs of search engines  Millions of submissions via Add-Url
  • 19. The war against spam Quality signals - Prefer authoritative pages based on:  Votes from authors (linkage signals)  Votes from users (usage signals)  Policing of URL submissions  Anti robot test  Limits on meta-keywords Robust link analysis  Ignore statistically implausible linkage (or text)  Use link analysis to detect spammers (guilt by association)
  • 20. The war against spam  Spam recognition by machine learning  Training set based on known spam  Family friendly filters  Linguistic analysis, general classification techniques, etc.  For images: flesh tone detectors, source text analysis, etc.  Editorial intervention  Blacklists  Top queries audited  Complaints addressed
  • 21. Acid test  Which SEO’s rank highly on the query seo?  Web search engines have policies on SEO practices they tolerate/block  See pointers in Resources  Adversarial IR: the unending (technical) battle between SEO’s and web search engines  See for instance
  • 23. Duplicate/Near-Duplicate Detection  Duplication: Exact match with fingerprints  Near-Duplication: Approximate match  Overview  Compute syntactic similarity with an edit- distance measure  Use similarity threshold to detect near- duplicates  E.g., Similarity > 80% => Documents are “near duplicates”  Not transitive though sometimes used transitively
  • 24. Computing Similarity  Segments of a document (natural or artificial breakpoints) [Brin95]  Shingles (Word k-Grams) [Brin95, Brod98] “a rose is a rose is a rose” => a_rose_is_a rose_is_a_rose is_a_rose_is  Similarity Measure between two docs (= sets of shingles)  Set intersection [Brod98] (Specifically, Size_of_Intersection / Size_of_Union ) Jaccard measure
  • 25. Shingles + Set Intersection Computing exact set intersection of shingles between all pairs of documents is expensive  Approximate using a cleverly chosen subset of shingles from each (a sketch)  Estimate Jaccard from a short sketch Create a “sketch vector” (e.g., of size 200) for each document  Documents which share more than t (say 80%) corresponding vector elements are similar  For doc d, sketchd[i] is computed as follows:  Let f map all shingles in the universe to 0..2 m  Let πi be a specific random permutation on 0..2 m  Pick MIN πi (f(s)) over all shingles s in d
  • 26. Shingling with sampling minima  Given two documents A1, A2.  Let S1 and S2 be their shingle sets  Resemblance = |Intersection of S1 and S2| / | Union of S1 and S2|.  Let Alpha = min ( π (S1))  Let Beta = min (π(S2))  Probability (Alpha = Beta) = Resemblance
  • 27. Computing Sketch[i] for Doc1 Document 1 264 Start with 64 bit shingles 264 Permute on the number line 264 with πi 264 Pick the min value
  • 28. Test if Doc1.Sketch[i] = Doc2.Sketch[i] Document 1 Document 2 264 264 264 264 264 264 A B 2 64 264 Are these equal? Test for 200 random permutations: π1, π2,… π200
  • 29. However… Document 1 Document 2 264 264 264 264 A 264 B 264 264 264 A = B iff the shingle with the MIN value in the union of Doc1 and Doc2 is common to both (I.e., lies in the intersection) This happens with probability: Size_of_intersection / Size_of_union Why?
  • 30. Set Similarity  Set Similarity (Jaccard measure) Ci  C j simJ(Ci , C j ) = Ci  C j  View sets as columns of a matrix; one row for each element in the universe. aij = 1 indicates presence of item i in set j  Example C1 C2 0 1 1 0 1 1 simJ(C1,C2) = 2/5 = 0.4 0 0 1 1 0 1
  • 31. Key Observation  For columns Ci, Cj, four types of rows Ci Cj A 1 1 B 1 0 C 0 1 D 0 0  Overload notation: A = # of rows of type A  Claim A simJ(Ci , C j ) = A+B+C
  • 32. Min Hashing  Randomly permute rows  h(Ci) = index of first row with 1 in column Ci  Surprising Property  Why? P [ h(Ci ) = h(C j ) ] = simJ ( Ci , C j )  Both are A/(A+B+C)  Look down columns Ci, Cj until first non-Type- D row  h(Ci) = h(Cj)  type A row
  • 33. Mirror Detection  Mirroring is systematic replication of web pages across hosts.  Single largest cause of duplication on the web  Host1/α and Host2/β are mirrors iff For all (or most) paths p such that when http://Host1/ α / p exists http://Host2/ β / p exists as well with identical (or near identical) content, and vice versa.
  • 34. Mirror Detection example  and  Structural Classification of Proteins     
  • 35. Repackaged Mirrors Aug
  • 36. Motivation  Why detect mirrors?  Smart crawling  Fetch from the fastest or freshest server  Avoid duplication  Better connectivity analysis  Combine inlinks  Avoid double counting outlinks  Redundancy in result listings  “If that fails you can try: <mirror>/samepath”  Proxy caching
  • 37. Bottom Up Mirror Detection [Cho00]  Maintain clusters of subgraphs  Initialize clusters of trivial subgraphs  Group near-duplicate single documents into a cluster  Subsequent passes  Merge clusters of the same cardinality and corresponding linkage  Avoid decreasing cluster cardinality  To detect mirrors we need:  Adequate path overlap  Contents of corresponding pages within a small time range
  • 38. Can we use URLs to find mirrors? a b a b d d c c…………………
  • 39. Top Down Mirror Detection [Bhar99, Bhar00c]  E.g.,  What features could indicate mirroring?  Hostname similarity:  word unigrams and bigrams: { www, www.synthesis, synthesis, …}  Directory similarity:  Positional path bigrams { 0:Docs/ProjAbs, 1:ProjAbs/synsys, … }  IP address similarity:  3 or 4 octet overlap  Many hosts sharing an IP address => virtual hosting by an ISP  Host outlink overlap  Path overlap  Potentially, path + sketch overlap
  • 40. Implementation  Phase I - Candidate Pair Detection  Find features that pairs of hosts have in common  Compute a list of host pairs which might be mirrors  Phase II - Host Pair Validation  Test each host pair and determine extent of mirroring  Check if 20 paths sampled from Host1 have near- duplicates on Host2 and vice versa  Use transitive inferences: IF Mirror(A,x) AND Mirror(x,B) THEN Mirror(A,B) IF Mirror(A,x) AND !Mirror(x,B) THEN !Mirror(A,B)  Evaluation  140 million URLs on 230,000 hosts (1999)  Best approach combined 5 sets of features  Top 100,000 host pairs had precision = 0.57 and recall = 0.86
  • 41. WebIR Infrastructure  Connectivity Server  Fast access to links to support for link analysis  Term Vector Database  Fast access to document vectors to augment link analysis
  • 42. Connectivity Server [CS1: Bhar98b, CS2 & 3: Rand01]  Fast web graph access to support connectivity analysis  Stores mappings in memory from  URL to outlinks, URL to inlinks  Applications  HITS, Pagerank computations  Crawl simulation  Graph algorithms: web connectivity, diameter etc.  more on this later  Visualizations
  • 43. Usage Input Execution Output Graph algorithm Graph URLs + URLs algorithm IDs + URLs to runs in to Values + FPs memory URLs Values to IDs Translation Tables on Disk URL text: 9 bytes/URL (compressed from ~80 bytes ) FP(64b) -> ID(32b): 5 bytes ID(32b) -> FP(64b): 8 bytes ID(32b) -> URLs: 0.5 bytes
  • 44. E.g., HIGH IDs: ID assignment Max(indegree , outdegree) > 254  Partition URLs into 3 sets, sorted ID URL lexicographically  High: Max degree > 254 …  Medium: 254 > Max degree > 24 9891  Low: remaining (75%) 9912 …  IDs assigned in sequence (densely) 9821878 … 40930030 Adjacency lists …  In memory tables for Outlinks, Inlinks 85903590  List index maps from a Source ID to start of adjacency list
  • 45. Adjacency List Compression - I … … 98 … 132 … -6 104 153 34 105 98 104 21 106 147 105 -8 153 106 49 … 6 … … Sequence … of Delta List Adjacency Encoded Index Lists List Adjacency Index Lists • Adjacency List: - Smaller delta values are exponentially more frequent (80% to same host) - Compress deltas with variable length encoding (e.g., Huffman) • List Index pointers: 32b for high, Base+16b for med, Base+8b for low - Avg = 12b per pointer
  • 46. Adjacency List Compression - II  Inter List Compression  Basis: Similar URLs may share links  Close in ID space => adjacency lists may overlap  Approach  Define a representative adjacency list for a block of IDs  Adjacency list of a reference ID  Union of adjacency lists in the block  Represent adjacency list in terms of deletions and additions when it is cheaper to do so  Measurements  Intra List + Starts: 8-11 bits per link (580M pages/16GB RAM)  Inter List: 5.4-5.7 bits per link (870M pages/16GB RAM.)
  • 47. Term Vector Database [Stat00]  Fast access to 50 word term vectors for web pages  Term Selection:  Restricted to middle 1/3rd of lexicon by document frequency  Top 50 words in document by TF.IDF.  Term Weighting:  Deferred till run-time (can be based on term freq, doc freq, doc length)  Applications  Content + Connectivity analysis (e.g., Topic Distillation)  Topic specific crawls  Document classification  Performance  Storage: 33GB for 272M term vectors  Speed: 17 ms/vector on AlphaServer 4100 (latency to read a disk block)
  • 48. Architecture URLid * 64 /480 offset URL Info Base (4 bytes) LC:TID Terms LC:TID … 128 Bit vector Byte For LC:TID TV 480 URLids Record FRQ:RL FRQ:RL Freq … FRQ:RL URLid to Term Vector Lookup

Editor's Notes

  1. Arms race
  2. Small biotech firm ; query example from last time ; infoseek exapmle
  3. Talk about expert witness; george w bush example
  4. More complex problem of finding the “original” site