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Program Coverage:
OnPage Optimization
Pre Optimization Report
Keyword Research
Competitors Website Analysis
Rewriting Robot Friendly Text
H1, H2 Tabs Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tag Optimization
Meta Keyword Optimization
Alt Tag Optimization
Website Structure
Body Text and Content
Google Analytics
Off Page Optimization
Hosting of sitemap
Search engine submission ( Global and Local )
Directories submission ( General , Product and Country)
Blog Creation and Blog Commenting
Creation of forums and Participating in forums
Classifieds Posting
Social media optimization
(Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg etc
Pages, Groups, Tabs etc)
Article Posting
Free Press Releases
RSS feed submission
Web 2.0 Submission
Link Wheel
Position Monitoring
Monitoring website Ranking With Different Keywords
Renewal Of Expiry Trade Leads And Posting New Trade Leads
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
Social Media optimization - SMO
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Digg etc.
Google History
In 1995, Larry Page and Sergey Brin began working together on a search engine called Backrub. Backrub
operated on Stanford servers for more than a year , eventually taking up too much bandwidth as a
function of the university , 2 years later, Larry and Sergey decide that the search engine Backrub needs a
new name. After some brainstorming, they go with Google a play on the word " googol," a mathematical
term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros . The use of the term reflects
their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.
SEO history
SEO began in the 1990s with people with a particular site to a search engine. The search engines then
programs called spiders peruse web, store data and catalog the millions of pages it has encountered.
The research has provided information using an indexer which stored various types of information for
the search engine.
SEO stands for Search Engine optimization sense website optimization (mutation) to rank high in the
search engines.
In SEO , there are 2 types :
1 . On optimization: In this, the changes are made in the website (html coding) to rank in the search
engines like Google.
2 . Off Page Optimization: In this, the changes are taken off-site to rank in the search engines.
Note: page optimization accounts for only 10% of SEO, 90% of SEO is off page optimization.
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The main and most important task is to find out what kind of website that we develop, what is the
content in it and what search keywords we are targeting for the first rank in the search engines like
Step 1: Choose your topic of interest that you are going to open a website and do SEO on this site.
Step 2: Choose the set of keywords for which you want to rank in the search engines.
Keyword Research
Now it is a very important part of SEO to choose the right keywords for your website, keywords you are
targeting must be related to the content of your website and which rank high in the search engines is
easy to achieve at the same time the keywords should have a maximum search, traffic optimally.
After we decided the type and content of your website, decide with the keywords that are related to the
content of your website.
Now , a tool that can identify and tell us all the keywords for which ranking in Google or elsewhere in
any search engine is easy to implement and has a good amount of traffic.
Yes, the tool is the word “Google keyword tool”
Google Keyword Tool: This tool is used for the keyword search with this tool, you can easily know the
competition and the flow of a particular search term gets.
Based on these results, we can roughly estimate the time in which we can get the first place, how easily
we can get the first rank and the number of visitors that we can expect to our site as soon as we have
the first rank for this particular search term.
Go to: here and enter your list of keywords or topics
Enter your key words in the column of keywords and click search and then select the exact option and
remove the 'large' option on the left side.
Here you can see thousands of keywords that are related to the content of your website , choose the set
of keywords where the traffic is maximized and at the same time there is less competition , it is ideal to
choose words key where competition is below 20% ( Low).
Give the list of keywords , then choose the keyword in the list has a maximum of traffic, such as your
domain name , sometimes these domain names may not be available if at least see that your domain
name begins with these words and add any desired extension adapted to it.
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
To check the availability of domain names visit a web domain registration site eg .
You can book a free slot: ( software installed Google blogspot ) (software installed wordpress ) (installed CMS software)
Note: To connect to go to :
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Google Adsense: Google AdSense is the advertising platform Google, in which the site / blog owners can
place ads on their website which are available from stock google 70% commission it gets
for ads with website owners . Available at / adsense .
There are two types of advertising revenue :
1 . PPC ( pay per click) - It is Rs.3 - Rs.300 , here you get paid per click advertising. Each ad has another
ppc to check about the ppc of each key using the Google keyword tool words.
2 . Pay per Impressions - Here google pay the site owner for 1000 impressions of an amount between
Rs.1 - General Rs.200 .
Estimated using AdSense for Indian money :
Your average . page views per day x 5 = Rs . (Mean monthly income)
Important terms :
Impressions : display
CPC : Cost per click ( should be as high as possible)
CTR : Avg. number of clicks on 100 prints ( should be close to 5) , it stands for click through ratio .
eCPM : Avg. The benefit of millions of impressions.
3 . You can have a maximum of only three sections banners Google ads per page, but you can put codes
for a number of sections of advertising, but the display would only be three random sections
dynamically .
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You can also have 3 Link ads per page, 2 google custom search ads and video ads , and if you have the
television or video controls in a Web page.
Gaming sites also complements Google ads.
4.When you have obtained the approval of the Google AdSense program, you can unlimited websites
where you can place ads , and it works just as long as you follow every rule of google adsense .
5.Do read the terms and conditions of google adsense carefully before you apply for it .
6 . Never click your ads yourself. Always remember that google tracks each visitor 's IP address and time
, ctr (avg. must be between 0% and 5%) , so keep in mind all these factors before applying a method
getting your ads clicked .
7 . Headink the text above should definitely be 'sponsored links' and nothing else .
8 . Do not apply for google adsense within one month from the time you started to develop the site.
9 . Never an empty site (or web page) with just ads.
10.The payment is by check google ads for Indians and other methods , so be careful when entering your
address and name.
11 . Having a password for Google accounts to prevent piracy AdSense account.
12 . Never any illegal content (such as paris , gambling , pornography, etc. . ) In your site as long as you
maintain the relationship with Google AdSense.
13.Never try clicks the family / friends / chatting, they do not work for longer.
14.Ne NEVER influence or encourage readers to your web site click on the ads on the web page .
15 . Once the account is banned , all sites that are listed on this ID are automatically banned.
16. For maximum CTR for your site , try mixing ads with the theme of your site and place the ads just
below the posts or pages where the user has finished reading the article.
17. To get the maximum CTR see you change the ad sections , sizes and types , what works best, it is not
illegal to change things here and there.
18.See you earn atleast 50 paisa / visitor to your site through Google Adsense.
19.Do not apply for more than one google adsense account with the same name, address .
20.You get the check every 6th and 7th of the following month.
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21.You can not have control over the content of the ad , the ad content is determined by Google itself
and it will always be based on the content of your page.
22. Besides Google Adsense ads , try to have ads of different affiliate programs , little research in Google
will show you the best list of affiliate programs for Indians.
The best two I know are - and .
Points for the success of Google AdSense account :
1 . Apply adsense only after 1 month of development of your website and see what you have atleast 20
posts published , well-designed .
2 . Before applying for AdSense on your original site, try to open the adsense account on a fake site
blogger using the method described below :
Open a blogger site, go to "monetize" option and then register to adsense .
3 . There are more than 50 % chance that adsense account is approved by this method, if it does not
work , open a new Blogger account ( requires a email id ) and do the same thing from an address
different IP , please note that Google adsense does not approve more than one account from the same
IP address , repeat tasks until you get the approval of AdSense for your free blogger after obtained
approval up ads in your original site too.
Very successful rate Google AdSense third party tools :
Other ads that can replace Google Adsense: (very good rating but must have atleast PR1 for your web site). ( Pay only $ 10)
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Trick to get unique content for your website:
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
Go to and copy your article in English and convert some language and then do the
vice versa , the result would be spinned section where English words are different but the meaning
remains the same.
You can also copy right items directly from regional sites and convert it into a single article , for what
you have to use google regional research.
Note: Once items are woven , see that you have your keywords in it, if it is not the stuff to get the
proper keyword density .
To verify the copies of Web pages or articles among all sites in the world visit ,
Even sites articles, search engines and almost all websites are copy - scape check to find if you copied
the article or is it your own item.
HTML content : It is observed that Google SEO check rates html / text content of your website , it is
advisable to write, design, edit HTML content . Meaning instead of writing the text or make changes to
the front , make any changes in the HTML editing while displaying the contents of pages or posts.
For the respective html code of any design or text , you can make the best use of , this tool
also helps those who have no knowledge of HTML .
Viewing videos, television live streamings on your blog: : For broadcast more than 5000 + TV channels on your blog. : For cricket live streaming code ( a cricket match ) : Full Movie videos into a single file, HD quality.
On optimization : On page optimization is to modify the HTML of each page of the site that wants to play
a leading role in the search engines.
It is essentially the evolution of meta tags, title tags , tags header , the decoration of the police,
alternative text of the image, etc. ..
Now , first of all , choose a set of keywords that are related to the content of your website.
Before discussing the two types of optimization, domain name and the domain page urls are an
important part of SEO.
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What you should know before choosing a name for your website:
1.keywords : See your website or website page names are the words from the “keywords” you are
targeting a keyword is a search term in any search engine. For example. ‘Hollywood ' ---- 5 points
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2.Permalinks : Permalinks are customizable URL (Uniform Resource Locator) , it is said that your URL
must have the keywords you are targeting.
A URL is nothing but the page or mailing address, each page or post of your blog and an address for each
post / page we have a set of keywords for which we want to get high rank. Many people think that
Google displays websites in search results , but it's not the sites are web pages that Google displays .
By default, the " permalinks " is disabled in the blogger meaning you cannot change the URL of a page /
post in wordpress but you can.
Your url should have the least "/" ( slash) .
In wordpress to enable permalinks , go to Settings -> permalinks and select the "custom" option and
/ % Postname % /
The order of importance HTML tags for SEO is arranged in ascending order as follows:
Step 3 : Title tag --- 5 points
<title> Tag: These should contain anywhere between 65-100 letters, are the words that should start with
your keywords , the title of a Web page is displayed in the title of the site in google biological research ,
the site title is displayed in the first line of each result in the blue color , the title should be interesting
for the reader is drawn to open the site . There should be only one title tag per page. Each page of your
website should have a unique title .
Google reads the first 65 characters of the title of your website .
Your title should begin with the keywords you are targeting to perform well in the search engines.
The title should be attractive so that users are attracted to click on the site.
Syntax title tag
<title> .... </ Title>
The ... must have the keywords that you are targeting in the first 65 characters .
title tag is present everywhere between <head> and </ head> tags of your web page .
Changing the title tag in blogger
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Under any Blogger site, click Design -> Edit HTML -> just after <head> give the title of your home page.
Changing the title tag in wordpress
In the domain admin logged in wordpress click editor under the Appearance menu, then click the
header.php file, here you will find <head> between them just put your own title tag .
Note: In both blogger and wordpress , this tag is already present, it is sufficient to change the contents
of the title tag , depending on your condition, but advised not to change as a function in the title tag will
automatically generate titles so dynamic as the title of the page / post .
Step 4 : Meta Description Tag [4 points]
-------------------------------------------------- -----
<meta description> Tag: The meta description should consist of no more than 100 words , anywhere
between 80-100 words make a good meta description , note that the first 25 words ( 160 characters ) of
the meta description should have your keywords . This section is displayed next to the title of each
search result in Google organic search .
<meta name="description" content="Value" ...."/>
In the .... put your web page description , see the first 25 words ( 160 characters) , you enter must be the
keywords you are targeting.
Meta description tag is present everywhere between <head> and </ head> tags of your web page .
Note - Meta description is not always displayed, but it is usually displayed , most of the time Google
picks first 25 words of the text content of the result page as meta description. Meta description should
be unique for each page of website.There should be only one meta description tag per page.
The meta description tag is a traditional concept and now days, it is ignored by Google.
Step 5: Meta Keywords Tag [4 points]
<meta keywords> Tag: This tag must contain all of the keywords you are targeting comma.There should
be separated by only one meta tag keywords per page.
Ex: Tollywood , Tollywood movies Tollywood songs etc. .
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
It should consist of anywhere around 5-10 keywords .
Syntax Meta Tag Keywords:
<meta name="keywords" content="..."/>
The ... must have the keywords separated by commas. This tag is again entered between the head tags
of any web page .
For the keyword suggestion , you can visit :
www.keyword -
Step 6 : Header Tags [3 points]
Tags header ( <h1> , <h2> , <h3> ) tags header page of the site should always include the keywords you
are targeting. There should be only one h1 tag per page for better rankings in google but you can have
more than one <h2> and <h3> tags
syntax: <h1> ... </ H1> and so on for all tags header h2 to h6 tags.
Step 7: Other image text label [3 points]
On the Image > Alternative text> tag: The alternative text tag of the image must contain the keywords
that you are targeting. Do not have the same label image replacement over 1 image , use a different
text, but see it has the keywords you are targeting.
For example . If my keyword is "mobile" so I can get images with alt text , Nokia mobile , LG mobile ,
mobile samsung glaxy s2 etc. ..
Note: In the blogger alt tag text from the image represented by the image anchor tag text ..
Syntax 1 ( For bloggers ) imageanchor = "..."
Syntax 2 ( for others) : alt = "...."
Step 8 : Font Decoration tags [3 points]
Bold, italic and underlined tag: If your Web page font bold, italic or underlined in any part of the text ,
see what they contain the keywords you are targeting.
Step 9: keyword density [4 points]
See that the density of keywords in the web page is anywhere between 1% - 3% for higher rankings in
Google and check 20 words of your web page should have these keywords .
Step 10 : Avoid the use of flash in web pages that Google can not read flash in your website.
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Step 11: Do not use pop-up ads , ads, ads in tights and the header of your site.
Step 12 [2 points] : Each page should have a link to related pages on the same site . Ideally, there should
be five of these links at the bottom of the page content with headink as also " read ". If possible see that
the anchor text of internal links site keywords you are targeting.
Broken Link : If any any page of a website has no navigation (link) to another page of your site, this
condition is called as broken link and it is a great disadvantage of SEO . A site can never lead roles with a
broken link , it should avoid.
To avoid broken and interconnect related internal pages within your website link , go to , grab the code and paste it just before the closing body tag ( </ body> ) to change
the HTML of your page website ( For general website)
Wordpress : Just download the plugin and install the plugin in the wordpress admin area loggedin going
to add new plug-in option .
Blogger for web sites: Simply click on " install " widget and you are done .
Step 13 [ 1 point ] : If you use video in your website , see the video is related to the content of your
website , this will improve your rankings in youtube as well , see you change the alternative video tag
html text as you did for the image.
Step 14 [ 1 point ] Add social bookmarking icon ( button social media sharing ) in each web site page.
Step 15 [ 1 point ] : Do not create multiple pages with the same content on your site.
Step 16 [3 marks ] : The speed of page loading should be higher , it means that your website should
load in the shortest amount of time.
The best tool for measuring the Website or Web page loading time is the tool Pingdom is present at: here it will show you each time loading files through which you can know which file
takes a long time to load, it is said that only after all your website files are then loaded your page is
Ideally, your web page must be loaded in the shortest amount of time, which is less than 3 sec . to get
the first place in search engines .
All the above tasks falls ON - page optimization which includes 10% of Seo, if all tasks are completed ,
you score 10/10 in the google voice page optimization .
Recently, a new label was added in SEO called Geo Meta tag , which means the geographical tag that is
used to target the visitors to a specific region , the combination of Google search trends and Geo tags
can give fruitful results to you immediately. This is another meta tag and must be entered with the other
meta tags that we have already seen .
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
It is said that the classification becomes easier compared to the specific region where Geo Meta tags are
used for your Web pages .
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Syntax Geo Meta Tag:
1 . <meta name="ICBM" content="Latitude/Longitude cordinate system">
For example. <meta name="ICBM" content="50.167958, -97.133185">
2 . <meta name="geo.position" content="Latitude/Longitude cordinate system">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="ADDRESS_OF_ THE_LOCATION">
For example. <meta name="geo.position" content="50.167958, -97.133185">
<meta name="geo.placename" content="Rockwood rural Municipality, Manitoba, Canada">
The best tool to generate meta tag geo:
Step 1 OFF Page Optimization :
To add your URL to the Google Web directory , go to / addurl and you submit site.
Within, 24-48 hours your site will be added to the Google search engine .
To submit your site to all major search engine directories go to fill out the
form and submit .
To check if your site is present in the directory search engine or not:
just type in the search bar of any search engine :
site: " address of your site"
for example : site:
Note: no space between the two
If the results are presented as it is present in the directory search engine although it is not present , the
no. shows the results of total no . pages in the Web site.
Google Webmaster Tools : This document is available at / webmastertools .
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
This tool is designed for SEO experts in this tool, one can
1.Submit site and all Web pages Google search engine .
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2.You can analyze the performance of your site in search engine.
3.You can check the ranking of your site for different keywords in the Google search engine .
4.You can check the keyword density of your website
5.You can check your backlinks.
6.You can get suggestions to improve the visibility of your site in search engines .
7.You can have control over the google visit your site.
Adding your site to Webmaster Tools :
Before you can add your site to Webmaster Tools you must first register Webmaster Tools and then log
in the login area you will find the " add a site " , enter your email address website here and click
"Continue" , then click the " alternative methods " and select the " add a meta tag to verify the tag ',
copy the meta tag , go to your site 's HTML Edit this page and paste label between <head> and </ head>
, save the file and tools for webmasters, click save and check . It would add your site to Webmaster
Tools , you can add as many sites as possible with a single account webmasters.
Sitemaps : Sitemaps are the representation html / xml of all the URLs of the pages of your site, a sitemap
file have all the addresses of each of its pages, when these types of sitemaps are created and submitted
to search engines web pages automatically every your site came in the directories of search engines .
Each site had a map.
Adding sitemap in webmaster tools
-------------------------------------------------- --------------
In the blogger site when a site is built sitemap files are created automatically in the background in the
following format : / rss.xml / atom.xml
Note: there is no " www ."
While adding atom.xml file if redirected to Feedburner account, you may get an error in Google
Webmaster Tools while adding Blogger sitemap . For this particular problem , just add " ? Redirect =
false" to the URL of the site will solve this problem. Therefore, the address of the site you should be
adding is : atom.xml redirect = false
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
The default URLs in Blogger XML sitemap is 26 rss.xml or atom.xml file within Webmaster Tools you will
see that there are a total of 26 URLs. But if you have more than 26 items and less than 100 posts, then
you can add the sitemap below:
atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 1 & max- results = 100
For more than 100 messages, add a second site map:
atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 101 & max- results = 100
<a href="">seo training in chennai</a>
For more than 200 entries, repeat above to add a third site map:
atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 201 & max- results = 100
a glance at:
If you use www in the domain and the respective sitemap file would be: / feeds / posts / full
Wordpress :
In the Administration newspaper in the region will add new plugin and install a plug-in Google XML
Sitemap after activating the plugin, a sitemap will be generated at: /
sitemap.xml , return in webmaster tools and add the sitemap file to submit all pages to the search
engine .
Note: Go to the "General Settings" in the admin area of wordpress and if you have "www" in your
domain name , add www in your website address when you add the site in Webmaster Tools if you do
not use the www www when you do not add the site in Webmaster Tools .
Google Analytics Tool
This tool gives us the traffic statistics from our website using this tool , you can know the details of the
movement such as:
1 . Source traffic (search engines , reference sites , direct )
2 . Keywords in the search engine who bought visitors to our site.
3.Region traffic .
4.Browsers from which traffic came .
5.Avg . the time spent by visitors on our website.
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
6.Avg . number of pages viewed by visitors .
Engines 7.Search of where the traffic is coming.
etc. ..
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The Google Analytics is now at / analytics .
You can add as many sites as possible with only one Google Analytics account .
Adding your site in Google Analytics
-------------------------------------------------- -
Register then login in area connection click on " Add Profile" , then give your website address , click
"Finish ", copy the tracking code shown in the box and paste text between < head> and </ head> of the
home page of your website .
Return to Google Analytics and click ' save and complete . " This would add Google Analytics to your site
in a short period of time.
This is generally used to measure site traffic statistics , the three major areas in this regard are:
1.Avg . Time spent by the user - should be as high as possible.
2.Avg . Number of pages visited by the user - should be as high as possible.
The bounce rate 3.The - should be as low as possible.
The bounce rate is nothing but the average number of 100 visitors left your site after reading only one
page is that they do not have to navigate to other pages of your site.
Difference between webmaster tools and Google Analytics?
Google Webmaster tools gives statistics SEO while Google Analytics provides statistics of traffic to your
Important statistics of a website :
1.Backlinks : Backlinks are nothing but links of your Web pages to other sites.
It can be either in the form of text links or images.
The syntax of backlinks is as follows:
<a href="WEBSITE_URL"> keyword < / a>
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The Web Site may be the home page or a page of your site and keywords must always be your own
words on your web page for which you want the top ranking in the search engines.
example :
1 . <a Href=""> multibagger </ a>
2 . <a Href="" > Stocks multibagger </ a>
Do you get backlinks engine Google that your site is displayed in search results search ? No
The number of backlinks to your site is the number of Web pages where your site ( or web page) link
address is provided .
The more backlinks the better for SEO.
Infact 90% of SEO depends upon backlinks.
Backlinks are of two types :
Do the following: These are the backlinks in which reference is made directly to your site .
<a href="">seo training in chennai</a>
No more: it is the backlinks that there is no direct reference to your website, in other words the url is
encrypted here .
As backlinks are equal in value and have the same importance in SEO but do understand that by default
search engine links no follow links that provide a zero value in SEO, which is why backlinks search
engines are not counted at all.
To determine whether a link is do-follow or not - follow just scroll the mouse over the link and see the
status bar , if you find that it is the web then make your url - follow the link , if is encrypted and it is
without following link.
Try to acquire as many do follow links as possible to your website.
Each backlink obtained the values of variables.
1.Backlinks high PR ( Page Rank ) sites have a very high value.
2.Backlinks your competitors sites have a very high value.
3 . Backlinks from websites below " external links are very valuable .
Backlinks 4.Virgin have great value .
5.Backlinks different areas have a higher value than backlinks from the same domain.
6.The backlinks from . Gov, . Edu . Millet . Org sites have a higher value .
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
Note: backlinks, the amount does not matter, what matters is the quality .
To check backlinks to a website, you can visit the url:
Acquiring backlinks is the most difficult and most important part of SEO.
It is said by great SEO experts for a keyword , if you have a sufficient number of backlinks, even a blank
page , you can get the first rank in all search engines.
PR ( Page Rank )
PR is the most important statistic of any website in the world , in short, a website can be measured by its
PR .
PR or Page Rank of a site is a measure of link juice (total value of backlinks ) from the site .
It ranges from 0-10 , it is said that the PR is very difficult to achieve in fact, in the world there are only 4
of these sites have a PR of 10. Even the "Google" site itself has no PR 10 . Google has a PR of 9.
Some important sites PR in google and sites that have obtained PR 10 .
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Visitors / PR value of the site / unique are presented below :
PR avg.unique avg.value visitors (converted into rupees).
( Daily)
1 100 to 300 Rs.20 , 000 - Rs . 50,000
2 300 - 1000 Rs.50 , 000 - Rs . 2,00,000
3 1000 - 3000 Rs.2 , 00,000 - Rs.10 , 00,000
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
4 3000-10000 Rs . 10 L - Rs . 1 Cr.
5 10,000 to 30,000 rupees. 1 Cr - Rs . 10 Cr.
6 30000 - 1L Rs . 10Cr - Rs . 100 Cr.
7 1L - Rs 1 Cr . 100 Cr. - Rs.1000 Cr.
8 1 Cr - Rs 100 Cr . Cr 1000 - Rs.10 , 000 Cr.
9100 Cr - Rs 1000 Cr . 10,000 Cr - Rs . L 1 Cr.
October 1000 + Cr Rs . 1,00,000 Cr. +
Backlinks can be acquired free of cost and there are also paid backlinks on the market , little research in
Google will show you that backlinks nowadays has become a big business .
It is only because of this , large companies rank quickly in the search engines, for just a few days ..
So if you have money you can quickly get into the top ranking websites in the search engines , but if you
want to go by without the methods it takes time and patience , but the success depends on you one day
in the future.
A small example to show the value of PR and Link :
A blank PR 6 backlink costs around Rs.1, 00,000 / month .
PR / BackLinks TABLE : -
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Simplest form of PR / BackLinks RELATIONSHIP
simple version of the table
A = 0.2 PR2 PR3
PR3 = 1 a PR3
X 5 = PR3 PR4
X 25 = PR5 PR3
PR6 PR3 = 125 x
PR7 = 625 x PR3
Legal and illegal ways to get backlinks :
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
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Legal and illegal ways to get backlinks where you can fool Google, where Google can fool us .. ,
Backlinks 1.2 channels ( Link Exchange)
Backlinks 2.3 channels ( the mediator link)
These are the two methods of getting backlinks from our competitors in that both the website owners
are advantaged . 2-way links do not work and it says very soon even links to 3-way stop working. These
two methods of acquiring backlinks are illegal by the search engines, they consider that one way links -
safe, natural and permanent in nature.
Paid and free backlinks
In general, getting backlinks is a very slow process therefore
ranking first in the search engines takes a while, but you must have noticed some sites that are really
new and get top ranking in question a few days , even for highly competitive keywords , it is possible to
obtain backlinks by money. But remember, it is very very expensive.
Note: 1 high PR site , you can create many average pr sites.
eg . PR3 with one site, you can create 5 websites PR2 .
You can also create high PR website that literally has no content at all ..
Always remember , give the least possible links to other sites , the more backlinks you give to others , it
increases the external links ( OBL - Out bound links ) to your site, then the backlinks to be less now .
Always try to keep the virginity of your website. It will bring a lot of value in the future.
Introduction to SEO QUAKE
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SEO Quake is the most effective web browsers for SEO software. With the help of it may
1 . Check the PR of a website / web page
2 . Check if the particular web page has been cached in search engines .
3.Check the number of pages in the various search engines a website got.
4.Check the number of links that a website has received .
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
5.Check the number of links on a web page received .
6.Check the " alexa rank " websites .
7.Check when the site was recorded.
8.Check the IP hosted Web site.
9.Check who owns a website .
10.Check the SMEs and SME Awards Rush Rank of a website .
11.Check if robots are visiting the site.
12.Check if the site got sitemap or not.
13.Check the total number of internal and external links in a web page.
14.Check the keyword density (1 word , 2 - say three words and multiword ) to any web page .
15.Download backlinks a site in the Excel file.
16.Download Google search results .
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Note: Before competition to rank high for a keyword, not looking at all the statistics SEO Quake 10
existing sites in engine.This research can give an idea about how long or how fast you can get the slot
higher in the search engines.
Seo software quake works only on Mozilla Firefox and the beta version of the plug-in can be
downloaded from Google Crome Browser and it is free and can be downloaded
Alexa rank
Alexa rank of a website is the world's largest site in the total number of Web sites. A alexa rank give us
an idea of the popularity of a particular website , it is because Alexa Rank is nothing but the popularity
rank of a website .
To check out the best sites alexa rank :
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This is a file associated with a Web site, this file contains information for search engines to index the
pages and to block by default all pages of your site are indexed by search engines but if all you want to
block any page of your website from the index , then you should mention that in the robots.txt file.
This file is available at: / robots.txt
Ex: / robots.txt
Backlinks developing your own website through the sources listed below:
1 . Directory Submissions .
2 . Article submissions .
3 . Press releases.
4 . Social Bookmarking .
5. Forums.
6 . Blog commenting .
7 . Creations profile.
When backlinks are created through 7 above methods , you not only get quality backlinks , but you also
get targeted traffic to your site from these reffered in each category sites.
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In the eyes of search engines links through 7 above methods are authentic and natural So , before
starting to develop bonds of various other methods see that you 've gone through these methods of
developing links to avoid spam in the eyes of search engines.
Note: All seven methods should be performed in parallel rather than series .
Step 2 off-page optimization : Directory Submissions
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Directory Submissions : directory sites are like the yellow pages , here you have a set of websites for
different services. Directory submissions provide quality links that sites are classified here . It also
provides targeted traffic. Ideally 5 directory submissions is recommended daily for building quality links.
Here is the list of noted, high PR directory 5000 + in the Excel file , start your building from top to
bottom link.
You must register in each directory before you can actually place links in them to store the login ID and
password for each of this directory yoy , we will use again and again. Do not submit the same page in a
single directory more than once , but you can submit multiple pages (different) in the same directory .
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Note - Always give the name of the category related to your web content because that's where all your
competitors' sites are also listed , which adds to the quality of the backlink site .
Developed links do not show your website as soon as you start to build , but takes an indefinite period
of time right from one day to three months , depending on when all robots google visit to the site where
you get the backlinks.
Step 3 off-page optimization : Article submission
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Article websites are used to present a story (usually 200-300 words ) regarding your website / web page
site. This article in this way indirectly create pages on their website and on various user sites are
advantaged because they get free - quality backlink one way and, of course , a dedicated page on their
website which could also behave in engines research to give us talk traffic.
In general , most of the article websites accept the html code in the description on the site, this is where
we place our code backlink.
It is advisable not to publish the same article in more than one site and make sure that you simply do
not blindly copy paste your own information page and paste it to article sites , this may create an
impression 'spam' in the eyes of Google and may ban your site earlier .
For better ranking of your page article published in the search engine see that you keep the keyword
density and include the same in the title and author of the article on the website if at all they have .
It is advisable to post atleast 5 everyday items to add link juice to your website.
Generally, it takes 1-7 days to get backlinks from article sites .
You can add up to 2 backlinks per item to optimize the work .
Step 4 off-page optimization : Press Releases
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Sites Press releases refer to press release distribution sites . As the name goes, the sites we submit press
releases or articles to our rss feed them , they in turn pass these articles to various websites that are
related to news and current affairs and online information centers.
With just a successful press release , you can expect many backlinks and at the same time the popularity
. If all information on the site is found it interesting that you could find the same in magazines (paper )
published .
There are not many sites of press releases on the web , however , the current there is no deadline for
submission of information.
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It is ideal to have two press releases per day to add to the link juice to your website. Always try to
submit RSS feeds where ever applicable , because these flows carry all your website pages and content
is also automatically updated to the end users. It adds to the popularity of your site.
Make sure that every time you submit your site RSS feed for press releases do not submit anything else
at the same place later.
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication .
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The RSS Feed carry a copy of your website in real time with updations automatically.
If a user does not have a website to consume RSS feeds so it may also subscribe to the same e -mail so
that whenever new content is added or old content is updated at source, automatically mails are cooked
for consumers RSS .
Generally feeds are . Html and . Xml files that are used for ongoing stock real time weather data , gold
and commodities in real time, live cricket scores , Live News, live radio , live television , data
newspapers, etc. ..
You can see the RSS toolbar and browsers .
For the blogger default RSS feed url is :
default ? alt = rss
For WordPress sites:
[ Let's see how to use RSS feeds of others in our
live cricket score , live television ]
Step 5 off-page optimization - Social Bookmarking
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Social Networking Sites : A social networking service is an online service , platform , or site that focuses
on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example , share
interests and / or activities.
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A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his / her
social links, and a variety of additional services. Social network services are web based and provide users
to interact on the Internet, such as email and instant messaging .
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Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service , but in a broader
sense , social network service usually means a service focused on the individual whereas online
community services are group -centered . The social networking sites allow users to share ideas ,
activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.
The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places ( such as former
school year or classmates ), means to connect with friends (usually with self- description pages ) and a
recommendation system linked confidence. Popular methods now combine many of these , with
Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn widely used worldwide .
The best social bookmarking sites and keep these icons in your blogger :
Submit your backlinks to atleast 50 social networking sites daily ..
All backlinks presentations of these sites are approved immediately and within 3 days of the
presentation you can expect the backlinks of your account.
It is said that seven methods , the social networking sites have obtained the highest PR and you can
expect good traffic too many of these sites, it directly increases the popularity of your site. You can
submit more than one backlink everyone this site, you can also add up to 2 backlinks in a social
bookmarking submission , on some sites , you get a dedicated page on their website .
Note: - The submission process is different for each of the social networking sites .
During the presentation for the first time , you must register afterwhich simply log in and begin to
submit as many links as possible.
It is advisable to add popular social networking and bookmarking icons on each page of your blogs ,
these increases in popularity and backlinks by the readers of your site itself .
In Onlywire services you can also submit your RSS feeds ..
Best tool (paid) to automatically post links to sites social bookmarking :
Bookmarking Demon - available at:
Step 6 OFF Page Optimization : Discussion forum
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Forums : an Internet forum , or message board , is an online discussion site where people can hold
conversations in the form of posted messages.
Points to note while displaying your backlinks in the forums:
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Like most forums have administrator permissions to send your messages so , sending all the information
are not the administrator feel that your goal is the backlink. Forums are usually used for question and
answer , do the same , see the message you send is linked to the ongoing discussion at the bottom and
then give your reference as your backlink.
Tip : For a list of forums related to your keyword you are targeting , do a search in google with that
keyword and then filter the results by selecting "discussions" on the left side of the search results ,
which will give list of forums your powerful competitors.
Step 7 Off Page Optimization - Blog Commenting
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Blogs are usually sites that have articles on various topics that are of interest to the user. They say there
are more than 50 % of the billions of websites are registered as blogs and there is a lot of money that
can be exploited in blogs.All blogs are meant to make money , either by ads or through affiliate
marketing , the information is just to attract readers .
The history is clear that the maximum and most powerful backlinks can only be acquired through blogs .
It is said by the SEO experts if your blog commenting is consistent and coherent with the only method
that you can get top ranking in any major search engine . The reason behind such a strong link is that
they are your strongest competitors, it is amazing to know that sometimes only one competitor backlink
strong enough to rank 1.
Points for the high approval rate comments :
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
1.Give your keywords instead of the name , and your target page URL instead website .
2 . Talk regarding Article
3 . Enjoy the blog owner for his post / article.
4 . Add backlinks to the end of the comments
Steps to acquire competitors Backlinks
-------------------------------------------------- -------
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
1 . With Seo quake installed in your Mozilla Firefox browser, go to Google and download the search
results to an Excel file .
Early comments on each of these sites (only 1000 is downloadable) from top to bottom for a high
approval rate see you're enjoying the blog owner and talk or invloved in recent comments, such
comments a very high approval rate .
1.You can also filter the results of blogs and forums to google search , follow the first 1000 each for
Download 2.Similarly competitors for keywords related to your target keywords and monitor the job as
<a href="">seo course in chennai</a>
3.Filter results blogs by clicking on " blog " on the left side of google search and follow the above tasks .
4.Filter schedule monthly , weekly , 24 hours , 1 hour, 10 minutes in the left side of the google search
and follow the above tasks .
5.Filter results in "discussions" (forums ) on the left side of the google search and follow the above tasks
6.Similarly , follow step 4 of the timeline.
7.Download each competitor backlinks for SEO Quake and then follow the above tasks .
8.Download each competitor backlinks seo backlinks through - earthquake and follow the above tasks .
The middle as you would definetely reach the top slot in the search engine , when you reach this goal,
the jump to the next keyword for first place .
Points to remember:
1 . Do not always focus on a single word or a single page, which means giving importance to each of your
page and links to develop them in parallel rather than serial .
You must target atleast 5-10 keywords for a page, so you have 5-10 different anchor texts in your list of
backlinks codes.
2.In the case where ever there is a provision for the development of backlinks 2 Focus 1 for the host and
the second page for an internal page of your site.
It is advisable to continue with all seven methods above until you meet some backlinks ( estimated
duration : 1-3 months) and then just focus only on the blog comments and forum posts , " success will
be under your feet " ..
Step 8 of the off page optimization : Creating a Profile
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
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There are many sites that have profiles that you join this site . However, these sites enter your site
instead of your name on the registration and whenever possible form if HTML tags are allowed in the
profile, then simply enter your backlink with anchor text.
There is no specific list of websites created profile, it only comes out of exploration.
In general, all the social networking sites and forum sites have profiles in them.
For example.
Google URL Hacking
Google urls piracy is a technique by which we can hack google search engine URL listed .
This concept is very useful for SEO experts as they can easily find thousands of competing sites where
there is a possibility to get a backlink.
In this particular process , there are certain codes if entered in the search bar , the performance of High
Authority backlinks sites are examples of these codes are:
1.To find blogs related to the keyword , where backlink is possible and it is dofollow :
In the google like " your keyword " + " dofollow blog "
Ex: " Aakash tablet " + " dofollow blog "
Areas of backlinks are: . . . . . Edu, gov , org, mil , net and com. .
in google search:
To find an edu blog , see below term in Google:
site . edu inurl: blog " post a comment " + " YOUR_KEYWORD "
For example. site . edu inurl: blog " post a comment " + " mobile "
Gov to find a blog , see below term in Google:
site . gov inurl: blog " post a comment " + " YOUR_KEYWORD "
For example. site . gov inurl: blog " post a comment " + " Mobile "
Also, you can follow for all extensions fields . . . Org, mil , net and com. .
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To find a competitor education forum where comments are possible in Google research team below. :
site . edu inurl: forum " post a comment " + " your keyword"
For example. site . edu inurl: forum " post a comment " + " Mobile "
Also, you can follow for all extensions fields . . . Org, mil , net and com. .
. . Most gov and edu backlinks are nofollow so, get dofollow links on forums across the profile creation is
the only way to obtain authorization for high quality backlinks your site that are dofollow :
To obtain this backlink you need to register with forum . Edu or . Gov and then make a profile and link it
to have the desired anchor text .
By a method that you can get edu gov forum or Google search engine . The good thing with this method
is that you can build backlinks quickly.
SEO is constantly changing their algorithm on a regular basis to reduce spam backlink to education and
government blog sites may not have much value these days .
To build backlinks through forum profiles for the following search terms :
site . ? edu forum / profile.php mode = register
site . ? Fashion forum edu / profile.php = viewprofile & u
The same goes for obtaining . Gov backlink. Simply replace with edu gov:
Then go to the link profile appeared on the results page and click on the registration link to create a
profile .
This method will create 100% approved auto backlinks .
Get your profile page indexed :
Post on the forum and introduce yourself
Digg your profile page ( to )
Ping your profile page
Points to note:
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1.Whenever there is a possibility to get a link to a site, try to put your backlink in the common area of
the site with respect to all of its pages (Menu , for example , footer , sidebar , etc. . ) the advantage of
this is that you get more backlinks (ie - from every page of this site) from a single website .
2.Ping the server Ping -o- matic ( ) whenever you change the content or add new
content to your website / webpage.
Ping is the technique to inform the major search engines there is some content updation in my web /
page website , so please come index whenever possible. This technique allows inviting search engines
when the frequency of visits of robots of search engines you will, in general, is directly proportional to
the frequency content updation of your website / web page , so this technique helps to keep engine
search updated in real time on both the content of our Web site.
Daily Chart of SEO work :
1 . Period ( 1-3 months):
a . 5 directory submissions .
b . 5 article submissions .
c . 2 Press release submissions .
d. 5 forum postings .
e . 50 bookmarking / networking social arguments .
f . 20 competitors strengths blog commenting .
2 . Where the time for the next 3 months
a . 20 submissions bookmarking / social networks
b . 5 article submissions
c . 5 forum posts .
d. 20 blog commenting .
3 . Where time throughout life ,
a . 10 presentations and forum profile creation.
b . 30 blog commenting .
Hot Searches in Google
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<a href="">web designing course in chennai</a>
Google search provides us with current research in its search through various websites , which are
classified according to the research period .
Namely, there are 3 of these sites:
1 . Trends - gives each hour hot search on Google.
<a href="">seo course in chennai</a>
2 . Insights - gives every week looking hot in google .
3 . Zeitgeist - gives each year hot search in google .
These sites also give specific hot research to a place or country . Following these research trends , we
can expect many visitors to your website if you just publish a page on trend with fully on page SEO
optimized because the competition is generally zero for these words because they are new research.
Using this simple technique and very fast you can get 1000 page views on your site every day.
Remember during this process and Digg Ping your page immediately after creating the page to inform
the search engine on the page that you added to your site.

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seo training in chennai | web design training in chennai | web designing training in chennai

  • 1. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> CONTENT: SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) Program Coverage: OnPage Optimization Pre Optimization Report Keyword Research Competitors Website Analysis Rewriting Robot Friendly Text H1, H2 Tabs Optimization Title Tag Optimization Meta Tag Optimization Meta Keyword Optimization Alt Tag Optimization Website Structure Body Text and Content Google Analytics Off Page Optimization Hosting of sitemap Search engine submission ( Global and Local ) Directories submission ( General , Product and Country) Blog Creation and Blog Commenting Creation of forums and Participating in forums Classifieds Posting Social media optimization (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg etc Pages, Groups, Tabs etc) Article Posting Free Press Releases RSS feed submission Web 2.0 Submission Link Wheel Position Monitoring Monitoring website Ranking With Different Keywords Renewal Of Expiry Trade Leads And Posting New Trade Leads <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a>
  • 2. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Social Media optimization - SMO Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Digg etc. Google History In 1995, Larry Page and Sergey Brin began working together on a search engine called Backrub. Backrub operated on Stanford servers for more than a year , eventually taking up too much bandwidth as a function of the university , 2 years later, Larry and Sergey decide that the search engine Backrub needs a new name. After some brainstorming, they go with Google a play on the word " googol," a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros . The use of the term reflects their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web. SEO history SEO began in the 1990s with people with a particular site to a search engine. The search engines then programs called spiders peruse web, store data and catalog the millions of pages it has encountered. The research has provided information using an indexer which stored various types of information for the search engine. SEO ---- SEO stands for Search Engine optimization sense website optimization (mutation) to rank high in the search engines. In SEO , there are 2 types : 1 . On optimization: In this, the changes are made in the website (html coding) to rank in the search engines like Google. 2 . Off Page Optimization: In this, the changes are taken off-site to rank in the search engines. Note: page optimization accounts for only 10% of SEO, 90% of SEO is off page optimization. <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a>
  • 3. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> The main and most important task is to find out what kind of website that we develop, what is the content in it and what search keywords we are targeting for the first rank in the search engines like Google. Step 1: Choose your topic of interest that you are going to open a website and do SEO on this site. Step 2: Choose the set of keywords for which you want to rank in the search engines. Keyword Research --------------------------- Now it is a very important part of SEO to choose the right keywords for your website, keywords you are targeting must be related to the content of your website and which rank high in the search engines is easy to achieve at the same time the keywords should have a maximum search, traffic optimally. After we decided the type and content of your website, decide with the keywords that are related to the content of your website. Now , a tool that can identify and tell us all the keywords for which ranking in Google or elsewhere in any search engine is easy to implement and has a good amount of traffic. Yes, the tool is the word “Google keyword tool” Google Keyword Tool: This tool is used for the keyword search with this tool, you can easily know the competition and the flow of a particular search term gets. Based on these results, we can roughly estimate the time in which we can get the first place, how easily we can get the first rank and the number of visitors that we can expect to our site as soon as we have the first rank for this particular search term. Go to: here and enter your list of keywords or topics . Enter your key words in the column of keywords and click search and then select the exact option and remove the 'large' option on the left side. Here you can see thousands of keywords that are related to the content of your website , choose the set of keywords where the traffic is maximized and at the same time there is less competition , it is ideal to choose words key where competition is below 20% ( Low). Give the list of keywords , then choose the keyword in the list has a maximum of traffic, such as your domain name , sometimes these domain names may not be available if at least see that your domain name begins with these words and add any desired extension adapted to it. <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a>
  • 4. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> To check the availability of domain names visit a web domain registration site eg . You can book a free slot: ( software installed Google blogspot ) (software installed wordpress ) (installed CMS software) Note: To connect to go to : -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Google Adsense: Google AdSense is the advertising platform Google, in which the site / blog owners can place ads on their website which are available from stock google 70% commission it gets for ads with website owners . Available at / adsense . There are two types of advertising revenue : 1 . PPC ( pay per click) - It is Rs.3 - Rs.300 , here you get paid per click advertising. Each ad has another ppc to check about the ppc of each key using the Google keyword tool words. 2 . Pay per Impressions - Here google pay the site owner for 1000 impressions of an amount between Rs.1 - General Rs.200 . Estimated using AdSense for Indian money : Your average . page views per day x 5 = Rs . (Mean monthly income) Important terms : Impressions : display CPC : Cost per click ( should be as high as possible) CTR : Avg. number of clicks on 100 prints ( should be close to 5) , it stands for click through ratio . eCPM : Avg. The benefit of millions of impressions. 3 . You can have a maximum of only three sections banners Google ads per page, but you can put codes for a number of sections of advertising, but the display would only be three random sections dynamically . <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a>
  • 5. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> You can also have 3 Link ads per page, 2 google custom search ads and video ads , and if you have the television or video controls in a Web page. Gaming sites also complements Google ads. 4.When you have obtained the approval of the Google AdSense program, you can unlimited websites where you can place ads , and it works just as long as you follow every rule of google adsense . 5.Do read the terms and conditions of google adsense carefully before you apply for it . 6 . Never click your ads yourself. Always remember that google tracks each visitor 's IP address and time , ctr (avg. must be between 0% and 5%) , so keep in mind all these factors before applying a method getting your ads clicked . 7 . Headink the text above should definitely be 'sponsored links' and nothing else . 8 . Do not apply for google adsense within one month from the time you started to develop the site. 9 . Never an empty site (or web page) with just ads. 10.The payment is by check google ads for Indians and other methods , so be careful when entering your address and name. 11 . Having a password for Google accounts to prevent piracy AdSense account. 12 . Never any illegal content (such as paris , gambling , pornography, etc. . ) In your site as long as you maintain the relationship with Google AdSense. 13.Never try clicks the family / friends / chatting, they do not work for longer. 14.Ne NEVER influence or encourage readers to your web site click on the ads on the web page . 15 . Once the account is banned , all sites that are listed on this ID are automatically banned. 16. For maximum CTR for your site , try mixing ads with the theme of your site and place the ads just below the posts or pages where the user has finished reading the article. 17. To get the maximum CTR see you change the ad sections , sizes and types , what works best, it is not illegal to change things here and there. 18.See you earn atleast 50 paisa / visitor to your site through Google Adsense. 19.Do not apply for more than one google adsense account with the same name, address . 20.You get the check every 6th and 7th of the following month. <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a>
  • 6. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 21.You can not have control over the content of the ad , the ad content is determined by Google itself and it will always be based on the content of your page. 22. Besides Google Adsense ads , try to have ads of different affiliate programs , little research in Google will show you the best list of affiliate programs for Indians. The best two I know are - and . Points for the success of Google AdSense account : 1 . Apply adsense only after 1 month of development of your website and see what you have atleast 20 posts published , well-designed . 2 . Before applying for AdSense on your original site, try to open the adsense account on a fake site blogger using the method described below : Open a blogger site, go to "monetize" option and then register to adsense . 3 . There are more than 50 % chance that adsense account is approved by this method, if it does not work , open a new Blogger account ( requires a email id ) and do the same thing from an address different IP , please note that Google adsense does not approve more than one account from the same IP address , repeat tasks until you get the approval of AdSense for your free blogger after obtained approval up ads in your original site too. Very successful rate Google AdSense third party tools : Other ads that can replace Google Adsense: (very good rating but must have atleast PR1 for your web site). ( Pay only $ 10) <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a> Trick to get unique content for your website:
  • 7. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Go to and copy your article in English and convert some language and then do the vice versa , the result would be spinned section where English words are different but the meaning remains the same. You can also copy right items directly from regional sites and convert it into a single article , for what you have to use google regional research. Note: Once items are woven , see that you have your keywords in it, if it is not the stuff to get the proper keyword density . To verify the copies of Web pages or articles among all sites in the world visit , Even sites articles, search engines and almost all websites are copy - scape check to find if you copied the article or is it your own item. HTML content : It is observed that Google SEO check rates html / text content of your website , it is advisable to write, design, edit HTML content . Meaning instead of writing the text or make changes to the front , make any changes in the HTML editing while displaying the contents of pages or posts. For the respective html code of any design or text , you can make the best use of , this tool also helps those who have no knowledge of HTML . Viewing videos, television live streamings on your blog: : For broadcast more than 5000 + TV channels on your blog. : For cricket live streaming code ( a cricket match ) : Full Movie videos into a single file, HD quality. On optimization : On page optimization is to modify the HTML of each page of the site that wants to play a leading role in the search engines. It is essentially the evolution of meta tags, title tags , tags header , the decoration of the police, alternative text of the image, etc. .. Now , first of all , choose a set of keywords that are related to the content of your website. Before discussing the two types of optimization, domain name and the domain page urls are an important part of SEO. <a href="">web designing training in chennai</a> What you should know before choosing a name for your website: 1.keywords : See your website or website page names are the words from the “keywords” you are targeting a keyword is a search term in any search engine. For example. ‘Hollywood ' ---- 5 points
  • 8. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 2.Permalinks : Permalinks are customizable URL (Uniform Resource Locator) , it is said that your URL must have the keywords you are targeting. A URL is nothing but the page or mailing address, each page or post of your blog and an address for each post / page we have a set of keywords for which we want to get high rank. Many people think that Google displays websites in search results , but it's not the sites are web pages that Google displays . By default, the " permalinks " is disabled in the blogger meaning you cannot change the URL of a page / post in wordpress but you can. Your url should have the least "/" ( slash) . In wordpress to enable permalinks , go to Settings -> permalinks and select the "custom" option and enter: / % Postname % / The order of importance HTML tags for SEO is arranged in ascending order as follows: Step 3 : Title tag --- 5 points <title> Tag: These should contain anywhere between 65-100 letters, are the words that should start with your keywords , the title of a Web page is displayed in the title of the site in google biological research , the site title is displayed in the first line of each result in the blue color , the title should be interesting for the reader is drawn to open the site . There should be only one title tag per page. Each page of your website should have a unique title . Google reads the first 65 characters of the title of your website . Your title should begin with the keywords you are targeting to perform well in the search engines. The title should be attractive so that users are attracted to click on the site. Syntax title tag ------------------------ <title> .... </ Title> The ... must have the keywords that you are targeting in the first 65 characters . title tag is present everywhere between <head> and </ head> tags of your web page . Changing the title tag in blogger ------------------------------------------
  • 9. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Under any Blogger site, click Design -> Edit HTML -> just after <head> give the title of your home page. Changing the title tag in wordpress ---------------------------------------------- In the domain admin logged in wordpress click editor under the Appearance menu, then click the header.php file, here you will find <head> between them just put your own title tag . Note: In both blogger and wordpress , this tag is already present, it is sufficient to change the contents of the title tag , depending on your condition, but advised not to change as a function in the title tag will automatically generate titles so dynamic as the title of the page / post . Step 4 : Meta Description Tag [4 points] -------------------------------------------------- ----- <meta description> Tag: The meta description should consist of no more than 100 words , anywhere between 80-100 words make a good meta description , note that the first 25 words ( 160 characters ) of the meta description should have your keywords . This section is displayed next to the title of each search result in Google organic search . syntax: ----------- <meta name="description" content="Value" ...."/> In the .... put your web page description , see the first 25 words ( 160 characters) , you enter must be the keywords you are targeting. Meta description tag is present everywhere between <head> and </ head> tags of your web page . Note - Meta description is not always displayed, but it is usually displayed , most of the time Google picks first 25 words of the text content of the result page as meta description. Meta description should be unique for each page of website.There should be only one meta description tag per page. The meta description tag is a traditional concept and now days, it is ignored by Google. Step 5: Meta Keywords Tag [4 points] <meta keywords> Tag: This tag must contain all of the keywords you are targeting comma.There should be separated by only one meta tag keywords per page. Ex: Tollywood , Tollywood movies Tollywood songs etc. .
  • 10. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> It should consist of anywhere around 5-10 keywords . Syntax Meta Tag Keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="..."/> The ... must have the keywords separated by commas. This tag is again entered between the head tags of any web page . For the keyword suggestion , you can visit : www.keyword - Step 6 : Header Tags [3 points] Tags header ( <h1> , <h2> , <h3> ) tags header page of the site should always include the keywords you are targeting. There should be only one h1 tag per page for better rankings in google but you can have more than one <h2> and <h3> tags syntax: <h1> ... </ H1> and so on for all tags header h2 to h6 tags. Step 7: Other image text label [3 points] On the Image > Alternative text> tag: The alternative text tag of the image must contain the keywords that you are targeting. Do not have the same label image replacement over 1 image , use a different text, but see it has the keywords you are targeting. For example . If my keyword is "mobile" so I can get images with alt text , Nokia mobile , LG mobile , mobile samsung glaxy s2 etc. .. Note: In the blogger alt tag text from the image represented by the image anchor tag text .. Syntax 1 ( For bloggers ) imageanchor = "..." Syntax 2 ( for others) : alt = "...." Step 8 : Font Decoration tags [3 points] Bold, italic and underlined tag: If your Web page font bold, italic or underlined in any part of the text , see what they contain the keywords you are targeting. Step 9: keyword density [4 points] See that the density of keywords in the web page is anywhere between 1% - 3% for higher rankings in Google and check 20 words of your web page should have these keywords . Step 10 : Avoid the use of flash in web pages that Google can not read flash in your website.
  • 11. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Step 11: Do not use pop-up ads , ads, ads in tights and the header of your site. Step 12 [2 points] : Each page should have a link to related pages on the same site . Ideally, there should be five of these links at the bottom of the page content with headink as also " read ". If possible see that the anchor text of internal links site keywords you are targeting. Broken Link : If any any page of a website has no navigation (link) to another page of your site, this condition is called as broken link and it is a great disadvantage of SEO . A site can never lead roles with a broken link , it should avoid. To avoid broken and interconnect related internal pages within your website link , go to , grab the code and paste it just before the closing body tag ( </ body> ) to change the HTML of your page website ( For general website) Wordpress : Just download the plugin and install the plugin in the wordpress admin area loggedin going to add new plug-in option . Blogger for web sites: Simply click on " install " widget and you are done . Step 13 [ 1 point ] : If you use video in your website , see the video is related to the content of your website , this will improve your rankings in youtube as well , see you change the alternative video tag html text as you did for the image. Step 14 [ 1 point ] Add social bookmarking icon ( button social media sharing ) in each web site page. Step 15 [ 1 point ] : Do not create multiple pages with the same content on your site. Step 16 [3 marks ] : The speed of page loading should be higher , it means that your website should load in the shortest amount of time. The best tool for measuring the Website or Web page loading time is the tool Pingdom is present at: here it will show you each time loading files through which you can know which file takes a long time to load, it is said that only after all your website files are then loaded your page is loaded. Ideally, your web page must be loaded in the shortest amount of time, which is less than 3 sec . to get the first place in search engines . All the above tasks falls ON - page optimization which includes 10% of Seo, if all tasks are completed , you score 10/10 in the google voice page optimization . Recently, a new label was added in SEO called Geo Meta tag , which means the geographical tag that is used to target the visitors to a specific region , the combination of Google search trends and Geo tags can give fruitful results to you immediately. This is another meta tag and must be entered with the other meta tags that we have already seen .
  • 12. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> It is said that the classification becomes easier compared to the specific region where Geo Meta tags are used for your Web pages . <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Syntax Geo Meta Tag: -------------------------------- 1 . <meta name="ICBM" content="Latitude/Longitude cordinate system"> For example. <meta name="ICBM" content="50.167958, -97.133185"> 2 . <meta name="geo.position" content="Latitude/Longitude cordinate system"> <meta name="geo.placename" content="ADDRESS_OF_ THE_LOCATION"> For example. <meta name="geo.position" content="50.167958, -97.133185"> <meta name="geo.placename" content="Rockwood rural Municipality, Manitoba, Canada"> The best tool to generate meta tag geo: Step 1 OFF Page Optimization : To add your URL to the Google Web directory , go to / addurl and you submit site. Within, 24-48 hours your site will be added to the Google search engine . To submit your site to all major search engine directories go to fill out the form and submit . To check if your site is present in the directory search engine or not: just type in the search bar of any search engine : site: " address of your site" for example : site: Note: no space between the two If the results are presented as it is present in the directory search engine although it is not present , the no. shows the results of total no . pages in the Web site. Google Webmaster Tools : This document is available at / webmastertools .
  • 13. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> This tool is designed for SEO experts in this tool, one can 1.Submit site and all Web pages Google search engine . <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> 2.You can analyze the performance of your site in search engine. 3.You can check the ranking of your site for different keywords in the Google search engine . 4.You can check the keyword density of your website 5.You can check your backlinks. 6.You can get suggestions to improve the visibility of your site in search engines . 7.You can have control over the google visit your site. Adding your site to Webmaster Tools : Before you can add your site to Webmaster Tools you must first register Webmaster Tools and then log in the login area you will find the " add a site " , enter your email address website here and click "Continue" , then click the " alternative methods " and select the " add a meta tag to verify the tag ', copy the meta tag , go to your site 's HTML Edit this page and paste label between <head> and </ head> , save the file and tools for webmasters, click save and check . It would add your site to Webmaster Tools , you can add as many sites as possible with a single account webmasters. Sitemaps : Sitemaps are the representation html / xml of all the URLs of the pages of your site, a sitemap file have all the addresses of each of its pages, when these types of sitemaps are created and submitted to search engines web pages automatically every your site came in the directories of search engines . Each site had a map. Adding sitemap in webmaster tools -------------------------------------------------- -------------- In the blogger site when a site is built sitemap files are created automatically in the background in the following format : / rss.xml / atom.xml Note: there is no " www ." While adding atom.xml file if redirected to Feedburner account, you may get an error in Google Webmaster Tools while adding Blogger sitemap . For this particular problem , just add " ? Redirect = false" to the URL of the site will solve this problem. Therefore, the address of the site you should be adding is : atom.xml redirect = false
  • 14. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> The default URLs in Blogger XML sitemap is 26 rss.xml or atom.xml file within Webmaster Tools you will see that there are a total of 26 URLs. But if you have more than 26 items and less than 100 posts, then you can add the sitemap below: atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 1 & max- results = 100 For more than 100 messages, add a second site map: atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 101 & max- results = 100 <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> For more than 200 entries, repeat above to add a third site map: atom.xml ? redirect = false & start - index = 201 & max- results = 100 a glance at: If you use www in the domain and the respective sitemap file would be: / feeds / posts / full Wordpress : In the Administration newspaper in the region will add new plugin and install a plug-in Google XML Sitemap after activating the plugin, a sitemap will be generated at: / sitemap.xml , return in webmaster tools and add the sitemap file to submit all pages to the search engine . Note: Go to the "General Settings" in the admin area of wordpress and if you have "www" in your domain name , add www in your website address when you add the site in Webmaster Tools if you do not use the www www when you do not add the site in Webmaster Tools . Google Analytics Tool ------------------------------- This tool gives us the traffic statistics from our website using this tool , you can know the details of the movement such as: 1 . Source traffic (search engines , reference sites , direct ) 2 . Keywords in the search engine who bought visitors to our site. 3.Region traffic . 4.Browsers from which traffic came . 5.Avg . the time spent by visitors on our website.
  • 15. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 6.Avg . number of pages viewed by visitors . Engines 7.Search of where the traffic is coming. etc. .. <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> The Google Analytics is now at / analytics . You can add as many sites as possible with only one Google Analytics account . Adding your site in Google Analytics -------------------------------------------------- - Register then login in area connection click on " Add Profile" , then give your website address , click "Finish ", copy the tracking code shown in the box and paste text between < head> and </ head> of the home page of your website . Return to Google Analytics and click ' save and complete . " This would add Google Analytics to your site in a short period of time. This is generally used to measure site traffic statistics , the three major areas in this regard are: 1.Avg . Time spent by the user - should be as high as possible. 2.Avg . Number of pages visited by the user - should be as high as possible. The bounce rate 3.The - should be as low as possible. The bounce rate is nothing but the average number of 100 visitors left your site after reading only one page is that they do not have to navigate to other pages of your site. Difference between webmaster tools and Google Analytics? Google Webmaster tools gives statistics SEO while Google Analytics provides statistics of traffic to your website. Important statistics of a website : 1.Backlinks : Backlinks are nothing but links of your Web pages to other sites. It can be either in the form of text links or images. The syntax of backlinks is as follows: <a href="WEBSITE_URL"> keyword < / a>
  • 16. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> The Web Site may be the home page or a page of your site and keywords must always be your own words on your web page for which you want the top ranking in the search engines. example : 1 . <a Href=""> multibagger </ a> 2 . <a Href="" > Stocks multibagger </ a> Do you get backlinks engine Google that your site is displayed in search results search ? No The number of backlinks to your site is the number of Web pages where your site ( or web page) link address is provided . The more backlinks the better for SEO. Infact 90% of SEO depends upon backlinks. Backlinks are of two types : Do the following: These are the backlinks in which reference is made directly to your site . <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> No more: it is the backlinks that there is no direct reference to your website, in other words the url is encrypted here . As backlinks are equal in value and have the same importance in SEO but do understand that by default search engine links no follow links that provide a zero value in SEO, which is why backlinks search engines are not counted at all. To determine whether a link is do-follow or not - follow just scroll the mouse over the link and see the status bar , if you find that it is the web then make your url - follow the link , if is encrypted and it is without following link. Try to acquire as many do follow links as possible to your website. Each backlink obtained the values of variables. 1.Backlinks high PR ( Page Rank ) sites have a very high value. 2.Backlinks your competitors sites have a very high value. 3 . Backlinks from websites below " external links are very valuable . Backlinks 4.Virgin have great value . 5.Backlinks different areas have a higher value than backlinks from the same domain. 6.The backlinks from . Gov, . Edu . Millet . Org sites have a higher value .
  • 17. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Note: backlinks, the amount does not matter, what matters is the quality . To check backlinks to a website, you can visit the url: Acquiring backlinks is the most difficult and most important part of SEO. It is said by great SEO experts for a keyword , if you have a sufficient number of backlinks, even a blank page , you can get the first rank in all search engines. PR ( Page Rank ) --------------------- PR is the most important statistic of any website in the world , in short, a website can be measured by its PR . PR or Page Rank of a site is a measure of link juice (total value of backlinks ) from the site . It ranges from 0-10 , it is said that the PR is very difficult to achieve in fact, in the world there are only 4 of these sites have a PR of 10. Even the "Google" site itself has no PR 10 . Google has a PR of 9. Some important sites PR in google and sites that have obtained PR 10 . <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> Visitors / PR value of the site / unique are presented below : PR avg.unique avg.value visitors (converted into rupees). ( Daily) 1 100 to 300 Rs.20 , 000 - Rs . 50,000 2 300 - 1000 Rs.50 , 000 - Rs . 2,00,000 3 1000 - 3000 Rs.2 , 00,000 - Rs.10 , 00,000
  • 18. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 4 3000-10000 Rs . 10 L - Rs . 1 Cr. 5 10,000 to 30,000 rupees. 1 Cr - Rs . 10 Cr. 6 30000 - 1L Rs . 10Cr - Rs . 100 Cr. 7 1L - Rs 1 Cr . 100 Cr. - Rs.1000 Cr. 8 1 Cr - Rs 100 Cr . Cr 1000 - Rs.10 , 000 Cr. 9100 Cr - Rs 1000 Cr . 10,000 Cr - Rs . L 1 Cr. October 1000 + Cr Rs . 1,00,000 Cr. + Backlinks can be acquired free of cost and there are also paid backlinks on the market , little research in Google will show you that backlinks nowadays has become a big business . It is only because of this , large companies rank quickly in the search engines, for just a few days .. So if you have money you can quickly get into the top ranking websites in the search engines , but if you want to go by without the methods it takes time and patience , but the success depends on you one day in the future. A small example to show the value of PR and Link : A blank PR 6 backlink costs around Rs.1, 00,000 / month . PR / BackLinks TABLE : - <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> Simplest form of PR / BackLinks RELATIONSHIP simple version of the table A = 0.2 PR2 PR3 PR3 = 1 a PR3 X 5 = PR3 PR4 X 25 = PR5 PR3 PR6 PR3 = 125 x PR7 = 625 x PR3 Legal and illegal ways to get backlinks :
  • 19. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> -------------------------------------------------- ------ Legal and illegal ways to get backlinks where you can fool Google, where Google can fool us .. , Backlinks 1.2 channels ( Link Exchange) Backlinks 2.3 channels ( the mediator link) These are the two methods of getting backlinks from our competitors in that both the website owners are advantaged . 2-way links do not work and it says very soon even links to 3-way stop working. These two methods of acquiring backlinks are illegal by the search engines, they consider that one way links - safe, natural and permanent in nature. Paid and free backlinks ------------------------------ In general, getting backlinks is a very slow process therefore ranking first in the search engines takes a while, but you must have noticed some sites that are really new and get top ranking in question a few days , even for highly competitive keywords , it is possible to obtain backlinks by money. But remember, it is very very expensive. Note: 1 high PR site , you can create many average pr sites. eg . PR3 with one site, you can create 5 websites PR2 . You can also create high PR website that literally has no content at all .. Always remember , give the least possible links to other sites , the more backlinks you give to others , it increases the external links ( OBL - Out bound links ) to your site, then the backlinks to be less now . Always try to keep the virginity of your website. It will bring a lot of value in the future. Introduction to SEO QUAKE <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> -------------------------------------- SEO Quake is the most effective web browsers for SEO software. With the help of it may 1 . Check the PR of a website / web page 2 . Check if the particular web page has been cached in search engines . 3.Check the number of pages in the various search engines a website got. 4.Check the number of links that a website has received .
  • 20. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 5.Check the number of links on a web page received . 6.Check the " alexa rank " websites . 7.Check when the site was recorded. 8.Check the IP hosted Web site. 9.Check who owns a website . 10.Check the SMEs and SME Awards Rush Rank of a website . 11.Check if robots are visiting the site. 12.Check if the site got sitemap or not. 13.Check the total number of internal and external links in a web page. 14.Check the keyword density (1 word , 2 - say three words and multiword ) to any web page . 15.Download backlinks a site in the Excel file. 16.Download Google search results . <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> Note: Before competition to rank high for a keyword, not looking at all the statistics SEO Quake 10 existing sites in engine.This research can give an idea about how long or how fast you can get the slot higher in the search engines. Seo software quake works only on Mozilla Firefox and the beta version of the plug-in can be downloaded from Google Crome Browser and it is free and can be downloaded Alexa rank ---------------- Alexa rank of a website is the world's largest site in the total number of Web sites. A alexa rank give us an idea of the popularity of a particular website , it is because Alexa Rank is nothing but the popularity rank of a website . To check out the best sites alexa rank : robots.txt -------------------
  • 21. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> This is a file associated with a Web site, this file contains information for search engines to index the pages and to block by default all pages of your site are indexed by search engines but if all you want to block any page of your website from the index , then you should mention that in the robots.txt file. This file is available at: / robots.txt Ex: / robots.txt Backlinks developing your own website through the sources listed below: 1 . Directory Submissions . 2 . Article submissions . 3 . Press releases. 4 . Social Bookmarking . 5. Forums. 6 . Blog commenting . 7 . Creations profile. When backlinks are created through 7 above methods , you not only get quality backlinks , but you also get targeted traffic to your site from these reffered in each category sites. <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> In the eyes of search engines links through 7 above methods are authentic and natural So , before starting to develop bonds of various other methods see that you 've gone through these methods of developing links to avoid spam in the eyes of search engines. Note: All seven methods should be performed in parallel rather than series . Step 2 off-page optimization : Directory Submissions -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Directory Submissions : directory sites are like the yellow pages , here you have a set of websites for different services. Directory submissions provide quality links that sites are classified here . It also provides targeted traffic. Ideally 5 directory submissions is recommended daily for building quality links. Here is the list of noted, high PR directory 5000 + in the Excel file , start your building from top to bottom link. You must register in each directory before you can actually place links in them to store the login ID and password for each of this directory yoy , we will use again and again. Do not submit the same page in a single directory more than once , but you can submit multiple pages (different) in the same directory .
  • 22. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Note - Always give the name of the category related to your web content because that's where all your competitors' sites are also listed , which adds to the quality of the backlink site . Developed links do not show your website as soon as you start to build , but takes an indefinite period of time right from one day to three months , depending on when all robots google visit to the site where you get the backlinks. Step 3 off-page optimization : Article submission -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> Article websites are used to present a story (usually 200-300 words ) regarding your website / web page site. This article in this way indirectly create pages on their website and on various user sites are advantaged because they get free - quality backlink one way and, of course , a dedicated page on their website which could also behave in engines research to give us talk traffic. In general , most of the article websites accept the html code in the description on the site, this is where we place our code backlink. It is advisable not to publish the same article in more than one site and make sure that you simply do not blindly copy paste your own information page and paste it to article sites , this may create an impression 'spam' in the eyes of Google and may ban your site earlier . For better ranking of your page article published in the search engine see that you keep the keyword density and include the same in the title and author of the article on the website if at all they have . It is advisable to post atleast 5 everyday items to add link juice to your website. Generally, it takes 1-7 days to get backlinks from article sites . You can add up to 2 backlinks per item to optimize the work . Step 4 off-page optimization : Press Releases -------------------------------------------------- --------------- Sites Press releases refer to press release distribution sites . As the name goes, the sites we submit press releases or articles to our rss feed them , they in turn pass these articles to various websites that are related to news and current affairs and online information centers. With just a successful press release , you can expect many backlinks and at the same time the popularity . If all information on the site is found it interesting that you could find the same in magazines (paper ) published . There are not many sites of press releases on the web , however , the current there is no deadline for submission of information.
  • 23. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> It is ideal to have two press releases per day to add to the link juice to your website. Always try to submit RSS feeds where ever applicable , because these flows carry all your website pages and content is also automatically updated to the end users. It adds to the popularity of your site. Make sure that every time you submit your site RSS feed for press releases do not submit anything else at the same place later. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication . <a href="">seo training in chennai</a> The RSS Feed carry a copy of your website in real time with updations automatically. If a user does not have a website to consume RSS feeds so it may also subscribe to the same e -mail so that whenever new content is added or old content is updated at source, automatically mails are cooked for consumers RSS . Generally feeds are . Html and . Xml files that are used for ongoing stock real time weather data , gold and commodities in real time, live cricket scores , Live News, live radio , live television , data newspapers, etc. .. You can see the RSS toolbar and browsers . For the blogger default RSS feed url is : default ? alt = rss Ex: For WordPress sites: Ex: [ Let's see how to use RSS feeds of others in our live cricket score , live television ] Step 5 off-page optimization - Social Bookmarking -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Social Networking Sites : A social networking service is an online service , platform , or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example , share interests and / or activities.
  • 24. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his / her social links, and a variety of additional services. Social network services are web based and provide users to interact on the Internet, such as email and instant messaging . <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service , but in a broader sense , social network service usually means a service focused on the individual whereas online community services are group -centered . The social networking sites allow users to share ideas , activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places ( such as former school year or classmates ), means to connect with friends (usually with self- description pages ) and a recommendation system linked confidence. Popular methods now combine many of these , with Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn widely used worldwide . The best social bookmarking sites and keep these icons in your blogger : Submit your backlinks to atleast 50 social networking sites daily .. All backlinks presentations of these sites are approved immediately and within 3 days of the presentation you can expect the backlinks of your account. It is said that seven methods , the social networking sites have obtained the highest PR and you can expect good traffic too many of these sites, it directly increases the popularity of your site. You can submit more than one backlink everyone this site, you can also add up to 2 backlinks in a social bookmarking submission , on some sites , you get a dedicated page on their website . Note: - The submission process is different for each of the social networking sites . During the presentation for the first time , you must register afterwhich simply log in and begin to submit as many links as possible. It is advisable to add popular social networking and bookmarking icons on each page of your blogs , these increases in popularity and backlinks by the readers of your site itself . In Onlywire services you can also submit your RSS feeds .. Best tool (paid) to automatically post links to sites social bookmarking : Bookmarking Demon - available at: Step 6 OFF Page Optimization : Discussion forum -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
  • 25. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> Forums : an Internet forum , or message board , is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. Ex: Points to note while displaying your backlinks in the forums: -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> Like most forums have administrator permissions to send your messages so , sending all the information are not the administrator feel that your goal is the backlink. Forums are usually used for question and answer , do the same , see the message you send is linked to the ongoing discussion at the bottom and then give your reference as your backlink. Tip : For a list of forums related to your keyword you are targeting , do a search in google with that keyword and then filter the results by selecting "discussions" on the left side of the search results , which will give list of forums your powerful competitors. Step 7 Off Page Optimization - Blog Commenting -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Blogs are usually sites that have articles on various topics that are of interest to the user. They say there are more than 50 % of the billions of websites are registered as blogs and there is a lot of money that can be exploited in blogs.All blogs are meant to make money , either by ads or through affiliate marketing , the information is just to attract readers . The history is clear that the maximum and most powerful backlinks can only be acquired through blogs . It is said by the SEO experts if your blog commenting is consistent and coherent with the only method that you can get top ranking in any major search engine . The reason behind such a strong link is that they are your strongest competitors, it is amazing to know that sometimes only one competitor backlink strong enough to rank 1. Points for the high approval rate comments : -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 1.Give your keywords instead of the name , and your target page URL instead website . 2 . Talk regarding Article 3 . Enjoy the blog owner for his post / article. 4 . Add backlinks to the end of the comments Steps to acquire competitors Backlinks -------------------------------------------------- -------
  • 26. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> 1 . With Seo quake installed in your Mozilla Firefox browser, go to Google and download the search results to an Excel file . Early comments on each of these sites (only 1000 is downloadable) from top to bottom for a high approval rate see you're enjoying the blog owner and talk or invloved in recent comments, such comments a very high approval rate . 1.You can also filter the results of blogs and forums to google search , follow the first 1000 each for backlinks. Download 2.Similarly competitors for keywords related to your target keywords and monitor the job as above. <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> 3.Filter results blogs by clicking on " blog " on the left side of google search and follow the above tasks . 4.Filter schedule monthly , weekly , 24 hours , 1 hour, 10 minutes in the left side of the google search and follow the above tasks . 5.Filter results in "discussions" (forums ) on the left side of the google search and follow the above tasks . 6.Similarly , follow step 4 of the timeline. 7.Download each competitor backlinks for SEO Quake and then follow the above tasks . 8.Download each competitor backlinks seo backlinks through - earthquake and follow the above tasks . The middle as you would definetely reach the top slot in the search engine , when you reach this goal, the jump to the next keyword for first place . Points to remember: 1 . Do not always focus on a single word or a single page, which means giving importance to each of your page and links to develop them in parallel rather than serial . You must target atleast 5-10 keywords for a page, so you have 5-10 different anchor texts in your list of backlinks codes. 2.In the case where ever there is a provision for the development of backlinks 2 Focus 1 for the host and the second page for an internal page of your site. It is advisable to continue with all seven methods above until you meet some backlinks ( estimated duration : 1-3 months) and then just focus only on the blog comments and forum posts , " success will be under your feet " .. Step 8 of the off page optimization : Creating a Profile
  • 27. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> -------------------------------------------------- --------------- <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> There are many sites that have profiles that you join this site . However, these sites enter your site instead of your name on the registration and whenever possible form if HTML tags are allowed in the profile, then simply enter your backlink with anchor text. There is no specific list of websites created profile, it only comes out of exploration. In general, all the social networking sites and forum sites have profiles in them. For example. Google URL Hacking ------------------------------ Google urls piracy is a technique by which we can hack google search engine URL listed . This concept is very useful for SEO experts as they can easily find thousands of competing sites where there is a possibility to get a backlink. In this particular process , there are certain codes if entered in the search bar , the performance of High Authority backlinks sites are examples of these codes are: 1.To find blogs related to the keyword , where backlink is possible and it is dofollow : In the google like " your keyword " + " dofollow blog " Ex: " Aakash tablet " + " dofollow blog " Areas of backlinks are: . . . . . Edu, gov , org, mil , net and com. . in google search: To find an edu blog , see below term in Google: site . edu inurl: blog " post a comment " + " YOUR_KEYWORD " For example. site . edu inurl: blog " post a comment " + " mobile " Gov to find a blog , see below term in Google: site . gov inurl: blog " post a comment " + " YOUR_KEYWORD " For example. site . gov inurl: blog " post a comment " + " Mobile " Also, you can follow for all extensions fields . . . Org, mil , net and com. .
  • 28. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> To find a competitor education forum where comments are possible in Google research team below. : site . edu inurl: forum " post a comment " + " your keyword" For example. site . edu inurl: forum " post a comment " + " Mobile " Also, you can follow for all extensions fields . . . Org, mil , net and com. . . . Most gov and edu backlinks are nofollow so, get dofollow links on forums across the profile creation is the only way to obtain authorization for high quality backlinks your site that are dofollow : To obtain this backlink you need to register with forum . Edu or . Gov and then make a profile and link it to have the desired anchor text . By a method that you can get edu gov forum or Google search engine . The good thing with this method is that you can build backlinks quickly. SEO is constantly changing their algorithm on a regular basis to reduce spam backlink to education and government blog sites may not have much value these days . To build backlinks through forum profiles for the following search terms : site . ? edu forum / profile.php mode = register or site . ? Fashion forum edu / profile.php = viewprofile & u The same goes for obtaining . Gov backlink. Simply replace with edu gov: Then go to the link profile appeared on the results page and click on the registration link to create a profile . This method will create 100% approved auto backlinks . Get your profile page indexed : Post on the forum and introduce yourself Digg your profile page ( to ) Ping your profile page Points to note: ----------------------
  • 29. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> 1.Whenever there is a possibility to get a link to a site, try to put your backlink in the common area of the site with respect to all of its pages (Menu , for example , footer , sidebar , etc. . ) the advantage of this is that you get more backlinks (ie - from every page of this site) from a single website . 2.Ping the server Ping -o- matic ( ) whenever you change the content or add new content to your website / webpage. Ping is the technique to inform the major search engines there is some content updation in my web / page website , so please come index whenever possible. This technique allows inviting search engines when the frequency of visits of robots of search engines you will, in general, is directly proportional to the frequency content updation of your website / web page , so this technique helps to keep engine search updated in real time on both the content of our Web site. Daily Chart of SEO work : 1 . Period ( 1-3 months): a . 5 directory submissions . b . 5 article submissions . c . 2 Press release submissions . d. 5 forum postings . e . 50 bookmarking / networking social arguments . f . 20 competitors strengths blog commenting . 2 . Where the time for the next 3 months a . 20 submissions bookmarking / social networks b . 5 article submissions c . 5 forum posts . d. 20 blog commenting . 3 . Where time throughout life , a . 10 presentations and forum profile creation. b . 30 blog commenting . Hot Searches in Google
  • 30. <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> <a href="">web designing course in chennai</a> ------------------------------- Google search provides us with current research in its search through various websites , which are classified according to the research period . Namely, there are 3 of these sites: 1 . Trends - gives each hour hot search on Google. <a href="">seo course in chennai</a> 2 . Insights - gives every week looking hot in google . 3 . Zeitgeist - gives each year hot search in google . These sites also give specific hot research to a place or country . Following these research trends , we can expect many visitors to your website if you just publish a page on trend with fully on page SEO optimized because the competition is generally zero for these words because they are new research. Using this simple technique and very fast you can get 1000 page views on your site every day. Remember during this process and Digg Ping your page immediately after creating the page to inform the search engine on the page that you added to your site. ON AND OFF PAGE TOOLS FOR SEO: 1. 2. 3. 4.MAJESTICSEO 5.ANALYTICS 6.OMNITURE 7.SMALL SEO TOOLS 8.AHREFS 9.PLAGRISM.NET 10.COPYSCAPE 11.WOORANK 12.ALEXA 13.SEO QUAKE 14.WEBMASTER