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Scrum is an incremental and iterative agile software development framework for
managing product development. It was first defined as "a flexible, holistic product
development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common
goal" in 1986 by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in the New Product
Development Game. This strategy challenges assumptions of the "traditional,
sequential approach" to product development, and encourages teams to self-organize
by encouraging close online collaboration of all team members, as well as face-to-face
communication among all team members and disciplines in the project.
A key principle of scrum is ―requirements volatility‖ i.e. it recognizes the fact that
during production processes, the customers can change their minds about what they
want and need. These unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional
predictive or planned manner and thus it’s an advantage of scrum/ agile methodology.
Scrum adopts an empirical approach—accepting that the problem cannot be fully
defined, instead focuses on responding to emerging requirements and to adapt to
evolving technologies and changes in market conditions.
Scrum employs real-time decision-making processes based on actual events and
information. This requires specialized teams capable of self-management,
communication and decision-making. Scrum is an agile methodology that can be
applied to nearly any project; however, it is most commonly used in software
development. The Scrum process is suited for projects with rapidly changing or highly
emergent requirements
1.1 Scrum
Scrum is a tool, a framework that can be used to build complex products. . It is "a
flexible product development strategy. It does not prescribe any of the common
engineering, people, risk management, or other practices. Since Scrum does not
explicitly describe any engineering practices, it is possible and at times desirable too to
consider non-Scrum practices that may be tightly linked to Scrum success. For example,
test-driven Development has been proved successful for agile projects but is not an
explicit Scrum practice. Scrum is frequently implemented in conjunction with methods
such as Extreme Programming which influences the success of Scrum.
What Scrum does provide is feedback so that someone using Scrum can improve the
results. For instance, if someone wants productivity and quality and can have a co-
located team, Scrum will help figuring out the best possible way. If the person starts
with a dispersed team and compares its productivity to another co-located team,
conclusions can be reached. The person can then intelligently take decision based on
the conclusions received and can make changes accordingly. Thus, Scum specialty lies
in continuous process improvement.
Using Scrum correctly means following all of its rules, which expose everything
(transparently) for inspection and adaptation. An intelligent person would then inspect
what Scrum is making transparent and make changes to optimize the results.
Presumably, the changes are cost justified. Scrum can be used perfectly and ignoring
what is made transparent. Scrum can be used imperfectly and taking into account some
of the things that have been made transparent. Someone who uses Scrum perfectly and
acts more intelligently on what has been made transparent will outcompete anyone else.
The Scrum Alliance has published a ―Scrum Guide‖ giving the formal definition of
the method [SA09]. Sutherland and Vodde created Tests to assess the status of teams
claiming to use Scrum. Silver, another Scrum Alliance member, has also identified
crucial characteristics and practices for Scrum. These descriptions of Scrum and its
practices are elaborated and clarified in various reports and training, as well as related
books. The following brief description of Scrum practices and roles highlights the
specific aspects of Scrum that may be investigated to verify that a Scrum
implementation is a valid one.
In many cases Scrum is adopted as a whole with little change, but in some cases it is
adopted in a ―tailored‖ form. This tailoring may, or may not, represent a reasonable
adaptation of the original method. Inappropriate Scrum variations are known as
―ScrumButs.‖ Scrum is a ―bundle‖ of knowledge that is best adopted as a whole;
piecemeal adoption or inappropriate tailored adoption of Scrum practices is unlikely to
achieve the expected behaviors and benefits of the method. [4] With scrum, the product
is built in a series of fixed-length iterations called sprints.
Sprints are fixed duration cycles during which the product is built and is delivered for
feedback. A Sprint is one iteration of a month or less that is of consistent length
throughout a development effort. Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel
the Sprint. Milestones–i.e., the end of a sprint–come frequently and at regular intervals,
bringing with them a feeling of tangible progress with each cycle that energizes
everyone and continuously inspire the team and also helps find out the shortcomings or
misunderstood requirements at an early stage. Short iterations also reinforce the
importance of good estimation - a recurring struggle in waterfall projects
In contrast to classical project management methods, Scrum doesn’t have and doesn’t
need a product manager, a task manager or a team leader.
A scrum team has a slightly different composition than a traditional waterfall project,
with three specific roles:
 Product Owner,
 Scrum Master, and
 Development Team.
These three roles are coequal and all of them have certain responsibilities. They
describe the key responsibilities for those on the scrum team. They aren’t job titles.
This means that any job title, even your existing ones, can perform one of the roles.
Because the essence of Scrum is empiricism, self-organization, and continuous
improvement, the three roles give a minimum definition of responsibilities and
accountability to allow teams to effectively deliver work. This allows teams to take
responsibility for how they organize and to keep improving themselves.
Figure 1.3.1 : Scrum Roles
The Product Owner is responsible for the vision of the product, the gathering and the
prioritization of the requirements, control over the budget and the ROI. The Scrum
Master takes care of the problems, takes responsibility that the rules of Scrum are
appropriately followed and he coaches the team too. The team of Scrum is a self-
organized group of people, responsible for the creation and the quality of the product.
And because scrum teams are cross-functional, "the development team" includes
testers, designers, and ops engineers in addition to developers. Besides these three roles
there exist some more Stakeholders, who e.g. serve as an observer or a counselor.
One of the most important things for the success of scrum is the role of the Product
Owner, who serves as an interface between the team and other involved parties
(stakeholders). It can be said that in companies that use scrum, the tasks and
responsibilities of the particular Product Owner are never the same. Starting with the
choice of that person provided with the proper and necessary skills, make them take
specific trainings, up to the responsibility they take; the role of the Product Owner –
short PO- is the most complex one regarding that procedure.
Often the PO has to “fight” on both sides. Whereas the team can work a certain fraction
of time (time boxed) “protected” by the Scrum Master, the Product Owner often needs
to deal with marketing, management or the customers in order to be able to present the
software requirements (User Stories) quite precisely to the team (see the box “criteria
for User Stories).
Furthermore the Product Owner is responsible for the return on investment (ROI). He
validates the solutions and verifies whether the quality is acceptable or not from the
end-users’ point of view. He also has to decide over the importance of single features
in order to prioritize these in their treatment and he has to tell the team what the product
should look like in the end (product vision). Since one of the teams’ tasks is to work
effectively, the Product Owner must react fast on call-backs. Hence he fulfills the role
of a communicator, as he must be in contact with all stakeholders, sponsors and last but
not least the team throughout a project. After all it is his task to coordinate the financial
side of the product development, which is successful through his continuous work and
prioritizing the advancing tasks (Product Backlog). All these diverse requests
demonstrate how important the selection of the “right” person for the role of the PO is
for the success of a project.
The nomenclature is definite. The Product Owner is at Scrum not only the manager of
a product, but also the Owner and therefore he is the one responsible for the correct
creation of a product. Being a Product Owner means you are responsible for the success
of the outcome of the product delivered by the team. You make Business decisions of
importance and priorities. You deliver the vision of the product to the team. You
prepare the User Stories for the team of development. You should possess severe
domain knowledge. You validate the outcomes and test them for their quality. You react
promptly on call backs. You communicate on a continual base with all Stakeholders,
financiers and the team. You control the financial side of the project.
Figure 1.3.2 : Scrum roles and their relationship
The most obvious difference between a team leader and a Scrum Master is represented
by the name itself though. Whereas one is leading the team and sets the tasks, the other
one is in charge of observing that the team obeys the rules and realizes the method of
Scrum entirely. The Scrum Master does not interfere into the decisions of the team
regarding specifically the development, but rather is there for the team as an advisor.
He only interferes actively when anybody of the team or any other participant of a
project (Stakeholder) does not obey the rules of Scrum. Whereas a team leader often
gives requirements and takes responsibility for the completion of those, an experienced
Scrum Master gives only impulses and advises to the team to lead the correct way, to
use the right method or to choose the right technology. In fine the Scrum Master acts
more like a Team Coach than a team leader.
Scrum masters are the champion for scrum within their team. The Scrum Master is the
specific individual responsible for ensuring that Scrum values, practices and rules are
enacted and enforced. They coach the team, the product owner, and the business on the
scrum process and look for ways to fine-tune their practice of it. The Scum Master is
sometimes characterized as the project manager who leads by coaching, teaching and
supporting the Team rather than directing and controlling.
A Scrum Master is not a project manager. Project managers don't really have a place in
the scrum methodology. The project manager role within Scrum ceases to exist as its
responsibilities are moved to the other Scrum roles. A scrum team controls its own
destiny and self-organizes their work. Some Scrum projects may have both a Scrum
Master and a project manager and in some cases where the project is too large using a
Scrum of Scrums approach might have a program manager working with multiple
Scrum Masters.
 An effective scrum master deeply understands the work being done by the team and
can help the team optimize their delivery flow.
 As the facilitator-in-chief, they schedule the needed resources (both human and
logistical) for sprint planning, stand-up, sprint review, and various other scrum
 Scrum masters also look into the impediments and distractions for the development
team and resolve them.
 They insulating the development team from external disruptions whenever possible.
 Scrum master’s job includes another important task of observing that the team obeys
the rules and realizes the method of Scrum entirely.
For example:
Some teams new to scrum try to change the scope of the sprint after it has
already begun. Product owners will sometimes ask, "Can't we get this one more super-
important little thing into this sprint?" But keeping scope air tight reinforces good
estimation and product planning–keeping in mind that this does not becomes a source
of disruption to the development team.The most obvious difference between a team
leader and a Scrum Master is represented by the name itself though.
 Whereas one is leading the team and sets the tasks, the other one is in charge of
observing that the team obeys the rules and realizes the method of Scrum entirely.
 The Scrum Master does not interfere into the decisions of the team regarding
specifically the development, but rather is there for the team as an advisor. He only
interferes actively when anyone within the team or any other participant of a project
(Stakeholder) does not obey the rules of Scrum.
Whereas a team leader often gives requirements and takes responsibility for the
completion of those. An experienced Scrum Master gives only impulses and advises to
the team to lead the correct way, to use the right method or to choose the right
technology and sees that all these resources are made available to the team whenever
they are required. In specific, the Scrum Master acts more like a Team Coach than a
team leader.
1.3.3 Scrum Development Team
Different from other methods, in Scrum a team is not just the executive organ that
receives its tasks from the project leader, it rather decides self dependent, which
requirements or User Stories it can accomplish in one sprint. It constructs the tasks and
is responsible for the permutation of those – the team becomes a manager. This new
self-conception of the team and the therewith aligned tasks and responsibilities
necessarily change the role of the team leader/project leader. The Scrum Master does
not need to delegate all the work and to plan the project, he rather takes care that the
team meets all conditions in order to reach the self-made goals. He cleans off any
impediments, provides an ideal working environment for the team, coaches and is
responsible for the observation of Scrum-rules – he becomes the so-called Servant
Figure 1.3.3 Scrum team
 Ensure self and team participates in daily scrum over teleconference
 Ensure that burn down charts of the sprint backlog is up-to-date
 Note impediments in his/her capability and address them
 Ensure participation in the daily Scrum of Scrums (SoS)
 Bring to the notice of SoS, the impediments that are not in his/her capability of
Software development using agile methodologies is becoming a bigger reality in the
daily life of software development companies.In order to add value to the final software,
one must have a well structures team that follows the methodology and uses correct
strategies. The hybridization of scrum with other software development methodologies
is common as scrum does not cover the whole product development lifecycle; therefore,
organizations find the need to add in additional processes to create a more
comprehensive implementation. Various authors and communities of people who use
scrum have also suggested more detailed techniques for how to apply or adapt scrum
to particular problems or organizations. Also, projects where the developers are
geographically separated are less suitable for the scrum approach. Because scrum
sprints are short, less time is available for iterative testing, making it difficult to
maintain quality control for such projects when using a scrum approach.
Figure 1.3.3 : Agile
To maximize the performance, companies conduct a variety of ways to increase the
business profit. The work management between one company and the other company
is different, so the differences in the management may cause the software to have a
different business process. Software development can be defined as creating a new
software or fixing the existing one. Technology developments led to increasing demand
for software, Industrial Technology (IT) Companies should be able to project well
maintenance. The methodology in software development is used in accordance with
the company's needs based on the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Scrum
method is a part of the Agile method that is expected to increase the speed and
flexibility in software development project
Referring to the research that has already been done by different researchers in the
related area helps to find any gaps, if exists. Review of literature helps in identifying
critical knowledge gaps and motivates researchers to close this breach (Webster and
Watson, 2002). This chapter serves the same purpose. Relevant literature has been
exhaustively surveyed and analyzed so as to identify the current state of affairs in the
fields of agile software development, (Zhao et al., 2003) knowledge management and
distributed agile software development to dig out the available gaps in the area. An
exhaustive survey of the fields has been carried out before undertaking the research
design of the study (Kumar, S and P.Phrommathed, 2005).
In the 2nd edition of Extreme Programming: Embrace Change (Beck, 2004), Kent
Beck quotes that “Agile is about social change.” (Abrahamsson et al., 2003) develop
an evolutionary from existing agile
44methodologies and techniques in software engineering and information systems. The
antecedent methods and major influences on each of the agile methods are available in
an evolutionary map. Analysis of their study found four main influences on agile
software development: object-orientation, evolutionary development, internet
technologies, and methodology engineering (Strode, 2006) and practices from software
engineering. (Ambler, S. W and Jeffries, R, 2002) stated that there is no official
definition of agile software development methodology. However, many authors have
given their own perception, for example, (Cockburn, 2002) states that ‘Agile implies
being effective and maneuverable. An agile process is both light and sufficient. The
lightness is a means of staying maneuverable.
(Qumer and Henderson-Sellers, 2007) they illustrate agile values characterization by
tagging agile values by different practices agile methods offer. We also distinguish
practices of different agile methodologies according to the values embedded by agile
manifesto. As an effect, development teams may make incorrect decisions related to
the design of the system. They state that product engineering process can be further
divided into development process and project management process. Authors look into
some of the agile methodologies and try to map their practices with development and
project management processes. The practices followed by different agile practices and
category in which they fall. (Skowronski, 2004) argues that agile methods could deter
48the work of the best programmers because it does not let them to isolate from the
surrounding world and to propose their best solution for a problem.
Agile Software Development is presently an emerging discipline in the field of
Software Engineering. It is presently advocated by many software professionals. The
Agile software development principles that are followed and advocated emerged from
the traditional software development principles and various experiences based on the
successes and failures in software projects. According to (Beck et al., 2001), customers
found it difficult to define their needs because of the fast changing technology and the
companies using them in products (Dyba, 2006). New methods, now called agile
methods were designed to define the changing requirements (Aoyama, 1998) in
software environments. Traditional methods refer to the older and commonly used
methods like the waterfall methods. (Beck, 2001)These traditional methods have often
been criticised to be far from the real ways software engineers functioning in
developing the software (Schwaber K. and Beedle M, 2001). Agile Software
Development emerged in February 2001 when (Beck, 2000) a group of software
consultants signed the Agile Software Development Manifesto. Agile methods focus
on the challenges of unpredictability of the real world by relying on people and their
creativity rather than processes (P. A gerfalk and B. Fitzgerald, 2006). The main theme
in agile methods is to promote and
59speed up responses to changing environments, requirements and meeting the
deadlines (S. Nerur et al., 2005). The agile manifesto (T Dyba, 2000) states the main
focus of the agile development as the following: 1) Individuals and interactions over
processes and tools 2) Working software over comprehensive documentation. 3)
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. 4) Responding to change over
following a plan.
2.2 Conclusion
According to the data collected, it is possible to conclude that the literature on Scrum
is scarce, but growing. If the tendencies are confirmed, in a few years there will be more
publications on this topic. It is also possible to observe that there is great concentration
of publication in a few journals and databases. The growth in the number of publications
in the last couple of years may raise interest on publication about this topic in other
databases. It is also clear that the literature lacks longitudinal and quantitative studies
on this subject. The fact that quality improvement was such a mentioned benefit takes
us to raise the hypothesis that Scrum has strong impact on product quality. However,
more accurate studies are necessary to test that hypothesis, which would demand hard
research work. This study also concludes that Scrum is still mainly a managerial tool
with a weak scholar perspective. That suggests that there is a scientific gap to be filled
by researchers. On that account, research papers that show thorough action research
focused on the implementation of Scrum in high-tech small businesses, whether they
are software based or not, may be appealing future study proposals. Finally, it is
possible to say that the present study me tits objectives, since it presented the state of
the art on the application of Scrum in scholar research studies. This study has also
shown possible areas or opportunities to foster the number of studies about the subject.
According to Eric Naiburg, Vice President of Marketing at, Scrum is best
understood as an overall approach to problem solving that avoids strict specifics and
rigid, step-by-step sets of instructions.
Because teams, people, and projects change and evolve over time, “having a single way
to do something just doesn’t enable growth,” Naiburg says. Simply put: Scrum is the
opposite of a to-do list—instead, it’s a way of approaching group projects with
While Scrum does provide a strong framework for organizing product teams and
scheduling work, it’s a framework that can be molded to accomodate the needs of a
team versus dictating exactly how a team must proceed.
Anybody who has a complex project can benefit from using Scrum. Prioritize large to-
do lists into manageable tasks with improved teamwork, better communication, and
faster results.
Scrum has streamlined software development — and professionals from around the
world are starting to see the value of using Scrum. Of all the possible Agile frameworks
used by companies, 66 percent are Scrum or Scrum variants.
Uses of Scrum :
1. Research and identify viable markets, technologies, and product
2. Develop products and enhancements
3. Release products and enhancements, as frequently as many times per
4. Develop and sustain Cloud (online, secure, on-demand) and other
operational environments for product use
5. Sustain and renew products
[1] AMBLER, S. Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and
the Unified Process. New York: Wiley Computer Publishing, 2002. 402 p.
[2] ABRAHAMSSON, P.; SALO, O. Agile Software Development Methods - Review
and Analysis. VTT Publications, 2002. 112 p.
[3] BARTON, B.; CAMPBELL, E. Implementing a Professional Services Organization
SCIENCES, 40., 2007, Waikoloa. Proceedings… IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007.
275 p.
[4] SCHWABER, K. SCRUM Development Process. 1995. Available from:
<>. Access in: dez. 2008.
[5] SCHWABER, K.; BEEDLE, M. Agile Software Development with SCRUM.
Prentice Hall, 2002. 158 p.
[6] RISING, L.; JANOFF, N. The Scrum software development process for small
teams. EEE Software, v. 17, n. 4, p. 26-32, 2000.
[7] SALO, O.; ABRAHAMSSON, P. Agile methods in European embedded software
development organizations. IET Software ,v.2 ,n.1 ,p.58-64, 2008.
[8] SANDERS, D. Using Scrum to manage student projects. Journal of Computing
Sciences in Colleges, v. 23, n. 1, p. 70-80, 2007.

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Scrum Technology / Scrum Methodology

  • 1. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Scrum is an incremental and iterative agile software development framework for managing product development. It was first defined as "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal" in 1986 by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka in the New Product Development Game. This strategy challenges assumptions of the "traditional, sequential approach" to product development, and encourages teams to self-organize by encouraging close online collaboration of all team members, as well as face-to-face communication among all team members and disciplines in the project. A key principle of scrum is ―requirements volatility‖ i.e. it recognizes the fact that during production processes, the customers can change their minds about what they want and need. These unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional predictive or planned manner and thus it’s an advantage of scrum/ agile methodology. Scrum adopts an empirical approach—accepting that the problem cannot be fully defined, instead focuses on responding to emerging requirements and to adapt to evolving technologies and changes in market conditions. Scrum employs real-time decision-making processes based on actual events and information. This requires specialized teams capable of self-management, communication and decision-making. Scrum is an agile methodology that can be applied to nearly any project; however, it is most commonly used in software development. The Scrum process is suited for projects with rapidly changing or highly emergent requirements
  • 2. 2 1.1 Scrum Scrum is a tool, a framework that can be used to build complex products. . It is "a flexible product development strategy. It does not prescribe any of the common engineering, people, risk management, or other practices. Since Scrum does not explicitly describe any engineering practices, it is possible and at times desirable too to consider non-Scrum practices that may be tightly linked to Scrum success. For example, test-driven Development has been proved successful for agile projects but is not an explicit Scrum practice. Scrum is frequently implemented in conjunction with methods such as Extreme Programming which influences the success of Scrum. What Scrum does provide is feedback so that someone using Scrum can improve the results. For instance, if someone wants productivity and quality and can have a co- located team, Scrum will help figuring out the best possible way. If the person starts with a dispersed team and compares its productivity to another co-located team, conclusions can be reached. The person can then intelligently take decision based on the conclusions received and can make changes accordingly. Thus, Scum specialty lies in continuous process improvement. Using Scrum correctly means following all of its rules, which expose everything (transparently) for inspection and adaptation. An intelligent person would then inspect what Scrum is making transparent and make changes to optimize the results. Presumably, the changes are cost justified. Scrum can be used perfectly and ignoring what is made transparent. Scrum can be used imperfectly and taking into account some of the things that have been made transparent. Someone who uses Scrum perfectly and acts more intelligently on what has been made transparent will outcompete anyone else.
  • 3. 3 1.2 SCRUM PRACTICES The Scrum Alliance has published a ―Scrum Guide‖ giving the formal definition of the method [SA09]. Sutherland and Vodde created Tests to assess the status of teams claiming to use Scrum. Silver, another Scrum Alliance member, has also identified crucial characteristics and practices for Scrum. These descriptions of Scrum and its practices are elaborated and clarified in various reports and training, as well as related books. The following brief description of Scrum practices and roles highlights the specific aspects of Scrum that may be investigated to verify that a Scrum implementation is a valid one. In many cases Scrum is adopted as a whole with little change, but in some cases it is adopted in a ―tailored‖ form. This tailoring may, or may not, represent a reasonable adaptation of the original method. Inappropriate Scrum variations are known as ―ScrumButs.‖ Scrum is a ―bundle‖ of knowledge that is best adopted as a whole; piecemeal adoption or inappropriate tailored adoption of Scrum practices is unlikely to achieve the expected behaviors and benefits of the method. [4] With scrum, the product is built in a series of fixed-length iterations called sprints. Sprints are fixed duration cycles during which the product is built and is delivered for feedback. A Sprint is one iteration of a month or less that is of consistent length throughout a development effort. Only the Product Owner has the authority to cancel the Sprint. Milestones–i.e., the end of a sprint–come frequently and at regular intervals, bringing with them a feeling of tangible progress with each cycle that energizes everyone and continuously inspire the team and also helps find out the shortcomings or misunderstood requirements at an early stage. Short iterations also reinforce the importance of good estimation - a recurring struggle in waterfall projects
  • 4. 4 1.3 SCRUM ROLES In contrast to classical project management methods, Scrum doesn’t have and doesn’t need a product manager, a task manager or a team leader. A scrum team has a slightly different composition than a traditional waterfall project, with three specific roles:  Product Owner,  Scrum Master, and  Development Team. These three roles are coequal and all of them have certain responsibilities. They describe the key responsibilities for those on the scrum team. They aren’t job titles. This means that any job title, even your existing ones, can perform one of the roles. Because the essence of Scrum is empiricism, self-organization, and continuous improvement, the three roles give a minimum definition of responsibilities and accountability to allow teams to effectively deliver work. This allows teams to take responsibility for how they organize and to keep improving themselves. Figure 1.3.1 : Scrum Roles
  • 5. 5 1.3.1 PRODUCT OWNER The Product Owner is responsible for the vision of the product, the gathering and the prioritization of the requirements, control over the budget and the ROI. The Scrum Master takes care of the problems, takes responsibility that the rules of Scrum are appropriately followed and he coaches the team too. The team of Scrum is a self- organized group of people, responsible for the creation and the quality of the product. And because scrum teams are cross-functional, "the development team" includes testers, designers, and ops engineers in addition to developers. Besides these three roles there exist some more Stakeholders, who e.g. serve as an observer or a counselor. One of the most important things for the success of scrum is the role of the Product Owner, who serves as an interface between the team and other involved parties (stakeholders). It can be said that in companies that use scrum, the tasks and responsibilities of the particular Product Owner are never the same. Starting with the choice of that person provided with the proper and necessary skills, make them take specific trainings, up to the responsibility they take; the role of the Product Owner – short PO- is the most complex one regarding that procedure. Often the PO has to “fight” on both sides. Whereas the team can work a certain fraction of time (time boxed) “protected” by the Scrum Master, the Product Owner often needs to deal with marketing, management or the customers in order to be able to present the software requirements (User Stories) quite precisely to the team (see the box “criteria for User Stories). Furthermore the Product Owner is responsible for the return on investment (ROI). He validates the solutions and verifies whether the quality is acceptable or not from the end-users’ point of view. He also has to decide over the importance of single features in order to prioritize these in their treatment and he has to tell the team what the product should look like in the end (product vision). Since one of the teams’ tasks is to work effectively, the Product Owner must react fast on call-backs. Hence he fulfills the role of a communicator, as he must be in contact with all stakeholders, sponsors and last but not least the team throughout a project. After all it is his task to coordinate the financial side of the product development, which is successful through his continuous work and
  • 6. 6 prioritizing the advancing tasks (Product Backlog). All these diverse requests demonstrate how important the selection of the “right” person for the role of the PO is for the success of a project. The nomenclature is definite. The Product Owner is at Scrum not only the manager of a product, but also the Owner and therefore he is the one responsible for the correct creation of a product. Being a Product Owner means you are responsible for the success of the outcome of the product delivered by the team. You make Business decisions of importance and priorities. You deliver the vision of the product to the team. You prepare the User Stories for the team of development. You should possess severe domain knowledge. You validate the outcomes and test them for their quality. You react promptly on call backs. You communicate on a continual base with all Stakeholders, financiers and the team. You control the financial side of the project. Figure 1.3.2 : Scrum roles and their relationship
  • 7. 7 1.3.2 SCRUM MASTER The most obvious difference between a team leader and a Scrum Master is represented by the name itself though. Whereas one is leading the team and sets the tasks, the other one is in charge of observing that the team obeys the rules and realizes the method of Scrum entirely. The Scrum Master does not interfere into the decisions of the team regarding specifically the development, but rather is there for the team as an advisor. He only interferes actively when anybody of the team or any other participant of a project (Stakeholder) does not obey the rules of Scrum. Whereas a team leader often gives requirements and takes responsibility for the completion of those, an experienced Scrum Master gives only impulses and advises to the team to lead the correct way, to use the right method or to choose the right technology. In fine the Scrum Master acts more like a Team Coach than a team leader. Scrum masters are the champion for scrum within their team. The Scrum Master is the specific individual responsible for ensuring that Scrum values, practices and rules are enacted and enforced. They coach the team, the product owner, and the business on the scrum process and look for ways to fine-tune their practice of it. The Scum Master is sometimes characterized as the project manager who leads by coaching, teaching and supporting the Team rather than directing and controlling. A Scrum Master is not a project manager. Project managers don't really have a place in the scrum methodology. The project manager role within Scrum ceases to exist as its responsibilities are moved to the other Scrum roles. A scrum team controls its own destiny and self-organizes their work. Some Scrum projects may have both a Scrum Master and a project manager and in some cases where the project is too large using a Scrum of Scrums approach might have a program manager working with multiple Scrum Masters.  An effective scrum master deeply understands the work being done by the team and can help the team optimize their delivery flow.  As the facilitator-in-chief, they schedule the needed resources (both human and logistical) for sprint planning, stand-up, sprint review, and various other scrum practices.
  • 8. 8  Scrum masters also look into the impediments and distractions for the development team and resolve them.  They insulating the development team from external disruptions whenever possible.  Scrum master’s job includes another important task of observing that the team obeys the rules and realizes the method of Scrum entirely. For example: Some teams new to scrum try to change the scope of the sprint after it has already begun. Product owners will sometimes ask, "Can't we get this one more super- important little thing into this sprint?" But keeping scope air tight reinforces good estimation and product planning–keeping in mind that this does not becomes a source of disruption to the development team.The most obvious difference between a team leader and a Scrum Master is represented by the name itself though.  Whereas one is leading the team and sets the tasks, the other one is in charge of observing that the team obeys the rules and realizes the method of Scrum entirely.  The Scrum Master does not interfere into the decisions of the team regarding specifically the development, but rather is there for the team as an advisor. He only interferes actively when anyone within the team or any other participant of a project (Stakeholder) does not obey the rules of Scrum. Whereas a team leader often gives requirements and takes responsibility for the completion of those. An experienced Scrum Master gives only impulses and advises to the team to lead the correct way, to use the right method or to choose the right technology and sees that all these resources are made available to the team whenever they are required. In specific, the Scrum Master acts more like a Team Coach than a team leader.
  • 9. 9 1.3.3 Scrum Development Team Different from other methods, in Scrum a team is not just the executive organ that receives its tasks from the project leader, it rather decides self dependent, which requirements or User Stories it can accomplish in one sprint. It constructs the tasks and is responsible for the permutation of those – the team becomes a manager. This new self-conception of the team and the therewith aligned tasks and responsibilities necessarily change the role of the team leader/project leader. The Scrum Master does not need to delegate all the work and to plan the project, he rather takes care that the team meets all conditions in order to reach the self-made goals. He cleans off any impediments, provides an ideal working environment for the team, coaches and is responsible for the observation of Scrum-rules – he becomes the so-called Servant Leader. Figure 1.3.3 Scrum team
  • 10. 10 1.4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MASTER  Ensure self and team participates in daily scrum over teleconference  Ensure that burn down charts of the sprint backlog is up-to-date  Note impediments in his/her capability and address them  Ensure participation in the daily Scrum of Scrums (SoS)  Bring to the notice of SoS, the impediments that are not in his/her capability of solving 1.5 BENEFITS OF AGILE Software development using agile methodologies is becoming a bigger reality in the daily life of software development companies.In order to add value to the final software, one must have a well structures team that follows the methodology and uses correct strategies. The hybridization of scrum with other software development methodologies is common as scrum does not cover the whole product development lifecycle; therefore, organizations find the need to add in additional processes to create a more comprehensive implementation. Various authors and communities of people who use scrum have also suggested more detailed techniques for how to apply or adapt scrum to particular problems or organizations. Also, projects where the developers are geographically separated are less suitable for the scrum approach. Because scrum sprints are short, less time is available for iterative testing, making it difficult to maintain quality control for such projects when using a scrum approach. Figure 1.3.3 : Agile
  • 11. 11 2. LITERATURE REVIEW SCRUM METHOD IMPLEMENTATION IN A SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT To maximize the performance, companies conduct a variety of ways to increase the business profit. The work management between one company and the other company is different, so the differences in the management may cause the software to have a different business process. Software development can be defined as creating a new software or fixing the existing one. Technology developments led to increasing demand for software, Industrial Technology (IT) Companies should be able to project well maintenance. The methodology in software development is used in accordance with the company's needs based on the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Scrum method is a part of the Agile method that is expected to increase the speed and flexibility in software development project 2.1 REVIEWS Referring to the research that has already been done by different researchers in the related area helps to find any gaps, if exists. Review of literature helps in identifying critical knowledge gaps and motivates researchers to close this breach (Webster and Watson, 2002). This chapter serves the same purpose. Relevant literature has been exhaustively surveyed and analyzed so as to identify the current state of affairs in the fields of agile software development, (Zhao et al., 2003) knowledge management and distributed agile software development to dig out the available gaps in the area. An exhaustive survey of the fields has been carried out before undertaking the research design of the study (Kumar, S and P.Phrommathed, 2005). 2.1.1 AGILE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY In the 2nd edition of Extreme Programming: Embrace Change (Beck, 2004), Kent Beck quotes that “Agile is about social change.” (Abrahamsson et al., 2003) develop an evolutionary from existing agile 44methodologies and techniques in software engineering and information systems. The antecedent methods and major influences on each of the agile methods are available in an evolutionary map. Analysis of their study found four main influences on agile
  • 12. 12 software development: object-orientation, evolutionary development, internet technologies, and methodology engineering (Strode, 2006) and practices from software engineering. (Ambler, S. W and Jeffries, R, 2002) stated that there is no official definition of agile software development methodology. However, many authors have given their own perception, for example, (Cockburn, 2002) states that ‘Agile implies being effective and maneuverable. An agile process is both light and sufficient. The lightness is a means of staying maneuverable. 2.1.2 AGILE PRACTICES (Qumer and Henderson-Sellers, 2007) they illustrate agile values characterization by tagging agile values by different practices agile methods offer. We also distinguish practices of different agile methodologies according to the values embedded by agile manifesto. As an effect, development teams may make incorrect decisions related to the design of the system. They state that product engineering process can be further divided into development process and project management process. Authors look into some of the agile methodologies and try to map their practices with development and project management processes. The practices followed by different agile practices and category in which they fall. (Skowronski, 2004) argues that agile methods could deter 48the work of the best programmers because it does not let them to isolate from the surrounding world and to propose their best solution for a problem. 2.1.3 COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF AGILE METHODS Agile Software Development is presently an emerging discipline in the field of Software Engineering. It is presently advocated by many software professionals. The Agile software development principles that are followed and advocated emerged from the traditional software development principles and various experiences based on the successes and failures in software projects. According to (Beck et al., 2001), customers found it difficult to define their needs because of the fast changing technology and the companies using them in products (Dyba, 2006). New methods, now called agile methods were designed to define the changing requirements (Aoyama, 1998) in software environments. Traditional methods refer to the older and commonly used methods like the waterfall methods. (Beck, 2001)These traditional methods have often been criticised to be far from the real ways software engineers functioning in developing the software (Schwaber K. and Beedle M, 2001). Agile Software
  • 13. 13 Development emerged in February 2001 when (Beck, 2000) a group of software consultants signed the Agile Software Development Manifesto. Agile methods focus on the challenges of unpredictability of the real world by relying on people and their creativity rather than processes (P. A gerfalk and B. Fitzgerald, 2006). The main theme in agile methods is to promote and 59speed up responses to changing environments, requirements and meeting the deadlines (S. Nerur et al., 2005). The agile manifesto (T Dyba, 2000) states the main focus of the agile development as the following: 1) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 2) Working software over comprehensive documentation. 3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. 4) Responding to change over following a plan. 2.2 Conclusion According to the data collected, it is possible to conclude that the literature on Scrum is scarce, but growing. If the tendencies are confirmed, in a few years there will be more publications on this topic. It is also possible to observe that there is great concentration of publication in a few journals and databases. The growth in the number of publications in the last couple of years may raise interest on publication about this topic in other databases. It is also clear that the literature lacks longitudinal and quantitative studies on this subject. The fact that quality improvement was such a mentioned benefit takes us to raise the hypothesis that Scrum has strong impact on product quality. However, more accurate studies are necessary to test that hypothesis, which would demand hard research work. This study also concludes that Scrum is still mainly a managerial tool with a weak scholar perspective. That suggests that there is a scientific gap to be filled by researchers. On that account, research papers that show thorough action research focused on the implementation of Scrum in high-tech small businesses, whether they are software based or not, may be appealing future study proposals. Finally, it is possible to say that the present study me tits objectives, since it presented the state of the art on the application of Scrum in scholar research studies. This study has also shown possible areas or opportunities to foster the number of studies about the subject.
  • 14. 14 3.APPLICATIONS According to Eric Naiburg, Vice President of Marketing at, Scrum is best understood as an overall approach to problem solving that avoids strict specifics and rigid, step-by-step sets of instructions. Because teams, people, and projects change and evolve over time, “having a single way to do something just doesn’t enable growth,” Naiburg says. Simply put: Scrum is the opposite of a to-do list—instead, it’s a way of approaching group projects with flexibility. While Scrum does provide a strong framework for organizing product teams and scheduling work, it’s a framework that can be molded to accomodate the needs of a team versus dictating exactly how a team must proceed. Anybody who has a complex project can benefit from using Scrum. Prioritize large to- do lists into manageable tasks with improved teamwork, better communication, and faster results. Scrum has streamlined software development — and professionals from around the world are starting to see the value of using Scrum. Of all the possible Agile frameworks used by companies, 66 percent are Scrum or Scrum variants. Uses of Scrum : 1. Research and identify viable markets, technologies, and product capabilities 2. Develop products and enhancements 3. Release products and enhancements, as frequently as many times per day 4. Develop and sustain Cloud (online, secure, on-demand) and other operational environments for product use 5. Sustain and renew products
  • 15. 15 REFERENCES [1] AMBLER, S. Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and the Unified Process. New York: Wiley Computer Publishing, 2002. 402 p. [2] ABRAHAMSSON, P.; SALO, O. Agile Software Development Methods - Review and Analysis. VTT Publications, 2002. 112 p. [3] BARTON, B.; CAMPBELL, E. Implementing a Professional Services Organization Using Type C Scrum. In: HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES, 40., 2007, Waikoloa. Proceedings… IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. 275 p. [4] SCHWABER, K. SCRUM Development Process. 1995. Available from: <>. Access in: dez. 2008. [5] SCHWABER, K.; BEEDLE, M. Agile Software Development with SCRUM. Prentice Hall, 2002. 158 p. [6] RISING, L.; JANOFF, N. The Scrum software development process for small teams. EEE Software, v. 17, n. 4, p. 26-32, 2000. [7] SALO, O.; ABRAHAMSSON, P. Agile methods in European embedded software development organizations. IET Software ,v.2 ,n.1 ,p.58-64, 2008. [8] SANDERS, D. Using Scrum to manage student projects. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v. 23, n. 1, p. 70-80, 2007.