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Revised Guidelines for PMTCT and Infant Feeding in
the Context of HIV

             DR. A. K. GUPTA MD(PEDIATRICS)
                Additional Project Director
              Delhi State AIDS Control Society
                        Govt of Delhi
“We have effective drugs.
There is no reason why any mother
        should die of AIDS.
There is no cause for any child to be
           born with HIV
  If we work hard enough we can
 virtually eliminate mother-to-child
Risk of Mother-to-Child
                   HIV Transmission
Background transmission risk: 15-45%
     15-30%            Risk during pregnancy and delivery
     10-20%            Additional risk postpartum via breastfeeding
      35%               Average risk without any intervention

Transmission risk with interventions:
      19.8%              Sd NVP to MB Pair ( Study by DSACS)
      <5%                2010 interventions, BF
      <2%                2010 interventions, no BF
ANC HIV prevalence HSS

0.31                                  0.3

                  0.2       0.2


2005       2006   2007    2008-09   2010-11
  250000                                                                                                   0.25

                      0.23           0.23           0.23
  200000                                                           0.20                                    0.20

                                                                                  0.17              0.17
  150000                                                                                                   0.15

  100000                                                                                                   0.10

   50000                                                                                                   0.05

          0                                                                                                0.00
              2007-08        2008-09        2009-10        2010-11        2011-12        UPTO DEC 2012
PRE TEST      82673          152894         176062         166704         208728            159727
TEST          72469          146469         170941         161043         204241            154494
POST TEST     60077          137381         162971         151294         190870            146839
POSITIVE       167            334            386            329            356               258
MB PAIR         81            162            228            222            224               234
% POSIVIVE     0.23           0.23           0.23           0.20           0.17              0.17
PMTCT & Early Infant Diagnosis programme
              (April 11 -Dec’ 12)
Total Number of ANC Screened for HIV                       154494
Total Number of ANC Detected Positive for HIV            258 (0.17%)
Total Number of HIV Positive ANC Delivered                  232 (90%)
Total no. of ANC registered at ARTC                         229 (89%)
Total Number of CD4 done in registered ANC                  217 (95%)
Total Number of ANC eligible for ART (CD4 <=350)            100 (46%)
Total Number of ANC initiated on ART                         82 (82%)
DBS Test done in HIV exposed infants                         237
DBS HIV-1 DNA Positive                                       30 (12.7%)
DBS HIV-1 DNA Negative                                      186 (78.5%)
DBS Report Awaited                                           21
No. of DBS positive infants tested by WB HIV-1 DNA PCR       28 (93%)

WB DNA PCR Positive                                         19 (68%)
WB DNA PCR Negative ie false positive DBS tests              9
Number of HIV Infected Infant started on ART                17 ( 90%)
The 2010 revised PMTCT recommendations
     are based on two key approaches

1. Lifelong ART for HIV-infected women in
need of treatment for their own health, which
is also safe and effective in reducing MTCT-
CD4 ≤ 350 ( 40% PW)
2. ARV prophylaxis to prevent MTCT during
pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding for HIV-
infected women not in need of treatment-
CD4 > 350 (60% PW)
WHY ART to Pregnant Women with CD4 <350?

    • MTCT risk: > 75%
    • Account for >80% of postpartum transmission
    • Account for 85% of maternal deaths within 2
      years of delivery
    • Strong benefit from initiating ART for maternal
      health and PMTCT during pregnancy, labour
      and delivery and breastfeeding
1. When is ART indicated In pregnant women with confirmed HIV infection
 Indicated for all women with CD4 cell counts of ≤350 cells/mm ,
irrespective of the WHO clinical staging, and for all women in WHO clinical
stage 3 or 4, irrespective of the CD4 cell count.
2. When to start ART in pregnancy
HIV-infected pregnant women in need of ART for their own health should
start ART as soon as feasible regardless of gestational age
3. What ART regimen to initiate
In pregnant women in need of ART for their own health the preferred first-
line ART regimen is AZT + 3TC + NVP /or EFV . Alternative recommended
regimens are TDF + 3TC + EFV/ or NVP. Avoid the use of EFV in the first
trimester and use NVP instead.
4. What ARV prophylaxis to give infants of HIV-infected women receiving
All HIV exposed infants (regardless of whether breastfeeding or receiving
only replacement feeding) should be given daily NVP from birth or as soon
as feasible thereafter until 6 weeks of age.
1. Pregnant Women Eligible for ART (CD4<350)

Should be initiated on lifelong ART as soon as possible

ART Regimens
                 1st Line
Preferred        AZT 300 mg BD+3TC 150 mg BD +NVP 200 BD (or
                 EFV 600 mg OD)
Alternative      TDF 300 mg OD +3TC 150 mg BD+NVP 200 mg
                 BD(or EFV 600 mg OD)
If anemic (Hb<8 Gm/L), replace the AZT-containing regimen with TDF (10%
cases) .
If 1st trimester, do not use EFV-containing regimen: Use NVP

        Baby receives daily NVP for 6 weeks after birth
2. ARV Prophylaxis to PW (CD4 > 350)
      Option-B WHO PMTCT Guideline of adapted by NACO

ARV Prophylaxis   Ante-partum   Intra-partum Post-partum
and dosing

TDF 300mg once    Start at 14   Continue    • Continue triple ARV
daily +           weeks or as   triple ARV  prophylaxis until 1
3TC 300 mg once   soon as       prophylaxis week after all infant
daily +           possible                  exposure to breast
EFV 600mg once    thereafter                milk has ended
Infant ARV Prophylaxis with NVP
• 15 mg once daily (if birth weight
  >2500 g) or
• 10mg once daily (if birth weight
  ≤2500 g) from birth until 4 to 6
  weeks of age
ARV prophylaxis for women presenting directly in labour

• Start Triple ARV Prophylaxis (same as option
  B) to all HIV positive PW presenting directly in
• Continue prophylaxis postpartum throughout
  breast feeding until 1 week after BF is
• Do CD4 count at the earliest to assess
  eligibility for lifelong treatment
• Infant is given NVP once daily for 6 weeks.
Increased NVP Hepatotoxicity in
  women with higher CD4 counts
1. CD4 > 350- NVP is not recommended in such
2. CD4 250-350: There may or may not be an
   increased risk of hepatotoxicity, benefits of
   using NVP outweigh the risks of not initiating
   ART, Close clinical /Lab monitoring during
   the first 12 weeks of therapy in women with a
   CD4 cell count of 250 to 350 cells/mm
Potential Teratogenicity of EFV-
EFV rarely can cause neural tube defects.
Potential risk (probably <1%) of neural tube defect with
use of EFV in first month of pregnancy (before 6 weeks of
Neural tube closure occurs by approximately 28 days of
gestation and very few pregnancies are recognized by this
time, the potential risk with the use of EFV is primarily in
women who become pregnant while already receiving the
EFV should not be initiated in the first trimester of
pregnancy but may be initiated in the second and third
Toxicity of TDF

• Risk of Nephro-toxicity with use of TDF
• Limited data available on potential for
  maternal and infant bone toxicity
PI Inhibitors in cases of Sd NVP
LPV/r-based regimen is recommended
for women who require ART for their
own health who have received SdNVP
within 12 months of initiating ART.

This regimen is available only at COE,
Women receiving ART
         and planning to become pregnant

• Fully suppressive ART before conception and
  that it be maintained during pregnancy, labour,
  delivery and breastfeeding.
• Preferred ART regimens in such situations
  should have minimal teratogenic potentials for
  infants (does not include EFV in first 28 days of
• For women receiving an EFV-based regimen and
  who plan to become pregnant, substitution of
  NVP in the place of EFV for at least the peri-
  conception period
Women receiving ART who become
• If a Woman receiving EFV is recognized as
  pregnant before 28 days of gestation, EFV
  should be stopped and substituted with NVP
  or a PI.
• If a woman is diagnosed as pregnant after 28
  days of gestation, EFV should be continued.
• There is no indication for abortion in women
  exposed to EFV in the first trimester of
Clinical and laboratory monitoring of pregnant women receiving
                  prophylaxis and their infants

• CD4 cell counts X every 6 months
• Clinical and laboratory monitoring of adverse
  reactions related to the antiretroviral drugs
  should be based on the potential adverse
  reactions of the drugs use
Women with HIV-2 infection
• Testing for both HIV-1 and HIV-2 before initiating a PMTCT ARV intervention.
• HIV-2 may also progress to AIDS, although progression is generally much
• HIV-2 has the same modes of transmission as HIV-1 but has been shown to
  be much less transmissible from mother to child (transmission risk 0−4%).
• NNRTI drugs, such as NVP and EFV are not effective against HIV-2
• First-line ART regimen for women who are infected with HIV-2 alone-and
  eligible for treatment (based on the same eligibility criteria as for HIV-1)- AZT
  + 3TC + ABC)
• ARV Prophylaxis- Pregnant women living with HIV-2 alone who are not
  eligible for treatment for their own health should receive an ARV prophylaxis
  intervention consisting of AZT from 14 weeks of pregnancy (or as soon
  thereafter as possible) and continuing during labour and delivery. This
  maternal intervention should be coupled with twice-daily AZT given to infants
  from birth until 4 to 6 weeks of age. In
Women with active tuberculosis

• HIV-infected pregnant women with active TB should start
  ART, irrespective of the CD4 cell count.
• The TB treatment should be started first, and followed by
  ART as soon as clinically possible ( between rifampicin and
  some of the antiretroviral drugs (i.e. the boosted protease
• As for all adults, EFV is the preferred NNRTI for HIV/TB co-
  infected pregnant women (starting after the first trimester).
• For those HIV/TB coinfected women not able to tolerate EFV,
  an NVP-based regimen or a triple NRTI regimen (e.g. AZT +
  3TC + ABC or AZT + 3TC + TDF) can be used.
Adverse Effects
• Nevirapine- Nevirapine is associated with
 systemic symptoms (e.g. nausea, vomiting,
 malaise, fatigue, anorexia, jaundice, liver
 tenderness and hepatomegaly) ,increases in
 hepatic transaminase enzymes and skin rash,
 mainly in the first 18 weeks after starting
 NVP-related rash and hepatotoxicity can be life-
 threatening, particularly among pregnant women
 with CD4 counts of >250 cells/mm
• Efavirenz:    EFV is primarily associated with toxicities
 related to the central nervous system (CNS), rash and
 possible Teratogenicity (if taken during the first
 trimester of pregnancy). The rash is generally mild and
 self-resolving and usually does not require
 discontinuation of therapy.
 The CNS symptoms are common. While they typically
 resolve after 2 to 4 weeks, they can persist for months
 and require discontinuation of the drug.
 EFV should be avoided in
 (i) Patients with a history of psychiatric illness,
 (ii) When there is a potential for pregnancy (unless
 effective contraception can be assured) and
 (iii) During the first trimester of pregnancy
• LPV/r- The most frequent side-effects of LPV/r
  consist of
- Weakness, headache and moderate digestive-
  disorders (diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain,
- Fat mal-distribution and Dyslipidaemia
- Pancreatitis, Hepatotoxicity
• TDF- Nephrotoxicity, Fetal Bone defect and
The counseling messages given to mothers
   during antenatal changes with the new
             In the new guidelines (2010):
 HIV+ mothers are strongly encouraged to breastfeed their
      exposed infants for 12 months while on ARV’s

Exclusive BF until 6 months, complementary from 6-12 months

  Breastfeeding is no longer Just “necessary” but “critical”
because of the nutritional need and because ARV prophylaxis
             now limits the risk of transmission
However, if the mother still prefers to replacement feed after
    counseling, she can do so if AFASS criteria is met
Implementation Challenges
Successful implementation of the new guidelines depends on:
  • Scale up HIV testing and counseling for pregnant women
  • Availability of CD4 testing and ARVs at ANC/ICTC/PPTCT level
  • Integration of PMTCT and MCH; PMTCT and ART
  • Improved follow-up of pregnant women antenatally and of
    mothers and HIV-exposed infants after birth
  • Ability to provide prophylaxis to the mother or baby throughout
  • Health systems strengthening
  • Enhanced M&E, including impact assessment
Existing facilities in Delhi
• ANC Testing Sites (PPTCTs/ICTCs)- 46
• CD4 Testing labs- 5 (NICD, AIIMS, SJH, MAMC,
• ART centres-9 (8 for PPTCT programme, except
  ARTC LRS Institute)
• EID Test Lab for DNA-PCR testing-1 (AIIMS, New
• EID sample collection sites- 27 ICTCs
• Whole Blood Collection for DNA-PCR sites (ART
  centers)- 7

                    Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
Profile of Existing ANC Testing Sites as per HIV Positive
                ANC Client Load/ Annuum

• >20 -  4 sites (BSAH, LHMC, SJH, SGMH )
• 10-19- 8 sites (GTBH, SDNH, Kasturba, DDU,LBS,
• 5-9- 13 sites (AIIMS, GGSH, Hindu Rao, DHAS, Rest
  all- 5 clients: JPCH, BMH, PMM Malviya Ngr, Rao
  Tularam, SGMH, SRHC Narela, MCWC Madipur, DAD
  Ashok Vihar, DAD Khajuri Khas)
• 1-<5 – 26 sites
• 0 -22 sites
                       Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
Setting up F-ICTCs at 50 ANC
          sites through ANMs
DSACS trained 572 ANMs in Feb- March 12 on whole blood single prick test
for screening of Pregnant women, for tracking of HIV positive women and
HIV exposed infants.
In Nov’12, 74 ANMs were given refresher hands on training on WB HIV
screening test and provided test kits and reporting formats and IEC
These FICTCs are placed in Govt. dispensaries where no ICTC center was
functioning nearby.
After screening, the suspected HIV positive ANC will be linked to nearest
ICTC for confirmatory testing.
It is expected that these centers will cover an additional number of 11000
ANC per year besides improving referral linkages of ICTCs with ARTCs.
In addition to above 50 FICTs, one at Naraina Maternity Home is also doing
HIV screening of ANC.
CD4 Testing –Revised Strategy
CD4 sample is now drawn at ICTC/PPTCTC for testing
directly at NCDC (except ICTC/PPTCTCs with CD4 Labs
who will send sample to their labs)
No prior ART registration is done to:
1. Save time &
2. Segregate HIV positive ANC with CD4 < 350 & > 350
to prioritize further action of ART or ARV prophylaxis.
ART will be started at nearest ART centre &
ARV prophylaxis will be given at PPTCTC/ICTC.
PMTCT software

PPTCT software has been installed at all
45 ICTC/ PPTCT centers catering to ANC
which will be useful to track mother and
her baby till EID enrollment & up to 18
Mainstreaming Pvt. Sector

Assessment of 100 leading Private hospital
on PMTCT Programme through survey is
being undertaken in March-April 2013 to
help in mainstreaming National PMTCT
Protocol in Pvt Sector of Delhi during 2013-
14 and setting up PPP ICTCs.
ANC Target 2013-14

• 2,75,000 ANC to be counseled &
• 500 ANC HIV +ve expected
• ANC Expected ARV Prophylaxis
  (Option B) - 60% with CD4 Count >
  350= 300
• ANC expected eligible for ART-40%=
              Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
Sites of Emergency Labour Room Testing-75
• Hospitals – 37 (Delhi Govt- 21,
  DGHS/GOI Hospitals-3, AIIMS, ESI-4, Rly-
  2, Army-3, MCD -4)- ICTC services
  available in all hospitals
• Maternity homes- 37 (33-MCD,          2-
  NDMC, CGHS-2)- ICTC services available
  in 11/37.
• RHTC,      Nazafgarh-      ICTC services

                 Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
Nominations TOT for Master Trainers
•   4 days training programme by NACO in Delhi
    in April-May 2013
• Regional TOT Master Trainers (PPTCT)
(a) Doctors (O&G )-30
(b) Paramedical staff (ANMs, Counselors, Staff nurses)-
• Slot for 10 O&G M.O./ specialists available

                      Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
Scale up of Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission Programme in Delhi by Dr.A.K. Gupta, Additional Project Director cum Technical Lead, Delhi State AIDS Control Society, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Delhi

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Scale up of Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission Programme in Delhi by Dr.A.K. Gupta, Additional Project Director cum Technical Lead, Delhi State AIDS Control Society, Dept of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Delhi

  • 1. Revised Guidelines for PMTCT and Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV Presented BY DR. A. K. GUPTA MD(PEDIATRICS) Additional Project Director Delhi State AIDS Control Society Govt of Delhi
  • 2. “We have effective drugs. There is no reason why any mother should die of AIDS. There is no cause for any child to be born with HIV If we work hard enough we can virtually eliminate mother-to-child transmission.”
  • 3. Risk of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Background transmission risk: 15-45% 15-30% Risk during pregnancy and delivery 10-20% Additional risk postpartum via breastfeeding 35% Average risk without any intervention Transmission risk with interventions: 19.8% Sd NVP to MB Pair ( Study by DSACS) <5% 2010 interventions, BF <2% 2010 interventions, no BF
  • 4. ANC HIV prevalence HSS 0.31 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 2005 2006 2007 2008-09 2010-11 ANC
  • 5. TREND OF ICTC ANC POSITIVITY RATE IN NACP III 250000 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.23 200000 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.17 150000 0.15 100000 0.10 50000 0.05 0 0.00 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 UPTO DEC 2012 PRE TEST 82673 152894 176062 166704 208728 159727 TEST 72469 146469 170941 161043 204241 154494 POST TEST 60077 137381 162971 151294 190870 146839 POSITIVE 167 334 386 329 356 258 MB PAIR 81 162 228 222 224 234 % POSIVIVE 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.17 0.17
  • 6. PMTCT & Early Infant Diagnosis programme (April 11 -Dec’ 12) Total Number of ANC Screened for HIV 154494 Total Number of ANC Detected Positive for HIV 258 (0.17%) Total Number of HIV Positive ANC Delivered 232 (90%) Total no. of ANC registered at ARTC 229 (89%) Total Number of CD4 done in registered ANC 217 (95%) Total Number of ANC eligible for ART (CD4 <=350) 100 (46%) Total Number of ANC initiated on ART 82 (82%) DBS Test done in HIV exposed infants 237 DBS HIV-1 DNA Positive 30 (12.7%) DBS HIV-1 DNA Negative 186 (78.5%) DBS Report Awaited 21 No. of DBS positive infants tested by WB HIV-1 DNA PCR 28 (93%) WB DNA PCR Positive 19 (68%) WB DNA PCR Negative ie false positive DBS tests 9 Number of HIV Infected Infant started on ART 17 ( 90%)
  • 7.
  • 8. The 2010 revised PMTCT recommendations are based on two key approaches : 1. Lifelong ART for HIV-infected women in need of treatment for their own health, which is also safe and effective in reducing MTCT- CD4 ≤ 350 ( 40% PW) 2. ARV prophylaxis to prevent MTCT during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding for HIV- infected women not in need of treatment- CD4 > 350 (60% PW)
  • 9. WHY ART to Pregnant Women with CD4 <350? 9 • MTCT risk: > 75% • Account for >80% of postpartum transmission (BF) • Account for 85% of maternal deaths within 2 years of delivery • Strong benefit from initiating ART for maternal health and PMTCT during pregnancy, labour and delivery and breastfeeding
  • 10. 1. When is ART indicated In pregnant women with confirmed HIV infection Indicated for all women with CD4 cell counts of ≤350 cells/mm , irrespective of the WHO clinical staging, and for all women in WHO clinical stage 3 or 4, irrespective of the CD4 cell count. 2. When to start ART in pregnancy HIV-infected pregnant women in need of ART for their own health should start ART as soon as feasible regardless of gestational age 3. What ART regimen to initiate In pregnant women in need of ART for their own health the preferred first- line ART regimen is AZT + 3TC + NVP /or EFV . Alternative recommended regimens are TDF + 3TC + EFV/ or NVP. Avoid the use of EFV in the first trimester and use NVP instead. 4. What ARV prophylaxis to give infants of HIV-infected women receiving ART All HIV exposed infants (regardless of whether breastfeeding or receiving only replacement feeding) should be given daily NVP from birth or as soon as feasible thereafter until 6 weeks of age.
  • 11. 1. Pregnant Women Eligible for ART (CD4<350) Should be initiated on lifelong ART as soon as possible ART Regimens 1st Line Preferred AZT 300 mg BD+3TC 150 mg BD +NVP 200 BD (or EFV 600 mg OD) Alternative TDF 300 mg OD +3TC 150 mg BD+NVP 200 mg BD(or EFV 600 mg OD) If anemic (Hb<8 Gm/L), replace the AZT-containing regimen with TDF (10% cases) . If 1st trimester, do not use EFV-containing regimen: Use NVP Baby receives daily NVP for 6 weeks after birth
  • 12. 2. ARV Prophylaxis to PW (CD4 > 350) Option-B WHO PMTCT Guideline of adapted by NACO ARV Prophylaxis Ante-partum Intra-partum Post-partum and dosing TDF 300mg once Start at 14 Continue • Continue triple ARV daily + weeks or as triple ARV prophylaxis until 1 3TC 300 mg once soon as prophylaxis week after all infant daily + possible exposure to breast EFV 600mg once thereafter milk has ended daily
  • 13. Infant ARV Prophylaxis with NVP • 15 mg once daily (if birth weight >2500 g) or • 10mg once daily (if birth weight ≤2500 g) from birth until 4 to 6 weeks of age
  • 14. ARV prophylaxis for women presenting directly in labour • Start Triple ARV Prophylaxis (same as option B) to all HIV positive PW presenting directly in labour • Continue prophylaxis postpartum throughout breast feeding until 1 week after BF is stopped • Do CD4 count at the earliest to assess eligibility for lifelong treatment • Infant is given NVP once daily for 6 weeks.
  • 15. Increased NVP Hepatotoxicity in women with higher CD4 counts 1. CD4 > 350- NVP is not recommended in such women 2. CD4 250-350: There may or may not be an increased risk of hepatotoxicity, benefits of using NVP outweigh the risks of not initiating ART, Close clinical /Lab monitoring during the first 12 weeks of therapy in women with a CD4 cell count of 250 to 350 cells/mm
  • 16. Potential Teratogenicity of EFV- EFV rarely can cause neural tube defects. Potential risk (probably <1%) of neural tube defect with use of EFV in first month of pregnancy (before 6 weeks of gestation) Neural tube closure occurs by approximately 28 days of gestation and very few pregnancies are recognized by this time, the potential risk with the use of EFV is primarily in women who become pregnant while already receiving the drug. EFV should not be initiated in the first trimester of pregnancy but may be initiated in the second and third trimesters.
  • 17. Toxicity of TDF • Risk of Nephro-toxicity with use of TDF • Limited data available on potential for maternal and infant bone toxicity
  • 18. PI Inhibitors in cases of Sd NVP Exposure LPV/r-based regimen is recommended for women who require ART for their own health who have received SdNVP within 12 months of initiating ART. This regimen is available only at COE, MAMC.
  • 19. Women receiving ART and planning to become pregnant • Fully suppressive ART before conception and that it be maintained during pregnancy, labour, delivery and breastfeeding. • Preferred ART regimens in such situations should have minimal teratogenic potentials for infants (does not include EFV in first 28 days of gestation) • For women receiving an EFV-based regimen and who plan to become pregnant, substitution of NVP in the place of EFV for at least the peri- conception period
  • 20. Women receiving ART who become pregnant • If a Woman receiving EFV is recognized as pregnant before 28 days of gestation, EFV should be stopped and substituted with NVP or a PI. • If a woman is diagnosed as pregnant after 28 days of gestation, EFV should be continued. • There is no indication for abortion in women exposed to EFV in the first trimester of pregnancy
  • 21. Clinical and laboratory monitoring of pregnant women receiving ARV prophylaxis and their infants • CD4 cell counts X every 6 months • Clinical and laboratory monitoring of adverse reactions related to the antiretroviral drugs should be based on the potential adverse reactions of the drugs use
  • 22. Women with HIV-2 infection • Testing for both HIV-1 and HIV-2 before initiating a PMTCT ARV intervention. • HIV-2 may also progress to AIDS, although progression is generally much slower • HIV-2 has the same modes of transmission as HIV-1 but has been shown to be much less transmissible from mother to child (transmission risk 0−4%). • NNRTI drugs, such as NVP and EFV are not effective against HIV-2 • First-line ART regimen for women who are infected with HIV-2 alone-and eligible for treatment (based on the same eligibility criteria as for HIV-1)- AZT + 3TC + ABC) • ARV Prophylaxis- Pregnant women living with HIV-2 alone who are not eligible for treatment for their own health should receive an ARV prophylaxis intervention consisting of AZT from 14 weeks of pregnancy (or as soon thereafter as possible) and continuing during labour and delivery. This maternal intervention should be coupled with twice-daily AZT given to infants from birth until 4 to 6 weeks of age. In
  • 23. Women with active tuberculosis • HIV-infected pregnant women with active TB should start ART, irrespective of the CD4 cell count. • The TB treatment should be started first, and followed by ART as soon as clinically possible ( between rifampicin and some of the antiretroviral drugs (i.e. the boosted protease inhibitors) • As for all adults, EFV is the preferred NNRTI for HIV/TB co- infected pregnant women (starting after the first trimester). • For those HIV/TB coinfected women not able to tolerate EFV, an NVP-based regimen or a triple NRTI regimen (e.g. AZT + 3TC + ABC or AZT + 3TC + TDF) can be used.
  • 24. Adverse Effects • Nevirapine- Nevirapine is associated with systemic symptoms (e.g. nausea, vomiting, malaise, fatigue, anorexia, jaundice, liver tenderness and hepatomegaly) ,increases in hepatic transaminase enzymes and skin rash, mainly in the first 18 weeks after starting treatment. NVP-related rash and hepatotoxicity can be life- threatening, particularly among pregnant women with CD4 counts of >250 cells/mm
  • 25. • Efavirenz: EFV is primarily associated with toxicities related to the central nervous system (CNS), rash and possible Teratogenicity (if taken during the first trimester of pregnancy). The rash is generally mild and self-resolving and usually does not require discontinuation of therapy. The CNS symptoms are common. While they typically resolve after 2 to 4 weeks, they can persist for months and require discontinuation of the drug. EFV should be avoided in (i) Patients with a history of psychiatric illness, (ii) When there is a potential for pregnancy (unless effective contraception can be assured) and (iii) During the first trimester of pregnancy
  • 26. • LPV/r- The most frequent side-effects of LPV/r consist of - Weakness, headache and moderate digestive- disorders (diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting), - Fat mal-distribution and Dyslipidaemia - Pancreatitis, Hepatotoxicity • TDF- Nephrotoxicity, Fetal Bone defect and LBW
  • 27. The counseling messages given to mothers during antenatal changes with the new guidelines In the new guidelines (2010): HIV+ mothers are strongly encouraged to breastfeed their exposed infants for 12 months while on ARV’s Exclusive BF until 6 months, complementary from 6-12 months Breastfeeding is no longer Just “necessary” but “critical” because of the nutritional need and because ARV prophylaxis now limits the risk of transmission However, if the mother still prefers to replacement feed after counseling, she can do so if AFASS criteria is met
  • 28. Implementation Challenges Successful implementation of the new guidelines depends on: • Scale up HIV testing and counseling for pregnant women • Availability of CD4 testing and ARVs at ANC/ICTC/PPTCT level • Integration of PMTCT and MCH; PMTCT and ART • Improved follow-up of pregnant women antenatally and of mothers and HIV-exposed infants after birth • Ability to provide prophylaxis to the mother or baby throughout breastfeeding • Health systems strengthening • Enhanced M&E, including impact assessment
  • 29. Existing facilities in Delhi • ANC Testing Sites (PPTCTs/ICTCs)- 46 • CD4 Testing labs- 5 (NICD, AIIMS, SJH, MAMC, RML) • ART centres-9 (8 for PPTCT programme, except ARTC LRS Institute) • EID Test Lab for DNA-PCR testing-1 (AIIMS, New Delhi) • EID sample collection sites- 27 ICTCs • Whole Blood Collection for DNA-PCR sites (ART centers)- 7 Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
  • 30. Profile of Existing ANC Testing Sites as per HIV Positive ANC Client Load/ Annuum • >20 - 4 sites (BSAH, LHMC, SJH, SGMH ) • 10-19- 8 sites (GTBH, SDNH, Kasturba, DDU,LBS, LNH, RML,BJRM) • 5-9- 13 sites (AIIMS, GGSH, Hindu Rao, DHAS, Rest all- 5 clients: JPCH, BMH, PMM Malviya Ngr, Rao Tularam, SGMH, SRHC Narela, MCWC Madipur, DAD Ashok Vihar, DAD Khajuri Khas) • 1-<5 – 26 sites • 0 -22 sites Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
  • 31. Setting up F-ICTCs at 50 ANC sites through ANMs DSACS trained 572 ANMs in Feb- March 12 on whole blood single prick test for screening of Pregnant women, for tracking of HIV positive women and HIV exposed infants. In Nov’12, 74 ANMs were given refresher hands on training on WB HIV screening test and provided test kits and reporting formats and IEC material. These FICTCs are placed in Govt. dispensaries where no ICTC center was functioning nearby. After screening, the suspected HIV positive ANC will be linked to nearest ICTC for confirmatory testing. It is expected that these centers will cover an additional number of 11000 ANC per year besides improving referral linkages of ICTCs with ARTCs. In addition to above 50 FICTs, one at Naraina Maternity Home is also doing HIV screening of ANC.
  • 32. CD4 Testing –Revised Strategy CD4 sample is now drawn at ICTC/PPTCTC for testing directly at NCDC (except ICTC/PPTCTCs with CD4 Labs who will send sample to their labs) No prior ART registration is done to: 1. Save time & 2. Segregate HIV positive ANC with CD4 < 350 & > 350 to prioritize further action of ART or ARV prophylaxis. ART will be started at nearest ART centre & ARV prophylaxis will be given at PPTCTC/ICTC.
  • 33. PMTCT software PPTCT software has been installed at all 45 ICTC/ PPTCT centers catering to ANC which will be useful to track mother and her baby till EID enrollment & up to 18 months.
  • 34.
  • 35. Mainstreaming Pvt. Sector Assessment of 100 leading Private hospital on PMTCT Programme through survey is being undertaken in March-April 2013 to help in mainstreaming National PMTCT Protocol in Pvt Sector of Delhi during 2013- 14 and setting up PPP ICTCs.
  • 36. ANC Target 2013-14 • 2,75,000 ANC to be counseled & tested • 500 ANC HIV +ve expected • ANC Expected ARV Prophylaxis (Option B) - 60% with CD4 Count > 350= 300 • ANC expected eligible for ART-40%= 200 Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
  • 37. Sites of Emergency Labour Room Testing-75 sites • Hospitals – 37 (Delhi Govt- 21, DGHS/GOI Hospitals-3, AIIMS, ESI-4, Rly- 2, Army-3, MCD -4)- ICTC services available in all hospitals • Maternity homes- 37 (33-MCD, 2- NDMC, CGHS-2)- ICTC services available in 11/37. • RHTC, Nazafgarh- ICTC services available. Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi
  • 38. Nominations TOT for Master Trainers • 4 days training programme by NACO in Delhi in April-May 2013 • Regional TOT Master Trainers (PPTCT) (a) Doctors (O&G )-30 (b) Paramedical staff (ANMs, Counselors, Staff nurses)- 30 • Slot for 10 O&G M.O./ specialists available Dr.A.K.Gupta,New Delhi