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Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018
Ernst	Schrama																																						Bart	Root																											Maneesh	Verma	(TA)	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3535-16	 2
•  Satellite	communicaNon	runs	in	Sep-Oct	
–  Lectures	
•  Exercises	in	preparaNon	for	wriSen	examinaNon	
–  PracNcal	
•  Assignment	satellite	communicaNon	
•  Satellite	tracking	runs	in	Nov-Jan	
–  Lectures		
•  Exercises	in	preparaNon	for	wriSen	examinaNon	
–  PracNcal		
•  Assignment	satellite	tracking	
•  The	total	work-load	is	4	ECTS	
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•  There	are	assignments		
– Group	report	of	Satellite	CommunicaNon	
– Group	report	of	Satellite	Tracking	
•  There	is	a	wriSen	examinaNon	
•  Final	grade	is	determined	by	the	weighted	
average	assignments	and	examinaNon	
•  A	rounded	grade	goes	into	OSIRIS	
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•  Exercises	
–  They	are	introduced	during	the	contact	hours.	
–  Exercises	are	typical	for	exam	problems	
•  Assignments	
–  Groups	will	be	formed	before	in	week	1.6	
–  Group	assignment	will	be	issued	in	week	1.6	
–  Due	dates	are	menNoned	in	the	assignment	text		
–  Assignment	reports	do	yield	credits	
•  Maneesh	Verma	deals	with	all	assignments	and	
exercises	for	satellite	communicaNons,	for	
satellite	tracking	Bart	Root	is	your	guide.	
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•  Preference	for	MATLAB	during	exercises/assignments	
•  Structure	of	a	report	
•  Explain	the	problem	and	the	soluNon	
•  Include	MATLAB	results	
•  Explain	task	distribuNon	in	your	group	(if	applicable)	
•  Explain	how	you	validated	your	results?	
•  HandwriSen	reports	are	fine	as	long	as	we	can	read	them	
•  Copied	and	pasNng	from	lecture	notes,	the	internet	and	other	
sources	is	not	allowed	
•  Convert	your	report	to	an	unsigned	PDF	file	
•  Submit	your	reports	to	brightspace,	there	are	individual	
and	groups	folders	for	assignment	or	exercise,	consult	
your	TA.	
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Week	 	Topics	
1.1	 IntroducNon	to	radio	technology	in	spaceflight,	Nme	and		
frequency	domain,	Fourier	transformaNon,	FFT	
1.2	 ProperNes	of	the	Fourier	transform,		schemaNcs	transmiSer	
and	receiver,	superheterodyne	receiver,	intermodulaNon,	
so3ware	defined	receiver	(SDR)	
1.3	 LC	networks,	admiSance	of	inductors	and	capacitors,	RC	
constant,	LC	circuit,	π	filters,	LCR	circuits,	Q	factor,	
transmission	lines,	antenna’s	
1.4	 Impedance	matching,	modulaNon,	propagaNon,	signal	and	
noise,	link	margin		
1.5	 Digital	modulaNon,	radio	astronomy,	GNSS	
1.6	 PracNcal	
1.7	 PracNcal
•  IntroducNon	radio	technology	in	spaceflight,		
•  Time	and		frequency	domain,		
•  Fourier	transformaNon,		
•  Fast	Fourier	TransformaNon
•  Satellites,	rockets,	parts	of	rockets,	etc,	
all	is	nowadays	tracked	by	radio	
•  Visual	contact:		
–  maybe	for	several	kilometer,	and	only	for	
verificaNon	purposes	
–  In	the	past	we	relied	on	opNcal	tracking	
•  Radio-range	depends	on:	
–  Frequencies	used	
–  Antenna	characterisNcs		
–  Transmit	power	and	receiver	sensisiNvity	
–  Antenna	horizon	and	field	of	view	
•  CommunicaNon	and	navigaNon	are	
closely	related,	in	fact,	there	is	hardly	
any	difference	
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Baker-Nunn	camera	
S-band	tracking	system
What	to	do	beyond	point	of	radio-contact	(antenna	horizon)	
•  Rely	on	autonomity	of	the	space	vehicle	
–  Occasional	contact	(most	satellites)	
–  Some	space	vehicles	don’t	need	contact	at	all	
•  Antenna	in	the	sky	concept	
–  Tracking	and	data	relay	satellite	system	(TDRSS)	
•  High	Earth	orbit	implementaNon	
–  GeostaNonary	orbits	(all	telecom	satellites	+	TDRSS)	
–  GNSS	orbits	
–  High	inclinaNon,	high	eccentricity	orbits	
•  Low	Earth	orbit	implementaNon	
–  Swarm	of	low	earth	orbiters	
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Earth’s	surface	
EffecNvely	it	is	the	
distance	on	the	surface	
between	A	and	B.	
In	reality	refracNon	
and	obstrucNon		
determines	the	real	
antenna	horizon
From	this	point	on	we	call	a	radio	a	device	that	is	able	to	either	send	or	
receive	informaNon	within	a	defined	range	of	frequencies	
info	 info	
info	 info	
Half	duplex	set-up	
Full	duplex	set-up	
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•  Modulated	signal	
–  music,	voice,	television,	images,	telex,	e-mail	
–  finite	bandwidth	
–  finite	length	record		
–  sampling	at	a	defined	Nmesteps		
•  Carrier	frequency		>>	modulated	signal	
•  ElectromagneNc	wave	propagaNon	
•  Antenna’s	and	Transmission	lines		
•  Receivers,	transmiSers,	amplifiers,	filters		
•  Test	equipment		
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•  This	is	the	20	meter	radio	
amateur	band	running	from	
14000	kHz	to	14350	kHz	
•  Do	it	yourself	on	the	University	
of	Twente	web	SDR
•  The	slider	under	the	graph	is	used	to	
adjust	your	radio	receiver.	
•  Waterfall	plots		are	not	“spectra”,	
instead	they	are	derived	from	the	
spectra	of	a	received	signal.	
Normally signals appear in the time domain:
v(t) with t ∈ [0,T]
where T is the length of a record. If we assume that:
v(t +T) = v(t)
then the function is said to be periodic. Furthermore
if v(t) has a finite number of oscillations in [0,T] then
we can develop v(t) in a series:
v(t) = Ai
∑ cos(ωit)+ Bi sin(ωit)
which is known as a Fourier series and where Ai and Bi
denote the Euler coefficients.
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•  The	variable	ωi	expresses	an	angular	rate	as	in	the	
formula:	ωi	=i.Δω	where	Δω=2π/T	
•  The	frequency	associated	with	Δω	=	2π/T	is	1/T	Hertz	
(Hz)	when	T	is	specified	in	seconds.		
•  Otherwise	we	rescale	frequencies	to	“cycles	per	
period”	and	period	should	be	defined.	
•  For	a	conNnuous	funcNon	v(t)	there	are	an	infinite	
number	of	frequencies,	in	this	case	N	is	unbounded	
•  Yet	all	those	frequencies	are	mulNples	of	the	base	
frequency	1/T,	except	for	i=0	
•  This	frequency	resoluNon	Δf=1/T	is	determined	by	the	
record	length	T	(and	not	the	sampling)	
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In	order	to	calculate	Ai	and	Bi	from	v(t)	defined	on	[0,T]	we	exploit	
the	orthogonality	properNes	
sin(mx)cos(nx)dx = 0
∫ regardless of m and n
cos(mx)cos(nx)dx =
0 : m ≠ n
π : m = n > 0
2π : m = n = 0
sin(mx)sin(nx)dx =
π : m = n > 0
0 : m ≠ n, m = n = 0
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∫ dx ⇒
An cos(nx)+ Bn sin(nx){ }
∫ dx ⇒
A0 =
v(x)dx, B0 = 0
Ai =
v(x)cos(ix)dx, i > 0
Bi =
v(x)sin(ix)dx, i > 0
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•  Conversion	from	Nme	domain	v(t)	to	frequency	
domain	(Euler	coefficients)	via	integrals	
•  When	we	speak	about	“the	spectrum”	we	speak	
about	the	existence	of	Euler	coefficients	
•  There	are	efficient	algorithms	that	greatly	speed	
up	the	computaNon	of	the	integrals,	this	is	what	
is	called	the	Fast	Fourier	Transform,	short	FFT	
•  Euler	coefficient	pairs	are	o3en	wriSen	as	
complex	numbers	
•  The	inverse	operator	also	exists,	this	is	the	iFFT	
operator.	Both	FFT	and	iFFT	exist	in	MATLAB.	
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•  EssenNally	y=FFT(x)	carries	out	a	Fourier	transform		
•  FFT	algorithm	input	
–  Real	vector	x(0..N-1)	with	N	datasamples	
–  The	record	starts	at	0	and	is	filled	to	N-1	
•  FFT	algorithm	output	
–  Euler	coefficients	are	stored	in	the	form	of	complex	numbers	
–  Stored	in	y(i)	are:		
	y(0)	=	A0	+	I.B0	,	y(1)	=	A1+	I.B1	,	…,	y(N/2)	=	AN/2	+	I.BN/2	
–  I	is	a	complex	number:	
–  Be	careful	with	scaling	factors,	check	this	always	with	a	test	funcNon	of	
which	you	now	the	Euler	coefficients	in	advance	
–  Suitable	test	funcNons	are	for	instance	linear	sin	and	cos	expressions	
•  FFT	algorithms	exploit	symmetries	of	sin	and	cos	funcNons,	please	
use	MATLAB	because	it	is	thoroughly	debugged.	
•  Be	aware	that	indices	in	MATLAB	vectors	start	at	1	(and	not	0)	
I = −1
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Z	=	H	exp(	j	G	)			
			=	H	[	cos(G)		+		j	sin(G)	]	
			=	A	+	j	B		
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•  Go	to	brightspace	and	find	three	exercises	for	
week	1.1	
•  Check	with	the	TA	how	your	reports	should	be	
•  These	reports	do	not	count	for	your	grade,	but	
they	help	you	in	preparing	for	the	final	
•  Feedback	on	the	exercises	comes	in	week	1.2		
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Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018
•  Horizon	of	an	antenna	
– Show	that	D=4*sqrt(H)	is	a	reasonable	
approximaNon	of	the	horizon	D	(in	km)	of	an	
antenna	on	top	of	a	tower	with	height	H	(in	m)	
– What	is	the	maximum	communicaNon	range	
between	two	towers	of	height	H1	and	H2	
•  Satellite	visibility	region	
– Repeat	the	same	problem	for	a	satellite	at	1000	
km	alNtude,	is	the	equaNon	sNll	accurate?	
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During	the	lecture	it	was	explained	that	the	University	of	Twente	has	a	WebSDR	that	allows	you	
to	receive	shortwave	radio	signals	via	a	website.	In	this	exercise	you	are	asked	to	explain	some	
characterisNcs	of	radio	staNons	in	the	20m	and	the	40m	amateur	band,	the	40m	broadcast	band,	
and	the	medium	wave	broadcast	band.	InstrucNons:	
•  Go	to	the	WebSDR	website	and	make	sure	that	you	get	to	see	the	waterfall	plot	
•  Adjust	the	WebSDR	receiver	(the	controls	are	below	the	waterfall	plot).	Make	sure	that	you	
can	understand	a	spoken	radio	transmission	for	at	least	three	different	staNons	in	each	band	
Describe	the	se}ngs	of	the	WebSDR	receiver	to	demodulate	a	radio	staNon	in	different	bands:	
•  The	20m	amateur	band	between	14130	kHz	and	14350	kHz,		
•  The	40m	amateur	band	between	7050	to	7200	kHz	
•  The	40m	broadcast	band	between	7200	and	7450	kHz	
•  The	medium	wave	broadcast	band	between	550kHz	and	1606.5	kHz	
Secondly	we	ask	you	to	comment	on	propagaNon	of	shortwave	signals	which	depends	on	the	
ability	of	a	radiosignal	to	reflect	on	ionospheric	layers:	
•  At	what	Nme	of	the	day	is	any	band	crowded,	and	when	is	it	quiet?	
•  What	could	be	the	reason	that	propagaNon	differs	so	much	for	each	band?	
•  What	is	the	furthest	staNon	you	heard	in	any	band?	(to	do	this	for	amateur	staNons	you	need	
to	decode	their	call	sign	and	look	up	which	country	issued	the	callsign,	for	broadcast	staNons	
simply	listen,	or	check	the	internet).	
Note	that	the	WebSDR	has	the	possibility	to	show	an	overview	of	the	compressed	waterfall	
informaNon	during	a	full	day,	you	don’t	need	to	listen	for	24	hours.	
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•  Express	a	sawtooth	funcNon	in	a	Fourier	series	
•  Sawtooth:	at	the	start	of	the	interval	with	length	T	the	
funcNon	is	0,	at	the	end	of	the	interval	it	is	1,	the	
interval	runs	from	t=0	to	t=T,	the	funcNon	is	linear	on	
this	interval		
•  Make	a	table	of	the	amplitude	and	phase	values	up	to	
the	10th	harmonic	with	MATLAB	
•  Each	overtone	of	the	base	period	(between	0	and	T)	is	
called	a	harmonic,	the	first	harmonic	is	periodic	
between	0	and	T,	the	second	between	0	and	T/2,	etc.	
•  How	many	harmonics	do	you	need	to	get	the	
amplitude	below	0.01?	
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Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 30
•  ProperNes	of	the	Fourier	transform	
–  Nyquist	limit	
–  ConvoluNon	
–  Parseval	idenNty	
–  Sampling	
–  Aliasing	
–  Filtering	
•  Block	schemaNc	
–  TransmiSer	
–  Several	receivers
•  The	FFT	operator	implements	the	discrete	version	of	
the	Fourier	transformaNon	
•  There	are	no	more	than	N/2	unique	Euler	coefficients,	
this	sets	the	highest	frequency	of	a	series	of	N	
samples.	This	is	what	we	call	the	Nyquist	limit	
•  MulNplicaNon	of	coefficients	in	the	frequency	domain	
is	convoluNon	of	two	funcNon	in	the	Nme	domain.		
•  Parseval’s	idenNfy	says	that	the	sum	of	the	squares	in	
the	frequency	domain	is	equal	to	the	sum	of	the	
squares	in	the	Nme	domain.	(proof	via	auto	
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•  It	means	that	you	shi3	two	funcNons	along	one	another	while	you	
mulNply	the	result,	input	are	f	and	g,	the	output	is	h	
•  With	the	convoluNon	theorem	we	can	build/design/analyze	filters	
•  Most	of	the	filtering	in	digital	radios	is	implemented	by	convoluNon	
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h(t) = f (τ)g(t −τ)d
∫ τ
F(ω) = FFT( f (t))
G(ω) = FFT(g(t))
H(ω) = F(ω)⊗ G(ω) fast	
•  Whenever	we	discreNze	a	signal	we	sample	it	
at	a	certain	interval	Δx	(or	Δt)	
•  Undersampling	results	in	aliasing	with	the	
consequence	that	the	spectrum	is	deformed	
•  Here	is	a	video	on	aliasing,	study	it	yourself	
•  Oversampling	is	never	a	problem,	the	more	
the	beSer,	oversampling	counteracts	aliasing	
•  Frequency	resoluNon	is	determined	by	the		
record	length,	records	that	are	too	short	
cause	a	poorly	resolved	frequencies	
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Watch	how	a	part	of	the	spectrum	above	the	Nyquist	frequency	folds	back	
onto	the	lower	part	of	the	spectrum,	this	is	what	we	call	aliasing	
•  Bandwidth:	the	signal	spectrum	is	limited	to	a	
spectral	range	(a	more	formal	definiNon	
comes	later)	
•  Topic	is	related	to	filters:	most	electronic	
circuits	behave	like	filters	
•  A	filter	is	nothing	more	than	a	convoluNon	of	
the	signal	Nmes	a	weight	(or	filter)	funcNon.	
•  Low-pass,	high-pass,	band-pass,	notch	filters	
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Filter	funcNon	
Fourier	domain	
Time	domain	 What	we	get	
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Band-pass	filtered	
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Source:	hSp://	
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•  All	informaNon	that	we	send	or	receive	is	affected	by	
bandwidth	limitaNons,	various	reasons	why	this	is	the	case		
•  The	frequencies	that	we	chose	in	the	EM	spectrum	are	
modulated	on	top	of	a	carrier	frequency,	needs	
explanaNon,	what	is	modulaNon?	
•  The	use	of	carrier	frequencies,	(or	more	general,	the	use	of	
bandwidth	and	the	power	density	in	the	spectrum)	is	
restricted	by	regulaNons	
•  There	are	internaNonal/federal/naNonal	agreements	on	
the	use	of	frequencies	and	permiSed	power	levels.	
•  Commercial	aspects	with	regard	to	obtaining	bandwidth	
(purchase	UTMS	frequencies,	any	idea	of	the	price?)	
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A	 F	 	A	 F	O	
A:	amplifiers,	F:	band	pass	filters,	O:	local	oscillator	
“InformaNon”	changes	either	the	frequency,	the	phase	
or	the	amplitude	of	the	oscillator	
The	band	pass	filters	are	required	to	eliminate,	
unwanted,	parasiNc	frequencies	such	as	overtones	
which	are	taboo	on	the	output	
Never	operate	a	transmiSer	without	an	antenna,	
because	it	is	likely	to	kill	the	output	amplifier	
The	use	of	transmiSers	is	bound	to	regula2ons,	only	
certain	frequencies,	power,	and	bandwidth	can	be	used	
for	designated	applicaNons.	
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L	 L	 C	
	A	 	A	
A:	amplifier	
D:	demodulator	
Input	 Output	
The	voltage	level		
a3er	demodulaNon		
proporNonal	to	amplitude	
input	signal	
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•  Receiver	design	assumes	that	there	is	a	circuit	(a	
filter)	with	a	bandwidth	sufficiently	narrow	to	isolate	
a	radio	signal	from	neighboring	frequencies.	
•  Receiver	design	assumes	that	the	first	amplifier	has	a	
sufficient	bandwidth	
•  Receiver	design	assumes	that	the	amplifier	gain	is	
sufficient,	nothing	is	said	yet	about	the	signal	to	
noise	raNo	
•  Receiver	Design	assumes	that	we	are	able	to	receive	
amplitude	modulated	signals.	In	reality	this	design	
works	to	maybe	a	few	megahertz	(MHz).	For	our	
applicaNons	we	go	much	further	in	frequency	space,	
also,	other	modulaNon	techniques	are	used	
•  TransmiSer	design	assumes	supressed	distorNons	
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•  All	amplifiers	are	somewhat	non-linear,	this	
means	that	the	input	does	not	linearly	
translate	to	the	output.		
•  Output	≠	Gain	×	Input	
•  The	consequence	of	non-linearity	is	that	
intermodulaNon	products	will	occur	
•  You	can	demonstrate	intermodulaNon	by	
inserNng	two	signals	with	different	
frequenNes	into	an	amplifier.
Ideal	case	
In	 Out
Gain	=	10*(1	+	0.1*input)
The	red	signal	is	affected	by	intermodulaNon
f1	 f2	
IntermodulaNon	products,	3rd	order	intermodulaNon:	2f1	–	f2	will	be	close	to	f1	and	f2	
m.f1	+	n.f2	
m=2	n=-1
•  Quality	amplifiers	(receivers	etc)	is	specified	as	
the	level	of	the	3rd	order	intermodulaNon	
•  You	can	not	assume	that	amplificaNon	is	the	
answer	to	building	the	most	sensiNve	receiver	or	
most	powerful	transmiSer	ever	
•  The	reality	is	that	you	need	to	do	something	
against	intermodulaNon	
•  Usually	you	combine	amplifiers	with	filters	to	
design	a	system	that	works	for	a	selected	
frequency	range.
L	 L	 C	
A:	amplifier	
D:	demodulator	
F:	a	filter	
HF:	high	frequency	
IF:	intermediate	frequency	
O:	local	oscillator	
X:	mixer	
	A	X	 F	
C	L	
Variable	tuning	capacitor,	
dual	secNons	
Armstrong	1918	
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•  Local	oscillator:	runs	in	parallel	with	the	LC	
tuning	circuit	coupled	to	the	antenna		
•  Mixer:	circuit	that	mulNplies	two	signals	
•  Low-pass:	filter	to	isolate	the	intermediate	
frequencies	(IF)	a3er	filtering	
•  A	high	gain	amplifier	for	the	intermediate	
frequencies	(early	days:	455	kHz)	
•  For	an	IF	>	0	we	call	this	a	superheterodyne	
receiver,	when	the	IF=0	it	is	called	a	zero-IF	
•  Most	receiver	designs	are	based	on	the	
superhetrodyne	concept.	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 53
•  It	is	easier	to	build	a	high-gain	amplifier	within	a	specified	
frequency	range	than	to	build	a	wideband,	high-gain	
•  As	a	result	superheterodyne	receivers	are	more	sensiNve,	
because	of	the	IF	amp	and	Osc/Mixer	setup	
•  Superheterodyne	receivers	can	go	up	to	higher	frequencies	
since	mixers	and	oscillators	and	band-limited	LNAs	can	be	
built	up	to	several	GHz.	
•  However,	the	receiving	range	is	limited	because	of	the	set-
up	of	the	local	oscillator	and	the	choice	of	an	IF	
•  The	price	to	pay	is	more	complexity,	but	sNll	this	is	worth	
the	effort	because	of	the	increased	sensiNvity	
•  Superheterodyne	receivers	are	preferred	because	of	their	
ability	to	reject	intermodulaNon	products.	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 54
•  Modify	the	design	a3er	the	mixer	
•  Use	an	Analog	to	Digital	Converter	(ADC)	with	a	
sufficient	sampling	rate,	bandwidth	and	digital		
resoluNon	(10	bit	to	31	bit	range)	
•  ADC	output	routed	into	FFT	/	iFFT	processors	
•  So3ware	takes	care	of	the	demodulaNon	
•  DVB	TV	dongles:	$30,	tunable	range	to	1GHz	
•  Dedicated	SDR’s:	$500,	tunable	range	to	10	GHz	
•  SDR	used	in	the	satellite	tracking	(Q2:	Nov-Jan)	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 55
•  Same	set-up	as	last	week	
•  Please	check	brightspace	and	the	TA
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06/10/17	 58	
h(x) = f (x)⊗ g(x)
Show	that	this	happens	with	MATLAB	when	you	mulNply	two	block	funcNons
How	many	harmonics	do	we	need	to	represent	a	
block	funcNon	with	a	50%	duty	cycle	as	is	shown	
below.	The	power	loss	should	not	be	larger	than	
5%	with	respect	to	the	input	funcNon	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 59	
0	 2π
•  Amplifiers	can	not	provide	output	outside	a	
specified	voltage	range,	otherwise	voltage	
clipping	occurs	
•  The	output	of	the	amplifier	is	restricted	to	20	
Volt	peak	to	peak,	the	amplifier	gain	is	14	decibel	
(dB),	it	can	operate	between	0	and	100	MHz	
•  dB	=	10	log10(	signal/reference	)	
•  Two	signals	with	an	equal	amplitude	are	injected	
at	10	and	10.1	MHz,	what	is	the	maximal	
amplitude	to	avoid	intermodulaNon	products	on	
the	output
•  Explain	why	a	transmiSer	is	likely	to	produce	
3rd	and	higher	order	odd	harmonic	products,	
what	type	of	filter	do	you	need	between	the	
antenna	and	the	power	amplifier,	the	PA.	
•  Explain	how	a	UHF	transmiSer	(430-440	MHz	
range)	can	be	made	from	a	reference	
oscillator	at	a	frequency	below	15	MHz
•  Demonstrate	that	mulNplicaNon	of	a	signal	at	
frequency	fr	with	a	local	oscillator	frequency	fo	
results	in	fr+fo	and	fr-fo	
•  What	type	of	filter	do	we	need	a3er	the	mixer	
and	the	intermediate	frequency	amplifier	in	a	
•  Could	two	neighboring	signals	(for	instance,	
between	7150	kHz	and	7250	kHz)	result	in	
intermodulaNon	products	in	a	superhet	
•  Under	which	circumstances	is	a	
superhetrodyne	receiver	a	beSer	design	than	
a	receiver	without	an	intermediate	frequency?
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Space	minor	2017-2018	
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•  Analog	circuits	
–  Kirchhof	and	Ohm’s	law	
–  AdmiSance	of	inductors	and	capacitors	
–  RC	LC	and	RLC	networks	
–  Q	factor	
•  Transmission	lines	
–  Telegraphers	equaNon	
–  Coax,	twin-lead	and	other	transmission	lines	
–  Quarter-lambda	impedance	transformer	
•  Antenna’s	
–  Half	and	quarter	lambda	dipoles,	Yagi’s	and	paraboles	
–  Balanced	to	unbalanced	transformaNon,	baluns
•  The	sum	of	all	incoming	and	outgoing	currents	
at	a	node	in	a	network	of	components	is	zero.		
•  Voltage	=	Current	x	Resistance	
•  Power	=	Voltage	x	Current	
•  Now	we	add	inductors,	capacitors	and	
resistors	to	build	a	network.	
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Both	circuits	have	fundamentally	
different	properNes,	le3	is	called		
in	series,	right	is	called	in	parallel.	
Write	out	for	yourself	the	replacement	
equaNons	for	capacitors,	inductors	and		
Do	not	yet	combine	different	
components,	this	is	what	we	will	
do	later
•  There	are	differenNal	equaNons	for	current	and	voltage	
through	capacitors	and	inductors.		They	result	in	a	so-
called	replacement	resistance	for	the	component	
•  The	replacement	resistance	of	a	capacitor	is	called	ZC	
•  The	replacement	resistance	of	an	inductor	is	called	ZL	
•  Both	replacement	resistances	are	from	now	on	
called	impedances	of	the	C	and	the	L	component	
ZC =
and ZL = jωL with j = −1
ω = 2π f where f is the frequency in Hz
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 68
90	degree	
The	voltage	over	a	capacitor	will	resist	to	a	current	through	a	capacitor:		
implicaNons	for	power	supplies	and	recNfiers.	(also	called	reactance)
90	degree	
The	current	through	an	inductor	will	also	resist	to	a	voltage	across	a	
coil:	implicaNons	for	relays	and	transformers.	(this	is	called	reactance)
•  Impedance	is	the	electrical	resistance	of	a	
component	of	a	circuit	of	components	to	an	
alternaNng	current	
•  AdmiSance	is	the	reciprocal	of	impedance	
(Impedance	≈	Ohm,	AdmiSance	≈	Siemens)	
•  Reactance	is	the	opposiNon	of	a	change	in	
electrical	current	to	voltage	or	vise	versa	like	
capacitors	and	indictors	show
VC +VR = 0 with C =
and I =
+ I(t)R = 0 ⇒
R = 0
Q(t) = −RC
⇒ Q(t) = Q(t0 )e−t/τ
with τ=RC so that V(t) =V(t0 )e−t/τ
When a complex notation is used
= 0 ⇒ ω =
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 72
ZC =
and ZL = jωL
ZLC = ( 1
+ 1
= ∞ ⇒
ω =
C	 L	
parallel	resistance	
The	only	thing	you	need	to	know	is	the	impedance	of	inductors	and	capacitors,	
The	parallel	resistance	should	be	infinite	for	a	LC	circuit	without	dissipaNon	
In	that	case	ω	should	be	as	given,	it	is	maintained	when	there	are	no	losses	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 73
:	used	
for	low-pass	
end	stage	
C	 C	 R	
A	 B	
Zb =
jωRC +1
Za = Zl + Zb = −
RCL − jωL − R
jωRC +1
RCL − jωL − R
output filter
Zt =
impedance at A
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Example	for	L=10μH	C=100pF	R=50Ω	
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L	 R	
Energy loss in a LCR circuit
= ZL
+ ZC
+ R−1
To obtain the dissipation P:
V = Hejωt
so that T =
P =
∫ dt =
LC −1)2
P0 = P(ω0 ) =
and ω0 =
Search now the ω where P(ω0 ) =
2 P(ω)
since this results in the bandwidth
LC −1)2
⇔ (ω −ω0 )(ω +ω0 ) =
≈ ω0Δω
By definition Q =
=ω0RC =
= R
(Quality factor)
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•  For	a	parallel	LCR	circuit	it	is	Q=R.sqrt(C/L)		
•  For	a	series	LCR	circuit	it	is	Q=(1/R).sqrt(L/C)	
•  Q	says	of	a	something	about	the	bandwidth	of	
the	analog	LCR	circuit	
•  Q	says	also	something	about	the	bandwidth	of	
an	antenna	
•  Tuning	LC	circuit	:	parallel	LCR	
•  Antenna	replacement	circuit	:	series	LCR
Coupling	to	
input	signal	
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Here	is	an	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 79
•  The	larger	the	Q	factor	the	more	the	parallel	LC	
circuit	resembles	that	of	a	perfect	resonator	at	
ω0	that	is	free	of	dissipaNon		
•  In	reality	there	is	always	some	dissipaNon,	even	a	
high	impedance	amplifier	does	show	energy	loss.	
•  As	a	result	of	Q<∞	all	filters	in	radio	receivers	
come	with	a	finite	bandwidth.	
•  Fundamentally;	any	receiver	has	a	bandwidth	
larger	then	zero	
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Load	Osc	
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Loss-less	transmission	line	
Lossy	transmission	line
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In a transmission line signal propagation is described by
the so-called telegraphers equations (Oliver Heaviside, 1880)
= −L
− R.I(x,t)
= −C
For an ideal line we can set R = 0 and G = 0, we find:
= −L
= −C
so that
−u2 ∂2
= 0 and
−u2 ∂2
= 0
where u =1 LC is the propagation speed in the transmission line
What	do	we	get?	
•  Both	V(x,t)	and	I(x,t)	are	soluNons	of	wave	
•  The	transmission	speed	in	the	line	is	not	
always	equal	to	the	speed	of	light,	this	is	only	
true	for	certain	ideal	loss-less	transmission	
•  Transmission	lines	therefore	have	a	
characterisNc	impedance	depending	on	how	
they	are	designed.	
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Standing	wave	soluNon	
Let us try separation of variables
V(x,t) =V(x)exp( jωt) and I(x,t) = I(x)exp( jωt)
in this case one case show that:
+ ω2
LC.V(x) = 0 and
+ ω2
LC.I(x) = 0
we define wave number k =ω LC =
+ k2
V(x) = 0 and
+ k2
I(x) = 0
Result: one dimensional Helmholtz wave equation
General	soluNon	standing	waves	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 86	
V(x) =V1 e− j.k.x
+V2 ej.k.x
I(x) =
e− j.k.x
z0 =
(characterisNc	impedance)	
Coaxial	cables	usually	come	with	an	impedance	between	50Ω	
and	100Ω,	twin	lines	300	to	450Ω.	Coax:	asymmetric,	Twin:	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 87	
Air	isolated
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 88	
D	(separaNon)	
d	(diameter)	
Z	=	funcNon	of	d	and	D,	about	300	to	600Ω	
Source:	hSp://
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 89	
Calculator:	hSp://	
Unshielded	twisted	pair	cabling	is	used	as	patch	cable
•  All	transmission	lines	have	a	so	called	
characterisNc	impedance	Z0	
•  The	quarter	wavelength	transmission	line	can	
be	used	as	an	impedance	transformer	
z0 = z1z2
•  ProperNes:	
– Impedance	
– Gain	
– Sense	of	direcNon	
– PolarizaNon	
– Bandwidth	(replacement	is	series	LCR)	
•  Let’s	start	with	a	half	wavelength	dipole	
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t=0	 t=½T	
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Impedance:	Zdipole	=	73Ω,									Gain:		Gdipole	=		2.14	dBi			
DefiniNon	of		
the	decibel
•  The	decibel	is	defined	as:	
•  Normally	Pref	=	1		
–  dBW	is	used	for	power	relaNve	to	1	WaS	
–  dBm	is	used	for	power	relaNve	to	10-3	WaS	
–  dBi	is	the	gain	relaNve	to	an	isotropic	antenna	
–  dBd	is	the	gain	relaNve	to	a	dipole	
–  dBc	is	takes	relaNve	to	a	carrier	
•  MathemaNcs:	
–  Adding	dB’s	is	the	same	as	mulNplicaNon	
–  SubtracNng	dB’s	:	divide	values	
+I	 H	
λ	is	the	wavelength	of	the	signal,	it	equals	frequency	divided	by	speed	of	light	
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Quarter	wavelength	dipole	
Red	:	upper	part												Impedance	:	½	Zdipole								
Blue:	ground																		Gain	:	2	Gdipole	
Normal													Folded																		Open																Terminated					
																																																								folded																			folded	
200	to	300Ω
•  The	dipole	is	symmetric,	thus	posiNve	on	one	side	
and	negaNve	on	the	other.	
•  Our	modern	transmission	lines	are	asymmetric	in	
parNcular	because	we	desire		the	mantle	of	the	
coaxial	cable	to	be	neutral	(thus	grounded)	
•  The	remedy	is	to	use	a	balun	(balanced	to	
unbalanced	transformer)	
•  Some	balun	designs	are	also	impedance	
transformers	(discussed	later)
Balanced	Unbalanced	
The	unbalanced	side	goes	to	a	coaxial	cable	
The	balanced	side	feeds	the	center	of	a	dipole
E	 H	
E	 H	
The	electric	field	alternates	and	it	is	the	E	wave	in	the	red	verNcal	plane	
The	magneNc	field	alternates,	it	is	the	H	wave	in	the	blue	horizontal	plane	
A	change	in	the	E	field	will	result	in	a	change	in	the	H	field,	and	visa	versa	
Peak	vector	plot	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 98
The	E	peak	vector		
changes	sense	of	rotaNon		
when	it	reflects	on	a	wall	
So	does	the	polarity	of		
the	EM	wave	
Blue	dish	is	the	reflector	
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Sense	of	direcNon	
Conclusion:	by	properly	placing	a	number	
of	dipoles	in	an	array	we	can	make	an	antenna	
that	has	a	sense	of	direcNon	
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Source	hSp://	
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α	=	λ/D	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 106	
•  Dipole	
•  Half	dipole,	quarter	dipole,	etc	
•  MulN-element	yagi	antennas	
•  Helical	antenna’s	
•  Patch	antenna’s	
•  Parabolic	antenna’s	
•  AcNve	antenna’s	(means	that	a	remote	receiving	
antenna	in	a	noise	free	environment	comes	with	
an	LNA	to	counteract	transmission	line	losses)	
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•  Antenna	gain	reveals	that	the	antenna	is	somehow	
•  Your	ears	and	your	voice	are	direcNonal	antennas		
•  Rather	than	that	all	radiated	power	goes	out	in	every	
direcNon,	a	direcNonal	antenna	takes	care	of	radiaNng	
the	transmiSed	power	along	a	paSern.		
•  Antenna	gains	are	expressed	as	dBi	and	these	are	
relaNve	to	a	theoreNcal	isotropic	antenna	that	has	
unit	gain.	
•  DirecNonal	antennas	has	a	front-back	raNo	in	dB	
•  When	you	receive	a	signal	a	similar	thing	happens,	the	
incoming	energy	is	focused	onto	one	point	
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•  Dipole:	2.14dBi	for	a	λ/2	dipole,	1.76dBi	for		
dipoles	shorter	than	λ/4:	link	
•  Helical:	for	example	11.8dBi	for	5	turns	at	
5.8GHz	with	λ/4	spacing:	link	
•  Patch:	e.g.	9dBi	or	up:	link	
•  Parabolic:	e.g.	30	to	40	dBi:	link	
•  Yagi	(VHF):	e.g.	10-20	dBi:	link	
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•  hSps://	
•  hSp://
•  hSps://	
•  hSp://	
•  hSp://
•  They	are	on	brightspace	in	folder	week	1.3
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Space	minor	2017-2018	
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Ohm	Kirchhof	and	Power		
•  What	is	the	dissipated	power	P	for	a	voltage	V	
or	a	constant	current	“I”	across	resistor	R?	
•  Is	the	previous	statement	also	true	when	V	
and	“I”	show	a	phase	difference?		
•  Assume	a	sine	signal	with	amplitude	of	Vpeak	
volt	over	resistor	R	
•  What	is	the	average	power	P	over	a	cycle?	
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Exercise	complex	numbers	
•  Use	complex	numbers	(A+jB)	and	show	how	
you	add,	subtract,	mulNply	and	divide	two	
complex	numbers	
•  Evaluate	cos(2x)	=	…	in	sin(x)	and	cos(x)	
expressions	by	evaluaNng	ej2x
Exercise	Heaviside	equa2ons	
•  Show	that	the	general	soluNon	for	standing	
wave	for	transmission	lines	saNsfies	the	
Telegraphers	equaNons		
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Q	factor	parallel	LCR	circuit	
•  In	a	parallel	LCR	circuit	we	have:	L=10μH	C=5pF	
•  Plot	the	impedance	against	frequency	so	that	the	
bandwidth	of	the	filter	becomes	visible	
•  What	is	the	bandwidth,	is	there	an	agreement	
between	the	formula	and	the	plot		
•  Is	this	filter	acceptable	for	a	shortwave	(SW)	
receiver	circuit,	ie.	the	tuning	filter	of	the	
•  Use	the	websdr	from	lecture	1	as	an	example.	
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Q	factor	in	series	LCR	circuit	
•  The	derivaNon	on	Q	for	a	series	LCR	circuit	can	be	
found	in	a	manual	
•  In	a	series	LCR	circuit	we	have:	L=10μH	C=5pF	
•  What	is	impedance	of	this	circuit	in	the	frequency	
•  Scale	the	plot	of	the	impedance	against	
frequency	such	that	we	can	see	the	bandwidth	of	
this	filter.	
•  The	series	LCR	circuit	is	a	replacement	model	for	
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Space	minor	2017-2018	
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This	lecture	
•  Impedance	matching		
•  IntroducNon	to	modulaNon	
•  Signal	propagaNon	
•  Signal	and	noise	
•  Link	margin	calculaNon	
•  Reference	material:		
–  Electronics,	A	system	approach,	6th	ediNon	Neil	Storey	
–  Week	1.3:	Chapters	1-9	
–  Week	1.4	and	1.5:	Chapter	29
Op2mal	power	transfer	problem	
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•  Compute	the	dissipaNon	over	R2	while	V	and	R1	are	fixed.	
•  For	what	R2	is	there	an	opNmal	power	from	the	generator	
to	R2		
R1	:	line	
R2	:	load
Impedance	matching	
•  Impedances:	
–  Transceiver	:	design	of	power	amplifier	(50	Ω)	
–  Transmission	line	:	type	of	line	that	is	used	(50	Ω)	
–  Antenna	:	type	of	antenna	that	is	used	(we	hope	it	is	50	Ω)	
–  In	the	ideal	case	all	impedances	should	be	the	same	
•  The	reality	is:		
–  The	antenna	does	not	match	to	the	transmission	line	
–  TransmiSed	signal	is	reflected	back	to	the	transmiSer,		
–  Reflected	signal	could	damage	the	transmiSer	
•  For	RF	circuits	we	measure	a	standing	wave	raNo	(SWR)		
–  We	opNmize	the	SWR	and	it	should	become	1	
–  There	are	various	ways	to	accomplish	an	impedance	match	
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Standing	wave	ra2o	
•  The	SWR	is	formally	defined	as:	
•  R	is	the	impedance	of	the	antenna	and	Z0	the	
characterisNc	impedance	of	the	transmission	line	
•  The	SWR	is	always	greater	or	equal	to	1	
•  A	Vector	Network	Analyzer	(VNA)	measures	the	
admiSances	as	a	funcNon	of	frequency	
Reflec2on	loss	bridge	
Unknown	load	
SWR	/	Power	meter												VNA	
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Impedance	matching	problem	
•  Adjust	the	antenna	
– Make	it	resonant	near	the	desired	frequency	
– Antennas	can	be	designed	for	an	extended	
bandwidth	greater	than	that	of	a	regular	dipole	
– Example:	log	periodic	antennas	(looks	like	a	yagi	
antenna	but	for	an	extended	bandwidth)	
•  Install	an	antenna	tuner		
Tx	 Tuner	
Antenna	tuner	(1)
Antenna	tuner	(2)	
•  The	following	ciruit	is	an	T-shaped	antenna	tuner	
•  Purpose	of	this	circuit	is	to	transform	impedances	
–  Between	transmiSer	and	transmission	line	
–  Between	transmission	line	and	antenna	
50	Ohm	 Large	impedance		
•  The	T-shaped	tuner	transforms	impedances	
•  The	le3	tuner	is	made	of	a	roller	inductor	and	
variable	capacitors,	it	can	handle	signals	up	to	a	
few	hundred	WaSs	
•  The	right	tuner	is	made	of	relays	that	switch	
between	fixed	inductors	and	fixed	capacitors	
•  One	can	show	that	the	T-shaped	tuner	behaves	
like	an	ideal	transformer	as	long	as	there	are	no	
Ohm	like	losses	in	the	components	
•  The	quality	of	the	components	in	antenna	tuner		
become	a	significant	concern,	especially	for	high	
power	transfer
•  Quarter	wavelength	transmission	line:	this	is	a	
tuner	for	specific	frequencies	(see	lecture	1.3)	
•  Other	configuraNons	of	L	and	C	components,	
are	also	tuners.	
•  Transformers	can	behave	like	tuners	(this	is	an	
exercise	for	this	week)	
•  Antenna	tuners	should	not	be	confused	with	
the	LC	resonant	tuning	circuit	of	a	receiver.
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ß	Actual	power	spectrum	
ß	Waterfall	plot	
This	is	FSK	modulaNon,		
4	tones	switching	on	and	off
•  Consider	a	carrier	which	is	
nothing	more	than	a	signal	
with	a	constant	frequency	
and	amplitude	
•  To	transfer	informaNon	
(data,	music,	spoken	word,	
TV	signals	etc	etc)	you	must	
do	something	with	the	
carrier	(like	vary	the	
amplitude	of	frequency	or	
•  InformaNon	(signal)	is	now	
modulated	on	the	carrier	
μ	 μ+ν	μ-ν	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 131	
e± jνt
= ej(µ±ν )t
Test	your	knowledge:	write	a	MATLAB	program	for	AM	and	FM,	next	
use	MATLAB’s	FFT	rouNne	to	transform	between	Nme	domain	and	frequency	domain.	
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On	carrier	
Frequency	modulaNon	 Amplitude	modulaNon
FM	beRer	than	AM?	
•  Yes:		
–  FM	less	suscepNble	to	variaNons	in	recepNon	strength	
–  FM	is	therefore	more	resilient	to	noise	
–  FM	does	not	require	highly	linear	amplifiers		
•  No:	
–  Requires	more	bandwidth,	FM	is	typically	used	at	
frequencies	>100	MHz	where	there	is	enough	
–  DemodulaNon	circuits	are	more	difficult	(PLL’s	etc)	(is	
not	a	real	issue	nowadays)	
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There	are	many	modula2on	schemes	
•  Analog	modula2on	
•  Digital	modula2on	
•  Spread	spectrum	
MulNple	access:	CDMA	FDMA	TDMA	
•  Should	you	know	them	by	heart?	No,	just	read	
the	documentaNon.	
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Some	examples	
•  Instrument	landing	systems	(ILS)	depend	on	
space	modulaNon	(SM)	
•  Dialpad	of	a	telephone,	FSK/DTMF,	each	
number	or	symbol	has	one	or	more	unique	
•  Global	posiNoning	system:	spread	spectrum	
based	on	BPSK	PRN	code	modulaNon		
•  GSM	3G	:	WCDMA,	wideband	code	division	
mulNple	access	
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Signal	propaga2on	
•  A3er	the	signal	leaves	the	antenna	it	
propagates	through	space.		
•  PropagaNon	is	controlled	by	refracNve	
properNes	of	the	medium.	
•  At	the	receiver	we	assume	the	incoming	signal	
to	be	near	or	above	the	noise	floor	of	the	
receiver,	o3enNmes	this	aspect	depends	on	
the	propagaNon	of	the	signal
What	is	refrac2on?	
•  An	electromagneNc	wave	normally	travels	at	the	speed	
of	light	c	
•  This	is	only	true	in	vacuum	where	the	refracNve	index	
n	=	1	
•  In	a	medium	like	glass	(water,	air	etc)	we	get	n>1,	the	
propagaNon	speed	becomes	v	=	c/n	
•  Where	n	depends	on	the	frequency	of	the	EM	wave	we	
say	the	medium	is	dispersive	
•  The	Earth	ionosphere	is	dispersive	for	radio	waves	
•  Air	is	slightly	dispersive	for	light
Day	Night	
F	280	km	
E	110	km	
F2	320	km	
F1	225	km	
E	110	km	
Ionospheric	E	and	F	layers
Propaga2on	of	radio	waves	up	to	30	to	50	MHz	
The	criNcal	frequency	depends	on	refracNon,	and	hence	electron	density
Characteris2cs	HF	propaga2on	
•  There	is	a	so-called	criNcal	frequency,	this	is	
where	we	get	the	verNcal	transmiSed	signal	back	
to	the	ground	
•  Above	the	criNcal	frequency	signals	ONLY	reflect	
under	an	certain	angle,	this	explains	the	so-called	
skip	zone	
•  There	is	a	maximum	usuable	frequency,	above	
this	signals	go	out	to	space.		
•  The	maximum	usuable	frequency	(the	MUF)	may	
go	up	to	50	MHz,	o3en	it	is	less	
•  Sporadic	E-layer	reflecNons	occur	up	to	150	MHz.
•  Phase	speed	relates	to	the	carrier	
•  Group	speed	relates	to	modulated	signal	
•  Informa2on	content	is	by	definiNon	
transported	with	the	group	speed		
•  The	phase	speed	may	be	faster	than	light		
•  The	laSer	is	not	a	contradicNon	with	the	
theory	of	relaNvity	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 143
•  Rayleigh	1881	found	
the	following	relaNon:	
•  Velocity	dispersion	
•  There	is	a	similar	
relaNon	for	the	
refracNon	index	
pg −=
fnn pg +=
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Signal	and	noise	
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MATLAB	example	Gaussian	noise	
			z=abs(~(y));	plot(z(1:500)		
Physics	of	noise:	Gaussian	noise	in	the	2me	domain	
results	in	flat	noise	in	the	frequency-domain
Physics	of	noise	at	the	receiver	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 147	
In reality we deal with electronic components which
have a certain temperature T, all components emit
electromagnetic radiation:
P = kT B with k =1.38064854×10−23
J K−1
and B bandwidth
The Bolzmann constant comes from
k =
where R is a gas constant and N Avogadro's number
For semiconductors etc the thermal voltage is:
VT =
where q is the charge of an electron
P is the Power contained in the noise
Physics	of	noise:	spectral	density	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 148	
Spectral density is specified in dBm/Hz, but how?
For T=290K (room temperature) we find
Pdbm =10log10 (
) = −174 dBm/Hz
for a bandwidth of 1 MHz we get -114dBm,
note that the dBm calculation refers to 1mW
and that we can add to multiply or subtract
to divide due to the definition of the decibel.
Physics	of	noise:	How	low	can	you	go?	
•  For	a	low	noise	amplifier	(LNA)	near	the	
boiling	point	of	Helium	we	get	-192	dBm/Hz.	
•  This	level	could	be	obtained	in	the	cold	end	of	
a	radio	telescope	for	which	a	coolant	is	used	
(o3en	Nitrogen,	someNmes	Helium)	
•  Deep	space	measures	2.7K	which	is	remnant	
of	the	big	bang	and	this	is	2dBm/Hz	under	the	
cold	end	of	a	radio	telescope.	
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Measure	signal	and	noise	
•  For	this	we	use	a	spectrum	analyzer		
•  When	we	measure	signal	and	noise	at	room	
temperatures	we	have	to	deal	with	the	Excess	Noise	
RaNo	(ENR)	which	is	-174	dBm/Hz,		
•  ENR	=	10log10(kTB/10-3))	where	T=290K	and	B=1	Hz	
•  Noise	generators	(e.g.	noise	diodes)	exist	to	test	the	
behavior	of	electronic	circuits,	that	is,	put	noise	into	a	
circuit	and	see	what	comes	out	at	all	frequencies.	
•  AlternaNve:	use	a	signal	generator	
•  Carrier	to	noise	raNo	(CNR):	essenNally	the	CNR	is	used		
to	compute	the	error	to	bit	raNo	(Eb/N0	raNo)	
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Insert	calibraNon	signal,	aSenuate	signal	in	known	steps	
In	this	way	we	can	calibrate	the	scale	and	we	can		
determine	the	noise	floor	of	the	receiver	which	is	
always	above	the	thermal	noise	floor		
(-47	db)	
34	dB
Link	margin	calcula2on	
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TransmiSer	 Receiver	
Free	space	loss	
PR = PT − L +GT +G R with L =
or in dB
L = −20log10 (λ)+ 20log10 (d)+ 21.98 where 21.98 =10log10 ((4π)2
M = PR − Nr is the so called link margin, preferable it is > 0
Nr = kT B + Nd
Nd : You got it from the noise floor measurement
Example	link	margin	calcula2on	
•  Transmit	power	:	10mW	which	is	10dBm	
•  Receiver	noise:	-100dBm	(noise	floor	measurement)	
•  Distance	=	1000m,	Frequency=5.8GHz,	FSL	=	107.7dB	
•  Gains	transmiSer:	0dB,	receiver:	0dB	(ant./line	etc)	
•  Margin:	10-107.7-(-100)	=	2.3dB	>	0	dB	(ok);	
–  Obstacles	(wet	leaves,	etc)	would	aSentuate	the	signal		
–  They	introduce	noise	or	even	completely	block	the	signal	
–  Any	reflector	in	the	Fressnel	ellipse	affects	the	quality	
•  Various	opNons	to	improve	the	situaNon:		
–  Increase	the	antenna	gain		
–  Choose	beSer	antenna	posiNons	(no	trees,	hills,	buildings)	
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RSSI	calculaNon	
•  RSSI	stands	for	Received	Signal	Strength	Indicator	
and	it	is	expressed	in	dB	
•  There	is	no	standard	for	the	definiNon	of	RSSI	
•  SomeNmes	it	is,	the	higher	the	RSSI,	the	beSer	
recepNon,	so	90db	is	closest	possible	to	the	
•  SomeNmes	it	is	0dB	when	(theoreNcally)	all	the	
transmiSer	output	is	fed	back	into	the	receiver	
•  In	the	laSer	case	RSSI’s	at	close	range	are	not	0,	
and	you	have	to	measure	the	RSSI	offset	
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Signal,	noise,	bandwidth	
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Signal	1	 Signal	2	
Clearly	signal	1	is	below	the	noise	level,	and	signal	2	is	above	it,	and	intuiNvely		
you	would	think	that	signal	1	could	not	be	received	while	signal	2	could,	however,	
this	is	not	per	se	true.	In	week	1.5	we	will	conNnue	with	this	topic	
•  Go	to	brightspace	week	1.4
Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018	
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Exercise	impedance	transformer	
n1	 n2	
Exercise:	What	is	R1,	hint	the	transformer	does	not	lose	P,	also	the		
windings	on	the	primary	and	secondary	side	are	known,	the	double	
bar	is	made	out	of	ferrite.	
The	impedance	transformer:
Efficiency	frequency	shi3	keying	(FSK)	
•  WSPR	is	a	4	tone	FSK	modulaNon	with	a	
bandwidth	of	6	Hz.		
•  The	efficiency	of	a	200mW	WSPR	beacon	is	
the	same	as	a	…	WaS	SSB	transmiSer.		
•  SSB	modulaNon	for	3kHz	audio	signal	
•  Hint:	what	maSers	is	the	spectral	density
Exercise:	LC	tuner	with	given	Q	
•  Signal	and	noise	arrive	at	an	antenna,		
•  Bandwidth	of	the	antenna	is	2MHz	
•  Noise	density	:	-125dB/Hz,	
•  Signal	density:	-120db/Hz,	width	10	kHz		
•  Bandpass	filter:	throughput	behaves	like	a	
parallel	LCR	circuit,	Q=1000	L=5μH	C=30pF		
•  What	is	the	SNR	before	the	filter?	
•  What	is	the	SNR	a3er	the	filter		
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 160
Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018	
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Two	topics	
•  Digital	modulaNon	
– How	do	we	generate	it	
– How	do	we	decode	it	
– Benefits	compated	to	analog	modulaNon?	
•  Radio	technology	applicaNons	in	science	
– Radio	astronomy	
– Global	posiNoning	system
Digital	modula2on	
•  Examples	
– Morse	codes	(CW)		
– 4	tone	fsk:	WSPR	
already	menNond	
– BPSK	(PSK-31	etc)		
•  Shannon	Hartley	
•  Bit	to	error	rate	
•  Symbol	to	error	rate	
Army	poster	for	learning	CW
Bi-Phase	Shi`ed	Keying	BPSK	
Φ=0o	 Φ=0o	
0	Volt	
1	Volt	
At	the	transiNon	points	care	is	taken	to	avoid	a	sharp	transiNon,	which	is	always	
bad	for	the	spectral	poluNon	(check	the	FFT	of	any	funcNon	with	sharp	edges)	
Reference:	secNon	29.3.4	in	Electronics,	a	systems	approach,	Neil	Storey
Two	tone	implementa2on	of	BSPK	
In	this	implementaNon	of	BPSK	the	voltage	is	reduced	at	the	arrows,	
so	here	we	change	the	phase	of	the	modulated	signal.
PSK-31	on	the	oscilloscope
RF	input	
sin:	phase	shi3	+90°	
cos:	phase	shi3	0°	
Q-data	line,	
90°	out	of	phase	
I-data	line,	
All	SDR	receivers	are	based	on	the	IQ	detector
Schema2c	BPSK/QPSK	modula2on	
I:in-phase		Q:quadrature,	i.e.	output	at	the	IF	stage	of	a	receiver	coherent	with	a	sine	or		
cosine	signal	relaNve	to	a	local	oscillator,	cosine	for	horizontal	axis,	sine	for	a	verNcal	axis.		
The	numbers	near	the	blue	symbols	represent	so-called	Gray	codes	(it	is	an	alternaNve	for		
binary	codes)
QAM	modula2on	
With	QAM	modulaNon	you	send	typically	symbols:	216	values	can	be	sent	with	QAM-16
Discussion	points		
•  The	earliest	radio	communicaNon	was	digital	
•  Most	satellite	communicaNon	is	digital	
•  Advanced	digital	communicaNon	is	able	to	
break	the	0dB	signal	to	noise	raNo	that	we	
•  New	topics:		
– Shannon-theorem		
– Energy	efficiency	and	reliability
Shannon-Hartley	theorem	
C = Blog2 (1+
C: channel capacity in bits/second
B: bandwidth in Hz
S: signal level
N: power level
SNR= 10dB → C/B = 3.5
SNR= 0dB → C/B = 1
SNR=-10dB → C/B = 0.135 (explain this!)
C/B	ra2o	Shannon-Hartley	
Analog	modulaNon	scheme	
Digital	modulaNon	schemes
Consequence	Shannon-Hartley	
•  The	channel	capacity	C	(expressed	in	bits	per	second)	is	
in	reality	less	compared	to	what	Shannon	Hartley	
•  Efficiency	depends	on	the	modulaNon	scheme,	only	
certain	opNmized	digital	modulaNon	techniques	get	
close	to	what	Shannon-Hartley	predicts	
•  Related	:		
–  Energy	to	bit	raNo	relaNve	to	thermal	noise	level	(Eb/No),	
this	is	the	efficiency	of	a	modulaNon	technique	
–  Bit	Error	RaNo	BER,	tells	something	about	the	reliability	of	
a	modulaNon	technique	depending	on	Eb/No
Bit	error	rate	for	BPSK		8-PSK	and	16-PSK	
The	bit	error	rate	follows	from	a	probability	density	funcNons	in	staNsNcs,	the	formulas	
contain	erfc	funcNons	which	are	integrals	of	the	normal	Gaussian	distribuNon.	
Symbol	error	rate	16-QAM		64-QAM		256-QAM	
These	are	the	symbol	error	rates	that	you	find	in	a	similar	way	as	with	the	PSK	modulaNons,	
point	with	QAM	is	that	more	amplitude	levels	are	used	in	the	modulaNon,	for	the	rest	it	is	
like	QPSK,	also	here	you	find	the	erfc	funcNons,	not	an	electronics	subject,	it	is	only	staNsNcs.
Spectral	efficiency		
•  Spectral	efficiency	η	is	the	amount	of	bits/sec	
that	can	be	transmiSed	per	Hz,	units:	bit/s/Hz		
•  Next	we	look	at	the	“energy	per	bit”	with	
respect	to	“thermal	noise	level”	(Eb/No)	and	
the	spectral	efficiency	parameter	η.		
•  We	will	show	that	Eb/No=(2η-1)/η	
•  As	a	result	there	is	a	lower	bound	for	Eb/No	
•  Shannon-limit:		min(Eb/No)	=	min((2η-1)/η)	
We start with
C ≤ Blog2 1+
⎟ and
B =
= log2 1+
⎟ ⇒ 2C B
η =
⎟ = ln(2) = 0.693...
As a result we find that min
= -1.592... dB
Workable	region,	this	is	
where	you	find	all	digital	
modulaNon	techniques.	
The	consequence	of	Shannon-Hartley	is	that	Eb/No	can	never	be	less	than	-1.59dB,	
Digital	receiver	sensi2vity	model	
The relation between carrier (signal) to noise ratio and the
spectral density of energy is B
fb where fB is the
bit rate and B the bandwidth,
is the energy per symbol
to noise ratio spectral density. As a result the receiver sensitivity
sensitivity σ becomes:
σ =10log10 (B)+10log10
⎟−174dBm + NF
which is equivalent to:
σ =−174dBm + NF +
+10log10 ( fB )
Where NF is the noise floor of the receiver, it says something
about the quality of the receiver.
•  A	digital	receiver	model	differs	from	an	analog	modulaNon	
receiver	model	
•  The	-174	dBm	is	because	we	assume	that	the	receiver	
operates	at	room	temperature	
•  The	noise	floor	(NF)	of	the	receiver	comes	from	the	noise	
floor	experiment,	typically	it	is	2	to	5dB	for	the	receiver	
•  The	Eb/N0	raNo	is	the	energy	we	put	in	each	bit	relaNve	to	
the	noise	floor,	it	say	something	about	the	effort	we	put	in	
the	process		
•  fb	term,	this	is	the	data	rate	that	we	design	for	
•  Spectral	efficiency	Eb/No	and	the	BER/SER	say	something	
about	the	modulaNon	technique
•  Radio	astronomy:	design	the	best	receiving	
system	in	the	world	to	listen	to	faint	radio	
sources	in	the	universe	
•  GNSS:	navigaNon	by	satellite	is	common	
pracNce	nowadays.	In	this	lecture	we	use	it	to	
show	how	digital	modulaNon	is	implemented.
Radio	astronomy	
•  In	Radio	Interferometry	astronomers	
listen	to	natural	radio	sources	in	the	
•  Radio	astronomers	also	help	to	track	
deep-space	planetary	probes.		
•  Radio	source	Cygnus	A	on	the	right	
seen	with	the	VLA	interferometer	
•  Angular	resoluNon	is	defined	by	
aperture	and	wavelength		(α=λ/D)	
•  Detectability	is	angular	resoluNon	and	
sensiNvity	(square	root	bandwidth	
Nmes	integraNon	Nme)	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 182	
Lobes	only	seen	by	VLA
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Westerbork	syntheNc	radio	
telescope,	the	front	end	is			
in	the	focal	point	of	the	
parabole,	the	LNA	is	kept	in	
a	very	cold	environment
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 184	
Source:	hSp://
Very	long	baseline	interferometry	
•  By	using	two	or	more	radio	telescopes	the	aperture	
increases,	we	call	this	syntheNc	aperture	because	VLBI	
emulates	a	very	large	telescope	
•  CorrelaNon	analysis	between	signals	received	at	both	
radio	telescopes	increases	the	signal	to	noise	raNo	of	
the	galacNc	radio	signal	
•  CorrelaNon	of	signal	between	the	telescopes	enables	
the	observaNon	of	very	weak	signals	
•  The	clocks	are	independent,	you	need	the	best	clocks	
in	the	world	to	run	the	interferometer	observaNon	
program.	Hydrogen	masers	are	therefore	used.	
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Sensi2vity	(σ)	of	the	radio	interferometer	
•  Number	of	baselines		(N)	
•  Bandwidth	of	the	signal	(Δν)	
•  IntegraNon	Nme	(tint)	
•  Efficiency	of	the	antenna	(ρ)	
•  System	temperature	(Tsys)	
•  Correlator	efficiency	(ηc)	
σ =
ρ Tsys
ηc N (N −1) Δν tint
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 187	
GPS	changed	the	world	
but	how	it	works	is	another	
GPS	signal	structure	
•  Spread	spectum	modulaNon	is	used	
•  L1	frequency	(1575.42MHz	=	154×10.23MHz)		
•  L2	frequency	(1227.60MHz	=	120×10.23MHz)		
•  Two	frequencies	help	to	model	the	
ionospheric	range	delay	effect	(refracNon)	
•  The	modulaNon	scheme	used	is	bi-phase	shi3	
keying	(BPSK)	using	a	unique	Gold	code	by	
satellite.	(S/V)		
•  For	GPS	the	max	number	of	codes	is	37	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 188
GPS	signal	structure	
•  What	informaNon	is	relevant	for	the	user?	
–  L1	:	contains	C/A	codes	and	the	P	(or	Y)	codes	
–  L2	:	contains	P	(or	Y)	codes	
–  C/A	codes	bandwidth	is	1.023	MHz,	data	rate	=	50	bps	
–  P(Y)	code	bandwidth	is	10.23	MHz,	data	rate	=	50	bps	
•  Codes	are	unique	for	each	GPS	space	vehicle	(S/V)	
–  Code	repeNNon	length	C/A	=	1023,	or	1	milliseconds	at	1.023	mbps		
–  Code	length	P(Y)	=	6.19	x	1012,	or	7	days	at	10.23	mbps,		
–  The	full	P(Y)-code	cycle	is	length	is	however	much	longer	
•  New	GPS	signals	are	planned	in	the	near	future,	the	
above	overview	is	not	meant	to	represent	the	new	
•  Also:	GNSS	=	GPS	+	Galileo	+	Glonass	+	Beidou	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 189
PRN	or	Gold	code	
XOR	 0	 1	
0	 0	 1	
1	 1	 0	
FF1	 FF4	 FF5	 FF6	 FF7	 FF8	FF2	 FF3	
PRN	code	
XOR	truth	table	
Q=D	a3er		
acNve	flank	
of	Ck	
Proper2es	PRN	code	
•  The	PRN	codes	are	pseudo	random,	the	codes	are	
unique,	this	is	how	you	find	a	satellite	
•  The	C/A	code	generator	is	known,	we	know	the	
presets	and	the	XOR	logic	
•  PRN	codes	repeat	a3er	a	certain	Nme	interval		
•  C/A	clear	access	repeNNon:	1	msec	
•  Align	PRN	codes	by	a	digital	code	correlator	
•  The	last	step	results	in	a	code	phase	
measurement	within	the	GPS	receiver
GPS	signal	modula2on	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 192	
NavigaNon	50	bps	
L1	1575.42	MHz	
L2	1227.60	MHz	
C/A	1.023	Mbps	
P(Y)	10.23	Mbps	
Module	2		
Module	2		
P(Y)	10.23	Mbps	
GPS	Receiver		
•  EssenNally	it	is	a	superheterodyne	receiver	except	that	
you	would	not	be	able	to	hear	anything	because:	
–  All	S/V	PRN	signals	are	on	top	of	one	another	
–  The	signals	are	below	the	noise	level	of	the	receiver	
•  So	how	would	this	work?	SNR	<	1	seems	a	bit	strange.	
•  Digital	code	correlaNon	solves	this	problem:	
–  Generate	PRN	code	replica’s	(C/A	and	NAV	are	always	
accessible,	P-codes	were	open,	Y-codes	are	classified)	
–  Degrees	of	freedom	during	correlaNon	are	the	code	phase	
offset	and	the	frequency	of	the	signal.		
–  Conclusion,	there	are	at	least	two	tracking	loops	in	a	GPS	
receiver,	one	aligns	the	codes,	the	other	aligns	the	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 193
A`er	the	intermediate	frequency	we	have	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 194	
Source:	Understanding	GPS	principles	and	applicaNons,	2nd	ediNon,	
E.D.	Kaplan,	C.J.	Hegarty,	editors.
GPS	receiver	concept	
Doppler	tracking	
Code	tracking	
PRN	code	
NCO	=	Numerically		
Controlled	Oscillator
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 196	
By correlating the received signal with a replica code
you introduce a so-called processing gain:
db(Gain) = 10 log10
bandwidth of the PRN code
bandwidth of the data rate
db(Gain) =10 log10
& = 43db
which lifts the signal above the noise level
Processing	gain	due	to	correla2on	
For	more	details:	D.	Doberstein,	Fundamentals	of	GPS	receivers,	appendix	A,	Springer	Verlag	2012
GPS	naviga2on	
•  Transmit	Nme	of	GPS	signal	is	known	(atom	clock)		
•  Received	from	the	GPS	S/V’s	are	(X,Y,Z,T)satellite	
•  Observed:	Code-phase	difference	between	the	local	
oscillator	(iniNally	not	synchronized)	and	the	
transmiSed	code	
•  This	informaNon	is	called	pseudo-range	informaNon	
(comes	with	a	1msec	ambiguity)	
•  Pseudo	range	=	c	.	(Treceived	–	Tsend)	+	Biasreceiverclock	
•  Phase	range	à	integrate	the	Doppler	effect	(This	is	
what	scienNsts/engineers	call	the	carrier	phase)	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 197
•  Brightspace	week	1.5
Course:	ae3535-16	
Space	minor	2017-2018	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 199
Exercise	on	digital	modula2on	
•  Problem	descripNon	
–  Assume	a	2.4	GHz	QPSK	signal,		
–  Channel	spacing	is	40	MHz	for	802.11n	wifi	
–  Assume	SNRs	between	-15	and	+15dB	
–  BER	=	1/2*erfc(sqrt(2*Eb/No)*sin(pi/4))		
•  Exercise:	
–  The	channel	capacity	is	a	funcNon	of	the	SNR,	How	is	
the	BER	is	affected	by	the	SNR?	Make	a	graph.		
–  At	what	SNR	is	your	wifi	connecNon	sNll	comfortable?	
–  EsNmate	the	spectral	efficiency	parameter,	and	the	
minimum	Eb/No	that	is	possible.	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 200
Exercise	on	VLBI	
•  What	is	the	angular	resoluNon	of:	
– opNcal	instrument	for	astronomy	research	
– Westerbork	array	
– InterconNnental	VLBI	campaign	
•  Why	is	VLBI	able	to	detect	variaNons	in	Earth	
rotaNon,	how	large	are	these	variaNons?
Exercise	on	Global	Posi2oning	System	
•  Describe	how	a	GPS	receiver	obtains	a	
standalone	navigaNon	soluNon	
•  How	many	satellite	do	you	need?	
•  What	are	the	main	error	sources	
•  How	can	you	improve	a	standalone	GPS	
Course	ae3-535	ST&C	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 203
Learning	goals	
•  Get	hands	on	experience	with	radio	hardware	
•  Moteino	boards,	arduino	+	radio	modem	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 204
Set-up	prac2cal	
•  Prepare	
– Form	groups	of	max	4	students		
– Study	the	manual	in	the	pracNcal	directory		
– Install	so3ware	as	is	explained	in	the	manual	
•  AcNvity:		
– Each	groups	gets	two	moteino	boards	
– Verify	the	installaNon	procedure		
– Get	it	to	work	in	the	classroom.	
•  Start	with	the	group	assignment		
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 205
Hardware	available	
•  Moteino	board,	much	like	an	Arduino	Uno	except	that	it	comes	
with	a	radio	modem,	a	RFM69W	
•  You	can	transceive	at	433MHz	or	866	MHz	in	Europe	under	the	
condiNons	that	apply	to	ISM	frequency	regulaNons	
•  We	will	only	use	the	866	MHz,	reason:	the	antenna	length	
•  Moteino	boards	are	connected	via	an	USB	connector	to	any	
Windows,	Mac	or	Linux	system	
•  InstallaNon:	
–  Arduino	IDE	environment	
–  FTDI	drivers,	
–  Libraries	for	the	RFM69W,	SPIFlash		
–  Moteino	hardware	model		
•  30	boards	available	for	ae3-535	communicaNons	pracNca;	
•  You	may	want	to	consider	to	use	the	boards	for	the	space	project	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 206
30	boards	installed	with	pinheaders	
for	a	breadboard			
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 207
What	do	you	get?	
•  Moteino	board,	plugged	onto	a	breadboard	
•  Jumper	wires	and	USB	cables		
•  Sign-up	with	name	and	student	ID	and	return	the	
hardware	a3er	period	Q2	
•  You	can	leave	your	experiment	on	the	9th	floor,	e.g.	in	
my	office,		
•  You	can	take	the	boards	with	you	as	long	as	safe	
transportaNon	is	demonstrated		
•  Preferred	way	of	transportaNon:	a	carton	box		
•  Any	boards	that	leaves	the	faculty	needs	to	be	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 208
ARach	board	via	USB	to	PC,	the	USB	
serial	driver	should	start	to	install	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 209	
Take	note	of	the	com	port	number,		
Here	it	is	44,	so	COM44	is	what	you	need
IDE	so`ware	
Select	Arduino	Uno	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 210
Select	COM44	as	discussed	
two	sheets	ago	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 211
IDE	so`ware	arduino	
Get	your	program	to	work	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 212
IDE	arduino	
Upload	your	code	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 213
IDE	arduino	
	A3er	uploading	avrdude	
should	say	all	is	ok	(beware	
of	sync	errors	caused	by	
FTDI	driver	problems	or	
COM	port	conflicts)	
Under	serial	monitor	you	
can	see	the	output	of	your	
moNno	board,	select	the	
proper	BAUD	rate	
AlternaNve	so3ware:	kiSy	
(allows	you	to	capture	the	
output	in	a	logfile)	Only	if	
you	want	to	capture	the	
output	in	a	file	
	06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 214
Installa2on	for	the	Windows/MAC	
•  Get	IDE	version	1.6.1	from	or	blackboard	(IDE:	
integrated	development	environment)	
•  Get	the	required	FTDI	drivers	(only	required	when	there	is	
a	need	to	update	them)	
•  Get	the	required	hardware	model	from,	select	MoNno	(not	MEGA)	as	
hardware	model	in	the	IDE	
•  Get	the	RFM69	library	from	
•  Get	the	SPFlash	library	from	
•  Ignore	library	updates	by	the	IDE,	only	rely	on	the	libraries	
•  Do	not	reinvent	the	wheel,	but	make	use	C/C++	code	from	
the	example	directory,	blackboard	or	the	internet.		
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 215
Classroom	exercise		
•  PracNce	run	with	the	moteino	boards		
– Beacon	is	in	the	classroom	
– Nodes	are	with	the	student	groups		
•  Purpose	
– Install	and	verify	the	so3ware	
– Establish	communicaNon	
– Once	this	works	you	can	start	with	the	group	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 216	
Course	ae3-535	ST&C	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 217
•  Groups	are	defined	in	week	1.6	
•  Work	on	the	4	problems	in	the	assignment	
•  Submit	the	group	assignment	report	to	
turniNn	on	brightspace.	We	only	need	1	PDF	
•  Experiment	
–  Find	an	area	that	is	mostly	free	of	obstrucNon	
–  Measure	the	RSSI	offset	close	to	the	beacon.	
–  Measure	the	RSSI	values	at	a	distance	up	to	100	meter	
from	the	beacon	
–  Evaluate	the	free	space	loss	term	in	the	link	budget.	
•  ReporNng	
–  Answer	all	quesNons	related	to	the	FSL	experiment	
–  Include	a	plot	the	measured	free	space	loss		
–  Match	the	plot	with	a	FSL	equaNon		
•  Maximum:	3	points	out	of	10	
06/10/17	 TU	Del3	class	ae3-535	 219
•  You	solve	5	exercise	problems	in	the	group		
•  One	non-trivial	exercise	per	week	from	w1.1	to	w1.5		
•  Maximum:	3	points	out	of	10
•  Experiment:	
–  Collect	staNsNcs	on	the	number	of	packets	that	arrived	without	
an	error	and	with	an	error	(a	retry	in	the	so3ware)	
–  Modify	the	so3ware	and	derive	the	BER	as	a	funcNon	of	the	SNR	
•  ReporNng	
–  Plot	the	bit	error	rate	of	the	experiment	over	a	sufficient	wide	
range	of	SNRs	
–  Is	there	an	analyNcal	funcNon	that	gets	close	to	the	measured	
–  Plot	the	spectral	efficiency	as	a	funcNon	of	the	Eb/No	raNo,	for	
details	see	week	1.5	lecture	
•  Maximum:	2	points	out	of	10
Experiment	to	simulate	a	satellite	to	groundstaNon	link	
•  Experiment	
–  You	need	two	set-ups	of	the	Arduino	IDE	
–  No	baSery	powered	experiments	are	allowed,	only	laptop	and	USB		
–  One	moteino	is	the	satellite,	the	other	moteino	is	the	ground	staNon	
–  The	satellite	performs	measurements	of	the	NTC	and/or	LDRs.		
–  Ground	staNon	collects	the	measurements	
–  LEDs	are	the	actuators	on	the	satellite	
–  Make	a	funcNonal	diagram	first,	consult	a	supervisor	to	check	the	design	
–  Get	it	to	work	and	demonstrate	the	end-result	to	the	TA	
•  ReporNng	
–  Include	the	schemaNc,	calculate	the	current	by	pin	in	the	moteino	board	
–  The	full	experiment	should	be	described	in	the	report.	
•  Maximum:	2	points	out	of	10
•  What	we	always	expect	
–  A	group	report	should	be	submiSed	as	one	unsigned	PDF	file	
–  No	separate	MATLAB	or	Python	code	files	or	plots	
–  Clearly	state	which	problem	(1	to	4)	you	are	reporNng	
–  All	names	and	study	numbers	should	be	included	
–  DistribuNon	of	tasks	should	be	included	in	the	report	
–  Deadline:	November	the	14th	2017.	
•  Mandatory	
–  Free	space	loss	experiment:	3	points		
–  Exercises	previous	weeks:	3	points		
•  OpNonal	
–  ModulaNon	performance	:	2	points	
–  SimulaNon	ground	staNon	satellite:	2	points
Satellite Tracking and Communication Lecture

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