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Hayatus Sahabah by Muhadith Kandahlawi (Kandhelvi)
Rendered into current English
Khadeijah Abdullah Darwish (Anne Stephens)
With supporting extracts from her Millennium Biography of Prophet Muhammad
Praise and peace be upon him, to support the text
Free give away
Acquired from Amazon’s Kindle
Not for sale or resale by any third party
©2013 -
It was just after the blessed month of Ramadan that the Prophet, praise and peace be
upon him, had a vision in which he saw himself with his head shaven with key in hand
entering the Ka’bah. When the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told his
Companions of the vision great elation spread amongst the majority when he announced
his intention to lead them on a peaceful pilgrimage to the Sacred House. However, there
were some hypocrites who decided they would not to go with him on account of the fact
that there would be no spoils of war to bring home.
The situation in Mecca had not improved and many Koraysh remained hostile to the
Muslims, however as a sign of the pilgrim’s peaceful non-aggression entry to Mecca,
none of the Muslims carried weapons, except a few designated to hunt for food on the
Miswar, son of Makhrama spoke of this time and said that the Prophet, praise and peace
be upon him, told the pilgrims that before they reached Umaym (just outside Mecca),
Khalid, son of Waleed (who had not as yet converted) and his cavalry would have
already arrived there to monitor the situation and therefore the Muslims must make a
detour to the right. Miswar swore by Allah that Khald did not notice their presence until
much later when he saw clouds of dust arise in the air, whereupon he made haste to
return to Mecca and warn the Koraysh.
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the pilgrims continued to
make their way on to Mecca and upon reaching a valley just outside Mecca called
Hudaybiyah, the Prophet’s camel, Kaswa, sat down and refused to move. Despite the
coaxing of the Companions and their customary cry ‘Hal, Hal’ (which was a call to
camels to rise and start walking) she remained sitting and would not budge. Some of the
Companions thought she was being stubborn, but the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, told them she was not, rather it was the same Being that prevented
Abrahah (with the elephant) from entering Mecca that was preventing Kaswa from
Shortly thereafter, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told his
Companions, “I swear by the One in whose control is my life that I shall grant the
unbelievers any request they make as long as it keeps Holy those things that Allah has
made sacred.” Then the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, urged
Kaswa and she stood up and they left the road to settle at the end of the valley of
Hudaybiyah where there was a spring of water.
Upon reaching the spring they found it only a little water, and there was insufficient water
for the Companions and their animals, The Companions went to the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, to inform him of the situation, whereupon he took an
arrow from its quiver and instructed them to stick it into the spring. Miswar narrates, “By
Allah, the water from the spring gushed forth for the Companions and continued to do so
until they left that place.”
THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH praise and peace be upon him
The pilgrims were camped at Hudaybiyah when Buday,l son of Warqa Khuza’e arrived
together with several of his tribesmen from the Banu Khuza’a. The tribe of Banu Khuza’a
were a branch tribe of the Tihama and although they had not as yet converted were on
good terms with the Muslims and no doubt the friendliest tribe in that region.
Upon Budayl’s arrival he went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
and told him they had just passed the tribes of Aamir and Ka’b the sons of Luway who
were by the other springs of Hudaybiyah preparing to fight and prevent them from
reaching the Ka’bah. The determination of these tribes to fight the Muslims was so
intense that they had arrived with their camels that were close to giving birth and those
that had just given birth. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told
Budayl, “I have not come to fight, my intention is only to perform Umrah (the lesser
pilgrimage), combat has already weakened them and caused them a lot of harm. If they
are agreeable, we are prepared to enter into a treaty with them for a period, that during
that period they should not interfere with my relationship with people. If I am successful
and the people (accept Islam), the Koraysh have the choice of entering into the Religion
like the others. On the other hand, if the people gain the upper hand over me, the
Koraysh will have nothing to worry about, but I swear by the One in whose control is my
life, I will fight them for the sake of this Religion until either my head is severed from my
neck, or the Religion of Allah flourishes.” Budayl told the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, that he would convey his message to the Koraysh and departed to
met with their chieftains and tribesmen.
Upon reaching Mecca Budayl told the Koyrash, “We have just come from that man and
have heard him say something, if you would like I will convey to you what he said.”
Budayl and his companions were shunned by many. They approached Ikrimah, son of
the infamous Abu Jahl and tried to tell them of the Prophet's position, but he refused to
listen. However, Safwan and Urwah happened to be present and told Ikrimah that his
attitude was unreasonable whereupon Safwan asked Budayl to tell him what had
transpired at Hudaybiyah. Budayl told them that the Prophet's intent was none other
than peaceful, and he was prepared to give the Koraysh sufficient time to prepare
themselves for their entrance.
Urwah was of the opinion that the proposal was fair and that if it was not accepted it
would harm them. He further suggested he would go to the Prophet, praise and peace
be upon him, both as an envoy and as a scout, observe for himself the attitude of the
pilgrims, return, and give them his opinion. His proposal was accepted and Urwah left for
praise and peace be upon him
(Before leaving Mecca) Urwah, son of Masood stood before his tribe and asked, “O
people am I not like a father to you?” They replied, “Yes, indeed.” Then he asked, “Are
you not like my children?” Again they replied, “Yes, indeed.” Once more he asked, “Do
you have any doubts about me?” They replied that they had not. He then proceed to ask,
“Are you aware of the fact that I mustered the support of the people of Ukaz to assist you
but when they refused I presented myself with my family, children and all who would
obey me?” “Yes” they replied. Whereupon Urwah said to his fellow tribesmen referring to
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, “He has presented a fine
proposal. Accept it and allow me to negotiate with him.” His tribesmen were agreeable
and Urwah went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the
negotiation process were opened.
The Messenger of Allah praise and peace be upon him, repeated what he had said to
Budayl, whereupon Urwah said, “If you destroy your people, have you ever heard of an
Arab before you who has done this to his family? On the other hand, if matters went the
other way (meaning the Koraysh defeated the Muslims) I don’t see a group of loyal or
trustworthy people around you, what I see is a mixture of people who are prone to desert
you and leave you alone.” Abu Bakr was outraged at Urwah’s remark and exclaimed,
“Go and make love to the idol Al Laat! What! we would never desert the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and leave him by himself!” Urwah asked, “Who is
this?” and was informed that it was Abu Bakr. Urwah responded saying, “I swear by the
One who is in control of my life! Had it not been for a favor I owe to you, and which I
have yet to pay, I would have indeed replied to you!”
As Urwah addressed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, Urwah
treated him at his at his own level and grasped hold of the Messenger of Allah’s beard.
Mughirah, son of Shu’ba who was Urwah’s nephew, who was standing nearby touched
Urwah’s hand with the flat of his sheathed sword as a warning and Urwah removed his
hand. The conversation was quite lengthy and Urwah forgot himself again and once
more took hold of the Prophet's beard whereupon Mughirah tapped him a little harder
but this time said, "Take your hand from the Messenger of Allah's beard while it is still
yours to take!" Urwah removed his hand immediately and asked who that person was
and was subsequently informed, whereupon Urwah said, “O betrayer, have I not borne
the brunt of your betrayal!” During the Age of Ignorance Mughirah had befriended some
people whom he had later robbed and killed. Later, he came to the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, with his plunder and embraced Islam. The Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told him, “I accept your Islam, but I do not accept
your wealth.”
Urwah started to observe the Companions very closely, and was greatly moved by their
love, obedience and loyalty as well as their other fine characteristics. When relating his
observations he said, “By Allah, even when the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be
upon him, would spit, someone would catch it and rub it upon his face and body.
Whenever he issued a command, his Companions would carry it out immediately, and
when he made ablution for prayer they would vie with one another to catch the water
that dripped from his limbs. When they spoke to him, they would lower their voices and
refrain from looking directly at his eyes out of respect for him.”
Urwah departed and returned to his people and related what he had observed and told
them, “O people I have been to the royal courts of Caesar, Chosroes and the Negus, but
I have never seen any of their followers so devoted to either one of them as the followers
of Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, are to him. Indeed he has made a fine
proposal to you so accept it.”
Whilst Urwah was in the Prophet's camp, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him,
had sent yet another envoy, on camel-back, by the name of Khirash from the tribe of
Ka'b to Mecca. Khirash was met by Ikrimah who wasted no time killing his camel and
was about to turn on Khirash when Hulays and some of his tribesmen saw what
happened and restrained Ikrimah demanding that Khirash be allowed to return to the
Prophet, praise and peace be upon him.
Upon Khirash’s return to the camp he went immediately to the Prophet, praise and
peace be upon him, and told him what had happened then advised him saying, "O
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, send someone to them who is more
respected than myself." The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, accepted his
humble advice and called upon Omar, but Omar reminded him that the Koraysh were
very hostile toward him and there was no one in his own tribe strong enough to lend his
support. Omar then suggested that Othman, Affan’s son, should go on account of the
fact he was not only highly respected amongst many of their tribesmen but also wise.
The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, agreed and Othman made his way to
Mecca to reason with the Koraysh.
The days went by, and the pilgrims waited patiently for Othman’s return. Each day they
looked anxiously for him as fears grew that something evil had befallen him.
It was during this time the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, called his followers
around him under an Acacia tree and asked them to renew their oath of allegiance.
The first to give his oath was Sinan from the tribe of Khuzaimah, the Prophet , praise
and peace be upon him, extended his left hand and held it with his right hand saying, "I
pledge my allegiance for Othman", then, one by one the Muslims renewed their oath of
Allah speaks of this occasion in the Koran:
“To Allah belong the armies of the heaven and the earth.
Allah is the Almighty and the Wise.
We have sent you (Prophet Muhammad) as a witness
and as a bearer of glad tidings and warning,
so that you believe in Allah and His Messenger
and that you support him, revere him, and exalt Him,
at the dawn and in the evening.
Those who swear allegiance to you swear allegiance to Allah.
The Hand of Allah is above their hands.
He who breaks his oath breaks it against his self,
but for he that keeps his covenant made with Allah,
Allah shall give him a mighty wage.
The Bedouins who lagged behind will say to you:
‘We were occupied with our possessions and families,
so ask Allah to forgive us.’
But they say with their tongues what they do not mean in their hearts.
Say, ‘Who can help you against Allah if it is that He wills harm for you
or desires benefit for you?
Allah is Aware of what you do.’
No, you thought that the Messenger and the believers
would never return to their families,
and this was made to seem fair in your hearts so you harbored evil thoughts,
and so you are a destroyed nation.
But whosoever disbelieves in Allah and His Messenger,
We have prepared a Blazing Fire for the unbelievers.
To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth.
He forgives whom He will and punishes whom He will.
Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Koran 48:4-14
Not long after the pledging Othman returned unharmed. He had been well received but
the Prophet's request had been rejected, however he had been given the opportunity to
offer his own personal pilgrimage but out of respect for the Prophet, praise and peace be
upon him, he declined.
In the meantime, the Koraysh, who had allied themselves to the peoples of the Ahabish,
asked one of its chieftains named Hulays, from the tribe of Al Harith, a branch of the
Kinanah, to also go and investigate. Hulays had taken part in the encounter at Uhud but
had been appalled by the Koraysh’s mutilation of the bodies of fallen Muslims; he was
also known to be a man who respected religious rites. As the Prophet, praise and peace
be upon him, saw him approaching, he told the pilgrims to let the sacrificial camels
wander freely towards him and this they did. When Hulays saw the garland camels
coming towards him, as the pilgrims reciting the Talbiya, he exclaimed, “Exalted is Allah!
It is not right to prevent these people from visiting the Kabah.” It was enough to convince
him the intent was indeed peaceful and so he returned to Mecca.
Upon his return he related to the Koraysh what he had seen and gave them his opinion,
however, the Koraysh rebuked him harshly, and referred to him as being incapable of
assessing the situation saying he was no more than a Bedouin, who knew little of these
kinds of affairs. It was a miscalculated insult. With authority Hulays responded, "People
of Koraysh, by Allah, it was not for this that we allied ourselves with you, neither are we
with you in this concern. When someone comes to honor the House of Allah should they
be barred from it? By Him in whose hand is my soul, you either let Muhammad do what
he has come to do, or, I will withdraw each and every man of the Ahabish!" The Koraysh
had not reckoned upon Hulays' response and now pleaded with him to delay taking
action until they had chance to draw up terms acceptable to both parties.
There was a lot of activity in Mecca and the Koraysh decided to send yet another person
to determine the situation whereupon Mikraz, son of Hafs stood up and requested that
he be the one to go and meet with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, and was given permission to do so. Upon his arrival, the Messenger of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him, said, “He is Mikraz, an evil person.”
As Mikraz started to negotiate with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, Suhayl, son of Amr arrived. Zuhri narrated that upon Suhayal’s arrival he sought the
presence of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and was taken to
him and said, “Come, let us write a treaty between ourselves” whereupon the Messenger
of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, sent for a scribe and instructed him to write:
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful.
Suhayl objected and said, “By Allah, we do not know what Ar Rahman is, write in Your
Name O Allah”
The Muslims protested at the abbreviation, but the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, instructed the scribe to write:
“In Your Name O Allah, this is the agreement between Muhammad, the Messenger of
Allah.” Suhayl objected again saying, ”By Allah, had we known that you are truly the
Messenger of Allah, we would not have prevented you from visiting the Kabah, nor
would we have fought against you. Rather write, ‘Muhammad, son of Abdullah.’”
Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “By Allah, I am
the Messenger of Allah, even though you people deny it.” Then with great wisdom the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told his scribe to write, ‘Muhammad,
son of Abdullah’. Zuhri draws attention to the statement the Prophet, praise and peace
be upon him, made earlier that he would not deny the unbelievers any request they
made as long as it kept Holy those things that Allah has made sacred. The Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, then said, “(The first part) is that you allow us to
perform the circumambulation of Kabah.” Yet again, Suhayhl raised an objection saying,
“Never! By Allah, the Arabs would say that we bowed before you. This will only be in the
next year.” (So it was agreed that the Muslims would be allowed to perform Umrah the
following year). Suhayl stipulated that it be as part of the agreement that if anyone of the
Koraysh who lived in Mecca were to join the Muslims of Medina (after the signing of the
agreement) that they should be returned to the Koraysh in Mecca, despite the fact that
they had converted. Thereupon there was an outcry of “SubhanAllah, from the indignant
Muslims, who said, “How can he be returned to the unbelievers when he has become a
Negotiations were still underway when Abu Jandal, son of Suhyal was brought chained
in fetters. Abu Jandal, had converted and Suhayl declared, “This man, O Muhammad, is
the first person I am demanding that you return to me in accordance with the treaty!” The
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, reminded Suhayl that the treaty had
not yet be concluded, but Suhayl was adamant and said, “Then I shall never negotiate a
treaty with you!” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, asked that Abu
Jandal be left with them, but Suhayl angrily said, “I will never leave him with you.” Where
upon Abu Jandal who had been severely tortured addressed the Muslims saying, “O
Muslims, why should I be returned when you can see how I have suffered at the hands
of the unbelievers.”
The Muslims were distraught and forgot themselves and said. “Are you not the Prophet
of Allah.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied, “I am indeed.”
Omar asked, “Are we not on the truth and our enemies on falsehood?” The Messenger
of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “Certainly.” Omar asked, “Then why do we
have to submit?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied, “I am
indeed the Messenger of Allah, and cannot disobey Him, and He is my Helper.” Omar
questioned, “Did you not tell us that we shall arrive at the Ka’bah and perform the
circumambulation?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied,
“Indeed I did, but did I tell you it would be this year?” Omar affirmed that he had not. The
Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, continued, “Then you will indeed arrive there
and perform the circumambulation of Ka’bah. Omar then went to Abu Bakr and repeated
what he had just said to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the
reply he had been given, whereupon Abu Bakr confirmed what the Messenger of Allah
had said saying, “He is indeed the Messenger of Allah, and cannot disobey Allah, and
Allah is his Helper, and we will assuredly perform the circumambulation.” Omar’s
emotions had run away with him and he regretted having spoken in such a matter and
said that thereafter he did many good deeds in the hope of amending for his outburst.
The treaty was now concluded, and the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, instructed his Companions thrice to sacrifice their animals and to shave off their
hair, but his instructions fell on the disappointed deaf ears of his Companions. Upon the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be on him, seeing their reaction he returned to his
tent and told Lady Umm Salama. Lady Umm Salama said, “O Prophet of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him, why not go out and without speaking, slaughter your animal,
then call for someone to shave your hair.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be
upon him, went out and sacrificed his animal and had his hair shaved off. Upon seeing
that the Companions were so distraught that they had not followed the instruction of the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and followed his example that they
vied with one another to respond and slaughtered their animals then had their hair
shaved off. Such was the intensity of their response that Lady Umm Salamah said she
feared someone might be hurt on account of their haste to comply with the example of
the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him.
Omar deeply regretted his uncontrolled outburst during the writing of the treaty, for he
knew that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, obeyed Allah, and that he should
neither have questioned the authority nor yet the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad, praise
and peace be upon him. He also felt his outburst was reprehensible and so he rode
quickly until he caught up with the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him. The Prophet,
praise and peace be upon him, however, was preoccupied with other affairs and did not
pay much attention to Omar and he felt even worse whereupon Omar rode ahead
muttering to himself, "Let my mother mourn for her son Omar!"
As Omar rode on alone his fears overwhelmed him and he was deeply troubled that his
actions might be the subject of a Revelation. Immersed in sincere regret, Omar did not
hear the pounding of horse’s hooves behind him until its rider caught up with him. The
rider bore a message from the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, asking him to
return to him. Obediently, Omar turned his mount around and rode toward the Prophet,
praise and peace be upon him. As he approached, Omar's fears were waylaid as he saw
the Prophet's face aglow with happiness. As Omar drew alongside the Prophet, praise
and peace be upon him, he told Omar he had receive a Revelation which was dearer to
him than anything else under the sun. It was the chapter Alfat-h; The Opening, which
begins with the verses:
"Indeed, We have opened for you (Prophet Muhammad) a clear opening,
that Allah forgives your past and future sins,
and completes His Favor to you, and guides you on a Straight Path,
and that Allah helps you with a mighty help ..."
Koran Ch. 48:1-3
Shortly after their return, Abu Basir, a young tribesman from the Thakif living in Mecca
arrived in Medina. Abu Basir had converted to Islam but when the Meccans discovered
his conversion they had, as was the case with many converts, imprisoned him, however,
Abu Basir had managed to escape.
Upon reaching Medina, Abu Basir went to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him,
and told him of his circumstances, but the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was
bound by the terms of the treaty and told him that he must return, but comforted him
saying that Allah would soon open a way for him.
Abu Basir's escape had not gone unnoticed in Mecca and soon a tribesman was sent by
the Koraysh together with his freed slave Kawthar, to ask for his immediate return. The
Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, honored and abided by the terms of the treaty,
and so Abu Basir was handed over to them.
Abu Basir loathed the thought of returning and planned to rid himself of the two
tribesmen on their journey back to Mecca. At the first halt, Abu Basir seized the
Korayshi's sword and killed him, whilst Kawthar fled in terror back to Medina where he
made straight for the Mosque. As Kawthar entered he saw the Prophet, praise and
peace be upon him, raced over to him and threw himself down at his feet, whereupon
the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said with concern, "This man has witnessed
a terrible thing." After Kawthar had a chance to regain his breath he told the Prophet,
praise and peace be upon him, what had transpired and shortly afterwards, Abu Basir
arrived with his sword still drawn.
Abu Basir wanted the camels and the dead man's weapons to be divided according to
the distribution of the spoils of war, however, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon
him, declined saying, "If I did such a thing it would be thought that I had not kept the
terms of the treaty I had sworn to keep." Then he turned to Kawthar and said, "The
spoils taken by this man are your concern, return them and this man to the one who sent
you." Kawthar was shaken by the Prophet's instruction and in fear for his life referred to
the fact that he was just one person, and very unwilling to take Abu Basir back to Mecca.
The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had abided by the treaty, but now that
Kawthar, the Koraysh representative, refused to return with Abu Basir he had done all
that was necessary on his part and Abu Basir left Medina for the coastal village of Saif
Omar made it his duty to find out where Abu Basir had settled and whenever coastal
tribesmen came to Medina he would inquire if they had seen him and then managed to
get word of Abu Basir's circumstances to the detained Muslims in Mecca. When Abu
Jandal learned of Abu Basir's exploits, he, together with several other youths, amongst
whom was Waleed, brother of Khalid who had played a major role in the hostilities
against the Muslims, decided to escape and join him.
As time passed, seventy converts managed to make good their escape and joined Abu
Basir who had by now established himself within striking distance of the northern trade
route to Syria frequented by the Koraysh. Now that they were strong they took to
harassing and often plundered the Koraysh caravans in retaliation for their confiscated
property, and the harm they had suffered simply because they worshipped Allah alone.
The raids of Abu Basir and his companions were something the Koraysh could do
without. The raids caused loss of life, disrupted their trade and made their journeys
difficult with the result the Koraysh decided to waive the clause preventing those who
wished to join the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, from joining him.
Now that the clause had been waived, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, sent
word to Abu Basir and the others that they were free to join him in Medina. However,
Abu Basir had been taken seriously ill but lived just long enough to read the Prophet's
letter and passed away with it in his hand in the knowledge that his companions would
soon be with his and their beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, in Medina.
Before his companions set off for Medina they laid Abu Basir to rest and built a simple
mosque over his tomb.
The long awaited day was near at hand. As Abu Basir’s companions reached the lava
plains that lay on the outskirts of Medina, Waleed's camel tripped causing him to fall and
gash his finger on a rock. The finger became infected and Waleed grew weaker each
day and died soon after.
Before the angels of death finally took away Waleed’s soul he had a chance to write a
letter to his brother Khalid in which he encouraged him to convert to Islam. In the letter
he told him that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had occasionally inquired
about his welfare and commented, "if Khalid were to redirect his strength on the side of
Islam against the idolaters it would be better for him, and we would prefer him to others."
Waleed concluded his last letter to his brother with the words, "You see my brother what
you are missing!"
It was during that period that Allah sent down a new Revelation:
“It was He who restrained their hands from you and
your hands from them in the hollow (Hudaybiyah) of Mecca
after He had given you victory over them.
Allah sees the things you do.
They are those who disbelieved and barred you
from the Holy Mosque and the offering detained so as not to
reach its place of sacrifice.
If it had not been for certain believing men and certain believing women
whom you did not know,
you might have trampled upon them,
and so sin reached you because of (killing) them while you did not know.
In order that Allah admits into His Mercy whom He will,
had they (the believers) been easy to distinguish,
We would have punished the unbelievers among them with a painful punishment.
And when the unbelievers established in their hearts fierce bigotry,
the fierce bigotry of ignorance,
Allah sent down His tranquility on His Messenger and the believers
and firmly fastened to them the Word of 'taqwa' (there is no god except Allah, and
Muhammad is His Messenger, as it is the cause of righteousness)
to which they have better right and are worthy of it.
Allah has knowledge of all things.” Ch 48 24:26
Abu Bakr commented, “There has never been a victory in Islam greater than the victory
of Hudaybiyah, but the people on that day were unable to understand what Prophet
Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, and his Lord were doing. Whereas mankind
is hasty, Allah does not have the haste mankind has because of matters which He
During the Farewell Pilgrimage, I saw Suhayl, son of Amr standing at the slaughtering
place of the animals, near the Messenger of Allah’s camel. The Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, slaughtered the camel with his own hands and then
called for someone to shave his hair, whereupon Suhayl caught some strands and
pressed them upon his eyes. I then thought this is Suhayl who had opposed the contents
of the treaty and had refused to accept the writing of ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of
Allah’, thereupon I praised Allah who had guided him to Islam.”
May Allah be pleased with all the Companions.

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  • 1. HUDAYBIYAH BUDAYL , SON OF WARQA SAFWAN AND URWAH, SON OF MASOOD SUHAYL, SON OF AMR HULAYS, FROM THE TRIBE OF AL HARITH KHIRASH, FROM THE TRIBE OF KA’B SINAN, FROM THE TRIBE OF KHUZAIMAH ABU BASIR, FROM THE TRIBE OF THAKIF WALEED, BROTHER OF KHALID Hayatus Sahabah by Muhadith Kandahlawi (Kandhelvi) Rendered into current English by Khadeijah Abdullah Darwish (Anne Stephens) With supporting extracts from her Millennium Biography of Prophet Muhammad Praise and peace be upon him, to support the text Free give away Acquired from Amazon’s Kindle Not for sale or resale by any third party ©2013 - THE TREATY OF HUDAYBIYAH It was just after the blessed month of Ramadan that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had a vision in which he saw himself with his head shaven with key in hand entering the Ka’bah. When the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told his Companions of the vision great elation spread amongst the majority when he announced
  • 2. his intention to lead them on a peaceful pilgrimage to the Sacred House. However, there were some hypocrites who decided they would not to go with him on account of the fact that there would be no spoils of war to bring home. The situation in Mecca had not improved and many Koraysh remained hostile to the Muslims, however as a sign of the pilgrim’s peaceful non-aggression entry to Mecca, none of the Muslims carried weapons, except a few designated to hunt for food on the journey. Miswar, son of Makhrama spoke of this time and said that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told the pilgrims that before they reached Umaym (just outside Mecca), Khalid, son of Waleed (who had not as yet converted) and his cavalry would have already arrived there to monitor the situation and therefore the Muslims must make a detour to the right. Miswar swore by Allah that Khald did not notice their presence until much later when he saw clouds of dust arise in the air, whereupon he made haste to return to Mecca and warn the Koraysh. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the pilgrims continued to make their way on to Mecca and upon reaching a valley just outside Mecca called Hudaybiyah, the Prophet’s camel, Kaswa, sat down and refused to move. Despite the coaxing of the Companions and their customary cry ‘Hal, Hal’ (which was a call to camels to rise and start walking) she remained sitting and would not budge. Some of the Companions thought she was being stubborn, but the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told them she was not, rather it was the same Being that prevented Abrahah (with the elephant) from entering Mecca that was preventing Kaswa from continuing. Shortly thereafter, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told his Companions, “I swear by the One in whose control is my life that I shall grant the unbelievers any request they make as long as it keeps Holy those things that Allah has made sacred.” Then the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, urged Kaswa and she stood up and they left the road to settle at the end of the valley of Hudaybiyah where there was a spring of water. Upon reaching the spring they found it only a little water, and there was insufficient water for the Companions and their animals, The Companions went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, to inform him of the situation, whereupon he took an arrow from its quiver and instructed them to stick it into the spring. Miswar narrates, “By Allah, the water from the spring gushed forth for the Companions and continued to do so until they left that place.” BUDAYL , SON OF WARQA KHUZA’A MEETING WITH THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH praise and peace be upon him The pilgrims were camped at Hudaybiyah when Buday,l son of Warqa Khuza’e arrived together with several of his tribesmen from the Banu Khuza’a. The tribe of Banu Khuza’a were a branch tribe of the Tihama and although they had not as yet converted were on good terms with the Muslims and no doubt the friendliest tribe in that region. Upon Budayl’s arrival he went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and told him they had just passed the tribes of Aamir and Ka’b the sons of Luway who 2
  • 3. were by the other springs of Hudaybiyah preparing to fight and prevent them from reaching the Ka’bah. The determination of these tribes to fight the Muslims was so intense that they had arrived with their camels that were close to giving birth and those that had just given birth. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told Budayl, “I have not come to fight, my intention is only to perform Umrah (the lesser pilgrimage), combat has already weakened them and caused them a lot of harm. If they are agreeable, we are prepared to enter into a treaty with them for a period, that during that period they should not interfere with my relationship with people. If I am successful and the people (accept Islam), the Koraysh have the choice of entering into the Religion like the others. On the other hand, if the people gain the upper hand over me, the Koraysh will have nothing to worry about, but I swear by the One in whose control is my life, I will fight them for the sake of this Religion until either my head is severed from my neck, or the Religion of Allah flourishes.” Budayl told the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, that he would convey his message to the Koraysh and departed to met with their chieftains and tribesmen. Upon reaching Mecca Budayl told the Koyrash, “We have just come from that man and have heard him say something, if you would like I will convey to you what he said.” Budayl and his companions were shunned by many. They approached Ikrimah, son of the infamous Abu Jahl and tried to tell them of the Prophet's position, but he refused to listen. However, Safwan and Urwah happened to be present and told Ikrimah that his attitude was unreasonable whereupon Safwan asked Budayl to tell him what had transpired at Hudaybiyah. Budayl told them that the Prophet's intent was none other than peaceful, and he was prepared to give the Koraysh sufficient time to prepare themselves for their entrance. Urwah was of the opinion that the proposal was fair and that if it was not accepted it would harm them. He further suggested he would go to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, both as an envoy and as a scout, observe for himself the attitude of the pilgrims, return, and give them his opinion. His proposal was accepted and Urwah left for Hudaybiyah. URWAH, SON OF MASOOD’S MEETING WITH THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH AT HUDAYBIYAH praise and peace be upon him (Before leaving Mecca) Urwah, son of Masood stood before his tribe and asked, “O people am I not like a father to you?” They replied, “Yes, indeed.” Then he asked, “Are you not like my children?” Again they replied, “Yes, indeed.” Once more he asked, “Do you have any doubts about me?” They replied that they had not. He then proceed to ask, “Are you aware of the fact that I mustered the support of the people of Ukaz to assist you but when they refused I presented myself with my family, children and all who would obey me?” “Yes” they replied. Whereupon Urwah said to his fellow tribesmen referring to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, “He has presented a fine proposal. Accept it and allow me to negotiate with him.” His tribesmen were agreeable and Urwah went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the negotiation process were opened. The Messenger of Allah praise and peace be upon him, repeated what he had said to Budayl, whereupon Urwah said, “If you destroy your people, have you ever heard of an 3
  • 4. Arab before you who has done this to his family? On the other hand, if matters went the other way (meaning the Koraysh defeated the Muslims) I don’t see a group of loyal or trustworthy people around you, what I see is a mixture of people who are prone to desert you and leave you alone.” Abu Bakr was outraged at Urwah’s remark and exclaimed, “Go and make love to the idol Al Laat! What! we would never desert the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and leave him by himself!” Urwah asked, “Who is this?” and was informed that it was Abu Bakr. Urwah responded saying, “I swear by the One who is in control of my life! Had it not been for a favor I owe to you, and which I have yet to pay, I would have indeed replied to you!” As Urwah addressed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, Urwah treated him at his at his own level and grasped hold of the Messenger of Allah’s beard. Mughirah, son of Shu’ba who was Urwah’s nephew, who was standing nearby touched Urwah’s hand with the flat of his sheathed sword as a warning and Urwah removed his hand. The conversation was quite lengthy and Urwah forgot himself again and once more took hold of the Prophet's beard whereupon Mughirah tapped him a little harder but this time said, "Take your hand from the Messenger of Allah's beard while it is still yours to take!" Urwah removed his hand immediately and asked who that person was and was subsequently informed, whereupon Urwah said, “O betrayer, have I not borne the brunt of your betrayal!” During the Age of Ignorance Mughirah had befriended some people whom he had later robbed and killed. Later, he came to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, with his plunder and embraced Islam. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told him, “I accept your Islam, but I do not accept your wealth.” Urwah started to observe the Companions very closely, and was greatly moved by their love, obedience and loyalty as well as their other fine characteristics. When relating his observations he said, “By Allah, even when the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, would spit, someone would catch it and rub it upon his face and body. Whenever he issued a command, his Companions would carry it out immediately, and when he made ablution for prayer they would vie with one another to catch the water that dripped from his limbs. When they spoke to him, they would lower their voices and refrain from looking directly at his eyes out of respect for him.” Urwah departed and returned to his people and related what he had observed and told them, “O people I have been to the royal courts of Caesar, Chosroes and the Negus, but I have never seen any of their followers so devoted to either one of them as the followers of Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, are to him. Indeed he has made a fine proposal to you so accept it.” Whilst Urwah was in the Prophet's camp, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had sent yet another envoy, on camel-back, by the name of Khirash from the tribe of Ka'b to Mecca. Khirash was met by Ikrimah who wasted no time killing his camel and was about to turn on Khirash when Hulays and some of his tribesmen saw what happened and restrained Ikrimah demanding that Khirash be allowed to return to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him. Upon Khirash’s return to the camp he went immediately to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, and told him what had happened then advised him saying, "O Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, send someone to them who is more respected than myself." The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, accepted his 4
  • 5. humble advice and called upon Omar, but Omar reminded him that the Koraysh were very hostile toward him and there was no one in his own tribe strong enough to lend his support. Omar then suggested that Othman, Affan’s son, should go on account of the fact he was not only highly respected amongst many of their tribesmen but also wise. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, agreed and Othman made his way to Mecca to reason with the Koraysh. The days went by, and the pilgrims waited patiently for Othman’s return. Each day they looked anxiously for him as fears grew that something evil had befallen him. It was during this time the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, called his followers around him under an Acacia tree and asked them to renew their oath of allegiance. The first to give his oath was Sinan from the tribe of Khuzaimah, the Prophet , praise and peace be upon him, extended his left hand and held it with his right hand saying, "I pledge my allegiance for Othman", then, one by one the Muslims renewed their oath of allegiance. Allah speaks of this occasion in the Koran: “To Allah belong the armies of the heaven and the earth. Allah is the Almighty and the Wise. We have sent you (Prophet Muhammad) as a witness and as a bearer of glad tidings and warning, so that you believe in Allah and His Messenger and that you support him, revere him, and exalt Him, at the dawn and in the evening. Those who swear allegiance to you swear allegiance to Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands. He who breaks his oath breaks it against his self, but for he that keeps his covenant made with Allah, Allah shall give him a mighty wage. The Bedouins who lagged behind will say to you: ‘We were occupied with our possessions and families, so ask Allah to forgive us.’ But they say with their tongues what they do not mean in their hearts. Say, ‘Who can help you against Allah if it is that He wills harm for you or desires benefit for you? Allah is Aware of what you do.’ No, you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families, and this was made to seem fair in your hearts so you harbored evil thoughts, and so you are a destroyed nation. But whosoever disbelieves in Allah and His Messenger, We have prepared a Blazing Fire for the unbelievers. To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whom He will and punishes whom He will. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Koran 48:4-14 Not long after the pledging Othman returned unharmed. He had been well received but the Prophet's request had been rejected, however he had been given the opportunity to 5
  • 6. offer his own personal pilgrimage but out of respect for the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, he declined. In the meantime, the Koraysh, who had allied themselves to the peoples of the Ahabish, asked one of its chieftains named Hulays, from the tribe of Al Harith, a branch of the Kinanah, to also go and investigate. Hulays had taken part in the encounter at Uhud but had been appalled by the Koraysh’s mutilation of the bodies of fallen Muslims; he was also known to be a man who respected religious rites. As the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, saw him approaching, he told the pilgrims to let the sacrificial camels wander freely towards him and this they did. When Hulays saw the garland camels coming towards him, as the pilgrims reciting the Talbiya, he exclaimed, “Exalted is Allah! It is not right to prevent these people from visiting the Kabah.” It was enough to convince him the intent was indeed peaceful and so he returned to Mecca. Upon his return he related to the Koraysh what he had seen and gave them his opinion, however, the Koraysh rebuked him harshly, and referred to him as being incapable of assessing the situation saying he was no more than a Bedouin, who knew little of these kinds of affairs. It was a miscalculated insult. With authority Hulays responded, "People of Koraysh, by Allah, it was not for this that we allied ourselves with you, neither are we with you in this concern. When someone comes to honor the House of Allah should they be barred from it? By Him in whose hand is my soul, you either let Muhammad do what he has come to do, or, I will withdraw each and every man of the Ahabish!" The Koraysh had not reckoned upon Hulays' response and now pleaded with him to delay taking action until they had chance to draw up terms acceptable to both parties. There was a lot of activity in Mecca and the Koraysh decided to send yet another person to determine the situation whereupon Mikraz, son of Hafs stood up and requested that he be the one to go and meet with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and was given permission to do so. Upon his arrival, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “He is Mikraz, an evil person.” As Mikraz started to negotiate with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, Suhayl, son of Amr arrived. Zuhri narrated that upon Suhayal’s arrival he sought the presence of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and was taken to him and said, “Come, let us write a treaty between ourselves” whereupon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, sent for a scribe and instructed him to write: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful. Suhayl objected and said, “By Allah, we do not know what Ar Rahman is, write in Your Name O Allah” The Muslims protested at the abbreviation, but the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, instructed the scribe to write: “In Your Name O Allah, this is the agreement between Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.” Suhayl objected again saying, ”By Allah, had we known that you are truly the Messenger of Allah, we would not have prevented you from visiting the Kabah, nor would we have fought against you. Rather write, ‘Muhammad, son of Abdullah.’” Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “By Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah, even though you people deny it.” Then with great wisdom the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, told his scribe to write, ‘Muhammad, 6
  • 7. son of Abdullah’. Zuhri draws attention to the statement the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, made earlier that he would not deny the unbelievers any request they made as long as it kept Holy those things that Allah has made sacred. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, then said, “(The first part) is that you allow us to perform the circumambulation of Kabah.” Yet again, Suhayhl raised an objection saying, “Never! By Allah, the Arabs would say that we bowed before you. This will only be in the next year.” (So it was agreed that the Muslims would be allowed to perform Umrah the following year). Suhayl stipulated that it be as part of the agreement that if anyone of the Koraysh who lived in Mecca were to join the Muslims of Medina (after the signing of the agreement) that they should be returned to the Koraysh in Mecca, despite the fact that they had converted. Thereupon there was an outcry of “SubhanAllah, from the indignant Muslims, who said, “How can he be returned to the unbelievers when he has become a Muslim!” Negotiations were still underway when Abu Jandal, son of Suhyal was brought chained in fetters. Abu Jandal, had converted and Suhayl declared, “This man, O Muhammad, is the first person I am demanding that you return to me in accordance with the treaty!” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, reminded Suhayl that the treaty had not yet be concluded, but Suhayl was adamant and said, “Then I shall never negotiate a treaty with you!” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, asked that Abu Jandal be left with them, but Suhayl angrily said, “I will never leave him with you.” Where upon Abu Jandal who had been severely tortured addressed the Muslims saying, “O Muslims, why should I be returned when you can see how I have suffered at the hands of the unbelievers.” The Muslims were distraught and forgot themselves and said. “Are you not the Prophet of Allah.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied, “I am indeed.” Omar asked, “Are we not on the truth and our enemies on falsehood?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “Certainly.” Omar asked, “Then why do we have to submit?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied, “I am indeed the Messenger of Allah, and cannot disobey Him, and He is my Helper.” Omar questioned, “Did you not tell us that we shall arrive at the Ka’bah and perform the circumambulation?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, replied, “Indeed I did, but did I tell you it would be this year?” Omar affirmed that he had not. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, continued, “Then you will indeed arrive there and perform the circumambulation of Ka’bah. Omar then went to Abu Bakr and repeated what he had just said to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the reply he had been given, whereupon Abu Bakr confirmed what the Messenger of Allah had said saying, “He is indeed the Messenger of Allah, and cannot disobey Allah, and Allah is his Helper, and we will assuredly perform the circumambulation.” Omar’s emotions had run away with him and he regretted having spoken in such a matter and said that thereafter he did many good deeds in the hope of amending for his outburst. The treaty was now concluded, and the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, instructed his Companions thrice to sacrifice their animals and to shave off their hair, but his instructions fell on the disappointed deaf ears of his Companions. Upon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be on him, seeing their reaction he returned to his tent and told Lady Umm Salama. Lady Umm Salama said, “O Prophet of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, why not go out and without speaking, slaughter your animal, then call for someone to shave your hair.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, went out and sacrificed his animal and had his hair shaved off. Upon seeing 7
  • 8. that the Companions were so distraught that they had not followed the instruction of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and followed his example that they vied with one another to respond and slaughtered their animals then had their hair shaved off. Such was the intensity of their response that Lady Umm Salamah said she feared someone might be hurt on account of their haste to comply with the example of the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him. Omar deeply regretted his uncontrolled outburst during the writing of the treaty, for he knew that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, obeyed Allah, and that he should neither have questioned the authority nor yet the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him. He also felt his outburst was reprehensible and so he rode quickly until he caught up with the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, however, was preoccupied with other affairs and did not pay much attention to Omar and he felt even worse whereupon Omar rode ahead muttering to himself, "Let my mother mourn for her son Omar!" As Omar rode on alone his fears overwhelmed him and he was deeply troubled that his actions might be the subject of a Revelation. Immersed in sincere regret, Omar did not hear the pounding of horse’s hooves behind him until its rider caught up with him. The rider bore a message from the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, asking him to return to him. Obediently, Omar turned his mount around and rode toward the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him. As he approached, Omar's fears were waylaid as he saw the Prophet's face aglow with happiness. As Omar drew alongside the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, he told Omar he had receive a Revelation which was dearer to him than anything else under the sun. It was the chapter Alfat-h; The Opening, which begins with the verses: "Indeed, We have opened for you (Prophet Muhammad) a clear opening, that Allah forgives your past and future sins, and completes His Favor to you, and guides you on a Straight Path, and that Allah helps you with a mighty help ..." Koran Ch. 48:1-3 THE RETURN TO MEDINA Shortly after their return, Abu Basir, a young tribesman from the Thakif living in Mecca arrived in Medina. Abu Basir had converted to Islam but when the Meccans discovered his conversion they had, as was the case with many converts, imprisoned him, however, Abu Basir had managed to escape. Upon reaching Medina, Abu Basir went to the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, and told him of his circumstances, but the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was bound by the terms of the treaty and told him that he must return, but comforted him saying that Allah would soon open a way for him. Abu Basir's escape had not gone unnoticed in Mecca and soon a tribesman was sent by the Koraysh together with his freed slave Kawthar, to ask for his immediate return. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, honored and abided by the terms of the treaty, and so Abu Basir was handed over to them. Abu Basir loathed the thought of returning and planned to rid himself of the two 8
  • 9. tribesmen on their journey back to Mecca. At the first halt, Abu Basir seized the Korayshi's sword and killed him, whilst Kawthar fled in terror back to Medina where he made straight for the Mosque. As Kawthar entered he saw the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, raced over to him and threw himself down at his feet, whereupon the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, said with concern, "This man has witnessed a terrible thing." After Kawthar had a chance to regain his breath he told the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, what had transpired and shortly afterwards, Abu Basir arrived with his sword still drawn. Abu Basir wanted the camels and the dead man's weapons to be divided according to the distribution of the spoils of war, however, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, declined saying, "If I did such a thing it would be thought that I had not kept the terms of the treaty I had sworn to keep." Then he turned to Kawthar and said, "The spoils taken by this man are your concern, return them and this man to the one who sent you." Kawthar was shaken by the Prophet's instruction and in fear for his life referred to the fact that he was just one person, and very unwilling to take Abu Basir back to Mecca. The Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had abided by the treaty, but now that Kawthar, the Koraysh representative, refused to return with Abu Basir he had done all that was necessary on his part and Abu Basir left Medina for the coastal village of Saif Al-Bahr. Omar made it his duty to find out where Abu Basir had settled and whenever coastal tribesmen came to Medina he would inquire if they had seen him and then managed to get word of Abu Basir's circumstances to the detained Muslims in Mecca. When Abu Jandal learned of Abu Basir's exploits, he, together with several other youths, amongst whom was Waleed, brother of Khalid who had played a major role in the hostilities against the Muslims, decided to escape and join him. As time passed, seventy converts managed to make good their escape and joined Abu Basir who had by now established himself within striking distance of the northern trade route to Syria frequented by the Koraysh. Now that they were strong they took to harassing and often plundered the Koraysh caravans in retaliation for their confiscated property, and the harm they had suffered simply because they worshipped Allah alone. The raids of Abu Basir and his companions were something the Koraysh could do without. The raids caused loss of life, disrupted their trade and made their journeys difficult with the result the Koraysh decided to waive the clause preventing those who wished to join the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, from joining him. Now that the clause had been waived, the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, sent word to Abu Basir and the others that they were free to join him in Medina. However, Abu Basir had been taken seriously ill but lived just long enough to read the Prophet's letter and passed away with it in his hand in the knowledge that his companions would soon be with his and their beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, in Medina. Before his companions set off for Medina they laid Abu Basir to rest and built a simple mosque over his tomb. The long awaited day was near at hand. As Abu Basir’s companions reached the lava plains that lay on the outskirts of Medina, Waleed's camel tripped causing him to fall and gash his finger on a rock. The finger became infected and Waleed grew weaker each 9
  • 10. day and died soon after. Before the angels of death finally took away Waleed’s soul he had a chance to write a letter to his brother Khalid in which he encouraged him to convert to Islam. In the letter he told him that the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, had occasionally inquired about his welfare and commented, "if Khalid were to redirect his strength on the side of Islam against the idolaters it would be better for him, and we would prefer him to others." Waleed concluded his last letter to his brother with the words, "You see my brother what you are missing!" It was during that period that Allah sent down a new Revelation: “It was He who restrained their hands from you and your hands from them in the hollow (Hudaybiyah) of Mecca after He had given you victory over them. Allah sees the things you do. They are those who disbelieved and barred you from the Holy Mosque and the offering detained so as not to reach its place of sacrifice. If it had not been for certain believing men and certain believing women whom you did not know, you might have trampled upon them, and so sin reached you because of (killing) them while you did not know. In order that Allah admits into His Mercy whom He will, had they (the believers) been easy to distinguish, We would have punished the unbelievers among them with a painful punishment. And when the unbelievers established in their hearts fierce bigotry, the fierce bigotry of ignorance, Allah sent down His tranquility on His Messenger and the believers and firmly fastened to them the Word of 'taqwa' (there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger, as it is the cause of righteousness) to which they have better right and are worthy of it. Allah has knowledge of all things.” Ch 48 24:26 ABU BAKR SPEAKS OF THE TREATY OF HUDAYBIYAH Abu Bakr commented, “There has never been a victory in Islam greater than the victory of Hudaybiyah, but the people on that day were unable to understand what Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, and his Lord were doing. Whereas mankind is hasty, Allah does not have the haste mankind has because of matters which He intended. During the Farewell Pilgrimage, I saw Suhayl, son of Amr standing at the slaughtering place of the animals, near the Messenger of Allah’s camel. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, slaughtered the camel with his own hands and then called for someone to shave his hair, whereupon Suhayl caught some strands and pressed them upon his eyes. I then thought this is Suhayl who had opposed the contents of the treaty and had refused to accept the writing of ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah’, thereupon I praised Allah who had guided him to Islam.” 10
  • 11. May Allah be pleased with all the Companions. 11