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Hayatus Sahabah by Muhadith Kandahlawi (Kandhelvi)
Rendered into current English
Khadeijah Abdullah Darwish (Anne Stephens)
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©2013 -
This chapter highlights the endurance of the Messenger of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him, and his Companions when faced with hardships
meted out to them by the Koraysh and others. It brings to light the
difficulties they patiently endured including those of hunger and thirst.
However, these matters were secondary to them and they paid little
attention to their own personal needs as they strove to elevate the Word of
Nufayr narrates the episode when they were sitting of Miqdad, son of Aswad and a
person happened to pass by. The person said, “Blessed are the eyes that saw the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. By Allah, we dearly wish that we
had seen what you saw and were present in the gathering in which you were present.”
Nufayr says that he had listened intently to what the man said and was surprised at the
abruptness of Miqdad’s response because the man had only said good words.
Miqdad turned to the man saying, “What makes you people wish to have been present at
a time that Allah made you absent. You don’t know what would have become of you if
you had been present! By Allah, there were many people who were present during the
time of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, but Allah caused them to
be thrown into Hell, because they did not accept him, refusing belief in him. Rather, don’t
you people think that you should be thankful to Allah for being born as people who know
only Allah as your Lord and believing in everything the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, brought? (You are fortunate that) hardships had been borne by
people other than yourselves. I swear by Allah, that Allah sent the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, as His Messenger during a time that was more arduous
and more wide spread than at any other time that Allah had sent other Prophets. It was
an era in which a long period of time had passed since He sent a Prophet and the
people were steeped in ignorance. People saw no religion better than idol-worshiping,
then the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was sent with the Criterion
(the Koran) that differentiated between truth and falsehood and through which father and
son became divided. The situation was such that a (Muslim) whose heart had been
unlocked and filled with belief saw either his father, son or brother remain in disbelief
and knew well that whosoever entered Hell would be condemned forever. He (the
Muslim) was therefore unable to experience any coolness (comfort) knowing that his
close relative was destined for Hell. Allah refers to them in the Koran:
“Those who say,
'Lord give us of our wives and children what pleases our eyes
and make us leaders to the fearful.' (Ch. 24:75)
Muhammad, son of Ka’b Qurazi narrates that a nephew of Hudhayfa from Kufa asked
him, “O Abu Abdullah, did you people see the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be
upon him, and accompany him?” Hudhayfa replied, “Yes, my dear nephew.” Whereupon
he asked, “What did you people do?” Hudhayfa replied, “By Allah, we used to exert
ourselves to the utmost.” Whereupon the nephew said, “By Allah, had we been in the
time of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, we would not have
allowed him to walk on the earth, we would have carried him on our shoulders!”
Hudhayfa replied, “My dear nephew, I swear by Allah that I was with the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, during the Battle of the Trench (Khadaq)” and
Hudhayfa then went on to tell him of the extreme conditions, hunger and cold they had
endured. (The Jews of Khaybar had gone to Mecca and successfully incited the Koraysh
to rise up against the Muslims in Medina. To ensure a successful outcome, the Jews had
bribed the tribe of Ghatfan tribe and its branches. The existing Koraysh army of 4000
men was now swelled by an extra 2,700 from the Ghatfan whereas the Muslims
numbered just 3,000).
In the narration of Muslim it states that Hudhayfa said to the man, “Is that what you
would have done? I was with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, on
the night of the Battle of Ahzab (another name for the Battle of the Trench) and the wind
was extremely fierce and bitterly cold (on top of which they faced extreme hunger,
tiredness and had to borrow weapons as their own were insufficient),” and he proceeded
to relate rest of the incident.
In the narration of Hakim and Bayhaqi it states the Hudhayfa said to the man, “Do not
wish for that.” Thereafter, Hudhayfa mentioned the details which will inshaAllah be found
in another chapter that discusses the conditions the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be up on him, and the Companions endured.
Anas narrates that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “I have
been harassed for the sake of Allah like no other and I have been threatened for the
sake of Allah like no other. Thirty consecutive days and nights would pass without either
myself or Bilal having enough for a living being to eat. What we had was so little that it
could be hidden under the armpit of Bilal.”
Aqeel, son of Abi Talib narrates that the hierarchy of the Koraysh approached Abu Talib
and complained (about the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him) saying,
“Your nephew comes to us in our homes and gatherings and tells us things that upset
us. So stop him from doing this.” Abu Talib said to his son, “O Aqeel, look for your cousin
and ask him to come to me.” Aqeel said, “I found the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, in one of Abu Talib’s smaller houses. As he walked with me, until he
reached Abu Talib.” Abu Talib said, “Dear nephew, by Allah, you know well that I am
always willing to obey you, but your people have come with the complaint that you visit
them in their homes and gatherings and tell them things (about their idols) that upset
them. Don’t you think you stop this?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, raised his eyes to the heavens and said, “I am unable to forsake the responsibility I
have been sent to fulfill (the worship of false gods) just as any of you are unable to
harness a spark of flame from the sun.” Abu Talib, said (to the Korayshis who were still
there), “I swear by Allah that my nephew never lies. So return to your homes peacefully.”
In the narration of Bayhaqi it states that Abu Talib called for the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, and told him that the people had come to him and
reported what he had been saying to them. Abu Talib said, “Have mercy on me and on
yourself and do not cast on me a burden that neither of us can bear. Refrain from telling
the people things they dislike.” When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, heard this, he thought that his uncle had changed his mind, and stop assisting him,
and that perhaps he would hand him over to the people, or that he had lost his courage
to support him. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “O my
uncle, even if the sun were placed in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I
would not forsake this work (preaching) until Allah makes it (His religion) prevail,” and
the eyes of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, filled with tears and
he began to shed tears. As the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
turned to leave Abu Talib realized his firm resolve and called out, “Dear nephew” and the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, turned to him. Abu Talib said,
“Continue with your message because I swear by Allah that I will never desert you.”
Abdullah, son of Ja’far narrates that when Abu Talib passed away, a fool from amongst
the fools of the Koraysh approached the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, and threw sand at him. When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, returned home, one of his daughters wiped the sand from his face and then began
to cry. He said to her, “O beloved daughter, do not weep because Allah will protect your
father.” He also told her, “Until Abut Talib passed away, the Koraysh dared not to do
anything unpleasant to me, but now they have started.”
Abu Hurayrah said that when Abu Talib passed away, the Koraysh started to treat the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, very harshly. The Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was heard to say, “O my uncle, I am feeling your
loss very quickly.”
Harith, son of Harith narrates that there was a gathering and he asked his father what it
was all about. His father replied, “These people have gathered around one of their men
who is irreligious.” Harith says that when they dismounted from their rides they saw the
person was the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, calling people to the
Oneness of Allah and belief, but the people were rejecting what he was saying and
harming him. Eventually, the people left him and after half the day had passed, a lady
whose neck was exposed came to him with a dish full of water and a cloth. The
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, drank some of the water and made
ablution with what remained. Then he raised his head and said, “Dear daughter, wear a
scarf around your neck and do not fear for your father.” Harith said that when they asked
who the young lady was, the people told them that she was Zaynab, may Allah be
pleased with her, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
Muneb Azdi narrates that during the Age of Ignorance he had seen the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, saying to the people, “O people, say ‘there is no
god except Allah’ and you will be successful.” But some people spat on his face, others
threw sand at him as others reviled him. This continued until midday when a girl came to
him with a dish of water. He washed his face and hands and said to her, “O beloved
daughter, do not fear that your father will ever be killed suddenly or humiliated.” Muneb
said that when he asked who the girl was, he was informed that it was Zaynab, the
daughter of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. He also added that
she was a very pretty girl.
Urwa narrates that he asked Abul ‘As about the worst thing the unbelievers did to the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Abul ‘As told him, “There was a time
when the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was offering his prayer
under the elevated door of Ka’bah (Hateem) when Utba, son of Abi Mu’et came and
placed a cloth around the neck of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, tugged it so hard that it started to severely choke the Messenger of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him. Abu Bakr arrived and grabbed Uqba by the shoulders and push
him away from the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, as Abu Bakr
“Would you kill a man because he says, ‘My Lord is Allah?’
He has brought you clear signs from your Lord.’ (Ch. 40:28)
Amr, son of Al ‘As narrates that there was a time when he had seen the Koraysh attempt
to assassinate the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and that was
when a group of them were sitting talking amongst each other, as the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was offering his prayer near the place where
Abraham had once stood (Maqam). Uqba, the son of Abi Mu’et stood in front of the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and flung his shawl around his neck.
He pulled it so hard (throttling him) that he fell to his knees. The people started shouting
and thought that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, had been
killed. Abu Bakr came running and grabbed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace
be upon him, under his armpits saying, “Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my
After the people had left, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, stood
up and continued to offer his prayer. After the completion of the prayer he passed a
group of the Koraysh who were sitting in the shade of Ka’bah and said to them, “O
assembly of Koraysh, I swear by the One who controls the life of Muhammad that I have
been sent to slaughter you.” As the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
spoke he indicated to them by passing his finger across his throat. Abu Jahl said to the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, “You have never been one to make
foolish statements.” Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
said to him, ‘You are also among them (meaning those who will be killed).’”
Urwa, son of Zubair narrates that he asked Abdullah, son of Amr, “In venting out their
enmity, what was the most harmful thing you saw the Koraysh do to the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him?” Abdullah, son of Amr told him of the time when
he was sitting with a group of the hierarchy of the Koraysh who had gathered under the
elevated door of Ka’bah (Hateem) and were saying to one another. “We have never had
to put up with so much as we have had to tolerate from this man (the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him)! He has made fools of our intelligent people,
insulted our forefathers, denounced our religion, disunited our people and abused our
gods. We have been too tolerate with him!”
As they were speaking the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived
and walked up to the Black Stone, and then as he circumambulated Ka’bah he passed
by them and they made fun of him. Abdullah said, “I noticed by the expression on the
face of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, that he was hurt. The
same thing happened the second time he passed them as he continued with his
circumambulation of Ka’bah. Upon the third time he stopped and said, “Won’t you listen
O assembly of Koraysh. I swear by the One who controls the life of Muhammad that I
have come to slaughter you.” This statement penetrated their hearts so deeply that each
person stood stunned and motionless. In fact, even the one who had just a few moments
before been the most vile to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said
meekly, “O Abdul Kasim, proceed in peace. By Allah, you have never been one to make
foolish statements.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, left.
Abdullah, son of Amr said that he was present again with them the following day as they
congregated under the door of Ka’bah and said to each other, “We have talked about the
hardship we have imposed upon him and the problems he has given to us, but when he
told you something you did not like, you left him alone!” Once again as they conversed
with one another the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived and
this time they surrounded and confronted him mentioning everything they had heard he
had said about their gods and religion. Then they asked whether or not he had made
such insults. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, confirm that he
had indeed said these things. Abdullah, continued and said, “Then I saw one of them
grab hold of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, by the collar. Abu
Bakr came and stood in defense of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon
him, and tearfully said, “Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord?’” and they left
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, alone. Abdullah said, “That was
the worst thing I saw the Koraysh mete out to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace
be upon him.
Some people asked Asmaa, the daughter of Abi Bakr what was the worst she had seen
the unbelievers do to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. She
replied saying, “The unbelievers would sit in the precincts of the Sacred Mosque to
discuss what they had heard him say about their gods. As they were doing this one day,
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived and they attacked him.
Abu Bakr heard the people call out, ‘Help your friend!’ My father left us (I can recall that)
his hair had four locks and he was saying: ‘Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my
Lord,’ when he has brought you clear signs from your Lord? (Ch. 40:28)’
The people then left the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and turned
on Abu Bakr. When he returned to us (he was beaten so badly that) just by touching the
locks of his hair would cause his hair to fall out. Despite this he kept saying, ‘You are
most Blessed, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.’”
In another narration: The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was so
badly beaten that he fell unconscious. Abu Bakr said, “Shame on you! Would you kill a
man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord?’ (In another narration, it says that at his juncture, the
people left the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and started to attack
Abu Bakr.
While addressing the people, Ali asked, “O people, who is the most courageous
person?” The people replied, “You are, O Prince of Believers.” Ali said, “Although I have
defeated those who confronted me, the most courageous person was Abu Bakr.
(Before the Battle of Badr) we erected a shelter for the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, to prevent the unbelievers from attacking him. Whenever an
unbeliever drew close, Abu Bakr was there close to the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, with his sword drawn. Abu Bakr attacked anyone who dared to try
and attack the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, he was certainly the
bravest of people.”
Ali said, “I have seen the Koraysh grab hold of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace
be upon him. One of the Koraysh would be treating him angrily as another shook him
saying, ‘Do you make all the gods into One!’ By Allah, none of us dared to go close to
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, (in fear of being beaten) except
Abu Bakr. He would beat one person, wrestle with another and shake someone else as
he said, ‘Shame on you people, would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord’.”
Having said that, Ali lifted his shawl and wept. His beard became wet, and he said
thereafter, “I ask you to swear by Allah whether the believer in the court of Pharaoh was
better or Abu Bakr.” Everyone remained silent and Ali said, “By Allah, a moment of the
life of Abu Bakr is better than the earth full of people like the believer in the court of
Pharaoh. The believer in the court of Pharaoh concealed his belief, whereas Abu Bakr
made his belief public.”
Abdullah, son of Masood, narrates that as the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be
upon him, was praying in the Sacred Mosque, seven members of the Koraysh were
sitting under the (elevated) door of Ka’bah (Hateem). They were Abu Jahl, son of
Hisham; Shayba, son of Rabe’ah; Utba, son of Rabe’ah; Uqba, son of Abi Mu’et;
Umayah, son of Kahlaf and two others. (They had observed that when) the Messenger
of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, prayed he would make his prostration long, and
Abu Jahl asked his companions which of them would volunteer to collect the camel
entrails of from a tribe that slaughtered camels and throw it over the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Uqba, son of Mu’et was amongst the vilest of them
and it was he who volunteered. He returned bringing with him the camel’s entrails threw
them over the shoulders of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, as
he prostrated.
Abdullah, son of Masood said that he stood their watching but was unable to say
anything because there was no one to protect him (from the seven Korayshites).
As soon as little Lady Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, heard what had happened
she went to her father and removed the filth from the Messenger of Allah’s shoulders
and turned to the perpetrators and rebuked them but none replied. The Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, continued to offer his prayer and after he raised
his head at the end of the prayer he supplicated three times saying, “O Allah, deal with
the Koraysh, deal with Utba, Aqba, Abu Jahl and Shayba” then left the Mosque.
Abul Bakhtari was wearing his whip as a belt when he met the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him, and noticed the disturbed look on his face and asked
what was the matter. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, requested
him to leave him by himself, but Abul Bakhatari insisted and said, “Allah knows I will
never leave you to yourself until you tell me what has happened, are you hurt?” When
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, realized that Abul Bakhtari
would not leave him alone, he told him about the camel entrails that had been thrown
upon him, and that it was Abu Jahl who had given the instruction. Abul Baktari said,
“Come to the Mosque.” When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
and Abul Bakhtari entered the precincts of the Mosque, Abul Bakhtari confronted Abu
Jahl and demanded, “O Abul Hakam, was it you who instructed the entrails of a camel to
be thrown on Muhammad?” Abu Jahl admitted that it was, whereupon Abul Bakhtari
raised his whip and smote Abu Jahl on the head. The people started to fight one another
and Abu Jahl shouted out, “Shame on you people, Muhammad wants us to be at
loggerheads while he and his Companions remain safe!”
Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and others also briefly reported the preceding incident. The
narration of Bukhari states that after the entrails had been thrown over the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, the unbelievers started laughing uncontrollably,
such much so that they fell on top of each other. The narration of Ahmad quotes from
Abdullah, son of Masood that he saw each of those seven unbelievers killed during the
Battle of Badr.
praise and peace be upon him
Ya’qoob, son of Utba narrates that Abu Jahl had gone to the Messenger of Allah, praise
and peace be upon him, who was at Safa and caused him considerable harm. Hamza
was an avid hunter and was out hunting on that specific day. Hamza’s wife had seen
what Abu Jahl did and upon Hamza’s return she (met him outside the house and) told
him, “O Abu Umarah, if you had seen what that man (Abu Jahl) did to your nephew!”
(She told him what had happened whereupon) Hamza became infuriated and did not
enter his house, (and without discarding his hunting attire) he, with his bow still slung
around his shoulders entered the precincts of the Sacred Mosque where he found Abu
Jahl sitting among a gathering of the Koraysh. Without saying a word, Hamza (who was
a very strong person) lifted his bow above Abu Jahl’s head, struck and wounded him.
Some of Abu Jahl’s party stood up to try and restrain Hamza as he declared, “My
religion is the same as that of Muhammad, I bear witness that he is the Messenger of
Allah, and I swear by Allah that I will never change my mind. You may try to stop me if
you are true in your religion!”
When Hamza accepted Islam, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
and the Muslims were strengthened and they become more resolute in their affairs.
(Now that Hamza had accepted Islam) the Koraysh were reluctant (to act against the
Muslims) as they knew that Hamza would protect the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him.
Muhammad, son of Ka’b Qurazi narrates the time when Hamza was returning from
hunting, when a woman met him and told him that his nephew (the Messenger of Allah,
praise and peace be upon him) had suffered greatly at the hands of Abu Jahl, who had
not only reviled him, hurt him but had done several other despicable things. Hamza
asked her, “Did anyone else see him doing this?” and she told him that many people had
witnessed the incident.
Hamza went to the group of Korayshites who were near the hillocks of Safa and Marwa
and found Abu Jahl still sitting amongst them. Hamza leaned on his bow and told the
people what he had shot with his bow and other things he had done, then, he took hold
of his bow with both hands and struck Abu Jahl so hard on the center of his head that
the bow broke saying, “Take that with a bow, next time, it will be a sword! I bear witness
that he (Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah, who has
brought us the truth from Allah.” The people exclaimed, “O Abu Umarah, he insults our
gods and although you are better than he, we would never tolerate that even from you,
but you, Abu Umarah, have never been an unpleasant person.”
THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH, praise and peace be upon him
Abbas spoke of the time when he was in the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque when Abul
Jahl arrived and said, “I have made a vow to Allah, that if I see Muhammad prostrating, I
will stamp on his neck.” Abbas said that he told the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, left in such a hurry that instead of using the door, he scaled the wall.
Abbas said as he tied his lower garment tightly saying to himself, “This is going to be a
frightful day!” and he followed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him.
When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, entered the courtyard of
the Sacred Mosque he recited
“Read (Prophet Muhammad) in the Name of your Lord who created,
created the human from a (blood) clot.” (Ch. 96:1-2)
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, continued to recite the chapter
until he reached the verse that indicated the demeanor of Abu Jahl:
“Indeed, surely the human is very insolent
that he sees himself sufficed. (Ch 96:6-7)
Someone went to Abu Jahl and informed him that the Messenger of Allah, praise and
peace be upon him, had arrived and he said, “Don’t you see what I see? By Allah, the
horizons have been shut before me!” After completing the rest of the chapter, the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, prostrated.
praise and peace be upon him
Barra, daughter of Abi Tajra narrates that Abu Jahl and several others approached the
Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and greatly harmed him. Tulayb, the
son of Umair went up to Abu Jahl, and dealt him such a blow that his head was
wounded. When the other unbelievers grabbed hold of Tulayb, Abu Lahab stood up to
defend him. When Tulayb’s mother, Arwa (sister of Abu Lahab) heard what had
happened she exclaimed, “Indeed, this is the best day of Tulayb’s life, the day he went
to the assistance of his cousin (the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him).”
When Abu Lahab was told that (his sister) Arwa had accepted Islam, he went to her and
rebuked her. She responded, “You should also stand in defense of your nephew, if he
dominates, you will have some choice, and if he does not you will be excused because
he is your nephew.” Abu Lahab, said, “Do we have enough strength (to fight) against all
the Arabs? Yet, he has (gone ahead and) introduced a (new) religion.”
After Allah send Prophet Muhammad …
Qatada narrates that Ummu Kulthom, the Messenger of Allah’s daughter, was married to
Utayba, the son of Abu Lahab. Rukyah, another of the daughters of the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, had married Utba, Abu Lahab’s other son,
however, neither of the marriages had been consummated when the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, announced his prophethood.
Allah sent down the chapter:
“Perish the hands of Abi Lahab, and perish he!
His wealth will not suffice him, neither what he has gained;
He shall roast at a Flaming Fire,
And his wife, laden with firewood
Shall have a rope of palm-fiber around her neck!” Ch: 111
When this chapter became known to Abu Lahab, he said to his sons Utba and Utayba,
“If you do not divorce Muhammad’s daughter, I will have nothing to do with you.” as for
Abu Lahab’s wife: “And his wife, laden with firewood shall have a rope of palm-fiber
around her neck!” She too said to her sons, “My beloved sons, divorce them! They have
forsaken their religion!” and their sons divorced their wives.
After Utayba divorced Lady Ummu Kulthom, may Allah be pleased with her, he went to
the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, just before he was about to set
out to trade in Al Sham and said emphatically, “I reject your religion and have divorced
your daughter so never come to me, and I will never come to you.” Then Utayba
assaulted the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and tore his upper
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “I pray that Allah
unleashes one of his dogs on you.” Shortly thereafter, Utayba left with a party of other
Koraysh traders. When they reached a place called Zarqa they pitched their tents and at
nighttime a lion encircled their camp. Utayba exclaimed, “May my mother be destroyed!
By Allah! the lion is without doubt going to eat me as Muhammad said. Ibn Abi Kabsha
(the name of the Messenger of Allah’s foster father) has killed me while he is in Mecca
and I am in Al Sham.” The lion ignored the others in the party and attacked and killed
Utayba with a single bite.
In the narration of Hisham, son of Urwa and his father, Zuhair, son of Alaa states that
after circling them that night, the lion left, and the traders went to sleep with Utayba
sleeping in the middle of them. (The lion returned) and leapt over all of them and bit
Utayba’s head off.
Othman, son of Affan married Lady Ummu Kulthom, after her sister Lady Rukayah, may
Allah be pleased with them, his wife passed away.
praise and peace be upon him
Rabe’ah, son of Ubayd Deeli said to the people around him, “I hear you speaking a lot
about the difficulties the Koraysh meted out to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace
be upon him, and I have seen him being harassed many times.”
The house of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was situated
between the houses of Abu Lahab and Uqba, son of Abi Mu’et. When the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, returned home he would find the entrails of
animals, blood and filth hanging on his door and have to remove them with the end of his
staff. He said, “O Koraysh, these are indeed terrible neighbors.”

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  • 1. THE COURAGE OF CONVICTION SEEKING THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH Hayatus Sahabah by Muhadith Kandahlawi (Kandhelvi) Rendered into current English by Khadeijah Abdullah Darwish (Anne Stephens) Free give away Acquired from Amazon’s Kindle Not for sale or resale by any third party ©2013 - This chapter highlights the endurance of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and his Companions when faced with hardships meted out to them by the Koraysh and others. It brings to light the difficulties they patiently endured including those of hunger and thirst. However, these matters were secondary to them and they paid little attention to their own personal needs as they strove to elevate the Word of Allah. Nufayr narrates the episode when they were sitting of Miqdad, son of Aswad and a person happened to pass by. The person said, “Blessed are the eyes that saw the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. By Allah, we dearly wish that we had seen what you saw and were present in the gathering in which you were present.” Nufayr says that he had listened intently to what the man said and was surprised at the abruptness of Miqdad’s response because the man had only said good words. Miqdad turned to the man saying, “What makes you people wish to have been present at a time that Allah made you absent. You don’t know what would have become of you if you had been present! By Allah, there were many people who were present during the time of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, but Allah caused them to be thrown into Hell, because they did not accept him, refusing belief in him. Rather, don’t you people think that you should be thankful to Allah for being born as people who know
  • 2. only Allah as your Lord and believing in everything the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, brought? (You are fortunate that) hardships had been borne by people other than yourselves. I swear by Allah, that Allah sent the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, as His Messenger during a time that was more arduous and more wide spread than at any other time that Allah had sent other Prophets. It was an era in which a long period of time had passed since He sent a Prophet and the people were steeped in ignorance. People saw no religion better than idol-worshiping, then the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was sent with the Criterion (the Koran) that differentiated between truth and falsehood and through which father and son became divided. The situation was such that a (Muslim) whose heart had been unlocked and filled with belief saw either his father, son or brother remain in disbelief and knew well that whosoever entered Hell would be condemned forever. He (the Muslim) was therefore unable to experience any coolness (comfort) knowing that his close relative was destined for Hell. Allah refers to them in the Koran: “Those who say, 'Lord give us of our wives and children what pleases our eyes and make us leaders to the fearful.' (Ch. 24:75) HUDHAYFA Muhammad, son of Ka’b Qurazi narrates that a nephew of Hudhayfa from Kufa asked him, “O Abu Abdullah, did you people see the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and accompany him?” Hudhayfa replied, “Yes, my dear nephew.” Whereupon he asked, “What did you people do?” Hudhayfa replied, “By Allah, we used to exert ourselves to the utmost.” Whereupon the nephew said, “By Allah, had we been in the time of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, we would not have allowed him to walk on the earth, we would have carried him on our shoulders!” Hudhayfa replied, “My dear nephew, I swear by Allah that I was with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, during the Battle of the Trench (Khadaq)” and Hudhayfa then went on to tell him of the extreme conditions, hunger and cold they had endured. (The Jews of Khaybar had gone to Mecca and successfully incited the Koraysh to rise up against the Muslims in Medina. To ensure a successful outcome, the Jews had bribed the tribe of Ghatfan tribe and its branches. The existing Koraysh army of 4000 men was now swelled by an extra 2,700 from the Ghatfan whereas the Muslims numbered just 3,000). In the narration of Muslim it states that Hudhayfa said to the man, “Is that what you would have done? I was with the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, on the night of the Battle of Ahzab (another name for the Battle of the Trench) and the wind was extremely fierce and bitterly cold (on top of which they faced extreme hunger, tiredness and had to borrow weapons as their own were insufficient),” and he proceeded to relate rest of the incident. In the narration of Hakim and Bayhaqi it states the Hudhayfa said to the man, “Do not wish for that.” Thereafter, Hudhayfa mentioned the details which will inshaAllah be found in another chapter that discusses the conditions the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be up on him, and the Companions endured. THE HARDSHIPS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH ENDURED BRING ISLAM TO THE PEOPLE 2
  • 3. Anas narrates that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “I have been harassed for the sake of Allah like no other and I have been threatened for the sake of Allah like no other. Thirty consecutive days and nights would pass without either myself or Bilal having enough for a living being to eat. What we had was so little that it could be hidden under the armpit of Bilal.” THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH & HIS UNCLE ABU TALIB Aqeel, son of Abi Talib narrates that the hierarchy of the Koraysh approached Abu Talib and complained (about the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him) saying, “Your nephew comes to us in our homes and gatherings and tells us things that upset us. So stop him from doing this.” Abu Talib said to his son, “O Aqeel, look for your cousin and ask him to come to me.” Aqeel said, “I found the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, in one of Abu Talib’s smaller houses. As he walked with me, until he reached Abu Talib.” Abu Talib said, “Dear nephew, by Allah, you know well that I am always willing to obey you, but your people have come with the complaint that you visit them in their homes and gatherings and tell them things (about their idols) that upset them. Don’t you think you stop this?” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, raised his eyes to the heavens and said, “I am unable to forsake the responsibility I have been sent to fulfill (the worship of false gods) just as any of you are unable to harness a spark of flame from the sun.” Abu Talib, said (to the Korayshis who were still there), “I swear by Allah that my nephew never lies. So return to your homes peacefully.” In the narration of Bayhaqi it states that Abu Talib called for the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and told him that the people had come to him and reported what he had been saying to them. Abu Talib said, “Have mercy on me and on yourself and do not cast on me a burden that neither of us can bear. Refrain from telling the people things they dislike.” When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, heard this, he thought that his uncle had changed his mind, and stop assisting him, and that perhaps he would hand him over to the people, or that he had lost his courage to support him. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “O my uncle, even if the sun were placed in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I would not forsake this work (preaching) until Allah makes it (His religion) prevail,” and the eyes of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, filled with tears and he began to shed tears. As the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, turned to leave Abu Talib realized his firm resolve and called out, “Dear nephew” and the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, turned to him. Abu Talib said, “Continue with your message because I swear by Allah that I will never desert you.” THE HARDSHIP THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH EXPERIENCE AFTER THE DEATH OF ABU TALIB Abdullah, son of Ja’far narrates that when Abu Talib passed away, a fool from amongst the fools of the Koraysh approached the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and threw sand at him. When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, returned home, one of his daughters wiped the sand from his face and then began to cry. He said to her, “O beloved daughter, do not weep because Allah will protect your father.” He also told her, “Until Abut Talib passed away, the Koraysh dared not to do anything unpleasant to me, but now they have started.” 3
  • 4. Abu Hurayrah said that when Abu Talib passed away, the Koraysh started to treat the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, very harshly. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was heard to say, “O my uncle, I am feeling your loss very quickly.” THE KORAYSH HARASS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH AND HIS REACTION Harith, son of Harith narrates that there was a gathering and he asked his father what it was all about. His father replied, “These people have gathered around one of their men who is irreligious.” Harith says that when they dismounted from their rides they saw the person was the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, calling people to the Oneness of Allah and belief, but the people were rejecting what he was saying and harming him. Eventually, the people left him and after half the day had passed, a lady whose neck was exposed came to him with a dish full of water and a cloth. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, drank some of the water and made ablution with what remained. Then he raised his head and said, “Dear daughter, wear a scarf around your neck and do not fear for your father.” Harith said that when they asked who the young lady was, the people told them that she was Zaynab, may Allah be pleased with her, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Muneb Azdi narrates that during the Age of Ignorance he had seen the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, saying to the people, “O people, say ‘there is no god except Allah’ and you will be successful.” But some people spat on his face, others threw sand at him as others reviled him. This continued until midday when a girl came to him with a dish of water. He washed his face and hands and said to her, “O beloved daughter, do not fear that your father will ever be killed suddenly or humiliated.” Muneb said that when he asked who the girl was, he was informed that it was Zaynab, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. He also added that she was a very pretty girl. Urwa narrates that he asked Abul ‘As about the worst thing the unbelievers did to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Abul ‘As told him, “There was a time when the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was offering his prayer under the elevated door of Ka’bah (Hateem) when Utba, son of Abi Mu’et came and placed a cloth around the neck of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, tugged it so hard that it started to severely choke the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Abu Bakr arrived and grabbed Uqba by the shoulders and push him away from the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, as Abu Bakr recited: “Would you kill a man because he says, ‘My Lord is Allah?’ He has brought you clear signs from your Lord.’ (Ch. 40:28) Amr, son of Al ‘As narrates that there was a time when he had seen the Koraysh attempt to assassinate the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and that was when a group of them were sitting talking amongst each other, as the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was offering his prayer near the place where Abraham had once stood (Maqam). Uqba, the son of Abi Mu’et stood in front of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and flung his shawl around his neck. 4
  • 5. He pulled it so hard (throttling him) that he fell to his knees. The people started shouting and thought that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, had been killed. Abu Bakr came running and grabbed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, under his armpits saying, “Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord.’” After the people had left, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, stood up and continued to offer his prayer. After the completion of the prayer he passed a group of the Koraysh who were sitting in the shade of Ka’bah and said to them, “O assembly of Koraysh, I swear by the One who controls the life of Muhammad that I have been sent to slaughter you.” As the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, spoke he indicated to them by passing his finger across his throat. Abu Jahl said to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, “You have never been one to make foolish statements.” Whereupon the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said to him, ‘You are also among them (meaning those who will be killed).’” Urwa, son of Zubair narrates that he asked Abdullah, son of Amr, “In venting out their enmity, what was the most harmful thing you saw the Koraysh do to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him?” Abdullah, son of Amr told him of the time when he was sitting with a group of the hierarchy of the Koraysh who had gathered under the elevated door of Ka’bah (Hateem) and were saying to one another. “We have never had to put up with so much as we have had to tolerate from this man (the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him)! He has made fools of our intelligent people, insulted our forefathers, denounced our religion, disunited our people and abused our gods. We have been too tolerate with him!” As they were speaking the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived and walked up to the Black Stone, and then as he circumambulated Ka’bah he passed by them and they made fun of him. Abdullah said, “I noticed by the expression on the face of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, that he was hurt. The same thing happened the second time he passed them as he continued with his circumambulation of Ka’bah. Upon the third time he stopped and said, “Won’t you listen O assembly of Koraysh. I swear by the One who controls the life of Muhammad that I have come to slaughter you.” This statement penetrated their hearts so deeply that each person stood stunned and motionless. In fact, even the one who had just a few moments before been the most vile to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said meekly, “O Abdul Kasim, proceed in peace. By Allah, you have never been one to make foolish statements.” The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, left. Abdullah, son of Amr said that he was present again with them the following day as they congregated under the door of Ka’bah and said to each other, “We have talked about the hardship we have imposed upon him and the problems he has given to us, but when he told you something you did not like, you left him alone!” Once again as they conversed with one another the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived and this time they surrounded and confronted him mentioning everything they had heard he had said about their gods and religion. Then they asked whether or not he had made such insults. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, confirm that he had indeed said these things. Abdullah, continued and said, “Then I saw one of them grab hold of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, by the collar. Abu Bakr came and stood in defense of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and tearfully said, “Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord?’” and they left 5
  • 6. the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, alone. Abdullah said, “That was the worst thing I saw the Koraysh mete out to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Some people asked Asmaa, the daughter of Abi Bakr what was the worst she had seen the unbelievers do to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. She replied saying, “The unbelievers would sit in the precincts of the Sacred Mosque to discuss what they had heard him say about their gods. As they were doing this one day, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, arrived and they attacked him. Abu Bakr heard the people call out, ‘Help your friend!’ My father left us (I can recall that) his hair had four locks and he was saying: ‘Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord,’ when he has brought you clear signs from your Lord? (Ch. 40:28)’ The people then left the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and turned on Abu Bakr. When he returned to us (he was beaten so badly that) just by touching the locks of his hair would cause his hair to fall out. Despite this he kept saying, ‘You are most Blessed, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.’” In another narration: The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was so badly beaten that he fell unconscious. Abu Bakr said, “Shame on you! Would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord?’ (In another narration, it says that at his juncture, the people left the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and started to attack Abu Bakr. THE COURAGE OF ABU BAKR While addressing the people, Ali asked, “O people, who is the most courageous person?” The people replied, “You are, O Prince of Believers.” Ali said, “Although I have defeated those who confronted me, the most courageous person was Abu Bakr. (Before the Battle of Badr) we erected a shelter for the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, to prevent the unbelievers from attacking him. Whenever an unbeliever drew close, Abu Bakr was there close to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, with his sword drawn. Abu Bakr attacked anyone who dared to try and attack the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, he was certainly the bravest of people.” Ali said, “I have seen the Koraysh grab hold of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. One of the Koraysh would be treating him angrily as another shook him saying, ‘Do you make all the gods into One!’ By Allah, none of us dared to go close to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, (in fear of being beaten) except Abu Bakr. He would beat one person, wrestle with another and shake someone else as he said, ‘Shame on you people, would you kill a man for saying, ‘Allah is my Lord’.” Having said that, Ali lifted his shawl and wept. His beard became wet, and he said thereafter, “I ask you to swear by Allah whether the believer in the court of Pharaoh was better or Abu Bakr.” Everyone remained silent and Ali said, “By Allah, a moment of the life of Abu Bakr is better than the earth full of people like the believer in the court of Pharaoh. The believer in the court of Pharaoh concealed his belief, whereas Abu Bakr made his belief public.” 6
  • 7. THE DISPICABLE BEHAVIOR OF THE UNBELIEVING KORAYSH Abdullah, son of Masood, narrates that as the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was praying in the Sacred Mosque, seven members of the Koraysh were sitting under the (elevated) door of Ka’bah (Hateem). They were Abu Jahl, son of Hisham; Shayba, son of Rabe’ah; Utba, son of Rabe’ah; Uqba, son of Abi Mu’et; Umayah, son of Kahlaf and two others. (They had observed that when) the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, prayed he would make his prostration long, and Abu Jahl asked his companions which of them would volunteer to collect the camel entrails of from a tribe that slaughtered camels and throw it over the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Uqba, son of Mu’et was amongst the vilest of them and it was he who volunteered. He returned bringing with him the camel’s entrails threw them over the shoulders of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, as he prostrated. Abdullah, son of Masood said that he stood their watching but was unable to say anything because there was no one to protect him (from the seven Korayshites). As soon as little Lady Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, heard what had happened she went to her father and removed the filth from the Messenger of Allah’s shoulders and turned to the perpetrators and rebuked them but none replied. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, continued to offer his prayer and after he raised his head at the end of the prayer he supplicated three times saying, “O Allah, deal with the Koraysh, deal with Utba, Aqba, Abu Jahl and Shayba” then left the Mosque. Abul Bakhtari was wearing his whip as a belt when he met the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and noticed the disturbed look on his face and asked what was the matter. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, requested him to leave him by himself, but Abul Bakhatari insisted and said, “Allah knows I will never leave you to yourself until you tell me what has happened, are you hurt?” When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, realized that Abul Bakhtari would not leave him alone, he told him about the camel entrails that had been thrown upon him, and that it was Abu Jahl who had given the instruction. Abul Baktari said, “Come to the Mosque.” When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and Abul Bakhtari entered the precincts of the Mosque, Abul Bakhtari confronted Abu Jahl and demanded, “O Abul Hakam, was it you who instructed the entrails of a camel to be thrown on Muhammad?” Abu Jahl admitted that it was, whereupon Abul Bakhtari raised his whip and smote Abu Jahl on the head. The people started to fight one another and Abu Jahl shouted out, “Shame on you people, Muhammad wants us to be at loggerheads while he and his Companions remain safe!” Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and others also briefly reported the preceding incident. The narration of Bukhari states that after the entrails had been thrown over the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, the unbelievers started laughing uncontrollably, such much so that they fell on top of each other. The narration of Ahmad quotes from Abdullah, son of Masood that he saw each of those seven unbelievers killed during the Battle of Badr. 7
  • 8. HAMZA’S REACTION TO ABU JAHL’S HARASSMENT OF THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH, praise and peace be upon him Ya’qoob, son of Utba narrates that Abu Jahl had gone to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, who was at Safa and caused him considerable harm. Hamza was an avid hunter and was out hunting on that specific day. Hamza’s wife had seen what Abu Jahl did and upon Hamza’s return she (met him outside the house and) told him, “O Abu Umarah, if you had seen what that man (Abu Jahl) did to your nephew!” (She told him what had happened whereupon) Hamza became infuriated and did not enter his house, (and without discarding his hunting attire) he, with his bow still slung around his shoulders entered the precincts of the Sacred Mosque where he found Abu Jahl sitting among a gathering of the Koraysh. Without saying a word, Hamza (who was a very strong person) lifted his bow above Abu Jahl’s head, struck and wounded him. Some of Abu Jahl’s party stood up to try and restrain Hamza as he declared, “My religion is the same as that of Muhammad, I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah, and I swear by Allah that I will never change my mind. You may try to stop me if you are true in your religion!” When Hamza accepted Islam, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and the Muslims were strengthened and they become more resolute in their affairs. (Now that Hamza had accepted Islam) the Koraysh were reluctant (to act against the Muslims) as they knew that Hamza would protect the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Muhammad, son of Ka’b Qurazi narrates the time when Hamza was returning from hunting, when a woman met him and told him that his nephew (the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him) had suffered greatly at the hands of Abu Jahl, who had not only reviled him, hurt him but had done several other despicable things. Hamza asked her, “Did anyone else see him doing this?” and she told him that many people had witnessed the incident. Hamza went to the group of Korayshites who were near the hillocks of Safa and Marwa and found Abu Jahl still sitting amongst them. Hamza leaned on his bow and told the people what he had shot with his bow and other things he had done, then, he took hold of his bow with both hands and struck Abu Jahl so hard on the center of his head that the bow broke saying, “Take that with a bow, next time, it will be a sword! I bear witness that he (Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah, who has brought us the truth from Allah.” The people exclaimed, “O Abu Umarah, he insults our gods and although you are better than he, we would never tolerate that even from you, but you, Abu Umarah, have never been an unpleasant person.” ABU JAHL’S ATTEMPTS TO HARM AND HUMILIATE THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH, praise and peace be upon him Abbas spoke of the time when he was in the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque when Abul Jahl arrived and said, “I have made a vow to Allah, that if I see Muhammad prostrating, I will stamp on his neck.” Abbas said that he told the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, left in such a hurry that instead of using the door, he scaled the wall. 8
  • 9. Abbas said as he tied his lower garment tightly saying to himself, “This is going to be a frightful day!” and he followed the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, entered the courtyard of the Sacred Mosque he recited “Read (Prophet Muhammad) in the Name of your Lord who created, created the human from a (blood) clot.” (Ch. 96:1-2) The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, continued to recite the chapter until he reached the verse that indicated the demeanor of Abu Jahl: “Indeed, surely the human is very insolent that he sees himself sufficed. (Ch 96:6-7) Someone went to Abu Jahl and informed him that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, had arrived and he said, “Don’t you see what I see? By Allah, the horizons have been shut before me!” After completing the rest of the chapter, the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, prostrated. TULAYB, SON OF UMAIR AVENGES THE HARM ABU JAHL CAUSED THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH praise and peace be upon him Barra, daughter of Abi Tajra narrates that Abu Jahl and several others approached the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and greatly harmed him. Tulayb, the son of Umair went up to Abu Jahl, and dealt him such a blow that his head was wounded. When the other unbelievers grabbed hold of Tulayb, Abu Lahab stood up to defend him. When Tulayb’s mother, Arwa (sister of Abu Lahab) heard what had happened she exclaimed, “Indeed, this is the best day of Tulayb’s life, the day he went to the assistance of his cousin (the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him).” When Abu Lahab was told that (his sister) Arwa had accepted Islam, he went to her and rebuked her. She responded, “You should also stand in defense of your nephew, if he dominates, you will have some choice, and if he does not you will be excused because he is your nephew.” Abu Lahab, said, “Do we have enough strength (to fight) against all the Arabs? Yet, he has (gone ahead and) introduced a (new) religion.” THE CURSE UPON UTAYBA, SON OF ABI LAHAB After Allah send Prophet Muhammad … Qatada narrates that Ummu Kulthom, the Messenger of Allah’s daughter, was married to Utayba, the son of Abu Lahab. Rukyah, another of the daughters of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, had married Utba, Abu Lahab’s other son, however, neither of the marriages had been consummated when the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, announced his prophethood. Allah sent down the chapter: “Perish the hands of Abi Lahab, and perish he! His wealth will not suffice him, neither what he has gained; He shall roast at a Flaming Fire, And his wife, laden with firewood 9
  • 10. Shall have a rope of palm-fiber around her neck!” Ch: 111 When this chapter became known to Abu Lahab, he said to his sons Utba and Utayba, “If you do not divorce Muhammad’s daughter, I will have nothing to do with you.” as for Abu Lahab’s wife: “And his wife, laden with firewood shall have a rope of palm-fiber around her neck!” She too said to her sons, “My beloved sons, divorce them! They have forsaken their religion!” and their sons divorced their wives. After Utayba divorced Lady Ummu Kulthom, may Allah be pleased with her, he went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, just before he was about to set out to trade in Al Sham and said emphatically, “I reject your religion and have divorced your daughter so never come to me, and I will never come to you.” Then Utayba assaulted the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and tore his upper garment. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said, “I pray that Allah unleashes one of his dogs on you.” Shortly thereafter, Utayba left with a party of other Koraysh traders. When they reached a place called Zarqa they pitched their tents and at nighttime a lion encircled their camp. Utayba exclaimed, “May my mother be destroyed! By Allah! the lion is without doubt going to eat me as Muhammad said. Ibn Abi Kabsha (the name of the Messenger of Allah’s foster father) has killed me while he is in Mecca and I am in Al Sham.” The lion ignored the others in the party and attacked and killed Utayba with a single bite. In the narration of Hisham, son of Urwa and his father, Zuhair, son of Alaa states that after circling them that night, the lion left, and the traders went to sleep with Utayba sleeping in the middle of them. (The lion returned) and leapt over all of them and bit Utayba’s head off. Othman, son of Affan married Lady Ummu Kulthom, after her sister Lady Rukayah, may Allah be pleased with them, his wife passed away. ABU LAHAB AND UQBA, SON OF ABI MU’ET HARASSEMENT OF THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH, praise and peace be upon him Rabe’ah, son of Ubayd Deeli said to the people around him, “I hear you speaking a lot about the difficulties the Koraysh meted out to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, and I have seen him being harassed many times.” The house of the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, was situated between the houses of Abu Lahab and Uqba, son of Abi Mu’et. When the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, returned home he would find the entrails of animals, blood and filth hanging on his door and have to remove them with the end of his staff. He said, “O Koraysh, these are indeed terrible neighbors.” 10