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• Russia boast one of the most reputable education system in
the world
• Ranks 43 in the World Economic Forum's Global
Competitiveness Report 2016-2017.
• The country's adult literacy rate was 99.73% in 2018, which is
the 4th highest in Europe
• Nearly two-thirds of 25 to 34 years old have complete post
secondary studies
General Education System
• The general education is free for citizen in Russia.
• The system regulated mainly by the constitution of the RF, the
Federal Law of 29.12.2012 No. 278-FZ "On Education in the
Russian Federation" and the state program "Development of
Education for years 2013-2020"
General Education System
Its divided into three stages:
• Primary general education (year 1-4) nachal'noye obrazovaniye
obrazovaniye 6 years old
• Lower secondary education - known as basic general
education (year 5-9) osnovnoye obshcheye obrazovaniye 11
years old
• Upper secondary education (year 10-11) - known as secondary
complete general education sredneye polnoye obocheniye
obrazovaniye 16 years old
General Education System
General Education System
• Children start their primary school around 6-7 years old after
pre school @ kindergarten.
• Primary general education and basic general education is
compulsory to all children
Education for the disabled
• Education for the deaf is provided by 99
specialized kindergartens and 207
secondary boarding schools children who
were born deaf are admitted to specialized
kindergartens as early as possible, ideally
from 18 months of age
• The system, however, is not ready to accept
children who also display
evident developmental disability; they have
no other option than home schooling
• Children with stronger forms of intellectual
disability are, as of 2008, mostly excluded
from the education system. Some are
trained within severe disability groups of
the correction boarding schools and
orphanages, others are aided only through
• There are 42 specialized vocational training
(non-degree) colleges for disabled people;
most notable are the School of Music for the
Blind in Kursk and the Medical School for
the Blind in Kislovodsk.
Summary section
By NORRIC 2005
Primary General Education
• Prior to 1989, general education lasted 10 years where it
offered only 3 years duration for primary school.
• Under ministerial order no. 1312 of 09.03.04, only model for
primary general education is the 4 years model and effective
from 2004/2005 academic year.
• The Ministry of Education set 75% of the curriculum while at
least 10% of curriculum is set by the region and the rest by the
school itself.
Primary General Education
• Regarding to the curriculars, children compulsory to have 86
hours total per week for 4 years. (20h, 22h, 22h, 22h)
• This basic study plan content Russian language and literature,
foreign language, math, environmental studies, technology,
fine art and music, and similarly sport.
Basic General Education
• student continue their study from primary school to basic
general school. (year 5 - 9) 11years old – 15 years old.
• it's take 5 years to complete the study and student take a final
exam call the State Final Attestation.
• Only who pass obtain a Certificate of Basic General Education
(OGE) Attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii Аттестат
об основном общем образовании
Basic General Education
• This certificate entitled its holder to be admitted either
secondary complete general education, basic vocational
education or middle level professional education.
• On this phase, student will learn around 5845 hours for 5
• Subject that are compulsory such Russian literature, foreign
language, mathematics, history, technology, physical
education and fine arts music.
Type of Institution in
General Education
There are four main types of school offering general education:
1. General schools Общеобразовательная средняя. These are ordinary
school tat take years 1 - 11. approximately 80% of all schools.
2. General school with intensive learning programmed.
Общеобразовательная с уклоном It offered an advance teaching in a
spesific filed such as languages, science, sport, choreography or music.
Its offering teaching from primary to upper secondary level.
3. Gymnasium Гимназия. its offer from primary to upper level too. its focus
on subject within the humanities and account.
4. Lyceum Лицей. Its focus on scientific and technical subject and may offer
teaching at primary to upper level. its around 3% of all school.
• When they are 15 or 16 years old, students are able to choose their
future studies either secondary upper education, basic vocational or
middle professional.
• The standard duration of secondary complete general education is 2
years (years 10 and 11).
• They will take part in final examination (The State Final Attestation). They
obtain a Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education
Аттестат о среднем полном общем образовании
Upper Secondary Education
Upper Secondary Education
• On June 2003, there are new reform implemented in this level regarding to
the Ministry of Education Order RF N. 334 "Program of the Ministry of
Education and Russian Academy of Education concerning mutual
activities towards implementation of profile education at the third level
of secondary education"
• Student must pass at least 5 subject with 2 compulsory subject which are
Russia and Mathematics.
• This profile consist of two stages whereas preparation stage (years 9) and
profile teaching (years 10 and 11) which student being taught at an
advance level.
Upper Secondary Education
• Although, this reform is not affected to the mandatory subject which is
near to 2520 hours credit for two years.
• However, from 2009, Unified State Exam or Russian State Exam
(EGE) единый государственный экзамен is being implemented after
5 years pilot test. its a requirement for admission to higher level
education and universities too.
• Once fully implemented nationwide, it will replace the current state final
examination leading to the Attestat.
• Unfortunately, it’s has come up with the problems.. ☺
Certificate of Secondary
Complete General Education
Certificate of
Unified State Exam
Technical and Vocational
1. They are two level of technical and vocational education offered in
Russia which are:
a) basic vocational education
b) middle level professional education.
2. Basic vocational education is another option for student after complete
basic general education 9 years.
3. No entrance examination required to admission.
4. Duration of basic vocational education programmed are based on
qualification admission.
5. After 9 years of general education, the duration of program might be 1 -
2.5 years for vocational program whereas 3-4 years for program
combining vocational and general education. (offered at professional
6. For student who are entering the vocational after 11 years of general
education, they could take around 1 - 1.5 years to complete the program
7. Upon completion, student receive diploma of vocational education
Диплом о начальном профессиональном образовании that are entitled
them to practice a specific profession.
8. Students are allowed to continue their studies to middle level professional
education or admission to university (for combine basic education) either,
direct towards to employment.
Technical and Vocational
Diploma of Basic
Vocational Education
Dual TVET in Russia
1. Since 2013, there are project on Dual TVET by the Russian-Germany Chamber of
Commerce launch. Same as project under Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI) propose
“training of personnel, which is meeting the requirements of high – tech industries based
on dual education”
2. The order of the Government of the Russia Federation of Mach 3, 2015 No. 349-p
identified several development should be happened in Russia during 2015-2020:
a) Introduction on the practical – oriented (dual) training model in VET;
b) Improving the young people career guidance in secondary and vocational education
c) Amendment to the Tax code of the Russia federation for participate industrial (to
motivating enterprises to participate in the practice-oriented (dual) model of training
3. In 2012, management of TVET system was transferred from federal to regional level.
Which all the financial are provided by regional state.
4. Demonstration exam is introduced in 2016 as part of the state final certification
Middle Level Professional
1.Also identical with non-university level higher education.
Russian authorities classify middle level professional
qualification as being at level 5B in the ISCED system
(UNESCO). Refer to the first stage of tertier education.
2.Student admission to middle level professional after
completing their 11 years of education or 9 years of education
with longer duration.
3.About 50% of the curriculum is practically oriented.
Programmed include 3 periods of external practical training
Middle Level Professional
4. The students who are completing their studies are obtain the Diploma
of Middle Level Professional Education (diplom o srednem
professionalnom obrazovanii – Technikum, Uchilishe, Kolledz) and a
professional title.
5. Around 2590 registration institution that are providing training for 2.5
million students.
6. Most of the teacher have a university qualifications whereas 3% of
them are practical teachers with many years experience. The studies
were 50% practical oriented including 3 period of external practical
Middle Level Professional
7. The studies were 50% practical oriented including 3 period of external
practical training.
8. Once complete their study, they entitled to apply higher education and
can obtain 1 year of credit transfer in the university.
9. For example, Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys has signed
agreement with several higher education institution that allow their
student to enroll in a shorter Bakalavr in the same field study.
10.Majority of the students enter the labor market and pursue evening or
distance learning parallel with employment
Middle Level Professional
11.This level offered three type of institution:
✓ Institutions of vocational training (uchilishe - училище)
✓ Technical institutions (tehnikum - техникум)
✓ College (kolledz - колледж)
12.Technical institution provide a professional technical training while,
vocational institution offer others area such as services, teaching
and health.
13.Colleges provide an advance middle level professional programmed
lasting 1 year program called as advance middle level professional
program after taking either technical or vocational program
Diploma of Middle Level
Professional Education
Higher Education:
The Pragmatic Federalism
1. Russian Federal is the most centered leader in Higher Education system.
2. In order to conducted around 950 of HEI'S which 548 are public. High demand
for higher education encouraged universities to open branches in different
location. However, 23% of all universities in the country are in Moscow.
3. HEI's made up of three type of educational institutions:
a) Universities
b) Academies
c) Institutes
4. The universities offering program in a wide range of subject. Where as,
academies institution offering program in a single major area such a former
polytechnics and specialized institutes. Institutes or a division of a academy
offering program in several study area.
Higher Education:
Degree Structure
• Since 1992, there are 5 type of degree structure:
a. Diploma of Incomplete Higher Education (min 2 years) - this type of
diploma certifies the completion of two years of basic higher education as
part of Bakalavr of Special program within a specific field of study.
b. Bakalvr Diploma (min 4 years) - The Bakalavr degree is the first degree in
the Russian degree structure. Its consider as academician rather than
professionally oriented. Its primarily prepare for admission to Magistr-level
studies, it also give direct access to the labor market.
c. Specialist Diploma (5-6 years) - The traditional specialist degree is aimed
at professional practice, but also give direct access to doctoral studies.
The graduate is awarded diploma entitled him as professional qualification
in certain field.
Higher Education:
Degree Structure
d. Magistr diploma (6 years) - It obtain by completing at least 2 years of
study following a Bakalavr Program Its more focus on research than
Specialists program. Admission is depending on the past certification.
Its giving access to doctoral studies. The diploma awarded confirm the
degree of Magistr in a discipline xx
e. Doctoral degrees. Kandidat Nauk (min 3 years) - following a
specialist or Magistr diploma. Doktor Nauk, (5-15 years) after
kandidat Nauk degree
Educational Standards
➢ The Specialist diploma states the qualification, e.g., psychologist with the
specialization of military psychology (kvalifikacija psicholog po
specializacii voennaja psichologija). Magistr and Bakalavr program are
divided into study areas and study fields (Napravlenija).
➢ As all state are centrally regulated, the curse framework are known as
state education standards. its cover requirement course such:
• Number of hours
• Content of study
• Number of weeks of professional training
• Number of weeks of dissertation writing
• Maximum workload assigned to students.
Educational Standards
➢ The division course contain foundation studies, basic professional
course and specialized course is reminiscent of the soviet system of
➢ At the end of each semester, students are required to pass several
➢ All state-accredited institutions follow the same state procedure for final
examination, which called State Final Attestation. Students must
prepare a dissertation or project until its being satisfied by examinator.
➢ After all, the students are awarded a diploma in state format and a
degree title and / or professional qualification.
Effect of Bologna Process to
Higher Education
1. In 2003, Russian Federal decide to taking part in Bologna process
which has been made up since 1999.
2. This declaration is aimed to the development of a European Higher
Education Area.
3. There are the wide implementation by Russian Federal regarding to the
Bologna's principle:
a) Integration of educational space
b) Enlargement of education institution
c) The Increase of HEI'S activity in widening of exchange program
Greater access to English-language program
Teacher Training
1. Teacher training in Russia takes place at two levels:
✓ Non - university higher education (middle level professional
education level)
✓ University higher education
2. Preschool, primary school and lower secondary school are mainly
trained at the non-university level.
3. Teacher training is based on the same legal framework as other
program of university higher education.
4. Here was a reformation of teacher training program that are focus on
the teaching method to be a more interactive teaching method.
Teacher Training
1. Professional institution and colleges at non-university level
• Mainly train teacher for preschools and primary school
• Students entering after complete 11 years of general school
followed by 3 years basic program. Its also possible to qualify as a
lower secondary teacher.
2. Teacher training institutes and universities
• Teaching qualification can be obtained to teach lower and
secondary level (year 5-11 years).
• Teacher training universities are more research oriented than
• Specialist degree are required in order to teach upper level as they
come out with professional title after completing 5 years specialist
Degree and Curricula
3. University- level teacher who are obtain a Bakalvr degree may
continue their studies on a specialist program or Magistr program they
divide into:
a. foundation studies
b. subject specialization
c. studies in biology and medicine
d. studies in education and psychology
e. Introduction to the teaching profession
Russian is the one of the country that took very serious part in
development of education. they has a great reputation both
domestically and internationally. This country made up a lot of
philosopher, artist and astronomies. Their education system contribute
a lot of scientific discovery same as any other filed. Today, nearly two-
thirds of 25- to 34-year-olds have completed post-secondary studies,
along with just over half of 55 to 64-year-olds, well above the OECD
averages. As we know, every system has a problems and they are
trying to fix it well.
Blinov Vladimir, & Esenina Ekaterina. (2019). Dual VET in Russia: progress, problems
and perspectives. The Online Journal for Technical and Vocational Education and
Training in Asia, 13, 1–15.
Enic, D. (2006). The System of Education in Russia © Nordic Recognition Network
Kopnov, V. A., Shmurygina, O., Shchipanova, D., & Morevs, P. (2018). Russian
Vocational Education and Training (VET) System. ECVET Implementation Environment.
Martynenko, E. v. (2020). Business and Management Research. In Advances in
Economics (Vol. 128).
Mustafina, J., & Gulnara, B. (2016). Education policy of the Russian Federation in
teaching co-official languages. IEJME - Mathematics Education, 11(6), 1847–1856.
Pitt, J., & Pavlova, M. (1998). Technology education in Russian schools-the role of
Russian Education System

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Russian Education System

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  • 5. • Russia boast one of the most reputable education system in the world • Ranks 43 in the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017. • The country's adult literacy rate was 99.73% in 2018, which is the 4th highest in Europe • Nearly two-thirds of 25 to 34 years old have complete post secondary studies General Education System
  • 6. • The general education is free for citizen in Russia. • The system regulated mainly by the constitution of the RF, the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 No. 278-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" and the state program "Development of Education for years 2013-2020" General Education System
  • 7. Its divided into three stages: • Primary general education (year 1-4) nachal'noye obrazovaniye obrazovaniye 6 years old • Lower secondary education - known as basic general education (year 5-9) osnovnoye obshcheye obrazovaniye 11 years old • Upper secondary education (year 10-11) - known as secondary complete general education sredneye polnoye obocheniye obrazovaniye 16 years old General Education System
  • 8. General Education System • Children start their primary school around 6-7 years old after pre school @ kindergarten. • Primary general education and basic general education is compulsory to all children
  • 9. Education for the disabled • Education for the deaf is provided by 99 specialized kindergartens and 207 secondary boarding schools children who were born deaf are admitted to specialized kindergartens as early as possible, ideally from 18 months of age • The system, however, is not ready to accept children who also display evident developmental disability; they have no other option than home schooling • Children with stronger forms of intellectual disability are, as of 2008, mostly excluded from the education system. Some are trained within severe disability groups of the correction boarding schools and orphanages, others are aided only through counseling. • There are 42 specialized vocational training (non-degree) colleges for disabled people; most notable are the School of Music for the Blind in Kursk and the Medical School for the Blind in Kislovodsk.
  • 12. Primary General Education • Prior to 1989, general education lasted 10 years where it offered only 3 years duration for primary school. • Under ministerial order no. 1312 of 09.03.04, only model for primary general education is the 4 years model and effective from 2004/2005 academic year. • The Ministry of Education set 75% of the curriculum while at least 10% of curriculum is set by the region and the rest by the school itself.
  • 13. Primary General Education • Regarding to the curriculars, children compulsory to have 86 hours total per week for 4 years. (20h, 22h, 22h, 22h) • This basic study plan content Russian language and literature, foreign language, math, environmental studies, technology, fine art and music, and similarly sport.
  • 14. Basic General Education • student continue their study from primary school to basic general school. (year 5 - 9) 11years old – 15 years old. • it's take 5 years to complete the study and student take a final exam call the State Final Attestation. • Only who pass obtain a Certificate of Basic General Education (OGE) Attestat ob osnovnom obshchem obrazovanii Аттестат об основном общем образовании
  • 15. Basic General Education • This certificate entitled its holder to be admitted either secondary complete general education, basic vocational education or middle level professional education. • On this phase, student will learn around 5845 hours for 5 years. • Subject that are compulsory such Russian literature, foreign language, mathematics, history, technology, physical education and fine arts music.
  • 16. Type of Institution in General Education There are four main types of school offering general education: 1. General schools Общеобразовательная средняя. These are ordinary school tat take years 1 - 11. approximately 80% of all schools. 2. General school with intensive learning programmed. Общеобразовательная с уклоном It offered an advance teaching in a spesific filed such as languages, science, sport, choreography or music. Its offering teaching from primary to upper secondary level. 3. Gymnasium Гимназия. its offer from primary to upper level too. its focus on subject within the humanities and account. 4. Lyceum Лицей. Its focus on scientific and technical subject and may offer teaching at primary to upper level. its around 3% of all school.
  • 17. • When they are 15 or 16 years old, students are able to choose their future studies either secondary upper education, basic vocational or middle professional. • The standard duration of secondary complete general education is 2 years (years 10 and 11). • They will take part in final examination (The State Final Attestation). They obtain a Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education Аттестат о среднем полном общем образовании Upper Secondary Education
  • 18. Upper Secondary Education • On June 2003, there are new reform implemented in this level regarding to the Ministry of Education Order RF N. 334 "Program of the Ministry of Education and Russian Academy of Education concerning mutual activities towards implementation of profile education at the third level of secondary education" • Student must pass at least 5 subject with 2 compulsory subject which are Russia and Mathematics. • This profile consist of two stages whereas preparation stage (years 9) and profile teaching (years 10 and 11) which student being taught at an advance level.
  • 19. Upper Secondary Education • Although, this reform is not affected to the mandatory subject which is near to 2520 hours credit for two years. • However, from 2009, Unified State Exam or Russian State Exam (EGE) единый государственный экзамен is being implemented after 5 years pilot test. its a requirement for admission to higher level education and universities too. • Once fully implemented nationwide, it will replace the current state final examination leading to the Attestat. • Unfortunately, it’s has come up with the problems.. ☺
  • 23. Technical and Vocational Education 1. They are two level of technical and vocational education offered in Russia which are: a) basic vocational education b) middle level professional education. 2. Basic vocational education is another option for student after complete basic general education 9 years. 3. No entrance examination required to admission. 4. Duration of basic vocational education programmed are based on qualification admission.
  • 24. 5. After 9 years of general education, the duration of program might be 1 - 2.5 years for vocational program whereas 3-4 years for program combining vocational and general education. (offered at professional lyceum) 6. For student who are entering the vocational after 11 years of general education, they could take around 1 - 1.5 years to complete the program 7. Upon completion, student receive diploma of vocational education Диплом о начальном профессиональном образовании that are entitled them to practice a specific profession. 8. Students are allowed to continue their studies to middle level professional education or admission to university (for combine basic education) either, direct towards to employment. Technical and Vocational Education
  • 26. Dual TVET in Russia 1. Since 2013, there are project on Dual TVET by the Russian-Germany Chamber of Commerce launch. Same as project under Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI) propose “training of personnel, which is meeting the requirements of high – tech industries based on dual education” 2. The order of the Government of the Russia Federation of Mach 3, 2015 No. 349-p identified several development should be happened in Russia during 2015-2020: a) Introduction on the practical – oriented (dual) training model in VET; b) Improving the young people career guidance in secondary and vocational education c) Amendment to the Tax code of the Russia federation for participate industrial (to motivating enterprises to participate in the practice-oriented (dual) model of training 3. In 2012, management of TVET system was transferred from federal to regional level. Which all the financial are provided by regional state. 4. Demonstration exam is introduced in 2016 as part of the state final certification (assessment).
  • 27. Middle Level Professional Education 1.Also identical with non-university level higher education. Russian authorities classify middle level professional qualification as being at level 5B in the ISCED system (UNESCO). Refer to the first stage of tertier education. 2.Student admission to middle level professional after completing their 11 years of education or 9 years of education with longer duration. 3.About 50% of the curriculum is practically oriented. Programmed include 3 periods of external practical training
  • 28. Middle Level Professional Education 4. The students who are completing their studies are obtain the Diploma of Middle Level Professional Education (diplom o srednem professionalnom obrazovanii – Technikum, Uchilishe, Kolledz) and a professional title. 5. Around 2590 registration institution that are providing training for 2.5 million students. 6. Most of the teacher have a university qualifications whereas 3% of them are practical teachers with many years experience. The studies were 50% practical oriented including 3 period of external practical training.
  • 29. Middle Level Professional Education 7. The studies were 50% practical oriented including 3 period of external practical training. 8. Once complete their study, they entitled to apply higher education and can obtain 1 year of credit transfer in the university. 9. For example, Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys has signed agreement with several higher education institution that allow their student to enroll in a shorter Bakalavr in the same field study. 10.Majority of the students enter the labor market and pursue evening or distance learning parallel with employment
  • 30. Middle Level Professional Education 11.This level offered three type of institution: ✓ Institutions of vocational training (uchilishe - училище) ✓ Technical institutions (tehnikum - техникум) ✓ College (kolledz - колледж) 12.Technical institution provide a professional technical training while, vocational institution offer others area such as services, teaching and health. 13.Colleges provide an advance middle level professional programmed lasting 1 year program called as advance middle level professional program after taking either technical or vocational program
  • 31. Diploma of Middle Level Professional Education
  • 32. Higher Education: The Pragmatic Federalism 1. Russian Federal is the most centered leader in Higher Education system. 2. In order to conducted around 950 of HEI'S which 548 are public. High demand for higher education encouraged universities to open branches in different location. However, 23% of all universities in the country are in Moscow. 3. HEI's made up of three type of educational institutions: a) Universities b) Academies c) Institutes 4. The universities offering program in a wide range of subject. Where as, academies institution offering program in a single major area such a former polytechnics and specialized institutes. Institutes or a division of a academy offering program in several study area.
  • 33. Higher Education: Degree Structure • Since 1992, there are 5 type of degree structure: a. Diploma of Incomplete Higher Education (min 2 years) - this type of diploma certifies the completion of two years of basic higher education as part of Bakalavr of Special program within a specific field of study. b. Bakalvr Diploma (min 4 years) - The Bakalavr degree is the first degree in the Russian degree structure. Its consider as academician rather than professionally oriented. Its primarily prepare for admission to Magistr-level studies, it also give direct access to the labor market. c. Specialist Diploma (5-6 years) - The traditional specialist degree is aimed at professional practice, but also give direct access to doctoral studies. The graduate is awarded diploma entitled him as professional qualification in certain field.
  • 34. Higher Education: Degree Structure d. Magistr diploma (6 years) - It obtain by completing at least 2 years of study following a Bakalavr Program Its more focus on research than Specialists program. Admission is depending on the past certification. Its giving access to doctoral studies. The diploma awarded confirm the degree of Magistr in a discipline xx e. Doctoral degrees. Kandidat Nauk (min 3 years) - following a specialist or Magistr diploma. Doktor Nauk, (5-15 years) after kandidat Nauk degree
  • 35. Educational Standards ➢ The Specialist diploma states the qualification, e.g., psychologist with the specialization of military psychology (kvalifikacija psicholog po specializacii voennaja psichologija). Magistr and Bakalavr program are divided into study areas and study fields (Napravlenija). ➢ As all state are centrally regulated, the curse framework are known as state education standards. its cover requirement course such: • Number of hours • Content of study • Number of weeks of professional training • Number of weeks of dissertation writing • Maximum workload assigned to students.
  • 36. Educational Standards ➢ The division course contain foundation studies, basic professional course and specialized course is reminiscent of the soviet system of education. ➢ At the end of each semester, students are required to pass several examinations ➢ All state-accredited institutions follow the same state procedure for final examination, which called State Final Attestation. Students must prepare a dissertation or project until its being satisfied by examinator. ➢ After all, the students are awarded a diploma in state format and a degree title and / or professional qualification.
  • 37. Effect of Bologna Process to Higher Education 1. In 2003, Russian Federal decide to taking part in Bologna process which has been made up since 1999. 2. This declaration is aimed to the development of a European Higher Education Area. 3. There are the wide implementation by Russian Federal regarding to the Bologna's principle: a) Integration of educational space b) Enlargement of education institution c) The Increase of HEI'S activity in widening of exchange program Greater access to English-language program
  • 38. Teacher Training 1. Teacher training in Russia takes place at two levels: ✓ Non - university higher education (middle level professional education level) ✓ University higher education 2. Preschool, primary school and lower secondary school are mainly trained at the non-university level. 3. Teacher training is based on the same legal framework as other program of university higher education. 4. Here was a reformation of teacher training program that are focus on the teaching method to be a more interactive teaching method.
  • 39. Teacher Training Institution 1. Professional institution and colleges at non-university level • Mainly train teacher for preschools and primary school • Students entering after complete 11 years of general school followed by 3 years basic program. Its also possible to qualify as a lower secondary teacher. 2. Teacher training institutes and universities • Teaching qualification can be obtained to teach lower and secondary level (year 5-11 years). • Teacher training universities are more research oriented than institutes • Specialist degree are required in order to teach upper level as they come out with professional title after completing 5 years specialist program
  • 40. Degree and Curricula 3. University- level teacher who are obtain a Bakalvr degree may continue their studies on a specialist program or Magistr program they divide into: a. foundation studies b. subject specialization c. studies in biology and medicine d. studies in education and psychology e. Introduction to the teaching profession
  • 41. Conclusion Russian is the one of the country that took very serious part in development of education. they has a great reputation both domestically and internationally. This country made up a lot of philosopher, artist and astronomies. Their education system contribute a lot of scientific discovery same as any other filed. Today, nearly two- thirds of 25- to 34-year-olds have completed post-secondary studies, along with just over half of 55 to 64-year-olds, well above the OECD averages. As we know, every system has a problems and they are trying to fix it well.
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