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Appropriateness of the Media
The World Wide Web is necessary for the growth of the Sony
picture Company because of the number of customers who are
found in the virtual platform. It is the basis for every virtual
transaction and communication due to the billions of visitors it
receives. Therefore, the Sony Picture Company may acquire the
needed audience to stabilize its business. Social media is also
growing in terms of its popularity and number of users. With
Sony Picture Company being on the verge of expanding, social
media may provide it with more than enough customers for the
promotion of its products. The wireless network is the new way
of communication. Wireless networks and expansion make it
possible for people to access internet making it easy for
companies to reach the virtual and physical markets with much
ease. Voicemail is not appropriate for the business because it
only focuses on recorded voice messages which are left behind
by either the company’s management or customers depending on
the situation involved. Customers may fail to listen to the
messages and delete them without knowing its content.
Email is great for communication (Lam, Shankar, Erramilli, &
Murthy, 2004). The management may communicate about the
different products and services it offers privately to the
customers. Texting also plays the same role as emails. As much
as fax machine has a high interactive status, they fail to appeal
to the changing trend of the market. It also takes a lot of time
getting a message from one recipient to another, making it
inappropriate for business surrounding the Sony Picture
Company. Digital video recorders are important because they
store stories that are uploaded on the internet to promote
specific products. The interactive voice response may also set a
communication bar between Sony Picture Company and its
customers. It enables transactions to be easy and for the two
stakeholders to acquire proper sharing of information from each
other. The print media lacks the capacity and capabilities to
deal with the changing nature of the market. Therefore, it is not
suitable for the company because it may not be able to keep up
with its new products and services.
Mass Customization for Products
The Sony Picture Company may invest in making the website
have a unique functionality as compared to its existing one. The
website should have customer portals where the customers may
purchase both products and services to meet their personal
needs and interests. The portals should have features that enable
the customers to customize their colors, type of cookies to
receive, personalize the communication tab, and changing their
structures for the site to enable a more interactive platform.
Additional products and Services
The company needs to diversify its pool of products and
services to build a huge clientele base. It needs to not only
bring out movies, series, and advertisement. It should also focus
on videos that talk about the daily life in the society. The
company needs to create a platform through which customers
may interact with the management to bring in new ideas for the
products they produce for the market. The products may
increase customers’ numbers through strengthened customer
loyalty status. It may also increase huge profits for the
Relationship with Customers in the Market
The first approach may be improving the quality of the products
and services offered by the company. In any given market,
customers like an organization for its products and services and
that is the key factor that facilitates a high level of competition
in the market. The second approach may look at engaging
customers in the operations of an organization. When the
customers know that they are the central stakeholders in any
development of an organization, they tend to stick to the
organization through its challenging and successful situations
(Mithas, Krishnan, & Fornell, 2005). The third may focus on a
good promotional package that may campaign for the products
in the market. Good promotion creates availability status for an
Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2011). Managing Customer
Relationships: A Strategic Framework, 2nd
Edition. John Wiley & Sons.Lam, S., Shankar, V., Erramilli,
M., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer Value, Satisfaction,
Loyalty, And Switching Costs: An Illustration From A
Business-To-Business Service Context. Journal Of The
Academy Of Marketing Science, 32(3), 293-311.Mithas, S.,
Krishnan, M., & Fornell, C. (2005). Why Do Customer
Relationship Management Applications Affect Customer
Satisfaction? Journal Of Marketing, 69(4), 201-209.
Course Project
Assignment 1 (Hospital overview): Identify a hospital in your
area to research that interests you. Collect and analyze
information about the hospital from its website, annual report,
and other sources that you find. Write a 1-2 page paper that
provides an overview of the facility. Include important
information about its size, service deliveries, location, patient
demographics, specialties, financial information and other
information you find that is important or distinguishes the
Make sure that you properly cite references in an APA format.
It is also important that you save any sources that you use for
your paper as you will be creating an annotated bibliography as
a future deliverable.
Assignment 2 (Descriptive Statistics: For this assignment you
will be analyzing data about the hospital you selected for your
Course Project. The choice of data-topic is up to you; this way
you can be certain that data is available. This will also give you
some freedom to select an area that fits with your degree
program, career aspirations, or personal interests.
For example, students focusing on Healthcare Administration
might want to focus on topics related to finance, operations or
quality; whereas, Health Information Management students
might focus on topics related to clinical outcomes,
reimbursements, or specific diseases. Personal options might be
if you have a special condition or are planning to have a baby
and want to perform your statistical analysis focusing on those
areas of the hospital as it relates to local and national data. (If
you have questions or need ideas, please email your instructor.)
Once you have located your data, analyze it and produce:
1. At least 3 descriptive statistics
2. At least one chart or graph
Present these elements in a 1-2 page paper with properly cited
APA references (not including your data and chart/graph
information). Be sure to include adequate explanation of the
statistics used and their importance as related to the topic.
Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations,
frequencies, ranges, percentiles, etc. can be used. Your textbook
is a great resource for ideas on statistics you can analyze.
You will most likely need to use some statistical analysis
software to help make your calculations. You probably have
Excel installed on your computer already and can find YouTube
videos for 'Descriptive Statistics in Excel'. If you have another
software package that you are comfortable using for your job or
are feeling adventurous to learn something new, feel free to
select different software to help with your analysis.
Compare your hospital with other local and national facilities of
comparable size and service options (benchmarking). Some
healthcare data resources that might help you can be found in
the list below.
Some Helpful Healthcare Data Resources
If you find the website URLs have changed, search for the
organization and locate the data it offers.
CMS Hospital Compare Tool
AHRQ provides access to health statistics and
information on hospital inpatient and emergency department
utilization. - DATA2020 Search:
CDC National Center for Health Statistics:
CDC Chronic Disease Indicator Database:
National Library of Medicine Data Tools and Statistics:
CMS Data:
CMS Research, Statistics, Data, and Systems:
National Vital Statistics:
Google for your Local State Department of Health, some
resources may be listed here:
Assignment 3 (Research Design/Methods): For this section of
your course project, you will:
1. Identify an underserved population for medical services from
the hospital you have been researching (e.g. Medicare
recipients, people with a specific disease, children, etc.).
2. Compose a written problem statement that contains both one
independent (exposure) and one dependent (outcome) variable.
Refer to the Problem Statement lecture in Module 02 for
examples. The problem statement should be written in
paragraph format and be about 1-page in length.
3. Write a purpose statement that describes the purpose of the
study and specifies the independent and dependent variables.
The purpose statement should also describe the underserved
population and the geographical location. The purpose statement
should be written in paragraph form and be approximately 1-
page in length.
4. Provide a summary of the research methodology for your
study. This is done by creating a research question which
includes one null hypothesis and one alternative hypothesis with
measurable independent and dependent variables. This
information allows the reader to understand the focus of the
study and how the results will be explained.
Explain an approach for providing service to this population.
Assignment 4 (Inferential Statistics): Write a 1-2 page paper
describing how you would apply inferential statistics as part of
your data analysis for the research and design methods you
determined. This could include t-tests, ANOVAs, regression
analysis, reliability, validity, and/or confidence intervals. Your
textbook can provide ideas or examples that can be adapted to
the topic area you have selected to focus on for your hospital.
Assignment 5 (National Guidelines Regarding Human Research
on Human Subjects, Institutional Review Boards, and Rough
To prepare for this course project submission, read Protection
of Human Subjects published by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. This document outlines the National
guidelines regarding the protection of human subjects used in
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
As part of the case study, imagine that the hospital that was just
acquired (the one you have been researching) is currently doing
research or will be doing research in the future in conjunction
with the parent hospital. Analyze how these guidelines should
be implemented at the hospital that was just acquired (the one
you have been researching) to make sure the practices are
consistent between the two sites and explain the role the IRB
plays in the process.
For example, would you create policies and procedures, offer
training, create a handbook, or provide some other way to
integrate these guidelines into the facility? Maybe the hospital
you are researching already has these guidelines in place so
your analysis will focus on making sure the practices are the
same between sites.
Assignment 6 (Submit Annotated Bibliography and Final
Submit an APA formatted annotated bibliography with a
minimum of five (5) healthcare research study reports/articles
obtained from either the online library or from a reputable
Healthcare organization or government website that you used to
write your paper.
Submit the final draft of your course project. The final paper
must incorporate feedback from the instructor and contain all
components from the individual course project assignments,
1. the overview of the facility you selected,
2. descriptive statistics presented,
3. research problem, purpose, and question with null and
alternative hypotheses,
4. analysis of the Inferential Statistics that could be used to
further analyze the data,
5. analysis of the National Guidelines Regarding Human
Subjects' Research and the use of Institutional Review Boards,
6. an APA formatted annotated bibliography with a minimum of
5 sources.
The final paper should be 6-10 pages in length not including the
title page and references
Submit Rough Draft
Submit a rough draft of your course project. The rough draft
should be approximately 6-10 pages in length not including the
title page and references.
The rough draft should be formatted according to APA
Project Overview
Health statistics is important as it provides indicators that help
us learn about the conditions of life and health in a country.
Health statistics is used to understand both individual health
and also the health of an entire nation. Additionally, health
statistics helps us to understand the effect of health on
individuals and their environment. As we monitor the health of
population(s), we enhance our understanding of strategies to
promote its health. The development and analysis of health
statistics provides needed information about health care services
at the local, state, national and even international level.
You are the HIM director for a Research Hospital, Be Well
Healthcare. The hospital has just acquired a local hospital to
expand their healthcare service options in your area. You have
been asked to sit on the committee that will be collecting
statistical information to present to the management team so
they can learn about the new facility.
For this project, you will select a local hospital in your area,
which will be the hospital that was just acquired as part of the
case study. You will research and present a formal report to the
committee. You will develop sections of the report throughout
the course and submit a final compilation of all the sections for
the last project deliverable.
Due Date
Your final project is due in Module 10. There will be individual
assignments along the way. The modules in which they are due
are noted in the time line below.
02 – Introduction - due 10/13/17
02 - Hospital Overview – due 10/13/17
05 - Descriptive Statistics - 10/23/17
06 - Research Design/Methods – due 11/1/17
07 - Inferential Statistics - due 11/7/17
08 - National Guidelines Regarding Research on Human
Subjects, Institutional Review Boards, and Rough Draft - due
10 - Annotated Bibliography and Final Paper – due 11/27/17
Your final paper must be 6-10 pages in length. It should
demonstrate a strong thesis statement supported by research
from at least 5 different sources. Include both in text citations
and a references page in APA format. You can find more
information on APA format in the Online Library, which is
accessible through the Resources tab.
Sony Picture Company
When it comes to identifying individual customers, it is
important to focus on their needs as being the most important
information. The information should be based on the interests
and the preferences of the customers and its relation to the
aspect of achieving the objectives of an organization. The
relationship between customers and a company such as Sony
Picture Company needs to focus on its strategies that create a
platform to benefit the customers. Knowing the needs, interests,
and preferences of the customers influence the management of
Sony Picture Company to develop quality products and services
to motivate loyalty among them.
Gathering Information by Sony Picture Company
Sony Picture Company may gather information about the
customers via several means. The first may include the aspect of
carrying out interviews in different regions where it implements
its operations. Interviews involve sitting down with the
customers and asking them about their perception about the
products and services offered by the management of the
company. It also involves oral answering of questions related to
the relationship between Sony picture Company and the market
in general. The company may also provide questionnaires for
the customers to fill in with different questions related to the
company’s operations. The company may also develop an
effective forum to engage its customers on different issues
about the relationship they have with them. The above strategies
are feasible because as much as Sony Picture Company acquires
feedback from its customers, it also cements its relationship
with them. The company requires a diversified tool and
approach that covers all areas related to the customers. They
should not limit themselves to specific areas.
Customer Value Matrix
When it comes to using the value performance matrix, the
customer serves as the critical tool in enhancing the
development of the company. Sony Picture Company uses the
value attributes of the customers to change them to SWOT
analysis which includes weaknesses, strengths, opportunities,
and threats. The company is able to evaluate relative
performance to identify both bad and good attributes on its
operations and how it influences the perspective of the
customer. Sony Picture Company may calculate its performance
by focusing on the next best alternative for the customers in
relation to the products and services it offers (Lam, Shankar,
Erramilli, & Murthy, 2004). The above means focusing on the
various attributes possessed by the competitors and comparing
them to the performance of the Sony Picture Company. The
company may use the competitors as being their key benchmark.
The other key factor includes picking the best value attributes
performance the customer from the competitors in the markets.
Some of the factors that may influence below zero customers
may include the poor quality of products, services, and lack of
appreciation given to the market. The customers may view the
company from a negative perspective and may harm the brand
through negative reviews.
Customer Behaviors and Needs in the Market
John Melon is a customer of Sony Picture Company. He enjoys
the different movies and television series he receives from the
company. He comes from the United States, which is the leading
market for movies in the world. Melon loves movies that have
good stories and diversify its actors. With Sony picture
Company having a good production structure, it means that the
needs of the customers are mate. Melon is also an emotional
being, meaning that the movies are the ones that motivate a
certain behavior in him. With emotional stories, Melon finds the
movies to be appeasing which is good for the market when it
comes to the products of the company.
Sony Picture Company and the Customers
Market research is important when it comes to improving the
relationship with the customers. The company needs to focus its
operations on research and development to identify issues such
as the changing nature of the market, new trends, new interests,
and diversified status of the customers in the market (Mithas,
Krishnan, & Fornell, 2005). The above factors influence the
management of the Sony Picture Company to know proper ways
to develop a good relationship with the customers. The company
should also have an effective customer management system that
answers all the queries given by the customers.
Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2011). Managing customer
relationships, A strategic framework.
New Jersey (Estados Unidos): John Wiley & Sons
Lam, S., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M., & Murthy, B. (2004).
Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an
illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal
of the academy of marketing science, 32(3), 293-311.
Mithas, S., Krishnan, M., & Fornell, C. (2005). Why do
customer relationship management applications affect customer
satisfaction? Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 201-209.
Identify and describe the Organization
Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. is a company which produces
music, films and television shows for its community. As a
subsidiary of the electronics giant Sony of Japan, it has changed
the perspective of producing music, recording films and
developing television programs for the American community.
The company has a global network and this has helped the
company to amass a large number of employees globally. The
company is large and its size has helped the company to make
an annual profit of over $513 million (Dheeman, Schildwachter
& Harrison, 2012). Its products range from recording, shooting
and developing movies and films from different genres and
brands in the contemporary community. It has different
competitors such as Universal Studios, Warner Bros
Entertainment and Walt Disney Motion Pictures and Television.
The companies have become the company’s major competitors
in the American community and society.
As identified by the company’s services, it has been divided
into three groupings. There is the music, recording and movie
consumers and television services. These three groups present
the company’s main functions and consumers in the
contemporary community. The company’s management
influences and helps the customers to improve and increase
their communication in terms of allocation and improvement of
service relations (Naganathan, 2013). There are music
performers in the entertainment industry and they access and
use the company’s services in entertainment from recording and
development of their music videos. Marketing and development
movies also have a large customer base in the company. There
is also an essential focus on the value such as television and
hosting of different policies to increase and improve operational
Customer Relationships
The 5 E’s include Emotion, engagement, experience, exchange
and essence. The movies customers of the company consider the
essence of ethics as a way for supporting the company’s
services and products. The company develops a foundation to
improve consumers’ needs. There is also the emotion and
operational understanding of the company (Murray, 2005). The
aim is to influence the experience of the company towards
achieving improved company relationship. The consumers also
engage the company towards developing productive and market
acceptable services. It is essential to use and improve the
company’s relations with its consumers.
Organization’s Relationships with Customers
The company applies customer relationship management in
offering and influencing consumers with their products and
services. The aim is to improve the relations such as offering
and developing foundations for marketing and operational
management. It is a concept focusing on the productive
relationship such as how to improve value through engaging
consumers and determining the market trends (Gershon, 2014).
It is a process of also improving processes such as consumer
products and meeting consumer needs. The music and television
industries are dynamic and a close interaction will help in
determining positive relations with consumers.
Recommendations on How to Improve Relations
Developing a positive relationship with consumers will help the
company to achieve its overall performance and integration
plans. It is also an opportunity to improve needs such as
managing and developing platforms to engage their needs. The
company should also effectively engage consumers from music
to movie production houses. This will engage and manage the
company’s resources such as an improved performance and
operational effectiveness. Therefore, the company also needs to
understand the culture of its consumers and this will help the
company to improved relations in the community. As James
Barnes writes about a customer being behaviorally loyal, “This
form of loyalty, therefore, is extremely vulnerable; there is no
relationship from the customers’ perspective. As soon as they
see a better deal or greater convenience elsewhere, they’re
gone” (Peppers & Rogers, 2010, pp. 56).
Dheeman, C., Schildwachter, H., & Harrison, J. S. (2012). Sony
Corporation: Reinventing Itself to Rediscover the Technological
Gershon, R. A. (2014). The Sony Corporation. Handbook of
East Asian Entrepreneurship, 225.
Murray, S. (2005). Brand loyalties: Rethinking content within
global corporate media. Media, Culture & Society, 27(3), 415-
Naganathan, V. (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sony’s
Approach to Problem Solving and Decision-
Making. International journal of management and business
research, 3(1), 69-88.
Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2010, December 28). Managing
Customer Relationships: A Strategic
Framework. Retrieved September 3, 2017.
Sony Pictures Finance Structure
Sony Pictures Entertainment Company offers different services
in the entertainment industry. It is important for the company to
effectively increase its consumer retention by offering quality
services in the recording and music industry. Under constant
supervision and management of the company (Chang, 2011).
The company allocates different resources based on its
organization. The operations structure of the company is
essential and helps the company to improve communication
while focusing on important elements such as performance and
allocation of resources. The Operations structure of the Sony
Pictures Company integrates the following processes.
Communication within the divisions of the company is essential
since it will help in improving management and how to process
the necessary services and products of the company. This being
the major part of the company, there has been considerable
changes from the top management in each division of the
operations of the company. The design division has a hierarchy
structure of leadership from its president to the bottom level
employees (Chang, 2011). The same applies to all the eight
divisions of the operations structure (Design, engineering,
facilities, production, manufacturing, design and maintenance
and finally support). Each structure has a president who
controls all the activities of the company’s operations structure
form performance to management. The same applies to all other
company organizations. Hence, communication starts from the
bottom of each structure, division and top management and then
to the company’s chief operations officer. To improve
communication in the entertainment industry is not easy and the
culture of the company’s management is an open
communication system focusing on the performance of the
company from bottom level employees to the company’s top
management (Chang, 2011). Focusing on such improvement
helps in improving and reducing the performance of the
company. It helps to improve and increase communication by
focusing on strategy and performance.
What works?
In this communication process, the top management is able to
understand the necessary issues and matters regarding to the
change in the company’s operations and issues affecting the
company’s performance. There is improved coordination since
the company works well to improve control and performance of
the company’s operations. Controlling the company’s operations
is possible due to improved coordination (Chang, 2011). There
is value and importance of the company towards improving and
supporting the different changes in the community. The
necessity of controlling information helps in gaining an insight
into the challenges and effects affecting the company. The
importance of controlling such activities will help, improve and
control the performance of a company towards improving
communication, performance and how to effectively coordinate
its operations from the field and to the company’s services.
Although the system works effectively, there is the need of
developing streamlined forms of coordinating the company’s
operations in the entertainment industry. The major focus will
be in balancing and increasing the necessary services such as
performance, allowance and improving the necessary service
such as performance and operational effectiveness. It is also
important to influence, use and improve the necessary services
such as developing, planning and increasing the nature, means
and operations of the company (Gershon & Kanayama, 2002).
The changes could be in the decentralization of the company’s
services such as music, films, recording, television and
management. This will help in improving control of the
company’s resources such as improving the necessary
operations, plans and improving and controlling its
performance. The nature will help to improve and streamline the
company’s management and control on its global activities.
Chang, S. J. (2011). Sony vs Samsung: The Inside Story of the
Electronics Giants' Battle For
Global Supremacy. John Wiley & Sons.
Gershon, R. A., & Kanayama, T. (2002). The Sony Corporation:
A case study in
transnational media management. International Journal on
Media Management, 4(2), 105

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  • 1. Running head: TWO WAYS AND ADDRESSABLE MEDIA 1 TWO WAY AND ADDRESSABLE MEDIA 2 Appropriateness of the Media The World Wide Web is necessary for the growth of the Sony picture Company because of the number of customers who are found in the virtual platform. It is the basis for every virtual transaction and communication due to the billions of visitors it receives. Therefore, the Sony Picture Company may acquire the needed audience to stabilize its business. Social media is also growing in terms of its popularity and number of users. With Sony Picture Company being on the verge of expanding, social media may provide it with more than enough customers for the promotion of its products. The wireless network is the new way of communication. Wireless networks and expansion make it possible for people to access internet making it easy for companies to reach the virtual and physical markets with much ease. Voicemail is not appropriate for the business because it only focuses on recorded voice messages which are left behind by either the company’s management or customers depending on the situation involved. Customers may fail to listen to the messages and delete them without knowing its content. Email is great for communication (Lam, Shankar, Erramilli, & Murthy, 2004). The management may communicate about the different products and services it offers privately to the customers. Texting also plays the same role as emails. As much as fax machine has a high interactive status, they fail to appeal
  • 2. to the changing trend of the market. It also takes a lot of time getting a message from one recipient to another, making it inappropriate for business surrounding the Sony Picture Company. Digital video recorders are important because they store stories that are uploaded on the internet to promote specific products. The interactive voice response may also set a communication bar between Sony Picture Company and its customers. It enables transactions to be easy and for the two stakeholders to acquire proper sharing of information from each other. The print media lacks the capacity and capabilities to deal with the changing nature of the market. Therefore, it is not suitable for the company because it may not be able to keep up with its new products and services. Mass Customization for Products The Sony Picture Company may invest in making the website have a unique functionality as compared to its existing one. The website should have customer portals where the customers may purchase both products and services to meet their personal needs and interests. The portals should have features that enable the customers to customize their colors, type of cookies to receive, personalize the communication tab, and changing their structures for the site to enable a more interactive platform. Additional products and Services The company needs to diversify its pool of products and services to build a huge clientele base. It needs to not only bring out movies, series, and advertisement. It should also focus on videos that talk about the daily life in the society. The company needs to create a platform through which customers may interact with the management to bring in new ideas for the products they produce for the market. The products may
  • 3. increase customers’ numbers through strengthened customer loyalty status. It may also increase huge profits for the company. Relationship with Customers in the Market The first approach may be improving the quality of the products and services offered by the company. In any given market, customers like an organization for its products and services and that is the key factor that facilitates a high level of competition in the market. The second approach may look at engaging customers in the operations of an organization. When the customers know that they are the central stakeholders in any development of an organization, they tend to stick to the organization through its challenging and successful situations (Mithas, Krishnan, & Fornell, 2005). The third may focus on a good promotional package that may campaign for the products in the market. Good promotion creates availability status for an organization. References Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2011). Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.Lam, S., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty, And Switching Costs: An Illustration From A Business-To-Business Service Context. Journal Of The Academy Of Marketing Science, 32(3), 293-311.Mithas, S., Krishnan, M., & Fornell, C. (2005). Why Do Customer Relationship Management Applications Affect Customer Satisfaction? Journal Of Marketing, 69(4), 201-209. Course Project Assignment 1 (Hospital overview): Identify a hospital in your area to research that interests you. Collect and analyze
  • 4. information about the hospital from its website, annual report, and other sources that you find. Write a 1-2 page paper that provides an overview of the facility. Include important information about its size, service deliveries, location, patient demographics, specialties, financial information and other information you find that is important or distinguishes the hospital. Make sure that you properly cite references in an APA format. It is also important that you save any sources that you use for your paper as you will be creating an annotated bibliography as a future deliverable. Assignment 2 (Descriptive Statistics: For this assignment you will be analyzing data about the hospital you selected for your Course Project. The choice of data-topic is up to you; this way you can be certain that data is available. This will also give you some freedom to select an area that fits with your degree program, career aspirations, or personal interests. For example, students focusing on Healthcare Administration might want to focus on topics related to finance, operations or quality; whereas, Health Information Management students might focus on topics related to clinical outcomes, reimbursements, or specific diseases. Personal options might be if you have a special condition or are planning to have a baby and want to perform your statistical analysis focusing on those areas of the hospital as it relates to local and national data. (If you have questions or need ideas, please email your instructor.) Once you have located your data, analyze it and produce: 1. At least 3 descriptive statistics 2. At least one chart or graph Present these elements in a 1-2 page paper with properly cited APA references (not including your data and chart/graph information). Be sure to include adequate explanation of the statistics used and their importance as related to the topic. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, frequencies, ranges, percentiles, etc. can be used. Your textbook is a great resource for ideas on statistics you can analyze.
  • 5. You will most likely need to use some statistical analysis software to help make your calculations. You probably have Excel installed on your computer already and can find YouTube videos for 'Descriptive Statistics in Excel'. If you have another software package that you are comfortable using for your job or are feeling adventurous to learn something new, feel free to select different software to help with your analysis. Compare your hospital with other local and national facilities of comparable size and service options (benchmarking). Some healthcare data resources that might help you can be found in the list below. Some Helpful Healthcare Data Resources If you find the website URLs have changed, search for the organization and locate the data it offers. CMS Hospital Compare Tool AHRQ provides access to health statistics and information on hospital inpatient and emergency department utilization. - DATA2020 Search: Data CDC National Center for Health Statistics: CDC Chronic Disease Indicator Database: National Library of Medicine Data Tools and Statistics: CMS Data: CMS Research, Statistics, Data, and Systems: Systems/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems.html National Vital Statistics: Google for your Local State Department of Health, some
  • 6. resources may be listed here: Assignment 3 (Research Design/Methods): For this section of your course project, you will: 1. Identify an underserved population for medical services from the hospital you have been researching (e.g. Medicare recipients, people with a specific disease, children, etc.). 2. Compose a written problem statement that contains both one independent (exposure) and one dependent (outcome) variable. Refer to the Problem Statement lecture in Module 02 for examples. The problem statement should be written in paragraph format and be about 1-page in length. 3. Write a purpose statement that describes the purpose of the study and specifies the independent and dependent variables. The purpose statement should also describe the underserved population and the geographical location. The purpose statement should be written in paragraph form and be approximately 1- page in length. 4. Provide a summary of the research methodology for your study. This is done by creating a research question which includes one null hypothesis and one alternative hypothesis with measurable independent and dependent variables. This information allows the reader to understand the focus of the study and how the results will be explained. Explain an approach for providing service to this population. Assignment 4 (Inferential Statistics): Write a 1-2 page paper describing how you would apply inferential statistics as part of your data analysis for the research and design methods you determined. This could include t-tests, ANOVAs, regression analysis, reliability, validity, and/or confidence intervals. Your textbook can provide ideas or examples that can be adapted to the topic area you have selected to focus on for your hospital. Assignment 5 (National Guidelines Regarding Human Research on Human Subjects, Institutional Review Boards, and Rough Draft)
  • 7. To prepare for this course project submission, read Protection of Human Subjects published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This document outlines the National guidelines regarding the protection of human subjects used in research. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) As part of the case study, imagine that the hospital that was just acquired (the one you have been researching) is currently doing research or will be doing research in the future in conjunction with the parent hospital. Analyze how these guidelines should be implemented at the hospital that was just acquired (the one you have been researching) to make sure the practices are consistent between the two sites and explain the role the IRB plays in the process. For example, would you create policies and procedures, offer training, create a handbook, or provide some other way to integrate these guidelines into the facility? Maybe the hospital you are researching already has these guidelines in place so your analysis will focus on making sure the practices are the same between sites. Assignment 6 (Submit Annotated Bibliography and Final Project): Submit an APA formatted annotated bibliography with a minimum of five (5) healthcare research study reports/articles obtained from either the online library or from a reputable Healthcare organization or government website that you used to write your paper. Submit the final draft of your course project. The final paper must incorporate feedback from the instructor and contain all components from the individual course project assignments, including: 1. the overview of the facility you selected, 2. descriptive statistics presented, 3. research problem, purpose, and question with null and
  • 8. alternative hypotheses, 4. analysis of the Inferential Statistics that could be used to further analyze the data, 5. analysis of the National Guidelines Regarding Human Subjects' Research and the use of Institutional Review Boards, and 6. an APA formatted annotated bibliography with a minimum of 5 sources. The final paper should be 6-10 pages in length not including the title page and references Submit Rough Draft Submit a rough draft of your course project. The rough draft should be approximately 6-10 pages in length not including the title page and references. The rough draft should be formatted according to APA guidelines. Project Overview Introduction Health statistics is important as it provides indicators that help us learn about the conditions of life and health in a country. Health statistics is used to understand both individual health and also the health of an entire nation. Additionally, health statistics helps us to understand the effect of health on individuals and their environment. As we monitor the health of population(s), we enhance our understanding of strategies to promote its health. The development and analysis of health statistics provides needed information about health care services at the local, state, national and even international level. Scenario You are the HIM director for a Research Hospital, Be Well Healthcare. The hospital has just acquired a local hospital to expand their healthcare service options in your area. You have
  • 9. been asked to sit on the committee that will be collecting statistical information to present to the management team so they can learn about the new facility. For this project, you will select a local hospital in your area, which will be the hospital that was just acquired as part of the case study. You will research and present a formal report to the committee. You will develop sections of the report throughout the course and submit a final compilation of all the sections for the last project deliverable. Due Date Your final project is due in Module 10. There will be individual assignments along the way. The modules in which they are due are noted in the time line below. 02 – Introduction - due 10/13/17 02 - Hospital Overview – due 10/13/17 05 - Descriptive Statistics - 10/23/17 06 - Research Design/Methods – due 11/1/17 07 - Inferential Statistics - due 11/7/17 08 - National Guidelines Regarding Research on Human Subjects, Institutional Review Boards, and Rough Draft - due 11/13/17 10 - Annotated Bibliography and Final Paper – due 11/27/17 Requirements Your final paper must be 6-10 pages in length. It should demonstrate a strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 5 different sources. Include both in text citations and a references page in APA format. You can find more information on APA format in the Online Library, which is accessible through the Resources tab. Running head: SONY PICTURE COMPANY 1 SONY PICTURE COMPANY 2
  • 10. Sony Picture Company When it comes to identifying individual customers, it is important to focus on their needs as being the most important information. The information should be based on the interests and the preferences of the customers and its relation to the aspect of achieving the objectives of an organization. The relationship between customers and a company such as Sony Picture Company needs to focus on its strategies that create a platform to benefit the customers. Knowing the needs, interests, and preferences of the customers influence the management of Sony Picture Company to develop quality products and services to motivate loyalty among them. Gathering Information by Sony Picture Company Sony Picture Company may gather information about the customers via several means. The first may include the aspect of carrying out interviews in different regions where it implements its operations. Interviews involve sitting down with the customers and asking them about their perception about the products and services offered by the management of the company. It also involves oral answering of questions related to the relationship between Sony picture Company and the market in general. The company may also provide questionnaires for the customers to fill in with different questions related to the company’s operations. The company may also develop an effective forum to engage its customers on different issues about the relationship they have with them. The above strategies are feasible because as much as Sony Picture Company acquires feedback from its customers, it also cements its relationship with them. The company requires a diversified tool and approach that covers all areas related to the customers. They should not limit themselves to specific areas.
  • 11. Customer Value Matrix When it comes to using the value performance matrix, the customer serves as the critical tool in enhancing the development of the company. Sony Picture Company uses the value attributes of the customers to change them to SWOT analysis which includes weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats. The company is able to evaluate relative performance to identify both bad and good attributes on its operations and how it influences the perspective of the customer. Sony Picture Company may calculate its performance by focusing on the next best alternative for the customers in relation to the products and services it offers (Lam, Shankar, Erramilli, & Murthy, 2004). The above means focusing on the various attributes possessed by the competitors and comparing them to the performance of the Sony Picture Company. The company may use the competitors as being their key benchmark. The other key factor includes picking the best value attributes performance the customer from the competitors in the markets. Some of the factors that may influence below zero customers may include the poor quality of products, services, and lack of appreciation given to the market. The customers may view the company from a negative perspective and may harm the brand through negative reviews. Customer Behaviors and Needs in the Market John Melon is a customer of Sony Picture Company. He enjoys the different movies and television series he receives from the company. He comes from the United States, which is the leading market for movies in the world. Melon loves movies that have good stories and diversify its actors. With Sony picture Company having a good production structure, it means that the
  • 12. needs of the customers are mate. Melon is also an emotional being, meaning that the movies are the ones that motivate a certain behavior in him. With emotional stories, Melon finds the movies to be appeasing which is good for the market when it comes to the products of the company. Sony Picture Company and the Customers Market research is important when it comes to improving the relationship with the customers. The company needs to focus its operations on research and development to identify issues such as the changing nature of the market, new trends, new interests, and diversified status of the customers in the market (Mithas, Krishnan, & Fornell, 2005). The above factors influence the management of the Sony Picture Company to know proper ways to develop a good relationship with the customers. The company should also have an effective customer management system that answers all the queries given by the customers. References Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2011). Managing customer relationships, A strategic framework. New Jersey (Estados Unidos): John Wiley & Sons Lam, S., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 32(3), 293-311. Mithas, S., Krishnan, M., & Fornell, C. (2005). Why do customer relationship management applications affect customer satisfaction? Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 201-209.
  • 13. SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY 1 Identify and describe the Organization Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. is a company which produces music, films and television shows for its community. As a subsidiary of the electronics giant Sony of Japan, it has changed the perspective of producing music, recording films and developing television programs for the American community. The company has a global network and this has helped the company to amass a large number of employees globally. The company is large and its size has helped the company to make an annual profit of over $513 million (Dheeman, Schildwachter & Harrison, 2012). Its products range from recording, shooting and developing movies and films from different genres and brands in the contemporary community. It has different competitors such as Universal Studios, Warner Bros Entertainment and Walt Disney Motion Pictures and Television. The companies have become the company’s major competitors in the American community and society. Customers As identified by the company’s services, it has been divided into three groupings. There is the music, recording and movie consumers and television services. These three groups present the company’s main functions and consumers in the contemporary community. The company’s management influences and helps the customers to improve and increase their communication in terms of allocation and improvement of service relations (Naganathan, 2013). There are music performers in the entertainment industry and they access and use the company’s services in entertainment from recording and development of their music videos. Marketing and development movies also have a large customer base in the company. There is also an essential focus on the value such as television and
  • 14. hosting of different policies to increase and improve operational services. Customer Relationships The 5 E’s include Emotion, engagement, experience, exchange and essence. The movies customers of the company consider the essence of ethics as a way for supporting the company’s services and products. The company develops a foundation to improve consumers’ needs. There is also the emotion and operational understanding of the company (Murray, 2005). The aim is to influence the experience of the company towards achieving improved company relationship. The consumers also engage the company towards developing productive and market acceptable services. It is essential to use and improve the company’s relations with its consumers. Organization’s Relationships with Customers The company applies customer relationship management in offering and influencing consumers with their products and services. The aim is to improve the relations such as offering and developing foundations for marketing and operational management. It is a concept focusing on the productive relationship such as how to improve value through engaging consumers and determining the market trends (Gershon, 2014). It is a process of also improving processes such as consumer products and meeting consumer needs. The music and television industries are dynamic and a close interaction will help in determining positive relations with consumers. Recommendations on How to Improve Relations Developing a positive relationship with consumers will help the company to achieve its overall performance and integration plans. It is also an opportunity to improve needs such as managing and developing platforms to engage their needs. The company should also effectively engage consumers from music to movie production houses. This will engage and manage the
  • 15. company’s resources such as an improved performance and operational effectiveness. Therefore, the company also needs to understand the culture of its consumers and this will help the company to improved relations in the community. As James Barnes writes about a customer being behaviorally loyal, “This form of loyalty, therefore, is extremely vulnerable; there is no relationship from the customers’ perspective. As soon as they see a better deal or greater convenience elsewhere, they’re gone” (Peppers & Rogers, 2010, pp. 56). References Dheeman, C., Schildwachter, H., & Harrison, J. S. (2012). Sony Corporation: Reinventing Itself to Rediscover the Technological Edge. Gershon, R. A. (2014). The Sony Corporation. Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship, 225. Murray, S. (2005). Brand loyalties: Rethinking content within global corporate media. Media, Culture & Society, 27(3), 415- 435. Naganathan, V. (2013). A Comparative Analysis on Sony’s Approach to Problem Solving and Decision- Making. International journal of management and business research, 3(1), 69-88. Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2010, December 28). Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework. Retrieved September 3, 2017. DRIVING REVENUES – ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES 1 Cover Sony Pictures Finance Structure Sony Pictures Entertainment Company offers different services in the entertainment industry. It is important for the company to effectively increase its consumer retention by offering quality
  • 16. services in the recording and music industry. Under constant supervision and management of the company (Chang, 2011). The company allocates different resources based on its organization. The operations structure of the company is essential and helps the company to improve communication while focusing on important elements such as performance and allocation of resources. The Operations structure of the Sony Pictures Company integrates the following processes. Communication within the divisions of the company is essential since it will help in improving management and how to process the necessary services and products of the company. This being the major part of the company, there has been considerable changes from the top management in each division of the operations of the company. The design division has a hierarchy structure of leadership from its president to the bottom level employees (Chang, 2011). The same applies to all the eight divisions of the operations structure (Design, engineering, facilities, production, manufacturing, design and maintenance and finally support). Each structure has a president who controls all the activities of the company’s operations structure form performance to management. The same applies to all other company organizations. Hence, communication starts from the bottom of each structure, division and top management and then to the company’s chief operations officer. To improve communication in the entertainment industry is not easy and the culture of the company’s management is an open communication system focusing on the performance of the company from bottom level employees to the company’s top management (Chang, 2011). Focusing on such improvement helps in improving and reducing the performance of the company. It helps to improve and increase communication by focusing on strategy and performance. What works? In this communication process, the top management is able to
  • 17. understand the necessary issues and matters regarding to the change in the company’s operations and issues affecting the company’s performance. There is improved coordination since the company works well to improve control and performance of the company’s operations. Controlling the company’s operations is possible due to improved coordination (Chang, 2011). There is value and importance of the company towards improving and supporting the different changes in the community. The necessity of controlling information helps in gaining an insight into the challenges and effects affecting the company. The importance of controlling such activities will help, improve and control the performance of a company towards improving communication, performance and how to effectively coordinate its operations from the field and to the company’s services. Recommendations Although the system works effectively, there is the need of developing streamlined forms of coordinating the company’s operations in the entertainment industry. The major focus will be in balancing and increasing the necessary services such as performance, allowance and improving the necessary service such as performance and operational effectiveness. It is also important to influence, use and improve the necessary services such as developing, planning and increasing the nature, means and operations of the company (Gershon & Kanayama, 2002). The changes could be in the decentralization of the company’s services such as music, films, recording, television and management. This will help in improving control of the company’s resources such as improving the necessary operations, plans and improving and controlling its performance. The nature will help to improve and streamline the company’s management and control on its global activities. References
  • 18. Chang, S. J. (2011). Sony vs Samsung: The Inside Story of the Electronics Giants' Battle For Global Supremacy. John Wiley & Sons. Gershon, R. A., & Kanayama, T. (2002). The Sony Corporation: A case study in transnational media management. International Journal on Media Management, 4(2), 105 117.