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Assessment part 1
Your mindset for this assignment You are working in the
Development Division of Pinnacle Software Inc. Your company
creates tailor-made software solutions for corporate clients.
Pinnacle Software’s head office is in Sydney, Australia and the
company has development teams in Brisbane (Australia), Perth
(Australia) and Bangalore (India). The main business of your
organisation is to develop tailor-made software solutions based
on the client requirements. In your division, you work in a team
that has experts in various technical aspects such as database
design and development, systems analysis and design and
project management. Providing tailor-made software solutions
is a very competitive business, with many companies providing
such services. In this competitive market, it is vital for Pinnacle
Software to win as many clients as possible and provide them
with quality software solutions, which are delivered on time and
within budget. The marketing division of Pinnacle Software
seeks client projects and consults your division before signing
any contracts with the client. They put together a client outline
for your review and analysis based on a tender they are vying
for. This client outline is a result of initial discussions with the
tender contact. At this point, the main responsibility of your
team is to undertake an analysis of the client outline and to
prepare a Project Specification Document & a Project Proposal
to submit in response to the tender. If the tender is won, the
agreed project is then handed over to a development team in one
of the branch offices and managed by your team at the head
As experts in the area and to win the tender, your team is
required to provide a professional level specification document
and a project proposal with a recommended solution chosen
from 3 alternative solutions that have been evaluated.
Instructions – Project Specification Document - Part 1 – 10%
For the first part of this assignment your team is to Project
Specification Document for your group’s case study (project
brief). You MUST complete this assignment with the case study
assigned to your group. The case studies are separate to this
document and are provided on vUWS. If your group creates a
Specification Document for the wrong case study you will
receive zero (0) marks and will fail the assessment. A template
is given on vUWS outlining the different sections of the
specification document (part-1- template.docx). In this template
is guidance for the required sections.
The outline is master headings (sections) of your assignment,
you may give these sub-headings if you feel you need to break
each master heading down into smaller sections. The case
studies given are incomplete. There are some questions you
must ask to provide a valid project proposal. Work with your
team to formulate questions (3 only) to ask, just like you would
ask a real client, to ensure you have enough information to
provide a feasible project proposal. This means you need to
have a thorough understanding of what is required for every
section of the project proposal, in relation to your particular
case study. It is vital to understand the answers to your
questions will be from a client perspective and the client is only
considering your company for its expertise and capability.
Poorly formulated or irrelevant questions could lead to an
unfeasible project proposal (Part 2) for the client. An unfeasible
project proposal will lead to significant loss of marks for Part 2.
The questions will be answered by the marker who will be
acting as the client. The questions are to be in a professionally
written email to the client, asking the client to review the
attached specification document, and if they could address the
questions you have in relation to their project. This email must
be professional. The questions cannot just be bullet points. They
must explain to the client why you are asking them, and to
provide context and understanding why the answers are required
for your proposal. This email is to be submitted along with the
specification document – it must be added as an additional page
before your specification document title page.
The specification document will outline all the functional and
non-functional requirements of the project derived from the
case study allocated to your group. The document must be of a
professional standard. Your group will use this specification
document to show your understanding of the requirements of the
project described in the case study.
For feedback, the marker will provide a client email in return
(as part of the marking feedback) which will answer your
questions, together with their judgement of the specification
document. This feedback must be acted upon and any changes
incorporated into the requirements sections in the final project
Technology and Health Education
Sam is a health educator who works with international
populations to increase awareness for safe sexual practices
among adolescent age groups in two foreign countries. Sam is
not able to travel to these respective sites and instead, will rely
upon technology to deliver the health education program. Both
populations are served by health education centers that have
facilities available for teleconferencing as well as
videoconferencing to allow Sam to engage with the target
audience. Furthermore, at each respective site, there is a health
education coordinator who is responsible for maintaining group
webpages for sources of information. Sam can upload relevant
program materials to these webpages and the audiences can
access the materials for participation.
Sam is aware that most program participants do not have viable
technology equipment at home and are fully dependent on the
health education center for access to program materials. In an
effort to serve individual participants more personally and
specifically, Sam would like to institute a revised strategy. In
her proposal, the health education coordinator would visit the
homes of the member participants to conduct short interviews
with their parents. In fulfilling this element of the program,
Sam is considering using a tablet with an integrated camera.
The health education coordinator will then enable video chat
features to conduct the interviews with participants in their
What considerations should Sam keep in mind when utilizing
various forms of technology tools for the practice of health
For this Discussion, consider the types of technology tools that
you are familiar with and that you might be able to incorporate
into a health education program. For example, if you use a
smart phone/mobile phone, consider how sending health
education content via text messages may be an effective way to
reach a certain population. Consider social networking sites that
you might use in the delivery of health education. Reflect on
how these types of technology tools may hinder health
education delivery if working with an underserved population.
Post a description of an important technology tool that can be
incorporated into the delivery of health education and explain
why. Provide an example of how this form of technology can be
utilized in various health education settings.
Carroll, J. K., Moorhead, A., Bond, R., Leblanc, W. G.,
Petrella, R. J., & Fiscella, K. (2017). Who Uses Mobile Phone
Health Apps and Does Use Matter? A Secondary Data Analytics
Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research,19(4).
Chou, W. S., Prestin, A., Lyons, C., & Wen, K. (2013). Web 2.0
for Health Promotion: Reviewing the Current Evidence.
American Journal of Public Health,103(1).
doi:10.2105/ajph.2012.301071 (2013). Health communication and health
information technology. Retrieved from
Kratze, C., & Cox, C. (2012). Smartphone technology and apps:
Rapidly changing health promotion. International Electronic
Journal of Health Education; (15)9, p. 72-82. Copyright 2012 by
Shape America. Reprinted by permission of Shape America via
the Copyright Clearance Center.
Krebs, P., & Duncan, D. T. (2015). Health App Use Among US
Mobile Phone Owners: A National Survey. JMIR mHealth and
uHealth,3(4). doi:10.2196/mhealth.4924
Naraina, Jai. P., & Ofrin, R. (2012). Role of modern technology
in public health: Opportunities and challenges. WHO South-East
Asia Journal of Public Health (2012): 125. Retrieved from
Tucker, C. (2011). Public health-related apps growing in
number, popularity. The Nation’s Health, 41(8), 1–15.
Western Sydney Wellness Trust
Company Background
The Western Sydney Wellness Trust provides community health
care and social care services to a population of 2,000,000
people living in the Western Sydney Area of Australia. The
Trust was formed five years ago from the merger of the then
separate Community Health Care Trust and Social Services
The Community Health Care Trust employed staff with medical
training from a variety of disciplines such as District Nurses
and Physiotherapists. They visited patients in their home and
provided care to them.
The Social Services Department employed staff with non-
medical care skills, from a wide variety of disciplines, such as
Adult Carers and Child Protection Officers, which visited
clients in their own home also, yet provided social care. The
objective of both organisations was to enable people to go on
living in their own home for as long as possible, thus delaying
their move to Trust-funded Nursing homes.
The merger of these two organisations was the result of a new
central government policy being piloted in the region in which
Western Sydney falls. There are nine other Community Trusts
within the region, none of which are as progressive in their
thinking as the Western Sydney Health and Social Care Trust.
The objectives of the government policy are to improve the care
provided and reduce the overall cost of providing that care. The
new combined Trust was given a large degree of organisational
and financial autonomy within the framework of overall
management by the local region, and an energetic, forward
thinking Chief Executive, Jim James, previously the Director of
Social Services, was appointed to lead the new combined Trust.
Jim James immediately appointed the hardworking Operations
Director of the Community Health Care Trust, Dr Robert Northy
to the position of Business Development Director – effectively
his deputy.
The Trust is headquartered in an old Victorian-style Mental
Health Hospital facility in Parramatta with 50 other offices,
clinics and care homes scattered over the geographical area
served by the Trust. Very few of these offices have been
The Trust now employs 3000 staff split into a relatively small
Head Office team including Finance, Personnel and Business
Development and the professional care staff who are divided
into 3 Directorates as follows:
• Adult Care
• Mental Health Care
• Child Care
Situational Analysis
The main IT software systems used in the Trust are not
integrated with each other and comprise:
• The legacy Social Care system, which is primarily concerned
with providing a basis for analysing the type and source of
referrals received by the individual social care teams and
recording the type of care and cost of care delivered in response
to the referral. No attempt is made to record the outcome of the
care delivered and all notes made by the social workers are
handwritten and filed locally
• The legacy Health Care system which is primarily concerned
with collecting details of the activities carried out by the health
care workers so that mandatory statistical analyses can be
forwarded to the Ministry of Health in federal government
• An effective email system linking all of the offices together
• A financial management and payroll system
The legacy systems are old and not user friendly, and staff
activity data is entered by clerks located in the scattered offices
and then used for statistical report generation by the central IT
Department. None of the health and social care professionals
ever make use of the information in these systems.
The network linking all of the offices together is the
responsibility of the IT Team in the Regional Office. They have
wider and deeper IT infrastructure skills than the Trust.
Company’s Creation and Use of Information
The Trust is one of only a few separate organisations which
deliver care to the geographic area of Western Sydney. The
other organisations are:
• Separate NSW Government-managed Hospitals who provide
Accident & Emergency services, maternity services and a full
range of clinical services to perform operations on patients as
• Doctor Practices (Clinics) that are all contracted
independently to the National Health Service and run
effectively as individual small businesses, paid by Medicare
depending on how many patients are served by them
People in need of care are referred to the Trust from a range of
sources, for example Centrelink, Medical Doctors, Hospitals,
Police, Schools, neighbours or next of kin.
Referrals contain wide disparities in the quality and quantity of
their information. They are normally directed to a local Trust
office which may or may not house the professional care team
capable of dealing with the particular problem, so the referral is
then forwarded on within the Trust, finally reaching the correct
team who takes action. Referrals are received on a 24-hour basis
7 days a week and are actioned immediately if they are deemed
to be urgent.
The key actions following receipt of the referral are typically:
• A visit to the referred person in need of care by a senior care
professional from the most relevant care team, who carries out
an assessment of the patient and may generate referrals to other
teams within the Trust for their follow-up
• Creation of a handwritten care plan. Some care plans are very
complicated and some very simple. For example, the Child
Protection teams draw up very complex plans to solve the
domestic problems leading to abuse of the child whereas the
Podiatry teams are only concerned with scheduling visits to cut
elderly patients’ toenails
• Signoff of the costs of delivering the care by the Team
Manager, or adjustment if too expensive
• Delivery of the care services, which vary in duration from one
hour to several years depending on the discipline and type of
• Review of progress and revision of the care plan as necessary
Each professional care discipline has developed its own style of
assessment form and care plan to record information about the
patient, and each uses its own medical and care jargon to
describe the same condition. Although a patient may receive
care services from several teams in parallel, each of which is
delivering its own speciality – for example district nurses
dressing leg ulcers or occupational therapists modifying the
home environment – no attempt is made to coordinate the care
delivery or exchange care plans between the teams so they may
well turn up at the same patient’s house on the same day and at
the same time and one will then have to reschedule their visit.
The teams are traditionally suspicious of sharing patient related
information in case they make patient diagnosis mistakes, and
the mental health and child protection teams are particularly
concerned about security of information for their patients and
Email to Client
Hi Robert,
We at Pinnacle Software are excited to have the opportunity to
propose a tailor-made software solution for the Western Sydney
Wellness Trust, and hope that you go forward with us for this
Please find attached to this email the specification document,
for your review. However, we have just a few questions to ask
of you to ensure that we completely understand your
requirements for this project.
Data flow: referrals originate from centrelink, doctors,
hospitals, police, schools, etc. May vary widely in quality and
quantity of info. They are then received by local trust offices,
who will either act on them with a professional team they have,
or forward them to a nearby office who have an appropriate
team. These referrals then have their type and source recorded
by the team, and then later the care and cost of care delivered in
response to the referral.
What level of integration is appropriate or desired between the
social care systems and the health care systems?
What are the main complaints about the systems in place from
the users? Too slow, too cumbersome?
Can you give specifics about what kind of analysis is done in
the current social care and health care system? What kind of
data does the user input, e.g. details about care and cost of
Would the benefits in the digitization of handwritten notes that
are currently made by social workers and filed locally, outweigh
any negatives (e.g. additional legal overhead due to privacy
Is there a benefit for health and social care professionals to be
able to access an integrated health care/social care system -
being able to access care histories and details that they
currently don’t/can’t?
Pinnacle Software
Title Page
This page should have the name of your company, the name of
the document and who the document is intended for. This
should be a professional title page, not a simple heading. It will
be representing Pinnacle Software Inc, therefore ensure the title
page reflects that.
executive summary
The executive summary is a brief summary of the document’s
purpose, what is in it, and outcomes or actions relating to the
document. It is not a summary of the project brief.
This section should be a brief summary of what is in the
document. A good approach is to outline the purpose of the
document and then the result achieved by fulfilling this
purpose. As this is a specification document, a summary of the
requirements is needed.
Table of Contents
There should be a table of contents of 1st level headings, and
any 2nd level headings.
Company and Client Objectives
Why proposing this, what will be done to achieve it, how will it
be done and on what timescale, who are the stakeholders and
how does choosing us benefit the client
The overall goal of Pinnacle Software in this project for the
Western Sydney Wellness Trust is to design, develop and
support a major, tailor-made overhaul to some of the systems in
place. These systems are those that are in need of a significant
upgrade to improve outcomes for patient care, improve
efficiency in processing, and ensure that future upgrades can be
installed with minimal or no interruption to regular service.
This project will be supported by Pinnacle’s teams, based in
Brisbane, Perth, and Bangalore (India).
Objective 1 of this project is to completely rebuild and integrate
the legacy social care and health care systems. These systems
have significant room for improvement, that will be realised
through the tailor-made solutions that Pinnacle will provide.
The first improvement that will be made is the modernising of
the user experience. This is a critical part of any system
upgrade - how users interact with a system can make the day-
to-day operation of an organisation significantly more efficient,
as users are no longer fighting against the system just to get
something done. This will be refined closer to completion with
the help of user feedback to ensure that the switch over from
old systems requires as little retraining as possible.
Because Pinnacle specialises in tailor-made solutions, we can
provide a user experience that is designed with the unique
requirements of the Trust in mind.
Functional Requirements
Function ID
Function Statement
Timetabling for professionals’ patients
Function Summary
Professionals can add and edit appointments they’ve booked
with a patient to that patient’s individual digital timetable.
Function Justification
This timetable system is needed to coordinate care of single
patients who are receiving treatment from different professional
care disciplines. The creation of a timetabling system will mean
that the chance of a clash between two care disciplines is
eliminated, reducing wasted hours that could be spent treating
other patients.
Function ID
Function Statement
A patient can view their own timetable online.
Function Summary
Patients can access appointments booked in their digital
timetable by professionals themselves online.
Function Justification
The creation of one timetable per patient means that
appointments can be booked well in advance, and if the patient
requires at some point between booking and the appointment
itself, they can easily retrieve the details that were recorded on
booking through an online interface, without having to divert
time and attention away from professionals.
Function ID
Function Statement
A professional can control and restrict an appointment’s details
Function Summary
Professionals can make details about a patient’s appointment
hidden to other professionals in different disciplines.
Function Justification
To ease privacy concerns about the sharing of information about
a patient that may not be appropriate for other professionals in
other disciplines to see, the adding of an appointment on their
timetable may simply be tagged as private, restricting the
visibility of any details beyond the time and day to
professionals in the same discipline as who booked it. This is
especially important for professionals who work with children
or in mental health.
Non-functional requirements
A summary of what was presented within the document and any
next actions.

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Assessment part 1 Your mindset for this assignment You are wor.docx

  • 1. Assessment part 1 Your mindset for this assignment You are working in the Development Division of Pinnacle Software Inc. Your company creates tailor-made software solutions for corporate clients. Pinnacle Software’s head office is in Sydney, Australia and the company has development teams in Brisbane (Australia), Perth (Australia) and Bangalore (India). The main business of your organisation is to develop tailor-made software solutions based on the client requirements. In your division, you work in a team that has experts in various technical aspects such as database design and development, systems analysis and design and project management. Providing tailor-made software solutions is a very competitive business, with many companies providing such services. In this competitive market, it is vital for Pinnacle Software to win as many clients as possible and provide them with quality software solutions, which are delivered on time and within budget. The marketing division of Pinnacle Software seeks client projects and consults your division before signing any contracts with the client. They put together a client outline for your review and analysis based on a tender they are vying for. This client outline is a result of initial discussions with the tender contact. At this point, the main responsibility of your team is to undertake an analysis of the client outline and to prepare a Project Specification Document & a Project Proposal to submit in response to the tender. If the tender is won, the agreed project is then handed over to a development team in one of the branch offices and managed by your team at the head office. As experts in the area and to win the tender, your team is required to provide a professional level specification document and a project proposal with a recommended solution chosen from 3 alternative solutions that have been evaluated. Instructions – Project Specification Document - Part 1 – 10%
  • 2. For the first part of this assignment your team is to Project Specification Document for your group’s case study (project brief). You MUST complete this assignment with the case study assigned to your group. The case studies are separate to this document and are provided on vUWS. If your group creates a Specification Document for the wrong case study you will receive zero (0) marks and will fail the assessment. A template is given on vUWS outlining the different sections of the specification document (part-1- template.docx). In this template is guidance for the required sections. The outline is master headings (sections) of your assignment, you may give these sub-headings if you feel you need to break each master heading down into smaller sections. The case studies given are incomplete. There are some questions you must ask to provide a valid project proposal. Work with your team to formulate questions (3 only) to ask, just like you would ask a real client, to ensure you have enough information to provide a feasible project proposal. This means you need to have a thorough understanding of what is required for every section of the project proposal, in relation to your particular case study. It is vital to understand the answers to your questions will be from a client perspective and the client is only considering your company for its expertise and capability. Poorly formulated or irrelevant questions could lead to an unfeasible project proposal (Part 2) for the client. An unfeasible project proposal will lead to significant loss of marks for Part 2. The questions will be answered by the marker who will be acting as the client. The questions are to be in a professionally written email to the client, asking the client to review the attached specification document, and if they could address the questions you have in relation to their project. This email must be professional. The questions cannot just be bullet points. They must explain to the client why you are asking them, and to provide context and understanding why the answers are required for your proposal. This email is to be submitted along with the specification document – it must be added as an additional page
  • 3. before your specification document title page. The specification document will outline all the functional and non-functional requirements of the project derived from the case study allocated to your group. The document must be of a professional standard. Your group will use this specification document to show your understanding of the requirements of the project described in the case study. For feedback, the marker will provide a client email in return (as part of the marking feedback) which will answer your questions, together with their judgement of the specification document. This feedback must be acted upon and any changes incorporated into the requirements sections in the final project proposal. Technology and Health Education Sam is a health educator who works with international populations to increase awareness for safe sexual practices among adolescent age groups in two foreign countries. Sam is not able to travel to these respective sites and instead, will rely upon technology to deliver the health education program. Both populations are served by health education centers that have facilities available for teleconferencing as well as videoconferencing to allow Sam to engage with the target audience. Furthermore, at each respective site, there is a health education coordinator who is responsible for maintaining group webpages for sources of information. Sam can upload relevant program materials to these webpages and the audiences can access the materials for participation. Sam is aware that most program participants do not have viable technology equipment at home and are fully dependent on the health education center for access to program materials. In an effort to serve individual participants more personally and specifically, Sam would like to institute a revised strategy. In her proposal, the health education coordinator would visit the
  • 4. homes of the member participants to conduct short interviews with their parents. In fulfilling this element of the program, Sam is considering using a tablet with an integrated camera. The health education coordinator will then enable video chat features to conduct the interviews with participants in their home. What considerations should Sam keep in mind when utilizing various forms of technology tools for the practice of health education? For this Discussion, consider the types of technology tools that you are familiar with and that you might be able to incorporate into a health education program. For example, if you use a smart phone/mobile phone, consider how sending health education content via text messages may be an effective way to reach a certain population. Consider social networking sites that you might use in the delivery of health education. Reflect on how these types of technology tools may hinder health education delivery if working with an underserved population. Post a description of an important technology tool that can be incorporated into the delivery of health education and explain why. Provide an example of how this form of technology can be utilized in various health education settings. References Carroll, J. K., Moorhead, A., Bond, R., Leblanc, W. G., Petrella, R. J., & Fiscella, K. (2017). Who Uses Mobile Phone Health Apps and Does Use Matter? A Secondary Data Analytics Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research,19(4). doi:10.2196/jmir.5604 Chou, W. S., Prestin, A., Lyons, C., & Wen, K. (2013). Web 2.0 for Health Promotion: Reviewing the Current Evidence. American Journal of Public Health,103(1). doi:10.2105/ajph.2012.301071 (2013). Health communication and health information technology. Retrieved from
  • 5. ew.aspx?topicid=18 Kratze, C., & Cox, C. (2012). Smartphone technology and apps: Rapidly changing health promotion. International Electronic Journal of Health Education; (15)9, p. 72-82. Copyright 2012 by Shape America. Reprinted by permission of Shape America via the Copyright Clearance Center. Krebs, P., & Duncan, D. T. (2015). Health App Use Among US Mobile Phone Owners: A National Survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth,3(4). doi:10.2196/mhealth.4924 Naraina, Jai. P., & Ofrin, R. (2012). Role of modern technology in public health: Opportunities and challenges. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health (2012): 125. Retrieved from 12/seajph_v1n2/whoseajphv1i2p125.pdf Tucker, C. (2011). Public health-related apps growing in number, popularity. The Nation’s Health, 41(8), 1–15. Western Sydney Wellness Trust Company Background The Western Sydney Wellness Trust provides community health care and social care services to a population of 2,000,000 people living in the Western Sydney Area of Australia. The Trust was formed five years ago from the merger of the then separate Community Health Care Trust and Social Services Department. The Community Health Care Trust employed staff with medical training from a variety of disciplines such as District Nurses and Physiotherapists. They visited patients in their home and provided care to them. The Social Services Department employed staff with non- medical care skills, from a wide variety of disciplines, such as
  • 6. Adult Carers and Child Protection Officers, which visited clients in their own home also, yet provided social care. The objective of both organisations was to enable people to go on living in their own home for as long as possible, thus delaying their move to Trust-funded Nursing homes. The merger of these two organisations was the result of a new central government policy being piloted in the region in which Western Sydney falls. There are nine other Community Trusts within the region, none of which are as progressive in their thinking as the Western Sydney Health and Social Care Trust. The objectives of the government policy are to improve the care provided and reduce the overall cost of providing that care. The new combined Trust was given a large degree of organisational and financial autonomy within the framework of overall management by the local region, and an energetic, forward thinking Chief Executive, Jim James, previously the Director of Social Services, was appointed to lead the new combined Trust. Jim James immediately appointed the hardworking Operations Director of the Community Health Care Trust, Dr Robert Northy to the position of Business Development Director – effectively his deputy. The Trust is headquartered in an old Victorian-style Mental Health Hospital facility in Parramatta with 50 other offices, clinics and care homes scattered over the geographical area served by the Trust. Very few of these offices have been purpose-built. The Trust now employs 3000 staff split into a relatively small Head Office team including Finance, Personnel and Business Development and the professional care staff who are divided into 3 Directorates as follows: • Adult Care • Mental Health Care
  • 7. • Child Care Situational Analysis Overview The main IT software systems used in the Trust are not integrated with each other and comprise: • The legacy Social Care system, which is primarily concerned with providing a basis for analysing the type and source of referrals received by the individual social care teams and recording the type of care and cost of care delivered in response to the referral. No attempt is made to record the outcome of the care delivered and all notes made by the social workers are handwritten and filed locally • The legacy Health Care system which is primarily concerned with collecting details of the activities carried out by the health care workers so that mandatory statistical analyses can be forwarded to the Ministry of Health in federal government • An effective email system linking all of the offices together • A financial management and payroll system The legacy systems are old and not user friendly, and staff activity data is entered by clerks located in the scattered offices and then used for statistical report generation by the central IT Department. None of the health and social care professionals ever make use of the information in these systems. The network linking all of the offices together is the responsibility of the IT Team in the Regional Office. They have wider and deeper IT infrastructure skills than the Trust.
  • 8. Company’s Creation and Use of Information The Trust is one of only a few separate organisations which deliver care to the geographic area of Western Sydney. The other organisations are: • Separate NSW Government-managed Hospitals who provide Accident & Emergency services, maternity services and a full range of clinical services to perform operations on patients as required • Doctor Practices (Clinics) that are all contracted independently to the National Health Service and run effectively as individual small businesses, paid by Medicare depending on how many patients are served by them People in need of care are referred to the Trust from a range of sources, for example Centrelink, Medical Doctors, Hospitals, Police, Schools, neighbours or next of kin. Referrals contain wide disparities in the quality and quantity of their information. They are normally directed to a local Trust office which may or may not house the professional care team capable of dealing with the particular problem, so the referral is then forwarded on within the Trust, finally reaching the correct team who takes action. Referrals are received on a 24-hour basis 7 days a week and are actioned immediately if they are deemed to be urgent. The key actions following receipt of the referral are typically: • A visit to the referred person in need of care by a senior care professional from the most relevant care team, who carries out an assessment of the patient and may generate referrals to other teams within the Trust for their follow-up • Creation of a handwritten care plan. Some care plans are very
  • 9. complicated and some very simple. For example, the Child Protection teams draw up very complex plans to solve the domestic problems leading to abuse of the child whereas the Podiatry teams are only concerned with scheduling visits to cut elderly patients’ toenails • Signoff of the costs of delivering the care by the Team Manager, or adjustment if too expensive • Delivery of the care services, which vary in duration from one hour to several years depending on the discipline and type of care • Review of progress and revision of the care plan as necessary Each professional care discipline has developed its own style of assessment form and care plan to record information about the patient, and each uses its own medical and care jargon to describe the same condition. Although a patient may receive care services from several teams in parallel, each of which is delivering its own speciality – for example district nurses dressing leg ulcers or occupational therapists modifying the home environment – no attempt is made to coordinate the care delivery or exchange care plans between the teams so they may well turn up at the same patient’s house on the same day and at the same time and one will then have to reschedule their visit. The teams are traditionally suspicious of sharing patient related information in case they make patient diagnosis mistakes, and the mental health and child protection teams are particularly concerned about security of information for their patients and clients.
  • 10. Email to Client Hi Robert, We at Pinnacle Software are excited to have the opportunity to propose a tailor-made software solution for the Western Sydney Wellness Trust, and hope that you go forward with us for this project. Please find attached to this email the specification document, for your review. However, we have just a few questions to ask of you to ensure that we completely understand your requirements for this project. Data flow: referrals originate from centrelink, doctors, hospitals, police, schools, etc. May vary widely in quality and quantity of info. They are then received by local trust offices, who will either act on them with a professional team they have, or forward them to a nearby office who have an appropriate team. These referrals then have their type and source recorded by the team, and then later the care and cost of care delivered in response to the referral. What level of integration is appropriate or desired between the social care systems and the health care systems? What are the main complaints about the systems in place from the users? Too slow, too cumbersome? Can you give specifics about what kind of analysis is done in the current social care and health care system? What kind of data does the user input, e.g. details about care and cost of care? Would the benefits in the digitization of handwritten notes that are currently made by social workers and filed locally, outweigh any negatives (e.g. additional legal overhead due to privacy laws)? Is there a benefit for health and social care professionals to be
  • 11. able to access an integrated health care/social care system - being able to access care histories and details that they currently don’t/can’t? Regards, Pinnacle Software Title Page This page should have the name of your company, the name of the document and who the document is intended for. This should be a professional title page, not a simple heading. It will be representing Pinnacle Software Inc, therefore ensure the title page reflects that. executive summary The executive summary is a brief summary of the document’s purpose, what is in it, and outcomes or actions relating to the document. It is not a summary of the project brief. This section should be a brief summary of what is in the document. A good approach is to outline the purpose of the document and then the result achieved by fulfilling this purpose. As this is a specification document, a summary of the requirements is needed. Table of Contents There should be a table of contents of 1st level headings, and any 2nd level headings. Introduction Company and Client Objectives Why proposing this, what will be done to achieve it, how will it
  • 12. be done and on what timescale, who are the stakeholders and how does choosing us benefit the client The overall goal of Pinnacle Software in this project for the Western Sydney Wellness Trust is to design, develop and support a major, tailor-made overhaul to some of the systems in place. These systems are those that are in need of a significant upgrade to improve outcomes for patient care, improve efficiency in processing, and ensure that future upgrades can be installed with minimal or no interruption to regular service. This project will be supported by Pinnacle’s teams, based in Brisbane, Perth, and Bangalore (India). Objective 1 of this project is to completely rebuild and integrate the legacy social care and health care systems. These systems have significant room for improvement, that will be realised through the tailor-made solutions that Pinnacle will provide. The first improvement that will be made is the modernising of the user experience. This is a critical part of any system upgrade - how users interact with a system can make the day- to-day operation of an organisation significantly more efficient, as users are no longer fighting against the system just to get something done. This will be refined closer to completion with the help of user feedback to ensure that the switch over from old systems requires as little retraining as possible. Because Pinnacle specialises in tailor-made solutions, we can provide a user experience that is designed with the unique requirements of the Trust in mind. Functional Requirements Function ID FR001.1 Function Statement Timetabling for professionals’ patients Function Summary Professionals can add and edit appointments they’ve booked with a patient to that patient’s individual digital timetable. Function Justification This timetable system is needed to coordinate care of single
  • 13. patients who are receiving treatment from different professional care disciplines. The creation of a timetabling system will mean that the chance of a clash between two care disciplines is eliminated, reducing wasted hours that could be spent treating other patients. Function ID FR001.2 Function Statement A patient can view their own timetable online. Function Summary Patients can access appointments booked in their digital timetable by professionals themselves online. Function Justification The creation of one timetable per patient means that appointments can be booked well in advance, and if the patient requires at some point between booking and the appointment itself, they can easily retrieve the details that were recorded on booking through an online interface, without having to divert time and attention away from professionals. Function ID FR001.3 Function Statement A professional can control and restrict an appointment’s details visibility. Function Summary Professionals can make details about a patient’s appointment hidden to other professionals in different disciplines. Function Justification To ease privacy concerns about the sharing of information about a patient that may not be appropriate for other professionals in other disciplines to see, the adding of an appointment on their timetable may simply be tagged as private, restricting the visibility of any details beyond the time and day to professionals in the same discipline as who booked it. This is especially important for professionals who work with children
  • 14. or in mental health. Non-functional requirements Conclusion A summary of what was presented within the document and any next actions.