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Research Critique & PICOT Statement – Final Draft
Student’s Name
NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research
Grand Canyon University
Due Date
Research Critique & PICOT Statement - Final Draft
Give a brief introduction of this paper as it is the final draft. In
this section include the names of the studies that were critiqued
in the qualitative and quantitative sections below with the cited
reference after the name of each study. The graded assignments
from weeks one, two and three should be the basis for this
assignment. The corrections made for all sections of those
assignments according to the instructor’s comments should be
clearly present. Do not include the instructor’s comments. Just
make the corrections and put them in the proper places noted by
the headings below. Throughout this paper, you should use spell
check and grammar check always. Speak in the active voice and
not a passive voice. Support statements with references. Use
citations in all sections when references are made to the study
or studies used in this paper. (Keep the word count between
1500 and 1750 words. Going outside of the word count will
cause a 10% deduction of total points.)
Nursing Practice Problem and PICOT Statement
Nursing Practice Problem
State the practice problem that is relevant to nursing. This
should be an extension of the PICOT question that was in the
introduction of the literature Search on Week 1 of this class.
The PICOT question should support the nursing practice
problem with current research. Be clear, concise and relate the
problem to nursing practice. State how current research supports
this problem. Describe the relevant details and explain how the
PICOT statement is linked or related to nursing practice.
Current research must be used to show how the PICOT supports
the nursing practice problem.
PICOT Statement
State the PICOT statement in a question. State the PICOT
question using the format noted in the article on “EBP- Step-by-
Step- Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-
Based Practice” by Stillwell, Fineout-Overhold & Melnyk
(2010) found with the template for this assignment. Discuss the
link betweenthe PICOT question, the nursing practice problem
& evidence-based practice change how they are connected to
relevant details supporting explanation.
Qualitative Study
Background of Study
Keep this section to just the criteria of the qualitative study.
The clinical and research problem of the study, significance of
the study, purpose of the study and main research question or
hypothesis should be described briefly in this section.
Methods of Study
What qualitative methods were used to answer the research
question stated above? Were there quantitative and qualitative
studies of the literature review relevant to the focus of the study
that were cited by the author? Were the references current?
Were there weaknesses of the available studies used by the
What was the theory or framework of the study? Was it
grounded, ethnological or phenomenological? How was this
theory or framework supported as one of the above types of
Results of Study
Briefly describe the results of the study in as few sentences as
possible. Then answer the following questions objectively: How
do the results of the study have implications to nursing
knowledge/ science? How would the results impact nursing
practice or all areas of nursing?
Ethical Considerations
Briefly answer the following questions: Did the study receive
IRB approval? Did the participants of the study receive
protection of their privacy? Did the participants receive ethical
treatment or was there lack of treatment of patients who
participated in the study?
Quantitative Study
Background of Study
Keep this section to just the criteria of the quantitative study?
What was the clinical or research problem that led to the study?
What was the significance of the study? Did the author stated
the purpose of the study (what was the author hoping to find out
by doing this study)? State the research questions that the
author intended to answer with this study. (Do NOT just list the
question or questions. Explain the answers in a paragraph.)
Were the purpose and the research questions related to the
problem of the study?
Methods of Study
What were the risks and benefits to the subjects that
participated in the study? Were there risks and benefits that the
authors did not discuss? If so what were they? Was informed
consent from the subjects obtained by the authors? Did the
subjects give their consent voluntarily? Was the institutional
review board approval obtained from the same agency in which
the study was performed?
What were the independent and dependent variables? Identify
them and define them clearly. How was the data collected? Why
did the author use this method? What was the time -period of
the study (month and year of beginning and ending of study)?
Briefly describe the sequence of data collection. How was the
data managed? What was the method used to analyze the data?
Was the rigor of the data management assured? If so, how? Was
statistical software used? How was researcher bias minimized?
What method was used to assure this bias was controlled in the
data management of the study? Look at the grading rubric for
additional criteria.
Results of Study
Briefly describe the results of the study in as few sentences as
possible. Then answer the following questions objectively:
What were the limitations of the study? How do the results of
the study have implications to nursing practice? What is the
opportunity for future nursing research of this topic?
Ethical Considerations
Briefly answer the following questions: Did the study receive
IRB approval? Did the participants of the study receive
protection of their privacy? Did the participants receive ethical
treatment or was there lack of treatment of patients who
participated in the study?
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
Clearly describe how the practice change will solve the practice
problem that you have chosen. Description of the solution to the
practice problem should clearly related to the nursing practice
problem. Make sure you give a clear sense of the main idea of
your PICOT question.
This paragraph is the conclusion of YOUR paper and NOT the
research study results or conclusions of the authors of the study.
Is the thesis statement of the study related to the utility and
applicability of the findings to nursing practice? What new
knowledge was learned? Explain the suggestions for future
nursing studies given by the author(s) of the study? It should be
a brief compilation of the major points of the study that was
critiqued in this paper. State your conclusion as to whether the
practice change would improve the practice problem in one
statement. Support your conclusions about your practice
American Nurses Association. (2015). How to get through a
busy shift without going crazy. Journal of Mental Health for
Nursing, 5(1), 218-222. Example-Journal
Dewey,K, Cheetum, L, & Howe, J. (2014). The legal aspects of
nursing mistakes. New York,
NY: Law University Publishers. Example-Book
McBain, L. (2012). The way in which we learn to nurse
patients. American Nurse Today. Retrieved from
Example- Web Page
{There should be at least THREE studies used to support the
conclusion statements in your paper that are listed on this page.
(Use the studies from your week 1 assignment as supporting
references for citation in this paper). There should be a cited
reference in every section of this paper, including the nursing
practice problem, the PICOT statement and he EBP change
sections. The entire paper should be in APA 6th edition format.
See the manual that you should have in your possession for
additional information. The above are examples of how they
should be listed. Do not turn in the information on this page
with your assignment. It should be removed and the only
information on this page should be the actual studies that you
used in this paper with the studies used for supporting your
conclusion to meet the required criterion of the assignment.}
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Supplementary Material
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Information systems and ethicsInformation systems raise new
ethical questions because they create opportunities for:Intense
social change, threatening existing distributions of power,
money, rights, and obligationsNew kinds of crime
Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
Ask students to describe some of the ethical dilemmas that are
presented by information systems and new developments in
technology. Privacy is an important issue—mention the opening
case again and explain that the business models of Google,
Facebook, and many other sites depend on getting users to give
up their personal information so it can be used to market and
sell them products.
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
A model for thinking about ethical, social, and political
IssuesSociety as a calm pondIT as rock dropped in pond,
creating ripples of new situations not covered by old rulesSocial
and political institutions cannot respond overnight to these
ripples—it may take years to develop etiquette, expectations,
lawsRequires understanding of ethics to make choices in legally
gray areas
Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
Can students provide any examples of how IT has challenged
some area of ethics, social life, or legal arrangements?
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Key technology trends that raise ethical issuesDoubling of
computer powerMore organizations depend on computer
systems for critical operations.Rapidly declining data storage
costsOrganizations can easily maintain detailed databases on
individuals.Networking advances and the InternetCopying data
from one location to another and accessing personal data from
remote locations are much easier.
Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
Which of these trends do students believe might have the most
adverse consequences? Why do they feel this way? Do the
positives outweigh the negatives for all four issues? Why or
why not?
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Advances in data analysis techniquesProfilingCombining data
from multiple sources to create dossiers of detailed information
on individualsNonobvious relationship awareness
(NORA)Combining data from multiple sources to find obscure
hidden connections that might help identify criminals or
terroristsMobile device growthTracking of individual cell
Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems
Online profiling is one of the most controversial computer-
related ethical, social, and political issues today. Although it is
used fairly extensively on the Internet, it is also used by
insurance firms, health insurance firms, casinos, and of course
national authorities around the globe for finding potential
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Information rights: privacy and freedom in the Internet
agePrivacy: Claim of individuals to be left alone, free from
surveillance or interference from other individuals,
organizations, or state; claim to be able to control information
about yourselfIn the United States, privacy protected by:First
Amendment (freedom of speech)Fourth Amendment
(unreasonable search and seizure)Additional federal statues
(e.g., Privacy Act of 1974)
The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems
Do students believe that there are sufficient protections for
privacy in law? If not, what are possible methods of developing
appropriate privacy protections? Table 4-3 in the text lists a
variety of other laws affecting both the government and private
institutions, but few areas of the private sector are as well
regulated with respect to privacy. Do an in-class poll and ask
students who among them feel they can control the use of their
personal information on the Internet. You should get no one
raising their hand.
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
FTC FIP principles: Notice/awareness (core principle) Web
sites must disclose practices before collecting
data.Choice/consent (core principle) Consumers must be able to
choose how information is used for secondary
purposes.Access/participation Consumers must be able to
review and contest accuracy of personal data.
The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
FIP (Fair Information Practices)
Do students believe that the Web sites they visit actually
disclose their data collection and utilization practices? Is it
difficult to find where?
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
FTC FIP principles (cont.) Security Data collectors must take
steps to ensure accuracy, security of personal data.Enforcement
Must be mechanism to enforce FIP principles.
The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems
These five Fair Information Practices provide the foundation for
all privacy legislation in the United States, and much of Europe.
You might go to a popular Web site, find its privacy policy, and
see how well the site conforms to the principles above. Chances
are good that the Web site you choose will have several
statements in their policies which permit them to do anything
they want with personal information. Also, do a search on “FTC
privacy” and go to one of the reports listed. A search on “FTC
behavioral targeting” also produces many fine reports on the
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Management Information Systems
Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems
Ask students to describe some of the ethical dilemmas that are
presented by information systems and new developments in
technology. Privacy is an important issue—mention the opening
case again and explain that the business models of Google,
Facebook, and many other sites depend on getting users to give
up their personal information so it can be used to market and
sell them products.
Can students provide any examples of how IT has challenged
some area of ethics, social life, or legal arrangements?
Which of these trends do students believe might have the most
adverse consequences? Why do they feel this way? Do the
positives outweigh the negatives for all four issues? Why or
why not?
Online profiling is one of the most controversial computer-
related ethical, social, and political issues today. Although it is
used fairly extensively on the Internet, it is also used by
insurance firms, health insurance firms, casinos, and of course
national authorities around the globe for finding potential
Do students believe that there are sufficient protections for
privacy in law? If not, what are possible methods of developing
appropriate privacy protections? Table 4-3 in the text lists a
variety of other laws affecting both the government and private
institutions, but few areas of the private sector are as well
regulated with respect to privacy. Do an in-class poll and ask
students who among them feel they can control the use of their
personal information on the Internet. You should get no one
raising their hand.
Do students believe that the Web sites they visit actually
disclose their data collection and utilization practices? Is it
difficult to find where?
These five Fair Information Practices provide the foundation for
all privacy legislation in the United States, and much of Europe.
You might go to a popular Web site, find its privacy policy, and
see how well the site conforms to the principles above. Chances
are good that the Web site you choose will have several
statements in their policies which permit them to do anything
they want with personal information. Also, do a search on “FTC
privacy” and go to one of the reports listed. A search on “FTC
behavioral targeting” also produces many fine reports on the
WEEK 5 - Final Assignment Template- Students Must Use
The attached template and guidelines will help guide you
in the Final Paper in Week 5.
*** This week's assignment is a compilation of the first three
week's assignments. Look closely
at the guidelines which are also attached to this post AND keep
it within the word limit range.
Papers that go over or under the word limitof 1500- 1750 words
will get a 10% deductionin the total grade. (That is 30 points.)
This means you will have to cut down your statements to keep
your comments to just the basic statements that meet the
grading criteria. ***There should be 6 studies used in this
assignment. 2 is the studies being critiqued and the other 4
studies should be used to support your conclusion statements
when the initial study is not enough. There MUST be at least 6
studies in APA 6th edition format on the Reference page.
Make sure you look at the instructions for the assignment, the
guidelines that are in the attachment at the bottom of the page
of the instructions and the grading rubric at the upper right-
hand corner of the page so that you will get all of the points
possible for your assignment.
Week 5
Assignment Benchmark - Research Critiques and PICOT
Statement Final Draft
Due Date: Mar 05, 2017 Max Points: 300
Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the
instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and
the guidelines below.
PICOT Statement
Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1
The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your
capstone project (the project students must complete during
their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
Research Critiques
In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a
qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback
you received from your instructor on these assignments to
finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate
The completed analysis should connect to your identified
practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT
Refer to "Research Critique Guidelines." Questions under each
heading should be addressed asa narrative in the structure of a
formal paper.
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research
articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified.
Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that
information to propose evidence-based practice changes.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found
in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turn-it-in. Please
refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Hand hygiene research study.
Marilyn Sanchez Muniz
Grand Canyon University
Introduction to Nursing Research
Naturally, our hands have germs on them. Some live on the
hands while others are picked up when touching surfaces or
objects such as chairs, tables, and beds and so on when doing
our day-to-day activities. This is normal and does not pose a
risk. However, as you go about your nursing role in care
settings, your hands pick up a lot of germs, and they can cause
harm when passed to another individual like to a patient or a
client. Hand hygiene gets rid of most of these types of germs.
Hand hygiene involves washing hands and drying them
thoroughly. In this paper, I will summarize a research study I
did in topic one and provide ethical considerations of the study.
The central endeavor of this study is to analyze and evaluate the
risk involved when healthcare providers fail to observe hand
hygiene and important of installing hand sanitizer dispensers in
appropriate locations in the healthcare setting (Cure, 2015). The
purpose of this study is to educate healthcare providers on the
importance and benefits of observing hand hygiene during care
delivery to themselves, their colleagues and patients.
This research topic is very important to nursing. When
healthcare providers fail to observe appropriate hand hygiene,
they are at increased risks of getting infections, spreading them
to their fellow providers and patients. These healthcare
providers can be infected with surgical site infections,
bloodstream infections, gastrointestinal infections, chest or
respiratory infections and urinary tract infections or spread
them to their colleagues or patients. This study exposes the
risks of not adhering to hand hygiene practices and emphasize
on the importance of hand sanitizer dispensers on hand hygiene
(Cure, 2015). Therefore, this study should be deemed essential
and relevant to nursing practice.
Moreover, patients usually carry microbes without portraying
any sign of an infection. Therefore, healthcare providers can
pass infections from one patient to another. The main objective
of this article under study is to explore hand hygiene, its
importance, and risks involved if hand hygiene is not observed
appropriately. The purpose of this research work is to
emphasize on the importance of hand hygiene in the healthcare
Methods of study
The author of the study conducted a systematic review of the
qualitative studies on hand hygiene. The author laid down the
behavior of nurses and other healthcare providers of not
observing hand hygiene practices. The authors conducted
qualitative research to investigate the risks that nurses expose
to patients when they fail to comply with the recommended
hand hygiene practices they are expected to follow.
The authors compose the research work based on searching for
electronic databases and evaluating them. Some of the databases
that were helpful to this research work include Social Policy
and Practice, British Nursing Index and American Nurses
Associations. Relevant and vital papers were also searched and
assessed. The strategy used in searching combined effective
methodological terms for qualitative research and particular
terms of hand hygiene.
The researchers used observations, face-to-face qualitative
interviews, as well as focus groups which were published in the
peer-reviewed articles as samples. They also assessed the
patients’ perspective and opinions on nurses’ hand hygiene. The
researchers also included quantitative questionnaire analysis
and patients’ telephone interviews. Furthermore, the researchers
included interviews of patients who were infected with various
types of infections by nurses who fail to adhere to hand hygiene
practices. These researchers also considered source materials in
different languages as samples. This is because the languages of
the researchers were not a barrier to the study. They also
included modes of translation within the research study
Data were analyzed and synthesized using steps which are
recommended by United Kingdom Economic and Social
Research Council (ESRC) for research methods and program
guidance. Complying with the technique, reproducible and
systematic techniques were provided regarding narrative
synthesis and for promoting transparency when it comes to
reporting and evaluating the robustness of the study outcomes.
The researchers used thematic analysis and textual summary to
combine the outcomes. They also adopted the “one-sheet-paper
method” using textual summaries as well as full text of papers if
Results of the study
The study found that the primary cause of healthcare providers’
hand unhygienic practices is due to lack of enough hand
sanitizer dispensers in hospitals. In fact, some healthcare
organizations did not have hand sanitizer dispensers — this
inconvenienced healthcare providers as they cannot keep on
getting out to wash their hands in the washrooms now and then
while patients are waiting for their services. The study also
found that some hospitals have adequate hand sanitizer
dispensers which are placed in strategic locations but nurses
still comply with 50 percent or less of the recommended hand
hygiene practices (Cure, 2015). They put their patients, their
colleagues and themselves of risks of being infected with
infections associated with medical equipment and medical
The outcomes of the study are entirely relevant to nursing
practitioners. From the results, nurses and other healthcare
providers can understand the importance of hand hygiene and
the risks of not adhering to hand hygiene practices in the
healthcare setting. Nurses and other healthcare providers should
understand the recommended hand hygiene practices and adhere
to them to improve their safety, the safety of their colleagues
and their patients. Hand hygiene also keeps the care
environment clean. The article also helps hospital management
and administrators on the importance of mounting hand sanitizer
dispensers in appropriate locations within the hospital premises
(Cure, 2015). If healthcare providers increase their hand
hygiene from the current below 50 % of the recommended
times, the number of patients who get infected with healthcare-
associated infection can reduce.
Ethical considerations
This study depended on both primary and secondary sources in
electronic databases form. There is no respondent/participant
who was directly involved in this research study and the study
processes. Therefore, the study did not demand any ethical
The study adhered to formatting and norms of good qualitative
research study. The data collection methods were indisputable
and transparent. The research methodology, in its entirety, was
free from errors. The outcomes of the study are relevant to the
nursing practice as healthcare providers can learn a lot from it
regarding hand hygiene. Healthcare administration can also
learn from the study as they can install or mount hand sanitizer
dispensers at appropriate locations in their hospitals. The study
is a good source of information for hand hygiene and why it is
essential in care setting.
Cure, L. &. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand sanitizer
location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American Journal
of Infection Control, 43917-921.
Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of
varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub
dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit.
Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989.
Qualitative research critique
NRS 433- OL191: Introduction to Nursing ResearchComment by
Author: This information should be included on the title page of
every assignment. Especially the student’s NAME.
Marilyn Muniz
Research topicComment by Author: Incorrect page label
Use of evidence-based practice to avoid clinical practice
interventions that are known to be unhelpful and probably
injurious to patients with heart failure, asthma, and diabetes.
Evidence-based practice is available for various conditions such
as heart failure, asthma, and diabetes. The practices are not
always implemented during care delivery, and variation in
practices abound. Research on patient safety has concentrated
on data analysis to determine safety issues and show that a new
practice will result to improve quality of care and patient
safety. Little attention has been given to how to implement
evidence-based practices (Titler, 2016). Learning how to
implement evidence-based practice will make patient care safer.
Implementing EBP safety practices are difficult and require
strategies which address individual practitioners, the complexity
of care systems, senior leadership and changing the cultures of
healthcare to be evidence-based safety practice environments.
The field of nursing has a rich history of use of research in
practice. Florence Nightingale pioneered this. Very few nurses
participated and contributed to the foundation which was
initiated by Nightingale in the early and mid-1900s. Evidence-
based practice involves the judicious and conscientious use of
current best evidence together with patient values and clinical
expertise to guide healthcare decisions (Melnyk, 2011). Best
evidence includes evidence from scientific methods like
qualitative and descriptive research, evidence from randomized
controlled trials as well as the use of information from expert
opinion and scientific principles. When adequate research
evidence is available, the practice should be directed by
research evidence together with patient values and clinical
expertise. Comment by Author: Missing an author in this
This study is significant because of patients with heart failure,
asthma and diabetes usually clinical practice interventions
which may be injurious or may not be relevant when healthcare
professionals try to look for best options for these patients
(Grove, 2014). Evidence-based practice has significantly
helped in reducing human suffering by ensuring that all
irrelevant and injurious practices are no longer practiced. It has
also reduced costs of treatment because nurses use best
available making nursing practice easier (Melnyk, 2011). It has
also reduced the number of people with heart failure, asthma
and diabetes as they are receiving the best treatment. Below are
the research questions:Comment by Author: What is the clinical
problem of this study? What is the purpose of the study?
Neither one of these criteria are clearly stated.
(i) Does evidence-based practice provide the solution for kind
of practice given to the patient?
(ii) Is it an effective way of providing the best care to patients?
Method of study
Qualitative methods were appropriate to answer the research
questions. This is because these questions are about meaning,
experience, and perspective usually for the participant’s
standpoint. These answers that qualitative research presented in
this research were not amenable to measuring or counting.
Qualitative research helped in revealing potential problems
experienced when implementing evidence-based practice but
also elaborated that there are some specific strategies that
healthcare professionals can use to ensure they use it in nursing
care. The author identified a particular perspective on the study
(Reyes, 2011). He stated that nurses who use evidence-based
practice in nursing care usually apply the current evidence of
the patient’s condition to provide patient care. I agree with the
author because through research, nurses and other healthcare
professionals get the most up-to-date evidence about various
conditions and illnesses (Melnyk, 2011). The author cited
qualitative research in this study stating that it helped <him
obtain facts, experiences, and perspectives on the effective use
of evidence-based practice for heart failure, asthma, and
diabetes.Comment by Author: This section is missing the
literature search, the weaknesses of the study and the theoretical
framework of the study.
Results of the study
The study found that evidence-based practice on heart failure,
asthma and diabetes is effective. Most patients with heart
failure, asthma, and diabetes have been subjected to injurious
and irrelevant practices when healthcare professionals are trying
to diagnose them or to look for the best treatments that match
them. When evidence-based practice because popular, most
healthcare professionals embraced and adopted it (Melnyk,
2011). This made it easier to diagnose patients depending on the
symptoms of the patients. Nurses are also sure of the treatments
options they have for various patients. This has improved the
quality of care that patients are getting. It has also reduced the
cost of healthcare due to reduced practices.
The implication of this research study to nursing is that use of
evidence-based practice to replace the try and error nursing
practices has had a great impact on nurses. The number of
professional nurses in our healthcare organization is on the rise.
Research has become a platform for nurses to improve their
knowledge and skills making them experts in the nursing field.
Patients have also benefited a lot from the use of evidence-
based practices especially those with heart failure, asthma, and
diabetes (Reyes, 2011). These findings contribute to nursing
knowledge. This is because nurses who utilize research in
getting the best and most updated evidence on various nursing
and clinical problems are likely to become knowledgeable and
gain more skills in the nursing field (Titler, 2016). This is
likely to affect nursing practice, education, nursing
administration and all nursing areas since most nurses are likely
to become experts with the advancements in technology.
Ethical considerations
Institutional Review Board approved this study. The study
maintained a high level of accuracy with no medical or nursing
practice errors. The study is also maintaining high levels of
privacy and confidentiality as it did not disclose any name of
patients or nurses apart from research pioneer Florence
Nightingale who was cited in good faith. Patient privacy was
protected. The study addressed patients in general although
research was done on specific patients (Grove, 2014). The
study maintained ethical considerations regarding the diagnosis
and treatment of patients with heart failure, asthma, and
diabetes using evidence-based practices. There was a change in
conditions of many patients with these illnesses. There were
also reductions in these diseases due to improved treatments.
The research study strictly adhered to the format and norms of
good qualitative research. The methods used for data collection
were effective and transparent and was devoid to errors the
research findings are essential to nursing practices. This is
because nurses can learn more from it about the use of
evidence-based practice for various clinical problems including
heart failure, asthma, and diabetes among others. The research
study is a good source of information for nurses and other
healthcare professionals who need more knowledge on the
importance of evidence-based practice. (word count-1043)
ReferencesComment by Author: Page label should be centered
on the page and it should NOT be in bold. Comment by Author:
1st Ref- City of publisher is missing. Comment by Author: 2nd
Ref- The second author’s name is not written out. City of
publisher is missing. Comment by Author: 3rd Ref- The nursing
journal name and volume number should be in italics. The name
of the study should NOT be in italics. The issue number is
missing. Comment by Author: 4th Ref- This is an online
handback. Comment by Author: There should be THREE studies
used in this assignment. There is one study and three books.
TWO studies are missing.
Grove, S. K. (2014). Understanding nursing research: Building
an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Melnyk, B. M.-O. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing &
healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams &
Reyes, D. V. (2011). Prevention of central venous line-
associated bloodstream infections in adult intensive care units:
A systematic review. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 43
Titler, M. G. (2016). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-
Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from
PICOT statementComment by Author: Format errors-
Incomplete title; The identifiers (name, institution, course &
date) are NOT included in APA format. Do NOT include them
in future assignments.
See the template for this assignment to see the appropriate
Name: Marilyn Sanchez Muniz
Institution: Grand Canyon University
Course: Introduction to Nursing Research
Date: 11/11/2018
XComment by Author: Complete title of paper should be on this
line, not in bold.
Nursing problem
Research studies demonstrate that healthcare providers usually
clean their hands less than 50 percent of the times they are
supposed to on average. This leads to increased spread of
infections which affect at least 1 in every 25 patients on any
given day. Studies estimate that there are more than 1.4 million
HAI cases at any given time even if this may be an
underestimation as a result of lack of appropriate surveillance.
Patients may get surgical site infections, gastrointestinal
infections, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, or
respiratory/chest infections. Healthcare providers and workers
are a conduit for the spread of such infections to patients under
their care. Patients may also carry numerous microbes without
showing any sign or even symptoms of an infection. This calls
for the need for hygiene of hands regardless of patient type
being attended. Do convenient hand sanitizer’s locations affect
the compliance of hygiene of hands for nurses?Comment by
Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph
should be indented 5 spaces.
PICOT statement
Patients or healthcare employees who are at closer or accessible
locations to hand sanitizers are convenient than inaccessible and
far locations as this affects appropriate hand hygiene in their
daily working especially at night shifts and this would not
comply with required hand hygiene for nurses.Comment by
Author: What IS the PICOT Question here? You do not state it
clearly so that each element of the PICOT question is
Literature review
There has been a continuous failure of nurses and visitors in
hospitals to observe appropriate hand hygiene upon attending to
patients. Each patient is at risk of acquiring an infection when
receiving treatment for other diseases. Healthcare providers are
also at risk of getting infections while providing care or treating
patients. Therefore, preventing the spreading of germs is crucial
in hospitals as well as other facilities such as nursing homes
and dialysis centers. Hand sanitizer dispensers are crucial as
they support hand hygiene and they are availed in all corners of
healthcare organizations. This paper explores whether
convenient locations of opportunities of hand hygiene as
compared to the limited opportunities of hand hygiene locations
prevent spread of infection in a patient during their stay in
healthcare facilities. Complying with practices of hand hygiene
is directly affected by the availability and accessibility of
cleaning agents.Comment by Author: Format error- The first
sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.
1. Cure, L., & Van Enk, R. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand
sanitizer location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American
Journal of Infection Control, 43917-921.
doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.05.013Comment by Author: The
references in the paper are NOT to be in bold, and should NOT
be numbered. SEE the template for this assignment for the
appropriate format.
Hand cleanliness is the most imperative mediation to avert
disease in doctor's facilities. Social insurance laborers should
clean their hands at any rate when contact with patients. The
hand sanitizer gadgets are vital to helping hand cleanliness
since they can be made accessible all through clinic units. The
point of this examination was to decide if the ease of use of
sanitizer gadgets corresponds with the consistency of staff in
utilizing the sanitizer in a doctor's facility. This investigation
occurred in a Midwest, 404-bed, private, not-for-profit network
healing center with 15 inpatient care units notwithstanding a
few wandering units.Comment by Author: Format error- The
first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.
Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative?
What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did
YOU choose this study- did it support your topic?
2. Hobbs, M. A., Robinson, S., Neyens, D. M., & Steed, C.
(2016). Visitor characteristics and alcohol-based hand sanitizer
dispenser locations at the hospital entrance: Effect on visitor
use rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(3),
Hospital guests' hand cleanliness is an imperative part of
counteracting human services related contaminations, however
little is thought about guests' utilization of liquor based hand
sanitizers. The investigation point was to look at if utilization
of AHS is impacted by guest attributes and the area of AHS
inside the entryway of an extensive healing center. Strategies
An observational investigation was led with AHS put in 3
unique areas. The information included guest attributes and if
AHS were utilized. Results The outcomes recommend that
guests are 5.28 occasions (95% certainty interim [CI], 3.68-
7.82) more prone to utilize AHS when gadgets are amidst the
entryway with restricted tourist spots or obstructions, 1.35
occasions more inclined to utilize the AHS toward the evening
contrasted and the morning, or when they are more youthful
guests (balanced chances ratio, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.09-
1.97).Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of
every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by
Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the
strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this
study- did it support your topic?
3. Cure, L., Enk, R., & Tiong, E. (2014). A systematic approach
for the location of hand sanitizer dispensers in hospitals. Health
Care Management Science, 17(3), 245-258. doi:10.1007/s10729-
013-9254-yComment by Author: This reference is NOT in the
list below.
Consistency with hand cleanliness rehearses is
straightforwardly influenced by the openness and accessibility
of cleaning specialists. By and by, the choice of where to find
these gadgets is regularly not unequivocally or completely
tended to in writing. In this paper, we contemplate the issue of
choosing the areas to introduce liquor based hand sanitizer
allocators all through a healing center unit as a circuitous way
to deal with amplifying consistency with hand cleanliness
rehearses. We explore the pertinent criteria in choosing
allocator areas that advance hand cleanliness consistence,
propose measurements for the assessment of different area
setups, and detail a gadget area improvement display that
deliberately consolidates such criteria.Comment by Author:
Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be
indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative
or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the
study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your
4. Baslyman, M., Rezaee, R., Amyot, D. d., Mouttham, A.,
Chreyh, R., Geiger, G., & ... Sader, S. (2015). Real-time and
location-based hand hygiene monitoring and notification: proof-
of-concept system and experimentation. Personal & Ubiquitous
Computing, 19(3/4), 667-688
Rising contamination rates in medicinal services because
entanglements for the patient, expanded healing center remain,
monetary troubles and even demise. One of the essential factors
that lessen those diseases is better to hand cleanliness. Because
of the absence of robotized frameworks that can enable
checking to hand cleanliness consistency, a few clinics utilize
coordinate perceptions, reviews, allocator's use estimations and
other such techniques to screen the consistency of consideration
suppliers. This paper exhibits an elective framework that
exploits rising off-the-rack foundations in doctor's facilities and
of ongoing area frameworks (RTLS) and robotized hand
sanitizer gadgets.Comment by Author: Format error- The first
sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5
spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or
quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study?
Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic?
5. Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of
varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub
dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit.
InfectionControl and Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989.
We consecutively expanded the quantity of divider mounted
liquor -based hand rub gadgets in a little medicinal unit to
assess consequences for hand cleanliness execution. Over a
specific point, expansion of more devices did not build hand
cleanliness recurrence, which had all the earmarks of being
impacted more by area than by an aggregate number of
allocators.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence
of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by
Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the
strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this
study- did it support your topic?
6. Eveillard, M., Pradelle, M., Lefrancq, B., Guilloteau, V.,
Rabjeau, A., Kempf, M., & ... Brunel, P. (2011). Measurement
of hand hygiene compliance and gloving practices in different
settings for the elderly considering the location of hand hygiene
opportunities during patient care. American Journal of Infection
Control, 39(4), 339-341. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2010.08.023
We checked to hand cleanliness and gloving hones by direct
perception in 8 social insurance settings for elderly people in
western France. Consistency with hand cleanliness was superior
to anything that revealed by past investigations, was better for
single contacts and previously or after a progression of
progressive contacts than inside arrangement, and was firmly
identified with gloving rehearses. Practices varied among the
settings.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence
of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by
Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the
strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this
study- did it support your topic?
XComment by Author: Evidence-Based Practice
Section is omitted.
By adding extra alcohol-based hand rub dispensers on walls, the
frequency of hand hygiene will increase because of their
convenient locations. Hand sanitizers should be placed in
convenient places such as entrances, on elevators, insider
wards, and outside wards.
ReferencesComment by Author: The page label should NOT be
in bold. There are only 5 studies listed on this page. *** This
page label should be on the first line of the page.****
Baslyman, M., Rezaee, R., Amyot, D. d., Mouttham, A.,
Chreyh, R., Geiger, G., & ... Sader, S. (2015). Real-time and
location-based hand hygiene monitoring and notification: proof-
of-concept system and experimentation. Personal & Ubiquitous
Computing, 19(3/4), 667-688Comment by Author: The first line
should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be
indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number
should be in italics.
Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of
varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub
dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit.
Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989.
doi:10.1086/671729Comment by Author: The first line should
be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be
indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number
should be in italics.
Cure, L., & Van Enk, R. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand
sanitizer location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American
Journal of Infection Control, 43917-921.
Eveillard, M., Pradelle, M., Lefrancq, B., Guilloteau, V.,
Rabjeau, A., Kempf, M., & ... Brunel, P. (2011). Measurement
of hand hygiene compliance and gloving practices in different
settings for the elderly considering the location of hand hygiene
opportunities during patient care. American Journal of Infection
Control, 39(4), 339-341.
doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2010.08.023Comment by Author: The first
line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should
be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number
should be in italics.
Hobbs, M. A., Robinson, S., Neyens, D. M., & Steed, C. (2016).
Visitor characteristics and alcohol-basedhand sanitizer
dispenser locations at the hospital entrance: Effect on visitor
use rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(3), 258.
doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.10.041Comment by Author: The first
line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should
be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number
should be in italics.
Eliud please, this teacher is very demanding she is a doctor of
science and I need you to work in this work, it is the end of the
module and I need to get a good grade, it is for next Wednesday
December 5, please read all the indications and Rubrics and tell
me if you can do it, I attached the previous works.
Please and thank you very much
I am willing to pay up to 30 dollars
Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the
instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and
the guidelines below.
PICOT Statement
Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1
The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your
capstone project (the project students must complete during
their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
Research Critiques
In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a
qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback
you received from your instructor on these assignments to
finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate
The completed analysis should connect to your identified
practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT
Refer to "Research Critique Guidelines." Questions under each
heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a
formal paper.
Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change
Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research
articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified.
Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that
information to propose evidence-based practice changes.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found
in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
· PICOT statement clearly articulates a nursing practice
problem using substantial supporting information from
numerous reliable sources.
· Background of study including problem, significance to
nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions is thorough
with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation.
· Discussion of method of study including discussion of
conceptual/theoretical framework is thorough with substantial
relevant details and extensive explanation.
· Discussion of study results including findings and
implications for nursing practice is thorough with substantial
relevant details and extensive explanation.
· Discussion of ethical considerations associated with the
conduct of nursing research is thorough with substantial
relevant details and extensive explanation
· Conclusion summarizes utility of the research from the critical
appraisal, knowledge learned, and the importance of the
findings to nursing practice.
· Evidence of incorporation of research critique feedback and
revision is comprehensive and thoroughly developed
· Discussion of the link between the PICOT statement, research
articles, and nursing practice problem is extremely thorough
with substantial relevant details and extensive supporting
· The proposed evidence-based practice change is extremely
thorough and includes substantial supporting explanation and
numerous relevant details.
· Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper.
Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
· Argument is clear and convincing and presents a persuasive
claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are
· Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic
· Sources are completely and correctly documented, as
appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
· All format elements are correct.
Research Critique Guidelines
To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of
the research study conducted, address each component below
for qualitative study in the Topic 2 assignment and the
quantitative study in the Topic 3 assignment.
Successful completion of this assignment requires that you
provide a rationale, include examples, or reference content from
the study in your responses.
Qualitative Study
Background of Study:
1. Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to
the study. What was not known about the clinical problem that,
if understood, could be used to improve health care delivery or
patient outcomes? This gap in knowledge is the research
1. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In
other words, why should the reader care about this study? Look
for statements about human suffering, costs of treatment, or the
number of people affected by the clinical problem.
1. Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state
the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the
study goals, objectives, or aims.
1. List research questions that the study was designed to
answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions,
attempt to infer the questions from the answers.
1. Were the purpose and research questions related to the
Method of Study:
1. Were qualitative methods appropriate to answer the research
1. Did the author identify a specific perspective from which the
study was developed? If so, what was it?
1. Did the author cite quantitative and qualitative studies
relevant to the focus of the study? What other types of literature
did the author include?
1. Are the references current? For qualitative studies, the author
may have included studies older than the 5-year limit typically
used for quantitative studies. Findings of older qualitative
studies may be relevant to a qualitative study.
1. Did the author evaluate or indicate the weaknesses of the
available studies?
1. Did the literature review include adequate information to
build a logical argument?
1. When a researcher uses the grounded theory method of
qualitative inquiry, the researcher may develop a framework or
diagram as part of the findings of the study. Was a framework
developed from the study findings?
Results of Study
1. What were the study findings?
1. What are the implications to nursing?
1. Explain how the findings contribute to nursing
knowledge/science. Would this impact practice, education,
administration, or all areas of nursing?
Ethical Considerations
1. Was the study approved by an Institutional Review Board?
1. Was patient privacy protected?
1. Were there ethical considerations regarding the treatment or
lack of?
1. Emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis
1. Provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to
completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away
points useful in nursing practice.
1. Incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the
utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice.
1. Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned.
Quantitative Study
Background of Study:
1. Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to
the study. What was not known about the clinical problem that,
if understood, could be used to improve health care delivery or
patient outcomes? This gap in knowledge is the research
1. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In
other words, why should the reader care about this study? Look
for statements about human suffering, costs of treatment, or the
number of people affected by the clinical problem.
1. Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state
the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the
study goals, objectives, or aims.
1. List research questions that the study was designed to
answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions,
attempt to infer the questions from the answers.
1. Were the purpose and research questions related to the
Methods of Study
1. Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by
the authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not
1. Was informed consent obtained from the subjects or
1. Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the
1. Was institutional review board approval obtained from the
agency in which the study was conducted?
1. Are the major variables (independent and dependent
variables) identified and defined? What were these variables?
1. How were data collected in this study?
1. What rationale did the author provide for using this data
collection method?
1. Identify the time period for data collection of the study.
1. Describe the sequence of data collection events for a
1. Describe the data management and analysis methods used in
the study.
1. Did the author discuss how the rigor of the process was
assured? For example, does the author describe maintaining a
paper trail of critical decisions that were made during the
analysis of the data? Was statistical software used to ensure
accuracy of the analysis?
1. What measures were used to minimize the effects of
researcher bias (their experiences and perspectives)? For
example, did two researchers independently analyze the data
and compare their analyses?
Results of Study
1. What is the researcher's interpretation of findings?
1. Are the findings valid or an accurate reflection of reality? Do
you have confidence in the findings?
1. What limitations of the study were identified by researchers?
1. Was there a coherent logic to the presentation of findings?
1. What implications do the findings have for nursing practice?
For example, can the findings of the study be applied to general
nursing practice, to a specific population, or to a specific area
of nursing?
1. What suggestions are made for further studies?
Ethical Considerations
1. Was the study approved by an Institutional Review Board?
1. Was patient privacy protected?
1. Were there ethical considerations regarding the treatment or
lack of?
1. Emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis
1. Provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to
completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away
points useful in nursing practice.
1. Incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the
utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice.
1. Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned.
Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding nursing research
(5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Running head RESEARCH CRITIQUE & PICOT - FINAL   16RE.docx

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  • 1. Running head: RESEARCH CRITIQUE & PICOT - FINAL 1 6 RESEARCH CRITIQUE & PICOT Research Critique & PICOT Statement – Final Draft Student’s Name NRS-433V Introduction to Nursing Research Grand Canyon University Due Date Research Critique & PICOT Statement - Final Draft Give a brief introduction of this paper as it is the final draft. In this section include the names of the studies that were critiqued in the qualitative and quantitative sections below with the cited reference after the name of each study. The graded assignments from weeks one, two and three should be the basis for this assignment. The corrections made for all sections of those assignments according to the instructor’s comments should be clearly present. Do not include the instructor’s comments. Just make the corrections and put them in the proper places noted by the headings below. Throughout this paper, you should use spell check and grammar check always. Speak in the active voice and not a passive voice. Support statements with references. Use citations in all sections when references are made to the study
  • 2. or studies used in this paper. (Keep the word count between 1500 and 1750 words. Going outside of the word count will cause a 10% deduction of total points.) Nursing Practice Problem and PICOT Statement Nursing Practice Problem State the practice problem that is relevant to nursing. This should be an extension of the PICOT question that was in the introduction of the literature Search on Week 1 of this class. The PICOT question should support the nursing practice problem with current research. Be clear, concise and relate the problem to nursing practice. State how current research supports this problem. Describe the relevant details and explain how the PICOT statement is linked or related to nursing practice. Current research must be used to show how the PICOT supports the nursing practice problem. PICOT Statement State the PICOT statement in a question. State the PICOT question using the format noted in the article on “EBP- Step-by- Step- Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence- Based Practice” by Stillwell, Fineout-Overhold & Melnyk (2010) found with the template for this assignment. Discuss the link betweenthe PICOT question, the nursing practice problem & evidence-based practice change how they are connected to relevant details supporting explanation. Qualitative Study Background of Study Keep this section to just the criteria of the qualitative study. The clinical and research problem of the study, significance of the study, purpose of the study and main research question or hypothesis should be described briefly in this section. Methods of Study What qualitative methods were used to answer the research question stated above? Were there quantitative and qualitative studies of the literature review relevant to the focus of the study that were cited by the author? Were the references current? Were there weaknesses of the available studies used by the
  • 3. author? What was the theory or framework of the study? Was it grounded, ethnological or phenomenological? How was this theory or framework supported as one of the above types of theory? Results of Study Briefly describe the results of the study in as few sentences as possible. Then answer the following questions objectively: How do the results of the study have implications to nursing knowledge/ science? How would the results impact nursing practice or all areas of nursing? Ethical Considerations Briefly answer the following questions: Did the study receive IRB approval? Did the participants of the study receive protection of their privacy? Did the participants receive ethical treatment or was there lack of treatment of patients who participated in the study? Quantitative Study Background of Study Keep this section to just the criteria of the quantitative study? What was the clinical or research problem that led to the study? What was the significance of the study? Did the author stated the purpose of the study (what was the author hoping to find out by doing this study)? State the research questions that the author intended to answer with this study. (Do NOT just list the question or questions. Explain the answers in a paragraph.) Were the purpose and the research questions related to the problem of the study? Methods of Study What were the risks and benefits to the subjects that participated in the study? Were there risks and benefits that the authors did not discuss? If so what were they? Was informed consent from the subjects obtained by the authors? Did the subjects give their consent voluntarily? Was the institutional review board approval obtained from the same agency in which the study was performed?
  • 4. What were the independent and dependent variables? Identify them and define them clearly. How was the data collected? Why did the author use this method? What was the time -period of the study (month and year of beginning and ending of study)? Briefly describe the sequence of data collection. How was the data managed? What was the method used to analyze the data? Was the rigor of the data management assured? If so, how? Was statistical software used? How was researcher bias minimized? What method was used to assure this bias was controlled in the data management of the study? Look at the grading rubric for additional criteria. Results of Study Briefly describe the results of the study in as few sentences as possible. Then answer the following questions objectively: What were the limitations of the study? How do the results of the study have implications to nursing practice? What is the opportunity for future nursing research of this topic? Ethical Considerations Briefly answer the following questions: Did the study receive IRB approval? Did the participants of the study receive protection of their privacy? Did the participants receive ethical treatment or was there lack of treatment of patients who participated in the study? Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change Clearly describe how the practice change will solve the practice problem that you have chosen. Description of the solution to the practice problem should clearly related to the nursing practice problem. Make sure you give a clear sense of the main idea of your PICOT question. Conclusion This paragraph is the conclusion of YOUR paper and NOT the research study results or conclusions of the authors of the study. Is the thesis statement of the study related to the utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice? What new knowledge was learned? Explain the suggestions for future nursing studies given by the author(s) of the study? It should be
  • 5. a brief compilation of the major points of the study that was critiqued in this paper. State your conclusion as to whether the practice change would improve the practice problem in one statement. Support your conclusions about your practice change. References American Nurses Association. (2015). How to get through a busy shift without going crazy. Journal of Mental Health for Nursing, 5(1), 218-222. Example-Journal Dewey,K, Cheetum, L, & Howe, J. (2014). The legal aspects of nursing mistakes. New York, NY: Law University Publishers. Example-Book McBain, L. (2012). The way in which we learn to nurse patients. American Nurse Today. Retrieved from https://www.american_nurse_today/methodsinnursing/3456html. Example- Web Page {There should be at least THREE studies used to support the conclusion statements in your paper that are listed on this page. (Use the studies from your week 1 assignment as supporting references for citation in this paper). There should be a cited reference in every section of this paper, including the nursing practice problem, the PICOT statement and he EBP change sections. The entire paper should be in APA 6th edition format. See the manual that you should have in your possession for additional information. The above are examples of how they should be listed. Do not turn in the information on this page with your assignment. It should be removed and the only information on this page should be the actual studies that you used in this paper with the studies used for supporting your conclusion to meet the required criterion of the assignment.}
  • 6. 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Supplementary Material * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Information systems and ethicsInformation systems raise new ethical questions because they create opportunities for:Intense social change, threatening existing distributions of power, money, rights, and obligationsNew kinds of crime Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems Ask students to describe some of the ethical dilemmas that are presented by information systems and new developments in technology. Privacy is an important issue—mention the opening case again and explain that the business models of Google, Facebook, and many other sites depend on getting users to give up their personal information so it can be used to market and sell them products. * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems A model for thinking about ethical, social, and political
  • 7. IssuesSociety as a calm pondIT as rock dropped in pond, creating ripples of new situations not covered by old rulesSocial and political institutions cannot respond overnight to these ripples—it may take years to develop etiquette, expectations, lawsRequires understanding of ethics to make choices in legally gray areas Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems Can students provide any examples of how IT has challenged some area of ethics, social life, or legal arrangements? * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Key technology trends that raise ethical issuesDoubling of computer powerMore organizations depend on computer systems for critical operations.Rapidly declining data storage costsOrganizations can easily maintain detailed databases on individuals.Networking advances and the InternetCopying data from one location to another and accessing personal data from remote locations are much easier. Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems Which of these trends do students believe might have the most adverse consequences? Why do they feel this way? Do the positives outweigh the negatives for all four issues? Why or why not? * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
  • 8. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Advances in data analysis techniquesProfilingCombining data from multiple sources to create dossiers of detailed information on individualsNonobvious relationship awareness (NORA)Combining data from multiple sources to find obscure hidden connections that might help identify criminals or terroristsMobile device growthTracking of individual cell phones Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems Online profiling is one of the most controversial computer- related ethical, social, and political issues today. Although it is used fairly extensively on the Internet, it is also used by insurance firms, health insurance firms, casinos, and of course national authorities around the globe for finding potential terrorists. * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems Information rights: privacy and freedom in the Internet agePrivacy: Claim of individuals to be left alone, free from surveillance or interference from other individuals, organizations, or state; claim to be able to control information about yourselfIn the United States, privacy protected by:First Amendment (freedom of speech)Fourth Amendment (unreasonable search and seizure)Additional federal statues (e.g., Privacy Act of 1974) The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems
  • 9. Do students believe that there are sufficient protections for privacy in law? If not, what are possible methods of developing appropriate privacy protections? Table 4-3 in the text lists a variety of other laws affecting both the government and private institutions, but few areas of the private sector are as well regulated with respect to privacy. Do an in-class poll and ask students who among them feel they can control the use of their personal information on the Internet. You should get no one raising their hand. * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems FTC FIP principles: Notice/awareness (core principle) Web sites must disclose practices before collecting data.Choice/consent (core principle) Consumers must be able to choose how information is used for secondary purposes.Access/participation Consumers must be able to review and contest accuracy of personal data. The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems FTC (Federal Trade Commission) FIP (Fair Information Practices) Do students believe that the Web sites they visit actually disclose their data collection and utilization practices? Is it difficult to find where? * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems
  • 10. Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems FTC FIP principles (cont.) Security Data collectors must take steps to ensure accuracy, security of personal data.Enforcement Must be mechanism to enforce FIP principles. The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems These five Fair Information Practices provide the foundation for all privacy legislation in the United States, and much of Europe. You might go to a popular Web site, find its privacy policy, and see how well the site conforms to the principles above. Chances are good that the Web site you choose will have several statements in their policies which permit them to do anything they want with personal information. Also, do a search on “FTC privacy” and go to one of the reports listed. A search on “FTC behavioral targeting” also produces many fine reports on the topic. * 4.* Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Management Information Systems Chapter 4: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems * Ask students to describe some of the ethical dilemmas that are presented by information systems and new developments in technology. Privacy is an important issue—mention the opening case again and explain that the business models of Google, Facebook, and many other sites depend on getting users to give up their personal information so it can be used to market and sell them products.
  • 11. * Can students provide any examples of how IT has challenged some area of ethics, social life, or legal arrangements? * Which of these trends do students believe might have the most adverse consequences? Why do they feel this way? Do the positives outweigh the negatives for all four issues? Why or why not? * Online profiling is one of the most controversial computer- related ethical, social, and political issues today. Although it is used fairly extensively on the Internet, it is also used by insurance firms, health insurance firms, casinos, and of course national authorities around the globe for finding potential terrorists. * Do students believe that there are sufficient protections for privacy in law? If not, what are possible methods of developing appropriate privacy protections? Table 4-3 in the text lists a variety of other laws affecting both the government and private institutions, but few areas of the private sector are as well regulated with respect to privacy. Do an in-class poll and ask students who among them feel they can control the use of their personal information on the Internet. You should get no one raising their hand. * Do students believe that the Web sites they visit actually disclose their data collection and utilization practices? Is it difficult to find where? * These five Fair Information Practices provide the foundation for all privacy legislation in the United States, and much of Europe. You might go to a popular Web site, find its privacy policy, and see how well the site conforms to the principles above. Chances are good that the Web site you choose will have several statements in their policies which permit them to do anything
  • 12. they want with personal information. Also, do a search on “FTC privacy” and go to one of the reports listed. A search on “FTC behavioral targeting” also produces many fine reports on the topic. * WEEK 5 - Final Assignment Template- Students Must Use Class, The attached template and guidelines will help guide you in the Final Paper in Week 5. *** This week's assignment is a compilation of the first three week's assignments. Look closely at the guidelines which are also attached to this post AND keep it within the word limit range. Papers that go over or under the word limitof 1500- 1750 words will get a 10% deductionin the total grade. (That is 30 points.) This means you will have to cut down your statements to keep your comments to just the basic statements that meet the grading criteria. ***There should be 6 studies used in this assignment. 2 is the studies being critiqued and the other 4 studies should be used to support your conclusion statements when the initial study is not enough. There MUST be at least 6 studies in APA 6th edition format on the Reference page. Make sure you look at the instructions for the assignment, the guidelines that are in the attachment at the bottom of the page of the instructions and the grading rubric at the upper right- hand corner of the page so that you will get all of the points possible for your assignment. Week 5 Assignment Benchmark - Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Final Draft Due Date: Mar 05, 2017 Max Points: 300
  • 13. Details: Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and the guidelines below. PICOT Statement Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment. The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study). Research Critiques In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate revisions. The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT statement. Refer to "Research Critique Guidelines." Questions under each heading should be addressed asa narrative in the structure of a formal paper. Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turn-it-in. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  • 14. NRS-433V-RS-Research-Critique-Guidelines.docx 8506c8b3-e0ab-4 Running head: HAND HYGIENE RESEARCH STUDY HAND HYGIENE RESEARCH STUDY6 Hand hygiene research study. Marilyn Sanchez Muniz Grand Canyon University Introduction to Nursing Research 11/25/2018 Introduction Naturally, our hands have germs on them. Some live on the hands while others are picked up when touching surfaces or objects such as chairs, tables, and beds and so on when doing our day-to-day activities. This is normal and does not pose a
  • 15. risk. However, as you go about your nursing role in care settings, your hands pick up a lot of germs, and they can cause harm when passed to another individual like to a patient or a client. Hand hygiene gets rid of most of these types of germs. Hand hygiene involves washing hands and drying them thoroughly. In this paper, I will summarize a research study I did in topic one and provide ethical considerations of the study. Background The central endeavor of this study is to analyze and evaluate the risk involved when healthcare providers fail to observe hand hygiene and important of installing hand sanitizer dispensers in appropriate locations in the healthcare setting (Cure, 2015). The purpose of this study is to educate healthcare providers on the importance and benefits of observing hand hygiene during care delivery to themselves, their colleagues and patients. This research topic is very important to nursing. When healthcare providers fail to observe appropriate hand hygiene, they are at increased risks of getting infections, spreading them to their fellow providers and patients. These healthcare providers can be infected with surgical site infections, bloodstream infections, gastrointestinal infections, chest or respiratory infections and urinary tract infections or spread them to their colleagues or patients. This study exposes the risks of not adhering to hand hygiene practices and emphasize on the importance of hand sanitizer dispensers on hand hygiene (Cure, 2015). Therefore, this study should be deemed essential and relevant to nursing practice. Moreover, patients usually carry microbes without portraying any sign of an infection. Therefore, healthcare providers can pass infections from one patient to another. The main objective of this article under study is to explore hand hygiene, its importance, and risks involved if hand hygiene is not observed appropriately. The purpose of this research work is to emphasize on the importance of hand hygiene in the healthcare settings. Methods of study
  • 16. The author of the study conducted a systematic review of the qualitative studies on hand hygiene. The author laid down the behavior of nurses and other healthcare providers of not observing hand hygiene practices. The authors conducted qualitative research to investigate the risks that nurses expose to patients when they fail to comply with the recommended hand hygiene practices they are expected to follow. The authors compose the research work based on searching for electronic databases and evaluating them. Some of the databases that were helpful to this research work include Social Policy and Practice, British Nursing Index and American Nurses Associations. Relevant and vital papers were also searched and assessed. The strategy used in searching combined effective methodological terms for qualitative research and particular terms of hand hygiene. The researchers used observations, face-to-face qualitative interviews, as well as focus groups which were published in the peer-reviewed articles as samples. They also assessed the patients’ perspective and opinions on nurses’ hand hygiene. The researchers also included quantitative questionnaire analysis and patients’ telephone interviews. Furthermore, the researchers included interviews of patients who were infected with various types of infections by nurses who fail to adhere to hand hygiene practices. These researchers also considered source materials in different languages as samples. This is because the languages of the researchers were not a barrier to the study. They also included modes of translation within the research study framework. Data were analyzed and synthesized using steps which are recommended by United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for research methods and program guidance. Complying with the technique, reproducible and systematic techniques were provided regarding narrative synthesis and for promoting transparency when it comes to reporting and evaluating the robustness of the study outcomes. The researchers used thematic analysis and textual summary to
  • 17. combine the outcomes. They also adopted the “one-sheet-paper method” using textual summaries as well as full text of papers if needed. Results of the study The study found that the primary cause of healthcare providers’ hand unhygienic practices is due to lack of enough hand sanitizer dispensers in hospitals. In fact, some healthcare organizations did not have hand sanitizer dispensers — this inconvenienced healthcare providers as they cannot keep on getting out to wash their hands in the washrooms now and then while patients are waiting for their services. The study also found that some hospitals have adequate hand sanitizer dispensers which are placed in strategic locations but nurses still comply with 50 percent or less of the recommended hand hygiene practices (Cure, 2015). They put their patients, their colleagues and themselves of risks of being infected with infections associated with medical equipment and medical environment. The outcomes of the study are entirely relevant to nursing practitioners. From the results, nurses and other healthcare providers can understand the importance of hand hygiene and the risks of not adhering to hand hygiene practices in the healthcare setting. Nurses and other healthcare providers should understand the recommended hand hygiene practices and adhere to them to improve their safety, the safety of their colleagues and their patients. Hand hygiene also keeps the care environment clean. The article also helps hospital management and administrators on the importance of mounting hand sanitizer dispensers in appropriate locations within the hospital premises (Cure, 2015). If healthcare providers increase their hand hygiene from the current below 50 % of the recommended times, the number of patients who get infected with healthcare- associated infection can reduce. Ethical considerations This study depended on both primary and secondary sources in electronic databases form. There is no respondent/participant
  • 18. who was directly involved in this research study and the study processes. Therefore, the study did not demand any ethical approval. Conclusion The study adhered to formatting and norms of good qualitative research study. The data collection methods were indisputable and transparent. The research methodology, in its entirety, was free from errors. The outcomes of the study are relevant to the nursing practice as healthcare providers can learn a lot from it regarding hand hygiene. Healthcare administration can also learn from the study as they can install or mount hand sanitizer dispensers at appropriate locations in their hospitals. The study is a good source of information for hand hygiene and why it is essential in care setting. Reference Cure, L. &. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand sanitizer location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, 43917-921. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.05.013. Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit. Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989. doi:10.1086/671729
  • 19. Running head: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH CRITIQUE 6 Qualitative research critique NRS 433- OL191: Introduction to Nursing ResearchComment by Author: This information should be included on the title page of every assignment. Especially the student’s NAME. Marilyn Muniz 11/18/2018 Research topicComment by Author: Incorrect page label Use of evidence-based practice to avoid clinical practice interventions that are known to be unhelpful and probably injurious to patients with heart failure, asthma, and diabetes. Background Evidence-based practice is available for various conditions such as heart failure, asthma, and diabetes. The practices are not always implemented during care delivery, and variation in
  • 20. practices abound. Research on patient safety has concentrated on data analysis to determine safety issues and show that a new practice will result to improve quality of care and patient safety. Little attention has been given to how to implement evidence-based practices (Titler, 2016). Learning how to implement evidence-based practice will make patient care safer. Implementing EBP safety practices are difficult and require strategies which address individual practitioners, the complexity of care systems, senior leadership and changing the cultures of healthcare to be evidence-based safety practice environments. The field of nursing has a rich history of use of research in practice. Florence Nightingale pioneered this. Very few nurses participated and contributed to the foundation which was initiated by Nightingale in the early and mid-1900s. Evidence- based practice involves the judicious and conscientious use of current best evidence together with patient values and clinical expertise to guide healthcare decisions (Melnyk, 2011). Best evidence includes evidence from scientific methods like qualitative and descriptive research, evidence from randomized controlled trials as well as the use of information from expert opinion and scientific principles. When adequate research evidence is available, the practice should be directed by research evidence together with patient values and clinical expertise. Comment by Author: Missing an author in this citation. This study is significant because of patients with heart failure, asthma and diabetes usually clinical practice interventions which may be injurious or may not be relevant when healthcare professionals try to look for best options for these patients (Grove, 2014). Evidence-based practice has significantly helped in reducing human suffering by ensuring that all irrelevant and injurious practices are no longer practiced. It has also reduced costs of treatment because nurses use best available making nursing practice easier (Melnyk, 2011). It has also reduced the number of people with heart failure, asthma and diabetes as they are receiving the best treatment. Below are
  • 21. the research questions:Comment by Author: What is the clinical problem of this study? What is the purpose of the study? Neither one of these criteria are clearly stated. (i) Does evidence-based practice provide the solution for kind of practice given to the patient? (ii) Is it an effective way of providing the best care to patients? Method of study Qualitative methods were appropriate to answer the research questions. This is because these questions are about meaning, experience, and perspective usually for the participant’s standpoint. These answers that qualitative research presented in this research were not amenable to measuring or counting. Qualitative research helped in revealing potential problems experienced when implementing evidence-based practice but also elaborated that there are some specific strategies that healthcare professionals can use to ensure they use it in nursing care. The author identified a particular perspective on the study (Reyes, 2011). He stated that nurses who use evidence-based practice in nursing care usually apply the current evidence of the patient’s condition to provide patient care. I agree with the author because through research, nurses and other healthcare professionals get the most up-to-date evidence about various conditions and illnesses (Melnyk, 2011). The author cited qualitative research in this study stating that it helped <him obtain facts, experiences, and perspectives on the effective use of evidence-based practice for heart failure, asthma, and diabetes.Comment by Author: This section is missing the literature search, the weaknesses of the study and the theoretical framework of the study. Results of the study The study found that evidence-based practice on heart failure, asthma and diabetes is effective. Most patients with heart failure, asthma, and diabetes have been subjected to injurious and irrelevant practices when healthcare professionals are trying to diagnose them or to look for the best treatments that match them. When evidence-based practice because popular, most
  • 22. healthcare professionals embraced and adopted it (Melnyk, 2011). This made it easier to diagnose patients depending on the symptoms of the patients. Nurses are also sure of the treatments options they have for various patients. This has improved the quality of care that patients are getting. It has also reduced the cost of healthcare due to reduced practices. The implication of this research study to nursing is that use of evidence-based practice to replace the try and error nursing practices has had a great impact on nurses. The number of professional nurses in our healthcare organization is on the rise. Research has become a platform for nurses to improve their knowledge and skills making them experts in the nursing field. Patients have also benefited a lot from the use of evidence- based practices especially those with heart failure, asthma, and diabetes (Reyes, 2011). These findings contribute to nursing knowledge. This is because nurses who utilize research in getting the best and most updated evidence on various nursing and clinical problems are likely to become knowledgeable and gain more skills in the nursing field (Titler, 2016). This is likely to affect nursing practice, education, nursing administration and all nursing areas since most nurses are likely to become experts with the advancements in technology. Ethical considerations Institutional Review Board approved this study. The study maintained a high level of accuracy with no medical or nursing practice errors. The study is also maintaining high levels of privacy and confidentiality as it did not disclose any name of patients or nurses apart from research pioneer Florence Nightingale who was cited in good faith. Patient privacy was protected. The study addressed patients in general although research was done on specific patients (Grove, 2014). The study maintained ethical considerations regarding the diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart failure, asthma, and diabetes using evidence-based practices. There was a change in conditions of many patients with these illnesses. There were
  • 23. also reductions in these diseases due to improved treatments. Conclusion The research study strictly adhered to the format and norms of good qualitative research. The methods used for data collection were effective and transparent and was devoid to errors the research findings are essential to nursing practices. This is because nurses can learn more from it about the use of evidence-based practice for various clinical problems including heart failure, asthma, and diabetes among others. The research study is a good source of information for nurses and other healthcare professionals who need more knowledge on the importance of evidence-based practice. (word count-1043) ReferencesComment by Author: Page label should be centered on the page and it should NOT be in bold. Comment by Author: 1st Ref- City of publisher is missing. Comment by Author: 2nd Ref- The second author’s name is not written out. City of publisher is missing. Comment by Author: 3rd Ref- The nursing journal name and volume number should be in italics. The name of the study should NOT be in italics. The issue number is missing. Comment by Author: 4th Ref- This is an online handback. Comment by Author: There should be THREE studies used in this assignment. There is one study and three books. TWO studies are missing. Grove, S. K. (2014). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Melnyk, B. M.-O. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Reyes, D. V. (2011). Prevention of central venous line- associated bloodstream infections in adult intensive care units: A systematic review. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 43
  • 24. 12-22. Titler, M. G. (2016). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence- Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from Running head: PICOT STATEMENT PICOT STATEMENT 7 PICOT statementComment by Author: Format errors- Incomplete title; The identifiers (name, institution, course & date) are NOT included in APA format. Do NOT include them in future assignments. See the template for this assignment to see the appropriate format. Name: Marilyn Sanchez Muniz Institution: Grand Canyon University Course: Introduction to Nursing Research Date: 11/11/2018
  • 25. XComment by Author: Complete title of paper should be on this line, not in bold. Nursing problem Research studies demonstrate that healthcare providers usually clean their hands less than 50 percent of the times they are supposed to on average. This leads to increased spread of infections which affect at least 1 in every 25 patients on any given day. Studies estimate that there are more than 1.4 million HAI cases at any given time even if this may be an underestimation as a result of lack of appropriate surveillance. Patients may get surgical site infections, gastrointestinal infections, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, or respiratory/chest infections. Healthcare providers and workers are a conduit for the spread of such infections to patients under their care. Patients may also carry numerous microbes without showing any sign or even symptoms of an infection. This calls for the need for hygiene of hands regardless of patient type being attended. Do convenient hand sanitizer’s locations affect the compliance of hygiene of hands for nurses?Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces. PICOT statement Patients or healthcare employees who are at closer or accessible locations to hand sanitizers are convenient than inaccessible and far locations as this affects appropriate hand hygiene in their daily working especially at night shifts and this would not comply with required hand hygiene for nurses.Comment by Author: What IS the PICOT Question here? You do not state it clearly so that each element of the PICOT question is identifiable. Literature review There has been a continuous failure of nurses and visitors in hospitals to observe appropriate hand hygiene upon attending to
  • 26. patients. Each patient is at risk of acquiring an infection when receiving treatment for other diseases. Healthcare providers are also at risk of getting infections while providing care or treating patients. Therefore, preventing the spreading of germs is crucial in hospitals as well as other facilities such as nursing homes and dialysis centers. Hand sanitizer dispensers are crucial as they support hand hygiene and they are availed in all corners of healthcare organizations. This paper explores whether convenient locations of opportunities of hand hygiene as compared to the limited opportunities of hand hygiene locations prevent spread of infection in a patient during their stay in healthcare facilities. Complying with practices of hand hygiene is directly affected by the availability and accessibility of cleaning agents.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces. 1. Cure, L., & Van Enk, R. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand sanitizer location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, 43917-921. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.05.013Comment by Author: The references in the paper are NOT to be in bold, and should NOT be numbered. SEE the template for this assignment for the appropriate format. Hand cleanliness is the most imperative mediation to avert disease in doctor's facilities. Social insurance laborers should clean their hands at any rate when contact with patients. The hand sanitizer gadgets are vital to helping hand cleanliness since they can be made accessible all through clinic units. The point of this examination was to decide if the ease of use of sanitizer gadgets corresponds with the consistency of staff in utilizing the sanitizer in a doctor's facility. This investigation occurred in a Midwest, 404-bed, private, not-for-profit network healing center with 15 inpatient care units notwithstanding a few wandering units.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces. Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did
  • 27. YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? 2. Hobbs, M. A., Robinson, S., Neyens, D. M., & Steed, C. (2016). Visitor characteristics and alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispenser locations at the hospital entrance: Effect on visitor use rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(3), 258.doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.10.041 Hospital guests' hand cleanliness is an imperative part of counteracting human services related contaminations, however little is thought about guests' utilization of liquor based hand sanitizers. The investigation point was to look at if utilization of AHS is impacted by guest attributes and the area of AHS inside the entryway of an extensive healing center. Strategies An observational investigation was led with AHS put in 3 unique areas. The information included guest attributes and if AHS were utilized. Results The outcomes recommend that guests are 5.28 occasions (95% certainty interim [CI], 3.68- 7.82) more prone to utilize AHS when gadgets are amidst the entryway with restricted tourist spots or obstructions, 1.35 occasions more inclined to utilize the AHS toward the evening contrasted and the morning, or when they are more youthful guests (balanced chances ratio, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.09- 1.97).Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? 3. Cure, L., Enk, R., & Tiong, E. (2014). A systematic approach for the location of hand sanitizer dispensers in hospitals. Health Care Management Science, 17(3), 245-258. doi:10.1007/s10729- 013-9254-yComment by Author: This reference is NOT in the list below. Consistency with hand cleanliness rehearses is straightforwardly influenced by the openness and accessibility of cleaning specialists. By and by, the choice of where to find these gadgets is regularly not unequivocally or completely tended to in writing. In this paper, we contemplate the issue of
  • 28. choosing the areas to introduce liquor based hand sanitizer allocators all through a healing center unit as a circuitous way to deal with amplifying consistency with hand cleanliness rehearses. We explore the pertinent criteria in choosing allocator areas that advance hand cleanliness consistence, propose measurements for the assessment of different area setups, and detail a gadget area improvement display that deliberately consolidates such criteria.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? 4. Baslyman, M., Rezaee, R., Amyot, D. d., Mouttham, A., Chreyh, R., Geiger, G., & ... Sader, S. (2015). Real-time and location-based hand hygiene monitoring and notification: proof- of-concept system and experimentation. Personal & Ubiquitous Computing, 19(3/4), 667-688 Rising contamination rates in medicinal services because entanglements for the patient, expanded healing center remain, monetary troubles and even demise. One of the essential factors that lessen those diseases is better to hand cleanliness. Because of the absence of robotized frameworks that can enable checking to hand cleanliness consistency, a few clinics utilize coordinate perceptions, reviews, allocator's use estimations and other such techniques to screen the consistency of consideration suppliers. This paper exhibits an elective framework that exploits rising off-the-rack foundations in doctor's facilities and of ongoing area frameworks (RTLS) and robotized hand sanitizer gadgets.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? 5. Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub
  • 29. dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit. InfectionControl and Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989. doi:10.1086/671729 We consecutively expanded the quantity of divider mounted liquor -based hand rub gadgets in a little medicinal unit to assess consequences for hand cleanliness execution. Over a specific point, expansion of more devices did not build hand cleanliness recurrence, which had all the earmarks of being impacted more by area than by an aggregate number of allocators.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? 6. Eveillard, M., Pradelle, M., Lefrancq, B., Guilloteau, V., Rabjeau, A., Kempf, M., & ... Brunel, P. (2011). Measurement of hand hygiene compliance and gloving practices in different settings for the elderly considering the location of hand hygiene opportunities during patient care. American Journal of Infection Control, 39(4), 339-341. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2010.08.023 We checked to hand cleanliness and gloving hones by direct perception in 8 social insurance settings for elderly people in western France. Consistency with hand cleanliness was superior to anything that revealed by past investigations, was better for single contacts and previously or after a progression of progressive contacts than inside arrangement, and was firmly identified with gloving rehearses. Practices varied among the settings.Comment by Author: Format error- The first sentence of every paragraph should be indented 5 spaces.Comment by Author: Is this study qualitative or quantitative? What are the strengths & weaknesses of the study? Why did YOU choose this study- did it support your topic? XComment by Author: Evidence-Based Practice
  • 30. Solution Section is omitted. Conclusion By adding extra alcohol-based hand rub dispensers on walls, the frequency of hand hygiene will increase because of their convenient locations. Hand sanitizers should be placed in convenient places such as entrances, on elevators, insider wards, and outside wards.
  • 31. ReferencesComment by Author: The page label should NOT be in bold. There are only 5 studies listed on this page. *** This page label should be on the first line of the page.**** Baslyman, M., Rezaee, R., Amyot, D. d., Mouttham, A., Chreyh, R., Geiger, G., & ... Sader, S. (2015). Real-time and location-based hand hygiene monitoring and notification: proof- of-concept system and experimentation. Personal & Ubiquitous Computing, 19(3/4), 667-688Comment by Author: The first line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number should be in italics. Chan, B. P., Homa, K., & Kirkland, K. B. (2013). Effect of varying the number and location of alcohol-based hand rub dispensers on usage in a general inpatient medical unit. Infection Control And Hospital Epidemiology, 34(9), 987-989. doi:10.1086/671729Comment by Author: The first line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number should be in italics.
  • 32. Cure, L., & Van Enk, R. (2015). Major article: Effect of hand sanitizer location on hand hygiene compliance. AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control, 43917-921. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.05.01 Eveillard, M., Pradelle, M., Lefrancq, B., Guilloteau, V., Rabjeau, A., Kempf, M., & ... Brunel, P. (2011). Measurement of hand hygiene compliance and gloving practices in different settings for the elderly considering the location of hand hygiene opportunities during patient care. American Journal of Infection Control, 39(4), 339-341. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2010.08.023Comment by Author: The first line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number should be in italics. Hobbs, M. A., Robinson, S., Neyens, D. M., & Steed, C. (2016). Visitor characteristics and alcohol-basedhand sanitizer dispenser locations at the hospital entrance: Effect on visitor use rates. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(3), 258. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.10.041Comment by Author: The first line should be at the left -margin and the rest of the lines should be indented 5 spaces. The journal name and the volume number should be in italics. Eliud please, this teacher is very demanding she is a doctor of
  • 33. science and I need you to work in this work, it is the end of the module and I need to get a good grade, it is for next Wednesday December 5, please read all the indications and Rubrics and tell me if you can do it, I attached the previous works. Please and thank you very much I am willing to pay up to 30 dollars Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the Topic 1, 2, and 3 assignments and the guidelines below. PICOT Statement Revise the PICOT statement you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment. The final PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study). Research Critiques In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate revisions. The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT statement.
  • 34. Refer to "Research Critique Guidelines." Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper. Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. · PICOT statement clearly articulates a nursing practice problem using substantial supporting information from numerous reliable sources. · Background of study including problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation. · Discussion of method of study including discussion of conceptual/theoretical framework is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation. · Discussion of study results including findings and implications for nursing practice is thorough with substantial
  • 35. relevant details and extensive explanation. · Discussion of ethical considerations associated with the conduct of nursing research is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation · Conclusion summarizes utility of the research from the critical appraisal, knowledge learned, and the importance of the findings to nursing practice. · Evidence of incorporation of research critique feedback and revision is comprehensive and thoroughly developed · Discussion of the link between the PICOT statement, research articles, and nursing practice problem is extremely thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive supporting explanation. · The proposed evidence-based practice change is extremely thorough and includes substantial supporting explanation and numerous relevant details. · Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. · Argument is clear and convincing and presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. · Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. · Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
  • 36. · All format elements are correct. Research Critique Guidelines To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study conducted, address each component below for qualitative study in the Topic 2 assignment and the quantitative study in the Topic 3 assignment. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, or reference content from the study in your responses. Qualitative Study Background of Study: 1. Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to the study. What was not known about the clinical problem that, if understood, could be used to improve health care delivery or patient outcomes? This gap in knowledge is the research problem. 1. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In other words, why should the reader care about this study? Look for statements about human suffering, costs of treatment, or the number of people affected by the clinical problem. 1. Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the study goals, objectives, or aims. 1. List research questions that the study was designed to
  • 37. answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions, attempt to infer the questions from the answers. 1. Were the purpose and research questions related to the problem? Method of Study: 1. Were qualitative methods appropriate to answer the research questions? 1. Did the author identify a specific perspective from which the study was developed? If so, what was it? 1. Did the author cite quantitative and qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study? What other types of literature did the author include? 1. Are the references current? For qualitative studies, the author may have included studies older than the 5-year limit typically used for quantitative studies. Findings of older qualitative studies may be relevant to a qualitative study. 1. Did the author evaluate or indicate the weaknesses of the available studies? 1. Did the literature review include adequate information to build a logical argument? 1. When a researcher uses the grounded theory method of qualitative inquiry, the researcher may develop a framework or diagram as part of the findings of the study. Was a framework developed from the study findings?
  • 38. Results of Study 1. What were the study findings? 1. What are the implications to nursing? 1. Explain how the findings contribute to nursing knowledge/science. Would this impact practice, education, administration, or all areas of nursing? Ethical Considerations 1. Was the study approved by an Institutional Review Board? 1. Was patient privacy protected? 1. Were there ethical considerations regarding the treatment or lack of? Conclusion 1. Emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis statement. 1. Provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away points useful in nursing practice. 1. Incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice. 1. Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned. Quantitative Study Background of Study: 1. Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to the study. What was not known about the clinical problem that, if understood, could be used to improve health care delivery or
  • 39. patient outcomes? This gap in knowledge is the research problem. 1. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In other words, why should the reader care about this study? Look for statements about human suffering, costs of treatment, or the number of people affected by the clinical problem. 1. Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the study goals, objectives, or aims. 1. List research questions that the study was designed to answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions, attempt to infer the questions from the answers. 1. Were the purpose and research questions related to the problem? Methods of Study 1. Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by the authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not identify? 1. Was informed consent obtained from the subjects or participants? 1. Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the study? 1. Was institutional review board approval obtained from the agency in which the study was conducted? 1. Are the major variables (independent and dependent
  • 40. variables) identified and defined? What were these variables? 1. How were data collected in this study? 1. What rationale did the author provide for using this data collection method? 1. Identify the time period for data collection of the study. 1. Describe the sequence of data collection events for a participant. 1. Describe the data management and analysis methods used in the study. 1. Did the author discuss how the rigor of the process was assured? For example, does the author describe maintaining a paper trail of critical decisions that were made during the analysis of the data? Was statistical software used to ensure accuracy of the analysis? 1. What measures were used to minimize the effects of researcher bias (their experiences and perspectives)? For example, did two researchers independently analyze the data and compare their analyses? Results of Study 1. What is the researcher's interpretation of findings? 1. Are the findings valid or an accurate reflection of reality? Do you have confidence in the findings? 1. What limitations of the study were identified by researchers? 1. Was there a coherent logic to the presentation of findings? 1. What implications do the findings have for nursing practice?
  • 41. For example, can the findings of the study be applied to general nursing practice, to a specific population, or to a specific area of nursing? 1. What suggestions are made for further studies? Ethical Considerations 1. Was the study approved by an Institutional Review Board? 1. Was patient privacy protected? 1. Were there ethical considerations regarding the treatment or lack of? Conclusion 1. Emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis statement. 1. Provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away points useful in nursing practice. 1. Incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice. 1. Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned. Reference Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding nursing research (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.