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Diversity and Multiculturalism in Health Care
Kimberly Crawford
Kaplan University
November 28, 2016
Diversity and multicultural perspectives are vital in the health
education and public health fields in that it allows people to
recognize interdependence and focus their ideas with a group
other than their own. Additionally, it utilizes the patient's
culture and language as tools to advance the results for that
individual. According to the American Academy of Family
Physician (2014), diversity and multiculturalism create a health
care setting that appreciates diversity people feel welcome,
appreciated, and allow medical professionals and organization
to instil multiracial viewpoints into their strategy, plan and
execute quality focused health initiative to all members of the
In general, embracing cultural diversity and multiple
perspectives before starting an intervention program is vital to
the provision and improvement of the overall quality of care
delivery. It is, therefore, important to consider multiple
perspectives before starting an intervention because diversity in
the target audience and the program participants has
ramifications regarding the things measured, the data collected
as well as how the data is collected. For instance, before the
program, one needs to consider factors such as nationality, race,
and culture because, in some situations, race has been
associated with some specific genetic diseases such as sickle
cell anemia, and some lactose intolerance, which can influence
the intervention outcomes (Issel, 2004). According to Issel,
factors like physical characteristics of the population and
community may affect the decisions during the planning and
later during program evaluation. Furthermore, it is important to
consider multiple perspectives before the program because
program participants may bring their culture to the program in
ways that may influence the intervention and its effectiveness.
Goal 1 could be applied to a diverse population; however, the
goals need to be modified to be culturally inclusive. Different
cultures have different foods and therefore to ensure that the
participating population adheres to the program, the plan should
state precisely the foods to be taken during the intervention to
ensure successful outcomes. The second goal involves
preventing obesity among children through childcare and
schools. This goal can be implemented within a multicultural
population however in needs some modification to get the best
results. Different families have various methods of nurturing
their children, and different meals could have an effect on the
health of the child. As a result, the program needs to begin by
educating families on some of the best ways to nurture their
children especially the foods they feed their babies at an early
stage. The school in the region can participate in this effort by
introducing a standard method of feeding the students and as
well as a standard physical activity program for children within
the participating schools. The third goal involves expanding the
role of employers, which can also be implemented in a
multicultural setting. However, the program needs to adhere to a
standard that accommodates all the participants irrespective of
their cultural diversity. This involves providing the
participating organizations with the instructions o the programs
and the items they need to provide their works to make the
program successful.
These changes can be implemented by first educating the
participating population on the importance of adhering to the
program and providing instruction manuals to the participants
on some of the meals and physical activities to include in the
program in better to enhance the success of the program.
American Academy of Family Physicians,. (2014). Cultural
Proficiency: The Importance of
Cultural Proficiency in Providing Effective Care for Diverse
Populations (Position
Paper). Retrieved 29 November 2016, from
Issel, L. M. (2004). Health program planning and evaluation: A
practical, systematic approach
for community health. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett
Assignment 5 Employee Compensation and Benefits
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a narrative and a
PowerPoint presentation. You must submit two (2) sections for
the completion of this assignment. Label each file name
according to the section of the assignment it is written for.
Note: For additional information on how to submit more than
one file for an assignment, follow the instructions in the
document “How to Submit Multiple Files for an Assignment”,
located here.
Imagine that you have just been hired by a new company as the
director of the HR department. You have been tasked to hire a
new secretary for the department and to develop an employee
compensation and benefits package that will be used for that
position upon hire. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to
present this information to your Vice President. Go to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Website, located at, for information regarding organizations and pay
in your geographical area.
Section 1: Narrative
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1. Choose the type of organization for which you are designing
the package.
2. Develop an employee compensation and benefits package for
this new position. Support your ideas for the
compensation/benefits package.
3. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify
as academic resources.
Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
Section 2: Presentation
Create a twenty (20) slide PowerPoint presentation in which
4. Provide an overview of the employee compensation and
benefits package that you developed in the narrative portion of
this assignment.
5. Determine if the employee will be exempt or nonexempt and
discuss how overtime will be handled.
6. Suggest other benefits that might be considered within the
next few months to enhance employee performance and provide
job motivation.
7. Provide information on how government regulations will
influence the compensation.
8. Examine data from two (2) organizations listed in the BLS
Website with packages similar to yours, focusing on salary,
compensation, and benefits in order to convince upper
management that your package should be accepted and
9. Describe how the competitive compensation and benefits
package will align with the HRM strategy.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
· Design training and development systems to improve
employee performance.
· Develop competitive compensation and benefits packages that
align with HRM strategy.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in
strategic human resource development.
· Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource
development using proper writing mechanics.
PU505 - Health Behavior Theory: Unit 4 Assignment - Creating
Goals and Objectives
Kimberly Crawford
Kaplan University
November 11, 2016
Health Behavior Theory Goals and Objectives
Obesity is a common health problem in the US, which affects a
significant number of individuals. Being obese or overweight
increases the risks of being affected by other diseases and
therefore there is a need to take vital steps to tackle obesity.
Obesity can lead to a number of fatal and possibly life-
threatening illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes,
high blood pressure, some cancers, and stroke among others. In
addition to this, obesity can affect one's way and quality of life
and cause some psychological problems, such as low self-
esteem and depression.
The development of a health promotion program that supports a
healthy lifestyle involves the use of theories and models that
guide the process. Health behavior theories assists in explaining
the reasons communities and individuals behave the way they
do and planners utilize this to increase the effectiveness of the
program. Some of the theories related to obesity include the
health belief model, which involves the willingness to take
action on fitness behavior based on several personal principles.
The second theory is the socio-ecological model, which
addresses behavior change at several levels and consider inter-
relationship between the environment and behavior. The third
theory is the stages of change, which accounts for one's
readiness to make and sustain behavior changes (Simpson
Goal 1: Creation of a community that promotes and supports
healthy food choices and physical activity
The reason for selecting this goal is to reduce the risk of obesity
among children and adults within the community by employing
achievable strategies
Objective 1: decrease the number of adults who consume one or
more high sugar drinks
in a day within a month
Objective 2: increase the number of grownups who participate
in rest time physical
activity within two months
Goal 2: prevent obesity among children through early child-car
and schools
The reason for selecting this goal is to reduce childhood obesity
by taking the necessary steps including physical activity and
healthy eating. Additionally, incorporate the same strategy
within the schools in the region to ensure maximum results.
Objective 1: increase the number of education institutions
participating in incorporating food procedures that observe the
healthy food recommendations
Objective 2: increase the number of education institutions that
meet or surpass the principles (120
minutes per week) for physical education
Goal 3: expand the role of private and public employers in the
prevention of obesity
The reason for this goal is to include companies and other
employment organizations within the region to participate in
reducing obesity. This will assist in achieving the goal of
reducing obesity among working adults within the region
Objective 1: increase by 10% the number of worksites that offer
their employees worksite wellness programs including
employees with disabilities
Objective 2: increase the number of worksites that support
breastfeeding at the worksite (CDC, 2015).
One of the main challenges in achieving these goals is the
inability to ensure that the community in large participates in
the program. Secondly, it is hard to measure the physical
activity particularly among children, which may hinder the
attainment of the desired results. Thirdly, some worksites may
lack the resources to have a wellness program within the
worksite to support the wellness of all employees. The other
challenge involved in this program is determining how to
implement the intervention in order to achieve maximum
coverage and results (Koplan, Liverman, & Kraak 2005).
CDC. (2015). Community Efforts | Overweight & Obesity |
CDC. Retrieved 12
November 2016, from
Koplan, J. P., Liverman, C. T., & Kraak, V. A. (Eds.). (2005).
Preventing childhood obesity:
health in the balance. National Academies Press.
Simpson, V. (2015). Models and Theories to Support Health
Behavior Intervention and Program
Planning (1st ed., pp. 1-5). Purdue School of Nursing. Retrieved
PU505 - Health Behavior Theory: Unit 2 Assignment -
Annotated Bibliography
Kimberly Crawford
Kaplan University
October 30, 2016
Health Behavior Theory Annotated Bibliography
The health issue associated with a health behavior is adult
obesity. Adult obesity and obesity in general is a compound
health concern to address. Adult obesity comes from a
combination of contributing factors and causes which include
personal factors like genetics and behaviors. Behaviors include
medication use, inactivity, physical activity and dietary
patterns. Extra contributing factors in the society include
physical activity surroundings, food, skills, education and food
promotion and marketing. Adult obesity is a very serious issue
as it results to other health issues. Obesity is linked with poor
mental health, low life quality, leading death causes, some types
of cancer, stroke, heart diseases and diabetes.
Garcia-Dominic, O., Lengerich, E. J., Camacho, F., Gallant, N.
R., Wray, L. A., Ahern, F., Ulbrecht, J. S. (2014). Prevalence of
Diabetes and Associated Obesity in Pennsylvania Adults, 1995-
2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E111.
This study analyzed trends in the occurrence and socio
demographic distributions of diabetes that is related to obesity
and the relations of obesity and diabetes over time in adults in
Pennsylvanian from 1995 to 2010. According to the study, the
burden of obesity and diabetes in Pennsylvania is increasing and
substantial. This study is relevant in my study since it will help
me in monitoring diabetes prevalence and decide whether
differences are changing and whether resources and programs
should as well shift.
The method has used very reliable sources of data. The area in
which the study was adequate in is that it did not specify the
age group examined.
Jenkins, T. (2005). Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Co
morbid Conditions Among U.S. and Kentucky Adults, 2000-
2002, Preventing Chronic Disease 2(1): A08.
This article discusses the rates of obesity in Kentucky which is
regularly among the top in the country. According to the study,
adult obesity in the nation and the United States in general has
almost doubled. The study carried a secondary analysis of data
by using the behavior risk aspect surveillance system from the
disease control and prevention centre.
I think the study did not adequately address the sample
population it used. The study calculated odd ratios and
prevalence estimates for Kentucky and United States so well.
This article will be very helpful in my research as it illustrates
the prevalence of obese adults in the United States.
Ogden, C., Carroll, M. & Flegal, K. (2014). Prevalence of
Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012,
the Jama Network. 311(8):806-814. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.732.
This study sought to present the most current national
estimations of childhood obesity, examine trends in kid's
obesity between 2003 and 2012, and offer comprehensive
obesity tendency analysis among adults.
One thing that the study carried out particularly well is that it
used a very big range of population sample and this increases
accuracy and reduces biasness. This article is relevant as it
shows the significant changes in prevalence of obesity in adults
and youths.
Garcia-Dominic, O., Lengerich, E. J., Camacho, F., Gallant, N.
R., Wray, L. A., Ahern, F., Ulbrecht, J. S. (2014). Prevalence of
Diabetes and Associated Obesity in Pennsylvania Adults, 1995-
2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E111.
Jenkins, T. (2005). Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Co
morbid Conditions Among U.S. and Kentucky Adults, 2000-
2002, Preventing Chronic Disease 2(1): A08.
Ogden, C., Carroll, M. & Flegal, K. (2014). Prevalence of
Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012,
the Jama Network. 311(8):806-814. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.732.
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Elizabeth L. Angeli
State University
Author Note
Elizabeth L. Angeli, Department of Psychology, State
Elizabeth Angeli is now at Department of English, Purdue
This research was supported in part by a grant from the Sample
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Angeli, Department of English, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN 55555.
Contact: [email protected]
The running
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exceed 50
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capital letters.
The running
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flush left, and
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right. On the
title page, the
running head
should include
the words
“Running head.”
For pages
following the
title page,
repeat the
running head in
all caps without
“Running head.”
The title
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the page,
typed in 12-
point Times
New Roman
Font. It
should not be
underlined, or
The author’s
name and
should be
spaced and
The running
head is a
version of the
paper’s full title,
and it is used to
help readers
identify the
titles for
articles (even if
your paper is
not intended for
publication, your
paper should
still have a
running head).
The title
the paper’s
main idea and
identify the
and the
Green text boxes
contain explanations
of APA style
Blue boxes contain
directions for writing
and citing in APA
The author note should appear on printed articles and identifies
each author’s
department and institution affiliation and any changes in
affiliation, contains
acknowledgements and any financial support received, and
provides contact
information. For more information, see the APA manual, 2.03,
page 24-25.
Note: An author note is optional for students writing class
papers, theses, and
An author note should appear as follows:
First paragraph: Complete departmental and institutional
Second paragraph: Changes in affiliation (if any)
Third paragraph: Acknowledgments, funding sources, special
Fourth paragraph: Contact information (mailing address and e-
This paper explores four published articles that report on results
from research conducted
on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and
their relationship to
computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles,
however, vary in their
definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest
that face-to-face (FtF)
interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as
“email,” in creating
feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC
differently and, therefore,
offer different results. This paper examines Cummings, Butler,
and Kraut’s (2002)
research in relation to three other research articles to suggest
that all forms of CMC
should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC
influences online and offline
Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face
should be
viations and
used in the
should be
defined in
abstract is
a brief
summary of
the paper,
readers to
review the
main points
purpose of
the paper.
The word
should be
and typed
in 12 point
Times New
Roman. Do
not indent
the first
line of the
All other
in the
should be
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and
Their Effects on Relationship Research
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of
Internet relationships,
focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different
communication modalities, and
the frequency of use of computer-mediated communication
(CMC). However,
contradictory results are suggested within this research because
only certain aspects of
CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings,
Butler, and Kraut (2002)
suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective
than CMC (read: email) in
creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies
suggest the opposite. To
understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet)
relationships are affected
by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper
examines Cummings et al.’s
research against other CMC research to propose that additional
research be conducted to
better understand how online communication affects
Literature Review
In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three
empirical studies on
online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially
email, was less effective
than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social
relationships. Two of the three
reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet
and Internet relationships
mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the
frequency of each modality’s
use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular
relationship (Cummings et
al., 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best
by FtF and phone
that are
include the
year, and
If you are
phrasing a
you to
2009, p.
If an article
has three
to five
write out all
of the
names the
first time
Then use
the first
last name
followed by
“et al.”
you to
include the
APA users
with the
date of the
article (the
current the
The title of
the paper is
and not
The introduc-
tion presents
the problem
that the
See the OWL
resources on
The title
should be
centered on
the page,
typed in 12-
point Times
New Roman
Font. It
should not be
underlined, or
communication, as participants rated email as an inferior means
of maintaining personal
relationships as compared to FtF and phone contacts (Cummings
et al., 2002).
Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed an additional study conducted
in 1999 by the
HomeNet project (see Appendix A for more information on the
HomeNet project). In
this project, Kraut, Mukhopadhyay, Szczypula, Kiesler, and
Scherlis (1999) compared
the value of using CMC and non-CMC to maintain relationships
with partners. They
found that participants corresponded less frequently with their
Internet partner (5.2 times
per month) than with their non-Internet partner (7.2 times per
month) (as cited in
Cummings et al., 2002). This difference does not seem
significant, as it is only two times
less per month. However, in additional self-report surveys,
participants responded
feeling more distant, or less intimate, towards their Internet
partner than their non-
Internet partner. This finding may be attributed to participants’
beliefs that email is an
inferior mode of personal relationship communication.
Intimacy is necessary in the creation and maintenance of
relationships, as it is
defined as the sharing of a person’s innermost being with
another person, i.e., self-
disclosure (Hu, Wood, Smith, & Westbrook, 2004).
Relationships are facilitated by the
reciprocal self-disclosing between partners, regardless of non-
CMC or CMC. Cummings
et al.’s (2002) reviewed results contradict other studies that
research the connection
between intimacy and relationships through CMC.
Hu et al. (2004) studied the relationship between the frequency
of Instant
Messenger (IM) use and the degree of perceived intimacy
among friends. The use of IM
instead of email as a CMC modality was studied because IM
supports a non-professional
Use an
appendix to
s your
paper but is
not directly
related to
your text.
If you are
including an
refer to it
in the body
of your
environment favoring intimate exchanges (Hu et al., 2004).
Their results suggest that a
positive relationship exists between the frequency of IM use and
intimacy, demonstrating
that participants feel closer to their Internet partner as time
progresses through this CMC
Similarly, Underwood and Findlay (2004) studied the effect of
relationships on primary, specifically non-Internet relationships
and the perceived
intimacy of both. In this study, self-disclosure, or intimacy,
was measured in terms of
shared secrets through the discussion of personal problems.
Participants reported a
significantly higher level of self-disclosure in their Internet
relationship as compared to
their primary relationship. In contrast, the participants’ primary
relationships were
reported as highly self-disclosed in the past, but the current
level of disclosure was
perceived to be lower (Underwood & Findlay, 2004). This
result suggests participants
turned to the Internet in order to fulfill the need for intimacy in
their lives.
In further support of this finding, Tidwell and Walther (2002)
hypothesized CMC
participants employ deeper self-disclosures than FtF
participants in order to overcome the
limitations of CMC, e.g., the reliance on nonverbal cues. It was
found that CMC partners
engaged in more frequent intimate questions and disclosures
than FtF partners in order to
overcome the barriers of CMC. In their 2002 study, Tidwell
and Walther measured the
perception of a relationship’s intimacy by the partner of each
participant in both the CMC
and FtF conditions. The researchers found that the participants’
partners stated their
CMC partner was more effective in employing more intimate
exchanges than their FtF
partner, and both participants and their partners rated their
CMC relationship as more
intimate than their FtF relationship.
In 2002, Cummings et al. stated that the evidence from their
research conflicted
with other data examining the effectiveness of online social
relationships. This statement
is supported by the aforementioned discussion of other research.
There may be a few
possible theoretical explanations for these discrepancies.
Limitations of These Studies
The discrepancies identified may result from a number of
limitations found in the
materials reviewed by Cummings et al. These limitations can
result from technological
constraints, demographic factors, or issues of modality. Each of
these limitations will be
examined in further detail below.
Technological limitations. First, one reviewed study by
Cummings et al. (2002)
examined only email correspondence for their CMC modality.
Therefore, the study is
limited to only one mode of communication among other
alternatives, e.g., IM as studied
by Hu et al. (2004). Because of its many personalized features,
IM provides more
personal CMC. For example, it is in real time without delay,
voice-chat and video
features are available for many IM programs, and text boxes can
be personalized with the
user’s picture, favorite colors and text, and a wide variety of
emoticons, e.g., :). These
options allow for both an increase in self-expression and the
ability to overcompensate
for the barriers of CMC through customizable features, as stated
in Tidwell and Walther
Because all
has its
it is
to discuss
of articles
A Level 2
should be
flush with
the left
bolded, and
title case.
A Level 1
should be
bolded, and
and lower
case (also
referred to
as title
A Level 3
0.5” from
the left
bolded, and
lower case
(except for
the first
word). Text
after. If you
use more
than three
levels of
section 3.02
of the APA
(6th ed.) or
the OWL
resource on
(2002). Self-disclosure and intimacy may result from IM’s
individualized features,
which are not as personalized in email correspondence.
Demographic limitations. In addition to the limitations of email,
Cummings et
al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank
employees and college
students (see Appendix B for demographic information). It is
possible the participants’
CMC through email was used primarily for business,
professional, and school matters
and not for relationship creation or maintenance. In this case,
personal self-disclosure
and intimacy levels are expected to be lower for non-
relationship interactions, as this
communication is primarily between boss and employee or
student and professor.
Intimacy is not required, or even desired, for these professional
Modality limitations. Instead of professional correspondence,
Cummings et al.’s (2002) review of the HomeNet project
focused on already established
relationships and CMC’s effect on relationship maintenance.
The HomeNet researchers’
sole dependence on email communication as CMC may have
contributed to the lower
levels of intimacy and closeness among Internet relationships as
compared to non-
Internet relationships (as cited in Cummings et al., 2002). The
barriers of non-personal
communication in email could be a factor in this project, and
this could lead to less
intimacy among these Internet partners. If alternate modalities
of CMC were studied in
both already established and professional relationships, perhaps
these results would have
resembled those of the previously mentioned research.
Conclusions and Future Study
In order to gain a complete understanding of CMC’s true effect
on both online
and offline relationships, it is necessary to conduct a study that
examines all aspects of
CMC. This includes, but is not limited to, email, IM, voice-
chat, video-chat, online
journals and diaries, online social groups with message boards,
and chat rooms. The
effects on relationships of each modality may be different, and
this is demonstrated by
the discrepancies in intimacy between email and IM
correspondence. As each mode of
communication becomes more prevalent in individuals’ lives, it
is important to examine
the impact of all modes of CMC on online and offline
relationship formation,
maintenance, and even termination.
the paper
and can
offer areas
for further
See the
resource on
Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of
online social
relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108.
Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004).
Friendships through IM:
Examining the relationship between instant messaging and
intimacy. Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication, 10, 38-48.
Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated
communication effects on
disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting
to know one
another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28,
Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and
their impact on primary
relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.
Start the reference list on a new page, center the title
“References,” and
alphabetize the entries. Do not underline or italicize the title.
Double-space all
entries. Every source mentioned in the paper should have an
Appendix A
The HomeNet Project
Started at Carnegie Mellon University in 1995, the HomeNet
research project has
involved a number of studies intended to look at home Internet
usage. Researchers began
this project because the Internet was originally designed as a
tool for scientific and
corporate use. Home usage of the Internet was an unexpected
phenomenon worthy of
extended study.
Each of HomeNet’s studies has explored a different facet of
home Internet usage,
such as chatting, playing games, or reading the news. Within the
past few years, the
explosion of social networking has also proven to be an area
deserving of additional
research. Refer to Table A1 for a more detailed description of
HomeNet studies.
Table A1
Description of HomeNet Studies by Year
93 families in Pittsburgh involved in school
or community organizations
25 families with home businesses
151 Pittsburgh households
National survey
Begin each
on a new
page., with
the word
appendix in
the top
center. Use
letter (e.g.,
Appendix B,
etc.) if you
have more
than one
appendix. If
you are
referring to
more than
appendix in
your text,
use the
(APA only).
The first
of the
should flush
with the
left margin.
should be
Label tables
and figures
in the
appendix as
you would
in the text
of your
using the
letter A
before the
number to
clarify that
the table or
belongs to
Appendix B
Demographic Information for Cummings et al. (2002)’s Review
If an
entirely of
a table or
figure, the
title of the
table or
serve as
the title of

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  • 1. Running head: DIVERSITY AND MULTICULTURALISM IN HEALTH CARE 1 DIVERSITY AND MULTICULTURALISM IN HEALTH CARE 1 Diversity and Multiculturalism in Health Care Kimberly Crawford Kaplan University November 28, 2016 Diversity and multicultural perspectives are vital in the health education and public health fields in that it allows people to recognize interdependence and focus their ideas with a group other than their own. Additionally, it utilizes the patient's culture and language as tools to advance the results for that individual. According to the American Academy of Family Physician (2014), diversity and multiculturalism create a health care setting that appreciates diversity people feel welcome, appreciated, and allow medical professionals and organization to instil multiracial viewpoints into their strategy, plan and execute quality focused health initiative to all members of the community. In general, embracing cultural diversity and multiple perspectives before starting an intervention program is vital to the provision and improvement of the overall quality of care delivery. It is, therefore, important to consider multiple perspectives before starting an intervention because diversity in the target audience and the program participants has
  • 2. ramifications regarding the things measured, the data collected as well as how the data is collected. For instance, before the program, one needs to consider factors such as nationality, race, and culture because, in some situations, race has been associated with some specific genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia, and some lactose intolerance, which can influence the intervention outcomes (Issel, 2004). According to Issel, factors like physical characteristics of the population and community may affect the decisions during the planning and later during program evaluation. Furthermore, it is important to consider multiple perspectives before the program because program participants may bring their culture to the program in ways that may influence the intervention and its effectiveness. Goal 1 could be applied to a diverse population; however, the goals need to be modified to be culturally inclusive. Different cultures have different foods and therefore to ensure that the participating population adheres to the program, the plan should state precisely the foods to be taken during the intervention to ensure successful outcomes. The second goal involves preventing obesity among children through childcare and schools. This goal can be implemented within a multicultural population however in needs some modification to get the best results. Different families have various methods of nurturing their children, and different meals could have an effect on the health of the child. As a result, the program needs to begin by educating families on some of the best ways to nurture their children especially the foods they feed their babies at an early stage. The school in the region can participate in this effort by introducing a standard method of feeding the students and as well as a standard physical activity program for children within the participating schools. The third goal involves expanding the role of employers, which can also be implemented in a multicultural setting. However, the program needs to adhere to a standard that accommodates all the participants irrespective of their cultural diversity. This involves providing the
  • 3. participating organizations with the instructions o the programs and the items they need to provide their works to make the program successful. These changes can be implemented by first educating the participating population on the importance of adhering to the program and providing instruction manuals to the participants on some of the meals and physical activities to include in the program in better to enhance the success of the program. References American Academy of Family Physicians,. (2014). Cultural Proficiency: The Importance of Cultural Proficiency in Providing Effective Care for Diverse Populations (Position Paper). Retrieved 29 November 2016, from populations.html Issel, L. M. (2004). Health program planning and evaluation: A practical, systematic approach for community health. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Assignment 5 Employee Compensation and Benefits This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a narrative and a PowerPoint presentation. You must submit two (2) sections for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Note: For additional information on how to submit more than one file for an assignment, follow the instructions in the document “How to Submit Multiple Files for an Assignment”, located here. Imagine that you have just been hired by a new company as the director of the HR department. You have been tasked to hire a new secretary for the department and to develop an employee
  • 4. compensation and benefits package that will be used for that position upon hire. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present this information to your Vice President. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Website, located at, for information regarding organizations and pay in your geographical area. Section 1: Narrative Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Choose the type of organization for which you are designing the package. 2. Develop an employee compensation and benefits package for this new position. Support your ideas for the compensation/benefits package. 3. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Section 2: Presentation Create a twenty (20) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you: 4. Provide an overview of the employee compensation and benefits package that you developed in the narrative portion of this assignment. 5. Determine if the employee will be exempt or nonexempt and discuss how overtime will be handled. 6. Suggest other benefits that might be considered within the next few months to enhance employee performance and provide
  • 5. job motivation. 7. Provide information on how government regulations will influence the compensation. 8. Examine data from two (2) organizations listed in the BLS Website with packages similar to yours, focusing on salary, compensation, and benefits in order to convince upper management that your package should be accepted and implemented. 9. Describe how the competitive compensation and benefits package will align with the HRM strategy. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Design training and development systems to improve employee performance. · Develop competitive compensation and benefits packages that align with HRM strategy. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. · Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics. Running head; UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT - CREATING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT - CREATING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 PU505 - Health Behavior Theory: Unit 4 Assignment - Creating Goals and Objectives Kimberly Crawford Kaplan University November 11, 2016
  • 6. Health Behavior Theory Goals and Objectives Obesity is a common health problem in the US, which affects a significant number of individuals. Being obese or overweight increases the risks of being affected by other diseases and therefore there is a need to take vital steps to tackle obesity. Obesity can lead to a number of fatal and possibly life- threatening illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, some cancers, and stroke among others. In addition to this, obesity can affect one's way and quality of life and cause some psychological problems, such as low self- esteem and depression. The development of a health promotion program that supports a healthy lifestyle involves the use of theories and models that guide the process. Health behavior theories assists in explaining the reasons communities and individuals behave the way they do and planners utilize this to increase the effectiveness of the program. Some of the theories related to obesity include the health belief model, which involves the willingness to take action on fitness behavior based on several personal principles. The second theory is the socio-ecological model, which addresses behavior change at several levels and consider inter- relationship between the environment and behavior. The third theory is the stages of change, which accounts for one's readiness to make and sustain behavior changes (Simpson 2015). Goal 1: Creation of a community that promotes and supports healthy food choices and physical activity The reason for selecting this goal is to reduce the risk of obesity among children and adults within the community by employing achievable strategies Objective 1: decrease the number of adults who consume one or
  • 7. more high sugar drinks in a day within a month Objective 2: increase the number of grownups who participate in rest time physical activity within two months Goal 2: prevent obesity among children through early child-car and schools The reason for selecting this goal is to reduce childhood obesity by taking the necessary steps including physical activity and healthy eating. Additionally, incorporate the same strategy within the schools in the region to ensure maximum results. Objective 1: increase the number of education institutions participating in incorporating food procedures that observe the healthy food recommendations Objective 2: increase the number of education institutions that meet or surpass the principles (120 minutes per week) for physical education Goal 3: expand the role of private and public employers in the prevention of obesity The reason for this goal is to include companies and other employment organizations within the region to participate in reducing obesity. This will assist in achieving the goal of reducing obesity among working adults within the region Objective 1: increase by 10% the number of worksites that offer their employees worksite wellness programs including employees with disabilities
  • 8. Objective 2: increase the number of worksites that support breastfeeding at the worksite (CDC, 2015). Challenges One of the main challenges in achieving these goals is the inability to ensure that the community in large participates in the program. Secondly, it is hard to measure the physical activity particularly among children, which may hinder the attainment of the desired results. Thirdly, some worksites may lack the resources to have a wellness program within the worksite to support the wellness of all employees. The other challenge involved in this program is determining how to implement the intervention in order to achieve maximum coverage and results (Koplan, Liverman, & Kraak 2005). References CDC. (2015). Community Efforts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC. Retrieved 12 November 2016, from Koplan, J. P., Liverman, C. T., & Kraak, V. A. (Eds.). (2005). Preventing childhood obesity: health in the balance. National Academies Press. Simpson, V. (2015). Models and Theories to Support Health Behavior Intervention and Program Planning (1st ed., pp. 1-5). Purdue School of Nursing. Retrieved from Running head: ADULT OBESITY CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES 1
  • 9. ADULT OBESITY CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES 1 PU505 - Health Behavior Theory: Unit 2 Assignment - Annotated Bibliography Kimberly Crawford Kaplan University October 30, 2016 Health Behavior Theory Annotated Bibliography The health issue associated with a health behavior is adult obesity. Adult obesity and obesity in general is a compound health concern to address. Adult obesity comes from a combination of contributing factors and causes which include personal factors like genetics and behaviors. Behaviors include medication use, inactivity, physical activity and dietary patterns. Extra contributing factors in the society include physical activity surroundings, food, skills, education and food promotion and marketing. Adult obesity is a very serious issue as it results to other health issues. Obesity is linked with poor mental health, low life quality, leading death causes, some types of cancer, stroke, heart diseases and diabetes. Garcia-Dominic, O., Lengerich, E. J., Camacho, F., Gallant, N. R., Wray, L. A., Ahern, F., Ulbrecht, J. S. (2014). Prevalence of Diabetes and Associated Obesity in Pennsylvania Adults, 1995- 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E111. This study analyzed trends in the occurrence and socio demographic distributions of diabetes that is related to obesity and the relations of obesity and diabetes over time in adults in Pennsylvanian from 1995 to 2010. According to the study, the burden of obesity and diabetes in Pennsylvania is increasing and
  • 10. substantial. This study is relevant in my study since it will help me in monitoring diabetes prevalence and decide whether differences are changing and whether resources and programs should as well shift. The method has used very reliable sources of data. The area in which the study was adequate in is that it did not specify the age group examined. Jenkins, T. (2005). Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Co morbid Conditions Among U.S. and Kentucky Adults, 2000- 2002, Preventing Chronic Disease 2(1): A08. This article discusses the rates of obesity in Kentucky which is regularly among the top in the country. According to the study, adult obesity in the nation and the United States in general has almost doubled. The study carried a secondary analysis of data by using the behavior risk aspect surveillance system from the disease control and prevention centre. I think the study did not adequately address the sample population it used. The study calculated odd ratios and prevalence estimates for Kentucky and United States so well. This article will be very helpful in my research as it illustrates the prevalence of obese adults in the United States. Ogden, C., Carroll, M. & Flegal, K. (2014). Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012, the Jama Network. 311(8):806-814. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.732. This study sought to present the most current national estimations of childhood obesity, examine trends in kid's obesity between 2003 and 2012, and offer comprehensive obesity tendency analysis among adults.
  • 11. One thing that the study carried out particularly well is that it used a very big range of population sample and this increases accuracy and reduces biasness. This article is relevant as it shows the significant changes in prevalence of obesity in adults and youths. References Garcia-Dominic, O., Lengerich, E. J., Camacho, F., Gallant, N. R., Wray, L. A., Ahern, F., Ulbrecht, J. S. (2014). Prevalence of Diabetes and Associated Obesity in Pennsylvania Adults, 1995- 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11, E111. Jenkins, T. (2005). Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Co morbid Conditions Among U.S. and Kentucky Adults, 2000- 2002, Preventing Chronic Disease 2(1): A08. Ogden, C., Carroll, M. & Flegal, K. (2014). Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012, the Jama Network. 311(8):806-814. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.732. Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research Elizabeth L. Angeli State University
  • 12. Author Note Elizabeth L. Angeli, Department of Psychology, State University. Elizabeth Angeli is now at Department of English, Purdue University. This research was supported in part by a grant from the Sample Grant Program. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Elizabeth Angeli, Department of English, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 55555. Contact: [email protected] The running head cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The running head’s title should be in capital letters. The running head should be flush left, and
  • 13. page numbers should be flush right. On the title page, the running head should include the words “Running head.” For pages following the title page, repeat the running head in all caps without “Running head.” The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12- point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. The author’s name and institution should be double- spaced and centered.
  • 14. The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head). The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them. Green text boxes contain explanations
  • 15. of APA style guidelines. Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style. Running head: VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 1 The author note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author’s department and institution affiliation and any changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any financial support received, and provides contact information. For more information, see the APA manual, 2.03, page 24-25. Note: An author note is optional for students writing class papers, theses, and dissertations.. An author note should appear as follows: First paragraph: Complete departmental and institutional affiliation Second paragraph: Changes in affiliation (if any) Third paragraph: Acknowledgments, funding sources, special circumstances Fourth paragraph: Contact information (mailing address and e- mail)
  • 16. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 2 Abstract This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in their definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as “email,” in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore, offer different results. This paper examines Cummings, Butler, and Kraut’s (2002) research in relation to three other research articles to suggest that all forms of CMC should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline relationships.
  • 17. Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication The abstract should be between 150-250 words. Abbre- viations and acronyms used in the paper should be defined in the abstract. The abstract is a brief summary of the paper, allowing readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the paper.
  • 18. The word “Abstract” should be centered and typed in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the first line of the abstract paragraph. All other paragraphs in the paper should be indented. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 3 Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships,
  • 19. focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and the frequency of use of computer-mediated communication (CMC). However, contradictory results are suggested within this research because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. To understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication affects relationships. Literature Review In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially
  • 20. email, was less effective than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et al., 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best by FtF and phone In-text citations that are direct quotes should include the author’s/ authors’ name/s, the publication year, and page number/s. If you are para- phrasing a source,
  • 21. APA encourages you to include page numbers: (Smith, 2009, p. 76). If an article has three to five authors, write out all of the authors’ names the first time they appear. Then use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” APA requires you to include the publication year because APA users
  • 22. are concerned with the date of the article (the more current the better). The title of the paper is centered and not bolded. The introduc- tion presents the problem that the paper addresses. See the OWL resources on introduc- tions: http://owl.en glish.purdue.e du/owl/resou rce/724/01/ The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12-
  • 23. point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 4 communication, as participants rated email as an inferior means of maintaining personal relationships as compared to FtF and phone contacts (Cummings et al., 2002). Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed an additional study conducted in 1999 by the HomeNet project (see Appendix A for more information on the HomeNet project). In this project, Kraut, Mukhopadhyay, Szczypula, Kiesler, and Scherlis (1999) compared the value of using CMC and non-CMC to maintain relationships with partners. They found that participants corresponded less frequently with their Internet partner (5.2 times
  • 24. per month) than with their non-Internet partner (7.2 times per month) (as cited in Cummings et al., 2002). This difference does not seem significant, as it is only two times less per month. However, in additional self-report surveys, participants responded feeling more distant, or less intimate, towards their Internet partner than their non- Internet partner. This finding may be attributed to participants’ beliefs that email is an inferior mode of personal relationship communication. Intimacy is necessary in the creation and maintenance of relationships, as it is defined as the sharing of a person’s innermost being with another person, i.e., self- disclosure (Hu, Wood, Smith, & Westbrook, 2004). Relationships are facilitated by the reciprocal self-disclosing between partners, regardless of non- CMC or CMC. Cummings et al.’s (2002) reviewed results contradict other studies that research the connection between intimacy and relationships through CMC. Hu et al. (2004) studied the relationship between the frequency of Instant
  • 25. Messenger (IM) use and the degree of perceived intimacy among friends. The use of IM instead of email as a CMC modality was studied because IM supports a non-professional Use an appendix to provide brief content that supplement s your paper but is not directly related to your text. If you are including an appendix, refer to it in the body of your paper. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 5
  • 26. environment favoring intimate exchanges (Hu et al., 2004). Their results suggest that a positive relationship exists between the frequency of IM use and intimacy, demonstrating that participants feel closer to their Internet partner as time progresses through this CMC modality. Similarly, Underwood and Findlay (2004) studied the effect of Internet relationships on primary, specifically non-Internet relationships and the perceived intimacy of both. In this study, self-disclosure, or intimacy, was measured in terms of shared secrets through the discussion of personal problems. Participants reported a significantly higher level of self-disclosure in their Internet relationship as compared to their primary relationship. In contrast, the participants’ primary relationships were reported as highly self-disclosed in the past, but the current level of disclosure was perceived to be lower (Underwood & Findlay, 2004). This result suggests participants
  • 27. turned to the Internet in order to fulfill the need for intimacy in their lives. In further support of this finding, Tidwell and Walther (2002) hypothesized CMC participants employ deeper self-disclosures than FtF participants in order to overcome the limitations of CMC, e.g., the reliance on nonverbal cues. It was found that CMC partners engaged in more frequent intimate questions and disclosures than FtF partners in order to overcome the barriers of CMC. In their 2002 study, Tidwell and Walther measured the perception of a relationship’s intimacy by the partner of each participant in both the CMC and FtF conditions. The researchers found that the participants’ partners stated their CMC partner was more effective in employing more intimate exchanges than their FtF VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 6 partner, and both participants and their partners rated their CMC relationship as more
  • 28. intimate than their FtF relationship. Discussion In 2002, Cummings et al. stated that the evidence from their research conflicted with other data examining the effectiveness of online social relationships. This statement is supported by the aforementioned discussion of other research. There may be a few possible theoretical explanations for these discrepancies. Limitations of These Studies The discrepancies identified may result from a number of limitations found in the materials reviewed by Cummings et al. These limitations can result from technological constraints, demographic factors, or issues of modality. Each of these limitations will be examined in further detail below. Technological limitations. First, one reviewed study by Cummings et al. (2002) examined only email correspondence for their CMC modality. Therefore, the study is limited to only one mode of communication among other
  • 29. alternatives, e.g., IM as studied by Hu et al. (2004). Because of its many personalized features, IM provides more personal CMC. For example, it is in real time without delay, voice-chat and video features are available for many IM programs, and text boxes can be personalized with the user’s picture, favorite colors and text, and a wide variety of emoticons, e.g., :). These options allow for both an increase in self-expression and the ability to overcompensate for the barriers of CMC through customizable features, as stated in Tidwell and Walther Because all research has its limitations, it is important to discuss the limitations of articles under examination . A Level 2
  • 30. heading should be flush with the left margin, bolded, and title case. A Level 1 heading should be centered, bolded, and uppercase and lower case (also referred to as title case). A Level 3 heading should indented 0.5” from the left margin, bolded, and lower case (except for the first word). Text should follow immediately after. If you
  • 31. use more than three levels of headings, consult section 3.02 of the APA manual (6th ed.) or the OWL resource on APA headings: http://owl.en glish.purdue. edu/owl/reso urce/560/16 / VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 7 (2002). Self-disclosure and intimacy may result from IM’s individualized features, which are not as personalized in email correspondence. Demographic limitations. In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank
  • 32. employees and college students (see Appendix B for demographic information). It is possible the participants’ CMC through email was used primarily for business, professional, and school matters and not for relationship creation or maintenance. In this case, personal self-disclosure and intimacy levels are expected to be lower for non- relationship interactions, as this communication is primarily between boss and employee or student and professor. Intimacy is not required, or even desired, for these professional relationships. Modality limitations. Instead of professional correspondence, however, Cummings et al.’s (2002) review of the HomeNet project focused on already established relationships and CMC’s effect on relationship maintenance. The HomeNet researchers’ sole dependence on email communication as CMC may have contributed to the lower levels of intimacy and closeness among Internet relationships as compared to non- Internet relationships (as cited in Cummings et al., 2002). The
  • 33. barriers of non-personal communication in email could be a factor in this project, and this could lead to less intimacy among these Internet partners. If alternate modalities of CMC were studied in both already established and professional relationships, perhaps these results would have resembled those of the previously mentioned research. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 8 Conclusions and Future Study In order to gain a complete understanding of CMC’s true effect on both online and offline relationships, it is necessary to conduct a study that examines all aspects of CMC. This includes, but is not limited to, email, IM, voice- chat, video-chat, online journals and diaries, online social groups with message boards, and chat rooms. The
  • 34. effects on relationships of each modality may be different, and this is demonstrated by the discrepancies in intimacy between email and IM correspondence. As each mode of communication becomes more prevalent in individuals’ lives, it is important to examine the impact of all modes of CMC on online and offline relationship formation, maintenance, and even termination. The conclusion restates the problem the paper addresses and can offer areas for further research. See the OWL resource on conclu- sions: http://owl. english.pur l/resource/
  • 35. 724/04/ VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 9 References Cummings, J. N., Butler, B., & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108. Hu, Y., Wood, J. F., Smith, V., & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10, 38-48. Tidwell, L. C., & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28, 317-348. Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and
  • 36. their impact on primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140. Start the reference list on a new page, center the title “References,” and alphabetize the entries. Do not underline or italicize the title. Double-space all entries. Every source mentioned in the paper should have an entry. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 10 Appendix A The HomeNet Project Started at Carnegie Mellon University in 1995, the HomeNet research project has involved a number of studies intended to look at home Internet usage. Researchers began this project because the Internet was originally designed as a tool for scientific and corporate use. Home usage of the Internet was an unexpected
  • 37. phenomenon worthy of extended study. Each of HomeNet’s studies has explored a different facet of home Internet usage, such as chatting, playing games, or reading the news. Within the past few years, the explosion of social networking has also proven to be an area deserving of additional research. Refer to Table A1 for a more detailed description of HomeNet studies. Table A1 Description of HomeNet Studies by Year Year of Study Contents of Study 1995-­‐1996 93 families in Pittsburgh involved in school or community organizations 1997-­‐1999 25 families with home businesses 1998-­‐1999 151 Pittsburgh households
  • 38. 2000-­‐2002 National survey Begin each appendix on a new page., with the word appendix in the top center. Use an identifying capital letter (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) if you have more than one appendix. If you are referring to more than one appendix in your text, use the plural appendices (APA only).
  • 39. The first paragraph of the appendix should flush with the left margin. Additional paragraphs should be indented. Label tables and figures in the appendix as you would in the text of your manuscript, using the letter A before the number to clarify that the table or figure belongs to the appendix. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION
  • 40. 11 Appendix B Demographic Information for Cummings et al. (2002)’s Review If an appendix consists entirely of a table or figure, the title of the table or figure should serve as the title of the appendix.