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Research in the School of Education newsletter

RiSE                                                                                       Spring 2011

Jyväskylä University
research partnership

School of Education
Research Forum
With speaker John Visser

Conference spotlight on
Education and interventions
and the autism spectrum

Also inside: Forthcoming research conferences, HLTAs in maintained schools, Recent PhD success
Conference spotlight on
Education and interventions
and the autism spectrum .3                      Research and related activity within the School of
Forthcoming research                            Education continues to develop, supported by various
conferences ........................3           initiatives by the University, and by the ability of colleagues
                                                to respond quickly to opportunities as they arise.
Research profile: Judy
Sayers ..................................4      Recent weeks has seen the announcement of a series of PhD bursaries by the
                                                University, dramatically confounding the negative perspectives of those who regard
Higher Level Teaching                           investment in research to be severely compromised by the recent spending review. The
Assistants in maintained                        School is currently seeking to appoint three such studentships, further enhancing our
                                                profile in key areas of research and scholarship.
schools ................................4
                                                The current issue of RiSE contains other evidence of the health and vitality of the
Jyväskylä University                            School’s doctoral community, reporting, for instance, on the highly successful
research partnership ........5                  inaugural Research Forum, as well as celebrating the award of Johnson Jament’s
                                                PhD. Amanda Watkins offers some insight into the doctoral programme – prospective
PhD student group ............6                 doctoral candidates reading it will see her account as both practical and encouraging.
                                                Elsewhere, colleagues have been very active on various levels, producing research
PhD training days..............6                reports for national bodies, local or regional organisations as well as writing for
                                                publication. This issue of RiSE gives a flavour of just some of these projects, with
PhD News ...........................6           several major bids scheduled for national and international funds.
School of Education                             Hopefully those reading this issue of RiSE will feel stimulated and encouraged to
Research Forum .................7               engage in research and scholarship. There appears never to have been a better time
                                                for doing so, in spite of events elsewhere in education. Anyone with a research idea,
Reflections on studying for                     a piece of information about a study they are engaged with, or news of a research-
                                                related publication that they have been involved in, is invited to contact me at RiSE, so
a PhD ...................................7      that further ‘good news’ can be disseminated to a wider audience.
New book focuses on                             Professor Philip Garner
classroom engagement....8

If you would like to be featured in future
editions of this publication, or would like
more information, please email
Written and produced by The University of
Northampton’s School of Education and
Marketing and External Relations Department.
All submissions are the property of RiSE
newsletter. Content © 2010 The University of
Northampton, School of Education.
Editor Pam Cormack
Thanks to all The University of Northampton’s
staff and School of Education partners who
contributed to this newsletter.

2 l RiSE l Web l Email
                                                                                          Early Education and
                                                                                          Technology for Children
                                                                                          Salt lake City, USA
                                                                                          2-4 March 2011
                                                                                          Canada International
                                                                                          Conference on Education
                                                                                          Toronto, Ontario, Canada
                                                                                          4-7 April 2011
                                                                                          American Educational

Ten year anniversary                                                                      Research Association

                                                                                          New Orleans, Louisiana
                                                                                          8-12 April 2011
                                                                                          Redesigning Pedagogy:
                                                                                          Transforming Teaching,
                                                                                          Inspiring Learning
Conference spotlight on Education                                                         30 May - 1 June 2011
and interventions and the                                                                 International Play Association
autism spectrum                                                                           World Conference
Education experts from The University of                                                  4-7th July 2011
Northampton will be hosting the sixth annual                                    
TEACCH UK conference at the University from 17-18                                         International Conference
June 2011.                                                                                on Learning
                                                                                          University of Mauritius
This bi-annual international conference    the conference with the presentation:          5-8th July 2011
is well attended by professionals          ‘What do we do and why do we do it?  
from children and adult services who       The evidence base for interventions and        conference-2011
work with individuals with Autism          the autism spectrum’. On Saturday 18           International Conference on
and Asperger Syndrome. It offers           June, we will be joined by Professor Gary
                                                                                          Education (ICE)
opportunities for discussion on new        Mesibov, who will address the conference
findings and the sharing of expertise,     on ‘New Approaches to Evidence-Based           Samos, Greece
as well as subject related workshops for   Practice’.                                     7-9 July 2011
those attending.                                                                
                                           In addition there will be a choice of
Previous conferences have hosted           workshops led by European colleagues,          Asian Conference on
keynote and workshop presenters who        who will report on current research and        Intellectual Disabilities
are at the leading edge of practice and    innovative practice relating to various        Julu Island, South Korea
interventions for children and adults on   educational interventions, including,          21-26 August 2011
the autism spectrum.                       those associated with the TEACCH     
                                           approach. Presentations will cover
The theme for the 2011 conference                                                         British Educational Research
                                           a wide range of topics including, for
is ‘Education and interventions and                                                       Association (BERA) Conference
                                           example, communication and interaction
the autism spectrum: evidence and
                                           programmes, play, social skills and            London Institute of Education
                                           inclusive approaches.                          6-8 September 2011
Keynote speakers for 2011 include Dr                                            
                                           Please email Marie Howley at
Glenys Jones, Autism Research Centre,
University of Birmingham who will open
                                           for further information.

                                           Web l Email l RiSE l 3
Higher Level Teaching Assistants in
                                                 maintained schools
                                                 At the School of Education’s inaugural Research Forum,
                                                 which took place at Park Campus on Wednesday
                                                 20 October, work was presented on a research
                                                 project commissioned by Leicester City on ‘The use,
                                                 deployment and perceived impact of Higher Level
                                                 Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) in maintained schools’.
                                                 The study, presented by Senior          Findings from the research shows
                                                 Lecturers Mary Doveston, Paul           there is great variability in terms of
                                                 Sedgwick and Cristina Devecchi, and     deployment, employment contracts
Research profile                                 Research Assistant, Johnson Jament,     and practices. HLTAs were employed
                                                 applied a mixed method approach         to take whole classes; cover for absent
Judy Sayers, Senior                              including questionnaires and face-to-   teachers; plan, both autonomously
                                                 face semi-structured interviews with    or in collaboration with teachers; set
Lecturer in Education,                           HLTAs and senior leadership team        up and run extra-curricular activities
teaches both mathematics                         members.                                or special intervention programmes;
                                                                                         manage other support staff and carry
education and design and                         It aimed to establish:
                                                                                         out administrative roles.
technology education.                            • how HLTAs were deployed and
                                                                                         The high variability of deployment
Following a career in domestic banking                                                   practices makes the evaluation of
and training adults she worked as a              • whether gaining their new and         the impact of HLTAs on learning and
primary teacher in Hertfordshire, before           enhanced status had an impact on      inclusion a challenging task.
joining the University in 2003.                    their roles and responsibilities
                                                                                         The researchers are keen to pursue
Judy was initially involved as a                 • which barriers prevented them from    alternative methods of evaluation,
researcher on the EU funded                        using their knowledge and skills in   including looking at what children think
Mathematics Education Traditions                   supporting the school, the teachers   about the impact of HLTAs and TAs on
of Europe (METE) project from 2003-                and the children with special         their learning and experience in school.
2005. The project’s purpose was to                 educational needs (SEN)
examine the ways in which teachers,
defined locally as effective, in England,
Finland, Flanders, Hungary and Spain,
conceptualise and present mathematics
to students age 10-14.
Judy is working towards a PhD on
‘How primary teachers conceptualise
whole class interactive phases of a
mathematics lesson’ working closely with
teachers in schools around the area.
In-depth case studies have revealed
some interesting findings, some of
which reflect the changes of constraints
on primary teachers. Judy hopes to
complete her PhD this academic year
and to publish her findings.
Judy is an active member of the
Association of Teachers of mathematics
(ATM), taking part in and organising
national conferences for the association
and collaborating with the national
networks. She is part of a discussion
group with the Advisory Committee
in Mathematics Education in England
(ACME) whose aim is to provide
evidence on which to formulate an
appropriate provision of mathematics
education across the 5-19 age range.

4 l RiSE l Web l Email
Jyväskylä University
research partnership
A research partnership between The University of
Northampton and Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
has been in operation since 1997. Dr Leena Kaikkonen,
Head of Research and Development in teacher education
at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences has been
instrumental in leading many of the joint initiatives
between the two institutions. She recently spoke to us
about how much she values this work.
What kind of educational research projects have                     education.
Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and The                    Together we
University of Northampton worked on together?                       have written
                                                                    several papers
We started our collaboration within the European Union
                                                                    in academic journals and contributed
funded SENECA project in 1997, which was focused on teacher
                                                                    chapters in a number of books based upon our co-operation.
competence advancement in relation to Special Educational
                                                                    This has been important to some of our staff members in
Needs (SEN) across Europe. As part of this project we ran
                                                                    providing them with experiences of developing their academic
dissemination courses in Finland and Estonia for teachers
                                                                    writing in an international context. We have also presented
from around 20 countries. A report titled ‘Educating Everyone
                                                                    papers in a number of international conferences and have had
Together’ was produced from this project.
                                                                    opportunities to disseminate our work to students at all levels
Following this we joined with the University of Tartu in Estonia    within our universities.
to complete a project on vocational teacher attitudes towards
inclusive education. This was reported in a paper in the            What other education research do you do at
International Journal of Special Education and in the book          Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences?
‘Jotain Erityistä – Something Special’ published in Finland.        We have recently completed two projects for the Finnish
                                                                    Ministry of Education about the changing role of special
Colleagues from our two institutions have engaged in                education teachers in vocational education in Finland and best
research into comparative teacher education in England and          practices used in accreditation of prior learning in vocational
Finland, including the development of student portfolios and        education. Both of these national projects have been included
approaches to assessment.                                           in books on the subject.
Recently researchers from both universities have been working
                                                                    Do you have any plans to do more research together
on the development of teacher competencies in relation to
dyslexic students.                                                  with colleagues from Northampton in the future?
                                                                    Definitely, yes. We are currently working on joint bids for
What have been the outcomes from the joint                          funding and have a clear focus on some of the research
research with The University of Northampton?                        we would like to do. However, competition for funding is
From a personal perspective working with The University             challenging and we recognise that we will need to search many
of Northampton has been something that has enriched my              sources to gain the support we need. The work which we have
experiences as a researcher. Working in international contexts      undertaken to date has been very important to all involved and
helps to develop understanding of the different interpretations     whatever the outcomes of our current bidding activity we will
of education and enhances the content base of my work in            find ways to continue our future partnership.

                                             Web l Email l RiSE l 5
PhD student
PhD students and
supervisors from the
                                              PhD News
School of Education
meet once a month to
                                              Recent PhD success
share ideas, issues and                       Dr Johnson Jament graduated in 2010 having completed
experiences.                                  his studies and research for his PhD degree.
The informal meetings enable                  Johnson’s thesis focused upon              with his then fellow PhD student, Mary
researchers to bring along their              teachers’ understanding of attention       Feng Yan. He also presented papers
work, seek opinions and ideas or              deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in   at conferences in the UK, Ireland
simply catch up with what others              a South Indian context. His field work     and India, and shared his research
are doing. The meetings run from              was conducted in schools in Kerala,        with a range of undergraduate
4.30-6pm and are open to all                  where he interviewed teachers and          and post graduate students both
PhD students, potential students              parents and conducted observations         in Northampton and at other UK
and supervisors.                              in school.                                 universities.

The dates of meetings are                     Johnson originally came to The             Johnson is continuing his research,
24 February                                   University of Northampton to study         as he currently works as a research
24 March                                      for the MA in Education, writing his       assistant on a number of projects
14 April                                      dissertation for that degree on the        within the School of Education. Next
19 May                                        topic of schools in fishing communities    year, he will return to India to help
23 June                                       in Kerala. He progressed to study          develop educational provision in the
14 July                                       on the PhD, and gained further             poorer areas of his community, and to
                                              experience and research training by        make full use of his learning during his
                                              working with colleagues from the           time at Northampton. He is keen to
                                              School of Education on a number of         maintain links with the University, and
PhD training                                  funded projects. During the course         is already involved in project planning
days                                          of his studies as a research student,
                                              Johnson published a number of papers
                                                                                         with academic colleagues from the
                                                                                         School of Education.
                                              in academic journals, including some
The School runs PhD
training days for
students, potential
students and
The days take place termly
and provide:
• A platform for students to
  disseminate their work and
  receive feedback in a supportive
• An opportunity for students to
  exchange information
• The chance for students to hear
  from established researchers on
  matters of interest or concern to
• An opportunity for potential
  students to find out what it is
  like to study for a PhD
PhD training days are
10 February 2011 from
5 May 2011 – Annual Research
Student Conference

6 l RiSE l Web l Email
Reflections on
                                                                                            studying for
                                                                                            a PhD
                                                                                            Dr Amanda Watkins
                                                                                            completed her part-time
                                                                                            degree in 2006.
                                                                                            Amanda told us: “I chose The
                                                                                            University of Northampton
                                                                                            specifically for the team of
                                                                                            supervisors – Richard Rose and his
                                                                                            colleagues in CeSNER. It wasn’t easy
                                                                                            to find professionals with the areas
                                                                                            of expertise I wanted to explore –
                                                                                            special needs education teachers as
                                                                                            practitioner researchers.
                                                                                            “My professional experience as
                                                                                            an educator has been varied, but
                                                                                            throughout my roles there has
                                                                                            been a developing interest in the
                                                                                            nature of learning and its influence
                                                                                            on the work of teachers and their
                                                                                            own professional learning. Initially
                                                                                            working with children and young
                                                                                            people, my work and research
School of Education Research Forum                                                          interests have led to various types
                                                                                            of work with the professional
The School of Education’s first Research Forum took                                         development of adult learners. My
                                                                                            PhD work was a very detailed and
place on Wednesday 20 October and was extremely                                             extensive exploration of this”
well-attended by staff and students with a particular                                       Amanda now works as Assistant
interest in research.                                                                       Director in the European Agency
                                                                                            for Development in Special Needs
The Research Forum is open to all            personal reflections on a research and         Education, where she is responsible
members of academic and research staff       publication journey.                           for co-ordination of the Agency
within the School of Education, as well as                                                  project implementation procedures,
                                             Professor Rose commented: “This was            as well as project manager of
the school’s Visiting Professors and PhD
                                             a most stimulating day which everyone          a number of on-going projects,
                                             seemed to enjoy. It was good to see so         including Teacher Education of
The purpose of the forum, which is a         much enthusiasm for research in the            Inclusion, and, a joint project with
working meeting, is to raise the profile     school, I would be grateful to receive         UNESCO called Inclusive Education
of research within the school, increasing    ideas for future events. I would like to       in Action.
bidding activity, supporting colleagues in   thank everyone who attended.”
submission of work for publication and
                                             Practical workshops were provided in
increasing research capacity. The aim
                                             the afternoon on the theme of research
is to give colleagues an opportunity to
present aspects of their research and to
come together for practical writing and      Comments about the event from those
bidding activities.                          present included: “I really enjoyed the
                                             day, it was great to have so many of our
The first Research Forum included a
                                             professors there sharing their knowledge
presentation by Senior Lecturers Mary
                                             and experience”, and “This was an
Doveston, Cristina Devecchi and Paul
                                             excellent start”.
Sedgwick on their recently completed
research project on the use of Higher        Future dates
Level Teaching Assistants in Leicester       The School of Education Research
City. They talked about the challenges       Forum will meet from 10am-4pm on
associated with this project.                the following dates during the 2010/11
Professor Rose then went on to present       academic year: 2 February, 6 April, 25
an update on current research activity       May and 6 July 2011. We look forward to
in the school and our new Visiting           welcoming you to these events.
Professor, John Visser spoke about his

                                             Web l Email l RiSE l 7
New publication focuses
on classroom engagement
A new book focusing on ideas to actively engage students in the classroom has
been written by the School of Education’s Professor Richard Rose together with
Dr Michael Shevlin of Trinity College Dublin. Jane Murray, Senior Lecturer in
English and Early Years, reviewed the book:
“‘Count Me In!’ by Richard Rose and Michael Shevlin is from
the ‘Innovative Learning for All’ series edited by
Paul Cooper and this book’s authors’
commitment to equality and inclusion
is evident throughout. From the
beginning, Rose and Shevlin promote
mutually respectful relationships
between teachers and learners as well
as strong symbiosis between research
and practice as beneficial for successful
learning and teaching.
“The authors’ central tenet is the potential
of all children and young people to be
powerful agents in their own learning.
Recognising that learners’ agency is
predicated as much on policy as on teachers’
attitudes and approaches, Rose and Shevlin
eloquently address the challenges presented
to teachers attempting to empower learners
within a school effectiveness context. In this
regard, the authentic practical examples woven
through the text will prove useful for many
readers, as will Rose and Shevlin’s articulate
discussion surrounding familiar yet potentially
difficult terms such as ‘capacity’, ‘involvement’
and ‘participation’.
“For headteachers, teachers, student teachers,
teacher educators and educational researchers
seeking ways to engage every student as an active
learner, ‘Count Me In’ will prove a valuable and
accessible read. I shall certainly encourage the
student teachers I work with to read it.”

    The University of Northampton
    Park Campus
    Boughton Green Road
    Northampton NN2 7AL

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RiSE (Research in School of Education ) newsletter Issue03 (Spring 2011)

  • 1. Research in the School of Education newsletter RiSE Spring 2011 Jyväskylä University research partnership School of Education Research Forum With speaker John Visser Conference spotlight on Education and interventions and the autism spectrum Also inside: Forthcoming research conferences, HLTAs in maintained schools, Recent PhD success
  • 2. Contents Conference spotlight on Education and interventions Welcome and the autism spectrum .3 Research and related activity within the School of Forthcoming research Education continues to develop, supported by various conferences ........................3 initiatives by the University, and by the ability of colleagues to respond quickly to opportunities as they arise. Research profile: Judy Sayers ..................................4 Recent weeks has seen the announcement of a series of PhD bursaries by the University, dramatically confounding the negative perspectives of those who regard Higher Level Teaching investment in research to be severely compromised by the recent spending review. The Assistants in maintained School is currently seeking to appoint three such studentships, further enhancing our profile in key areas of research and scholarship. schools ................................4 The current issue of RiSE contains other evidence of the health and vitality of the Jyväskylä University School’s doctoral community, reporting, for instance, on the highly successful research partnership ........5 inaugural Research Forum, as well as celebrating the award of Johnson Jament’s PhD. Amanda Watkins offers some insight into the doctoral programme – prospective PhD student group ............6 doctoral candidates reading it will see her account as both practical and encouraging. Elsewhere, colleagues have been very active on various levels, producing research PhD training days..............6 reports for national bodies, local or regional organisations as well as writing for publication. This issue of RiSE gives a flavour of just some of these projects, with PhD News ...........................6 several major bids scheduled for national and international funds. School of Education Hopefully those reading this issue of RiSE will feel stimulated and encouraged to Research Forum .................7 engage in research and scholarship. There appears never to have been a better time for doing so, in spite of events elsewhere in education. Anyone with a research idea, Reflections on studying for a piece of information about a study they are engaged with, or news of a research- related publication that they have been involved in, is invited to contact me at RiSE, so a PhD ...................................7 that further ‘good news’ can be disseminated to a wider audience. New book focuses on Professor Philip Garner classroom engagement....8 If you would like to be featured in future editions of this publication, or would like more information, please email Written and produced by The University of Northampton’s School of Education and Marketing and External Relations Department. All submissions are the property of RiSE newsletter. Content © 2010 The University of Northampton, School of Education. Editor Pam Cormack Thanks to all The University of Northampton’s staff and School of Education partners who contributed to this newsletter. 2 l RiSE l Web l Email
  • 3. Forthcoming research conferences Early Education and Technology for Children Conference Salt lake City, USA 2-4 March 2011 Canada International Conference on Education Toronto, Ontario, Canada 4-7 April 2011 American Educational Ten year anniversary Research Association Conference TEACCH UK New Orleans, Louisiana 8-12 April 2011 Redesigning Pedagogy: Transforming Teaching, Inspiring Learning International Singapore Conference spotlight on Education 30 May - 1 June 2011 and interventions and the International Play Association autism spectrum World Conference Cardiff Education experts from The University of 4-7th July 2011 Northampton will be hosting the sixth annual TEACCH UK conference at the University from 17-18 International Conference June 2011. on Learning University of Mauritius This bi-annual international conference the conference with the presentation: 5-8th July 2011 is well attended by professionals ‘What do we do and why do we do it? from children and adult services who The evidence base for interventions and conference-2011 work with individuals with Autism the autism spectrum’. On Saturday 18 International Conference on and Asperger Syndrome. It offers June, we will be joined by Professor Gary Education (ICE) opportunities for discussion on new Mesibov, who will address the conference findings and the sharing of expertise, on ‘New Approaches to Evidence-Based Samos, Greece as well as subject related workshops for Practice’. 7-9 July 2011 those attending. In addition there will be a choice of Previous conferences have hosted workshops led by European colleagues, Asian Conference on keynote and workshop presenters who who will report on current research and Intellectual Disabilities are at the leading edge of practice and innovative practice relating to various Julu Island, South Korea interventions for children and adults on educational interventions, including, 21-26 August 2011 the autism spectrum. those associated with the TEACCH approach. Presentations will cover The theme for the 2011 conference British Educational Research a wide range of topics including, for is ‘Education and interventions and Association (BERA) Conference example, communication and interaction the autism spectrum: evidence and programmes, play, social skills and London Institute of Education outcomes’. inclusive approaches. 6-8 September 2011 Keynote speakers for 2011 include Dr Please email Marie Howley at Glenys Jones, Autism Research Centre, University of Birmingham who will open for further information. Web l Email l RiSE l 3
  • 4. Higher Level Teaching Assistants in maintained schools At the School of Education’s inaugural Research Forum, which took place at Park Campus on Wednesday 20 October, work was presented on a research project commissioned by Leicester City on ‘The use, deployment and perceived impact of Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) in maintained schools’. The study, presented by Senior Findings from the research shows Lecturers Mary Doveston, Paul there is great variability in terms of Sedgwick and Cristina Devecchi, and deployment, employment contracts Research profile Research Assistant, Johnson Jament, and practices. HLTAs were employed applied a mixed method approach to take whole classes; cover for absent Judy Sayers, Senior including questionnaires and face-to- teachers; plan, both autonomously face semi-structured interviews with or in collaboration with teachers; set Lecturer in Education, HLTAs and senior leadership team up and run extra-curricular activities teaches both mathematics members. or special intervention programmes; manage other support staff and carry education and design and It aimed to establish: out administrative roles. technology education. • how HLTAs were deployed and The high variability of deployment employed Following a career in domestic banking practices makes the evaluation of and training adults she worked as a • whether gaining their new and the impact of HLTAs on learning and primary teacher in Hertfordshire, before enhanced status had an impact on inclusion a challenging task. joining the University in 2003. their roles and responsibilities The researchers are keen to pursue Judy was initially involved as a • which barriers prevented them from alternative methods of evaluation, researcher on the EU funded using their knowledge and skills in including looking at what children think Mathematics Education Traditions supporting the school, the teachers about the impact of HLTAs and TAs on of Europe (METE) project from 2003- and the children with special their learning and experience in school. 2005. The project’s purpose was to educational needs (SEN) examine the ways in which teachers, defined locally as effective, in England, Finland, Flanders, Hungary and Spain, conceptualise and present mathematics to students age 10-14. Judy is working towards a PhD on ‘How primary teachers conceptualise whole class interactive phases of a mathematics lesson’ working closely with teachers in schools around the area. In-depth case studies have revealed some interesting findings, some of which reflect the changes of constraints on primary teachers. Judy hopes to complete her PhD this academic year and to publish her findings. Judy is an active member of the Association of Teachers of mathematics (ATM), taking part in and organising national conferences for the association and collaborating with the national networks. She is part of a discussion group with the Advisory Committee in Mathematics Education in England (ACME) whose aim is to provide evidence on which to formulate an appropriate provision of mathematics education across the 5-19 age range. 4 l RiSE l Web l Email
  • 5. Jyväskylä University research partnership A research partnership between The University of Northampton and Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences has been in operation since 1997. Dr Leena Kaikkonen, Head of Research and Development in teacher education at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences has been instrumental in leading many of the joint initiatives between the two institutions. She recently spoke to us about how much she values this work. What kind of educational research projects have education. Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and The Together we University of Northampton worked on together? have written several papers We started our collaboration within the European Union in academic journals and contributed funded SENECA project in 1997, which was focused on teacher chapters in a number of books based upon our co-operation. competence advancement in relation to Special Educational This has been important to some of our staff members in Needs (SEN) across Europe. As part of this project we ran providing them with experiences of developing their academic dissemination courses in Finland and Estonia for teachers writing in an international context. We have also presented from around 20 countries. A report titled ‘Educating Everyone papers in a number of international conferences and have had Together’ was produced from this project. opportunities to disseminate our work to students at all levels Following this we joined with the University of Tartu in Estonia within our universities. to complete a project on vocational teacher attitudes towards inclusive education. This was reported in a paper in the What other education research do you do at International Journal of Special Education and in the book Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences? ‘Jotain Erityistä – Something Special’ published in Finland. We have recently completed two projects for the Finnish Ministry of Education about the changing role of special Colleagues from our two institutions have engaged in education teachers in vocational education in Finland and best research into comparative teacher education in England and practices used in accreditation of prior learning in vocational Finland, including the development of student portfolios and education. Both of these national projects have been included approaches to assessment. in books on the subject. Recently researchers from both universities have been working Do you have any plans to do more research together on the development of teacher competencies in relation to dyslexic students. with colleagues from Northampton in the future? Definitely, yes. We are currently working on joint bids for What have been the outcomes from the joint funding and have a clear focus on some of the research research with The University of Northampton? we would like to do. However, competition for funding is From a personal perspective working with The University challenging and we recognise that we will need to search many of Northampton has been something that has enriched my sources to gain the support we need. The work which we have experiences as a researcher. Working in international contexts undertaken to date has been very important to all involved and helps to develop understanding of the different interpretations whatever the outcomes of our current bidding activity we will of education and enhances the content base of my work in find ways to continue our future partnership. Web l Email l RiSE l 5
  • 6. PhD student group PhD students and supervisors from the PhD News School of Education meet once a month to Recent PhD success share ideas, issues and Dr Johnson Jament graduated in 2010 having completed experiences. his studies and research for his PhD degree. The informal meetings enable Johnson’s thesis focused upon with his then fellow PhD student, Mary researchers to bring along their teachers’ understanding of attention Feng Yan. He also presented papers work, seek opinions and ideas or deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in at conferences in the UK, Ireland simply catch up with what others a South Indian context. His field work and India, and shared his research are doing. The meetings run from was conducted in schools in Kerala, with a range of undergraduate 4.30-6pm and are open to all where he interviewed teachers and and post graduate students both PhD students, potential students parents and conducted observations in Northampton and at other UK and supervisors. in school. universities. The dates of meetings are Johnson originally came to The Johnson is continuing his research, 24 February University of Northampton to study as he currently works as a research 24 March for the MA in Education, writing his assistant on a number of projects 14 April dissertation for that degree on the within the School of Education. Next 19 May topic of schools in fishing communities year, he will return to India to help 23 June in Kerala. He progressed to study develop educational provision in the 14 July on the PhD, and gained further poorer areas of his community, and to experience and research training by make full use of his learning during his working with colleagues from the time at Northampton. He is keen to School of Education on a number of maintain links with the University, and PhD training funded projects. During the course is already involved in project planning days of his studies as a research student, Johnson published a number of papers with academic colleagues from the School of Education. in academic journals, including some The School runs PhD training days for students, potential students and supervisors. The days take place termly and provide: • A platform for students to disseminate their work and receive feedback in a supportive environment • An opportunity for students to exchange information • The chance for students to hear from established researchers on matters of interest or concern to them • An opportunity for potential students to find out what it is like to study for a PhD PhD training days are 10 February 2011 from 2-4.30pm 5 May 2011 – Annual Research Student Conference 6 l RiSE l Web l Email
  • 7. Reflections on studying for a PhD Dr Amanda Watkins completed her part-time degree in 2006. Amanda told us: “I chose The University of Northampton specifically for the team of supervisors – Richard Rose and his colleagues in CeSNER. It wasn’t easy to find professionals with the areas of expertise I wanted to explore – special needs education teachers as practitioner researchers. “My professional experience as an educator has been varied, but throughout my roles there has been a developing interest in the nature of learning and its influence on the work of teachers and their own professional learning. Initially working with children and young people, my work and research School of Education Research Forum interests have led to various types of work with the professional The School of Education’s first Research Forum took development of adult learners. My PhD work was a very detailed and place on Wednesday 20 October and was extremely extensive exploration of this” well-attended by staff and students with a particular Amanda now works as Assistant interest in research. Director in the European Agency for Development in Special Needs The Research Forum is open to all personal reflections on a research and Education, where she is responsible members of academic and research staff publication journey. for co-ordination of the Agency within the School of Education, as well as project implementation procedures, Professor Rose commented: “This was as well as project manager of the school’s Visiting Professors and PhD a most stimulating day which everyone a number of on-going projects, students. seemed to enjoy. It was good to see so including Teacher Education of The purpose of the forum, which is a much enthusiasm for research in the Inclusion, and, a joint project with working meeting, is to raise the profile school, I would be grateful to receive UNESCO called Inclusive Education of research within the school, increasing ideas for future events. I would like to in Action. bidding activity, supporting colleagues in thank everyone who attended.” submission of work for publication and Practical workshops were provided in increasing research capacity. The aim the afternoon on the theme of research is to give colleagues an opportunity to publication. present aspects of their research and to come together for practical writing and Comments about the event from those bidding activities. present included: “I really enjoyed the day, it was great to have so many of our The first Research Forum included a professors there sharing their knowledge presentation by Senior Lecturers Mary and experience”, and “This was an Doveston, Cristina Devecchi and Paul excellent start”. Sedgwick on their recently completed research project on the use of Higher Future dates Level Teaching Assistants in Leicester The School of Education Research City. They talked about the challenges Forum will meet from 10am-4pm on associated with this project. the following dates during the 2010/11 Professor Rose then went on to present academic year: 2 February, 6 April, 25 an update on current research activity May and 6 July 2011. We look forward to in the school and our new Visiting welcoming you to these events. Professor, John Visser spoke about his Web l Email l RiSE l 7
  • 8. New publication focuses on classroom engagement A new book focusing on ideas to actively engage students in the classroom has been written by the School of Education’s Professor Richard Rose together with Dr Michael Shevlin of Trinity College Dublin. Jane Murray, Senior Lecturer in English and Early Years, reviewed the book: “‘Count Me In!’ by Richard Rose and Michael Shevlin is from the ‘Innovative Learning for All’ series edited by Paul Cooper and this book’s authors’ commitment to equality and inclusion is evident throughout. From the beginning, Rose and Shevlin promote mutually respectful relationships between teachers and learners as well as strong symbiosis between research and practice as beneficial for successful learning and teaching. “The authors’ central tenet is the potential of all children and young people to be powerful agents in their own learning. Recognising that learners’ agency is predicated as much on policy as on teachers’ attitudes and approaches, Rose and Shevlin eloquently address the challenges presented to teachers attempting to empower learners within a school effectiveness context. In this regard, the authentic practical examples woven through the text will prove useful for many readers, as will Rose and Shevlin’s articulate discussion surrounding familiar yet potentially difficult terms such as ‘capacity’, ‘involvement’ and ‘participation’. “For headteachers, teachers, student teachers, teacher educators and educational researchers seeking ways to engage every student as an active learner, ‘Count Me In’ will prove a valuable and accessible read. I shall certainly encourage the student teachers I work with to read it.” The University of Northampton Park Campus Boughton Green Road Northampton NN2 7AL Web Email