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     New Venue for LIN 2011
     LIN Conference 2011—Registration Open—
     Eye on WIT

LIN Conference 2011—NEW VENUE
There has been a change of venue for the 2011 LIN conference. The event will now       In this issue:
be held in the Ashling Hotel in Dublin on Thursday 27th of October. For venue de-
tails visit

LIN Conference 2011—Register NOW                                                       Headlines        1

Enhancing the Learning     The conference keynote       Ann Heelan from AHEAD
Experience: Learning for   speaker is Douglas Tho-      ( will run a
an Unknown Future          mas and his talk is Culti-   workshop on the diversity      LIN 2011 NEW     1
(Barnett, 2004).           vating the Imagination in    theme entitled Inclusive       Venue
Registration to attend thisa World of Constant          Strategies in Education:
year’s conference is now   Change: Learning Strate-     College is back, are you
open with Eventbrite at    gies for an Unknown Fu-      ready to include students      LIN 2011 Regis- 1
http://                    ture. For more informa-      with disabilities?      The    tration    tion on the keynote          workshop on the first year
                           speaker              visit   theme will focus on the
The Learning Innovations           successful PAL (Peer As-       Eye on WIT       2
4th Annual Conference m                                 sisted Learning) project
takes place in The Ashling                              that was run in AIT and
Hotel in Dublin on Thurs- The conference promises       GMIT and the third work-
day 27 October 2011. The to be an interesting and       shop will focus on aca-
conference theme is En- enjoyable event for all         demic staff development        Events           7
hancing the Learning Ex- attendees. Following the       and look at how the LIN
perience: Learning for an keynote address there         model provides accredited
Unknown Future (Barnett, will be eight presenta-        training for academic staff.
2004) and there are three tions in each of the three
sub themes:                subthemes, three work-       Attendance at this confer-
The first year experience  shops and a number of        ence is free.
Diversity of the learner poster sessions and net-
experience                 working     opportunities    For further information on
Staff development for throughout the day.               the conference visit
learning / Innovation in                      
teaching and learning
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) has over 10,000 students and 1000 staff and offers tuition and research
programmes in various areas from Higher Certificate to Degree to PhD.

Focus on the School of Education and Professional Development
The School of Education & Profes-      lifelong learning and community        plays a key role in debates on edu-
sional Development, offers an excit-   studies and an extensive part time     cation policy and practice in Ireland,
ing and diverse range of courses,      evening programme.                     many staff in the School work in
from postgraduate teacher educa-       The School is also a leading re-       international settings and the
tion to adult education; under-        search centre, with an extensive       School has a vibrant community of
graduate, Masters and PhD pro-         range of national and international    international postgraduate stu-
grammes; specialist programmes in      partnerships. While the School         dents.
work-based learning, management,

Connecting with schools – the School of Excellence Award Initiative
In 2010, WIT’s School of Education     aged to reflect on Classroom Man-      ideas and good practice across the
launched the School of Excellence      agement: Team Teaching within          spectrum of primary schools in the
Award (SEA) initiative this year in    their own school, conduct a SWOT       region.
conjunction with the Waterford,        analysis and develop a plan for en-
Wexford and Kilkenny Education         hancing both in their school.          On successful completion of the
Centres. The aims of the School of     It was viewed by participants as an    SEA project, participating schools
Excellence Award are to:               excellent initiative because it pro-   were awarded an SEA certificate by
      Promote and recognise           vided a unique forum for schools to    Dr. John Wall, Head of School of
       schools committed to excel-     network and collaborate on a com-      Education, at an awards ceremony
       lence in the region;            mon theme.                             on Friday April 8th. It is intended
      Promote reflective practice                                            that the SEA will be awarded on an
       amongst teachers and            The value of networking was obvi-      annual basis.
       schools;                        ous as participants shared their
      Strengthen links between
       schools in the region and
       WIT’s School of Education
       and Professional Develop-
      Create a network of teachers
       in the region who are com-
       mitted to their ongoing CPD;
      Celebrate their success.

In 2010/11, twenty five primary
schools from Wicklow, Carlow, Kil-
kenny, Wexford, Waterford and
South Tipperary participated in the
initiative. The theme for the School
Excellence Awards 2010/11
was Classroom Management: Team          Photo: Participants in the SEA initiative pictured with Dr. John Wall,
Teaching. Participants were encour-     Head of School, and Dr. Orison Carlile of the School of Education at the
                                        April awards ceremony.

 Page 2                                                                                      September/October 2011
Re-connecting with graduates – the Teaching Matters Colloquium

On Saturday 5th March 2011, the         Glenstal Abbey, Aine Lawlor, CEO of        of learning. Dr. Hederman stressed
School of Education held its inaugu-    the Teaching Council of Ireland and        the importance of Creative teachers
ral ‘Teaching Matters’ Research Col-    Dr. Anne Looney, CEA of the Na-            making creative classrooms which,
loquium was held at WIT. This collo-    tional Council for Curriculum and          in turn, make for creative children.
quium offered successful graduates      Assessment. Aine Lawlor outlined
of the MA in Teaching & Learning,       the importance of the Teaching             It is planned to host an Education
MA in Management in Education           Council in ensuring that the teach-        Research Conference at WIT, based
and the MSc in Primary Science          ing profession upholds the highest         on the success of this inaugural
Education the opportunity to pre-       standards of professionalism while         event on an annual basis.
sent their research findings to an      Dr. Looney addressed current chal-
audience of their peers in the field    lenges with respect to assessment
of education.

The central themes of the collo-
quium included:
    Mentoring
    Assessment
    Reflective Practice
    Student Support
    Education Management
    Emerging Technologies

The aim of the colloquium was to
profile current research in the field
of Education undertaken by teach-
ers across the spectrum of primary,
secondary and third level educa-
tion. With over 100 delegates, pre-
dominantly teachers in primary and
secondary education, it served as a
celebration of teaching research
and the continuing professional           Photo: Dr John Wall, Head of School of Education, Ms Mary Fenton,
development of teachers in Ireland.       Head of Department, Adult & Continuing Education, Dr Mark Patrick
Key note speakers included Dr.            Hederman, Abbot of Glenstal Abbey, Dr Orison Carlile, School of Educa-
Mark Patrick Hederman, Abbot of           tion attending the Teaching Matters Research Colloquium.

Focus on Teaching and Learning

WIT has always placed a strong em-      approaches to teaching in order to       approaches being taken here, the
phasis on teaching and learning         ensure the optimal learning experi-      following examples, drawn from the
and, throughout the institution,        ence for an ever-changing student        School of Business, give a flavour of
individual lecturers and lecturing      body. While it would be impossible       the work being done at WIT.
teams are constantly adapting their     to do justice to all of the innovative

 Volume 2 Issue 1                                                                                                Page 3
Changing the way we do things in the classroom – innovative ap-
proaches to teaching and learning
Using Problem-Based Learning in a      sations, students are encouraged to     their own learning and to develop
Module on Leadership in Organisa-      think and act like managers and         core skill-sets to effectively partici-
tions                                  during this process, they learn         pate and progress in business. Ac-
                                       about leadership. Results have          tive in-class participation involves
In an attempt to enhance student       been positive with high attendance      students in various activities and
engagement in the learning proc-       and participation rates at PBL work-    assignments facilitating develop-
ess, improve knowledge retention       shops, an increased awareness and       ment and honing of those skills
and encourage students to develop      understanding of the leadership         (inter alia: project- and time-
their own leadership capabilities,     literature, and evidence of peer        management; business research;
Business lecturer Anne Sweeney on      tutoring within student groups.         group-work; brainstorming; mind-
leadership on the Bachelor of Busi-                                            mapping; discussion and study
ness Year 3 programme at WIT now                                               groups; critical thinking; reflective
delivers her course on leadership      Supporting the Transition to Third-     learning). Group-work critically in-
on the Bachelor of Business Studies    Level Business Education – the          tegrates students sooner and bet-
Year 3 programme using a Problem       ‘Business Learning and Practice’        ter, improving self-confidence and
Based Learning (PBL) approach.         Module.                                 course engagement.
                                                                               Synchronous modules in Econom-
The adoption of a more experiential    Delivered by lecturers Darrin Taylor    ics, Accounting, Management, and
approach to learning was an at-        and Mabel McManus to students           Professional Written Communica-
tempt to move beyond typical           on a Level 6 and a Level pro-           tions enable students apply them-
learning outcomes to convey            gramme, Business Learning & Prac-       selves in project management,
knowledge and develop critical         tice orients first-year students to     study skills, and exam preparation.
thinking, and is intended to provide   higher-level education, enabling        A dedicated ICT lab-hour facilitates
students with concrete experiences     engagement with the Institute,          real-time planning and fulfilment of
to develop their capabilities in ar-   School, Courses, Lecturers, and         projects; and Moodle (WIT’s virtual
eas like team leadership, problem-     Classmates.                             learning environment) is actively
solving and information literacy. By   Students are engaged in a non-          utilised as a delivery as well as sub-
focusing on problems that real         lecture format wherein and em-          mission medium.
managers encounter in real organi-     powered to take responsibility for

Enhancement of the Student Experience through Innovation
The 2011 award for the Enhance-        the projects or approaches pre-
ment of the Student Experience         sented                                     The first-year experience;
through Innovation went to the            Have achieved the aim of the            Assessment and student feed-
staff of the Research Support Unit.       award scheme;                           back;
                                          Have demonstrated innovative            Innovation in curricula, learning
This award, an initiative of the WIT      practice in design, delivery, as-       and teaching, including knowl-
Quality Office, is open to all – ad-      sessment and/or support of stu-         edge transfer;
ministrative, technical as well as        dent learning;                          Flexible learning and teaching;
academic staff - and aims to recog-       Have benefited learners and col-        Services supporting student
nise, reward and share innovative         leagues;                                learning;
practices by WIT staff that have en-      Are or can be sustainable and of        Innovation in the management,
hanced the student learning experi-       benefit to a wider range of learn-      administration and student/staff
ence at the Institute.                    ers across the Institute;               support aspects of the learning
                                          Have contributed to achieving           environment;
Individual and groups submit post-        the strategic aims of the School        Innovative enabling systems in
ers showing innovations in practice       or service and of the Institute.        the learning environment;
that they have designed and imple-     Projects submitted for this award          Transfer of discipline-specific
mented. In evaluating the posters,     have focused on a wide range of            knowledge and generic skills to
the judging panel considers how        areas including:                           students.

 Page 4                                                                                       September/October 2011
Exemplifying Excellence – WIT’s Annual Excellence Awards
WIT annually presents awards to              encouragement to students to        innovative use of materials.
staff members who have demon-                participate in appropriate pro-    In 2011, Excellence in Teaching
strated excellence in teaching or in         fessional activities;              Awards were presented to Business
postgraduate supervision, as well as     enthusiasm for, and commitment        lecturer Colette Kirwan and Com-
to individuals or teams who have          to, mentorship and pastoral care      puting lecturer Brendan Lyng by
introduced innovations to enhance         of students;                          WIT’s Acting President Mr. Tony
the student experience.                  assistance given in furthering stu-   McFeely at an awards ceremony
Excellence in Teaching                    dent’ careers and encouraging         attended by many colleagues as
The annual award for Excellence in        external/internal collaborations;     well as families and friends.
Teaching aims to recognise, encour-      training and supervision, including   Further information on the Excel-
age and reward sustained excel-           contributions to departmental and     lence Awards is available from Suz-
lence in teaching. In making the          WIT-wide education programs;          anne Kiely in the Development Of-
award, the judging panel interviews      development of materials, tools       fice, Neil Quinlan in the Quality Of-
nominated lecturers and considers         and techniques for teaching of        fice or Siobhan Harkin in the Strate-
the performance of nominees in a          students;
                                                                                gic Research Projects Office.
range of areas including:
  current teaching activities;
  ability to select or develop ap-
   propriate teaching strategies
   and implement them effectively;
  scholarship in teaching
      participation in professional
      development activities,
      contributions to the literature
      on teaching,
      research into aspects of
      descriptions of steps taken to
      evaluate and improve teach-

Focus on Postgraduate Education
Blazing a new trail – WIT’s School of Education launches FLAME
(Flexible Learning MA in Education)
In time for the academic year 2011-     sultation with key stakeholders in      commit to their continuing profes-
2012, the School of Education and       education both regionally and na-       sional development. The Masters in
Professional    Development       has   tionally.                               Education adds to the School of Edu-
launched a new taught postgraduate      The course offers modules dealing       cation’s portfolio of postgraduate
course, a Flexible Learning Masters     with contemporary aspects of edu-       courses, which offers relevant post-
in Education. This new course offers    cation, which will appeal to a broad    graduate opportunities (Level 9
education professionals a flexible      group of education professionals.       courses) to teachers, lecturers,
route to a Level 9 postgraduate         Participants will gain a range of       trainers and education professionals
qualification by allowing them to       theoretical and practical approaches    in the South East region.
choose modules which match their        to education, and can choose from a     For further information, please con-
professional interests and practice.    range of modules appropriate to         tact the Postgraduate Administrator,
The programme is aimed at profes-       their professional and personal in-     School of Education and Profes-
sionals across the spectrum of edu-     terests.                                sional Development, WIT, College
cation and training, and is designed    The philosophy of WIT’s School of       Street Campus, Waterford. Tel. +353
to meet the diversity of their educa-   Education and Professional Develop-
                                                                                (0) 51 302 225,email
tional roles. The need for this         ment is to encourage students to
course was identified through con-      become reflective practitioners and
 Volume 2 Issue 1                                                                                            Page 5
National Recognition for Innovative Technology Engineering

One of WIT’s newest postgraduate         Pharmaceutical, Green Technol-
programmes received national rec-        ogy, Information and Communi-
ognition in 2011, when the MSC in        cations Technology, New Busi-
Innovative Technology Engineering        ness Development and Aca-
was received the Postgradireland         demic Research sectors. WIT
Postgraduate Course of the Year –        can boast nearly a 100% record
Engineering Award 2011. The award        of course graduates gaining em-
was received on behalf of WIT by         ployment in these sectors.
course leader, Dr. Austin Coffey, at     The awards are voted for by stu-
a ceremony in the Mansion House,         dents and judged by an inde-
Dublin.                                  pendent panel of industry ex-
The MSc in Innovative Technology         perts. The Engineering Award
Engineering degree aims to produce       this year was adjudicated by the
graduates with strong skills in criti-   professional body, Engineers
cal thinking and with the creative       Ireland. In making their decision
attitude necessary to instigate fu-      the judges place employability
ture developments in their chosen        at the very top of their criteria.
engineering specialisation. The
course cements a link between en-        Further information about the        Photo: Dr. Austin Coffey receiving the
gineering and science, giving gradu-     MSc in Innovative Technology         award on behalf of WIT from Alec
ates the technical and professional      Engineering can be found on at       McAllister, Engineers Ireland, at the
abilities to succeed in high value                 awards ceremony in Dublin.
sectors such as Medical Devices,

Breaking new ground in Business – the Doctorate of Business
Administration (DBA)

The Doctorate of Business Admini-        research workshops and a cumula-        stitution as they undertake inde-
stration offered by the School of        tive paper series coupled with inde-    pendent research at an advanced
Business at WIT is the first of its      pendent research and virtual liai-      level and seek to make a significant
kind in an Institute of Technology       son, thus maintaining a balance be-     contribution to knowledge and pro-
and the first credit-based DBA to be     tween peer-learning and self-led        fessional practice through the
offered in Ireland. The programme        learning within the programme,          evaluation of business management
focuses on the skills required to        while guiding the candidate             structures, contexts and processes.
contribute to the enrichment of          through the doctoral process.
trans-disciplinary professional prac-                                            The next intake for this bi-annual
tice in management, and to lead          Offered as a natural progression        programme is September 2012. For
organisations facing a complex           from an MBA or equivalent Mas-          further information, please contact
global business environment.             ters, senior executives in manage-      Dr Felicity Kelliher, DBA Programme
                                         ment roles combine workplace and        Leader, WIT (
Based on an innovative design, the       professional engagement with the
DBA incorporates professional and        scholarly rigour of an academic in-

 Page 6                                                                                         September/October 2011

How can student success be promoted through the use of Peer Mentoring?
This seminar will launch the empirical research findings of a three year study into the role played by Peer
Mentoring in promoting a smooth transition to university and in combating student attrition in the first
year of Higher Education.

The seminar will launch valuable tools that may be utilised by colleagues wishing to set up their own Peer
Mentoring Programme. Such tools will include:

The Seminar is being hosted by Dr Robin Clark & Dr Jane Andrews, Engineering Education Research
Group, Aston University on 3rd November 2011 from 0930 –1530 in collaboration with research partners.

To book a place or for further details contact:
Dr Jane Andrews,

The fourth Annual Edition of ICERI2011 (4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innova-
tion) will be held in Madrid (Spain) on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November, 2011. The general aim of
the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in all educational
fields and disciplines.

INNOVATION 12 Conference IADT February 1st - 4th 2012. Visit for
more details.

Learning by Developing - New Ways to Learn

Conference on Creativity in Higher Education

May 8th – 11th 2012 in Finland
a) How to learn creativity
b) How to teach creativity
c) Creative management in a Higher Education Institution
d) Developing a creative region

 Page 7                                                                               September/October 2011
September 2011

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September 2011

  • 1. Headlines  New Venue for LIN 2011  LIN Conference 2011—Registration Open—  Eye on WIT LIN Conference 2011—NEW VENUE There has been a change of venue for the 2011 LIN conference. The event will now In this issue: be held in the Ashling Hotel in Dublin on Thursday 27th of October. For venue de- tails visit LIN Conference 2011—Register NOW Headlines 1 Enhancing the Learning The conference keynote Ann Heelan from AHEAD Experience: Learning for speaker is Douglas Tho- ( will run a an Unknown Future mas and his talk is Culti- workshop on the diversity LIN 2011 NEW 1 (Barnett, 2004). vating the Imagination in theme entitled Inclusive Venue Registration to attend thisa World of Constant Strategies in Education: year’s conference is now Change: Learning Strate- College is back, are you open with Eventbrite at gies for an Unknown Fu- ready to include students LIN 2011 Regis- 1 http:// ture. For more informa- with disabilities? The tration tion on the keynote workshop on the first year speaker visit theme will focus on the The Learning Innovations successful PAL (Peer As- Eye on WIT 2 4th Annual Conference m sisted Learning) project takes place in The Ashling that was run in AIT and Hotel in Dublin on Thurs- The conference promises GMIT and the third work- day 27 October 2011. The to be an interesting and shop will focus on aca- conference theme is En- enjoyable event for all demic staff development Events 7 hancing the Learning Ex- attendees. Following the and look at how the LIN perience: Learning for an keynote address there model provides accredited Unknown Future (Barnett, will be eight presenta- training for academic staff. 2004) and there are three tions in each of the three sub themes: subthemes, three work- Attendance at this confer- The first year experience shops and a number of ence is free. Diversity of the learner poster sessions and net- experience working opportunities For further information on Staff development for throughout the day. the conference visit learning / Innovation in teaching and learning
  • 2. ON WIT Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) has over 10,000 students and 1000 staff and offers tuition and research programmes in various areas from Higher Certificate to Degree to PhD. Focus on the School of Education and Professional Development The School of Education & Profes- lifelong learning and community plays a key role in debates on edu- sional Development, offers an excit- studies and an extensive part time cation policy and practice in Ireland, ing and diverse range of courses, evening programme. many staff in the School work in from postgraduate teacher educa- The School is also a leading re- international settings and the tion to adult education; under- search centre, with an extensive School has a vibrant community of graduate, Masters and PhD pro- range of national and international international postgraduate stu- grammes; specialist programmes in partnerships. While the School dents. work-based learning, management, Connecting with schools – the School of Excellence Award Initiative In 2010, WIT’s School of Education aged to reflect on Classroom Man- ideas and good practice across the launched the School of Excellence agement: Team Teaching within spectrum of primary schools in the Award (SEA) initiative this year in their own school, conduct a SWOT region. conjunction with the Waterford, analysis and develop a plan for en- Wexford and Kilkenny Education hancing both in their school. On successful completion of the Centres. The aims of the School of It was viewed by participants as an SEA project, participating schools Excellence Award are to: excellent initiative because it pro- were awarded an SEA certificate by  Promote and recognise vided a unique forum for schools to Dr. John Wall, Head of School of schools committed to excel- network and collaborate on a com- Education, at an awards ceremony lence in the region; mon theme. on Friday April 8th. It is intended  Promote reflective practice that the SEA will be awarded on an amongst teachers and The value of networking was obvi- annual basis. schools; ous as participants shared their  Strengthen links between schools in the region and WIT’s School of Education and Professional Develop- ment;  Create a network of teachers in the region who are com- mitted to their ongoing CPD;  Celebrate their success. In 2010/11, twenty five primary schools from Wicklow, Carlow, Kil- kenny, Wexford, Waterford and South Tipperary participated in the initiative. The theme for the School Excellence Awards 2010/11 was Classroom Management: Team Photo: Participants in the SEA initiative pictured with Dr. John Wall, Teaching. Participants were encour- Head of School, and Dr. Orison Carlile of the School of Education at the April awards ceremony. Page 2 September/October 2011
  • 3. Re-connecting with graduates – the Teaching Matters Colloquium On Saturday 5th March 2011, the Glenstal Abbey, Aine Lawlor, CEO of of learning. Dr. Hederman stressed School of Education held its inaugu- the Teaching Council of Ireland and the importance of Creative teachers ral ‘Teaching Matters’ Research Col- Dr. Anne Looney, CEA of the Na- making creative classrooms which, loquium was held at WIT. This collo- tional Council for Curriculum and in turn, make for creative children. quium offered successful graduates Assessment. Aine Lawlor outlined of the MA in Teaching & Learning, the importance of the Teaching It is planned to host an Education MA in Management in Education Council in ensuring that the teach- Research Conference at WIT, based and the MSc in Primary Science ing profession upholds the highest on the success of this inaugural Education the opportunity to pre- standards of professionalism while event on an annual basis. sent their research findings to an Dr. Looney addressed current chal- audience of their peers in the field lenges with respect to assessment of education. The central themes of the collo- quium included:  Mentoring  Assessment  Reflective Practice  Student Support  Education Management  Emerging Technologies The aim of the colloquium was to profile current research in the field of Education undertaken by teach- ers across the spectrum of primary, secondary and third level educa- tion. With over 100 delegates, pre- dominantly teachers in primary and secondary education, it served as a celebration of teaching research and the continuing professional Photo: Dr John Wall, Head of School of Education, Ms Mary Fenton, development of teachers in Ireland. Head of Department, Adult & Continuing Education, Dr Mark Patrick Key note speakers included Dr. Hederman, Abbot of Glenstal Abbey, Dr Orison Carlile, School of Educa- Mark Patrick Hederman, Abbot of tion attending the Teaching Matters Research Colloquium. Focus on Teaching and Learning WIT has always placed a strong em- approaches to teaching in order to approaches being taken here, the phasis on teaching and learning ensure the optimal learning experi- following examples, drawn from the and, throughout the institution, ence for an ever-changing student School of Business, give a flavour of individual lecturers and lecturing body. While it would be impossible the work being done at WIT. teams are constantly adapting their to do justice to all of the innovative Volume 2 Issue 1 Page 3
  • 4. Changing the way we do things in the classroom – innovative ap- proaches to teaching and learning Using Problem-Based Learning in a sations, students are encouraged to their own learning and to develop Module on Leadership in Organisa- think and act like managers and core skill-sets to effectively partici- tions during this process, they learn pate and progress in business. Ac- about leadership. Results have tive in-class participation involves In an attempt to enhance student been positive with high attendance students in various activities and engagement in the learning proc- and participation rates at PBL work- assignments facilitating develop- ess, improve knowledge retention shops, an increased awareness and ment and honing of those skills and encourage students to develop understanding of the leadership (inter alia: project- and time- their own leadership capabilities, literature, and evidence of peer management; business research; Business lecturer Anne Sweeney on tutoring within student groups. group-work; brainstorming; mind- leadership on the Bachelor of Busi- mapping; discussion and study ness Year 3 programme at WIT now groups; critical thinking; reflective delivers her course on leadership Supporting the Transition to Third- learning). Group-work critically in- on the Bachelor of Business Studies Level Business Education – the tegrates students sooner and bet- Year 3 programme using a Problem ‘Business Learning and Practice’ ter, improving self-confidence and Based Learning (PBL) approach. Module. course engagement. Synchronous modules in Econom- The adoption of a more experiential Delivered by lecturers Darrin Taylor ics, Accounting, Management, and approach to learning was an at- and Mabel McManus to students Professional Written Communica- tempt to move beyond typical on a Level 6 and a Level pro- tions enable students apply them- learning outcomes to convey gramme, Business Learning & Prac- selves in project management, knowledge and develop critical tice orients first-year students to study skills, and exam preparation. thinking, and is intended to provide higher-level education, enabling A dedicated ICT lab-hour facilitates students with concrete experiences engagement with the Institute, real-time planning and fulfilment of to develop their capabilities in ar- School, Courses, Lecturers, and projects; and Moodle (WIT’s virtual eas like team leadership, problem- Classmates. learning environment) is actively solving and information literacy. By Students are engaged in a non- utilised as a delivery as well as sub- focusing on problems that real lecture format wherein and em- mission medium. managers encounter in real organi- powered to take responsibility for Enhancement of the Student Experience through Innovation The 2011 award for the Enhance- the projects or approaches pre- ment of the Student Experience sented The first-year experience; through Innovation went to the Have achieved the aim of the Assessment and student feed- staff of the Research Support Unit. award scheme; back; Have demonstrated innovative Innovation in curricula, learning This award, an initiative of the WIT practice in design, delivery, as- and teaching, including knowl- Quality Office, is open to all – ad- sessment and/or support of stu- edge transfer; ministrative, technical as well as dent learning; Flexible learning and teaching; academic staff - and aims to recog- Have benefited learners and col- Services supporting student nise, reward and share innovative leagues; learning; practices by WIT staff that have en- Are or can be sustainable and of Innovation in the management, hanced the student learning experi- benefit to a wider range of learn- administration and student/staff ence at the Institute. ers across the Institute; support aspects of the learning Have contributed to achieving environment; Individual and groups submit post- the strategic aims of the School Innovative enabling systems in ers showing innovations in practice or service and of the Institute. the learning environment; that they have designed and imple- Projects submitted for this award Transfer of discipline-specific mented. In evaluating the posters, have focused on a wide range of knowledge and generic skills to the judging panel considers how areas including: students. Page 4 September/October 2011
  • 5. Exemplifying Excellence – WIT’s Annual Excellence Awards WIT annually presents awards to encouragement to students to  innovative use of materials. staff members who have demon- participate in appropriate pro- In 2011, Excellence in Teaching strated excellence in teaching or in fessional activities; Awards were presented to Business postgraduate supervision, as well as  enthusiasm for, and commitment lecturer Colette Kirwan and Com- to individuals or teams who have to, mentorship and pastoral care puting lecturer Brendan Lyng by introduced innovations to enhance of students; WIT’s Acting President Mr. Tony the student experience.  assistance given in furthering stu- McFeely at an awards ceremony Excellence in Teaching dent’ careers and encouraging attended by many colleagues as The annual award for Excellence in external/internal collaborations; well as families and friends. Teaching aims to recognise, encour-  training and supervision, including Further information on the Excel- age and reward sustained excel- contributions to departmental and lence Awards is available from Suz- lence in teaching. In making the WIT-wide education programs; anne Kiely in the Development Of- award, the judging panel interviews  development of materials, tools fice, Neil Quinlan in the Quality Of- nominated lecturers and considers and techniques for teaching of fice or Siobhan Harkin in the Strate- the performance of nominees in a students; gic Research Projects Office. range of areas including:  current teaching activities;  ability to select or develop ap- propriate teaching strategies and implement them effectively;  scholarship in teaching participation in professional development activities, contributions to the literature on teaching, research into aspects of teaching, descriptions of steps taken to evaluate and improve teach- ing, Focus on Postgraduate Education Blazing a new trail – WIT’s School of Education launches FLAME (Flexible Learning MA in Education) In time for the academic year 2011- sultation with key stakeholders in commit to their continuing profes- 2012, the School of Education and education both regionally and na- sional development. The Masters in Professional Development has tionally. Education adds to the School of Edu- launched a new taught postgraduate The course offers modules dealing cation’s portfolio of postgraduate course, a Flexible Learning Masters with contemporary aspects of edu- courses, which offers relevant post- in Education. This new course offers cation, which will appeal to a broad graduate opportunities (Level 9 education professionals a flexible group of education professionals. courses) to teachers, lecturers, route to a Level 9 postgraduate Participants will gain a range of trainers and education professionals qualification by allowing them to theoretical and practical approaches in the South East region. choose modules which match their to education, and can choose from a For further information, please con- professional interests and practice. range of modules appropriate to tact the Postgraduate Administrator, The programme is aimed at profes- their professional and personal in- School of Education and Profes- sionals across the spectrum of edu- terests. sional Development, WIT, College cation and training, and is designed The philosophy of WIT’s School of Street Campus, Waterford. Tel. +353 to meet the diversity of their educa- Education and Professional Develop- (0) 51 302 225,email tional roles. The need for this ment is to encourage students to course was identified through con- become reflective practitioners and Volume 2 Issue 1 Page 5
  • 6. National Recognition for Innovative Technology Engineering Programme One of WIT’s newest postgraduate Pharmaceutical, Green Technol- programmes received national rec- ogy, Information and Communi- ognition in 2011, when the MSC in cations Technology, New Busi- Innovative Technology Engineering ness Development and Aca- was received the Postgradireland demic Research sectors. WIT Postgraduate Course of the Year – can boast nearly a 100% record Engineering Award 2011. The award of course graduates gaining em- was received on behalf of WIT by ployment in these sectors. course leader, Dr. Austin Coffey, at The awards are voted for by stu- a ceremony in the Mansion House, dents and judged by an inde- Dublin. pendent panel of industry ex- The MSc in Innovative Technology perts. The Engineering Award Engineering degree aims to produce this year was adjudicated by the graduates with strong skills in criti- professional body, Engineers cal thinking and with the creative Ireland. In making their decision attitude necessary to instigate fu- the judges place employability ture developments in their chosen at the very top of their criteria. engineering specialisation. The course cements a link between en- Further information about the Photo: Dr. Austin Coffey receiving the gineering and science, giving gradu- MSc in Innovative Technology award on behalf of WIT from Alec ates the technical and professional Engineering can be found on at McAllister, Engineers Ireland, at the abilities to succeed in high value awards ceremony in Dublin. sectors such as Medical Devices, Breaking new ground in Business – the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) The Doctorate of Business Admini- research workshops and a cumula- stitution as they undertake inde- stration offered by the School of tive paper series coupled with inde- pendent research at an advanced Business at WIT is the first of its pendent research and virtual liai- level and seek to make a significant kind in an Institute of Technology son, thus maintaining a balance be- contribution to knowledge and pro- and the first credit-based DBA to be tween peer-learning and self-led fessional practice through the offered in Ireland. The programme learning within the programme, evaluation of business management focuses on the skills required to while guiding the candidate structures, contexts and processes. contribute to the enrichment of through the doctoral process. trans-disciplinary professional prac- The next intake for this bi-annual tice in management, and to lead Offered as a natural progression programme is September 2012. For organisations facing a complex from an MBA or equivalent Mas- further information, please contact global business environment. ters, senior executives in manage- Dr Felicity Kelliher, DBA Programme ment roles combine workplace and Leader, WIT ( Based on an innovative design, the professional engagement with the DBA incorporates professional and scholarly rigour of an academic in- Page 6 September/October 2011
  • 7. Events Seminar: How can student success be promoted through the use of Peer Mentoring? This seminar will launch the empirical research findings of a three year study into the role played by Peer Mentoring in promoting a smooth transition to university and in combating student attrition in the first year of Higher Education. The seminar will launch valuable tools that may be utilised by colleagues wishing to set up their own Peer Mentoring Programme. Such tools will include: The Seminar is being hosted by Dr Robin Clark & Dr Jane Andrews, Engineering Education Research Group, Aston University on 3rd November 2011 from 0930 –1530 in collaboration with research partners. To book a place or for further details contact: Dr Jane Andrews, The fourth Annual Edition of ICERI2011 (4th International Conference of Education, Research and Innova- tion) will be held in Madrid (Spain) on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November, 2011. The general aim of the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in all educational fields and disciplines. INNOVATION 12 Conference IADT February 1st - 4th 2012. Visit for more details. Learning by Developing - New Ways to Learn Conference on Creativity in Higher Education May 8th – 11th 2012 in Finland Tracks a) How to learn creativity b) How to teach creativity c) Creative management in a Higher Education Institution d) Developing a creative region Page 7 September/October 2011