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CSEIT183726 | Received : 19 July 2018 | Accepted : 30 July 2018 | July-August-2018 [ 3 (6) : 658-670]
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
© 2018 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | ISSN : 2456-3307
Review Paper on Shared and Distributed Memory Parallel
Algorithms to Solve Big Data Problems in Biological, Social
Network and Spatial Domain Applications
Afzal Ahmad1, Mohammad Asif2, Shaikh Rohan Ali3
1M.Tech (CSE), Head of Computer Department Jamia Polytechnic, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra, India
2M.Tech (CSE) Pursuing, Lecturer Jamia Institute of Engineering & Mgmt. Studies, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra India
3B.E. (Computer) Pursuing Jamia Institute of Engineering & Mgmt. Studies, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra India
World goes towards a based on total computerized, which can deal with the big data. Big data analytics is the
most valuable era of this prevention. Such kind of research are go with this. Big data refers to information
which cannot be processed and analyzed using traditional approaches and tools, due to 4 V'ssheer Volume,
Velocity at which data is received and processed, and data Variety and Veracity. Today efficient processing of
this massive data is a significant challenge in the field of computer science. In our research we consume some
special kind of sub domain of Big data. One way to achieve such efficient and scalable algorithms is by using
shared & distributed memory parallel programming models. We solve five problems that fall into two
categories. The first group of problems deals with the issue of community detection. We develop a novel
sequential algorithm to accurately detect community structures in biological proteinprotein interaction
networks, where a community corresponds with a functional module of proteins. Generally, such sequential
algorithms are computationally expensive, which makes them impractical to use for large real world networks.
To address this limitation, we develop a new highly scalable Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) based parallel
algorithm to detect high quality communities in large subsections of social networks like Facebook and Amazon.
The second gathering of issues manages the issue of effectively preparing spatial Light Detection and Ranging
(LiDAR) information. LiDAR information is generally utilized in woodland and rural yield examines, scene
grouping, 3D urban displaying, and so forth.
Keywords : Scalable Symmetric Multiprocessing, LiDAR, PPI, BLLP, Geographical Information System, DEM,
Data Reduction Andinterpolation
Most cellular processes are believed to be carried out
by groups of highly interacting proteins called
functional modules, protein complexes, or molecular
complexes. Late extensive scale highthroughput
investigations, and reconciliation of distributed
information, have produced vast proteinprotein
association (PPI) systems. Protein buildings can be
recognized by distinguishing exceedingly associated
sets of proteins in PPI systems. There have been
numerous ongoing computational ways to deal with
unveil the hidden natural structures ([2, 3, 4,5,6,1]).
We likewise demonstrate the exactness of BLLP
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
calculation in foreseeing practical modules of
uncharacterized proteins.
A standout amongst the most applicable and
generally examined auxiliary properties of systems is
their locale structure or grouping. Network discovery
in a system likewise removes the auxiliary properties
of the system ([22]) and the different cooperations in
the system ([8]). So the network identification issue
centers around advancing this quality capacity ([20]).
One of the quality capacities regularly utilized is
seclusion ([3]).aThe expanding size of informal
organizations like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
so forth has made network location more
troublesome, with information examine which can
reach to billions of vertices and edges. The vast
majority of the examination in network discovery has
been centered around consecutive calculations on
SMP machines and a careful survey of the same is
introduced in ([24]). Though some quick versatile
network recognition calculations ([10], [24], [43])
which have been created can just handle organize
sizes which can be put away in the RAM of one
machine. These calculations embrace consecutive,
parallel sharedmemory and nondispersed engineering.
Preparing systems with a huge number of vertices
and billions of edges require a few hundred gigabytes
of RAM.
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is the
best means for high thickness and high exactness
territory information obtaining. LiDAR innovation is
an intense remote detecting system that can be
utilized to create definite maps of items, surfaces, and
territories crosswise over broadly differing scales
([14]). It simpler to create gigantic high thickness
LiDAR point mists and subsequently more precise,
reduced landscape models and other three
dimensional portrayals ([15]). Be that as it may, the
age of such enhanced models from high thickness,
and gigantic volume of information forces incredible
difficulties regarding information stockpiling,
handling, and control. Throughout the most recent
15 years, LiDAR information for producing
dependable and exact Digital Elevation Models
(DEMs) is generally utilized in geospatial science
networks ([31]). To the best of our insight, this is the
principal ever scene driven information decrease
system. We likewise utilize parallel programming to
misuse multicenter design of CPUs, subsequently
making our calculation exceedingly versatile and
Spatial information insertion is a pivotal procedure in
Geographical Information System (GIS), which
figures obscure territory tallness estimations of
focuses, in light of the known rise estimations of
focuses in the area ([18]). A characteristic landscape
surface is a constant surface including vast focuses
([22]). The most usually utilized DEMs are the lattice
DEM, the shape line DEM, and triangular
unpredictable system (TIN) DEM. Each lattice cell
has an esteem which means the rise for the whole
cell ([20]). Every one of the framework cells get this
height esteem by adding (estimation strategy)
adjoining inspecting focuses. Burrough et al. ([14]).
Interjection strategies in network DEMs is utilized to
decide the territory stature estimation of a point in
light of the known rise estimations of focuses in the
area ([18]). The nature of the created DEMs is
assessed in view of the distinction between the
genuine" and the added an incentive at focuses in
whole or chose areas ([12]). For all intents and
purposes applying spatial interjection is a
computationally costly undertaking and it requires
great registering assets. We likewise lead
examinations of our spatial insertion with different
introduction calculations, and DEM goals, to check
where our calculation lies as far as execution and
quality, in the complete rules of this zone.
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
Multilevel Spectral Algorithms: Pothen et al. ([5])
proposed a twolevel architecture for a yeast
proteomic network.They construct small networks
from a PPI network by removing proteins which
interact with too many or too few proteins.There are
specific proteins that function as substrates of protein
receptors, such as Gprotein coupled receptors
The clustering algorithm is applied to this residual
network. Validation of clusters is performed by
comparing the clustering result with the protein
complex database, the Munich Information Center
for Protein Sequences (MIPS). A spectral clustering
method plays a critical role for identifying functional
modules in the PPI network in their
research.S.Oliveira and S.C. Seok ([22]) successfully
applied a multilevel spectral algorithm to cluster a
group of documents using similarity matrices which
are mostly dense with entries between 0 and 1, and
has developed a matrixbased multilevel approach to
identify functional protein modules ([23]).Like
largescale networks, the vertex connectivity of
proteomic networks follows a scalefree powerlaw
distribution ([13]).Multilevel algorithms have a long
history, mostly for partial differential equations in
numerical analysis but also for network partitioning,
such as METIS ([34]). Multilevel schemes have been
applied to network clustering too ([20, 22]).
Community Detection Algorithms:
A community in a network is a set of nodes that are
densely connected with each other and sparsely
connected to the other nodes in the network.Most of
the work in this area is focused on enhancing the
modularity [3],In our comparative study, we use
modularity as a metric to determine the quality of
our results over other wellknown algorithms, when
applied to PPI network. Some of these algorithms use
techniques like betweenness centrality ([19]),
hierarchical clustering ([29]), and label propagation
([40]). A thorough review of community detection
algorithms for networks is given in ([24]).
Network partitioning: It aims to divide the network
into kparts in such a way that edge cuts are
minimized and each partition roughly has same
number of vertices. Most of the network partitioning
problems are NPHard ([24]).There exist many other
better partitioning algorithms which scales better
than METIS ([39], [32]) but we plan to utilize parallel
PMETIS to perform our initial graph partitioning,
due to its low communication overhead, ease of use
and wide availability. The parallel implementation
was implemented using GNU C++ and MPI.
Community Detection:
It is an interesting problem in the domain of graph
partitioning. Interest in community detection
problem started with the new partitioning approach
by ([22], [3]); where the edges in the network with
the maximum betweenness are removed iteratively,
thus splitting the network hierarchically into
communities.Hierarchical clustering is another major
technique used for community detection, where
based on the similarity between the nodes, an
agglomerative technique iteratively groups vertices
into communities.The idea is that, due to the higher
density of internal edges, the probability of a random
walk staying inside the community is greater than
going outside. This approach is used in Walktrap
([29]) and Infomap ([35]) algorithms. A thorough
review on community detection algorithms for
networks is given in ([24]).
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
Parallel Community Detection:
Community detection algorithms are a wellstudied
research area, but achieving strong scalability along
with detecting high quality communities is an open
problem.The Louvain method which is based on
modularity maximization ([10]) is the most widely
used community detection algorithm which can scale
to networks with millions of vertices.This algorithm
just works on localinformation which drives the high
scalability of this algorithm.In ([7]) a parallel version
of Infomap is presentedwhich relaxes the
concurrency assumption of the original method ([35]),
achieving parallel efficiency of 70%.We propose to
extend our MCML shared memory parallel algorithm
([24]), to distributed memory parallel framework
using the MPI implementation on The University of
Iowa's Neon HPC cluster, to detect communities in
massive networks with high accuracy and attain
The enhancement in data collection technologies has
enabled generation of massive amounts of data,
which poses computing issues when disseminating,
processing, and storing data. Data is valuable only if it
can convey valuable information. All the points in
the entire LiDAR point cloud do not provide equally
valuable information about the terrain under
consideration ([12]).This is one of the main
challenges in massive geospatial data processing
reduce dataset to attain an optimal balance
betweensize of the dataset required, and desired
resolution.They further showed that LiDAR data can
be reduced substantially yet still be able to generate
accurate DEMs for elevation predictions. Liu et al.
([38]) explored effects of LiDAR data density on
accuracy of generated DEMs, and studied the extent
to which LiDAR data can be reduced and still achieve
DEMs with required accuracy.A variance threshold
was initially set up as an input parameter; local
regions having zvariance less than threshold, undergo
removal of most of their central points.They
concluded that, for certain regimes this point
decimation technique performs significantly better
than random decimation.
There are many spatial interpolation techniques to
generate DEMs like, grid DEM generation technique
called Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Triangular
Irregular Networks (TIN), geostatistical methods like
Kriging, local polynomial, etc.DEMs generated using
grids introduces errors, since the terrain is
represented in a discrete fashion.But in practice, all
the DEMs generated from LiDAR are done using
grids techniques ([39]). Due to the availability of
large variety of interpolation techniques, questions
on which is the most appropriate technique for
different terrains needs to be answered.IDW
interpolation technique is proved to exhibit better
performance when the sampled data has high density.
BLLP Algorithm:
we present a bilevel label propagation community
detection algorithm, involving a preprocessing stage
where the edge weights of the network are computed
based on its topological features, a step similar to
coarsening of the original network (level 1), followed
by applying label propagation algorithm ([43]) once
on coarsened network (level 2),
Topological Weight Assignment (Level 1) : The BLLP
algorithm finds communities in a network G(V,E)
where V represents the nodes/vertices/proteins and E
represents the edges/interactions between the nodes,
by assigning weights to the edges and tracking the
propagation of the label through the network. For
each edge e(i,j) (where i and j are nodes) in the fine
network G, the topological edge weight wtop(i,j)
assigned to it is the ratio of number of triangles that
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
edge e(i, j) participates in to the total number of
triangles containing node.
i. If the weight of the edge e(i; j) is greater than other
edges in the 1neighborhood of i then, node i and
node j are more likely to be in the same community.
Whereas on the contrary, if edge e(i; j) has lower
weight than most other edges in the 1neighborhood
of i, then node i and node j are less likely to be in the
same community. Mathematically,
Where Ni is the 1neighborhood of i, and t(i,j)is the
total number of triangles whose sides contain edge (i;
j).The BLLP algorithm also works well with weighted
networks, where the edges are assigned weights
winputas an input. To get the total weight of an edge,
we simply have to take product of the topological
weight of that edge, with its input weight.
We initialize the label of each node in the ne
network G to their corresponding node id, which is
also the label weight for that node.
where Lj is the label (also referred as weight of the
label) of node j in Ni (nodes one edge away from i).
Figure 1. (a) Network G (b) Pre-processing: Topological weight Assignment (Level 1) (c) Coarse graph G’(d)
Labeling: Find connected components and give common label to nodes in same component (e) Interpolation:
Transfer labels from G to G’(f) Label Propagation.
We apply pre-processing step to the fine network G
in Figure 1.3(a), where weights are assigned to all the
edges based on the topological structure of G. Assume
the weights are assigned as shown in Figure 1.3(b).
All six nodes are given initial labels corresponding to
their node identifier. In the coarsening step of BLLP
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
algorithm, for each node in the fine network G, we
find the maximum weighted edge in its 1-
neighborhood. For example, in Figure 1.3(b), edge
(1,2) is the maximum weighted edge for node 1 as
well as node 2. Similarly, edge (3, 5) and edge (5,2)
are maximum weighted edges in the 1-neighborhoods
of nodes 4 and 2 respectively. We copy all such edges
and corresponding nodes in the new network G’. In
the interpolation step we find connected components
in this coarse network G’. Then we apply one
iteration of label propagation, where all the nodes in
G’ send their label to every other node in their 1-
neighborhood and each node assigns itself the lowest
label it receives. This way all the nodes in each
component have a common label. In Figure 1.3(d),
we have two connected components in G’with label 1
and label 3. We then transfer these labels from coarse
network G’to fine network G shown in Figure 1.3(e).
Computational Results: Computational results for
BLLP algorithm when applied to PPI yeast network is
shown in this section.
Figure 2. (a) PPI yeast network with 123 communities: red = largest community with 125nodes, blue = second
largest community with 202 nodes (b) Correctness of groupings made by BLLP.
Table 1. Jaccard Index to quantify the distance between protein complexes in MIPS database and functional
module partitions by BLLP algorithm
We show that, using our algorithm, highly accurate
predictions are made to identify functional modules
for uncharacterized proteins. We also conduct a
comparative study, comparing three different
community detection algorithms ([28, 30, 12]) on PPI
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
yeast network, based on modularity of the
communities discovered, and computational time.
The MCML algorithm involving a pre-processing
stage, where each edge is assigned a strength based on
the topology of the graph. Then based on the
strength requirement of the communities, weak
edges are removed and coarser graph instances are
recursively created by identifying and removing
communities, using the node with highest centrality
each time. We recursively apply this step until every
node is assigned to a community.
Preprocessing: Edge Strength Assignment: -The
MCML algorithmfinds communities in a graph G (V,
E) where V represents the nodes/vertices and E
represents the edges between the nodes, by assigning
strength to the edges initially. For each edge e(i,j)
(where i and j are nodes) in the fine graph G, the
topological edge strength value e(i,j) assigned to it is
the ratio of number of triangles that edge e(i;
j)participates in to the total number of triangles
containing node i.If the strength value of an edge e(i;
j) is greater than other edges in the 1-neighborhood
of i then, node i and node j are more likely to be in
the same community. Whereas on the contrary, if
edge e(i; j) has lower strength value than most other
edgesin the 1-neighborhood of i, then node i and
node j are less likely to be in the same community.
where Ni is the 1-neighborhood of i, and t(i,j) is the
total number of triangles whosesides contain edge (i,
The MCML algorithm also works well with weighted
graphs, where the edges are assigned weights winput
as an input. To get the total weight of an edge, we
simply have to take product of the topological edge
strength value, with its input weight.
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
Figure 3. MCML Algorithm: General Scheme
Require: Graph G(V, E), _, max size, min size
1: return Community of each node
2: for all thread T do
3: Assign nodes and edges to each thread T
4: for all Edge e(i; j) assigned to thread T do
5: Find strength _(i; j) using Equation 3.1
2: end for
7: for all Edge e(i; j) assigned to thread T do
8: if (_(i; j) < _) then
9: Delete e(i; j)
10: end if
11: end for
12: while (All nodes are assigned to a community)
13: for all Node assigned to thread T do
14: Find node v with highest centrality, label it i
15: end for
12: while (No neighbors left or max sized reached)
17: Assign nodes and edges to each thread T
18: Distribute label to the neighbours of the nodes,
with label i
19: end while
20: for all Node assigned to thread T do
3: Delete node with label i and associated edges
22: end for
23: end while
24: end for
25: return community label for each node.
Hybrid Algorithm:
Weuse our shared memory based MCML
community detection algorithm described inand
([24]) as a subroutine in our hybrid
algorithm.Theadvantage of the initial network
partitioning when designing parallel distributed
community detection algorithms, in order to speed
up the processing timeby minimizing the
communication between processors.This reduces
the possibility of vertices in the same community
to spread across multiple partitions. We modify
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
ourparallel shared memory MCML algorithm.Each
MPI process pi, now has a list of total number of
vertices in every other partition {N0,…..,Ni-
1,Ni+1,…,NP-1 }where, P is the total number of MPI
processes. It then renumbers its vertices in a way
that the ones associated to itspartitions start from
nstarti which is based on the values of all processes
pj with j<i as follows:
Once the renumbering is performed, each MPI
process sends its partitions to the master MPI process
where the merging takes place. Once the
renumbering is performed, each MPI process sends
its partitions to the master MPI process where the
merging takes place.
Figure 4. Example: Hybrid Algorithm
Benchmark Datasets:
We use the benchmark datasets, Karate club ([41])
and Dolphin club ([42]) to determine the quality of
the results obtained by applying MCML algorithm.
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
Sincethese two datasets have ground truth
communities; we measure the quality of theresults
based on the accuracy metric i.e., the number of
nodes correctly assigned byMCML algorithm to the
community they actually belong to in real life. We
runMCML algorithm for various values of _ (0, 0.1,
0.4, 0.2, 1.0). We also have a plot showing the
number of nodes marked as non-community nodes,
versus different valuesof β. Comparison of various
community detection algorithms on Karate and
Dolphinclub benchmark datasets is shown in Table 2.
Facebook Forum Dataset:
Facebook Forum dataset is obtained from Facebook
online social network. The main focus in this
network is on user's activity in the forum. The forum
represents a 2-mode network between primary nodes
which are 899 users, and secondary nodes which are
392 topics in the forum. It is a weighted network
where the weights represent the number of messages
a user posted on a particular topic.
Biological Domain:We implemented the BLLP
algorithm using C++ and graph libraries. All the
simulations are done on Processor-Intel Core i7 3770
3.4GHz and Turbo Boost enabled Memory-12GB
DDR3-1200 RAM 500G 3GB/s 4300 RPM; Linux
machines. All the plots are done using Gephi and
Social Networks Domain (Shared Memory and
Distributed Memory):
We implemented the MCML algorithm using C++
and boost graph libraries. The simulations for the
benchmark datasets and the Facebook forum dataset
are done on Processor-Intel Core i73770, 3:4GHz and
Turbo Boost enabled Memory-12GBDDR31200 RAM;
Linux machines. These machines have 4 cores with
hyper threading enabled. The simulations for the
Amazon dataset is done on a system running on
CentOS 2:3, a Linux operating system based on Red
Hat Linux, with512GB Nodes, 32 GB RAM, 2:9GHz,
and 12 Xeon Phi cores. All the results obtained are
average of 5 runs. We use Open MP directives for
implementing parallel MCML algorithm. All the plots
are done using Gephi and Gnuplot.
The performance of our hybrid algorithm is evaluated
by executing series of experiments on the High
Performance Neon Cluster at University of Iowa. We
implemented the hybrid algorithm using C++ and
boost graph libraries. We also use parallel
implementation of PMETIS which was developed in
GNU C++ MPI. We use8 heterogeneous standard
machines each having 24GB RAM, 12 Xeon Phi cores
and2.2 GHz processor. All the experiments were
executed as a single batch command comprising of at
most 8 compute machines having 12 cores each. Each
experiment is executed 3 times and average of the
results from these runs are reported to preserve
accuracy and consistency.
Through this experiment we can consult with various
kind of sub-domain of big data analytics field. Behave
of these we must be concentrate two biggest sub-
domains i.e. Biological domain and social domain. At
first we will so discuss on the biological domain.
In biological domain’s research we focus on matching
groups of proteins which are more likely to be part of
the same functional modules. Using our BLLP
algorithm we achieve more accurate groupings of
proteins in less computational time. We show that
the predictions by the BLLP algorithm of the
functional module of uncharacterized protein is also
highly accurate. Our computational analysis also
proves that our algorithm extracts higher modularity
communities when compared to other well-known
community detection algorithms. Compared to the
state of the art community detection algorithms, the
computational time is also close to the best. The
Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http://
Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670
BLLP algorithm and other sequential algorithms
mentioned above are designed to find community
structures on small, and medium sized datasets. These
algorithms prove computationally very expensive to
use on large networks. Hence we require parallel
programming models to design scalable algorithms to
tackle large volume of data.
In social networking domain also deal with two
scheme i.e shared and distributed memory. In case of
shared memory our research focus on focuses on
developing a multi-core multi-level (MCML)
community detection algorithm, which achieves a
good balance between running times and quality of
the communities discovered, which is a well-known
challenging problem in this area. We have shown
that, the quality of the results obtained by the MCML
algorithm for benchmark datasets with ground truth
is highly accurate. We also compare MCML with
other well-known algorithms for datasets without
ground truth, using the modularity metric for quality
analysis, and conclude that MCML can detect
communities roughly as meaningful as other known
algorithms and in some cases even better (Facebook
forum). In case of distributed memory, we detecting
communities in large networks, while achieving a
good balance between scalability and quality of the
results is an important open problem, especially due
to the massive growth of social networks. This work
combines our existing MCML algorithm [24] as a
subroutine in our hybrid community detection
algorithm presented in this paper. We also combine
an existing graph partitioning technique (i.e. PMETIS)
which minimizes cross-partition edges, as a pre-
processing step to our algorithm.
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Review Paper on Shared and Distributed Memory Parallel Algorithms to Solve Big Data Problems in Biological, Social Network and Spatial Domain Applications

  • 1. CSEIT183726 | Received : 19 July 2018 | Accepted : 30 July 2018 | July-August-2018 [ 3 (6) : 658-670] International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology © 2018 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | ISSN : 2456-3307 658 Review Paper on Shared and Distributed Memory Parallel Algorithms to Solve Big Data Problems in Biological, Social Network and Spatial Domain Applications Afzal Ahmad1, Mohammad Asif2, Shaikh Rohan Ali3 1M.Tech (CSE), Head of Computer Department Jamia Polytechnic, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra, India 2M.Tech (CSE) Pursuing, Lecturer Jamia Institute of Engineering & Mgmt. Studies, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra India 3B.E. (Computer) Pursuing Jamia Institute of Engineering & Mgmt. Studies, Akkalkuwa, Maharashtra India ABSTRACT World goes towards a based on total computerized, which can deal with the big data. Big data analytics is the most valuable era of this prevention. Such kind of research are go with this. Big data refers to information which cannot be processed and analyzed using traditional approaches and tools, due to 4 V'ssheer Volume, Velocity at which data is received and processed, and data Variety and Veracity. Today efficient processing of this massive data is a significant challenge in the field of computer science. In our research we consume some special kind of sub domain of Big data. One way to achieve such efficient and scalable algorithms is by using shared & distributed memory parallel programming models. We solve five problems that fall into two categories. The first group of problems deals with the issue of community detection. We develop a novel sequential algorithm to accurately detect community structures in biological proteinprotein interaction networks, where a community corresponds with a functional module of proteins. Generally, such sequential algorithms are computationally expensive, which makes them impractical to use for large real world networks. To address this limitation, we develop a new highly scalable Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) based parallel algorithm to detect high quality communities in large subsections of social networks like Facebook and Amazon. The second gathering of issues manages the issue of effectively preparing spatial Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) information. LiDAR information is generally utilized in woodland and rural yield examines, scene grouping, 3D urban displaying, and so forth. Keywords : Scalable Symmetric Multiprocessing, LiDAR, PPI, BLLP, Geographical Information System, DEM, Data Reduction Andinterpolation I. INTRODUCTION BIOLOGYCAL DOMAIN: Most cellular processes are believed to be carried out by groups of highly interacting proteins called functional modules, protein complexes, or molecular complexes. Late extensive scale highthroughput investigations, and reconciliation of distributed information, have produced vast proteinprotein association (PPI) systems. Protein buildings can be recognized by distinguishing exceedingly associated sets of proteins in PPI systems. There have been numerous ongoing computational ways to deal with unveil the hidden natural structures ([2, 3, 4,5,6,1]). We likewise demonstrate the exactness of BLLP
  • 2. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 659 calculation in foreseeing practical modules of uncharacterized proteins. SOCIAL NETWORKS DOMAIN (SHARED AND DISTRIBUTED MEMORY): A standout amongst the most applicable and generally examined auxiliary properties of systems is their locale structure or grouping. Network discovery in a system likewise removes the auxiliary properties of the system ([22]) and the different cooperations in the system ([8]). So the network identification issue centers around advancing this quality capacity ([20]). One of the quality capacities regularly utilized is seclusion ([3]).aThe expanding size of informal organizations like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so forth has made network location more troublesome, with information examine which can reach to billions of vertices and edges. The vast majority of the examination in network discovery has been centered around consecutive calculations on SMP machines and a careful survey of the same is introduced in ([24]). Though some quick versatile network recognition calculations ([10], [24], [43]) which have been created can just handle organize sizes which can be put away in the RAM of one machine. These calculations embrace consecutive, parallel sharedmemory and nondispersed engineering. Preparing systems with a huge number of vertices and billions of edges require a few hundred gigabytes of RAM. SPATIAL DOMAIN (DATA REDUCTION ANDINTERPOLATION): Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is the best means for high thickness and high exactness territory information obtaining. LiDAR innovation is an intense remote detecting system that can be utilized to create definite maps of items, surfaces, and territories crosswise over broadly differing scales ([14]). It simpler to create gigantic high thickness LiDAR point mists and subsequently more precise, reduced landscape models and other three dimensional portrayals ([15]). Be that as it may, the age of such enhanced models from high thickness, and gigantic volume of information forces incredible difficulties regarding information stockpiling, handling, and control. Throughout the most recent 15 years, LiDAR information for producing dependable and exact Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) is generally utilized in geospatial science networks ([31]). To the best of our insight, this is the principal ever scene driven information decrease system. We likewise utilize parallel programming to misuse multicenter design of CPUs, subsequently making our calculation exceedingly versatile and timeproductive. Spatial information insertion is a pivotal procedure in Geographical Information System (GIS), which figures obscure territory tallness estimations of focuses, in light of the known rise estimations of focuses in the area ([18]). A characteristic landscape surface is a constant surface including vast focuses ([22]). The most usually utilized DEMs are the lattice DEM, the shape line DEM, and triangular unpredictable system (TIN) DEM. Each lattice cell has an esteem which means the rise for the whole cell ([20]). Every one of the framework cells get this height esteem by adding (estimation strategy) adjoining inspecting focuses. Burrough et al. ([14]). Interjection strategies in network DEMs is utilized to decide the territory stature estimation of a point in light of the known rise estimations of focuses in the area ([18]). The nature of the created DEMs is assessed in view of the distinction between the genuine" and the added an incentive at focuses in whole or chose areas ([12]). For all intents and purposes applying spatial interjection is a computationally costly undertaking and it requires great registering assets. We likewise lead examinations of our spatial insertion with different introduction calculations, and DEM goals, to check where our calculation lies as far as execution and quality, in the complete rules of this zone.
  • 3. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 660 II. LITURATURE SURVEY BIOLOGICAL DOMAIN: Multilevel Spectral Algorithms: Pothen et al. ([5]) proposed a twolevel architecture for a yeast proteomic network.They construct small networks from a PPI network by removing proteins which interact with too many or too few proteins.There are specific proteins that function as substrates of protein receptors, such as Gprotein coupled receptors (GPCR's). The clustering algorithm is applied to this residual network. Validation of clusters is performed by comparing the clustering result with the protein complex database, the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS). A spectral clustering method plays a critical role for identifying functional modules in the PPI network in their research.S.Oliveira and S.C. Seok ([22]) successfully applied a multilevel spectral algorithm to cluster a group of documents using similarity matrices which are mostly dense with entries between 0 and 1, and has developed a matrixbased multilevel approach to identify functional protein modules ([23]).Like largescale networks, the vertex connectivity of proteomic networks follows a scalefree powerlaw distribution ([13]).Multilevel algorithms have a long history, mostly for partial differential equations in numerical analysis but also for network partitioning, such as METIS ([34]). Multilevel schemes have been applied to network clustering too ([20, 22]). Community Detection Algorithms: A community in a network is a set of nodes that are densely connected with each other and sparsely connected to the other nodes in the network.Most of the work in this area is focused on enhancing the modularity [3],In our comparative study, we use modularity as a metric to determine the quality of our results over other wellknown algorithms, when applied to PPI network. Some of these algorithms use techniques like betweenness centrality ([19]), hierarchical clustering ([29]), and label propagation ([40]). A thorough review of community detection algorithms for networks is given in ([24]). SOCIAL NETWORKS DOMAIN: (SHARED AND DISTRIBUTED MEMORY): Network partitioning: It aims to divide the network into kparts in such a way that edge cuts are minimized and each partition roughly has same number of vertices. Most of the network partitioning problems are NPHard ([24]).There exist many other better partitioning algorithms which scales better than METIS ([39], [32]) but we plan to utilize parallel PMETIS to perform our initial graph partitioning, due to its low communication overhead, ease of use and wide availability. The parallel implementation was implemented using GNU C++ and MPI. Community Detection: It is an interesting problem in the domain of graph partitioning. Interest in community detection problem started with the new partitioning approach by ([22], [3]); where the edges in the network with the maximum betweenness are removed iteratively, thus splitting the network hierarchically into communities.Hierarchical clustering is another major technique used for community detection, where based on the similarity between the nodes, an agglomerative technique iteratively groups vertices into communities.The idea is that, due to the higher density of internal edges, the probability of a random walk staying inside the community is greater than going outside. This approach is used in Walktrap ([29]) and Infomap ([35]) algorithms. A thorough review on community detection algorithms for networks is given in ([24]).
  • 4. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 661 Parallel Community Detection: Community detection algorithms are a wellstudied research area, but achieving strong scalability along with detecting high quality communities is an open problem.The Louvain method which is based on modularity maximization ([10]) is the most widely used community detection algorithm which can scale to networks with millions of vertices.This algorithm just works on localinformation which drives the high scalability of this algorithm.In ([7]) a parallel version of Infomap is presentedwhich relaxes the concurrency assumption of the original method ([35]), achieving parallel efficiency of 70%.We propose to extend our MCML shared memory parallel algorithm ([24]), to distributed memory parallel framework using the MPI implementation on The University of Iowa's Neon HPC cluster, to detect communities in massive networks with high accuracy and attain scalability. SPATIAL DOMAIN: (DATA REDUCTION ANDINTERPOLATION): The enhancement in data collection technologies has enabled generation of massive amounts of data, which poses computing issues when disseminating, processing, and storing data. Data is valuable only if it can convey valuable information. All the points in the entire LiDAR point cloud do not provide equally valuable information about the terrain under consideration ([12]).This is one of the main challenges in massive geospatial data processing reduce dataset to attain an optimal balance betweensize of the dataset required, and desired resolution.They further showed that LiDAR data can be reduced substantially yet still be able to generate accurate DEMs for elevation predictions. Liu et al. ([38]) explored effects of LiDAR data density on accuracy of generated DEMs, and studied the extent to which LiDAR data can be reduced and still achieve DEMs with required accuracy.A variance threshold was initially set up as an input parameter; local regions having zvariance less than threshold, undergo removal of most of their central points.They concluded that, for certain regimes this point decimation technique performs significantly better than random decimation. There are many spatial interpolation techniques to generate DEMs like, grid DEM generation technique called Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN), geostatistical methods like Kriging, local polynomial, etc.DEMs generated using grids introduces errors, since the terrain is represented in a discrete fashion.But in practice, all the DEMs generated from LiDAR are done using grids techniques ([39]). Due to the availability of large variety of interpolation techniques, questions on which is the most appropriate technique for different terrains needs to be answered.IDW interpolation technique is proved to exhibit better performance when the sampled data has high density. III. METHODOLOGY BLLP Algorithm: we present a bilevel label propagation community detection algorithm, involving a preprocessing stage where the edge weights of the network are computed based on its topological features, a step similar to coarsening of the original network (level 1), followed by applying label propagation algorithm ([43]) once on coarsened network (level 2), Preprocessing: Topological Weight Assignment (Level 1) : The BLLP algorithm finds communities in a network G(V,E) where V represents the nodes/vertices/proteins and E represents the edges/interactions between the nodes, by assigning weights to the edges and tracking the propagation of the label through the network. For each edge e(i,j) (where i and j are nodes) in the fine network G, the topological edge weight wtop(i,j) assigned to it is the ratio of number of triangles that
  • 5. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 662 edge e(i, j) participates in to the total number of triangles containing node. (1) i. If the weight of the edge e(i; j) is greater than other edges in the 1neighborhood of i then, node i and node j are more likely to be in the same community. Whereas on the contrary, if edge e(i; j) has lower weight than most other edges in the 1neighborhood of i, then node i and node j are less likely to be in the same community. Mathematically, Where Ni is the 1neighborhood of i, and t(i,j)is the total number of triangles whose sides contain edge (i; j).The BLLP algorithm also works well with weighted networks, where the edges are assigned weights winputas an input. To get the total weight of an edge, we simply have to take product of the topological weight of that edge, with its input weight. (2) We initialize the label of each node in the ne network G to their corresponding node id, which is also the label weight for that node. (3) where Lj is the label (also referred as weight of the label) of node j in Ni (nodes one edge away from i). Figure 1. (a) Network G (b) Pre-processing: Topological weight Assignment (Level 1) (c) Coarse graph G’(d) Labeling: Find connected components and give common label to nodes in same component (e) Interpolation: Transfer labels from G to G’(f) Label Propagation. We apply pre-processing step to the fine network G in Figure 1.3(a), where weights are assigned to all the edges based on the topological structure of G. Assume the weights are assigned as shown in Figure 1.3(b). All six nodes are given initial labels corresponding to their node identifier. In the coarsening step of BLLP
  • 6. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 663 algorithm, for each node in the fine network G, we find the maximum weighted edge in its 1- neighborhood. For example, in Figure 1.3(b), edge (1,2) is the maximum weighted edge for node 1 as well as node 2. Similarly, edge (3, 5) and edge (5,2) are maximum weighted edges in the 1-neighborhoods of nodes 4 and 2 respectively. We copy all such edges and corresponding nodes in the new network G’. In the interpolation step we find connected components in this coarse network G’. Then we apply one iteration of label propagation, where all the nodes in G’ send their label to every other node in their 1- neighborhood and each node assigns itself the lowest label it receives. This way all the nodes in each component have a common label. In Figure 1.3(d), we have two connected components in G’with label 1 and label 3. We then transfer these labels from coarse network G’to fine network G shown in Figure 1.3(e). Computational Results: Computational results for BLLP algorithm when applied to PPI yeast network is shown in this section. Figure 2. (a) PPI yeast network with 123 communities: red = largest community with 125nodes, blue = second largest community with 202 nodes (b) Correctness of groupings made by BLLP. Table 1. Jaccard Index to quantify the distance between protein complexes in MIPS database and functional module partitions by BLLP algorithm We show that, using our algorithm, highly accurate predictions are made to identify functional modules for uncharacterized proteins. We also conduct a comparative study, comparing three different community detection algorithms ([28, 30, 12]) on PPI
  • 7. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 664 yeast network, based on modularity of the communities discovered, and computational time. SOCIAL NETWORKS DOMAIN: SHARED MEMORY AND DISTRIBUTED MEMORY: The MCML algorithm involving a pre-processing stage, where each edge is assigned a strength based on the topology of the graph. Then based on the strength requirement of the communities, weak edges are removed and coarser graph instances are recursively created by identifying and removing communities, using the node with highest centrality each time. We recursively apply this step until every node is assigned to a community. Preprocessing: Edge Strength Assignment: -The MCML algorithmfinds communities in a graph G (V, E) where V represents the nodes/vertices and E represents the edges between the nodes, by assigning strength to the edges initially. For each edge e(i,j) (where i and j are nodes) in the fine graph G, the topological edge strength value e(i,j) assigned to it is the ratio of number of triangles that edge e(i; j)participates in to the total number of triangles containing node i.If the strength value of an edge e(i; j) is greater than other edges in the 1-neighborhood of i then, node i and node j are more likely to be in the same community. Whereas on the contrary, if edge e(i; j) has lower strength value than most other edgesin the 1-neighborhood of i, then node i and node j are less likely to be in the same community. Mathematically, (4) where Ni is the 1-neighborhood of i, and t(i,j) is the total number of triangles whosesides contain edge (i, j). The MCML algorithm also works well with weighted graphs, where the edges are assigned weights winput as an input. To get the total weight of an edge, we simply have to take product of the topological edge strength value, with its input weight. (5)
  • 8. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 665 Figure 3. MCML Algorithm: General Scheme Require: Graph G(V, E), _, max size, min size 1: return Community of each node 2: for all thread T do 3: Assign nodes and edges to each thread T 4: for all Edge e(i; j) assigned to thread T do 5: Find strength _(i; j) using Equation 3.1 2: end for 7: for all Edge e(i; j) assigned to thread T do 8: if (_(i; j) < _) then 9: Delete e(i; j) 10: end if 11: end for 12: while (All nodes are assigned to a community) do 13: for all Node assigned to thread T do 14: Find node v with highest centrality, label it i 15: end for 12: while (No neighbors left or max sized reached) do 17: Assign nodes and edges to each thread T 18: Distribute label to the neighbours of the nodes, with label i 19: end while 20: for all Node assigned to thread T do 3: Delete node with label i and associated edges 22: end for 23: end while 24: end for 25: return community label for each node. Hybrid Algorithm: Weuse our shared memory based MCML community detection algorithm described inand ([24]) as a subroutine in our hybrid algorithm.Theadvantage of the initial network partitioning when designing parallel distributed community detection algorithms, in order to speed up the processing timeby minimizing the communication between processors.This reduces the possibility of vertices in the same community to spread across multiple partitions. We modify
  • 9. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 666 ourparallel shared memory MCML algorithm.Each MPI process pi, now has a list of total number of vertices in every other partition {N0,…..,Ni- 1,Ni+1,…,NP-1 }where, P is the total number of MPI processes. It then renumbers its vertices in a way that the ones associated to itspartitions start from nstarti which is based on the values of all processes pj with j<i as follows: (6) Once the renumbering is performed, each MPI process sends its partitions to the master MPI process where the merging takes place. Once the renumbering is performed, each MPI process sends its partitions to the master MPI process where the merging takes place. Figure 4. Example: Hybrid Algorithm IV. COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS Benchmark Datasets: We use the benchmark datasets, Karate club ([41]) and Dolphin club ([42]) to determine the quality of the results obtained by applying MCML algorithm.
  • 10. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 667 Sincethese two datasets have ground truth communities; we measure the quality of theresults based on the accuracy metric i.e., the number of nodes correctly assigned byMCML algorithm to the community they actually belong to in real life. We runMCML algorithm for various values of _ (0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 1.0). We also have a plot showing the number of nodes marked as non-community nodes, versus different valuesof β. Comparison of various community detection algorithms on Karate and Dolphinclub benchmark datasets is shown in Table 2. Facebook Forum Dataset: Facebook Forum dataset is obtained from Facebook online social network. The main focus in this network is on user's activity in the forum. The forum represents a 2-mode network between primary nodes which are 899 users, and secondary nodes which are 392 topics in the forum. It is a weighted network where the weights represent the number of messages a user posted on a particular topic. V. EXPERIMENTAL ENVIRONMENT Biological Domain:We implemented the BLLP algorithm using C++ and graph libraries. All the simulations are done on Processor-Intel Core i7 3770 3.4GHz and Turbo Boost enabled Memory-12GB DDR3-1200 RAM 500G 3GB/s 4300 RPM; Linux machines. All the plots are done using Gephi and Gnuplot. Social Networks Domain (Shared Memory and Distributed Memory): We implemented the MCML algorithm using C++ and boost graph libraries. The simulations for the benchmark datasets and the Facebook forum dataset are done on Processor-Intel Core i73770, 3:4GHz and Turbo Boost enabled Memory-12GBDDR31200 RAM; Linux machines. These machines have 4 cores with hyper threading enabled. The simulations for the Amazon dataset is done on a system running on CentOS 2:3, a Linux operating system based on Red Hat Linux, with512GB Nodes, 32 GB RAM, 2:9GHz, and 12 Xeon Phi cores. All the results obtained are average of 5 runs. We use Open MP directives for implementing parallel MCML algorithm. All the plots are done using Gephi and Gnuplot. The performance of our hybrid algorithm is evaluated by executing series of experiments on the High Performance Neon Cluster at University of Iowa. We implemented the hybrid algorithm using C++ and boost graph libraries. We also use parallel implementation of PMETIS which was developed in GNU C++ MPI. We use8 heterogeneous standard machines each having 24GB RAM, 12 Xeon Phi cores and2.2 GHz processor. All the experiments were executed as a single batch command comprising of at most 8 compute machines having 12 cores each. Each experiment is executed 3 times and average of the results from these runs are reported to preserve accuracy and consistency. VI. CONCLUSION Through this experiment we can consult with various kind of sub-domain of big data analytics field. Behave of these we must be concentrate two biggest sub- domains i.e. Biological domain and social domain. At first we will so discuss on the biological domain. In biological domain’s research we focus on matching groups of proteins which are more likely to be part of the same functional modules. Using our BLLP algorithm we achieve more accurate groupings of proteins in less computational time. We show that the predictions by the BLLP algorithm of the functional module of uncharacterized protein is also highly accurate. Our computational analysis also proves that our algorithm extracts higher modularity communities when compared to other well-known community detection algorithms. Compared to the state of the art community detection algorithms, the computational time is also close to the best. The
  • 11. Volume 3, Issue 6, July-August-2018 | http:// Anita Ratnasari et al. Int J S Res CSE & IT. 2018 July-August; 3(6) : 658-670 668 BLLP algorithm and other sequential algorithms mentioned above are designed to find community structures on small, and medium sized datasets. These algorithms prove computationally very expensive to use on large networks. Hence we require parallel programming models to design scalable algorithms to tackle large volume of data. In social networking domain also deal with two scheme i.e shared and distributed memory. In case of shared memory our research focus on focuses on developing a multi-core multi-level (MCML) community detection algorithm, which achieves a good balance between running times and quality of the communities discovered, which is a well-known challenging problem in this area. We have shown that, the quality of the results obtained by the MCML algorithm for benchmark datasets with ground truth is highly accurate. We also compare MCML with other well-known algorithms for datasets without ground truth, using the modularity metric for quality analysis, and conclude that MCML can detect communities roughly as meaningful as other known algorithms and in some cases even better (Facebook forum). In case of distributed memory, we detecting communities in large networks, while achieving a good balance between scalability and quality of the results is an important open problem, especially due to the massive growth of social networks. This work combines our existing MCML algorithm [24] as a subroutine in our hybrid community detection algorithm presented in this paper. We also combine an existing graph partitioning technique (i.e. PMETIS) which minimizes cross-partition edges, as a pre- processing step to our algorithm. VII. REFERENCES [1]. Lan V Zhang, Sharyl L Wong, Oliver D King, and Frederick P Roth. Predicting co-complexed protein pairs using genomic and proteomic data integration. BMC bioinformatics, 5(1:38, 2004. [2]. Gary D Bader and Christopher WV Hogue. An automated method for finding molecular complexes in large protein interaction networks. BMC bioinformatics,4(1:2, 2003. [3]. Chris Ding, Xiaofeng He, Hui Xiong, and Hanchuan Peng. Transitive closure and metric inequality of weighted graphs: detecting protein interaction modules using cliques. International journal of data mining and bioinformatics, 1(2:122 -177,2002. [4]. Nevan J Krogan, Gerard Cagney, Haiyuan Yu, GouqingZhong, XinghuaGuo, AlexandrIgnatchenko, Joyce Li, Shuye Pu, NiraDatta, Aaron P Tikuisis, et al. Global landscape of protein complexes in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae.Nature, 440(7084:237-243, 2002. [5]. Emad Ramadan, Christopher Osgood, and Alex Pothen. The architecture of a proteomic network in the yeast. In Computational Life Sciences, pages 225-142.Springer, 2005 [6]. Hui Xiong, Xiaofeng He, Chris HQ Ding, Ya Zhang, Vipin Kumar, and Stephen R Holbrook. Identification of functional modules in protein complexes via hyper-clique pattern discovery. In Pacific symposium on Biocomputing, volume 10, pages 23-232. World Scientific, 2005. [7]. Michelle Girvan and Mark EJ Newman. Community structure in social and biological networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(12:783-7339, 2002. [8]. Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Zoltan N Oltvai. Network biology: understanding the cell's functional organization. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5(2:101-113, 2004. [9]. Mark EJ Newman. Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in net-works. Physical review E, 29(2:02333, 2004. [10]. Mark EJ Newman and Michelle Girvan. Finding and evaluating community structure in networks. Physical review E, 29(2:02313, 2004.
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