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Ronnie Sims
Week 4 Rodgers vs. Mackey
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Maximizing long term shareholder value is one of the objectives
many businesses have in determining their growth and success.
Shareholders are regarded as the owners of the companies and
so, their worth should always be given the top priority before
any other business is considered. However, when corporations
act ethically by contributing towards their immediate societies
through corporate social responsibility initiatives, they are seen
to disregard the shareholder wealth maximization objective.
Organizations should strike a balance between community based
charity initiatives and taking care of their real owners. Firms
that fail to maximize the wealth of their owners have always
been at loggerheads and may end up losing their worth in the
market. Adding more value to the society than it is to the
company may mean lack of understanding of the company and
its objectives which is also another recipe for long term failure.
This concept is far more important to businesses, society and
individuals in that its understanding facilitates proper
coordination between the three extremes. The best position to
approach this issue is from Mackey whose ideas stress on the
need to balance between organizational objectives and societal
needs. According to Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald,
(2018). When the long-term shareholder value is fully
maximized, attention should then focus on the societal needs
based on their urgency. Individuals will have a better
understanding of the firm, its objectives and the focal areas
before its attention is shifted to those outside its realms.
Additionally, the society will know where the focus of the
organization is and develop a framework that will cater for their
needs, instead of depending on the corporation for all their
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Miguel Bernal
Week 4 Discussion
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There are many corporations throughout the world that are
successful and some that go under. The ones that survived are
the ones that create items that society needs, but also sell their
product at a price that people can afford. The job of business
managers is to make sure that the company’s investing in
technology, buying or maintaining equipment, process running
correctly, people are working efficiently, and facilities are in
working order. On top of that, workers need to be provided with
fair wages and good benefits. If workers feel that they are not
getting treated right, they might refuse to work for the company
or go on strike. These means that products for that company
will not be created and the stock prices start falling. All of
these items required money, money helps create the products
and money in needed to pay workers. Some of the money is
from shareholders, which could also be used for investments.
The more shareholders buy stocks, the more money than can
flow into the company for expansion of facilities, equipment,
human capital, and products. In turn, the company will produce
more products in order to satisfy human needs. The company
should constantly try to develop or find new ways to keep
satisfying those needs. According to Maslow (1969), humans
are constantly searching to satisfy their needs that are
constantly expanding. The more humans are getting satisfied,
the more profitable the company and shareholder become.
In regard to charity, I believe Mackey has been
successful in his company but most of their prices are higher
than other corporations. According to Pecorino (2016),
companies that pledge to donate to society do so by having their
products much higher and are set on fixed pricing. The company
uses its fixed prices in order to know that it can cover its
donations to society. This is good if customers believe that the
company has good intentions and they’ll keep supporting the
company’s vision. However, there are many variables in society
can have impacts on corporations and consumers. For example,
the president can impose an increase in taxes that would cause a
decrease in purchasing power for consumers. People might not
be able to pay for higher prices and would go on searching for
better deals to satisfy their needs.
In my opinion, I’d follow Rogers view, it would be in
the best interest of the company to try and maximize profits for
its shareholders ("Rethinking the Social," 2005). However, the
company would have to keep on searching for ways to satisfy
human needs to stay profitable.
Bottom of Form
Business Ethics – Week 4 Assignment
Milton Friedman – What is America?
Please watch:
Critical Thinking skill:
Write a 750 word summary of the lecture.
Answer the following questions:
1. What ethical considerations were discussed in the video?
2. Are the questions posed in this video still relevant today in
light of the current business environment?
3. How can this lecture help you to become a better business
person provide two good examples on how this lecture material
could change the way you do business?
Business Ethics – Week 5 Assignment
Term Papers
Term papers on practically every subject imaginable are
available on the Internet. Many of those who submit the papers
as their own work defend their practice in Various ways: (1)
These papers are posted to assist in research in the same way
any other resource is posted on the Web and should simply be
cited if used; (2) these papers are posted in order to encourage
faculty to modify paper topics and/or exams and not to simply
bring back assignments that have been used countless times in
the past, (3) they don’t have time to complete a paper and since
they have paid for the course they have in effect paid for the
degree, and (4) if the professor doesn’t “catch” them what harm
has been done?
Are you persuaded?
Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper addressing the above issues
while answering the following:
1. Is there anything unethical about this service in general?
2. If so, who should be held accountable, the poster, the
ultimate user (student), the professor, the university, or
someone else?
Use the ethical decision making model process to determine the
ethics of the term paper service.
Provide 3-5 APA style references both inline and at the end of
the paper to support your analysis. Note: This is your
opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the week’s
theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence.
Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA
standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.
Participation of Transgender People in Sports
Justin Shaw
Liberty University
The topic of transgender athletes is one that is constantly
considered as a complex topic especially by sports managers in
different settings. Many of the individuals belonging in this
community who have participated in sports in the past have
often complained about being subjected to ills such as
victimization as well as discrimination. Further many
individuals still struggle on the question of whether or not it is
fair for transgender individuals to participate in sports in the
gender they identify with. Most managers in sports have set a
requirement that for one to be allowed to participate in sports,
they need to have undergone a surgery to confirm their gender
in order to ensure that they offer a level playing ground for all
individuals in sports (Hargreaves & Anderson, 2014). This
paper will review the issue of identity on the ground of one’s
gender, how this affects their ability to participate in various
sporting activities such as basketball and how policies in regard
to this issue have evolved over the years. The paper will also
present a few case studies demonstrating the experiences of
various transgender individuals in the field of sports.
Thesis Statement: Transgender individuals should be able to
participate in sports in the gender which they identify with but
with fair requirements that help place them on a level ground
with other individuals of the same gender in the team.
Case studies
The following are real-life case studies for transgender athletes
which have been on the new front over the recent times.
Case 1
This first case is about a transgender girl who runs the tracks
runner in her high school and leaves tremendous records which
leave many individuals questioning her eligibility for the girls'
teams saying that she has an unfair advantage since she was
born a boy. The girl's name is Terry Miller who made national
headlines after coming first in a state race in May this year. She
narrates about her struggles playing as a girl because of the
constant backlash that she receives from parents and other
students. She says that sports managers and teams have been
more welcoming after she went through hormone therapy but
still many individuals mainly parents and students still think
she is still at an advantage (ABC News, 2018). This has led to
the filing of petitions to change the policy of the state on
allowing people to participate on teams based on the gender
which they identify with.
Case 2
The second case study is of another transgender girl also
running tracks in her high school together with Terry Miller.
Andraya Yearwood who was on the same competition as Terry
Miller that is the state’s race where she came in second to Terry
also talks about the struggles she has being a transgender
athlete and having so many people think that she has an upper
hand and should not compete in the girls team since she was
born male (ABC News, 2018). Similar case as that of terry in
the first case study, she has also undergone hormone therapy but
yet many people think that her win is still as a result of the fact
that she was born as a male although she is being
accommodated by sports managers. She has also been on the
receiving end of backlash and petitions that could have her
kicked out of the team.
Case 3
This third case study is one of a high school wrestler whose
story also dominated the news after joining the girls wrestling
team in their high school and taking dominance which led her
right to the state tournaments (Fox4 News, 2017). In Mac
Beggs’ from Trinity High School, she has been on the girl’s
team and is very open about her transition from being a girl to
boy. To make this possible she has been taking t testosterone
and this according to the claims of many is the reason why she
stands undefeated. His will to play in the boy’s team is
undermined by UIL policies whose standards he has not yet met
in order to be allowed in and this has led to filing of a lawsuit
against her from another wrestler claiming that he has an unfair
advantage and is not supposed to be playing at the girl’s team.
In this case, the blame is being placed on the UIL for having
standards that limit ones choice to participate as an athlete in
the gender they identify with since their standards only allow
one to participate on a team of the gender in which one was
born in (Fox4 News, 2017). The lawsuit claims that Mac from
Texas should be banned from participating in the girl’s team but
the parents fight back saying that this can happen only when the
UIL allow her to participate in the boy's team (Fox4 News,
Case 4
The fourth case is a case from Alaska where a transgender
female track runner. Similar to the girls in the first two cases
Nattaphon Wangyot is also facing a lot of backlash from parents
in the school claiming that she is better advantaged that all
others. However, in this case, this is not backed by any form of
extraordinary wins. She competes on almost the same level as
all others since she does not always come first (The Young
Turks, 2016). She has also has gone through hormonal changes
to make her more like her their female counterparts but parents
still see her as an unfair barrier to their daughters going after
scholarship opportunities.
Case 5
The final case is one of Hannah Mouncey. She is a transgender
woman who wanted to be a part of the AFL women team but she
was unfortunately denied entry for reasons such as she still had
a lot of male feature such as a lot of strength as well as her
huge size (Birdman, 2017). Football being a competitive sport
which is mainly very physical and rough she was denied access
since this would be unfair for her other counterparts who were
women of way smaller sizes and a lot less strength (Birdman,
2017). Her features show that she still has more of the male
hormones that the female ones and this gives her the advantage
in terms of strength and size. He was dismissed on the grounds
of avoiding being unfair to other players because of her
masculine advantage.
Literature Review
The issue of inclusion of transgender individuals in the athletics
teams has been an issue that has raised a lot of controversies for
a long time. This is a controversy that has mainly affected
individuals who change their gender from male to female
(Symons, Sbaraglia, Hillier & Mitchell, 2010). This is because
males are born with greater athletics abilities compared to
females for example speed, muscle power, and strength and
therefore people see their female birth characteristics as giving
them greater advantages which makes it unfair for other girls in
the team (Arcelus, Bouman & Haycraft, 2017). It is highly
commendable that over the past few years we have seen a lot of
changes in sports management one of the major ones being the
fact that more transgender athletes are being welcomed and
allowed to play. With the right policies, organizations such as
Olympic Committee (IOC) as well as National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) among many others have taken up
many transgender athletes (Travers, 2018).
However, for this population of athletes, one of the major
challenges that they still experience is the fact that they still
face a high rate of hostility mostly among non-management
members (Anderson, 2017). This is evident from the real-life
case studies described above. We see for example in the case of
Terry, Nattaphon as well as Andraya that even though they have
been allowed to participate in sports they constantly have to
struggle with opposition from fellow students as well as parents
on the basis of the fact that they have an unfair advantage
because they are males by birth. The question that mainly raises
conflict is whether transgender female athletes have an added
advantage compared to their female counterparts.
Individuals who oppose the participation of transgender females
in female teams in sports make this argument on the basis of
hormone levels, height as well as weight claiming that males
have a greater advantage on these three aspects which makes
competition with females very unfair (Westbrook & Schilt,
2014). While it is true that males have a greater advantage in all
these aspects it is also true that when individuals have
undergone the right procedures while becoming transgender for
example hormone surgery or hormone therapy the level of male
hormones that give them an advantage are replaced with female
hormones which allow them to have features that are mostly
alike to their counterparts (Miller, Flores, Haider-Markel,
Lewis, Tadlock, & Taylor, 2017). Most people arguing against
the participation of transgender individuals in sports seek to
achieve fairness in sports.
Given the two facts there it is possible to achieve fairness if
sports management are able to ascertain that a transgender
female has the right set of characteristics which put them on a
level playing ground like their female counterparts. This is the
only way to achieve fairness because, on the other hand, it is
unfair to prevent individuals from identifying with a gender that
makes them happy or denying individuals the opportunity to
pursue a passion in athletics just because they have acquired a
new gender identity different from their birth identity
(Mavhandu-Mudzusi, 2014). That is the reason why in a case
such as that of Hannah Mouncey, the decision to deny her the
chance to participate in the women team is totally fair since her
characteristics are not on the same level ground as the rest of
the players. She was not denied a chance for being a
transgender female but for exceeding requirements of height and
While people argue that transgender individuals should not be
allowed to play in the teams which they identify with, we risk
an instance such as the one in Mac Beggs’ where a transgender
male playing in a female team since he is female by birth
becomes unfair to their original gender’s team while if a
transgender female plays in a male team because it is her
original gender then she becomes the weaker and victimized
party. Such a setting only enhances the victimization of other
team members and this is clearly also unfair. Since it is illegal
to discriminate them from sporting the only fair ground is
putting in place policies that help to make sure that Transgender
athletes meet the standards of the gender they identify with in
terms of hormones, weight, and height before being allowed to
compete (Hargie, Mitchell & Somerville, 2017). This way a
leveled competing ground is set and people compete only on
basis of talent and ability.
Furthermore, there is no research evidence yet that has proven
that transgender athletes are predisposed to having an athletic
advantage compared to others of the same gender which they
identify with (Davis, 2017). For example, the case of Nattaphon
Wangyot on the case studies shows that it is possible to compete
on the same level since she does not always win. In general,
there is no basis of proving the unfair advantage that
individuals always claim when the transgender individuals have
already gone through the necessary procedure and therefore they
should be allowed to play. Further given that they cannot be
denied the chance to not play at all, taking away their ability to
join teams of the genders they identify with only leads to the
victimization of the gender they are transitioning from or their
own victimization and this also is not very fair (Travers, 2018).
Mac’s case is a great example. Since fair competition is the
baseline of all this controversy, sports managers need not to
discriminate against the transgender athletes and non-
management parties need not be hostile against them when the
right sex verification procedures are done and when they show
that they are right to qualify according to legal standards and
policies set. The fact that hormone treatments have proven able
to transition a man to have equal qualities as individuals born
females by reducing muscle mass and the testosterone levels
and vice versa is enough proof that this fairground can be
reached (Zeigler, 2016).
Application of legal issues in sport managerial practice
The law has had a major influence on the issue of transgender
participation in sports which are competitive such as basketball.
This is because the federal and the state government have laws
in place which first prohibit any form of discrimination and in
this case on the basis of sexual orientation according to Title
VII (Travers, 2018). Further, the state laws further define how
transgender individuals ought to be admitted to sports teams.
This is a law that varies from state to state. In some states,
transgender individuals are allowed to join sports teams for the
genders which they identify with provided they have undergone
the right hormone procedures to enhance their transition to the
other gender (Buzuvis, 2012). In most other states, transgender
athletes are not allowed to join athletic teams on the basis of the
gender they identify with but they are allowed to join the team
of the gender stated on their birth certificates. These laws act as
the major source of guideline and authority for the sports
managers since are required to comply with these laws.
In the first set of state, individuals are free to play with the
teams which they identify with while in the second set of states
individuals are restricted from switching teams after they start
to transition. These strict laws determine a managers decision
on team placement for transgender athletes (Place & Beggs,
2011). For example in the case of Mac Beggs, no matter how
clearly unfair it was for him to play in the girls' team and
despite being willing to move to the boys' team the policies of
the state made it hard and hence perpetrated unfair competition
and there is very little the sports manager would have done.
Managerial decisions of sports managers and the results that
these decisions yield are just as fair or as unfair as the legal
policies governing the state. The policies denying individuals to
play in teams they identify with only cause greater harm. In
accordance with the thesis statement, more states need to give
for transgender to join teams which they identify with while
putting in place right measures to ensure fairness. Fairness of
laws regarding the admission of transgender individuals in
sports needs to be set from the top that is the government level
for there to be fairness in managerial practices (Acklin, 2017).
Anderson, E. (2017). Transgender Athletes in Competitive
Sport. London: Taylor and Francis.
The main focus of this author is the role that is played by the
transgender individuals in the world of competitive business.
The author covers the representation of this population in sports
and concludes that the rate of representation is rising over time.
Further the author looks at the different challenges that
transgender individuals participating in different ports face as a
result of their sexuality and gender identity. Issues of hostility
and lack of full acceptance are discussed by the author in great
depth. In general the author tries to paint the picture of the life
of a transgender individual in sports to help the reader get into
their world and understand what they encounter. This is a very
insightful source for this research as it helps to provide insight
on the transgender world of sports.
Davis, H. (2017). Beyond Trans: does gender matter. New York:
New York University Press.
This is a source that tries to answer the question of how the
gender of an individual affects their sport performance. The
author takes a different perspective in defining this issue by
intentionally deciding to drop the word Trans and focuses on
the effects of gender on sports that is how different genders
connect to sports. The author then late tries to connect the
differences discusses with the situation of the transgender
individuals to ascertain if there is anything to really worry
about in regard to this whole controversy. The author concludes
that while the main aspect about males and females that affect
their performance is their hormone and that in the case of the
transgender individual, when this is reversed, then fair
competition can be achieved. This is a resource that has been
helpful in informing and affirming the thesis of this paper.
Hargreaves, J. & Anderson, E. (2014). Routledge handbook of
sport, gender and sexuality. London New York: Routledge.
This is a book with which the author aimed at making the
readers understand the dynamics of gender as well as sex in
sports. It combines literature from sports professionals and
professionals outside the sporting world and this makes it very
rich in knowledge. He book explores the theme of gendered
sporting, why this is important and the evolution that has
happened around this topic over the years one of the being the
presence of transgender population in sports. While addressing
the issue of the transgender population, the author talks about
the issue of masculinity, how it has been praised and the
possibility of mediating this using clearer facts. This source
helps to provide insight for this research by giving different
expert perspective on the issue.
Travers, A. (2018). The Trans generation: how Trans kids (and
their parents) are creating a gender revolution. New York: New
York University Press.
This is a very modern book where the author maps the evolution
that has occurred over time which has allowed greater
accommodation of more transgender individuals in sports. The
author is grateful for changes in law and policies as well the
courage that parents as well as transgender children have shown
by standing up for their rights. The book in general
acknowledges the changes in sports management which have
been causes by school kids as well as their parents and how that
has worked out. According to the author many have managed to
successfully accommodate transgender individuals and this is
highly commendable but although there still is some resistance.
The author has also not failed to discusses various issues raised
especially against the revolution and justification for and
against them ad this has helped to greatly inform my argument
for my thesis.
Zeigler, C. (2016). Fair play: how LGBT athletes are claiming
their rightful place in sports. New York, NY: Edge of Sports
Akashic Books.
This is book that focuses on the evolution of the manner which
individuals in the transgender community are treated in sports
over the years. The book is address to parties in the sporting
industry and it helps to offer deep insight on how all parties
involved starting from the government to the players can work
tougher to not only establish an environment that is
accommodative of the transgender population but one that also
promotes fairness in playing. The author advocates for players
to be allowed to lay for the gender with which they identify
with and for this reason it has been very helpful in providing
information and evidence to support the thesis.
ABC News. (2018). Transgender track stars speak out as critics
allege unfair advantage. YouTube. From:
Acklin, K. L. (2017). Hurdling Gender Identity Discrimination:
The Implications of State Participation Policies on Transgender
Youth Athletes Ability to Thrive. BCJL & Soc. Just., 37, 107.
Anderson, E. (2017). Transgender Athletes in Competitive
Sport. London: Taylor and Francis.
Arcelus, J., Bouman, W. P., & Haycraft, E. (2017). Sport and
transgender people: A systematic review of the literature
relating to sports participation and competitive sports policies.
Sports medicine, 47(4), 701-716.Birdman. (2017). Transgender
Man Denied Admission into Women's Sports and People Are
Upset. You Tube. From:
Buzuvis, E. (2012). Including transgender athletes in sex-
segregated sport.
Davis, H. (2017). Beyond Trans: does gender matter. New York:
New York University Press.
Fox4 News. (2017). Lawsuit Filed Over Transgender Wrestler.
You Tube. From:
Hargie, O. D., Mitchell, D. H., & Somerville, I. J. (2017).
‘People have a knack of making you feel excluded if they catch
on to your difference’: Transgender experiences of exclusion in
the sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport,
52(2), 223-239.
Hargreaves, J. & Anderson, E. (2014). Routledge handbook of
sport, gender and sexuality. London New York: Routledge.
Mavhandu-Mudzusi, A. H. (2014). Experiences of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex students regarding sports
participation in a South African rural-based university: health.
African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and
Dance, 20(Issue-22), 710-720.
Miller, P. R., Flores, A. R., Haider-Markel, D. P., Lewis, D. C.,
Tadlock, B. L., & Taylor, J. K. (2017). Transgender politics as
body politics: effects of disgust sensitivity and authoritarianism
on transgender rights attitudes. Politics, Groups, and Identities,
5(1), 4-24.
Place, G., & Beggs, B. (2011). Motivation factors for
participation in GLBT sports league. Journal of Homosexuality,
58(10), 1409-1420.
Symons, C., Sbaraglia, M., Hillier, L., & Mitchell, A. (2010).
Come out to play: The sports experiences of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Victoria.
The Young Turks. (2016). Transgender Teen Athlete Causes
Controversy. YouTube. From:
Travers, A. (2018). Transgender issues in sport and leisure. In
The Palgrave handbook of feminism and sport, leisure and
physical education (pp. 649-665). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Travers, A. (2018). The Trans generation: how Trans kids (and
their parents) are creating a gender revolution. New York: New
York University Press.
Westbrook, L., & Schilt, K. (2014). Doing gender, determining
gender: Transgender people, gender panics, and the maintenance
of the sex/gender/sexuality system. Gender & Society, 28(1),
Zeigler, C. (2016). Fair play: how LGBT athletes are claiming
their rightful place in sports. New York, NY: Edge of Sports
Akashic Books.
SMGT 505
You will create a 15–20-slide PowerPoint presentation that
combines the process of risk management to the Application
focus of your Legal Issues Paper. To complete this assignment,
you will need to use the identified legal issues (from your Legal
Issues Paper) and develop a risk management plan to mitigate
the issues for managerial practice. Create the Powerpoint
Presentation as if it is intended to train employees on the
process, plan, and practical treatments of risk management.
Complete this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday
Decemeber 13, 2018.
List any sources in APA format.
Risk Management Presentation Grading Rubric
200 Points
Levels of Achievement
Not present
60 points
55 to 60 points
The content of the presentation supports and illustrates the
subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the issue for
managerial practice.
50 to 54 points
The content of the presentation generally supports and
illustrates the subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the
issue for managerial practice.
1 to 49 points
The content of the presentation occasionally supports and
illustrates the subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the
issue for managerial practice.
0 points
Not present
Depth and Explanation
50 points
46 to 50 points
The assigned topic is covered in sufficient depth, and the Risk
Management plan is thoroughly explained.
42 to 45 points
The assigned topic is mostly covered in sufficient depth, and/or
the Risk Management plan is explained adequately.
1 to 41 points
The assigned topic is not covered in sufficient depth, and/or the
Risk Management plan is missing key parts of the explanation.
0 points
Not present
Point of View
30 points
28 to 30 points
The presenter puts his/her own point of view in an appropriate
25 to 27 points
The presenter generally puts his/her own point of view in an
appropriate manner.
1 to 24 points
The presenter, in most instances, does not puts his/her own
point of view in an appropriate manner.
0 points
Not present
Not present
20 points
18 to 20 points
The PowerPoint is legible, clear, and well-organized.
17 points
The PowerPoint is often legible, clear, and/or well-organized.
1 to 16 points
The PowerPoint is missing one or more of the following:
legibility, clarity, or organization.
0 points
Not present
20 points
18 to 20 points
The PowerPoint is 15–20 slides.
17 points
The PowerPoint is 10–14 slides.
1 to 16 points
The PowerPoint is 1–9 slides.
0 points
Not present
Articulation and Pace
20 points
18 to 20 points
The PowerPoint is clearly articulated and well-paced.
17 points
The PowerPoint is generally well-articulated and/or well-paced.
1 to 16 points
The PowerPoint often not well-articulated and/or not well-
0 points
Not present

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RESPOND EACH STUDENT 200 WORDSRonnie Sims Week 4 Rodgers vs..docx

  • 1. RESPOND EACH STUDENT 200 WORDS Ronnie Sims Week 4 Rodgers vs. Mackey Top of Form Maximizing long term shareholder value is one of the objectives many businesses have in determining their growth and success. Shareholders are regarded as the owners of the companies and so, their worth should always be given the top priority before any other business is considered. However, when corporations act ethically by contributing towards their immediate societies through corporate social responsibility initiatives, they are seen to disregard the shareholder wealth maximization objective. Organizations should strike a balance between community based charity initiatives and taking care of their real owners. Firms that fail to maximize the wealth of their owners have always been at loggerheads and may end up losing their worth in the market. Adding more value to the society than it is to the company may mean lack of understanding of the company and its objectives which is also another recipe for long term failure. This concept is far more important to businesses, society and individuals in that its understanding facilitates proper coordination between the three extremes. The best position to approach this issue is from Mackey whose ideas stress on the need to balance between organizational objectives and societal needs. According to Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, (2018). When the long-term shareholder value is fully maximized, attention should then focus on the societal needs based on their urgency. Individuals will have a better understanding of the firm, its objectives and the focal areas before its attention is shifted to those outside its realms. Additionally, the society will know where the focus of the
  • 2. organization is and develop a framework that will cater for their needs, instead of depending on the corporation for all their needs. Bottom of Form Miguel Bernal Week 4 Discussion Top of Form There are many corporations throughout the world that are successful and some that go under. The ones that survived are the ones that create items that society needs, but also sell their product at a price that people can afford. The job of business managers is to make sure that the company’s investing in technology, buying or maintaining equipment, process running correctly, people are working efficiently, and facilities are in working order. On top of that, workers need to be provided with fair wages and good benefits. If workers feel that they are not getting treated right, they might refuse to work for the company or go on strike. These means that products for that company will not be created and the stock prices start falling. All of these items required money, money helps create the products and money in needed to pay workers. Some of the money is from shareholders, which could also be used for investments. The more shareholders buy stocks, the more money than can flow into the company for expansion of facilities, equipment, human capital, and products. In turn, the company will produce more products in order to satisfy human needs. The company should constantly try to develop or find new ways to keep satisfying those needs. According to Maslow (1969), humans are constantly searching to satisfy their needs that are constantly expanding. The more humans are getting satisfied,
  • 3. the more profitable the company and shareholder become. In regard to charity, I believe Mackey has been successful in his company but most of their prices are higher than other corporations. According to Pecorino (2016), companies that pledge to donate to society do so by having their products much higher and are set on fixed pricing. The company uses its fixed prices in order to know that it can cover its donations to society. This is good if customers believe that the company has good intentions and they’ll keep supporting the company’s vision. However, there are many variables in society can have impacts on corporations and consumers. For example, the president can impose an increase in taxes that would cause a decrease in purchasing power for consumers. People might not be able to pay for higher prices and would go on searching for better deals to satisfy their needs. In my opinion, I’d follow Rogers view, it would be in the best interest of the company to try and maximize profits for its shareholders ("Rethinking the Social," 2005). However, the company would have to keep on searching for ways to satisfy human needs to stay profitable. Bottom of Form Business Ethics – Week 4 Assignment Milton Friedman – What is America? Please watch: · Critical Thinking skill: Write a 750 word summary of the lecture. Answer the following questions: 1. What ethical considerations were discussed in the video? 2. Are the questions posed in this video still relevant today in light of the current business environment? 3. How can this lecture help you to become a better business person provide two good examples on how this lecture material could change the way you do business?
  • 4. Business Ethics – Week 5 Assignment Term Papers Term papers on practically every subject imaginable are available on the Internet. Many of those who submit the papers as their own work defend their practice in Various ways: (1) These papers are posted to assist in research in the same way any other resource is posted on the Web and should simply be cited if used; (2) these papers are posted in order to encourage faculty to modify paper topics and/or exams and not to simply bring back assignments that have been used countless times in the past, (3) they don’t have time to complete a paper and since they have paid for the course they have in effect paid for the degree, and (4) if the professor doesn’t “catch” them what harm has been done? Are you persuaded? Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper addressing the above issues while answering the following: 1. Is there anything unethical about this service in general? 2. If so, who should be held accountable, the poster, the ultimate user (student), the professor, the university, or someone else? Use the ethical decision making model process to determine the ethics of the term paper service. Provide 3-5 APA style references both inline and at the end of the paper to support your analysis. Note: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the week’s theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.
  • 5. Running Head: PARTICIPATION OF THE TRANSGENDER PEOPLE IN SPORTS 1 PARTICIPATION OF THE TRANSGENDER PEOPLE IN SPORTS 3 Participation of Transgender People in Sports Justin Shaw Liberty University Abstract The topic of transgender athletes is one that is constantly considered as a complex topic especially by sports managers in different settings. Many of the individuals belonging in this community who have participated in sports in the past have often complained about being subjected to ills such as victimization as well as discrimination. Further many individuals still struggle on the question of whether or not it is fair for transgender individuals to participate in sports in the gender they identify with. Most managers in sports have set a requirement that for one to be allowed to participate in sports, they need to have undergone a surgery to confirm their gender in order to ensure that they offer a level playing ground for all individuals in sports (Hargreaves & Anderson, 2014). This paper will review the issue of identity on the ground of one’s gender, how this affects their ability to participate in various sporting activities such as basketball and how policies in regard to this issue have evolved over the years. The paper will also present a few case studies demonstrating the experiences of various transgender individuals in the field of sports.
  • 6. Thesis Statement: Transgender individuals should be able to participate in sports in the gender which they identify with but with fair requirements that help place them on a level ground with other individuals of the same gender in the team. Case studies The following are real-life case studies for transgender athletes which have been on the new front over the recent times. Case 1 This first case is about a transgender girl who runs the tracks runner in her high school and leaves tremendous records which leave many individuals questioning her eligibility for the girls' teams saying that she has an unfair advantage since she was born a boy. The girl's name is Terry Miller who made national headlines after coming first in a state race in May this year. She narrates about her struggles playing as a girl because of the constant backlash that she receives from parents and other students. She says that sports managers and teams have been more welcoming after she went through hormone therapy but still many individuals mainly parents and students still think she is still at an advantage (ABC News, 2018). This has led to the filing of petitions to change the policy of the state on allowing people to participate on teams based on the gender which they identify with. Case 2 The second case study is of another transgender girl also running tracks in her high school together with Terry Miller. Andraya Yearwood who was on the same competition as Terry Miller that is the state’s race where she came in second to Terry also talks about the struggles she has being a transgender
  • 7. athlete and having so many people think that she has an upper hand and should not compete in the girls team since she was born male (ABC News, 2018). Similar case as that of terry in the first case study, she has also undergone hormone therapy but yet many people think that her win is still as a result of the fact that she was born as a male although she is being accommodated by sports managers. She has also been on the receiving end of backlash and petitions that could have her kicked out of the team. Case 3 This third case study is one of a high school wrestler whose story also dominated the news after joining the girls wrestling team in their high school and taking dominance which led her right to the state tournaments (Fox4 News, 2017). In Mac Beggs’ from Trinity High School, she has been on the girl’s team and is very open about her transition from being a girl to boy. To make this possible she has been taking t testosterone and this according to the claims of many is the reason why she stands undefeated. His will to play in the boy’s team is undermined by UIL policies whose standards he has not yet met in order to be allowed in and this has led to filing of a lawsuit against her from another wrestler claiming that he has an unfair advantage and is not supposed to be playing at the girl’s team. In this case, the blame is being placed on the UIL for having standards that limit ones choice to participate as an athlete in the gender they identify with since their standards only allow one to participate on a team of the gender in which one was born in (Fox4 News, 2017). The lawsuit claims that Mac from Texas should be banned from participating in the girl’s team but the parents fight back saying that this can happen only when the UIL allow her to participate in the boy's team (Fox4 News, 2017). Case 4 The fourth case is a case from Alaska where a transgender
  • 8. female track runner. Similar to the girls in the first two cases Nattaphon Wangyot is also facing a lot of backlash from parents in the school claiming that she is better advantaged that all others. However, in this case, this is not backed by any form of extraordinary wins. She competes on almost the same level as all others since she does not always come first (The Young Turks, 2016). She has also has gone through hormonal changes to make her more like her their female counterparts but parents still see her as an unfair barrier to their daughters going after scholarship opportunities. Case 5 The final case is one of Hannah Mouncey. She is a transgender woman who wanted to be a part of the AFL women team but she was unfortunately denied entry for reasons such as she still had a lot of male feature such as a lot of strength as well as her huge size (Birdman, 2017). Football being a competitive sport which is mainly very physical and rough she was denied access since this would be unfair for her other counterparts who were women of way smaller sizes and a lot less strength (Birdman, 2017). Her features show that she still has more of the male hormones that the female ones and this gives her the advantage in terms of strength and size. He was dismissed on the grounds of avoiding being unfair to other players because of her masculine advantage. Literature Review The issue of inclusion of transgender individuals in the athletics teams has been an issue that has raised a lot of controversies for a long time. This is a controversy that has mainly affected individuals who change their gender from male to female (Symons, Sbaraglia, Hillier & Mitchell, 2010). This is because males are born with greater athletics abilities compared to females for example speed, muscle power, and strength and
  • 9. therefore people see their female birth characteristics as giving them greater advantages which makes it unfair for other girls in the team (Arcelus, Bouman & Haycraft, 2017). It is highly commendable that over the past few years we have seen a lot of changes in sports management one of the major ones being the fact that more transgender athletes are being welcomed and allowed to play. With the right policies, organizations such as Olympic Committee (IOC) as well as National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) among many others have taken up many transgender athletes (Travers, 2018). However, for this population of athletes, one of the major challenges that they still experience is the fact that they still face a high rate of hostility mostly among non-management members (Anderson, 2017). This is evident from the real-life case studies described above. We see for example in the case of Terry, Nattaphon as well as Andraya that even though they have been allowed to participate in sports they constantly have to struggle with opposition from fellow students as well as parents on the basis of the fact that they have an unfair advantage because they are males by birth. The question that mainly raises conflict is whether transgender female athletes have an added advantage compared to their female counterparts. Individuals who oppose the participation of transgender females in female teams in sports make this argument on the basis of hormone levels, height as well as weight claiming that males have a greater advantage on these three aspects which makes competition with females very unfair (Westbrook & Schilt, 2014). While it is true that males have a greater advantage in all these aspects it is also true that when individuals have undergone the right procedures while becoming transgender for example hormone surgery or hormone therapy the level of male hormones that give them an advantage are replaced with female hormones which allow them to have features that are mostly alike to their counterparts (Miller, Flores, Haider-Markel, Lewis, Tadlock, & Taylor, 2017). Most people arguing against
  • 10. the participation of transgender individuals in sports seek to achieve fairness in sports. Given the two facts there it is possible to achieve fairness if sports management are able to ascertain that a transgender female has the right set of characteristics which put them on a level playing ground like their female counterparts. This is the only way to achieve fairness because, on the other hand, it is unfair to prevent individuals from identifying with a gender that makes them happy or denying individuals the opportunity to pursue a passion in athletics just because they have acquired a new gender identity different from their birth identity (Mavhandu-Mudzusi, 2014). That is the reason why in a case such as that of Hannah Mouncey, the decision to deny her the chance to participate in the women team is totally fair since her characteristics are not on the same level ground as the rest of the players. She was not denied a chance for being a transgender female but for exceeding requirements of height and weight. While people argue that transgender individuals should not be allowed to play in the teams which they identify with, we risk an instance such as the one in Mac Beggs’ where a transgender male playing in a female team since he is female by birth becomes unfair to their original gender’s team while if a transgender female plays in a male team because it is her original gender then she becomes the weaker and victimized party. Such a setting only enhances the victimization of other team members and this is clearly also unfair. Since it is illegal to discriminate them from sporting the only fair ground is putting in place policies that help to make sure that Transgender athletes meet the standards of the gender they identify with in terms of hormones, weight, and height before being allowed to compete (Hargie, Mitchell & Somerville, 2017). This way a leveled competing ground is set and people compete only on basis of talent and ability. Furthermore, there is no research evidence yet that has proven
  • 11. that transgender athletes are predisposed to having an athletic advantage compared to others of the same gender which they identify with (Davis, 2017). For example, the case of Nattaphon Wangyot on the case studies shows that it is possible to compete on the same level since she does not always win. In general, there is no basis of proving the unfair advantage that individuals always claim when the transgender individuals have already gone through the necessary procedure and therefore they should be allowed to play. Further given that they cannot be denied the chance to not play at all, taking away their ability to join teams of the genders they identify with only leads to the victimization of the gender they are transitioning from or their own victimization and this also is not very fair (Travers, 2018). Mac’s case is a great example. Since fair competition is the baseline of all this controversy, sports managers need not to discriminate against the transgender athletes and non- management parties need not be hostile against them when the right sex verification procedures are done and when they show that they are right to qualify according to legal standards and policies set. The fact that hormone treatments have proven able to transition a man to have equal qualities as individuals born females by reducing muscle mass and the testosterone levels and vice versa is enough proof that this fairground can be reached (Zeigler, 2016). Application of legal issues in sport managerial practice The law has had a major influence on the issue of transgender participation in sports which are competitive such as basketball. This is because the federal and the state government have laws in place which first prohibit any form of discrimination and in this case on the basis of sexual orientation according to Title VII (Travers, 2018). Further, the state laws further define how transgender individuals ought to be admitted to sports teams. This is a law that varies from state to state. In some states, transgender individuals are allowed to join sports teams for the
  • 12. genders which they identify with provided they have undergone the right hormone procedures to enhance their transition to the other gender (Buzuvis, 2012). In most other states, transgender athletes are not allowed to join athletic teams on the basis of the gender they identify with but they are allowed to join the team of the gender stated on their birth certificates. These laws act as the major source of guideline and authority for the sports managers since are required to comply with these laws. In the first set of state, individuals are free to play with the teams which they identify with while in the second set of states individuals are restricted from switching teams after they start to transition. These strict laws determine a managers decision on team placement for transgender athletes (Place & Beggs, 2011). For example in the case of Mac Beggs, no matter how clearly unfair it was for him to play in the girls' team and despite being willing to move to the boys' team the policies of the state made it hard and hence perpetrated unfair competition and there is very little the sports manager would have done. Managerial decisions of sports managers and the results that these decisions yield are just as fair or as unfair as the legal policies governing the state. The policies denying individuals to play in teams they identify with only cause greater harm. In accordance with the thesis statement, more states need to give for transgender to join teams which they identify with while putting in place right measures to ensure fairness. Fairness of laws regarding the admission of transgender individuals in sports needs to be set from the top that is the government level for there to be fairness in managerial practices (Acklin, 2017). Anderson, E. (2017). Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport. London: Taylor and Francis. The main focus of this author is the role that is played by the transgender individuals in the world of competitive business. The author covers the representation of this population in sports and concludes that the rate of representation is rising over time. Further the author looks at the different challenges that transgender individuals participating in different ports face as a
  • 13. result of their sexuality and gender identity. Issues of hostility and lack of full acceptance are discussed by the author in great depth. In general the author tries to paint the picture of the life of a transgender individual in sports to help the reader get into their world and understand what they encounter. This is a very insightful source for this research as it helps to provide insight on the transgender world of sports. Davis, H. (2017). Beyond Trans: does gender matter. New York: New York University Press. This is a source that tries to answer the question of how the gender of an individual affects their sport performance. The author takes a different perspective in defining this issue by intentionally deciding to drop the word Trans and focuses on the effects of gender on sports that is how different genders connect to sports. The author then late tries to connect the differences discusses with the situation of the transgender individuals to ascertain if there is anything to really worry about in regard to this whole controversy. The author concludes that while the main aspect about males and females that affect their performance is their hormone and that in the case of the transgender individual, when this is reversed, then fair competition can be achieved. This is a resource that has been helpful in informing and affirming the thesis of this paper. Hargreaves, J. & Anderson, E. (2014). Routledge handbook of sport, gender and sexuality. London New York: Routledge. This is a book with which the author aimed at making the readers understand the dynamics of gender as well as sex in sports. It combines literature from sports professionals and professionals outside the sporting world and this makes it very rich in knowledge. He book explores the theme of gendered sporting, why this is important and the evolution that has happened around this topic over the years one of the being the presence of transgender population in sports. While addressing the issue of the transgender population, the author talks about
  • 14. the issue of masculinity, how it has been praised and the possibility of mediating this using clearer facts. This source helps to provide insight for this research by giving different expert perspective on the issue. Travers, A. (2018). The Trans generation: how Trans kids (and their parents) are creating a gender revolution. New York: New York University Press. This is a very modern book where the author maps the evolution that has occurred over time which has allowed greater accommodation of more transgender individuals in sports. The author is grateful for changes in law and policies as well the courage that parents as well as transgender children have shown by standing up for their rights. The book in general acknowledges the changes in sports management which have been causes by school kids as well as their parents and how that has worked out. According to the author many have managed to successfully accommodate transgender individuals and this is highly commendable but although there still is some resistance. The author has also not failed to discusses various issues raised especially against the revolution and justification for and against them ad this has helped to greatly inform my argument for my thesis. Zeigler, C. (2016). Fair play: how LGBT athletes are claiming their rightful place in sports. New York, NY: Edge of Sports Akashic Books. This is book that focuses on the evolution of the manner which individuals in the transgender community are treated in sports over the years. The book is address to parties in the sporting industry and it helps to offer deep insight on how all parties involved starting from the government to the players can work tougher to not only establish an environment that is accommodative of the transgender population but one that also promotes fairness in playing. The author advocates for players to be allowed to lay for the gender with which they identify
  • 15. with and for this reason it has been very helpful in providing information and evidence to support the thesis. References ABC News. (2018). Transgender track stars speak out as critics allege unfair advantage. YouTube. From: Acklin, K. L. (2017). Hurdling Gender Identity Discrimination: The Implications of State Participation Policies on Transgender Youth Athletes Ability to Thrive. BCJL & Soc. Just., 37, 107. Anderson, E. (2017). Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport. London: Taylor and Francis. Arcelus, J., Bouman, W. P., & Haycraft, E. (2017). Sport and transgender people: A systematic review of the literature relating to sports participation and competitive sports policies. Sports medicine, 47(4), 701-716.Birdman. (2017). Transgender Man Denied Admission into Women's Sports and People Are Upset. You Tube. From: Buzuvis, E. (2012). Including transgender athletes in sex- segregated sport. Davis, H. (2017). Beyond Trans: does gender matter. New York: New York University Press. Fox4 News. (2017). Lawsuit Filed Over Transgender Wrestler. You Tube. From: Hargie, O. D., Mitchell, D. H., & Somerville, I. J. (2017). ‘People have a knack of making you feel excluded if they catch on to your difference’: Transgender experiences of exclusion in the sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(2), 223-239. Hargreaves, J. & Anderson, E. (2014). Routledge handbook of
  • 16. sport, gender and sexuality. London New York: Routledge. Mavhandu-Mudzusi, A. H. (2014). Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex students regarding sports participation in a South African rural-based university: health. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 20(Issue-22), 710-720. Miller, P. R., Flores, A. R., Haider-Markel, D. P., Lewis, D. C., Tadlock, B. L., & Taylor, J. K. (2017). Transgender politics as body politics: effects of disgust sensitivity and authoritarianism on transgender rights attitudes. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 5(1), 4-24. Place, G., & Beggs, B. (2011). Motivation factors for participation in GLBT sports league. Journal of Homosexuality, 58(10), 1409-1420. Symons, C., Sbaraglia, M., Hillier, L., & Mitchell, A. (2010). Come out to play: The sports experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Victoria. The Young Turks. (2016). Transgender Teen Athlete Causes Controversy. YouTube. From: Travers, A. (2018). Transgender issues in sport and leisure. In The Palgrave handbook of feminism and sport, leisure and physical education (pp. 649-665). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Travers, A. (2018). The Trans generation: how Trans kids (and their parents) are creating a gender revolution. New York: New York University Press. Westbrook, L., & Schilt, K. (2014). Doing gender, determining gender: Transgender people, gender panics, and the maintenance of the sex/gender/sexuality system. Gender & Society, 28(1), 32-57.
  • 17. Zeigler, C. (2016). Fair play: how LGBT athletes are claiming their rightful place in sports. New York, NY: Edge of Sports Akashic Books. SMGT 505 You will create a 15–20-slide PowerPoint presentation that combines the process of risk management to the Application focus of your Legal Issues Paper. To complete this assignment, you will need to use the identified legal issues (from your Legal Issues Paper) and develop a risk management plan to mitigate the issues for managerial practice. Create the Powerpoint Presentation as if it is intended to train employees on the process, plan, and practical treatments of risk management. Complete this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday Decemeber 13, 2018. List any sources in APA format. ( THE LEGAL ISSUE PAPER THAT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW IS IN THE OTHER LINK LISTED ) Risk Management Presentation Grading Rubric 200 Points Criteria Levels of Achievement Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Content
  • 18. 60 points 55 to 60 points The content of the presentation supports and illustrates the subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the issue for managerial practice. 50 to 54 points The content of the presentation generally supports and illustrates the subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the issue for managerial practice. 1 to 49 points The content of the presentation occasionally supports and illustrates the subject of a risk management plan to mitigate the issue for managerial practice. 0 points Not present Depth and Explanation 50 points 46 to 50 points The assigned topic is covered in sufficient depth, and the Risk Management plan is thoroughly explained. 42 to 45 points The assigned topic is mostly covered in sufficient depth, and/or the Risk Management plan is explained adequately. 1 to 41 points The assigned topic is not covered in sufficient depth, and/or the Risk Management plan is missing key parts of the explanation. 0 points Not present Point of View 30 points 28 to 30 points The presenter puts his/her own point of view in an appropriate manner. 25 to 27 points
  • 19. The presenter generally puts his/her own point of view in an appropriate manner. 1 to 24 points The presenter, in most instances, does not puts his/her own point of view in an appropriate manner. 0 points Not present Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Appearance 20 points 18 to 20 points The PowerPoint is legible, clear, and well-organized. 17 points The PowerPoint is often legible, clear, and/or well-organized. 1 to 16 points The PowerPoint is missing one or more of the following: legibility, clarity, or organization. 0 points Not present Length 20 points 18 to 20 points The PowerPoint is 15–20 slides. 17 points The PowerPoint is 10–14 slides. 1 to 16 points The PowerPoint is 1–9 slides. 0 points Not present Articulation and Pace
  • 20. 20 points 18 to 20 points The PowerPoint is clearly articulated and well-paced. 17 points The PowerPoint is generally well-articulated and/or well-paced. 1 to 16 points The PowerPoint often not well-articulated and/or not well- paced. 0 points Not present