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Essay On Love And Respect
Love , honor and respect Yourself First for healthy, happy living Are there some relationships in
your life that just take more work to maintain than you 're enjoying? Do you find yourself wanting
to be compassionate and be able to listen in a caring way but it 's just not supporting you and the
kind of life you want to have? Psychotherapists advise patients that fostering exlove and respect is
the most important factor in maintaining healthy family bonds and for other personal relationships .
The twist in this love/respect equation is equation is if the other person isnot reciprocating? How is
it possible to get along and create a healthy relationship when one person refuses to, or for some
reason can 't, more content...
can think of honoring ourselves in many different ways. defines it as "accepting all parts of
ourselves: "the good and bad, the perfect and imperfect, the disappointments and triumphs."
According to somatic psychotherapist Lisa McCrohan, MSW, given our current culture, it means
living our lives around what's most sacred or important to us – instead of based on "the time on the
clock." For self–acceptance and self–love coach Miri Klements it means being honest with herself
and acknowledging what is true for her. It means treating herself with compassion, understanding,
gentleness, acceptance and love. For so many of us all of that is hard to do. It may feel foreign.
Unnatural. It's hard to accept all our parts. It's hard to prioritize what's important. Do we even
know what important is? It's hard to treat ourselves with compassion and even more so, with love.
Part of this is because we simply haven't been taught and trained to honor ourselves, Klements
said. Maybe we grew up with parents or caregivers who were struggling with their own wounds
and traumas, she said. Maybe you heard a lot of: "Don't be so selfish. It's not all about you. What
is wrong with you? Get over it already. That's ridiculous to feel that way. Enough. You don't really
feel that way! Stop crying now. Can't you see I'm busy?" McCrohan sees many people in her
practice who hold destructive
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The Meaning of Respect Essay
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it
means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are
things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for
property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions.
Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very
important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect
for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your
self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content...
Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is
good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means
not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something.
Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting
property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is
important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is
just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the
environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You
may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting
property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means
taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do
onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your
flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to
their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment
because they believe that the earth is holy,
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Respect Essay
Respect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having
respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a
little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is 1.A feeling of appreciative, often
deferential regard, esteem. 2.The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3.Willingness to
show consideration or appreciation. People demand different amounts of respect, though not
everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what
respect means. The first rule is respect for others. A few of those "others" are teachers, police,
authority figures, and business people. more content...
This respect should be shown on every ones property including friend's, teachers, and even
strangers. The last rule is respecting yourself. Respecting yourself can mean holding your head
up high and respecting your own ideas. You can share your ideas even if you might not thing they
are right. But it can lead to more important things like peer pressure, and not giving into it. It is
about not letting it affect you in any way or sort. You can not have respect for others if you can
not respect yourself. There are many little things you can do to show respect. For example you
can clean your room and set the dishes. You can raise your hand when some one else is talking
when you have an opinion. Don't be afraid to share your opinions and ideas. They can be a good
example for someone. Be a person that another person would want to look up to. You can not be
this person when you have a lack of respect. You may not notice it, but respect plays a role in our
daily lives. Respect follows you wherever you go. Whether it is in school, your home, or in a
restaurant. You may not notice it that other people give you respect, but you do notice when they
don't. Even for the simplest reasons. If you are not respectful than you will not be respected. You
can't DEMAND respect, nor make people give respect out of fear. The scare will not work. You
have to get respect by earning it. Remaining calm in bad situations and being
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The Importance Of Respect Essay
Respect The definition of respect is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something
elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What we respect is a clue to what we want
in life. Respect is really about what we admire in the world and in people. Respect is
understanding and acknowledging the rights of someone else to have their beliefs. Respect is
something everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. A person should not only
respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people should listen to what
others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you
like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if you want to be
respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an attitude, not a thing
given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how someone else treats
me as a person. I've always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given. However, it means a
lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various competitions
sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the
competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat others how
you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble behavior, but today
it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and
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The Importance Of Respect
What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and
should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that
the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am
rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being
disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows
these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break
boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I
mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in
many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for
others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and
eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth.
Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you
as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become
unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong
reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do
things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even
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The Importance Of Respect In Society Today
We use it every day. Your parents tell you about it all the time. Most don't know exactly what it
means. Respect. To have respect is to hold oneself worthy of your admiration or approval. Society
cannot function without respect because it is the oil that keeps the gears turning. Respect is
actively listening, obeying orders, and being mindful, whether it's to others, the environment, the
law, or yourself. In today's society, respect is decreasing. In schools, in the workplace, at home,
and in public with racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and more. Racism and police brutality
have increased since cases like of Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. People of color have not
received the respect they deserve and respect for policemen is decreasing. Sexism has increased
since third–wave feminists surfaced and skewed people's image and respect for feminists. Religious
intolerance increases as terrorist attacks continue with people's misconceptions about Islam. An
example of a group lacking respect in society today is the youth. The youth isn't anywhere near as
respectful to their parents, teachers, or elders as they were before the nineteen–hundreds. But to
make the youth more respectful, one must respect the youth. Jenni Herd wrote in response to
Times's "Moods and meltdowns: what's inside the teenage brain?", "[We're] angry that we have to
clean up your mess, while you hold us in contempt, analyzing our responses as though we were
another species? I would like adults to treat us
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Respect For Human Dignity Essay
Although I have not been in this profession for as long as others, I feel Provision 1.1 Respect for
Human Dignity is one of the most important ethical issues that we can have in this profession.
Respect for human dignity is a topic that we practice every day and run into during each shift
whether its allowing the patient to make their own decision about their medical treatment or simply
covering them with a blanket while performing patient care. As stated in the Code of Ethics,
Provision 1 states that "The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity,
worth, and unique attributes of every person" (ANA, 2015, pg. 1). No matter the person's age, race,
or cultural background, all persons deserve respect and the ability to make decisions involving their
healthcare. The Code of Ethics is used in everyday situations and should be thought as one of the
most important documents of our profession as it sets guidelines for our practice.
In the instance, in which the Provision 1.1 was violated during my time as a nurse, the patient's
dignity was not taken into consideration. During my hourly rounding, it was important for me to
investigate if my patient was clean of urination or bowel movement, as the patient more
It was inappropriate and unnecessary for the tech to reinforce that we were cleaning the patient
again. The tech could have just plainly stated, "I'm providing patient care in another room but will
be there as soon as I can." With this statement, the tech did not give out any information about what
she was doing in the moment for another patient. This could have saved her the anger that the
family had felt toward her after this incident. Although techs are not considered part of the ANA
Code of Ethics, I feel as though they should also be held to the same ethical standard because of
their involvement in every day tasks with the
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My Definition Of Respect
My family was sitting at the kitchen one day just talking when someone brought up the subject of
respect. At that time I didn't know the definition of respect,but it is a way of treating or thinking
about something or someone. I asked what respect was. My mom said "life lesson , if you respect
everyone then you will get along in life just fine,you have to respect your parents and your
siblings,even people you don't know you should respect". I said "I will try to respect people". My
dad who had been silent said "It doesn't matter who it is you have to respect them". The next day I
was extra nice to my family,but you know that didn't last very long. If someone asked for something
I would be the first one to get it. My brother and
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Speech About Respect
Most people are taught the word respect at a young age, but many will not really know what it
truly means until they get a little older. Respect is acknowledging other people with whatever they
have to say or do and valuing their opinion even if the other person does not agree with them. It
also means that people should be mindful of what they say to people so, in other words, thinking
before speaking. The most common phrases we hear when it comes to respecting others is, treat
others the way you want to be treated, accept others for who they are, and always show kindness
and consideration. No matter where anyone is at or who they are with, it is important for them to
always be respectful.
I remember when I was in elementary school, we would always sing the song about respect without
really knowing what it meant because we were so young. We were just taught that song because
it is important for every little kid to start learning about respect at a young age so when they get
older, they can look back at what they have learned. Till this day, I still remember the respect song
that I learned in my 1st grade classroom, and will probably never forget it because of all the times
that I head that song. It is a simple song that almost every little kid learned at a young age.
When people think of respect, they often just think about being respectful to other people and forget
about being respectful to places and things. Not only is it important to be respectful towards other
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Respecting Others Essay
Respecting Others
The many problems we face today as a society seem to become more and more overwhelming. I
believe that respect for one other is a big social issue we face today in our generation of tomorrow.
We see this problem in teens, in so many places. For example, in school there is a lack ofrespect for
students from other fellow students. At home there is a lack of respect from the children of this
generation to their parents. There is also a lack of respect from young adults to most authoritative
figures. First, the most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the school with students who do not
respect their peers. Most students fail to recognize each other as equals because of differing
economic status, race, more content...
This is where the golden rule comes in to play. If the majority of students up held respect for one
another by treating others as they would like to be treated, situations like Columbine may could
have been avoided. The next, most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the common household
from this generation. This is where the whole problem of disrespect begins, learning to disrespect or
respect one another. If a juvenile has not been taught to respect his or her parents, why would that
person even consider respecting anyone outside a relationship that was supposed to be close knit?
Adolescents must be taught in the home to respect others; realizing that each person has a
differing situation and a different outlook on life, but before this can happen they too must be
respected and regarded themselves. The best way of teaching is to lead by example. Maybe, if
taught young to respect others inside the home, the majority of most young adults could avoid a life
misery and trouble. This life is brought before them via their decisions in life. A good illustration of
this is when teenagers turn to gangs to feel respect – the wrong kind – from one another as a
substitute for what they should receive at home, thus leading to a life of violence and crime. This
decision of choosing this parody of life only invites for other problems to begin, in more ways than
one. If one person out of the household could sit down and ask Jack and Jill if they know
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What Does Being Respect Mean To Me
To me, respect means to treat everybody with care and recognition. Being respectful is about
accepting a person's styles, methods, and thinking as well as showing him or her courtesy and
politeness. Treat people the way you want to be treated by showing him or her the same respect you
want for yourself. This action could be carried out in a day–to–day classroom by allowing someone
to include their own ideas and contribute to things such as group projects or just being kind in
conversation and other types of communication. If someone were to walk into the room and observe
this community agreement, he or she would see people sharing techniques and suggestions and
nicely commenting on each other's opinions. He or she would see students including
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The Importance of Respect in Our Society Essay
The Importance of Respect in Our Society
Respect plays a role in our every day lives. When we go to school, there's respect. When we go to a
restaurant, there's respect. When you go to your family reunion, there is respect. You may not notice
it, but that's only because they are being respectful to you .If you're not respectful then you will be
disrespected because your being mean. So you should always be respectful to others so they will treat
you the way you want to be treated. If you are respectful to others then you can get good jobs
because they?ll like you. The better the job is the better your life will be in the future, and trust me
you want a good and happy future. Jobs will get you money for your more content...
You being respectful will help you from being depressed from loneliness. You should be honest,
kid, nice, gentle, relaxed, and happy to make friends. The word respect is a word to summarize
all of the things above and plenty more. Things like being quite while someone is talking, or not
bothering someone when they?re in bad mood. I see respect all the time, that?s what makes every
thing so easy to do and no one gets sad. If I ever saw someone get knocked over and there stuff is on
the ground scattered all over, I would definitely help him pick it up. Because other wise I would
feel bad watching them pick it up all by themselves. Always treat others the way you would want
to be treated. This way you will be respected and loved. My definition of respect is being nice,
generous, and helpful. Because all of those things can be the best things to do if you want to be
respectful, which you should always be. So next time I talk in class out of turn, I will remember this
two page report about respect.
Respect can be making sure that everyone has equal time. For instance, if there was one toy to
play with and their 5 kids that want to play with it. They should all share the toy at equal times to
be equal. Because no one wants to give the toy to one kid that gets all the fun. We all have or
should share and give to be nice and make some new friends.
Respect is what we
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The Importance Of Respect
Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon
the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of 'respect' touching upon subjects such as,
human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as 'please' and 'thank
you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual
acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le,
2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today.
Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of
differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and
human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30
articles e.g. 'right to life' which states that "nobody including the government can try to end your life"
(ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone.
Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and
experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are
personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006)
Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and
their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life
experiences are likely to have an impacted value's now held in comparison to ones held in younger
life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way
we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these
are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref)
changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world.
RESPECT– many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always
possible, for ex; when
holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally
expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you
have to
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Importance Of Respect Research Paper
Given, Earned Respect is earned through hard work and dedication, and should be given to keep
society running smoothly. However, respect is more than leaving someone alone or not saying
anything negative when someone voices their opinion. It can be considered a form of
consideration of someone. Consideration comes in many colors for different people. For
example, a pregnant cancer patient must respect her own life while also considering the life of
her unborn child (Jeannie). One would have to understand and respect how difficult the decision
would be for such a terrible situation and the pregnant patient would know the saddening fate for
either her or her child. Understanding someone and their little joys in life can also show how a
person truly is and how they are as people, which can lead to them earning respect from others
(Chuck). Nowadays, we can see that some people have complete disregard for respect in their daily
lives. Whether you are walking down the street, with friends at the mall, or sitting at favorite
restaurant, more content...
We assembled at our favorite place as kids: my driveway. It was a wide and long driveway big
enough for us to ride our bikes around without having to go in the street. The trees seemed to sulk
and sway lazily with the wind. I could hear the thunder creeping him behind the quiet cracks of
lightning. He got out of his car and he walked over to me, looking down at my feet. I began my
apology with what grandma had told me and why I felt so deleterious toward his life. He looked
at me and laughed then he hugged me. He told me, "Even if the world blew up in a heartbeat, you
would be the first person I look for in heaven." He may have been my cousin, but he was also my
brother, and he was my friend. Like Chuck said in his adaptation of "This I Believe," you cannot be
mad at someone for the imperfections they have, you have to respect their joys in life and want them
to be
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Value Of Respect Research Paper
I believe that respect is the most important value to have in a happy life. Now respect has many
different aspects to it; probably more than any one person can think of. So, I don't claim to cover
them all. Of the ones I could think are four big ones: authority, the environment, and each other's
diversities. Yes, you can count (no matter how bad at math you may claim to be), that was only
three. The fourth is the most important, but I'm going to keep it a secret until you learn what I
mean about the other three; just keep it in the back of your mind until then. Let's start with the
first you probably faced in life, authority. From the second you are born, being passed around
from family member to family member, to the first teacher you had, and then to your current boss,
you may have realized you aren't always the one in control. Well, that's okay. Without their
wisdom or experience you wouldn't be where you are today in life. Now I'm not saying you have
to love or understand the seemingly evil Mrs. Ooze you had in 2nd grade, with her biweekly
spelling tests (no bonus point words) and aroma of old lady (not the grandma type, more
What I mean is respect the environment of the place you are at. For example, if you are at a
swimming pool, don't pee in it, there is literally a bathroom 20 feet away. Or if you are at a
national park and see a rock where everyone has been engraving their initials into it, don't do it,
S.T.U. and P.I.D. are probably not even in love anymore. In the most common interpretation, our
planet is being hurt by our actions and there are little ways to keep it healthier, such as riding a
bike a mile instead of driving to you the park or waiting until you are at a trashcan to throw that
McDonald's cup away. No matter your belief about how we got here, we have to acknowledge that
this earth is a gift and we should treat it as such. Now, my third point, respect other's
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Definition Essay: What Is Respect?
what is respect? respect is a word most people can't even say without getting choked up. it's foreign
concept in their minds because the hate in their hearts cover up their ability to give, show & earn it
Respect is something unfortunately most people haven't figured out as if they were blind &
oblivious to the concept respect is admiring those who make multiple errors in your life instead of
treating them as if the things they do don't matter or the things they do are the things they have to
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Respecting All Life Essay
According to Mohandas Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by
the way its animals are treated." Through this quotation, Gandhi stresses a requirement for equality
between humans and animals. Though animals may be of a lower life form than humans, Gandhi
suggests that their lives are no less deserving of respect and reverence. As such, one can argue that
because humans do not eat other humans, there is no conscionable excuse for a human to eat an
animal. A vegetarian is a person who has a strict diet abstaining from eatingmeat. Vegetarians devote
themselves to a lifestyle centered on a plant–based food source. A vegetarian diet is the most humane
type of lifestyle because it frees animals from more content...
For nearly the entire four month pregnancy, mother pigs are kept squeezed into a minuscule,
metal stalls, which usually tend to be smaller than their own bodies. Due to the constant friction
of the metal cage against their skin, open sores often form all over their bodies. When baby
piglets are born, they are violated by workers who pierce their skin to rip out their testicles and
chop off their tails, all without anesthesia (Farm to Fridge). If these piglets do not grow fast
enough they are killed, frequently by being beaten off the ground and thrown into a bin. Injured
pigs or ones that do not fit the criteria, are slowly strangled to death by being hanged from a fork
lift. On average, the pigs only live a short five to six months, only a small fraction of their natural
life span. When they are considered heavy enough, they are sent to their deaths where they are
hung upside down to have their throats slit only after being shot in the head with a metal rod.
Sometimes, unfortunate events occur in which some pigs are not fully dead when their throats are
slit and instead are forced to hang suffering slowly. Others that survive hanging are scalded alive
during the process of hair removal (Farm to Fridge). Other animals that are forced to suffer abuse
include chicken and turkeys. Crowded by the thousands into insufficiently sized sheds, these birds
are denied their most basic needs, such as room to roam and seeing the outdoors (Farm to Fridge).
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Being Respect
What is the most effective for being respect and having authority?
When you arrive to a new country you should try to understand and follow all rules, also when
same of them are perceived unwarranted and different. Diversity cultures and backgrounds giving
different contexts and opinion to the same notion. My first recommendation in this issue is being
patience with yourself and keep calm before making a digression about your particular experience.
I am going to explain with an anecdote I have suffered when I first time visited United State and
how I did for affording an ambiguity rule in a train station.
Telling personal experiences sometimes help people to understand and afford their specific
situations. Chicago was where my story took place a couple of months ago. I was there after
spending an amazing and fabulous long weekend with family and friends. However, everything has
to finish and my holidays get over too. I had more content...
It means, they are not real police or security guard, they are personal who imitate and replace the
police. There are police in the station, but in security control there are people
The security guard who interrupt my way to pick up the train was a domineering lady, about her
sixties, who did not want to know my reasons for being late to board. The boundary to take the
train was an automatic door, and she was at the front of it, sat down and doing her job. When I
crossed the door without listening her orders she became very angry with me. I only had one target,
took the train because I was late and I had only five minutes to go in.
Now, when I figured that moment, I have to recognize it was my fault because my attitude against
her was not appropriate. I am still be able to hear her load voice into my main and see how the
police and his dog went through me to stop, as I were a dangerous terrorist. Confusing and puzzling
situation for me, it was like a
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Respect Definition Essay
The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others
may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a
great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person's rules
or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has
to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite.
Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that
respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.)
Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of
something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge
everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to
express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person
receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, more content...
Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in
the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person
should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone
the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect
towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a
person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect
of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every
person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should
expect it(Sarah
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The Importance Of Respect In Society
According to, respect is defined as esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence
of a person, a personal quality or ability. Respect typically means that you admire something or
someone and their qualities. Respect is something that has been around for centuries. We are taught to
respect our elders. Taught to respect ourselves. Taught to respect each other. One thing that all
functioning societies have in common is respect. Treating others and ourselves with respect creates
a nicer, happier world to live in. Without respect, the society we live in would be fall apart due to the
dark, unfriendly, and oblivious nature of humans.
Living in a dark society creates unhappiness and misery. As teens become less and less involved in
others lives, people are having to actually stop and think about being respectful. Unlike now, when
our parents were growing up respect was seen among almost everyone. Present day teenagers take
many things for advantage. For example, the courtesies of simple things like holding the door open
or saying please and thank you are no longer common actions that you see in today's world. As of
2017, gesture as simple as holding the door open for someone is thought of as going out of your way
to be respectful and kind. Holding the door open for someone was once considered something that
you did without thinking, but now it is something that many adults would be surprised. Although life
goes on around the people who choose to act selfish and
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Respect Life Essay

  • 1. Essay On Love And Respect Love , honor and respect Yourself First for healthy, happy living Are there some relationships in your life that just take more work to maintain than you 're enjoying? Do you find yourself wanting to be compassionate and be able to listen in a caring way but it 's just not supporting you and the kind of life you want to have? Psychotherapists advise patients that fostering exlove and respect is the most important factor in maintaining healthy family bonds and for other personal relationships . The twist in this love/respect equation is equation is if the other person isnot reciprocating? How is it possible to get along and create a healthy relationship when one person refuses to, or for some reason can 't, more content... can think of honoring ourselves in many different ways. defines it as "accepting all parts of ourselves: "the good and bad, the perfect and imperfect, the disappointments and triumphs." According to somatic psychotherapist Lisa McCrohan, MSW, given our current culture, it means living our lives around what's most sacred or important to us – instead of based on "the time on the clock." For self–acceptance and self–love coach Miri Klements it means being honest with herself and acknowledging what is true for her. It means treating herself with compassion, understanding, gentleness, acceptance and love. For so many of us all of that is hard to do. It may feel foreign. Unnatural. It's hard to accept all our parts. It's hard to prioritize what's important. Do we even know what important is? It's hard to treat ourselves with compassion and even more so, with love. Part of this is because we simply haven't been taught and trained to honor ourselves, Klements said. Maybe we grew up with parents or caregivers who were struggling with their own wounds and traumas, she said. Maybe you heard a lot of: "Don't be so selfish. It's not all about you. What is wrong with you? Get over it already. That's ridiculous to feel that way. Enough. You don't really feel that way! Stop crying now. Can't you see I'm busy?" McCrohan sees many people in her practice who hold destructive Get more content on
  • 2. The Meaning of Respect Essay Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content... Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something. Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, Get more content on
  • 3. Respect Essay Respect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is 1.A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard, esteem. 2.The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3.Willingness to show consideration or appreciation. People demand different amounts of respect, though not everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what respect means. The first rule is respect for others. A few of those "others" are teachers, police, authority figures, and business people. more content... This respect should be shown on every ones property including friend's, teachers, and even strangers. The last rule is respecting yourself. Respecting yourself can mean holding your head up high and respecting your own ideas. You can share your ideas even if you might not thing they are right. But it can lead to more important things like peer pressure, and not giving into it. It is about not letting it affect you in any way or sort. You can not have respect for others if you can not respect yourself. There are many little things you can do to show respect. For example you can clean your room and set the dishes. You can raise your hand when some one else is talking when you have an opinion. Don't be afraid to share your opinions and ideas. They can be a good example for someone. Be a person that another person would want to look up to. You can not be this person when you have a lack of respect. You may not notice it, but respect plays a role in our daily lives. Respect follows you wherever you go. Whether it is in school, your home, or in a restaurant. You may not notice it that other people give you respect, but you do notice when they don't. Even for the simplest reasons. If you are not respectful than you will not be respected. You can't DEMAND respect, nor make people give respect out of fear. The scare will not work. You have to get respect by earning it. Remaining calm in bad situations and being Get more content on
  • 4. The Importance Of Respect Essay Respect The definition of respect is: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. What we respect is a clue to what we want in life. Respect is really about what we admire in the world and in people. Respect is understanding and acknowledging the rights of someone else to have their beliefs. Respect is something everyone wants, not many have, and few want to give. A person should not only respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people should listen to what others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if you want to be respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how someone else treats me as a person. I've always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given. However, it means a lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat others how you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance Of Respect What is respect? Is the way people should be treated, how you would want to be treated, and should it come naturally or should it be taught? Respect is what are world is built on, I feel that the phrases like "reap what you sow" explain what respect works like. For example to when I am rude to someone they tend to be rude back, the same works with respect. When being disrespectful to someone you most likely will disrespect you right back. Not everyone follows these thoughts of respect. Actions like these can lead to dangerous places, people begin to break boundaries that were once built on respect. In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth. Respect can also be lost very easily, doing things that can discourage people who look up to you as an example. Losing this respect could make you untrustworthy and cause people to become unfaithful in you. This could also make you a bad example, people respecting you for the wrong reasons. Wrong interpretations of of people who respect your bad examples can cause people to do things they think is good thing to do. I do my best to respect others, even Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance Of Respect In Society Today We use it every day. Your parents tell you about it all the time. Most don't know exactly what it means. Respect. To have respect is to hold oneself worthy of your admiration or approval. Society cannot function without respect because it is the oil that keeps the gears turning. Respect is actively listening, obeying orders, and being mindful, whether it's to others, the environment, the law, or yourself. In today's society, respect is decreasing. In schools, in the workplace, at home, and in public with racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and more. Racism and police brutality have increased since cases like of Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray. People of color have not received the respect they deserve and respect for policemen is decreasing. Sexism has increased since third–wave feminists surfaced and skewed people's image and respect for feminists. Religious intolerance increases as terrorist attacks continue with people's misconceptions about Islam. An example of a group lacking respect in society today is the youth. The youth isn't anywhere near as respectful to their parents, teachers, or elders as they were before the nineteen–hundreds. But to make the youth more respectful, one must respect the youth. Jenni Herd wrote in response to Times's "Moods and meltdowns: what's inside the teenage brain?", "[We're] angry that we have to clean up your mess, while you hold us in contempt, analyzing our responses as though we were another species? I would like adults to treat us Get more content on
  • 7. Respect For Human Dignity Essay Although I have not been in this profession for as long as others, I feel Provision 1.1 Respect for Human Dignity is one of the most important ethical issues that we can have in this profession. Respect for human dignity is a topic that we practice every day and run into during each shift whether its allowing the patient to make their own decision about their medical treatment or simply covering them with a blanket while performing patient care. As stated in the Code of Ethics, Provision 1 states that "The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person" (ANA, 2015, pg. 1). No matter the person's age, race, or cultural background, all persons deserve respect and the ability to make decisions involving their healthcare. The Code of Ethics is used in everyday situations and should be thought as one of the most important documents of our profession as it sets guidelines for our practice. In the instance, in which the Provision 1.1 was violated during my time as a nurse, the patient's dignity was not taken into consideration. During my hourly rounding, it was important for me to investigate if my patient was clean of urination or bowel movement, as the patient more content... It was inappropriate and unnecessary for the tech to reinforce that we were cleaning the patient again. The tech could have just plainly stated, "I'm providing patient care in another room but will be there as soon as I can." With this statement, the tech did not give out any information about what she was doing in the moment for another patient. This could have saved her the anger that the family had felt toward her after this incident. Although techs are not considered part of the ANA Code of Ethics, I feel as though they should also be held to the same ethical standard because of their involvement in every day tasks with the Get more content on
  • 8. My Definition Of Respect My family was sitting at the kitchen one day just talking when someone brought up the subject of respect. At that time I didn't know the definition of respect,but it is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. I asked what respect was. My mom said "life lesson , if you respect everyone then you will get along in life just fine,you have to respect your parents and your siblings,even people you don't know you should respect". I said "I will try to respect people". My dad who had been silent said "It doesn't matter who it is you have to respect them". The next day I was extra nice to my family,but you know that didn't last very long. If someone asked for something I would be the first one to get it. My brother and Get more content on
  • 9. Speech About Respect Most people are taught the word respect at a young age, but many will not really know what it truly means until they get a little older. Respect is acknowledging other people with whatever they have to say or do and valuing their opinion even if the other person does not agree with them. It also means that people should be mindful of what they say to people so, in other words, thinking before speaking. The most common phrases we hear when it comes to respecting others is, treat others the way you want to be treated, accept others for who they are, and always show kindness and consideration. No matter where anyone is at or who they are with, it is important for them to always be respectful. I remember when I was in elementary school, we would always sing the song about respect without really knowing what it meant because we were so young. We were just taught that song because it is important for every little kid to start learning about respect at a young age so when they get older, they can look back at what they have learned. Till this day, I still remember the respect song that I learned in my 1st grade classroom, and will probably never forget it because of all the times that I head that song. It is a simple song that almost every little kid learned at a young age. When people think of respect, they often just think about being respectful to other people and forget about being respectful to places and things. Not only is it important to be respectful towards other Get more content on
  • 10. Respecting Others Essay Respecting Others The many problems we face today as a society seem to become more and more overwhelming. I believe that respect for one other is a big social issue we face today in our generation of tomorrow. We see this problem in teens, in so many places. For example, in school there is a lack ofrespect for students from other fellow students. At home there is a lack of respect from the children of this generation to their parents. There is also a lack of respect from young adults to most authoritative figures. First, the most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the school with students who do not respect their peers. Most students fail to recognize each other as equals because of differing economic status, race, more content... This is where the golden rule comes in to play. If the majority of students up held respect for one another by treating others as they would like to be treated, situations like Columbine may could have been avoided. The next, most apparent sign of lack of respect is in the common household from this generation. This is where the whole problem of disrespect begins, learning to disrespect or respect one another. If a juvenile has not been taught to respect his or her parents, why would that person even consider respecting anyone outside a relationship that was supposed to be close knit? Adolescents must be taught in the home to respect others; realizing that each person has a differing situation and a different outlook on life, but before this can happen they too must be respected and regarded themselves. The best way of teaching is to lead by example. Maybe, if taught young to respect others inside the home, the majority of most young adults could avoid a life misery and trouble. This life is brought before them via their decisions in life. A good illustration of this is when teenagers turn to gangs to feel respect – the wrong kind – from one another as a substitute for what they should receive at home, thus leading to a life of violence and crime. This decision of choosing this parody of life only invites for other problems to begin, in more ways than one. If one person out of the household could sit down and ask Jack and Jill if they know Get more content on
  • 11. What Does Being Respect Mean To Me To me, respect means to treat everybody with care and recognition. Being respectful is about accepting a person's styles, methods, and thinking as well as showing him or her courtesy and politeness. Treat people the way you want to be treated by showing him or her the same respect you want for yourself. This action could be carried out in a day–to–day classroom by allowing someone to include their own ideas and contribute to things such as group projects or just being kind in conversation and other types of communication. If someone were to walk into the room and observe this community agreement, he or she would see people sharing techniques and suggestions and nicely commenting on each other's opinions. He or she would see students including Get more content on
  • 12. The Importance of Respect in Our Society Essay The Importance of Respect in Our Society Respect plays a role in our every day lives. When we go to school, there's respect. When we go to a restaurant, there's respect. When you go to your family reunion, there is respect. You may not notice it, but that's only because they are being respectful to you .If you're not respectful then you will be disrespected because your being mean. So you should always be respectful to others so they will treat you the way you want to be treated. If you are respectful to others then you can get good jobs because they?ll like you. The better the job is the better your life will be in the future, and trust me you want a good and happy future. Jobs will get you money for your more content... You being respectful will help you from being depressed from loneliness. You should be honest, kid, nice, gentle, relaxed, and happy to make friends. The word respect is a word to summarize all of the things above and plenty more. Things like being quite while someone is talking, or not bothering someone when they?re in bad mood. I see respect all the time, that?s what makes every thing so easy to do and no one gets sad. If I ever saw someone get knocked over and there stuff is on the ground scattered all over, I would definitely help him pick it up. Because other wise I would feel bad watching them pick it up all by themselves. Always treat others the way you would want to be treated. This way you will be respected and loved. My definition of respect is being nice, generous, and helpful. Because all of those things can be the best things to do if you want to be respectful, which you should always be. So next time I talk in class out of turn, I will remember this two page report about respect. Respect can be making sure that everyone has equal time. For instance, if there was one toy to play with and their 5 kids that want to play with it. They should all share the toy at equal times to be equal. Because no one wants to give the toy to one kid that gets all the fun. We all have or should share and give to be nice and make some new friends. Respect is what we Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of Respect Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of 'respect' touching upon subjects such as, human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as 'please' and 'thank you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le, 2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today. Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30 articles e.g. 'right to life' which states that "nobody including the government can try to end your life" (ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone. VALUEs Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006) Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life experiences are likely to have an impacted value's now held in comparison to ones held in younger life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref) changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world. RESPECT– many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always possible, for ex; when holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you have to Get more content on
  • 14. Importance Of Respect Research Paper Given, Earned Respect is earned through hard work and dedication, and should be given to keep society running smoothly. However, respect is more than leaving someone alone or not saying anything negative when someone voices their opinion. It can be considered a form of consideration of someone. Consideration comes in many colors for different people. For example, a pregnant cancer patient must respect her own life while also considering the life of her unborn child (Jeannie). One would have to understand and respect how difficult the decision would be for such a terrible situation and the pregnant patient would know the saddening fate for either her or her child. Understanding someone and their little joys in life can also show how a person truly is and how they are as people, which can lead to them earning respect from others (Chuck). Nowadays, we can see that some people have complete disregard for respect in their daily lives. Whether you are walking down the street, with friends at the mall, or sitting at favorite restaurant, more content... We assembled at our favorite place as kids: my driveway. It was a wide and long driveway big enough for us to ride our bikes around without having to go in the street. The trees seemed to sulk and sway lazily with the wind. I could hear the thunder creeping him behind the quiet cracks of lightning. He got out of his car and he walked over to me, looking down at my feet. I began my apology with what grandma had told me and why I felt so deleterious toward his life. He looked at me and laughed then he hugged me. He told me, "Even if the world blew up in a heartbeat, you would be the first person I look for in heaven." He may have been my cousin, but he was also my brother, and he was my friend. Like Chuck said in his adaptation of "This I Believe," you cannot be mad at someone for the imperfections they have, you have to respect their joys in life and want them to be Get more content on
  • 15. Value Of Respect Research Paper I believe that respect is the most important value to have in a happy life. Now respect has many different aspects to it; probably more than any one person can think of. So, I don't claim to cover them all. Of the ones I could think are four big ones: authority, the environment, and each other's diversities. Yes, you can count (no matter how bad at math you may claim to be), that was only three. The fourth is the most important, but I'm going to keep it a secret until you learn what I mean about the other three; just keep it in the back of your mind until then. Let's start with the first you probably faced in life, authority. From the second you are born, being passed around from family member to family member, to the first teacher you had, and then to your current boss, you may have realized you aren't always the one in control. Well, that's okay. Without their wisdom or experience you wouldn't be where you are today in life. Now I'm not saying you have to love or understand the seemingly evil Mrs. Ooze you had in 2nd grade, with her biweekly spelling tests (no bonus point words) and aroma of old lady (not the grandma type, more content... What I mean is respect the environment of the place you are at. For example, if you are at a swimming pool, don't pee in it, there is literally a bathroom 20 feet away. Or if you are at a national park and see a rock where everyone has been engraving their initials into it, don't do it, S.T.U. and P.I.D. are probably not even in love anymore. In the most common interpretation, our planet is being hurt by our actions and there are little ways to keep it healthier, such as riding a bike a mile instead of driving to you the park or waiting until you are at a trashcan to throw that McDonald's cup away. No matter your belief about how we got here, we have to acknowledge that this earth is a gift and we should treat it as such. Now, my third point, respect other's Get more content on
  • 16. Definition Essay: What Is Respect? what is respect? respect is a word most people can't even say without getting choked up. it's foreign concept in their minds because the hate in their hearts cover up their ability to give, show & earn it Respect is something unfortunately most people haven't figured out as if they were blind & oblivious to the concept respect is admiring those who make multiple errors in your life instead of treating them as if the things they do don't matter or the things they do are the things they have to Get more content on
  • 17. Respecting All Life Essay According to Mohandas Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Through this quotation, Gandhi stresses a requirement for equality between humans and animals. Though animals may be of a lower life form than humans, Gandhi suggests that their lives are no less deserving of respect and reverence. As such, one can argue that because humans do not eat other humans, there is no conscionable excuse for a human to eat an animal. A vegetarian is a person who has a strict diet abstaining from eatingmeat. Vegetarians devote themselves to a lifestyle centered on a plant–based food source. A vegetarian diet is the most humane type of lifestyle because it frees animals from more content... For nearly the entire four month pregnancy, mother pigs are kept squeezed into a minuscule, metal stalls, which usually tend to be smaller than their own bodies. Due to the constant friction of the metal cage against their skin, open sores often form all over their bodies. When baby piglets are born, they are violated by workers who pierce their skin to rip out their testicles and chop off their tails, all without anesthesia (Farm to Fridge). If these piglets do not grow fast enough they are killed, frequently by being beaten off the ground and thrown into a bin. Injured pigs or ones that do not fit the criteria, are slowly strangled to death by being hanged from a fork lift. On average, the pigs only live a short five to six months, only a small fraction of their natural life span. When they are considered heavy enough, they are sent to their deaths where they are hung upside down to have their throats slit only after being shot in the head with a metal rod. Sometimes, unfortunate events occur in which some pigs are not fully dead when their throats are slit and instead are forced to hang suffering slowly. Others that survive hanging are scalded alive during the process of hair removal (Farm to Fridge). Other animals that are forced to suffer abuse include chicken and turkeys. Crowded by the thousands into insufficiently sized sheds, these birds are denied their most basic needs, such as room to roam and seeing the outdoors (Farm to Fridge). Get more content on
  • 18. Being Respect What is the most effective for being respect and having authority? When you arrive to a new country you should try to understand and follow all rules, also when same of them are perceived unwarranted and different. Diversity cultures and backgrounds giving different contexts and opinion to the same notion. My first recommendation in this issue is being patience with yourself and keep calm before making a digression about your particular experience. I am going to explain with an anecdote I have suffered when I first time visited United State and how I did for affording an ambiguity rule in a train station. Telling personal experiences sometimes help people to understand and afford their specific situations. Chicago was where my story took place a couple of months ago. I was there after spending an amazing and fabulous long weekend with family and friends. However, everything has to finish and my holidays get over too. I had more content... It means, they are not real police or security guard, they are personal who imitate and replace the police. There are police in the station, but in security control there are people The security guard who interrupt my way to pick up the train was a domineering lady, about her sixties, who did not want to know my reasons for being late to board. The boundary to take the train was an automatic door, and she was at the front of it, sat down and doing her job. When I crossed the door without listening her orders she became very angry with me. I only had one target, took the train because I was late and I had only five minutes to go in. Now, when I figured that moment, I have to recognize it was my fault because my attitude against her was not appropriate. I am still be able to hear her load voice into my main and see how the police and his dog went through me to stop, as I were a dangerous terrorist. Confusing and puzzling situation for me, it was like a Get more content on
  • 19. Respect Definition Essay The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person's rules or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite. Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.) Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, more content... Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it(Sarah Get more content on
  • 20. The Importance Of Respect In Society According to, respect is defined as esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability. Respect typically means that you admire something or someone and their qualities. Respect is something that has been around for centuries. We are taught to respect our elders. Taught to respect ourselves. Taught to respect each other. One thing that all functioning societies have in common is respect. Treating others and ourselves with respect creates a nicer, happier world to live in. Without respect, the society we live in would be fall apart due to the dark, unfriendly, and oblivious nature of humans. Living in a dark society creates unhappiness and misery. As teens become less and less involved in others lives, people are having to actually stop and think about being respectful. Unlike now, when our parents were growing up respect was seen among almost everyone. Present day teenagers take many things for advantage. For example, the courtesies of simple things like holding the door open or saying please and thank you are no longer common actions that you see in today's world. As of 2017, gesture as simple as holding the door open for someone is thought of as going out of your way to be respectful and kind. Holding the door open for someone was once considered something that you did without thinking, but now it is something that many adults would be surprised. Although life goes on around the people who choose to act selfish and Get more content on