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Music Magazine Project

Aim: The aim of the project is to create a music
magazine front page, contents page and double
page spread.

During this project I will investigate a range of
magazines and items from the music
industry, produce aspects of a magazine and
evaluate the work completed.
Costume/props : Beyoncé is wearing a      Analysis of an album cover              Mise-en-scene: The mise-en-scene is
metallic looking jumpsuit this has                                                grey and silver . Her poster causes her
similar resemblance to the battle                                                 arms to go straight through her name
armour worn in the late 5th century.                                              .This creates they illusion that her
The fact that she is revealing suggests                                           strength is able to push through
that she is being perceived as a sexual                                           metallic objects. This cantos women as
icon this shows that the genre is R&B                                             being strong, powerful and beautiful
as it is typical for this for this                                                creatures suggesting this album
representation to be portrayed. The                                               promotes the value of women in todays
use of the metal skirt that she is                                                society.
shielded form anything that comes
her way this is supported by her
stance as she has her hands are
forcefully pushing from either sides of
her body
                                                                                The use of lighting is beam of soft light
                                                                                shining towards her this therefor
Make up:
                                                                                enhances her beauty as it shines on to it
The use of her make up                                                          . Under her arms the light is darker
conveys her as person that                                                      suggesting that as much as we try and
society idolise .The choice of                                                  look were not able to find this woman's
black shows that she is bold                                                    flaws as she is obviously extremely
,confident and daring many                                                      attractive conveying that R&B music are
qualities that ordinary                                                         dominated with attractive people to
women or men long for.                                                          sell.

                            As you can see the conventions used differ form rock music
                            as analysing this has help me see what not to do when
                            creating my rock magazine and it also highlights to me what I
                            should include.
A selection of differing magazine covers
R&B       Indie              HIP HOP         Rock   POP
Front cover of Rock magazines
contents page of Rock magazines
Double page spread
A double page spread consists of two page side by side of textual material
including an article referred to in the contents page and several images or
one large image across both pages supported by the article beside. For
example a double page spread could consist of several pictures of band
members and an article mentioning their live performance at a night club. It
would also consist of another but short article mentioning the band will be
performing again in that club in the summer.
Analysis of a magazine cover                       The Main image is a long shot of four band members the use of the long shot allows there to
                                                   be a hierarchy within the image of band members holding back one of the members. Due to
                                                   him being a lot closer it creates this ideology that to enjoy this type of music you must
                                                   behave like them . During the 1960’s this is what the audience had expected from the rooling
                                                   stones, as they were old-school rock they viewed rock as complete rebellion this was evident
                                                   in the mise-en-scene as it is set on the side of the streets this was used to emphasize such
                                                   uncivilised behaviour in public and to them is conveyed as the norm. This supports the view
                                                   that fans of this are stereotyped to behave in this way as they have fond of it.

                                                   The use of body language clearly conveys an element of animosity. This is evident as the other
                                                   characters are vigorously holding back the band member suggests rebellion on his behalf and
                                                   the other members attempting to tame his attempt to brake the rules . This portrays this
                                                   behaviour to be associated with the type of music as it suggests people who listen and are a
                                                   fan of this music behave in the same way. Their facial all portray differing emotions it seams
                                                   to soften the further you go down the line suggesting the differing views on “rules” this could
                                                   be foreshadowing the reform in rock. That modern rock isn’t as rebellious as old school rock
                                                   its almost as it they have excepted society for the way it is. The use of cinematography is as if
                                                   it’s a blinding light like the police helicopters have this reinforces the this idea of defiance .If
                                                   this is the case then then connotation of this image would the male at the front is attempting
                                                   to run away from the authorities however the other three have stopped him this then explain
                                                   his stance as it is slouched in an attempt to run.

This magazine is a perfect example of when its not following the typical convention of a magazine as the pull quote’s and the puff is initially
suppose to be on the sides of the magazine so it essayer to see when on the shelves of a shop. The idea of it, its suppose to be on the left
hand of the page so as a costumer walks past they can see the pull quote that would intrigue them to pick it up however this magazine does
not follow the tradition as their typography is written underneath the main image. This convey their disobedience to follow social
conventions as this what satisfies their demographic as the core of rock is rebellion.
The use of the typography supports there rebellious behaviour as it is states in the anchorage ‘Meet the Vines Rock is back’. This is written in
bold with the use of capital letters a red boarder and a exclamation mark . This creates the illusion that that there shouting it out in a
aggressive tone . The use of the phrase suggests that the vines are going to bring rock back inferring that their appropriate societal rules have
been replaced .The use of the colour red conveys anger and violence which emphasizes the behaviour of a person enjoys rock . The outburst
of emotions show that this is the convectional behaviour for such a society. The use of the superlative “EXCLUSIVE! GUNS N’ ROSES LIVE” is
used to grab the readers attention the most common way magazine companies do this is by mentioning a famous artist on the front cover
to promote their magazine for them which was why in the pull quote it mentioned other bands .
Front cover analysis                          The front cover of this rock magazine features many typical conventions of a rock magazine.
                                              As rock is a dark and loud genre it is not only a music but it has become fashion trend within
                                              society. This is convey through the use of the main image it is a close up shot showing a hierarchy
                                              this depicts all rock fans as extremely rebellious and believe they cannot be tamed .This close up
                                              shot is of a man with smoke flowing out of his mouth. Regardless to the mans face mise-en-scene
                                              is black the colour black symbolises anger ,power , depth, an enigma which are all elements of
                                              the rock atmosphere as the rock band rolling stones were not accustom to social rule’s as the
                                              puff state “Life is to loud” the connotation of this would be that the world is to great to be
                                              constantly restricting your self . The fact that he is smoking and is wearing makeup it targets the
                                              audiences expectation as it is giving them a look to aspire to. The use of props such as the smoke
                                              give of the impression that to be a real rock fan then you must look and behave like this man .The
                                              smoke and the make up suggest he has attitude however the magazine glamorise it inferring this
                                              is what every woman wants in a man and this is what ever man should aspire to look like the
                                              magazine is a cross genre. The rock industry has attempt to dominate this ideology in hope they
                                              would sell as many copies .The fact that he has a direct mode of address s represents his
                                              fearlessness of braking out of the typical conventions of society that make them feel the need to
                                              constantly monitor behaviour. This notion is supported by the typography of the masthead
                                              “KERRENG!” The white lines in it creates the illusion that it has been smashed reinforcing the
                                              violent and rebellious attitude of a rock star. The fact that it is written in bold with the colour
                                              black and white lines in it can on the other hand represent the change in attitude over periods
                                              of time .white can represent the good emerging in rock artists as 21 century rock has reformed
                                              itself compared to old school rock there not as rebellious.

 The use of the anchorage HIM takes focuses of the image suggesting that sometimes the artist gets away with behaving
 inappropriately the main image conveys nonconformity and the caption is attempting to aid his success as it limits focus of the
 image as it is rather large the extra lines on the H reminds you of the strings on a guitar this satisfies their targets audience which
 are in fact rock fan people who shear the love for the music. The use of the pun life is loud is their to attract the readers so it is
 more likely for them to pike it up of the shop shelf if there is a pun that interests them. In addition to this the fact that the
 magazine are giving away free posters suggests that that it is their for advertisement for the magazine as many costumers buy
 the magazine due to some incentive inside intriguing them. The use of puffs and pulls all for the same purpose the fact that it
 says plus Ozzy Osborne infers that the use of other well known artists in your magazine becomes a form of is advertisement as
 the majority would wont to read about it. The use of the pull quote “The amazing resurrection of ville valo” intrigues the
 readers through the use of the word amazing it over sells the story in the in the front cover insuring that you buy a copy of the
Posture/facial expression:
                                                 If have more time look
The use of facial expression from the three      over                      Costume/makeup/props:
models expresses the stereotypical                                         As expected form a rock magazine
rebellious image that rock music               Analysis of contents page   the props costume and makeup
advertises . The woman image is a lot                                      used are all dark and aggressive.
larger and aggressive then the two men                                     This conveys conventional
behind showing a hierarchy this infers that
                                                                           attributes of the genre rock. The
women who listen to rock music are a lot
more rebellious and dominant compeered                                     fact that her necklace is black
to the men . If I compeer their facial                                     suggests that there is some form
expression the woman is bearing teeth like                                 anger and power that has
wild animals do when presented with                                        consumed her this is supported by
threat however the men’s face is blank as                                  the fact that the to me are
if it has not expression suggesting that
                                                                           standing behind her as if their her
they do not care for rules .
                                                                           body guards
Mise- en scene:
The contents on the left show a featuring
in a differing music's from rock to punk to
Indie it also gives you information on books
dvd’s and reviews. On the bottom right
hang corner of the page there two men and                                  The use of lighting is a bright
there stance is slouched, there facial                                     spotlight shone on the models this
expression is scrunched inferring attitude.
                                                                           to show that people who listen to
Colour scheme:                                                             this music is expected to behave
                                                                           loud and destructively .This is
                                                                           portrayed through her stance as it
                                                                           is slanted and her arms are folded
 Are all dark colours that                                                 showing attitude.
symbolise anger, jealousy,
aggressiveness etc. This is what                                           Shot type:
you would expect from rock as                                              The shot type is a medium close up shot
the genre is full of darkness and                                          showing that the music is loud and
                                                                           aggressive suggesting the fans behave
anger this is supported in the
                                                                           in that same aspect .
choice in colours.
Posture and facial expression                                                   Costume, makeup and props:
                               Analysis of a contents page                      The use of costume ,makeup and props targets
                                                                                the conventions for a rock magazines .The
The modals facials expression                                                   main image is of a man dresses in black leather
posses a smug smile as if he                                                    with black sunglasses on this depicts an
just got away with something                                                    wealthy mysterious man as he is covered it
this reinforces the rebellious                                                  creates the illusion that he is shielded by what
attitude of rock. When                                                          ever comes his way inferring that rock artist are
assessing his stance he has                                                     in fact untouchable. The use of the long black
                                                                                curled hair conveys his animosity as it reminds
his hand on his sunglasses
                                                                                you of a jungle.
suggesting his wealth .The
audience is a cross genre.
                                                                            Shot type:
                                                                            The main image of the main the man is a medium
Mise-en-scene:                                                              close up this allows their to be a visual hierarchy on
The main images mise-en-scene                                               the page. It creates the impression the rock artists
is what I believe to be a n                                                 believe themselves to be segregated from the rest of
extremely dark studio .This                                                 society whether it is show through the
reflects the music being dark and                                           inappropriate outbursts, unusual dress scene etc.
mysterious it also conveys the                                              For example in this image he is dressed completely
dominate ideology that rock fans                                            in black which symbolises anger, power and evil
behave in somewhat similar ways                                             which it what the audience expect from this type of
to rock artists.                                                            magazine .The other images used are all a range
               Lighting:                                                    from medium, long shot and medium close up’s.
               The cinematography used in these images is a bright
                                                                            They are used to publicise the articles in the
               light inferring that in society rock artists are on top of
                                                                            magazine so it easer of their target audience to
               the hierarchal chin excusing them to behave as they
                                                                            pinpoint what article they would like to read. This
               wish. However one of the images have dim lighting to
                                                                            magazine is a cross genre as it targets rock lovers.
               convey the darkness and the anger of rock music
               which reflects the audiences expectations.
Analysis of double page spread                    The double page spared of this music magazine beholds features many
                                                    elements of a rock genre. The mise-en-scene is one of the highlighting
                                                    elements of the genre the use of black and skulls symbolise death,
                                                    darkness and destruction these are many attributes that the their
                                                    demographic are expected to see. As it all symbolise ‘s an enigma which
                                                    is what intrigues the target audience. This beholds a cross genre as it
                                                    appeals to both men and women’s desires. The use of the contrast black
                                                    conveys the trend in rebellion emerged from rock music and the white
                                                    is a representation of the authorities and their feelings toward the rule as
                                                    white is symbolised for purity however black is a symbol for evil . The fact
                                                    that a lot of the white is gradually taking away the black suggests the
                                                    perception of rock has changed over time gradually it is not becoming as
                                                    rebellious as the Roiling stones. On the other hand It could also covey
                                                    how rebellious and aggressive rock music is .This image suggests rock is
                                                    graffiti on society. Inferring that sometimes it can be considered as art
                                                    but the majority of the time people view it as vandalism.

When analysing the double page spread I see that it does no stick to the typical conventions where the writing is on the
right and the picture is on the left this portrays the genres rebellions attempt against the conventional social conventions.
The use of the typography as being inappropriate “I miss being Fucked up!” supports this assumption as this phrase
symbolises a stereotypical view of a rock stars life style dugs, money, drink , sex and music . The image of the nude man is
a medium long shot allowing you to see his many of his tattoos this attempts to appeals to wide demographic as the fact
that he is top less subjects him as a sex object however men also aspire to his tattoos as it makes his fans believe this is
what a man is suppose to look like . The fact that he has a tattoo of a woman near his hear may reinforce the homophobic
view that men are initially supposes to be with women.
Analysis of a double page spread
                                                  The double page spread of has many features of a rock magazine. The
                                                  typography consists of the colours white , black, red and pink. These are
                                                  the traditional dark colours that symbolises the passion and rage of rock.
                                                  The complete wild and free spirited behaviour that the rest of society view
                                                  as being rebellious and anti. The colours present anger, passion, power and
                                                  love. These are all attributes that the audience expect to see from rock
                                                  The main image has a visual hierarchy across both pages. They show an
                                                  image of three band members trip in up on of the other band members..
                                                  This conveys their animosity and their attempt to break from the typical
                                                  social expectation. When assessing their stance you can see that the mode
                                                  in the front is close to falling he is a representation of the rest of society
                                                  and it highlight the rebellion of rock stars. This depicts an view of rock
                                                  stars as being really destructive and defiant this is supported buy the fact
                                                  the other band members foot is in their tripping him up as he has a smile
                                                  on his face.
The article uses several close up and medium close up shot ‘s in black and white to convey the rock stars buzzy style
.The have a direct mode of address to essentially portray the life of a rock star and their unwillingness to change to
please society. The images are all cluttered around the page to portrays the music as it is loud and full of passion just
like the photos on this page. The cinematography on the small images is darker as the images are in black and white as
mentioned before ,it captures the darkness the music which then is expected the fans to behave in this same
The heeding captives all the elements of rock “Dirty little secrets “ the fact that it is written in pink and red suggest that
is it a cross genre . The statement highlights the obsessive and rebellious antics.
Compare the double page spreads
                                  As you can see both double page spreads are completely differing in genera.
                                  The first double page spread has completely opposing conventions to the
                                  second as they are targeting differing audiences. The first magazine is R&B
                                  which usually stereotyped as being misogynistic this is due to them
                                  glamorising oppressive views about women which is usually done through
                                  the use of objectifying women as sexual object. For example the main
                                  image is a close up shot to resemble intimacy. The use of the choler covering
                                  half her lip is desirable towards her demographic which are men however
                                  the music itself posses a hybrid genre. The use of make up and the fact that
                                  she has a direct mode of address reinforces the ideology that sex sells so its
                                  an attempt to address their target audience. The use of make up was to
                                  highlight her feminine qualities .The use of pink for the background for the
                                  text supports this notion as pink is a feminine colour. The typography in the
                                  headline is white and in bold this is so that is goes well with the chosen
                                  image and colours.

                                  In comparison to the other double page spread which is not attempting to
                                  sell the music through sex but sear passion and the love that people have in
                                  rock music. This is evident in the main image as it symbolises the ferocity of
                                  the music. The colours black and white represents the innocents of the music
                                  as just all about the music and nothing ells and black represents the anger
                                  and passion that rock music consists of. The main image is a long shot this
                                  was done to show evidence of the aggressiveness of the music if you
                                  examine her stance you can see her knees are bent and her head is tilt far
                                  back this allows you to visualise how much power and passion must go into
                                  making a rock song. The costumes worn are black and white and the women
                                  is wearing leather which depicts attitude and danger. The typography is
                                  written in black bold writing to state the music’s dominance within the
                                  industry .The use of props such as the guitar and the drum set are typical
                                  conventions of a rock magazine as it addresses the audiences expectation.
Compare contents pages

                   This two contents pages have completely opposing conventions for one
                   the first contents page it has one main image where it is a long shot
                   this allows you to look a both women from there bottom upwards
                   subjecting women to becoming objectified as sexual objects however
                   the two women purposely do this to target their demographic which
                   are men . This is supported by their choose in costume it is reviling to
                   grab the attention. The use of the long shot allow them to have a visual
                   hierarchy to have the best possible shot in selling.
                   In contrast to the first magazine the rock contents page has a variety of
                   images with the use of a full range of camera shots across the two
                   pages to represent the volume and energy of the music some of the
                   images contain live concerts to portray the attempt to uses the music
                   to sell the magazine and do not rely on sex to do the job. Many of
                   these shots are medium close ups for example the image of the man
                   with the tattoos screaming this represents the tough manly, rebellious
                   attitude that the rock industry consisted of. The contents include many
                   rock artists such as green day this targets there audience expectation.
                   Their demographic is a cross genre.

Thought process that went into
                              designing my masthead .
When deciding a mast head it was one of the trickiest decisions so first I went on to the internet and
gathered some research on different possible mastheads for inspiration. Then I went around the school
asking student of possible mastheads for my rock magazine I discovered I was time consuming and many
of the answers I was getting back was not worth using so I created a survey and sent it around the whole
school one of my questions was “what would you name a rock magazine” Then I gathered all the answers
I had and created a spider diagram in to it so I am able to visually see it .Some of the answers that I got
back were really good and had completely suited the conventions of my magazine which was why I had
found it difficult to decide between the riftt and MBS=music , bands and singers so I went around and
asked 10 people which one did they prefer and seven of the ten said they preferred the riftt. So now I
had the name I needed the right font to use as I was creating a rock magazine I wanted my font to look
gothic to I went on the internet and looked at websites such as da font and 1001fonts and finally after a
while I font myself the perfect font that a rock audience to I drew it out as a mock up to see what
it would look like on a peace of paper and submitted it to my blog.

                                                                                    Final piece
Flat plans
                     F                                    O
                     R                                    N
                     O                                    T
                     N                                    E
                     T                                    N
                     C                                    S
                     V                                    P
                     E                                    A
                     R                                    G

                          Articles Heading   Main image
                         _______ _______
                         _______ _______
                         _______ _______
                         _______ _______
                         _______ _______
Shot type         Where is it going to be    Plan shot                                   models

Long shot         Contents page              In the double page spread I’m going to
                                             have a picture a girl on the guitar and a
                  Double page spread         boy on the drums.

Close up          Contents                   Of a girl with all the appropriate          Jodie
                                             makeup on for the requested theme
                                             to convey attitude

Medium close up   Main image on the front    I will be using a range of medium           Shamina
                                             close ups some of the shots
                  cover                      would have a plain black, white
                  Contents page              background other wouldn’t.

Over head         Front cover ,small image   The small images is a artist who is
                                             now in rehab

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Research and planing completed

  • 1. Music Magazine Project Aim: The aim of the project is to create a music magazine front page, contents page and double page spread. During this project I will investigate a range of magazines and items from the music industry, produce aspects of a magazine and evaluate the work completed.
  • 2. Costume/props : Beyoncé is wearing a Analysis of an album cover Mise-en-scene: The mise-en-scene is metallic looking jumpsuit this has grey and silver . Her poster causes her similar resemblance to the battle arms to go straight through her name armour worn in the late 5th century. .This creates they illusion that her The fact that she is revealing suggests strength is able to push through that she is being perceived as a sexual metallic objects. This cantos women as icon this shows that the genre is R&B being strong, powerful and beautiful as it is typical for this for this creatures suggesting this album representation to be portrayed. The promotes the value of women in todays use of the metal skirt that she is society. shielded form anything that comes her way this is supported by her stance as she has her hands are forcefully pushing from either sides of her body Lightning: The use of lighting is beam of soft light shining towards her this therefor Make up: enhances her beauty as it shines on to it The use of her make up . Under her arms the light is darker conveys her as person that suggesting that as much as we try and society idolise .The choice of look were not able to find this woman's black shows that she is bold flaws as she is obviously extremely ,confident and daring many attractive conveying that R&B music are qualities that ordinary dominated with attractive people to women or men long for. sell. As you can see the conventions used differ form rock music as analysing this has help me see what not to do when creating my rock magazine and it also highlights to me what I should include.
  • 3. A selection of differing magazine covers R&B Indie HIP HOP Rock POP
  • 4. Front cover of Rock magazines
  • 5. contents page of Rock magazines
  • 6. Double page spread A double page spread consists of two page side by side of textual material including an article referred to in the contents page and several images or one large image across both pages supported by the article beside. For example a double page spread could consist of several pictures of band members and an article mentioning their live performance at a night club. It would also consist of another but short article mentioning the band will be performing again in that club in the summer.
  • 7. Analysis of a magazine cover The Main image is a long shot of four band members the use of the long shot allows there to be a hierarchy within the image of band members holding back one of the members. Due to him being a lot closer it creates this ideology that to enjoy this type of music you must behave like them . During the 1960’s this is what the audience had expected from the rooling stones, as they were old-school rock they viewed rock as complete rebellion this was evident in the mise-en-scene as it is set on the side of the streets this was used to emphasize such uncivilised behaviour in public and to them is conveyed as the norm. This supports the view that fans of this are stereotyped to behave in this way as they have fond of it. The use of body language clearly conveys an element of animosity. This is evident as the other characters are vigorously holding back the band member suggests rebellion on his behalf and the other members attempting to tame his attempt to brake the rules . This portrays this behaviour to be associated with the type of music as it suggests people who listen and are a fan of this music behave in the same way. Their facial all portray differing emotions it seams to soften the further you go down the line suggesting the differing views on “rules” this could be foreshadowing the reform in rock. That modern rock isn’t as rebellious as old school rock its almost as it they have excepted society for the way it is. The use of cinematography is as if it’s a blinding light like the police helicopters have this reinforces the this idea of defiance .If this is the case then then connotation of this image would the male at the front is attempting to run away from the authorities however the other three have stopped him this then explain his stance as it is slouched in an attempt to run. This magazine is a perfect example of when its not following the typical convention of a magazine as the pull quote’s and the puff is initially suppose to be on the sides of the magazine so it essayer to see when on the shelves of a shop. The idea of it, its suppose to be on the left hand of the page so as a costumer walks past they can see the pull quote that would intrigue them to pick it up however this magazine does not follow the tradition as their typography is written underneath the main image. This convey their disobedience to follow social conventions as this what satisfies their demographic as the core of rock is rebellion. The use of the typography supports there rebellious behaviour as it is states in the anchorage ‘Meet the Vines Rock is back’. This is written in bold with the use of capital letters a red boarder and a exclamation mark . This creates the illusion that that there shouting it out in a aggressive tone . The use of the phrase suggests that the vines are going to bring rock back inferring that their appropriate societal rules have been replaced .The use of the colour red conveys anger and violence which emphasizes the behaviour of a person enjoys rock . The outburst of emotions show that this is the convectional behaviour for such a society. The use of the superlative “EXCLUSIVE! GUNS N’ ROSES LIVE” is used to grab the readers attention the most common way magazine companies do this is by mentioning a famous artist on the front cover to promote their magazine for them which was why in the pull quote it mentioned other bands .
  • 8. Front cover analysis The front cover of this rock magazine features many typical conventions of a rock magazine. As rock is a dark and loud genre it is not only a music but it has become fashion trend within society. This is convey through the use of the main image it is a close up shot showing a hierarchy this depicts all rock fans as extremely rebellious and believe they cannot be tamed .This close up shot is of a man with smoke flowing out of his mouth. Regardless to the mans face mise-en-scene is black the colour black symbolises anger ,power , depth, an enigma which are all elements of the rock atmosphere as the rock band rolling stones were not accustom to social rule’s as the puff state “Life is to loud” the connotation of this would be that the world is to great to be constantly restricting your self . The fact that he is smoking and is wearing makeup it targets the audiences expectation as it is giving them a look to aspire to. The use of props such as the smoke give of the impression that to be a real rock fan then you must look and behave like this man .The smoke and the make up suggest he has attitude however the magazine glamorise it inferring this is what every woman wants in a man and this is what ever man should aspire to look like the magazine is a cross genre. The rock industry has attempt to dominate this ideology in hope they would sell as many copies .The fact that he has a direct mode of address s represents his fearlessness of braking out of the typical conventions of society that make them feel the need to constantly monitor behaviour. This notion is supported by the typography of the masthead “KERRENG!” The white lines in it creates the illusion that it has been smashed reinforcing the violent and rebellious attitude of a rock star. The fact that it is written in bold with the colour black and white lines in it can on the other hand represent the change in attitude over periods of time .white can represent the good emerging in rock artists as 21 century rock has reformed itself compared to old school rock there not as rebellious. The use of the anchorage HIM takes focuses of the image suggesting that sometimes the artist gets away with behaving inappropriately the main image conveys nonconformity and the caption is attempting to aid his success as it limits focus of the image as it is rather large the extra lines on the H reminds you of the strings on a guitar this satisfies their targets audience which are in fact rock fan people who shear the love for the music. The use of the pun life is loud is their to attract the readers so it is more likely for them to pike it up of the shop shelf if there is a pun that interests them. In addition to this the fact that the magazine are giving away free posters suggests that that it is their for advertisement for the magazine as many costumers buy the magazine due to some incentive inside intriguing them. The use of puffs and pulls all for the same purpose the fact that it says plus Ozzy Osborne infers that the use of other well known artists in your magazine becomes a form of is advertisement as the majority would wont to read about it. The use of the pull quote “The amazing resurrection of ville valo” intrigues the readers through the use of the word amazing it over sells the story in the in the front cover insuring that you buy a copy of the magazine.
  • 9. Posture/facial expression: If have more time look The use of facial expression from the three over Costume/makeup/props: models expresses the stereotypical As expected form a rock magazine rebellious image that rock music Analysis of contents page the props costume and makeup advertises . The woman image is a lot used are all dark and aggressive. larger and aggressive then the two men This conveys conventional behind showing a hierarchy this infers that attributes of the genre rock. The women who listen to rock music are a lot more rebellious and dominant compeered fact that her necklace is black to the men . If I compeer their facial suggests that there is some form expression the woman is bearing teeth like anger and power that has wild animals do when presented with consumed her this is supported by threat however the men’s face is blank as the fact that the to me are if it has not expression suggesting that standing behind her as if their her they do not care for rules . body guards Mise- en scene: The contents on the left show a featuring in a differing music's from rock to punk to Indie it also gives you information on books dvd’s and reviews. On the bottom right Lighting: hang corner of the page there two men and The use of lighting is a bright there stance is slouched, there facial spotlight shone on the models this expression is scrunched inferring attitude. to show that people who listen to Colour scheme: this music is expected to behave loud and destructively .This is portrayed through her stance as it is slanted and her arms are folded Are all dark colours that showing attitude. symbolise anger, jealousy, aggressiveness etc. This is what Shot type: you would expect from rock as The shot type is a medium close up shot the genre is full of darkness and showing that the music is loud and aggressive suggesting the fans behave anger this is supported in the in that same aspect . choice in colours.
  • 10. Posture and facial expression Costume, makeup and props: Analysis of a contents page The use of costume ,makeup and props targets : the conventions for a rock magazines .The The modals facials expression main image is of a man dresses in black leather posses a smug smile as if he with black sunglasses on this depicts an just got away with something wealthy mysterious man as he is covered it this reinforces the rebellious creates the illusion that he is shielded by what attitude of rock. When ever comes his way inferring that rock artist are assessing his stance he has in fact untouchable. The use of the long black curled hair conveys his animosity as it reminds his hand on his sunglasses you of a jungle. suggesting his wealth .The audience is a cross genre. Shot type: The main image of the main the man is a medium Mise-en-scene: close up this allows their to be a visual hierarchy on The main images mise-en-scene the page. It creates the impression the rock artists is what I believe to be a n believe themselves to be segregated from the rest of extremely dark studio .This society whether it is show through the reflects the music being dark and inappropriate outbursts, unusual dress scene etc. mysterious it also conveys the For example in this image he is dressed completely dominate ideology that rock fans in black which symbolises anger, power and evil behave in somewhat similar ways which it what the audience expect from this type of to rock artists. magazine .The other images used are all a range Lighting: from medium, long shot and medium close up’s. The cinematography used in these images is a bright They are used to publicise the articles in the light inferring that in society rock artists are on top of magazine so it easer of their target audience to the hierarchal chin excusing them to behave as they pinpoint what article they would like to read. This wish. However one of the images have dim lighting to magazine is a cross genre as it targets rock lovers. convey the darkness and the anger of rock music which reflects the audiences expectations.
  • 11. Analysis of double page spread The double page spared of this music magazine beholds features many elements of a rock genre. The mise-en-scene is one of the highlighting elements of the genre the use of black and skulls symbolise death, darkness and destruction these are many attributes that the their demographic are expected to see. As it all symbolise ‘s an enigma which is what intrigues the target audience. This beholds a cross genre as it appeals to both men and women’s desires. The use of the contrast black conveys the trend in rebellion emerged from rock music and the white is a representation of the authorities and their feelings toward the rule as white is symbolised for purity however black is a symbol for evil . The fact that a lot of the white is gradually taking away the black suggests the perception of rock has changed over time gradually it is not becoming as rebellious as the Roiling stones. On the other hand It could also covey how rebellious and aggressive rock music is .This image suggests rock is graffiti on society. Inferring that sometimes it can be considered as art but the majority of the time people view it as vandalism. When analysing the double page spread I see that it does no stick to the typical conventions where the writing is on the right and the picture is on the left this portrays the genres rebellions attempt against the conventional social conventions. The use of the typography as being inappropriate “I miss being Fucked up!” supports this assumption as this phrase symbolises a stereotypical view of a rock stars life style dugs, money, drink , sex and music . The image of the nude man is a medium long shot allowing you to see his many of his tattoos this attempts to appeals to wide demographic as the fact that he is top less subjects him as a sex object however men also aspire to his tattoos as it makes his fans believe this is what a man is suppose to look like . The fact that he has a tattoo of a woman near his hear may reinforce the homophobic view that men are initially supposes to be with women.
  • 12. Analysis of a double page spread The double page spread of has many features of a rock magazine. The typography consists of the colours white , black, red and pink. These are the traditional dark colours that symbolises the passion and rage of rock. The complete wild and free spirited behaviour that the rest of society view as being rebellious and anti. The colours present anger, passion, power and love. These are all attributes that the audience expect to see from rock artists. The main image has a visual hierarchy across both pages. They show an image of three band members trip in up on of the other band members.. This conveys their animosity and their attempt to break from the typical social expectation. When assessing their stance you can see that the mode in the front is close to falling he is a representation of the rest of society and it highlight the rebellion of rock stars. This depicts an view of rock stars as being really destructive and defiant this is supported buy the fact the other band members foot is in their tripping him up as he has a smile on his face. The article uses several close up and medium close up shot ‘s in black and white to convey the rock stars buzzy style .The have a direct mode of address to essentially portray the life of a rock star and their unwillingness to change to please society. The images are all cluttered around the page to portrays the music as it is loud and full of passion just like the photos on this page. The cinematography on the small images is darker as the images are in black and white as mentioned before ,it captures the darkness the music which then is expected the fans to behave in this same demeanour. The heeding captives all the elements of rock “Dirty little secrets “ the fact that it is written in pink and red suggest that is it a cross genre . The statement highlights the obsessive and rebellious antics.
  • 13. Compare the double page spreads As you can see both double page spreads are completely differing in genera. The first double page spread has completely opposing conventions to the second as they are targeting differing audiences. The first magazine is R&B which usually stereotyped as being misogynistic this is due to them glamorising oppressive views about women which is usually done through the use of objectifying women as sexual object. For example the main image is a close up shot to resemble intimacy. The use of the choler covering half her lip is desirable towards her demographic which are men however the music itself posses a hybrid genre. The use of make up and the fact that she has a direct mode of address reinforces the ideology that sex sells so its an attempt to address their target audience. The use of make up was to highlight her feminine qualities .The use of pink for the background for the text supports this notion as pink is a feminine colour. The typography in the headline is white and in bold this is so that is goes well with the chosen image and colours. In comparison to the other double page spread which is not attempting to sell the music through sex but sear passion and the love that people have in rock music. This is evident in the main image as it symbolises the ferocity of the music. The colours black and white represents the innocents of the music as just all about the music and nothing ells and black represents the anger and passion that rock music consists of. The main image is a long shot this was done to show evidence of the aggressiveness of the music if you examine her stance you can see her knees are bent and her head is tilt far back this allows you to visualise how much power and passion must go into making a rock song. The costumes worn are black and white and the women is wearing leather which depicts attitude and danger. The typography is written in black bold writing to state the music’s dominance within the industry .The use of props such as the guitar and the drum set are typical conventions of a rock magazine as it addresses the audiences expectation.
  • 14. Compare contents pages This two contents pages have completely opposing conventions for one the first contents page it has one main image where it is a long shot this allows you to look a both women from there bottom upwards subjecting women to becoming objectified as sexual objects however the two women purposely do this to target their demographic which are men . This is supported by their choose in costume it is reviling to grab the attention. The use of the long shot allow them to have a visual hierarchy to have the best possible shot in selling. R&B In contrast to the first magazine the rock contents page has a variety of images with the use of a full range of camera shots across the two pages to represent the volume and energy of the music some of the images contain live concerts to portray the attempt to uses the music to sell the magazine and do not rely on sex to do the job. Many of these shots are medium close ups for example the image of the man with the tattoos screaming this represents the tough manly, rebellious attitude that the rock industry consisted of. The contents include many rock artists such as green day this targets there audience expectation. Their demographic is a cross genre. Rock
  • 15. Thought process that went into designing my masthead . When deciding a mast head it was one of the trickiest decisions so first I went on to the internet and gathered some research on different possible mastheads for inspiration. Then I went around the school asking student of possible mastheads for my rock magazine I discovered I was time consuming and many of the answers I was getting back was not worth using so I created a survey and sent it around the whole school one of my questions was “what would you name a rock magazine” Then I gathered all the answers I had and created a spider diagram in to it so I am able to visually see it .Some of the answers that I got back were really good and had completely suited the conventions of my magazine which was why I had found it difficult to decide between the riftt and MBS=music , bands and singers so I went around and asked 10 people which one did they prefer and seven of the ten said they preferred the riftt. So now I had the name I needed the right font to use as I was creating a rock magazine I wanted my font to look gothic to I went on the internet and looked at websites such as da font and 1001fonts and finally after a while I font myself the perfect font that a rock audience to I drew it out as a mock up to see what it would look like on a peace of paper and submitted it to my blog. Final piece
  • 16. Flat plans C F O R N O T N E T N T C S O V P E A R G E Articles Heading Main image _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Image DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD
  • 17. Shot type Where is it going to be Plan shot models placed Long shot Contents page In the double page spread I’m going to have a picture a girl on the guitar and a Keyleigh Double page spread boy on the drums. Close up Contents Of a girl with all the appropriate Jodie makeup on for the requested theme to convey attitude Medium close up Main image on the front I will be using a range of medium Shamina close ups some of the shots cover would have a plain black, white Contents page background other wouldn’t. Over head Front cover ,small image The small images is a artist who is now in rehab Ronnie