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Remote Workshop Guide
By Inna Zrajaeva and Katharina Brunner
Illustrations by Christina Bauer, Oliver Weglinski and Prithvi Ranjan
In this workshop kit you will learn...
What remote workshops
can look like
Insights from our workshop
experiences and how to create a good
remote workshop.
How to prepare for
remote sessions
Learn the different ingredients, how
to set up a good agenda, and what to
pay attention to during a workshop.
Method catalogue
Learn from the methods we used in
our workshops, what tools we used,
what we found useful and what
was not.
Within our course General Product we, our cohort IxD1 2020, had to rethink
how to approach a project brief due to COVID-19. All work necessarily
became remote, from lectures to meetings as university facilities were locked
down. Performing co-creative workshops remotely was very different from
our experience in previous projects. Of course we all had conducted remote
interviews before, but practicing participatory design like this was new for all
of us.
Therefore our teams cataloged their projects. We documented and refined
activities that vary from adapted versions of existing methods to newly
invented ones, a bit like recipes. You can find these recipes in this catalogue,
and put together your own menu. If you are interested to learn more and see
examples of how we implemented them during the process, click here:
We hope you have fun developing your own workshop menu with our recipes.
Inna & Katharina
Emil Anna
Find our projects here.
An overview on how to prepare for a
Before you get started	 7
Ingredients			 8
Process Journey	 9
Creating a Workshop Agenda	 10
The Workshop	 11
A summary of our most
important take-aways and
Key Insights	 36
Tool Overview	37
The different methods we used, from
warm-ups to validation.
Interviews	14
Warm-ups	20
Exploration Workshops	 23
Validation 1	 28
Ideation Workshops	 30
Validation 2	 34
Workshop Checklist
Calm environment​
Consider where to sit and if it is a place
where you can focus. Take care that there
isn‘t too much background noise.
Internet Connection​
Make sure that you have good, stable
internet connection
Decide where you are taking your notes and
how you are documenting the sessions in
advance (e.g., by hand, miro).
Before you get started...
Who is it you are inviting​?
Decide upon and define on the people you are inviting to your co-
creative session. Be conscious of your own biases, developing an
inclusive workshop means respecting different perspectives and
involving marginalized groups.
How many people do you want to join?
By defining what you are aiming for with your workshop, you will
also decide on how many particpants to involve. We found that in
remote workshops, less is more.
Send out an invitation to your participants​
In the invitation you can explain what your participants should
prepare and​what channel you are going to use (for Zoom: include
the link)​. “What is going to happen?“ will certainly be asked
therefore you can already provide a description of the agenda in
the invitation.
Make sure they understand this is supposed to be fun and there is
no wrong answers or stupid ideas.
Prepare and send material in advance
If there are materials or print-outs your participants are supposed
to use, send them early enough and include information on the
channel you are going to use.
Test your workshop, when working remotely
Doing a test round can help you figure out how much time you have
to allot for activities. It can also give you a chance to test out which
activities work well and which ones need some refinement.
Test your technical setup
Decide on what you want to show and how the screen-sharing will
work. Do you need to create break-out rooms? If yes, what is the
best software to use? Turn off sounds from your computer (e-mails,
messages, notifications, etc.)​.
Ask for permission to record
Communicate in your invitation and make clear what is going to
happen with the data​.
Define the roles
If multiple facilitators work together, decide who is guiding, who is
documenting or whatever other roles need to be covered.
Motivated Participants
Involving people who are passionate
and supportive.
Good internet connection
Nothing is more annoying than a
lagging connection.
Computer with a cam
You want to see who you work with
and what their reactions are.
Video conferencing tool
It can be any kind but Zoom
worked best for us
Some way of documenting the workshops
Ensure documentation is visible to all for all
participants. We mostly used Miro for this.
The good old pen and paper is
always a good idea
Process Journey
Research Phase
Interviews Insights
Creation Phase
empathize define ideate prototype
Workshop Agenda
We tried to keep the sessions within one hour. More is difficult to
ask for, and participants lose focus quickly.
Asking for an hour of people‘s time can be the first step. If they
realize how much fun it can be and if you‘re able to allay their fear
or skepticism towards the workshop, they are often willing to take
part in another one.
Warm-ups are great to prime everyone‘s mindset to your workshop,
to get things from the day out of their head, your participants can
focus on the moment and everyone starts on the same page.
Get some inspiration on different activities here: Bliss
Make sure you have calculated enough time in the end where your
participants can talk freely about what you did together. This is
the time where their thinking process really gets started and they
are more open to talk about what comes to their minds. Wrap up
time turned out to be an essential, and very beneficial part of the
Main Activity
This is where you should be focusing on your topic. You need to
have a well framed question or activity, as this influences your
workshop a lot. Depending on what kind of workshop you are
holding, exercises can vary.
Get some inspiration on different activities here: Thea & Taproot
Before you get started with your activities give your participants
a brief overview of what your project is about and what is going
to happen in the workshop. It is important to balance how much
you lead your participants. Do not push them too much in any one
direction but also do not leave them in the dark.
During The Workshop
Time management
This is crucial in any workshop but in a remote workshop time
is even more sensitive. Be aware of the fact that things will need
more time than in a regular workshop. In praxis, you really have
to plan generously for every task. This might mean that you
will not be able to get to all the parts of the Workshop that you
planned, but in our experience having a simple remote workshop
- with enough time, was much more valuable as one could easily
feel rushed and overwhelmed.
Document as much as you can
The positive thing is that you can record your workshop quite
easily if you do it with a software like Zoom. Here again make
sure everyone knows it will be recorded, preferably before the
workshop begins. However, recording the workshop should not be
the only documentation. Take notes during the workshop; analog
or digital. We found that it can be helpful for participants to see
your notes. As it can give them the opportunity to correct things
or can inspire them to comment. Take screenshots of important
moments, ask participants to take pictures if they draw a picture
of something or talk about an object in their surroundings.
Make sure the tasks are clear
When you share a task make sure that it is understandable for
all participants. It can also be good to share a screen where the
tasks are written down so participants can have it present.
Don‘t overwhelm your participants
Easier said than done - but following the tips we share in the
“Before you get started“ section will be helpful. Also if time is
limited and there is an alternative, don‘t make them use tools
they are not acquainted with. It might seem easy for you to
navigate in Miro but your participants could find it challenging in
the moment. Sometimes sharing your screen and writing things
down for them can be more efficient.
Empathise / Explore
This is the first stage of the design process where we
conduct numerous interviews. We aim to understand
people‘s problems and needs. We try to see the world
through their eyes to gain better knowledge about their
environment and interactions so we can develop and
design following stages of the process.
Graphical Recording
What is it?
Graphical Recording is a great tool to use during interviews.
Drawing out the information as it unfolds, makes it easy for you
to remember and sort information especially when you revisit it
at a later stage. It also forces you to listen in a different way as
you are constantly translating the information in to pictures.
When is it good to use?
During the Research Phase when doing interviews or field
research. It also can be useful to use in validation phases to
cluster and organise insights.
During the interview scribble down everything the person is saying. Find your
own structure that works best for you. Sometimes it is really helpful to record the
information in a spatial organisation. For example, if your interviewee talks about
their life before and after therapy you could represent this by putting the information
in two different rooms or two different sides of a river. This Memory Castle will make
information accessible for you and your team throughout the project and beyond. If
you‘re recording the interview, write timesteps next to the scribbles. This way it will be
very easy to find the moment you need in the recording.
If you have time after the interview, it is a good idea to go through your recording with
the interviewee and make sure you understood everything correctly. Often, during this
walkthrough at the end, the interviewees are sharing some of the most valuable
Prepare some questions and a direction you want to explore,
but be open to ‘going with the flow‘ and let the interviewee
lead the story.​
Make sure that the interviewee can see the graphical recording
as you draw. If you do the interview online, make sure you have
an option to zoom in on your drawing (e.g. using a separate
phone camera).​
Worry about what your drawings look like, you have to be quick
to keep up, and really no one cares.​Don‘t have too many
participants. This method is quite intimate and can preferably
be done one-on-one.
Pen and paper for the
visual recording
Separate phone or
camera to show Graphical
Recording to interviewee.
Special Ingredients
Detective Work
You start by interviewing one person and if the person mentions
another person, a place, a service etc. Try to find the reference
and continue your research there. For example, if your interviewee
mentions a coffee place they go to work, you could go there and talk
to other people that use that place for the same reason. You do the
same with the second interview, if the person mentions, for example a
co-working space they also use, try to get an interview with someone
who organises it. Using this method you will be able to scan and
understand a network of relations
Communities of Practice
We used this method to explore Communities of
Practice, a group of people that becomes
a community by sharing an activity. For example,
members of an urban garden are connected through
gardening. There is a set of rules, activities, and values
that define this community of practice. Find more about
communities of practice here.
An investigative mind
Special Ingredients
What is it?
A research method where you follow leads you get in your
interviews. Like a detective!
When is it good to use?
At the start of your research phase, especially if you have
a broad scope to explore. It is also good to understand the
network of people involved with topic you´re exploring.
Legacy Stories - hidden meaning of objects
This technique can be used for in-depth
interviews, you dig deeper into insightful stories,
of specific objects. The method can be a follow-
up of the shadowing, where you pick specific
objects and focus on them with your questions.
For this method it is useful to open your
whiteboard on Zoom or draw on some paper to
make note of your participants thoughts in a
visual way.
Remote Shadowing
What is it?
Shadowing is a technique in which an observer shadows
a research participant for a fixed period of time to better
understand how a product or service is used in a natural
environment. It‘s a dynamic method where the recordings
make it easy to go back to material to ask for details.
When is it good to use?
This method helps you to get an idea of people‘s environment,
it can open deeper conversations on why certain objects have
specific meanings to them. But it can also be used to gain insight
into what a person is doing and using in a certain environment,
especially when looking into different professions.
You can follow your participant during a specific activity, performing certain tasks, or just start
asking them what they are surrounded by. This method can be done synchronously, where the
participant gives you a tour or asynchronously, where they record and explain, then you get back
to them with particular questions. Be aware of the fact that the material produced can be very
subjective and meaningful details can be overlooked. If there is time after the interview, it is good to
go through your recording with the interviewee to make sure you understood everything correctly.
Discuss openly your participant‘s privacy, as they give you insight into very private surroundings.
Remote shadowing can risk violating a user‘s privacy. Be conscious of your participant‘s right to
A helping hand for the
participant; someone
who is filming
Phone or camera
Special Ingredients
Digital Walkthrough​
What is it?
The participant shares their screen while using digital tools. This enables you to see
these tools from their perspective.
1 Ask the participant to talk about a digital tool or tools they are using in your area of
interest. For example “What digital tools are you using to inform yourself about health
2 After talking about it, ask the participant if they could use the tools they named, as
they typically would, while sharing their screen. Try to achieve a natural flow by using
devices that the participants are used to.
3 Encourage them to narrate what they are doing while they are using the website or
the app. During the "follow me around" ask participants to share what they might be
missing from the tool, or what their favorite feature is, etc.
4 During the walkthrough take notes and make screenshots of important moments.
After the session you can use the documentation to start a dialogue with the
participant, discuss the findings, and ask follow up questions.
When is it good to use?
In the exploration phase is a great way to understand what kind of a digital
environment your participant is existing in. As you will probably be designing
something that has to fit this enviroment. This method is great to understand which
digital tools your participants use and how they use them.
Computer and/or phone
for the participant,
depending on what tools
they use
Special Ingredients
Taking what we learned in the first stage– our analysis—
we now move forward into synthesis by interpreting our
observations, and defining a more specified problem
statement. At this stage, it is advantageous to remain
broad and offer different directions to your participants.
Warm-Up Exercises
Warm-ups help you to take a breath, to offer the chance to look at things with fresh eyes.
They can be a perfect ice breaker, especially for more introverted people as warm-ups invite
everyone to talk and to get to know each other, at least a bit. These activities can be random,
as long as they encourage everyone to talk–or they can be related to the topic at hand.
Zoom Charades
What is it?
Showing a collection of pictures to inspire
and visualize a subject, and giving an
opportunity to talk about thoughts
that come up.
In this activity you prepare a number
of pictures to then show to your
participant(s). With the pictures you
can ask them a question. Which picture
inspires them the most regarding a
specific topic? Where do they relate most
to a subject? Give them some time to look
through the pictures, then let them talk
and explain their thoughts they have by
looking at the pictures.
We uploaded the chosen pictures to Miro
and then shared our screen via Zoom, where
we looked through them together with the
This exercise can be related to your main
activity and provide an amazing starting point
for further exercises, as you can always get
back to the pictures and thoughts.
Inspiration Trigger
What is it?
Let participants explore different features on
the conferencing software you are using and
break the ice by playing Charades. Works
best if you have several participants.
One way to play it is to start by sending a
private message in the chat to one of the
participants. This person has to act out the
word or draw it. The other participants then
have to write answers in the public chat. The
person who gets the word right can choose
the next person and write a private message
to them.
This can be played in different variations of
course. For example you can play it by asking
the participants to make a noise to describe
the word that has been sent to them. Ask all
participants to turn off their camera for
this variation.
Most Stupid Idea I See What You Can´t
What is it?
Come up with the most stupid idea for
a problem solution. This can help you to
look at problems from a different angle
and understand that every idea should be
embraced. It can even help you later to
build on these ideas, as it is a very
different approach.
Start the activity by explaining a problem to
your participants: Let‘s say you are in the
city center, the battery of your phone is
dead, and you desperately need to charge
it. Now, give them five minutes to come up
with the most stupid solutions they can think
of for this problem. They can scribble and
sketch them on a piece of paper then show
them later, or just write them in the chat of
Zoom or whatever software you're using.
This method is really helpful to get started
and let everyone relax, as it can be
quite funny.
What is it?
This activity is usually unrelated to the project
but it is still a very good method for breaking
the ice and letting participants learn a bit
about who is with them in the session.
Tell your participants to look at and memorize
everyone in the session. Give them about two
minutes to do so. In the meantime, decide
who should draw whom.
Next tell them to turn off their
cameras. As soon as everyone
is ready, give each of the
participants the name of another
participant, and instruct them to
draw this specific person.
After about three minutes everyone
can share their drawings.
Research Workshop
Remote Café
What is it?
The World Café is a known method, used especially to start a
conversation within a workshop. The basic idea is to connect
participants and let them begin an open conversation where they can
intensely discuss and reflect on problems and questions, defined by
the facilitator in smaller groups. This can provide you with great ideas
to define opportunity areas.
When is it good to use?
To collect different perspectives on
particular questions. To let participants
connect and collect their personal
experiences and perspectives. It can also
be used to kick-off an ideation workshop.
One facilitator
for each break-
out room
Special Ingredients
This method can be used with a very small number of people or a very
high number (according to Wikipedia from 12 to 1200). Participants
reflect on a question in small groups, after about five minutes they
switch rooms, except for one participant who stays and who then
explains to the next group what has been discussed in the previous
round. Participants then build on what has been said and therefore
help each other seeing topics from different perspectives.
1 In the digital version of the World Café we put participants into break-
out rooms in Zoom and let them switch rooms after 5 minutes.
2 Inside the break-out rooms the facilitator shares the screen (we
used Miro) to show questions or problem scenarios prepared for the
discussion. In each room there is one facilitator who collects thoughts
and ideas on post-its (depending on how tech-savvy the participants
are, they can also do that themselves).
3 After everyone has been in each room you show the results, then take
some time to reflect on what they collected and wrap up the session.
Zoom Brain Writing
What is it?
Typically, brain writing participants are asked to write down ideas,
questions, or insights on post-its. The concept is that everyone gets
to share their ideas. This method works well for introverts who don‘t
like to speak in front of a large group of people. Zoom brain writing
is very similar. Instead of writing on a post-it the participants are
asked to write private messages in the chat to the facilitators.
When is it good to use?
This can be used in different stages of the
process. It is a good method when your
participants are not used to using Miro and
you would like everyone to share their ideas.
1 Make sure the task is clear to everyone. It is good to share your screen
where the participants can see the task or the question presented. For
example, you could write the task on a post-it in the Miro board and
zoom in on it, or share a slide of the presentation with the task.
2 Give participants a defined time for the task. This can vary from task
to task and from group to group but 5-7 min is usually enough. As they
are writing, be sure to update the participants on how much time they
have remaining. You can use apps on your computer for this or install
the Miro timer plug-in.
3 While the participants are sending you the messages in the chat
you can copy them and post them in Miro. (Make sure this happens on
another device/window if you‘re showing the task on Miro). When the
time is up, share your screen with the collected notes and talk about
If your participants are familiar with Miro you can skip the chat and let
them write in Miro directly. In our experience, if time is short, and peole
have used the program before, this is a much more fruitful way to go.
Superpower Cards
What is it?
Giving each participant a task or skill they can make use of during the
whole workshop or during parts of the workshop. This can be very helpful
to distribute responsibilities such as keeping an eye on the time.
When is it good to use?
If you are facilitating a workshop where you can‘t distribute tasks among
the facilitators, or in sessions where it may offer encouragement to put
people in charge of different tasks. If you know your participants, it can
be especially interesting to challenge them with the cards you give to
1 Create different cards with special superpowers that are distributed to
your participants. This can be done verbally, as a message, or even with
some nice cards that you send out via e-mail. Superpowers can really
shape your workshop session and you are absolutely free in defining
what kind of superpowers to create.
2 Define the cards: one could be the “Time Timer“, this person is
responsible for keeping an eye on the time. Additionally, they have
the superpower to take a break at any time, or decide if the activity is
becoming overwhelming and needs to be terminated.
3 Another card could be the “Visionary“, this person is responsible for
maintenance and organizing the “idea parking“ during the workshop. The
superpower is that the person with this card is allowed to spice up ideas/
solutions during the session, even the final ideation.
Cards to send out
Special Ingredients
Activity Cards
This method is meant to be used as co-discovery technique
and takes place asynchronously. Participants receive a card
with an activity, which can be taking a walk in the forest,
trying to do a handstand, or (consensually) hug a stranger.
They are asked to document their activity and to discuss their
experience in a session with you.
Research Kit
What is it?
A Research Kit is a collection of all the research about a subject. The
ingredients of the kit can contain interviews, photos of a community,
to its environment, to artifacts they use, etc.
1 Curate the Research Kit depending on what you would like to find out. For
example, you could play clips of interviews you already conducted. Show details
of your earlier research that you would like to find out more about.
2 Share a part of your Kit with the participants and give them a task after
For example, play statements made in the interview and then ask participants
for their opinion on that statement.
3 Collect the opinions of the participants and if possible discuss within a group
about them.
When is it good to use?
In the later stages of your research when you have already collected
some material that you can share with your participants.
Research Kit: videos or
pictures, and other visual
material of the previous
Special Ingredients
Our Kits
Every group developed their own project focus within
the area of designing for a healthier future. By using
similar methods the outcome still covers a very broad
spectrum. Take a look at the different approaches we
took and in what kinds of research kits they resultet.
Bliss, Taproot and Thea.
Validation 1
After the inspiration portion is over and you have
analyzed the collected information and ideas, you will
be able to define distinct directions. It helps to get
feedback on these directions either from participants
of this first phase or it can be equally beneficial to
involve new ones as they see things from a new and
different angle.
In this stage we use the problem statement that has
been defined in the previous stage with the help of our
participants. We aim to build on what we‘ve learned
in the previous steps together with our participants to
design a solid concept through hands-on, co-creative
Ideation Workshop
User-Journey Workshop
What is it?
A method to co-create a service with your participants. It allows
you to ideate on a very detailed level and get ideas on specific
things from people you are co-designing with.
When is it good to use?
This workshop is great when you already have a vague idea of your
concept. Going through each step of the process is a good way to
get participants involved and share their views. You can also use this
method to test your ideas with participants.
1 Before the workshop, make a sketch of the user-journey for your
service in Miro. Depending on where you are in the project they can
be more or less defined. Start by collecting the steps the user has to
go through before, during, and after your service. It can be a good idea
to add an example of what each step could be.
2 Share your screen and go to the Miro board. Go through each
step with your participants and get their ideas or impressions of the
journey. One of you should record what the participant is saying while
the other can support the participant.
3 Make sure the participant can see the notes to give them the
opportunity to correct things or build on their own ideas.
One or two
Special Ingredients
A rough user-journey
of your service
Draw it, build it
What is it?
Invite your participants to draw or build a product or concept. After
creating it, they send you pictures or a short video and explain what
they have created. This makes your participants actual co-creators
where they can display their very own solutions. You encourage them to
use whatever material they find around to explain their idea in the best
way possible.
When is it good to use?
This method is beneficial at any stage of the process, but
was used mostly when the project was already evolving in a
certain direction.
In this workshop it is important that you inform your participants
early enough to prepare some material, to ensure they have things to
draw and build with. Locate where your concept is situated. Then ask
them to design their perfect experience in this framing, with whatever
material you instructed them to prepare. It is helpful to share the tasks
on screen while your participants are creating and if using the Miro
timer they can even keep an eye on how much time is left. Calculate
around five to ten minutes for this activity and share your audio on
zoom to play some music.
When time is out your co-creators share what they have developed and
you can discuss it together.
Link to our workshops.
Pen & Paper
Crafty Stuff
Special Ingredients
Exchange Concepts
What is it?
This can be the follow up of the “draw it, build it“ method, if you
included more than one participant. It points out weaknesses and
strengths of the concepts they designed, and often brings another
level to it. You can get their perspective on what they see as
advantages or disadvantages.
When is it good to use?
As a follow-up method to the “draw it,
build it“ technique.
After your participants created a concept, have shared their
thoughts, and you've discussed it, they then exchange the concepts
and each of them builds on the idea of the other. You give them
another 5-10 minutes where you share the task on screen as well as
some funky music.
Encourage them to be very critical. After the time is out they
explain what they found. Let them take pictures or film what they
have, so you can collect the material and possibly share it with
others. In the discussion they can also just use their cameras to
share what they've done.
Validation 2
Following your ideation workshop you usually define a more refined concept
consisting of the ideas you found together with your participants in the
co-creative workshop. With these more specific concept outlines it can be
beneficial to get back to your participants or, just as in the first validation
phase, to invite some new faces to have a look at what your concept looks like
and give you feedback on it.
Miro Notion
Microsoft Teams
Google Docs
Whatsapp and Facebook
Miro allowed us to collaborate synchronously and
asynchronously on the provided boards that function
just like normal boards, where you can add sticky
notes, draw, organize workflows, or simply add
pictures and comments. Perfect for brainstorming,
collecting visual ideas, and trying to understand the
bigger picture of your ideas.
Notion is amazingly practical for collecting and
sharing data. You and your team can work together in
different workspaces where you can add agendas, to-
do lists, tables, boards, pictures, graphics, links and
much more. We experienced Notion as a very efficient
To document the most used tools and find out what
worked best we developed a questionnare that we
constantly filled out during the project phase.
Zoom was our go-to video communication tool, where
we held most of our meetings. It is intuitive to use,
very easy to share screens, record sessions, and often
it was very practical to split into break-out rooms
when smaller groups were needed. Zoom even has a
built in whiteboard function.
These two are always great to quickly and
easily connect to your team members or your
participants. We even used the call functions for
interviews sometimes, if participants were not
comfortable with Zoom.
Teams is great to spread and receive announcements
via the chat function. A major downside is that in
meetings, as soon as there are more people involved,
you can‘t have all of them on your screen. If you want
to work on documents, such as a presentation, it
works to build a structure and define information on
your slides but for developing a graphically pleasing
presentation it might not be the right tool.
Tools We Used
Key Learnings
What is tech savvy...
Analyse with a fresh mind
Wrap up
Number of participants
The time in the end of a session is often
the most beneficial to get participants
insights, as they talk freely about there
Just because it is recorded does not
mean you can do it later.
Depending on what you are doing, it can
be more beneficial to have sessions with
less people, and instead offer more time
or more sessions.
It is easy to underestimate how much
time things take remotely. Calculate your
time carefully - everything takes at least
twice as long.
We can‘t expect everyone to be so fluent
in different softwares. Even if you might
think it is easy to use and intuitive, that‘s
often not the case for your participants.
For more details and examples
on the different projects head to:

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Remote Workshop Guide

  • 1. 1 Remote Workshop Guide RECIPES FOR DESIGNERS WHO LOVE TO CO-CREATE By Inna Zrajaeva and Katharina Brunner Illustrations by Christina Bauer, Oliver Weglinski and Prithvi Ranjan
  • 2. 2 In this workshop kit you will learn... What remote workshops can look like Insights from our workshop experiences and how to create a good remote workshop. How to prepare for remote sessions Learn the different ingredients, how to set up a good agenda, and what to pay attention to during a workshop. Method catalogue Learn from the methods we used in our workshops, what tools we used, what we found useful and what was not.
  • 3. 3 Prologue HOW WE CAME UP WITH THIS: IXD1 AND UNIVERSITY LOCKDOWN Within our course General Product we, our cohort IxD1 2020, had to rethink how to approach a project brief due to COVID-19. All work necessarily became remote, from lectures to meetings as university facilities were locked down. Performing co-creative workshops remotely was very different from our experience in previous projects. Of course we all had conducted remote interviews before, but practicing participatory design like this was new for all of us. Therefore our teams cataloged their projects. We documented and refined activities that vary from adapted versions of existing methods to newly invented ones, a bit like recipes. You can find these recipes in this catalogue, and put together your own menu. If you are interested to learn more and see examples of how we implemented them during the process, click here: We hope you have fun developing your own workshop menu with our recipes. Inna & Katharina Inna Mehmet Prithvi Christina Emil Anna Stoffel Sandra Regina Oliver Soheum Katharina Find our projects here. "TOGETHERNESS AT A DISTANCE"
  • 4. 4 1 INTRODUCTION An overview on how to prepare for a workshop. Before you get started 7 Ingredients 8 Process Journey 9 Creating a Workshop Agenda 10 The Workshop 11 3 CONCLUSION A summary of our most important take-aways and tools. Key Insights 36 Tool Overview 37 2 METHODS The different methods we used, from warm-ups to validation. Interviews 14 Warm-ups 20 Exploration Workshops 23 Validation 1 28 Ideation Workshops 30 Validation 2 34 Content WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN HERE
  • 6. 6 Workshop Checklist SOME TO-DOS AND IDEAS OF WHAT TO PREPARE Calm environment​ Consider where to sit and if it is a place where you can focus. Take care that there isn‘t too much background noise. Internet Connection​ Make sure that you have good, stable internet connection Documentation Decide where you are taking your notes and how you are documenting the sessions in advance (e.g., by hand, miro).
  • 7. 7 Before you get started... Who is it you are inviting​? Decide upon and define on the people you are inviting to your co- creative session. Be conscious of your own biases, developing an inclusive workshop means respecting different perspectives and involving marginalized groups. How many people do you want to join? By defining what you are aiming for with your workshop, you will also decide on how many particpants to involve. We found that in remote workshops, less is more. Send out an invitation to your participants​ In the invitation you can explain what your participants should prepare and​what channel you are going to use (for Zoom: include the link)​. “What is going to happen?“ will certainly be asked therefore you can already provide a description of the agenda in the invitation. Make sure they understand this is supposed to be fun and there is no wrong answers or stupid ideas. Prepare and send material in advance If there are materials or print-outs your participants are supposed to use, send them early enough and include information on the channel you are going to use. Test your workshop, when working remotely Doing a test round can help you figure out how much time you have to allot for activities. It can also give you a chance to test out which activities work well and which ones need some refinement. Test your technical setup Decide on what you want to show and how the screen-sharing will work. Do you need to create break-out rooms? If yes, what is the best software to use? Turn off sounds from your computer (e-mails, messages, notifications, etc.)​. Ask for permission to record Communicate in your invitation and make clear what is going to happen with the data​. Define the roles If multiple facilitators work together, decide who is guiding, who is documenting or whatever other roles need to be covered. WHAT NEEDS TO BE CONSIDERED
  • 8. 8 WHAT YOU NEED IN EVERY REMOTE WORKSHOP Ingredients Motivated Participants Involving people who are passionate and supportive. Good internet connection Nothing is more annoying than a lagging connection. Computer with a cam You want to see who you work with and what their reactions are. Video conferencing tool It can be any kind but Zoom worked best for us Some way of documenting the workshops Ensure documentation is visible to all for all participants. We mostly used Miro for this. The good old pen and paper is always a good idea
  • 9. BREAKDOWN OF HOW WE IMPLEMENTED EACH OF OUR METHODS Process Journey Research Phase Exploration Workshop Interviews Insights Analysis Concept Definition Refining Concept Ideation Workshop Validation Workshop Creation Phase empathize define ideate prototype testing 9
  • 10. Workshop Agenda Introduction We tried to keep the sessions within one hour. More is difficult to ask for, and participants lose focus quickly. Asking for an hour of people‘s time can be the first step. If they realize how much fun it can be and if you‘re able to allay their fear or skepticism towards the workshop, they are often willing to take part in another one. Warm-up Warm-ups are great to prime everyone‘s mindset to your workshop, to get things from the day out of their head, your participants can focus on the moment and everyone starts on the same page. Get some inspiration on different activities here: Bliss Wrap-up Make sure you have calculated enough time in the end where your participants can talk freely about what you did together. This is the time where their thinking process really gets started and they are more open to talk about what comes to their minds. Wrap up time turned out to be an essential, and very beneficial part of the workshop. Main Activity This is where you should be focusing on your topic. You need to have a well framed question or activity, as this influences your workshop a lot. Depending on what kind of workshop you are holding, exercises can vary. Get some inspiration on different activities here: Thea & Taproot Intro Before you get started with your activities give your participants a brief overview of what your project is about and what is going to happen in the workshop. It is important to balance how much you lead your participants. Do not push them too much in any one direction but also do not leave them in the dark. 10
  • 11. 11 During The Workshop Time management This is crucial in any workshop but in a remote workshop time is even more sensitive. Be aware of the fact that things will need more time than in a regular workshop. In praxis, you really have to plan generously for every task. This might mean that you will not be able to get to all the parts of the Workshop that you planned, but in our experience having a simple remote workshop - with enough time, was much more valuable as one could easily feel rushed and overwhelmed. Document as much as you can The positive thing is that you can record your workshop quite easily if you do it with a software like Zoom. Here again make sure everyone knows it will be recorded, preferably before the workshop begins. However, recording the workshop should not be the only documentation. Take notes during the workshop; analog or digital. We found that it can be helpful for participants to see your notes. As it can give them the opportunity to correct things or can inspire them to comment. Take screenshots of important moments, ask participants to take pictures if they draw a picture of something or talk about an object in their surroundings. Make sure the tasks are clear When you share a task make sure that it is understandable for all participants. It can also be good to share a screen where the tasks are written down so participants can have it present. Don‘t overwhelm your participants Easier said than done - but following the tips we share in the “Before you get started“ section will be helpful. Also if time is limited and there is an alternative, don‘t make them use tools they are not acquainted with. It might seem easy for you to navigate in Miro but your participants could find it challenging in the moment. Sometimes sharing your screen and writing things down for them can be more efficient.
  • 13. 13 Empathise / Explore This is the first stage of the design process where we conduct numerous interviews. We aim to understand people‘s problems and needs. We try to see the world through their eyes to gain better knowledge about their environment and interactions so we can develop and design following stages of the process.
  • 15. Graphical Recording INTERVIEWS What is it? Graphical Recording is a great tool to use during interviews. Drawing out the information as it unfolds, makes it easy for you to remember and sort information especially when you revisit it at a later stage. It also forces you to listen in a different way as you are constantly translating the information in to pictures. When is it good to use? During the Research Phase when doing interviews or field research. It also can be useful to use in validation phases to cluster and organise insights. Description During the interview scribble down everything the person is saying. Find your own structure that works best for you. Sometimes it is really helpful to record the information in a spatial organisation. For example, if your interviewee talks about their life before and after therapy you could represent this by putting the information in two different rooms or two different sides of a river. This Memory Castle will make information accessible for you and your team throughout the project and beyond. If you‘re recording the interview, write timesteps next to the scribbles. This way it will be very easy to find the moment you need in the recording. If you have time after the interview, it is a good idea to go through your recording with the interviewee and make sure you understood everything correctly. Often, during this walkthrough at the end, the interviewees are sharing some of the most valuable information. Do Prepare some questions and a direction you want to explore, but be open to ‘going with the flow‘ and let the interviewee lead the story.​ Make sure that the interviewee can see the graphical recording as you draw. If you do the interview online, make sure you have an option to zoom in on your drawing (e.g. using a separate phone camera).​ Don‘t Worry about what your drawings look like, you have to be quick to keep up, and really no one cares.​Don‘t have too many participants. This method is quite intimate and can preferably be done one-on-one. Pen and paper for the visual recording Separate phone or camera to show Graphical Recording to interviewee. Special Ingredients 15
  • 16. 16 Detective Work INTERVIEWS Description You start by interviewing one person and if the person mentions another person, a place, a service etc. Try to find the reference and continue your research there. For example, if your interviewee mentions a coffee place they go to work, you could go there and talk to other people that use that place for the same reason. You do the same with the second interview, if the person mentions, for example a co-working space they also use, try to get an interview with someone who organises it. Using this method you will be able to scan and understand a network of relations Communities of Practice We used this method to explore Communities of Practice, a group of people that becomes a community by sharing an activity. For example, members of an urban garden are connected through gardening. There is a set of rules, activities, and values that define this community of practice. Find more about communities of practice here. An investigative mind Special Ingredients What is it? A research method where you follow leads you get in your interviews. Like a detective! When is it good to use? At the start of your research phase, especially if you have a broad scope to explore. It is also good to understand the network of people involved with topic you´re exploring.
  • 17. Legacy Stories - hidden meaning of objects This technique can be used for in-depth interviews, you dig deeper into insightful stories, of specific objects. The method can be a follow- up of the shadowing, where you pick specific objects and focus on them with your questions. For this method it is useful to open your whiteboard on Zoom or draw on some paper to make note of your participants thoughts in a visual way. 17 Remote Shadowing INTERVIEWS What is it? Shadowing is a technique in which an observer shadows a research participant for a fixed period of time to better understand how a product or service is used in a natural environment. It‘s a dynamic method where the recordings make it easy to go back to material to ask for details. When is it good to use? This method helps you to get an idea of people‘s environment, it can open deeper conversations on why certain objects have specific meanings to them. But it can also be used to gain insight into what a person is doing and using in a certain environment, especially when looking into different professions. Description You can follow your participant during a specific activity, performing certain tasks, or just start asking them what they are surrounded by. This method can be done synchronously, where the participant gives you a tour or asynchronously, where they record and explain, then you get back to them with particular questions. Be aware of the fact that the material produced can be very subjective and meaningful details can be overlooked. If there is time after the interview, it is good to go through your recording with the interviewee to make sure you understood everything correctly. Note Discuss openly your participant‘s privacy, as they give you insight into very private surroundings. Remote shadowing can risk violating a user‘s privacy. Be conscious of your participant‘s right to privacy. A helping hand for the participant; someone who is filming Phone or camera Special Ingredients
  • 18. 18 Digital Walkthrough​ INTERVIEWS What is it? The participant shares their screen while using digital tools. This enables you to see these tools from their perspective. Description 1 Ask the participant to talk about a digital tool or tools they are using in your area of interest. For example “What digital tools are you using to inform yourself about health services?“​. 2 After talking about it, ask the participant if they could use the tools they named, as they typically would, while sharing their screen. Try to achieve a natural flow by using devices that the participants are used to. 3 Encourage them to narrate what they are doing while they are using the website or the app. During the "follow me around" ask participants to share what they might be missing from the tool, or what their favorite feature is, etc. 4 During the walkthrough take notes and make screenshots of important moments. After the session you can use the documentation to start a dialogue with the participant, discuss the findings, and ask follow up questions. When is it good to use? In the exploration phase is a great way to understand what kind of a digital environment your participant is existing in. As you will probably be designing something that has to fit this enviroment. This method is great to understand which digital tools your participants use and how they use them. Computer and/or phone for the participant, depending on what tools they use Special Ingredients
  • 19. 19 Define Taking what we learned in the first stage– our analysis— we now move forward into synthesis by interpreting our observations, and defining a more specified problem statement. At this stage, it is advantageous to remain broad and offer different directions to your participants.
  • 20. 20 Warm-Up Exercises Warm-ups help you to take a breath, to offer the chance to look at things with fresh eyes. They can be a perfect ice breaker, especially for more introverted people as warm-ups invite everyone to talk and to get to know each other, at least a bit. These activities can be random, as long as they encourage everyone to talk–or they can be related to the topic at hand. SNACKS
  • 21. 21 Zoom Charades What is it? Showing a collection of pictures to inspire and visualize a subject, and giving an opportunity to talk about thoughts that come up. Description In this activity you prepare a number of pictures to then show to your participant(s). With the pictures you can ask them a question. Which picture inspires them the most regarding a specific topic? Where do they relate most to a subject? Give them some time to look through the pictures, then let them talk and explain their thoughts they have by looking at the pictures. We uploaded the chosen pictures to Miro and then shared our screen via Zoom, where we looked through them together with the participants. This exercise can be related to your main activity and provide an amazing starting point for further exercises, as you can always get back to the pictures and thoughts. Inspiration Trigger What is it? Let participants explore different features on the conferencing software you are using and break the ice by playing Charades. Works best if you have several participants. Description One way to play it is to start by sending a private message in the chat to one of the participants. This person has to act out the word or draw it. The other participants then have to write answers in the public chat. The person who gets the word right can choose the next person and write a private message to them. This can be played in different variations of course. For example you can play it by asking the participants to make a noise to describe the word that has been sent to them. Ask all participants to turn off their camera for this variation. WARM-UP EXERCISES
  • 22. 22 Most Stupid Idea I See What You Can´t What is it? Come up with the most stupid idea for a problem solution. This can help you to look at problems from a different angle and understand that every idea should be embraced. It can even help you later to build on these ideas, as it is a very different approach. Description Start the activity by explaining a problem to your participants: Let‘s say you are in the city center, the battery of your phone is dead, and you desperately need to charge it. Now, give them five minutes to come up with the most stupid solutions they can think of for this problem. They can scribble and sketch them on a piece of paper then show them later, or just write them in the chat of Zoom or whatever software you're using. This method is really helpful to get started and let everyone relax, as it can be quite funny. What is it? This activity is usually unrelated to the project but it is still a very good method for breaking the ice and letting participants learn a bit about who is with them in the session. Description Tell your participants to look at and memorize everyone in the session. Give them about two minutes to do so. In the meantime, decide who should draw whom. Next tell them to turn off their cameras. As soon as everyone is ready, give each of the participants the name of another participant, and instruct them to draw this specific person. After about three minutes everyone can share their drawings. WARM-UP EXERCISES
  • 24. 24 Remote Café EXPLORATION WORKSHOP What is it? The World Café is a known method, used especially to start a conversation within a workshop. The basic idea is to connect participants and let them begin an open conversation where they can intensely discuss and reflect on problems and questions, defined by the facilitator in smaller groups. This can provide you with great ideas to define opportunity areas. When is it good to use? To collect different perspectives on particular questions. To let participants connect and collect their personal experiences and perspectives. It can also be used to kick-off an ideation workshop. One facilitator for each break- out room Special Ingredients Description This method can be used with a very small number of people or a very high number (according to Wikipedia from 12 to 1200). Participants reflect on a question in small groups, after about five minutes they switch rooms, except for one participant who stays and who then explains to the next group what has been discussed in the previous round. Participants then build on what has been said and therefore help each other seeing topics from different perspectives. 1 In the digital version of the World Café we put participants into break- out rooms in Zoom and let them switch rooms after 5 minutes. 2 Inside the break-out rooms the facilitator shares the screen (we used Miro) to show questions or problem scenarios prepared for the discussion. In each room there is one facilitator who collects thoughts and ideas on post-its (depending on how tech-savvy the participants are, they can also do that themselves). 3 After everyone has been in each room you show the results, then take some time to reflect on what they collected and wrap up the session.
  • 25. 25 Zoom Brain Writing EXPLORATION WORKSHOP What is it? Typically, brain writing participants are asked to write down ideas, questions, or insights on post-its. The concept is that everyone gets to share their ideas. This method works well for introverts who don‘t like to speak in front of a large group of people. Zoom brain writing is very similar. Instead of writing on a post-it the participants are asked to write private messages in the chat to the facilitators. When is it good to use? This can be used in different stages of the process. It is a good method when your participants are not used to using Miro and you would like everyone to share their ideas. Description 1 Make sure the task is clear to everyone. It is good to share your screen where the participants can see the task or the question presented. For example, you could write the task on a post-it in the Miro board and zoom in on it, or share a slide of the presentation with the task. 2 Give participants a defined time for the task. This can vary from task to task and from group to group but 5-7 min is usually enough. As they are writing, be sure to update the participants on how much time they have remaining. You can use apps on your computer for this or install the Miro timer plug-in. 3 While the participants are sending you the messages in the chat you can copy them and post them in Miro. (Make sure this happens on another device/window if you‘re showing the task on Miro). When the time is up, share your screen with the collected notes and talk about them. If your participants are familiar with Miro you can skip the chat and let them write in Miro directly. In our experience, if time is short, and peole have used the program before, this is a much more fruitful way to go.
  • 26. 26 Superpower Cards EXPLORATION WORKSHOP What is it? Giving each participant a task or skill they can make use of during the whole workshop or during parts of the workshop. This can be very helpful to distribute responsibilities such as keeping an eye on the time. When is it good to use? If you are facilitating a workshop where you can‘t distribute tasks among the facilitators, or in sessions where it may offer encouragement to put people in charge of different tasks. If you know your participants, it can be especially interesting to challenge them with the cards you give to them. Description 1 Create different cards with special superpowers that are distributed to your participants. This can be done verbally, as a message, or even with some nice cards that you send out via e-mail. Superpowers can really shape your workshop session and you are absolutely free in defining what kind of superpowers to create. 2 Define the cards: one could be the “Time Timer“, this person is responsible for keeping an eye on the time. Additionally, they have the superpower to take a break at any time, or decide if the activity is becoming overwhelming and needs to be terminated. 3 Another card could be the “Visionary“, this person is responsible for maintenance and organizing the “idea parking“ during the workshop. The superpower is that the person with this card is allowed to spice up ideas/ solutions during the session, even the final ideation. Cards to send out Special Ingredients Activity Cards This method is meant to be used as co-discovery technique and takes place asynchronously. Participants receive a card with an activity, which can be taking a walk in the forest, trying to do a handstand, or (consensually) hug a stranger. They are asked to document their activity and to discuss their experience in a session with you.
  • 27. 27 Research Kit EXPLORATION WORKSHOP What is it? A Research Kit is a collection of all the research about a subject. The ingredients of the kit can contain interviews, photos of a community, to its environment, to artifacts they use, etc. Description 1 Curate the Research Kit depending on what you would like to find out. For example, you could play clips of interviews you already conducted. Show details of your earlier research that you would like to find out more about. 2 Share a part of your Kit with the participants and give them a task after sharing. For example, play statements made in the interview and then ask participants for their opinion on that statement. 3 Collect the opinions of the participants and if possible discuss within a group about them. When is it good to use? In the later stages of your research when you have already collected some material that you can share with your participants. Research Kit: videos or pictures, and other visual material of the previous research Special Ingredients Our Kits Every group developed their own project focus within the area of designing for a healthier future. By using similar methods the outcome still covers a very broad spectrum. Take a look at the different approaches we took and in what kinds of research kits they resultet. Bliss, Taproot and Thea.
  • 28. 28 Validation 1 After the inspiration portion is over and you have analyzed the collected information and ideas, you will be able to define distinct directions. It helps to get feedback on these directions either from participants of this first phase or it can be equally beneficial to involve new ones as they see things from a new and different angle.
  • 29. 29 Ideate In this stage we use the problem statement that has been defined in the previous stage with the help of our participants. We aim to build on what we‘ve learned in the previous steps together with our participants to design a solid concept through hands-on, co-creative sessions.
  • 31. 31 User-Journey Workshop EXPLORATION WORKSHOP What is it? A method to co-create a service with your participants. It allows you to ideate on a very detailed level and get ideas on specific things from people you are co-designing with. When is it good to use? This workshop is great when you already have a vague idea of your concept. Going through each step of the process is a good way to get participants involved and share their views. You can also use this method to test your ideas with participants. Description 1 Before the workshop, make a sketch of the user-journey for your service in Miro. Depending on where you are in the project they can be more or less defined. Start by collecting the steps the user has to go through before, during, and after your service. It can be a good idea to add an example of what each step could be. 2 Share your screen and go to the Miro board. Go through each step with your participants and get their ideas or impressions of the journey. One of you should record what the participant is saying while the other can support the participant. 3 Make sure the participant can see the notes to give them the opportunity to correct things or build on their own ideas. One or two participants Special Ingredients A rough user-journey of your service
  • 32. 32 Draw it, build it IDEATION WORKSHOP What is it? Invite your participants to draw or build a product or concept. After creating it, they send you pictures or a short video and explain what they have created. This makes your participants actual co-creators where they can display their very own solutions. You encourage them to use whatever material they find around to explain their idea in the best way possible. When is it good to use? This method is beneficial at any stage of the process, but was used mostly when the project was already evolving in a certain direction. Description In this workshop it is important that you inform your participants early enough to prepare some material, to ensure they have things to draw and build with. Locate where your concept is situated. Then ask them to design their perfect experience in this framing, with whatever material you instructed them to prepare. It is helpful to share the tasks on screen while your participants are creating and if using the Miro timer they can even keep an eye on how much time is left. Calculate around five to ten minutes for this activity and share your audio on zoom to play some music. When time is out your co-creators share what they have developed and you can discuss it together. Link to our workshops. Pen & Paper Scissors Crafty Stuff Special Ingredients
  • 33. 33 Exchange Concepts IDEATION WORKSHOP What is it? This can be the follow up of the “draw it, build it“ method, if you included more than one participant. It points out weaknesses and strengths of the concepts they designed, and often brings another level to it. You can get their perspective on what they see as advantages or disadvantages. When is it good to use? As a follow-up method to the “draw it, build it“ technique. Description After your participants created a concept, have shared their thoughts, and you've discussed it, they then exchange the concepts and each of them builds on the idea of the other. You give them another 5-10 minutes where you share the task on screen as well as some funky music. Encourage them to be very critical. After the time is out they explain what they found. Let them take pictures or film what they have, so you can collect the material and possibly share it with others. In the discussion they can also just use their cameras to share what they've done.
  • 34. 34 Validation 2 Following your ideation workshop you usually define a more refined concept consisting of the ideas you found together with your participants in the co-creative workshop. With these more specific concept outlines it can be beneficial to get back to your participants or, just as in the first validation phase, to invite some new faces to have a look at what your concept looks like and give you feedback on it. DESSERT
  • 36. 36 Miro Notion Microsoft Teams Google Docs Whatsapp and Facebook Zoom Miro allowed us to collaborate synchronously and asynchronously on the provided boards that function just like normal boards, where you can add sticky notes, draw, organize workflows, or simply add pictures and comments. Perfect for brainstorming, collecting visual ideas, and trying to understand the bigger picture of your ideas. Notion is amazingly practical for collecting and sharing data. You and your team can work together in different workspaces where you can add agendas, to- do lists, tables, boards, pictures, graphics, links and much more. We experienced Notion as a very efficient tool. To document the most used tools and find out what worked best we developed a questionnare that we constantly filled out during the project phase. Zoom was our go-to video communication tool, where we held most of our meetings. It is intuitive to use, very easy to share screens, record sessions, and often it was very practical to split into break-out rooms when smaller groups were needed. Zoom even has a built in whiteboard function. These two are always great to quickly and easily connect to your team members or your participants. We even used the call functions for interviews sometimes, if participants were not comfortable with Zoom. Teams is great to spread and receive announcements via the chat function. A major downside is that in meetings, as soon as there are more people involved, you can‘t have all of them on your screen. If you want to work on documents, such as a presentation, it works to build a structure and define information on your slides but for developing a graphically pleasing presentation it might not be the right tool. Tools We Used THESE WERE THE TOOLS WE USED THE MOST IN OUR PROCESS
  • 37. 37 Key Learnings WHY IS A REMOTE WORKSHOP DIFFERENT? Time What is tech savvy... Analyse with a fresh mind Wrap up Number of participants The time in the end of a session is often the most beneficial to get participants insights, as they talk freely about there thoughts. Just because it is recorded does not mean you can do it later. Depending on what you are doing, it can be more beneficial to have sessions with less people, and instead offer more time or more sessions. It is easy to underestimate how much time things take remotely. Calculate your time carefully - everything takes at least twice as long. We can‘t expect everyone to be so fluent in different softwares. Even if you might think it is easy to use and intuitive, that‘s often not the case for your participants.
  • 38. 38 END For more details and examples on the different projects head to: