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The Ultimate Guide To Time Management
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The Ultimate Guide To Time
Paul Adedoyin
The Ultimate Guide To Time Management
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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Time Management Overview 3
Chapter 2: Identifying Obstacles To Effective Time Management ... pg 5
Chapter 3: Time Management - The Importance Of Delegating Tasks
Chapter 4: Time Management - What is Time Boxing? 10
Chapter 5: The Posec Method Of Time Management 11
Chapter 6: The Pareto Analysis And Time Management 13
Chapter 7: 3 Simple Tools For Time Management 15
Chapter 8: How To Manage Your Time, Wisely 17
Chapter 9: Time Management - Goal Setting 20
Chapter 10: Time Management - Massive Action For Massive Results
Chapter 11: 7 More Tips To Get More Done 35
Chapter 12: Conclusion 36
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Chapter 1: Time Management Overview
Throughout the course of history mankind has sought to develop new
ways to record, track and make better use of time. From the invention of
the sundial to the introduction of the modern calendar, the need to
responsibly understand and manage time has been a concern to
individuals, both in their professional and personal lives, for thousands of
Modern methods of time management incorporate various ways of
recording time, to help an individual identify barriers to the effective use
of time. Long and short term goal setting is encouraged. The term time
management also applies to any number of methods which may be
employed to help an individual organize and prioritize the goals to be
Popular methods of time management practiced in the 21st century
include the Pareto Analysis, the Posec method, and Time Boxing, among
a myriad of others.
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Each method proposes its own unique system to help the individual user
manage time in a more orderly and productive fashion.
Tools used in time management may include either traditional or digital
resources, such as planners, organizers, and or calendars. Additionally,
goal setting outlines and specific formulas, which include various
methods for prioritizing and organizing goals, are also used to assist in
the effective management of time.
Time management techniques may also assist individuals in pinpointing
and eliminating habits that interfere with the productive use of time.
At the same time, many methods provide insight into the development of
new and better habits, which increase the rate of performance, and the
ability of the individual to achieve goals on a regular basis.
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Chapter 2: Identifying Obstacles To Effective
Time Management
When you first begin to undertake a time management program it is
beneficial to record your daily activities for no less than one week. One
option for doing this is to keep a journal or notebook with you
throughout the day, for the period during which you will be doing the
Using both the front and back of a plain sheet of paper in your journal
draw 12 rectangles, several inches wide. (You will have 6 on each side.)
Each rectangle will represent an hour of time, in a typical 12 hour day.
Label each rectangle with hour increments, such as 700 to 800 am for the
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first, 900 to 1000 am for the second, and so on. You will do this everyday
for one week.
Each block is reserved for you to record the activities that you perform
during that specific time period. An example of a block of time could be;
"7:00 to 8:00 am, Monday- Showered. Brushed hair, teeth. Made and ate
breakfast. Dressed for work. Applied Make-up. Balanced check book.
Drove to the office."
Make notes as often as you can, and be specific in the details that you
At the end of the week look back through your journal and make note of
any blocks of time that you could have made better use of. Some amount
of fun and free time is important to your overall health and well-being,
but if you notice that there are continuous blocks of time that are not
being managed wisely, this is a good place to start to make some changes
in your daily time management habits.
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Chapter 3: Time Management - The
Importance Of Delegating Tasks
One way that many people can increase their productivity, and thereby
improve upon their overall time management skills is through learning to
delegate responsibilities to others. Whether in personal or professional
life "no man is an island unto himself."
When time constraints and looming deadlines threaten, it is not the weak
person, but the strong one, that can assign some of the burden to others.
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Many people with time management difficulties simply have taken on too
much. In one’s personal life it can be difficult to say "no" and in one’s
professional life it can be downright impossible. An angry boss or
supervisor is not something anyone wants to deal with.
If you find yourself in a crunch that you can’t possibly get out of, this may
be the time when you simply must call in the reinforcements.
Whenever possible a team approach to large projects and difficult tasks
should be adopted in the professional world. While some people may
have a difficult time trusting others to carry their share of the load,
learning to delegate can be an important step in to more effectively
using your time.
Decide upon what skills you have, and which aspects of the project are
most suited to your own level of ability and creativity. Assign smaller
tasks, such as running copies, doing research work, to others. This frees
up your time and energy to concentrate on the more important aspects of
the job.
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At home tasks can be delegated to other family members. Even the
youngest child can learn to do some chores, such as picking up toys, or
putting towels on a shelf.
By requiring children to share some of the burden of household chores
you are also teaching them to be responsible, and helping them prepare
for adulthood.
Chapter 4: Time Management - What is Time
Time boxing is a system of time management which breaks down a long
and complex task into smaller pieces. Each piece of the task must be
accomplished by a specific deadline. In time boxing deadlines are not
flexible, but everything else in the project is.
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In time boxing a large task is broken down into several sections. Each
section has specific guidelines for its completion. When the boxes are
first "laid out", along with their deadlines, the project may be very
detailed. As each deadline approaches, if the tasks first pinpointed in the
time box are not near to completion, certain aspects of those tasks may
be scraped.
One example of this type of time management system might be to
consider a script for a motion picture.
The scenes are laid out in boxes, with 5 or 6 scenes to be completed at
each deadline. As the deadline approaches one of scenes may be
dropped, in order to finish the completion of that section of the project
on time.
Time boxing does not work in every instance. The key element to this
system of time management is the deadline. In some cases if the deadline
is not met, the entire project is scraped as a result.
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The system works best when a strict budget must be adhered to, thus
preventing the extending of deadlines, in order to finish the work.
Chapter 5: The Posec Method Of Time
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One popular method of time management that has proven to be
effective for many people is the posec method.
Posec stands for "Prioritize by organizing, stream-line, economizing, and
To prioritize means to put first things first. The Posec method is loosely
based around Laslow’s theories regarding the "Heirarchy of Needs". It
gives the individual a realistic tool for setting priorities as they pertain to
ones own unique needs and life goals.
Organizing involves making a plan to work on goals that will help the
individual feel more stable and secure. (This is a plan for meeting the
individuals’ most basic needs, including food, clothing, shelter, safety and
especially for love and acceptance.)
Stream-lining applies to those "dirty" little jobs that no-one wants to do,
but everyone must do, such as work and chores. (This involves managing
and maintaining one’s stability and security.)
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Economizing refers to things that should be done, or things that are
enjoyable, but which also may not be urgently in need of being done.
(Lower on the list of priorities.)
Contributing involves social contribution. What you give back to the
world (when other goals are met then this becomes more feasible based
on Laslows’ understanding of the human psyche).
The posec method offers clear guidance for assisting an individual in
prioritizing goals. Theoretically, this method should encourage
movement upward on the "hierarchy" charts.
Since Laslows’ theories are intricately related to this method of time
management it is helpful if the individual applying this method is familiar
with his research in regards to "the Heirarchy of Needs."
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Chapter 6: The Pareto Analysis And Time
Pareto was an economist who theorized that 80 percent of all problems
result from 20 percent of all causes.
This may seem like a complex theory which is too difficult to apply to such
a thing as time management, but the Pareto 80-20 rule, as it has come to
be termed, can be very beneficial when applied to problem solving in any
One of the first steps in learning to effectively utilize time is to identify
repeated patterns in your daily schedule that may be interfering with
In looking over daily records of your time you may notice certain blocks
of time which are not being used to their fullest. Once having identified
these blocks of time, you can begin to make changes in your daily
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Pareto’s 80-20 rule basically means that if you can identify and change
only 20 percent of the causes of problems in your current time
management system, you can subsequently fix 80 percent of those
An example of this would be to identify only two 15-minute blocks of
time in your normal day when you find that you are being the least
productive. By changing the way you currently use these 2 small blocks of
time, theoretically you should be able to increase your productivity by up
to 80 percent.
Better time management does not mean giving up all free time, or all the
time you currently spend relaxing, or enjoying your life. Instead it helps
you set priorities for managing time, eliminate wasted time, and gain
more control over how you use this valuable resource.
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Chapter 7: 3 Simple Tools For Time
There are no hard and fast rules about what tools you must own, if you are
going to embark on a mission to improve your time management skills.
The following simple tools, however, are inexpensive, and can help make
the process of tracking, planning and organizing your time easier and less
Time Monitor Journal- This resource comes in both the digital and
traditional varieties. It is useful in helping you to monitor and record your
own use of time, in order to identify key areas for change.
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While a special journal is not needed, you may find that a ready made
one saves you time in the long run, by doing the majority of the work for
you prior to the actual recording of your activities.
Planner- Available in digital and traditional formats, planners are
wonderful for recording goals, making notes, keeping track of
appointments and more. A planner is a must have to help you stay
organized and on target, when working toward your goals.
Select a planner that allows you enough room to keep track of a number
of appointments and daily goals, but that is small enough so that you are
able to carry it with you at all times.
Organizer- These can be useful for planning a specific project, or
managing a number of projects all at the same time. Digital and
traditional versions of project organizers are available that can help you
stay on top of the job.
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Chapter 8: How To Manage Your Time,
One of the biggest problems that people have is that they simply have
bad time management. This is something that hinders students and adults
from ever achieving success in life and something truly needs to be done.
Most people will admit that they have trouble with this problem but
successful people will talk about how they are able to master the art of
managing time.
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There are two things that you can do to manage your time better and to
utilize your 24 hours to the fullest.
Turn The Internet Off
Though you do not have to turn the actual connection off, you will need
to find a way to get off of time-wasting websites like Facebook and
If there was a way to count the time that people spend on these websites,
they will realize just how much time they have wasted.
This precious time go towards working hard on a goal or practicing for
something life.
Once you are able to control yourself from going on these sites, you will
then start to feel like time is on your side.
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Stop Procrastinating
Most people will admit that they have said "i'll do it tomorrow" at least
once in their life and this is something that needs to stop.
Successful people have been able to do things in the present and so they
are focused on the task at hand. If you are serious about being able to
manage your time perfectly, you will need to stop procrastinating.
If you are an internet marketer who wants to learn more about being able
manage your time wisely, then you will need to remember that these two
things will greatly help.
With the right mindset and a little patience, you will be able to finally
feel like there is time for other things in life.
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Chapter 9: Time Management - Goal Setting
Time Management methods most often incorporate some element of the
goal setting process, as a key ingredient for overall effective use of time.
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Whether in the personal or professional realm, goal setting is an
important aspect in becoming a productive individual, who effectively
manages time.
When speaking of "goals" this term will include any number of specific
tasks which need to be completed, from household chores to major
business proposals.
Tasks to be performed are referred to as either short, medium, or long
term goals, depending on the available time the individual has to
complete them.
Short term goals may be thought of as daily goals.
These often include everyday chores, as well as projects which need to be
completed immediately. In effective time management a list of short
terms goals is formulated, and each goal on that list is completed, on a
daily basis.
Medium term goals are often goals that need to be completed within one
week to one month of time.
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Depending on the amount of time required to complete the goal, a
medium term may be broken up into smaller pieces, to be accomplished
daily. For instance, a project which will take 6 to 7 hours to complete can
be broken into pieces, requiring only 1 hour per day.
Long term goals can reflect major undertakings, such as obtaining a
college degree, building a new home, or any number of other such goals.
These goals are broken down into daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly
For instance, to obtain a college degree in 4 years the individual will need
to research financial options, register for classes, take and pass specific
subjects, complete homework assignments etc... Long term goals are best
managed when broken down into small sections, each one a step toward
completion of the final goal.
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Chapter 10: Time Management - Massive
Action For Massive Results
What you are about to consume is the most powerful time
management system I have ever used. Why listen to me? I've read
dozens of books and gone through more trainings on the subject than I'd
like to admit. What you now possess is a combination of all the best
practices and systems I use to manage my time.
You can have a great vision of your ideal lifestyle and business but if you
can't execute, it's all for shit. If you don't manage your time properly I can
promise you one thing...
You will wake up one day in the future, years from now, and go "What the
Hell Happened?"
I know you're busy, so for the sake of time, I'll be brief and to the point.
Don't let the length of this PDF take away from its power. Let's get right
into it...
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The most powerful step you can take when it comes to managing your
time is creating routines.
A routine is basically just something we do naturally that requires very
little will power.
As humans, we have limited amounts of will power. The best way to
channel that will-power is into the creation of positive routines. If you
want to achieve any goal in your life,create a routine out of the steps that
are necessary to obtain it.
Once the high leverage routine is created, you'll automatically do
something that builds huge value in your life. Here's the key point...
Starting a new routine usually isn't easy and requires some will power in
the beginning.
Most of the time this feels uncomfortable. You need to get over the initial
hump to get into the optimal routine state. Once you go through the
same routine for at least 30 days it will start to feel weird if you DON'T go
through it. This is the point you need to get to.
Keep in mind, it works both ways. Negative routines are easier to create,
and harder to get out of. In order to differentiate what's negative and
positive, you need to know what your goals are. Once you understand
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EXACTLY what you're looking to accomplish you can start using this
simple recipe for success:
 Get rid of as many routines as possible that center around negative
activities that pull you away from your goals.
 Create as many routines as possible centered around positive
activities that move you closer to your goals.
Obviously, this is easier said than done. We're all human. You have to
decide which sacrifices you are willing to make to achieve your goals. This
means deciding to keep or throw away some negative habits that hold
you back from your goals. You should ask yourself:
“Is the short term, cheap thrill worth more than your long term success?”
One of the great indicators of success in individuals is the ability to delay
Understand what you want to accomplish, and give yourself a greater
chance of success by getting rid of burdens that hold you back and
building routines that move you closer toward your goals.
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All of the best time management principles in this system are based
on creating routines. We'll start with what I believe is the most powerful
one of all:
The Morning Routine
When I get up in the morning I don't even want to have to think. I'm
groggy and not thinking clearly as it is. The last thing I need is any doubt
in my mind of what needs to be accomplished. This chaos would cause me
to drain valuable energy and set the rest of my day on a negative,
downward spiral. Here's my morning routine (This works for me, yours
will obviously work best for you):
1. Wake up
2. Drink a large glass of water
3. Read my daily affirmations
4. Workout (Jog or Bodyweight Exercises)
5. Shower/Hygience
6. Meal (Shake)
7. Read/Meditate
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8. Leave for office
I do this 95% of the time. I have it down to a science. I am up and in my
car in under 60 minutes. I am deadly serious about completing this
routine. I have it to the point where there are NO distractions.
 No day dreaming,
 No phone calls
 No interruptions from my employees or partners
It's about one hour in the morning that is an absolute ROCK for me. I
don't even wake my girlfriend up in the morning because her
presence would throw me off. It's a militant mindset, but brutally
Guess what happens when I get to my office? A whole new routine
begins. I look at everything like it's a system:
 You have a great morning routine, you have a great day.
 You have a great day, you have a great week.
 Great week, great month.
 Great Year.
 Great Decade.
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 Great Life.
It all stems from a stupid, simple, little system. Here's the great thing
about systems -
Each point can be tweaked to optimize results.
As far as my morning routine goes, I really try to ramp it up. I put the
water on my night stand the night before. I know exactly what I am going
to wear the next day. My workout shoes are in the same exact place and
so are the materials I use to make my breakfast shake.
(I've made basically the same exact breakfast shake everyday for as long
as I can remember)
Each one of these things increases efficiency and makes me more
If you're thinking this is too regimented and potentially a horrible way to
live - I get it. I used to hate boring, predictable routines. This is when I
was unsuccessful. Then I realized they worked and made the decision
to use them because I'd rather be successful. Now I actually enjoy the
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Blocks Of Time - The Rhythm Of Energy
I'm a big believer in Tony Schwartz' approach to time and energy
Definitely read his book "The Power of Full Engagement." A big concept
he covers is the body running on different rhythms.
Our attention and energy is like a rhythm. We use it and then we need to
replenish it.
This is the underlying principle I build my entire work day around. As soon
as I arrive at my office, I know exactly what I need to do.
In the morning, I always focus on the most important things first. This is
when my energy is at its peak level. In my business, it's all about creating
content and finding new ways to market. I focus my life on these things
overall, but especially first thing in the morning. I know I'm always going
to focus on these areas right away. I also know specifically what I need to
do because part of my "end of work day" routine involved making a to do
list for tomorrow and tying up any loose ends before I leave.
When I sit down at my desk in the morning I get started right away. I shut
the door to my office and make sure nobody bothers me and I go to work.
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The routine I use is very simple. I work in blocks of time. Then, I relax to
renew my energy. Here's the breakdown:
I go 50 minutes on - then 10 off. During the ten off I may meditate, refill
my water, hit the john, read and just take deep breaths. Then I do another
50 minutes of busting my ass, and I follow that up with a 30 minute break
where I have some type of meal.
So it's 50 on, 10 off, 50 on, 30 off with meal. This is the basis I use for my
entire day. In the afternoon I take a 20-minute nap. I have a really
comfortable couch in my office and I crash on it to renew my energy. I do
this all day, every day.
It's all about living intentionally. I have a purpose. There's a set of goals
I've laid out that I need to accomplish. I need to do certain things to
achieve them.
Most people live life unintentionally. life "happens to them". Having a
goal isn’t enough. If there's no execution laid out, you won't get where
you need to be.
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The business I am in is great because it allows me to totally be strict to
this. Some of my future endeavors will, without question, provide more
unpredictability. I'll just adapt the system to it.
Everything I've been talking about sounds pretty good right? I can tell
you from experience it's great and it works, but at the end of the day can
you execute? Your ability to manage yourself comes down to one simple
area: FOCUS
When you arrive on the job and start your first 50 minute block, do you
stay focused on what you need to get done or do you get distracted? I
hate to be cliché but life in our world today runs at a crazy pace. One
second you're reading a business email and before you know it you're
looking at some ridiculous topic on Wikipedia and then you are watching
a video on YouTube.
Your ability to focus in on one task you need to do and actually
execute is very important. The best way to avoid massive distractions is to
create a great environment. You want to be totally honed in on what you
need to do.
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Multitasking is one of the most unproductive time wasters around. By
focusing on the task at hand and not reading a text message, or checking
an email, or browsing the web at the same time you will be much more
effective and get way more out of the activity.
By putting yourself in the proper environment you drastically reduce the
chances of you getting thrown off course. Ideally you want each block
you work in to be dedicated to one specific or a few related tasks. Don't
try to talk to a customer on the phone or via email and build a new
product in the same block.
I know exactly what I need to do and I just execute. When the time is up, I
wrap up what I'm doing and completely remove myself from it. When the
next block starts I'm not thinking about the past block. I'm totally
engaged in that moment.
I know that the most profitable way to spend my time is working on
marketing my business. It's the most high leverage activity I have at my
disposal. Everything I've created in my business is totally centered around
and supportive of me marketing the business. That's how I get paid. I
don't want to deal with tech hassles, customer support, or any other
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operational issues. I only focus on what's important. Try to design your
environment based on what is important to you.
When it comes to email, phone calls, and any other ancillary activity
that I ABSOLUTELY have to personally handle - I dedicate a block of my
time to handling this. Then I cut it clean, and don't go back until the next
scheduled session. Nothing is more unproductive than trying to work all
day and interrupting yourself by checking for new messages.
You want to focus on high leverage activities ALL DAY because this will
bring you closer to your goals much faster.
Getting Started
If you tried to implement everything I've shared with you in this training
tomorrow I can guarantee you one thing... you'd never stick with it. Then,
you'd be saying, "The rat bastard Tony Grosso is a fraud". I don’t want this
to happen. Just like health, business, or a great relationship, managing
your time and yourself is a PROCESS. You're not going to go from
operating in an unorganized, haphazard fashion to a well-oiled, efficient
machine that would give a Marine Corps Drill Instructor a hard on
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Trying to do this all at once would be a massive hit to the system. Here's
what I would recommend:
 Start with a ONE new routine ASAP.
 After you do it for 30 days straight implement a new one.
 Start with your morning routine and build from there.
 After you've done the morning routine for 30 days, start with a 50 -
10 50 - 30 set of blocks in the morning. Do it for another 30.
 Repeat the process and continue on from there.
While you're working on your new routines, don't forget to tune up
the old ones.
Become as robotic as possible in your scheduling and as creative as
possible in your work. Here are a few other recommendations...
Get Enough sleep
I once heard Trump say he sleeps like 3 or 4 hours a night. When I was
young in the business I thought this was the greatest thing I'd ever heard.
I even looked into polyphasic sleep schedules where you're up for 2:30
hours then sleep for 20 minutes. You get a total of like 3 4 hours sleep
each day.
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Bottom line, forget the entire BS. You need to sleep. I'd much rather get
a more productive 16 hours of my day, then feel like shit and get 20.
Your life is much more productive, efficient, and fun when you sleep. So
get enough of it.
I know I'm getting cliche here, but this very powerful. I work out in the
morning and it helps keep my energy levels elevated throughout the day.
I also fall asleep faster at night. No reason to write a dissertation here
about the value of exercise. You know it's good for you.
Start implementing it if you want to get maximum value from your life.
Eat Healthy
Again, no reason to go into depth about why it's important to eat
healthy. You understand why. I personally subscribe to the primal/paleo
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mentality of getting rid of everything ancient man didn't eat. It's worked
for me. Find something that works for you.
Wrapping It Up
The reason I'm bringing all of this up is not really because of health.
Getting sleep, exercising, and eating healthy are a part of my business
plan. I attribute a good amount of my success to having energy and
feeling good.
When I'm all banged up and hung over after a night of partying I don't
want to work.
Same goes for being unhealthy.
Enacting all of these principles into your life will make your business run
better. The recipe is really simple at the end of the day:
Spend as much time as possible on high leverage activities - Activities
that will pay dividends forever.
From only working on profitable things to taking care of your body, if you
listen to the advice in this training I know it will help you in a HUGE
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way. You'll manage your time and yourself like few do. Consequently,
you'll live like few do. These principles have changed my life and I hope
they do the same for you.
Chapter 11: 7 More Tips To Get More Done
If you are trying to get more things done, then organization should be the
main thing that you should focus on. When you are organized, you will
realize that things just seem to run smoother. Whether it is with your
belongings or with your schedule, you will need to make sure that things
are organized.
Time Management
When you manage your time correctly, you will surely get more things
done. This means that you should make use of every hour of the day and
try your best to stay productive at all times.
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While you are working, you will need to remain focused at all times.
Remember that you do not want to waste any time and it is important to
try your best to not distracted by little things like the internet and other
minor distractions.
You will need to understand that nutrition is something very crucial
towards your focus throughout the day. An unhealthy diet will lead to an
up and down day that will lead to less focus. If you are able to eat a
healthy diet, you will see an increase in your focus.
Getting enough sleep is very important and 8 hours a day should be the
minimum. If you happen to feel tired during the day, then a 15 minute
nap will have you up and ready in no time.
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You will be energetic after this short nap and you will be able to get this
energy from caffeine. However, you do not want to take caffeine 5 hours
before you sleep as it can stop you from getting a good night of sleep.
Taking a Break
Sometimes working too hard can wear you down and so you will simply
need to take a break to see more things get done in the future. Take a
break and you will then be back to work with a new sense of motivation.
Chapter 12: Conclusion
The biggest single piece of advice I can give you at this point is:
Do NOT get lost in the weeds!
By this I mean, do not get lost in every tiny detail. Getting good at
anything requires you to just take action rather than trying to get every
last detail in order.
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Even if you are feeling unsure about whether or not youʼre doing things
correctly, it is far more important to just get started. I canʼt stress this
I promise that results will come with just some practice and some
experience. That is literally the only thing separating you from the
amount of income you desire.
Don’t worry about whether or not everything is 100% perfect or feeling
skeptical whether or not this will work for you. Just do it.
All of these excuses will only stunt your growth.
Take action, NOW. Not tomorrow. Because your success depends on the
action you take today.
It’s been a great pleasure writing this manual for you and I sincerely hope
this guide has brought massive amounts of value your way.
Take care and I canʼt wait to hear about the results you have with the
strategies outlined in this book!
Paul Adedoyin
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~Paul Adedoyin, Skype: paul8966

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The ultimate guide to time management

  • 1. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Paul Adedoyin
  • 2. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Table Of Contents Chapter 1: Time Management Overview 3 Chapter 2: Identifying Obstacles To Effective Time Management ... pg 5 Chapter 3: Time Management - The Importance Of Delegating Tasks 7 Chapter 4: Time Management - What is Time Boxing? 10 Chapter 5: The Posec Method Of Time Management 11 Chapter 6: The Pareto Analysis And Time Management 13 Chapter 7: 3 Simple Tools For Time Management 15 Chapter 8: How To Manage Your Time, Wisely 17 Chapter 9: Time Management - Goal Setting 20 Chapter 10: Time Management - Massive Action For Massive Results 22 Chapter 11: 7 More Tips To Get More Done 35 Chapter 12: Conclusion 36
  • 3. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Highly Recommended Resources:  Easily Create A High Converting Optin Form >> Click Here to Get Started Now!  Bulk Load Thousands Of Posts (or Pages) At Once >> Click Here To Learn More!  Free Email Course. Build Your Email List Even If You Have Never Built One Before. >> Click Here to Learn More!  [DEMO] Get 1000+ Blog Posts In One Click. >> Click Here To Watch the Free Video Now!  Want To Build Your List Like Lee Murray? >> Click Here to Get Started!
  • 4. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 1: Time Management Overview Throughout the course of history mankind has sought to develop new ways to record, track and make better use of time. From the invention of the sundial to the introduction of the modern calendar, the need to responsibly understand and manage time has been a concern to individuals, both in their professional and personal lives, for thousands of years. Modern methods of time management incorporate various ways of recording time, to help an individual identify barriers to the effective use of time. Long and short term goal setting is encouraged. The term time management also applies to any number of methods which may be employed to help an individual organize and prioritize the goals to be accomplished. Popular methods of time management practiced in the 21st century include the Pareto Analysis, the Posec method, and Time Boxing, among a myriad of others.
  • 5. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Each method proposes its own unique system to help the individual user manage time in a more orderly and productive fashion. Tools used in time management may include either traditional or digital resources, such as planners, organizers, and or calendars. Additionally, goal setting outlines and specific formulas, which include various methods for prioritizing and organizing goals, are also used to assist in the effective management of time. Time management techniques may also assist individuals in pinpointing and eliminating habits that interfere with the productive use of time. At the same time, many methods provide insight into the development of new and better habits, which increase the rate of performance, and the ability of the individual to achieve goals on a regular basis.
  • 6. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 2: Identifying Obstacles To Effective Time Management When you first begin to undertake a time management program it is beneficial to record your daily activities for no less than one week. One option for doing this is to keep a journal or notebook with you throughout the day, for the period during which you will be doing the recording. Using both the front and back of a plain sheet of paper in your journal draw 12 rectangles, several inches wide. (You will have 6 on each side.) Each rectangle will represent an hour of time, in a typical 12 hour day. Label each rectangle with hour increments, such as 700 to 800 am for the
  • 7. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! first, 900 to 1000 am for the second, and so on. You will do this everyday for one week. Each block is reserved for you to record the activities that you perform during that specific time period. An example of a block of time could be; "7:00 to 8:00 am, Monday- Showered. Brushed hair, teeth. Made and ate breakfast. Dressed for work. Applied Make-up. Balanced check book. Drove to the office." Make notes as often as you can, and be specific in the details that you record. At the end of the week look back through your journal and make note of any blocks of time that you could have made better use of. Some amount of fun and free time is important to your overall health and well-being, but if you notice that there are continuous blocks of time that are not being managed wisely, this is a good place to start to make some changes in your daily time management habits.
  • 8. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 3: Time Management - The Importance Of Delegating Tasks One way that many people can increase their productivity, and thereby improve upon their overall time management skills is through learning to delegate responsibilities to others. Whether in personal or professional life "no man is an island unto himself." When time constraints and looming deadlines threaten, it is not the weak person, but the strong one, that can assign some of the burden to others.
  • 9. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Many people with time management difficulties simply have taken on too much. In one’s personal life it can be difficult to say "no" and in one’s professional life it can be downright impossible. An angry boss or supervisor is not something anyone wants to deal with. If you find yourself in a crunch that you can’t possibly get out of, this may be the time when you simply must call in the reinforcements. Whenever possible a team approach to large projects and difficult tasks should be adopted in the professional world. While some people may have a difficult time trusting others to carry their share of the load, learning to delegate can be an important step in to more effectively using your time. Decide upon what skills you have, and which aspects of the project are most suited to your own level of ability and creativity. Assign smaller tasks, such as running copies, doing research work, to others. This frees up your time and energy to concentrate on the more important aspects of the job.
  • 10. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! At home tasks can be delegated to other family members. Even the youngest child can learn to do some chores, such as picking up toys, or putting towels on a shelf. By requiring children to share some of the burden of household chores you are also teaching them to be responsible, and helping them prepare for adulthood. Chapter 4: Time Management - What is Time Boxing? Time boxing is a system of time management which breaks down a long and complex task into smaller pieces. Each piece of the task must be accomplished by a specific deadline. In time boxing deadlines are not flexible, but everything else in the project is.
  • 11. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! In time boxing a large task is broken down into several sections. Each section has specific guidelines for its completion. When the boxes are first "laid out", along with their deadlines, the project may be very detailed. As each deadline approaches, if the tasks first pinpointed in the time box are not near to completion, certain aspects of those tasks may be scraped. One example of this type of time management system might be to consider a script for a motion picture. The scenes are laid out in boxes, with 5 or 6 scenes to be completed at each deadline. As the deadline approaches one of scenes may be dropped, in order to finish the completion of that section of the project on time. Time boxing does not work in every instance. The key element to this system of time management is the deadline. In some cases if the deadline is not met, the entire project is scraped as a result.
  • 12. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! The system works best when a strict budget must be adhered to, thus preventing the extending of deadlines, in order to finish the work. Chapter 5: The Posec Method Of Time Management
  • 13. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! One popular method of time management that has proven to be effective for many people is the posec method. Posec stands for "Prioritize by organizing, stream-line, economizing, and contributing." To prioritize means to put first things first. The Posec method is loosely based around Laslow’s theories regarding the "Heirarchy of Needs". It gives the individual a realistic tool for setting priorities as they pertain to ones own unique needs and life goals. Organizing involves making a plan to work on goals that will help the individual feel more stable and secure. (This is a plan for meeting the individuals’ most basic needs, including food, clothing, shelter, safety and especially for love and acceptance.) Stream-lining applies to those "dirty" little jobs that no-one wants to do, but everyone must do, such as work and chores. (This involves managing and maintaining one’s stability and security.)
  • 14. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Economizing refers to things that should be done, or things that are enjoyable, but which also may not be urgently in need of being done. (Lower on the list of priorities.) Contributing involves social contribution. What you give back to the world (when other goals are met then this becomes more feasible based on Laslows’ understanding of the human psyche). The posec method offers clear guidance for assisting an individual in prioritizing goals. Theoretically, this method should encourage movement upward on the "hierarchy" charts. Since Laslows’ theories are intricately related to this method of time management it is helpful if the individual applying this method is familiar with his research in regards to "the Heirarchy of Needs."
  • 15. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 6: The Pareto Analysis And Time Management Pareto was an economist who theorized that 80 percent of all problems result from 20 percent of all causes. This may seem like a complex theory which is too difficult to apply to such a thing as time management, but the Pareto 80-20 rule, as it has come to be termed, can be very beneficial when applied to problem solving in any form. One of the first steps in learning to effectively utilize time is to identify repeated patterns in your daily schedule that may be interfering with productivity. In looking over daily records of your time you may notice certain blocks of time which are not being used to their fullest. Once having identified these blocks of time, you can begin to make changes in your daily routine.
  • 16. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Pareto’s 80-20 rule basically means that if you can identify and change only 20 percent of the causes of problems in your current time management system, you can subsequently fix 80 percent of those problems. An example of this would be to identify only two 15-minute blocks of time in your normal day when you find that you are being the least productive. By changing the way you currently use these 2 small blocks of time, theoretically you should be able to increase your productivity by up to 80 percent. Better time management does not mean giving up all free time, or all the time you currently spend relaxing, or enjoying your life. Instead it helps you set priorities for managing time, eliminate wasted time, and gain more control over how you use this valuable resource.
  • 17. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 7: 3 Simple Tools For Time Management There are no hard and fast rules about what tools you must own, if you are going to embark on a mission to improve your time management skills. The following simple tools, however, are inexpensive, and can help make the process of tracking, planning and organizing your time easier and less burdensome. Time Monitor Journal- This resource comes in both the digital and traditional varieties. It is useful in helping you to monitor and record your own use of time, in order to identify key areas for change.
  • 18. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! While a special journal is not needed, you may find that a ready made one saves you time in the long run, by doing the majority of the work for you prior to the actual recording of your activities. Planner- Available in digital and traditional formats, planners are wonderful for recording goals, making notes, keeping track of appointments and more. A planner is a must have to help you stay organized and on target, when working toward your goals. Select a planner that allows you enough room to keep track of a number of appointments and daily goals, but that is small enough so that you are able to carry it with you at all times. Organizer- These can be useful for planning a specific project, or managing a number of projects all at the same time. Digital and traditional versions of project organizers are available that can help you stay on top of the job.
  • 19. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 8: How To Manage Your Time, Wisely One of the biggest problems that people have is that they simply have bad time management. This is something that hinders students and adults from ever achieving success in life and something truly needs to be done. Most people will admit that they have trouble with this problem but successful people will talk about how they are able to master the art of managing time.
  • 20. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! There are two things that you can do to manage your time better and to utilize your 24 hours to the fullest. Turn The Internet Off Though you do not have to turn the actual connection off, you will need to find a way to get off of time-wasting websites like Facebook and Twitter. If there was a way to count the time that people spend on these websites, they will realize just how much time they have wasted. This precious time go towards working hard on a goal or practicing for something life. Once you are able to control yourself from going on these sites, you will then start to feel like time is on your side.
  • 21. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Stop Procrastinating Most people will admit that they have said "i'll do it tomorrow" at least once in their life and this is something that needs to stop. Successful people have been able to do things in the present and so they are focused on the task at hand. If you are serious about being able to manage your time perfectly, you will need to stop procrastinating. If you are an internet marketer who wants to learn more about being able manage your time wisely, then you will need to remember that these two things will greatly help. With the right mindset and a little patience, you will be able to finally feel like there is time for other things in life.
  • 22. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 9: Time Management - Goal Setting Time Management methods most often incorporate some element of the goal setting process, as a key ingredient for overall effective use of time.
  • 23. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Whether in the personal or professional realm, goal setting is an important aspect in becoming a productive individual, who effectively manages time. When speaking of "goals" this term will include any number of specific tasks which need to be completed, from household chores to major business proposals. Tasks to be performed are referred to as either short, medium, or long term goals, depending on the available time the individual has to complete them. Short term goals may be thought of as daily goals. These often include everyday chores, as well as projects which need to be completed immediately. In effective time management a list of short terms goals is formulated, and each goal on that list is completed, on a daily basis. Medium term goals are often goals that need to be completed within one week to one month of time.
  • 24. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Depending on the amount of time required to complete the goal, a medium term may be broken up into smaller pieces, to be accomplished daily. For instance, a project which will take 6 to 7 hours to complete can be broken into pieces, requiring only 1 hour per day. Long term goals can reflect major undertakings, such as obtaining a college degree, building a new home, or any number of other such goals. These goals are broken down into daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly goals. For instance, to obtain a college degree in 4 years the individual will need to research financial options, register for classes, take and pass specific subjects, complete homework assignments etc... Long term goals are best managed when broken down into small sections, each one a step toward completion of the final goal.
  • 25. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Chapter 10: Time Management - Massive Action For Massive Results What you are about to consume is the most powerful time management system I have ever used. Why listen to me? I've read dozens of books and gone through more trainings on the subject than I'd like to admit. What you now possess is a combination of all the best practices and systems I use to manage my time. You can have a great vision of your ideal lifestyle and business but if you can't execute, it's all for shit. If you don't manage your time properly I can promise you one thing... You will wake up one day in the future, years from now, and go "What the Hell Happened?" I know you're busy, so for the sake of time, I'll be brief and to the point. Don't let the length of this PDF take away from its power. Let's get right into it... Routines
  • 26. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! The most powerful step you can take when it comes to managing your time is creating routines. A routine is basically just something we do naturally that requires very little will power. As humans, we have limited amounts of will power. The best way to channel that will-power is into the creation of positive routines. If you want to achieve any goal in your life,create a routine out of the steps that are necessary to obtain it. Once the high leverage routine is created, you'll automatically do something that builds huge value in your life. Here's the key point... Starting a new routine usually isn't easy and requires some will power in the beginning. Most of the time this feels uncomfortable. You need to get over the initial hump to get into the optimal routine state. Once you go through the same routine for at least 30 days it will start to feel weird if you DON'T go through it. This is the point you need to get to. Keep in mind, it works both ways. Negative routines are easier to create, and harder to get out of. In order to differentiate what's negative and positive, you need to know what your goals are. Once you understand
  • 27. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! EXACTLY what you're looking to accomplish you can start using this simple recipe for success:  Get rid of as many routines as possible that center around negative activities that pull you away from your goals.  Create as many routines as possible centered around positive activities that move you closer to your goals. Obviously, this is easier said than done. We're all human. You have to decide which sacrifices you are willing to make to achieve your goals. This means deciding to keep or throw away some negative habits that hold you back from your goals. You should ask yourself: “Is the short term, cheap thrill worth more than your long term success?” One of the great indicators of success in individuals is the ability to delay gratification. Understand what you want to accomplish, and give yourself a greater chance of success by getting rid of burdens that hold you back and building routines that move you closer toward your goals.
  • 28. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! All of the best time management principles in this system are based on creating routines. We'll start with what I believe is the most powerful one of all: The Morning Routine When I get up in the morning I don't even want to have to think. I'm groggy and not thinking clearly as it is. The last thing I need is any doubt in my mind of what needs to be accomplished. This chaos would cause me to drain valuable energy and set the rest of my day on a negative, downward spiral. Here's my morning routine (This works for me, yours will obviously work best for you): 1. Wake up 2. Drink a large glass of water 3. Read my daily affirmations 4. Workout (Jog or Bodyweight Exercises) 5. Shower/Hygience 6. Meal (Shake) 7. Read/Meditate
  • 29. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! 8. Leave for office I do this 95% of the time. I have it down to a science. I am up and in my car in under 60 minutes. I am deadly serious about completing this routine. I have it to the point where there are NO distractions.  No day dreaming,  No phone calls  No interruptions from my employees or partners  No NOTHING It's about one hour in the morning that is an absolute ROCK for me. I don't even wake my girlfriend up in the morning because her presence would throw me off. It's a militant mindset, but brutally effective. Guess what happens when I get to my office? A whole new routine begins. I look at everything like it's a system:  You have a great morning routine, you have a great day.  You have a great day, you have a great week.  Great week, great month.  Great Year.  Great Decade.
  • 30. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away!  Great Life. It all stems from a stupid, simple, little system. Here's the great thing about systems - Each point can be tweaked to optimize results. As far as my morning routine goes, I really try to ramp it up. I put the water on my night stand the night before. I know exactly what I am going to wear the next day. My workout shoes are in the same exact place and so are the materials I use to make my breakfast shake. (I've made basically the same exact breakfast shake everyday for as long as I can remember) Each one of these things increases efficiency and makes me more productive. If you're thinking this is too regimented and potentially a horrible way to live - I get it. I used to hate boring, predictable routines. This is when I was unsuccessful. Then I realized they worked and made the decision to use them because I'd rather be successful. Now I actually enjoy the routines.
  • 31. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Blocks Of Time - The Rhythm Of Energy I'm a big believer in Tony Schwartz' approach to time and energy management. Definitely read his book "The Power of Full Engagement." A big concept he covers is the body running on different rhythms. Our attention and energy is like a rhythm. We use it and then we need to replenish it. This is the underlying principle I build my entire work day around. As soon as I arrive at my office, I know exactly what I need to do. In the morning, I always focus on the most important things first. This is when my energy is at its peak level. In my business, it's all about creating content and finding new ways to market. I focus my life on these things overall, but especially first thing in the morning. I know I'm always going to focus on these areas right away. I also know specifically what I need to do because part of my "end of work day" routine involved making a to do list for tomorrow and tying up any loose ends before I leave. When I sit down at my desk in the morning I get started right away. I shut the door to my office and make sure nobody bothers me and I go to work.
  • 32. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! The routine I use is very simple. I work in blocks of time. Then, I relax to renew my energy. Here's the breakdown: I go 50 minutes on - then 10 off. During the ten off I may meditate, refill my water, hit the john, read and just take deep breaths. Then I do another 50 minutes of busting my ass, and I follow that up with a 30 minute break where I have some type of meal. So it's 50 on, 10 off, 50 on, 30 off with meal. This is the basis I use for my entire day. In the afternoon I take a 20-minute nap. I have a really comfortable couch in my office and I crash on it to renew my energy. I do this all day, every day. It's all about living intentionally. I have a purpose. There's a set of goals I've laid out that I need to accomplish. I need to do certain things to achieve them. Most people live life unintentionally. life "happens to them". Having a goal isn’t enough. If there's no execution laid out, you won't get where you need to be.
  • 33. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! The business I am in is great because it allows me to totally be strict to this. Some of my future endeavors will, without question, provide more unpredictability. I'll just adapt the system to it. Focus Everything I've been talking about sounds pretty good right? I can tell you from experience it's great and it works, but at the end of the day can you execute? Your ability to manage yourself comes down to one simple area: FOCUS When you arrive on the job and start your first 50 minute block, do you stay focused on what you need to get done or do you get distracted? I hate to be cliché but life in our world today runs at a crazy pace. One second you're reading a business email and before you know it you're looking at some ridiculous topic on Wikipedia and then you are watching a video on YouTube. Your ability to focus in on one task you need to do and actually execute is very important. The best way to avoid massive distractions is to create a great environment. You want to be totally honed in on what you need to do.
  • 34. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Multitasking is one of the most unproductive time wasters around. By focusing on the task at hand and not reading a text message, or checking an email, or browsing the web at the same time you will be much more effective and get way more out of the activity. By putting yourself in the proper environment you drastically reduce the chances of you getting thrown off course. Ideally you want each block you work in to be dedicated to one specific or a few related tasks. Don't try to talk to a customer on the phone or via email and build a new product in the same block. I know exactly what I need to do and I just execute. When the time is up, I wrap up what I'm doing and completely remove myself from it. When the next block starts I'm not thinking about the past block. I'm totally engaged in that moment. I know that the most profitable way to spend my time is working on marketing my business. It's the most high leverage activity I have at my disposal. Everything I've created in my business is totally centered around and supportive of me marketing the business. That's how I get paid. I don't want to deal with tech hassles, customer support, or any other
  • 35. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! operational issues. I only focus on what's important. Try to design your environment based on what is important to you. When it comes to email, phone calls, and any other ancillary activity that I ABSOLUTELY have to personally handle - I dedicate a block of my time to handling this. Then I cut it clean, and don't go back until the next scheduled session. Nothing is more unproductive than trying to work all day and interrupting yourself by checking for new messages. You want to focus on high leverage activities ALL DAY because this will bring you closer to your goals much faster. Getting Started If you tried to implement everything I've shared with you in this training tomorrow I can guarantee you one thing... you'd never stick with it. Then, you'd be saying, "The rat bastard Tony Grosso is a fraud". I don’t want this to happen. Just like health, business, or a great relationship, managing your time and yourself is a PROCESS. You're not going to go from operating in an unorganized, haphazard fashion to a well-oiled, efficient machine that would give a Marine Corps Drill Instructor a hard on overnight.
  • 36. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Trying to do this all at once would be a massive hit to the system. Here's what I would recommend:  Start with a ONE new routine ASAP.  After you do it for 30 days straight implement a new one.  Start with your morning routine and build from there.  After you've done the morning routine for 30 days, start with a 50 - 10 50 - 30 set of blocks in the morning. Do it for another 30.  Repeat the process and continue on from there. While you're working on your new routines, don't forget to tune up the old ones. Become as robotic as possible in your scheduling and as creative as possible in your work. Here are a few other recommendations... Get Enough sleep I once heard Trump say he sleeps like 3 or 4 hours a night. When I was young in the business I thought this was the greatest thing I'd ever heard. I even looked into polyphasic sleep schedules where you're up for 2:30 hours then sleep for 20 minutes. You get a total of like 3 4 hours sleep each day.
  • 37. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Bottom line, forget the entire BS. You need to sleep. I'd much rather get a more productive 16 hours of my day, then feel like shit and get 20. Your life is much more productive, efficient, and fun when you sleep. So get enough of it. Exercise I know I'm getting cliche here, but this very powerful. I work out in the morning and it helps keep my energy levels elevated throughout the day. I also fall asleep faster at night. No reason to write a dissertation here about the value of exercise. You know it's good for you. Start implementing it if you want to get maximum value from your life. Eat Healthy Again, no reason to go into depth about why it's important to eat healthy. You understand why. I personally subscribe to the primal/paleo
  • 38. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! mentality of getting rid of everything ancient man didn't eat. It's worked for me. Find something that works for you. Wrapping It Up The reason I'm bringing all of this up is not really because of health. Getting sleep, exercising, and eating healthy are a part of my business plan. I attribute a good amount of my success to having energy and feeling good. When I'm all banged up and hung over after a night of partying I don't want to work. Same goes for being unhealthy. Enacting all of these principles into your life will make your business run better. The recipe is really simple at the end of the day: Spend as much time as possible on high leverage activities - Activities that will pay dividends forever. From only working on profitable things to taking care of your body, if you listen to the advice in this training I know it will help you in a HUGE
  • 39. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! way. You'll manage your time and yourself like few do. Consequently, you'll live like few do. These principles have changed my life and I hope they do the same for you. Chapter 11: 7 More Tips To Get More Done Organization If you are trying to get more things done, then organization should be the main thing that you should focus on. When you are organized, you will realize that things just seem to run smoother. Whether it is with your belongings or with your schedule, you will need to make sure that things are organized. Time Management When you manage your time correctly, you will surely get more things done. This means that you should make use of every hour of the day and try your best to stay productive at all times.
  • 40. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Focus While you are working, you will need to remain focused at all times. Remember that you do not want to waste any time and it is important to try your best to not distracted by little things like the internet and other minor distractions. Nutrition You will need to understand that nutrition is something very crucial towards your focus throughout the day. An unhealthy diet will lead to an up and down day that will lead to less focus. If you are able to eat a healthy diet, you will see an increase in your focus. Sleep Getting enough sleep is very important and 8 hours a day should be the minimum. If you happen to feel tired during the day, then a 15 minute nap will have you up and ready in no time.
  • 41. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Energy You will be energetic after this short nap and you will be able to get this energy from caffeine. However, you do not want to take caffeine 5 hours before you sleep as it can stop you from getting a good night of sleep. Taking a Break Sometimes working too hard can wear you down and so you will simply need to take a break to see more things get done in the future. Take a break and you will then be back to work with a new sense of motivation. Chapter 12: Conclusion The biggest single piece of advice I can give you at this point is: Do NOT get lost in the weeds! By this I mean, do not get lost in every tiny detail. Getting good at anything requires you to just take action rather than trying to get every last detail in order.
  • 42. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Even if you are feeling unsure about whether or not youʼre doing things correctly, it is far more important to just get started. I canʼt stress this enough. I promise that results will come with just some practice and some experience. That is literally the only thing separating you from the amount of income you desire. Don’t worry about whether or not everything is 100% perfect or feeling skeptical whether or not this will work for you. Just do it. All of these excuses will only stunt your growth. Take action, NOW. Not tomorrow. Because your success depends on the action you take today. It’s been a great pleasure writing this manual for you and I sincerely hope this guide has brought massive amounts of value your way. Take care and I canʼt wait to hear about the results you have with the strategies outlined in this book! Sincerely, Paul Adedoyin
  • 43. The Ultimate Guide To Time Management Backdate, Future Drip-Feed or Space Out Your Blog Posts Any Way You Like >> Click Here To Check It Out Right Away! Other Recommended Resources:  Wouldn't You Rather Want To Spend 2 Seconds To Click A Button and Create A Safe Backup For Your Wordpress Site Just In Case Something Went Wrong? Join 93,153 Users >> Click Here to Check It Out!  Easily Write A Professionally Sales Letter, Create A High Converting Optin Form, Legal Pages, Video Replay Pages, Download Pages, And Webinar Registration Pages By Using This Wordpress Plug In. >> Click Here To See What I Mean!  Thinking Of How You Can Bond With Your Audience Using The Power Of The Written Word To Increase Your Profits? As A Freelance Content Writer For Hire I Can Help You To Achieve Your Content Needs. >> Click Here to Find Out How! Connect With Me On Google+ Here. Follow Me On Twitter ~Paul Adedoyin, Skype: paul8966