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Vladislav Shershulsky
Contemporary IT and
EDU modernization
Technologies for education Education for Technologies
Education and
technology Life as Learning (Cyber Learning Platform)
The full cycle of education online
Online Certification
Nonverbal feedback analysis
Campus smartification
School robotics and gamification
Open online courses
Interactive learning environments
Electronic tutorials
School calculators
Audio and TV at school
Ballpoint pens at school
New Information Technologies
Internet of
Computing clouds
Distributed ledgers (blockchains)
Artificial Intelligence
Smart campus
Life as learning
Clouds hide the complexity
Cloud is global computer
Co-operative cybersecurity
The clouds are getting smarter
fast tensor (multivariate matrix) calculations with variable floating accuracy
for deep learning of neural networks
Cloud TPU
Volta-based GPU
Layer of reconfigurable
FPGA neural network
Converged network
Layer of universal CPUs
Comparison of performance of universal, graphical and neural network processors (case of traffic optimization)
Wide range of applications and services
Cloud is
the next
Some conclusions...
• Computer clouds form the technical and economic basis of modern information technology
and provide most of the services to a wide range of customers around the world.
• It is in the clouds that new technologies and services are born in and delivered from.
Without the use of global clouds, it is impossible to stay at the current technical level.
• Clouds provide low cost, constant availability and the best possible protection for user data.
• Clouds for the first time have made the entire range of modern information technologies
available to the vast majority of educational institutions of any profile, size and location.
Using quite simple standard computers one can use in the work and teach students most
modern technologies and tools.
Distributed ledgers
Centralized Distributed
Blockchain technology
Block N

N block hash code
Block Content
N-1 block hash
Block N-1

N-1 block hash code
Block Content
N-2 block hash
Block N-2

N-2 block hash code
Block Content
N-3 block hash
Block 0

0 block hash code
Block Content
Smart contracts
Lawyers become coders
Where blockchain is
• Where there is a natural side to which
everyone trusts (forced to be trusted)
• Where participants rely on a third party (e.g.
the State) to hold offenders accountable
• Where the risk of conflicting coalitions is high
• Where the benefits of some individual
participants from the destruction of the
service can be compared to benefits of
others from its proper functioning
• Where there is no single "natural" trust
center (such as government agency etc.)
• Where there are many routine
transactions and participants need to
reduce their price
• Where the majority of participants are
interested in the development and
correct functioning of the service
…and where is
not so much
Example: blockchain and formation
• Issuance and verification of
diplomas and certificates
• Monitoring of learning activity
• Olympics and contests
• Fighting plagiarism
• Consumables accounting
• Payments for educational
• Payments for related services
and internal cross payments
• Targeted scholarships
• Endowment
Example: Nicosia University
The University of Nicosia opened a specialization in blockchain, was the first
to issue a diploma in blockchain and even accept payment in bitcoins
Some conclusions...
• Blockchain can solve many problems: lowering transaction costs, simplifying business processes in
decentralized multi-agent systems with limited trust, etc. It will change the face of many industries,
including finance and insurance, the food market, copyright, and perhaps even education.
• Blockchain is likely to be of limited use where parties to transactions rely on a third party (including
the government) to enforce the terms of contracts.
• Blockchain solutions have only now begun to reach a level of maturity sufficient for really sensitive
• We rely on blockchain in some futuristic scenarios such as IoT controllers' involvement in financial
transactions, tax payments, etc.
• In education, blockchain can help create and monitor student portfolios, international
student/institution interactions, qualifications for employers, education finance management, etc.
For years, we've
been learning to
understand and
use new tech
Today, for the first time, we have technology,
AI, which learns from us and our data how to
serve us better
A new paradigm
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Deep neural
networks training
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Deep neural
networks training
Traditional programming paradigm
Traditional programming paradigm
A simple task
2 … 3
= 5
… + ...
Traditional programming paradigm
A hard task
= ?Computer
AI programming paradigm
Парадигма программирования ИИ
Model training
Model usage
AI programming paradigm
Model training
Model usage
Generative Adversarial Network (GUN)
The noise
Tagged samples
The Next Rembrandt Project
Ready-to-use and customizable services
in the cloud
Prebuilt AI
AI solutions
diagnosis of
Microsoft InnerEye
maintenance of
120,000+ elevators around the
world connected to the cloud AI.
AI and digital twins in petrochemistry
Unmanned vehicles
Automatic justice
Autonomous security robot
Knightscope K5 patrols the
Microsoft campus
Selective weed
The Blue River LettuceBot can move
around the field, photographing
5,000 plants per minute, identifying
them and destroying weeds in real
Cutting and removal of bones (deboning of cuts)
uses machine learning and X-
ray analysis to accurately cut
to fit variations in cut sizes
and shapes
Neural networks and scientific research
NASA and Google discovered two new planets in December 2017
drawings by
Reconstruction of words and images
by brain activity
Jack Gallant, professor at the University of California at Berkeley, uses real-time MRI data from the brain and artificial neural networks to reconstruct images
people imagin. See: ,
How smart are
these services?
To model neurons and connections between them
one need large computational resources.
AI systems, practically used today, implement not so
much the intelligence as the instincts of animals like insects.
Using even the most powerful modern computer we could
potentially simulate intelligence at the level between the
crocodile and hamster.
But in ten years, the situation will change a lot.
Most likely, the General AI will appear in the course of
commercial cloud-based AI services development instead
of being created on a special supercomputer.
 crocodile
human →
humankind →
The other side of AI
Responsible AI
Responsible AI
Some people are afraid
that robots will take their jobs
For that not to happen,
humans have to learn better
What's AI "eating"? Big Data
It's easier than ever to analyze data today
Is it time to teach AI and Data Science at school?
AI is no longer a
"Rocket Science"
The foundation
of rationality
Challenges and
Knowledge of basic statistics
and linear algebra is enough
to understand
There are convenient tools
and software libraries
Some countries already have
begun to incorporate the
basics of AI into school
Understanding the basics of
AI will help distinguish truth
from lying and manipulation
Will helps to understand the
data (e.g. open data
published by Gov etc.)
Will help one to make
informed decisions
To be successful, one needs
more creativity now.
One need to have the skills
to use AI
We have to be prepared to
deal with ethical issues
related to AI usage
A robot
in the classroom ?
A lesson
without a teacher ?
No !
Restrictions on contact with teachers and
fellow students should be seen as a
serious problem in the design of any
online education system and should only
be allowed on a limited scale if strictly
necessary. Aldwyn Cooper. Robot teachers won’t replace us. September 25, 2017
AI in education
Illustration from the classic article:
Seth Fletcher, Machine Learning, Scientific American 309, 62-68 (2013)
• Personalization of courses, progression and content.
• Personalization of testing.
• Predictive learning analytics.
• Early professional diagnostics.
• Training courses analysis.
• Helping students communicate with peers around the world.
• Diagnosis of students' understanding of the material and the emotional
state of the student and teacher.
• Assisting in the development of a "personal educational trajectory" and a
plan for the next lesson (much like a Netflix does with entertainment).
• Assisting teachers in course preparation.
• Assisting administrators in educational planning.
• "Non-training” applications: support for decision-making in loan systems,
resource management, campus management, etc.
Some conclusions...
• Artificial intelligence and, in particular, deep learning technologies, are rapidly evolving.
Perspective ideas emerge and are implemented almost daily in an open exchange of
information between the academic and business communities.
• AI systems can already do work that was considered purely human until recently. In order to feel
confident in the labor market, graduates should be better prepared and, most importantly, more
creative, than before.
• The use of AI creates many opportunities, but it also creates many problems. Artificial
information agents are entrusted with increasingly important tasks. We need to learn how to
treat them properly and teach them morals.
• Data Science and Machine Learning are the basis of modern rational understanding of the
world. Teaching the conscious use of AI is one of important task of education.
• AI is increasingly used in training - for personalization, gamification, results analysis, planning.
But there is no evidence that AI will replace teachers.
Smart Campus
Штаб-квартира Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited в Амстердаме: офисное пространство, адаптирующееся под
пользователей; самообеспечение энергией и, частично, водой; интеграция компьютерной и электро- сетей
Smart campus
Microsoft campus: 150+ buildings, 1.5 million m2, 60+ thousand employees, own transport system.2 million sensors,
30 thousand actuators, 500 million transactions per day, 50% of failures are fixed in a minute
University in
Moscow, Russia
engagement tracker
Assessing the risks
of academic achievement and socialization
Assessing the risks
of academic achievement and socialization
Smart campus 2.0
Single control loop
to ensure :
• security,
• comfort,
• energy efficiency,
• preventive maintenance,
• attendance control,
• engagement analysis,
• learning satisfaction
Ethics of technology usage
Modern technologies increase comfort, safety and efficiency. But when using them, one should
avoid privacy invasion.
In particular... :
• Monitoring should be agreed to by the students and/or their parents.
• Data should only be used for the purposes agreed with them.
• They must not be stored longer than necessary for the production process.
• No decisions regarding students should be made automatically or solely based on an
automated system data and/or recomendations.
• All systems should be carefully reviewed to ensure that there is no explicit or implicit (including
inadvertent) discrimination on any grounds.
• Data should be securely stored and may only be shared with third parties as required by law.
the school
the school
Pieces start to put together
“The future doesn’t care how you became an expert.”
The model described below is based on the vision, concepts
and developments presented by
• Institute For The Future (IFTF)
• ACT Foundation и ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning
• Sony Global Education
• MIT Media Lab
• Holberton School
• Knowledge Management Institute (KMi)
• Joint Research Center (Report "Blockchain in Education"
for the European Commission)
• Current developments of edutech startups
• Discussions with experts, publications
School of life and life as a school
Techno-realism: you can definitely do it
Storage, protection and provision of certificates
Accreditation, including multistage
Transfer of data on the courses passed between
educational institutions
Lifetime "student's passport"
Student’s and professor’s ID
Intellectual property management
Tuition payment
Grants and educational loans
Educational institution today and tomorrow
Basic educational services
o Video courses on popular webhosts (youtube, etc.);
o Interactive courses utilizing text and computational
(analytical) tools;
o Proprietary online courses with their own management
o Massive open online courses (MOOCs);
o Custom online "micro-degrees" (similar to Udacity);
o Branded online systems (sets) of courses for obtaining
a particular degree.
Applied educational and
scientific services
o Language/linguistic;
o Mathematical;
o Technical;
o Project management and team work (agile
o And more
Educational support services
o Learning management systems (LMS);
o Systems supporting preparation of learning courses;
o E-learning tools (infrastructure, software and devices);
o Classroom support systems;
o Practice and coaching management systems;
o Qualification assessment and examinations;
o Educational Analytics.
Educational institution management
o Endowment;
o Resource planning and management;
o Management of incubators and other forms of encouraging
entrepreneurial activity;
o Management of capital assets;
o Advertising and PR;
o Students and alumni relationship management;
o Loans and scholarships;
o Building a career, etc.;
o Certification of professional qualifications (registers and
ratings of specialists);
o Student self-government.
Internet of Things
Big Data
Machine Learning
Natural Interface
A bit of futurism
Institute For The Future (IFTF) and
ACT Foundation and ACT’s Center
for Equity in Learning proposed
novel model of knowledge
acquisition and development
Idea 1: common ledger
It is possible to enhance the flexibility, reactivity and
quality of the education system, and to reduce its
associated overhead costs, if to ensure automated
storage and unified exchange of the verifiable
documents about courses, qualifying exams, and the
level of education between students, teachers and
educational institutions, certification bodies and
Idea 2: Lifelong learning/education
Education is not just a diploma. This is a set of all completed
training courses, practices, projects, work experience,
corporate trainings, professional development, independent
study in free time, etc. Life is learning, to reflect this
experience, one could collect all the facts about educational
activities in the form of a secure verifiable machine-readable
chain of records, i.e. in the blockchain
Idea 3: Personalized education
There is no royal path to geometry. But everyone can have
their own way to knowledge. The goals of each, too, can be
different. Instead of choosing one for all, ideal for nobody,
universal order of learning let’s help everyone to choose
their own way. And the guidelines on this path will be the
convenience of studying and the needs of society.
Idea 4: knowledge and skills are assets, the value of
which can and should be measured and acknowledged
New technologies allow:
• Collect data on each student's "lesson" (blockchain);
• Track each lesson's contribution to a student's future career,
earnings, and recognition (big data);
• Determine the value and adequacy of each lesson for each
next student and give him an opportunity to informed
choice (machine learning).
"Quantum leap" in education
One employer
One diploma
One university
One school certificate
One educational program
One teacher
One school
One sponsor (usually, family)
One student
One education ministry
"Quantum leap" in education
Many employers
Lifelong learning
Many sources of funding
Many programs, courses, schools and universities
The concept of “edu-block": traditional courses
Concept of «edu-block»: the cloud of learning
Concept of «edu-block»: dynamical courses
Anatomy of edu-block
Verification of the acquired knowledge
Requirements for the initial qualification
Qualification test for the perception
of educational materials
Requirements for tools
Requirements for tutor
Requirements to the team
(if a block is passed in command)
Links to educational content:
texts, videos, interactive notebooks,
game scenarios, etc.
Class of edu-block
Owner and payment principles
Rating of edu-block class
A human, a robot, a team? What kind of knowledge (not blocks!) are pre-
required? How much skills should one have? Works in XXX?
Who is the author? Who can license the unit? Who can transfer the license for
usage in educational process? Who can transfer the license for the passage?
What categories of software and laboratory (physical) tools/instruments and
materials can be used when passing the block?
Who can be a teacher/tutor? The lecturer? The head of the practice?
Roles and qualifications of other team members for the passage of the block
Input control questions or other verification for admission to the block
Texts, video films, interactive notebooks (such as Jupiter, Mathcad,
Mathematica, etc.), game scenarios (missions), description of actions, etc.
Rating of the edu-block class is calculated taking into account academic and
career successes of students who have passed instances of this edu-block
A set of tasks for assessing the mastery of the material in the block
Classes, instances and records of edu-block
Verification of the acquired knowledge
Requirements for the initial qualification
Qualification test for the perception
of educational materials
Links to educational content:
texts, videos, interactive notebooks,
game scenarios, etc.
Instance of edu-block
The result of the verification
of the "learned knowledge"
Used tools
Identifier of edu-block class
Blockchain entry on the passage
Prove of payment
Identifier of the subject
(the student)
Verification of the acquired knowledge
Requirements for the initial qualification
Qualification test for the perception
of educational materials
Requirements for tools
Requirements for tutor
Requirements to the team
(if a block is passed in command)
Links to educational content:
texts, videos, interactive notebooks,
game scenarios, etc.
Class of edu-block
Owner and payment principles
Rating of edu-block class
Training and certification units are similar
Certification units can also be used for exams, “Olympiads”,
professional qualification tests, admission to work, etc.
Verification of acquired knowledge
Requirements for the initial qualification
Qualification test for the perception
of educational material
Links to educational content:
texts, videos, interactive
notebooks, game scenarios, etc.
Class of edu-block
Rating of edu-block class
Verification of acquired
knowledge, skills and abilities
Requirements for the initial qualification
Qualification test for the perception
of educational material
Links to educational content:
texts, videos, interactive notebooks,
game scenarios, etc.
Class of attestation edu-block
Rating of edu-block class
Edu-blocks and Artificial Intelligence
• Edu-blocks are selected for each student individually, taking into account
her/his goals, personal qualities, material, etc. (in many ways similar to how
the films are selected by Netflix).
• In the edu-block class, we can not simply indicate which blocks it refers to as
preconditions. We need to formulate criteria that allow to select suitable blocks
(including new ones) using AI algorithms.
• The content of each instance of the edu-bloc needs to be modified taking
into account which blocks were previously passed to match the designations,
units of measure, style of presentation.
• AI can "come up" with control tasks and check their solutions.
• AI conducts a dialogue with the student, contributing to the mastering of the
material and the decision of organizational questions.
• AI is used to prevent abuses during the performance of the control tasks and
attestation (one can expect both the unfair assistance of friends and parents,
and the emergence of special programs for the online passage of
certifications instead of students).
success in life and in the game
Digitalization of education does not imply total exclusion of
teachers from the process, but the role of online education
will definitely grow. How to keep the motivation?
• For some students, a good motivation will be the ability to
monitor their achievements on a daily basis, compare them
with the successes of others, and assess the contribution of
the work done to future professional success and well-
• For others, gamification would be a good option, where
education is organized as a sort of quest with a variety of
options, missions, visual effects, perhaps, a team game,
competitions, etc.
Education and career
To associate education with professional success, it is necessary to integrate the management system
of edu-blocks with the professional social network (aka LinkedIn) – it is also a large complex graph
Job History
Economics of edu-blocks
• The class of blocks can be sold, bought, granted/presented to the subject of
the educational process – school, university, teacher, qualification commission,
enterprise, consumer service, public organization, the state, etc.
• The block can be sold, bought, granted/presented, sponsored to the object of
the educational process – student, team, robot or information service.
• The value of the block class increases with the success of students who have
passed their instances of edu-blocks
• The value of classes affects the value of the content and tools they use
• For employers, educational institutions and qualification commissions, the"
value" of the student grows with the growth of the total value of the passed
blocks and completed certifications (exams, Olympiads, etc.).
• The student can present his/her personal learning path (plan, curriculum) to
his/her sponsors/ investors with a reasonable assessment of each block's
contribution to the future earnings
• The learning process can be mutual (but can edu-block classes be generated
dynamically in the course live classroom communication?)
Blockchain and the data ownership in edu
Blockchain naturally provides complete and unchangeable distributed ledger. Is it always an advantage ?
Data transfer and disclosure
Person (student, employee, etc.) or her/his legitimate representatives (parents, educational institutions, state
bodies, employers, etc.) should be able to control, which records could be disclosed to whom, why, and when.
This is mandatory natural requirement to be reflected in architecture and its implementation.
Right to be forgotten
They also may want to omit or exclude some records. This is trickier.
Physically deleted records may cause “orphan” blocks in blockchain, destroy
ratings quality, misinform subjects of edu process, etc. Such functionality
to be designed and implemented carefully. Say, through making some
records completely unreadable and unidentifiable, but still “visible” to
bulk analytics (ratings, etc.). Some records may be prohibited from
“being forgotten” by future law/regulation.
Other potential issues
with the "radically new approach“ to edu
• Preparation of the necessary content and changes in educational processes will require a long re-training of authors
and teachers. The transition period can take 10+ (?) years.
• The rating system will begin to operate gradually. It will take a long transition period, while it is "configured" and
“tuned” on the real life examples. At this time, the role of regulators and educational institutions should remain in
some form.
• Edu-block based system will meet the current needs of society and economy, but will not help much to change the
education system "in response to external challenges" (as in the US in response to the satellite).
• If some “ill" practices (low pay for socially important skilled labor, etc.) are rooted in the society, this system will rather
"preserve" than “correct” them.
• The system may face the "digital analogs" of existing abuse (false exams, "fake" accreditation, etc.) – society should
become intolerant to them, and the violations should have serious consequences.
• Collective social games against the digital edu-system are quite likely to be similar to how they
occur against modern adaptive services, such as Uber (driver groups in Facebook), etc.
• Need refinement and experimentation to implement blockchain based solution of such scale.
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Math contest/Olympiad, designed to address different levels of training,
different forms of participation, and different interests
280 000 participants
21 500 schools
85 countries
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Since the end of 2017, the infrastructure of the Challenge is based on the blockchain
Регистрация участников, учет всех активностей, выдача цифровых сертификатов
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Online certificate verification in blockchain
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Customization Experiments: Five Thinking Strategies
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Detailed personalized analytics and explanations
The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5
Continues education, global participation
By the level of qualification By regionBy age for the «Master» level
Ethics of technology usage
Modern technologies increase comfort, safety and efficiency.
But when using them, one should avoid privacy infringements.
In particular... :
• Personal data of teachers, parents and students should be strictly protected.
• They should have full control over their data, in particular to determine who and what data
can be shown.
• In exceptional cases, the data may, in the necessary minimum amount, be shown to a third
party in accordance with the procedure established by law.
And we should never forget that IDENTITY ≠ PORTFOLIO (FILE)
• No decisions regarding students may be made automatically or based solely on automated
systems data/recommendations.
Some conclusions
The educational institution today and tomorrow
Basic learning services
o Video courses on popular hosting sites (including youtube,
o Interactive courses using text and computational
(analytical) tools;
o Proprietary online courses with specific management
o Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs,);
o Custom micro-degrees, like in Udacity;
o Branded online course systems for a degree.
Applied educational and
research services
o Linguistic;
o Mathematical;
o Technical;
o Project management and teamwork practices
(agile, etc.).
Educational support services
o Learning management Systems (LMS);
o Course Preparation Systems;
o E-learning tools (infrastructure, software and devices);
o Classroom support systems;
o Practice and coaching management systems;
o Qualification assessment and examination;
o Educational analytics.
Management of edu institution
o Endowment;
o Resource planning and management;
o Incubation and other forms of business activates promotion;
o Capital asset management;
o Advertising and PR;
o Student Relationship Management and Alumni;
o Loans and scholarships;
o Career building, etc..;
o Confirmation of professional qualifications (registers and ratings
of specialists);
o Student self-governance;
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things
Natural interface
ICT platform for education
A combination of technologies allows to create a powerful, flexible and reliable solutions
Payments for educational services, including in the global market;
Digital confirmation of qualifications/certificates/diplomas;
Tracking of personal educational trajectories;
Control of the educational process;
Student self-administration;
Internal "self-balance" of structural units;
Asset tracking;
Increase in transparency and efficiency of "near-university"
entrepreneurship (including educational and real ICO).
Artificial Intelligence
Analysis of students' satisfaction and preferences;
Adaptation of course delivery to the student's needs;
Gamification engines for educational games;
Forecast of academic performance;
Issuance of educational loans;
Educational tools for specific disciplines;
Generation of educational assignments;
Analysis of quality of student's works;
Campus security systems;
Management of the engineering infrastructure;
The use by "near-university" startups.
Unlimited scalability and elasticity
Best available cybersecurity
Flexible subscription models and low prices
Wide range of services and software
Reliable sandboxes
Иллюстрация из
Success can only be achieved together
Opportunities for school and teachers :
► Technology trainings, study of existing pedagogical scenarios.
► Transferring experience to the participants of the program in the format of "teacher-teacher" at seminars/webinars/trainings.
► Consultations from Microsoft specialists, technological and methodical support by the pedagogical community.
► Possibility to organize face-to-face learning of Microsoft technologies and pedagogical scenarios directly at specific school.
► Acquaintance with the best international practices, face-to-face and distance participation in Microsoft international activities
for teachers.
► Development and testing of author's pedagogical scenarios, publications.
► Joining Microsoft's international community of edu experts, international recognition.
► Exchange of experience in the form of seminars / webinars / trainings / conferences.
► Participation in professional competitions with new ideas and projects. Participation in Microsoft international events for
teachers. Recognition at home and abroad.
► Opportunity to get the status of Microsoft base site in the region – Microsoft Showcase School.
© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.
The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to
changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the

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Reinventing the school engl 2019

  • 2. Technologies for education Education for Technologies
  • 3. Education and technology Life as Learning (Cyber Learning Platform) The full cycle of education online Online Certification Nonverbal feedback analysis Campus smartification School robotics and gamification Open online courses Interactive learning environments Electronic tutorials … School calculators Audio and TV at school Ballpoint pens at school …
  • 5. Computing clouds Distributed ledgers (blockchains) Artificial Intelligence Smart campus Life as learning
  • 7. Clouds hide the complexity
  • 8. Cloud is global computer
  • 10. The clouds are getting smarter fast tensor (multivariate matrix) calculations with variable floating accuracy for deep learning of neural networks Google Cloud TPU Microsoft Brainwave (FPGA) NVIDIA Volta-based GPU Intel Nervana Layer of reconfigurable FPGA neural network processors Converged network Layer of universal CPUs
  • 11. Comparison of performance of universal, graphical and neural network processors (case of traffic optimization)
  • 12. Wide range of applications and services
  • 14. Some conclusions... • Computer clouds form the technical and economic basis of modern information technology and provide most of the services to a wide range of customers around the world. • It is in the clouds that new technologies and services are born in and delivered from. Without the use of global clouds, it is impossible to stay at the current technical level. • Clouds provide low cost, constant availability and the best possible protection for user data. • Clouds for the first time have made the entire range of modern information technologies available to the vast majority of educational institutions of any profile, size and location. Using quite simple standard computers one can use in the work and teach students most modern technologies and tools.
  • 17.
  • 18. Blockchain technology Block N N block hash code Block Content … N-1 block hash Transaction Transaction Code Comment Block N-1 N-1 block hash code Block Content … N-2 block hash Transaction Transaction Code Comment Block N-2 N-2 block hash code Block Content … N-3 block hash Transaction Transaction Code Comment Block 0 0 block hash code Block Content … NON Transaction Transaction Code Comment …
  • 19. Smart contracts Lawyers become coders
  • 20. Where blockchain is useful • Where there is a natural side to which everyone trusts (forced to be trusted) • Where participants rely on a third party (e.g. the State) to hold offenders accountable • Where the risk of conflicting coalitions is high • Where the benefits of some individual participants from the destruction of the service can be compared to benefits of others from its proper functioning • Where there is no single "natural" trust center (such as government agency etc.) • Where there are many routine transactions and participants need to reduce their price • Where the majority of participants are interested in the development and correct functioning of the service …and where is not so much
  • 21. Example: blockchain and formation • Issuance and verification of diplomas and certificates • Monitoring of learning activity • Olympics and contests • Fighting plagiarism • Consumables accounting • Payments for educational services • Payments for related services and internal cross payments • Targeted scholarships • Endowment BLOCKCHAIN AT EDUCATION
  • 22. Example: Nicosia University The University of Nicosia opened a specialization in blockchain, was the first to issue a diploma in blockchain and even accept payment in bitcoins
  • 23. Some conclusions... • Blockchain can solve many problems: lowering transaction costs, simplifying business processes in decentralized multi-agent systems with limited trust, etc. It will change the face of many industries, including finance and insurance, the food market, copyright, and perhaps even education. • Blockchain is likely to be of limited use where parties to transactions rely on a third party (including the government) to enforce the terms of contracts. • Blockchain solutions have only now begun to reach a level of maturity sufficient for really sensitive applications. • We rely on blockchain in some futuristic scenarios such as IoT controllers' involvement in financial transactions, tax payments, etc. • In education, blockchain can help create and monitor student portfolios, international student/institution interactions, qualifications for employers, education finance management, etc.
  • 25. For years, we've been learning to understand and use new tech Today, for the first time, we have technology, AI, which learns from us and our data how to serve us better Language Forecasts Speech Vision Coordination A new paradigm
  • 27. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Deep neural networks training Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence
  • 30. Traditional programming paradigm A simple task 2 … 3 = 5 … + ... Computer Data Program Outcome
  • 31. Traditional programming paradigm A hard task = ?Computer Data Program Outcome
  • 35. Generative Adversarial Network (GUN) The noise (“inspiration”) Tagged samples ("horizons") Samples (“school”) “Artwork” Assessment
  • 37.
  • 39. Ready-to-use and customizable services in the cloud Prebuilt AI solutions Vision Speech Language Search Recommendations Reports Customizable AI solutions Data preparation Machine Learning Stream analytics Bot framework
  • 40.
  • 42. Predictive maintenance of elevators 120,000+ elevators around the world connected to the cloud AI.
  • 43. AI and digital twins in petrochemistry См.
  • 46. «Robocop» Autonomous security robot Knightscope K5 patrols the Microsoft campus
  • 47. Selective weed treatment The Blue River LettuceBot can move around the field, photographing 5,000 plants per minute, identifying them and destroying weeds in real time.
  • 48. Cutting and removal of bones (deboning of cuts) MAYEKAWA HAMDAS-RX uses machine learning and X- ray analysis to accurately cut to fit variations in cut sizes and shapes
  • 50. Neural networks and scientific research NASA and Google discovered two new planets in December 2017
  • 52. Reconstruction of words and images by brain activity Jack Gallant, professor at the University of California at Berkeley, uses real-time MRI data from the brain and artificial neural networks to reconstruct images people imagin. See: , dictionary-reveals-minds-understand-language-Model-shows-exact-locations-store-thousands-words-need-use-them.html
  • 53.
  • 54. How smart are these services? To model neurons and connections between them one need large computational resources. AI systems, practically used today, implement not so much the intelligence as the instincts of animals like insects. Using even the most powerful modern computer we could potentially simulate intelligence at the level between the crocodile and hamster. But in ten years, the situation will change a lot. Most likely, the General AI will appear in the course of commercial cloud-based AI services development instead of being created on a special supercomputer.  crocodile human → humankind →
  • 55. The other side of AI Biased decisions Nontransparent recommendations Mis- information Hard choice
  • 57. Some people are afraid that robots will take their jobs For that not to happen, humans have to learn better
  • 59. It's easier than ever to analyze data today
  • 60. Is it time to teach AI and Data Science at school? AI is no longer a "Rocket Science" The foundation of rationality Challenges and opportunities Knowledge of basic statistics and linear algebra is enough to understand There are convenient tools and software libraries Some countries already have begun to incorporate the basics of AI into school curricula Understanding the basics of AI will help distinguish truth from lying and manipulation Will helps to understand the data (e.g. open data published by Gov etc.) Will help one to make informed decisions To be successful, one needs more creativity now. One need to have the skills to use AI We have to be prepared to deal with ethical issues related to AI usage
  • 61. A robot in the classroom ? A lesson without a teacher ? No ! Restrictions on contact with teachers and fellow students should be seen as a serious problem in the design of any online education system and should only be allowed on a limited scale if strictly necessary. Aldwyn Cooper. Robot teachers won’t replace us. September 25, 2017
  • 62. AI in education Illustration from the classic article: Seth Fletcher, Machine Learning, Scientific American 309, 62-68 (2013) • Personalization of courses, progression and content. • Personalization of testing. • Predictive learning analytics. • Early professional diagnostics. • Training courses analysis. • Helping students communicate with peers around the world. • Diagnosis of students' understanding of the material and the emotional state of the student and teacher. • Assisting in the development of a "personal educational trajectory" and a plan for the next lesson (much like a Netflix does with entertainment). • Assisting teachers in course preparation. • Assisting administrators in educational planning. • "Non-training” applications: support for decision-making in loan systems, resource management, campus management, etc.
  • 63. Some conclusions... • Artificial intelligence and, in particular, deep learning technologies, are rapidly evolving. Perspective ideas emerge and are implemented almost daily in an open exchange of information between the academic and business communities. • AI systems can already do work that was considered purely human until recently. In order to feel confident in the labor market, graduates should be better prepared and, most importantly, more creative, than before. • The use of AI creates many opportunities, but it also creates many problems. Artificial information agents are entrusted with increasingly important tasks. We need to learn how to treat them properly and teach them morals. • Data Science and Machine Learning are the basis of modern rational understanding of the world. Teaching the conscious use of AI is one of important task of education. • AI is increasingly used in training - for personalization, gamification, results analysis, planning. But there is no evidence that AI will replace teachers.
  • 65. Штаб-квартира Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited в Амстердаме: офисное пространство, адаптирующееся под пользователей; самообеспечение энергией и, частично, водой; интеграция компьютерной и электро- сетей Smart campus Microsoft campus: 150+ buildings, 1.5 million m2, 60+ thousand employees, own transport system.2 million sensors, 30 thousand actuators, 500 million transactions per day, 50% of failures are fixed in a minute
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 70. Assessing the risks of academic achievement and socialization
  • 71. LOW AVERAGE HIGH A B B B B B B B B B A A A A A A A A Assessing the risks of academic achievement and socialization
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. Smart campus 2.0 Single control loop to ensure : • security, • comfort, • energy efficiency, • preventive maintenance, • attendance control, • engagement analysis, • learning satisfaction
  • 76. Ethics of technology usage Modern technologies increase comfort, safety and efficiency. But when using them, one should avoid privacy invasion. In particular... : • Monitoring should be agreed to by the students and/or their parents. • Data should only be used for the purposes agreed with them. • They must not be stored longer than necessary for the production process. • No decisions regarding students should be made automatically or solely based on an automated system data and/or recomendations. • All systems should be carefully reviewed to ensure that there is no explicit or implicit (including inadvertent) discrimination on any grounds. • Data should be securely stored and may only be shared with third parties as required by law.
  • 79. Pieces start to put together Cloud ML AI Big Data IoT AR VR
  • 80. “The future doesn’t care how you became an expert.” The model described below is based on the vision, concepts and developments presented by • Institute For The Future (IFTF) • ACT Foundation и ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning • Sony Global Education • MIT Media Lab • Holberton School • Knowledge Management Institute (KMi) • Joint Research Center (Report "Blockchain in Education" for the European Commission) • Current developments of edutech startups • Discussions with experts, publications School of life and life as a school
  • 81. Techno-realism: you can definitely do it Storage, protection and provision of certificates Accreditation, including multistage Transfer of data on the courses passed between educational institutions Lifetime "student's passport" Student’s and professor’s ID Intellectual property management Tuition payment Grants and educational loans
  • 82. Educational institution today and tomorrow Basic educational services o Video courses on popular webhosts (youtube, etc.); o Interactive courses utilizing text and computational (analytical) tools; o Proprietary online courses with their own management systems; o Massive open online courses (MOOCs); o Custom online "micro-degrees" (similar to Udacity); o Branded online systems (sets) of courses for obtaining a particular degree. Applied educational and scientific services o Language/linguistic; o Mathematical; o Technical; o Project management and team work (agile etc.). o And more Educational support services o Learning management systems (LMS); o Systems supporting preparation of learning courses; o E-learning tools (infrastructure, software and devices); o Classroom support systems; o Practice and coaching management systems; o Qualification assessment and examinations; o Educational Analytics. Educational institution management o Endowment; o Resource planning and management; o Management of incubators and other forms of encouraging entrepreneurial activity; o Management of capital assets; o Advertising and PR; o Students and alumni relationship management; o Loans and scholarships; o Building a career, etc.; o Certification of professional qualifications (registers and ratings of specialists); o Student self-government. Clouds Internet of Things Big Data Machine Learning Blockchain Natural Interface
  • 83. A bit of futurism Institute For The Future (IFTF) and ACT Foundation and ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning proposed novel model of knowledge acquisition and development
  • 84. Idea 1: common ledger It is possible to enhance the flexibility, reactivity and quality of the education system, and to reduce its associated overhead costs, if to ensure automated storage and unified exchange of the verifiable documents about courses, qualifying exams, and the level of education between students, teachers and educational institutions, certification bodies and employers
  • 85. Idea 2: Lifelong learning/education Education is not just a diploma. This is a set of all completed training courses, practices, projects, work experience, corporate trainings, professional development, independent study in free time, etc. Life is learning, to reflect this experience, one could collect all the facts about educational activities in the form of a secure verifiable machine-readable chain of records, i.e. in the blockchain
  • 86. Idea 3: Personalized education There is no royal path to geometry. But everyone can have their own way to knowledge. The goals of each, too, can be different. Instead of choosing one for all, ideal for nobody, universal order of learning let’s help everyone to choose their own way. And the guidelines on this path will be the convenience of studying and the needs of society.
  • 87. Idea 4: knowledge and skills are assets, the value of which can and should be measured and acknowledged New technologies allow: • Collect data on each student's "lesson" (blockchain); • Track each lesson's contribution to a student's future career, earnings, and recognition (big data); • Determine the value and adequacy of each lesson for each next student and give him an opportunity to informed choice (machine learning).
  • 88. "Quantum leap" in education One employer One diploma One university One school certificate One educational program One teacher One school One sponsor (usually, family) One student One education ministry
  • 89. "Quantum leap" in education Many employers Lifelong learning Many sources of funding Many programs, courses, schools and universities
  • 90. The concept of “edu-block": traditional courses Educational course Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualification Educational course Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualification Educational course Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualification Educational course Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualification Educational course Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualification
  • 91. Concept of «edu-block»: the cloud of learning Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson LessonQualifica- tion Attestation LessonLesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion AttestationLesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion
  • 92. Concept of «edu-block»: dynamical courses Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion Attestation Lesson Lesson Lesson LessonQualifica- tion Attestation LessonLesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion AttestationLesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Qualifica- tion
  • 93. Anatomy of edu-block Verification of the acquired knowledge Requirements for the initial qualification (pre-requirements) Qualification test for the perception of educational materials Requirements for tools Requirements for tutor Requirements to the team (if a block is passed in command) Links to educational content: texts, videos, interactive notebooks, game scenarios, etc. Class of edu-block Owner and payment principles Rating of edu-block class A human, a robot, a team? What kind of knowledge (not blocks!) are pre- required? How much skills should one have? Works in XXX? Who is the author? Who can license the unit? Who can transfer the license for usage in educational process? Who can transfer the license for the passage? What categories of software and laboratory (physical) tools/instruments and materials can be used when passing the block? Who can be a teacher/tutor? The lecturer? The head of the practice? Roles and qualifications of other team members for the passage of the block Input control questions or other verification for admission to the block Texts, video films, interactive notebooks (such as Jupiter, Mathcad, Mathematica, etc.), game scenarios (missions), description of actions, etc. Rating of the edu-block class is calculated taking into account academic and career successes of students who have passed instances of this edu-block A set of tasks for assessing the mastery of the material in the block
  • 94. Classes, instances and records of edu-block Verification of the acquired knowledge Requirements for the initial qualification (pre-requirements) Qualification test for the perception of educational materials Tools Tutor Team Links to educational content: texts, videos, interactive notebooks, game scenarios, etc. Instance of edu-block Price The result of the verification of the "learned knowledge" Used tools Tutor Team Identifier of edu-block class Blockchain entry on the passage Prove of payment Identifier of the subject (the student) Verification of the acquired knowledge Requirements for the initial qualification (pre-requirements) Qualification test for the perception of educational materials Requirements for tools Requirements for tutor Requirements to the team (if a block is passed in command) Links to educational content: texts, videos, interactive notebooks, game scenarios, etc. Class of edu-block Owner and payment principles Rating of edu-block class
  • 95. Training and certification units are similar Certification units can also be used for exams, “Olympiads”, professional qualification tests, admission to work, etc. Verification of acquired knowledge Requirements for the initial qualification (pre-requirements) Qualification test for the perception of educational material Links to educational content: texts, videos, interactive notebooks, game scenarios, etc. Class of edu-block Rating of edu-block class … Verification of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities Requirements for the initial qualification (pre-requirements) Qualification test for the perception of educational material Links to educational content: texts, videos, interactive notebooks, game scenarios, etc. Class of attestation edu-block Rating of edu-block class …
  • 96. Edu-blocks and Artificial Intelligence • Edu-blocks are selected for each student individually, taking into account her/his goals, personal qualities, material, etc. (in many ways similar to how the films are selected by Netflix). • In the edu-block class, we can not simply indicate which blocks it refers to as preconditions. We need to formulate criteria that allow to select suitable blocks (including new ones) using AI algorithms. • The content of each instance of the edu-bloc needs to be modified taking into account which blocks were previously passed to match the designations, units of measure, style of presentation. • AI can "come up" with control tasks and check their solutions. • AI conducts a dialogue with the student, contributing to the mastering of the material and the decision of organizational questions. • AI is used to prevent abuses during the performance of the control tasks and attestation (one can expect both the unfair assistance of friends and parents, and the emergence of special programs for the online passage of certifications instead of students).
  • 97. Motivation: success in life and in the game Digitalization of education does not imply total exclusion of teachers from the process, but the role of online education will definitely grow. How to keep the motivation? • For some students, a good motivation will be the ability to monitor their achievements on a daily basis, compare them with the successes of others, and assess the contribution of the work done to future professional success and well- being. • For others, gamification would be a good option, where education is organized as a sort of quest with a variety of options, missions, visual effects, perhaps, a team game, competitions, etc. kak-budut-vyglyadet-igry-na-project-scor-io-v-4k-i-1080/
  • 98. Education and career To associate education with professional success, it is necessary to integrate the management system of edu-blocks with the professional social network (aka LinkedIn) – it is also a large complex graph Forecast Equipment maintenance Accounts Service requests Orders Support case Shipments Meetings Documents Calendar Email Tasks Message People Storage Relationships Skills Professional contacts Job History Talent Opportunities
  • 99. Economics of edu-blocks • The class of blocks can be sold, bought, granted/presented to the subject of the educational process – school, university, teacher, qualification commission, enterprise, consumer service, public organization, the state, etc. • The block can be sold, bought, granted/presented, sponsored to the object of the educational process – student, team, robot or information service. • The value of the block class increases with the success of students who have passed their instances of edu-blocks • The value of classes affects the value of the content and tools they use • For employers, educational institutions and qualification commissions, the" value" of the student grows with the growth of the total value of the passed blocks and completed certifications (exams, Olympiads, etc.). • The student can present his/her personal learning path (plan, curriculum) to his/her sponsors/ investors with a reasonable assessment of each block's contribution to the future earnings • The learning process can be mutual (but can edu-block classes be generated dynamically in the course live classroom communication?)
  • 100. Blockchain and the data ownership in edu Blockchain naturally provides complete and unchangeable distributed ledger. Is it always an advantage ? Data transfer and disclosure Person (student, employee, etc.) or her/his legitimate representatives (parents, educational institutions, state bodies, employers, etc.) should be able to control, which records could be disclosed to whom, why, and when. This is mandatory natural requirement to be reflected in architecture and its implementation. Right to be forgotten They also may want to omit or exclude some records. This is trickier. Physically deleted records may cause “orphan” blocks in blockchain, destroy ratings quality, misinform subjects of edu process, etc. Such functionality to be designed and implemented carefully. Say, through making some records completely unreadable and unidentifiable, but still “visible” to bulk analytics (ratings, etc.). Some records may be prohibited from “being forgotten” by future law/regulation.
  • 101. Other potential issues with the "radically new approach“ to edu • Preparation of the necessary content and changes in educational processes will require a long re-training of authors and teachers. The transition period can take 10+ (?) years. • The rating system will begin to operate gradually. It will take a long transition period, while it is "configured" and “tuned” on the real life examples. At this time, the role of regulators and educational institutions should remain in some form. • Edu-block based system will meet the current needs of society and economy, but will not help much to change the education system "in response to external challenges" (as in the US in response to the satellite). • If some “ill" practices (low pay for socially important skilled labor, etc.) are rooted in the society, this system will rather "preserve" than “correct” them. • The system may face the "digital analogs" of existing abuse (false exams, "fake" accreditation, etc.) – society should become intolerant to them, and the violations should have serious consequences. • Collective social games against the digital edu-system are quite likely to be similar to how they occur against modern adaptive services, such as Uber (driver groups in Facebook), etc. • Need refinement and experimentation to implement blockchain based solution of such scale.
  • 102. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Math contest/Olympiad, designed to address different levels of training, different forms of participation, and different interests 280 000 participants 21 500 schools 85 countries
  • 103. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Since the end of 2017, the infrastructure of the Challenge is based on the blockchain Регистрация участников, учет всех активностей, выдача цифровых сертификатов
  • 104. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Online certificate verification in blockchain
  • 105. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Customization Experiments: Five Thinking Strategies
  • 106. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Detailed personalized analytics and explanations
  • 107. The case: Sony Global Education Math Challenge 5 Continues education, global participation By the level of qualification By regionBy age for the «Master» level
  • 108. Ethics of technology usage Modern technologies increase comfort, safety and efficiency. But when using them, one should avoid privacy infringements. In particular... : • Personal data of teachers, parents and students should be strictly protected. • They should have full control over their data, in particular to determine who and what data can be shown. • In exceptional cases, the data may, in the necessary minimum amount, be shown to a third party in accordance with the procedure established by law. And we should never forget that IDENTITY ≠ PORTFOLIO (FILE) • No decisions regarding students may be made automatically or based solely on automated systems data/recommendations.
  • 110. The educational institution today and tomorrow Basic learning services o Video courses on popular hosting sites (including youtube, etc.); o Interactive courses using text and computational (analytical) tools; o Proprietary online courses with specific management tools; o Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs,); o Custom micro-degrees, like in Udacity; o Branded online course systems for a degree. Applied educational and research services o Linguistic; o Mathematical; o Technical; o Project management and teamwork practices (agile, etc.). Educational support services o Learning management Systems (LMS); o Course Preparation Systems; o E-learning tools (infrastructure, software and devices); o Classroom support systems; o Practice and coaching management systems; o Qualification assessment and examination; o Educational analytics. Management of edu institution o Endowment; o Resource planning and management; o Incubation and other forms of business activates promotion; o Capital asset management; o Advertising and PR; o Student Relationship Management and Alumni; o Loans and scholarships; o Career building, etc..; o Confirmation of professional qualifications (registers and ratings of specialists); o Student self-governance; Clouds Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things Natural interface Blockchain
  • 111. ICT platform for education A combination of technologies allows to create a powerful, flexible and reliable solutions Blockchain Payments for educational services, including in the global market; Endowment; Digital confirmation of qualifications/certificates/diplomas; Tracking of personal educational trajectories; Control of the educational process; Student self-administration; Internal "self-balance" of structural units; Asset tracking; Increase in transparency and efficiency of "near-university" entrepreneurship (including educational and real ICO). Artificial Intelligence Analysis of students' satisfaction and preferences; Adaptation of course delivery to the student's needs; Gamification engines for educational games; Forecast of academic performance; Issuance of educational loans; Educational tools for specific disciplines; Generation of educational assignments; Analysis of quality of student's works; Campus security systems; Management of the engineering infrastructure; The use by "near-university" startups. Cloud Unlimited scalability and elasticity Best available cybersecurity Flexible subscription models and low prices Wide range of services and software Reliable sandboxes
  • 113. Opportunities for school and teachers : ► Technology trainings, study of existing pedagogical scenarios. ► Transferring experience to the participants of the program in the format of "teacher-teacher" at seminars/webinars/trainings. ► Consultations from Microsoft specialists, technological and methodical support by the pedagogical community. ► Possibility to organize face-to-face learning of Microsoft technologies and pedagogical scenarios directly at specific school. ► Acquaintance with the best international practices, face-to-face and distance participation in Microsoft international activities for teachers. ► Development and testing of author's pedagogical scenarios, publications. ► Joining Microsoft's international community of edu experts, international recognition. ► Exchange of experience in the form of seminars / webinars / trainings / conferences. ► Participation in professional competitions with new ideas and projects. Participation in Microsoft international events for teachers. Recognition at home and abroad. ► Opportunity to get the status of Microsoft base site in the region – Microsoft Showcase School. Reformaticsdrives
  • 114. © 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.