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Neville, C2010, The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism, 2nd edn, Open
University Press, Berksire, England.
Key terms:
Primary source–evidence that comes directly from the people involved in the event or phenomenon
in question, include theories, models, ideas, interpretations, definitions and practices as described
and presented by their originators, rather than their commentators.
Secondary sources– include material produced about the event or phenomenon, including the
commentary or interpretation of others about theories, models, ideas, definitions and practices
(reportage material in newspapers, magazines, reference books and on the Internet).
References–items you have read and specifically cited.
Bibliography– more content...
e. Spreading knowledge: Referencing also allows the tutor and other readers to advance their own
knowledge, trace the sources you cited and use the same evidence for their own purposes.
f. An appreciation: Referencing is about giving appreciation, showing courtesy and respect, and
honouring the hard work of writers and commentators.
g. Your reading, and influences on your work: Tutors will want to identify what sources have been
influential in shaping your direction in your research. The tutors may offer comment on the absence
of any particular commentator or theorist.
h. Marking criteria: Relevant evidence and accurate referencing is an important element in the
marking of assignments. Accurate referencing is also a demonstration of your research, intellectual
integrity and the care you have taken in preparing to write the assignment.
i. Avoiding plagiarism: Accurate referencing will help you to avoid being accused of plagiarism.
2. The 'what' and 'when' of referencing.
a. What to reference: information that have been written, recorded, filmed or presented into the
public domain in some way to others, but not anything that cannot be read, heard or seen by another
who wants to check the same source.
b. Primary and secondary sources: Use primary source for your central definitions, main descriptions,
quotations, etc.; and secondary material for lesser definitions, factual information,
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Student Referencing: Scholarly Sources
Referencing is an important part of academic writing it demonstrates that credible articles are being
used and it also assists the student in avoiding plagiarism. This case study will critique the reference
list of a student's assessment showing how one of the reference used is from a scholarly source
while also demonstrating how another article is from a non–scholarly source. This will be done by
using evidence to support these choices this includes methods such as explaining primary and
secondary research articles, taking note of the currency, assessing whether the author is from a
reputable background in regards to qualifications and their area of expertise and checking whether
the author or article has a bias or agenda. While making more content...
When checking the validity of the literature making sure there is an author without a bias or an
agenda is important in addition to making sure they have credible qualifications in the field they are
writing about. In addition to this if it is important to note how to correctly reference the
aforementioned literature to avoid plagiarism and to make sure the original author of the piece is
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Unit 424 Referencing For Research Paper
424 – Task 1.1 Introduction Referencing is when you acknowledge materials used while
researching, including books; papers; websites and other published or unpublished materials.
References are used to acknowledge the parts of your work that are based on information from
other outside sources and have been written by someone else not by yourself. References are a
way to acknowledge the other authors and give them accreditation. If you fail to use references,
what you have written would be classed as plagiarism and will be discredited. When to use
referencing Referencing should be used whenever quotations of an original text is used or you refer
to quotations and paraphrase any content that has been written by someone else. References could
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Referencing For Plagiarism
Referencing is an essential part of academic writing as it provides authors with credit for their
ideas. Referencing is a requirement of academic writing, which when done correctly, will
acknowledge the contribution of words or an idea (Grellier & Goerke, 2014, p, 68) into the piece of
writing which is being created. However, failure to reference will incur instances of plagiarism.
Grellier and Goerke (2014) state that individual institutions will have a policy on plagiarism and
will treat it very seriously (p. 68). Penalties may apply and stringent testing for plagiarism will be in
place. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals become familiar with correct referencing practices
and apply them appropriately. It is critical to understand
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Consequences Of Referencing
A student of the University of Newcastle, is like a family member for the time you are studying at
the campus. Once you graduate you look back on that time and realise the support and network
you had to create such an inspiring career. Just like a family when you start to grow or join the
campus you grow to have and learn about morals, values and respects and in this family of Newcastle
University you are to 'have honesty, fairness, trust, accountability and respect.'(University of
Newcastle, Code of Conduct,2008,p1.) However, it is hard to gather these understandings of the
'Code of Conduct' and understand in depth consequences are for the values to be broken.
Plagiarism is defined as 'presenting someone else's work as your own without more
Morals and ethics can get you a long way with understanding the difference of what is right and
wrong, with this scenario of not understanding the idea and concept of working together on the
same assignment I as someone could not see the problem with it, and this is where the controversy
is placed because it is understood as wrong under university of
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of APA Writing Style
1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear
communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the
correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a
publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among
journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts
might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book.
Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such
variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style
becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics.
2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style.
Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct
exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is
complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body,
reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the
body of your text paired with a full citation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list
last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation
involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving
adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What
is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the
format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise
citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research.
On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just
about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a
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Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition Sample Paper
Free Essays Biffy Wentworth University PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND
REFERENCING Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the
APA, 6th Edition Every student at some time in his or her college career will be called on to write a
term paper for a course. Many students have never learned, or have not been taught, the proper form
of citation, quotation and referencing using the Publication Manual of the APA. When students use
citations incorrectly, they are running the risk that they are plagiarizing more content...
The student makes a statement, and should then follow it with a source within the body of the
paper as proof. The scheme of events will look like this: student PROPER CITATION,
QUOTATION AND REFERENCING statement, then proof (with citation in the body of the paper),
statement, then proof. The reader will appreciate the proof as backup to the statements being made,
and it makes the statements have more power to be backed up by professionals who agree with
what is said. Citations can be paraphrased or quoted directly within the body of the paper. In fact, the
Publication Manual of the APA states that when there are direct quotations, the information varies
depending on whether using print or electric form. When citing print sources, give the "author, year,
and page number in parentheses" (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 120). When students are
paraphrasing, which means boiling down the phrases into their own words, the idea from the original
source must also be given proper credit. This means that the student should correctly cite, and put
quotations around the text that was used, so that the reader can go back and find the citation and the
context it was used in the original text. Students may also need to make a citation for secondary
sources within the body of a term paper. A secondary source is when the author quotes someone else,
and makes a citation within the text the student
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The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing
The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing
Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic
papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they
are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as
individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of
humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her
right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing
plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who
committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them.
Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs
to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars
familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an
acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with
information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an
acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to
the sources that he or she used.
In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this
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Frame Of Reference Essay
Option A– Frame of reference (Topic 2)
The aim of this essay is to discuss how people's frame of reference may influence their
communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and
cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may
complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships.
Key concepts
Frame of Reference
According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of
complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share
meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our
customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. This makes
the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships).
According to (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014) we need to understand that people have no view
into our frames of reference and thus we must be open in allowing other people to understand our
frames in order more content...
Personal values can be seen as personal principles, beliefs, morals, and ideas used to make everyday
decisions. These values are developed during our upbringing and are strengthened from occurring
circumstances around us, and may change over time (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014).
Understanding and recognizing our personal values and interests is important as it assists us in
making healthy and responsible decisions in our relationships and for future reference. Our personal
values differ as individuals thus personal values are indirectly related to choice because they allow a
person to compare their decisions with the associated values of each choice. (Atherton,
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Citation and Harvard Referencing Format
TOPIC : ________________________________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION What's Known? Not
known? What's new? Thesis Statement :
____________________________________________________ 2.0 BODY PARAGRAPH:
____________________________________________________ 2.1 supporting details, statistics,
concrete examples (eg. names of places/buildings/events, etc.)? 2.2 2.3 Concluding sentence :
Therefore, __________________________________________________ more content...
List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references
listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard
Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must
be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's
library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List.
List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references
listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard
Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must
be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's
library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List.
List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references
listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard
Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must
be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing
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Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
Research papers (research essays) must include information from sources. This is called synthesizing
or integrating your sources.
There are three ways to incorporate information from other sources into your paper: quoting,
paraphrasing, and summarizing. Good research papers should include at least quoting and
paraphrasing and preferably also summarizing. The method you choose depends on which is the best
way to make the point you are trying to make in using that particular information from the source. It
is very important to remember that even if you are not using the exact words of the author as when
you paraphrase or summarize, you must give a source citation.
Every sentence with information from more content...
Quotations should only be used in paraphrases when there are special words or wording that cannot
be paraphrased. Because the same information that the author provided is being used, a paraphrase
is often as long as the original source. Since paraphrases are information from a source, every
sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source even if exact words are not quoted.
Even through a sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source, any exact words from
the source must be in quotation marks. Failing to use quotation marks on exact words is plagiarism
even if the sentence give credit to the source.
Proper notetaking while doing research will help avoid plagiarism. Notes should include quotation
marks around any exact words taken from sources.
Another problem students may have with paraphrasing is that the language used in the paraphrase
should be an accurate accounting of the source's ideas. Good paraphrasing doesn't just capture the
ideas of the source. They don't include your own opinions or omit important information. Just like in
a quotation, be sure to either introduce the source at the beginning of your paraphrase or cite the
source at the end of the sentence so that the reader knows these are not your ideas, but ideas from
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Introduction Referencing is one of the most important aspects of any academic literature in the
modern day scenario. It is the main way through which someone acknowledges the fact that they
have borrowed the ideas of someone else, and have used their work for citation ion their work.
There are several different kinds of referencing system among which the Harvard referencing
style is one of the most popular. The different aspects of the Harvard style along with the main
methods through which the style is implemented have been detailed and discussed. Herein, this
study is about the Harvard referencing style and detailing the actual point of referencing in the
first place. The Actual Point of Referencing Referencing is extremely important while compiling
an academic file, as it is the main method of showing acknowledgement to the authors of the work
which has been used for ideas in the said academic literature. A failure in this regard leads to
people developing the misconception that the author has cheated or plagiarised someone else's
work and is now claiming it as their own. Any kind of plagiarism is considered to be a serious
offence, especially in the academic circles. Being accused of the malpractice of plagiarism is one
of the worst hits that the reputation of a researcher can ever receive. Indeed, it is significantly
difficult to recover a proper reputation once accusations of this kind are made towards someone. For
students, being accused of the
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Harvard Referencing System
Harvard Referencing System
Tunku Abdul Rahman College
Compiled by Dr Chook Ka Joo Quality Assurance Department Tunku Abdul Rahman College and Mr
Johnny Chin Fui Chung School of Social Science and Humanities Tunku Abdul Rahman College
For internal circulation only. ©Tunku Abdul Rahman College. All rights reserved.
CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 REFERENCES
1 1 1 2 2 6 9
TAR College Harvard Referencing System
TUNKU ABDUL more content...
For example: Many factors are known to affect the success of students at the tertiary education level
(Saunders 2005). OR
TAR College Harvard Referencing System 2
Saunders (2003, p. 21) claims that there are many factors that are known to affect the success of
students at the tertiary education level. In these two examples, the sentences summarise the main
view expressed in an article written by Saunders. Also note that the first example highlights the
information but the second example highlights or gives prominence to the author of the article. i. If
the author's name occurs naturally in the sentence, the year is given in parentheses: In a popular
study, Harvey (2005) argued that we have to teach good practices... As Harvey (1992, p. 21) said,
'good practices must be taught' and so we... ii. If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence,
both name and year are given in parentheses: A more recent study (Stevens 2002) has shown the way
theory and practical work interact... Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, returns to
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Referencing Resilience
Your statement referencing resilience as how an individual bounce back from a bad situation is
accurate. Individuals who do not have the qualities of resilience can learn these qualities. By
having a positive outlook can overcome depression. Accepting and giving kindness will make you
feel good about yourself and brings you happiness. Happiness overcomes sadness and builds
self–confidence which is very important in building resilience. When an individual feels better about
themselves, they develop confidence. A confident individual will be open to accepting help which
will lead to open
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Social referencing, according to Bernstein, Penner, Clarke–Stewart, and Roy (2008), occurs in
ambiguous social situations when cues are taken from other people to determine appropriate actions.
This processes is important in the lives of developing and growing infants, as they are continuously
confronted with new and strange situations in their new worlds. These infants often gain information
about these situations from their primary care giver, historically the mother. This paper will provide a
summary of research relating to social referencing in infants. The foundational work of Saul
Feinman will be reviewed. Current research looking at how depression affects social referencing and
how fathers are looked to for social cues will more content...
It was theorized that this condition exists in depressed mothers. The researchers wanted to determine
if training in social referencing could increase social referencing the infants. Forty–four 8–12 month
old infants with mothers showing significant symptoms of depression participated in the study. All
infant–mother pairs were divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group. All
pairs were observed interacting spontaneously in the pretest condition. In the posttest condition, the
control group was again observed interacting spontaneously, but the experimental group received
training in behavioral procedures referenced in social situations; in this research, these procedures
included discrimination training reinforcement. The researchers found that training significantly
increased the infants' action of looking toward their mother and the appropriate behaviors in
response, indicating that training improved social referencing in the infants.
This finding is important because it suggests the deficit in social learning experienced in infants with
depressed mothers is reversible. However, the researchers noted several limitations. These included
the highly artificial and experimental conditions, uncertainty of the level of depression in mothers,
previous evidence of the tendency of depressed mothers to be more responsive in a laboratory setting
than in a natural environment, possible emotional factors, and the
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Harvard Referencing Guide
Harvard System Referencing Guide
This guide sets out the Harvard system of referencing to be used in the Thesis and other major
essays submitted as part of the course taught through out the MBA program. It is important to
reference published material that you wish to use in your essay. While referencing is a standard that
is used to avoid plagiarism it also supports a strong scientific method.
To build arguments and provide evidence you mustreference any published resources you use. The
spirit of referencing is embodied in Newton's famous 1676 quote, 'If I have seen further it is by
standing on the shoulders of giants'. It means that Newton's great discoveries were made by building
on the previous work more content...
An individualizing focus may result in undermining 'the capacity for communal action and alienate
the organizational members from the activities that they are required to undertake' (Broadbent, et al.,
1999: 358).
Reference List
Broadbent, J. Jacobs, K. and Laughlin, R. (1999) 'Comparing schools in the U.K. and New Zealand:
Individualizing and socializing accountabilities and some implications for management control'.
Management Accounting Research, 10: 339–361.
The variability of internet site quality is problematic for referencing in academic essays. However,
access to annual company reports, press releases, and daily news services provide ample reasons to
utilize the internet in essays. Journal articles obtained over the internet should use the standard
journal format unless the journal is solely in electronic format (see below).
Wiegran and Koth's (1999) article on successful online commerce focuses on customer loyalty,
increasing purchases, and higher margin products. They propose five website features to achieve
successful online commerce; Value added information, personalization, intelligent communication,
user generated content, and loyalty incentives (Wiegran and Koth, 1999). Since 1991, the price of
oil has reached its highest in February 2000 and this rise is due to OPEC restrictions on oil
production (BBC, 2000).
Reference List
BBC, (2000, February 19) 'Oil reaches $30 a barrel'. (BBC News),
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Harvard Referencing Guide
A guide to the Harvard referencing system
Maureen Dwyer
This article explains how to reference an academic work using the Harvard system. Instructions
comply with the relevant British standards, i.e. BS 5605:1990, BS 1629:1989 and BS 6371:1983.
The importance of referencing in an approved manner is discussed and problem areas such as joint
authors, corporate authorship and unpublished works are examined. The issue of second–hand
references that are not addressed by the standards is also explained–
he Harvard system is a popular referencing system for academic works and is Ah( often referred to
as the 'author/date ' system, which distinguishes it from the Vancouver or 'numerical ' system. To be
more specific, more content...
exact date is not known, an approximate date followed by a question mark can be given, e.g. (16th
century?). Where no date is given or can be found, (No date) or the .lbbrcviation (ND) should be
stated. Title: Always use the title on the title piige. Give the full title, although the inclusion of the
subtitle is optional. Journal titles should be given in full, with abbreviations used only in
accordance with BS 4148 (BSI, 1985). If referring to a whole journal – not just an article within it –
give the journal name and its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), e.g.
Journal of Ecology, ISSN 0022–0477.
Reference: Dickinson EJ (1991) Quality hospitals: the role of medical audit. Geriatric Medicine 21:
27–8, 31–2. Citations in the text # Use only the author*s/s ' surname(s) and year of publication,
with the addition of page number(s) if required, e.g. (Swann, 1981, p. 10). # Where sense demands,
the name of the author(s) can be incorporated into the text, e.g. Strauss and Ziegler (1975) outline
the main goals of the Delphi technique, with Turoff (1970) identifying four secondary goals. # If
two or more works by the same author(s) have the same publication date, they should be
distinguished by adding lower case letters after the date, e.g. (Tschudin, 1992b).
Finalised reference list
Edition: It is important to state second or further
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Essay and referencing
The three communication theories I have applied to provide the most insight into understanding the
dynamics of the observed conversation between two people are; the transmission model (Shannon
& Weaver 1949), Foulger 's ecological model (Foulger 2004), and an expanded model of
communication (Eunson 2012).
In this essay I have used a conversation I had listened to which was between my friend (from here
on will be named George) and his friend (from here on will be named Mark). Problems that arose
during the conversation will be explained as well as how George and Mark overcame them. From
there the essay will compare and contrast the three communication theories and decide which of
these best simplify the more content...
Figure 2: An Ecological Model of the Communication (Source: Foulger 2004)
Eunson 's expanded model of communication is more complex than Foulger 's as well as Shannon
and Weaver 's models, though it is more appropriate to this conversation had between George and
Mark due to the fact it shows that in order for the communication to happen the sender must pre–edit
and then encode the message pass the message onto the receiver where he decodes and edits the
message. Eunson also takes into account the use of mechanical, behavioural and semantic factors of
encoding, and understands that if the message is to be understood the receiver must be able to
decode the message. This is particularly relevant, and highly important to this conversation between
George and Mark due to the factors mentioned before.
Figure 3: An expanded model of communication (Source: Eunson 2012)
I have found Shannon and Weavers transactional model too simple and cannot evaluate the
complexities of this situation, and that Foulger 's model too broad and not able to focus on the
problems that need to be addressed.
Therefore, I believe that Eunson 's expanded model of communication is the most adequate to use
out of the three models that were written about because Eunson 's model has shown how a message
from George is first pre–edited
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Social Referencing Development
Research Replication: The Development of Social Referencing
Keely Rodriguez
California State University of Sacramento
Professor Jaeger
The development of social referencing Infants could indicate the emotional reactions of other
people in order to evaluate situations or objects as safe or risky (Wagner, 2004, p. 309.)
Walden and Ogan conducted a study to better understand the way infants engage in social
referencing as a means of influencing their interpretations and responses to events, objects, and
people. Social referencing was examined on infants as young as 6 months of age and indicated that
they reference their parents and other persons by the end of the first year of life (Walden & Ogan, more content...
There were several differences in age related behaviors between the groups. The youngest group did
not seek the parent's face as frequently as did the older grouped children. The older children's
preference for making reference to the parent's face may reflect their understanding that facial
expressions provide a significant source information about events. The youngest children may have
lacked such understanding or they may have been more concerned with simply establishing their
parents secured presence rather than using them as a resource for appraising the toys. The looking
pattern of the youngest children suggest that they may have not detected the fear effect of the
parental communication or understood that the message referred specifically to the toy. However,
the fact that the youngest group spent less time playing with the toy associated with the fearful
message indicated that some communication did occur. By the end of the first year of life, children
can be expected to have at least some understanding of the meaning of fearful expressions as well as
referential communications, and they appear to have taken their parents negative messages
seriously. Infants of about 12 months of age have frequently been the focus of social referencing
studies, and the results of the present investigation suggest that social referencing effects may indeed
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Referencing In Essays

  • 1. Neville, C2010, The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism, 2nd edn, Open University Press, Berksire, England. Key terms: Primary source–evidence that comes directly from the people involved in the event or phenomenon in question, include theories, models, ideas, interpretations, definitions and practices as described and presented by their originators, rather than their commentators. Secondary sources– include material produced about the event or phenomenon, including the commentary or interpretation of others about theories, models, ideas, definitions and practices (reportage material in newspapers, magazines, reference books and on the Internet). References–items you have read and specifically cited. Bibliography– more content... e. Spreading knowledge: Referencing also allows the tutor and other readers to advance their own knowledge, trace the sources you cited and use the same evidence for their own purposes. f. An appreciation: Referencing is about giving appreciation, showing courtesy and respect, and honouring the hard work of writers and commentators. g. Your reading, and influences on your work: Tutors will want to identify what sources have been influential in shaping your direction in your research. The tutors may offer comment on the absence of any particular commentator or theorist. h. Marking criteria: Relevant evidence and accurate referencing is an important element in the marking of assignments. Accurate referencing is also a demonstration of your research, intellectual integrity and the care you have taken in preparing to write the assignment. i. Avoiding plagiarism: Accurate referencing will help you to avoid being accused of plagiarism. 2. The 'what' and 'when' of referencing. a. What to reference: information that have been written, recorded, filmed or presented into the public domain in some way to others, but not anything that cannot be read, heard or seen by another who wants to check the same source. b. Primary and secondary sources: Use primary source for your central definitions, main descriptions, quotations, etc.; and secondary material for lesser definitions, factual information, Get more content on
  • 2. Student Referencing: Scholarly Sources Referencing is an important part of academic writing it demonstrates that credible articles are being used and it also assists the student in avoiding plagiarism. This case study will critique the reference list of a student's assessment showing how one of the reference used is from a scholarly source while also demonstrating how another article is from a non–scholarly source. This will be done by using evidence to support these choices this includes methods such as explaining primary and secondary research articles, taking note of the currency, assessing whether the author is from a reputable background in regards to qualifications and their area of expertise and checking whether the author or article has a bias or agenda. While making more content... When checking the validity of the literature making sure there is an author without a bias or an agenda is important in addition to making sure they have credible qualifications in the field they are writing about. In addition to this if it is important to note how to correctly reference the aforementioned literature to avoid plagiarism and to make sure the original author of the piece is correctly Get more content on
  • 3. Unit 424 Referencing For Research Paper 424 – Task 1.1 Introduction Referencing is when you acknowledge materials used while researching, including books; papers; websites and other published or unpublished materials. References are used to acknowledge the parts of your work that are based on information from other outside sources and have been written by someone else not by yourself. References are a way to acknowledge the other authors and give them accreditation. If you fail to use references, what you have written would be classed as plagiarism and will be discredited. When to use referencing Referencing should be used whenever quotations of an original text is used or you refer to quotations and paraphrase any content that has been written by someone else. References could Get more content on
  • 4. Referencing For Plagiarism Referencing is an essential part of academic writing as it provides authors with credit for their ideas. Referencing is a requirement of academic writing, which when done correctly, will acknowledge the contribution of words or an idea (Grellier & Goerke, 2014, p, 68) into the piece of writing which is being created. However, failure to reference will incur instances of plagiarism. Grellier and Goerke (2014) state that individual institutions will have a policy on plagiarism and will treat it very seriously (p. 68). Penalties may apply and stringent testing for plagiarism will be in place. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals become familiar with correct referencing practices and apply them appropriately. It is critical to understand Get more content on
  • 5. Consequences Of Referencing A student of the University of Newcastle, is like a family member for the time you are studying at the campus. Once you graduate you look back on that time and realise the support and network you had to create such an inspiring career. Just like a family when you start to grow or join the campus you grow to have and learn about morals, values and respects and in this family of Newcastle University you are to 'have honesty, fairness, trust, accountability and respect.'(University of Newcastle, Code of Conduct,2008,p1.) However, it is hard to gather these understandings of the 'Code of Conduct' and understand in depth consequences are for the values to be broken. Plagiarism is defined as 'presenting someone else's work as your own without more content... Morals and ethics can get you a long way with understanding the difference of what is right and wrong, with this scenario of not understanding the idea and concept of working together on the same assignment I as someone could not see the problem with it, and this is where the controversy is placed because it is understood as wrong under university of Get more content on
  • 6. Advantages And Disadvantages Of APA Writing Style 1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book. Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics. 2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style. Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body, reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the body of your text paired with a full citation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research. On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a paper, Get more content on
  • 7. Running head: PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition Sample Paper Free Essays Biffy Wentworth University PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING Proper Citation, Quotation and Referencing Using The Publication Manual of the APA, 6th Edition Every student at some time in his or her college career will be called on to write a term paper for a course. Many students have never learned, or have not been taught, the proper form of citation, quotation and referencing using the Publication Manual of the APA. When students use citations incorrectly, they are running the risk that they are plagiarizing more content... The student makes a statement, and should then follow it with a source within the body of the paper as proof. The scheme of events will look like this: student PROPER CITATION, QUOTATION AND REFERENCING statement, then proof (with citation in the body of the paper), statement, then proof. The reader will appreciate the proof as backup to the statements being made, and it makes the statements have more power to be backed up by professionals who agree with what is said. Citations can be paraphrased or quoted directly within the body of the paper. In fact, the Publication Manual of the APA states that when there are direct quotations, the information varies depending on whether using print or electric form. When citing print sources, give the "author, year, and page number in parentheses" (Publication Manual of the APA, 2010, p. 120). When students are paraphrasing, which means boiling down the phrases into their own words, the idea from the original source must also be given proper credit. This means that the student should correctly cite, and put quotations around the text that was used, so that the reader can go back and find the citation and the context it was used in the original text. Students may also need to make a citation for secondary sources within the body of a term paper. A secondary source is when the author quotes someone else, and makes a citation within the text the student Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance of Citation in Academic Writing The Importance of Citing in Academic Writing Many students today fail to understand the importance of citing sources when they write academic papers. Furthermore, some only cite sources because they are concerned about the grade that they are going to get if their paper is not complete. Plagiarism has become a common practice as individuals prefer to steal intellectual information from others. The ability to create is one of humanity's most important talents and it is wrong for someone to rob an individual of his or her right to put across his or her creativity. Most people understand the unfairness of committing plagiarism when their ideas are stolen and used without their consent and with the person who committed this immorality expressing no interest in referencing them. Academic writing encompasses a complex set of concepts and a person who wants to do it needs to get actively engaged in writing a document is likely to be reviewed by a group of scholars familiar with the subject under discussion. A citation is basically "a signpost and an acknowledgement" (Hunter). The fact that it is a signpost means that it provides readers with information regarding where they can find the source of the writer's inspiration. Its value as an acknowledgement relates to how the writer needs to put across his or her appreciation in regard to the sources that he or she used. In the academic world writers can only function by using sources and this is largely what keeps this Get more content on
  • 9. Frame Of Reference Essay ¬¬_ Option A– Frame of reference (Topic 2) Introduction The aim of this essay is to discuss how people's frame of reference may influence their communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships. Key concepts Frame of Reference According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. This makes the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships). According to (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014) we need to understand that people have no view into our frames of reference and thus we must be open in allowing other people to understand our frames in order more content... Personal values can be seen as personal principles, beliefs, morals, and ideas used to make everyday decisions. These values are developed during our upbringing and are strengthened from occurring circumstances around us, and may change over time (Du Plooy–Cilliers and Louw, 2014). Understanding and recognizing our personal values and interests is important as it assists us in making healthy and responsible decisions in our relationships and for future reference. Our personal values differ as individuals thus personal values are indirectly related to choice because they allow a person to compare their decisions with the associated values of each choice. (Atherton, Get more content on
  • 10. Citation and Harvard Referencing Format TOPIC : ________________________________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION What's Known? Not known? What's new? Thesis Statement : _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.0 BODY PARAGRAPH: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.1 supporting details, statistics, concrete examples (eg. names of places/buildings/events, etc.)? 2.2 2.3 Concluding sentence : Therefore, __________________________________________________ more content... List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing Get more content on
  • 11. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Research papers (research essays) must include information from sources. This is called synthesizing or integrating your sources. There are three ways to incorporate information from other sources into your paper: quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Good research papers should include at least quoting and paraphrasing and preferably also summarizing. The method you choose depends on which is the best way to make the point you are trying to make in using that particular information from the source. It is very important to remember that even if you are not using the exact words of the author as when you paraphrase or summarize, you must give a source citation. Every sentence with information from more content... Quotations should only be used in paraphrases when there are special words or wording that cannot be paraphrased. Because the same information that the author provided is being used, a paraphrase is often as long as the original source. Since paraphrases are information from a source, every sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source even if exact words are not quoted. Even through a sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source, any exact words from the source must be in quotation marks. Failing to use quotation marks on exact words is plagiarism even if the sentence give credit to the source. Proper notetaking while doing research will help avoid plagiarism. Notes should include quotation marks around any exact words taken from sources. Another problem students may have with paraphrasing is that the language used in the paraphrase should be an accurate accounting of the source's ideas. Good paraphrasing doesn't just capture the ideas of the source. They don't include your own opinions or omit important information. Just like in a quotation, be sure to either introduce the source at the beginning of your paraphrase or cite the source at the end of the sentence so that the reader knows these are not your ideas, but ideas from your Get more content on
  • 12. Introduction Referencing is one of the most important aspects of any academic literature in the modern day scenario. It is the main way through which someone acknowledges the fact that they have borrowed the ideas of someone else, and have used their work for citation ion their work. There are several different kinds of referencing system among which the Harvard referencing style is one of the most popular. The different aspects of the Harvard style along with the main methods through which the style is implemented have been detailed and discussed. Herein, this study is about the Harvard referencing style and detailing the actual point of referencing in the first place. The Actual Point of Referencing Referencing is extremely important while compiling an academic file, as it is the main method of showing acknowledgement to the authors of the work which has been used for ideas in the said academic literature. A failure in this regard leads to people developing the misconception that the author has cheated or plagiarised someone else's work and is now claiming it as their own. Any kind of plagiarism is considered to be a serious offence, especially in the academic circles. Being accused of the malpractice of plagiarism is one of the worst hits that the reputation of a researcher can ever receive. Indeed, it is significantly difficult to recover a proper reputation once accusations of this kind are made towards someone. For students, being accused of the Get more content on
  • 13. Harvard Referencing System Harvard Referencing System Tunku Abdul Rahman College Compiled by Dr Chook Ka Joo Quality Assurance Department Tunku Abdul Rahman College and Mr Johnny Chin Fui Chung School of Social Science and Humanities Tunku Abdul Rahman College 2010 For internal circulation only. ©Tunku Abdul Rahman College. All rights reserved. CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 REFERENCES Page INTRODUCTION THE IMPORTANCE OF CITING REFERENCES REFERENCING SYSTEM THE HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEMCITATIONIN THE TEXT THE REFERENCE LIST EXAMPLES OF REFERENCING 1 1 1 2 2 6 9 TAR College Harvard Referencing System TUNKU ABDUL more content... For example: Many factors are known to affect the success of students at the tertiary education level (Saunders 2005). OR TAR College Harvard Referencing System 2 5.2 Saunders (2003, p. 21) claims that there are many factors that are known to affect the success of students at the tertiary education level. In these two examples, the sentences summarise the main view expressed in an article written by Saunders. Also note that the first example highlights the information but the second example highlights or gives prominence to the author of the article. i. If the author's name occurs naturally in the sentence, the year is given in parentheses: In a popular study, Harvey (2005) argued that we have to teach good practices... As Harvey (1992, p. 21) said, 'good practices must be taught' and so we... ii. If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and year are given in parentheses: A more recent study (Stevens 2002) has shown the way theory and practical work interact... Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, returns to Get more content on
  • 14. Referencing Resilience Your statement referencing resilience as how an individual bounce back from a bad situation is accurate. Individuals who do not have the qualities of resilience can learn these qualities. By having a positive outlook can overcome depression. Accepting and giving kindness will make you feel good about yourself and brings you happiness. Happiness overcomes sadness and builds self–confidence which is very important in building resilience. When an individual feels better about themselves, they develop confidence. A confident individual will be open to accepting help which will lead to open Get more content on
  • 15. Social referencing, according to Bernstein, Penner, Clarke–Stewart, and Roy (2008), occurs in ambiguous social situations when cues are taken from other people to determine appropriate actions. This processes is important in the lives of developing and growing infants, as they are continuously confronted with new and strange situations in their new worlds. These infants often gain information about these situations from their primary care giver, historically the mother. This paper will provide a summary of research relating to social referencing in infants. The foundational work of Saul Feinman will be reviewed. Current research looking at how depression affects social referencing and how fathers are looked to for social cues will more content... It was theorized that this condition exists in depressed mothers. The researchers wanted to determine if training in social referencing could increase social referencing the infants. Forty–four 8–12 month old infants with mothers showing significant symptoms of depression participated in the study. All infant–mother pairs were divided into two groups, a control group and an experimental group. All pairs were observed interacting spontaneously in the pretest condition. In the posttest condition, the control group was again observed interacting spontaneously, but the experimental group received training in behavioral procedures referenced in social situations; in this research, these procedures included discrimination training reinforcement. The researchers found that training significantly increased the infants' action of looking toward their mother and the appropriate behaviors in response, indicating that training improved social referencing in the infants. This finding is important because it suggests the deficit in social learning experienced in infants with depressed mothers is reversible. However, the researchers noted several limitations. These included the highly artificial and experimental conditions, uncertainty of the level of depression in mothers, previous evidence of the tendency of depressed mothers to be more responsive in a laboratory setting than in a natural environment, possible emotional factors, and the Get more content on
  • 16. Harvard Referencing Guide Harvard System Referencing Guide 1. INTRODUCTION This guide sets out the Harvard system of referencing to be used in the Thesis and other major essays submitted as part of the course taught through out the MBA program. It is important to reference published material that you wish to use in your essay. While referencing is a standard that is used to avoid plagiarism it also supports a strong scientific method. To build arguments and provide evidence you mustreference any published resources you use. The spirit of referencing is embodied in Newton's famous 1676 quote, 'If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants'. It means that Newton's great discoveries were made by building on the previous work more content... An individualizing focus may result in undermining 'the capacity for communal action and alienate the organizational members from the activities that they are required to undertake' (Broadbent, et al., 1999: 358). Reference List Broadbent, J. Jacobs, K. and Laughlin, R. (1999) 'Comparing schools in the U.K. and New Zealand: Individualizing and socializing accountabilities and some implications for management control'. Management Accounting Research, 10: 339–361. 5. INTERNET SITES The variability of internet site quality is problematic for referencing in academic essays. However, access to annual company reports, press releases, and daily news services provide ample reasons to utilize the internet in essays. Journal articles obtained over the internet should use the standard journal format unless the journal is solely in electronic format (see below). In–Text Wiegran and Koth's (1999) article on successful online commerce focuses on customer loyalty, increasing purchases, and higher margin products. They propose five website features to achieve successful online commerce; Value added information, personalization, intelligent communication, user generated content, and loyalty incentives (Wiegran and Koth, 1999). Since 1991, the price of oil has reached its highest in February 2000 and this rise is due to OPEC restrictions on oil production (BBC, 2000). Reference List
  • 17. BBC, (2000, February 19) 'Oil reaches $30 a barrel'. (BBC News), Get more content on
  • 18. Harvard Referencing Guide debate ana A guide to the Harvard referencing system Maureen Dwyer This article explains how to reference an academic work using the Harvard system. Instructions comply with the relevant British standards, i.e. BS 5605:1990, BS 1629:1989 and BS 6371:1983. The importance of referencing in an approved manner is discussed and problem areas such as joint authors, corporate authorship and unpublished works are examined. The issue of second–hand references that are not addressed by the standards is also explained– T he Harvard system is a popular referencing system for academic works and is Ah( often referred to as the 'author/date ' system, which distinguishes it from the Vancouver or 'numerical ' system. To be more specific, more content... exact date is not known, an approximate date followed by a question mark can be given, e.g. (16th century?). Where no date is given or can be found, (No date) or the .lbbrcviation (ND) should be stated. Title: Always use the title on the title piige. Give the full title, although the inclusion of the subtitle is optional. Journal titles should be given in full, with abbreviations used only in accordance with BS 4148 (BSI, 1985). If referring to a whole journal – not just an article within it – give the journal name and its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), e.g. Journal of Ecology, ISSN 0022–0477. Reference: Dickinson EJ (1991) Quality hospitals: the role of medical audit. Geriatric Medicine 21: 27–8, 31–2. Citations in the text # Use only the author*s/s ' surname(s) and year of publication, with the addition of page number(s) if required, e.g. (Swann, 1981, p. 10). # Where sense demands, the name of the author(s) can be incorporated into the text, e.g. Strauss and Ziegler (1975) outline the main goals of the Delphi technique, with Turoff (1970) identifying four secondary goals. # If two or more works by the same author(s) have the same publication date, they should be distinguished by adding lower case letters after the date, e.g. (Tschudin, 1992b). Finalised reference list Edition: It is important to state second or further Get more content on
  • 19. Essay and referencing Introduction The three communication theories I have applied to provide the most insight into understanding the dynamics of the observed conversation between two people are; the transmission model (Shannon & Weaver 1949), Foulger 's ecological model (Foulger 2004), and an expanded model of communication (Eunson 2012). In this essay I have used a conversation I had listened to which was between my friend (from here on will be named George) and his friend (from here on will be named Mark). Problems that arose during the conversation will be explained as well as how George and Mark overcame them. From there the essay will compare and contrast the three communication theories and decide which of these best simplify the more content... Figure 2: An Ecological Model of the Communication (Source: Foulger 2004) Eunson 's expanded model of communication is more complex than Foulger 's as well as Shannon and Weaver 's models, though it is more appropriate to this conversation had between George and Mark due to the fact it shows that in order for the communication to happen the sender must pre–edit and then encode the message pass the message onto the receiver where he decodes and edits the message. Eunson also takes into account the use of mechanical, behavioural and semantic factors of encoding, and understands that if the message is to be understood the receiver must be able to decode the message. This is particularly relevant, and highly important to this conversation between George and Mark due to the factors mentioned before. Context Figure 3: An expanded model of communication (Source: Eunson 2012) Conclusion I have found Shannon and Weavers transactional model too simple and cannot evaluate the complexities of this situation, and that Foulger 's model too broad and not able to focus on the problems that need to be addressed. Therefore, I believe that Eunson 's expanded model of communication is the most adequate to use out of the three models that were written about because Eunson 's model has shown how a message from George is first pre–edited Get more content on
  • 20. Social Referencing Development Research Replication: The Development of Social Referencing Keely Rodriguez California State University of Sacramento Professor Jaeger Abstract The development of social referencing Infants could indicate the emotional reactions of other people in order to evaluate situations or objects as safe or risky (Wagner, 2004, p. 309.) Introduction Walden and Ogan conducted a study to better understand the way infants engage in social referencing as a means of influencing their interpretations and responses to events, objects, and people. Social referencing was examined on infants as young as 6 months of age and indicated that they reference their parents and other persons by the end of the first year of life (Walden & Ogan, more content... There were several differences in age related behaviors between the groups. The youngest group did not seek the parent's face as frequently as did the older grouped children. The older children's preference for making reference to the parent's face may reflect their understanding that facial expressions provide a significant source information about events. The youngest children may have lacked such understanding or they may have been more concerned with simply establishing their parents secured presence rather than using them as a resource for appraising the toys. The looking pattern of the youngest children suggest that they may have not detected the fear effect of the parental communication or understood that the message referred specifically to the toy. However, the fact that the youngest group spent less time playing with the toy associated with the fearful message indicated that some communication did occur. By the end of the first year of life, children can be expected to have at least some understanding of the meaning of fearful expressions as well as referential communications, and they appear to have taken their parents negative messages seriously. Infants of about 12 months of age have frequently been the focus of social referencing studies, and the results of the present investigation suggest that social referencing effects may indeed Get more content on